I don’t understand what makes me mad on public transportation. I was in the bus tunnel* and there was a metal grate loose. Some teenager was standing on and off it and making noise. It should have annoyed me but I didn’t notice it until someone started yelling at him. And I was much more upset with yelling guy than clanging guy. I would have thought that I would be equally, or nearly equally, upset with both. I had to stifle a laugh when clanging guy started clanging again with yelling guy walking away.
* I still call it that.
McCabe/Smollett 2020
The Democrat Dream Team.
I got some ‘splainin’ to do!
One of the reasons I’ve consistently opposed nuclear power is because the industry is riddled with corruption, and nuclear contractors can’t be trusted. (Remember Karen Silkwood?) Fast forward to today, and I see nothing’s changed.
@1 For a smoothly functioning team, see Bob and his horse.
@2 Jussie – look on the bright side – you haven’t murdered or raped a family member or your college sweetheart (yet). You probably didn’t vote for or support some fascist fucking pig of a party called Conservatism. And you weren’t caught tapping your foot in a Airport bathroom stall looking to blow somebody. Nor were you one of the more conservative types who like kiddy porn. Wait – one more thing – you haven’t been caught fucking a goat or your pet pony.
You got a lot more going for you, so you like a little S&M and thought you would have some fun with it. Nothing to be ashamed of there.
Suing a newspaper for reporting the news? Really?
“According to the lawsuit filed by attorneys Lin Wood and Todd McMurtry, the Post’s coverage of the incident ‘wrongfully targeted and bullied’ Sandmann ‘because he was the white, Catholic student wearing a red “Make America Great Again” souvenir cap.’
“Alleging that the newspaper ‘ignored basic journalist standards because it wanted to advance its well-known and easily documented, biased agenda against President Donald J. Trump,’ the suit seeks damages ‘in excess of Two Hundred and Fifty Million Dollars ($250,000,000.00) ― the amount Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest person, paid in cash for the Post when is company, Nash Holdings, purchased the newspaper in 2013.'”
Geebus. Are these guys Rule 9 interns? Where’s their supervising attorney? Even Doctor Dumbfuck can do better than this (on a good day), and that’s not saying anything.
Word of advice to the kid: If you don’t want to be a news item, don’t go to demonstrations and make yourself the center of attention.
SCOTUS is finally cracking down on police racketeering.
What took them so long?
Boy the Dow is really storming towards 27,000. Is that better Bob?
I don’t have time to research but wasn’t your prediction like 32,000 or something like that?
Oh and by the way – my accountant called me yesterday. She says I’m getting back $1000 in Federal and $1500 in NY State income tax returns. The sad news is that my accountant tells me I am paying a little more than 19% of my AGI for my Federal, and I’ve never in my life, after tracking it for the last 25-30 years, have never paid more than 18.2%. I also track how much (percentage) of my taxable income is to my AGI to help compare in looking at the year to year variance, so I can’t wait till I receive my return to sign so I can get the actual figures and compare the phenomenon of a Republican lowering my taxes. That fucking Hump (REPUBLICAN) increased my fucking taxes……I thought it was the Democrat that was supposed to increase my taxes. I’m a little perplexed by the Repuke Mantra and how it is valid. But when have they ever had a valid point or opinion?
So, I am one of the NY’ers that you wrongly predicted would be paying this year.
Nuclear power was a poorly thought-out idea. Yeah, we were going to have all this great power, but the movers and shakers in the industry never did say what was going to happen with all of the nuclear waste that was going to be dangerous for hundreds of thousands of years. I remember these hucksters were telling us that electricity was going to become “too cheap to meter.” It surely didn’t work out that way, did it?
You should leave New York.
@9 and they thought that they could actually trust people (American Patriots) to not share with people like Saudi Arabia (or closest of modern day friends).
@10 and go where to fucking Florida? You have to be fucking kidding me. Maybe Alabama, or Mississippi, or how about Kansas.
But eventually I will retire, possibly, in Delaware – regardless of tax situation.
Your Second Amendment Rights Dep’t
You have a right to fall asleep in your car with a handgun in your lap.
The police will make sure you don’t wake up.
@10 I agree. If you don’t have school-age children, never use public libraries, are confident you’ll never need a police or fire response, and own a mule that can pull a cart over rough dirt roads, you should live in a Republican state because the taxes will be lower there. (So will incomes, but never mind that.) See @12 for some specific locations.
@14 don’t forget about all the loose goats and horses elswhere.
Give the State of Washington a shot for your retirement abode. No state income tax.
@16 Just a 10% sales tax on everything you buy, food and health care exempted.
@16 I’ve thought about it….it’s an option that I would consider and have thought about. All my family is on East Coast. Not one person that I know on the West except for one previous coworker, and she is a sweetheart but in Southern California.
@17 I buy very little….the less you buy the less shit wasted and paid for. I prefer doing free things like listening to birds chirp…a little rabbit watching can be fun too.
@18 Nice scenery here. I don’t know how people can stand living on the East Coast. Too flat, too many people, too much crowding. I used to think Maine might be a nice place to live, because it has nice scenery, until I saw what the politics there are like — you know, who they elect. Now, I don’t want anything to do with Maine, not even to visit there.
@19 Washington has rabbits. Well, at least one, although he’s hard to spot in the wild; ask Shortbus about that. =:-D<
If you’re a veteran, you can get a 10% discount at Home Depot and Lowes, so they effectively pay the sales tax for you. And if you’re a disabled veteran, you can get free license tabs for one vehicle, so you don’t have to pay vehicle licensing fees, and if your doctor signs off on a handicapped parking sticker, you can sometimes find a parking space, too (although everybody seems to have these stickers nowadays; the docs hand them out like candy). There also are property tax abatements available for low income seniors, which includes just about everybody who doesn’t have a military or federal pension these days.
@21 hahah. I’ll refrain from comment. You never know what facilities have access to the internets.
“Too flat, too many people, too much crowding. I used to think Maine might be a nice place to live, because it has nice scenery, until I saw what the politics there are like — you know, who they elect. Now, I don’t want anything to do with Maine, not even to visit there.”
New England and Northern portion of the Northeast, not to mention Appalachia (where they squeal like a pig), have mountains. And we have the coastline and Islands….the scenery is good and probably close to what Washington has. Maine has some really weird people – I think there is a lot of in breeding going on up there. Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Eastern Mass, as well as Boston….The Northeast has a lot going for it….and they can say what they want but you can live rather cheaply here too in a humble abode. Don’t need a large house like they talk about getting in comparison somewhere in Florida……they make them cheap there and one hurricane or tornado and well you start all over. There’s only one reason to go to Maine, and that’s if you want to drive to Nova Scotia or to Eastern Canada, in my opinion.
Cool that MAGA Catholic boy’s Attorneys telegraphed the inevitable dismissal in their lawsuit.
Set the bar that WaPo only published out of their ongoing pattern on anti-Trump propaganda.
Better shop for the right judge or this doesn’t get pat the first motion to dismiss.
“Your honor my client claims that the Washington Post only printed a story that was reported by multiple news organizations and widely disseminated on social media because they only print fake news and their clear intent was to damage my clients reputation in order
To damage the President.”
Kid should have hired non hack Judicial Watch level lawyers to file an actual claim of libel and not a wide ranging “We don’t like the Post” lawsuit.
“President Trump said it is ‘totally up to’ Attorney General William Barr whether and when special counsel Robert Mueller’s report is released. … Asked if the special counsel’s report should be released in full, the president added that from what he understands, ‘that’ll be totally up to the attorney general.'”
Not really. If the report isn’t promptly released in full, there’ll be a shitstorm beyond anything Trump and Barr can imagine.
@25 Maybe they’re out to prove that frivolous lawsuits really exist and we need tort reform to protect the Jeff Bezos of the world from lawyers like them.
“Attorney General Bill Barr is preparing to announce as early as next week the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, with plans for Barr to submit to Congress soon after a summary of Mueller’s confidential report, according to people familiar with the plans. The preparations are the clearest indication yet that Mueller is nearly done with his almost two-year investigation.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Done? Or ordered to shut it down? Didn’t Mueller just request a six-month grand jury extension, right before Barr came along? My sensitive rabbit nose already detects the odor of rotting fish.
I said on the other thread, they should have an opportunity to make their case, such as it is, before a decision to grant discovery. The thing about media suits like this is that the tort itself, if it exists, is right out in the open. No need for expert testimony or complex discovery to establish that. And I think there are already grave doubts where that is concerned.
I haven’t thoroughly reviewed what the WaPo reported about MAGATEEN, or even if they named him initially. But prior to discovery they have to establish that some of the reporting was false, that the false elements pertain directly to MAGATEEN, and that the elements of it that were false damaged MAGATEEN’s reputation. Then they can advance to full discovery to determine whether or not WaPo knew that something they were publishing about MAGATEEN was false, likely to defame him, and that they did so with malice.
At this point, ask any ten mopes standing around in line for coffee what they saw on those videos and you’ll get ten different narratives. To earn the green poultice you have to show that the defaming conduct was intentional.
Even as a fishing expedition this thing is a wish sandwich. But it could sell some books and appearances. The trick there is timing of course. If MAGATEEN and his lawyers hit the bricks pimping their story in the media that will not help with their burden to establish reputational harm. If the thing you are trying to remedy is the unwanted attention that was drawn toward your client’s behavior, why the fuck would you go out and draw additional unwanted attention to your client’s behavior? I think the kid is as stupid today as he was a month ago. It should have ended with that. But creepy adults decided to use his stupidity, and they still are. Sorry to say it looks like that includes his mom and dad.
Hey Bob, in kind with your comment yesterday regarding that pol I think from Alabama who wants to bring back the KKK.
This fucking guy should be gassed. He and his family to make sure they can’t populate. Wouldn’t you agree? I would hope so.
consider the sourcing.
“Unnamed sources close to the investigation” has always meant President RageDiaper’s clowncar of bad lawyers. Then follow up with the ultimate weasel words:
The precise timing of the announcement is subject to change.
As I commented earlier on the other thread, of course a report is being prepared. With the change in oversight and supervision of the SCO it would be unusual if a report was not being prepared (or has already been prepared and the department is working out the timing and handling). Barr is entitled to be made fully aware of everything that has gone before. At the time of his confirmation he knew no more about the status of the investigation than any other private citizen.
Unless AG Barr has decided to stamp his legacy in his final career chapter with stupid press leaks, put your money on shitty access whore journalists being run out ahead of the story by White House sources trying to make it through another day with Angry Diaper King.
Stop linking CNN
I guess I should add another possibility.
Setting aside the loose ends, Miller subpoena, GJ extension, DB subpoena, etc. one reason that Mueller himself might want to issue a final report now is to do it after Method Acting AG Pink Meatball has left but before DAG Rosenstein has departed while a fully vetted confirmed officer is able to exercise oversight.
I can think of only one reason Mueller would force that timing.
He has evidence to report that the narrowly elected Republican Presidential candidate of 2016 is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.
What makes me very skeptical of this is that if this were so, and this timing was of Mueller’s choosing, he would not be leaking details of it to shitty access whore journalists at CNN.
Pure gold.
Watch this:
Tucker Carlson invited onto his show the Dutch historian Rutger Bergman who enjoyed an extended 15 minutes for calling out the plutocrats at the Davos summit for debating inequality without mentioning raising taxes.
Carlson brings him on and is cordial at first, apparently hoping to turn the segment into a mocking send up of global elitist Euro-trash or whatever. But Bergman stayed ahead of him the entire time and kept circling back to raising taxes and how money has corrupted journalism. That’s when Carlson simply loses his shit and goes off, while Bergman can be seen smiling and laughing at him. AWESOME. Must watch.
A victory for liberty and private property with the unanimous decision against the statists assholes in Timbs v. Indiana.
Every now and again those old farts on the SCOTUS make a good decision. Maybe this will end all of this illegal asset forfeiture that’s been going on in this ridiculous Warmon Drugs!
@ 29
There is no requirement to prove malice.
Let’s see what’s in the reporters’ emails.
First the court would have to determine that MAGATEEN is not a figure of public interest at the time of whatever reporting is cited.
You don’t get to see what’s in any reporters private emails without first a) show cause that you are entitled to discovery; b) filter/redaction of sources and confidential reporting product (First Amendment). Of course you’re confused about this shit. You can’t keep the US and Russia straight anymore. Compelled disclosure is tricky shit outside Mother Russia. MAGATEEN’s lawyers may have been a bit too cute filing in KY which has a shield law (albeit weak). That will complicate that plan.
Frankly, as to the later, most real journalists at places like the WaPo these days don’t use your old guy unencrypted email for much. Too easily hacked. Not for the important shit.
Ask yourself, dumbfuck. When was the last time you got a juicy peek into scandalous email involving print reporters? Judith Miller? Nellie Bly?
For shits and gigs here’s the plain text for KY’s shield law:
“No person shall be compelled to disclose in any legal proceeding or trial before any court, or before any grand or petit jury, or before the presiding officer of any tribunal, or his agent or agents, or before the General Assembly, or any committee thereof, or before any city or county legislative body, or any committee thereof, or elsewhere, the source of any information procured or obtained by him, and published in a newspaper or by a radio or television broadcasting station by which he is engaged or employed, or with which he is connected.”
More than sixty years old, too! Impressive. But pretty narrow as these statutes go.
Still it would certainly appear to burden discovery in a case like MAGATEEN’s. But as I said, that’s cart before horse. They have a ways to go and substantial legal hurdles to clear before they earn discovery.
Dumbfuck is weighing on on legal cases again. Went so well the last ten times…
Oh Dumbfuck any other cases you want to comment about today?
“Almost 9 in 10 Republicans approve of how Trump is handling his job, according to Gallup’s most recent numbers. And, if anything, Trump is getting even more popular with Republicans as his term goes on ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Proof that most Republicans are idiots or traitors or both.
@34 “Every now and again those old farts on the SCOTUS make a good decision.”
This one was penned by RBG.
This piece kind of says it all: https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a26433271/supreme-court-civil-asset-forfeiture-timbs-v-indiana/
@35 Look up “limited public figure” and get back to us.
In most cases, courts won’t extend the same protection against unflattering portrayal in the media to someone who voluntarily participates in a public demonstration as they will to someone sitting at home minding his own business.
@33 Yeah, I think the part where Carlson told his guest to go fuck himself signaled this segment wouldn’t make it onto the air.
@ 36
When was the last time you got a juicy peek into scandalous email involving print reporters? Judith Miller? Nellie Bly?
I’m gonna go with Sabrina. Yup.
Sabrina Erdely.
So all you and MAGATEEN’s lawyers have to do is somehow establish that about sixty different phone videos were all DeepFakes.
Bibi should be gassed
Speaking of RBG – I had dinner this evening with someone that she hired while at Columbia. Nice guy.
Bob – still following the current events of Jussie? Trying not to read this type of news? Pro Russia? Putin is great great leader!
Land grab!!,
I think these land owners should create a Klan called the Buddy Real Land Owners and have an armed standoff and fight the Border Patrol and National Guard or US military. Amirite? I mean their cows need all the land to graze freely like the Bundy Boys needed during the Obama days.
My god how desperate do you have to be to get mixed up with these two (heterosexuals)?
Now if men of The Straights could try to teach the women of The Straights to be a little more open to sex then maybe some of this pimping by The Straights wouldn’t happen.
Clean up your act people (The Straights).
@49 This might be a good use for the Bundys’ unique skills.
@48 How can someone with so many loose screws get in, let alone manage to stay in, the USCG? You’d think someone would’ve noticed something before now.
And now for something completely different.
Good Samaritan Donates $3K Brick of Weed to Missouri Big Brothers Organization
Helping the youth of Missouri with their glaucoma, obviously.
Gonna be an awkward Easter brunch…
When your Law Enforcement son tells you not to do something and you do it anyway….kinda hard to plead ignorance after the fact. Credible witness or something.
In which Barack makes you envision Michelle twerking.
Barack Obama praises Michelle Obama in discussion about ‘being a man’ http://mag.time.com/WnB2U1D
10:45 AM – Feb 20, 2019
Really not a good image at all. I mean, she’s mid-50s, y’all.
Ryan Saavedra✔
CNN’s Don Lemon panics over Jussie Smollett’s felony charge: “Sean Hannity is going to eat Jussie Smollett’s lunch every single second. Tucker Carlson is going to eat Jussie Smollett’s lunch every single second. The President of the United States is going to eat his lunch”
7:47 PM – Feb 20, 2019
I wonder if QoS McHillbilly knows who Jussie Smollett is yet.
Come to think of it, I wonder if QoS McHillbilly knows who Sabrina Erdley @ 44, 36 is yet.
What a coincidence. So did Jesse Hagopian.
ABC News✔
JUST IN: “‘Empire’ actor Jussie Smollett took advantage of the pain and anger of racism to promote his career,” Chicago PD Superintendent Eddie Johnson says. https://abcn.ws/2ST8mhk
7:17 AM – Feb 21, 2019
“Wish we had a better world.”
And there we have it. He’s only interested because Hagopian got pepper sprayed by a bad SPD cop acting outside established guidelines.
Hagopian perceived it as retaliation for activism/race. Dumbfuck is sure he was just in the wrong place when SPD violated their own rules on Crowd Control and Pepper spray.
Bottom line, Hagopian has a best selling children’s book, 100k he donated of the city’s settlement money, Michael Bennett and Macklemore’s personal cell info and is way more a leader of a movement than he was before SPD fucked up.
Still bitter about it.
Still too damn funny
Way to go there!
Headline du jour. Although it’s still early and there’s plenty of Democrat dumbfuckery still to come, I’m sure.
Jussie Smollett Mugshot Released by Chicago Police
Where Dumbfuck wishes Democratic women all looked hot like Phyllis Schlaffley at 50. Or at least more like a horse.
Headline of the day in the real world…
All of the extremist killings in the US in 2018 had links to right-wing extremism, according to new report
Your doing great Dumbfuck.
Coast Guard Officer arrested in plot to kill Democratic politicians and ‘enemy of the state’ media figures.
“uhhhhhh …Jussie Smollett”
Donald caught illegally transferring nuclear secrets to Saudi Arabia
“uhhhhh…..Jussie Smollett”
Donald sets off new arms race and Putin is openly threatening retaliation.
“uhhhhhh…Jussie Smollett”
North Carolina Congressional Candidate at the center of a massive vote stealing scheme
“uhhhhhh…Jussie Smollett”
Alabama Newspaper advocates the return of the KKK and lynching of Democrats
“uhhhhhh…Jussie Smollett”
Student arrested for not saying the pledge
“uhhhhhh…Jussie Smollett”
Teh Dumbfuck has no time.
Too busy steaming his vagina and getting out the National Enquirer vote.
National Enquirer… about that…
Even worser, Harris campaign withheld the documents revealing Harris’ inquiries into participating in the absentee vote fraud scheme and his son’s warnings about it.
Vote fraud, perjury and obstruction.
Not only will he never be seated. He may be kept off the ballot in the new election.
It’s 22 degrees in Burns right now.
Teh Dumbfuck is too busy tossing boiling water into the air over his head.
Looks like I’m really up Shit Creek without a paddle now!
Jussie Smollett?
I don’t know her!
I’d have a look at the school system because the kid doesn’t know how to spell “I’m seven and my parents made this sign and called the TeeVee will someone please help?”
@ 66
If you are under 16 in Burns, OR, must you obtain permission from both sets of parents before you marry your first cousin?
We have discovered Teh Dumbfuck’s area of legal expertise!
@55 “I mean, she’s mid-50s, y’all.”
That should look young to you.
@70 Why would you be looking that up? You’re over 16. Who’s the girl?
This morning on Today, SoS Mike Pompeo, who was CIA director at the time, refused to confirm or deny that he was notified when Acting FBI Director McCabe ordered a CE investigation into the Republican President. He declined to answer the question twice, both times directly. Then he talked about Jussie Smollett and shoe magnets until time ran out and they cut to commercial.
“President Donald Trump has a long list of military construction projects large and small to take money from in order to cobble together $3.5 billion in funding for his planned border wall. They range from a dog treatment facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to schools and new housing for military families.”
Fucking over our soldiers, a platoon at a time. The list includes:
” … $62 million to construct a middle school at Fort Campbell, Kentucky …,
” … $63 million for family housing on Guam; $68 million for housing in Vicenza, Italy; $6.2 million for housing at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin; $26 million for housing at Fort Buchanan in Puerto Rico; $68 million for housing at Camp Walker, South Korea; and $13 million for a child development center at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland.
” … $14 million for improvements at Camp Arifjan in Kuwait; $123 million for Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii; $127 million for Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California; $27 million for Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington; $225 million for Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts; and $9 million for a Working Dog Treatment Facility at Guantanamo Bay.”
Fuck the dogs, too. They don’t need veterinary care. Let ’em die.
Stone not doing well so far in his show cause hearing.
After being permitted to take the stand he launched into a fairly lengthy mia culpa blaming the universe at large for what he did, saying he’s broke, under stress, frightened, friendless, and unable to buy groceries. Rather than making a direct first person apology to the judge he persisted in saying things like “it was a lapse in judgement” and “I regret it”. ABJ growing visibly irritated points out that relying on passive voice is not helping him.
She then pinned him down on the choice of the photo featuring rifle scope cross hairs. He blamed staff and claimed not to know where the photo came from other than it was something he shared from someone else. A someone he is mysteriously unable to identify today in court.
Further inquiry into the origin of the photo has Stone offering that he allows staff to use his personal phone. And that none of his volunteer staff would own up to performing the search and selecting the image. Testifies under oath he has five volunteers. Next says his house is like a headquarters filled with lots of staff. ABJ inquires about his earlier testimony that he has five volunteers. He replies “five is a lot”. Seconds later he says he has six volunteers. Then he tells ABJ he cant remember their names.
Fuck. Me.
For god’s sake wont one of his lawyers stand up and take that shovel away from him?
ABJ called a recess “to absorb this” and says she’ll come back in 15 with a ruling.
I still think she’s going to make a strike call here and try to make it stick. I don’t think she wants to burden the proceedings over issues not directly related to the alleged criminal acts for which Stone stands indicted. But I gotta say threatening a federal judge in any way is a bit of a bright red line. And ABJ clearly has focused her inquiry this afternoon into the crosshairs and the intent behind that image choice. She stuck with that and Stone was evasive, which is not the way to go here. She may not let that go, and it would be very hard to argue under the circumstances. I could see her making a contrary prelim ruling today and give Stone and his clowncar a chance to come back next week and do a better job of cleaning this shit up.
Somebody needs to fix that idiot before he goes to trial. This did not go well.
@70. Gudwad: “uhhhhhh…both sets of parents before you marry Jussie Smollett?”
Oooh. That’s gonna leave a mark:
Judge says Stone’s release under current conditions would pose a risk to the public.
She’s going to cut off his megaphone. Still, he should be given a chance to fix this if he can show he’s mended his ways.
They’ll file motions, etc. But he’s got only himself to blame, or maybe his lawyers.
He should have been made to understand why federal judges are so touchy about threats of violence: because they get shot at!
If he thought he was broke before, let’s see how a gag order feels.
Hard to imagine Roger Stone continuing to pursue his line of work without any public mention of his own case.
Frankly I’ll be surprised if he can make it to trial.
Why the fuck would anybody volunteer for Roger Stone?
That guy owns hats that are worth more than Teh Dumbfuck’s horse truck. I get that this new breed of klownsurvaturd is incredibly cheap. But why are so many of them incredibly needy and pathetic?
Unanimous vote in NC to hold a new election.
Two seconds after the NC board of elections called for a new election, Mark Harris and the NC GOP suddenly reversed course and agreed for the first time that a new election was the right thing to do, before bringing up something about Jussie Smollett.
While his son John, an AUSA in Raleigh, testified about a series of warnings he gave his father concerning the criminal fraud scheme in Bladen County, Mark Harris sat in the audience crying like a bitch.
winningwhiningBlunt says he hopes Trump won’t tap NGA construction for border wall
Sen. Roy Blunt said Thursday it is possible the White House could delay for six months funding of the ongoing construction of a new National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency western headquarters in north St. Louis, but says he hopes that won’t happen because of its importance to national security. But if it happens, it will be Jussie Smollett fault.
And the Vanity Wall Funding Suck hits my adopted home town. blunt says only 6 months, other sources says at least a year delay. So no making St. Louis great again? Thanks trump So much winning.
I hope for the sake of their “open marriage” the new gag order from ABJ won’t prevent Stone from running more ads in swinger mags:
“Hot, insatiable lady and her handsome body builder husband, experienced swingers, seek similar couples or exceptional muscular, well hung, single men.”
“But working with foreign adversaries to criminally hack the servers of an American political party would be bad, regardless of what you — or I — think of Hillary Clinton (and to be clear, Stone has not been charged with that, yet). And no amount of shrieks of “But Uranium 1!” or “But her emails!” can change that fact.”
That the day has come when I find myself agreeing with something Jonah Goldberg wrote disturbs me to no end. His Liberal-Fascism and the BIAW’s Mark Musser’s riff on it were the reasons I first came to HA years ago to reveal to the world the awful truth about Republicans…that they fuck goats.
That I find myself laughing at something Goldberg wrote is even worse. But at least it was a good one!
“Regardless, if Stone is proven guilty, he should go to prison. And if he does, Stone should enunciate clearly, for, given his reputation, some of his confrères might be forgiven for mistaking his “But her emails” rants for a casting call for buttery males.”
+32.78% for the period January 1, 2018 through February 2, 2019.
@88 This is Feb. 21. Been sleeping the last 19 days?
“The North Carolina Board of Elections voted unanimously to hold a new election in the state’s 9th District after overwhelming evidence of vote tampering. …
“Republicans initially objected that Democrats were trying to ‘steal’ the election with claims of fraud …. ”
They sure look like shit now, don’t they?
@76 Sure it isn’t a rake? I thought I saw him stepping on a rake.
@79 “if he can show he’s mended his ways”
Well, he hasn’t in 40 years, so why would anyone believe he will now?
@85 So the game is to hijack essential military spending for the border wall on the assumption that Democrats will replace the hijacked funds in the next budget?
From the article linked @87:
“The Covington-kids controversy exposed what lies at the very heart of what ails our society these days. I’m not referring to the very real bigotry against Christians in general or Catholics in particular.”
Yeah, I think some of us have acquired what he might call “bigotry” (I would use other terminology, e.g. “skepticism”) about Chrisitianity, egged on by child-molesting priests, preachers calling for the murder of homosexuals, the Roy Moores and Mark Harrises of the world, etc. If this is what Christianity has become, then we’re all better off as pagans.
Goldberg is one of them. They are monsters all the way down.
It’s slightly possible he has the awareness to see where this thing is going and is trying to save himself. My guess is he saw the horrors they authored in Charlottesville, paid careful attention, and perhaps realized that it is only a matter of time before their insatiable need will be turned on Jews. But the fact is he’s no better, just scared. They’ve been fed and sustained by twisted freaks like Stone from the cradle. His own mother is scarcely any better than Stone. She’s one of the people who invented the modern form of klownsurvaturd white grievance politics.
From the same article:
“Leading public intellectual Alyssa Milano declared that MAGA hats are ‘the new white hood.'”
Well yeah, but you-know-who had to work at making that happen. It didn’t come from nowhere.
Give the kid a break.
For twenty years he has peddled strawman fables of toxic hippie identity along the Acela corridor for huge profit. How was he supposed to know that a highly distilled mythology of detached liberal excess would one day be harnessed to fuel C’ville GOPDeathCar?
Judge Mara in So Dist Fla has granted partial summary judgment against asshole fed prosecutors and their criminal non-prosecution agreement with Jeffrey Epstein.
There’s a halfway decent chance the deal will be set aside. And it opens the door for other offices to indict Epstein and his many co-conspirators.
“Posting videos and photos of illegal activity on social media is against the law in the State of Louisiana.”
Huh? How can this be constitutional?
Got a new headline of the day for Dumbfuck. ( @98 )
Labor Secretary Alex Acosta, other federal prosecutors violated the rights of Jeffrey Epstein’s sex-crime victims, judge rules
Or this from Newsweek
@93. Probably and then complain bitter that Democrats raised taxes on Real Americans to do it.
Of course he did.
“Alabama Newspaper Publisher Goodloe Sutton Doubles Down: ‘The KKK Are The Nicest'”
Only three months’ suspension?
Do you have to kill someone to get kicked out of the Texas bar?
Read the complaint.
He threatened to kill someone.
In writing.
And he cc’d court officers. Which is nice.
Same guy is out on bail pending trial for insurance fraud.
After losing his job as a prosecutor because he was involved with Proud Boys. Which is the reason for the death threat.
I would think the Texas bar would want him gone on grounds of mental incapacity.
Jeeeezus! The transcript of the Stone show cause hearing is up and it is amazing.
Frankly I was a little skeptical about ABJ’s order expanding the gag. Anyone’s First Amendment rights are due ample respect. But a defendant facing serious criminal charges is particularly vulnerable. And granted, a good lawyer will order them to say absolutely nothing about their case. But their impulse to proclaim their innocence and defend their reputation is both perfectly understandable AND their sacred right – albeit a right they would be wise to waive in most cases.
After reading the transcript I think he’s lucky ABJ didn’t punch his ticket and revoke bail. He lied to her, in person, in her court, to her face, and got caught. The sequence makes it clear he did not anticipate the judge demanding precision about the origin of the threatening image. His lawyers fucked him in prep, either by not appreciating the court’s interest in the image, or allowing Stone to believe he could waffle his way through, or both.
His defense at trial is going to be a shambles. Good.
@105 What do you expect from GOP operatives who have nothing but contempt for law and civilized conduct?
How long do you think Stone will comply with the gag order? A day? Two days?
Don’t worry, his bond will be revoked. Guys like him can’t help themselves.