– I’m not sure RT was lying about America, but it is important to get the truth of Russia’s anti-gay horror show out there on a Russian station.
– A dual endorsement in the general election is strange, but OK, King County Labor Council.
– I’m fine with the GOP not having Presidential debates on CNN and NBC if they want. But the fact that there’s going to be a documentary on one of the most important people of the late 20th century doesn’t strike me as a good excuse.
– The Snoqualmie Valley Trail bridge looks pretty neat.
– Macklemore talking about how he gets more leeway because he’s white.
– Is it strange that all I want to do now is move to Asshole Jupiter?
At first the Canadian Transportation Agency ordered the Montreal, Maine, and Atlantic railway to cease operations in Canada, but has given them a reprieve until October 1st. When Canadian Pacific ceased interchange traffic with them, the CTA ordered CP to resume it.
At first the Canadian Transportation Agency ordered the Montreal, Maine, and Atlantic railway to cease operations in Canada, but has given them a reprieve until October 1st. When Canadian Pacific ceased interchange traffic with them, the CTA ordered CP to resume it.
Their is already one potential buyer for the railroad, which declared bankruptcy following the fatal crude oil train disaster in Lac Megantic, Quebec on July 6.
I like the potential planet name of “Emergency Backup Earth”
Second Amendment Report
“A Memphis, Tenn., kindergarten student is in police custody after he fired a gun in his elementary school cafeteria Thursday morning. The incident didn’t result in any injuries, and school is back in normal operation, school officials said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans think anyone should be able to get a gun and carry it anywhere, with no background check or permit. I say even constitutional rights are subject to reasonable government regulation, such as prohibiting 5-year-olds from taking loaded guns to kindergarten class.
Looks like according to a settlement with one of his accusers, San Diego mayor Bob Filner will resign.
How the Chicago Police do business.
The CPD, NYPD and SFPD have always done this. LAPD has in the past and is likely still continuing the practice. Police Departments all over the country have become the greatest terrorist threat to the people of this country, and something has got to give, for the simple reason being that people won’t put up with this shit for too long in a nation where Liberty is considered our greatest National Treasure.
You know what I would love to see?
A face-to-face meeting between puddybigot and this guy, another gay-hating, Obama-hating black guy – one seemingly ‘off the reservation’ as puddybigot would say.
Water carrier and liar gets CAUGHT!
Has to post bond! Big mistake. Obvious flight risk. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Republicans are having wet dreams again.
@7 Nothing will change because taxpayers will foot the legal bills and settlement and the builty cops won’t lose a day’s pay.
What “christians” do when their kids start acting like humans.
They send them to “rehabilitation camps” where they’re taught the good ways of following their Lord.
Sounds an awful lot like the old Soviet and Chinese re-education centers. I know a couple people that were kidnapped in the middle of the night by these operations and literally dragged out of bed and sent to a place like this. One of them hasn’t spoken to her parents in more than thirty years. She was 15 when she was dragged, bound and gagged from her parent’s house, ostensibly for the crime of a drop in GPA and staying out too late with her friends. She didn’t see home for two years, and then turned around and split the day she turned 18. She’s never looked back.
Torture camps for the wayward. Thats real fucking “christian”.
The “Sovereign Citizen” nonsense seems to be ongoing.
To the people who think the left is just as bad as the right I’d like to ask: where’s the left’s version of this?
Today’s Republican Party – the Party of Nazis.
It’s a little late to be insulting the Nazis.
Welcome to fire season folks! And with fires raging the forest service is running low on money to fight them. Don’t you just love the Republican Party, busy voting down the ACA 40 times and letting things like fire fighting go unfunded.
Didn’t that idiot in Texas have to go hat in hand to the federal government to get some help with forest fires?
They’ll probably blame this one on the Gays.
@17. Does anyone else wonder why where was a zip line at the creation museum? I don’t remember zip lines being in the bible or a standard part of museums.
So, the former car thief and arsonist from San Diego was lying? Gee, color me shocked.
Back to gravel for rural roads in Texas.
On the one had you have the Texas tax base shrinking fast. Rich people and their corporations of course don’t pay taxes you know. And the not-so-rich are getting paid less and less by the above mentioned rich people and their corporations.
On the other you have the oil companies our fracking up a storm and incidentally ruining the Texas rural roads with their heavy equipment.
So I say why should we wait? If it is good enough for Texas it should be good enough for Washington. Let’s stop wasting money on paving the Eastern Washington rural roads NOW.
@18 – Who would go to the Museum if it didn’t have a Zip Line? Probably nobody.
I don’t know if this has been mentioned yet. A former Australian Deputy PM, in response to the shooting in Oklahoma, said that the US Gun Culture is corrupting the world. Interesting, he is not totally against guns himself.
I got curious about Former Deputy PM Tim Fischer. He was deputy to Former Prime Minister John Howard, who was a Liberal, although outside of North America, Liberal has a different meaning. Fischer was at the time the leader of the National Party, the junior partner in the center-right coalition, which focuses on representing Rural Australians, while the Liberals represent urban and suburban conservatives.
Wonder if Obama will jump on the news that two Blacks jumped on and Killed Shorty?
88yr. Old WWII Vet Dead After Brutal Beating by Black Teenage Thugs.
A World War Two veteran nicknamed ‘Shorty’ who served in the Battle of Okinawa was brutally beaten by two men and left to die outside his regular bar in Spokane, Washington, on Wednesday.
Shorty could have been my father! But I guess beating an old WHITE guy to death and leaving him to die is OK with Obama!
# 23:
Only in your own mind – that’s where you create the alternative universe that the President is all things evil, wereas those opposed to him are all rightous creatures.
@23 – not equating murder to being booed, but how do you feel about booing a gay soldier who lost a limb for his country?
We all can be murdered one day or another, but to show disrespect as a group to a patriot?
Some delays on the Long Island Rail Road this morning, due to copper wire theft. Thought that it would be hard to do, since the LIRR uses third rail.
Didn’t Jesus use a zip line to ascend into heaven?
The Mayor of San Diego has resigned, or at least wrote a resignation letter. It was part of a settlement with one of the accusers.
So called conservative Republican congress critters representing other so called conservative Republicans love and respect the “Founding Fathers” so much that they view their legislative role (as defined in Article 1) to be “how many laws we repeal“, Impeaching the President for no rhyme nor reason, and requesting a constitutional convention.
Fortunately we understand logic is the work of Satan, otherwise we’d evaluate this outfit as anti-founder revolutionaries.
If one bothers to read DEEP THOUGHT one quickly understands he is really shallow thinking DUMB SHIT.
@30, that’s some pretty deep shit you dumped right there. Take another moment and wallow in it.
Interesting column by a veteran columnist/reporter that has covered the railroads reporting on Amtrak planning over the past couple years, mostly hits and misses. One segment of the last Amtrak legislation, was product reviews of the long distance trains. Unfortunately, making the improvements happen depends on funding and equipment.
Calm birther gs, calm.. Just a few more years and two term president Obama won’t be around for you to be delusional about..
You can dream of a white klownservative on a dancing horse (like RMoney) who’ll cook up a new war and some tax cuts for you to whack off to.
Plus, in these recent cases the right is jumping on, the suspects were almost immediately arrested, and most likely will be charged if not chatged already. In the Martin case, if it were not for the public outcry, probably would not have been charged.
So TeaBaggers are saying that Canada isn’t really “foreign” soil.
How does these morons remember to breathe?
What you have in Cruz, is the son of a Cuban Communist Revolutionary and a Citizen from Delaware, born in Canada and only moving here when he was four years old, (apparently) running for President. And his supporters have no problems with his ancestry or place of birth at all. This guy is theoretically eligible for the Prime Ministers office of Great Britain, but he is giving that up so he can follow in Mittens’ footsteps.
I’m not saying he isn’t eligible, but there does seem to be a bit of a contradiction here.
Oh yeah, he’s “white”.
# 35: Gee, he’s eligible to be President based on the Tea Party sordid nonsense, vet a person born in the U.S. in Hawaii isn’t a valid Presidential candidate?
They just make this stuff up as they go along.
Nah. I don’t have the hip waders for it.
@ 36
They just make this stuff up as they go along.
Yep. They have nothing based in reality to go on. It’s all fantastical notions and magical thinking. This is serious mass-psychosis. Too much lead paint when they were kids perhaps. Maybe coupled with a childhood diet based entirely on hot dogs, sugared breakfast cereals and wonder bread, it’s a wonder these idiots haven’t all offed themselves yet just through sheer stupidity.
Well, I suppose thats how it ends up with one lets the trust-fund and playboy fraternity types take over your Party. They might be able to tell you who the Founding Fathers were. Well, a few of them anyway. But they sure as shit couldn’t quote a single word written by any one of them and in all likelihood have never actually read anything those men wrote. And when you tell them something that Thomas Paine, Alexander Hamilton or Ben Franklin actually said, they call you a communist.
Who the fuck are these people?
@23. You are troll, your goal is
What was wrong the Trayvon killing was the lack of police interest and later, the lack of justice. Compare that the straw men arguments of the Australian base ball player or the World War Two veteran, the cases were investigated immediately and the killers found. They did not get a Trayvon collective shrug.
Short line railroad owner and derailment clean up specialist R.J. Corman has passed aeay at the age of 58. He built up a good business, that started cleaning up railroad wreck sites, later graduated to owning a few small lines, and a locomotive builder.
One thing he would do on the company’s website, is keep people updated on his health.
A Charlotte, North Carolina based busmaker has filed for bankruptcy protection. Designline, formerly of New Zealand, was a recent entrant in the US Market, circa 2006, and was using a microturbine-hybrid system. It promised lower emissions and better fuel economy. I was hoping it would make it. The company’s former lawyer is the current US Secretary of Transportation.
I think that the trouble began when the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority returned the buses they had received and cancelled the rest of the order in 2011.This was probably not the customer to lose. The Charm City Circulator in Baltimore is another dissatisfied customer. With that record, I have no idea how New Jersey Transit chose to order from this company.
39. Was it a lack of justice when OJ walked away from a brutal murder. Where is the outrage when it is the other way around. Shorty is DEAD. Two black men beat the living shit outta him with flashlights. And numb………………is the word here……it’s only Travon, Travon, Travon…
Oh great, they caught the two men…..I feel so better now….well I stand by my words. “Shorty could have been my father”
42 – blah, blah, blah… And the birfer gs is still silent on the citizenship of Ted Cruz!
Cruisin in on 17 trillion in debt, and a debt ceiling issue that Senator Owebamma claimed he would never agree to raise as it was UNAMERICAN to do so…hummm. Don’t tape what I say, tape what I do.