Maybe Goldy or Darryl will be kind enough to put it out of its misery.
Richard Popespews:
Well, I was close to some pretty dangerous excitement last night. My daughter and I were visiting some friends in Wallingford, in the 300 block of NE 51st street. Right around 8:00 p.m., just as we were planning to leave anyway, tons of Seattle Police started descending on the neighborhood. Since things didn’t look too bad on this particular block (at least not YET), I took Katie, got in my car and drove off, and made it back home to Bellevue at a decent hour. Saw a bunch more police cars, and SWAT team officers deploying as we were driving away.
Turns out that an armed (?) home invasion suspect was prowling the neighborhood, and eventually blockaded himself in a house in the 300 block of NE 52nd street, just one block over (and probably less than 300 feet from the house where my daughter and I were visiting). Fortunately, no one was in the home he ended up breaking into, and the suspect surrendered peacefully around 12:30 a.m. or so.
Daddy Lovespews:
I saw someone recently accuse Darcy Burner of being a person who they seemed to think would raise taxes. Not that she has an issues website or has made a recent statement to this effect, but it did get me thinking…
How should we:
– Reduce our currently $248 billion annual reported unified budget deficit?
– Reduce the $185 billion of annual deficit spending offset by the SS surpolus?
– Reduce the additional $95-100 billion in annual deficit spending (“off-budget”) on the occupation of Iraq ($360 bilion total thus far)?
– Reduce the $1.5 trillion in lower revenues through 2016 that the Congressional Budget Office estimates extending the so-called “Bush tax cuts” will cost?
– Reduce the $513 billion in lower revenues through 2016 that the Congressional Budget Office estimates that indexing tax brackets for inflation to fix the Alternative Minimum Tax problem will cost?
The problem is that the United States has dug itself a huge future hole, one big enough to swallow the entire U.S. government budget by 2030 or so, by piling on future obligations for retirement and health care while hiding from the true costs. By 2030, if you assume that discretionary spending (on things like student loans and aircraft carriers) grows at the same rate as the economy and the Bush tax cuts are made permanent, Walker testified, government spending on interest on the national debt, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid would eat up all — yes, 100% — government revenue.
According to Comptroller General Walker, if we do nothing until 2040, balancing the budget in that year would require cutting total federal spending by 60% or raising federal taxes to two times today’s level.
So doesn’t raising a tax or two now, and how about getting the freak out of Iraq, make a bit of sense?
Hey, have you ever stopped to think about…if white men couldn’t vote, no Republicans would ever be elected!
Even now, between Africa-Amercians voters (who HATE Republicans–for good reason), Latino voters (by definition legal immigrant citizens or native-born citizens), and progressive white men and women voters, they are getting driven back home to Honkyville anyway.
Clyburn puts his party before the country.spews: wp-dyn/content/video/2007/07/3 0/VI2007073001325.html
2nd clip in the side bar, fast forward to around 3:30 Talking about possible improvement in Iraq.
“What do democrats do if general Petraeus comes in in september and says this is working very very well, at this point we would be foolish to back away from it”
James Clyburn (d) “Well, that would be a very big problem for us.”
Okay, he rambles for a bit and then remembers that he “supports the troops,” but his first thought was good news for the country, good news for bush is bad news for the democrats.
How can any democrat that puts the country before his party accept this from one of their leaders. Speaking of leaders, Harry Reid has said the war is lost. Why doesn’t he stop the funding for a lost war, is it just to waste money? These are the types of questions the dem candidates are afraid of, that’s why they are staying clear of Fox news and letting Frosty the snowman as questions via youtube.
Only racists wouldn't elect Obamaspews:
#5 Hey Daddy Love, if the publicans are racist, does that mean that the democrats will elect “Obama Bin Laden,” “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy” to be president?
HorseAssisn't dailykos or democratic underground or moveon or...spews:
Props to for allowing those with differing opinions to post and not be deleted.
Democrats have the racist history, but better PRspews:
#5 Daddy Love said…
Even now, between Africa-Amercians voters (who HATE Republicans–for good reason)
Why do african american voters hate the republican party. After all, it was the democrats that owned slaves, called the democrat conventions KlanBakes, filler-busted the civil rights act, allowed a grand kleage to be the statesman of the party.
Hell, even PBS knows the truth.
Boy, is that surge ever working! The Sunnis just pulled out of the Iraqi “government”.
Yer Killin Mespews:
Because when Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights bill, segregationist, racist Democrats abandoned the party in droves to join the Republican Party, and everyone including you knows it.
Democrats can pick Obama or prove they're racistspews:
#11 Yer Killin Me LIED…
-Because when Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights bill, segregationist, racist Democrats
-abandoned the party in droves to join the Republican Party, and everyone including you knows
Robert Byrd, grand kleagle. Even used the “N” word in the last couple years. Yup, he’s a proud publican. Considering how Al Gore Sr thought of blacks, how do you think Al Gore was raised, to be tolerant of the tobacco pickers on the family plantation? Was it John Kerry that was called out for having an all-white campaign staff??
Daddy Lovespews:
Rudy Giuliani is running on the war. It may even get him the GOP nomination, but if it does, it will sure as hell lose him the election.
Brandon Wolnerspews:
@7 You proved you are the racist on this board with your comment “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
13 “Rudy Giuliani is running on the war.”
Running on it? He’s positively gushing all over it.
Daddy Lovespews:
The way things look in 2008, you just KNOW that the Republicans are praying for a terrorist attack.
Daddy Lovespews:
No, he/she is snarkily quoting Joe Biden from (I think) an appearance on Hardball with Chris Matthews, or maybe Meet the Press.
Daddy Lovespews:
Why is Bush against kids having government-funded health care? He’s afraid they’ll like it. He’s afraid their parents will like it. He’s afraid that people will say “Hey, that’s not such a bad idea, providing health care services for people who need it.”
Daddy Lovespews:
I should stop saying Bush and continue saying “Republicans” because they’re against health care for kids too.
Here’s a real funny:
I waited for Assie Voice and his minions to discuss the commentary of House Majority Whip James Clyburn from Monday. Clyburn suggested a strongly positive report on progress on Iraq by Army Gen. David Petraeus would likely split Democrats in the House. He also suggested the good report would stymie his party’s efforts to press for a end the war timetable.
Puddy commentary – Let’s call Clyburn Stymie! Oh no, Kucinich will lose his lead in the presidential primary race. Wait a minute… Kucinich is one of those lower tier playas Edwards/Clinton want out of the primary race.
Why is anything good for our troops and the world bad for Moonbat!s? Hey, Majority Whipper Snapper Clyburn, why not hide the fact that your party of Moonbat!s want us to fail in Iraq for your party’s political gain in 2008. You guys used to hide it from the public. At least they are not hiding it ANYMORE!
Clyburn said, “I think there would be enough support in that group to want to stay the course and if the Republicans were to stay united as they have been, then it would be a problem for us”.
Waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa.
Wasn’t George Wallace a Democrat (Moonbat!)?
Another TJspews:
Let’s start a list:
Name the great conservative leaders of the Civil Rights movement.
Did Obama say he would potentially invade Pakistan to find Osama? Didn’t you Moonbat!s say we illegally entered Iraq?
21 Why, yes he was. He also was once a rabid racist, but later saw the error of his ways.
Just like Robert Byrd, and a hell of a lot of other people.
18 Bush and his pals believe in using government money to kill and maim children, not to heal and cure them.
Art Fart #22: Everett Dirksen – He provided the Conservative votes for the Civil Rights Amendment of the 1960’s.
Guess who was against it? Robert KKK 3 Sheets Byrd & Richard Russell. Russell was “such a good Moonbat!” they named the Senate Building after her.
oops … after HIM!
Another TJspews:
He also was once a rabid racist, but later saw the error of his ways.
Just like Robert Byrd, and a hell of a lot of other people.
I used to wonder why it was that conservatives most viciously attack those who repent their racist ways and seek to make amends. After getting a good look at the types of people doing the attacking, I don’t wonder anymore. It’s the same reason the list of great conservative leaders of the Civil Rights movement is so pathetically short.
ATJ: It was Conservatives who got the CRA passed.
Dismissed due to stupidity and lack of civics knowledge.
This proves the Moonbat!tic skuul system fails!
My Left Footspews:
Just a question:
How much more of Alberto’s shit are we going to swallow before someone grows a pair? He lies outright and hides behind “executive” privilege. Rove too.
I thought our system of government was supposed to be open.
My mistake, I guess.
Bad news: Major I-35 Bridge in Minneapolis collapsed at 6:05 CDT
If you watched Fox you’d seen it first. Butt, being the ‘Wipes you are you were watching the Moonbat! channels carrying Moonbat! negative political stories!
My Left Footspews:
Only thing missing from your post is the line where you are blaming “liberal” architects and politicians for the collapse. Oh and Clinton too. If he wasn’t getting that blow job, he could have been paying attention to the bridge.
Can’t speak for others, but I am watching Dr.Phil.
My Left Footspews:
And Puddy, MSNBC has it covered.
Left Footy: Blame whom? That’s the attitude of Cluelessman, Stupidman, Pellethead and other Moonbat!s here on ASSWipes! They’ll blame it on George Bush cuz a Moonbat! from Minneapolis Keith Ellison called him “like Hitler”.
Shepard Smith was giving “hard news” without spin and they went right to the story. Yet, CNN and others finished their Moonbat! loving stories then went in.
Left Footy, now they do, but not first. Me and the wife checked!
Harry Tuttlespews:
Let’s consider, a bridge collapses versus GonzoGate, Iraq, or the Tillman coverup — for national news programs, what to cover, what to cover?
Well, which one affects more Americans?
Hint: it ain’t the bridge.
Bush is not a real conservativespews:
@18 Daddy Love talking about health care for everyone…
Sure of course people would love free health care. Any doubt people would love free cable or dish? But alas, it’s not really free is it. Someone has to pay for it.
And as far as your allegations about bush and helping the poor, one of the reasons publicans are revolting is bush strayed waaaaay off course from the idea of a smaller government.
“During his five years at the helm of the nation’s budget, the president has expanded a wide array of “compassionate” welfare-state, defense, and nondefense programs.”
Yes Scary ReBUTTal, immediate news of people potentially dying is not important to Moonbat!s such as you!
Another TJspews:
It was Conservatives who got the CRA passed.
It passed in spite of conservatives, not because of them. It passed because liberals took the lead.
So, our list of great conservative leaders of the Civil Rights movement is one name long. Telling, that.
Brandon got punkedspews:
#14 Brandon Wolner said-
@7 You proved you are the racist on this board with your comment “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
Welcome to trolling 101. Hey Brandon, that was one of the non-racist democrats talking about obama. Joe Biden, google it and weep. BTW, the obama bin laden was ted kennedy talking about obama. Sad I know, in your mind it had to be publicans.
“What we did today was momentous,” declared House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco. “It’s historic.”
And good-government advocates agreed. The bill, which passed 411-8, faces hurdles in the Senate, though leaders of both parties predict it will pass.
Stevens, of Alaska, himself threatened Tuesday to try to block it in a closed-door lunch with his fellow Republican senators. His complaints about the bill have nothing to do with his legal troubles. But he has objected that the legislation’s new restrictions on lawmakers’ use of corporate jets unfairly penalize members of Congress who live in distant states, as he does.
Dem racists decided to switch parties, just like the cut & surrender dems will toospews:
@11 Yer Killin Me says:
-Because when Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights bill, segregationist, racist Democrats abandoned the party in droves to join the Republican Party, and everyone including you knows it.
So, what you are saying is the racist democrats decided instead of hanging out with the majority of racists they would switch parties and hang with a majority of people opposed to their ideas? That doesn’t pass the smell test.
Oh My Goodness ATJ: You need to Google Everett Dirksen Republican Senator from Illinois and the other conservative senators who helped, and the Civil Rights Act.
Dismissed, because you truly are stupid!
Clinton couldn't find any qualified african-americansspews:
If the publicans are the racist party, why did bush put so many into high ranking positions? I know the liberal answer, they were uncle toms/oreos, which would even make it tougher to find qualified blacks. Why couldn’t clinton find any qualified “real” african americans for his cabinet?
Another TJspews:
Looks like the village idiot is living down to his moniker, again.
A. The CRA ’64 is not the totality of the Civil Rights movement, though you seem to believe that it was. You are wrong.
B. You’ve been unable to provide more than one name of “great conservative leaders” of the Civil Rights movement, because it was largely a liberal movement that your ideological forebears vigorously worked to defeat. Everyone knows it; you just don’t have the intellectual honest (or is it ability?) to admit it.
C. Let’s see them, the great conservative leaders who marched, wrote, spoke, and worked to make the Civil Rights movement a success. Last chance.
Why do Moonbat! hate the unborn children? New house bill, HR 3162, being drafted to remove medical coverage for pregnant women and their unborn children which was provided by the states since 2002.
Even old school democrats lied to african-americansspews:
Thanks for the tip to google “Everett Dirksen” and the civil rights act.
“If the election of President John Kennedy in 1960 held any hope for African-Americans, they were to be sorely disappointed. In contrast to his rhetoric, Kennedy did not view civil rights legislation as a high priority for his administration”
Now ATJ changes the tune now he read how Everett Dirksen delived the votes for the Senate passage of the CRA. Where did I assert they marched, wrote, spoke, etc? He asked for great leaders of the movement. So now ATJ having his ASS whacked now asks:
1) Totality
2) Marchers
Again ATJ will demean and call names to people who disagree with his small paramecium brain cell.
#47: You are welcome!
For the Moonbat!s:
Senator John F. Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act.
Senator Al Gore Sr voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act.
President Eisenhower was FOR the 1957 Civil Rights Act.
Checking on the FACTS, John F. Kennedy was opposed to Dr. King’s 1963 March on Washington.
Checking on the FACTS, John F. Kennedy had Dr. King wiretapped by J. Edgar Hoover and those tapes were played later in public.
As I remember, it was Dr. King fighting Moonbat!s who stood in high school doors, college campuses, used vicious dogs and skin-burning fire hoses on blacks. Somehow ATJ missed those newsreels.
We all know the The righties are trying to recreate the past right? I’m sure many would be supportive of this were it to happen today.
“In Tacoma, Washington, at nine o’clock in the morning of November 3, 1885, the mayor ordered all the steam whistles at the foundries to blow, to notify vigilantes to begin the rout of the town’s Chinatowns. By mid afternoon Tacoma’s Chinese were forced from town on a nine mile trek in the mud and rain, never to return.”
42 etc…there’s a little selective misinterpretation of history going on here. Up until the 1960’s “Dixiecrats” were far more conservative than most northern Republicans. This was a holdover from the period after the Civil War when there was no way that any white person from what had been the Confederacy was going to be counted as a member of the party of Abraham Lincoln. With the onset of the Civil Rights movement a few southern Democrats had the brains and courage to clean up their act and go with the Northerners. The rest switched affiliation and the post-Goldwater Republican leadership was more than happy to welcome them (or anyone they could get, for that matter) with open arms. The resulting brew of racial bitterness, orthodox Christian zealotry and extreme lessaiz-faire capitalism fermented into the neoconservative ideology which dominates the party today.
Guess who called Dr. Martin Luther King Jr as “that nigger preacher?”
I have at every stage asked for great conservative leaders of the Civil Rights movement. The village idiot at every stage has tried to equate the CRA ’64 with the Civil Rights movement. I even gave him the one name he could come up with. Evidently the list of great conservative leaders has been completed. It contains one name.
I gave him one last chance, and he couldn’t come up with any more names. Not one. Thank you for proving my point.
Dismissed, with prejudice.
Bush didn't care, peoplpe diedspews:
#33 My Left Foot says:
Only thing missing from your post is the line where you are blaming “liberal” architects and politicians for the collapse. Oh and Clinton too. If he wasn’t getting that blow job, he could have been paying attention to the bridge.
Well, let’s look at it.
Mayor RT Rybak (d)
City Council 11 (d) 1 (green)
2 senators 1(d), 1(r)
8 representatives 5(d), 3(r)
Yup, it’s Bush’s fault. If he could pronounce nuclear he would be smart enough to keep watch over Minneapolis. All those dems, only a chimp could trust them. Look at Katrina, he shouldn’t have trusted all those dems either and look what happened.
Another point missed by the IGNORANT ATJ
Everett Dirksen wrote the primary language used in the extension of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
Idiot Savant ATJ I said all the Republican Senators who voted Aye on the CRA in post #44. But of course idiot savants like ATJ can’t read or comprehend.
He’s good at slinging BULLSHITTIUM!
When MLK Jr day was signed by Ronald Reagan it was Republican senators who suggested Reagan do this.
Why didn’t Jimmy Cahhhhhrter do it ATJ?
ATJ: The King of Camelot ignored Dr Martin Luther King for the first two years of his presidency. Then he saw Jim “Bull” Conner in action with his fire hoses!
Of course ATJ missed the civics lesson where Senator Everett Dirksen crafted the language prohibiting discrimination in housing for the 1968 Civil Rights Act.
Another TJspews:
Only a conservative would point out that liberal MLK’s movement was abused by conservative Bull Connor and claim this vindicates conservatives.
Buh, bye.
ATJ and Art Fart: So you know who you are dealing with:
Google “Nixon starts affirmative action” and view the links.
ATJ Look up the “Philadelphia Plan”. I bet Assie Voice didn’t even know about this plan and what is was used for.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Why, by raising taxes on the working class, of course! It’s clear from the fact that millions of Americans are still working that we’re not taxing workers enough yet. Even though they pay 3 times the tax rates paid by guys yanking down $750,000,000 monthly salaries, there still aren’t enough disincentives against working yet, because we still have some workers who refuse to join the Owner Class and sit around collecting money for doing nothing!
R. Rabbit, Capitalist
Theophilus Eugene “Bull” Connor was a Moonbat! Even WikiPedia acknowledges this ATJ
Dismissed by more ignorance.
Yeah, buhhhh bye. You are toooooooo stupid to converse with this evening!
Moonbat!s back in 1912 hated blacks. President Woodrow Wilson kicked blacks out of all of the federal government jobs.
Today is the 19th anniversary of the Rush Limbaugh Show. This program was born on August 1st, 1988 and has brought about a revolution in American media, teaching conservatism each and every day.
How is that Air America and KIRO Whore thing going for you??
66. Puddybud says:
Moonbat!s back in 1912 hated blacks. President Woodrow Wilson kicked blacks out of all of the federal government jobs.
Puddybud wouldn’t want to change the subject since they really don’t know their history, but a bridge has just collapse in Minneapolis. Question is that state ran by a bunch of Democrats? Now did they burrow the same engineers that this state used to determine if the Alaska Way Viaduct is safe even dropping five inches after the quake a few years? Do all you folks in Seattle believe that that structural is still safe to ride on or under?
The entire span of an interstate bridge collapsed into the Mississippi River during evening rush hour Wednesday, sending vehicles, tons of concrete and twisted metal crashing into the water.
The Interstate 35W Bridge, a major link between Minneapolis and St. Paul, was in the midst of being repaired when it broke into several huge sections.
“There were two lanes of traffic, bumper to bumper, at the point of the collapse. Those cars did go into the river,” Minneapolis Police Lt. Amelia Huffman. “At this point there is nothing to suggest that this was anything other than a structural collapse.”
Folks maybe the governer should close down the WAV before it metts the same fath?
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — An interstate bridge suddenly broke into huge sections and collapsed into the Mississippi River during bumper-to-bumper traffic Wednesday, killing at least six people and sending vehicles, tons of concrete and twisted metal crashing into the water.
Unfortunately, there are a few people so stupid, they don’t know the difference between partisanship and ideology. Some of these fools have internet connections and like to demonstrate their ignorance. They provide the rest of us with tremendous entertainment. Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster for these imbeciles.
ATJ: Another worthless post in #75. Yes we know the Moonbat!s are partisan and their idealogy is scary for the Average American. Since the latest poll says 63% of Americans identify with being conservative, the Dodo Byrd delivered a goose egg to your commentary.
Over 5.4 million American babies aborted since the start of the Iraq war.
You ATJ provide us proof librul run schools deliver no rememberable civic history lessons. ATJ, You are the latest entry into ASSWipes dull knifeism.
Ever heard of A Phillip Randolph or Art Fletcher? – Conservative Black Republicans!
ATJ, A Phillip Randolph organized the 1963 March on Washington for Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Another fact lost in your libtard education.
Poster @#41: Moonbat!s like Brandon have no memory of what was said even if it was said yesterday! Remember the Rush Limbaugh “controversy” over the “Magic Negro” comment? It was first put forth (said) by a LA Times librul MSM member!
Another TJspews:
Welcome to trolling 101. Hey Brandon, that was one of the non-racist democrats talking about obama. Joe Biden, google it and weep. BTW, the obama bin laden was ted kennedy talking about obama. Sad I know, in your mind it had to be publicans.
You’ll be happy to know that when Biden made his asinine remarks he was roundly criticized from the left, precisely along the lines you did. So, the left is consistently against racism, no matter where it comes from. The right, by contrast, takes a moral relativist approach to racism.
Don Joespews:
Puddy is dissembling, again, on the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Merely comparing Republican vs. Democratic votes ignores the north-south tensions that governed just about everyone’s stance on that bill.
When we look at the southern members of the House, the vote was 7 in favor vs 97 against the bill. All seven of the votes in favor were Democrats. Not a single southern Republican voted for the bill.
From the northern states, 94% of House Democrats voted in favor of the bill, while only 85% of House Republicans voted in favor of the bill.
More importantly, southern Democrats from 40 years ago, generally known as Dixiecrats, are now mostly Republicans, thanks in large part to Ronald Reagan, whose most significant Civil Rights action, at least according to Puddy, was a symbolic gesture.
Don’t have sufficient rights to kill it, eh?
Maybe Goldy or Darryl will be kind enough to put it out of its misery.
Well, I was close to some pretty dangerous excitement last night. My daughter and I were visiting some friends in Wallingford, in the 300 block of NE 51st street. Right around 8:00 p.m., just as we were planning to leave anyway, tons of Seattle Police started descending on the neighborhood. Since things didn’t look too bad on this particular block (at least not YET), I took Katie, got in my car and drove off, and made it back home to Bellevue at a decent hour. Saw a bunch more police cars, and SWAT team officers deploying as we were driving away.
Turns out that an armed (?) home invasion suspect was prowling the neighborhood, and eventually blockaded himself in a house in the 300 block of NE 52nd street, just one block over (and probably less than 300 feet from the house where my daughter and I were visiting). Fortunately, no one was in the home he ended up breaking into, and the suspect surrendered peacefully around 12:30 a.m. or so.
I saw someone recently accuse Darcy Burner of being a person who they seemed to think would raise taxes. Not that she has an issues website or has made a recent statement to this effect, but it did get me thinking…
How should we:
– Reduce our currently $248 billion annual reported unified budget deficit?
– Reduce the $185 billion of annual deficit spending offset by the SS surpolus?
– Reduce the additional $95-100 billion in annual deficit spending (“off-budget”) on the occupation of Iraq ($360 bilion total thus far)?
– Reduce the $1.5 trillion in lower revenues through 2016 that the Congressional Budget Office estimates extending the so-called “Bush tax cuts” will cost?
– Reduce the $513 billion in lower revenues through 2016 that the Congressional Budget Office estimates that indexing tax brackets for inflation to fix the Alternative Minimum Tax problem will cost?
The problem is that the United States has dug itself a huge future hole, one big enough to swallow the entire U.S. government budget by 2030 or so, by piling on future obligations for retirement and health care while hiding from the true costs. By 2030, if you assume that discretionary spending (on things like student loans and aircraft carriers) grows at the same rate as the economy and the Bush tax cuts are made permanent, Walker testified, government spending on interest on the national debt, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid would eat up all — yes, 100% — government revenue.
According to Comptroller General Walker, if we do nothing until 2040, balancing the budget in that year would require cutting total federal spending by 60% or raising federal taxes to two times today’s level.
So doesn’t raising a tax or two now, and how about getting the freak out of Iraq, make a bit of sense?
If not, what’s your idea?
Sorry, left out the link…
Good. I thought my posting wasn’t working…
Hey, have you ever stopped to think about…if white men couldn’t vote, no Republicans would ever be elected!
Even now, between Africa-Amercians voters (who HATE Republicans–for good reason), Latino voters (by definition legal immigrant citizens or native-born citizens), and progressive white men and women voters, they are getting driven back home to Honkyville anyway. wp-dyn/content/video/2007/07/3 0/VI2007073001325.html
2nd clip in the side bar, fast forward to around 3:30 Talking about possible improvement in Iraq.
“What do democrats do if general Petraeus comes in in september and says this is working very very well, at this point we would be foolish to back away from it”
James Clyburn (d) “Well, that would be a very big problem for us.”
Okay, he rambles for a bit and then remembers that he “supports the troops,” but his first thought was good news for the country, good news for bush is bad news for the democrats.
How can any democrat that puts the country before his party accept this from one of their leaders. Speaking of leaders, Harry Reid has said the war is lost. Why doesn’t he stop the funding for a lost war, is it just to waste money? These are the types of questions the dem candidates are afraid of, that’s why they are staying clear of Fox news and letting Frosty the snowman as questions via youtube.
#5 Hey Daddy Love, if the publicans are racist, does that mean that the democrats will elect “Obama Bin Laden,” “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy” to be president?
Props to for allowing those with differing opinions to post and not be deleted.
#5 Daddy Love said…
Even now, between Africa-Amercians voters (who HATE Republicans–for good reason)
Why do african american voters hate the republican party. After all, it was the democrats that owned slaves, called the democrat conventions KlanBakes, filler-busted the civil rights act, allowed a grand kleage to be the statesman of the party.
Hell, even PBS knows the truth.
Boy, is that surge ever working! The Sunnis just pulled out of the Iraqi “government”.
Because when Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights bill, segregationist, racist Democrats abandoned the party in droves to join the Republican Party, and everyone including you knows it.
#11 Yer Killin Me LIED…
-Because when Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights bill, segregationist, racist Democrats
-abandoned the party in droves to join the Republican Party, and everyone including you knows
Robert Byrd, grand kleagle. Even used the “N” word in the last couple years. Yup, he’s a proud publican. Considering how Al Gore Sr thought of blacks, how do you think Al Gore was raised, to be tolerant of the tobacco pickers on the family plantation? Was it John Kerry that was called out for having an all-white campaign staff??
Rudy Giuliani is running on the war. It may even get him the GOP nomination, but if it does, it will sure as hell lose him the election.
@7 You proved you are the racist on this board with your comment “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
13 “Rudy Giuliani is running on the war.”
Running on it? He’s positively gushing all over it.
The way things look in 2008, you just KNOW that the Republicans are praying for a terrorist attack.
No, he/she is snarkily quoting Joe Biden from (I think) an appearance on Hardball with Chris Matthews, or maybe Meet the Press.
Why is Bush against kids having government-funded health care? He’s afraid they’ll like it. He’s afraid their parents will like it. He’s afraid that people will say “Hey, that’s not such a bad idea, providing health care services for people who need it.”
I should stop saying Bush and continue saying “Republicans” because they’re against health care for kids too.
Here’s a real funny:
I waited for Assie Voice and his minions to discuss the commentary of House Majority Whip James Clyburn from Monday. Clyburn suggested a strongly positive report on progress on Iraq by Army Gen. David Petraeus would likely split Democrats in the House. He also suggested the good report would stymie his party’s efforts to press for a end the war timetable.
Puddy commentary – Let’s call Clyburn Stymie! Oh no, Kucinich will lose his lead in the presidential primary race. Wait a minute… Kucinich is one of those lower tier playas Edwards/Clinton want out of the primary race.
Why is anything good for our troops and the world bad for Moonbat!s? Hey, Majority Whipper Snapper Clyburn, why not hide the fact that your party of Moonbat!s want us to fail in Iraq for your party’s political gain in 2008. You guys used to hide it from the public. At least they are not hiding it ANYMORE!
Clyburn said, “I think there would be enough support in that group to want to stay the course and if the Republicans were to stay united as they have been, then it would be a problem for us”.
Waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa.
Wasn’t George Wallace a Democrat (Moonbat!)?
Let’s start a list:
Name the great conservative leaders of the Civil Rights movement.
Did Obama say he would potentially invade Pakistan to find Osama? Didn’t you Moonbat!s say we illegally entered Iraq?
21 Why, yes he was. He also was once a rabid racist, but later saw the error of his ways.
Just like Robert Byrd, and a hell of a lot of other people.
18 Bush and his pals believe in using government money to kill and maim children, not to heal and cure them.
Art Fart #22: Everett Dirksen – He provided the Conservative votes for the Civil Rights Amendment of the 1960’s.
Guess who was against it? Robert KKK 3 Sheets Byrd & Richard Russell. Russell was “such a good Moonbat!” they named the Senate Building after her.
oops … after HIM!
He also was once a rabid racist, but later saw the error of his ways.
Just like Robert Byrd, and a hell of a lot of other people.
I used to wonder why it was that conservatives most viciously attack those who repent their racist ways and seek to make amends. After getting a good look at the types of people doing the attacking, I don’t wonder anymore. It’s the same reason the list of great conservative leaders of the Civil Rights movement is so pathetically short.
ATJ: It was Conservatives who got the CRA passed.
Dismissed due to stupidity and lack of civics knowledge.
This proves the Moonbat!tic skuul system fails!
Just a question:
How much more of Alberto’s shit are we going to swallow before someone grows a pair? He lies outright and hides behind “executive” privilege. Rove too.
I thought our system of government was supposed to be open.
My mistake, I guess.
Bad news: Major I-35 Bridge in Minneapolis collapsed at 6:05 CDT
If you watched Fox you’d seen it first. Butt, being the ‘Wipes you are you were watching the Moonbat! channels carrying Moonbat! negative political stories!
Only thing missing from your post is the line where you are blaming “liberal” architects and politicians for the collapse. Oh and Clinton too. If he wasn’t getting that blow job, he could have been paying attention to the bridge.
Can’t speak for others, but I am watching Dr.Phil.
And Puddy, MSNBC has it covered.
Left Footy: Blame whom? That’s the attitude of Cluelessman, Stupidman, Pellethead and other Moonbat!s here on ASSWipes! They’ll blame it on George Bush cuz a Moonbat! from Minneapolis Keith Ellison called him “like Hitler”.
Shepard Smith was giving “hard news” without spin and they went right to the story. Yet, CNN and others finished their Moonbat! loving stories then went in.
Left Footy, now they do, but not first. Me and the wife checked!
Let’s consider, a bridge collapses versus GonzoGate, Iraq, or the Tillman coverup — for national news programs, what to cover, what to cover?
Well, which one affects more Americans?
Hint: it ain’t the bridge.
@18 Daddy Love talking about health care for everyone…
Sure of course people would love free health care. Any doubt people would love free cable or dish? But alas, it’s not really free is it. Someone has to pay for it.
And as far as your allegations about bush and helping the poor, one of the reasons publicans are revolting is bush strayed waaaaay off course from the idea of a smaller government.
Under Bush, Federal Spending Increases at Fastest Rate in 30 years
“…far higher than in any year of the Clinton administration.”
“During his five years at the helm of the nation’s budget, the president has expanded a wide array of “compassionate” welfare-state, defense, and nondefense programs.”
“Bush Has Quietly Tripled Aid to Africa”
Yes Scary ReBUTTal, immediate news of people potentially dying is not important to Moonbat!s such as you!
It was Conservatives who got the CRA passed.
It passed in spite of conservatives, not because of them. It passed because liberals took the lead.
So, our list of great conservative leaders of the Civil Rights movement is one name long. Telling, that.
#14 Brandon Wolner said-
@7 You proved you are the racist on this board with your comment “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
Welcome to trolling 101. Hey Brandon, that was one of the non-racist democrats talking about obama. Joe Biden, google it and weep. BTW, the obama bin laden was ted kennedy talking about obama. Sad I know, in your mind it had to be publicans.
“House passes ethics overhaul by vote of 411-8”
“What we did today was momentous,” declared House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco. “It’s historic.”
And good-government advocates agreed. The bill, which passed 411-8, faces hurdles in the Senate, though leaders of both parties predict it will pass.
Stevens, of Alaska, himself threatened Tuesday to try to block it in a closed-door lunch with his fellow Republican senators. His complaints about the bill have nothing to do with his legal troubles. But he has objected that the legislation’s new restrictions on lawmakers’ use of corporate jets unfairly penalize members of Congress who live in distant states, as he does.
@11 Yer Killin Me says:
-Because when Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights bill, segregationist, racist Democrats abandoned the party in droves to join the Republican Party, and everyone including you knows it.
So, what you are saying is the racist democrats decided instead of hanging out with the majority of racists they would switch parties and hang with a majority of people opposed to their ideas? That doesn’t pass the smell test.
Oh My Goodness ATJ: You need to Google Everett Dirksen Republican Senator from Illinois and the other conservative senators who helped, and the Civil Rights Act.
Dismissed, because you truly are stupid!
If the publicans are the racist party, why did bush put so many into high ranking positions? I know the liberal answer, they were uncle toms/oreos, which would even make it tougher to find qualified blacks. Why couldn’t clinton find any qualified “real” african americans for his cabinet?
Looks like the village idiot is living down to his moniker, again.
A. The CRA ’64 is not the totality of the Civil Rights movement, though you seem to believe that it was. You are wrong.
B. You’ve been unable to provide more than one name of “great conservative leaders” of the Civil Rights movement, because it was largely a liberal movement that your ideological forebears vigorously worked to defeat. Everyone knows it; you just don’t have the intellectual honest (or is it ability?) to admit it.
C. Let’s see them, the great conservative leaders who marched, wrote, spoke, and worked to make the Civil Rights movement a success. Last chance.
Why do Moonbat! hate the unborn children? New house bill, HR 3162, being drafted to remove medical coverage for pregnant women and their unborn children which was provided by the states since 2002.
Thanks for the tip to google “Everett Dirksen” and the civil rights act.
“If the election of President John Kennedy in 1960 held any hope for African-Americans, they were to be sorely disappointed. In contrast to his rhetoric, Kennedy did not view civil rights legislation as a high priority for his administration”
Now ATJ changes the tune now he read how Everett Dirksen delived the votes for the Senate passage of the CRA. Where did I assert they marched, wrote, spoke, etc? He asked for great leaders of the movement. So now ATJ having his ASS whacked now asks:
1) Totality
2) Marchers
Again ATJ will demean and call names to people who disagree with his small paramecium brain cell.
#47: You are welcome!
For the Moonbat!s:
Senator John F. Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act.
Senator Al Gore Sr voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act.
President Eisenhower was FOR the 1957 Civil Rights Act.
Checking on the FACTS, John F. Kennedy was opposed to Dr. King’s 1963 March on Washington.
Checking on the FACTS, John F. Kennedy had Dr. King wiretapped by J. Edgar Hoover and those tapes were played later in public.
As I remember, it was Dr. King fighting Moonbat!s who stood in high school doors, college campuses, used vicious dogs and skin-burning fire hoses on blacks. Somehow ATJ missed those newsreels.
We all know the The righties are trying to recreate the past right? I’m sure many would be supportive of this were it to happen today.
What’s Scary About the Anti-Immigration Debate
By Jean Pfaelzer
“In Tacoma, Washington, at nine o’clock in the morning of November 3, 1885, the mayor ordered all the steam whistles at the foundries to blow, to notify vigilantes to begin the rout of the town’s Chinatowns. By mid afternoon Tacoma’s Chinese were forced from town on a nine mile trek in the mud and rain, never to return.”
42 etc…there’s a little selective misinterpretation of history going on here. Up until the 1960’s “Dixiecrats” were far more conservative than most northern Republicans. This was a holdover from the period after the Civil War when there was no way that any white person from what had been the Confederacy was going to be counted as a member of the party of Abraham Lincoln. With the onset of the Civil Rights movement a few southern Democrats had the brains and courage to clean up their act and go with the Northerners. The rest switched affiliation and the post-Goldwater Republican leadership was more than happy to welcome them (or anyone they could get, for that matter) with open arms. The resulting brew of racial bitterness, orthodox Christian zealotry and extreme lessaiz-faire capitalism fermented into the neoconservative ideology which dominates the party today.
Guess who called Dr. Martin Luther King Jr as “that nigger preacher?”
Well ATJ?
You are just like him!
He was a great Moonbat!
Okay I’ll tell you.
Moonbat! President Lyndon Johnson
Art Fart: You challenging me on BLACK HISTORY?
Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa
A minion of Assie Voice?
I have at every stage asked for great conservative leaders of the Civil Rights movement. The village idiot at every stage has tried to equate the CRA ’64 with the Civil Rights movement. I even gave him the one name he could come up with. Evidently the list of great conservative leaders has been completed. It contains one name.
I gave him one last chance, and he couldn’t come up with any more names. Not one. Thank you for proving my point.
Dismissed, with prejudice.
#33 My Left Foot says:
Only thing missing from your post is the line where you are blaming “liberal” architects and politicians for the collapse. Oh and Clinton too. If he wasn’t getting that blow job, he could have been paying attention to the bridge.
Well, let’s look at it.
Mayor RT Rybak (d)
City Council 11 (d) 1 (green)
2 senators 1(d), 1(r)
8 representatives 5(d), 3(r)
Yup, it’s Bush’s fault. If he could pronounce nuclear he would be smart enough to keep watch over Minneapolis. All those dems, only a chimp could trust them. Look at Katrina, he shouldn’t have trusted all those dems either and look what happened.
Another point missed by the IGNORANT ATJ
Everett Dirksen wrote the primary language used in the extension of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
Idiot Savant ATJ I said all the Republican Senators who voted Aye on the CRA in post #44. But of course idiot savants like ATJ can’t read or comprehend.
He’s good at slinging BULLSHITTIUM!
When MLK Jr day was signed by Ronald Reagan it was Republican senators who suggested Reagan do this.
Why didn’t Jimmy Cahhhhhrter do it ATJ?
ATJ: The King of Camelot ignored Dr Martin Luther King for the first two years of his presidency. Then he saw Jim “Bull” Conner in action with his fire hoses!
Of course ATJ missed the civics lesson where Senator Everett Dirksen crafted the language prohibiting discrimination in housing for the 1968 Civil Rights Act.
Only a conservative would point out that liberal MLK’s movement was abused by conservative Bull Connor and claim this vindicates conservatives.
Buh, bye.
ATJ and Art Fart: So you know who you are dealing with:
Google “Nixon starts affirmative action” and view the links.
ATJ Look up the “Philadelphia Plan”. I bet Assie Voice didn’t even know about this plan and what is was used for.
@3 Why, by raising taxes on the working class, of course! It’s clear from the fact that millions of Americans are still working that we’re not taxing workers enough yet. Even though they pay 3 times the tax rates paid by guys yanking down $750,000,000 monthly salaries, there still aren’t enough disincentives against working yet, because we still have some workers who refuse to join the Owner Class and sit around collecting money for doing nothing!
R. Rabbit, Capitalist
Theophilus Eugene “Bull” Connor was a Moonbat! Even WikiPedia acknowledges this ATJ
Dismissed by more ignorance.
Yeah, buhhhh bye. You are toooooooo stupid to converse with this evening!
Moonbat!s back in 1912 hated blacks. President Woodrow Wilson kicked blacks out of all of the federal government jobs.
Today is the 19th anniversary of the Rush Limbaugh Show. This program was born on August 1st, 1988 and has brought about a revolution in American media, teaching conservatism each and every day.
How is that Air America and KIRO Whore thing going for you??
66. Puddybud says:
Moonbat!s back in 1912 hated blacks. President Woodrow Wilson kicked blacks out of all of the federal government jobs.
Puddybud wouldn’t want to change the subject since they really don’t know their history, but a bridge has just collapse in Minneapolis. Question is that state ran by a bunch of Democrats? Now did they burrow the same engineers that this state used to determine if the Alaska Way Viaduct is safe even dropping five inches after the quake a few years? Do all you folks in Seattle believe that that structural is still safe to ride on or under?
The entire span of an interstate bridge collapsed into the Mississippi River during evening rush hour Wednesday, sending vehicles, tons of concrete and twisted metal crashing into the water.
The Interstate 35W Bridge, a major link between Minneapolis and St. Paul, was in the midst of being repaired when it broke into several huge sections.
“There were two lanes of traffic, bumper to bumper, at the point of the collapse. Those cars did go into the river,” Minneapolis Police Lt. Amelia Huffman. “At this point there is nothing to suggest that this was anything other than a structural collapse.”
Folks maybe the governer should close down the WAV before it metts the same fath?
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — An interstate bridge suddenly broke into huge sections and collapsed into the Mississippi River during bumper-to-bumper traffic Wednesday, killing at least six people and sending vehicles, tons of concrete and twisted metal crashing into the water.
Sorry chaps but the finger hit the keys in the wrong order AWV
Folks check out the vedio it looks like a school bus stuck on that bridge.
KLake I wrote about the bridge in post #31.
Unfortunately, there are a few people so stupid, they don’t know the difference between partisanship and ideology. Some of these fools have internet connections and like to demonstrate their ignorance. They provide the rest of us with tremendous entertainment. Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster for these imbeciles.
ATJ: Another worthless post in #75. Yes we know the Moonbat!s are partisan and their idealogy is scary for the Average American. Since the latest poll says 63% of Americans identify with being conservative, the Dodo Byrd delivered a goose egg to your commentary.
Over 5.4 million American babies aborted since the start of the Iraq war.
You ATJ provide us proof librul run schools deliver no rememberable civic history lessons. ATJ, You are the latest entry into ASSWipes dull knifeism.
Ever heard of A Phillip Randolph or Art Fletcher? – Conservative Black Republicans!
ATJ, A Phillip Randolph organized the 1963 March on Washington for Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Another fact lost in your libtard education.
Poster @#41: Moonbat!s like Brandon have no memory of what was said even if it was said yesterday! Remember the Rush Limbaugh “controversy” over the “Magic Negro” comment? It was first put forth (said) by a LA Times librul MSM member!
Welcome to trolling 101. Hey Brandon, that was one of the non-racist democrats talking about obama. Joe Biden, google it and weep. BTW, the obama bin laden was ted kennedy talking about obama. Sad I know, in your mind it had to be publicans.
You’ll be happy to know that when Biden made his asinine remarks he was roundly criticized from the left, precisely along the lines you did. So, the left is consistently against racism, no matter where it comes from. The right, by contrast, takes a moral relativist approach to racism.
Puddy is dissembling, again, on the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Merely comparing Republican vs. Democratic votes ignores the north-south tensions that governed just about everyone’s stance on that bill.
When we look at the southern members of the House, the vote was 7 in favor vs 97 against the bill. All seven of the votes in favor were Democrats. Not a single southern Republican voted for the bill.
From the northern states, 94% of House Democrats voted in favor of the bill, while only 85% of House Republicans voted in favor of the bill.
More importantly, southern Democrats from 40 years ago, generally known as Dixiecrats, are now mostly Republicans, thanks in large part to Ronald Reagan, whose most significant Civil Rights action, at least according to Puddy, was a symbolic gesture.