– Todd Akin is the logical conclusion of flattering people like Todd Akin for 30 years.
– You would think Tim Eyman would learn something after the biggest lie of his life. But no.
– Jay Inslee releases his tax returns.
– I was afraid for over 60 years and those 60 years were wasted
– If you must fact-check, develop a cutesy scale that talks down to your audience.
“What is radical in 2012 is not Paul Ryan’s vision but the lengths to which his critics will go to avoid dealing with the national debt.”
Only two more months of talking about abortion and ignoring the economy. New jobless claims up 4,000 this week. Worries about a third round of Fed stimulus due to the poor economy.
Nah, abortion and Seamus. That’ll fill the time.
LMAO…that article was pretty funny…
I know, I know, this has been all over, but “oh My GOD, it’s funny to make fun of an edited, never actually said quote,” RNC is having a “We Built This” day.
‘Course it’s being held in a taxpayer funded stadium. And gee all you delegates wearing, “I did it on my own” badges, when you flew in, did you take a subsidized airline and land at a a tax-payer dollar built airport? Was that plane kept from running into other planes using your private FAA? Lay that pavement your town car took you to the hotel?
What is radical in 2012 is not Paul Ryan’s vision but the lengths to which his advocates will go to avoid listing 5 positive things they think ronmey ryan will do for the middle class.
And how about those romney tax returns?
@ 3
“‘Course it’s being held in a taxpayer funded stadium.”
I heard The Gorge at George was booked for convention week. Tampa must have been the fallback option.
Lessee, the Charlotte convention also is being held in an arena of sorts. What’s the name on that building? It’s a name the Democrats seem embarrassed to utter.
Bank of ……
If you’re not reading Lindy West on a regular basis, you’re mising out on some hilarity.
I Re-Watched Titanic So You Don’t Have To. You’re Welcome.
As soon as every Democrat on the planet is trying to claim that they never received any help from the government, you’ll have a point.
Sadly, no.
@ 4
Funny. Not funny like
a clever spew for which I will admire your wit forever, but funny.
You lose sleep thinking about this at night, don’t you? Your guy is gonna lose to some rich guy and I make you crazy because I see no reason to reply to your repeated question.
Look at it this way……. If I answered, what would we have left to discuss?
@ 7
I saw a T-shirt in 1997:
The boat sank. Get over it.
Dueling headlines:
Election 2012: Missouri Senate
Missouri Senate: McCaskill (D) 48%, Akin (R) 38%
Victory for Akin Seen as Difficult, but Still Possible
NYT now just a big, fluffy Grey Tease.
You really believe that, don’t you?
@ 12
You really believe that, don’t you?
Of him? No.
Of you? Pretty much.
One of our resident wingnuts (Can’t.Keep.Track.) posted some spew from the national review that ended thus…
…that essentially glorified Mitt and argued that his XY predominant spawn was a reflection of his alpha-ness, or something.
Well, wouldn’t you know, the author of that work, who plays an academic, has been repudiated by his field. What is with right-wingers and science? Does truth burn?
From the comments at the link provided in @ 14:
Anyway what’s this rot about peer review being imperfect???
For you Barry Soetoro drones–
So on 8/23/04, President Bush was at +3.7% in the Poll of Polls Approval Rating.
On 8/23/12, Barry Soetoro is at -.3%.
But there is nothing to worry about, right? Landslide for Obama, right?
If you left-wingers yap in your echo chamber and don’t engage in legitimate debates, then you can pretend Barry Soetoro has it all wrapped up.
That’s a 4% point difference boneheads. And incumbents in trouble (like Carter & Bush Sr) tend to do even worse from this point thru election day.
Here is ObamaCare, or should I call it Barry Soetoro Care (ha-ha) at work.
So who is killing seniors? This penalty will cause many to die at the hands of Democrat Socialism.
I’m shocked, SHOCKED, not to see abortion rights amongst the top concerns of battleground state Americans:
Why, it’s almost as if the economy is important to the electorate! The serfs. Don’t they know that Sandra Fluke is being groomed for a higher calling?
Oh. What matters most?
The survey, conducted from August 15-21, suggests that voters in all three states consider the economy the most important issue in this election: 60 percent of likely voters characterized that issue as “extremely important” in Florida, while 59 percent in Ohio and 54 percent in Wisconsin said the same.
Jesus H. No wonder Team Obama is desperate to make the election about anything but.
Obama has a history of going by Barry Soetoro when it benefits to give him guv’mint benefits he doesn’t deserve and preference in colleges.
Barry needs to release those transcripts and college apps to prove me wrong.
abortion is a non-issue…always has been.
Kinda like Guantanimo…it was only an issue to a few loudmouths on the fringes.
RealClearPolitics shifted Missouri over to Leans Dem making the count 47-46 Democrat with 7 toss-up. Of the toss-ups, 2 appear certain to head to Republican, Montana and ND (it’s called Oil Pipeline)
That leaves these 5–
CT: Open (D)
IN: Open (R)
MA: Brown (R)
OH: Brown (D)
VA: Open (D)
I could see the Senate ending up 50-50 because Akin is such a bonehead. Who breaks the tie in a 50-50 Senate?
After learning that Team Obama scored an own-goal by trying to link Romney to a wholly unrelated cancer death:
A new study by Vanderbilt University found that an ad from Mitt Romney criticizing President Obama over a super-PAC attack that insinuated the presumptive Republican nominee was responsible for the death of a cancer patient is having a measurable effect on swing voters.
the GOP decides NOT to run an ad campaign in which Barack Obama is dressed up as a late-term abortionist:
Instead, they’ll conduct an exorcism:
Who breaks the tie in a 50-50 Senate?
Vice President Ryan.
If you’ve been wondering why the Shroud of Turin looks so much like Russell Brand…….
This is why:
#11 FTW!
“No, really. Things are better. Much, much better. Senator Franken, please stop making those faces behind me. I know you’re doing it – I can see it in the teleprompter reflection.”
Should President Obama be trying to persuade voters that the economy is recovering?
Some Democratic strategists think that could jar against public perceptions that things aren’t really getting better. They believe voters don’t want to hear Obama telling them things are improving. And yet, you’d think that it’s imperative that Obama rebut Mitt Romney’s charge that he’s failed to turn the economy around, that Obama has had his four years, that he hasn’t shown he has the answer to people’s problems, and that Romney does have the answer to them. How can Obama do that without doubling down on the claim that things really are getting better for people?
Maybe it’s the climate change in texas that causes them to be stupid on a mike.
I liked this comment: “I guess all of America’s problems started Jan 21, 2009”
@ 27
I liked this comment: “I guess all of America’s problems started Jan 21, 2009″
I’ll have to take your word for it. 21,341 comments on that article.
@ 29
What’s so funny?
While she has solidified Democratic support (96%) against Akin, drawing only 39% of independents in a two-way race with Akin on the ticket is a stunningly bad performance.
Rep. Todd Akin was in Tampa Wednesday night meeting with top conservative groups and donors, several sources confirmed to POLITICO.
The embattled Missouri Senate candidate flew to Tampa to meet with members of the Council for National Policy, a secretive coalition of powerful conservative and evangelical leaders, activists, and donors.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/s.....z24OGpBbJ6
This isn’t very funny, either. But it underscores the difference in how the GOP responds to a bad apple and how the Democrat Party does.
The most extreme example of Democrats supporting a failed politician recently was in Chicago this past spring when Illinois and Chicago Democratic politicians continued to support a Democratic candidate, Rep. Derrick Smith, who ultimately won his Illinois state representative’s seat just days after allegedly being caught ‘red-handed’ in a recorded incident in which he accepted a bribe – though the representative still denies doing anything wrong and is running for office again. A Democrat who took $7,000 in bribes a week before an election was still supported by the Democratic politicians – and the supportive politicians then got the electorate to blindly vote for the alleged crook. Unbelievable.
Another example? Dollar Bill Jefferson.
pay no attention to YLBleeder..he’s just a tool.
Your fatuousness, your obtuseness..
Look what your miserable adopted party has done to people like Akin over the years:
What if they don’t show up to vote? What if their views come streaming out of the fever swamps and alienate too many independents?
@ 32
I’m just thinking we should be talking about the mechanics of how Akin drops out, which apparently requires a court pleading to which the Dems can object.
What does McCaskill say in response? “We spent $1.5M making sure Akin was nominated and we expect to see him run.”?
So says the idiot who idolizes Dori Monson.
@ 33
What if they replace him with someone like Jim Talent?
The hurricane which is on track for Florida, expected to deluge the Tampa area with winds and heavy rain, is named Issac. A quick check online says that the Hebrow name Isaac is a spiritual reference to God, and roughly transfers into “laughter”, as in “the laughter of God.”
Storm tracks can change dramatically, especially one several days out from landfall on the Continental U.S. But current tracking seems to indicate that it is expected to roughly move straight up the Florida peninsula, with the eastern track on the Florida Atlantic Coast, and the western track on the Florida Gulf Coast – including Tampa.
This ought to bring an interesting aspect to the Republican Convention.
Again that’s a slap in the face to the same people that have put Republicans in office since the “silent majority” days.
Akin said he was sorry right??? Shouldn’t that have been enough?
Guess not. So much for the big tent.
37 – Pat Robertson will say God foresaw the persecution of his beloved servant Todd Akin and visited His wrath upon the GOP.
AOL has as one of it’s news headlines a story which says an “electoral college model”, which it claims has correctly predicted a Presidential winner since 1980, predicts that Mitt Romney will win big in November.
Of course, AOL is probably the most conservative of internet service providers, and the word on the street is that people shouldn’t use AOL e-mails when applying for a job because it automatically dates a person as being retired or near retirement age. It’s headquarters location in Virginia is probably also a factor, as it’s staff tends to be more conservative, and some seniors still rely on AOl for dial-up internet access.
Anyway, it’s awfully hard to look at a “model” which doesn’t provide much in the way of details. But it seems to be waited heavily in favor of jobs numbers, saying that any incumbent with unemployment above 5.5 percent or so won’t be re-elected. That by itself seems to ignore the new
realities of a world where unemployment in the mid double-digits was brought down to the 7% and low 8% by the incumbent, and the unprecedented obstructionism by a historically unpopular Congress.
Looks like the S.S. Raw-Money just took a torpedo. Cap’n Willard is goin’ down with the ship!
@ 40
Er, the LAT has a piece on it, too. If the LAT is so conservative, maybe I can call up the publisher and get him to release the Khalidi tape, whaddya think?
That ‘New Reality’ concept you’re floating won’t work. America isn’t ready to believe that 7% unemployment is a worthwhile goal of its leadership, because our reality has changed. America doesn’t celebrate mediocrity.
‘America deserves better.’
@ 41
there is almost no data on precisely what his vast holdings consist of, or what vehicles he has used to escape taxes on his income.
He put his wealth into a blind trust in 2002.
Gawker does not know where his money is.
When you aren’t guessing, let us know.
OK. You can have Pennsylvania.
Re-read the link you posted. Obama’s favorable ratings are only 47%. Yes, Romney is currently mighty unfavorable and has a lot of work to do. But I suspect it will be Ryan who will spend the time in PA. Ryan still has the ability to make a strong 1st impression. I would not concede PA and would make Soetoro spend millions there,,bleed the Democrat warchest dry in every single Battleground State. Soetoro had the money in 2008. Doesn’t have it this time and has blown throw a wad with a silly campaign.
# 43: Is this where we get to re-play the Romney video where he makes fun of Kennedy’s blind trust, saying that there are lots of ways around it and that everyone knows what’s in a blind trust, and the trustee is beholden to the politician and does his wishes?
Remember how Cheney put his money in a “blind trust”, but dircted billions of dollars in federal contracts to Haliburton and it’s subsidiaries, of which he held a significant share going into the blind trust.
Or let’s talk about the Bain Capital folks who admitted the Romney participated actively in Baine Capital long after he said he retired?
Limbaugh’s providing some amusement today, based on yesterday’s broadcasts.
He claims that President Obama is responsible for the National Weather Service forecasts of Hurricane Isaac, apparantly implying that he is exagerating the impact to disrupt the Republican convention.
He also said that if he had called on Todd Aiken to withdraw, Todd Aiken would have withdrawn – apparantly bragging about his role as the real leader of the Republican Party.
@1 Cereal showed up for “work” right on time again — his first post is online at 8:06 am. He must be trying to earn brownie points. If I were his boss, though, I’d wonder why it took him 6 minutes to post that drivel. I’d wonder if he snuck in at 8:05 or wasted 5 minutes getting a cup of coffee after clocking in. I’d be tempted to dock 5 minutes from his pay.
@47 The reason Romney won’t pressure Akin to withdraw is because if Akin withdraws, half the GOP candidates across the country will have to quit their races, too, because Akin’s comment represents mainstream GOP thinking.
Leaked Bain Documents Indicate Romney Is Lying
“The website Gawker published online hundreds of pages of documents from investments made after Mitt Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital on Thursday.
“‘Romney has long claimed … that he retired from Bain Capital in 1999. The Bain documents we obtained indicate that his involvement with the company extended years past that date.’
“Gawker reports … the presidential candidate had a stake in Sankaty Credit Opportunities, which was not created until 2002.”
@16 Here is perhaps the most meaningless of all the meaningless poll-spinning exercises cluttering these comment threads.
Apart from the fact none count for anything, there are only three significant things to say about the polls:
1. The pollsters tell us most people have made up their minds and there are very few persuadable voters left;
2. Romney has to win most of the tossup states; and
3. Obama leads most of the tossup states.
Obama’s lead in many of those states may well be barely more than, or within, the sampling margin of error. And it may well be a razor-thin lead. But it is a lead and, more importantly, Obama has consistently led in those states. This means Romney must persuade voters who aren’t persuadable to switch sides. That ain’t gonna happen and everyone knows it.
Sucks to be a Republican. If I were Romney, I’d be planning a long winter R & R in some place like the Mediterranean or Belize, because he won’t have anything else to do.
Both campaigns have shifted into “rally the base mode.”
Does the pope take a dump in a wooden outhouse?
Oh they’re commies, what the hell do they know?
Vote for Dullard (R-Money) and his Randian ghoul sidekick. They’ll do Bush but better. Look how that turned out.
Mitt’s energy plan is out and guess what’s not in it? Not a single word (I haven’t read every single word, I’m taking other people’s word on this) about climate change. Which is kinda funny because climate change was a big part of Romney’s effort as governor.
So once again, it’s a case of which Mitt are you going to believe.
# 52: This has turned out to be one of the more divisive Presidential campaigns in recent history, in that most voters made up their minds a long time ago. There’s a HUGE gap in the middle, with only a few undecided voters populating that gap.
The right is populated by Obama haters, who believe anything they are told about him – that he “wants” to turn the country over to the U.S., that he is a socialist, that he is a Muslim from Kenya, and – oh, in case you noticed, he’s B L A C K.
On the left, they’ve decided that Romney & Ryan plan to get the country involved in an Iranian war to divert attention while they take the tax base for the richest to zero, cut federal spending, and remove all anti-discrimination and social safety net programs since the Great Depression.
I think Michael # 53 may be right, both sides will find it easier to make sure their supporters actually make it to the polls and vote than to try to spend hundreds of millions of dollars convincing a smattering of scattered undecided voters in key swing states. Romney still has to figure out a way to ensure that the Evangelical base supports him even though he is a Mormon. President Obama has more supporters he can turn into “likely” voters with respect to the college and post-college kids who supported him in 2008, as well as minorities who’s voting record is a bit spotty.
I’m always right! ;->
@ 56
With passage of time and new information, the evidence in support of climate change seems weaker than it was when Romney was governor. His term ended in 2006 IIRC.
I’d be worried if his energy plan WAS influenced by climate change.
We all grow wiser as we grow older. Except for RR, who just grows older.
New simplified GOP platform plank on abortion: “Execute legitimate rapists, not their children”
The issue isn’t that he’s changed on climate change, it’s that Romney’s changed all over the map. And there’s this:
It’s not 2004 V. 2012. It’s 2011 V. 2012.
IIRC, climate change is a Frank Luntz twist on global warming.. I thought right wingers believed in climate change. It changed in 10,000 BC (Sorry YEC’s), it changed in 1400AD, it changes today. It always changes.. Right?
Now the evidence for global warming?
That gets stronger all the time.
Butt Obummer campaigned for the whitey house in 2008.
In 2009 Obummer blames Bush because the problem is much deeper than he anticipated. So the smartest man in the nation didn’t anticipate a problem. Who knew?
In 2010 Obummer still blames Bush. Joe BiteMe claims the Summer of job creation has arrived. 500,000 new jobs each month.
Late 2010 Obummer still blames Bush. Unemployment starts to skyrocket.
In 2011 Obummer still blames Bush. May 2011 Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz sez “We own the economy!” Economy still sucks, unemployment hits 10%. Economic team skedaddles back to academia. PhD economic theses proven a failure.
In 2012 Obummer blames everyone but Obummerself. Unemployment still over 8% for 43rd month.
That sums it up. Obummer campaigned for the job Obummer now tries to say Obummer needs more time. Apparently Obummer failed in creating correct hypotheses!
Gee…puddypussypissypants is sure getting SHRILL!
Panicking much?…LOLOLOL
puddypussypissypants (aka Col. Sanders favorite chicken) is matched only be the Log Cabin Republicans for utter clueless futility.
The second most stupidest leftist moron of HA just left his diarrhea stain @64 & @65. Facts hurt the second most stupidest leftist moron of HA.
Cleanup needed in 64 & 65. Whew it sure does smell when rujax arrives. The field ni@@a needs to take a bath when he comes in from working the reservation! Oh yeah his massa headless dorky dorkman lucy rations out da water!
How does it feel to be owned on the plantation rujax? How does it feel to be told how to think rujax? How does it feel being told you must trust the government rujax? Is that why you are where you are? What are you providing as a legacy to your son rujax?
Stupid as ever!
Who said this:
DUMMOCRAPT Senator from Minnesota! Butt that’s okay he’s one of yours.
Never ones to learn anything from history, the unteachable Republicans have set up a “gold commission” to look at restoring the gold standard.
I predict the gold standard, which some scholars blame as THE leading cause of the Great Depression, will soon be part of the official GOP platform.
Otoh perhaps the GOPers know what they’re doing … nothing else creates cheap labor or concentrates wealth like 25% unemployment.
@67 That quote is actually from a Saturday Night Live script spoofing Franken, which makes you either a lying jackass or too stupid to comprehend you’re reading a magazine article about a
TV comedy show. Do you ever read your own links?
Roger DUMB Wabbit… You never discuss raping anyone.
Except unless you live in libtard land!
More panic from puddypussypissypants.
The only rotten smell here is the shit leakin out your ears o-fay.
We’ve established long ago that he doesn’t.
I’ll never understand puddle’s misplaced glee at his utter misapprehension of the debate at hand. He’s sort of like a toddler who is uproariously delighted at producing a really big smelly turd.
Add @666…
So massa’s black?
You even know what your own name is, fool?
Puddybud… what does the 2nd dumbest libtard person on HA (rujax) think it means?
Lib da schmuck… Another leftist pinhead who has no problem of someone thinking, writing or joking about raping someone!
Thanks for playing Lib da schmuck. Such wonderful progressive minds on HA.
Yes… you both prove how morons think!
@70 Sweeping it under the rug makes it go away, eh? Or maybe it’s the GOP platform plank forcing women to become mothers of rapists’ children that you don’t want to discuss because it alienates half of the electorate.
@75 Are you ready now to admit you lied when you represented in #67 that Sen. Franken made a joke of rape? Are you pussy enough to ‘fess up that you lifted that dialogue from the script for
a SNL comedy skit?
What part of the GOP platform don’t you want to discuss, pussy? All of it? Or just the plank about forcing rape victims to deliver and raise their rapist’s “love child”?
So pussy, how do R’s plan to handle visitation? When the rapist gets out of prison does he get visitation with his child? Does the rape victim have to meet the rapist every Saturday afternoon to hand over the child for each visit? What does the GOP platform say about visitation with children of rape, pussy?
So much for mollycoddling the social conservatives by picking Paul Ryan to be the veep.
It’s really starting to look like after the Republicans blow this election that the party will split in two.
in 31 states, yes.
Any right winger have anything to say about Faux News blowing the cover of Matt Bissonnette??
Heh. Throws cold water on the OPSEC birther tools doesn’t it?
I have been saying for years Roger DUMB wabbit is getting senile…
So what says Roger DUMB Wabbit…?
FACTS, slap an old decrepit wabbit silly! Someone needs to get some gingko to Roger DUMB Wabbit!
Notice how Lib da schmuck joined in with Roger DUMB Wabbit above? He missed the Al Franken, writer!
Two stupid peas in a pod. One old and wrinkly, the other shriveled!
From Hero To Zero
“U.S. Anti-Doping Agency … will ban Lance Armstrong from cycling for life and strip him of his seven Tour de France titles for doping. Armstrong on Thursday night dropped any further challenges to USADA’s allegations ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We’re overrun with cheaters. Is there anyone left who knows what “character” is? Or why it’s important?
That ex-Navy SEAL who wrote a book about the bin Laden raid? He’s a lawbreaker who likely will forfeit the profits and may face criminal prosecution.
It’s time to strip away the phony pretense that Republican secretaries of state are impartial election administrators. They’re exploiting their public offices to help their party and its candidates win elections.
Two things to know before you vote:
1. Republicans don’t like federal regulation.
2. Federal regulators don’t like scammers.
“Federal regulators have won a $478 million court judgment against the infomercial marketers of three ‘get-rich-quick’ schemes said to have caused losses for nearly all the million or so consumers who bought the programs.”
In Armstrong’s case, he’s not admitting that he’s done anything wrong and the USADA doesn’t have any authority over what goes on in France. Good luck of stripping him of his tour medals.
Armstong’s was accused of cheating for his entire career and yet no one ever had any proof of it. He took all the same drug tests that everyone else took and passed every one. I think he guy’s innocent.
Grab the popcorn kids, we’re going to be in for a good show.
Tea Party group “True the Vote” which sends white people to aggressively ‘monitor’ activities in largely black precincts has expanded from their Texas (where else?) stronghold. Recent conventions/recruitment meetings in Colorado and Ohio featured as keynote speakers the Secretaries of State of those two states.
I’ve never heard puddy complain about Republican vote suppression aimed at minorities. I guess if you’re ‘on the plantation’ as he likes to say, it’s OK to have your vote stolen by some Republican cheat.
Eh, puddy?
Oops, double post.
Puddles perseverates about Al Franken as SNL writer. Somehow his working on a joke about Andy Rooney raping Leslie Stahl negates the entire Republican/Dominionist/Christofascist denial of women’s rights and the reality of rape and incest in the REAL WORLD.
Once again puddles, if a woman is raped and impregnated, is it your position that the government compel her to carry the pregnancy to term? Should she have to bear the spawn of her attacker? Should she then have to work out custody arrangements with the rapist/father?
Puddles – if a woman, pregnant, finds that she has cancer, a curable cancer that needs immediate chemotherapy and radiation – should she be allowed to abort the fetus? Should she be denied life-saving therapy if it might harm the fetus? Should she be forced to carry the fetus until it was presumed viable outside her uterus and delay her therapy until that point? What if that was a fatal delay of her therapy?
Is the woman to be required to sacrifice her own life for that of the fetus developing in her uterus?
What provisions should be made for the care and support of the motherless child, should the fetus survive and be delivered though the mother died from the cancer?
A prediction:
Puddy will never answer any of the substantive questions regarding the Republican/Christianist positions on female personhood and autonomy.
Oh my, an gay-hatin’ Bibul-thumin’ preacherman caught wanking in a public park.
No one could have foreseen…
Puddles, I demand you account for this member of your team!
(Seriously, check out the picture with the article – Mrs. Preacherman looks, um, tense?)
Your hero, crazyman Allen West, as said in recent weeks the following:
You have been apoplectic about Joe Biden saying that Mitt and the banksters want to put people ‘back in chains’ by deregulating banks, the main thrust being that this somehow was a grave insult to Black people (or Blah people, in santorum-speak).
Could you explain to me how West’s comments are acceptable, but Biden’s isn’t, since you’ve raved about the latter, but have been silent on the former.
@89 The Armstrong case is complicated by jurisdictional disputes, disputed allegations, the complexity of rules governing athletes’ use of pharmacological substances, and the complexity of pharmacology itself.
The World Anti-Doping Agency and a federal judge in Texas are both backing USADA’s assertion of jurisdiction over Armstrong. the USADA, created by the U.S. Olympic Committee and recognized by Congress, administers anti-doping programs for many sport governing bodies, including U.S. cycling.
Armstrong refused to submit to USADA’s arbitration process, which functions as a court in athlete doping cases. USADA and WADA issued statements today saying they interpret his refusal as an “admission of guilt” even though Armstrong’s own statement in which he announced he was ending his fight with USADA explicitly asserted innocence.
This is a developing story and its final denouement is unclear. But it seems highly likely USADA’s sanctions will hurt Armstrong’s reputation with sponsors and the general public. It seems clear that USADA can ban him from U.S. competition given that USADA regulates doping for U.S. cycling’s governing body.
Armstrong still disputes USADA’s jurisdiction, but now has a federal court ruling against him on that issue, in a case in which he was the party petitioning to the court.
Having spurned USADA’s adjudicative process, and had his jurisdictional challenge rejected in federal court, Armstrong’s only recourse is to ask non-U.S. sport bodies, such as the International Cycling Union, to not recognize USADA’s decision and sanctions. But even if they go along with that, the U.S. ban will be toxic to commercial relationships such as endorsement contracts.
As for the public’s belief in Armstrongs guilt or innocence, the guilt findings of a sports body isn’t the same thing as a court conviction, but it will affects their credibility in many people’s minds. The USADA sanctions are no longer an allegation, they’re an explicit finding of guilt by a sport governing authority, and Armstrong’s credibility won’t be the same after that.
@91 Maybe Democrats should send monitors to monitor the Tea Party monitors?
@93 In puddy’s little mind, trivia are inflated to world-class “gotchas”.
@95 If a woman is raped by a horse, would puddy require her to give birth to a unicorn?
Strange, Lib da schmuck claims voter suppression. Where schmucko? Remember DUMMOCRAPT Richard Daley… Chicago thug politician… “Vote Early and vote Often”!
No one who has legitimately signed up to vote has anything to fear. But if you are a NAACP member you vote often, even casting ballots for dead folk!
Voter intimidation my ASS.
Whatadickhead schmucko is!
Hey Lib da schmuck… don’t you know nuthin? Retired military hero Allen West is black. He gets a pass calling out another black man Barack ObamAA+ Obummer. And he’s stating the truth. If Allen calls Obummer the welfare president the press can’t say nuthin. We can say what we want about our kind. You can’t say jack shit!
That’s why I can bitchslap rujax all over about his reservation living and being headless dork dorkman lucy’s field ni@@a, and he calls me Colonel Sanders Chicken. It’s that simple Lib da schmuck, except the simple things always trip your stupid ASS up all the time!
See ya!
You never make jokes about a woman being raped! Also, Roger DUMB Wabbit claimed Al Franken wasn’t a writer and you blindly and blissfully agreed. At least you now admit Al Franken was a writer on that rape skit. Roger DUMB Wabbit hasn’t bought a clue yet. Two stupid fools in the same pod, one old and moldy, the other wrinkled!
Unless of course you are a libtard, then the skies are the limit!
Women of HA, see your schmuck and his commentary? Well your silence is “golden” here.
Whatadickhead you are Lib da schmuck!
Once again Lib da schmuck, I already answered this. I am not your BITCH! You are my BITCH! Bitchslap ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot to replay my exact words on this issue.
Lib da schmuck, stupid since he came from the womb.
Such compassion from the progressive Lib da schmuck who in another thread bragged about checking the soft porn on the teevee in his Marriott hotel room.
Tsk tsk tsk! Typical libtard always judging others.
Typical puddles slippery evasion…
When asked about Republican voter suppression, primarily aimed at people of color, puddles answers thusly…
Dead 35 years.
On one hand Roger DUMB Wabbit supports people who cheat the system like DUMMOCRAPT Louisiana state supreme court chief justice Catherine D. Kimball from denying a qualified black woman associate justice from taking her place and then on the other hand jumps on the band wagon on Lance Armstrong being a cheater. Sometimes you wonder about Roger DUMB Wabbit’s mental state!
Puddy agrees with you. Lance passed every test every time. Gotta feel sorry for the dude. Puddy wonders if the USADA is just a bunch of left wing progressive moron nutjobs the way they continue to pursue this!
Well both Catherine D. Kimball and Lance Armstrong are DUMMOCRAPT in their thinking so at least Roger DUMB Wabbit can’t make that silly comment.
Mr. Armstrong has described himself as “middle to left”. He’s pro-choice, “not keen on guns”, against the Iraq war, and for separation of church and state. Sounds DUMMOCRAPT to Puddy! BIG TIME!
*eye roll*
I was merely commenting on the amenities of the Marriott Hotel chain that you’ve repeatedly bragged about staying in, when your employer allows.
As we’re all aware, the soft core is obvious on the TV menu, and my question still stands, is it moral for a Mormon-owned corporation, with Mitt Romney on the board, to be selling sin?
Why would you be bragging about staying in a hotel that peddles soft-core smut in every room?
(I personally don’t have a problem with what they’re selling, but I’m not a boastful Bibul-thumping self-righteous prick, either.)
And Chicago thug politics is very alive today 35 YEARS later!
All you have to do is ask Steve, Dr. Steve who plays “god” on Sundays or Da Perfessa. I told everyone my position years ago on this blog and at two Drunken Libtards. And I ain’t your BITCH. I don’t repeat my self at your whim.
Apparently 24 hour moronic mindless memory malady is strong in this one!
Puddles, from your vantage as a “Christian”, what would the solution be for the poor young woman from the Dominican Republic, who was allowed to neither have an abortion, nor to have life-saving chemotherapy for fear of harming the fetus.
She is now dead, as a result of delaying treatment for her aggressive leukemia. Obviously, the fetus that was developing in her uterus is dead, too.
No abortion to save the life of the mother? What are your thoughts?
You bragged about it FRONT and CENTER Lib da schmuck, trying to score points for your PuddyAttack because I prefer Marriott Hotels over other places.
It’s the Dominican Republic Lib da schmuck. A sovereign nation with elected officials and laws. While it’s sad, it’s their country.
Funny, I’ve never seen your outrage on honor killings from your friends who love practicing sha’ria law. While you love killing unborn children it seems you have no issue with killing teenaged or adult women!
Oh the shame of progressive thought!
Seems like puddles is running away from his beliefs.
Why so afraid to state your position? Go on, let your freak flag fly!
The discussion is contemporary, and saying “I told everyone my position years ago” is cowardice.
Something you want to hide?
What shameless, transparent false equivalence.
You’re throwing out Sharia law to deflect a question about what happens when you ban all abortions, as you’ve called for?
Again, cowardice.
Utter bullshit.
Fundamentalists are the same everywhere. Stoning women in Pakistan is the direction your Neanterthal party wants to take this country. You Bibul-thumpers are no different than the Koran-thumpers over there.
So, in your view, how does the victim of rape work out the visitation rights with the rapist, after the enforced-pregnancy?
*eye roll*
I NEVER bragged about staying in Marriott Hotels – nor ‘full sized’ car rentals nor frequent flier miles.
That’s all you, buddy.
Isn’t dishonesty a sin in your moral universe?
Ummm nope you dope. I stated my position front and center in front of a whole passel of Drunken Libtards – twice!
Seems you are talking out your arschloch again Lib da schmuck. You seem to have standardized that action lately!
Oh my another false equivalence! Where has anyone claimed to want to kill a woman here?
Oopsie! Stupid moron!
Another deflection from Lib da schmuck. Where did Puddy claim this? Go on post it moron!
Man you are a train wreck a post.
Notice in all his screaming Lib da schmuck still has not denounced honor killings.
Why could that be ladies?
Where did Puddy do this Lib da schmuck.
You are just like ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot… all arschloch! Being an arschloch comes easy for this one!
Utter total bullshit, and another deflection.
If it gets you to answer a straight question – yes, honor killings are barbaric and wrong and are a manifestation of vicious misogyny, a frequent feature of most fundamental religions, and fascism as well.
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, will you please share your thoughts about enforced pregnancy in the setting of aggressive cancer – as illustrated by the young Dominican woman. Should women in similar straits in the US face death when chemotherapy would save their lives, but kill the fetus?
Post 116, you dishonest, cowardly prick.
Search the archives Lib da schmuck or ask those I’ve identified. I am not your bitch you can demand answers from. I have answered that question multiple times and even the HA buttspigot told you my answer earlier this week.
Pay attention fool!
Nice of you to condemn honor killings Lib da schmuck… Been doing that for years on HA. Glad to see you finally move into the 21st century!
Wrong again you idiot. You bragged about soft porn on your teevee while in Portland. That’s my comment you idiot! Seems you forgot this so quickly in your vile spew!
Deflect, change the topic, run from your comments… that’s the progressive Lib da schmuck way.
Gotta go for a while. Puddy will be back to view the latest in progressive diarrhea from Lib da schmuck!
Here, in Georgia. And here, in Colorado. Oh, my, here, too, in Utah.
Perhaps you were on to something, with that retort about Sharia, though I don’t think you intended it to play out this way.
No, you’re merely a coward.
Puddy is clearly terrified to say out loud what the obvious, real-world ramifications of his sanctimonious ‘every zygote is sacred’ would be, if/when put into place.
That’s Todd Akin’s biggest transgression, not the medieval view of women, but rather speaking the hatred that dare not speak its name, revealing the depths of the insanity that they desperately want to keep just under the surface.
Like Bibul/Koran-thumpers everywhere, fundamentalists here tend to the absolute, and to the misogynistic.
# 85: I think the Navy Seal book is a land mine planted by the same folks who put together the Swift Boat team to sabotage Kerry’s campaign.
Think about it. Fox News spends a couple of weeks trying to drum up “outrage” based on false allegations the President revealed classified secrets abou the Bin Laden raid. Then this book appears, without any prior publicity (his book publisher’s marketing folks were on vaction at the time?????).
Presumably any Seal Team member would be well aware of the pre-publication review requirements for those possessing security clearances, and for the penalties if he did manage to reveal any classified material. If not, his publisher should have had a meeting between the author and the publisher’s legal staff very early in the process to decide how they were going to handle this.
With that in mind, why would anyone write a book where he’s required to turn over any profits, and may incur hundreds of thousands of legal costs and spend time in jail? Unless, that is, he’s received assurances by someone other than his publisher that his costs will be covered, and that he won’t go to jail (presumably contingent upon Romney winning the election?).
So the Rove/GOP plan would be for President Obama to take the bait and instruct the Justice Dept. to begin proceedings against the author. The author’s defense team would then make prior disclosure of the material a defense, and supoenna every record available from both the Pentagon and the White House. The Republicans would trot the former Seal/Author on stage for campaign appearances, a’ la’ “Joe the Plumber”, and Fox News would have a drumbeat of “outrage” that the President is hiding something everytime the Justice Dept. fights a subpoena or deposition request by the author’s attorneys.
Or, the President can be smarter than that, and simply ignore it – at least for for the next few months.
I’m betting the President is going to ignore it.
“All you have to do is ask Steve, Dr. Steve who plays “god” on Sundays or Da Perfessa.”
Just don’t ask Doctor Steve, cuz that’d be me, Steve, and as everybody here knows, I ain’t no doctor.
Everybody got that straight? Bob? Klown?
Good morning to you, Doctor Steve. What’s your aversion to being mistaken for someone who apparently is Jewish?
Should we assume the secrecy shrouding Romney’s tax returns and data-mining fundraising will carry over into how he runs our government? Will President Romney convene shadowy energy task forces run by oil execs to determine drilling schedules for playgrounds and national parks? We can only guess …
@103 “Strange, Lib da schmuck claims voter suppression. Where schmucko?”
Well, for starters, black soldiers deployed to overseas combat zones.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans don’t really want soldiers to vote. They only say this. Betcha ya didn’t know that, huh?
I suspect far worse. Cheney already did that. Gotta push the envelope, after all – Romney will toil tirelessly for more secrecy and privilege for his class, and more surveillance and control of everybody else.
Especially the black ones.
*eye roll*
Oh, please, spare us your outrage.
@104 “Retired military hero Allen West” to wit:
“While serving in Taji, Iraq, West received information … about a reported plot to ambush him and his men. The alleged plot reportedly involved … a civilian Iraqi police officer. West, who was not responsible for conducting interrogations … and had never conducted nor witnessed one, had his men detain Hamoodi … [qho] was beaten by four soldiers … on the head and body. West then fired his pistol near Hamoodi’s head, after which Hamoodi provided West with names and information, which Hamoodi later described as ‘meaningless information induced by fear and pain.’ At least one of these suspects was arrested as a result, but no plans for attacks or weapons were found. West said ‘At the time I had to base my decision on the intelligence I received. It’s possible that I was wrong about Mr. Hamoodi.’ West was charged with violating articles 128 (assault) and 134 (general article) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. During a hearing … West stated, ‘I know the method I used was not right, but I wanted to take care of my soldiers.’ The charges were ultimately referred to an Article 15 proceeding rather than court-martial, at which West was fined $5,000. LTC West accepted the judgment and retired with full benefits in the summer of 2004.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: BZZZZTT!!! This “hero” was convicted by a military court of mistreating a civilian and forced to retire from the service. Contestant “Puddy” does not advance to the next round.
@110 “Mr. Armstrong has described himself as “middle to left”.”
He could be Obama’s dog for all I care. You see, putz, the difference between Democrats and Republicans is that when Democrats get caught chilling money in the fridge we don’t put Doc Hastings in charge of the Ethics Committee to sweep it under the rug. We heave them under the bus where they belong. In the Democratic Party corruption
is an aberration; in the GOP it’s business as usual.
I’m not gonna waste any more time on puddy’s slobber. There’s too much of it and I have better things to do. He apparently doesn’t.
I know what you mean – it’s a bad habit, sort of a guilty pleasure, hard to resist coming down hard on such aggressive, malevolent stupid.
Republicans seem determined to sabotage what little chance they have left of winning this election. Now they’re alienating Wall Street, their most powerful natural constituency, by pushing for a return to the gold standard. ?Why? You gotta wonder. Maybe they secretly like Obama.
Steve, Dr Steve is the Harvard trained pathologist who plays “god” on Sundays.
How is Staples, the outfit Mitt touts as one of his great business successes, doing these days?
“Staples has turned into a shell of its former self. Over the past two years … shares of Staples have fallen 40 percent, while the S&P 500 … has raced ahead by 30 percent. … On almost every key metric it appears to be falling apart ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You could say the same thing about the Republican Party. A great concept in its day, when Lincoln ran it, but it has gone downhill as a result of failing to keep up with the times. The GOP is frozen in 19th century labor management and monetary ideas.
Here is SatanSpawn@131 Post
The operative word is highlighted. And in the words of correctnotright… anecdotal Lib da schmuck!
Yeah Roger DUMB Wabbit… Convicted felon Antoin Rezko… shady money given to Obummer.
Ding Ding Ding! Puddy in the final round.
Heroes protect their soldiers no matter the cost to their own personal peril. BTW West said he’d do it again Roger DUMB Wabbit.
I would take 100 Allen Wests over 1000 John Effin Kerry’s every day DUMB Wabbit.
BTW are you taking medication for that sudden onset senility you demonstrated yesterday?
Another day and another post from rhpee6033 demonstrating he’s a moron.
More proof this leftist idiot lives on left wrong puke sites. Of course rhpee6033 will claim Fox News put this person up to their complaints.
Of course Roger DUMB Wabbit waves the white flag because he recognizes when his butt just got kicked BIG TIME.
I’m glad the puddypussypissypants isn’t really like the character he plays in these comments.
I would really hate to know there is a person out there who is as fucking stupid as this.
Don’t forget he was fined something like $5000..
To a right wing ding nutcase, there is no more greater insult upon his person and his ego.
After a few thousand comments of “playing” such a “character”, a normal person might get bored and move on.
But after 33,000?? Naaah.. This guy is as whacked as they come. Or he’s paid.
Roger DUMB Wabbit@138,
2006 is best you can do? Regurgutating that old tired post?
One of those “west coasters” of course, is the chief moron of these comment threads – Dr Butthead aka Puddydope.
See how it makes shit up??
I’m sure Republicans won’t mind if the Democrats take advantage of this amzing little slip by Mitt today, courtesy of Huffpo.
“I’m going to champion small business. We’ve got to make it easier for small businesses. Big business is doing fine in many places -– they get the loans they need, they can deal with all the regulation. They know how to find ways to get through the tax code, save money by putting various things in the places where there are low tax havens around the world for their businesses. But small business is getting crushed.”
Remember when Lib da schmuck claimed it was only Republicans who took issue with Joe BiteMe’s chains comment? Well he’s so wrong for so long…
Quote easily found if you don’t dwell on left wrong puke sites.
now watch..
Wow,Romney’s money is a shell game itself in the Cayman Islands.
That’s tooooooooooooooooo
That’s Daaaamnnnnnnnnnnn
That’s Fuuuuuuuunnnnnnnny
Watch what bitchslapped one?
We see your latest diarrhea trail!
@136 “Good morning to you, Doctor Steve. What’s your aversion to being mistaken for someone who apparently is Jewish?”
Um, none, my Psych 101 punching bag named Bob. I’m not surprised though, that a racist like you would bring that up. You dolts reveal so much. Idiots. So it’s not only blacks and latinos, you’ve got issues with Jews too. Figures. Are you from the south or something? How do you feel about Papists?
@147 Puddy says, “Steve, Dr Steve is the Harvard trained pathologist who plays “god” on Sundays.”
Yeah, I was just kidding. Have you ever checked out his photography? I think it ‘s pretty good. Michael is really good at that as well.
Hey, wait a second! Do you mean that’s not the real God commenting on the Bible threads??
164 – Watch your moronic knee-jerk reactions..
It’s great entertainment here..
now watch..
If Dullard (R-Money) thinks big bidness is doing just fine…
guess they can pay their taxes, not pollute, cheat customers, provide decent health care benefits for their employees, etc..
Oh it’d be nice if they can “create jobs” too.. Been a bit slack in that department
So Willard’s a birther now.
Panic makes folks do ugly things.
Oh! No wonder the asshat troll “little maxie” doesn’t trust Dullard (R-Money)!
Neither should Dr Butthead! LMAO!
Thank you Republican Party and Blue Dog Dems.
Fucking traitors.
“So Willard’s a birther now.”
Mitt also might be practicing to be a warm-up act for “The Craziest Sheriff in the West” Arpaio, who will be speaking at a “private” convention event. I really do think that one belongs on prime-time televison.
So Mitt sez, “I love being home, in this place where Ann and I were raised, where but the both of us were born,” Romney said after introducing his wife, fellow Michigan native Ann. “No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place where we were born and raised.”
Dullard is such a prick!
People should vote for him because “no one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate!”
Racist prick!
I tend to agree, though it will forever escape me how someone so profoundly stupid, not to mention nasty and cowardly, gets through breakfast every morning without killing himself with a spoon.
It takes some transcendent stupid to post what he does, and the twisting and wriggling and deflection and obfuscation – like a squid with its ink – makes me thinks it quite real. He believes this stuff.
Just fix health care and the government runs a modest surplus.. A modest tax increase on the rich and we’d pay off all the Bush bullshit.
Vote filibuster-proof progressive Democrat is all I can say.
I’m not sure he’s racist so much as completely amoral. He’s not drawn to any particular viciousness, just what will work, whatever that might be. He doesn’t care about Obama being black, per se, as much as he embraces the knowledge that he can manipulate others’ racism for his own gain. He will say ANYTHING, if he thinks it will get him the results he wants.
I’m not sure which is worse, someone like Mitt, or Arpaio, who truly seems to hate people for the color of their skin.
They each represent different faces of evil, but both share a vacuum where their conscience should dwell.
Mitt says, “Big business is doing fine”
So huge corporation need more tax cuts, Mitt? Makes sense to a Republican, I’d guess. So what’s the rest of the plan, Mitt? You know, for small business? Are you gonna kick Walmart and the rest of the huge corporations out of the small-town America that’s been homogenized by huge corporations or something?
I’ve always HEARD he’s not as unhinged as he sounds…but like you, I don’t believe it.
It started with childhood traumas which he’s alluded to through this spewings here.
I’ve noticed over the years that behind every whackjob man there’s a woman that’s just as crazy..
He says his wife is more right wing than he is in certain areas. It’s too funny that she now or at one time paid union dues.
This indeed may be closer to the truth but it freaks me out that his church was so anti-black at one time, not allowing blacks to serve in any leadership roles or even allowed into their temples.
Then it all turned on a dime.
I’ve seen interviews with black member of his church and they say everything’s just fine. This, if true, is even more scary to me. All the “prophet” of the Mormon Church has to do is issue an edict and the faithful just falls into line.
Like polygamy earlier. That was a central tenet that was blithely abandoned when necessary to gain entry as a state.
A very cynical weighing of interests and reconfiguring what is sacred and what is dispensable. It’s seemed to me a caricature of a religion, a cross between a full-on cult and a cold-hearted business.
180 – It’s a cult all right.. Maybe just a little better than Scientology which shakes its members down for every dime they can – Mormons just ask for 10 percent..
One of the true markings of a cult is when the members stray, the Church actively works to get them back into the fold..
There’s that 10 percent to get…
It was kind of interesting to see Abby Huntsman on Brian Williams’ show last night (daughter of Jon Huntsman). She married outside of the faith and as early as 3 weeks into dating her husband was counseled by her Bishop against this..
So now she’s kind of out of the Church.. Not sure how out. She’s descended from the orginal Mormon apostles so she’s Mormon royalty and I’m sure her family hasn’t rejected her in any way.
Nobody’s ever asked for The President’s tax returns.
Sometimes something really, really wonderful happens. This woman’s experience is best told by herself.
Another reason why generalizing about the 1% isn’t necessarily a great idea. I hope that she can get well now.
In fact, here’s another one. One of the 1% took note of a little girl’s last wish. I wouldn’t be surprised to someday learn that he was the one who donated over $2.4 million to first match $1.2 in donations to Rachel’s charity, and then matched it again for good measure. Someone is also paying for all of the charity’s overhead costs, allowing for all individual donations to go to the field.
@157 “2006 is best you can do? Regurgutating that old tired post?”
You’re complaining about that after regurgitating a 1998 TV script?
Besides, some things are so venal they deserve never to be forgotten — e.g., slavery, treatment of Native Americans, the Holocaust and Stalin’s gulags, Sen. Joe McCarthy, and Republicans suppressing the votes of black soldiers serving in combat zones.
Willard “Mitt” Romney is a crook.
A tax cheat, a liar and a thief.
(Fixed the Handle)
@183 Branson the businessman has his quirks, but has a lot more PR sense than Mittster or the Kochs do.
Just for his real birth certificate.
I just ordered my “Barack Obama-Made in the USA” made in the USA cofee mug with The President’s birth certificate printed on the back.
PS So Ekim…you’re a birther too?
@187 I hope Mr. Bissonette of Wrangell, AK appreciates getting knifed like that by Fox Noise. Bet he didn’t see that one coming.
Should I hold my breath waiting for the bleating and pearl-clutching from the puddypussypissypants and Mr. Cyniklown (the Montana goatfucker) or BooB the cereal clownservative or the rest of the moron chorus??
Probably not, huh…
@183, 189
I dig Richard Branson. Unlike one uber rich guy that I wont bother naming Branson’s actually built shit and made people’s lives better.
The Dow jumped 100 points today because Ben whispered he might print more money. I guess I shouldn’t complain, because I made $1500 today. But damn, I miss the old days when people decided to buy or sell stocks by looking at companies’ profit-and-loss statements. It’s much more complicated now.
@194 I understand he’s planning a space shuttle service for people who don’t want to wait for the Rapture to take them up there.
Valerie Plame and now THIS guy.
Just who in the fuck do these assholes think they are???
What justifed either incident????
Oh God no.
A real badass-looking motherfucker. Might not be the brightest gleam in the chandelier, though.
“2. He Could Go To Jail for this Book
… Dutton publishing house (a subsidiary of Penguin) claims that it did go through the book and deemed none of the information confidential. White House reps were quick to respond that Dutton’s vetting was not sufficient. If confidential info gets released in this book Bissonnette could face major jail time.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, I don’t want to diss on this guy too much. At the end of the day, he’s a Good Guy whose military skills helped take down the world’s most dangerous terrorist plus some pirates. Nothing wrong with that!!! I’m glad he was on our side and not theirs. If you meet him on the street, say hi and thank him for his service — then duck before al Qaida starts shooting at him. You don’t want to be collateral damage.
The Laughter of God
God’s Laughter is on its way to embrace the GOP convention with God’s blessing.
Ron Paul at the RNC: Forget Hurricane Isaac, Hurricane Paul is the Real Storm That is Brewing
Looks like the RNC want to fuck Rubio over too…
They’re losing.
@203 “Losing” isn’t descriptive enough. They’re like a panicked army in disorderly retreat.
Still VERY dangerous though.
I’m sure it really was meant as some sort of light-hearted “aw shucks” joke, but it didn’t go over like one and as the article points out caused problems for the Republicans. The more you put Mitt in front of a mic the more this is going to happen. The Republicans are doomed.
@206 Romney is, and always was intended to be, a sacrificial lamb. Kind of like giving the GOP nomination to Goldwater in 1964 — “let’s let guy run so he’ll get clobbered and be out of our way.” The GOP’s real guns concluded Obama is unbeatable (or, at least, too hard to beat) and decided to wait for 2016.
Drill, Baby, Drill!
Romney’s energy policy reads like Sarah Palin wrote it:
“Key to the plan is a state-centric strategy that would allow each state to manage its own development of energy resources on federal land, effectively removing federal government control over these lands and allowing states to determine the issuance of exploration licenses.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It doesn’t take much imagination to see what will happen to ANWR under this policy.
Hard to believe it was worth paying over a billion dollars for this.
Unless the real albatross they want off their necks is the tea party crazies.
Clinton v. Bush?
It also doesn’t match at all with what he did as governor and was saying not all that long ago. The dude’s all over the map.
Okay, latest storm tracking (over the past 24 hours) show what will become Hurricane Issac traking a bit further to the west. This makes the Continental U.S. landfall somewhere between Pensacola, FL and Mobile, AL. The center of the storm will miss Tampa by several hundred miles, but the entire southern Florida Peninsual is currently under a watch for locally heavy winds and rains, flooding, thunderstorms, and tornadoes.
As someone who once went with my family to Florida for a vacation and ended up getting side-swiped by a tornado instead, there’s not much to do except stay in a hotel/motel room and play cards. Even local TV reception may be out, and the national news will probably have to figure out how to access network feeds without using sateline antennas.
Spoken like a scared little pussy on welfare….scared he’s gonna lose his “free stuff”
Go get a job asshole, I’m tired of carrying your dead weight through society
“Clinton v. Bush?”
Heck, it might be Obama v. Bush before the convention is over.
Altough Kennedy’s hopes seemed doomed going into the 1980 convention, if he had given that speech of his before Carter was nominated, it might have been Kennedy v. Reagan that year. We’ll see if Romney turns out to be a fool for allowing Jeb Bush to give a speech this year.
Or maybe Mitt’s already on his way out and he simply didn’t have any voice in how it was going to happen. Bow out gracefully at the convention or go to prison.
Heh. I love this stuff.
Thought something stunk in here.
What’s fun about this year’s election is the reliability at which the Republicans are giving Democrats issues – just about every week.
Heck, we have barely even talked about Mitt’s tax returns all week, simply because the Aiken story, when combined with the Republican platform, has given the Republicans enough problems. Right now Romney and Ryan are trying to distance themselves from Aiken, only to bump right into the Republican platform going the other way. And Romney and Ryan have their own differences, which they’ve prayed they won’t have to discuss too much.
So instead of Romney/Ryan vs. Obama/Biden, it’s Romney vs. Ryan vs. Aiken vs. the Republican Platform.
Oh, and don’t forget, the Democrats aren’t going to let Romney get a free pass on his waffling positions – so it will also be “etch-a
sketch” Romney 2012 in the general election vs. Romney 2012 in the primaries vs. Romney 2010 vs. Romney 2008 vs. Governor Romney vs. Romney 2012, etc., etc., etc. Anything Romney says should be able to trigger a commercial comparing that with his previous (contrary) statements, a commercial which can air within 48 hours of the new comment.
Heck, it’s a target-rich environment, the Obama camp may have to let some of the smaller fry go in order to concentrate on the larger ones.
ya, you stink…try some deodorant.
Lib da schmuck project much! Just look at his crap above!
You leftist idiots have no clue how Ann Romney will be used. The slobbering leftist msm will not broadcast Ann Romney’s speech so it may be moved.
Stay on Daily Kooks… you’ll be as stupid as ever rujax! How is that reservation treating you? Did headless dorky dorkman lucy leave you food in da house or in da field?
Well HA world rujax is certified as a moron. Wait… that certification occurred years ago. He’s re-certified for 2012!
Let’s try again rujax… The person who told the late Robert Novak who Valerie Plame was…
Repeat after Puddy:
DUMMOCRAPT Richard Armitage
DUMMOCRAPT Richard Armitage
DUMMOCRAPT Richard Armitage
DUMMOCRAPT Richard Armitage
DUMMOCRAPT Richard Armitage
DUMMOCRAPT Richard Armitage
DUMMOCRAPT Richard Armitage
See ya moronic idiot!
Puddy feels another bitchslapping coming on
Project much ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot? Everyone knows you are whacked. Only a whacked one creates a databaze from another’s concept.
LMAO!!! Screen scraping happens all the time stupid one..
Btw I was thinking about the offer Pooper Scott once made to you.. If that coincides with your “year of ODS” (23 comments a day for a year) – heh, what a funny revelation that will be!
Richard Armitage:
Worked for Bob Dole in 1978
Worked as Assistant Sec. of Defense in 1983
Worked as special emisary to King Hussien of Jordan in 1991
Worked for the neoclown shop PNAC in 1998
warmongering against Saddam Hussein.
Served as the Shrub’s foriegn policy advisor in the 2000 Presidential campaign
Confirmed as Assistant Secretary of State in 2001 under Colin Powell.
Yessirrrrreeee Bobbeeee!!!
That’s a REAL Democrat right there.