I was at an old folks home over the weekend, and several of the old white ladies were very excited about Michelle Obama’s book. I guess they were talking about it because she was in town. I bought it but haven’t started reading it. Is it as good as the old ladies say?
“The attorney general said that Mueller ‘ultimately determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment’ about whether there was enough evidence to establish the president’s guilt.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In other words, Mueller determined Trump is guilty of obstruction, but knew he would be shot down by his superiors, so he kept his mouth shut.
This isn’t Mueller’s fault, it’s Barr’s fault. Nice way to game the investigation, Mr. Barr. Kinda thinly veiled, though.
Meanwhile, Watergate figure John Dean suspects “Barr may be hiding something ‘fairly ugly’ … Dean found [Barr’s] conclusion [of no obstruction] ― and the phrasing ― to be very curious.
“‘… I have some suspicions that the reason he boiled this down the way he did is because it’s not very attractive …. [Mueller’s] words are very different than Barr’s, I suspect.’ He also said Mueller might have backed off the obstruction issue because of a ‘fundamental disagreement’ with the Department of Justice on whether or not a president is even capable of obstruction ….”
Wherein a Fox Flapping Jaw calls Mueller a “coward” for leaving it to Barr to exonerate Trump of obstruction.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t think this guy wants to know what Mueller really thinks of Trump’s guilt or innocence, although Barr gave us a pretty unambiguous signal yesterday.
Here’s an idea. Invite Mueller to testify in Congress and ask him. That’s something Mr. Flapjaw should be able to support.
You lost this part. Come up with another plan.
@5 You’re confusing me with someone else. I’m not …
Paul Manfort
Michael Cohen
George Papadopoulos
Michael Flynn
Roger Stone
Rick Gates
or Trump’s pals in Russian intelligence.
Laugh of the Day
“White House press secretary Sarah Sanders defended Attorney General William Barr in an interview Monday on NBC’s ‘Today’ show, saying the recently confirmed Department of Justice head did not make a ‘snap judgment’ about whether President Donald Trump had obstructed justice.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m sure she’s right. Barr probably was thinking about this in law school, and made up his mind months ago, even before he was confirmed. He certainly signaled in his confirmation hearing that he doesn’t think sitting presidents can be prosecuted for obstruction. Especially this one, a friend of his.
Who’s this “you”?
This whole thing was initiated by Republicans. The GOP. Klownsurvaturds. Another #owngoal.
Democrats aren’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. And certainly not a gift horse that rides in with 40 House seats, three Sentate seats, a half dozen state houses, half of Georgia and all of California and Wisconsin.
Nor are we questioning a gift horse that arrives pregnant with dozens of new gift horses in Florida, New York, Virginia, California, and New Jersey.
I’m not such a partisan that I’m not willing to stand up and publicly express my gratitude to the GOP for delivering these gifts unto the Democratic Party. Thanks! Really, thanks. I mean it. We could never have gotten any of this without your help and support. And it really has paid off tremendously.
And as for “our plan”, when it comes to all this klownsurvaturd self-destruction I think things have worked out better than might have been expected. Our plan so far has been to stand aside while you idiots punch yourselves in the face, light your hair on fire, join Klan marches, and beat up toddlers. While occasionally focusing public attention on the most outrageous of your self-humiliations. Now that “our plan” to let you self destruct has delivered the House and destroyed Yertle’s command of the Senate, we have some freedom to shift gears a bit.
So look forward to watching a long procession of GOP officials paraded in front of hearing room cameras for the next two years admitting to all kinds of corruption and abuse while being mocked and yelled at. Historically America eats that shit up. Especially considering how many of your wealthier shitstains stole public money to do it. $15,000 dining room tables, NetJets to coke parties in Paris, $10k/mo no-show jobs, $24 million per year on Mar a Lago, etc. etc. etc. Nothing but blue sky.
No, really. Thank you.
Since you seem a bit confused about Democratic “planning” something occurred to me that might help you understand “the big strategy” a little better.
I know the GOP memory hole is vast and very, very deep. So I know I’m asking a lot. But try to see if you can remember all the way back to the second week in December. Remember?
That week Speaker-elect Pelosi and Minority Leader Schumer were invited to the White House by your beloved President PornPayoff to discuss funding the government. Remember that meeting? Since it involved a lot of complicated budget negotiations, and since it was all in advance of seating the new Congress, it was all prepared to go on behind closed doors, But without any advance warning your beloved President Sundowner set up a media event before hand.
Go ahead. Take a look. That’s our plan. Your king idiot will paint himself into a corner again and again. And we’ll watch him do it and American will watch with us. His corrupt appointed minions will continue to rob the treasury, provoke trade wars, and beat up children. And we’ll all watch them do it. For two more years. That’s our plan for your President.
How you livin’?
@5you lost your marbles but saying that you had some is giving you too much credit. The only thing you’ve ever had is a wallet
I predicted a recession 2 years into The Humps tenure. Looking like I wasn’t to fat off.
Bob predicted the heavens for the Stock Market and 27,000. That’s looking more like a wet dream. He’d be wrong again.
PI you should start to unload your crappy stocks.
@9 “Your king idiot will paint himself into a corner again and again.”
Well, that’s what happens when someone plans to loot the Treasury and beat up toddlers, and puts an amateur in charge of hiding it.
@10 And a black slave to hump. Tom had to resort to his slaves because there was a shortage of horses after the Revolutionary War.
@11 You’re giving the Humpster and his economic “advisers” too much credit. This is an excellent time to have the recession. To get it out of the way and have a growing economy again by election time. Sadly for the Hump, it’s not to be. According to my calculations, the recession is scheduled to arrive in mid-summer of next year, just in time to swamp any re-election chances Trump might still have after all the race riots he’s going to foment next winter.
You’d think rapey boy would be here to crow..
Must be trouble in horse barn paradise.
[ Deleted ]
@16 Old news; everyone knows a Giant Doughboy took down the Twin Towers.
Doesn’t realize that both Alex Jones, and President Sundowner are 911 Troofers.
Another #owngoal
[ Deleted ]
He’s good in court, and he’s good in negotiations when he isn’t committing extortion.
But he’s not a good lawyer. Because he’s INSANE. Which is certainly one way to deal with the stress, tedium, and growing certainty that almost everyone you know is either dumb as fuck, corrupt as fuck, or both, which sadly accompany working in the law.
I think the key is lowered expectations. Assume your clients are imbeciles and your partners are lizard people and you will never be disappointed.
6, 8, 9 & 10:
Looks like I hit a nerve.
Still not paying attention.
Pointing out your self-harming behaviors is what we do.
That’s what we were doing at 6, 8, 9 & 10.
It’s all we really have to do from now on.
You see, you’ve abandoned all principle. So we no longer have to worry about you guys ever getting your shit together and doing something constructive that might make a difference for people. That’s no longer a part of what being a Republican means.
All you have now is tribal identity and signifying cruelty.
That’s it.
That’s what WALL!! is. That’s what the Ryan Billionaire Tax Cut is. That’s what JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US is. That’s what Sobbing Guatemalan Toddlers® is. That’s what the disastrous trade wars, and nuclear threats, and breaking of security alliances is.
You had unified monolithic control of the federal government for two years. And you have nothing to show for it but Breitbart headlines, street fights, Steve King, and piles of dead children.
You make it so fucking easy. We don’t even have to lay out the rakes. All we have to do is stand back and laugh at you as you stomp on them.
Do yourself a favor. Go back and look at that clip @9. Pelosi tried four times to stop the meeting in front of cameras and take it into private before your beloved Great Leader fucked himself. She could see where it was going and she tried to prevent it. And it made no difference. The self-harm is a reliable feature of your old white people tribe now. You are living proof.
Wanna know why Devin Nunes is trying to sue an imaginary cow?
Because he’s losing everywhere else.
He survived a squeaker in Nov. and the numbers are continuing to go against him. The Fresno County portion of his district lost more than 1000 Republican voters since 2012 and gained more than 6000 Democratic voters. Being an mid-term year, 2018 turnout was more than 5 points lower than the previous Presidential year. He can’t get it done at the basket so he’s trying to work the refs.
He’s not alone. Across the U.S. Democrats gained votes in 80 percent of counties. And the gains are continuing. The way to defeat the GOP PuppetPresident is at the ballot box. He can be relied on to continue doing his pre-lubed part. But the rest of us have to keep our shoulders to the wheel.
When he first ran in 2002 Nunes surpassed his D opponent by more than 44 points. In 2014 he still won with a 44 point margin. Today in the new Trumpublican age, he rides a 6 point bubble.
Krispy Kreme, Panera Bread, Keurig Dr. Pepper, Peet’s Coffee & Tea, Caribou Coffee, and Coty Inc. are all privately held or majority-owed by JAB Holdings, which is a privately held company owned by four members of Germany’s Reimann family.
“On 24 March 2019, the family announced that Albert Reinmann Sr. and Albert Reinman Jr. were supporters of Adolph Hitler and the Nazi party, and that historical research has revealed that the company used 175 forced labourers and employed a foreman who was known for his cruel treatment in 1943 and onwards. Family, with wealth estimated at €33 billion, has vowed to give £10 million ($11.3 million US) to charity.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A donation to charity from their blood money is the least you could expect from them. But that’s less than 1/3000th of their wealth. Cheap atonement if you ask me.
Remember those brands. Do you really want to contribute to the prosperity of a family that handsomely profited from Nazi horrors?
Demorat Pornstar Breaking Bombshell Trump Collusion Conspiracy News!!!!!–Demorats prove that Mueller (Russian Spy) is part of giant Russia conspiracy coverup orchestrated by Barr (Another Russian Spy).
Not satisfied that the special counsel’s investigation into Russian collusion has exonerated President Donald Trump, MSNBC hosts attempted to flip the script by spreading conspiracy theories, claim Robert Mueller has been “compromised.” After the Russia probe found that the Trump campaign didn’t collude with Russian agents to affect the outcome of the 2016 election, host Joy Reid suggested that Attorney General William Barr must have orchestrated a “cover-up” designed to protect the president.
Speaking with Above the Law editor Elie Mystal and former Watergate prosecutor Nick Akerman Reid claimed that Barr “stopped the investigation” and somehow forced Mueller to change the outcome of the almost 2-year-long Russia probe.
[Here comes the proof!!!!!]
“I don’t even know why we think that Barr isn’t the one who stopped the investigation,” he continued, outlining the motive behind a Barr-driven conspiracy within the Justice Department. “This is a 22-month-long investigation, Barr’s been on the scene for a month, and now we’re done? “That doesn’t strike anybody as odd?
@19 Want him? Take him, he’ll fit right in with your crowd.
+30.86% for the period January 1, 2018 through March 25, 2019.
Trump wants Steven Moore for the Federal Reserve Board. Sounds like a good choice to counter the big government Keynesians.
Here’s one of my favorites:
“…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressives.”
That pretty much sums up the ego of this Seattle crowd and they “progressive” ideas.
@25 Just to put things in perspective,
“The Barr summary breaks down the Mueller investigation into two areas: Russian collusion and obstruction of justice. While most of the witnesses and evidence Mueller relied upon remain unknown, the Barr summary quotes Mueller as stating that the ‘investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.’
“Barr does not explain what Mueller meant by ‘establish’ or what legal standard he may have used, but he does confirm that Russia sought to interfere with our election and made ‘multiple offers to assist the Trump campaign’ through intermediaries. And we know the Trump campaign never reported those offers.”
And let’s not forget,
“On obstruction of justice, Barr’s summary raises more questions than it answers since it includes the troubling quote from Mueller that ‘while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.’ A statement of non-exoneration is enormously damning coming from the taciturn Mueller, and the President’s actions that led to the concerns about obstruction, many of them public, again demonstrate deeply troubling conduct.”
Finally, you may want to consider this:
“In the course of Mueller’s probe, he uncovered … many disturbing issues about the President, his inner circle and the leadership of our country. Those issues, alarming as they may be are neither Mueller’s nor the criminal justice system’s responsibility to address. It is our job to address them and fix them.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: But I don’t expect you to keep things in perspective. I expect you to gloat over every little victory won by the pathological liar and racist who does business with our enemies that you helped elevate to power, because that’s what you and your ilk are.
@27 “Sounds like a good choice to counter the big government Keynesians.”
To go with his economic “adviser” Larry Kudlow.
Quack. Quack quack quack. Quack quack. Quack. Now for the details:
“For years, the economic commentariat has enjoyed a running joke: Stephen Moore.
“Moore, you see, has made a career of advancing various right-wing political priorities by dressing up as an economist and saying things about money and numbers in print and on TV. Unfortunately, almost nothing he says is true.
“Moore is so bad that an editor at the Kansas City Star once refused to run literally anything he ever wrote, because a piece Moore had previously published in the paper was so littered with basic factual errors. … Moore is constantly, laughably wrong. …
“Prior to the Trump presidency, Moore’s most prominent policymaking experience was a disastrous tax experiment in Kansas. … Moore helped then-Gov. Sam Brownback (R) design a program to slash income taxes on the richest families in the state and eliminate taxes altogether for … small businesses, … hedge funds, law firms, doctors, … and other varieties of wealthy persons. Moore predicted the tax cuts would bring an ‘immediate and lasting boost’ to the state’s economy. Instead, they created a disaster.”
You’re an idiot. Yes, you, who plays for hundredths of a percentage point in the stock market. You’re not who I had in mind when I said everyone should be a capitalist. And with this post, you’ve proven you’re an even bigger idiot than we thought you were.
Mueller’s investigation made money for the taxpayers. Now Lindsey Graham wants to spend that money investigating the investigators.
The living embodiment of why when The Bush Crime Family proposed privatizing Social Security in 2005 the voters took away their Congress in 2006.
There are 23 profit making companies with at least 100 billion in revenues in the Fortune 500.
Only four of them are in flyover country. One of them is a railroad. Another is a discount store. Another treats obesity and heart disease. And the fourth one sells trailers.
Meanwhile the GOP’s rural base leads the US in every single major indicator of disease, illiteracy, and government dependency. Being old, fat, drunk, sick, lazy and dumb is nothing to brag about.
@25 Mueller’s findings are damning in this respect: Russia tried to influence our election, and overtly offered Trump help, but neither he nor anyone in his circle reported it.
Defend that if you can.
No Collusion. Hehehehehe.
The hillbillies understand. No Collusion. Heheheheh.
Share the Report. Hahahahaha
Mueller and the FBI are all angry Democrats!
DOJ lawyers and investigators are all angry Democrats!
All Losers! Can’t prove a thing!
Nothing wrong with getting some “on the side”.
Nothing wrong with paying for it, if that’s what it takes.
Nothing wrong with using “Other People’s Money” to pay for it.
That’s his style!
Michael Cohen is an Angry Democrat!
Trump in 5 words:
Barr: “No prosecution …”
Mueller: “… does not exonerate.”
The easiest way to confirm Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is a loser is to consider all of the different ways he swears to you that he’s not.
Fuckin’ loooooosers!
Payback time begins NOW!
With Mueller out of the way, and his FAKE REPORT burried forever, nothing can stop us.
The arrests are about to begin!
And hopefully the destruction of America!
“Putin’s Lityle Bitch:
Love your new screen name, Doctor.
“And hopefully the destruction of America! ”
The same old message, but I like how you’ve distilled it down to a single sentence.
And hopefully the destruction of SNOWFLAKE America!