Wow, Congressman Reichert scares the Assie Voice Minions. Just implementing the same ad nauseum argumentum the Moonbat!s use when we identify the Darcy Moonbat! deficiencies.
Poor Katie Couric. She has idiots like Andrew Cohen post his biased diatribe on her blog. No wonder why she is dead last among the librul MSM.
GBS: You wrote of Nixon’s southern strategy in an earlier open thread.
Since the latest historical archives have proven Nixon to be a champion of civil rights and equal opportunity, he was trying to get white southern Christians to stop voting for racist Democrat state and federal politicians who were passing discriminatory laws against black southern Christians. Look at who controlled the state houses and the laws they were still trying to pass to keep my peeps down. Sure you can spin it another way but look at who controlled those states when Nixon was running.
Or how do you support Ernest Hollings who as guvnur installed the Confederate flag over the state capitol? Or how do you support the commentary of Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd who said of Senator Robert KKK 3 Sheets Byrd:
“I do not think it is an exaggeration at all to say to my friend from West Virginia that he would have been a great senator at any moment. He would have been right at the founding of this country. He would have been in the leadership crafting this Constitution. He would have been right during the great conflict of Civil War in this nation. He would have been right at the great moments of international threat we faced in the 20th century.”
Puddy Commentary – A racist senator during the American Revolution. I bet he’d have slaves like most of the Constitutuion writers. A racist senator during the Civil War. Sure we needed another Jefferson Davis. A racist senator during WWII. Yes he would have sent blacks to the front lines to face first death.
Nothing in the MSM was said and it was mostly ignored in 2004. A Moonbat! can publicly say just about anything! Yet the Librul MSM went nuts over Trent Lott’s comments on Strom Thurmond two years before.
Now if only some of the Assie Voice minions take the hint this will be a better place.
JSA: Give these Moonbats a great welcome!
You can see why Puffybutt (who thinks he’s been banned but still posts here) wants to change the subject. His hero (you know, the hairdo who couldn’t catch high-school dropout Gary Ridgeway for 17 years) has just given Dems a gift worthy of Christmas wrap. This fool’s vote here will be all ANY Dem would need to run a quick and easy campaign.
RubberStamp Reichert was in real trouble (looking at his Congressional rankings and fundraising to date) before this. Now he’s toast. I’d try to change the subject if I were you too Puffybutt.
By the way, your wife still gives really good head.
Support our troops – take their place!
Yer Killin Mespews:
Did that picture actually get pulled off of I Can Has Cheezburger? I sure didn’t see it over there if I did. (OK, so the munchkin likes to drag me over there to see the silly cat pics, and I laugh at them too. Sue me.)
This is better than the Pelosi picture that said “IM IN UR HOUS IMPEACHIN UR DOODZ” because, well, Reichert actually is cuttin’ kids’ healthcare.
He’s doing it because of his principles. Sometimes it’s so hard to be a man of principle when all about you are losing their heads.
Don’t you realize that this bill will give free healthcare to people who make $80,000 a year!
Are liberals patriotic?spews:
By a simple word, yes or no, would the liberals on this board like the US to win the war in Iraq.
(using paragraphs to bash bush or explain why you wrote NO will still be considered, “NO, I want the US to lose”)
Stupidman, this is an open thread. Anything is game. Oops… no wonder you are Stupidman… an Open Thread is a threat to you!
So headlice loocie: How much more in taxes are YOU going to pay for YOU to receive this “free” health care? As a teacher in the Seattle Skuul District ain’t your health care paid for?
So much for guvmint accountability with our taxes.
Stupidman: Assie Voice and His Head Minion Darryl have NOT to this moment displayed my nine lost posts. Hence I felt I was banned.
Darryl, have you stumbled across them yet?
Again facts hurt the libtard mind. And… I’m being generous by writing you have a mind!
I’ll say it again.
These Moonbat!s fear Reichert.
the left is afriad of Fox News!spews:
Puddybud says: john-ridley/the-left-fringe-ne eds-to-_b_58626.html
“The Left Fringe Needs to Quit Being Scared of the Fox”
Hey he’s writing about Assie Voice and his minions on a heavy Moonbat! site too!
Thanks for the link. Even the real democrats are starting to point out the cowardice of the extreme left. I like this statement, “But does Fox opine any less than Keith Olbermann or Chris Matthews over at MSNBC”
Read the comments, the left is eating it’s own again. Hilarious!!
Puddystupid: Why did Mehlman apologize for the Southern Strategy? Why couldn’t he just lay it out like you just did?
‘Cuz the NAACP would have called right wing bullshit!
There are racists in your party Puddystupid! They hate the Mexicans while only too happy to profit off their cheap labor. They do everything they can to avoid people of your skin color.
Something about that man’s hair and muscle tone just turns a wingnut’s brain into mush. Naaah. It’s mush to begin with.
I guess Bill O Really, Handjob Hannity and Lush Flimbaugh are all cowards. None of them will come onto Air America to debate – also all three have fled from the opportunity to debate progressive Ed Shultz. Cowards, chickenhawks and traitors. What else would you expect from Publicans.
I am working on some YOUTUBE spots against Hairdo for Congress – this vote to deny medical care for children will be all I need to hit a home run.
Isn’t it ironic that right wingers are against abortion – but that once the kid is born, they don’t give a fuck about the kid dying from lack of medical care. Pro life is a bumper sticker for the inbred right – nothing more.
Another TJspews:
Looks like someone has a new sockpuppet. We’ve been down this road before.
Oh please! Funding healthcare for the children of illegals just gives same a reason to come here for a a handout. I ask you, WTF is the magic money tree that is going to pay for all this? Get a grip and come here legally like the rest of us. ‘Till then, talk to the hand you fiscally irresponsible morons.
would the liberals on this board like the US to win the war in Iraq.
We weren’t attacked by Iraq. We were attacked by Saudis.
The war was not legitimate so we should withdraw. We were lied to and misled.
Wingnuts: how many of you still believe Saddam had something to do with 9/11? A majority of people in this country at one time believed in that falsehood.
So Mark1 – do you want to say abortion for these people is a good option since there’s no money to pay for their kids healthcare?
You irresponsible traitors who support Bush’s war for oil in Iraq could devote 1% of the money you’re willing to spend to make the Bush regime stronger to helping kids if you weren’t such cum-drunk, inbred, moronic assholes
This glorious country of ours already WON the war on Iraq! ‘MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!’ Remember?
We are just running into a few glitches in the occupation and rebuilding of the first democratic government in the middle east — besides Israel.
This nation-building in the middle-east is so important to the future of our great nation of the U.S. of A. that a handful dead children hardly matters.
The difference between Olbermann, and Matthews, is the fact that they don’t have to lie on a daily basis to do their TV shows, and to espouse their views. Hannity keeps telling his pea brained viewers that they found WMD’s in Iraq. I watched him do it. No wonder Fox Lies viewers still think Saddam was helping Al Queda, when in fact they were sworn enemies, and Saddam had a shoot to kill standing order when it came to Al Queda.
Remember, Fox Lies won an appeal that permits them to lie to their viewers, while calling their programming news. That 1st amendment cuts both ways don’t it.
I started calling Fox, “Fox Lies” not news.
Liberal = Reality based. It seems strange anyone pointing out the lies, and crimes of the current administration is called “liberal” isn’t it. I guess the opposite of “liberal” is criminal conspirator right?
You nutcases keep pretending Bush is doing a good job, and I , and the rest of the country will be doing all we can to bring HIM to justice.
Puddystupid: David Duke was an elected Republican at one time.
@ 30 LeftEqualsStoopid,
Actually, I support pro-choice. But, you being a typical ignorant liberal, just assume that anyone with even a moderate conservative viewpoint is automatically anti-abortion and paint all of us with the same brush. Shows what a small minded little man you are. I do wish you luck with your therapist though.
We lost the war in Iraq the day Bush was appointed president by the Supreme Court.
Can one of you wingnuts name one thing he did right in Iraq?
War is a racket. Bush, and Cheney are racketeers. What could be more plain and simple?
Just keep saying to yourself “mushroom cloud” if you need proof they lied to the American People. There was not one shred of evidence Saddam had restarted his nuclear program. Period. I know wingnuts can’t count, but zero is still zero.
The picture does look something like LeslieNielsen or.. maybe an older, silver haired version of Stephen Colbert.
However, the pricture mostm resembles John Silva, a new fgure in Seattle politics. mr. Silva will, I understand soon announce as a candidate for Congress running against Jim McDermit. Photo of Mystery Candidate
Simple question, do you want the US to win the war in iraq.
@29 YLB didn’t want to answer the question
@31 AnotherTJ changed the question.
@37 Facts Support My Position says we already lost the war
I don’t blame you guys, saying no would ensure this web page would be linked to extreme right wing websites. And as far as saying yes, like Clyburn(d) said, it would be big problems for the democrats.
Good thing Republican Governor Pawlenty of Minnesota had the poitical courage to veto that gas tax hike that would have provided the money to fix the bridge that collapsed.
It’s so hard to be a man of principle — especially now that the bridge has collaped.
They have a picture generator. I used the photo of Reichert and put it through their generator, hence the icanhascheezburger? tag at the bottom. But I never submitted the photo, so it’ll never be on their site.
People forget that Bush said of bin Laden: “Wanted — Dead or ALIVE”!
People always want to forget the second part of that statement. Technically, Bush is following through on his promise, and has very good secret reasons for doing so.
Can’t you Democrats have some faith in your duly Supreme Court appointed vice-President and his assistant, George W. Bush?
Real debatesspews:
Could you imagine the kind of debates if democrats allowed right-wingers to ask the questions and republicans allowed left-wingers to ask the questions. The democrats would show up on fox news, the republicans would show up on abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, msnbc to answer questions.
Neither side would be getting softball questions, and the followups would be even tougher. No wonder you don’t see that happen, both parties would prefer to be in front of the home crowd and preach to the choir.
If a Camp Gitmo detainee goes on a hunger strike, should our soldiers:
A. Waterboard himm?
B. Drench him in cold water and leave him naked in a chilled room?
C. Beat him to death?
D. Wait for him to hang himself?
There’s no wrong answer here.
Simple answer for a simple questionspews:
#41 “simple question, do republicans want to catch osama bin laden”
Yes. Not as easy as they hoped for but yes they do.
Simple answer for a simple questionspews:
Oops, #48 “simple question, do publicans want to catch osama bin laden”
Yes. Not as easy as they hoped for but yes they do.
Rasmussen Aug 2: Giuliani (R) 46%, Clinton (D) 45%
Rasmussen Aug 2: F. Thompson (R) 46%, Clinton (D) 45%
NBC/WSJ Aug 1: Clinton (D) 47%, Giuliani (R) 41%
NBC/WSJ Aug 1: Obama (D) 45%, Giuliani (R) 40%
NBC/WSJ Aug 1: Clinton (D) 42%, Giuliani (R) 34%, Bloomberg (I) 11%
Three of five polls show a Democratic presidential victory, and the usually Republican-friendly Rasmussen poll (remember how strong Mike! ran against Maria when it was a Rasmussen poll instead of real voters?) musters only a one-point victory for the GOP, well within their margin of error, whatever it may have been.
And what is Rasmussen thinking showing FRED THOMPSON beating Hillary when his campaign is sliding and he runs far behind Rudy? Im just sayin…
Apparently, O’Reilly’s interview with Chris Dodd about Daily Kos did not air last night. According to people who were there, Dodd was handing O’Reilly ass to him and O’Reilly cut the interview short. It was pre-empted by the Minneapolis tragedy.
re 51: It might have been easier if we weren’t busy fighting terrorism in Iraq instead of where bin Laden really was: Afghanistan.
Now he’s in Pakistan. But going after him there would be an ‘illegal invasion’. See, I already know your talking point.
My answer to you on Iraq is: We’ve already won the war on Iraq. Asking ‘if’ Democrats want to win it is a non-sensical question.
Republicans lack the will and intelligence to mount an effective war against terrorism. We should topple the Saudi government. They are the real enemy.
re 1: Simple question: Do Republicans want to punish the Saudi government that trained and supported the terrorists who took down the World Trade Center?
A legitimate war I’d want the U.S. to win. Waging an illegitimate war is a mistake. Therefore we should withdraw. Stop the bleeding.
Vietnam and Iraq are examples of illegitimate wars. Very costly mistakes.
Vietnam vets make up a huge portion of the homeless. It will be the same for Iraq.
Iraq was the wrong action at the wrong time. It has done next to nothing to prevent or deter terrorism. Terrorism has gone up world wide since Iraq. American standing around the world has fallen. That’s going to come back to haunt us.
Daddy Lovespews:
Dave Reichert is everything that is wrong with the Bush-Republican ideas. He opposes children’s health insurance, supports our misbegotten, botched and disastrous occupation of Iraq, opposes women’s reproductive health, votes against stem cell research, oppose minimum wage increases.
He’s definitely part of the problem, and we’re gonna show him the solution. Buh-bye!
Republicans:Listen! It’s swords into plowshares, NOT plowshares into swords.
Brandon Wolnerspews:
@55 Lee says: Apparently, O’Reilly’s interview with Chris Dodd about Daily Kos did not air last night. According to people who were there, Dodd was handing O’Reilly ass to him and O’Reilly cut the interview short. It was pre-empted by the Minneapolis tragedy.
I heard that too. I wouldn’t be surprised if faux new/republicans/bush didn’t blow the bridge intentionally to cover o’reily’s sorry ass!
Remember: Technically the saying is: “Dead or ALIVE!”
bin Laden IS alive, so technically, Bush is telling the truth.
In Minnesota is a group of people whining that they have high taxes and they need tax relief. This group campaigns against public works products, since they cost the taxpayers too much money. Unfortunately, they fund and support Republican candidates who then have to swear they won’t spend.
Like all anti-tax groups, if they had a car and it blew a wheel bearing:
1. They’d take it into a shop and say “Fix it.”
2. The shop would say “We need a specific bearing that costs $30.00 and 6 hours to get into the engine to fix it.”
3. They’d say “Here is a $5.99 wiper blade and I expect you to fire all but one mechanic. You should be done fixing the car in 30 minutes.”
4. The shop would say “This is unacceptable. Your problem is with this bearing, and the wiper blade won’t fix it. And now without staff I need to increase my time estimate.”
5. They’d say “It’s your responsibility to work with what I have given you. My friends and I have decided that is all you need to fix the car. You are just trying to take our money from us. Screw this, we aren’t going to even bother with the wiper blade and it’ll be your fault if something happens.”
Then something happens, and instead of looking in the mirror, they point fingers at everyone but themselves.
“Simple question, do you want the US to win the war in iraq.”
Ok, since you don’t like the other answers, this old retired Sailor will see if you can understand simple English.
Since your question asks if we want to win, the answer is certainly yes, of course we do.
We also want an end to world hunger, an end to oppression, justice for everyone, a cure for cancer and even for the common cold.
We want people to love their fellow human beings. All of them.
Ok, now, which of those things is likely to happen right away?
Most of those things are beyond our power to accomplish, but we still keep at them, because our efforts actually make a positive difference in people’s lives. Our continued efforts for a military solution in Iraq does not fall into that category.
I’d love to see the factions in Iraq quit hating each other and join in creating a peaceful country (which is the only reasonable criteria for “victory” in that conflict).
Our own military leaders are saying that this is beyond our capability.
Our own intelligence community is telling us that our continued presence there is actually making the problem worse.
The majority of the Iraqi people want us to leave.
So, with the only reasonable criteria for victory beyond our reach, with our Soldiers (and Sailors, Marines and Airmen) losing life and limb on a daily basis, with our continued military presence making matters worse and with the majority of Iraqis wishing for our withdrawal, at what point do we stop tilting at windmills, Mr. Quixote?
“If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.” – 17th century nursery rhyme.
Daddy Lovespews:
Did I mention Dave’s support for Fourth-Amendment-violating warrantless suveillance? Shucks.
re 65: Maybe Bush secretly pardoned bin Laden. Hasn’t his family SUFFERED ENOUGH? With 54 children and 25 wives, that’s a lot of suffering.
Are you sure bin Laden isn’t Mormon.
Speaking of which, if the Mormon holy book is the Book of Moroni, shouldn’t they call themselves “Morons”?
I have a little trouble figuring out how Puff the Strangebutt reconciles his racist views and hissing with being a conservative buddy of Uncle-Tom-Clarence Thomas….
Ah, well, the mysteries of conservative worshippers of sapphire thrones, and all.
Where are the John Birchers for clarification when you need them?
Daddy Lovespews:
67 JB
To say nothing of the unpopular, ineffective, and crumbling Iraqi government.
re 74: Well, you finally got the answer you wanted.
Where did it come from?
Daddy Lovespews:
Aw, those guys at the Los Angeles Times are just crazy, right?
The United States is now well into the fifth year of a war in Iraq that has, at a cost of hundreds of billions of dollars, managed to get more Americans killed than 9/11 while alienating global opinion, undermining our strategic posture around the world, arguably speeding nuclear proliferation in North Korea and Iran and detracting from American efforts against Al Qaeda. The nation’s elites, ever vigilant, have located the source of the problem: Public outrage over the sorry situation.
Haven’t you heard? The Islamofascistnazicommiejihadis have developed a vicious weapon. It’s called the RTK*. Republicans WOULD join the front lines of the existential struggle of our times, but that dastardly weapon is just too much.
*Republican Trick Knee
Daddy Lovespews:
The Republicans view the near-total rejection of their politics and their party by all of the public outside of the most hard-core loyalists as a Democratic Party lurch to the left. Figures, doesn’t it?
Daddy Lovespews:
142 dead (Iraqis) in Iraq yesterday.
Altogether at least 142 Iraqis were killed or found dead, including 70 in three separate bombings Wednesday in Baghdad. The violence came after July ended as the second-deadliest month for Iraqis so far this year, but with the lowest U.S. death toll in eight months.
First: According to Associated Press figures, there have been at least 2,024 Iraqi deaths in July 2007. Are you kidding me?
Second: There is a “low US death toll” every July in Iraq. There were actually 78 deaths in July, the highest ever for July. Beginning in 2003, the July deaths number 48, 54, 54, 43, 78. The daily U.S. military death rate throughout the nearly five-year invasion/quagmire is 2.3; in the typically “low month” of July it was 2.5 per day. This is “easing”?
Iraq by the numbers: Read how little hope they must have while we remain. It would be like if Dave Reichert were running your country.
As Bush read MY PET GOAT while America was under attack, I wonder if he was realizing that American history would point out that 9.11 happened on his watch.
Don Joespews:
By a simple word, yes or no, would the liberals on this board like the US to win the war in Iraq.
Yes. Indeed, I’m even glad that we did, in fact, win the war in Iraq back in April of 2003.
But that’s not an interesting question. The interesting question is, why don’t Republicans want to end our occupation of Iraq despite every piece of evidence telling us that our occupation is doing significantly more harm than good?
Yer Killin Mespews:
I didn’t know that. That could come in handy. Heh heh heh.
Don Joespews:
Hm… Looks like Jane Balogh’s Dog is blond, lives in Palm Beach, has long legs, and an Adam’s apple.
The track record is impressive: the vote tossed out in Dino Rossi’s challenge, Jane Balogh’s dog and Ann Coulter–all Republicans.
Yer Killin Mespews:
I want the Tampa Bay Devil Rays to win the AL East, but until their owner starts putting up the money so they can go against the big guns in the division, it’s never going to happen.
By a simple yes or no would the Publicans on this board and who claim to support the war in Iraq be willing to fight it.
Yer Killin Mespews:
How does one go about defining “win the war in Iraq”? What’s our objective there? At what point can we say we’ve accomplished our objective and send our troops home?
By a simple yes or no would the Publicans on this board like to see Dino Rossi tell the truth about his status as a real estate agent v. broker?
Daddy Lovespews:
SecDef Robert Gates:
“I am optimistic on the security side because of what I see in al-Anbar, and what we’re seeing in some of the other provinces where we’re getting some cooperation.”
What he doesn’t tell you: Al-Anbar province wasn’t part of the “surge.” Yet that’s our biggest success of the surge, something that wasn’t a part of the surge, because it wasn’t bad enough to require additional forces.
Gates again:
“In some ways we probably all underestimated the depth of the mistrust and how difficult it would be for these guys [the Iraqi parliament] to come together on legislation.”
“Underestimated” the extent to which the Iraqi government is feeble, rife with dissension, and self-destructing? Maybe you did pal, but not me. Not my side. And in fact, we’ve been trying to tell you for a while here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
According to the latest news reports, the 2005 inspection report of the bridge that collapsed in Minneapolis noted serious deficiencies, with the bridge scoring only 50 points on a 120-point scale. Sounds like someone didn’t do their job.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I won’t be surprised if it turns out there’s a Republican scandal in there somewhere.
Daddy Lovespews:
Republicans won’t go on a YouTube debate because they are running away from their base, at least publicly.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Gonzales is all that stands between the White House and special prosecutors.” — Time Magazine
Don’t you think that the news of Alberto’s illegal immigrant* status changes things?
It seems to me that rather than impeachment the Congress should demand that he be deported to his home country, Mexico. Then we can demand his return under the extradition treaty, provided we guarantee that he will not face capital punishment.
*HorseShit news, linked through SeattleJew.
Yes why is it that Publicans are afraid of the Internet – according to GOP crook Ted Stevens of AK it’s only a series of tubes? GOP=coward as well as stupid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@94 Naaa, let’s pretend he’s a citizen, so we can keep the death penalty on the table for plea bargaining purposes. I want that scumbag to sing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@91 Aha! just as I suspected. The fingerprints point to Bushevik incompetence.
“he U.S. Department of Transportation’s inspector general last year criticized the Federal Highway Administration’s oversight of interstate bridges, saying investigators found incorrect or outdated maximum weight limit calculations and weight limit postings in the National Bridge Inventory and in states’ bridge databases. Incorrect load ratings could endanger bridges by allowing heavier vehicles to cross than should be allowed, the inspector general said.”
“As a veteran of the Iraqui war running for Congress, I want to make it perfectly clear that the new situation in Anbar is exactly what we could have achieved four years ago if the Rumsfeld fantasy was not governing our conduct of the war.
I served in Anbar and found the local sheikhs highly amenable to eleemosynary incentivation. Unfortunately, my requests to Baghdad for female volunteers to enter the Sheikh’s harem and three gold plated Hummers to help the Sheikh in his good works was rejected at “bribery” and “immoral.”
There IS a place for morality, I think though that place is somewhere within the US borders. If we want to play with the neighbor kids, we better learn how to work with their gangs!”
John Silva is a friend of mine and a soon to be announced candidate of the Re-republican Party for Congress in the 7th District. His picture in on my blog and I hope he will have his own blog up as soon as he raises enough money to finance the necessary fees. Contribution to John, can for now be given to me, in cash, at most Tuesday meetings of DL.
@97 .. if the Paleopublicans are Bushiviks, does that make the dems the menanwomenshiviks?
@96 Couldn’t we hold him as an enemy alien?
Another great victory for America and the Democrats. We pushed through our promise to reform the Congress. 14 traitors on the Publican Senate side tried to stop us, but we made good on our word. We did it. YEAH! Something the Publicans couldn’t do in more than six years, we did in less than one.
Clinton couldn't find any qualified blacksspews:
If publicans are racist and the democrats aren’t, why did bush appoint more african-americans to high ranking positions than clinton. I understand your first thought will be Rice & Powell are uncle toms or oreos, but that just proves my point. All the “real” african-americans in the country and clinton couldn’t find any qualified ones. The only qualified ones were sell-outs to their race.
It is amazing to me that white folks can not tell oreo cookies from the real thing. Colin Powell may consider himself AA, he may even be AA in some sense, but somehow I can not imagine him or Condi coming to church supper at the inner city church BO attends.
Racism has long gone past the simplistic issue of “people of color.” When a goy looks down on one of my people who wear tsetses and hair locks or gets on us for kosher slaughter, that has nothing to do with skin color, OTOH mistaking a culturally white person for a culturally balck person is itself racist.
Condi has ever right to belong to whatever culture she feels akin to. While I find her unimpressive, I do not see her skin tone as terribly relvant except, perhaps, to her interest in African American issues because of skin color (not ethnic) prejudice she may have achieved. Same for Mr. Powell. I understand and respect him for wanting to be black. however there is a real difference between someone like Powell who grew up outside the AA community but wants that identity and someone who has no choice. The fascinating issue here is BO, here is a man who could have chosen a life like Condis or the General’s and, instead, chose to be Black man.
Why does GW Bush, you know, the coward who was afraid to fight when he had the chance, hate our troops?
Daddy Lovespews:
Amid all the other health care crises in Iraq, there is the problem of large numbers of amputees because of the bombings, according to The Guardian. Even in Mosul, the large northern city that is by no means the most violent place in Iraq, there is a need for 3,000 replacement replacement limbs a year!
That’s ONE CITY. What the fuck are we doing perpetrating this?
Somewhere up this thread Puddy made mention of Fritz Hollings (D-Disney) who upon his retirement was replaced by Howard Berman (D-RIAA) as the head stooge for the Pigopolists.
I certainly detest Hollings’ responsibility for foisting the DMCA off on an unsuspecting America, as I do Bill Clinton’s having signed it into law.
Nonetheless, I applaud his being a reformed Southern racist who managed to overcome the hatred no doubt instilled by his upbringing into the very fiber of his being, just as I do for Robert Byrd and any number of other folks of the same stripe who Pudface might attempt to raise as examples of how he thinks people of color ought to trust neoconservatism to give them a better shake.
Black expectationsspews:
#108 Seattle Jew
I believe that Condoleezza Rice grew up in Birmingham in the 60’s, which ever party is to blame, that was not a good time/place to be black. Her church was bombed, again by which ever party you believe to be racists and lost a good friend. (Bull Conner (D) proposed that african-americans set the bomb themselves) If you mean she’s a classical trained pianist, what’s the problem with that. College educated. A good role model, unfortunately the MSM talks more about Paris & Lindsay.
I’m not clear on what you mean skin color is not culture? Does a white man growing up in the hood suffer the same prejudices as a black man? Or do you mean to be black means to be a democrat?
As far as OB, his own autobiography says he grew up in the typical middle class family. Like most democrat leaders, he attended private school before attending college.
I personally believe he is like most political people, two-faced hypocrites. A speech his wife gave a couple weeks ago talked about how the government has to do more for families, how she “got lucky.” Right, she got an education, got married, had children in that order, where was the luck. I beleieve bush would get along well with people in a social setting. He’s rather inept as a leader but comes across quite personable, unlike Colin & Condi.
BTW, Joe Biden obviously disagrees with your thoughts about Obama. Joe thinks he’s different from other blacks.
Puffybutt pretending to be black @112
Let’s try PRETENDING you don’t ALWAYS lie for just a minute – oops that won’t work.
Condi has lived a very cushy life – her hood is Stanford. She’s never worked a hard job in her life.
Like all Publicans – she thinks she is better than the rest of us. She certainly doesn’t care about her own people – otherwise she’d be a Dem.
Dems get the black vote which is why you Publicans do everything in your power to stop them from voting.
@112Black expectations says: I believe that Condoleezza Rice grew up in Birmingham in the 60’s, ….
As I said, Ms. Rice has every right to participate in any culture that will welcome her. If she wishes to be Jewish we offer classes too. Her skin color IS relevant to her history but it is irrelevant to her current cultural identification as her predecessors possession of a Jewish mother irrelevant to Ms. Albright’s choice of an ethnicity. Ms. Albright and Ms. Rice have made similar choices and that is their right.
I’m not clear on what you mean skin color is not culture? I will turn this back onn you. In what sense does skin color imply culture? If I were to adopt a congolese child and my wife and I raised her in the Jewish culture would she be wrong if she considered herself Jewish? THAT attitude seem to me to define racism.
BTW, the issue is highly relevant with the “black”{ community. Afro-caribe3ans, African immigrants, irrespective of skin color obviously have their own cultures and are often upset at the presumption of W@hite and Black Americans that all hlack folks are of one culture.
Does a white man growing up in the hood suffer the same prejudices as a black man? Leaving aside the odd simile of a hood for a black skin, I do know african descended people who have decided to identify themselves as “Black” even thought they were raised as middle class “white” folks. Two obvious public examples are Barack Obama and Lani Guanier. Both have written about their reaosns for makign a choice.
Or do you mean to be black means to be a democrat? Hardly. I voted for the first post-reconstructivist African descended Senator .. and he is a Republican. In his case he lives A pretty much white cultural life. Could a person who is culturally Black choose to be a Repub? I am pretty sure that the antigay biggot in Kirkland is culturally Black but he is also an outspoken Republican. Michael Steel, as I understand it, is culturally Black too.
I guess I skin color as a lousy way of guessing what a person believes in. How about you?
As far as OB, his own autobiography says he grew up in the typical middle class family. Like most democrat leaders, he attended private school before attending college.
Not exactly true. he attended a school that is mainly for Hawaian descended folks. I tis, however, not a public school and I have read that it has high standards. We have a Yiddish expression about points that seem beside the point, nuuuuu?
LI personally believe he is like most political people, two-faced hypocrites. I understand and am sorry for you. If you and folks like you are right, this country will fail.
A speech his wife gave a couple weeks ago talked about how the government has to do more for families, how she “got lucky.” Right, she got an education, got married, had children in that order, where was the luck.
Mrs. Obama is a very impressive person who will bring the new perspective to the WH of a first lady whose career has been successful and (unlike Ms. Clinton’s) independent of her husband. Michelle in ’16?
I beleieve bush would get along well with people in a social setting. He’s rather inept as a leader but comes across quite personable, unlike Colin & Condi. I think we all have different tastes in drinking buddies. I like people who are smarter than me .. like many of the folks at DL!
BTW, Joe Biden obviously disagrees with your thoughts about Obama. Joe thinks he’s different from other blacks.
Your comment about Biden was silly. Joe made a reasonable statement that got caught someplace between his teeth and the barbed edge of a cut and paste editor at a news paper.
Stupidman Idiot Savant Everywhere:
Condi is from Birmingham. Powell is from Queens. Puddy is from Philadelphia.
GBS saw and acknowledged my skin color.
No one has acknowledged you have a brain.
No one has acknowledged you have education.
It is acknowledged Stupidman is from Queer Street.
Any Questions?
Chadt: Why are you impugning Clarence Thomas? Ivy Leaguer too!
R U Jealous? BTW Chadt, is your alter ego Stupidman?
Many here can acknowledge Stupidman has his head far up ASSIE Voice’s ASS!
Cuttin Massive Tax Hikes is what he is doing.
Another TJspews:
Looks like someone accidentally just admitted to her sockpuppetry.
So Puffybutt proves he’s a stupid motherfucker by AGAIN accidentally admitting to one of his 19 alias names. What a piece of shit. There are only 27 Publicans on this board and Puffybutt is 19 of them. Man you are TOO easy you ass eating coward.
And your wife knows I am not gay – she begs me to fuck her 10 times a week. Says that Viagra you and your hero Limpdick Limbaugh doesn’t work for you.
And the only thing black about you bitch is your heart.
RogerRabbit & RightEqualsStupid do nothing but bitch & moanspews:
These children have nothing better to do than post all day. Considering they post every minute you know what they write is worth the time it took to write it.
Is it just me or does he look like Leslie Nielsen? About as smart as some of his characters too.
I can just see Colbert telling him how good he was in Airplane! and Spy Hard.
@ 2
Reichert is too much of a puss to go on Colbert.
First Colbert comment “Who are you?”. Second comment “Glen Campbell’s stylist does your hair I see”.
My Left Foot @ 1,
You mean, like this?
Or maybe this?
Wow, Congressman Reichert scares the Assie Voice Minions. Just implementing the same ad nauseum argumentum the Moonbat!s use when we identify the Darcy Moonbat! deficiencies.
Poor Katie Couric. She has idiots like Andrew Cohen post his biased diatribe on her blog. No wonder why she is dead last among the librul MSM.
GBS: You wrote of Nixon’s southern strategy in an earlier open thread.
Since the latest historical archives have proven Nixon to be a champion of civil rights and equal opportunity, he was trying to get white southern Christians to stop voting for racist Democrat state and federal politicians who were passing discriminatory laws against black southern Christians. Look at who controlled the state houses and the laws they were still trying to pass to keep my peeps down. Sure you can spin it another way but look at who controlled those states when Nixon was running.
Or how do you support Ernest Hollings who as guvnur installed the Confederate flag over the state capitol? Or how do you support the commentary of Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd who said of Senator Robert KKK 3 Sheets Byrd:
“I do not think it is an exaggeration at all to say to my friend from West Virginia that he would have been a great senator at any moment. He would have been right at the founding of this country. He would have been in the leadership crafting this Constitution. He would have been right during the great conflict of Civil War in this nation. He would have been right at the great moments of international threat we faced in the 20th century.”
Puddy Commentary – A racist senator during the American Revolution. I bet he’d have slaves like most of the Constitutuion writers. A racist senator during the Civil War. Sure we needed another Jefferson Davis. A racist senator during WWII. Yes he would have sent blacks to the front lines to face first death.
Nothing in the MSM was said and it was mostly ignored in 2004. A Moonbat! can publicly say just about anything! Yet the Librul MSM went nuts over Trent Lott’s comments on Strom Thurmond two years before.
“The Left Fringe Needs to Quit Being Scared of the Fox”
Hey he’s writing about Assie Voice and his minions on a heavy Moonbat! site too!
If a Camp Gitmo detainee goes on a hunger strike, show our soldiers force feed them or let them die?
I know Assie Voice Minions have the correct answer!
Looks like the Moonbat!s are moving to Canada.
Using my Marv Albert Voice: Yeeeeeeeeessssssssss!;page=1
Now if only some of the Assie Voice minions take the hint this will be a better place.
JSA: Give these Moonbats a great welcome!
You can see why Puffybutt (who thinks he’s been banned but still posts here) wants to change the subject. His hero (you know, the hairdo who couldn’t catch high-school dropout Gary Ridgeway for 17 years) has just given Dems a gift worthy of Christmas wrap. This fool’s vote here will be all ANY Dem would need to run a quick and easy campaign.
RubberStamp Reichert was in real trouble (looking at his Congressional rankings and fundraising to date) before this. Now he’s toast. I’d try to change the subject if I were you too Puffybutt.
By the way, your wife still gives really good head.
Support our troops – take their place!
Did that picture actually get pulled off of I Can Has Cheezburger? I sure didn’t see it over there if I did. (OK, so the munchkin likes to drag me over there to see the silly cat pics, and I laugh at them too. Sue me.)
This is better than the Pelosi picture that said “IM IN UR HOUS IMPEACHIN UR DOODZ” because, well, Reichert actually is cuttin’ kids’ healthcare.
He’s doing it because of his principles. Sometimes it’s so hard to be a man of principle when all about you are losing their heads.
Don’t you realize that this bill will give free healthcare to people who make $80,000 a year!
By a simple word, yes or no, would the liberals on this board like the US to win the war in Iraq.
(using paragraphs to bash bush or explain why you wrote NO will still be considered, “NO, I want the US to lose”)
Stupidman, this is an open thread. Anything is game. Oops… no wonder you are Stupidman… an Open Thread is a threat to you!
So headlice loocie: How much more in taxes are YOU going to pay for YOU to receive this “free” health care? As a teacher in the Seattle Skuul District ain’t your health care paid for?
So much for guvmint accountability with our taxes.
Stupidman: Assie Voice and His Head Minion Darryl have NOT to this moment displayed my nine lost posts. Hence I felt I was banned.
Darryl, have you stumbled across them yet?
Again facts hurt the libtard mind. And… I’m being generous by writing you have a mind!
I’ll say it again.
These Moonbat!s fear Reichert.
Puddybud says: john-ridley/the-left-fringe-ne eds-to-_b_58626.html
“The Left Fringe Needs to Quit Being Scared of the Fox”
Hey he’s writing about Assie Voice and his minions on a heavy Moonbat! site too!
Thanks for the link. Even the real democrats are starting to point out the cowardice of the extreme left. I like this statement, “But does Fox opine any less than Keith Olbermann or Chris Matthews over at MSNBC”
Read the comments, the left is eating it’s own again. Hilarious!!
Any on the left brave enough to comment?
Puddystupid: Why did Mehlman apologize for the Southern Strategy? Why couldn’t he just lay it out like you just did?
‘Cuz the NAACP would have called right wing bullshit!
There are racists in your party Puddystupid! They hate the Mexicans while only too happy to profit off their cheap labor. They do everything they can to avoid people of your skin color.
Something about that man’s hair and muscle tone just turns a wingnut’s brain into mush. Naaah. It’s mush to begin with.
I guess Bill O Really, Handjob Hannity and Lush Flimbaugh are all cowards. None of them will come onto Air America to debate – also all three have fled from the opportunity to debate progressive Ed Shultz. Cowards, chickenhawks and traitors. What else would you expect from Publicans.
I am working on some YOUTUBE spots against Hairdo for Congress – this vote to deny medical care for children will be all I need to hit a home run.
Isn’t it ironic that right wingers are against abortion – but that once the kid is born, they don’t give a fuck about the kid dying from lack of medical care. Pro life is a bumper sticker for the inbred right – nothing more.
Looks like someone has a new sockpuppet. We’ve been down this road before.
Oh please! Funding healthcare for the children of illegals just gives same a reason to come here for a a handout. I ask you, WTF is the magic money tree that is going to pay for all this? Get a grip and come here legally like the rest of us. ‘Till then, talk to the hand you fiscally irresponsible morons.
would the liberals on this board like the US to win the war in Iraq.
We weren’t attacked by Iraq. We were attacked by Saudis.
The war was not legitimate so we should withdraw. We were lied to and misled.
Wingnuts: how many of you still believe Saddam had something to do with 9/11? A majority of people in this country at one time believed in that falsehood.
So Mark1 – do you want to say abortion for these people is a good option since there’s no money to pay for their kids healthcare?
You irresponsible traitors who support Bush’s war for oil in Iraq could devote 1% of the money you’re willing to spend to make the Bush regime stronger to helping kids if you weren’t such cum-drunk, inbred, moronic assholes
Are liberals patriotic?
By a simple word, yes or no,
Funding healthcare for the children of illegals just gives same a reason to come here for a a handout.
If you wingnuts want to profit off their cheap labor why not grant their kids health benefits? I’ll tell you why – you want more profit!
However if you didn’t employ illegal labor in the first place…
This glorious country of ours already WON the war on Iraq! ‘MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!’ Remember?
We are just running into a few glitches in the occupation and rebuilding of the first democratic government in the middle east — besides Israel.
This nation-building in the middle-east is so important to the future of our great nation of the U.S. of A. that a handful dead children hardly matters.
#21 “Any on the left brave enough to comment?”
The difference between Olbermann, and Matthews, is the fact that they don’t have to lie on a daily basis to do their TV shows, and to espouse their views. Hannity keeps telling his pea brained viewers that they found WMD’s in Iraq. I watched him do it. No wonder Fox Lies viewers still think Saddam was helping Al Queda, when in fact they were sworn enemies, and Saddam had a shoot to kill standing order when it came to Al Queda.
Remember, Fox Lies won an appeal that permits them to lie to their viewers, while calling their programming news. That 1st amendment cuts both ways don’t it.
I started calling Fox, “Fox Lies” not news.
Liberal = Reality based. It seems strange anyone pointing out the lies, and crimes of the current administration is called “liberal” isn’t it. I guess the opposite of “liberal” is criminal conspirator right?
You nutcases keep pretending Bush is doing a good job, and I , and the rest of the country will be doing all we can to bring HIM to justice.
Puddystupid: David Duke was an elected Republican at one time.
@ 30 LeftEqualsStoopid,
Actually, I support pro-choice. But, you being a typical ignorant liberal, just assume that anyone with even a moderate conservative viewpoint is automatically anti-abortion and paint all of us with the same brush. Shows what a small minded little man you are. I do wish you luck with your therapist though.
We lost the war in Iraq the day Bush was appointed president by the Supreme Court.
Can one of you wingnuts name one thing he did right in Iraq?
War is a racket. Bush, and Cheney are racketeers. What could be more plain and simple?
Just keep saying to yourself “mushroom cloud” if you need proof they lied to the American People. There was not one shred of evidence Saddam had restarted his nuclear program. Period. I know wingnuts can’t count, but zero is still zero.
The picture does look something like LeslieNielsen or.. maybe an older, silver haired version of Stephen Colbert.
However, the pricture mostm resembles John Silva, a new fgure in Seattle politics. mr. Silva will, I understand soon announce as a candidate for Congress running against Jim McDermit.
Photo of Mystery Candidate
Any on the left brave enough to comment?
Afraid of Faux! We laugh at Faux and do something about it.
A right wing propaganda organization deserves all the contempt people can muster. Shunning goes with the territory.
More on Silva in a recent edition of Horseshit .. the news summary for readers of this blog who also rread my blog.
Simple question, do you want the US to win the war in iraq.
@29 YLB didn’t want to answer the question
@31 AnotherTJ changed the question.
@37 Facts Support My Position says we already lost the war
I don’t blame you guys, saying no would ensure this web page would be linked to extreme right wing websites. And as far as saying yes, like Clyburn(d) said, it would be big problems for the democrats.
Good thing Republican Governor Pawlenty of Minnesota had the poitical courage to veto that gas tax hike that would have provided the money to fix the bridge that collapsed.
It’s so hard to be a man of principle — especially now that the bridge has collaped.
Tony Snow has explained the Republican Federal Government’s view on failing infrastructure today by wisely saying: “State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local,State & Local.”
I get it! Why can’t you?
re 41: Simple Question: Yes or No.
Do Republicans want to catch Osama bin Laden?
The new slogan/bumper sticker for the left-
“We’re tough on terrorist, but scared s*itless of fox news.”
@ 14
They have a picture generator. I used the photo of Reichert and put it through their generator, hence the icanhascheezburger? tag at the bottom. But I never submitted the photo, so it’ll never be on their site.
People forget that Bush said of bin Laden: “Wanted — Dead or ALIVE”!
People always want to forget the second part of that statement. Technically, Bush is following through on his promise, and has very good secret reasons for doing so.
Can’t you Democrats have some faith in your duly Supreme Court appointed vice-President and his assistant, George W. Bush?
Could you imagine the kind of debates if democrats allowed right-wingers to ask the questions and republicans allowed left-wingers to ask the questions. The democrats would show up on fox news, the republicans would show up on abc, cbs, nbc, cnn, msnbc to answer questions.
Neither side would be getting softball questions, and the followups would be even tougher. No wonder you don’t see that happen, both parties would prefer to be in front of the home crowd and preach to the choir.
re 41: Simple Question: Yes or No.
Do Republicans want to catch Osama bin Laden?
Simple question. What’s your answer?
If a Camp Gitmo detainee goes on a hunger strike, should our soldiers:
A. Waterboard himm?
B. Drench him in cold water and leave him naked in a chilled room?
C. Beat him to death?
D. Wait for him to hang himself?
There’s no wrong answer here.
#41 “simple question, do republicans want to catch osama bin laden”
Yes. Not as easy as they hoped for but yes they do.
Oops, #48 “simple question, do publicans want to catch osama bin laden”
Yes. Not as easy as they hoped for but yes they do.
re 44: Here’s the deal: If You want Democrats “debating” on Fox News, there is no shouting them down, interrupting, or cutting their mikes.
Your answer, I guarantee, will be to talk about something else.
Sock puppet @ 47
Real debates says:
There’s nothing real about Faux. It’s propaganda.
Here’s a little ditty you may enjoy:
Rasmussen Aug 2: Giuliani (R) 46%, Clinton (D) 45%
Rasmussen Aug 2: F. Thompson (R) 46%, Clinton (D) 45%
NBC/WSJ Aug 1: Clinton (D) 47%, Giuliani (R) 41%
NBC/WSJ Aug 1: Obama (D) 45%, Giuliani (R) 40%
NBC/WSJ Aug 1: Clinton (D) 42%, Giuliani (R) 34%, Bloomberg (I) 11%
Three of five polls show a Democratic presidential victory, and the usually Republican-friendly Rasmussen poll (remember how strong Mike! ran against Maria when it was a Rasmussen poll instead of real voters?) musters only a one-point victory for the GOP, well within their margin of error, whatever it may have been.
And what is Rasmussen thinking showing FRED THOMPSON beating Hillary when his campaign is sliding and he runs far behind Rudy? Im just sayin…
Apparently, O’Reilly’s interview with Chris Dodd about Daily Kos did not air last night. According to people who were there, Dodd was handing O’Reilly ass to him and O’Reilly cut the interview short. It was pre-empted by the Minneapolis tragedy.
re 51: It might have been easier if we weren’t busy fighting terrorism in Iraq instead of where bin Laden really was: Afghanistan.
Now he’s in Pakistan. But going after him there would be an ‘illegal invasion’. See, I already know your talking point.
My answer to you on Iraq is: We’ve already won the war on Iraq. Asking ‘if’ Democrats want to win it is a non-sensical question.
Republicans lack the will and intelligence to mount an effective war against terrorism. We should topple the Saudi government. They are the real enemy.
re 1: Simple question: Do Republicans want to punish the Saudi government that trained and supported the terrorists who took down the World Trade Center?
Well, do you?
Sock puppet @ 41
A legitimate war I’d want the U.S. to win. Waging an illegitimate war is a mistake. Therefore we should withdraw. Stop the bleeding.
Vietnam and Iraq are examples of illegitimate wars. Very costly mistakes.
Vietnam vets make up a huge portion of the homeless. It will be the same for Iraq.
Iraq was the wrong action at the wrong time. It has done next to nothing to prevent or deter terrorism. Terrorism has gone up world wide since Iraq. American standing around the world has fallen. That’s going to come back to haunt us.
Dave Reichert is everything that is wrong with the Bush-Republican ideas. He opposes children’s health insurance, supports our misbegotten, botched and disastrous occupation of Iraq, opposes women’s reproductive health, votes against stem cell research, oppose minimum wage increases.
He’s definitely part of the problem, and we’re gonna show him the solution. Buh-bye!
re 57: Answer: No. Republicans want to sell the Saudi’s $20 billion of armaments.
Republicans will sell their own country out for a few bucks in bribe money.
Republicans:Listen! It’s swords into plowshares, NOT plowshares into swords.
@55 Lee says: Apparently, O’Reilly’s interview with Chris Dodd about Daily Kos did not air last night. According to people who were there, Dodd was handing O’Reilly ass to him and O’Reilly cut the interview short. It was pre-empted by the Minneapolis tragedy.
I heard that too. I wouldn’t be surprised if faux new/republicans/bush didn’t blow the bridge intentionally to cover o’reily’s sorry ass!
Dave Reichert is an obstinate moron. We in the eighth deserve better.
Even in an era of Republican earmarks, this guy can’t get us a dime! What a loser.
Remember: Technically the saying is: “Dead or ALIVE!”
bin Laden IS alive, so technically, Bush is telling the truth.
In Minnesota is a group of people whining that they have high taxes and they need tax relief. This group campaigns against public works products, since they cost the taxpayers too much money. Unfortunately, they fund and support Republican candidates who then have to swear they won’t spend.
Like all anti-tax groups, if they had a car and it blew a wheel bearing:
1. They’d take it into a shop and say “Fix it.”
2. The shop would say “We need a specific bearing that costs $30.00 and 6 hours to get into the engine to fix it.”
3. They’d say “Here is a $5.99 wiper blade and I expect you to fire all but one mechanic. You should be done fixing the car in 30 minutes.”
4. The shop would say “This is unacceptable. Your problem is with this bearing, and the wiper blade won’t fix it. And now without staff I need to increase my time estimate.”
5. They’d say “It’s your responsibility to work with what I have given you. My friends and I have decided that is all you need to fix the car. You are just trying to take our money from us. Screw this, we aren’t going to even bother with the wiper blade and it’ll be your fault if something happens.”
Then something happens, and instead of looking in the mirror, they point fingers at everyone but themselves.
Come on liberals asked:
Ok, since you don’t like the other answers, this old retired Sailor will see if you can understand simple English.
Since your question asks if we want to win, the answer is certainly yes, of course we do.
We also want an end to world hunger, an end to oppression, justice for everyone, a cure for cancer and even for the common cold.
We want people to love their fellow human beings. All of them.
Ok, now, which of those things is likely to happen right away?
Most of those things are beyond our power to accomplish, but we still keep at them, because our efforts actually make a positive difference in people’s lives. Our continued efforts for a military solution in Iraq does not fall into that category.
I’d love to see the factions in Iraq quit hating each other and join in creating a peaceful country (which is the only reasonable criteria for “victory” in that conflict).
Our own military leaders are saying that this is beyond our capability.
Our own intelligence community is telling us that our continued presence there is actually making the problem worse.
The majority of the Iraqi people want us to leave.
So, with the only reasonable criteria for victory beyond our reach, with our Soldiers (and Sailors, Marines and Airmen) losing life and limb on a daily basis, with our continued military presence making matters worse and with the majority of Iraqis wishing for our withdrawal, at what point do we stop tilting at windmills, Mr. Quixote?
“If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.” – 17th century nursery rhyme.
Did I mention Dave’s support for Fourth-Amendment-violating warrantless suveillance? Shucks.
re 65: Maybe Bush secretly pardoned bin Laden. Hasn’t his family SUFFERED ENOUGH? With 54 children and 25 wives, that’s a lot of suffering.
Are you sure bin Laden isn’t Mormon.
Speaking of which, if the Mormon holy book is the Book of Moroni, shouldn’t they call themselves “Morons”?
I have a little trouble figuring out how Puff the Strangebutt reconciles his racist views and hissing with being a conservative buddy of Uncle-Tom-Clarence Thomas….
Ah, well, the mysteries of conservative worshippers of sapphire thrones, and all.
Where are the John Birchers for clarification when you need them?
67 JB
To say nothing of the unpopular, ineffective, and crumbling Iraqi government.
Looks like the Republican trolls went back to “Talking Points for Wingnuts” to get their peanut heads re-filled.
68 HL
I’m pretty sure that Mormon was Moroni’s sidekick or something.
Wikipedia sez: “The book gets its name from Mormon, the prophet who abridged the record during the 4th century.”
I say: so said Joseph Smith, anyway, and who wouldn’t believe him?
BTW, if you haven’t see the “South Park” takedown of Mormonism, you’ve really missed something. Find it; watch it.
“Wingnuts” enjoy being called that because a wingnut is an important piece of hardware that holds things together.
Too bad it says “Made in CHINA” on it!!!!
#16 “By a simple word, yes or no, would the liberals on this board like the US to win the war in Iraq.”
No, it would be terrible for the party.
re 72: “Dumb,Dumb,Dumb,Dumb,Dumb,Dumb,Dumb,Dumb …….Dumb,
My wife’s family is Mormon. Very funny episode! I like their idea of keeping a year’s worth of food in the house. You’ll never starve that way!
re 74: Well, you finally got the answer you wanted.
Where did it come from?
Aw, those guys at the Los Angeles Times are just crazy, right?
Support our troops – take their place!
Haven’t you heard? The Islamofascistnazicommiejihadis have developed a vicious weapon. It’s called the RTK*. Republicans WOULD join the front lines of the existential struggle of our times, but that dastardly weapon is just too much.
*Republican Trick Knee
The Republicans view the near-total rejection of their politics and their party by all of the public outside of the most hard-core loyalists as a Democratic Party lurch to the left. Figures, doesn’t it?
142 dead (Iraqis) in Iraq yesterday.
First: According to Associated Press figures, there have been at least 2,024 Iraqi deaths in July 2007. Are you kidding me?
Second: There is a “low US death toll” every July in Iraq. There were actually 78 deaths in July, the highest ever for July. Beginning in 2003, the July deaths number 48, 54, 54, 43, 78. The daily U.S. military death rate throughout the nearly five-year invasion/quagmire is 2.3; in the typically “low month” of July it was 2.5 per day. This is “easing”?
Iraq by the numbers: Read how little hope they must have while we remain. It would be like if Dave Reichert were running your country.
As Bush read MY PET GOAT while America was under attack, I wonder if he was realizing that American history would point out that 9.11 happened on his watch.
By a simple word, yes or no, would the liberals on this board like the US to win the war in Iraq.
Yes. Indeed, I’m even glad that we did, in fact, win the war in Iraq back in April of 2003.
But that’s not an interesting question. The interesting question is, why don’t Republicans want to end our occupation of Iraq despite every piece of evidence telling us that our occupation is doing significantly more harm than good?
I didn’t know that. That could come in handy. Heh heh heh.
Hm… Looks like Jane Balogh’s Dog is blond, lives in Palm Beach, has long legs, and an Adam’s apple.
The track record is impressive: the vote tossed out in Dino Rossi’s challenge, Jane Balogh’s dog and Ann Coulter–all Republicans.
I want the Tampa Bay Devil Rays to win the AL East, but until their owner starts putting up the money so they can go against the big guns in the division, it’s never going to happen.
By a simple yes or no would the Publicans on this board and who claim to support the war in Iraq be willing to fight it.
How does one go about defining “win the war in Iraq”? What’s our objective there? At what point can we say we’ve accomplished our objective and send our troops home?
By a simple yes or no would the Publicans on this board like to see Dino Rossi tell the truth about his status as a real estate agent v. broker?
What he doesn’t tell you: Al-Anbar province wasn’t part of the “surge.” Yet that’s our biggest success of the surge, something that wasn’t a part of the surge, because it wasn’t bad enough to require additional forces.
“Underestimated” the extent to which the Iraqi government is feeble, rife with dissension, and self-destructing? Maybe you did pal, but not me. Not my side. And in fact, we’ve been trying to tell you for a while here.
According to the latest news reports, the 2005 inspection report of the bridge that collapsed in Minneapolis noted serious deficiencies, with the bridge scoring only 50 points on a 120-point scale. Sounds like someone didn’t do their job.
I won’t be surprised if it turns out there’s a Republican scandal in there somewhere.
Republicans won’t go on a YouTube debate because they are running away from their base, at least publicly.
“Gonzales is all that stands between the White House and special prosecutors.” — Time Magazine,00.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That says it all.
Don’t you think that the news of Alberto’s illegal immigrant* status changes things?
It seems to me that rather than impeachment the Congress should demand that he be deported to his home country, Mexico. Then we can demand his return under the extradition treaty, provided we guarantee that he will not face capital punishment.
*HorseShit news, linked through SeattleJew.
Yes why is it that Publicans are afraid of the Internet – according to GOP crook Ted Stevens of AK it’s only a series of tubes? GOP=coward as well as stupid.
@94 Naaa, let’s pretend he’s a citizen, so we can keep the death penalty on the table for plea bargaining purposes. I want that scumbag to sing.
@91 Aha! just as I suspected. The fingerprints point to Bushevik incompetence.
“he U.S. Department of Transportation’s inspector general last year criticized the Federal Highway Administration’s oversight of interstate bridges, saying investigators found incorrect or outdated maximum weight limit calculations and weight limit postings in the National Bridge Inventory and in states’ bridge databases. Incorrect load ratings could endanger bridges by allowing heavier vehicles to cross than should be allowed, the inspector general said.”,00.html
John Silva was asked about Mr. Gates comments.
“As a veteran of the Iraqui war running for Congress, I want to make it perfectly clear that the new situation in Anbar is exactly what we could have achieved four years ago if the Rumsfeld fantasy was not governing our conduct of the war.
I served in Anbar and found the local sheikhs highly amenable to eleemosynary incentivation. Unfortunately, my requests to Baghdad for female volunteers to enter the Sheikh’s harem and three gold plated Hummers to help the Sheikh in his good works was rejected at “bribery” and “immoral.”
There IS a place for morality, I think though that place is somewhere within the US borders. If we want to play with the neighbor kids, we better learn how to work with their gangs!”
John Silva is a friend of mine and a soon to be announced candidate of the Re-republican Party for Congress in the 7th District. His picture in on my blog and I hope he will have his own blog up as soon as he raises enough money to finance the necessary fees. Contribution to John, can for now be given to me, in cash, at most Tuesday meetings of DL.
@97 .. if the Paleopublicans are Bushiviks, does that make the dems the menanwomenshiviks?
@96 Couldn’t we hold him as an enemy alien?
Another great victory for America and the Democrats. We pushed through our promise to reform the Congress. 14 traitors on the Publican Senate side tried to stop us, but we made good on our word. We did it. YEAH! Something the Publicans couldn’t do in more than six years, we did in less than one.
If publicans are racist and the democrats aren’t, why did bush appoint more african-americans to high ranking positions than clinton. I understand your first thought will be Rice & Powell are uncle toms or oreos, but that just proves my point. All the “real” african-americans in the country and clinton couldn’t find any qualified ones. The only qualified ones were sell-outs to their race.
re 102: Good question. I’ve often pondered that conundrum myself.
@100 That’s not a bad idea. Then we could torture him for information.
@102 Why don’t you ask Powell what he thinks of Bush now.
@102 And I can’t, for the life of me, understand why Condi choose Bush to have an affair with.
Here are some great links about racist Publicans,00.html
@102 …
It is amazing to me that white folks can not tell oreo cookies from the real thing. Colin Powell may consider himself AA, he may even be AA in some sense, but somehow I can not imagine him or Condi coming to church supper at the inner city church BO attends.
Racism has long gone past the simplistic issue of “people of color.” When a goy looks down on one of my people who wear tsetses and hair locks or gets on us for kosher slaughter, that has nothing to do with skin color, OTOH mistaking a culturally white person for a culturally balck person is itself racist.
Condi has ever right to belong to whatever culture she feels akin to. While I find her unimpressive, I do not see her skin tone as terribly relvant except, perhaps, to her interest in African American issues because of skin color (not ethnic) prejudice she may have achieved. Same for Mr. Powell. I understand and respect him for wanting to be black. however there is a real difference between someone like Powell who grew up outside the AA community but wants that identity and someone who has no choice. The fascinating issue here is BO, here is a man who could have chosen a life like Condis or the General’s and, instead, chose to be Black man.
Why does GW Bush, you know, the coward who was afraid to fight when he had the chance, hate our troops?
Amid all the other health care crises in Iraq, there is the problem of large numbers of amputees because of the bombings, according to The Guardian. Even in Mosul, the large northern city that is by no means the most violent place in Iraq, there is a need for 3,000 replacement replacement limbs a year!
That’s ONE CITY. What the fuck are we doing perpetrating this?
Somewhere up this thread Puddy made mention of Fritz Hollings (D-Disney) who upon his retirement was replaced by Howard Berman (D-RIAA) as the head stooge for the Pigopolists.
I certainly detest Hollings’ responsibility for foisting the DMCA off on an unsuspecting America, as I do Bill Clinton’s having signed it into law.
Nonetheless, I applaud his being a reformed Southern racist who managed to overcome the hatred no doubt instilled by his upbringing into the very fiber of his being, just as I do for Robert Byrd and any number of other folks of the same stripe who Pudface might attempt to raise as examples of how he thinks people of color ought to trust neoconservatism to give them a better shake.
#108 Seattle Jew
I believe that Condoleezza Rice grew up in Birmingham in the 60’s, which ever party is to blame, that was not a good time/place to be black. Her church was bombed, again by which ever party you believe to be racists and lost a good friend. (Bull Conner (D) proposed that african-americans set the bomb themselves) If you mean she’s a classical trained pianist, what’s the problem with that. College educated. A good role model, unfortunately the MSM talks more about Paris & Lindsay.
I’m not clear on what you mean skin color is not culture? Does a white man growing up in the hood suffer the same prejudices as a black man? Or do you mean to be black means to be a democrat?
As far as OB, his own autobiography says he grew up in the typical middle class family. Like most democrat leaders, he attended private school before attending college.
I personally believe he is like most political people, two-faced hypocrites. A speech his wife gave a couple weeks ago talked about how the government has to do more for families, how she “got lucky.” Right, she got an education, got married, had children in that order, where was the luck. I beleieve bush would get along well with people in a social setting. He’s rather inept as a leader but comes across quite personable, unlike Colin & Condi.
BTW, Joe Biden obviously disagrees with your thoughts about Obama. Joe thinks he’s different from other blacks.
Puffybutt pretending to be black @112
Let’s try PRETENDING you don’t ALWAYS lie for just a minute – oops that won’t work.
Condi has lived a very cushy life – her hood is Stanford. She’s never worked a hard job in her life.
Like all Publicans – she thinks she is better than the rest of us. She certainly doesn’t care about her own people – otherwise she’d be a Dem.
Dems get the black vote which is why you Publicans do everything in your power to stop them from voting.
@112Black expectations says:
I believe that Condoleezza Rice grew up in Birmingham in the 60’s, ….
As I said, Ms. Rice has every right to participate in any culture that will welcome her. If she wishes to be Jewish we offer classes too. Her skin color IS relevant to her history but it is irrelevant to her current cultural identification as her predecessors possession of a Jewish mother irrelevant to Ms. Albright’s choice of an ethnicity. Ms. Albright and Ms. Rice have made similar choices and that is their right.
I’m not clear on what you mean skin color is not culture? I will turn this back onn you. In what sense does skin color imply culture? If I were to adopt a congolese child and my wife and I raised her in the Jewish culture would she be wrong if she considered herself Jewish? THAT attitude seem to me to define racism.
BTW, the issue is highly relevant with the “black”{ community. Afro-caribe3ans, African immigrants, irrespective of skin color obviously have their own cultures and are often upset at the presumption of W@hite and Black Americans that all hlack folks are of one culture.
Does a white man growing up in the hood suffer the same prejudices as a black man? Leaving aside the odd simile of a hood for a black skin, I do know african descended people who have decided to identify themselves as “Black” even thought they were raised as middle class “white” folks. Two obvious public examples are Barack Obama and Lani Guanier. Both have written about their reaosns for makign a choice.
Or do you mean to be black means to be a democrat? Hardly. I voted for the first post-reconstructivist African descended Senator .. and he is a Republican. In his case he lives A pretty much white cultural life. Could a person who is culturally Black choose to be a Repub? I am pretty sure that the antigay biggot in Kirkland is culturally Black but he is also an outspoken Republican. Michael Steel, as I understand it, is culturally Black too.
I guess I skin color as a lousy way of guessing what a person believes in. How about you?
As far as OB, his own autobiography says he grew up in the typical middle class family. Like most democrat leaders, he attended private school before attending college.
Not exactly true. he attended a school that is mainly for Hawaian descended folks. I tis, however, not a public school and I have read that it has high standards. We have a Yiddish expression about points that seem beside the point, nuuuuu?
LI personally believe he is like most political people, two-faced hypocrites. I understand and am sorry for you. If you and folks like you are right, this country will fail.
A speech his wife gave a couple weeks ago talked about how the government has to do more for families, how she “got lucky.” Right, she got an education, got married, had children in that order, where was the luck.
Mrs. Obama is a very impressive person who will bring the new perspective to the WH of a first lady whose career has been successful and (unlike Ms. Clinton’s) independent of her husband. Michelle in ’16?
I beleieve bush would get along well with people in a social setting. He’s rather inept as a leader but comes across quite personable, unlike Colin & Condi. I think we all have different tastes in drinking buddies. I like people who are smarter than me .. like many of the folks at DL!
BTW, Joe Biden obviously disagrees with your thoughts about Obama. Joe thinks he’s different from other blacks.
Your comment about Biden was silly. Joe made a reasonable statement that got caught someplace between his teeth and the barbed edge of a cut and paste editor at a news paper.
Stupidman Idiot Savant Everywhere:
Condi is from Birmingham. Powell is from Queens. Puddy is from Philadelphia.
GBS saw and acknowledged my skin color.
No one has acknowledged you have a brain.
No one has acknowledged you have education.
It is acknowledged Stupidman is from Queer Street.
Any Questions?
Chadt: Why are you impugning Clarence Thomas? Ivy Leaguer too!
R U Jealous? BTW Chadt, is your alter ego Stupidman?
Many here can acknowledge Stupidman has his head far up ASSIE Voice’s ASS!
Cuttin Massive Tax Hikes is what he is doing.
Looks like someone accidentally just admitted to her sockpuppetry.
So Puffybutt proves he’s a stupid motherfucker by AGAIN accidentally admitting to one of his 19 alias names. What a piece of shit. There are only 27 Publicans on this board and Puffybutt is 19 of them. Man you are TOO easy you ass eating coward.
And your wife knows I am not gay – she begs me to fuck her 10 times a week. Says that Viagra you and your hero Limpdick Limbaugh doesn’t work for you.
And the only thing black about you bitch is your heart.
These children have nothing better to do than post all day. Considering they post every minute you know what they write is worth the time it took to write it.
RogerRabbit makes his first appearance, too busy posting in other threads to do this one justice.