– Excellent news for SeaTac workers
– How False Narratives of Margaret Sanger Are Being Used to Shame Black Women
– BrechtFest is the best name for an event ever, but no Mother Courage?
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Excellent news for SeaTac workers
– How False Narratives of Margaret Sanger Are Being Used to Shame Black Women
– BrechtFest is the best name for an event ever, but no Mother Courage?
Puddy sees Imani is using that false narrative of all abortion providers per Guttmacher when Ben Carson specifically said PLANNED PARENTHOOD abortion providers… hence this is
Seems libtards take the same message and write about it in many themes without fact checking what the person really said!
When you lie like this guy… Obummer insulates you. Others find you disgusting.. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/m.....n-n2041523
Liberals are outraged. No, it isn’t about Planned Parenthood sorting parts of babies in pie pans and selling them at a profit. And no, they aren’t outraged over the abortion giant selling whole baby cadavers in order to keep body parts “intact.” Nor are they outraged over Planned Parenthood cutting out the brains of babies while their hearts are still beating.
They are, however, suddenly concerned about babies of illegal immigrants born in the United States being called “anchor babies” by GOP presidential candidates.
More popcorn Martha… http://www.reuters.com/article.....BW20150821
Seems Reuters is in doing the yeoman’s work the libtard US Press chooses not to do!
All the way back to 2006… http://www.snopes.com/politics.....rkland.asp
Whoa!! This thread started off 100% batshit fucking psycho!
“Excellent news for SeaTac workers”
Of course, news of the poors getting a living wage is probably enough drive any wingnut worth his salt over the edge.
It’s very good to see the stoooooooooooopid is still active in Stupid Solution Steve…
Meanwhile more proof libtards are SCUM… Hat Tip to Carl for the “reality check”… http://rhrealitycheck.org/arti.....-odonnell/
Then more blah blah blah!!! It didn’t “seem like it” to Puddy, that what you did. Now that they thoroughly trashed Holly’s reputation (something libtards gleefully do when you don’t toe their line) it’s another non-apology apology from a “dammit I’m right, you’re not” DUMMOCRETIN! Must be Jodi doesn’t like sex. Must be a DUMMOCRETIN thing.
We learned earlier in the week on the whole, Republicans have better marriages! Holly doesn’t want children. Okay! We also see from this attack Holly would NOT abort her child even if she got pregnant! There’s the rub! Kinda like when Sarah didn’t abort Trig when she learned he had Downs Syndrome.
The editor take full responsibility? She gonna fire herself for this attack on Holly? This is how DUMMOCRETINS who choose to defend the indefensible actions of abortioners whom slice up aborted live babies with heartbeats operate. You must get in line Holly, or be shamed. FASCISM at work!
“Republicans have better marriages!”
Batshit fucking insanity.
“Josh Duggar Paid for an ‘Affair Guarantee’ on Ashley Madison”
This guy will be DUMMOCRETIN attacked… http://www.politico.com/story/.....html?ml=ri
“Republicans have better marriages!”
Ronald Reagan, Divorced
John Kasich, Divorced.
The Donald, Divorced
Carly Fiorina, Divorced
@3 ‘They are, however, suddenly concerned about babies of illegal immigrants born in the United States being called “anchor babies”’
Suddenly? Nah, we’ve been calling y’all out on that lie for a long, long time.
“Republicans have better marriages!”
Batshit fucking insane.
“Josh Duggar set up a phony Facebook account he used to contact strippers and lingerie models”
“Suddenly? Nah, we’ve been calling y’all out on that lie for a long, long time.”
Michelle Malkin, Anchor Baby
“Donald Trump Trashes Michelle Malkin On Twitter: You’re A ‘Dummy’ And ‘Were Born Stupid’”
Stoooooooooopid @9,
That’s called an anecdote per incorrectnottobright.
Meanwhile… “if Iran is to acquire a nuclear bomb, it will not have my name on it” – DUMMOCRETIN Senator Bob Menendez… Butt it will have other DUMMOCRETIN names all over it!
Concerned? I’m fucking delighted!
In a typically misguided attempt to out crazy each other, The Clown Car has managed to permanently disaffect key constituencies in battleground states. You want Nevada much? These guys are practically running a GOTV campaign for the Democrats.
These bells will not un-ring.
Ahhh don’t like the truth on marriage eh Stupid Solution Steve? Puddy posted the links on Monday!
Dow drops 530 points after 200+ drop yesterday. Yes, that Obummer led economy is “rolling”!
Cecile Richards ✔ @CecileRichards
BREAKING: Officials in Pennsylvania announced that the investigations into Planned Parenthood turned up nothing — as expected.
Retweeted by Goldy
Same office responsible for monitoring abortionists like Kermit Gosnell?
It’s too bad Roger Rabbit is on vacation. I was so looking forward to learning how many thousands he took from Republican investors in the stock market today.
Wow! More guvmint incompetence!
@ 11
Bill and Hillary Clinton, still married
We’re rapidly heading into Daniel Patrick Moynihan territory.
Hey libtards, why is Planned Parenthood against ultrasounds before an abortion?
PuddyCommentary: Planned Parenthood insists that they want women to have “accurate information”. Review the first paragraph again. Yet PP are AGAINST technologically “accurate” ultrasounds allowing women to see their developing baby! Can’t have that action! Nope can’t see that baby because maybe they will want to keep their products of conception after all!
Just a short time after a judge issued a ruling that the biotech firm StemExpress can’t block the Center for Medical Progress from releasing another video that shows what it does with aborted babies Planned Parenthood sells to it, the pro-life group put up the 8th video in its series showing the scandal of Planned Parenthood selling aborted baby body parts.
Butt butt butt closet foreplay AKA lib the unscientist claimed otherwise… Something called discovery… Ignoring a judge’s orders!
Oh nevermind!
“Yet PP are AGAINST technologically “accurate” ultrasounds allowing women to see”
The blathering of a batshit insane idiot who demands to come between a patient and her doctor so that he can impose the beliefs of his religious cult on them.
“biotech firm StemExpress”
Whose clients include Johns Hopkins.
StemExpress sells to Johns Hopkins. Heh. I’d bet that’s where Ben Carson’s fetal tissue came from.
President Trump is a real beauty…..Italy’s Berlosconi looks like a real Statesman compared to him.
Here are two things:
1) Filing a request with the court for an order to cease and desist.
2) Filing a request with the court for an order of discovery related to a law suit.
They are different things. Of this I am reliably informed by a retired Justice of the Washington Supreme Court as well as by a sitting Justice for the DC circuit.
But if you eat just the right amount of clay and go to church to pray to The Sweet Baby Jeebus on Saturday, you can’t tell the difference.
Go figure.
@3 and Puffy isn’t outraged that cops are killing black people but he doesn’t like when they are called the “N” word. You make no sense either.
You want babies born but then you don’t want to support them. Makes no sense either.
@3 theDuggar Boy plays doctor with his sisters and Puffy is outraged that people are picking on him…..you know, as Fuckabee said and Puffy bought into, Good Christians make a mistake. The dude then cheats on his Wife and the guy is now scum.
You have more explaining to do than liberals.
Exactly. Trump could be our Berlosconi. We have to believe, for this country’s sake, that Trump doesn’t have a prayer.
Puffy, you are going off script…..concentrate, do not imply that heterosexuals have bad marriages, it’s the gays that are the bad for marriages. The gays caused the heterosexuals marriages to go bad.
@33 you kidding – I can’t wait till the Clown is President!
God registers his disapproval of Goldy’s HA Bible Study.
Philadelphia Eagles coach Chip Kelly continues to be impressed by quarterback Tim Tebow, who will earn a spot on the team if he doesn’t make any major errors the rest of the preseason, a team source tells ESPN’s Dianna Russini.
The source said Kelly’s excitement for Tebow is getting stronger. Kelly is impressed by Tebow’s running skill, and although he’s not perfect, he’s improved throwing the football, making him valuable with the new two-point rule and in short-yardage situations.
God wants Goldy to know that if it keeps up, Tebow will start.
Goldy @GoldyHA
“The assault was described as a terrorist attack by the Belgian prime minister,”
I wouldn’t have phrased it that way. http://nyti.ms/1TYoaJF
Well, no, of course you wouldn’t. Your ilk reserve the term ‘terrorists’ for a large group of people peaceably attending a Tea Party rally.
And do a Berlosconi on this country? Please.. There’s more constructive entertainment out there.
@ 28
I’m shocked that Bob didn’t make us all aware of Jesse Benton’s indictment, Rand Paul’s right hand man.
We all know that Boob doesn’t like corruption.
Well Ms. (not sure if she married – wink, wink) Maddow is reporting and speculating that Rand Paul will be dropping out of the race soon, as soon as this weekend. Let’s see how smart she is.
@40 for the record she is basing this speculation on tomorrow vote that requires 2/3 vote for him be allowed to not compromise his senate seat if he runs for Donald Trump’s job.
yeah Puffy Obama is responsible for China’s economy. Maybe the real guy responsible for China’s economy is Trump and Mitt Romney who invest over there.
You are not a scientist but now you are an economist. Maybe you should stick with abortions and Ben Carson.
Invictus @TBPInvictus
The Brownback experiment in KS continues to fail spectacularly. https://twitter.com/clairecmc/status/634752700073279488 …
Retweeted by Goldy
Unemployment rate in Kansas: 4.6%
Unemployment rate in Washington State: 5.3%
Oh poor, poor Tony. His fake mantra of family values is finally catching up with him……there is only so much you can preach and brainwash that they are perfect people, and everyone else is bad and evil.
Not @37 a terrorist attack:
The suspected gunman, a Moroccan national, was on the radar screen of European counterterrorism agencies for his radical jihadist views, the European counterterrorism official said.
A second security source told CNN the gunman was known by French intelligence. The official said it appeared the gunman was sympathetic to ISIS, but a full determination on his specific loyalties had yet to be reached.
The fight against global warming claims a victim.
Will we find Bob in the Ashley Madison data dump?
@ 47
You’re not the first woman to ask me that, YLB. My better half brought it up last night.
Oh how curious of HIM.. You must have reassured him and caught a re-run of Glee.
Marital bliss.
My better half knows better. Plain and simple. No questioning needed. A Republican happy in my marriage!
The clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch has nuthin to say about the lying thug practices of Mrs arschloch’s SEIU union!
Oh about your “need” for this website on Sat. Night..
Doubt it. On second thought she approves. Less money to the Pharma assist means more for the cult!
closet foreplay… Need to see the judge’s ruling against STEMExpress again?
EPIC FAYLE for the 29 googolplex time.
Check the last thread where you brought it up..
Nice to know the identity of salt mining buddy’s union. You spilled the beans fool!
Remember what Darryl said.
oh you heterosexuals and marriage are so happy and fun, playful and frauds.
The correct commentary of Puddy whom identified how PP doesn’t want an ultrasound to come between a patient and her abortionist doctor. Puddy identifed direct from PP web site their concern.
Yet PP will use an ultrasound to make sure that product of conception is removed with the least amount of force so they can dissect it for those high cost baby parts! http://www.lifenews.com/2015/0.....ed-babies/
Hey Puffy how is Republican Josh Duggar’s marriage going? Swell, right. Maybe Josh really would like to be a Mormon and have 20 wives, but only if the wife would let him.
Oh well, so Josh and all the rest cheat. Doesn’t really sound like people really want monogamous relationships, does it?
You foolish fraud.
Wow what a put down to a fellow troll. I LOVE IT WHEN THEY EAT EACH OTHER!
clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch
Puddy’s wife is NOT PART of SEIU! Those in the know know! Puddy heard the story on David Boze’s show!
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What a tard!
Looks like Heterosexuals really think marriage is nothing more than a ball an chain.
Bueller Bueller
Decoder ring needed on #57?
What babbling BULLSHITTIUM!
Bueller Bueller
Decoder ring needed on #60!
What babbling BULLSHITTIUM!
I’m turning Pro-Life. I think every fetus should have the chance to be burned a California brush fire, or die of thirst, or be twirl in the air in tornados, or be ravished by wild and crazy hurricanes. Yeah, then they’ll know God is coming for them, God Damn it!
The big question is will we find the clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch in the Ashley Madison data dump with all the free time it had all those years screen scraping HA!
You’ll find the decoder ring in you ass.
Bob you were referring to the Tea Party people earlier, did you mean those broke angry assholes? Baa, Baa, Baa……follow me to the promise land.
The babbling jackass can’t vote for this jerk! HAHAHAHA! That’s two down!
LMAO!!! Here’s little Ricky Sanctimonious!
Jackass can’t vote for man on dog! Three down!
Here’s Jeb!!!
4 down!
There’s Dr. Ben!! There’s Dr. Ben!
Sorry jackass! Can’t vote for him! All smells are particulate! The fiend is unclean!
5 down!
Heeeeere’s Carly:
Lousy CEO. No public sector experience. A purveyor of pork consumption.
Can’t vote for her jackass!
6 down!
Oh jackass.. Look at Lindsey CHOW DOWN on PORK!
He was tops in the killing and endless war dept. Too bad you can’t vote for him!
7 down!
March this pork eater to the gas oven!
S’ok jackass. Limbaugh trained you to despise the huckster already.
8 down!
Check out John Kasich chewin’ on the pig!
S’ok jackass. He was goin’ on about expanding Medicare for the poor using ACA was the “moral” thing to do.. Wha’s that say about the klownservatic holdout states?
What a scandal! A KINO.. Klownservatic in name only!
9 down!
Chew hard on that pork Donald!
Breitbart told the babbling jackass for vote for ya ass!
10 down!
LAST BUT Oh no! NOT LEAST by a longshot!
Little low-life Scotty Walker…
Munch, munch, munch Scotty. Babblin’ jackass wants to vote for ya low life!
You the Koch Bros’ darling!
11 down!
Scary, stupid, Rick Perry is an old hand at pork outs!
Total loser. Jackass can’t vote for a fool who munches on pork and relaxes at some racist hunting lodge.
12 down! That enough?
‘Course not. There’s so many other Republicans the jackass can throw the lever for.
How about Skip Andrews, George Bailey, Michael Bickelmeyer, Kerry Bowers, Eric Cavanagh, Dale Christensen, Chris Christie, Brooks Cullison, John Cummett Jr., Mark Everson, Jack Fellure, Jim Gilmore, Jim Hayden, Chris Hill, Bobby Jindal, Bartholomew James Lower, Andy Martin, James C Mitchell Jr., K. Ross Newland, Michael Petyo, Brian Russell, Jefferson Sherman, Shawna Sterling or Bob Ehrlich???????
Oh almost forgot Esteban Oliverez.. But like Marco Rubio, the jackass might deem the Republican “cheap”.
Certainly one of these Republican dwarves can qualify as “pork free” for the babbing jackass.
Of course she is..
Remember what Darryl said..
You are a bullshitting asshole..
And salt mining buddy is Mrs Asshole. You just use some stupid German to put a fig leaf over this FACT.