“Ministers insisted that British secret agents would only be allowed to pass intelligence to the CIA to help it capture Osama bin Laden if the agency promised he would not be tortured, it has emerged.”
“The report criticises the Bush administration’s approval of practices which would be illegal if carried out by British agents.” http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/ story/0,,2136651,00.html
p.s. For those that didn’t read the link, the article lists the years 1996, 1998 & 1999.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Bill O’Reilly complaining about blogs is like Ted Bundy complaining door handles on Volkswagens.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Mark says:
Damn I would love to see Hugo Chavez big fat head instantly become the “pink mist”. Wouldn’t that be priceless? Danny Glover and Cindy Sheehan would be heartbroken, but the rest of the civilized world would uncork the bubbly.
07/29/2007 at 12:25 am
Rest assured Mark, if your head instantly became pink mist, nobody much would care.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The problem with liberal blogs is we’re not VICIOUS enough! We need to get TOUGH with anti-American elements! INTOLERANCE and HATE RHETORIC aren’t enough! We need to put them in CONCENTRATON CAMPS and EXECUTE them!*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter gets laughs and applause from this line, so I decided to try it!
Seriously, I gotta say it’s hilarious to watch neocons work themselves into a froth over liberals behaving like them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Wingnuts never met a champion of social and economic justice they didn’t want to kill. Why should Mark care what Chavez does in his own country? How Venezuelans govern Venezuela is none of his business.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Once you realize the working poor in South America pay a quarter of their total income to the phone monopoly, you begin to understand why they want to nationalize phone copanies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
You can bet a Republican earning $100,000 a year wouldn’t tolerate Verizon or Qwest charging him $25,000 a year for phone service! So why should he expect Venezuelans, Brazilians, or Argentines to tolerate it?
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Question for the peanut gallery: If Mark-the-hyphenated-Redneck was my personal property, and I gunned him down for fun and left his carcass by the road, which applies:
(A) A murder has been committed.
(B) A tax write-off applies.
(c) The premise of the question is unconstitutional.
(D) Some agree that gunning down MTR would be fun.
(E) This is a clear violation of littering ordinances.
(F) The right to destroy personal property is not absolute.
Answers shall be held in strict confidence. Libertarians are required to submit a 500 word essay discussing answer “F” with their entry.
Just signed up but I’ve been doing this for years on my own. I was part of the group that helped convince Burger King to pull out of advertising on the Publican propiganda about Bill Clinton. ABC backed up and this stuff can have an impact. Sometimes large – sometimes not. But at least it makes me feel better. I cost Staples a BIG account when my company stopped using them due to their support of traitor Bill Oreally.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 How about …
(G) MTR should expect the same treatment from us that his dog expects from him, no more, no less.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I mean, why should Mark the Welshing Redneck expect to be treated better than he treats his dog? After all, his dog has more class than he does. His dog didn’t welsh a bet.
Roger Rabbit says:
@4 Wingnuts never met a champion of social and economic justice they didn’t want to kill. Why should Mark care what Chavez does in his own country? How Venezuelans govern Venezuela is none of his business.
LOL!!!!! Champion of social and economic justice…..now that’s a good one. You are hilarious. What you should have said was…..”liberals never met a totalitarian, freedom squelching, human rights abusing Marxist-Leninist dictator that they didn’t fall in love with”. At least you would be honst for once in your life.
Liberals called radio “hate talk” and wanted stations that utilized a conservative format to be regulated into “fairness”. Conservatives screamed about free speech and the rights of the market place. (Conservatives have it right here)
Now conservatives are whining about “hate writing” on the internet and want the internet regulated so it has more “fairness”. Liberals are screaming about free speech and the rights of the market place. (Liberals have it right here)
Conservatives listen to radio because they are too stupid to write. Liberals thrive on the internet because they are self delusional shut ins.
Republicans are right because they believe god is on their side, and one day he will show those who are wrong the light. Democrats are right because they believe they are smarter than everyone else, and there will never be a day when those who are wrong will be smart enough to make their own decisions or see any light.
Both extremes are hypocrits, and are incapable of seeing the transperancy of their own hypocrisy. Pathetic
liberal hate writingspews:
@14 grandgadfly says:
“Now conservatives are whining about “hate writing” on the internet and want the internet regulated so it has more “fairness”. Liberals are screaming about free speech and the rights of the market place. (Liberals have it right here)”
Are you kidding? Conservative blogs wouldn’t have anything to link to if the liberal blogs stopped posting hate. Did you see the one on dailykos about the kilitary? Almost every conservative blog linked to it with the headline “liberals support the troops.”
I suppose these cretins have been gleefully dancing on Steve Guillard’s grave.
I guess now the Publican party thinks “cut and run” is okay?
You gotta love the situational ethics of these inbred morons.
@15 you’re right – you Publicans can link to liberal blogs where you can find the writings of inbred morons like MTR saying Michael Vick should have the right to kill dogs for sport. There’s more hate from the right in EVERY medium than there is the left – whether it’s blogs, radio, TV or newspaper – all the right has going for it is hate.
Calling the kettlespews:
@RightEqualsStupid says:
@15 you’re right – you Publicans can link to liberal blogs where you can find the writings of inbred morons like MTR saying Michael Vick should have the right to kill dogs for sport. There’s more hate from the right in EVERY medium than there is the left – whether it’s blogs, radio, TV or newspaper – all the right has going for it is hate.
As said by someone using the moniker “right equals stupid.” Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. The funniest thing is that rightequalsstupid doesn’t get it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “totalitarian, freedom squelching, human rights abusing Marxist-Leninist dictator”
So Chavez isn’t a democrat (small d). Why is it that you guys never have a problem with totalitarian, freedom squelching, human rights abusing dictators except when leftists do it? Can you spell D-i-c-k-C-h-e-n-e-y? Hypocrite.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 The only thing you got right about your comment is the part where you describe yourself as a “gadfly.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 Only someone without an ounce of principle would try to equate liberals with conservatives.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 It isn’t just MTR. Some ditzy chick named Victoria was ranting on a Portland-based radio station last week against regulating people who keep dangerous dogs. How many news stories do we have to read about pit bulls killing toddlers and ripping peoples’ faces off before these freedom-lovin’ dolts get the message that owning dangerous animals and letting them run loose has an adverse impact on other people?
Hillary respects men that cheatspews:
Does anyone wonder why Hillary is using the mayors of los angeles and san francisco for her campaign? Both mayors have had extramarital affairs with the wives of close friends.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Like I said above, it’s hilarious to see wingnuts complain about liberals behaving like wingnuts …
Been out of town so I missed this “right-wing” propoganda:
Moderator: I’m sorry, we have to go on. We have to go on.
Governor Thompson, same theme. If a private employer finds homosexuality immoral, should he be allowed to fire a gay worker?
Thompson: I think that is left up to the individual business. I really sincerely believe that that is an issue that business people have got to make their own determination as to whether or not they should be.
Moderator: OK. So the answer’s yes.
Thompson: Yes.
Did you watch Stupidman’s other favorite news org PMS-NBC?
Chris Matthews wondered if we should stay in Iraq. So did his panel of Libtards!
#26Puddybud says:
-http://www.komotv.com/news/872 9967.html
-Why does the Moonbat! org ACORN like to cheat?
A couple reasons – Because they have to.
They also know that their sheeple (people that blindly follow like sheep) don’t care about fairness. It’s all about winning for the (d) party.
Didn’t Hamas recently say it still wants to destroy Israel?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 Then they have something in common with nearly every GOP candidate for president!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 We didn’t miss you, puddinghead. When are you leaving again? Soon, I hope.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Actually, most (or all) of the liberal posters on this blog support prosecuting the street people who defrauded ACORN by submitting phony voter registrations. ACORN supports prosecuting them, too. BTW, none of those fabricated registrations voted.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Let’s not forget that ACORN is the victim, not the perpetrator, in this scam. And that it’s about stealing money from an employer, not stealing elections. But don’t let FACTS get in the way of your wingnuttery.
I see Puddy is here again to show us what true Christianity is all about. If you want to know how Christians view the world and their fellow man, look at Puddy’s writing. Puddy has proclaimed his beliefs and we can all look to him for how a true Christian conducts business and relationships with others. He is constantly willing to provide us with examples of proper conduct by followers of Jesus Christ.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Puddy doesn’t have enough intelligence to be a Christian. He’s an insentient globule of pre-protoplasmic soup.
I see chadt has nothing worthwhile to add to the conversation. I provide talking points of Moonbat!tic nuttery! Too bad the truth hurts the libtard mind.
I see Pellethead can’t take criticism as always. Too bad that single cell organism called his brain can fathom truths!
How is ACORN the victim when they are being investigate in 9 other states? Of course that was lost on the single celled Moonbat! mind of Pellethead.
“ACORN, founded in 1970, has run voter registration drives across the country, with allegations of fraudulent registrations surfacing in several states, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, Missouri and Colorado in recent years.”
Mr. Bud has been criticized on more than one occasion with regards to his tone and demeanor. Christianity does not demand that we all hold the same political opinions (regardless of what some on the right may think) but does require that when we speak, we do so with love and respect, rather than vitriol. (Not always easy, as I can attest.)
Unfortunately, Mr. Bud’s posts seem to indicate that he does not consider anyone that does not conform to his personal political viewpoint to be his “neighbor”.
I cannot know what is in Mr. Bud’s heart. Perhaps he actually believes that by spewing venom out here, and alienating reasonable people from Christianity, he is somehow helping us. (Like any group of people, we have some Christians that are not entirely rational. Rev. Ridiculous Robertson seems like a good example.)
If you really want to see what Christians are for (and against) I suggest you check out the National Council of Churches’ website ( http://www.ncccusa.org – apparently someone bought up the “nccusa.org” domain name and wants big $$$ for it).
I realize that I tend to be a bit repetitive on this subject, but as long as we have folks calling themselves “Christian” while spewing hate and venom, I’ll just have to keep sounding like a broken record. (Am I dating myself with that phrase?)
Wow Mr Barelli. Nice “attack” upon little ol’ me.
“Mr. Bud has been criticized on more than one occasion with regards to his tone and demeanor. Christianity does not demand that we all hold the same political opinions (regardless of what some on the right may think) but does require that when we speak, we do so with love and respect, rather than vitriol. (Not always easy, as I can attest.)”
Puddy responds – Waaa haaa haaa haaa. My tone and demeanor. If you remember Mr. Barelli – I requested a Bible study where we would part God’s word and seek His Holy Spirit to determine His truths. You refused to respond. When I disagree with you and prove how the Moonbat! point of view is so out of touch with Christianity, your counter-claim is dismissed by His Word. Why is that?
“Unfortunately, Mr. Bud’s posts seem to indicate that he does not consider anyone that does not conform to his personal political viewpoint to be his “neighbor”.”
Puddy responds – What are you talking about Mr Barelli. I qoute the truths from the Bible. I even did a real Bible study discussing various viewpoints. Nary a peep from Mr. Barelli.
“I cannot know what is in Mr. Bud’s heart. Perhaps he actually believes that by spewing venom out here, and alienating reasonable people from Christianity, he is somehow helping us. (Like any group of people, we have some Christians that are not entirely rational. Rev. Ridiculous Robertson seems like a good example.)”
Puddy responds – First off, I don’t aspire to the religious views of Robertson, the late Falwell, Oral Roberts, Chuck Swindoll, James Dobson, etc. You continually use them as your whipping posts for comparison. Your arguments are specious and empty.
“I realize that I tend to be a bit repetitive on this subject, but as long as we have folks calling themselves “Christian” while spewing hate and venom, I’ll just have to keep sounding like a broken record. (Am I dating myself with that phrase?)”
Puddy responds – Spewing hate and venom? Waaa haaa haaa haaa.
Wow, John, since I proved Jesus is against the gay lifestyle, abortion, and other wacky acts of man it’s hate and venom?
When I post librul stupidity it’s hate and venom?
When I post the librul hypocrisy of Scary Reid and Stretch Pelosi it’s hate and venom?
When I post how libtards speak out of both sides of their mouth it’s hate and venom?
Actually, I seem to recall inviting you to contact me off-blog for just such a discussion. A non-religious political blog is an inappropriate place for a Bible study.
My e-mail address is available on every one of these pages through my website (you know, that thing with the blue and bright yellow “TIDES” logo and my name, or the link with every one of my posts), but if those links doesn’t work for you, the address is realestate@barelli.biz.
Oh, and you might note that I’m not making a criticism of your opinions in that post. While I disagree with many of them, that isn’t the point.
It’s your tone and demeanor that I’m criticising, and I make the attempt to do so in a courteous and respectful manner. Others here have used you and your posts as an example of Christians not practicing what we preach.
So once again, I will suggest to you that you might let your Pastor read what you post. While he may or may not agree with your opinions, I rather doubt that he would approve of your tone and demeanor.
Daddy Lovespews:
ACORN pays people to collect voter registations. This sometimes results in lazy and/or crooked employees falsifying registrations to make “easy” money. It is similar to when onse uses paid inititive signature gatherers–one ends up with a fair amount of false information.
Luckily, KCRE is quite prepared to check such records and have been doing a great job in difficult circumstances improving the accuracy of our voter registrations.
Daddy Lovespews:
Do you know why we’ve already lost in Iraq?
Because Baghdadis have only one or two hours of electricity a day. 23 hours with no air conditioning. 23 hours with no refrigeration. 23 hours of 130 degree July heat. Every day.
I’d sure as fuck support the insurgency when the stupid occupying army, when they aren’t shooting my family, are driving DOWN the number of hours a day of electricity I receive.
What is the Republican response? Stop reporting how much electricity that Iraqi people have.
It’s also why Republicans will lose in 2008. Fucking ENOUGH already.
Daddy Lovespews:
Iraqis are in urgent need of water, sanitation, food and shelter, said the report by Oxfam and the NGO Coordination Committee network in Iraq.
The report said 15 percent of Iraqis cannot regularly afford to eat, and 70 percent are without adequate water supplies, up from 50 percent in 2003. It also said 28 percent of children are malnourished, compared with 19 percent before the 2003 invasion.
“Basic services, ruined by years of war and sanctions, cannot meet the needs of the Iraqi people,” said Jeremy Hobbs, the director of Oxfam International. “Millions of Iraqis have been forced to flee the violence, either to another part of Iraq or abroad. Many of those are living in dire poverty.”
There was a news story this weekend about liberal blogging and what in-roads they are making on the polls. That said, according the Washington Post, only 2 percent polled read political blogs. Hmmm… Makes one think how desperate the news is for stories and what their agenda is. Coincidently, and with much surprise, I discovered an unrelated and unsolicited comment on a family members blog this weekend about attacking the Fox News Station. Now, if the post had been at all about politics, I would have said, well, maybe. However, the post was about ZIPLOC BAGGIES. What in all Hades!?
So, as a curious little monkey would do, I followed the link and watched the very same video on this post. again, nothing to do with ziploc bags. Then, I went to the comment source. That’s when I realized this political troll was deliberately collecting local Eastside blog addresses like a telemarketer and cold-commenting on all local blogs. How f@#%ing annoying. Here is the dialogue that ensued:
“Why are you leaving unrelated comments on people’s blogs? It’s a bit rude, especially when they don’t necessarily share the same views. It’s like putting grafitti in a park or littering. I’m sure Fox Attacks means something to you, and it’s entirely your own prerogative to post/blog all you want on YOUR OWN BLOG. Just have some taste and courtesy and ask permission before posting willy-nilly on other’s blogs such links that have NOTHING to do with their posts. Please be a good blog neighbor in the Northwest. Thanks for listening.
Her response was:
Communicating on a grassroots level through blogging is a beautiful thing that the Internet makes possible to anyone. What I have been doing in my spare time is something akin to the mass mailings I used to do in AZ to pump up business and create buzz. Except now, it’s about defeating (insert local politician here-see I won’t pander to her tactics) in the upcoming election.What I’m doing is collecting all the local blog addresses in my immediate area. (People who take the time to blog are generally the thinkers and communicators in their immediate social sphere.) The next time (local politician) uses his franking privileges to send out blatant campaign propaganda for himself, I’m sending a comment/message to every blogger that I can find in my town.From what I know of direct marketing (which is quite a bit more than the average person — because my economic life depended on it for 15 years), this gambit will bypass all established media and create an immediate negative buzz for (local politician).
A local blogger that I sent an “unsolicited” comment to concerning Fox News had this to say:
(See my original comment above)
She then went on to say:
“Unwittingly, Scout’s Honor hit the nail on the head about unwanted communication — except, I did not illegally use public tax monies and the U.S. Mail to promote my own personal political agenda. So, all I can say to Scout’s Honor is that I’ll stop doing it when local politician stops doing it.”
Note that I fixed all her mispellings! See I’m nice. I know it happens to us all.
“Well that’s a shame. Using the very methods you criticize others using really doesn’t give you much credibility does it? I think you are mistaking any attention as positive, when really your methods and the negative attention it will receive will discredit your cause. Bloggers in the Issaquah and Sammamish area will just have to start moderating comments.
By the way, with a Political Science degree from Cal Berkeley, no my dear, franking is not illegal. I find it obnoxious too, but both sides of the aisle do it. It is the privilege of the incumbent, whether s/he be Democrat or Republican. I think it is part of what makes our political system so stable. We generally keep people in that are well-versed in the ropes of the job. Truly, it takes clear bad moves, criminal activity, or incompetence, to remove an incumbent.
That said, it used to make me nauseous thinking of the tax dollars spent on letters and photographs I received in the mail during the Clinton administration. It still annoys me when I see blatant tax dollars used for “public information” or better yet “a constituent service,” as it is called in the House Ethics Manual, when they are so clearly campaign efforts on the taxpayer’s dime. Again, sweetheart, it’s not just (local politician). I have gotten my fair share from Maria Cantwell and Christine Gregoire. It’s the system, not (local politician) alone.
So, if it bothers you, write about franking. Don’t however, think it’s okay to victimize others’ blogs. That would be like American troops torturing and dragging bodies through the streets because Al Qaeda did it first. It didn’t really work out in Abu-Ghraib, did it? That’s about the same premise as you are doing here! Or more truly, it’s really like a petulant, child-like mentality. He called me a name so I called her a name. It’s so petty and ridiculous.
I’m sure, in the end though, it must violate some Blogger user agreements, so you really should stop. I would suggest that people start flagging you if you continue your silly campaign. I’m all for freedom of speech and love blogs that are controversial whether liberal or conservative, just keep my blog and my husband’s blog, and my son’s blog OUT of IT. Get some manners!”
So, the original comment from the political troll has been since removed from the family member’s blog. I decided she would get no linky love from me because that would just pander to her methods, which I think Blogger might find illegal. In the end, it left me annoyed enough that I wanted to bitch-slap some sense into her. I was super peeved, and then I realized why? It was like dealing with my 10 year old bickering with my seven year old. She did it to me first, Mom! So childish, political troll. You turned me into a frustrated Mom schooling a petulant and recalcitrant child. Grow up! You’ll stop victimizing local blogs when he stops using legally methods at his avail? Lord, woman, get some manners.
So does your logic follow that if someone vandalizes or graffitis my neighborhood then I can come to your home and draw a big, fat Republican Pink Elephant on it? Can I glue a life-sized effigy of Arnold Schwarzenegger in Jelly Bellies on the side of your house? Can I tattoo a picture of Condi Rice on your forehead? Yeah, I didn’t think so. But, that’s how I view my blog. It’s my home. It’s an extension of me! Respect me and respect yourself!
One final thought, if you truly wish to advertise on every local blog your political opinions, then do the right thing, become an ADWords whore, and purchase ads to put on those bloggers’ sites who would be okay with taking your money.
My question is this:
What do you all think about cold commenting on local Seattle blogs? Bad manners? Genius? Weigh in, please. Personally, I think she is giving liberal bloggers a blackeye. Everyone hates a spammer.
I thought Hedge Funds are evil and only for the rich? Well… that’s what the ‘Wipes Moonbat!s wrote here. Anyone who works for them or uses them is tainted. – John Edwards has one Moonbat!s
Now we see Chelsea Clinton works for one. Curious isn’t it. I guess hedge funds are not so evil after all. Why would TSWITW allow her daughter to work for one? Wouldn’t it hurt her candidacy?
So when a Republican works for a hedge fund the NYT will not become the NY Slimes?
@50 SH,
I agree. Bad manners, certainly, and we all hate spam, I think.
You might mention that to all these rabid conservatives who come here and pose ancient, disproved, and irrelevant “talking points”, and generally seek to disrupt liberal discourse on this blog.
I don’t think that you’ll be successful, though, however meritorious your position. Amongst other things, not all liberals (or people who consider themselves liberals) are reasonable or responsible. There are, sadly, a variety of lefty loonies, just as there are extremists of any group.
A sad fact of life is that the anonymity of the keyboard has eliminated a lot of restraint in many areas, and the public forum is even less civilized than it was before the internet.
As I was typing the last sentence, a car drove (vibrated???) past in the quiet residential street I live on, with some obnoxious “music” cranked up to 115 Db, assuring that all within 1/2 mile shared in his auditory joy. Trolls come in many flavors these days.
True on both sides of the political spectrum…
UK wanted US to rule out Bin Laden torture
“Ministers insisted that British secret agents would only be allowed to pass intelligence to the CIA to help it capture Osama bin Laden if the agency promised he would not be tortured, it has emerged.”
“The report criticises the Bush administration’s approval of practices which would be illegal if carried out by British agents.”
http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/ story/0,,2136651,00.html
p.s. For those that didn’t read the link, the article lists the years 1996, 1998 & 1999.
Bill O’Reilly complaining about blogs is like Ted Bundy complaining door handles on Volkswagens.
Mark says:
Damn I would love to see Hugo Chavez big fat head instantly become the “pink mist”. Wouldn’t that be priceless? Danny Glover and Cindy Sheehan would be heartbroken, but the rest of the civilized world would uncork the bubbly.
07/29/2007 at 12:25 am
Rest assured Mark, if your head instantly became pink mist, nobody much would care.
The problem with liberal blogs is we’re not VICIOUS enough! We need to get TOUGH with anti-American elements! INTOLERANCE and HATE RHETORIC aren’t enough! We need to put them in CONCENTRATON CAMPS and EXECUTE them!*
* Just kidding! Ann Coulter gets laughs and applause from this line, so I decided to try it!
Seriously, I gotta say it’s hilarious to watch neocons work themselves into a froth over liberals behaving like them.
@4 Wingnuts never met a champion of social and economic justice they didn’t want to kill. Why should Mark care what Chavez does in his own country? How Venezuelans govern Venezuela is none of his business.
Once you realize the working poor in South America pay a quarter of their total income to the phone monopoly, you begin to understand why they want to nationalize phone copanies.
You can bet a Republican earning $100,000 a year wouldn’t tolerate Verizon or Qwest charging him $25,000 a year for phone service! So why should he expect Venezuelans, Brazilians, or Argentines to tolerate it?
Question for the peanut gallery: If Mark-the-hyphenated-Redneck was my personal property, and I gunned him down for fun and left his carcass by the road, which applies:
(A) A murder has been committed.
(B) A tax write-off applies.
(c) The premise of the question is unconstitutional.
(D) Some agree that gunning down MTR would be fun.
(E) This is a clear violation of littering ordinances.
(F) The right to destroy personal property is not absolute.
Answers shall be held in strict confidence. Libertarians are required to submit a 500 word essay discussing answer “F” with their entry.
Just signed up but I’ve been doing this for years on my own. I was part of the group that helped convince Burger King to pull out of advertising on the Publican propiganda about Bill Clinton. ABC backed up and this stuff can have an impact. Sometimes large – sometimes not. But at least it makes me feel better. I cost Staples a BIG account when my company stopped using them due to their support of traitor Bill Oreally.
@9 How about …
(G) MTR should expect the same treatment from us that his dog expects from him, no more, no less.
I mean, why should Mark the Welshing Redneck expect to be treated better than he treats his dog? After all, his dog has more class than he does. His dog didn’t welsh a bet.
Roger Rabbit says:
@4 Wingnuts never met a champion of social and economic justice they didn’t want to kill. Why should Mark care what Chavez does in his own country? How Venezuelans govern Venezuela is none of his business.
LOL!!!!! Champion of social and economic justice…..now that’s a good one. You are hilarious. What you should have said was…..”liberals never met a totalitarian, freedom squelching, human rights abusing Marxist-Leninist dictator that they didn’t fall in love with”. At least you would be honst for once in your life.
Liberals called radio “hate talk” and wanted stations that utilized a conservative format to be regulated into “fairness”. Conservatives screamed about free speech and the rights of the market place. (Conservatives have it right here)
Now conservatives are whining about “hate writing” on the internet and want the internet regulated so it has more “fairness”. Liberals are screaming about free speech and the rights of the market place. (Liberals have it right here)
Conservatives listen to radio because they are too stupid to write. Liberals thrive on the internet because they are self delusional shut ins.
Republicans are right because they believe god is on their side, and one day he will show those who are wrong the light. Democrats are right because they believe they are smarter than everyone else, and there will never be a day when those who are wrong will be smart enough to make their own decisions or see any light.
Both extremes are hypocrits, and are incapable of seeing the transperancy of their own hypocrisy. Pathetic
@14 grandgadfly says:
“Now conservatives are whining about “hate writing” on the internet and want the internet regulated so it has more “fairness”. Liberals are screaming about free speech and the rights of the market place. (Liberals have it right here)”
Are you kidding? Conservative blogs wouldn’t have anything to link to if the liberal blogs stopped posting hate. Did you see the one on dailykos about the kilitary? Almost every conservative blog linked to it with the headline “liberals support the troops.”
I suppose these cretins have been gleefully dancing on Steve Guillard’s grave.
I guess now the Publican party thinks “cut and run” is okay?
You gotta love the situational ethics of these inbred morons.
@15 you’re right – you Publicans can link to liberal blogs where you can find the writings of inbred morons like MTR saying Michael Vick should have the right to kill dogs for sport. There’s more hate from the right in EVERY medium than there is the left – whether it’s blogs, radio, TV or newspaper – all the right has going for it is hate.
@RightEqualsStupid says:
@15 you’re right – you Publicans can link to liberal blogs where you can find the writings of inbred morons like MTR saying Michael Vick should have the right to kill dogs for sport. There’s more hate from the right in EVERY medium than there is the left – whether it’s blogs, radio, TV or newspaper – all the right has going for it is hate.
As said by someone using the moniker “right equals stupid.” Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. The funniest thing is that rightequalsstupid doesn’t get it.
@13 “totalitarian, freedom squelching, human rights abusing Marxist-Leninist dictator”
So Chavez isn’t a democrat (small d). Why is it that you guys never have a problem with totalitarian, freedom squelching, human rights abusing dictators except when leftists do it? Can you spell D-i-c-k-C-h-e-n-e-y? Hypocrite.
@14 The only thing you got right about your comment is the part where you describe yourself as a “gadfly.”
@14 Only someone without an ounce of principle would try to equate liberals with conservatives.
@18 It isn’t just MTR. Some ditzy chick named Victoria was ranting on a Portland-based radio station last week against regulating people who keep dangerous dogs. How many news stories do we have to read about pit bulls killing toddlers and ripping peoples’ faces off before these freedom-lovin’ dolts get the message that owning dangerous animals and letting them run loose has an adverse impact on other people?
Does anyone wonder why Hillary is using the mayors of los angeles and san francisco for her campaign? Both mayors have had extramarital affairs with the wives of close friends.
Like I said above, it’s hilarious to see wingnuts complain about liberals behaving like wingnuts …
Been out of town so I missed this “right-wing” propoganda:
Why does the Moonbat! org ACORN like to cheat?
Here’s the love of the Right Wing. Hypocricy?
Excerpt of the California Republican Debate
Moderator: I’m sorry, we have to go on. We have to go on.
Governor Thompson, same theme. If a private employer finds homosexuality immoral, should he be allowed to fire a gay worker?
Thompson: I think that is left up to the individual business. I really sincerely believe that that is an issue that business people have got to make their own determination as to whether or not they should be.
Moderator: OK. So the answer’s yes.
Thompson: Yes.
Did you watch Stupidman’s other favorite news org PMS-NBC?
Chris Matthews wondered if we should stay in Iraq. So did his panel of Libtards!
Another librul MSM gush on Hilary!
#26Puddybud says:
-http://www.komotv.com/news/872 9967.html
-Why does the Moonbat! org ACORN like to cheat?
A couple reasons – Because they have to.
They also know that their sheeple (people that blindly follow like sheep) don’t care about fairness. It’s all about winning for the (d) party.
You have to love the librul British BBC.
What else would you expect?
Why do Moonbat!s want to censure the media?
I guess I’ll visit Drudge now!
What…………? I thought the English floods were caused by Global Warming. Well that’s what the Moonbat!s said!
Oops… Not on Drudge… yet!
Didn’t Hamas recently say it still wants to destroy Israel?
@24 Then they have something in common with nearly every GOP candidate for president!
@26 We didn’t miss you, puddinghead. When are you leaving again? Soon, I hope.
@30 Actually, most (or all) of the liberal posters on this blog support prosecuting the street people who defrauded ACORN by submitting phony voter registrations. ACORN supports prosecuting them, too. BTW, none of those fabricated registrations voted.
Let’s not forget that ACORN is the victim, not the perpetrator, in this scam. And that it’s about stealing money from an employer, not stealing elections. But don’t let FACTS get in the way of your wingnuttery.
I see Puddy is here again to show us what true Christianity is all about. If you want to know how Christians view the world and their fellow man, look at Puddy’s writing. Puddy has proclaimed his beliefs and we can all look to him for how a true Christian conducts business and relationships with others. He is constantly willing to provide us with examples of proper conduct by followers of Jesus Christ.
Puddy doesn’t have enough intelligence to be a Christian. He’s an insentient globule of pre-protoplasmic soup.
I see chadt has nothing worthwhile to add to the conversation. I provide talking points of Moonbat!tic nuttery! Too bad the truth hurts the libtard mind.
I see Pellethead can’t take criticism as always. Too bad that single cell organism called his brain can fathom truths!
How is ACORN the victim when they are being investigate in 9 other states? Of course that was lost on the single celled Moonbat! mind of Pellethead.
“ACORN, founded in 1970, has run voter registration drives across the country, with allegations of fraudulent registrations surfacing in several states, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, Missouri and Colorado in recent years.”
Mr. Bud has been criticized on more than one occasion with regards to his tone and demeanor. Christianity does not demand that we all hold the same political opinions (regardless of what some on the right may think) but does require that when we speak, we do so with love and respect, rather than vitriol. (Not always easy, as I can attest.)
Unfortunately, Mr. Bud’s posts seem to indicate that he does not consider anyone that does not conform to his personal political viewpoint to be his “neighbor”.
I cannot know what is in Mr. Bud’s heart. Perhaps he actually believes that by spewing venom out here, and alienating reasonable people from Christianity, he is somehow helping us. (Like any group of people, we have some Christians that are not entirely rational. Rev.
RidiculousRobertson seems like a good example.)If you really want to see what Christians are for (and against) I suggest you check out the National Council of Churches’ website ( http://www.ncccusa.org – apparently someone bought up the “nccusa.org” domain name and wants big $$$ for it).
I realize that I tend to be a bit repetitive on this subject, but as long as we have folks calling themselves “Christian” while spewing hate and venom, I’ll just have to keep sounding like a broken record. (Am I dating myself with that phrase?)
Wow Mr Barelli. Nice “attack” upon little ol’ me.
“Mr. Bud has been criticized on more than one occasion with regards to his tone and demeanor. Christianity does not demand that we all hold the same political opinions (regardless of what some on the right may think) but does require that when we speak, we do so with love and respect, rather than vitriol. (Not always easy, as I can attest.)”
Puddy responds – Waaa haaa haaa haaa. My tone and demeanor. If you remember Mr. Barelli – I requested a Bible study where we would part God’s word and seek His Holy Spirit to determine His truths. You refused to respond. When I disagree with you and prove how the Moonbat! point of view is so out of touch with Christianity, your counter-claim is dismissed by His Word. Why is that?
“Unfortunately, Mr. Bud’s posts seem to indicate that he does not consider anyone that does not conform to his personal political viewpoint to be his “neighbor”.”
Puddy responds – What are you talking about Mr Barelli. I qoute the truths from the Bible. I even did a real Bible study discussing various viewpoints. Nary a peep from Mr. Barelli.
“I cannot know what is in Mr. Bud’s heart. Perhaps he actually believes that by spewing venom out here, and alienating reasonable people from Christianity, he is somehow helping us. (Like any group of people, we have some Christians that are not entirely rational. Rev. Ridiculous Robertson seems like a good example.)”
Puddy responds – First off, I don’t aspire to the religious views of Robertson, the late Falwell, Oral Roberts, Chuck Swindoll, James Dobson, etc. You continually use them as your whipping posts for comparison. Your arguments are specious and empty.
“I realize that I tend to be a bit repetitive on this subject, but as long as we have folks calling themselves “Christian” while spewing hate and venom, I’ll just have to keep sounding like a broken record. (Am I dating myself with that phrase?)”
Puddy responds – Spewing hate and venom? Waaa haaa haaa haaa.
Wow, John, since I proved Jesus is against the gay lifestyle, abortion, and other wacky acts of man it’s hate and venom?
When I post librul stupidity it’s hate and venom?
When I post the librul hypocrisy of Scary Reid and Stretch Pelosi it’s hate and venom?
When I post how libtards speak out of both sides of their mouth it’s hate and venom?
YEAH… … … … …
Actually, I seem to recall inviting you to contact me off-blog for just such a discussion. A non-religious political blog is an inappropriate place for a Bible study.
My e-mail address is available on every one of these pages through my website (you know, that thing with the blue and bright yellow “TIDES” logo and my name, or the link with every one of my posts), but if those links doesn’t work for you, the address is realestate@barelli.biz.
Oh, and you might note that I’m not making a criticism of your opinions in that post. While I disagree with many of them, that isn’t the point.
It’s your tone and demeanor that I’m criticising, and I make the attempt to do so in a courteous and respectful manner. Others here have used you and your posts as an example of Christians not practicing what we preach.
So once again, I will suggest to you that you might let your Pastor read what you post. While he may or may not agree with your opinions, I rather doubt that he would approve of your tone and demeanor.
ACORN pays people to collect voter registations. This sometimes results in lazy and/or crooked employees falsifying registrations to make “easy” money. It is similar to when onse uses paid inititive signature gatherers–one ends up with a fair amount of false information.
Luckily, KCRE is quite prepared to check such records and have been doing a great job in difficult circumstances improving the accuracy of our voter registrations.
Do you know why we’ve already lost in Iraq?
Because Baghdadis have only one or two hours of electricity a day. 23 hours with no air conditioning. 23 hours with no refrigeration. 23 hours of 130 degree July heat. Every day.
I’d sure as fuck support the insurgency when the stupid occupying army, when they aren’t shooting my family, are driving DOWN the number of hours a day of electricity I receive.
What is the Republican response? Stop reporting how much electricity that Iraqi people have.
It’s also why Republicans will lose in 2008. Fucking ENOUGH already.
How are those hearts and minds coming?
There was a news story this weekend about liberal blogging and what in-roads they are making on the polls. That said, according the Washington Post, only 2 percent polled read political blogs. Hmmm… Makes one think how desperate the news is for stories and what their agenda is. Coincidently, and with much surprise, I discovered an unrelated and unsolicited comment on a family members blog this weekend about attacking the Fox News Station. Now, if the post had been at all about politics, I would have said, well, maybe. However, the post was about ZIPLOC BAGGIES. What in all Hades!?
So, as a curious little monkey would do, I followed the link and watched the very same video on this post. again, nothing to do with ziploc bags. Then, I went to the comment source. That’s when I realized this political troll was deliberately collecting local Eastside blog addresses like a telemarketer and cold-commenting on all local blogs. How f@#%ing annoying. Here is the dialogue that ensued:
Scout’s Honor (that’s me) said:
“Why are you leaving unrelated comments on people’s blogs? It’s a bit rude, especially when they don’t necessarily share the same views. It’s like putting grafitti in a park or littering. I’m sure Fox Attacks means something to you, and it’s entirely your own prerogative to post/blog all you want on YOUR OWN BLOG. Just have some taste and courtesy and ask permission before posting willy-nilly on other’s blogs such links that have NOTHING to do with their posts. Please be a good blog neighbor in the Northwest. Thanks for listening.
Her response was:
Communicating on a grassroots level through blogging is a beautiful thing that the Internet makes possible to anyone. What I have been doing in my spare time is something akin to the mass mailings I used to do in AZ to pump up business and create buzz. Except now, it’s about defeating (insert local politician here-see I won’t pander to her tactics) in the upcoming election.What I’m doing is collecting all the local blog addresses in my immediate area. (People who take the time to blog are generally the thinkers and communicators in their immediate social sphere.) The next time (local politician) uses his franking privileges to send out blatant campaign propaganda for himself, I’m sending a comment/message to every blogger that I can find in my town.From what I know of direct marketing (which is quite a bit more than the average person — because my economic life depended on it for 15 years), this gambit will bypass all established media and create an immediate negative buzz for (local politician).
A local blogger that I sent an “unsolicited” comment to concerning Fox News had this to say:
(See my original comment above)
She then went on to say:
“Unwittingly, Scout’s Honor hit the nail on the head about unwanted communication — except, I did not illegally use public tax monies and the U.S. Mail to promote my own personal political agenda. So, all I can say to Scout’s Honor is that I’ll stop doing it when local politician stops doing it.”
Note that I fixed all her mispellings! See I’m nice. I know it happens to us all.
Scout’s Honor (that’s me) said:
“Well that’s a shame. Using the very methods you criticize others using really doesn’t give you much credibility does it? I think you are mistaking any attention as positive, when really your methods and the negative attention it will receive will discredit your cause. Bloggers in the Issaquah and Sammamish area will just have to start moderating comments.
By the way, with a Political Science degree from Cal Berkeley, no my dear, franking is not illegal. I find it obnoxious too, but both sides of the aisle do it. It is the privilege of the incumbent, whether s/he be Democrat or Republican. I think it is part of what makes our political system so stable. We generally keep people in that are well-versed in the ropes of the job. Truly, it takes clear bad moves, criminal activity, or incompetence, to remove an incumbent.
That said, it used to make me nauseous thinking of the tax dollars spent on letters and photographs I received in the mail during the Clinton administration. It still annoys me when I see blatant tax dollars used for “public information” or better yet “a constituent service,” as it is called in the House Ethics Manual, when they are so clearly campaign efforts on the taxpayer’s dime. Again, sweetheart, it’s not just (local politician). I have gotten my fair share from Maria Cantwell and Christine Gregoire. It’s the system, not (local politician) alone.
So, if it bothers you, write about franking. Don’t however, think it’s okay to victimize others’ blogs. That would be like American troops torturing and dragging bodies through the streets because Al Qaeda did it first. It didn’t really work out in Abu-Ghraib, did it? That’s about the same premise as you are doing here! Or more truly, it’s really like a petulant, child-like mentality. He called me a name so I called her a name. It’s so petty and ridiculous.
I’m sure, in the end though, it must violate some Blogger user agreements, so you really should stop. I would suggest that people start flagging you if you continue your silly campaign. I’m all for freedom of speech and love blogs that are controversial whether liberal or conservative, just keep my blog and my husband’s blog, and my son’s blog OUT of IT. Get some manners!”
So, the original comment from the political troll has been since removed from the family member’s blog. I decided she would get no linky love from me because that would just pander to her methods, which I think Blogger might find illegal. In the end, it left me annoyed enough that I wanted to bitch-slap some sense into her. I was super peeved, and then I realized why? It was like dealing with my 10 year old bickering with my seven year old. She did it to me first, Mom! So childish, political troll. You turned me into a frustrated Mom schooling a petulant and recalcitrant child. Grow up! You’ll stop victimizing local blogs when he stops using legally methods at his avail? Lord, woman, get some manners.
So does your logic follow that if someone vandalizes or graffitis my neighborhood then I can come to your home and draw a big, fat Republican Pink Elephant on it? Can I glue a life-sized effigy of Arnold Schwarzenegger in Jelly Bellies on the side of your house? Can I tattoo a picture of Condi Rice on your forehead? Yeah, I didn’t think so. But, that’s how I view my blog. It’s my home. It’s an extension of me! Respect me and respect yourself!
One final thought, if you truly wish to advertise on every local blog your political opinions, then do the right thing, become an ADWords whore, and purchase ads to put on those bloggers’ sites who would be okay with taking your money.
My question is this:
What do you all think about cold commenting on local Seattle blogs? Bad manners? Genius? Weigh in, please. Personally, I think she is giving liberal bloggers a blackeye. Everyone hates a spammer.
I thought Hedge Funds are evil and only for the rich? Well… that’s what the ‘Wipes Moonbat!s wrote here. Anyone who works for them or uses them is tainted. – John Edwards has one Moonbat!s
Now we see Chelsea Clinton works for one. Curious isn’t it. I guess hedge funds are not so evil after all. Why would TSWITW allow her daughter to work for one? Wouldn’t it hurt her candidacy?
So when a Republican works for a hedge fund the NYT will not become the NY Slimes?
@50 SH,
I agree. Bad manners, certainly, and we all hate spam, I think.
You might mention that to all these rabid conservatives who come here and pose ancient, disproved, and irrelevant “talking points”, and generally seek to disrupt liberal discourse on this blog.
I don’t think that you’ll be successful, though, however meritorious your position. Amongst other things, not all liberals (or people who consider themselves liberals) are reasonable or responsible. There are, sadly, a variety of lefty loonies, just as there are extremists of any group.
A sad fact of life is that the anonymity of the keyboard has eliminated a lot of restraint in many areas, and the public forum is even less civilized than it was before the internet.
As I was typing the last sentence, a car drove (vibrated???) past in the quiet residential street I live on, with some obnoxious “music” cranked up to 115 Db, assuring that all within 1/2 mile shared in his auditory joy. Trolls come in many flavors these days.