– Explain all that and then explain to me why the hell we should be anything less than angry.
– If you want, you can fit plenty of people on gondolas.
– The National Religious Broadcasters make their awards worthless when they give them out to racists.
– Women in the Workplace: Joanne Ort CPA
– As much as Mark Driscoll not being invited to Act Like Men conferences surely is a good thing, the problem is still that his ideas make Act Like Men conferences a thing.
– I think we can all agree that Rick Perry is awesome having no better judge than Rick Perry.
Government always grows, and government is force. Force is always dangerous.
Do you not use roads, libertarian spews?
The St. Louis County government website, stlouisco.com, was down Thursday. The hacker group Anonymous previously took credit for taking down the city of Ferguson’s website earlier this week.
After four nights of protest, MO governor is pulling the county out of the investigation, and that’s after the city turned the investigation over to the county. No indication yet what entity will fill the gap. Drudge, maybe.
The Al Jazeera America crew can be seen running away from the van on video.
No handcuffs this time.
So now we know how the Ferguson police department received that military hardware in the various internet pictures… 1990 Congressional DUMMOCRETINS (House and Senate) passed a law giving it to them! https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/101/hr2461/text
The nihilist idiot puddypussypissypants would have a little credibility on this issue if the nihilist idiot puddypussypissypants wasn’t such a 24/7 obstreperous asshole.
As it is dude….
Once again rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthincomesout exhibits American Talibangelistic tendencies… Always wanting the opposition to be shut up. Just like OWS Racist Fraggy! Sux to be the puffy nutt butter AGAIN!
It’s so easy to rile up rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthincomesout! Just post fact after facts. Watch rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthincomesout head explode!
Wait for it… We’ll see another left wrong site from rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthincomesout real soon!
The nihilist idiot puddypussypissypants is NOT the opposition.
The nihilist idiot puddypussypissypants is a nihilist and an idiot.
A 24/7 obstreperous prick.
Another DUMMOCRETIN screaming about lobbyists uses them indiscriminately… http://freebeacon.com/politics.....land-deal/
Hey NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit,
You’ll love this one… http://www.bloomberg.com/news/.....cizes.html
BTW NoBalls, here is the video around this… http://youtu.be/OJEK2rewrLY U GO Jonathan Karl!
@5 it is their Constitutional Right, via the 2nd Ammendment, to have what the fuck they want to have.
Meanwhile nuthin stops Obummer from a golf game… http://www.gopusa.com/freshink.....bscriber=1
Meanwhile the French Foreign Minister wonders… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....burns.html
Meanwhile Beast Mode cleared, nuthin from Goldy http://www.nfl.com/news/story/.....department
Attacking the Seattle Times WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more important!
@ 6 & 8
SpittlePuddles isn’t here to debate. SpittlePuddles comes into this place to get attention. If he could get attention by kicking kittens or setting fires, he’d be doing that. But he comes in here to flail and rant at the clouds in the sky and the birds in the trees.
His purpose in this place is to provide other people with a reason to exercise the muscles that control the eyeballs by acting the Mynah for all the people that get themselves in the news by saying crazy shit while holding public office. He’s a distant echo of the old “house nigger” that Malcolm X so aptly described. He’s happy to be eating cheezwhiz and noodles at the children’s table next to the kitchen while the grownups eat in the formal dining room, discreetly rolling their eyes and trying their civil best to pretend to be amused by the noises coming out of the next room.
I for one, am glad that he’s found gainful employment. Otherwise he would be walking up and down Martin Luther King Way in a sandwich board and pushing a shopping cart full of dead cats and old AMC hubcaps.
Ruprick, don’t take the cork off the fork.
Meanwhile on FB this is what Massachusetts cops do… https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=717281061667689&fref=nf
The nihilist idiot puddypussypissypants seems to be out of gas today…so Ol’ Rujax will present a “teachable moment”:
What the nihilist idiot puddypussypissypants somehow doesn’t get…is that to a very large number of the assholes he defends…The nihilist idiot puddypussypissypants is a freeloader, a moocher, a thug, a criminal, a shyster…all because he’s “of color.”
It’s like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders. You KNOW you’re going to get chopped up and fried, but you do it anyway.
How fucking smart is that?
Puddy loves it when OWS Racist Fraggy uses the word nigger in a sentence…
Thanks for playing OWS Racist Fraggy! You prove just how racist DUMMOCRETINS are!
rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthincomesout is Ruprick? Calling a “black” (claims to be black butt that’s left to speculation) man a prick? Thanks OWS Racist Fraggy… that’s a sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet name for rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthincomesout!
Facts from msm links scares OWS Racist Fraggy!
The nihilist idiot puddypussypissypants got nuthin to say about the ofay.
“Ruprick, don’t take the cork off the fork.” Bwahahahaha!
The nihilist idiot puddypussypissypants gets a twofer…the nihilist idiot puddypussypissypants favorite honky tells the nihilist idiot puddypussypissypants just how to think, and Ben (dumbs) Carson goes right along.
Add @20…
Oh yeah…and one of the informational sources the nihilist idiot puddypussypissypants likes so much!
ruprick loves his
A bitter ruprick weirdo in a libtard bitter world.
Thanks again for the name OWS Racist Fraggy. Puddy is wondering why the cork needs to stay on the fork? Maybe because the cork is up reprick’s ASS? Take it out and the shitstorm starts? ruprick is tooooooo stoooooooooopid to comprehend the putdown!
ruprick, why you calling white people ofay?
Kinda racist isn’t it?
“And what do we do on that day – or rather, on the daisy-chain of days, months and years that Great Shedding will likely fall across? There are a lot of bad options, but maybe at least a few good ones. I’m personally a fan of the UBI – Universal Basic Income – in which the government drops all unemployment and other social safety net programs, including Social Security, in favor of a baseline, lifetime income (say, just above poverty level) for every American citizen. You want to work anyway? Great. Your work income is icing on the cake. The UBI is yours whether your other income is seven figures or none.”
It’s an interesting view but I’m not sure how they pay for the UBI. I don’t think anyone does.
Given the indoctrination of the “I got mine, to hell with you” mindset, I don’t hold out much hope. We probably have many generations of distopia to go through before and if we find a better way.
Hollyweird pumping large into DUMMOCRETIN coffers… nuthin new here! http://thehill.com/news/campai.....e-for-dems
@1 So is anarchy.
Puddy asks OWS Racist fraggy and ruprick, why haven’t you morons called for police demilitarization as Puddy has? We see the outcome everyday.
I’ve put together a collection of “government force” photos.
The most transparent administration evah has a real problem with the inspectors generals. http://townhall.com/columnists.....7388/print
Of course the libtard DUMMOCRETINS don’t care!
Looks like the last 48 hours have turned puddypissypants into a cop-hater.
NoBalls@30, where did Puddy claim that? Puddy been screaming about inner city police injustice since Puddy been here. Where have you been NoBalls? NoBalls possesses 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady!
Senility is strong in NoBalls!
Did you ever answer why Obummer is asking for $billions for illegal aliens while no $billions for legal black people in Chicago?
Or, as Puddy surmises, ruprick could not find the answer on ruprick’s five favrit web sites so he went mute!
The nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants can call Ol’ Rujax anything he wants…’cept late for dinner.
The nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants don’t give answers.
Why should Ol’ Rujax?
OWS Racist Fraggy named you ruprick. Still tooooooooooooo stoooooooooopid to figger it out!
Bwaaaaak bwaaaak bwaaaak!
So the idiot nihilist uncle tom puddypussypissypants is all giddy ’cause he thinks he’s got the better of Ol’ Rujax.
Let’s just see what our pal Froggy wrote shall we?
Oh. Froggy’s first take-down. I suppose he’s a little cranky about the sniping that goes on here. Mostly from the idiot nihilist uncle tom puddypussypissypants who never met an ad hominum attack he didn’t like.
Oh maaaaan…invoking the late, martyred Malcolm X. Indeed, the idiot nihilist uncle tom puddypussypissypants is the very definition of gthe “house negro.” Nothing to do but tear down his own folk. Like the Samuel L. Jackson character in ‘Django.’ Brutal if he’s scared he’ll lose his. The key word is scared.
True that.
So goheadon to the idiot nihilist uncle tom puddypussypissypants. You get nuthin but contempt and pity from Ol’ Rujax, whatever you want to call him.
Pretty decent picture gallery of that rent-a-cop in Westlake macing and arresting the victim of a racist assault.
I’ll bet $50 on that shirtless dude being a TeaBagger. Up here they fly huge confederate flags over the beds of their gigantic, coal-rolling pickup trucks with bumper-stickers that say shit like “White Christians Built America” and “Ron Paul”.
The truly troubling part to me is that actual police show up, and instead of investigating, they just assume that the guard is doing the right thing and let him push the guy into the mall. They didn’t ask a single question, just told everyone to “let the guy do his job.”
If the mall cop wasn’t going to turn him over to the police, why was he taking him into the mall? If he was going to turn him over to the police, why not turn him over on the spot and file the complaint right there?
It isn’t just me:
“American policing has become unnecessarily and dangerously militarized, in large part through federal programs that have armed state and local law enforcement agencies with the weapons and tactics of war, with almost no public discussion or oversight. Militarization of policing encourages officers to adopt a ‘warrior’ mentality and think of the people they are supposed to serve as enemies.”
(ACLU report quoted by CNN)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, the whole world now knows that Ferguson, Missouri, and St. Louis County have undertrained cops who don’t know a damn thing about citizen rights and are incompetent at crowd control.
@31 Senility will be a blessing if it means I won’t have to wade through your gibberish anymore.
@36 I knew it! I’ve always suspected what you really were.
@39 No problems here that a good tort lawyer can’t fix. The black guy will get a free college education out of this, courtesy of the Westlake Mall Security Guards Indemnity Scholarship Fund.
ruprick the new name from OWS Racist Fraggy),
You have to use OWS Racist Fraggy’s commentary to make your points? This means beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are stoooooooooooopid beyond imagination!
And how has this local police militarization occurred? Under Obummer’s direction. Visit the PuddyLinks previously supplied!
Does the New Black Panther Party know something about Obummer others don’t? http://fox2now.com/2014/08/14/.....onference/
What will ruprick say?
Thanks for that new name OWS Racist Fragy! ruprick still doesn’t get it!
@32 maybe because he hates black people. Just ask the GOP. He hates them!
I don’t think puffy could actually answer any of his own questions. Apewoman is derranged.
A little anecdote on how the Ferguson PD does business.
And a blurb on how the language used by Police structures the narrative in their press releases.
They can always justify cold-blooded murder. Always.
@49 et all. I haven’t weighed in on the shooting in ferguson because although I thought the police are going to far today I wasn’t sure of a the facts. No doubt sounds like excessive force but news comes out that he was stealing and pushing a guy around while robbing the place (violence) . I think the victim needs to take some responsibility in his own death. Even if it is 10% of the responsibility.
If I fly to Jamacia, man, and I got to one of the slum areas looking for drugs and I happen to get shot, then partly that is my fault. Learn to accept responsibility for your actions
They are complaining that one of the bystanders may be an accomplice to the robbery, and they are complying that why didn’t the police arrest him. Now could you see what could have happened if they arrested the accomplice while the rioting was going on? I agree some police have gone to far today, but cut them slack and think before you speak. Don’t let your stupidly get in the way of the real isdue
Meanwhile another person who isn’t a fan of Al NotSoSharpton… http://www.progressivestoday.c.....on-a-coon/
ruprick must be in arms over this! ruprick’s favrit agitator being torn a new one!
Notice ruprick Puddy used a progressive web site? Wait… you’re too stoooooooooooooopid to figger it out!
Some screen shots of Michael Brown in the convenience store roughing up the clerk. http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....-shooting/ Still doesn’t justify killing Michael Brown even though it seemed he was into a moment of crime with his buddy!
@54 but now he needs to assume part of the responsibility, even if it is 10% of it.
And just yesterday you were slamming the police,
You are a moron, go back to your tropical excursion.
The trey on Martin case is a bigger travesty than this. And you support the fuck face that shot trey on.
You need your head examined
@54 think before you speak, I know that is hard for an Ape when you are only thinking about bananas
Talk about too stupid to figher something out. Look I’m their rot you will see an Ape.
Talk about too stupid to figher something out. Look I’m their rot you will see an Ape.
@55 What head? There’s nothing to examine.
Cop addressing the crowd on the shooting. A bunch of angry receptive audience/reporters, just up to the point were he brought up God, then the audience clapped and said Amen. Problem solved! Thanks God’
@50 Hmm, I think more than 10% of the responsibility landed on him, unless he’s only 10% dead.
Empty tea bag now empty headed fool,
What did Puddy write above? Puddy wrote the inner city police use too much force against black teenagers. It’s been something Puddy has written on this blog since Puddy arrived you jackASS! Puddy hasn’t changed one iota on this! You are too stoooooooooooopid to figger it out!
Puddy been writing negatively about Jesse HiJackson and Al NoSoSharpton the same way since Puddy arrived here. They are race agitators plain and simple. Many a jury would have come to different conclusions if those two morons weren’t involved!
Sheesh you really are a moron. You need your head and butt examined. Not sure where your “brain” is located!
Don’t shoot my hands are up, the stuff I stole is in my pockets and I only roughed up the chinc.
@62 ok Reverand. Puffy Apeman
Wow empty tea bag you are a real racist! Thanks for playing! No wonder you Psych 101 Project on Puddy!
Great Job! The Prosecution Rests Your Honor! More and more of these white DUMMOCRETINS are really racists on this blog.
Way to go Goldy! You attract the worst and dimmest racist DUMMOCRETINS to this blog!
My my my empty tea bag… Only God is reverend!
Tropical excursion was fun fun fun especially when the family is with you! Belief in God makes all things possible empty tea bag! Wait a minute… You hate God so no things are possible with you!
Sux to be you puffed butt!
Now on a different note… something still lost on DUMMOCRETINS…
Hey empty tea bagger,
You’ll love this… http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBl.....BACKGROUND
Government rule puffed butthead!
Go ahead… call Obummer an APE now!
@50, 51
Who are you and what have you done with the real Teabagger?
Obummer’s FBI much worse than GW Bush’s FBI. http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html
So much for that hopey and changey thing!
Remember being a DUMMOCRETIN is never admitting to any mistakes of judgment or having to admit being sorry!
“I think the victim needs to take some responsibility in his own death. Even if it is 10% of the responsibility.”
So your logic is, “he committed a crime, therefore he should take some blame for being killed.”
Let’s explore that with some variations.
He broke the law when he stole some cigars earlier in the day so he’s partially to blame for the cop shooting him.
He broke the law when he stole some candy when he was 8 so he’s partially to blame for the cop shooting him.
He broke the law when he ran a stop sign at 2 am so he’s partially to blame for the cop shooting him.
He broke the law when he ran a bank that stole millions from home owners so he’s partially to blame for the cop shooting him.
He broke the law when he refused to pay for his grazing fees so he’s partially to blame for the cop shooting him.
He broke the law when he downloaded a song off of bit torrent so he’s partially to blame for the cop shooting him.
He broke the law when he smoked a joint so he’s partially to blame for the cop shooting him.
He broke the law when he avoided paying sales tax so he’s partially to blame for the cop shooting him.
He broke the law when he had a violent fight in a bar when he was 21 so he’s partially to blame for the cop shooting him.
He broke the law when he had sex with his boyfriend in the 1990s in the south so he’s partially to blame for the cop shooting him.
Nope. Doesn’t hold water. Do you also believe that rape victims are partially responsible for their rape by the way they dressed?
By that logic, the cops are justified in killing pretty much anyone, since any victim has broken a law somewhere or somehow in their past that they should be held responsible for.
He’s responsible for stealing, he’s not responsible for being murdered.
That is the real empty tea bag! It masked itself for a long time until today! Puddy always brings out the worst racist DUMMOCRETIN thought! The facade always comes down!
Oh noes…I heard ACORN is baaaack and they’re looking for the nihilist idiot puddypussypissypants!!!
Run nihilist idiot puddypussypissypants, RUN!!!
They be looking for IDIOTS like you! ACORN is a nut. You are a real nut. Sux to be you!
Meanwhile a white guy being assaulted by the cops…
Another incident of the police not understanding you can videotape them http://www.nbc12.com/story/259.....ign=buffer
Chief: Brown wasn’t stopped due to robbery
There goes that argument. The cop didn’t even know about the cigars.
Nice for the fat pig, eh? That’s prime Republican Presidential timber, right there.
Why are so many people dropping out of the workforce? Because working just isn’t worth it anymore.
“The big decline in men’s labor force participation … has been among men under age 55,” Heidi Shierholz, an economist …, said. “One thing I often think is driving the labor market is job quality … wages and how much you get out of working will have a big impact on whether you are in the workforce.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Employers complain they can’t hire qualified employees. Try paying and treating them better, duh! For years employers have demanded take backs, pension and health benefit cuts, wage cuts, and heavier workloads and more productivity, giving nothing in return. Guess what–no workers!! As in “take this job and shove it!” People will take only so much. Look at me, for example, I don’t work and why should I? I’m a member of the Capitalist Class now, and we capitalists don’t work. I think everyone should join the Capitalist Class and no one should work because working doesn’t pay and workers are treated with disrespect. You’ve all been replaced by machines, anyway.
@80 Well, waddya know, Christie got caught lying again. How could anyone have known Chris Christie would turn out to be a big fat liar? Um, the (R) by his name?
The most “do nothing” Congress in HISTORY…
…and Paul Ryan (R-Let Grandma Eat Cat-Food) is worried about a fucking TV character.
Check this out….this is scary shit.
@62 Why did you support Treyvon Martin’s killer. Why is whatever his fuck face name any different from the police? Treyvon gets shot and you supported Zimmerman, I supoose if it was a cop that shot Treyvon you would have had a problem with that. You are hypocritical and don’t even know which side of the issue to be on. Unless now you are a Cop Hater. Any more groups of people that you are going to start to hate? Get it all out there, all at once.
@65 I was quoting what the guy who got shot would have said if he said it correctly. I’m portraying the thief, and if he’s a thief, he probably also calls Asian people chincs.
Don’t misdirect your hatred to me. I didn’t use the word chinc in a deragotory statemtne to any asian, unlike you calling a gay person a fudge packer. Hahahah. What attracted you to this blog you bigot?
We know how Puffy is, you Apewoman.
@67 wrong again, I don’t hate God…..you want to believe I hate God. What I hate is you projecting onto me what you think your God is.
You are like a 2 year old…I feel sorry for your kids, they have a 2 year old father.
@73 just saying you put yourself in a bad position or the wrong side of the law, then hey baby except part of the resposibility. You want to debate whether it is 5% or 10%, not going to go there. But hey, if I drink beer all day and all night and I get liver disease, don’t blame the alchol. You smoke and you get cancer, take some of the blame. Personal Responsibility. You are gay and you want to have uprotected sex and you get AIDS, take some responsiblity. You are straight and you have sex and you get VD, Crabs or someone Pregnant, take some responsibility. You want to live the life of crime, yes take repsonsibility when the law is attracted to you. Mind you I stole gum when I was 8 too.
Now I’m not saying he deserved to die or get shot….but hey take some responsibility in life.
And if he wasn’t stealing or there wasn’t the need for the cops to go to a call of a robbery, he wouldn’t be dead.
I’m not justifying the shooting or beating. But take responsibilty in life.
You want to fly and th plane crashes take some responsibility for being on that plane.
@79, it was reported that the Cop was responding to a Robbery. True or not, I don’t know, but if that is the case, then….
@69 – I’ve got no problem with it really per say, precaution is always good. But if there is proven way to indicate whether blood is tainted (I don’t know – I don’t work for the Red Cross nor am I a doctor) and it is just hysteria then it is bullshit.
You see Puffy if good intentions are good intentions without bigory, even if they are wrong, then it really is just good intentions. But if the intentions are done out of bigotry and wrong, then that’s where this a problem.
But I find that you kind of picking on gay people and AIDS, because you are a bigot. How about Ebola? I think you got something bigger to worry about right now. Seems like all these diseases originate in Africa for some reason.
@88 You make liar loans to people with no credit and no income, bundle them as securities, pay a rating agency to stamp “AAA” on them, then sell them to suckers, take some responsibility when the economy crashes … yeah, right.
How come only poor and powerless people are asked to take responsibility?
“Take responsibility” … fine concept, but empty words.
@70 and @74 – if you listen to an Ape you are dumber than I thought.
84. Thanks, That video was amazing. Maybe Puddy is a conservabot?
Baxter Brewing Coffee with Keurig Machine
Baxter loads glasswear
@91….you are absolutely correct, why they were not held responsible is out of my hands. But I’ve never defended any bankers from not being responsible for the market or economy crash. They should have beeen held responsible. And in my mind they were the responsible party at fault.
I’m just saying we all have responsibility in life, and when something happens, good or bad, take some responsibility for it.
Just because I feel this way doesn’t mean I still can’t be compassionate for the poor.
Nah, I think rich people also are responsible for a lot of bad things in thier lives, that they blame other for, they need to learn to take responsibility for that too.
Wow empty tea bag with the puffed butt’s head exploded. Notice the gleeeeeeeeeeman with the puffed butt won’t dare touch #69! Dances around the other links as always!
Sux to be the packer!
@95 see @90 you moron. You are the bigot! How or what did I dance around. You think others on this blog are stupid enough to side with you just because you typed in @95 that I danced around it. I think they can read for themselves.
@95, why are you dancing around @85?
“I’m just saying we all have responsibility in life, and when something happens, good or bad, take some responsibility for it.”
Again, I think you are using “responsibility” in a way that makes no sense. By your definition, if a boy is raped by a priest, the boy should take some responsibility for it since if a black man is shot by a cop, the black man should take some responsibility for it.
How do black people “take responsibility” for being black?
The latest from CNN:
“The Ferguson police officer who shot Michael Brown didn’t stop him because he was suspected in a recent robbery, but because he was ‘walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic,’ the city’s police chief said Friday. Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson told reporters the alleged ‘robbery does not relate to the initial contact between the officer and Michael Brown.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That blows away the troll arguments. Whether Michael Brown was a robbery suspect when he was stopped is irrelevant, because the cop who shot him didn’t know that. He was stopped for walking in the street, pure and simple. He was shot because he allegedly got into an altercation with the cop, and for no other reason. And the cops and witnesses are telling two drastically different stories about the “altercation.”
Some questions to ask are: Was there any traffic? Did someone complain about Brown walking in the street? In other words, were the police responding to a call or did they accost Brown simply because they saw him in the street?
What seems obvious to most people is that an unarmed teenager shouldn’t be killed by an armed cop just for walking in a street or getting mouthy with the cop (if that’s what Brown did). Those aren’t capital offenses.
The incident has raised all sorts of legitimate questions about the Ferguson police department. Why does a mostly-black city have an all-white police force? What role, if any, does race play in this incident? Do Ferguson’s blacks have a target painted on their backs when the (white) cops are present? Is the militaristic mindset of Ferguson’s (and many other cities’) police force the policing we want in our communities? (No!)
Some people, including probably our trolls, are gonna say Brown had it coming because he copped an attitude with the copper. Assuming, arguendo, that’s what Brown did, no, he didn’t have it coming. Copping attitudes is what teens do, and we don’t execute them for it, much less summarily without trial. If that’s what happened here, and race played a role in the result, it was — let’s not mince words — a lynching.
Teens are allowed to cop attitudes, cops aren’t. Michael Brown wasn’t required to be a model citizen or even a polite one as a condition of being allowed to live. Darren Wilson wasn’t allowed to execute him for copping an attitude or even wrestling with the cop, if that’s what Wilson did. (We don’t know yet; and Wilson is entitled to the same due process that Michael Brown didn’t get.)
A cop is allowed to kill someone for one reason only: That person is a mortal threat to either the cop or someone else. That could happen if, say, Brown tried to grab the cop’s gun and shoot him with it. But even if that’s what happened, there’s still a question of whether continuing to shoot Brown in the back for running away, or after he allegedly stopped and raised his hands, because he wasn’t a mortal threat anymore (if he ever was) at that point.
There are many, many unanswered questions about this case, and we, the public, need the answers. But this much is now clear: Wilson didn’t shoot Brown because he was a robbery suspect. Wilson’s boss, the police chief, told us so.
@94 “I’m just saying we all have responsibility in life, and when something happens, good or bad, take some responsibility for it.”
That tends to lose its moral suasion when Vanessa, who is black, is sent home from school and Suzie, who is white, isn’t when both did the same thing.
And when a society takes down, pepper sprays, handcuffs, and carts off to jail an unemployed homeless person for shoplifting a loaf of bread while doing nothing to bankers who steal billions, that society has no moral authority left.
It’s very difficult to wag your finger at others and tell them to “take responsibility” for that actions in that kind of society without coming across as sanctimonious.
In any case, the basic premise of your post @88, i.e. —
“And if he wasn’t stealing or there wasn’t the need for the cops to go to a call of a robbery, he wouldn’t be dead.”
— has been debunked, as I posted above. This statement is factually incorrect. The cops weren’t responding to a robbery call, and even if he was involved in a robbery, that’s not why he’s dead. The cops stopped him because he was walking in the street, and he’s dead because of the interaction between him and the cop out in the street, whatever it was.
Here’s the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypissypants’ new bestest BFF.
Trayvon Martin’s killer puffed butt?
That’s not the correct phrase so why even attempt to have a conversation when you put forth a comment like that?
BTW #69 is before your number or are you a chronological and numerical IDIOT?
@69 Idiout make idiotic statement.
@90 I reply to Idiotic statement.
@95 Idiout accuses me of dancing around subject.
@96 I tell Idiot that I replied to 69 via 90
@97 I then ask why Idiot hasn’t replied to @85 (because he is an idiot)
@102 he accuses me of being out of chronoligical order
@102 go fuck yourself and run along now. I’ve spent too much time trying to educate an Ape! And avoids replying to 85 because I used the word killer (reference to Zimmerman). You are a sad mother fucker.
@98 – no, if a boy gets raped by a priest I do not blame the boy. But if you are a parent and you are aware of many priests raping boys and you send your boy to be with priests unconditionally, and he gets raped, you as a parent should assume some responsibility, again if you were aware of the problem as a parent. Sort of like an individually that is supposedly grown up knowing the risk involved with breaking the law, in the sense that a policman with a gun, loaded with a bullet, may shoot you, accidentially or intentionally. You should assume some of the responsibility. You were wronged but put yourself in a bad position.
Now if a policeman shoots you for just being black, then that is a differnt story. If you were minding your own business and the bullet came from nowhere, then you have no to little responsibility. Now it is much more less likely or occurring but if a black policeman shoots someone just for being white, it is the same situation.
My comments and claims to the individual shot in Ferguson was made with the notion and what was being reported by the press that it occurred after responding to a burglary.
Like I said, in my first comment regarding this story, I held off weighing in until all the facts became clear. Well apparently they are still unclear. Why don’t we all wait till the facts are know before siding one way or the other, including the rioters.
I agree police brutality is going to far lately, and a lot of it isn’t caused by the victims, but when and if you are a thief, if in fact a thief, and you bring to yourself the law, except something possibly bad happening as a result of it.
Why do we then live by the laws? why not litter, commit crimes, if the worse that will happen is a policman shows up with a water pistol or handcuffs.
Rick Perry Indicted For Abuse Of Power
Texass GOP Gov. Rick Perry was indicted today “for abuse of power after carrying out a threat to veto funding for state public corruption prosecutors.” Perry pulled the prosecutors’ funding after a prosecutor refused to accede his demands to resign. (Source: AOL News)
In other news, “Rio Arriba County Sheriff Tommy Rodella and his son, Tommy Rodella Jr., pleaded not guilty Friday morning in federal court to charges of conspiracy to violate civil rights, deprivation of rights, brandishing a firearm and falsifying police documents.” Rodella, a Democrat, is a former magistrate judge and police officer with a long history of getting into trouble. (Source: CBS News)
@99 unfortunate that all the facts are not know yet and people, including myself, are making judgements, getting possibly prematurely angry and rioting.
Regardless of my feeling of personal responsibility – if there is a problem with police brutality it needs to be address, and apparently there might be.
Hey but let’s all send our kids to College and let them get raped and wait for justice too. Now I know after making this statemen, someone could turn it around on me and say, well then are the victims that are being rapped in college personally responsible for going to colleg. Even if they know the problem exists! No, because that is kind of a different issue, you don’t expect to get raped in a college of all places. But unless you are a frat party and you are showing your tits to everyone and only in a bikini and getting drunk, then maybe, yes, you didn’t necessarily invite it but you could have been reading a book in the library and possibly avoiding it….so let’s say 3% partly responsible.
Is anyone going to assume responsibility anymore in this world? God knows Puffy doesn’t.
I now think of one of my neighbors when I was growing up. I grew up in a predominately white upper class neighborhood (both my parents worked, father a Letter Carrier and mother worked in a factory on 2nd shift). My neighbor was a police office officer for the adjacent town (large city in the Northeast – predominately black population). He was also black. He was a beat officer until one night when he shot a black kid. I don’t think the kid died but I am not certain. From that day on they put him on desk duty ( I think at his request because he took it very badly for shooting the young kid) for the rest of his career, until retirement. I don’t know any of the specifics of what happen and why he shot the kid.
Take it for what it is worth. Not siding with the police here on the Ferguson case. But until all the facts are know, true facts, then we shouldn’t be jumping to conclusions and making and accusations either way, against the victim or the police.
But after any findings of unwarranted police brutality then we should deal with it appropriately.
Believe me, even without knowing all the facts of what occurred in Staten Island NY (death by choking) I was appalled by the police action.
Puffed Butt empty bag…
Puddy doesn’t read half of your swill. It’s useless comedy! BTW Puddy only picks on you. If that’s makes Puddy a bigot against you so be it. You’re an ASShole! You called that person Mike Brown attacked a chinc!
Waytogo libtardo.
EPIC FAYLE. Nothing else to discuss with a RACIST!
End of discussion!
NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit,
That was the empty tea bag puffed reamed butt who introduced that argument @50.
Yes empty tea bag puffed butt is a troll. Well he trolls certain places including HA DUMMOCRETINS!
@102 So what would you call Trayvon Martin’s killer, puffybutt? Are you saying Trayvon wasn’t killed? Is still among the living?
@108 I’ll go you one better: I don’t read any of your swill.
If anything it was self-defense man slaughter. How would you react if someone was beating your head into the concrete NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit? Sheesh you are a moron!
If you don’t read PuddyMissives, how could you ask the question regarding #102 without reading it, NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit?
Lying sack of horsesASS manure! The only puffed butt is gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman, the puffed butt from strange use AKA empty tea bag and puffed butt!!!!!
@112 “if someone was beating your head into the concrete”
Are you referring to the self-appointed vigilante stalker who picked a fight with a stranger after the police dispatcher told him to stay in his vehicle? Trayvon Martin’s mistake was not packing, because he would have been justified in shooting that guy. You know, stand his ground.
NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit,
If you don’t read PuddyMissives then how could you answer #112?
Forked tongue!
I can tell there’s a crow in the tree from its droppings on the lawn, dumbass.
@115 hahahahaha
I don’t necessarily think so, but maybe the cop was defending himself too! But Puffy only likes civilians with guns to kill in defense. Grow up idiot!