– Any time is the right time to disrupt white supremacy: Thoughts on Westlake, historical legacies and supporting Black women [h/t]
– I’m pretty excited about the upcoming Park(ing) Day
– I like Bernie Sanders, and may vote for him, but his fans really need to understand that one presidential candidate isn’t the end all be all to make change.
– Was the American Civil War about slavery? Short answer: yes. Long answer: yes.
So, Park(ing) Day is yet another assault on car drivers. Don’t worry, soon there won’t be ANY cars in Seattle. Or, for that matter, any of the business that people who have to drive cars used to bring into the city.
Look, I’m an old rabbit. I can’t hop or ride a bicycle. Buses don’t always go where I need to, or when I need to. So I own a car, and drive it, oh, maybe 2,500 miles a year — that’s a real planet destroyer, eh?
But not in Seattle, because Seattle’s hostility to cars is palpable, and I’m tired of being hassled. Life is full of enough hassles without making more, which is what the people who run Seattle seem intent on doing to people who depend on cars. Who needs it? Not me. There are plenty of other places to do business in.
Probably unrelated to the bloviating RR @ 1, but Tesla Mobility may behind a surge in Tesla’s stock price today.
Tesla, supported in part by federal tax credits to those well off enough to purchase its vehicle product, is working toward pulling an Uber.
Seattle progressives’ (and everyone elses’) tax dollars going to put taxi cab drivers out of business, all while making already-rich people even richer.
Happy Monday.
– I like Bernie Sanders, and may vote for him, but his fans really need to understand that one presidential candidate isn’t the end all be all to make change.
So much is different nowadays than it was in 2008.
CHUCK TODD: Buzzfeed has an article out this morning. Headline is this: “Sanders Campaign Reaches Out to Black Lives Matter Activists.” Quote, “I apologize it took our campaign so long.” Tell me more about it.
BERNIE SANDERS: Well, that was sent out by a staffer, not by me. Look, we are reaching out to all kinds of groups, absolutely.
CHUCK TODD: I understand that but, you said a staffer put it out, but you felt an apology was necessary?
BERNIE SANDERS: No, I don’t. I think we’re going to be working with all groups. This was sent out without my knowledge.
There once was a time you could just invite Reverend Al to coffee and send NAN a big check, in order to make things OK.
Now you’re not even sure which Facebook page to like. Bernie’s in a tough spot. Speaking to a group of Seattle white supremacists didn’t make it any easier for him.
@2 “bloviating RR”
At least I admit it, which is more than you can say, and I do it without all the contrived snark that fills your posts.
@2 “Tesla Mobility may behind a surge in Tesla’s stock price today”
TSLA is up 4.4% today. You call that a surge? It’s little more than a daily fluctuation. One of my mining stocks is up 25% today. That’s a surge.
@2 “federal tax credits to those well off enough to purchase its vehicle product”
Next you’ll tell us (a) you’re poor and (b) have never claimed a federal tax credit.
@3 “So much is different nowadays than it was in 2008.”
Yeah, after 6 1/2 years of Democratic economics we’re not on the precipice anymore.
@4 ” Bernie’s in a tough spot.”
Yeah, it’s tough watching your polls go up like a hot tech stock, and realizing you might actually have to run the whole country.
Doc Bickle’s patients must all be super-healthy, because he doesn’t appear to have any work to do today.
“Any time is the right time to disrupt white supremacy”
It’s not like those two fruits disrupted a Klan meeting or stopped a Neo-Nazi rally, they shouted down an elderly socialist at a far-left gathering.
(though it was enjoyable seeing those uber-lefties getting a taste of their own medicine.)
Apparently Gawker may actually be good for something other than outing gay men who are not otherwise newsworthy:
Earlier this year, Gawker Media sued the State Department over its response to a Freedom of Information Act request we filed in 2013, in which we sought emails exchanged between reporters at 33 news outlets and Philippe Reines, the former deputy assistant secretary of state and aggressive defender of Hillary Clinton. Over two years ago, the department claimed that “no records responsive to your request were located”—a baffling assertion, given Reines’ well-documented correspondence with journalists. Late last week, however, the State Department came up with a very different answer: It had located an estimated 17,000 emails responsive to Gawker’s request.
On August 13, lawyers for the U.S. Attorney General submitted a court-ordered status report to the U.S. District Court of the District of Columbia in which it disclosed that State employees had somehow discovered “5.5 gigabytes of data containing 81,159 emails of varying length” that were sent or received by Reines during his government tenure. Of those emails, the attorneys added, “an estimated 17,855” were likely responsive to Gawker’s request:…
Now the slow-walk begins. State’s got 14 1/2 months to kill.
“Seattle white supremacists”
“Confederate Flag Backers Wave Weapons In Black Lives Matter Clash”
There’s a difference between white supremacists and Seattle’s white progressives, some of whom might struggle a bit to get a handle on their white privilege.
I love Obama. Yes, I love him. He does what he says. He’s a good man and he has brought about great changes, not the least of which for gay people. Is he perfect? No. But he’s the best president in my more than half a century of voting. And what people in leadership don’t seem to realize, including Hillary, is that we have a chance to keep the momentum for progressive change going. I want her to embrace him, loudly. We need that. Diplomacy, not war. Steady economic growth, not crash and burn Republicanism. A determination to undermine racism at every turn. And a respect for people who come here to create a better life. These things inspire Americans.
@2 and @5 what about tax breaks for big oil?
Bob, really, just grow up.
It’s one thing to be progressive and think about maybe what makes sense in today’s world, but you’d rather not evolve, you are no less an ape than the HA’s ISIS imitating Puffed out moron.
They should have a pledge on not to be Nazis.
@ 10
There’s a difference between white supremacists and Seattle’s white progressives…
That would be ‘out’ vs. ‘closeted’, no?
Have faith, Steve. You’ll get there. Just wait until 2016, especially if that thick-accented woman from New Mexico is the VP nominee.
Good for James Harrison, one of the strongest men in the NFL… http://hotair.com/archives/201.....-for-sons/
What is the HA DUMMOCRETIN position on this? http://www.npr.org/2015/08/12/.....ah-lounges
Scott Walker kicks another union thug’s ASS! http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....gn-so-far/
PuddyCommentary: Betcha this was a legacy person from the illegal John Doe investigations. http://observer.com/2015/07/br.....secutions/
That is what happens when DUMMOCRETINS think they can operate with impunity! Courts slap them back!
Ohhhhhhhhhh no… If on Heilary’s cue, the DUMMOCRETINS released the Social Security Kraken… (Google social security kraken or Release the Kraken or Krugman the Kraken) Donald Krugman… http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08......html?_r=0
PuddyCommentary: All The Kraken does is complain. Notice The Kraken doesn’t tell anyone what the modest increases are in revenue… Nosiree, then The Kraken would be on record for something for a change!
“Walker’s willingness to face down a protester…”
So weak. The Donald faced down Fox News. And won.
Chris Christie nails it… http://www.cnn.com/2015/08/17/.....index.html
PuddyCommentary: Again Christie is correct. The DUMMOCRETIN press and HA DUMMOCRETINS would be screaming bloody murder, coverup and demanding a pound of fat from Christie. Of course being a DUMMOCRETIN means all other DUMMOCRETINS will turn their heads and cover their eyes!
Meanwhile in court the State Department magically found 17,000+ emails of another Heilary peep! http://theconservativetreehous.....er-emails/
No wonder they wanted to hide this guy. Butt, you can’t lie in court unless you are the IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. Seems the IRS can lie anywhere and anytime they want!
Nuff said here by Scarborough… http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....e_you.html
PuddyCommentary: Well what do we know now?
The State Department wasn’t telling anyone about Heilary’s exclusive use of the secret e-mail system until the House Select Committee on Benghazi stumbled upon it a year ago, clintonmail.com. That name was speshul eh? Remember 225 Republicans and 7 Democrats in favor, and 186 Democrats voting against. So why did those DUMMOCRETINS vote against it? Hmmm…? DUMMOCRETINS want to hide everything. When a DUMMOCRETIN speaks, lies abound! Just read what DUMMOCRETINS post here!
Remember how it was Judicial Watch that made public those previously unreleased White House emails last September demonstrating whitey house administration adviser Ben Rhodes coordinating a public response strategy after the attack issuing Benghazi BULLSHITTIUM! United Nations ambassador for the U.S., Susan E. Rice, used that BULLSHITTIUM going on five Sunday shows emphasizing that BULLSHITTIUM with Rice saying the Benghazi the attack was “rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.
The State Department ignored those FOIA requests even from the Federal Courts for the Judicial Watch lawsuit.
Now we know the State Department didn’t tell the F B I about that Top Secret/secret compartmented information was out in the open even on a thumb drive when they sent a special safe to the partner of Heilary’s lawyer David Kendall. You don’t think they are in cahoots with Heilary?
So when the intelligence community Inspectors General last month started looking at those emails and informed the State Department that super secret not to be shared with non-American peeps satellite information was on her server then all hell broke loose. Loretta Lynch had to move because CIA secrets can’t be revealed! The investigation of Heilary’s private e-mail server had to happen.
Now we know it’s 300 emails and counting…
Scott Walker’s great weakness is that he’s tanking in the polls. Of course, it doesn’t help that half a dozen of his closest political associates have been indicted.
Speaking of polls, the latest GOP numbers are quite interesting. Sure looks like the GOP establishment has a full-scale grassroots revolt on their hands, with the top three non-establishment candidates taking fully 47% of supporters (Trump 25%, Carson 12%, Cruz 10%). This looks like an Anybody-But-Bush movement! And Walker and Rubio are doing even worse than Bush! Can you say “collapse”? The GOP is hated by its own voters.
Holy Worthless DUMMOCRETIN Family Batman. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08.....#038;abg=1
PuddyCommentary: Everything DUMMOCRETIN is overrated! P E R I O D!
You know early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, that’s the argument y’all used on Chris Christie and Bridge Gate.
“Which is why any “Hillary Loses” scenario has to involve some extra-political event, some scandal beyond anything the Clintons have endured before. And here I’m afraid that I am a bit cynical: While the email scandal is a serious business, I simply do not believe that the Obama Justice Department is going to indict the former secretary of state and Democratic front-runner for mishandling classified information, even if the offenses involved would have sunk a lesser figure’s career or landed her in jail.” – Ross Douthat, NY Times DUMMOCRETIN
Just as Puddy called it above…
So where is this being covered in HA DUMMOCRETIN circles? http://www.nationaljournal.com.....d-20150817
The Internal Revenue Service announced in May that hackers had gotten into its system, and it estimated then that 114,000 taxpayers’ accounts had been compromised. But a thorough review of activity on the IRS site throughout the 2015 tax-filing season revealed that the intrusion affected nearly three times that many accounts, the agency said Monday.
In its investigation, the IRS found about 220,000 additional instances where intruders were able to clear a verification system meant to keep sensitive tax information safe, as well as about 170,000 failed attempts to get around the verification system.
How cum DUMMOCRETIN jock straps like Mark Zuckerberg want H1-B visas? http://money.cnn.com/2015/08/1.....index.html
PuddyCommentary: So why is Zuckerberg’s Google racist and misogynist and why do DUMMOCRETINS jock strap Zuckerberg so much when he operates against their people ideals?
Trump NAILS it again!
So QualComm… a lover of DUMMOCRETIN waaaaaaaaaaay more than Republicans is doing what? http://www.sandiegouniontribun.....n-workers/
Seems companies which love the DUMMOCRETIN are jettisoning American peeps while hiring cheaper foreign workers on H1-B visas and DUMMOCRETINS ndon’t care as long as the political money flows their way!
Oh! A high “minimum wage” for foreign workers but not for the average american joe?
Like Lee said. It is the most stupid.
.OH. .MY. .GOODNESS. the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch is as stoooooooooooopid today as it was yesterday!
Puddy will explain it slowly…
Google, Microsoft, QualComm, Yahoo – DUMMOCRETIN lovers underpay H1-B Visa peeps waaaaaaaaaay less. Butt then what do you know about hard work clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch? So by making them pay what they pay Americans makes it worthless to hire H1-B visa peeps clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
DAYUM U B Really stooooooooooooopid! You are way past Lee stoooooooooopid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
Yeah so the solution is to pay them more?? Put a high floor under their wages, i.e. A MINIMUM WAGE. Our local troll Bob and the tea bagging crowd will LOVE THIS!
And make American black, Hispanic and female workers the “cheap labor”.
Like Lee said, it is the most credulous.
How much do you think they are all #blacklivesmatter peeps?
PuddyCommentary: Once in Nashville and another time in Huntsville Puddy met Tuskegee Airmen. Great stories!
Now UselessAToday is getting into the email game!
Meanwhile Breitbart has a better review of the Gawker FOIA request forced by a judge! http://www.breitbart.com/big-g.....er-emails/
.Oh. .MY. the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch @33 doubled down again just like yesterday.
H1-B minimum wage ~$70,000/yr. Something you’ll never see clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch! That’s why QualComm is laying them off. That’s why Microsoft laid off 7800 while asking for more H1-B visas clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
And make American black, Hispanic and female workers the “cheap labor”.
– American workers are paid higher! ~$90,000 or more a year clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch! Except Google doesn’t wanna hire them in pristine lily white controlled Sillyconn valley! Only Asians need apply!
Teh Stoooooooooooooooopid is strong in this clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch!
DAYUM U B Weally stooooooooooooopid! Wait for the next installment of clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch stoooooooooooopid. IT’S COMING WEALLY SOON!
Changing the constitution and getting rid of birthright citizenship will create domestic terrorists with no ties to the country they were born in.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The troll worships Trump’s proposal to raise this.. To what???
HAHAHAHHAHAHA! So the troll supports supports paying non-americans more than 90k? More than than an american black, hispanic or female worker.. Why does this troll HATE AMERICA??
Why not cut the number of H1-B permits? The stupid troll wants to spend billions to build feckless fences at the Mexican border and use government to force employers to pay H1-B workers MORE.
What fantasy land is the troll living in? This is like Papa Bush and the retail scanners.
Here’s the most common occupations in America today.
Click on the widget at the top of the employment column to sort the list by descending number of employed. (The troll is too stupid to manage this.)
YOU HAVE TO GET TO NUMBER TWELVE to break 6 figures.. Management occupations. Employs 6.7 million in this country.
The top 11 occupations by number employed pay an average of under 50k.. Registered nurses make the most – an average of under 70k.
90k??? The troll is SOOOOOOOO STUUUUUUPID.. So out of touch with America and it wants government to mandate higher H1-B pay..
That’s always wrong wing politics for you.