– I love the fact that The Stranger are trying to bring down Frank Chopp with a Socialist candidate.
– This is the best headline I’ve seen in a while.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– I love the fact that The Stranger are trying to bring down Frank Chopp with a Socialist candidate.
– This is the best headline I’ve seen in a while.
This is the best headline I’VE seen in awhile.
Romney grows cash advantage on Obama
Mitt Romney extended his cash edge over President Obama in July and entered the final three-plus months of the campaign with about 50 percent more in the bank than the incumbent president.
Romney led Obama in cash on hand at the end of July $185.9 million to $123.7 million, according to numbers released by the Romney campaign and filed with the FEC by Obama’s campaign.
July seems quite early to be spending more than you’re taking in. Unless you’re already in panic mode.
Now Obama’s staring directly at two guys raising funds to oust him instead of just one. All while keeping their powder relatively dry until after the convention.
Oh, and then there’s the PAC support and Rove working not so deeply in the background.
Meanwhile, the economy is slowing.
FL, IA, VA, CO, WI tipping into the red column.
Dammit, why won’t Mitt release more tax returns!?
I’ll repeat what South Dakota legislator Bill Napoli said:
In the world of the Christo-Fascists, that is the only scenario in which a woman would be ‘allowed’ to have an abortion.
Do all the conditions need be met? Likely. Non-Christians need not apply. Certainly non-virgins – they’re all sluts anyway and deserve to be “sodomized as bad as you can possibly make it”, whatever that means. (One wonders how they come up with these fantasies, er, scenarios). Who decides what constitutes ‘savage’? Bill Napoli? A panel of ‘godly’ Christianist men? Also likely.
Todd Akin’s words were no mistake. These fiends are on a religious crusade against independent women, sexually active women, emancipated women, and the people who love them.
If anyone’s in panic mode, it seems to be Cereal, with his incessant “Obama is in panic mode!!1” posts.
Cereal, when are you going to get back to me with that positive, compelling set of reasons to vote Romney?
“Todd Akin’s words were no mistake. These fiends are on a religious crusade against independent women, sexually active women, emancipated women, and the people who love them.”
Romney wrings his hands as Akins hangs in there. Meanwhile, will the GOP platform call for a constitutional ban on all abortion, including for incest and rape victims?
But wasn’t the constitution written by an infallible holy spirit or something?
Joe Biden’s not the only dumbfuck the Dems are dropping money on this election season:
There’s a reason why Democrats spent over $1.5 million trying to help Akin win his three-way primary. He was the most conservative candidate in the field — and the most unpredictable one. He shook up his campaign staff late last year. He recently released a head-scratching and jumbled campaign ad. And Democrats have already launched a microsite highlighting his controversial statements that won’t play well with moderates. (“America has got the equivalent of the stage III cancer of socialism because the federal government is tampering in all kinds of stuff it has no business tampering in,” Akin once said.)
Turnabout is fair play. American Crossroads is running Joe Biden ads:
WRT a positive reason to vote for Romney…Cereal wrote this yesterday:
A ringing endorsement!
Cereal had this to say, also:
and this…
FEEL the Mittmentum!!
@6 I take it that must be reason 1 of 5 why a Romney presidency would be good for America.
Cereal seems to thing that we liberals think he hates Romney, and that’s why I keep pestering him about an affirmative argument for a Romney vote.
Oh no. I think he’s fine with the Mittster, though may have preferred someone else.
No, I keep at it because I suspect that the reason he supports Romney is pure personal greed. I strongly suspect that he is incapable of making a cogent, persuasive, policy-based endorsement of Romney beyond personal greed, because such an argument does not exist.
There is no reason to support Romney, or any other contemporary Republican, if your agenda includes a desire for broad-based prosperity and improvement in the lives of a majority of citizens.
I’m waiting for Cereal to prove me wrong.
One would think that power of incumbency, absence of own-party opponents, and such a large spending advantage
Since the start of the presidential campaign last year, Obama has outspent Romney, $270.6 million to $166.8 million.
would result in a hefty Obama lead right about now.
Not so much.
Better get to work on those tax returns. I hear Romney is still rich.
@5 Bob sez, “dumbfuck”
Geez, Bob, it only yesterday you were telling the world that I was an awful person for using swear words.
So Cereal, does your support of Mitt include support for that long-standing plank in the Republican platform that calls for an unambiguous and iron-clad Constitutional ban on ALL abortions?
Cereal? Cereal??
He’ll be back…after a few posts get made and the above questions can more conveniently be ignored.
@ 9
There is no reason to support Romney, or any other contemporary Republican, if your agenda includes a desire for broad-based prosperity and improvement in the lives of a majority of citizens.
I have a friend, single mom, doctorate, with a wicked-smart young daughter. Her single issue is woman’s right to privacy, control over body, etc. Call it what you will.
My argument to her is similar to your statement, italicized above, with the word ‘Obama’ substituted for ‘Romney’. She’s so insistent about making sure her daughter will have freedom of medical choice that she will vote – Obama – to her daughter’s future detriment insofar as economic prosperity and recognition of outstanding future achievement is concerned.
It really isn’t about greed for me. I actually retire sooner under an Obama presidency than I do under a Romney presidency so I’m OK with outcome either way.
I don’t think Obama’s got a workable long-term economic plan. He took a very difficult situation and made moves that have slowed recovery rather than supported it.
@ 12
We’ve been through this before.
I’m pro-choice. I think every child should be loved and that it’s wrong to bring one into the world if that won’t be the case.
I’m pro-gay marriage.
I’m not religious in any sense of the word.
And I have never read one word of either a Republican or a Democratic plank.
Put the right Democrat on the top of the presidential ticket and I’d have to think long and hard before voting for the Republican. Sam Nunn and Phil Bredesen aren’t running, tho. For your side, it’s Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Incredibly Dumb.
Todd Akin is a dick
From kos:
Akin afford us a rare opportunity to see behind the veil – to see what the Bible-thumping, women-hating, Dominionist Christianists really think and want.
(I loved Maddow’s title for her piece on this: “Men Who Stare at Zygotes”)
These are the Neanderthals (with apologies to early H. sapiens everywhere) who are running the Republican party, the Teahaddists demanding ‘godly’ candidates, the supporters of Bachmann and Santorum.
While the greedheads like Romney want to have all the money and a sea of desperate, powerless serfs, these people want a 14th century theocracy, and an essential component is the subjugation of women.
PPP still has Akin up one point over McCaskill, poll taken last night.
I wonder if they just successfully Rope-a-Doped Akin:
Ben SmithVerified
Media buying source tells me Akin just placed 8/22-8/27 buy.
Enlighten me.
What precisely has Obama done wrong, and what will Romney do differently that will improve the economy?
Yet these positions seem not to inform your thinking at all.
These are civil rights issues, and you’re taking the side of the oppressors, the religious fanatics, the Bible-thumpers. Why is that?
Something about Republican rule trumps these values of yours, and diametrical Republican opposition to what you claim to believe seem not to matter. What is that?
I LOVE this headline:
Yup, just like when you poll people about the Ryan plan without his name on it, when people understand just how fanatical the people populating the Republican party really are, normal people run away shrieking.
What Todd Aiken and his ilk seem to forget is that in the Balkin wars of not so long ago, rape was used as a weapon to wipe out the genetic identity of their enemies. You see the same thing in Africa from time-to-time. I’m not sure the reasoning behind this, perhaps they feel that the young they produce from that rape won’t be inclined to make war on their particular ethnic group/tribe, because they might be committing paternicide.
But regardless, it’s just one more nail in coffin of Todd Aiken’s ideas that a woman’s body will spontaneously reject the sperm in case of a forceable rape.
What’s lost in the brouhaha over his rape comments is Aiken’s other positions – repeal of the 17th Amendment, thereby bringing back election of U.S. Senators by state legislatrures; repeal of the various equal rights acts (voting, housing, employment, etc.); and repeal of that portion of the 14th Amendment which supports such laws.
# 20: That would make a great campaign commercial. Ask people on the streets what they think about specifics related to the Romney and Ryan plan, while implying that it’s an initiative by President Obama. Then after they’ve vented for a bit against the President, reveal to them that it’s actually part of the Romney/Ryan plan.
@ 19
These are civil rights issues, and you’re taking the side of the oppressors, the religious fanatics, the Bible-thumpers. Why is that?
I suspect that some of your political beliefs match those of, say, people who think burning down buildings because they don’t like animal research is OK.
I see no reason to tar you with that similarity. Why tie me to ‘Bible-thumpers’ because some of our belief sets – on the economy or foreign policy, for instance, might be similar? On what drives them most, we are opponents.
That represents a 7 point shift from PPP’s last look at the state in early July, which found Obama ahead 50-44.
Romney slightly ahead in Wisconsin
Last month we had Romney at 87% of GOP vote in Wisconsin, now 93%. That is probably the true Ryan effect- party unification
Maybe it’s just a boost from the selection of a local boy for VP.
Or maybe not:
What I want to know – what is it specifically about Romney/Republican policy that you so desire? What would lead you to abandon the civil rights of women, and gay people, and for that matter mostly black and brown people’s access to voting, in favor of what must be transcendently wonderful economic policies.
What specifically are those policies?
@ 25
My US Senators support civil rights of women and gays (and the other acronym letters) last I checked. So does my congressman.
Voting for Romney/Ryan doesn’t change the makeup of Congress.
Just curious: When you voted for Obama in 2008, did you abandon gays by doing so?
Noting says “Pro-Life” like large capacity magazines.
Noting says “Pro-Life” like large capacity magazines.
I hear spent cartridges can be recycled as test-tubes for IVF.
Nice try at false equivalence. But no, I didn’t – his stance was far from perfect, but clearly the choice most likely to ‘evolve’ in the right direction.
Now back to you…what are those economic policies of Obama’s that have been so bad, and what are the specific changes Romney is going to make that are so overwhelmingly wonderful that they would lead you to back the anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-black party of 100-round magazines?
You’re becoming a parody of yourself.
BTW, IVF generates many unused, and often discarded embryos. Isn’t that murder, and when is your party going to address that?
But I digress….
Now back to you…what are those economic policies of Obama’s that have been so bad, and what are the specific changes Romney is going to make that are so overwhelmingly wonderful that they would lead you to back the anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-black party of 100-round magazines?
@ 30
Three major objections to Obama’s economic policies:
1. Overall spending and effects of the national debt, long-term. Eventually this will increase interest rates, which won’t be good. If we can’t spend wisely we shouldn’t be spending.
2. Energy policy is a major driving factor behind high gas prices. There’s a significant hit to GDP when gas prices are this high.
3. His quixotic insistence on higher tax rates for the wealthy, the uncertainty that the standoff and upcoming fiscal cliff is causing, and the deleterious effects on the economy that result from people standing pat because they don’t know how the administration is going to hit them next. He’ll cave, you know he’ll cave, and he just doesn’t want to cave before the election.
Which is a silly thing to do since Governor Romney refused to sign Grover Nordquist’s no new taxes pledge, raised taxes, & passed strict gun control legislation. Although, Romney did do away with the Governor’s Taskforce on Hate Crimes.
But, Serial doesn’t strike me as the hater type.
# 1: It’s been clear for over a year now that the President’s re-election campaign isn’t going to be able to match Romney in raising money. That’s because the combined effect of huge-money donars like Adelson, the Koch brothers, and some slightly lesser billionairs will swamp the President in cash both to Romney’s campaign and to PACs.
Despite this, Romney seems to still be spending more than half his time fund raising. It’s clear that they are counting on an October add blitz.
But the President’s strategy has been to solidify people’s opinions about Romney and Ryan, especially with respect to their tax policies, well before the conventions and add blitzes go into effect. It’s an interesting strategy – make the adds irrelevent because people have already made up their minds. We will see how well it will work.
In the meantime, the electoral college map seems to still be in the President’s favor. Romney has to either pull out a BIG surprise in state with a large electoral college number, or sweep the five battleground states. In contrast, the President doesn’t have to take a majority of the battleground states, he only needs one or two.
@23 “I suspect that some of your political beliefs match those of, say, people who think burning down buildings because they don’t like animal research is OK.”
And there are what, about a dozen of those people running around? The Democrats have a plank that supports burning down animal research buildings? Try again, this time with a line of reasoning that isn’t based on such a blatantly false equivalency.
“I see no reason to tar you with that similarity. Why tie me to ‘Bible-thumpers’ because some of our belief sets – on the economy or foreign policy, for instance, might be similar? On what drives them most, we are opponents.”
Some opponent you are. They’re kicking your ass, Bob. Look where your party is headed. You can read a stock chart. You can follow a trend line. You know that a trend continues until broken.
If you mean what you say about your values, and if had the balls to face the reality of what is happening to the GOP, this is what you would have wrote, “On what drives my political party most, we are opponents.”
If carl is complaining about his taxes being too low, then why doesn’t he take less deductions or just write the irs a bonus check?
@ 35
Or, he could earn more and watch his deductions phase out. No one ever talks about that but it happens. My effective rate is a hair below 30%, in no small part because some of my deductions phase out due to high income. I’m not looking for sympathy, and I don’t think I’m over-taxed, but I don’t think my taxes should go higher unless everyone else’s go higher as well.
“If we can’t spend wisely we shouldn’t be spending.”
And yet you support Republicans, who have a decades-long track record of promising to be fiscally responsible and then, when handed the reins of power, they spend your money like drunken sailors. Just this week they were skinny-dipping on your dime. Promises are meaningless when they come from people who continuously break them. We look for evidence of lessons learned and you give us skinny-dippy wingnuts. Try again.
What the Republicans desperately need is a good, solid week where they can stay on-message. Unfortunately for them, they haven’t been able to do so. Either Romney or his staffers make a stumble, or some lower-level GOP candidate or Congressman offends someone.
Republicans like to say that Joe Biden offsets these errors. The problem is, everyone has long known that Joe Biden is subject to verbal gaffes, but it doesn’t effect who he is – his policy record and character are well known. Therefore his verbal gaffes are simply dismissed among veteran news reporters, etc. as diminished expectations. We expect it from time-to-time from Biden, and when he delivers a minor gaffe, we shrug it off as not being a particularly big problem.
Romney and Ryan, however, are still making themselves known on the national stage. Any verbal gaffes they make will help shape the voter’s perceptions of them. Scandals from lesser candidates (Aiken, the GOP Congressman who skinny-dipped in the Sea of Galilee, etc.) hurt the Republican party brand overall – they re-enforce the idea that the Republicans are hypocritical in their public face vs. their private ideas and actions.
@ 37
Skinny-dipping? What, you are tiring of the tax returns approach, Doctor Steve?
Glad to see you’re making the election about big things. Like Mitt’s tax returns, his wife’s horse, the dog on the roof, and now skinny-dipping. Does the absence of swim trunks make it a story for you?
Are you going to use DNC time to talk about it, Doctor Steve?
Some people just do not know when to shut the fuck up.
“My effective rate is a hair below 30%, …and I don’t think I’m over-taxed”
And yet you support Republicans, who repeatedly propose tax plans that would have allowed Mitt Romney to pay zero taxes. If you’re not “over-taxed” at 30%, does it occur to you that Romney might actually be under-taxed and a bit of a moocher at zero?
If you don’t support Republicans on their “Christo-values-imposed-on-everybody” thing, and if you don’t support zero taxation for the Romney’s of America, then why on earth are you a Republican? About the only thing left is the race element.
AKIN: ‘We Are Going To Continue With This Race’
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com.....z24CdwZBbS
Doctor Steve, I guess this means my .000 average remains intact.
He’s not dumbshit.. He’s linking to an article from an investment adviser who credits government assistance with helping him build his business.
People like him and Stephen King and Buffet are speaking out because they want a solution to the problem of the government putting off paying its bills.
A “voluntary” system doesn’t cut it dumbass.
Guess you don’t believe in solving problems. What a silly child.
The last arch-conservative to run against Chopp took an 85%-15% whupping, so maybe a lefty will have better luck; that district doesn’t seem to be real fertile ground for the teaparty crowd.
The national Republicans have pulled their advertising money from Aiken’s campaign, and are putting pressure on him to step aside. Their concern is that if Aiken fails to do so, he will not only ensure his own defeat but also become a lightning-rod on the GOP’s “women issues”.
On NPR this morning they say if Aiken steps down, the MO. Republican Party has two weeks to name someone else. I don’t know how long Aiken has to make his decision, but the national GOP wants him out sooner, rather than later.
It’s pretty hard to embarrass the Republicans these days but Aiken’s managed to do it.
If you’re not “over-taxed” at 30%, does it occur to you that Romney might actually be under-taxed and a bit of a moocher at zero?
I’m not a favor of multiple levels of taxation of earnings.
Something that’s taxed in fee form as it’s being produced (oil leasing fees, for instance), then as it’s sold (Exxon or Chevron corporate income tax), then as a taxable dividend to the shareholder, is taxed too much.
Romney’s tax rate will never be zero and you know that. It’s a silly argument to claim that it could happen, just like it’s a very, very silly argument to claim he paid no taxes for 10 years.
At what point do you begin making serious arguments, Doctor Steve?
“Glad to see”
As you well know, I’m not talking about the election, Bob, and the subject isn’t skinny-dippy. I’m talkiing about you and your hypocricy. Try again, and please try not to be such a simpleton next time.
The whole “cut the Treasury a check” comment is laughable. We all know that if we voluntarily paid double our taxes, the Republicans would then say that we can afford to cut their taxes by an equal amount. It’s a losing proposition, one we won’t play.
From TPM
Steve King
In a KMEG interview, King defended Akin as “a strong Christian man, with a wonderful family” and appeared to push back on those calling for Akin to drop out of the Missouri Senate race.
“I think this election should be about: How did Todd Akin vote and what did he vote for and what did he stand for?” King said. “In this case, I’m seeing the same thing, petty, personal attacks substituting for strong policy.”
REPORTER: “You support the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act that would provide federal funding for abortions to a person that has been forcefully raped. But what if someone isn’t forcibly raped and for example, a 12-year-old who gets pregnant? Should she have to bring this baby to term?”
KING: “Well I just haven’t heard of that being a circumstance that’s been brought to me in any personal way and I’d be open to hearing discussion about that subject matter. Generally speaking it’s this: that there millions of abortions in this country every year. Millions of them are paid for at least in part by taxpayers. I think it’s immoral for us to compel conscientious objecting taxpayers to fund abortion through the federal government, or any other government for that matter. So that’s my stand. And if there are exceptions there, then bring me those exceptions let’s talk about it. In the meantime it’s wrong for us to compel pro-life people to pay taxes to fund abortion.”
What a total set of unmitigated, sanctimonious pigs the Conservatives are.
“I guess this means my .000 average remains intact”
If you’re trying to ask me if you’re still a fucking loser then, yeah, you are, Bob.
Bullshit.. The public is due royalties from the extraction of resources on public lands. The government provides many services to corporations so they can profit and the government also provides services to individuals..
All should contribute. It’s completely fair up and down the line..
It’s not as if this country’s tax laws made all these these billionaires so poor they couldn’t fill up Dullard (R-Money)’s campaign coffers so you couldn’t gloat about them here in the comment threads.
The damage from Akin’s idiotic rape remark is going much deeper than the Missouri senate race, which the GOP is now almost certain to lose, possibly depriving the GOP of senate control next year.
Akin has succeeded in tarnishing the GOP brand, which will hurt nearly every GOP candidate in the country, right up to the top of the ticket.
The GOP’s problem is that Akin’s comment about rape wasn’t a gaffe. It reflects the party’s mainstream thinking. The GOP platform condemns abortion even in cases of rape. That was also the GOP’s platform in 2008 and 2004. So GOPers can hardly backpedal away from Akin’s pronouncement, and its toxic political effects, by saying “that isn’t us” because it is them.
The actions of GOP poobahs demonstrate just how damaging the Akin firestorm is. RNC chair Reince Priebus went on TV today to renounce his party’s platform. The Romney campaign also is scurrying to distance the candidate from the platform — and from Akin.
The situation is awkward. Missouri is nominally a Romney-leaning state, but if Akin doesn’t quit the senate race, Romney won’t be able to go to Missouri unless he’s prepared to snub or openly denounce his party’s U.S. Senate candidate there.
And Akin won’t quit, for several reasons. First, he’s got a hardcore wingnut wife pushing him on. Second, he won the nomination without help from the party establishment, which opposed his candidacy because they considered him unelectable even before he kicked off this firestorm. So he’s got nothing to lose by telling the people now telling him to quit to fuck off. And third, he’s a religious fanatic who thinks God wants him to be in the Senate to carry out a divine agenda. So, no, he’s not going to quit. And he’s not going to win, either. Scratch Missouri for pickup of a Senate seat, which may just be enough to keep the Senate in Democrats’ hands.
But it gets even worse for Republicans. If Romney loses Missouri’s electoral votes, which is now possible, Wisconsin would become a must-win state just to make up for Missouri. That would mean Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes wouldn’t count toward the 79 EVs Romney has to squeeze out of the tossup states to get to 270. As things stand now, those 10 EVs are already essential. Losing Missouri comes pretty close to putting the White House out of reach for Romney and the GOP.
None of this was a chance accident on the campaign trail. Given the GOP base’s and the GOP platform’s opposition to abortion even in cases of rape, it was almost inevitable this would blow up in the GOP’s face. And now it has.
A major development in environmental law today: A federal appeals court has struck down EPA regulations designed to shut down coal-burning power plants in the U.S.
“Romney’s tax rate will never be zero and you know that.”
What I know, Bob, is that Republicans, including Paul Ryan, have repeatedly put forth proposals to eliminate taxation on inheritance, dividend, capital gains and interest.
“It’s a silly argument to claim that it could happen”
Is that a way of saying that Republicans indulge in folly with all of these proposals of theirs that would eliminate taxation on the Romney’s of America? Please be serious.
“it’s a very, very silly argument to claim he paid no taxes for 10 years.”
I don’t make that argument. I’ve been saying that Republican tax proposals include elimination of taxes that would leave the Romney’s of America paying zero taxes. That’s a fact and you can’t prove otherwise. Because you can’t, you throw out weak shit like this,
“At what point do you begin making serious arguments”
I’m asking you serious questions, Bob, and all you offer in response is a Klown act.
@ 52
You should read National Journal’s piece on this, and specifically on McCaskill’s electability.
Your comment about how the GOP is ‘almost certain’ to lose the race is not supported by facts, RR.
52 – The base of the GOP fully believes and supports Sharron Angle’s timeless advice for impregnated rape victims:
“Make lemonade”..
Why would anyone vote for such people?
“A 2008 report commissioned by the Justice Department found half of all right-wing extremists in the United States had military experience.”
Remember how we’ve sometimes told our wingnut friends to join the Army if they want to play with assault weapons?
We may want to rethink that.
Skinheads and white supremacists have been doing exactly that with the idea of getting military training and then using it to wage racial war.
It’s obviously better for our domestic tranquility if these freaks are barred from serving in the military forces.
The question is, where do you draw the line? Do you just keep out Neo-Nazis and KKK types, or do you block all rightwingers from enlisting? The latter may be an academic question because Republicans aren’t known to put their asses where their mouths are anyway.
@55 Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
@ 55, 52
RR, I take it back, partially. NJ has, like, 3 pieces on this, and I can’t find what I read this a.m.
Further, the PPP poll apparently had way too many R’s as respondents.
With R+9, PPP’s headline screams Akin up by 1.
I don’t think he’s as obviously toast as you think. But I can’t support what I said in @ 55 with a link.
So much for the idiocies of the Wyoming harlequin. Just cut them off so right wing billionaires can have more tax cuts.
The GOP base is also readily accepting Aiken’s distinction of “forceable rape” because they are still living like it’s the 1950’s. They believe: (a) a woman who doesn’t dress like a nun is “asking for it”; (b) women secretly want to be raped, in which case it isn’t “forceable rape”; and (c) women frequently make false allegations of rape to cover up evidence of unmarried sex.
That’s why Aiken thought he could get away with his comment. He figured he could dismiss any pregnacy resulting from rape by simply dismissing it as one of the categories listed above. In his world, there is no pregnancy by rape because, by definition, REAL rape doesn’t result in pregnancies.
But fortunately, most of nation is simply treating him as the laughing stock that he is.
@59 McCaskill isn’t just a Democrat running for U.S. Senate in a Republican-leaning state. She’s an incumbent senator who beat an incumbent GOP senator. She’s also a woman and we already know the GOP has a gender problem in polling throughout the country. Akin was never the GOP’s strongest candidate against her and now he has alienated a huge demographic. His party’s leaders are demanding he quit the race. If he doesn’t McCaskill will run TV ads of Republicans denouncing him. And, for reasons I explained above, Akin won’t quit. Any rational person should see the Missouri senate race is a goner. The only question is how far the damage will spread nationally. We have the RNC chair and the GOP presidential candidate repudiating the party’s platform before the convention. The GOP has got a hell of a problem. If I were them I’d be thinking about assassinating this guy — heh, just kidding, that’s a Contra death squad joke.
OK, it looks like this election will now include a debate about Republicans and rape. Way to go, wingnuts.
@5 Yeah, right. You jerks keep right on telling yourselves Joe Biden is a dumbfuck (and easy to defeat)…just like you’ve been saying about Patty Murray all these years.
# 59: Good for you, Serial!
I once (years ago) had to apologize on this board for making an analogy between the GOP and Nazi propoganda practices. While there may be some similarities in this respect, the Nazis committed so many horrendous crimes of such a scale that their label should only be applied to them, and those who directly support them or aspire to be like them (i.e., neo-Nazis). So for that, I apologized.
@31. Finally. You actually got Serial “Ridicule the looks of an African American girl and then deny he’s a racist” Conservative to list what he thinks are three of romney’s benefits for the Middle class and the country. Since he thinks Obama is doing these three things badly, he must be promoting romney because he thinks romney will do these better.
1) He thinks romney will cut overall spending and lower the national debt, long-term.
2) He thinks romney will cause gas prices to drop significantly.
3) He thinks romney will not increase taxes with wealthy which will bring prosperity to the middle class.
2 more to go.
The “reasoning” behind Akin’s statement comes right from the same place as the medieval theory that a person accused of “heresy” would be proven innocent if they didn’t scream while their intestines were being torn out.
@ 66
One of them, in there. Four more to go.
66 – i.e. he believes in magic and fairy dust. What’s next? Angels?
Dullard’s policies is just warmed-over Bush. How’d that work out?
LMAO! I was thinking well, Dullard will just start one war – with Iran..
I forgot he wants to create a donnybrook with China on freaking day one..
Not a shooting war but one that’ll end disastrously just the same.
62: All of that may be true, and it doesn’t matter. Tribal loyalties run deep, and Akin could still easily end up winning this thing. I do agree that he’ll be an ongoing drag on the GOP nationally.
@61 Really? Who’s laughing?
Well, RR has a point about Missouri. If all the Democrats vote against Aiken, and at least half of Republican women vote against Aiken, the MO Senate seat will remain in Democratic hands. Heck, if even 20% of Republican women defect from the ticket due to Aiken, Aiken loses.
It might be enteresting to look at the drop-off in the Senate race for ballots who voted Republican down the party line, except chose not to vote for Aiken.
@ 71
He’d have all the Senatorial pull of a Roland Burris.
Heck, I’m still waiting for ANY Republican to admit that the Great Depression was caused by the policies of George W. Bush.
But they won’t do that. They blame Clinton and Obama, as if Bush wasn’t President for eight years in between. They try to avoid the issue by arguing that the recovery hasn’t been fast enough, like an arsonist complaining that the fire department didn’t respond quickly enough to put out his fire.
But I’m not really that surprised. If they admit that the Great Depression was caused by George W. Bush’s policies of laissez-fair with respect to banking and wall street regulation, or that tax cuts for the wealthy never resulted in job creation for most Americans, then their entire reason for existence as a political party would be gone.
I wanted to reply to #61 but my comment is being blocked. The message says,
You don’t have permission to access /wp-comments-post.php on this server.
Apache Server at horsesass.org Port 80
The blocked comment also speaks to #63. Maybe I can post it in fragments. I’ll try condensing it first to see if that eliminates the word(s)/phrase(s) triggering the blocking software.
Right on cue, this Klown shows up representing the views of the “Christo-live-my-way-or-else” Republican party base, the same base that clamors for a platform calling for an abortion amendment that does not exclude rape or incest. But it’s not Romney’s platform, they say. It’s just the platform that suits the party and base. Whatever, wingnuts.
From Huffpo,
These people are so fucking stupid. And dangerous. Of course, being a good guy, Bob’s not for any of this shit. He just supports their political party and shills for them as a troll on left-wing blogs.
@76 As Barney Frank put it, you might as well be trying to have a conversation with your dining room table.
The right-wing doublethink is if nothing else absolute and consistent. It seems not a single conservative has a problem with proudly and publicly proclaiming for the last three and three-quarter years that the party’s principal priority is to “make sure Barack Obama is a one-term President”, but at the same time anyone who dares speak so much as a negative word about the guy who preceded him is instantly labeled as having “Bush derangement syndrome”.
@ 76
I’ll freely admit GWB43 played a role.
Are you claiming he’s the sole cause?
Didn’t work, still blocked.
The media grasped the significance of this story right away. Akin didn’t misspeak, nor was he pandering. He expressed what he really believes and what many Republicans really believe. But in politics, sometimes there are things you can’t openly talk about, yet must communicate to an important constituency to reassure them you’re on their side. Parsing your words is crucial in these situations. Right-to-lifers face a dilemma. If you believe abortion is murder, you can’t make exceptions, or you compromise the moral and religious basis of your beliefs. You can’t say some abortions are okay because it’s politically inconvenient to oppose them. But can’t openly oppose them because that will politically damage the advancement of your cause. The problem Akin dumped in the GOP’s lap is he’s no good at playing this game. He He not only jeopardized his own election but imperiled his party’s efforts to take over the Senate. Laughing stock? No, he isn’t that; he’s a kid playing with matches who set the house on fire, and GOP leaders are taking it very seriously.
Worked that time, but I still don’t know what trigger word/phrase triggered the blocking. Meanwhile, this thread has moved on to other topics.
@67 There are still places in the world where girls are stoned to death for “committing” the crime of adultery because they were raped — and the rapist goes free and gets at most a slap on the wrist.
In one of the most henious such cases, the stoning victim recently was exhumed and the autopsy revealed she was a virgin when the mob put her to death.
This is almost, if not entirely, an exclusive practice of pre-modern Muslim communities, which still exist in the undeveloped non-urban world. But condemning all Muslims for the barbaric actions of a few would be like condemning all Christians because of a few fundamentalist extremists. Muslims, like Christians, aren’t all the same. Fundamentalism and ignorance, not Islam, are the problem.
The edit function just disappeared. This site is really fucked up today. I wonder if a hacker is trying to take it down?
@79 “These people are so fucking stupid. And dangerous.”
See #85. That’s why we can’t disengage from these yahoos or let them get their way.
Republicans have a conscience?
In King’s case maybe he’s just lacking a brain but then how can you have a conscience without a brain?
Paul Ryan and Akin – dynamic backbenching duo – denying women freedom:
i.e. Men who stare at zygotes.
@83 That’s exactly right. It fits the pattern. Rep. Todd Akin and Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association @79 represent the views of a majority of their base voters. It wasn’t that he misrepresented the Republican view on rape and abortion, he made the mistake of honestly stating it. Whether it’s abortion, rape, tax returns, tax proposals, Iran, whatever, if Republicans were honest about anything, they’d lose.
Of course, it’s out of love for God and country that they lie to us about everything and disenfranchise our vote. All financed by global corporatists loyal to no country. Yeah, I’m sure they have what’s good for America at heart.
Now, if I’m not mistaken, what we really should be talking about is the president’s birth certificate.
Federal regulators have closed a California cow slaughterhouse after an animal welfare group videotaped animal abuse there.
Meanwhile, GOP legislators in several states are trying to pass laws making it a felony for animal rights activists to take photographs or make videotapes of agricultural facilities without the farmer’s permission.
Most of the photo ID laws being passed across the country were pushed by Koch brothers-funded ALEC. The Koches, like oligarchs everywhere, dislike democracy.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A recent study showed cases of voter impersonation are virtually non-existent. These laws are aimed at keeping Democratic-leaning constituencies — the poor, elderly, disabled, and students — from voting. Just like poll taxes and literacy tests were used to keep blacks from voting in Jim Crow days.
@88 That’s the point. What Akin said isn’t a gaffe; it’s mainstream Republican thinking.
“I’ll freely admit GWB43 played a role.”
Yeah, loved the arm wave. That’s all we’ll get out of you.
“Are you claiming he’s the sole cause?”
Nobody claims that Bush was the sole cause. It started with Reagan.
When we want to talk about the dismal thirty year-long Republican record of soaring deficits and debt, misbegotten wars from Grenada to Iraq, all of your broken promises of fiscal restraint, your moral hypocricy, you’re not a no-show, you’re a condescending, smarmy bastard of a no-show.
Asked about your inability to learn even a single damned lesson from thirty years of fuckups and failure, you have nothing to say.
Your party proposes nothing new. You’ve learned nothing at all from your fuckups. And you, Bob, in your narcissistic delusions you might think you’re fucking wonderful, but all you do here is slap lipstick on a pig.
@83 And if Akin hadn’t burned his fingers, all the rest of ’em would have been saying stuff just as vile within a few days.
Maybe Bob will talk about where the tax money is going to come from to pay for the nation’s Uterus Cop Squads? That’s gotta cost a hell of a lot of money. Eh, I suppose they’ll just pass it on to the states.
@94 It started before Reagan…really, it started before the Great Depression, but sticking within the lifetimes of most of us, “no-conscience” conservatism started in the wake of Watergate. Nixon at least had enough of a soul to eventually admit he’d fucked up. For a while after that, people like Jack Kemp still found seats at the Republican table, but the Dick Cheneys, Donald Rumsfelds, Ralph Reeds and Karl Roves seized the idea that the only real problem with what Nixon did was that he didn’t get away with it.
Hmm, I wonder if lesbians will get an out under the Republican plan or if they’ll have to have to be inspected as well? Either way, they’ll pay for it like the rest of us. Well, except for Mitt. He won’t be paying any taxes at all.
You know, I can see why a filthy rich, sociopathic control freak Christian like Mitt might like where the Republicans are wanting to take us, but I’m not so sure why the rest of us should be willing to go along with it.
“The edit function just disappeared.”
If you can still see the date and time below your comment, try clicking on that. You might find that you have the edit function again.
NBC is reporting that Aiken has until 5:00 p.m. central time today to reject his nomination for the Republican Senate ticket, without complications. So far he’s insisting that he’s in it for the long haul, but we’ll see.
He can still withdraw by Sept. 25th if he petitions the court and they agree to take his name off the ballot, and he pays the costs of any ballot re-printing fees. Presumably if it comes to that, the national Republicans would poney up those costs. But it’s going to be quite embarrassing to him to swear under oath in an affidavit that he’s withdrawing because he’s been rejected by even his own party.
A new NBC/WSJ poll has Congress tied at the lowest approval ratings in history – 12%. The last time it was at this level was in October 2012, right before the Democrats took over the House.
Democrats and their phoney accusations of a Republican “War on Women”. Hell, all Republicans want to do is to take away a few of their rights and probe their bodies with medical instruments. What could be the fucking problem with that?
Did I call Mitt a “Christian” up @98? I meant “Christo-cultist”. Kind of like a Christian, only not.*
*Hey, I can say that shit as I might be the only baptized Mormon here.
YEC’s will be reassured to know that I was taught in LDS Sunday school at Seattle’s 4th Ward that, yes, the earth was created only a few thousand years ago. I wondered aloud about that and brought up fossils, but I was told to pay no mind because God only put fossils in the ground to fuck with our minds. Or maybe it was the Devil, I can’t remember for sure which it was now.
By the way, the NBC/WSJ poll also has Republican favorability ratings (generally) at 36%.
Romney Ryan Akin
That’s got a good ring to it.
The puddybuddy can tell us…let’s ask him.
That’s no way to treat a brutha…or the 36% of Missouri Republicans who voted for Akin.
Enough of these false accusatons that Republicans are haters. The real haters are those dastardly progressive-commie-facist-jihadists led by that uppity Kenyan!
Oh, my goodness gracious!!
The craziness of wingnut politicians is only the tip of the wingnut craziness iceberg.
“Martial Law”
I dunno. That sounds more like Bob’s strange vision of a Republican Caesar authorizing right-wing militias to roam the streets of our nation’s major cities to shoot black people.
re 108: “Either we take back our Country now or lose our beautiful America to those who envision a new World Order.”
I thought that it was Bush I who first used that phrase.
Re 108 & 110:
Take back the country?? Where did it go, and who took it? Last time I checked, the US was exactly where it has always been.
I wish people wouldn’t use terms like “take back the country.” It implies some terrific war for land that’s going on all around us. In reality, there’s no war going on for the country. The US is a geographical place that can’t be taken and ain’t goin’ anywhere besides. Give the “take back” shit a rest, OK?
@111 So now you’re starting a crusade against butchery of the King’s English? Good luck …
Just a reminder:
In August, 1974, the White House finally gave in to the U.S. Supreme Court and released the recording tapes to prosecutors. It turns out that there were, indeed, some smoking guns in the tapes which weren’t previously revealed in Nixon’s slective release of the transcripts – recordings which proved that Nixon was guilty of a criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice.
Nixon at first insisted, in the first hours after the release of the full tapes, that he would fight impeachment in the House, and if an impeachment resolution was passed he would fight the trial in the Senate. He did not intend to go down without a fight.
But Republican Senators and Congressmen, including Barry Goldwater, went to the White House and convinced Nixon that he didn’t have the votes, and should resign “for the good of the country”.
Good luck with your fantasies, rodent.
A Seattle Times article traces the belief of right-to-lifers that women can’t get pregnant from rape to a 1972 article by a doctor who cited Nazi experiments in death camps. The article got wide circulation because the doctor’s wife was an anti-abortion activist.
Nixon was a paranoid fucking crook, no doubt. LBJ was just an idiot.
@114 What are you smoking? Just askin’ because I may want some.
@116 LBJ was a lot of things, but wasn’t an idiot. As for Nixon, I have doubts about how much fucking he did (and maybe that was part of his problem), but you’re right on at least 2 out of 3.
This is really cute. The GOP candidate for U.S. senator in Missouri is running on a platform that comes straight from the Nazi gas chambers. Democrat ad consultants can have fun with that.
As I predicted, Akin refused to drop out of the race.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We’ve seen this movie before. In 1964, GOP zealots nominated an unelectable extremist for president, and got their asses handed to them in one of history’s biggest landslides. Now, the GOP is running nuts for high office again, and even though their Tea Party candidates got clobbered in a bunch of races in 2010, they’re still pushing the envelope. The net result might be a Congress much bluer than anyone expects next January.
Sadly, a nurse standing next to President Obama in a group photo of Colorado hospital staffers who aided theater shooting victims has died in a drowning accident.
Obama has outspent Romney by over 2-1 thus far according to the far from right-wing USA Today.
Obama has nearly triple the number of paid staffers Romney does. And Obama is now spending more monthly than he is taking in. Exactly how Obama is running the government.
And like the porkulous bill from 2009, all the Obama spending is making almost no difference in the results. Not ironic, pathetic.
Romney is raising money at a much higher clip than Obama and has a much bigger warchest. All you left-wing chest-thumpers prepare for the long awaited Romney/Ryan offense.
And for you idiots whining about Romney raising foreign money>>>your failed President has George Clooney shilling for Obama in Geneva. Trolling for big FOREIGN bucks.
And Obama is also trolling for $3 contributions to get his contributor numbers up..and admits getting clobbered in Iowa.
A new NBC/WSJ polls shows Ryan helping his ticket less than Biden, Palin, Edwards, or Lieberman — he polls like Cheney.
“According to the new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, 22 percent of registered voters say Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan to be his running mate makes them more likely to vote for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. That’s compared with 23 percent who say the Ryan pick makes them less likely to vote for Romney ….
“In 2008, 24 percent in the NBC/WSJ poll said Joe Biden made them more likely to vote for Barack Obama, versus 16 percent who said he made them less likely to vote for the Democratic ticket.
“The margins for Sarah Palin in 2008 (34 percent more likely vs. 25 percent less likely), John Edwards in 2004 (28 percent vs. 7 percent), and Joe Lieberman in 2000 (20 percent vs. 7 percent) were also bigger than Ryan’s.
“The closest Ryan’s margin comes to is Dick Cheney’s in 2000 (16 percent more likely vs. 14 percent less likely).”
And to make matters even much, much worse, the most recent poll in Michigan gives Romney a +4 advantage and shows Ryan having a huge positive impact. And it’s a Democrat Poll!
Baydoun/Foster (D) 8/16 – 8/16 1733 LV 44 48 Romney +4
But hey, you’ve already bragged that Romney has almost no chance. Still feel that way??
Momentum is firmly AGAINST Barry Soetoro and his idiot left-hand man Joe Biden. I told you Ryan will make a huge difference in battleground states and Biden will be a major liability. It is showing and the R’s haven’t even begun to spend the massive warchest. They have a huge cash on hand advantage over Obama and it is growing daily. Obama spent $10 million more in July than he took in, depleting reserves. Obama spent & spent and accomplished nothing in the polls.
I’m not saying Romney is a shoe-in, but his chances are growing daily.
You idiots can bloviate here in your echo chamber all you want. Part of your problem is you are unwilling or unable to engage in meaningful fact-based dialogue. It’s all sophomoric bullshit & obscenities.
“Obama has outspent Romney by over 2-1”
Defining Romney – Tens of millions
Romney trying to undefine himself – Hundreds of millions
Watching Romney trying to undefine himself – Fucking priceless
“Part of your problem is you are unwilling or unable to engage in meaningful fact-based dialogue.”
You want dialog on your level? Talk to the goat, Klown. That’s more your speed.
Just wait until the nation gets a load of the Klown show wingnuts are going put on in Tampa.
126. Steve spews:
“Obama has outspent Romney by over 2-1″
Obama has spent $335 Million so far dumbass.
Romney has spent $165 Million.
Your comment makes no sense as Obama is spending the hundreds of millions.
Then again, most of your rants make no sense.
127. Steve spews:
“Part of your problem is you are unwilling or unable to engage in meaningful fact-based dialogue.”
Once again, Doctor Steve proves my point. Give the idiot a microphone. He’s the Joe Biden of HorsesAss.org.
128. Steve spews:
Have you asked yourself Doctor Steve why the Republican Convention is 4 days and the Democrat Convention was chopped to 3 days??
It’s because Obama has already pissed away most of the money on a foolish & failed scorched earth attempt on Romney/Ryan.
Obama has spent $170 Million more than Romney and you try to portray Romney as the rich big-spender? You are fucked in the head Doctor Steve. Keep ranting though. Next you’ll be screaming your usual “racist” meme you always do when you are trapped by your own stupidity.
@ 128
Just wait until the nation gets a load of the Klown show wingnuts are going put on in Tampa.
Yup, I heard Biden will be there.
I think Biden’s been working on his Cuban accent. “Say hellow to my liddle fwend!”
Yeah, that’t the ticket.
SC @ 131–
I can picture Joe Biden in a Cuban disguise mingling with the crowd trying to explain what Joe Biden meant when he said the R’s would put y’all back in chains and all his other idiotic blurts.
Perhaps they will dress him up like Desi Arnaz!
@130 and 131 Calm down you guys. Did somebody push your buttons or something? You’re acting as though you’re watching your party implode over rape or something. Oh, wait…, sorry about that. You’re probably a little sensitive about that implosion thing.
Tell you what, if you’re really nice to us we’ll consider switching the 24/7 lame-stream media discussion about Republicans and rape back to a 24/7 discussion of Mitt’s missing tax returns and how you guys don’t want Mitt to pay any taxes. Deal? But remember, you’ve gotta be nice!
@36 speaking of taxes. I’d like to know how many right wing conservatives would support the following. 90% of my town taxes go towards town education. Seeing that I don’t have any kids, why am I having to pay that amount. My parents paid for my education thru property taxes. So I would like to propose that town property taxes be based on a family or individual with 2 kids. And if you have anymore than 2 kids you should pay more per child. And if you don’t have any kids or less than 2, you receive a credit for amount of kids minus the 2 standard. Would SC Bob support that? Would max support that? Isn’t this taxation without representation? For all the people that complain about taxes, you think they would agree with me and see the fairness of it.
How can anyone argue that they are being taxed too much and unfairly if you can’t throw your support behind and idea like that.
You want more kids and want to tax the system you should pay more.
My sewer tax use to be based on usage – being single, I used little water and had a low sewer fee, but then they changed that and now charging a lump sum fee regardless amount of usage, and i now pay higher than I use to when it was based on usage. How come no one come forward to say that this was unfair?
Peoples arguments don’t hold any water.
“Perhaps they will dress him up like Desi Arnaz!”
Huh? WTF?
Oh, that’s right, you’re a Klown. I forgot about that for a moment. My bad.
I thought the president was fair. They only want the last 5 years of Tax returns. It’s not like like he’s demanding for 12 years, which George Romney did voluntarily.
“why the Republican Convention is 4 days and the Democrat Convention was chopped to 3 days??”
Why you’d want to let the nation witness that Klown-fest for four days beats the hell out of me. By day 4 you loons will probably be chanting “RAPE THE SLUT!” on the national lame-stream media toob. I’m sure that’ll go over well.
You guys are so fucked. And you have no one to blame but yourselves.
I thought the president was fair.
Of course you did.
I think it’s fair for Romney to decide what to release and let the chips fall where they may as a result.
What will you have Harry Reid say next? That Romney’s been mainlining fully caffeinated Diet Coke for the past 10 years?
35. No Time for Fascists spews:
If Obama were “fair”, he would release all his college applications and transcripts to prove he did not lie and attempt to gain preference as a Foreign Student in the name of Barry Soetoro.
Let’s get it on the table.
5 years Tax Returns
College Apps and Transcripts.
What do you say??
Over at the stranger there’s this …
Would Romney publicly call for Aiken to drop out if he didn’t have a deal in the bag already? I thought he wouldn’t … but the deadline has passed and Aiken is still in. Apparently Romney is incompetent at controlling the party he is supposed to be the presumed leader of. I’d have thought he could at least manage this one since the Repigs are supposed to be the more disciplined party.
Did you wingnuts really think you were going to talk about jobs? Chicago has been unleashed, fools. No, the nation is talking about Republicans and their strange notions of “legitimate rape”.
You don’t have enough lies or suppressed votes in your little quiver for what’s comin’ your way from Chicago, Klowns. You begged for a whuppin’ and now you’re gonna get one. Sorry, but that’s just the way it is. Sucks to be you, huh?
“What do you say??”
I say that it’s past time for you to free that damned goat!
@ 13o:
“…Have you asked yourself Doctor Steve why the Republican Convention is 4 days and the Democrat Convention was chopped to 3 days??…”
Gee, it wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that the President was running for re-election un-opposed by anyone of any substance within his own party, would it?
That would seem to eliminate the need for at least one day of the convention.
Romney, on the other hand, has to keep looking behind curtains and listening at hotel-room doors, wondering if the Republican powers-that-be aren’t desperatly trying to come up with a strategy to deprive him of the nomination and throw it into a brokered convention. They can read polls to, and count electoral college votes, and the end-game isn’t looking to good.
By the way, did Ryanstheman get the memo that he only gets paid for posts on topics that have less than 100 posts in total?
The employers who hire hime and his fellow trolls to disrupt this site figured out that paying for posts on the longer topics was wasted money. New people visiting the site rarely read past the first fifty posts or so, anyway. Besides, if they stick around long enough they are going to get completely debunked and kicked around like a soccer ball at a world’s cup match.
@125 Unfortunately for you that pollster has been discredited.
@126 “But hey, you’ve already bragged that Romney has almost no chance.”
“Bragged” is the wrong word; but I guess someone with your (lack of) brains wouldn’t know how to characterize rational analysis.
“Still feel that way??”
I don’t see that anything has changed beyond the normal variation you get in polls with 3% to 5% margins of error. The same states that were tossups last week are still tossups. None of the leaning states have changed, except RealClearPolitics moved Michigan from leaning Obama to tossup status because of the Baydoun/Foster outlier poll — but the other Michigan polls all show Obama ahead. The lack of a “Ryan bounce” is bad news for the Romney camp, but doesn’t add to Obama’s EV count, nor does it need to, it merely means Romney isn’t succeeding in moving the alignment of EVs. If the election were held today, Obama would be in the 290s, so even if his lead narrows and Romney picks up a couple more states, the result will be the same. There’s really nothing for you to crow about unless and until Romney hits 270 and that isn’t in the cards right now. Something pretty major has to happen to change the probabilities of this election’s outcome. Mr. Akin isn’t helping Mr. Romney’s chances — pissing off female voters isn’t helpful. I don’t have serious concerns about Obama’s prospects at this point.
Addendum to 144: And Rasmussen … well … Rasmussen is Rasmussen.
@143 ” if they stick around long enough they are going to get completely debunked and kicked around like a soccer ball …”
See, e.g., #144.
@138 “What do you say??”
I say they should both release their tax returns for the same years. Last 5 years isn’t too much to ask for.
Unless one of them is hiding a deal with the IRS to avoid prosecution for tax evasion.
so you are saying that Obama is the leader of the Democrat party? hahahahahahahahah……fail.
You know, I dont get the whole “he gets paid for posts” meme.
Fuck, if he(or bob or someone else) is getting paid for posts, that GREAT.
You idiots are posting for FREE! Seems to me that if someone has figured out a way to get paid for posting, then they are smarter than the rest of us.
fuck it, pay me!
@149 – No, I’m saying that Obama is the leader of the Democratic party.
he is? LOL
1) It shows Republicans have standards. DUMMOCRAPTS don’t. Witness the circle the wagons of blacks in chains from Joe BiteME!
2) Romney wrings his hands? Nope… Romney has denounced him, people saw and heard it. It’s the slobbering libtard msm who is trying to continually tie Akin to Romney/Ryan while not tying Obummer’s chosen VICE PRESIDENT to Obummer. DOUBLE STANDARD in the media.
3) Republicans believe when a man leaves his internal deposit and the egg is fertilized that’s when life begins. It’s doesn’t matter libtards have called the developing baby something else besides a baby.
@153 “It shows Republicans have standards. DUMMOCRAPTS don’t.”
Click here for Republican standards:
“Romney has denounced him”
Yeah, Akin is so bad even Romney can’t excuse it.
“Republicans believe … that’s when life begins.”
Republicans also believe the world is 6,000 years old, there’s no climate change, and evolution is only a theory.
@150 “fuck it, pay me!”
Spoken like a whore.
no, that would be your old lady…..
143. rhp6033 spews:
If you honestly believe anyone would get paid to post on HorsesAss.org you are totally fucked in the head. Your paranoia and self-importance is mind-boggling. Did it ever dawn on you that perhaps 25 people, all who have already made up their minds, are the only ones visiting this site.
Do you really believe anything posted here would ever get 1 person to change their vote??
Get some professional help you sick fuck.
rhp is absolutely batshit crazy to believe anyone gets paid to post here. Wow. I can’t believe anyone could believe that. Nuts.
143. rhp6033 spews:
By the way, did Ryanstheman get the memo that he only gets paid for posts on topics that have less than 100 posts in total?
The employers who hire hime and his fellow trolls to disrupt this site figured out that paying for posts on the longer topics was wasted money
what the fuck is wrong with people? second story like this in a week.
another person who needs to be locked up or shot.