– I think we can all agree that after his years of hating unions, being so obviously correct on the tunnel, the ham handed way he tried to push his way into the Senate seat last time, Reuven Carlyle deserves a promotion.
– The mayor of Airway Heights who said racist shit about the Obamas has resigned. Ostensibly because of his health, but come on.
– Birthright citizenship is one of the greatest things we do as a country. So of course, Republicans are against it.
– Straight Outta Compton is bold, invigorating, and reminded me of all the things I do love about rap music. It also reinforces, affirms, and glorifies the systems in place that dehumanize, commodify, and erase Black women.
Carl, sometimes you really surprise me with shocking statements. I am very happy to view the last part of that second sentence. You see Carl, the
clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch AKA ylb, doesn’t understand how I look at this type of music and how it depicts black women and cum dumps, hos and illegitimate baby mamas. That’s what a freakazoid like the
clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch sees black women as. Hence its attack in the yesterday’s Drinking Liberally — Seattle thread.
It’s so sad to see my people in do rags on heads, pants around their ankles, and a mouth full of gold thinking they be something while behind closed doors being ridiculed by your people! The gutter dwelling
clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch will never understand due to a lack of a working brain cell!
Reuven Carlyle is slipping upward into a position of more power. A slimy one to watch. Aside from “hating unions, being so obviously correct on the tunnel”, as Carl points out, he was a foaming at the mouth advocate of SB5052, the anti medical cannabis bill which he helped pass (and bragged about) and was signed by gov Inslee. This clown has got to go. But how?
I’d think the the folks from SHARE/WHEEL would have some objections to the Market Street site, not the least of which is it being cheek by jowl with a tavern and a liquor store. The residents might find 80th and 15th NW objectionable, due to the traffic noise.
I’m trying to get my head around people from Magnolia having their britches in a bunch about a homeless encampment in Ballard. I don’t recall there being so much as a peep about it when SPU played host to TC3 (at least twice, to my recollection). It’s probably the same idiots who got sold condos on the old Navy housing site and then screamed bloody murder about the noise from the railroad yard.
The thought has also crossed my mind that if somebody does have an agenda involving locating encampments to “raise awareness” or something like that, the results might not quite be what they expect. Picture the hipsters attending the monthly Ballard Art Walk wandering over to gawk at the homeless people as if they were animals in a zoo, and then heading back to Conor Byrne’s to knock back a few more IPA’s.
Our raping illegal immigrants should feel right at home with their frat brothers. If we kick the illegals out we should kick the frat brothers out too, right Donald Duck?
Fla. frat member accused of rape heard shouting ‘rape’ http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2330763
Who says Puffy’s idea of a family isn’t working. This mother had a great solution to the problems.
Mom kills 3 sons to give daughter more of dad’s attention http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2330400
Can someone point me to the story or stories that give an account of Carlysle’s inadequacy on unions?
VIENNA (AP) — Iran, in an unusual arrangement, will be allowed to use its own experts to inspect a site it allegedly used to develop nuclear arms under a secret agreement with the U.N. agency that normally carries out such work, according to a document seen by The Associated Press.
Is there ever a point at which HA libbies would find this agreement unacceptable?
Again the babbling jackass projects! The record shows very different. This is how the babbling jackass disparages black women in his rants:
I am saddened that the beautiful sisters are spreading their legs, taking a load of jism, getting pregnant before their time
Did those liberal [sic] policies force black men to use black women as semen sponges and create so many out of wedlock children with no father figures to guide them?
Don’t do the deed with the steed if you can’t stand or have the final consequences planned.
How respectful of black women is the babbling jackass! Like Darryl said, the fiend is a bullshitting asshole.
Any of that misogynist crap from yours truly? PROVE IT!
PUDDY PWNS the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch lock stock and barrel!
The record demonstrates ABSOLUTELY no change in PuddyThought from then until now. Puddy stands by each of those comments! Hip-hop and rap denigrate black wimens. That’s why the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch loves that culture!
Three more EPIC FAYLES from the crazed databaze!
1/267 is .34% Sux to be so wrong so often even from the crazed databaze!
Remember everyone… Puddy didn’t name the cretin monomaniacal… A left wrong libtard did years ago. Puddy delivered the person and the link too!
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
So why do you enjoy calling black wimens hos and baby mamas clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch? That makes you feel manly?
How will Planned Parenthood explain away this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=279&v=FzMAycMMXp8
“Exactly what is being done to obtain these intact bodies needs to be investigated. Federal law prohibits abortion procedures that partially or fully deliver a living baby. Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell is serving life in prison because he aborted babies who were still alive when they came out of the mother’s body. If Planned Parenthood is not fully investigated and prosecuted for these offenses, then we owe Gosnell an apology.” – Priests for Life statement.
-further evidence of criminal activity by CMP, secretly video recording in a two-party consent state.
-further evidence of criminal activity by CMP, violating judicial order to produce any and all secret recordings made in a two-party consent state.
-possible evidence (as stated by Stem Express employee O’Donnel) that Stem Express may have been in violation of law (strongly denied by Stem Express).
-absolutely no evidence of any legal violations by Planned Parenthood.
Seems CMP just can’t stop digging that hole.
Yes, yes… your coronated candidate is doing so well when sh meets the press! http://www.washingtonpost.com/...../?lotgahja
PuddyCommentary: Martha’s popcorn is very tasty these days. Heilary is providing the comedy movie of the year!
So HA DUMMOCRETINS, if the private email server was her only official State Department means of electronic communication and she never sent or received classified or marked classified material on that server then how did receive her classified materials?
“Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell … (blather redacted).
As you know, PP does not obtain fetal tissue for research in Pennsylvania, nor in any other state where this physician ever practiced. This is what grownups call a Red Herring.
“You want to know where a collection of gasps came from during her press conference? The White House. People working in the White House cannot believe she keeps saying this was okay with the White House, that this was okay according to the law. They cannot believe, inside the Obama White House, that she continues to act this way.” – Joe Scarborough this morning!
The Heilaryphiles are out in force!
Statement went right over your head! So typical!
Of course the content @12 doesn’t bother closetforeplay, even when the baby’s heart is beating; then they cut open it’s head to dissect the brain!
Mike Hillbilly went to Israel and made a complete asshole of himself. Not that he wasn’t a complete asshole before he went. But it’s amazing what can happen when you don’t have a compliant corporate media full of rats (I’m looking at you, NBC). He was actually called on his stupidity.
Wow Obummer… What a secret side deal! http://bigstory.ap.org/article.....-work-site
Got link from a reputable source?
-further evidence of criminal activity by CMP, violating judicial order to produce any and all secret recordings made in a two-party consent state.
Got link closetforeplay?
Here’s Puddy’s https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20150813/16494131936/judge-realizing-he-probably-cant-block-release-surreptitiously-recorded-video.shtml
The response from Smart City reminds Puddy of how the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch told the world how wifi encryption worked! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
@21 I thought you already know everything.
Secret Iran Deals eh Obummer? http://freebeacon.com/national.....l-letters/
How would Puddy know what The Dunceman is thinking? Dunceman is a DUMMOCRETIN! Liberalism is a mental disorder!
“Of course the content @12 doesn’t bother closetforeplay…” …still more blather redacted.
Nope. Does not bother me.
Abortion is an absolutely legal and very important medical procedure. I support abortion. I support reproductive rights for women. I support family planning. I support protecting the privacy of the therapeutic relationship between a doctor and a patient. And I don’t think women should have that relationship sacrificed because people like you are afraid of vaginas.
nd I don’t think women should have that relationship sacrificed because people like you are afraid of vaginas.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Puddy loves Pussy! Apparently your projection now runs to human females!
@1 you, as a black guy, can dislike the do rags and baggy pants, for good reason, but you made it sound like white people “ridicule” that same behavior as if it is racist. Can’t we disagree with it for the same resins you do and not be racists? There are white people with baggy pants or worse (Google white trash at Walmart) that should be ridiculed for the same reasons.
And you could take this even further and talk about frat brothers wanting to rape women.
you aren’t paying attention again. Go sit in the corner.
While it may be true that, citing prior restraint and the First Ammendment, CMP can’t be prevented from continuing to release these illegally obtained recordings to the public, that pretty much misses the point. A judge has ordered (through a legal process called “discovery”) that CMP must produce all the recordings it has in its possession. Withholding such a recording from the court would be a violation of law. This latest tape posted to various sites seems to include portions of recordings covered by the order but nevertheless withheld by CMP. They just can’t put that shovel down.
And you could take this even further and talk about frat brothers wanting to rape women.
Was never a member of a FRAT. Dropped the line with 45 others when we realized what frat life was like. Was recruited for the graduate FRAT and said NO WAY! So take it to someone who was/still is a member!
closetforeplay @30,
Still waiting for this discovery demand link!
Can’t produce it eh?
I’m sure CMP gets The Fuckwad’s blood up.
It is supposed to. That way gullible dumbshits like him will pull out their wallets, etc.
But at the end of the day, there just isn’t any “there” there. CMP has not provided anything so far that could serve as the basis for any legal action, at least not against PP. And that’s really no surprise. They are a pretty straight up org. They provide abortions. Yep. They do that. Which WE ALREADY KNEW. And sometimes, when the patient gives specific consent, the fetal tissue is donated to tissue procurement companies who sell it to medical researchers like The Fuckwad’s favorite clown, Dr. Ben Carson. All business as usual and perfectly legal.
But let’s not lose sight of the fact that CMP started this project almost three years ago. They set up multiple fake businesses and fake identities. They hired operatives to establish false identities and go undercover. And they spent millions of dollars in the process. That money came from dumbshits just like The Fuckwad. These tools “seeded” CMP. And their invisible sky buddy is going to reward them with a harvest of….
Face it Fuckwad. You’ve been fleeced again.
all I hear is the bleating of another sheep.
Baaaaahhh. Baaahhhh.
Maybe a HA DUMMOCRETIN can explain what exactly is “unwitting information”?
Thanks for playing closetforeplay. Puddy produced a link. You produce BULLSHITTIUM!
What? No caps lock explosion sound?
Baaaahhhh. Baaaahhhh.
BULLSHITTIUM before … the fetal tissue is donated to tissue procurement companies who sell it to medical researchers … BULLSHITTIUM after!
Ben already explained it! Don’t you DUMMOCRETINS think if this was anything different someone at Johns Hopkins would blow Ben’s explanation out of the water? They provided legal and illegal abortions for years.
Just more dimwitted slander from closetforeplay! And the journal power from abortionist Dr Gunter? http://www.citefactor.org/jour.....014_H.html 2.8
The journal power for the Journal of Medicine 54.42
The Dr Gunter journal power rant is close to Puddy’s undergraduate degree journals!
You actually came across smarter when you used your lib unscientist personna!
Still no link…
Thanks for playing. Sux to be you!
Ben Carson is considered to be http://www.redstate.com/diary/.....n-america/
“Hacked Ashley Madison data reveals accounts listed in Josh Duggar’s name: report”
Too funny! The batshit crazy loon rages on and on petty shit as he and his Republican Christo-fascist friends continue to fuck children and goats.
“‘What’s wrong with slavery?’: Iowa radio host wants to turn immigrants into US ‘property’”
The batshit crazy loon hopes to own his own slave someday.
So now we know closetforeplay…
PuddyCommentary: Just more BULLSHITTIUM above from closetforeplay (lib unscientist)! Another meritless DUMMOCRETIN fascist attempt at stopping free speech!
So this was known six days ago and closetforeplay was still trying to proffer a BIG TIME LIE! Thanks for playing closetforeplay!
This fool and his left wrong libtard web sites full of errors are never departed!
Puddy would never own a slave butt…
Stooooooooooopid Solution Steve… Puddy PWNS you already!
Heh. Coulter really hates Republican Carly Fiorina.
“I have turned against her as of yesterday with the hot, hot hate of one thousand suns,” Coulter said to radio host Mike Gallagher.
Donald Trump Devours wingnut Frank Luntz.
“@FrankLuntz is a low class slob who came to my office looking for consulting work and I had zero interest. Now he picks anti-Trump panels!”
“@FrankLuntz, your so-called “focus groups” are a total joke. Don’t come to my office looking for business again. You are a clown!”
Friends of HA DUMMOCRETINS whom hate Israel as much as ISIS view this and go ho-hum… http://townhall.com/tipsheet/k.....y-n2040901
Remember this is the JV!
The Basketball Shark says it’s a failure Heilary… http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-.....llege-plan
Just another union thug acting normal… http://www.sfgate.com/crime/ar.....441534.php
PuddyCommentary: Marijuana dispensaries are food locations now? Will Lee write he was railroaded or illegally targeted?
Carl, do you really like rap,music? To me, rap has the same cadence of an engine that someone is trying to start, but it never catches fire and starts running. Rap is very fringing one one’s nerves.
@31 not enough that you weren’t a frat member. I’m not a cop who is out shooting blacks. I’m not a KKK member. Doesn’t mean I stay silent. You should expect more from your leaders and yourself to speak out against Frat boys raping, not just illegal immigrants.
The crime problem isn’t because of illegal immigrants, its because of American Citizens – Mom and Dads killing their kids, neighbors, etc. Frat boys raping girls (and guys I suppose – unless the sorority sister are raping the boys and girls).
Never said you were a Frat boy… doesn’t matter. I suppose you care more about Hillary – why because you are political hack. You don’t care about the girls getting raped, obviously, otherwise that wouldn’t have been your response. Bigot and Rapist appeaser (unless its and immigrant) pig.
@42 THAT IS FUCKING GREAT. I CAN SEE FUCKABEE NOW, GOOD CHRISTIANS LIKE TO FUCK PROSTITUTES, (when they aren’t playing doctor on their sisters!)
@47 also very funny!
There will be no Republican Party after President Trump is elected. There really isn’t a Republican party today, kind of went by the wayside with the Teabaggers.
@48 Trump isn’t too worried about ISIS, the great wall of Mexico is more important. Stop wasting our time.
Even if Trump can be pushed aside, he certainly won’t go quietly. The way I see it, if Trump retains his delegates into the convention then they may have to deal with him directly. And based on all we know about the man, and what he unabashedly tells us about who he is and how he operates, he would only trade delegates for some degree of vocal involvement after the convention. Even if he is not the nominee, the chances are that he will get to stamp his personal “brand” all over the nominee’s pale white ass in a very public and humiliating way.
I can hardly wait.
Guess what kids? Josh Duggar has an Ashley Madison acct:
But data released online in the wake of the hack on Ashley Madison’s servers certainly seems to show otherwise. Someone using a credit card belonging to a Joshua J. Duggar, with a billing address that matches the home in Fayetteville, Arkansas owned by his grandmother Mary—a home that was consistently shown on their now-cancelled TV show, and in which Anna Duggargave birth to her first child—paid a total of $986.76 for two different monthly Ashley Madison subscriptions from February of 2013 until May of 2015.
Details of the Duggar boy’s acct prefs :
Conventional Sex,” Experimenting with Sex Toys,” One-Night Stands,” “Open to Experimentation,” “Gentleness,” “Good With Your Hands,” Sensual Massage,” “Extended Foreplay/Teasing,” “Bubble Bath for 2,” “Likes to Give Oral Sex,” “Likes to Receive Oral Sex,” “Someone I Can Teach,” “Someone Who Can Teach Me,” “Kissing,” “Cuddling & Hugging,” “Sharing Fantasies,” “Sex Talk.”
Trump scheduled his town hall over the top of jebb!??? Pass the popcorn. I find jebb!!! is like his brother, but without the charisma.
@56 I don’t know – I don’t see any pushing aside going on. I think it is going to take a big mistake or some scandal to take him down. I’m not sure he’s not going to make a mistake, but with this group of people, any mistake can be crafted and accepted.
He was mocking the media today, to an rousing applause. I think the Republicans thought he was referring to the liberal media, but I think what they didn’t realize is that he was probably including Fox News. Trump was smart enough to be able to bash both Republican and Democrats with one stone. He’s an opportunist.
@58 I wonder if that is the MO of every doctor. Bob?
@60 The thought occurred to me of the way the GOP might end the Trump charade once they grow weary of it: Have a few people show up and march through the hallways of one of The Donald’s hotels around 11:30 AM identifying themselves as being from the INS, and watch the shit hit the fan.
They mentioned many names were faked on purpose. Puddy guesses people who hate the Duggars used his name. Of course being the silly DUMMOCRETINS you are immediately ate that shit up!
@ 62
When I was on the drilling rig in the SF Bay area back in the early 90s, the superduper redneck I worked with had a Border patrol hat that his uncle had given him. Going into a fast food place in southeastern San Jose was kinda fun, in that we’d be there ten minutes and the place would be pretty much empty. The Khaki shirts with the company logo on the left chest made them look a little like BP uniforms I guess.
If it’s really Duggar’s email and address, he deserves the scorn. If someone has set him up, Puddy bets it’s a hateful DUMMOCRETINS!
Many of the clients who used “whitehouse.gov” appeared to be giving phony email addresses. Some of the names given were “president@whitehouse.gov,” “billclinton@whitehouse.gov,” “georgebush@whitehouse.gov,” “orackbobama@whitehouse.gov” and “billybob@whitehouse.gov.”
Now this is interesting… http://pagesix.com/2015/08/19/.....on-tinder/
Did Rosie cause her daughter to go nutzo?
ISIS can easily come over the Southern border
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
They figgered out the real name of the
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla
In a letter sent last week to Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, attorney David Kendall said the server was transferred to the FBI on Aug. 12 by Platte River Networks, a Denver firm hired by Clinton to oversee the device. The Senate committee made Kendall’s letter public on Wednesday. In exchanges with reporters earlier this week, Clinton said she was not aware if the data on her server was erased. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/s.....TON_SERVER?
Such BULLSHITTIUM. Her reaction to Ed Henry’s question was like a kid caught in a candy jar!
Just one look at the libtard news actions tells you how FASCISM really happens in 2015! http://newsbusters.org/
ABC Ignores Hillary’s E-Mail Scandal; Hypes Rubio Video with Football
16 Journalists Accept Planned Parenthood Awards, Despite Abortion Vids
Carville Blasts Media ‘Stupidity’ of Covering Hillary’s E-Mail Scandal
AP Keeps Hillary’s ‘With a Cloth?’ Response Out of Coverage
CNN’s Costello Laugh Off Hillary’s ‘Cloth’ Comment as ‘Fun’ Dodge
etc.etc. etc
Such BULLSHITTIUM. Implausible deniability. Would Heilery’s lawyer David Kendall, who cowrote Willy’s “I did have my cock sucked in the Oval Orifice” Clinton’s speech, not authorized to handle state secrets; give the order to wipe the server?
Wow Martha, another bucket of popcorn please! http://www.cbsnews.com/news/hi.....ond-email/
CBS eh clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch?
Another one? http://www.breitbart.com/big-g.....-biracial/
Bad Fuckwad! Still refusing to pay attention to teacher. Hold out your hand…
It’s not the Duggar boy’s email that gives him away.
It’s his billing details, credit card account details, mailing address, etc.
You were rather quick to jump on that faulty excuse. I hope you don’t plan on using it when Mrs. Fuckwad discovers what you’ve been up to.
@66 Scorn? Really? Get with the program – Good Christians ARE allowed to Fuck Prostitutes (and commit Adultery) when they are not playing with their sisters’ vaginas (paging Dr. Duggar, paging Dr. Duggar).
So let’s see – not good to wear baggy pants so we can ridicule, and horny boy can’t fuck prostitute, he must be scorned. But for Frat Boy to rape women? No ridicule and no scorn., because it’s not your problem, and when raked one gets pregnant she must have the baby. What Jesus proverb is that from?
@69 funny, in republican North Carolina that name gets put on a ballot, boy they must really have some bright ones in that state. And who do you think they were try to make fun of? The 5 or so dens in the race or the 20 something Republican nut bags?
Soon my name will be Republicans in Decline.
Unfortunate it wasn’t his death.
Man At ‘Muslim-Free’ Gun Shop Accidentally Shoots Himself http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....12970.html
Great Puddy! Commended for still refusing to pay attention to a moron. Hold out your hand… High Five…
It was you closet foreplay @30 that claimed CMP ignored a judge’s orders by not doing discovery… Oopsie… 7 days ago that was NULL and VOID per the judge! Everyone can see closet foreplay never pays attention to anything outside of left wrong libtard e-rags! You need to go sit in the corner.
Why should Puddy pay attention to your drivel when it’s wrong so many times?
What Jesus proverb is that from?
You should know teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla since you heap scorn on Jesus and the Bible all the time!
in republican North Carolina that name gets put on a ballot
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla @77 doesn’t pay attention… In libtard Minnesota it is popular too!
Which one of the Clown Car passengers will be outed in the Ashley Madison hack?
Puddy thinks it’s too coincidental butt if Duggar did it then the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla’s comments about Josh Duggar will be reevaluated…
1) Strange how Gawker lives on the dark websites
2) Gawker wenk looking for Duggar
3) Being a popular figure it’s easy to set him up
4) The second address is too convenient
5) Our mail was one stolen and a department store account was created in Mrs Puddy’s name. How does one know if this wasn’t a setup by hateful libtards?
6) Will Gawker dig deep for potential libtard names?
Yep he’s a whitey… http://www.breitbart.com/big-g.....-is-white/
Will Oprah force him to pay back that Morehouse scholarship he lied to acquire? Or was a Shaun a confused youth who loved him some black ladies?
And so it begins… http://www.breitbart.com/big-g.....n-florida/
And so it continues… http://newsbusters.org/blogs/n.....ere-are-no
Another bucket of popcorn Martha please!
I never thought about it – maybe because I don’t have all the free time in the world – but maybe I’ll go through the trouble of creating an Ashley Madison account in the Duggar’s name, you know because I have nothing better to do, and one day I know the account will be hacked and I’ll be setting up the Duggar boy.
Puffy, now maybe someone, coincidentally, was fucking around, but to go through the trouble of opening an account in Duggars name, with the intention of setting him up, because one day you know the accounts will be hacked and leaked is a little proposterous.
Now if the Duggar boy himself didn’t admit to molestation, I’m sure you would believe that the accusations were false and a set-up too.
Not sure why you have to defend him. He’s just another hypocrtie and child molester not worth defending. You should stick with defending raping frat boys, good ole Americana you can believe in.
@80 I don’t scorn my Jesus. I scorn you for preaching Jesus to others, and your cherry picking of the bible, and your radical ways.
Another reason Puddy is still skeptical over Josh Duggar… https://grahamcluley.com/2015/08/ashley-madisons-leaked-database-available-download-read-this/
PuddyCommentary: Butt not the left wrong sites at Gawker, et. al along with the HA DUMMOCRETIN freakshows called closet foreplay and the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla.
So why didn’t these two visit here: http://m.snopes.com/2015/08/19.....y-madison/ Because of hatred of course!
@87 see #89. Plain and simple!
EPA screws up and who pays? http://townhall.com/tipsheet/m.....n-n2041128
Under Obummer nothing ever changes… just lip service… http://www.va.gov/oig/pubs/VAOIG-15-04652-448.pdf
Of course no HA DUMMOCRETIN would have remembered this either… http://dailycaller.com/2014/02.....Nf?print=1
PuddyCommentary: And of course we can’t have efficiency issues! Nosiree, the appearance of efficiency is what Obummer wants. Just look at how efficient the IRS was at damaging Tea Party Groups! HEH HEH HEH!
That’s how DUMMOCRETINS operate. Screw the whistle blower because the look of servicing is more important that the actual service delivery! So the whistleblower was transferred out then later fired. Of course they claimed he was a poor performer. That’s how DUMMOCRETINS do it!
I see the batshit crazy loon is still batshit insane.
The world turns.. Klownservatic jackasses babble..
The DOD is the government agency that the klownservatics act as if it can do no wrong.. Like their girlfriend country Israel.
How’s 8.5 TRILLION since 1996 for “wrong”???
The most you’ll hear from babbling jackass klownservatics is mere lip service and ALWAYS calls for even MORE Pentagon spending.
Do stupid jackass klownservatics remember that birthright citizenship was a REPUBLICAN accomplishment?
Stupid klownservatics and their panderers like Trump are all about hatred of Latinos.. To the point of wanting to DESTROY a significant accomplishment to the credit of the party of Lincoln.
Fools! The future belongs to Latinos in this country. Even the fucking Koch brothers understand that.
“Josh Duggar admits to porn addiction and being ‘unfaithful’ to wife: ‘I have been the biggest hypocrite ever’”
No word yet on whether or not Christian bakeries will continue to serve the Duggars, but I’m pretty sure there’s a gofundme site in the future of a few people involved this latest fiasco.
I do think it’s useful to observe how The Fuckwad pushed back on the Duggar Boy story. I expect this bullshit will be chapter and verse. Already a few prominent figures have put out preemptive press releases claiming that their email addresses were “stolen”, etc. But really, nobody is going to believe that bullshit.
Except The Fuckwad, of course.
I know what this Duggar character’s problem is. He’s a round pervert trying to fit in a square Cristian hole. He should drop the fucked up religious bullshit his parents forced on him and join the rest of us perverts and enjoy life.
I do think it’s useful to observe how Puddy pushed back on the Duggar Boy story.
It’s very useful. Under our laws of jurisprudence, in America, you are innocent until proven guilty or you freely admit your guilt. Now that Duggar has confessed to acting like a DUMMOCRETIN he’s guilty closet foreplay!
That’s the difference between FASCIST NAZI COMMUNIST DUMMOCRETINS and Conservative Republicans!
The batshit crazy loon is obviously even more batshit fucking insane than usual.
Duggar is behaving like the hundreds of right-wing extremist child abusers, pedophiles and goatfuckers who preceded him down the well-worn path to wingnut decadence and degradation.
Yes Heilary, how did it get there?
Judge tells State Department to work with FBI! Now JW is attacking Heilary’s system of record keeping while at State. Interesting tactic… http://legalinsurrection.com/2.....umb-drive/
Seems this wasn’t a frivolous lawsuit!
While Fox News anchor Bret Baier led off Wednesday’s Special Report by declaring that the latest shocking revelation about the Iran nuclear deal “sounds like a joke” to congressional critics, ABC’s World News Tonight and CBS Evening News ignored the story completely. Meanwhile, NBC Nightly News only allowed a minute of air time for the breaking news. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/n.....EDLcr.dpuf
Another example of how libtard newscasts keep DUMMOCRETINS ignorant and low information votes!r
Another friend of HA DUMMOCRETINS? http://legalinsurrection.com/2.....terrorism/
Man, this is getting really out of hand.
Schiz, don’t you have a job or anything useful to do with yourself?
I mean, c’mon. You stopped being funny years ago and you still come in here to stand on your head and shit yourself like we’re supposed to be amused by it.
The first few times, it was hilarious. Now, its just pathetic. You’re the talking version of that Colobus monkey in the old Seattle Zoo, shitting into his own hands and jumping around like his asshole just got a corkscrew yanked out of it.
All so you can keep people throwing peanuts at your head because you really, really like peanuts.
You’re like the fucking Tubgirl of Horse’s Ass.
@90 see @96.
Puffy is idol goes down in flames. Keep believing Puffy.
…….6 weeks later…
I’d like to apologize to all my fans, I’ve been sucking cock for 7 years now. An addiction to 8″ penis.
@98 God could have probably figured out a way for us to reproduce by not having to insert penis into vagina, you know he’s capable of anything, but he decided to give us a penis that gives us great pleasure when it we jerk it. And who doesn’t jerk it? He should have realized that we would jerk it and become perverts. Either that or he intended us to enjoy the pleasure with multiple people and/or individualy with our hands.
@ 108
The Schizo has never, ever, EVER, touched himself there.
His mommy made sure he learned that lesson.
So, Schiz, if you want to keep going tit-for-tat:
Here’s one of your little buddies.
There are thousands more, just like him.
The Right wants to focus on social issues, but meanwhile we have this,
Antibiotic-Resistant ‘Superbug’ Found At California Hospital http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....15418.html
No wonder the general public is fed up. Republicans can’t plan and look ahead and do anything productive. They have to focus on the past, Benghazi, Hillary, etc….. Mir doesn’t occur to them that there are real issues to deal with. All political power to them and social values.
Yep, we’re a real Christian Country™ alright.
Yhere are real people then there are Josh Duggars in the world.
Why not ask closet foreplay why we have superbugs teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla?
vomit producer,
Anyone whom hates Israel as much as you HA DUMMOCRETINS do will continually be identified with y’all.
If you don’t like it… then suck on it!
child abusers, pedophiles and goatfuckers
The first thing Stupid Solution Steve thinks of!
child abusers, pedophiles and goatfuckers
Something Stupid Solution Steve engages in when he places his body in his magic underwear! Then you begin your weekend decadence and degradation.
@99 “Under our laws of jurisprudence, in America, you are innocent until proven guilty or you freely admit your guilt.”
Sez the troll who verbally lynched Bowe Bergdahl in these threads.
@ 118
I thought you were off this week. Vacation or something.
Did you come back to tell us how much you made in the stock market today, RR?
A federal judge has added fresh fuel to the incendiary controversy over Hillary Clinton’s email, asserting during a hearing Thursday that she violated government policy by storing official messages on a private server when she worked as secretary of state.
“We wouldn’t be here today if this employee had followed government policy,” said U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan, apparently referring to Clinton, during a hearing on one of the many Freedom of Information Act lawsuits seeking access to her records as secretary of state.
Typical PMSNBC KLOWN… http://newsbusters.org/blogs/n.....ound-noise
Regarding birthright citizenship… https://www.numbersusa.com/content/learn/issues/birthright-citizenship/nations-granting-birthright-citizenship.html
Regarding birthright citizenship… AKA birthright tourism https://www.numbersusa.com/content/learn/issues/birthright-citizenship/nations-granting-birthright-citizenship.html
Shockingly CBS actually reported it… http://newsbusters.org/blogs/n.....immigrants
August 16:
Goldy retweets
Invictus @TBPInvictus
As we are well aware. @paulconstant @workingwa @KillerMartinis @ritholtz https://twitter.com/mmfa/status/632627864563617793 …
Retweeted by Goldy
a link to a piece discounting Fox News criticism of the Seattle new minimum wage, in part because Seattle is only one-fifth of the Seattle-Bellevue-Tacoma region.
August 19:
Goldy tweets
Goldy @GoldyHA
Damn you, $15 min wage ordinance! via @seattletimes: “Seattle area’s jobless rate drops to 3.7 percent” http://www.seattletimes.com/bu.....cle_bottom …
using data referring to the same Seattle-Bellevue-Tacoma region, not to Seattle itself.
Goldy @GoldyHA
I have this idea for a movie in which The Rapture comes, and the only people taken to heaven are our 11 million undocumented immigrants.
Goldy proposes genocide.
hmmm.. Gathering all the undocumented, loading them in cattle cars and shipping them south is what?
kompassionate klownservaticism?
@120 yeah it would be nice if all government people and politicians in this country followed policy. Oh and it would be nice if all civilians followed policies and laws too!
@126. I don’t know, sounded like sarcasm to me.
We should really train the 11 million undocumented to read x-Rays.
Some people will say any fool thing for ratings
“A conservative radio talk show host in Iowa wants to turn undocumented immigrants into “property of the state” and forced into labor.
“Put up a sign that says at the end of 60 days, if you are not here with our permission, can’t prove your legal status, you become property of the state,” the conservative radio talk show host said during his show on Monday. “And then we start to extort or exploit or indenture your labor.””
“Doctors, nurses and other health workers don’t mean to treat people differently, says Howard Ross, founder of management consulting firm Cook Ross, who has worked with many groups on diversity issues. But all these professionals harbor stereotypes that they’re not aware they have, he says. Everybody does.”
“Doctors are trained to think fast, and to be confident in their decisions. “There’s almost a trained arrogance,” Ross says.”
“A 2007 study described in the Harvard Business Review examined diversity training programs at more than 800 companies over 30 years, and the results underscore Ross’s point. Overall, such programs seemed to do nothing to change people’s prejudices or improve diversity. Instead, in some cases, they reinforced bias.”
Hey Bob, you ever take one of those new workshops? What did you find out?
It’s day 1,400+ where the Republican Job’s bills that john bohner promised the country?
worser @132 BULLSHITTIUM – It’s day 1,400+ where the Republican Job’s bills that john bohner promised the country?
And it is BULLSHITTIUM – http://www.weeklystandard.com/.....22730.html
Save American Workers Act of 2015 to change the definition of full time work to 40 hours and Obummer and Senate DUMMOCRETINS have blocked it. In fact 178 House DUMMOCRETINS voted NO! Apparently DUMMOCRETINS don’t want workers working 40 hours a week!
Speaking of “other health workers” – Mrs arschloch’s union is lying again…
So they are lying about having to join the SEIU union!
Puddy heard about this guy Hugh Sisley being a DUMMOCRETIN slumlord. http://mynorthwest.com/11/2798.....-the-city-
Seems he is apparently… http://www.democratsagainstuna.....eague.html
And… Usually when news articles leave out the politics of the person, 95% of the time they are DUMMOCRETIN!
The Pentagon and FBI are involved in the Ashley Madison leak because friends of Obummer have been outed and it could pose a national security issue…
They included at least two assistant U.S. attorneys; an information technology administrator in the Executive Office of the President; a division chief, an investigator and a trial attorney in the Justice Department; a government hacker at the Homeland Security Department and another DHS employee who indicated he worked on a counter-terrorism response team.
AP traced their government Internet connections — logged by the website over five years — and reviewed their credit-card transactions to identify them. They included workers at more than two dozen Obama administration agencies, including the departments of State, Defense, Justice, Energy, Treasury, Transportation and Homeland Security. Others came from House or Senate computer networks.
While Duggar is scummy, it seems many more scummy dirtbags in Obummer’s sadministration! That’s A-OK to HA DUMMOCRETINS… Just hang Josh Duggar and turn a blind eye to the Obummer sadministration people who are supposed to keep the country safe and moving forward!
@136 do you really think that the list doesn’t include any scummy former and present Republicans? Let’s ask David Vitter.
I’d be more worried about my daughter getting raped in college than the national security risk. What was the security risk?
@136 I see you’ve turned on your Duggar boy. But I find it funny that you defended him more so previously than now when he was a child molester. Now he is scum for cheating on his wife. Before he was a good Christian who made a mistake. Do you not like this mistake more, or is it because it is strike two?
Don’t worry he probably still hates fags, you still should hold him close to you.
Dang. I was really looking forward to a black conservatives take on the talk radio host advocating slavery of illegal aliens. But not a peep. Why di think that could be?
138. How come some conservatives only get upset when the sex is between consenting adults?
It’s weird
Oh! So the truth comes out!
Salt mining buddy’s union is SEIU! Sweet!
We’ll bookmark that. Thanks for playing!