The house starts another investigation. This time, publicans allege democrats stole the vote. C-span showed the vote 215-213 for the publicans, the democrats said it was 216-212 for the democrats.
“House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) accepted GOP calls for an investigation.
“I do not believe there was any wrongdoing by any member of the House. I do believe a mistake was made,” he said. “And I regret it.”
The mistake was getting caught on video/TV.
The funniest line was –
“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) … “They’ve just been deluged by the success of the Democrats on behalf of the American people,” she said.”
The success of the democrats??? HAHAHA Lowest approval ratings for the congress of all time. That’s only considered a success by publicans looking to keep control of the white house and take back cntrol of the congress.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Major props to the owners of to allow anyone to participate in their blog. Not many sites, left or right, do that.
To show my support, I’ve clicked a few ads.
Good for you! Hold your breath waiting for the resurgence of GOP power and popularity! Bet on it! It’s surely inevitable!
After all, the record of GOP success in war, economy, and public satisfaction are there for all to see. You’re assured of victory. no doubt about it.
Global warming is clearly a myth promoted by godless democrats, and Jesus is behind our beloved president! The American people will surely see your truth and throw out the present congress, and Mitt Romney will reign in 2008.
Both are about dumb blondes. Is Ingram an act? Is she Marie Wilson’s grand daughter?
I don’t agree with O’Reilly on everything, but at least he reports stories that the rest of the media won’t touch. Such as Vermont judges sentencing child rapists to probation, Boulder CO public high schools inviting speakers that advocate drug use and indiscriminate sex, and of course…..the outrageous attacks on 9/11 victims (not to mention plagiarism) by the ideological soulmate of HA bloggers known as (now former) University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill.
the ideological soulmate of HA bloggers known as (now former) University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill.
Interesting. Can you point to anywhere where Goldy, Will, Lee or Darryl has talked up any of Churchill’s ideas, writings or local appearances?
How moronic are you?
Mark the psychopath is just here to foment hate.
He admits it in another thread.
“That’s nice of you to give me what I want, the left spewing hate.”
This is a great example of right-wing behavior.
The klan is doubtless proud of him.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#7 chadt says:
Mark the psychopath is just here to foment hate.
He admits it in another thread.
“That’s nice of you to give me what I want, the left spewing hate.”
This is a great example of right-wing behavior.
Hey chadt, I am not Mark. Just another example of left-wing behavior, jumping to conclusions without any facts.
Speaking about facts, why don’t you answer a few global warming questions.
1. If it’s man made CO2, why is the surface temperature of Mars rising.
2. Greenland was named Greenland because of, the white ice?
3. Proof that the temperature we’re at is the “correct” temperature.
4. If global warming is the catastrophe as predicted, why would the kyoto treaty exclude the biggest offenders? (China, India, etc.)
5. Why did clinton/gore not do anything about it while in office? (senate vote 95-0) Why does al gore have a bigger carbon footprint on his Nashville residence than george bush and his texas home? Okay, you can forget about question 5, it was a shot at the gore.
Status: True
If you want to talk about are humans polluting the earth, hell yeah we are. No doubt. As a country, we are getting better.
This is the first year in 10 or so that I’ve put more miles on my car than my bicycle, I thought I was doing my part for the environment. Now I learn it’s just the opposite
Do your personalities have formal schedule of rotation?
I apologize if you are not, indeed, who you appear to be.
I don’t have a sock puppet drawer.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Don’t forget to lick on Ann Coulter’s kinky sex ad.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbitspews:
That’s an interesting typo …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Don’t forget the outrageous refusal by the Bush administration to provide medical care to the 9/11 volunteer rescue workers who had to go to Cuba to get treatment! And don’t forget the outrageous denial by Bush’s EPA that 9/11 rescue workers were exposed to toxic fumes! Republicans never let science or people’s health get in the way of ideology.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 O’Reilly is an ass.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#9 YLB says:
8 – How old are you? 12?
We’ve hashed all of that out here before. Learn to use google and challenge some of the talking points you’ve swallowed from the fossil fuel lobby.
I guess as long as the liberals have hashed it out there’s no need to debate.
Roger Rabbitspews:
O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Igram, Drudge, Coulter, and their ilk also are whores. Real journalists don’t make millions of dollars. The darlings of the wingnut media pander to the drooling fools on the right because there’s big bucks in it. They’re entertainers, not journalists, in the same vein as entertainers who stage dog fights or sell snuff films.
Dan Ratherspews:
O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Igram, Drudge, Coulter, and their ilk also are whores. Real journalists don’t make millions of dollars.
A real journalist to a lib is anyone who advances the cause of liberalism. Hell I am still considered a journalist after blatantly lying about Bush in 2004.
There’s a difference between liberal-baiting and debate.
You’ve been dismissed. Why are you still here?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Debate? I can’t remember ever seeing a wingnut debate anything. In fact, it’s impossible to debate a wingnut because their talking points are so full of lies, irrelevancies, and straw men that you’d need a crane to dig through all the bullshit.
Your disingenous comment @8 is a case in point. Global warming has been established by scientific research. Why do you expect non-scientist bloggers to explain the science? Why don’t you just believe the scientists? Huh?
But it doesn’t take a scientist to refute your bullshit. I can do that myself, because all it takes is common sense, of which you have none.
1. What does Mars have to do with it? Nothing. We’re talking about Earth.
2. Yeah, probably.
3. Why don’t you test that by sticking your head in an oven set at 130 degrees.
4. Uh, gee, maybe because of politics?
5. It’s true that Bush built a very “green-friendly” house in Crawford, Texas … so why is he such an asshole when it comes to rest of the planet? It doesn’t appear he can plead ignorance. As for Gore’s property, it’s a misnomer to call it a “residence” because in fact it functions as the office of a major public figure, and it’s reasonably “green” compared to the average U.S. office building of comparable size. You also failed to mention that Gore has been making upgrades to the property to make it more “green” … I assume you left that out because it undermines your talking point.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 Nope. A real journalist is someone who reports news objectively. You don’t even come close. In fact, you’re not even on the same planet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Objective news reporting, of course, is NOT what wingnuts want … or what the wingnut media serves up. That’s why you’ve never heard of Lori Klausutis, the intern who was found dead in Republican congressman Joe Scarborough’s office about the same time Democratic congressman Gary Condit’s aide Chandra Levy went missing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If the media in this country had a liberal bias, Klausutis’ death would have been plastered all over the front pages and airwaves, and you never would have heard of Levy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 Let ’em liberal-bait. I can handle that. Wingnuts are always welcome to embarrass themselves here.
First, a welcome to the board. Roger has undoubtably already given the standard Welcome for Right-WingersTM, but I have a certain fondness for anyone willing to post under his or her own name.
“I guess as long as the liberals have hashed it out there’s no need to debate.”
Actually, we’ve had an almost never-ending diatribe from several of our more prominent wingnuts with regards to climate change, and we’re a bit tired of it. The end results of any discussion on the topic has invariably been:
1) None of us are climatologists.
2) The vast majority of professional climatologists, oceanographers, geologists, marine biologists, meteorologists, geophysicists, etc… agree that global climate change is both real and mankind has had a significant impact in that change.
3) There are a very few scientists specializing in ocean/earth/climate sciences that disagree.
4) We’re going to go along with the vast majority of scientists that specialize in those areas, even though there have been historical cases where the vast majority was wrong.
Actually, there has been something of a change to some of the arguments, with a few right-wingers claiming that global climate change and a rise in sea levels might be a good thing, and that even those experts have said that they really don’t know all of the ramifications of climate change.
That’s a harder argument to counter, unless, of course, you take into consideration the billion or so people currently living in areas that will be under water. Perhaps the entire population of coastal Bangladesh could move to Greenland.
So, very few here will be willing to debate this with you, and the only reason I’m willing to go over the whole thing again is that you have been reasonably polite and used what appears to be your real name.
I guess as long as the liberals have hashed it out there’s no need to debate.
You’re exactly right. We long ago hashed out your bullshit talking points. Some of your right wing friends got here long ago with that crap and they left here with their asses handed to them.
Where have you been? Home schooled?
Dan Ratherspews:
Objective news reporting, of course, is NOT what wingnuts want … or what the wingnut media serves up.
What you libs call objective… you got that right. The MSM has been proven to lie over and over again. If you want to call that “objective” that is your problem.
mwethinks Rogern protest too much. m Loors “real” journalists ahve madem lotsa bucks …Cronkhite, Couric, Woodward, ..these3n guys are not poor.
Its is sort like Edwards. Juudge him by excess wealthy and he sucks.
Yer Killin Mespews:
For the record, Greenland was named by real estate agents who lived in Iceland. Iceland was named by real estate agents who lived in Iceland who wanted Vikings, Republicans and other undesirables to keep on sailing until they go to Greenland.
You could look it up.
The pervert Bill O Really isn’t nearly so tough when the camera is turned on him and he doesn’t have his body guards around. I FUCKING LOVE THIS! I am going to donate BIG TIME to the CALLING ALL WINGNUTS site. Now if we could only get the same sort of treatment for Steffy, Mark, MTR and Puffybutt *assuming those aren’t all the same person* man would I love to see those cowards likewise confronted. The right is being shown for the hypocrites and cowards they are and I LOVE IT!
Dan Ratherspews:
Why don’t we hear more of the approval rating for the democrat controlled congress…. ah that’s right, it is because of the right wing media. hehehehehehehehe Don’t you love liberal logic.
Dan Ratherspews:
Yeah, Scandinavia is such a bastion of conservatism. Hey you dropped your little tin foil hat. heehehehehe
I guess as long as the liberals have hashed it out there’s no need to debate
Maybe you should “debate” the thousands of climate scientists and related specialists on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change at They love to talk about this. While you’re at it, you can get free copies of the IPCC Third Assessment report there, and the Fourth Assessment report “Climate Change 2007” will come out a little later this year.
Check out their greatest hits:
– Working Group I Report “The Physical Science Basis”
– Working Group II Report “Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability”
– Working Group III Report “Mitigation of Climate Change”
I’m sure you’d have fun bringing them your silly little questions. And they have some sobering answers for you.
Ah…so mark and his friend bill O’lielly get to be upset about Churchill saying bad things about 9/11 victims, but it’s OK for Ann Coulter to spout character assassination against their widows and children? How sweet.
Speaking of stuff that didn’t make the news…the local fishwrappers haven’t mentioned this one, perhaps because they felt reporting two or three other beatings and shootings downtown was sufficient. The bottom line is, Nickels and Kerlikowski ought to quit whining about more laws and get off their butts, do their jobs and enforce the ones we already have:
“from Dick Whiskey…
Had a blast at the NocNoc last night. On my way home walking in front of the Frontier Room a bunch of Jocks thought it would be fun to punch me from behind and kick me over and over while trying to cover my face.
No damage done on my face but I can barely walk…think I fucked up my tail bone pretty bad…and sitting down blows !
The cool thing is when I asked the bouncer in front to call the police, he wouldn’t because they were his friends…what a cunt.”
Daddy Lovespews:
32 Dan Rather
That’s funny, I heard something about that today. Now what was it? A few things, really:
If the election for Congress were being held today, and you had to make a choice, would you be voting for the Republican candidate or the Democratic candidate in your congressional district?” If unsure: “And which party’s candidate do you lean toward at this time?” Options rotated
Democrat 47%
Republican 40%
That’s a nationwide poll about who people will vote for in THEIR OWN district. Bad news for Elephant boys.
That was from George Washington University, there are worse numbers from CNN/ORC, who have it Dem 53% GOP 41%.
“Regardless of how you might plan to vote in your own district, which party would you like to see in control of Congress after the congressional elections in 2008: the Democrats or the Republicans?”
Democrat 52%
Republican 36%
Somehow doesn’t sound like Democrats are unpopular. Not as unoppular as you guys, anyway.
While digesting Reader’s Digest
In the back of a dirty book store,
A plastic flag, with gum on the back,
Fell out on the floor.
Well, I picked it up and I ran outside
Slapped it on my window shield,
And if I could see old Betsy Ross
I’d tell her how good I feel.
But your flag decal won’t get you
Into Heaven any more.
They’re already overcrowded
From your dirty little war.
Now Jesus don’t like killin’
No matter what the reason’s for,
And your flag decal won’t get you
Into Heaven any more.
Well, I went to the bank this morning
And the cashier he said to me,
“If you join the Christmas club
We’ll give you ten of them flags for free.”
Well, I didn’t mess around a bit
I took him up on what he said.
And I stuck them stickers all over my car
And one on my wife’s forehead.
Repeat Chorus:
Well, I got my window shield so filled
With flags I couldn’t see.
So, I ran the car upside a curb
And right into a tree.
By the time they got a doctor down
I was already dead.
And I’ll never understand why the man
Standing in the Pearly Gates said…
“But your flag decal won’t get you
Into Heaven any more.
We’re already overcrowded
From your dirty little war.
Now Jesus don’t like killin’
No matter what the reason’s for,
And your flag decal won’t get you
Into Heaven any more.”
Translated from Faux-speak that means we dictate, you regurgitate.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 “Roger has undoubtably already given the standard Welcome for Right-WingersTM”
In case Mr. Stamm missed it, here it is again:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of you unpatriotic, troop-hating, fascist fuckwads.
5. No mercy for wingnuts.
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender; there will be trials.
7. klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
Roger Rabbitspews:
241 Nope.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41, not 241
damn shift key is stuck again because of jelly in it
While I’m sure that most here have heard about the California (former) Republican that was caught running a website called “Californians for Obama”, I’m not sure that folks know that he’s still at it.
For those that don’t know about it, a Mr. Emmett Cash, III (I couldn’t make that up if I wanted to) is running a website that claims to be raising money for Barak Obama. So far they’ve taken in over $10,000.00.
They also touted a “Women of Power” cruise that attracted donors like a 65-year-old woman from Compton (Los Angeles County), who said she has paid the $2,423 cruise fee believing the funds would help support her candidate. (Carnival Cruise lines charges $349 for the cruise.)
Also, among the “Women of Power” listed were Eartha Kitt, poet Maya Angelou and Rep. Diane Watson, (D-Los Angeles).
One small problem. None of these women had ever agreed to attend. Eartha Kitt will be performing in New York those days, Ms. Angelou has endorsed Hillary Clinton, and Ms. Watson’s Watson’s Washington office insisted that they know nothing of the trip, and it isn’t on the congresswoman’s schedule.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle
“Los Angeles County voter registration records show that until just last month, Cash was a registered Republican.”
Four American soldiers died in Iraq today. Despite this being “the most important war of our generation” according to the Bush regime, none of the casualties were Bush relatives – not possible since all 36 combat-age Bush relatives have conveniently decided NOT to fight in the “most important war of our generation.”
The house starts another investigation. This time, publicans allege democrats stole the vote. C-span showed the vote 215-213 for the publicans, the democrats said it was 216-212 for the democrats.
The mistake was getting caught on video/TV.
The funniest line was –
The success of the democrats??? HAHAHA Lowest approval ratings for the congress of all time. That’s only considered a success by publicans looking to keep control of the white house and take back cntrol of the congress.
Major props to the owners of to allow anyone to participate in their blog. Not many sites, left or right, do that.
To show my support, I’ve clicked a few ads.
Good for you! Hold your breath waiting for the resurgence of GOP power and popularity! Bet on it! It’s surely inevitable!
After all, the record of GOP success in war, economy, and public satisfaction are there for all to see. You’re assured of victory. no doubt about it.
Global warming is clearly a myth promoted by godless democrats, and Jesus is behind our beloved president! The American people will surely see your truth and throw out the present congress, and Mitt Romney will reign in 2008.
Am I the only one old enough to see a resemblance between Laura Ingram and the “I Love Irma” TV character?
Both are about dumb blondes. Is Ingram an act? Is she Marie Wilson’s grand daughter?
I don’t agree with O’Reilly on everything, but at least he reports stories that the rest of the media won’t touch. Such as Vermont judges sentencing child rapists to probation, Boulder CO public high schools inviting speakers that advocate drug use and indiscriminate sex, and of course…..the outrageous attacks on 9/11 victims (not to mention plagiarism) by the ideological soulmate of HA bloggers known as (now former) University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill.
the ideological soulmate of HA bloggers known as (now former) University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill.
Interesting. Can you point to anywhere where Goldy, Will, Lee or Darryl has talked up any of Churchill’s ideas, writings or local appearances?
How moronic are you?
Mark the psychopath is just here to foment hate.
He admits it in another thread.
“That’s nice of you to give me what I want, the left spewing hate.”
This is a great example of right-wing behavior.
The klan is doubtless proud of him.
#7 chadt says:
Hey chadt, I am not Mark. Just another example of left-wing behavior, jumping to conclusions without any facts.
Speaking about facts, why don’t you answer a few global warming questions.
1. If it’s man made CO2, why is the surface temperature of Mars rising.
2. Greenland was named Greenland because of, the white ice?
3. Proof that the temperature we’re at is the “correct” temperature.
4. If global warming is the catastrophe as predicted, why would the kyoto treaty exclude the biggest offenders? (China, India, etc.)
5. Why did clinton/gore not do anything about it while in office? (senate vote 95-0) Why does al gore have a bigger carbon footprint on his Nashville residence than george bush and his texas home? Okay, you can forget about question 5, it was a shot at the gore.
Status: True
If you want to talk about are humans polluting the earth, hell yeah we are. No doubt. As a country, we are getting better.
This is the first year in 10 or so that I’ve put more miles on my car than my bicycle, I thought I was doing my part for the environment. Now I learn it’s just the opposite
8 – How old are you? 12?
We’ve hashed all of that out here before. Learn to use google and challenge some of the talking points you’ve swallowed from the fossil fuel lobby.
How do you know you’re not Mark?
Do your personalities have formal schedule of rotation?
I apologize if you are not, indeed, who you appear to be.
I don’t have a sock puppet drawer.
@2 Don’t forget to lick on Ann Coulter’s kinky sex ad.
That’s an interesting typo …
@5 Don’t forget the outrageous refusal by the Bush administration to provide medical care to the 9/11 volunteer rescue workers who had to go to Cuba to get treatment! And don’t forget the outrageous denial by Bush’s EPA that 9/11 rescue workers were exposed to toxic fumes! Republicans never let science or people’s health get in the way of ideology.
@5 O’Reilly is an ass.
#9 YLB says:
I guess as long as the liberals have hashed it out there’s no need to debate.
O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Igram, Drudge, Coulter, and their ilk also are whores. Real journalists don’t make millions of dollars. The darlings of the wingnut media pander to the drooling fools on the right because there’s big bucks in it. They’re entertainers, not journalists, in the same vein as entertainers who stage dog fights or sell snuff films.
O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Igram, Drudge, Coulter, and their ilk also are whores. Real journalists don’t make millions of dollars.
A real journalist to a lib is anyone who advances the cause of liberalism. Hell I am still considered a journalist after blatantly lying about Bush in 2004.
There’s a difference between liberal-baiting and debate.
You’ve been dismissed. Why are you still here?
@17 Debate? I can’t remember ever seeing a wingnut debate anything. In fact, it’s impossible to debate a wingnut because their talking points are so full of lies, irrelevancies, and straw men that you’d need a crane to dig through all the bullshit.
Your disingenous comment @8 is a case in point. Global warming has been established by scientific research. Why do you expect non-scientist bloggers to explain the science? Why don’t you just believe the scientists? Huh?
But it doesn’t take a scientist to refute your bullshit. I can do that myself, because all it takes is common sense, of which you have none.
1. What does Mars have to do with it? Nothing. We’re talking about Earth.
2. Yeah, probably.
3. Why don’t you test that by sticking your head in an oven set at 130 degrees.
4. Uh, gee, maybe because of politics?
5. It’s true that Bush built a very “green-friendly” house in Crawford, Texas … so why is he such an asshole when it comes to rest of the planet? It doesn’t appear he can plead ignorance. As for Gore’s property, it’s a misnomer to call it a “residence” because in fact it functions as the office of a major public figure, and it’s reasonably “green” compared to the average U.S. office building of comparable size. You also failed to mention that Gore has been making upgrades to the property to make it more “green” … I assume you left that out because it undermines your talking point.
@19 Nope. A real journalist is someone who reports news objectively. You don’t even come close. In fact, you’re not even on the same planet.
Objective news reporting, of course, is NOT what wingnuts want … or what the wingnut media serves up. That’s why you’ve never heard of Lori Klausutis, the intern who was found dead in Republican congressman Joe Scarborough’s office about the same time Democratic congressman Gary Condit’s aide Chandra Levy went missing.
If the media in this country had a liberal bias, Klausutis’ death would have been plastered all over the front pages and airwaves, and you never would have heard of Levy.
@20 Let ’em liberal-bait. I can handle that. Wingnuts are always welcome to embarrass themselves here.
Mr. Stamm
First, a welcome to the board. Roger has undoubtably already given the standard Welcome for Right-WingersTM, but I have a certain fondness for anyone willing to post under his or her own name.
Actually, we’ve had an almost never-ending diatribe from several of our more prominent wingnuts with regards to climate change, and we’re a bit tired of it. The end results of any discussion on the topic has invariably been:
1) None of us are climatologists.
2) The vast majority of professional climatologists, oceanographers, geologists, marine biologists, meteorologists, geophysicists, etc… agree that global climate change is both real and mankind has had a significant impact in that change.
3) There are a very few scientists specializing in ocean/earth/climate sciences that disagree.
4) We’re going to go along with the vast majority of scientists that specialize in those areas, even though there have been historical cases where the vast majority was wrong.
Actually, there has been something of a change to some of the arguments, with a few right-wingers claiming that global climate change and a rise in sea levels might be a good thing, and that even those experts have said that they really don’t know all of the ramifications of climate change.
That’s a harder argument to counter, unless, of course, you take into consideration the billion or so people currently living in areas that will be under water. Perhaps the entire population of coastal Bangladesh could move to Greenland.
So, very few here will be willing to debate this with you, and the only reason I’m willing to go over the whole thing again is that you have been reasonably polite and used what appears to be your real name.
I guess as long as the liberals have hashed it out there’s no need to debate.
You’re exactly right. We long ago hashed out your bullshit talking points. Some of your right wing friends got here long ago with that crap and they left here with their asses handed to them.
Where have you been? Home schooled?
Objective news reporting, of course, is NOT what wingnuts want … or what the wingnut media serves up.
What you libs call objective… you got that right. The MSM has been proven to lie over and over again. If you want to call that “objective” that is your problem.
@1 Real Journalists and money
mwethinks Rogern protest too much. m Loors “real” journalists ahve madem lotsa bucks …Cronkhite, Couric, Woodward, ..these3n guys are not poor.
Its is sort like Edwards. Juudge him by excess wealthy and he sucks.
For the record, Greenland was named by real estate agents who lived in Iceland. Iceland was named by real estate agents who lived in Iceland who wanted Vikings, Republicans and other undesirables to keep on sailing until they go to Greenland.
You could look it up.
The pervert Bill O Really isn’t nearly so tough when the camera is turned on him and he doesn’t have his body guards around. I FUCKING LOVE THIS! I am going to donate BIG TIME to the CALLING ALL WINGNUTS site. Now if we could only get the same sort of treatment for Steffy, Mark, MTR and Puffybutt *assuming those aren’t all the same person* man would I love to see those cowards likewise confronted. The right is being shown for the hypocrites and cowards they are and I LOVE IT!
Why don’t we hear more of the approval rating for the democrat controlled congress…. ah that’s right, it is because of the right wing media. hehehehehehehehe Don’t you love liberal logic.
Yeah, Scandinavia is such a bastion of conservatism. Hey you dropped your little tin foil hat. heehehehehe
Here’s an objective fact:
DOOFUS is a losing, brainwashed idiot.
We report, you decide.
Marvin Stamn says:
Maybe you should “debate” the thousands of climate scientists and related specialists on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change at They love to talk about this. While you’re at it, you can get free copies of the IPCC Third Assessment report there, and the Fourth Assessment report “Climate Change 2007” will come out a little later this year.
Who are these wild-eyed liberal swine? You can find out in “Who is who in the IPCC” (PDF):
Check out their greatest hits:
– Working Group I Report “The Physical Science Basis”
– Working Group II Report “Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability”
– Working Group III Report “Mitigation of Climate Change”
I’m sure you’d have fun bringing them your silly little questions. And they have some sobering answers for you.
Ah…so mark and his friend bill O’lielly get to be upset about Churchill saying bad things about 9/11 victims, but it’s OK for Ann Coulter to spout character assassination against their widows and children? How sweet.
Speaking of stuff that didn’t make the news…the local fishwrappers haven’t mentioned this one, perhaps because they felt reporting two or three other beatings and shootings downtown was sufficient. The bottom line is, Nickels and Kerlikowski ought to quit whining about more laws and get off their butts, do their jobs and enforce the ones we already have:
“from Dick Whiskey…
Had a blast at the NocNoc last night. On my way home walking in front of the Frontier Room a bunch of Jocks thought it would be fun to punch me from behind and kick me over and over while trying to cover my face.
No damage done on my face but I can barely walk…think I fucked up my tail bone pretty bad…and sitting down blows !
The cool thing is when I asked the bouncer in front to call the police, he wouldn’t because they were his friends…what a cunt.”
32 Dan Rather
That’s funny, I heard something about that today. Now what was it? A few things, really:
If the election for Congress were being held today, and you had to make a choice, would you be voting for the Republican candidate or the Democratic candidate in your congressional district?” If unsure: “And which party’s candidate do you lean toward at this time?” Options rotated
Democrat 47%
Republican 40%
That’s a nationwide poll about who people will vote for in THEIR OWN district. Bad news for Elephant boys.
That was from George Washington University, there are worse numbers from CNN/ORC, who have it Dem 53% GOP 41%.
“Regardless of how you might plan to vote in your own district, which party would you like to see in control of Congress after the congressional elections in 2008: the Democrats or the Republicans?”
Democrat 52%
Republican 36%
Somehow doesn’t sound like Democrats are unpopular. Not as unoppular as you guys, anyway.
Your Flag Decal Won’t Get You Into Heaven Anymore
© John Prine
While digesting Reader’s Digest
In the back of a dirty book store,
A plastic flag, with gum on the back,
Fell out on the floor.
Well, I picked it up and I ran outside
Slapped it on my window shield,
And if I could see old Betsy Ross
I’d tell her how good I feel.
But your flag decal won’t get you
Into Heaven any more.
They’re already overcrowded
From your dirty little war.
Now Jesus don’t like killin’
No matter what the reason’s for,
And your flag decal won’t get you
Into Heaven any more.
Well, I went to the bank this morning
And the cashier he said to me,
“If you join the Christmas club
We’ll give you ten of them flags for free.”
Well, I didn’t mess around a bit
I took him up on what he said.
And I stuck them stickers all over my car
And one on my wife’s forehead.
Repeat Chorus:
Well, I got my window shield so filled
With flags I couldn’t see.
So, I ran the car upside a curb
And right into a tree.
By the time they got a doctor down
I was already dead.
And I’ll never understand why the man
Standing in the Pearly Gates said…
“But your flag decal won’t get you
Into Heaven any more.
We’re already overcrowded
From your dirty little war.
Now Jesus don’t like killin’
No matter what the reason’s for,
And your flag decal won’t get you
Into Heaven any more.”
Democats RULE! Get used to it traitors!
Roger Rabbit
OK, out and out selling is not going to pass the test. What if I offer free beer to everyone who brings their mail-in to DL?
Congratulations Doofus!
Proud member of the 25 percent and dropping crowd!
Bombing Iran and a subsequent crisis in the Gulf should drop that easily to 15 percent or lower.
And you’ll be right there with those 15 percent or lower waiting for that rapture won’t you doofus?
We report, you decide!
Translated from Faux-speak that means we dictate, you regurgitate.
@26 “Roger has undoubtably already given the standard Welcome for Right-WingersTM”
In case Mr. Stamm missed it, here it is again:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of you unpatriotic, troop-hating, fascist fuckwads.
5. No mercy for wingnuts.
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender; there will be trials.
7. klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
241 Nope.
@41, not 241
damn shift key is stuck again because of jelly in it
While I’m sure that most here have heard about the California (former) Republican that was caught running a website called “Californians for Obama”, I’m not sure that folks know that he’s still at it.
For those that don’t know about it, a Mr. Emmett Cash, III (I couldn’t make that up if I wanted to) is running a website that claims to be raising money for Barak Obama. So far they’ve taken in over $10,000.00.
They also touted a “Women of Power” cruise that attracted donors like a 65-year-old woman from Compton (Los Angeles County), who said she has paid the $2,423 cruise fee believing the funds would help support her candidate. (Carnival Cruise lines charges $349 for the cruise.)
Also, among the “Women of Power” listed were Eartha Kitt, poet Maya Angelou and Rep. Diane Watson, (D-Los Angeles).
One small problem. None of these women had ever agreed to attend. Eartha Kitt will be performing in New York those days, Ms. Angelou has endorsed Hillary Clinton, and Ms. Watson’s Watson’s Washington office insisted that they know nothing of the trip, and it isn’t on the congresswoman’s schedule.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle
(Ms. Watson’s Watson’s? – spell check doesn’t catch everything.)
Four American soldiers died in Iraq today. Despite this being “the most important war of our generation” according to the Bush regime, none of the casualties were Bush relatives – not possible since all 36 combat-age Bush relatives have conveniently decided NOT to fight in the “most important war of our generation.”
Every adult American should be required to read this story.
I have to take a shower now.
47 JB
You’re not telling us that Republicans are lying sacks of shit, are you?
I mean, there’s only so much we can swallow…
In a manner of speaking…
Jellying rabbits takes way too much time. I prefer a nice straightforward roast or fricasee.