So, black face. I don’t really care about Megyn Kelly. She and her millions of dollars will be fine. But her cruelty was toxic. Ratings were down. It works on Fox News. It works for segments of the Internet. But for a network morning show, it turned more people away than it brought in.
And then she was cool with black face. Don’t ever do that, obviously. But especially don’t if you’re on thin ice.
Ms. Kelly’s arrogance is truly awesome.
With audience numbers cratering and the network scrambling to find a way to save their investment she doubles down on the #MeanGirl shit.
Another #owngoal
Cesar Sayoc, 56, of south Florida, has been arrested in connection with the bomb case. Sayoc has “a criminal history and ties to New York.”
Hey, Beto, you’re going down by close to double digits. Maybe send some of that $38M elsewhere?
Senate: 11 Days Out; NJ Moves to Toss Up
The biggest threat to Menendez’s re-election is not so much Hugin than it is the voter who goes to the polls and decides to send Menendez a message, much the way many did in the primary when 38 percent voted for his unknown primary opponent.
Who would have thought that a corrupt Democrat wouldn’t go over well in New Jersey?
I plan on going out on Halloween in a Meghan Kelly costume – full costume with a bleeding vagina visible.
It’s all good fun.
Cesar Sayoc Jr., the suspect in the mail bomb case, is a registered Republican and strong Trump supporter, according to a Florida TV station. He has a prior conviction for making a bomb threat, and has multiple prior arrests for theft, battery, and domestic violence, according to WTSP-TV in Tampa. He apparently was caught through fingerprints and DNA.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: All the “false flag” idiots look pretty damn silly right now. So does Sarah Fuckabee Sanders.
@ 4
You stole YLB’s idea.
@3 A “corrupt Democrat” who, like “crooked Hillary, hasn’t been convicted of anything, but to a dumbfuck, that’s just a minor detail.
Chuck Schumer’s PAC has dumped $5.8M into the NJ Senate race this month in an effort to save Menendez.
@6 Jealous because you don’t have ideas?
“Roger Rabbit Commentary: All the “false flag” idiots look pretty damn silly right now. So does Sarah Fuckabee Sande”
They don’t care if they look silly, nor do they have any comprehension of what silly is. If they do, they reserve that label for others and not themselves.
How is it that blackface is bad and yet someone who famously wore blackface, and was called out because of it, was still allowed on stage with a sitting US senator at the 2016 DNC convention?
Sarah Silverman Regrets Wearing ‘Most Racist Blackface’ in Comedy Central Sketch (Video)
The Thursday “Watch What Happens Live” guest was asked by a caller what the most regrettable joke she ever delivered was.
Maybe it’s OK if you’re doing it for money.
Or maybe it’s OK if you’re part of the ‘in’ crowd.
@10 They lack “self awareness.”
Or maybe it’s not OK but Hillary really really needed somebody to tell the Bernie Bros to STFU.
You’re being ridiculous.
Fox doesn’t want Megyn Kelly back.
Oh, she’ll be fine financially, but if she wants to work she may have to settle for reporting high school sports in Idaho or Iowa.
@11, 13 This is what Doctor Dumbfuck wants to talk about after a yahoo with Trump stickers plastered all over his car gets arrested for mailing pipe bombs to prominent Democrats. He shouldn’t need to wonder why the rest of us think he’s a dumbfuck.
@ 14
Fox doesn’t
wantneed Megan Kelly back.ftfy
During the primetime hours of 8-11 p.m. ET, Fox News averaged 2.5 million viewers – up 14 percent from Q3 2017 — compared to 1.9 million for MSNBC and 1 million for CNN. Both MSNBC and CNN saw a decline compared to last year.
Fox News was home to nine of the top 15 cable news programs among total viewers and seven of the top 15 in the demo, as “Hannity” topped both categories. “Hannity” averaged 3.3 million viewers…
Damn. I almost forgot the tile of the linked piece:
Fox News wins cable news ratings crown for 67th straight quarter
@ 15
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, how interested were you in the shooting of Steve Scalise?
Meanwhile, “President Donald Trump on Friday called for unity after the arrest of a suspect in the string of mail bombs sent to prominent Democrats,’ …
… a few hours after tweeting what looked like an endorsement of ridiculous and baseless rightwing “false flag” conspiracy theories.
But it’s probably too late for Trump to try being a uniter. Even some prominent Republicans think so.
Sydney’s same-sex penguins become parents
They’ll probably be better parents than most heterosexual parents
The real victim of the right wing assasination bombs is my boss!
@17 I spent that day drowning in the verbal diarrhea spilling out of your keyboard and splattering all over that day’s comment thread.
But since you asked,
“@11 Doctor Dumbfuck @ all: Another angry white man with a gun. What’s new about that? If you have any understanding whatsoever of statistics and probability, why are you surprised that 1 out of 100 of these guys turns out to be a Bernie supporter? As for the other 99, the ones who go around talking about ‘civil war’ and killing ‘liberals,’ if someone had such intentions toward you, would you arm yourself? You’re not just a snide jerk, you’re a stupid jerk to boot.”
“@13 9 of the 11 posts in this thread are by Doctor Dumbfuck, who is obsessing over the shooting of the day. I say ‘shooting of the day’ because these incidents are a daily occurrence. In fact, there was just another one at a California UPS facility. For Doctor Dumbfuck, it’s newsworthy and comment-worthy only when a Bernie Sanders supporter does it, although it must be noted there isn’t all that much difference between Trump’s angry white men supporters and Bernie’s angry white men supporters. How many years did Doctor Dumbfuck wait for someone other than a deranged rightwinger to shoot someone? And now that a Sanders supporter has done it, he’s giddy with his sense of vindication.”
“@15 @14 An angry white man full of piss. Sounds an awful lot like you. He pissed from the barrel of a gun. You piss from a keyboard. You’re harmless, he’s not. Thank God for small favors.”
“@19 @17 Of course, Boob would never say the latest nutjob with a gun was ‘watering the tree of liberty,’ because he shot a Republican. Heck, Boob probably wouldn’t even brandish a gun while carrying a sign saying, ‘It’s time to water the tree of liberty,’ because he’s afraid some liberal might take it personally.”
“@35 Of course, easy access to guns by people who shouldn’t have them has nothing to do with this … ”
As I recall, I did get around to condemning it after dealing with these housekeeping matters.
Demorat Party Of Fake Bombs News–Demorat Masters Of Subtle Propaganda Follow Baby In Cage Spectacular With Another Visual Masterpiece; Cleverly Place A Few Trump Stickers, But Not So Many As To Look Faked, On Fakeabomber Van
A white van linked to the Florida man arrested in connection with a series of mail bombs sent this week was turned into a virtual shrine to President Trump — complete with stickers of the commander in chief and anti-press messages like “DISHONEST MEDIA” and “CNN SUCKS.”
Cesar Sayoc Jr., allegedly took aim at Trump opponents — including Hillary Clinton, filmmaker Michael Moore, Green Party
The 56-year-old Aventura resident covered the entire front passenger-side window with a nonsensical rant about “jobs,” photos show.
It concludes with, “ZERO TOLERANCE KILL YOUR ENEMY AND THOSE WHO ROB YOU THEN TAKE THEM TO EVERGLADE FOR GATORS” alongside a yellow “ISIS HUNTING PERMIT” and a giant round photo a smiling Trump.
One poster on the vehicle shows the president riding a military tank emblazoned with “Trump” and holding what appears to be an assault rifle as an American flag waves in the background.
Sayoc decked out the wheels with other messages about “tackling illegal immigration” and the various costs of “free medicare, free retirement, free infrastructure.”
I’m not saying that Doctor Dumbfuck and the bombing suspect are two peas in a pod. Sure, they’re both rabid Republican Trump supporters who hate Hillary Clinton. But there are also dissimilarities. For example, it appears that Doctor Dumbfuck has posted about Hillary on social media way more often than has the bombing suspect.
I’m certainly not saying that Doctor Dumbfuck is a possible bombing suspect accomplice or that our pro-Putin, pro-rape, pro-death-by-dismemberment troll is even a potential bomber.
All I’m saying is that Doctor Dumbfuck and the bombing suspect appear to be what some might call “kindred spirits”.
That time Anderson Cooper called the Scalise shooting a “false flag operation”.
Who could forget that?
This guy gets it!
Methinks the GOP narrative that the Democrats mailed these bombs to gin up sympathy for their candidates ahead of the midterms just fell apart.
@22 Some meathead always doubles down on a failed “fake news” gambit after the “fake” news turns out to be real. As Forrest Gump said, “stupid is as stupid does.” Even Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t this dumb.
Robert O’Rourke has raised $70M now. In the first half of October he spent $21M.
That’s going to be one expensive loss.
@28 If anyone can lose Texas to the Democrats, Trump and Cruz can. As you point out, it probably won’t happen; but if it does — and even if it doesn’t — you really should question the wisdom of what you’ve been doing by being a mindlessly loyal follower of these derps.
Demorats Gone Wild Update–Fakeabomber Escapes!;Attempts To Blow Up Magna Carta!
Van Covered With King John Stickers Found At Crime Scene!
Snip–A man was tackled to the ground and placed under citizen’s arrest in the ancient English cathedral town of Salisbury Thursday afternoon after he repeatedly struck a glass case containing an original copy of the Magna Carta, it is alleged.
Inconspicuous Fakeabomber Van Pic;
Could also be one expensive win for my boss!
Could you do me and my boss a small favor please and help us out with the money you mentioned in 8?
We’re tapped. We’d use some of the foundation money but angry liberals won’t let us. And there’s really hardly any left after buying helmets, paintings and paying all the lawyers.
And while you’re at it, could you also help a brother out in Florida?
Okay, so NJ, Texas, and Florida. Oh. And Wisconsin too. And maybe also Nevada? If it’s not too much trouble?
Maybe just go ahead and send my boss all your money. Okay?
We must have unity! We can have unity!
As soon as we lock up all the angry Democrats!
Then we can have unity! And we can get to work cutting out all the healthcare and retirement and disability waste and fraud and unnecessary services like so-called “medicine” and luxury items like “food”!
The Tea Party is onto us. Drat!
“It’s a set up for sure”
“Wow, talk about a false flag. This is over the top even for democrats. woof.”
“I smell a rat named George Soros!!”
“Like I have said…a patsy.”
“DemonRats set this up!”
“Set up!!! Too obvious! Democrats are morons!!”
“It’s all a Demorat scam and fraud!!!”
And the guy is gay!!!!!!!!!
Probably even a pedophile!
@ 34
Oh, look. The 1000+ Dem seats lost under Obama are forgotten.
@36 Yes, we’d forgotten how racist this country is, because racism went underground until the GOP made it respectable again.
Meanwhile, back on the ranch …
“Donors sent a wave of fresh money this month to North Dakota Sen. Heidi Heitkamp … in the days after she voted to oppose Brett Kavanaugh’s ascension to the Supreme Court.
“Heitkamp collected an eye-popping $12.5 million during the first 17 days of October, more than three times the $3.8 million she raised during the entire July-to-September fundraising quarter. Donors who give in small amounts fueled about 60% of her individual contributions.
“The cash tsunami underscores how the contentious process surrounding Kavanaugh’s confirmation has stirred activists.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Dollars, of course, aren’t votes. For now, at least, she still trails in the polls. And a lot of that money probably came from out-of-staters who can’t vote for her. But at the very least it shows that a huge number of people aren’t Doctor Dumbfucks.
Happy Birthday dear Hillary….
Happy Birthday toooooooo yoooooooouuuuu.
Cristina Laila
Happy birthday to the failure who lost the 2016 presidential election to a guy who picked up politics as a hobby.
10:59 PM – Oct 25, 2018
@30 Somebody’s having a hard time finding a conversation topic today.
Teh Dumbfuck is a Never Trump Denier.
Even when the flood waters rise and engulf him he will proclaim “FAKE NEWS”.
@41 In the doctor’s previous life, if he had one, I can visualize him crowing about the electoral successes of an obscure failed artist with a funny little mustache and fringe rightwing political views who took up politics as a hobby and turned it into his vocation. There’s virtually no limit to how far demagoguery can take a charlatan with an evil heart given a gullible audience.
@ 38
Heitkamp’s an incumbent currently at 40%.
She’s toast.
That’s far, far more money per voter than Beto got, too.
I haven’t seen so much money wasted on a woman candidate since…
Well, since that oh-so-experienced piece of shit who couldn’t beat a neophyte.
GDP + 3.5%.
Inflation only 1.6%.
No, it’s not Doctor Dumbfuck. It’s the bombing suspect. But it’s quite understandable if you get the two mixed up.
“He was very angry and angry at the world, at blacks, Jews, gays,” she said. “He always talked about ‘if I had complete autonomy none of these gays or these blacks would survive.’”
@45 He won’t get to visit the pizza shop anymore, but he can still look forward to having his own apartment at ADX Florence, complete with a wash basin and concrete bed. That’s a step up from sleeping in his car.
Poor Doctor Dumbfuck has nothing to look forward except shots for equine VD.
I haven’t seen a candidate so hindered by the antics of a spouse since…
Well, since that horrid witch whose husband Claire McCaskill didn’t want her daughter going anywhere near.
Claire McCaskill’s husband invested in pro-veteran properties that tried to evict homeless vets over $233 owed rent
I read the bombing suspect is Native American.
Say, I wonder if he’s related to Fauxchahontas.
@44 Well, since you brought it up, about 60% of that 3.5% GDP growth is inventory buildup, which puts real GDP growth at around 1.4%. They were hoping for at least 4% and 2%, respectively, and I’m not exactly sure yet why they didn’t get it, so I’ll have to get back to you on that. Might have something to do with tariffs and currency translations.
@47 I’ll bet your wife thinks she married a piece of shit, too.
No, but get used to hearing the names Steve Scalise and Rand Paul quite a bit over the next 11 days.
Goldy Retweeted
Student Loans 🍝✔
The effort to draw an equivalence between being rude to government officials in restaurants and seeking to assassinate the opposition party’s leadership will now go into overdrive.
@51 Do you have some reason for leaving out Comet Pizza? I’m not saying one justifies the other, but at least try to be consistent.
I thought I could get away with it. Shit I had them stymied for all of 2 days. What? you think I’m stupid like the rest of the Dumbfuck nazis. I don’t think so!
Dow dropped another 296 points today. I see Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t too busy counting his winnings to spend some time pursuing other interests today, and he still has his wife’s PERS pension for milk money.
@53 You can buy a 3-pack of disposable plastic gloves for $1.99, you know. Those don’t leave fingerprints.
@16 “Fox News wins cable news ratings crown for 67th straight quarter”
You act like that is a surprise. Not a big deal because the typical Fox viewer is there for three reasons 1) Right-wing propaganda and the daily “Heil Trump”, 2) Their hate-filled and myopic news delivered by angry old white men and painted up blondes (when not in black-face), and 3) The typical Foxnews viewer is a knuckle-dragging-mouth-breather that is functionally illiterate and has to get their news read to them because they can’t read well enough to comprehend and perform critical thinking and analysis of the news. If they could, they would realized they have been duped by Trump and his ilk.
Living at home with Mom until you get your career on track.
You people just make it so fucking easy…
@53 “What? you think I’m stupid like the rest of the Dumbfuck nazis. I don’t think so!”
You are clearly showing your pure genius and brilliance. Look how well you solved your current housing problem, you are getting quite the upgrade. Three squares a day, fresh linens at least once a week. Also included is government healthcare, but take heart, I hear their doctors are the ones that finished at the bottom of their class in Guatemala med school.
Pro tip: learn Morse code so you can communicate with Ted at Supermax. Also, take in the sunshine and mountains as they drive you in as it will be the last time you see the beauty and spender that is Colorado. Smart, real smart.
Kind of like how we’ve been disturbed by Doctor Dumbfuck’s racist and homophobic sentiments, but we’ll keep him on as a troll until he quits.
“Cesar Sayoc’s former manager admitted the suspected bomber “disturbed” his coworkers with racist and homophobic sentiments — but kept him on as an employee…”
But if we find that the doctor has some strange shit in his horse trailer, say like horse puppets with their heads cut off, we might have to reconsider.
“MAGAbomber’s boss describes inside of his ‘filthy’ van: Puppets with heads cut off…”
The billionaire behind LaCroix soda pop uses his annual reports as a rightwing billboard. And he’s being sued for false labeling.
I just love that the publication in which this appears is the Tallahassee Democrat:
It is the first piece of evidence linking an ongoing FBI probe to Gillum’s broader campaign for statewide office.
The emails and receipts released Friday as part of a supplemental records request from the Florida Commission on Ethics show that the agent, Mike Miller, was invoiced $4,386 by 101 Restaurant and Mint Lounge, a restaurant owned by lobbyist Adam Corey at the time. An email exchange shows that Miller paid the bill and that Gillum sent him a personal thank you note for the food.
He’s dirty. Best find out now rather than after you nominate him for Veep, libbies.
“Five months before George Soros received a pipe bomb in the mail, a US government-funded broadcasting network produced a segment that attacked the liberal donor … as a ‘multimillionaire Jew’ and ‘the architect of the financial collapse of 2008.’ The video segment, which aired in May, was produced by Radio Televisión Martí, a Spanish-language network that broadcasts news and propaganda to Cuba to promote US foreign policy interests.
“The Miami-based network is overseen by the Office of Cuba Broadcasting, which is part of the United States Agency for Global Media, … [a] US government agency whose stated mission is ‘to inform, engage, and connect people around the world in support of freedom and democracy.’
“The taxpayer-subsidized video portrays Soros as a threat to Latin American democracy. Featuring ominous music and images of street violence, the 15-minute video begins with the narration: ‘George Soros has his eye on Latin America. But Judicial Watch, an American investigative legal group, also has its eye on Soros and what it sees as his lethal influence to destroy democracies ….’
“Judicial Watch, a right-wing group, is in the midst of a fundraising campaign called Expose Soros and has been looking for evidence that taxpayers are funding Soros’ advocacy work.
Tomás P. Regalado, director of the Office of Cuba Broadcasting since June, is a Republican politician and former Miami mayor. His agency’s parent agency is run by a conservative filmmaker with close ties to Steve Bannon who was nominated by Trump in June and is still pending Senate confirmation.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t see how this can possibly be a legal use of taxpayer funds. At the very least, using a public-funded agency to attack a private U.S. citizen out of political animus is totally inappropriate. Where is the supervision? This is a nominee who shouldn’t be confirmed.
@62 All I see is an FBI agent posing as a favor-seeking constituent picking up the tab for a political fundraiser at a restaurant owned by a lobbyist. How many dozens of times a day does this happen in a Washington D.C. run by Republicans, minus the undercover FBI agent?
@ 63
Steve Bannon was nominated by Trump?
Excessive cut-and-pasting. The type of thing that wouldn’t be allowed if I had done it.
NPR is taxpayer-subsidized. Plenty of anti-Republican swill on that station.
Deal with it, asshole.
@65 Insert quote mark after “advocacy work” and see if that helps you figure out where the cut-and-paste ends and the Roger Rabbit commentary begins. If you need additional assistance, let me know, and I’ll be happy to help.
Also, for your convenience, I’m cutting-and-pasting the ad hoc HA complaint form below:
“Write your complaint here [ ] and send it here _.”
@65 “NPR is taxpayer-subsidized. Plenty of anti-Republican swill on that station.”
I really can’t dispute this, because just about everything constituting news nowadays comes across as anti-Republican, but whose fault is that? If you slugs did something more constructive than broadcasting propaganda reminiscent of the Nazi attacks against “Jew financiers” during the run-up to the Holocaust, you might get more positive news coverage of your activities.
You gotta wonder about the self-destructive impulses of Republicans. Look at all the effort they invested in trying to pry Jewish votes away from the Democrats by coddling Israel, and then they go and blow it by Jew-baiting one of the world’s most prominent Jews and a Holocaust survivor at that. What are they thinking? Are they all nuts?
@ 68
…they go and blow it by Jew-baiting one of the world’s most prominent Jews…
Your side denies the very existence of the world’s MOST prominent Jew.
I think my side is still OK.
@69 What’s that supposed to mean? You think you’re the only Christians? I have news for you, you’re not Christians.
In 2018, you can’t be a Christian and a Republican at the same time; they’ve become mutually exclusive.
P.S., By Christian or any other standards, very little about your side is OK. That’s why we’re not over there on that side with you.
Dodgers win Game 3 in 18 innings. Longest World Series game ever. Max Muncy homered off Nathan Eovaldi’s 97th pitch. Could see Eovaldi getting tired, all over the place in final inning, wonder why Cora left him in. Final score 3-2.