Virginia’s Lt. Gov in some trouble right now, too.
Anyway, tell me if this sounds familiar. A west-coast professor contacts the Washington Post claiming that a Washington-area man on the cusp of assuming an exalted job in government sexually assaulted her years ago. The Post starts investigating but can’t substantiate it. There is, as far as we know, no contemporaneous corroboration of an assault. Nonetheless the woman’s claim trickles into the media anyway as the man’s political enemies scramble for dirt to sink his career at a fateful moment.
Next up: Goldy dreams up a scenario in which dinosaurs don’t become extinct.
And if incomes had continued to grow with productivity like they had from 1940 through 1973, the median American household would make $40,000 more than they do now.
You’ll find this in the same link as @ 1
The source of the tip [about Northam’s yearbook photo] appears to have been a medical school classmate or classmates of Northam who acted as a direct result of the abortion controversy that erupted earlier in the week, according to two people at Big League Politics, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.
“The revelations about Ralph Northam’s racist past were absolutely driven by his medical school classmate’s anger over his recent very public support for infanticide,” one of the two said.
To some people, I guess, killing a just-delivered live baby is worse than wearing blackface as a joke in a different era. Go figure.
Now THIS is funny.
Goldy Retweeted
Tony Posnanski✔
Both teams are playing like they don’t want to be invited to the White House.#SuperBowl
The dumbfuck’s dumbfuckery is strong this morning.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Anyway, tell me if this sounds familiar.
Very familiar. Jerome Corsi memorized that narrative on the day Associate Justice Beer Bong was first nominated. And in the brief span of time since, people like you have repeatedly grasped for some opportunity to deploy it.
Without success. You lost 40 House seats and the world’s fifth largest economy. Unlike you, we do not mourn the departure of people like Jerry Sandusky. We celebrate it.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
it’s Meta dumbfuckery.
He’s quoting HotAir quoting Big League Politics quoting anonymous sources who cannot be discussed.
It’s dizzying to think of what it must be like on the wrong side of Teh Orange Event Horizon.
Nice double post, Carl. Again.
I’d like to suggest to Goldy that he take the reins from Carl and let people like Elijah and Roger post here instead. On his best days, all we get out of Carl anymore are whines about people riding buses.
It’s tax season and millions of Americans are getting a surprise. The Donald tax plan reduced the % of employer withholding to make it appear to wage earners the tax cuts were working.
Now that returns are being prepared millions of American families who anticipate a yearly tax return are discovering they owe a small amount instead because not enough was withheld.
So much winning.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 One-term president George H.W. Bush used that trick, too — cutting withholding without cutting taxes — and it didn’t go over well then, either.
This must be the Karma that Dumbfuck is all upset about.
“CNN Poll: 4 in 10 call this the worst governing of their lifetimes”
Now that returns are being prepared millions of American families who anticipate a yearly tax return are discovering they owe a small amount instead because not enough was withheld.
So much winning.
Yeah, but they’re all in NY and CT. Winning, indeed.
@ 11
“CNN Poll: 4 in 10 call this the worst governing of their lifetimes”
Well, Jimmah was president a long time ago.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Jeeezus. They are making Nancy Fucking Pelosi into some kind of folk hero.
I did not think that was possible.
Her own party barely supports her. How bad are Republicans when they can give an eight point jump to “the most hated woman in America” simply for being “less worse” than them. Oy.
@ 14
If Pelosi at 42% is a “folk hero” and if Trump at 40% is described in the same link as “on par” with Pelosi, does that make Trump a folk hero, too?
Asking for a friend.
Anyone notice that the poll is of adults? Not likely voters. Not even just plain voters. But people over the age of 18 who draw breath.
RedReformedspews: Productivity–Pay Tracker
Change 1973–2017:
Productivity +77.0%
Hourly pay +12.4%
Productivity has grown 6.2x more than pay
What changed in 1973?
The start of automation? 1973: Robert Metcalfe, a member of the research staff for Xerox, develops Ethernet for connecting multiple computers and other hardware.
Ajit Pai loses in court—judges overturn the gutting of tribal broadband program “[S]ince 2000, low-income consumers living on Tribal lands may receive an additional $25 per month for these services through the Tribal Lifeline program in recognition of the additional hurdles to affordable telecommunications service on Tribal lands,” the court’s decision noted.
The Pai FCC’s 2017 decision would have limited the $25 subsidy to “facilities-based” carriers—those that build their own networks—making it impossible for tribal residents to use the $25 subsidy to buy telecom service from resellers.
As I read this, if the tribes don’t buy from Comcast, they wouldn’t get the subsidy. Cheaper resellers would be locked out.
I can see why conservatives are giddy about packing the courts with Federalist judges, who will put a stop this kind of nonsense. /s
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Dumbfuck, in the 12th CD about 300.000 registered voters can cast a ballot for “That Deranged Cunt” (and damn near all of them did).
Whereas your beloved Cheeto Jeezus pulled his 63 million vote minority from fetid trailer parks and urine soaked Adult Family Homes out of a total voting populace of 136 million.
It’s historically been relatively easy to get a substantial percentage of a nation of people to distrust someone they never even voted for (or against). That’s why in his brief-but-degrading tenure Paul Ryan seldom polled above the mid thirties no matter how much orange throat yogurt he choked down.
You have to fuck up particularly bad to give any opposing party’s Speaker an eight point bump. It’s baked into the system. Remember your plan was to run against her…
…not for her. This is you… using your bully pulpit… to boost her political capital. It hardly matters whether or not it comes at President PornAbortion’s expense or not. She remains the highest ranking elected Democrat in the United States in the unique position to obstruct your deepest longings to beat up sobbing latina toddlers and put your bloated, sadistic, lazy, fartbag of a President on trial. And you just made that easier.
Please. Continue as you were.
@12 I’d have to double check but last year I think my refund was around $6000. When my account went over the prepared returned she (no not a lesbian) indicated that next years (2018) wouldn’t be as much. But since I like to correct your always wrong statements I’ll be sure to let you know when she’s done with this years. I prepared and sent her my package Saturday. Last year she mention that this years might be around 3500, but that’s to be seen yet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 “How bad are Republicans when they can give an eight point jump to ‘the most hated woman in America’ simply for being ‘less worse’ than them.”
Even an anthill can look like Mt. Everest from a deep enough sewer.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 “Asking for a friend.”
I assume this is a figure of speech; you don’t expect us to believe you have friends, do you?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Forget it. It’s “Executive Time”.
Pray for the horses.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Always Believe Women, Except When They Accuse Demorats, Then They Are Lying Sluts News- Fairfax blames giant slut conspiracy
“Does anybody think it’s any coincidence that on the eve of potentially my being elevated that that’s when this uncorroborated smear comes out? Does anybody believe that’s a coincidence?”
The Post detailed the accusation and investigative effort. According to the outlet, Fairfax’s accuser said that what began as a consensual encounter in his hotel room in Boston turned violent when he forced her to perform oral sex.
Fairfax said the woman sought him out after the encounter, saying she wanted to go to New York City to meet with him and introduce him to her mother. “And years later now, we have a totally fabricated story out of the blue that’s meant to attack me because of where I am in politics,” Fairfax said.
I think Nancy Pelosi should hold a press conference regarding the Virginia Governor. She should tell the American public that members of the Democratic Party call for his resignation (as they have) but the guy is free to do what he wants, especially when the Republican Party has set a very bad precedence when it comes to these types of things. And let’s move on!
@23 what is the slut doing in his Hotel room? Now if she were a horse I could then understand her being held captive like that and unwilling….but she had a functioning brain.
And there are not Pussy Grabbing tapes to prove it!
A1 did you read the one about the Ohio white boy who shot at two cops and killed one of them? Are you asking how the other cop is doing?
A1 – look what I found…and I didn’t even search for it…it was one of the first stories read on DU.
KansASS! Probably a Repuke appointed judge and Uncle Fester is probably a Repuke too.
Maybe if The Hump didn’t employ all the illegals then maybe some of this stuff wouldn’t happen. You really should sit down with The Fuck and ask him why he hires them.
yeah, but is it big enough to fit Bob’s big head in it?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Just curious, PorkSauce.
Did you guys borrow Nancy Pelosi’s Time Masheen so you could travel back in time and create a vast web of contemporaneous accounts and physical evidence corroborating your accuser?
Or did you finally build your own?
Virginia’s Lt. Gov in some trouble right now, too.
Anyway, tell me if this sounds familiar. A west-coast professor contacts the Washington Post claiming that a Washington-area man on the cusp of assuming an exalted job in government sexually assaulted her years ago. The Post starts investigating but can’t substantiate it. There is, as far as we know, no contemporaneous corroboration of an assault. Nonetheless the woman’s claim trickles into the media anyway as the man’s political enemies scramble for dirt to sink his career at a fateful moment.
Karma’s a bitch, motherfuckers.
Next up: Goldy dreams up a scenario in which dinosaurs don’t become extinct.
And if incomes had continued to grow with productivity like they had from 1940 through 1973, the median American household would make $40,000 more than they do now.
You’ll find this in the same link as @ 1
The source of the tip [about Northam’s yearbook photo] appears to have been a medical school classmate or classmates of Northam who acted as a direct result of the abortion controversy that erupted earlier in the week, according to two people at Big League Politics, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.
“The revelations about Ralph Northam’s racist past were absolutely driven by his medical school classmate’s anger over his recent very public support for infanticide,” one of the two said.
To some people, I guess, killing a just-delivered live baby is worse than wearing blackface as a joke in a different era. Go figure.
Now THIS is funny.
Goldy Retweeted
Tony Posnanski✔
Both teams are playing like they don’t want to be invited to the White House.#SuperBowl
The dumbfuck’s dumbfuckery is strong this morning.
Very familiar. Jerome Corsi memorized that narrative on the day Associate Justice Beer Bong was first nominated. And in the brief span of time since, people like you have repeatedly grasped for some opportunity to deploy it.
Without success. You lost 40 House seats and the world’s fifth largest economy. Unlike you, we do not mourn the departure of people like Jerry Sandusky. We celebrate it.
it’s Meta dumbfuckery.
He’s quoting HotAir quoting Big League Politics quoting anonymous sources who cannot be discussed.
It’s dizzying to think of what it must be like on the wrong side of Teh Orange Event Horizon.
Nice double post, Carl. Again.
I’d like to suggest to Goldy that he take the reins from Carl and let people like Elijah and Roger post here instead. On his best days, all we get out of Carl anymore are whines about people riding buses.
It’s tax season and millions of Americans are getting a surprise. The Donald tax plan reduced the % of employer withholding to make it appear to wage earners the tax cuts were working.
Now that returns are being prepared millions of American families who anticipate a yearly tax return are discovering they owe a small amount instead because not enough was withheld.
So much winning.
@9 One-term president George H.W. Bush used that trick, too — cutting withholding without cutting taxes — and it didn’t go over well then, either.
This must be the Karma that Dumbfuck is all upset about.
“CNN Poll: 4 in 10 call this the worst governing of their lifetimes”
or this
Karma is a bitch
@ 9
Now that returns are being prepared millions of American families who anticipate a yearly tax return are discovering they owe a small amount instead because not enough was withheld.
So much winning.
Yeah, but they’re all in NY and CT. Winning, indeed.
@ 11
“CNN Poll: 4 in 10 call this the worst governing of their lifetimes”
Well, Jimmah was president a long time ago.
Jeeezus. They are making Nancy Fucking Pelosi into some kind of folk hero.
I did not think that was possible.
Her own party barely supports her. How bad are Republicans when they can give an eight point jump to “the most hated woman in America” simply for being “less worse” than them. Oy.
@ 14
If Pelosi at 42% is a “folk hero” and if Trump at 40% is described in the same link as “on par” with Pelosi, does that make Trump a folk hero, too?
Asking for a friend.
Anyone notice that the poll is of adults? Not likely voters. Not even just plain voters. But people over the age of 18 who draw breath.
Productivity–Pay Tracker
Change 1973–2017:
Productivity +77.0%
Hourly pay +12.4%
Productivity has grown 6.2x more than pay
What changed in 1973?
The start of automation? 1973: Robert Metcalfe, a member of the research staff for Xerox, develops Ethernet for connecting multiple computers and other hardware.
Ajit Pai loses in court—judges overturn the gutting of tribal broadband program
“[S]ince 2000, low-income consumers living on Tribal lands may receive an additional $25 per month for these services through the Tribal Lifeline program in recognition of the additional hurdles to affordable telecommunications service on Tribal lands,” the court’s decision noted.
The Pai FCC’s 2017 decision would have limited the $25 subsidy to “facilities-based” carriers—those that build their own networks—making it impossible for tribal residents to use the $25 subsidy to buy telecom service from resellers.
As I read this, if the tribes don’t buy from Comcast, they wouldn’t get the subsidy. Cheaper resellers would be locked out.
I can see why conservatives are giddy about packing the courts with Federalist judges, who will put a stop this kind of nonsense. /s
Dumbfuck, in the 12th CD about 300.000 registered voters can cast a ballot for “That Deranged Cunt” (and damn near all of them did).
Whereas your beloved Cheeto Jeezus pulled his 63 million vote minority from fetid trailer parks and urine soaked Adult Family Homes out of a total voting populace of 136 million.
It’s historically been relatively easy to get a substantial percentage of a nation of people to distrust someone they never even voted for (or against). That’s why in his brief-but-degrading tenure Paul Ryan seldom polled above the mid thirties no matter how much orange throat yogurt he choked down.
You have to fuck up particularly bad to give any opposing party’s Speaker an eight point bump. It’s baked into the system. Remember your plan was to run against her…
…not for her. This is you… using your bully pulpit… to boost her political capital. It hardly matters whether or not it comes at President PornAbortion’s expense or not. She remains the highest ranking elected Democrat in the United States in the unique position to obstruct your deepest longings to beat up sobbing latina toddlers and put your bloated, sadistic, lazy, fartbag of a President on trial. And you just made that easier.
Please. Continue as you were.
@12 I’d have to double check but last year I think my refund was around $6000. When my account went over the prepared returned she (no not a lesbian) indicated that next years (2018) wouldn’t be as much. But since I like to correct your always wrong statements I’ll be sure to let you know when she’s done with this years. I prepared and sent her my package Saturday. Last year she mention that this years might be around 3500, but that’s to be seen yet.
@14 “How bad are Republicans when they can give an eight point jump to ‘the most hated woman in America’ simply for being ‘less worse’ than them.”
Even an anthill can look like Mt. Everest from a deep enough sewer.
@15 “Asking for a friend.”
I assume this is a figure of speech; you don’t expect us to believe you have friends, do you?
Forget it. It’s “Executive Time”.
Pray for the horses.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Always Believe Women, Except When They Accuse Demorats, Then They Are Lying Sluts News- Fairfax blames giant slut conspiracy
“Does anybody think it’s any coincidence that on the eve of potentially my being elevated that that’s when this uncorroborated smear comes out? Does anybody believe that’s a coincidence?”
The Post detailed the accusation and investigative effort. According to the outlet, Fairfax’s accuser said that what began as a consensual encounter in his hotel room in Boston turned violent when he forced her to perform oral sex.
Fairfax said the woman sought him out after the encounter, saying she wanted to go to New York City to meet with him and introduce him to her mother. “And years later now, we have a totally fabricated story out of the blue that’s meant to attack me because of where I am in politics,” Fairfax said.
I think Nancy Pelosi should hold a press conference regarding the Virginia Governor. She should tell the American public that members of the Democratic Party call for his resignation (as they have) but the guy is free to do what he wants, especially when the Republican Party has set a very bad precedence when it comes to these types of things. And let’s move on!
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award, Early Contender- Undocumented gynecologist Roli Lopez-Sanchez;×480.png
A North Texas court sentenced an illegal alien to 60 years in prison without the possibility of parole following his conviction for continuous sexual abuse of a child under the age of 14. The man impregnated an 11-year-old girl.
@23 what is the slut doing in his Hotel room? Now if she were a horse I could then understand her being held captive like that and unwilling….but she had a functioning brain.
And there are not Pussy Grabbing tapes to prove it!
A1 did you read the one about the Ohio white boy who shot at two cops and killed one of them? Are you asking how the other cop is doing?
A1 – look what I found…and I didn’t even search for it…it was one of the first stories read on DU.
KansASS! Probably a Repuke appointed judge and Uncle Fester is probably a Repuke too.
Maybe if The Hump didn’t employ all the illegals then maybe some of this stuff wouldn’t happen. You really should sit down with The Fuck and ask him why he hires them.
The Organized Crime Religion of Repukes.
Hey A1 – here is your Pornstar
yeah, but is it big enough to fit Bob’s big head in it?
Just curious, PorkSauce.
Did you guys borrow Nancy Pelosi’s Time Masheen so you could travel back in time and create a vast web of contemporaneous accounts and physical evidence corroborating your accuser?
Or did you finally build your own?
Asking for a
frienddumbfuck.Breaking! Rabid Rabbit Sex Scandal!-Rabid puts on Blackface, molests sheep;
Keep fuckin’ that