Washington State people! Your ballot has dropped! Postage is free. All the drop box locations are here! You have the power to put a real check on Trump, and help keep the progress going at the state level. There are also initiatives.
by Carl Ballard — ,
It was on a Friday one year ago that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit gave
a full-throated recommendation of GE stock, and informed us all that it was one of his largest holdings. GE’s share price closed that day at $23.83, he noted.
As I write this, GE’s share price is at $12.59.
Since Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit reinforced my Notadumbfuck Method
of investing, GE’s dividend has been halved, its CEO has been shit-canned, and there’s talk that the dividend will be slashed by another 75%.
He’s not a millionaire, but there’s zero lingering question about his dumbfuckery. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, YLB and gentlemen. HA’s resident blowhard.
Bitter, Party of One. Wah Wahhhhhh
Godwin, How much money did you lose, to be this frothing at the mouth, spit flecks livid, about Rabbit? I can’t think of anything else that induces such a blind rage in you, just money.
This hardly seems to be a full throated endorsement.
“If you ask him if you should buy General Electric, he says he doesn’t know. If you ask him if you should sell General Electric, he says, “Why?”.”
Are you sure you didn’t fantasize him saying something about GE?
South Carolina Is Lobbying to Allow Discrimination Against Jewish Parents
The Trump administration is considering whether to grant a South Carolina request that would effectively allow faith-based foster care agencies in the state the ability to deny Jewish parents from fostering children in its network.
If granted, the exemption would allow Miracle Hill Ministries, a Protestant social service agency to continue receiving federal dollars while “recruiting Christian foster families,”. That discrimination would apply not just to LGBTQ people and Jewish parents, but also to parents who are Muslim, Catholic, Unitarian, atheist, agnostic or other some other non-Protestant Christian denomination.
And so it is continues….
That Brett Kavanaugh thing isn’t going to work out the way you wanted it to, libbies.
Jim Renacci issues statement from lawyer alleging Sherrod Brown made ‘unwanted, sudden’ advance against unnamed woman in late 1980s
…the woman told her she met Brown “in the course of her work and had occasion to be briefly alone with him, but not on a date.”
“She described an unexpected, uninvited, unwanted, and sudden advance, roughly pushing her up against a wall. It did stop after she expressed dismay and very firmly pulled away, explaining that was not her style nor why she was there. He then said he remembered what she had on the day they had met some time earlier and that he had been attracted to her. Although she was able to defuse the situation, it did shake her up and she told friends about it as soon as she got home. They wanted her to report it but she chose not to do so because it did stop.
If it were not for double standards, liberals would have none at all.
Trump taps AccuWeather CEO to head NOAA, breaking with precedent of nominating scientists. The guy that has been trying to shutdown NOAA so he can sell AccuWeather’s forecasts
@ 2
I can’t think of anything else that induces such a blind rage in you, just money.
100,000+ spews of intentional dishonesty.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is a lying, incompetent, failed hack of a human being. People like YLB are too stupid to know it.
I just think that someone should point it out now and then.
There are still weeks to go. But this is not trending the way y’all libbies want it to trend.
How Republicans could (barely) hang on to the House
Unlikely? Definitely. Impossible? No.
Personally, I think y’all oughta offer Hillary Clinton a higher profile in the final couple of weeks. She’s already cost your ilk the White House and the Senate. Why not make it a trifecta?
@4 I have no idea how this will shake out but my first thought is, it’s not a double standard, we are doing this your way now. Why should we hamstring our players when your side obviously won’t. I used to think we had to be better, but now I see we have to be just as ruthless until we are in power and can enforce the standards and values your side used to say you stood for.
Under which of your lofty standards does paying porn stars for abortions fall?
NetJets flights to Paris coke parties?
$15,000 desks?
Bone saws?
Melania’s chain migration?
Bone spurs?
“Jews will not replace us”?
Wife Beating?
“Monkey it up”?
“No collusion”?
Duncan Hunter?
Roy Moore?
Less than an hour in, and you are already playing the Hillary card.
@ 5
Trump taps an experienced executive to administer a government agency.
Appointing people with job histories inconsistent with the role they are asked to assume has not worked out well for either side. See Hagel, Chuck.
“That Brett Kavanaugh thing…”
I don’t know how it will turn out in the end either. But one thing I strongly suspect is that Teh Dumbfuck will get to learn that a candidate running for office does not share the same sovereign immunities as a committee of the U.S. Senate.
Maybe Jim Renacci will go full “Sov Cit”!
Hey, speaking @ 10 of playing the Hillary card:
Hillary Clinton stumps for Menendez at Jersey City fundraiser
Hard to imagine anything more tone-deaf than corrupt Menendez, corrupt Hillary, and wife-of-pedophile Huma on stage all at once, but there you have it.
This is what got you Trump, libbies. Think on your sins.
An AP poll released this morning shows only 1 in 4 Americans believe Kavanaugh told the truth in his confirmation hearings.
Impeachment City here we come!
@1 Still wishing you’d shorted GE at $23 like I suggested, eh? It’s not my fault you’re a dumbfuck. I wasn’t your mother.
@1 While you’re at it, go back and read your comments about Varian in that thread, then check out what Varian has done since then:
Oct. 19, 2017: 105.60
Oct. 19, 2018: 104.49
Dividends paid: 0
There, ladies and gentlemen, is the Doctor Dumbfuck Investing Method on display in all its splendid glory.
@3 I’m all for it. And we shouldn’t stop there….we need to be able to discriminate against anyone and all that we want.
Hassidic Jews are very contentious people, they get what they bargained for.
Where were you when they were baking the cakes?
@16 he must have though Protons could fly.
Oh, look:
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit thinks he can save some face because the one stock I threw out as an alternative to GE on October 20th of last year didn’t rocket upward over the past year.
Let’s compare, shall we?
S&P 500 one-year return: +8.45%
My VAR one-year return: -1.1%
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s GE one-year return: -47.1%
Yeah, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you really got me on that one. You look even better when you add back those massive dividends GE has paid out over the last year, don’t you?
First Rule of Holes, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@3 Hassidic Jews were part of the Religious Freedom people that felt discriminated against by having to accept the free rights of two people of the same sex getting married……well now, they weren’t smart enough to figure out that some people don’t like them either. Fuckwads.
@19 The problem with your argument is that I bought GE for $6 and sold it for more than twice that, and collected the dividends in between. My tax accountant wants to know how you turned that into a loss, and questions whether that’s legal.
Meanwhile, he suggests that if the IRS ever audits your returns, you should hire me to represent you. I probably can get you off with a fine, court costs, and community service and remedial math classes. I’ll tell the judge you don’t know the difference between plus and minus signs. Just keep your mouth shut and don’t mention your love of horses during the sentencing hearing.
@19 why are you so defensive? Sounds like you take this “Dumbfuck” personally, as if you think that we are all right about you.
You shouldn’t feel so guilty about being a dumbfuck.
@3 Republicans are very nostalgic people. They like the way things were in the 19th century. They see all the social progress made since then as Bolshevism.
“Less than an hour in, and you are already playing the Hillary card.”
For Doctor Dumbfuck it sure beats talking about bone saws and child-rape detention facilities. For dumbfucks, “Needs more Hillary” is the new “Needs more cowbell”.
@4 If that’s true, he’s a goner, and the only double standard I see is that Kavanaugh will still be on the Supreme Court and every Republican harasser in Congress will still be in Congress.
Republicans don’t quit or fire their own over this. Why would they? They consider women meat. To them, sexual harassment is recreation, and a talking point to use against Democrats.
I don’t know how they feel about animal abuse, though. You might want to keep your equine athletics quiet, lest your party take some sort of action against you.
@6 How can I be a liar, when I call you a dumbfuck every day, all day long?
@10 Well, what else can he do, when he draws a hand with more deuces than are in the deck?
@11 “Trump taps an experienced executive to administer a government agency.”
Barry Myers’ experience at running a government agency is exactly zero. He knows nothing about public administration, which is different from business administration, which is why universities have separate schools of business and public administration. Nearly every instance of appointing a business executive with no public sector experience to run a public agency has been a miserable failure, because you can’t run public agencies like a business. Totally different goals, budgeting processes, personnel management, procurement processes, etc.
Of course, I don’t expect a dumbfuck like you to know this. You didn’t go to a graduate school of public administration as I did, so someone like me has to explain it to you.
Oh, btw, dumbfuck, you should like up Myers’ bio. He was, among other things, a Hillary donor. Kinda looks like he burns both ends of the candle, hoping somebody will appoint him to something. Maybe his brother is getting tired of him and he needs a new gig to keep paying the mortgage.
Funny, I find myself allied with Jennifer Rubin, Steve Schmidt, George Will, Max Boot and Peggy Noonan while Doctor Dumbfuck is now allied with Vladimir Putin, Kim Jung Un and Prince Bonesaw.
Message from Jennifer Rubin to Doctor Dumbfuck…
“it’s time to rethink your politics”
@13 “corrupt Menendez, corrupt Hillary, and wife-of-pedophile Huma”
None of whom have ever been convicted of anything, but we can’t expect you to apply the GOP’s “Kavanaugh rule” of guilt or innocence to Democrats, because double-dealing in double standards is what you asswipes do.
I see Procter & Gamble is up 8.4% today, so Doctor Dumbfuck can now boast he’s $6.71 richer than he was yesterday, thanks to the stock certificate his grandfather gave him for his 10th birthday.
@30 These are strange times.
“WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange has directed his legal team to launch proceedings against the government of Ecuador for ‘violating his fundamental rights.’ In a statement, WikiLeaks said Friday Ecuador had ‘threatened to remove his protection and summarily cut off his access to the outside world.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, that’s gratitude for ya. Ecuador fucked up. They should’ve kicked his ass to the street or extradited him to Sweden.
Cops have raped 405 women in the last 9 years.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: More of Trump’s finest. The vast majority of cops are upstanding professionals doing a difficult job who deserve our respect. But the notion that all cops are right, all the time, and everyone who gets shot or raped by a cop had it coming, is nonsense. Cops are human, and like everyone else, have to be judged on their individual character, behavior, and job performance. Stereotyping all cops as virtuous makes no more sense than stereotyping all cops as trigger-happy killers. Neither is true. Some people shouldn’t be cops, and we need an effective system for weeding them out. Also, police departments need to stop hiring other police departments’ rejects and castoffs.
“Republican Rep. Jason Lewis once mocked women who were traumatized by unwanted sexual advances, including those inappropriately kissed or who had their thighs touched, a CNN KFile review of his former radio show reveals.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s not really accurate to say “this is who they are now,” because this is who they’ve always been.
School cook fired for mixing kangaroo meat into chili.
Yeah, better to feed the kids beef to make ’em fat and clog their arteries. What was he thinking?
“You want a health care industrial stock? Try Varian, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
— Doctor Dumbfuck, 10/20/17 @20
“Are you happier having held your GE stock over that period of time than I am having held my VAR … over that same period of time?”
— Doctor Dumbfuck, 10/20/17 @35
“You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit …. Keep pushing a dog stock. I’ll keep pushing my Notadumbfuck Method @ 20 of investment.”
— Doctor Dumbfuck, 10/20/17 @44
And, of course …
“Early Sept I sold GE and used the proceeds to invest in Honeywell. Hope you are correct.”
— Doctor Dumbfuck, 10/20/17 @69
Which, of course, means Doctor Dumbfuck was a proud owner of GE, just like me. True, he got about $23 for his shares. But he also failed to short GE at $23. It seems his conviction at $23 was limited to getting out, not betting on GE going lower, for the obvious reason that he didn’t believe it would go lower.
At least he didn’t lose money on Varian over the ensuing 12 months. It was kind of like a free parking space for his money.
Roger @33- We have a president who has heaped the most praise on three despotic leaders of countries who have ordered murders of their citizens abroad, and has picked fights with democratically elected leaders. Strange times indeed.
Repukes want to play this game called winning elections. Don’t buy into the game. That doesn’t necessarily mean don’t vote or try to be the winner. But instead let them know the strength of resistance. They need to suppress the vote, but resist instead!!!
Resist is not about winning elections.
This “very fine person” that Teh Dumbfuck was vigorously defending only just the other day.
GoFundMe for his criminal defense (ski condo, boat, and pied-a-terre in a non-extradition former Soviet state) in three… two… one….
You’re drunk.
“It’s not really accurate to say “this is who they are now,” because this is who they’ve always been.”
True enough. But we should no longer be asked to pretend otherwise. Pearl clutching over terms like “deplorable” has got to be an inside joke.
Is yours truly still living “rent-free” in “cerebral, serious” boob’s tiny pin head??
Indeed that remains the case!
Life is good HA HEROES. What happens in Nov matters not.
Haven’t seen that “stupidity should be painful” dumbfuckism in a while but I’ve limited my time here – just too busy with other projects.
Goldy made a royal dumbfuck ass of teh dumbfuck. Even teh dumbfuck admitted it.
The freak hasn’t gotten over it yet. Oh the pain, the pain! Get off to your sins freak. Heh.
Oh really? What you going to do as Repukes suppress the vote and cheat? Continue to hope that one day you win in the voting booth? No going to happen. Resist means fight tooth and nail.
The deck is being stacked against Dems, and the Repukes are the house. Be prepared to fight and resist even if it’s just kicking and screaming. I don’t plan on letting any relatives that may think what’s going on is ok ant not let them know that it’s wrong and shame them to death!
Dems won’t be winning many elections soon. Not sure why some here think that there is some blue wave coming, my bet is against it.
That’s pretty conclusive evidence that the name Dumbfuck suits the Dumbfuck perfectly. All that was forgotten to be said was, No further evidence your Honor. But something tells me that there is plenty of unintroduced evidence.
Friday sunsets will always remind me of the loon (RIP). SAD!
Based on demographic and micro targeting profiles, if only an additional ten percent of the eligible women actually did register and vote, Republicans would lose both houses of Congress and the White House by the end of this decade forever.
And that’s just one example of one voter group. The problem in America is simply put that the wrong people vote. Voter group suppression makes a small difference. But in the end the numbers of people who absolutely hate everything about the Republican Party and generally agree with nearly everything the Democratic Party supports, and still do not bother to vote are staggering.
The answer is and always has been at the ballot box. After that, in court. But the courts will always be slower and more uncertain. Gain control of Congress and we get to make the laws, something you’ll notice the Child Molester Party has been largely unable to do. Voting is the answer. And it’s quite a bit easier and less dangerous than “fighting in the street” or “camping in a park”. Just fucking vote.
Demorat Party Of Open Borders News–Undocumented Demorats Eager To Vote, Storm Mexican Gates On Way To Polls; Here, Demorats Wait With Pre-Filled Ballots
[Demorats Breaking Borders]
Hundreds of migrants traveling in a caravan broke open a border fence and poured into Mexico on Friday afternoon, just hours after the Mexican government said it would begin granting humanitarian visas to those who qualify for asylum.
The migrants are part of a group of more than 3,000 people who have been traveling north through Honduras and Guatemala since last week, with the aim of passing through Mexico to get to the U.S.
Video footage posted by Telemundo News shows hundreds of the migrants massed behind a chain-link fence at the Mexico-Guatemala border. Some of the men scale the fence while others violently shake it, causing the barrier to break apart.
As the gap in the fence widens, the migrants — mostly young, single men — rush into Mexican territory while overwhelmed border officials stand aside.
[Demorats Breaking Election Laws]
The Texas Democratic Party is being investigated after it was alleged that non-citizens had been sent voter-registration forms that had been interfered with to encourage them to vote illegally as citizens. According to Governor Greg Abbott, Texas Democrats are under investigation after being accused of sending out voting forms to immigrants with the citizenship box already checked “Yes.”
Demorat Party Of Landslide Hillary News–Another Huge Demorat Landslide Looms
As we reported on Thursday early ballots show a huge increase in voting in favor of Republicans. It looks like our prediction is holding up!
After the Kavanaugh hearings, where Judge Kavanaugh was wrongfully accused by the Democrats of being a gang rapist, the tide changed. We made our prediction on the election and stated that a huge red wave was coming. Our mid-term prediction on October 2nd was that the Republicans would win big in the Senate and would keep the House.
Now there are some signs that the tide is turning red! Early balloting shows that Democrats are a little less than their 2016 early returns which is expected. The bigger news is that Republicans are ahead of their 2016 early ballot pace!
Wyoming has seen over 12,000 voters change party affiliation in the weeks before the 2018 primary election. 90% of the them changed their party affiliation to Republican.
I vote – I voted for the last 30 years, without missing many or any major elections (Presidents, Governors, Mayors).
But I think you should drink a little more coffee, and wake up a bit.
Districts are being gerrymandered and voters are being suppressed by the Repukes. You might be correct in what you say in those that are not voting and should. But even if they did, the Repukes will find a way to cheat. I, for one, don’t even believe in this day that the votes are even correctly counted or manipulated.
The courts – say goodbye to the for a while, or at least until there is a revolt.
Do you actually see what is happening here? You blame this all on The Hump. As much as this guy is a disaster and fascist bigot/racist, he is the least to blame right now; and he will probably be around in 2020 for another 4 years, and who knows after that, if we even get that far. But the other Republican politicians, pundits, and civic minded people that are the real problem here and people like Doctor Dumbfuck.
They are the ones that stacking the deck against Dems, and putting The Party first before the Country by blindly and ignoring everything that is going on, and if not gagging then they are actually loving what this fascist pig is all about. Not sure if you get that. The Hump is not the problem. The “Republican” party is here or the real right wing of the party, that is brainwashing their base, and the moderates to some degree. The moderates that really don’t care if abortion is banned or if two gay’s are refused a cake – the ones that just care about their bank statement and are dumb to everything else.
You will see – and I hope I am wrong – but Democrats are not going to be winning, or gain anything major, for quite sometime.
Fascism within the entire world is growing. As resources and climate change affects peoples ability to live, you will see this even get worse.
You will see – you will either have to join them or start resisting more than just at the ballot box. You will have to Resist eventually, and probably sooner than you think.
I guess we will see in 2 weeks or so – I hope I am wrong.
@49 also see the idiots post at @50.
Whether true or not (fake)….this is the future – idiots like him blindly following The Hump. A fear mongering and disparaging campaign instead of talking about the issues that need to be solved. The article doesn’t even have to be true, but it’s effective.
He’s rubbing people’s noses in dog shit. That’s the whole game. Don’t take it. Resist!
Kick an scream or go buy a gun.
This guys was and is part of the craziness, like the rest of the fucks. So this one guy’s advice is going to change the minds of the Repukes. I understand – he wasn’t telling Republicans to go out and vote, he was telling Democrats and/or Independents (or Republicans that just want to stay home) but when there is gerrymandering, voter suppression, and social media brainwashing people, and cheating, then voting will not be the final way to stop the fascist movement. It began before The Hump was in office, it’s just growing right now.
What bullshit. The Repukes that are voting and helping with electing these assholes have to be the ones to vote them out. Starting with denouncing Steve Bannon.
@50 I don’t see any “Demorats” (sp) breaking borders. All I see here is brainless cut-and-paste of a news item about desperate Hondurans climbing over fences to get out of their own country, then trying to extrude partisan bullshit from it. Very weak bullshit at that. These refugees don’t know what a “Democrat” or “Republican” is.
@54 As far as I’m concerned, the only thing Trump’s ex-personal lawyer is useful for is grand jury testimony.
The short and sweet answer to the bleating @51 is that Democratic fundraising is blowing GOP fundraising out of the water, and not just in a few selection races, but across the entire country. So much so that Nate Silver says he may have to revise his election forecasts. Details here:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Dollars, of course, aren’t votes and can be offset by gerrymandering, vote suppression, and dirty tricks. But that merely says the GOP is now so unpopular it can cling to power only by undemocratic means.
This is why voters and dollars are flocking to the Democrats:
“’emocrats have become the party of crime,’ President Donald Trump declared on Thursday night at a rally in Missoula, Montana. At the same rally, Trump praised as ‘my kind of guy’ a member of Congress who violently attacked a reporter, choked him, and then lied to the police about his crime.
“Just a week before, Trump had praised his party as the party of ‘law and order and justice.’ And only a week before that, The New York Times had published a huge, meticulously detailed report alleging decades of deliberate financial and tax fraud by Trump and his family.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s simple. Most Americans are decent, hardworking, straightforward people — and they’re tired of the lies, hypocrisy, and corruption the GOP represented even before Trump came along, which he has greatly magnified. They’re saying, “enough.” If the Republicans get slaughtered in this election, they’ll have no one to blame but themselves.
“Roger Rabbit Commentary: Dollars, of course, aren’t votes and can be offset by gerrymandering, vote suppression, and dirty tricks. But that merely says the GOP is now so unpopular it can cling to power only by undemocratic means.”
Bingo. RESIST!
“…and they’re tired of the lies, hypocrisy, and corruption the GOP represented even before Trump came along, which he has greatly magnified. They’re saying, “enough.””
I think more are watching the stock market and believing the lies that this is one heck of an economy like none ever before. Not sure I agree that they are saying “enough”, yet. And I don’t think they will say “enough” in a couple of weeks.
You have to remember, most people are in it for themselves, and they are self centered and think about only themselves. Well, when you are down on your luck and not doing as great financially as you think you should be doing or as well as people around you, then those same descent, good people, start to say, “hey you know taxes are too high….the immigrant over there is taking my job (even if they aren’t willing to do that same job)…..the economy and stock market is doing great…..and yes, their bigotry and racism start to come out too. It’s nature. Survival as oneself not as a whole.
I don’t thing things are going to work out well for the Dems in the next two weeks.
We don’t need a crook like Micheal Cohen trying to get the vote out for the Dems….people see him and look at him as a rat and a crook regardless of who he was connected to….they don’t look at the connection, they could care less.
I will only believe I am wrong on election night after seeing the results.
@60 “I think more are watching the stock market and believing the lies that this is one heck of an economy like none ever before.”
People know what’s in their wallets. The economy and stocks aren’t doing all that great. Wages are still stagnant, debt is at all-time highs, and consumers are tapped out. Remember, Republican economics is trickle-down, meaning most of what there is doesn’t reach the vast majority of people. About one-third of the public are kool-aid drinkers who will vote for Trump no matter what. What happens on Nov. 7 will depend on how fed up the other two-thirds are. They have lots of reasons to be. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens, but the Democrats are very likely to retake the House, and if they do, the next two years are going to be very different.
60, 61,
Forgive me. But you dudes are old. The market means so much to you because you will be depending on it soon, if you aren’t already.
All most 30 year olds in this economy know is that it took three months of interviews to get this job, they are first on the list to get laid off, when they are laid off they’ll have to go through three months of interviews for their next job, and their dick head boss just bought a new boat.
Olds. Fuck me.
@62 I’m financially and emotionally detached from the stock market. For me it’s a game, a hobby. I’ve never spent any of my winnings and never will; I recycle it into more stocks, more paper wealth. Materially, I have enough from my pension and social security, and I don’t need or want to live rich. I’m used to sleeping on a dirt floor, or no floor at all. Today’s 30-somethings have it no tougher than I did at that age. No generation has it easy, although some individuals in every generation — the silver spooners — do. I certainly wasn’t one of them. What I did when I was young was incredibly difficult. I earned my old age. Someday, when you’re old, you’ll understand.
I’m not sure I’d consider mysel old but I’m sure getting there. I turn 54 in a couple of days.
But, like Roger said, I am financially and emotionally unattached from the stock market. I don’t even partake for fun. I sit on the sidelines, so if there is any emotions it might be regret or envy, but also joy every time it crashes because I don’t ever lose much if anything. 95% is invested in The Stable fund earning maybe 3% annually. I know that sucks.
So I might be old, but I don’t feel it at al. Today I am probably in the best physical shape that I’ve been in since being 30 years old or even 25.
I might be old but not old enough to be contemplating whether to retire early at 60 years old or to consider buying a 1.2 million dollar 1 bedroom condo in NYC and working till 65 years old instead. Probably will do the former but life is too short to not enjoy life to its fullest especially when you get closer to it possibly being your last day.
I worked all my life, never unemployed and didn’t inherit any fortunes but maybe got 20000 dollars to help buy my first home 30 to 32 years ago, from my parents.
@62 not sure how old you are but age is just a number. I think young 30 year olds tend to misunderstand that. Especially today. You can be 80 and be younger then some hillbilly 55 year old wasting away watching taped bootleg copies of Rosanne while in his recliner and putting on more weight drinking a Schlitz, worrying whether the next tornado is going to tak him and the mobile home away to a new location.