– No scab drivers as Waste Management and the union reach an agreement.
– Finally, women have access to preventive care. Now let’s get the word out
– Kirby Wilbur thinks that because Rick Steves has taken positions on things that will be on the ballot, he can’t do a bland, nonpartisan PSA on voting in the top two primary.
– Steve King is awful and kind of stupid [h/t].
– “Domestic violence protections for all women shouldn’t be a Democratic or a Republican issue”
– This represents the kind of country I want to live in!
– Crisis Diversion Center to open Monday.
– Get your tickets to the Liberty Ball.
Here comes Solyndra back at obummer
Along with Fast & Furious and endless crazy spending by GSA and other government programs under the care, custody and control of the Obummer Regime.
Romney has sat back and pretty much taken obummers best shot and the polls have barely quivered. Let’s see what happens when the reverse bitch-slappin starts.
Obummer is at 44% strongly disapprove today. Yuck for him.
Today’s headline:
The stuff you’re posting is just nonsense. Why waste your, and everyone elses, time posting nonsense?
Propagandists shilling. They got nothin’. It’s the daily mainlining of ‘thug talking points, the inevitable FoxNoise spew, the doom-and-gloom. It sucks to be a Romney supporter.
(I hope this had an acceptably low level of name-calling and vituperation, for czechsaaz’ sake) ;)
ev, instead of FUD, can you list 5 reason that romney would be GOOD for the middle class?
1) Jobs
2) Jobs
3) Jobs
4) Jobs
5) Jobs
Five great reasons Romney would be great for the middle class!
New Quinnipiac polls yesterday has Obama above the margin of error in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida.
Explain again how Willard gets to 270 electoral votes.
And the independent analysis of Willard’s tax pman is devestating. How many small consumer goods, meals out, job creating commer ial activity dries up when middle class families lose $2000 a year?
@ 7
You need to look at the poll crosstabs and compare the D/R/I distribution to the exit poll data in 2008 and 2010. See yesterday’s open thread.
Adjust the poll data, say, to the 2010 turnout percentages for each party and Romney’s a lot closer to 270.
How about a nice trip down memory lane:
Welcome to the Recovery
Published: August 2, 2010
And now back to reality:
August 2, 2012
U.S. Unadjusted Unemployment Rate Increases in July
Underemployment declines to 17.1%, the lowest since Gallup trend began in 2010
Jesus, no wonder Harry Reid’s on the Senate floor claiming Romney’s a felonious tax dodger. Otherwise he might have to address today’s economic news. Wouldn’t want to have to do that, now, would we?
FUD’s not working, it’s just making them look stupid.
Why do the Democrats talk about the 1%, dressage, magic underwear, and Romney’s tax bill?
Because they’re doing everything possible to avoid talking about the economy.
Gee, I wonder why that is:
Economic forecasting model predicts Obama will lose in near-landslide
Obama’s got the likability factor going for him, and I suppose that’s worth a point or two in the election. Which pushes him up very close to that 50% line in the first graph in the link, above.
We get the president we deserve.
“for czechsaaz’ sake”
I’d say my overreaction was enough.
“We get the president we deserve.”
Thank God we didn’t end up with McCain and that half-term twit he chose for his VP. And thank God the sociopathic, dog-hating vulture capitalist is gonna lose as we deserve much better than that.
The Republican loved Rasmussen poll shows identified Republicans declining slowly and steadily while Democrats hold steady. And you want to adjust to the 2010 Republican/tea wave exit polls of 2010?
I’m happy to talk about the economy. How many straight quarters of GDP growth. You know what happens when employed middle class swinm voters open the IRA statemens when the market is humming along?
Unemployment is high and Republicans are voting on abortion, English as official language, Obamacare 22 times and just about EVRYTHING except jobs. As I mentioned, taking $2000 out of the hands of people who are most.likely to spend it in goods and services isn’t a job growth policy. People arent that stupid.
I’m off with the kids to the shores of the lake to watch the Blue Angels. The next few days are this hippie, peacenik’s, military hatin’ inner eight year-old’s, BEST WEEKEND OF THE YEAR.
@ 13
Since you provided no link I assume you meant this:
During July, 34.9% of Americans considered themselves Republicans. That’s down from 35.4% in June and from 35.7% in May.
The number of Democrats held steady at 34.0%. That marks a partial recovery for the president’s party. In February, just 32.4% described themselves as Democrats, the lowest level ever measured by Rasmussen Reports. Still, while the 34.0% figure is the best for Democrats in 2012, it’s down from earlier years.
As long as we’re talking about Rasmussen’s results (remember you brought it up), you should note that Dem identification is
1. Lower than GOP.
2. Lower than in previous years.
3. National, not individual state data.
So if Dem ID is lower than in previous years, you should look at any poll that has Dem respondents in percentages HIGHER than in the 2010 or 2008 turnout percentages with great skepticism.
Glad to see Rasmussen is a useful source for HA types trying to make a point. Likely voter polls are the way to go.
@ 14
Unemployment is high and Republicans are voting on abortion, English as official language, Obamacare 22 times and just about EVRYTHING except jobs.
What the fuck planet are you from, dude?
All poll data shows the economy is the number one issue for all voters and you state that Republicans dismiss jobs as part of why they will vote this Fall?
What the fuck planet. Not this one.
WTF planet are THESE assholes on?
Running against Raw-Money is relatively easy. Obama is beating the presumptive Republicam already.
Running against the reactive, bigoted, homophobic, misogynistic, racist, worker-hatng corporate toadies in the 112th Congress, e.i. the House Republicans…THAT is the key.
“What the fuck planet are you from, dude?” “What the fuck planet. Not this one.”
This will probably be one of those threads where Serious Bob will come back and start whining about how someone swore at him.
Damned hypocrite and racist. And whiner.
Exactly, that’s a national poll number. I can’t imagine a scenario where Florida’s GOP is losing a larger % of voters than nationally. It’s not like two years of Rick Scott hasn’t shown a Republican Governor mandating drug testing (popular) only to turn out that it cost the state a bunch of money and ‘Suprise’ Rick Scott co-founded the company that got the money. It’s not like he gave away a couple billion in Stimulus money that would have created jobs building commuter rail. (hint, Even if “no one rides it,” which is an unknowable claim, after it’s built, the construction workers still get paid and spend those middle-class wages in Florida which creates….JOBS.) It’s not like his high profile voter role purge list turned out to be so incredibly inaccurate and included decorated veterans that county election officials regardless of party told him to go spit.
It’s not like Rick Scott’s approval rating is in the low 30s.
You did get one thing right. It’s not really fair to look at national polls.
In the age discrimination suit, he claims that the 3.2 G.P.A. he earned in 1979 from Texas A&M University is equivalent to a 3.6 G.P.A. today because of grade inflation — a phenomenon that has been plaguing colleges in the past few decades. Kamps said he doesn’t think a legal challenge of this type has been brought in court before.
Makes sense to me. After all, in this day and age, four years in the Senate seems to be a qualification to be president, and a Nobel Peace Prize can be earned with no effort at all. Back in the day, presidents and Nobel winners actually had to have some accomplishments.
And what’s his plan to do this?
1) Tax cuts for the rich and the corporations
2) Allow more pollution and cheating
3) Tax cuts for the rich and the corporations
4) Allow more pollution and cheating
5) Tax cuts for the rich and the corporations.
6) Middle class/Poor income people pay more taxes!
to pay for?
7) A new war in the Middle East!
i.e. more of the same right wing bullshit – ON STEROIDS! Should work out even worse than the last disaster.
“little maxie” the asshat is shown to be a tool once again:
@ 19
(hint, Even if “no one rides it” which is an unknowable claim, after it’s built, the construction workers still get paid and spend those middle-class wages in Florida which creates….JOBS.)
In CA, they’re looking at spending more than $100B on a rail system that really won’t get much use.
Ah, but you say the workers will still get paid and they’ll put the money back into the economy.
If we didn’t build the rail system and just handed out $50K to each worker, annualized over the time they would have spent on the job, it likely would cost a very small fraction of what the taxpayer will spend on the whole thing.
You make a very weak argument in your effort to justify spending stupidity. Stupid spending is stupid spending. It isn’t justified today because Bush did it, too (Doctor Steve). If we’re going to tax and spend, let’s spend it wisely. I don’t mind taxation at current levels and I don’t mind higher taxation if that additional burden is shared. I do expect the money to be spent wisely, not stupidly.
Heh. The trolls hate this:
Hate is what they’re all about.
But they LOOOOOVE this:
This isn’t going away:
End it now Willard. Release the returns.
Heh. Good to see the right wing WSJ Editorial schmucks a little nervous.
Here’s something positive Obama has accomplished:
Women vote!
And guess who’s against this?? Let’s say it’s the crowd that decent people with their voting power should keep out of office every election cycle.
Oh my lickspittle ylbuttspigot left more diarrhea here!
Jobs ya moron!
Oh this is too sweet:
I love it when right wingers get together at right wing conventions, meetups, whatnot, puff out their man boobs and try to prove how much more “conservative” they are than the next right winger. It’s especially sweet to see them do this after they lose elections.
Here’s one variation of that:
They can’t help themselves. It’s too funny!
Let’s assume that the lowest projected passenger level of California’s train comes true. 40million passengers per year. I’m well aware that getting conservatives to accept such things as ancilary costs exist so this might be like banging my head against the wall.
What’s the medicare savings from that many cars off the road and the asthma and other lung diseases exacerbated by pollution? What’s the productivity gain from commute trips on a WiFi enabled train over a car? What’s the effect on tourism if a visitor can not only see Los Angeles but also San Francisco during a weekend trip? What’s the effect on tourism if say a Giants/Dodger/Padre fan can get to an out of town game in one day at relatively low cost?
I’m drifting way off topic, BUT
Did you learn anything about why Quinnepiac might only find 29% sample of Identified Republicans in a state where the hits for their Republican governor just keep on coming?
@ 26
A fair point to make.
A counterpoint for Romney would be that with Obama making so many unforced errors and with the economy in decline, and in the early phase of the general with other things like summer vacations and the Olympics going on, he doesn’t need to do much right now.
He’s got three months to make his case, and in those three months the economy is expected to decline further. All he needs to do is point it out in no uncertain terms, ask the ‘Are you better off than you were four years ago?’ question in a debate, and state in generalities what he’ll do differently. It probably will be to unshackle energy production and to eliminate the uncertainty of tax burden on those who are currently unwilling to spend and hire.
Meanwhile, Obama’s spending like crazy, running ads, and his numbers are consistently below 50%.
There’s the VP selection, then it’s two people hammering Obama.
He’ll have Cruz, Sandoval, Martinez, and Rubio as surrogates. He’ll have Jindal and Haley as surrogates. Chris Christie. That’s some very serious, and diverse, firepower.
I think Romney’s in good position. And he doesn’t have to ask John Boehner to go to the House floor and accuse Obama of a felony without the least bit of substantiation.
I thought right wingers didn’t like earmarks.
Will sexism rule the day in MA this November?
If women don’t take notice and don’t come out for Liz Warren, it probably will.
We all know too many men have their heads you-know-where.
@ 31
Did you learn anything about why Quinnepiac might only find 29% sample of Identified Republicans in a state where the hits for their Republican governor just keep on coming?
Er, selection bias?
Curious that we each find that divergence from FL 2010 exit poll data helpful to our respective candidates. You go right on thinking it’s good for Obama. We’re counting on it.
@ 33
You need to look at it a different way.
Romney was tasked to make the Games a success. He did so, and more.
When he was governor of MA, his task was to do what was best for MA citizens.
When he led Bain, his task was to enrich Bain investors.
When tasks change, so does the approach of the executive.
If Romney has been successful at one task after another, why would he not be successful as president?
Yes, the GOP, supposedly, opposes earmarks. Except the ones we like or need. It’s hypocrisy. Absolutely.
You can make all sorts of excuses for why Romney’s success hasn’t been angelic. Doesn’t change the fact that his record is one of consistent success. Sorry about that.
Holly shit Scott’s in bad shape. Florida’s a bit of shit hole so I haven’t been paying attention to what goes on there.
To be fair, the high-speed rail plan in FL was a boondoggle and that money got spent else where on plans that actually made sense.
I’ve posted this before:
But it blows my mind that 5 people have the same or more wealth then poorest 40 percent of Americans.
Not 5 percent or 8 percent or 10 percent…
40 percent.
We’re living in freaking Russia and the trolls want to elect Putin.
“A Mississippi mother is accusing police in Jonesboro, Arkansas of killing her son after he was found shot in the head with his hands cuffed behind his back in a squad car.”
Searched first, left handed, shot in the right temple.
That’s gotta warm our racist Bob’s heart to know that another black “thug”, as he calls Trayvon Martin, was killed.
Tell us again, Bob, how it was that you concluded that Trayvon was a “thug” who deserved to die? Wasn’t it because some wingnut hater posted some lies about Martin and that was and is good enough for you?
38 – 6 people excuse me..
Hmmm… ylbuttspgot still dwelling on that useless speculation.
Well dopes have to keep dope alive!
@ 37
2014 election is two+ years off. Scott’s fine.
Crist wants to be Senator. He’s been governor.
The bigger question might be: Do the Dems want to saddle their horse to a slimebucket like Crist?
Did the WalMart family steal it ylbuttspigot?
Seems class warfare is all the unemployed moron of HA ylbuttspigot has.
No, Scott’s a governor at 31%, he’s up shit creek. It’s hard to get much done when you’re at 31/56.
Never said anything about the election.
“Scott’s fine.”
Yeah, just like the SCOTUS ACA decision was a slam dunk. You do know, don’t you, that you’re batting average is .000?
@ 44
His numbers stick in no small part due to the voter rolls thing.
It’s hard to get much done when you’re at 31/56.
He got DOJ to give him the database access they were refusing to provide to him. That was hard but not because he was unpopular. One might even be inclined to call him successful in that endeavor.
Now that FL doesn’t have to use the outmoded data which were the source of the bad publicity, that issue (incorrect identification of voters as ineligible) will begin to recede.
I’ve got a better name for old #2 our old standy troll PuddyMoron..
Last night I called him “Mr. Butt”.
Here’s his legacy:
b cs -t puddymoron -b “butt” -c
| count |
| 1136 |
1 row in set
I think a more appropriate moniker should be Dr. Butt – anyone that fetished up has to have earned a Phd. in ASS.
Congrats Dr. Butt!
That was a trap Admiral Akbar
Thanks for walking into it. Florida has a five point edge in registered Dems over Republicans.
Quinnipiac polled a 3% spread. They polled seven points under what one would expect from a poll of registered for the Republicans registered and NINE points under the Democratic number.
Care to try again?
@ 45
I’m at .500. I picked Walker. I was off by several percent.
I’m wondering how many HAers correctly predicted that Roberts would vote with the conservatives, and then change his vote to one which in a tortured manner gave the liberals what they think they wanted.
You’re right, Doctor Steve, I did not predict that. You got me.
“I did not predict that.”
I got a good laugh at how you immediately slithered away from HA after that one. Even funnier were your lame excuses for your disappearance when you came back.
Hey Steve,
Gabby won the invididual GOLD medal today! Nothing from the knuckledragging rujax!
Wow 79th EPIC FAYLE from HA ylbuttspigot.
See ylbuttspigot!
@ 50
I got a good laugh at how you immediately slithered away from HA after that one. Even funnier were your lame excuses for your disappearance when you came back.
I’m glad a death in my family played to your amusement. I’ll try to schedule those at more opportune times in the future.
@51 That was absolutely wonderful, Puddy! As I’m sure you know, Gabby was also the first American to win both individual gold as well as team gold. Well done, Gabby!
@ 48
Busy here. Looked for the poll quickly and couldn’t find it.
You are speaking of registered percentages. I refer to exit poll percentages of those who actually voted.
There’s a difference. That’s my explanation.
Have a good day, HA human-types. You, too, Doctor Steve.
“I’m glad a death in my family played to your amusement. I’ll try to schedule those at more opportune times in the future.”
Seeing as how at the same time a very good friend of mine was shot dead on a Seattle street for her car, yeah, I thought yours a just was a damned lame excuse, Bob, and likely pulled from your ass.
“You, too, Doctor Steve.”
You can go to hell, racist.
Steve, was that lady in the Cafe shootings a friend of yours?
@ 56
Well, I’m a conservative. I’ve just got it coming, I guess.
I’m sorry about your friend’s death, Steve.
“Well, I’m a conservative. I’ve just got it coming, I guess.”
No, you’re a racist, Bob. And yes, you do have it coming. You wrote not one word about the loss suffered by Trayvon’s parents. Instead of showing even an ounce of sympathy, you chose instead to dance on Trayvon’s grave and, based on lies spewed by another racist, pronounced him to be a black “thug” who deserved to die. And then, after hiding for a week, you had the nerve to talk about your own loss and use it as an excuse for a disappearance after your humiliating SCOTUS loss.
“I’m sorry about your friend’s death, Steve.”
Stuff it. Be sorry about Trayvon Martin’s death. But that will never happen because you’re a goddamned racist.
Puddy looked at the Forbes 400…
Warren Buffett
Bill Gates
Larry Ellison
all love the DUMMOCRAPT! Nothing from the libtard MSM.
Yes, Puddy, she was the one killed outside Virginia Mason Hospital. She was also a friend to my Dear Ms. Wingnut.
And you cling to the belief that the exit polls of a wave election and serious buyer’s remorse over the results of that election means the exit polls of 2012 will be exactly like 2010.
I admire your faith, even while I find it delusional.
What will Roger DUMB Wabbit say about this?
@61 I couldn’t count how many times members of the 1% helped me out when I was a teen, while the state was dropping the ball. To demonize the entire 1% would not only require me to demoonize them, but also very likely my friend, Gloria, the woman who was murdered.
It wouldn’t be right.
Looks like a Tea Party Senator took the MSNBC fools to lunch over their constitutional stupidity!
Of course libtards don’t get it!
7. czechsaaz spews:
I’ve already been thru that.
I acknowledge that without Ohio & Florida, it’s virtually impossible. however, one pollsters poll in early August hardly means Romney should fold up the tent. Other polls say it’s much closer. I do not acknowledge that Quinnipac is the end-all poll.
So did most of us liberals on here…
Puddy doesn’t trust exit polls. Just look at Wisconsin. Exit poll used by CNN were biased! Scott won by the correct poll margin!
Yep, things change over time. But for now, he’s sucking left hind tit.
Really? Do I need to replay the comments up to the recall election?
I was thinkng about DeathFrogg’s post yesterday explaining his plight @ 48YO with dated skills and few prospects. I don’t think it’s funny but I do think it’s precisely what obama has in mind with his dependency class voting block. When people are voting for someone because they are in survival mode, I suppose listening to president jive-ass makes sense. After all, he’s promising you plenty of free shit and an illusion, only illusion of hope for a better tomorrow. The reality is, obama’s power comes from government dependent people.
Damn if Puddy. I’ve been avoiding sports news all day since the streaming is pretty buggy for me. Would have been nice to see the World Champion in the finals. Don’t think it would have changed things as Gabby is the one on a roll right now. But one-two USA was possible.
But thems the rules and I don’t want to be like a Hillary supporter bitching that if only they counted the primaries and not caucuses, blah, blah, blah..
@72 “jive-ass”
I can tell that you’re just itchin’ to spew out “jive-ass nigger”. Don’t be shy, you damned racist, go for it.
Don’t know, do you? I figured on Walker winning, maybe I accidentally transfered my thinking to most of us. Or maybe I got that one wrong. I’m not really all that worried about it.
Personally, I think it’s exactly what Obama was thinking about when his admin helped employers get together with technical schools to start programs to update workers skills and get them working again.
EV, you really are an idiot.
Shh…. Nobody tell Serial that Rick Scott’s approval rating was 37% last September.
While we’re on the subject of governors, we should probably note that John Kasich, the Republican governor of Ohio, hasn’t broke the 50% mark in about forever.
DOOCY: Remember, it wasn’t just people supporting Dan Cathy for his Christian values. … People not only supporting his Christian values, and they are closed on Sundays. But also just the CEO’s right to say what he thinks. You know, a lot of people wound up going — I was reading in the New York Post today about how a lot of people went over to New Jersey to a Chick-Fil-A, and it wasn’t to support the family-values thing, but to support his right to say something, because so many people on the left are so intolerant — you gotta be able to say in this country what you think!
Say what you think? Well, unless you’re a company taking a progressive stance, of course. How many companies have wingnuts boycotted because they didn’t hate on gays? Issn’t it something like 28 of them so far? Oreo cookies was one of them, also GE. Maybe Bob or Ev can remind us exactly which companies wingnuts were intolerant of for not hating gays.
Re: Willard vs. Harry Reid.
Willard went on Hannity and said, “It’s time for Harry to put up or shut up.”
Is it genetics or upbringing that have robbed Willard of any sense of irony?
@80 I’d cross out genetics or upbringing. He doesn’t remind me of his parents one bit. The acorn called “Mitt” ended up a long ways from the tree.
If all the Christians who went to Chick-Fil-A yesterday bought a sandwich and found a homeless person to feed it to, they’d actually be living The Word. Sadly, no.
Being gay at Chick-Fil-A
It looks like they prepare their chicken sandwiches with a secret ingredient – hate.
82. Czechsaaz spews:
If all the Christians who went to Chick-Fil-A yesterday bought a sandwich and found a homeless person to feed it to, they’d actually be living The Word. Sadly, no.
Actually, yes.
I came across a photo of a woman who bought a few bags of sandwiches, which she took to a homeless shelter.
There are sites which aggregate the Chick Fil-A gatherings photos and have mapped them. Don’t have the time to look for it right now but it might have been on legalinsurrection.com.
Sorry the facts don’t fit your meme. That’s what really makes you sad…………………
@ 82
@ 82
Here’s your photo:
Lemme guess: You feel no need to rethink because ALL of the Christians didn’t do what the guy in the photograph did.
Right? That’s your out.
Will they finally wake up?
Hmmmm. Not likely…
“a woman”
One? One woman? That’s all?? That’s it? In case you don’t know it, that’s another fail for you.
Well, I suppose if “3” equals a “bazillion” in your mind, then “1” must be a damned huge number for you as well. Fail again.
There is a war on Religion and the Republicans are leading it. They’ve hijacked the meaning of being a Christian. Remember the big Party of Freedom – opps they don’t always believe in Freedom.
“We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that,” Cathy is quoted as saying.
To me I’d be more offended if I was a divorcee than a gay person.
@86 hey douche bag, I don’t need a photo of someone else lending a hand to a homeless person, I do it myself on many occasions.
Oh dear. That picture you found? It’s from seven days ago. Not on stuff your face to hate the gays day.
Good for them though. These are the kinds of Christians I respect. I’m sure the example you found was even 50%+1 of the folks dining yesterday?
Wow I found where ev gets his strongest convictions:
The hypnotic cadences of demagogic preachers!
Here is where Radical Religionism will get you.
“Oh dear. That picture you found? It’s from seven days ago.”
LMFAO!! Damn, now I have to change Bob’s “Fail” to “Epic Fucking Fail”.
In a previous thread I exposed the magnitude of Dr. Butt’s 24x7x365.25 “love” for the HA community.
Here’s what must be a source of this “love”:
Here is a picture we can all live with.
Beck: The Religious Right Will Make World Leaders ‘Pee Their Pants’
Heh. No comment.
“Sorry the facts don’t fit your meme. That’s what really makes you sad…………………”
You smarmy, snide bastard. You got that “fact” of yours shoved up your ass. How’s your own “sad” feel, Bob…………………?
90 year-old pole vaulter sets world record for age group.
Just to see him run is very impressive.
I wonder how many divorcees are in this picture or are they all pure people?
@ 94
Noted. I’ll take your word for it. Googled it in a hurry.
@ 94
Although now that I look carefully I realize the motives might not be fully altruistic:
Republican candidate for Illinois State Representative Kimberly Small, along with a friend who took up a collection at his office, bought bags of the chicken sandwiches to deliver to an area homeless shelter.
Figured I should point out the political angle before I ended up with egg on my face again.
Nonetheless, here’s the message you should be receiving from this Chick Fil-A thing:
@ 103
I wonder how many divorcees are in this picture or are they all pure people?
I think the proper description is more-than-likely voters.
“more-than-likely voters”
They’re nothing more than sheep.
They’re nothing more than sheep.
“We love you O-BAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH-MA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven’t actually met Doctor Steve. In my mind he’s pretty much this guy:
I wasn’t thinking about anyone until the dude uttered this line:
”I’m a nice guy, by the way … totally heterosexual,” he continues. “Not a gay in me, I just can’t stand the hate.”
Liberals who hate who think they don’t hate. Gotta love ’em.
@106 I don’t follow you. What are you trying to say? Forgive my stupidity.
I wonder why they all didn’t come with their American flags, you the people of the big party of freedom – oppps they only are for freedom sometimes, comes with an asterisk.
@ 110
I’m saying, and forgive my repetition (@ 105), this:
Call those people whatever you wish. But you had better believe they’ll all be in the voting booths in November. This wasn’t some band of SEIU types bussed to Madison from Michigan, or teachers who took a paid day off from the classroom because some fraud MD would give them a note, or otherwise astroturfed demonstration.
This was a boatload of people who, with little organized preconception, took time off in the middle of a workday to stand in long lines to make a point.
Those are in-the-bag voters. Lots of them.
No apology needed, Gman.
Your useful poll of the day:
Dem sample 19 points higher than GOP.
19 points.
I point this out tonite so that RR doesn’t cheerlead with it tomorrow.
Although Rujax still will.
@112 – not sure if there is much strength in numbers, bigots mobilized against blacks and lost. Eventually you will lose. Can’t be the party of freedom and also deny people at the same time, because if religious beliefs. Aren’t we also supposedly free to practice any religion or no religion. Completely hypocritical.
Oh no repeat stupidity of ylbuttspigot.
Still in useless diarrhea mode. Nothing significant was shitted out today!
“I haven’t actually met Doctor Steve.”
I’d call that your good fucking fortune, Bob, because I don’t cotton to racists like you.
Bob’s sociopathic candidate says to Reid, “Put up or shut up”.
From Huffpo,
You can settle this, Mitt. You just have to show us those tax returns.
Just like obama can settle the issue about whether he lied on his college apps and transcripts..
Just show us the college info Barry Soetoro.
No President in us history has ever released their transcripts.
So shove it up your teabagging ass until you get Bachmann, Cain, Perry, Santorum and Romney to release their, you racist, teabagging whiner.
Oh course HA ylbuttspigot won’t want to see this…
Harry Reid is a real DUMMOrat! Jon Stewart got it right!
It is not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages. – Henry Ford
The six walton heirs may have the same wealth as the bottom 40% of the population, but if the 40% doesn’t have disposable incomes, companies cannot sell their products.
Why can’t conservative figure this out?
Yes, people and companies are standing up against hate.
They can, but if they actually try to focus on policy to improve the economy right now it violates their oath to do everything they can to make sure Obama loses.
And so are certain universities standing up against hate.
And the top three righest Americans vote DUMMOCRAPT… Why can’t a libtard figger that out?
How much do the top three Americans have in their riches? $120Billion. Of course these three are not pariahs because they love the DUMMOCRAPTS!
The Waltons have $92Billion.
Libtards always focus on the weirdest things. Puddy brings focus to the issue!
Lessee $92Billion:40% of population – 6 Waltons
Then $120Billion:52% of population – Three Richest DUMMOCRAPT lovers
Hmmm… Politifact got it wrong on Olympic taxes
119. Meme1 spews:
no President has ever been accused of lying to get preference as a Foreign Student when he wasn’t.
Just release the transcripts.
Personally, I believe Romney has them.
Romney has friends everywhere.
Poor Dr. Butt.… Just lettin’ it all leak out his hole…
YLB seems to be diggin’ man-holes.
switch hitter, eh?
Yes, because handing out “free stuff” is the way to national prosperity.
@122 – they are brain dead.
195,000 fewer Americans working.
While the figures themselves have been gloomy enough, there is considerable debate over whether the Labor Department’s headline numbers present the true picture.
A measure that takes into account those who have stopped looking for jobs as well as those working part-time for economic reasons has hovered near 15 percent. The so-called “real” unemployment rate, or U-6 measure, is above 20 percent in Nevada and California.
On a national level, that more encompassing rate edged higher to 15.0 percent.
And we have already covered, over and over, that joblessness is caused by the republicans.
Republicans block Bring Jobs Home Act, protecting companies that outsource jobs
I’m SHOCKED to learn that Solyndra’s collapse was not a complete surprise to our president.
Buried in the treasure trove of White House emails related to Solyndra released Thursday by the House Energy and Commerce Committee is one suggesting that concerns about Solyndra’s viability were shared all the way up to then-White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley a full six months before the company went bust.
Explains how George Kaiser got paid off and how an illegal loan restructuring that handed the US taxpayer a larger loss came to be, doesn’t it?
Did ylbuttspigot diarrhea again?
Yes your honor! The Prosecution Rests for the 80th time.
Such a ylbuttspigot!
Hey Fascist one, acting like your preznit… Obummer and his sadministration rejected the The Domestic Energy and Jobs Act in June. Why… it opened the Keystone Pipeline. So Republicans gave fair play to Stabenow’s bill. WHile that bill would immediately help private US sector job growth, how would Stabenow’s bill immediately help private US sector job growth you scream and shout over?
See how simple that was? And you run to Daily Kooks for your “information” like rujax, ylbuttspigot, and Lib da schmuck! All you need to do is look at Ohio and North Dakota and NUFF Said immediately pops to mind!
Still waiting for the Fascist one to discuss how the top three on the Forbes 400 list have the same wealth as the bottom 52% of the population. Nary a peep about that!
Why did he run away? BECAUSE those three jockstrap the DUMMOCRAPT!
And you leftist morons run to this site all the time. Then look at the nitwit list the “<3".
Oopsie! It was a dumpster fire near the light fixtures!
Heh.. Poor Dr. Butt..
b cs -t puddymoron -b “the prosecution rests” -c
| count |
| 176 |
1 row in set
A Phd in Ass and he’s wrong again! Always wrong!
No presidential candidate in history has ever been accused of being a pedophile. Why won’t Romeny release all the records of his Deaconship in the Mormon Church?
Cue the Bachman…”I’m not saying Mitt Romney is a pedophile, I’m just asking the question.”
Silly, silly, right wing radio meme.
Cue the crybaby music
The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests The Prosecution Rests
DumbASS ylbuttspigot! Bestus name Puddy thought of in years!
What law precludes that release?
Mitt Romney is a PEDOPHILE?!!
I hadn’t heard that. Do you have links? Will that destroy his chances to be President? Why would the Republicans nominate a pedophile?
How did the once proud and patriotic Republican party sink so low?
Why do the right wingers around here, like puddles and ev, continue to support a pedophile for President? What’s wrong with these people???
#140. You mean THIS fake jobs bill?
You gotta get more information than just fox news.
Reposed here because I was off topic, in another thread.
What I don’t understand is the so called Christians glee in supporting hate and bigotry. How does marriage equality cause their marriage to be diminished? How does a gay couple getting married, cause straight people’s marriage to unravel? You would think the so called Christians would want to promote couples in long term committed relationships.
@ 149
My response to NTfF’s initial text, also reposted for the same reason:
The Chick Fil-A support events are a one-time thing, organized on short notice and largely word-of-mouth.
One similarly might think of a disaster, such as a tornado or flood, as another type of one-time thing, in which responses are organized on short notice and through phone trees and electronic media.
Google ‘church disaster relief’ and you’ll see a large number of organized religions with disaster response centers, ready to help.
You seem to be suggesting that on Wednesday, homeless centers weren’t filled with Christians with sleeves rolled up, helping out, and criticizing religious types for being somewhere else. True, but those centers also weren’t filled with liberals, sleeves rolled up. They seemed to all be online, criticizing the Christians.
When one-time events strike, churches frequently are the second to help out. They prepare to do so. Churches have food banks, domestic crisis centers (my mother had to use one in the 60s), and a lot of other sources of support for those in need.
I’m somewhere between agnostic and atheist but your argument seems idiotic. Today is gay-kiss day at Chick Fil-A or something like that. Shouldn’t you be calling out the gay community for standing in line and putting on shows for the cameras, rather than spending that time at homeless centers?
Just sayin’.
I have no response to NTfF’s updated additional comment because I see little daylight between said comments and my own perspective in the matter.
Another example of how he didn’t build this without help. Not that he notices or cares.
I never understand why these self made businessmen don’t move to Somalia and see how hard it is to run a business with no government infrastructure or support.
@150. I see that these so called Christians are able to take time out of their day and give money, to support an company that spends money on causes that hurt gay people. It’s an interesting way to vote with one’s wallet and see where their priorities are.
You don’t have a problem with that. I get that.
@ 152
I also don’t have a problem with flag burning. Unless it’s on my lawn.
People believe what they believe. If they use their after-tax dollars and their lunch hour to engage in a First Amendment activity, that’s their choice.
I actually have not looked at this carefully enough to know what you are referring to when you state that the company spends money on causes that hurt gay people. Specific, link, por favor.
Posted yesterday, but here it is again:
Investigation: Chick-Fil-A’s Long History Of Support for Anti-Gay Causes
Who needs Somalia when you’ve got American Samoa. Right now the “farm bill” is being held up in the senate, by amongst other things, a huge tax break for a StarKist Tuna cannery in American Samoa. Most US labor laws already don’t apply in American Samoa.
@ 154
Er, OK. He’s a Christian conservative and puts his money where his mouth is. I guess that’s hurtful to gays in much the same way that donations to Planned Parenthood are hurtful to evangelical Christians and Catholics.
I don’t like the close relationship between GE’s chairman and the Obama administration. Doesn’t stop me from buying GE light bulbs.
People believe what they believe… to engage in a First Amendment activity, that’s their choice.
Just as it’s my First Amendment activity to point out that their actions are not in keeping with the teachings of Jesus.
I also understand your point. It is their first Amendment right. I also understand your bias. You also thought it was funny to ridicule of the appearance of an African American girl.
@ 155
That sounded familiar for some reason.
Here’s why:
@155 Republicans fought tooth and nail to have “Made in USA” labels allowed for goods produced by the slave labor sweatshops in the Marianas. Like tax breaks for shipping American jobs overeseas, it’s something Republicans really believe in and fought for. It’s a crying shame that they never fight for American jobs like that. If they did, we might have actually seen a real jobs bill come out of the House these last couple of years. But jobs simply wasn’t a priority for them. Rather, they focused their energy on assaulting worker and women’s rights. Wingnut priorities on full display.
donations to Planned Parenthood are hurtful to evangelical Christians and Catholics.
I have never understood that logic.
If evangelical Christians and Catholics don’t approve of birth control, don’t use it. What gives evangelical Christians and Catholics the right to force other people to live the way they demand?
And Planned Parenthood is not the same thing as anti gay groups. Planned Parenthood is not telling people who don’t use Planned Parenthood how to live. They are not out there forcing Catholics to use birth control. They give people choices.
Gay groups are not out there forcing straight people into gay relationships.
“You also thought it was funny to ridicule of the appearance of an African American girl.”
I might have missed it, but has Bob ridiculed the appearance of Gabby Douglas yet? If not yet, it’s coming, no doubt.
Geez, I wonder why Bob has only ridiculed the appearance of blacks?
Why then do evangelical Christians and Catholics fight sex ed and birth control which gives people the tools and skills they need so they don’t need abortions?
@ 162
Direct your question to someone who is religious and/or pro-life, as I am neither.
“He’s a Christian conservative and puts his money where his mouth is. I guess that’s hurtful to gays in much the same way that donations to Planned Parenthood are hurtful to evangelical Christians and Catholics.”
Actually, no.
Being gay at Chick-Fil-A
Steve, let’s not put words in SerCon’s mouth. It’s better to let him hang himself. Besides I believe people can change if it something they want to do.
My goodness! Do a search on “Gabby Douglas nigger” and you can see how people like Bob really feel about a black girl winning Olympic gold. But I warn you, when people like Bob start spewing unbridled race hate, it gets really fucking ugly.
Direct your question to someone who is religious and/or pro-life, as I am neither.
After using the religious and/or pro-life as a justification for your arguments, you now claim no knowledge of them. That’s pathetic.
@ 164
I started to read your link and then got to Southern Poverty Law Center, which:
1. Made me laugh out loud (SPLC doesn’t think what 99+% of the rest of us think about Armenian genocide history), and
2. Made me do a little googling about some stuff I recalled.
I digress, but since people are asking why Mitt Romney needs an account in the Cayman Islands, I might also ask:
Why does the Southern Poverty Law Center need an account in the Cayman Islands?
@ 167
After using the religious and/or pro-life as a justification for your arguments, you now claim no knowledge of them. That’s pathetic.
I did nothing of the sort. I stated that I was neither pro-life nor religious, and declined to respond to your question. They’re used to explaining who and what they are. They’re in the process of doing that right now as a result of recent HHS pronouncements.
I’m fine letting them stand or fall on the basis of their arguments.
I suspect that if you were to read their briefs, you would find the answer to your question, and suggest you do so.
That was from 2010. From the SAME blog post if you bothered to read to the end.
Asked and Answered.
An interesting comment
OH Fascist one…
When you run to Daily Kooks, your credibility drops below rujax! He doesn’t give credit to the first black all-around female gymnast! Is that what you like?
How about a libtard MSM site huh which reports the news without the useless bias?
Nice diversion, and another fail per @170. In other words, you want to avoid even acknowledging the very unfortunate experiences of gay employees of Chick-Fil-A.
Mr Cathy has no hiring bias. But the gays who work for Chick-Fil-A are getting slammed by left wrong progressive love!
The puddywhippedpussy calls ‘Ol Rujax “not credible”.
The puddywhippedpussy never offers evidence… is neverevereverever wrong about ANYTHING…when the puddywhippedpussy does cite some new “liberal crime” the puddywhippedpussy twists and misrepresents anything and everything he can gets his hands on…the puddywhippedpussy endlessly quotes clownservative uncle tom jack-offs like Ward Connerly and Thomas Sowell…and whack-job right wing propaganda like wingnut daily, clown hall and faux news and…
…pathologically hates anyone who doesn’t think like him, who doesn’t believe what he believes and/or who doesn’t do the he does.
He’s credible…
…a fucking waste of band-width is what he is.
PS he’s going to hell for wanking…per Ellen White.
Cathy’s a fucking bigot.
Just like the puddywhippedpussy.
Hmm, I wonder which commie-Marxist-liberal spoke these treasonous words,
Any idea, Bob? Ev?
rujax bullshit spotted floating down from the surface.
Notice he still hasn’t congratulated Gabby Douglas. What kind of “black man” is this useless smelly turd?
There’s a powerful comment from rujax. Did ya read that on the Daily Kooks page? Can you PROVE IT? Did Mr. Cathy say he HATED gays?
Whatadumbcinderblockmoron rujax is.
Why does rujax hate Gabby Douglas?
It’s his natural nature your honor. The Prosecution Rests!
Puddy posts the most links here ya idiot! And I don’t have to prove it!
Such a sucka!
A known fact!
The GOP – The Republican Party – The Big Party of American Freedom*
*with limitations on civil liberties
He’s insane.
Mitt telling the USA Olympians, “You didn’t build that!”
You looking in the mirror again ButtPutty?
BTW ButtPutty, how much do the Kochs pay their whores these days? Inquiring minds want to know. Enough to keep you in goats?
Too bad your links are seldom relevant.
Of course the Kochs do not care.
Quantity, not quality, is their motto for their whores.
This post starts off with a picture of John Lewis…a real American hero…getting beaten by state troopers on “Bloody Sunday” May 7th 1965 in Selma, Alabama.
Little fucks like this puddybuddy character forget, conveniently, that this was just 47 years ago. Five minutes in historical context. They ignore the fact that bigotry and discrimination are making a comeback. Rights of women and workers are threatened, racial and gender minorities are facing new biases…working families are denied wages enough to live on.
Ignorant, ungrateful pricks like this one parade around in their strutting peacock holier-than-thou finery and spit on the graves of those who fought and died to make their fine-ass lifestyle that they looooove to brag about possible.
That puddybuddy is a real champion all right. A champion fucking phony.
What is the difference between a hooker and a Koch whore?
The hooker offers more value for the same dollar.
Ask anyone at the Rethuglican Convention.
Puddy is nothing more than ass gas.
I made no claims about any specific senators profiting from the bill and was discussing the current farm bill, not a past one.
It could be that my information is wrong, it happens. But, your link has nothing to do with the current farm bill and nothing to do with my comment @155.
Actually, it looks like I did error as Starkist’s development credit isn’t part of the farm bill and and the farm bill has passed in the Senate.
That’s what I get for typing before breakfast (I have Friday’s off).
Also here:
Since you claim to know goatlover ekim, tell us! Since Charles and David are still married how do you know this? Still taking it up the hershey highway from geeeeeeeeeeeeman?
At least I can pass gas from my ASS! We know your problem!
@186… ThinkProgress uses Catalist… A progressive group. Naturally biased!
Yeah right rujax! Another EPIC FAYLE posting!
Who is “goatlover ekim”? Your latest pet goat?
As to the Kochs and whores. See @190.
You’re a pathetic, chickenshit motherfucker.
ButtPutty is taking his string of goats to the Rethuglican convention. $150 per hour per goat.
His motto: “Have goat, will travel.”
I have to come to ButtPutty’s defense.
He fucks goats, not women, so he can’t be a motherfucker.
…and from the co-favorite puddywhippedpussy site…along with Media Matters for America.
Confused over your pronoun ekim? @197! That’s you bud! Projecting again ekim? It’s a Psych 101 thing!
Projecting again rujax? It’s a Psych 101 thing!
ekim, when he can’t find his goat!
Game, Set, Match, dumb fuck.
OH NOES!!!!!!
Poor puddywhippedpussy.
More premature ejaculations from rujax.
rujax, a smelly diaper since the day he was born!
I wonder if this guy supports Obummer…
So ButtPutty,
So how much do the Kochs pay you for your posts?
Enough to pay for your goats?
Poor ButtPutty,
He tries so hard to deflect his goat abuse on others.
It must be he is ashamed of his perversions.
@206 I doubt it. He looks like one of yours.
@206, 209
At the federal level he’s donated once:
Republican perv’s out number Democratic perv’s 3:1. Looks like Dr. Adam Levinson is one of our 1’s.
Looks like one company that dropped Rush Limbaugh didn’t see the love from the libtards when they moved “forward”.
Well at least Michael is honest!
Notice how ekim keeps projecting?
Keep projecting ekim!
@211 Like most things, it’s about money. People who take that kind of film sell it to porn sites.
@214 I can’t visualize a goat that would have you.
More of his perverted projections.
Been with the same woman for 32 years ekim. No perversions except in your filthy mind!
How cum you screw four legged animals ekim?
Is this guy a politician or working in politics or professes superior “family values”???
No he’s just bait from a moronic troll.
pink haired moronic troll!
Bwaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa!
Doesn’t even know when he’s being played by himself!
219 – Poor Dr. Butt – the “moronic troll” is you fool!
Be happy butt dude! You earned it!
Seriously Puddy,
Save this stuff, when Romney decides to hire someone to suck the shit out of his ass, you’ll get the job.