– Did your bus survive the first round of Metro cuts?
– Why does Ted Cruz hate the Special Olympics?
– Corporations are people. The type of people who don’t have to be held accountable for environmental or workers rights violations. Or for paying off death squads.
Why does Ted Cruz hate the Special Olympics? Did Ted say that Carl or is it another of your daily gutter swims?
Butt, Obummer did say this in 2009 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HOBTUCv4o0
Did she apologize for her mistake?
Oh wait… she’s conservative so her apology don’t count!
Sux to be the moronic, forgetful, and ever spiteful carl!
Gonna visit the Petronas Twin Towers tomorrow clueless visa stamp cretin freakshow. Yeah another hot place around the equator! What you visiting today… the toilet? the couch? the kitchen table?
Hear that Perot based sucking sound?
Why I’m a Liberal
I would love to know what the ratio is between the number of crappy jobs being worked by illegals, and the number of jobs that have been automated and outsourced.
Every single one of the 41 Republican senators who just blocked a raise in the minimum wage will receive a $2,800 cost-of-living adjustment on January 1, 2015.
They say this is partially true, the legislators could vote to forgo their pay raise. Any bets?
So what’s a GOATSEBOY to do?
House panel: No administration wrongdoing in Benghazi attack
When I read this I thought of our one and only GOATSEBOY:
@1 Yes, an apology is always good after you’ve been an ass.
@2 You’re spending money today. I’m making money today. I’d rather be me than you, Petronas Towers and all. Besides, it really sucks to be you, even on your good days.
@7 If only we could count on a bucket of angry rattlesnakes leading to a bucket of dead rattlesnakes, and then apply the same principle to Republicans, life would be much more tranquil around here.
For those of you who have not been following the local news one of the oil trains passing through the Seattle train tunnel derailed derailed under the Magnolia Bridge. It could have blown up. Worse yet it could have derailed/blown up in the Seattle rail tunnel.
There is a petition to Ban deadly oil trains from Seattle’s railways and underground tunnel if you are interested.
China gets the oil and the oil companies get the profits.
But who pays if Seattle burns down?
@11 Only the down town and or urban parts. And a big hole would help us get to Bertha and fix her. Win Win.
No deliberate wrongdoing… just stooooooooopidity by not reacting in a timely manner… Just like August 2013 when Iraq asked Obummer to attack ISIS. Yes, no deliberate wrong doing just another in the annals of Obummer fecklessness!
Why are HA DUMMOCRETINS so idiotic? Wait Puddy knows, because they have ekimgoatsuckas in their midst!
NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit…
Puddy spending planned money not credit card purchases! BIG DIFF NoBalls.
You see NoBalls, when God is in your life you can do things most atheist never get to do. You give back the tithe God demands and give a great offering and God stretches your money to make up for that which is already His! He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He knows the number of hairs on that neanderthal cranial orifice you own!
He created the universe. Sux to be you!
rujaxoffallthetime claims to be a JFK liberal? Today JFK would be considered a conservative based on where y’all have taken liberalism past the left field wall!
@13 A Republican really should not accuse other people of stupidity …
This is a BIG win for pro-choice …
“A federal judge says an Alabama law restricting abortion doctors is unconstitutional. U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson ruled Monday that state lawmakers exceeded their authority when they passed a law last year requiring doctors at abortion clinics to have hospital admitting privileges.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Passing this type of law has become a major weapon of the anti-abortion forces. If courts (ultimately the Supreme Court) reject this tactic, it will take away their best means (short of firebombs) of closing down abortion clinics.
Recently NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit threw up a web site that discussed how DUMMOCRETINS grow the economy while Republicans don’t. What was missing from the analysis was Reagan had to deal with Carter’s Recession. Reagan grew the economy back. http://www.forbes.com/sites/pe.....d-figures/
GW Bush had to deal with Clinton’s recession when the dot com bubble burst. http://dailysignal.com/2012/09.....n-economy/
Bush also had to deal with Clinton’s recession and 9-11. Bush grew the economy back. Then when DUMMOCRETINS got back into the House and Senate in 2007, all hell broke lose and DUMMCORETINS blame Nancy Pelosi’s oil and gas attacks which raised the price of gas from 1.87 to 3.40 a gallon with her stooooooooopid comments. She then went to Syria and claimed peace goes through Damascus! Yeah we saw that red line in the sand from Obummer erased too. FACTS already proven, PuddyLinks easily delivered by the crazed visa stamp cretin. The world started in a recession.
Bush wanted to reign in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2004 and 2005. DUMMOCRETINS like Charles Rangel in Congress stopped that action. DUMMOCRETINS want to forget the Community Reinvestment Act was pushed by DUMMOCRETINS and signed by Jimmy Carter… DUMMOCRETIN! The housing bubble burst in 2007-2008. Thanks DUMMOCRETINS.
DUMMOCRETINS when shown how their inaction caused it went to the slobbering libtard press to drop or bury stories about FM/FM. We saw the outcome. Now we see Obummer claiming he’s dealing with Bush recession, caused by Pelosi and Reid. Yet the Obummer “recovery” has caused the most number of people to leave the workforce. http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....ok-office/ Over 11,472,000 and counting!
So when Travis Bickle asked why are the number of illegal aliens coming over the border dropped during the Obummer economic plan vs. The Reagan economic plan… it’s so simple worser couldn’t get it. Reagan’s economics grew the economy, Obummer’s economics have killed the economy. Unemployment drops by people giving up looking for a job!
NoBalls Puddy doesn’t do tiny urls. Who knows what garbage you spew especially when Puddy overseas!
Yes NoBalls, Obummer apologized for his Special Olympics comment. Glad to see you pegged Obummer perfectly!
Every single one of the DUMMOCRETIN senators continue to block House funding bills.
If businesses can raise prices because of inflation, why can’t workers ask for wage raises because of inflation?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: For that matter, why do conservatives believe businesses are ALWAYS entitled to make a profit, but workers are NEVER entitled to make a living? More to the point, why would ANY worker ever vote for any conservative?
@18 What “Clinton recession”? There was no recession while Clinton was president. The economy was doing fine until the dumbest president in American history tanked it.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, nobody should be surprised that puddypissypants has his head up his ass again, because he’s never been right about anything.
@19 Who gives a flying fuck what you do? I sure don’t.
As a Vietnam veteran, I find it amusing to be called “No Balls” by an adolescent who has never worn a military uniform. I’m sure he has no clue how ridiculous he looks.
In 1986 Saint Ronnie the Liar stopped enforcing regulations (that are still on the books) which imposed criminal penalties for US firms that employed undocumented workers..
This was a two-fer for the cheap labor union-busters…it flooded the country with cheap labor and began to break unions.
Fact, as always, matter.
The nihilist puddypussypissypants, as always, does not.
@26 Puddypissypants “matters” in the same manner as a kid banging on a metal garbage can lid with a stick under your open window when you’re trying to read a serious book: You get up from your easy chair, yell at the kid, and slam the window shut.
As a Vietnam veteran, I find it amusing to be called “No Balls” by an adolescent who has never worn a military uniform.
You are called NoBalls because you didn’t ask the clueless visa stamp crazed Hamas loving cretin arschloch what Nancy Pelosi said regarding Congressional Republican help on Obummercare. The links to her comments are in the crazed databaze. All you had to do is prove you had a set and ask the cretin for a replay! Once again senility is very apparent in NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit because you forgot about that! And it wasn’t that long ago! So calling Puddy an adolescent is
Fuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnny coming from an old senile fart as you!
Sad so sad a state!
And once again NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit is wrong again. Puddy wore the military uniform proudly you jackASS! Did NoBalls qualify for a Navy Scholarship? Was NoBalls smart? Puddy doubts it because of the ludicrous comedy that flows from NoBalls fingers!
All you had to do was ask ask the clueless visa stamp crazed Hamas loving cretin arschloch for a replay on that! When GBS and Puddy met for lunch (more than once) we discussed this along with other topics at length.
The NoBalls fits you perfectly. Sux to be you!
NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit matters as much as a fly being drawn to an outdoor bug zapper lamp. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-w4t5Ryunc
All that’s left are the ashes! You sweep them up and gone forever!
Or a cockroach crawling across the floor. You step on it and you revel in the crunch sound! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2g_vTnSw0k
All that’s left is the husk! You sweep it up and gone forever!
Or maybe as the mosquito in that old Tabasco sauce commercial. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z16gQeEtuyw
Puddy is the hot sauce and NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit is the mosquito!
rujaxoffallthetime is totally insignificant in the scheme of life!
Notice the lack of links from rujaxoffallthetime? And his word is fact?
There is a phrase NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit would use…
Ronald Reagan made a deal with Tip O’Neill on immigration. O’Neill never followed through on the Congressional part of border enforcement. http://www.usatoday.com/story/.....n/2518351/
Never trust a DUMMOCRETIN… EVAH!
Puddy provided link to the Clinton recession that Bush inherited. Here’s more evidence NoBalls… From the Clinton News Network… http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-80312
Man it really sux to have such bad senility in 2014!
Oh noes… from the CNN article… And it’s just one paragraph…
Tax and spend DUMMOCRETIN! Did Clinton deliver antitrust regulations? Oh noes… rujaxoffallthetime’s head explodes!
It really sux to be an old senile lagomorph masquerading as a non-functioning human!
Would somebody please ban the chickenshit asshole who commented at 28?
Attacking veterans is beyond the pale.
When the piddles character quotes “facts” he links to an article in the Opinion section (hint, a high school freshman knows that OpEd and Journalism aren’t the same) from USA today penned by the head of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation.
Hey Piddles, how’s that right wing bubble. I hear the air is getting thin and might be affecting your ability to think….oh wait…that’s just your regular thoughts.
“Every single one of the Democratic senators continue to block the PSYCHOPATHIC HOUSE RETHUGS’ FUCK OVER AMERICA bills.”
And your point is?
Interesting FACT about GOATSEBOY, THE SPAWN OF SATAN’S “proof” @31 is that on the left side of the page it says:
So damn funny!!!
I bet you GOATSEBOY, THE SPAWN OF SATAN does not remember ENRON and friends jacking up the cost of electricity on the Western spot markets by 1000% or what that did to the economy.
You even wonder how the term WOP got applied to Italians?
Back during the potato famine many Italians came to Ellis Island as illegal immigrants. Instead of being put back on the boats to be returned to Ireland they were allowed to stay, but their paperwork was stamped “Without Official Papers” which got shorted to WOP.
Many of these immigrants were very young children whose parents put them on the boats with the hope they might not die from starvation.
It is sad, really, to see history repeating itself.
checkmate once again attacks Puddy without any links to back up his “claims”.
So Puddy announces checkmated again!
Oh poor poor rujaxoffallthetime,
It seems in the silly picoscopic mind of rujaxoffallthetime only DUMMOCRETINS are allowed to attack conservative veterans like those in this link. http://dailycaller.com/2014/05.....andidates/
Well STFU sucka. Puddy wore his Navy uniform proudly because Puddy qualified for and won a Navy Scholarship rujaxoffallthetime! Scholarship winning takes a mind, something rujaxoffallthetime continually fails to demonstrate on this blog!
What did you win besides being stooooooooooopid on a blog? Moron of the decade? Century?
Another EPIC FAYLE by rujaxoffallthetime! Sux to be rujaxoffallthetime, reservation dweller!
Here at KLIA, they thermally scan you as you leave the plane area looking to see if you arrived in the country with a high fever such as Ebola.
Don’t worry empty tea bag with a puffy butt gleeeeeeeeeman. Puddy just fine! Sux to be you!
Fuck the nihilist puddypussypissypants. A lying sack of shit like the nihilist puddypussypissypants can pretend to be anything when he comments on a blog.
I’ve met Rabbit. He held a responsible position with Washington State Government and served in the Vietnam Disaster. He did both with distinction. He comments on this blog (and has done so for years) with reasoned and sound agreements and amusing comments.
The nihilist puddypussypissypants is a disrespecting fuck. If the puddypussypissypants ever wore a uniform (which I doubt) the nihilist puddypussypissypants disgraces it.
It’s your own link Piddles. The evidence was right there before your eyes when you posted it but you didn’t see. It’s the right wing bubble in a nutshell.
That’s how we know it’s an act. No one is actually as stupid as your character and still have the motor function to operate a keyboard.
I’ve met Rabbit. So has Puddy. We met at a mutual friends home!
And your rant is rujaxoffallthetime… Oh wait there is nothing to your rant. It’s useless pixels on a blog page.
Puddy calls out NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit for his incorrect commentary which you drink from the trough unquestioningly all the time. When FACTS are presented you go nutzo rujaxoffallthetime.
Your reservation is calling you back leetle man:
Get back there!
Oh yes checkmate… Puddy should have captured this paragraph because as you said it’s right there in the link…
So checkmate where is the border verification? IT NEVER HAPPENED!
Sux to be you! checkmated again!
You even wonder how the term WOP got applied to Italians?
No Puddy hasn’t. Glad to see you are so worried about it. You went to the Urban Dictionary and found it searching for something else? Or was it on some libtard left wrong site making a silly comparison you ate up?
BTW are you Italian? Did someone recently call you that? Was it a close friend? Where you from? Northern or Southern Italy?
Nothing but a nihilist puddypussypissypants clown show.
When rujaxoffallthetime goes ad hominem, Puddy has won the argument. AGAIN!
Sux to be rujaxoffallthetime!
TPM is waiting for your next visit…
Americasblogus is waiting for your next visit…
Media Morons is waiting for your next visit…
HuffingtonPost is waiting for your next visit…
Digby is waiting for your next visit…
Did Puddy miss any rujaxoffallthetime?
Said the Executive Director of The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation in an OpEd that you still think is a factual document rather than a man’s opinion.
And, we come full circle.
You see to forget, most of the left wrong crap proffered by the head DUMMOCRETINS comes from left wrong sites. Apparently you don’t look at the Friday Night Comix! And Puddy still hasn’t seen any link from you to dispel his commentary.
So yes you are going in circles and checkmated again!
So this whining fuck was an ‘affirmative action’ baby.
@28 Just so we’re clear about this, I don’t give a flying fuck what you call me. Nor does anyone else. You have zero cred around here.
@44 “I’ve met Rabbit. So has Puddy. We met at a mutual friends home!”
For 20 seconds. You and your wife were leaving. On the way out the door. Our encounter was so brief I couldn’t remember later what your wife looked like, and I barely remembered what you looked like. (Tall and skinny, as I recall.) Our conversation in the foyer of our mutual friend’s home a few feet from the front door went approximately like this: “Hi, nice to meet you, goodbye.” You learned nothing about me from that “meeting.” My initial impression of you was that you are rational and coherent in person, which strongly suggests that your persona on this blog is a total put-on.
@44 You call out nothing. You merely worship yourself.