– Another Birthright Citizenship link in an open thread. This time from Eric Foner in The Nation.
– Other than the legitimate dome-related questions I raised on Twitter, my main issue with Walker’s Canada wall idea is will it go all the way to the Beaufort Sea?
– Seattle, nice job using somewhat less water.
– Feminist_Tinder is pretty funny.
– I’m not a big fan of country music, but I found this analysis of some Martina McBride songs interesting.
More truths!
http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....l-scandal/ Because HA DUMMOCRETIN Low Information Voters won’t check to determine who this guy really is…
http://www.newrepublic.com/art.....1-iraq-war Same dude libtard e-rag
Gotta hide these facts from the public!
Goldy @GoldyHA
Once again I haven’t been invited onto any of the Sunday morning talking head shows, because I’m not always wrong about everything.
Well, Sharkansky did say you have a face made for radio.
And DN might be a good fit for you. They have that stopped-clock approach to accuracy, too.
Charles Mudede @mudede
The bad bargain middle-class white Americans made with capitalism is to have everything but at the risk of having nothing at all.
Retweeted by Goldy
Now let’s do the bargain black America has made with Democrats. You might start here:
Really. Guns should be regulated. So. Idiots. Can’t. Get. Them.
@5 Actually, the “bargain” is that the middle class gets all the risks of cowboy corporatism while the rich take all of the profits.
A Local Icon is gone
Republicans, of course, are in a twist over Obama renaming America’s highest peak. Sorry, guys, but the natives were in Alaska before you.
Take this purple swing set and shove it up your homeowners association asses.
Of course cops’ lives matter. We don’t need a racist pig of a sheriff to remind us.
An elected reporesentative from Ohio can maybe go ahead and say it’s a bad decision.Everyone else, quick name something McKinley did other than get shot without using the Google.
Meanwhile, not The Onion
McKinley Presidental Library Just Glad People Are Finally Talking About Him
The Shit Blacks Put Up With Dep’t
In Ohio, a white cop followed a black male driver for blocks, then pulled him over. When the driver asked why he was pulled over, the cop said, “Because you made direct eye contact with me.” I guess this racist pig of a cop thinks black people aren’t supposed to look at white people.
@12 If you ask me, it was insulting to call it “McKinley” in the first place. By the way, mountain climbers have called it “Denali” for many years, and nobody has ever used “McKinley” as a brand name for outdoor gear.
It just doesn’t get any better than this.
The latest Monmouth Republican presidential Iowa poll has America’s favorite billionaire developer/entertainer tied with an unknown batshit crazy Christian cult member who conducts medical experiments on fetal tissue obtained from Planned Parenthood through StemExpress and who also believes the Catholic Church to be the Whore of Babylon and the Pope the Antichrist.
“When Iowa Republicans are asked who they would support in their local caucus, Ben Carson (23%) and Donald Trump (23%) tie for the top spot. The next tier of candidates includes Carly Fiorina (10%) and Ted Cruz (9%), followed by Scott Walker (7%), Jeb Bush (5%), John Kasich (4%), Marco Rubio (4%), and Rand Paul (3%). The last two Iowa caucus victors, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum, each garner 2% of the vote. None of the other six candidates included in the poll register more than 1% support.”
@ 15
It was just over four years ago – in August – that Michelle Bachmann won the Iowa straw poll.
How did she do in the 2012 primaries, Steve?
Probably best not to take the polls too seriously until the number of remaining candidates is in the single digits.
@16 “Probably best not to take the polls too seriously until the number of remaining candidates is in the single digits.”
What’s even better is not taking you seriously on anything. Another slow day in the radiology lab?
“Probably best not to take the polls too seriously until the number of remaining candidates is in the single digits.”
This year seems unique to me, and the polls to be very revealing. After all, when was the last time you saw a celebrity billionaire, a black fetal tissue-experimenting neurosurgeon and a failed CEO lead the GOP pack, leaving well-known right-wing politicians in their dust while, at the same time, an unknown, avowed socialist was contending for the Democratic Party nomination, threatening to knock off a progressive political icon? It strikes me that polls these days, in Iowa or anywhere else, show this nation to be in uncharted territory.
Cheese and kites it feels good watching Jeb! Bush getting attacked, no, throttled by other Republicans. He’s such a blithering asshole. Not that all the Republicans aren’t. But he’s just the worst.
@ 18
It strikes me that polls these days, in Iowa or anywhere else, show this nation to be in uncharted territory.
I suppose that to someone who longs for the simpler days when a Clinton or a Bush was in office, it might look that way, Steve.
Technology is advancing so quickly that nothing is really ‘charted’, anymore. Unless it’s a mainstream GOP or Democrat stump speech.
What may be a little different is that people seem to be placing more current emphasis on ‘uncharted’ candidates like Sanders and Trump, at least for now, until they figure out that neither has a plan that’s workable.
I’m ready for Trump to STFU any time now, but I’ll be disappointed until I’m not. And with Hillary in hiding even from her own party, we’ll hear plenty from Bernie awhile longer.
Until Joe announces, of course, and the anti-Hillary supporters jump from Bernie to Crazy Joe.
Says the one @15, whom slips on his magic underwear so he can attend church when he attends church!
“I suppose that to someone who longs for the simpler days when a Clinton or a Bush was in office, it might look that way, Steve.”
Simpler days? Whatever. What goes around, comes around.
@12 A “reporesentative” from Ohio??!?
Was that intentional or just a lucky typo?
@18 Carly a “failed CEO”? Depends on what criteria you’re using. These days, pulling a “pump-and-dump” on a great company and generating a bunch of short-term gain for you and your fellow vultures is a Great Success, no?
For the rest of us, we ought to have a pretty good idea how Ms Fiorina would run the country….just like she smooshed HP and Compaq together and then shrank the whole mess down so Meg Whitman can drown what’s left in a bath–no, make it two lavatories.
@20 “I’m ready for Trump to STFU any time now”
Oh, you heard his speech about making rich doctors pay taxes, huh?
@24 God help us all if we ever get another president who runs the country like a business.
You lost. Now do your job.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This isn’t about religion, conscience, or gay marriage. It’s about rule of law. A public official, regardless of whether elected or appointed, does NOT have any right or authority to substitute his/her personal beliefs for the law; and anyone who doesn’t understand that doesn’t belong in public service.
Apparently all those angry, racist Republicans are behind Dr. Ben Carson eh? Dr. Ben Carson has a very high favorable rate!
Seems you atheists call Dr. Ben Carson a moron for believing in God. The are no atheists in foxholes!
DNC resolution supports “Pigs in a blanket, fry’ em like bacon”.
The same words the used by the NYC cop killer before he offed the latino and asian cops! Gotta love these libtards eh HA DUMMOCRETINS?
If this was a Tea Party action the libtard left wrong msm would be all over this!
@28 Yeah, the fact they’re all lining up behind a doctor who’s never held public office because they can’t find anyone to support in a crowded field of GOP governors and senators says something about the GOP, doesn’t it?
@30 “If this was a Tea Party action”
What makes you think it wasn’t? GOP provocateurs stage stunts like this all the time, so why should we believe it’s anything else?
GOP provocateurs stage stunts like this all the time, so why should we believe it’s anything else?
Got proof early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Of course you don’t! All those #blacklivesmatter peeps on teevee claiming don’t blame our rhetoric for Shannon Miles assassination of Deputy Goforth in Texas!
Now where is closet foreplay on this horsesASS manure from the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Oh wait the douche bag closet foreplay is a biased moron!
@27 I go blind everytime I see that woman’s face. Has to be one of the ugliest people I’ve ever seen, but maybe Josh Duggar would be willing play doctor with her.
McKinley was a Republican to boot, and he was assassinated.
Yeah the trolls better be against Trump.
Well libtards you better curb that enthusiasm… 150 more Clinton emails were classified from the get-go!
And it seems most of the emails are the minions kissing Clinton ASS!
Well libtards you better curb that enthusiasm… 150 more Clinton emails were classified from the get-go!
And it seems most of the emails are the minions kissing Clinton ASS!
Oh lookie here Obummer’s JV are at it again! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....alive.html
This is what this DUMMOCRETIN calls justice… http://pjmedia-new.pjmedia.net.....-tweet.jpg
The tweet is gone now!
And here’s a picture of the babbling jackass waiting for Eric Holder to be indicted for contempt of the Kooky Kraphead Kongress.
Track record:
WhiteWater! This will be her undoing….public…yawn
She murdered Vince Foster! This will be her undoing…public…you people are insane….yawn
Travelgate! This will be her undoing…public…yawn
Rose Law Firm! This will be her undoing…..public…yawn
How can she stand by her husband the cheater, she’s weak! This will be her undoing…public…yawn
The Clinton’s looted the White House on their way out! This will be her undoing…public…you’re actually lying about that…yawn
Her Confidant Huma is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and married to a Perv! This will be her undoing…public…now you’re really reaching…yawn
She’s a friend of Saul Alinsky! This will be her undoing….public…why are you so obsessed with that guy…yawn
BENGHAAAAAAAAZIIIIIII!!!!!! ™ This will be her undoing…public…yawn
Emails! This will be her undoing…public…yeah like the above nearly dozen times….uh we’ve made up our minds. There are a bunch of people who hate her and are never going to vote for her. There are a larger bunch of people who will vote for her. But you can keep trying to sway the 10,000 people who don’t already have an opinion on her and won’t sway an election. Those few people are likely young and haven’t spent their entire lives thinking about the woman and young people aren’t voting Republican, you know gay marriage, hate the Latinos/Anchor Babies, Love the Confederate Flag…yawn.
But you can keep trying to sway the 10,000 people who don’t already have an opinion on her and won’t sway an election.
– Yes some minds are mired in concrete. Proves progressive DUMMOCRETINS ignore FACTS every day.
– Benghazi, well the emails are still being identified. And others were purposely erased. It was the Benghazi committee that figgered out Heilary had that personal email server checkmate. So…………. keep screaming BENGHAAAAAAAAZIIIIIII!!!!!! ™ all you want. Trey Gowdy’s committee has performed yeoman work here!
Thanks checkmate! Staying stoooooooooopid as evah!
But you can keep trying to sway the 10,000 people who don’t already have an opinion on her and won’t sway an election.
– Yes some minds are mired in concrete. Proves progressive DUMMOCRETINS ignore FACTS every day.
– Benghazi, well the emails are still being identified. And others were purposely erased. It was the Benghazi committee that figgered out Heilary had that personal email server checkmate. So…………. keep screaming BENGHAAAAAAAAZIIIIIII!!!!!! ™ all you want. Trey Gowdy’s committee has performed yeoman work here!
Thanks checkmate! Staying stoooooooooopid as evah!
Since when did a total lack of proof ever slow your lying ass down? Still waiting for you to connect Shannon Miles with Black Lives Matter using something more than… he’s black.
BTW Heilary and her 10,000 supporters don’t mind if the Quinnipiac Poll from Quinnipiac University of Hamden, Connecticut has documented poll respondents indicated “liar,” “dishonest,” and “untrustworthy” as the top three adjectives or maybe they are nouns in her case dr. checkmate, describing Heilary! Puddy guesses DUMMOCRETINS love their female DUMMOCRETINS coronated candidate as a “liar,” “dishonest,” and “untrustworthy”! Golly, three synonyms for having a truth-telling problem! DUMMOCRETINS open their mouths and lies abound!
Who knew?
@45 farted in the forest. Did a DUMMOCRETIN smell it?
Seems you can’t stand da heat in da kitchen eh? You let everything from the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit slide by. Even the #blacklivesmatter crowd came out and said don’t blame us for Shannon Miles actions.
You see closet foreplay, even the #blacklivesmatter crowd feel the pressure of their rhetoric having an effect in that assassination!
Sux to be you!
Note that Piddles is now equating Hillary with Hitler at every opportunity. Call her Heilery! This will be her undoing….public…uhm, you ever hear of Goodwin’s law….yawn.
You mean this from Qunipiac, he says as if only he is aware that Quinipiac is a University in Connecticut and not something you order from a Hunanese restuarant….
A thought experiment:
394 people used those top three words. In other words, 26% of people who have their minds made up about former Secretary of State Clinton find her “liar, dishonest, trustworthy.”
And just for fun, add up all the people who use some other variation of liar like, Theif, Corrupt, Murder (Gasp, Vince Foster!) and Sneaky and you get 542. A scosh over a third of responders in total.*
As I was saying, there is a percentage of the electorate who have made up their minds about Hillary and absolutely won’t vote for her. In this poll it appears to be a little over a third of voters.
But then there’s this nugget to consider:
The poll was ever so slightly weighted with more Republicans polled. And some REPUBLICANS must not have used “Liar” or a synonym because there aren’t enough of those respsonses (542<666)
Trustworthiness! This will be her undoing…public…yawn.
Good luck with that. Want to unskew the poll?
* I included the following terms liar, dishonest, untrustworthy, crook, untruthful, criminal deceitful, corrupt, crooked, murder, phony, cheat, deceptive, sneaky, thief, devious
WTF? So folks from #blacklivesmatter are pointing out your stupid bullshit and you think that gives you some excuse for being a lying bigot?
First, if ever there was an EPIK FAYLE, it was THAT.
And second, why on earth do you continue your sad pleas for absolution on these threads. We all know you for what you are. So anything short of positive affirmation for your ignorant ravings is not going to persuade any of us here. If you really want to be seen as something other than a lying bigot, simply provide some direct evidence linking Shannon Miles with #blacklivesmatter.
Otherwise just go on spewing coded white superiority sprinkled liberally with superstition and paranoia. But stop making excuses. Or at least make better ones.