– Y’all are listening to the #FERGUSON Dispatch on TWIB, I hope.
– Last Words: A Visual Tribute to Men Killed By Police
– Bearded Gits Are The Real Heroes
– Here’s hoping the State Supreme Court does the right thing in the I-1240 case.
– I also enjoyed Your Feast Has Ended
This blog is awash in white guilt, you Liberals sure are a weird bunch.
You don’t really care about any of this, you just want to score points on your race-card, and then brag about how open-minded and caring you are at your wine tastings.
Goldy @GoldyHA
#Ferguson population: 67% black; city council: 14% black; police force: 6% black. That explains a lot. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08.....&_r=0 …
In Ferguson, Black Town, White Power
African-Americans need a bigger share of Ferguson’s political pie.
The New York Times @nytimes
What does it explain?
Ferguson’s black population was almost nonexistent four decades ago, when 99 percent of the population in 1970 was white, Census data show.
That the demographic makeup of police officers on the Ferguson force, who generally serve for decades before retiring, isn’t changing as quickly as the makeup of the population demographic in Ferguson?
The lack of racial diversity on the police force compared with the city population is not unique to Ferguson. It’s actually comparable to other cities its size around the country. A 2007 Department of Justice survey of local police departments found the national average for all local police was 75 percent white. The average for an agency serving a city around Ferguson’s population was 87.5 percent white.(same link)
That Ferguson is really no different from the average, ballpark city its size?
While the nation is blowing up over an unarmed black male shot by a police officer, last week another unarmed young adult male was shot
by a police officer. That dead young man was white. What does that explain? That it’s common for officers to react to immediate perceived threats by using lethal force, and the color of the potential assailant might not matter as much as the perceived threat he poses?
If there is a bullet hole in the driver’s side roof of the cruiser, that might explain some things. If there was cocaine in Michael Brown’s system, that might explain some things. If there was cocaine in Darren Wilson’s system, that certainly might explain some things.
We don’t know. It might be awhile before we do.
You’ve served up a nothingburger.
@ 1 and 2
Perhaps it is because the loudest tank-thinkers in the right wing seem to put a lot of stock in their belief that “That nigger in the WHITE House is the cause of all their problems. These fucktards wave their confederate battle flags while calling themselves the Party of Lincoln.
Interesting how female nudity makes Christian Men think about gay sex.
Thanks for your thought but I’d like to give Goldy significantly more credit than that.
I’d also like to hear him tell us what his tweeted demographic factoid explains.
Strange about OWS Racist Fraggy@3,
Puddy could not find “That nigger in the WHITE House” anywhere in the link. Seems OWS Racist Fraggy’s favorite term for black people is NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!
Waytogo libtardo! Racist piece of shit!
Again OWS Racist Fraggy demonstrates his racist bona fides. Now where is ruprick on this?
Why Obama Won’t Be Impeached
“A Republican congressman says President Obama wants nothing more than for the Republican House to start impeachment proceedings against him. ‘Believe me, let’s make one thing perfectly clear,’ said Rep. Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina in a radio interview with WQSC 1340 last week. ‘The only people who want impeachment more than the right wing of the Republican Party is the entire Democrat Party. Oh, they’re desperate for impeachment. They would love to be able to talk about impeachment … between now and the November elections … he’s begging to be impeached.'”
Of course, that means he won’t be, because the obstructionist Republicans would rather die than give the Kenyan socialist/terrorist anything he wants. Oh yeah, and this:
“Mulvaney added Republicans should ‘follow the Constitution’ and only impeach the president if he takes an action that meets the high standard of high crimes and misdemeanors.”
Ya think???
@1 Would you feel better if we painted ourselves black?
@2 “That the demographic makeup of police officers on the Ferguson force, who generally serve for decades before retiring, isn’t changing as quickly as the makeup of the population demographic in Ferguson?”
The cop who shot the unarmed black teenager 6 times, including twice in the head, including once in the top of his head, is 28 years old and has been on the job for 5 years. And Ferguson’s police chief, though a veteran officer, has held that position only since March.
So much for your theory these guys were hired “decades ago”.
Sloppy Travis Bickle,
“Ferguson’s black population was almost nonexistent four decades ago, when 99 percent of the population in 1970 was white, Census data show.”
Uh-huh. But census data also show 16.1% black in 1980, 25.1% in 1990, 52.4% in 2000, and 67.4% in 2010. Blacks have been a non-trivial fraction of the population in Ferguson since before 1980. Lots of time for police force job turnover, wouldn’t you say?
“That the demographic makeup of police officers on the Ferguson force, who generally serve for decades before retiring, isn’t changing as quickly as the makeup of the population demographic in Ferguson?”
It is true that we cannot expect the police department now to reflect the population diversity now. Nobody has claimed otherwise.
Once again you suffer from an inability to objectively process data. Your concern about turnover in the position is warranted, but you magically come to the opposite of a rational conclusion from the data.
Let me help.
Let’s take the census percentage of black and white over time and construct a simple model. Suppose about 25% of the police force retires each decade (and this is reasonable, since the population of Ferguson has been nearly constant for more than four decades). Take the census as a mid-decade to mid-decade point estimates of composition. That is, 1980 is a point estimate for 1975 to 1985.
Suppose we then expect hiring to be completely random with respect to race. That means, for the current decade, a point estimate for the fraction of white cops will be:
(0.75 * previous decade’s % white cops) + (0.25 * current decade’s % black population).
Here is a table with the calculations (no formatting available, sorry):
Year White% Black% White_cops Black_cops
1970 —- —- 100.0% 0.0%
1980 83.1% 16.1% 95.8% 4.0%
1990 73.8% 25.1% 90.3% 9.3%
2000 44.7% 52.4% 78.9% 20.1%
2010 29.3% 67.4% 66.5% 31.9%
Thus, under our simple model, we would expect about 32% of the police force to be black for the period 2005 to 2015.
We could refine the model by considering population age structure. That would lower the number of blacks hired (because the black population has a higher percentage of less than 18 year olds) and it would require us to adjust for a higher percentage of white cops retiring (because retirement-aged cops are disproportionately white). But as a first pass, 32% is pretty close to what we should expect. Certainly, adding refinements would not get us anywhere near 6% black cops.
“The lack of racial diversity on the police force compared with the city population is not unique to Ferguson. It’s actually comparable to other cities its size around the country.”
First of all, that certainly isn’t a valid argument against representative diversity in Ferguson police dept.
Second, Ferguson has a quite different demographic history than “most other cities of its size around the country.” Ferguson saw little population growth, but a large shift from nearly all white in 1960 to majority black by 2000. Neither characterizes the demographics of “most other cities of its size around the country.”
And third, your observation helps explain, perhaps, one contributing factor for why we seem to have a NATIONAL problem with police violence against black people, and why blacks tend to have VERY different experiences with law enforcement and the criminal justice system than whites–a very large body on this can be found in the Sociology and Psychology scientific literatures.
“That Ferguson is really no different from the average, ballpark city its size?”
Yes…it is. Objectively, there is a huge disparity between the % blacks on the police force and the % black residents–after controlling for population composition over time.
“While the nation is blowing up over an unarmed black male shot by a police officer, last week another unarmed young adult male was shot by a police officer.
“That dead young man was white. What does that explain? “
I don’t want to shock you, there, Squirt, but nobody has claimed unarmed white people don’t get shot by the police.
One of the HUGE issues that the Ferguson killing has raised is changes in police practices, in part a result of the military loading up local police depts. with surplus military equipment.
But the very different experience that blacks in this country have with law enforcement is not someone’s opinion. It is a demonstrable fact. Before you continue to make a fool of yourself by posting idiotic things in these comment threads, perhaps you need to READ THE FUCKING LITERATURE on this instead of your Wingnut Daily Talking Points. Seriously…educate yourself. Perhaps it will help you quit being an idiot.
Your current sources of information continue to lead you into making idiotic statements that belittle you.
“You’ve served up a nothingburger.”
I submit that you have, once again, engaged in a severe case of self-projection…
But discuss “Ferguson demographics”:
“Though two in three Ferguson residents are black, the city government is almost entirely white. …
“For council elections, the city has three districts, or wards, and each ward elects two members each. That means it’s edging toward an ‘at-large’ voting system, in which there are no districts at all, and all candidates face the whole electorate. Numerous jurisdictions around the country have used such systems to reduce minority representation ….
“Ferguson shares a [school] board with neighboring Florissant, which is mostly white. And the district uses an at-large system to elect its seven members. The result: … no black members. Earlier this year, the board ousted the district’s first ever African-American superintendent ….
“It doesn’t help that Missouri’s city council and school board elections are held in April, rather than in November when they would coincide with state or federal contests. That arrangement leads to lower turnout across the board, but especially among racial minorities. Some southern cities have been accused of deliberately moving their municipal elections to the spring or summer in order to reduce black turnout.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m only a rabbit, but from my position low to the ground, it looks to me like the fact Ferguson is a southern black city run by whites isn’t an accident.
@2 (continued) “The lack of racial diversity on the police force compared with the city population is not unique to Ferguson. It’s actually comparable to other cities its size in the South.”
On the other hand, if this indeed is a national phenomenon, it means America’s police departments are still segregated and we as a nation still have work to do to integrate them.
Maybe what we need is a Brown v. Board of Education ruling for the police.
@4 Sounds like a guy who believes only his point of view has a constitutional right to be heard.
“A prominent pro-life activist has called to ban all public nudity because he said that topless dancers who protested at his church had committed an ‘offense to God.’ At least six bare-breasted women and other supporters of the Foxhole North club marched in front of the New Beginnings Ministries church in Warsaw earlier this month after the church spent nine years coming to their club to protest nudity.”
@6 Well, if you want to see where Larry Klayman has used the word “nigger,” you don’t have to look very far. I found this in 5 seconds by Googling the words “Larry Klayman nigger”:
Of course, Klayman goes way beyond being just a “rightwing nut;” he’s so wacked out that anyone who takes him seriously has to be some kind of nut. You have to give him credit for having a vivid imagination, though. Among other things, he labels Obamacare “black reparations.”
Klayman is living proof that insane people can get a license to practice law. I’ve encountered some crazy lawyers myself.* But, then, the medical profession has this problem, too …
* I remember one guy who was disbarred for divorcing his wife by forging her signature on all the legal papers, including a “property settlement agreement” that gave him 100% of the property, and giving the court a fabricated proof of service. She was never served with anything and had no idea she was “divorced.” Needless to say, this lawyer was from Eastern Washington, our state’s Republican ghetto.
@10 With all due respect, Darryl, you’re spending too much of your valuable time walking through this with someone who isn’t listening. He can (and should) be disposed of much more succinctly. See @9.
@1 – you got us – we don’t care at all about police killing people, especially black people, just so we can score points on the race card. Where are your morals?
@14, NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit,
The link did not prove what our resident racist offered! You, NoBalls, on the other hand provided something which is correct.
@18 Can we assume you’re not a Larry Klayman fan?
In reply to your assertion @18, in that the poster @3 made specific reference to Klayman (by linking to an article about him), and in that Klayman does bandy the “nigger” word, I would argue that Deathfrogg has a valid point. I also agree with his premise that racism is a significant factor in a significant portion of the most vocal rightwing animosity against President Obama. But I don’t consider Klayman representative of the right, or even of the racist elements of the right; Klayman has maybe 20 followers. Like the Westboro “Church”, he’s an outlier. And, like them, he resorts to outrageous behavior to get media attention, because because there are only 20 people in the entire country interested in his opinions and he’d otherwise be totally ignored .
Hmmm… Another law of unintended consequences causing an environmental impact http://www.foxnews.com/science.....considers/
Sizzlelean anyone?
Puddy only a Judicial Watch fan when they are attacking DUMMOCRETINS in court. When Klayman is acting on his own Klayman a FOOL! So Puddy not a fan of anyone using the NIGGA word!
Every few days when some will they or won’t they impeach story comes along I think of the same thing…
@20 Pick your poison — oil pollution, coal pollution, solar pollution …
Or how about using less energy to lessen our impact on the environment?
I don’t know if such efforts are meaningful as long as human population keeps growing. Even if we can replace finite resources (fossil fuels) with inexhaustible resources (harnessing solar energy), human population eventually will swamp planetary resources and ecosystems unless it stops growing or goes into reverse.
If the human species doesn’t regulate its population growth the probable outcome is that nature will impose a population crash on the human species, most likely in the form of mass starvation, which in turn would likely provoke devastating wars.
By then, many other species will be gone, having had their habitat confiscated and been killed off by various other means. It’s even conceivable that if humans succeed in cleaning out the oceans and eating everything that flies, walks, or crawls, they may turn to eating each other when they’re the last protein source remaining on the planet. That’s what rats do when nobody else is left in the cage, and you humans aren’t that far removed from rats in your psychology and behavior.
I just hope there’s at least one cute fluffy female bunny left after your species is done on this planet.
The Piddles character has on many occasions linked to the breathless Klayman press releases as “proof” of some right wing fantasy about Obama’s treason or communism or terrorism or something that only makes sense to the deluded talk radio listener.
The relevant quote is: “If we do nothing and simply look to future elections to restore the nation, we will soon become the “new niggers,” relegated to the back of the bus – as the bus speeds away to quickly fall over the fiscal, social and moral cliff.”
Translation, with apologies to Mel Brooks, “We the White God-Fearing residents of America do sincerely disagree with your election of a black man. The mere fact that you have chosen to elect a not-white man proves that you are the leading ass-holes in the world.” Look out White People! They done gone and taken our country.
Klayman, lost so bad a judge made him pay Rachel Maddow’s legal defense. “I’m an excellent lawyer, sometimes they let me drive a case slow in the driveway. Yeah. Slow in the driveway.” That Larry Klayman, one and the same.
And Klayman’s latest?
Right, Obamacare was all about getting health care just for blacks. Wonder if there is a statistical analysis on what % of people who got coverage under Obamacare are black. Klayman is sure as shit that it’s mostly blacks because…something…black man in the whitey (yes Klayman says whitey because every black dude in the 21st century calls white people Whitey or Honkey or something ’cause blacks is racist) house…something…if you don’t have money blame the
jewsblacks because they clearly have it made in this country…something…I’m not a racist, oh look…squirrel!(Editors note: when someone needs to clarify, “I’m not racist, but”, good bet they are about to say something racist)
Translation, I don’t hate all blacks, some of my best friends are blacks but I sure do hate Niggers.
Translation, won’t somebody stand up for the rights of us poor oppressed white people? Why black people would be totally equal in America if not for Obama.
Nah, no one might suspect that Klayman is a racist. We know he’s a crappy lawyer but a racist. No way. Piddles wouldn’t love him so if he were a racist.
@22 Being a rabbit, I wouldn’t even drink from your goblet until you drink from it first. I didn’t fall off the lettuce truck yesterday.
So checkmate likes to use the NIGGA word too? Yet y’all scream when someone uses it against Obummer when you leftist pinheads use it freely?
Got proof? Or are you mixing up Judicial Watch, or are you mixed up in the head as we all know you are checkmated? Google Puddy klayman site:horsesass.org,
You made more entries than Puddy ya IDIOT! Sux to be you!
It’s so sad when checkmated farts from his ASS. The stench covers checkmated like the shit that emanates from the same arschloch orifice!
Meanwhile Obummer claims no problem with the Yazidi men in the mountains while ISIS continues to eridicate them from the face of the earth and steal their women. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....-Iraq.html
It seems unless they meet certain criteria Obummer don’t care!
Speaking of things that only make sense to talk radio listeners, I got to hear some of Rick Perry making the rounds today.
Let me get this straight. Telling an elected official that they have to resign over a DUI and if they don’t you’ll defund the department they were elected to head is a perfectly reasonable political move. I mean, it’s not like there’s an election coming and if the voters want someone else to do her job because of her DUI they take care of that. Nah, we need to eliminate her job NOW because values trump elections. Makes sense in right wing world.
Hmmmm…wonder about other people from Texas with DUI records? Should they be defunded? Maybe someone who got arrested as a 30 year-old in Maine? How about 75 in a 55 mile zone? If you actually try to talk an officer out of giving your driver a speeding ticket because you’re the governor, is that ethical? Resign immediately or we’ll defund you? “Why don’t you just let us get on down the road.”
Oh Piddles….I sometimes feel bad for you. I make fun of Klayman a lot. He’s an easy target and it’s fun. I’m proud of my work making fun of Klayman. Just a little over two weeks ago you wanted everyone to know that Klayman was about to bust “Fast and Furious” wide open. You linked to his press release about the case.
Did you not want us to take Klayman seriously at that time? C’mon master of the Google, I know you can find it.
Sounds like Larry Klayman is about as far off plumb as the Republican who got up a week or two ago (I’ve forgotten if he was in Congress or some state legislature) and passionately claimed that solar power projects would “suck all the energy out of the sun and make it burn out”.
The real reason why Travis County Texas libtards are upset. Rosemary Lehmberg, Austin’s top libtard prosecutor, was arrested for drunk driving in April 2013 and later pleaded guilty http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....-case.html
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....-case.html
So Puddy asks:
1) Where is Da Perfessa reporting the truth here?
2) Since we were subjected to OWS Racist Fraggy’s insipid pukethon entry where is the actual facts on Lehmberg’s arrest?
3) Why does a DUMMOCRETIN get away with these actions and HA DUMMOCRETINS have nothing to say?
4) Has any DUMMOCRETIN actually read the Texas Constitution?
Judicial Watch you moron checkmated. That’s why you are a noted IDIOT on HA. You should feel bad for yourself.
checkmated again!
@30…No worse than the Democrat that was worried about Guam tipping over.
Larry Klayman is the founder of Judicial Watch. You can find that nugget on his personally written bio.
The story of the DUI guilty plea is not hidden by anyone. I personally would call for her to resign and wouldn’t vote for her again. That’s not the issue.
Governor Perry doesn’t have the power to demand the resignation of an elected official. Neither does he have the power to defund a State Department if the elected head refuses his request to resign.
Governor, “I demand you resign.”
Elected Official, “No.”
Governor can’t ethically or legally do a thing. He can campaign for her opponent in the next election if he likes.
The Schizo @ 31
I’m going to type this in reeaaal slow soze you might be able to discern.
She is an ELECTED County Prosecutor.
As such, a major aspect of her official responsibility under the Texas State Constitution and several related laws, is to head the Law Enforcement organization tasked specifically with investigation of crimes committed by other public officials, especially elected officials. She busted Tom Delay and had him dead to rights as he admitted to the entire thing in fucking public, and there were hundreds of solid documents spelling out exactly what occurred. They had him dead to rights.
Yes, she got popped for drunk driving. In Texas, that is a third degree misdemeanor for the first offense. She served the four weeks in jail, paid the fine, and took the alcohol abuse class that was part of the sentence she received. She served the entirety of her sentence.
Rick Perry is ON RECORD stating that he wanted to shut down the investigations into the Texas Cancer Research organization’s contracting procedures and the organizations that were receiving those contracts. Perry himself had appointed a large portion of the Board of Directors of this organization. They were all longtime Texas GOP cronies and party officials. Old College chums and Daddy’s pals who all seemed to be fucking Lawyers with extensive experience in banking and finance, and interesting contacts in the Grand Old Party of Texas. Perry is ON RECORD stating that he would shut the investigation down before the Prosecutor was even arrested. When she plead guilty, he immediately started pushing the Legislature to close the office or force her out. As she was not subject to being impeached or in any other way forced out, he started pushing for her to resign. She refused, as is her right to do. When she refused, he then tried to close her Constitutionally required office by vetoing the budget for the task force she was in charge of, after specifically and publicly stating that he would do so unless she resigned.
Thats a felony, Jack. Extortion is a Federal crime. The Judges involved are all Republicans. This was a Grand Jury investigation that had been going on since last April.
Too many big words for you Schizo?
@26 “are you mixing up Judicial Watch”
Judicial Watch is Klayman’s front organization and mouthpiece, so what’s getting mixed up?
@28 “you’ll defund the department they were elected to head”
That’s not quite accurate. Perry didn’t defund the D.A.’s office. He doesn’t control that (the Travis County commissioners do). He defunded the Public Integrity Unit, which is a state agency housed in the Travis County D.A.’s office and whose staff is supervised by the D.A., but it’s a state agency. That’s why Perry was able to defund it.
Using a line item veto to defund the Public Integrity Unit would be okay in most circumstances, that’s a governor’s prerogative, but in this case Perry used its funding to coerce the D.A. to resign, and in Texas, it’s a crime for one public official to coerce another public official, regardless of how you do it. The PIU’s funding is not the issue here, Perry’s coercion of the D.A. is the issue.
His conduct is the more egregious because the PIU is currently investigating corruption allegations involving the alleged transfer of millions of state tax dollars to the Texas Republican Party by funneling them through a state cancer research agency. So Perry thought he was killing two crows with one stone throw.
@28 “I mean, it’s not like there’s an election coming and if the voters want someone else to do her job because of her DUI they take care of that. Nah, we need to eliminate her job NOW because values trump elections.”
The main point here is that if Perry waits until the election, the PIU will go about its work in the meantime, and the D.A. will be chosen by the voters of Travis County who lean 2-to-1 Democratic, whereas if the D.A. resigns Perry will get to appoint a Republican replacement who will immediately shut down the PIU investigation into whether Perry’s underlings funneled millions of state tax dollars into Texas GOP coffers through a state agency controlled by a Perry crony.
One of the news commentaries I read over the weekend pointed out that Perry has been governor for 14 years, making him the longest-serving Texas governor in history, and the state government is permeated with his appointees and allies. He is the Texas version of Chicago’s late Richard Daley, a man in charge of a formidable political machine he personally controls. The D.A. in Travis County (which embraces the state capital city of Austin) is one of the few significant political offices in Texas that Perry’s political machine doesn’t control.
On another note, it turns out that Micheal Brown paid for those cigars. Whatever words he might have exchanged with the shopkeeper, it wasn’t enough to even remotely justify the outright slander of him being a robber. The shopkeeper never made any sort of report to the Police, and the cops showed up out of the blue a couple days after the shooting and demanded he hand over all copies of the video. They had apparently been doing this all over the neighborhood.
Da Ferguson Poleese have a whole new pile of shit to explain now.
@30 Someone really said that? No, it was satire.
@31: “3) Why does a DUMMOCRETIN get away with these actions and HA DUMMOCRETINS have nothing to say?”
Comment: Lehmberg didn’t get away with it. She was charged, pleaded guilty, and sentenced to 45 days in jail and fined $4,000 — the harshest penalty ever imposed for a first-time DUI in Travis County history.
@20. My solar system is killing no birds. The link you provided is regarding mirrors reflecting the suns rays to heat water, that is a different form of solar energy.
@21 nigger or fudge packer, what’s the difference?
@31 (continued)
As for whether Lehmberg is removed from office, there may be a procedure for that, but Governor Perry clearly doesn’t have the authority to remove her (or he would have done it, instead of trying to coerce her resignation). Maybe the Texas Constitution says what it is. You’ve read the Texas Constitution, right?
@35 “The story of the DUI guilty plea is not hidden by anyone. I personally would call for her to resign and wouldn’t vote for her again. That’s not the issue.”
She would be out if Perry had agreed to (1) replace her with another Democrat, or (2) let the Travis County commissioners choose her replacement. He refused. Rick Perry is responsible for Rosemary Lehmberg still being in office.
@36 “She busted Tom Delay”
Actually she didn’t. DeLay was prosecuted by her predecessor, Ronnie Earle. Lehmberg had no involvement in DeLay’s case, other than inheriting prosecutorial representation in DeLay’s appeal.
@ RR and the Schizo
The Texas State Constitution
Now, I perused it somewhat. I don’t see anything that would relate to the impeachment of a County Prosecutor for anything other than official corruption or malfeasance type crimes. Apparently a misdemeanor DUI conviction isn’t enough to permit impeachment of an Officer of the Court.
But, I’m not a lawyer either. I dunno how to interpret some of the statutes and legal shit that I’ve read over the last few years. I don’t think I could be. That kind of research makes me want to drink too much.
@48 After a quick search, I just found a 2008 internet article that says in Texas a convicted felon can’t run for elective (state) office. This is up to individual states. A convicted felon can serve as a member of Congress, even while in prison; in fact, former Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Corrupt) might have been in that situation, had he not lost re-election, and then died. States can’t bar felons from Congress; only Congress can determine whether to seat an elected member. Bottom line, it’s really up to voters who they want serving them in elective offices, and unless there’s a statute barring felons from public office, they can choose anyone they want to.
@40 Interesting. Additionally, Ferguson’s black community is questioning the impartiality of the local prosecuting attorney in charge of the local investigation because many of his family are cops and his cop father was killed by a black suspect. I’m not saying this should disqualify him, but I think it’s good there will be separate federal and state investigations.
Former Sen. Jim Jeffords (VT-R/I) has died. Sen. Jeffords bolted from the GOP in 2001, and subsequently called himself an Independent and caucused with the Democrats.
The San Diego City Council has overridden a veto by Republican mayor Kevin Faulconer of an ordinance raising the city’s minimum wage from $9.00 to $9.75 on Jan. 1, 2015 and $11.30 by 2017.
It was good to see NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit@47 smack around the Racist Smelly Fraggy with FACTS! She didn’t do squat!
Really Racist one? Did you read the ABC link Puddy posted last week in the Friday that there was no evidence? Here you go racist one… Read it again! http://abc13.com/archive/9254151/
And what do we find later about a DUMMOCRETIN judge who just couldn’t let the facts speak but had to be a DUMMOCRETIN…
When you open up with a proven fallacy the rest of the rant is
I G N O R E D!
Did you watch the video NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit? She convicted herself with her DUMMOCRETIN actions!
Are you really that daft NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit? checkmate claimed Puddy was jock strapping Larry Klayman. Puddy only discusses Judicial Watch. Puddy told checkmate to put up or shut up o Puddy’s specific Larry Klayman entries! Notice checkmate hasn’t put up anything!
In a court of law Larry Klayman produces legal materials for judge decisions in Judicial Watch. What his personal life produces is immaterial to a judge’s decision. You know this, butt, being an ASShole is your forte!
NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit,
When DUMMOCRETINS do wrong, there are few calls from other DUMMOCRETINS for their resignation. So she feels free to stay!
Yes, Mortgage Servicing Companies Cheat Their Customers
“I discovered our payment processing department holding checks we’d received until after the due date. They would then charge the borrower a late fee, saying they hadn’t received the check on time.
“I got calls on a regular basis from borrowers who’d had their checking accounts double drafted: Our system would debit the mortgage payment on the regular date, then draft it again a day or two later. Not only would we not tell borrowers about it when we made these mistakes, but it would take us weeks to refund the money.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ve long suspected they did, but this confirms it — this writer worked for mortgage servicers as a debt collector.
A real estate broker I knew years ago had a disabled son who bought a home under some government program. He faithfully made all his payments on time, but the mortgage servicer denied receiving them, so he sent every payment by certified mail, return receipt requested, and kept all the receipts. It’s a good thing he did, because the mortgage servicer served him with foreclosure papers. Even in court, even after he showed the judge his mail receipts and bank records showing the payments, the mortgage servicer’s lawyer continued to claim that no payments had ever been made! Were they lying, or incompetent, or both? I don’t need to tell you who won that lawsuit.
I’m debt-free now, but there was a time when I had a mortgage, and one mortgage company was so bad I not only sent the payments by return receipt mail, I also asked them to sell my mortgage!
Mortgage companies are assholes, but it doesn’t stop there, some of them are systematically careless with your payments and others are overtly dishonest. I don’t trust any of them, and I’m damned glad I no longer have to do business with a mortgage company. I’ll never take out a mortgage loan again.
Basically, all businesses are dishonest now. Basically, there’s no business ethics in America anymore. Our culture has changed and you can’t trust anyone now, because Americans have become so obsessed with money they’ve forgotten everything else. I have always valued character more than any amount of money, but sadly, most people don’t think that way anymore.
@53 I didn’t “smack” anybody @47, I merely posted a correction that, if anything, debunks any insinuation that Lehmberg is a partisan prosecutor who goes after Republicans. If you want to smack people around get someone else or do it yourself. I’m flattered you’re trying to hire me, but I don’t have time to do your dirty work, because I’m busy smacking you around.
@53 (continued) “And what do we find later about a DUMMOCRETIN judge who just couldn’t let the facts speak but had to be a DUMMOCRETIN…
“The lone dissent was Chief Justice Woodie Jones, the only Democrat on the six-member appeals court.”
Another way to look at it is that Judge Jones is the only honest judge of that six-judge appeals court.
@54 She behaved like an ass. What does that have to do with anything? Show me a law that requires her to resign or empowers the governor to fire her. There isn’t one. It’s not up to him whether she stays or goes.
As I’ve pointed out in my previous posts on this blog and The Ave blog, everyone including Democrats wanted her gone, and her own supporters would have been pressured her to resign if Perry had agreed to replace her with another Democrat or let the county commissioners name a replacement, but he didn’t want to do that. He wanted to take advantage of her stumble to seize control of the PIU, and appoint a crony who would shut down the PIU investigation of whether Republican officials channeled millions of state tax dollars through a state agency into the coffers of the Texas GOP. That’s what caused the Democrats to close ranks behind a disgraced prosecutor whom they otherwise would have pressured to resign.
This isn’t about Lehmberg or her behavior anymore. That’s old history. It’s now about Perry’s behavior and his party’s alleged corrupt behavior.
@55 Larry Klaymouth IS Judicial Watch and “Puddy only discusses …” What’s that again you “only” discuss?
@56 This has been fully covered in other comments. Repeating something to an idiot multiple times doesn’t cure the idiot’s lack of comprehension.
“None Dare Call It Treason”
That was the title of a 1964 book by rightwing author and agitator John A. Stormer (who remembers him now?) who contended America was losing the Cold War because communists had infiltrated its elites (how did that prophecy turn out?). According to Wikipedia, Stormer pulled it out of an epigram by 16th century English courtier Sir John Harington that goes, “Treason doth never prosper. What’s the reason? Why if it prosper, none dare call it treason.” Indeed.
LBJ called it “treason,” and so did Republican senate leader Everett Dirksen, when candidate Richard Nixon sabotaged the 1968 peace talks in order to enhance his chances of being elected and prolong the war so he could go for a military victory. Henry Kissinger had his dirty fingers in it, too, but Nixon was the principal perpetrator.
Nixon is dead. He can’t be prosecuted for violating the Logan Act. (Did Ford’s pardon get him off the hook for that, too?) Kissinger, now 91, won’t face prosecution (and is mildly less culpable anyway), or even be required to return his Nobel Peace Prize (obtained under false pretenses). Even gold medals tarnish.
But the record is being set straight. Nixon, then-leader of the Warmonger, Torture, and Treason Party, was a traitor. Of course, we always knew he was that kind of guy, but now it’s confirmed. We know what kind of guy Kissinger is, too, and that’s now confirmed too.
Richard Nixon, warmonger and traitor, created an entire generation of Americans who will never vote Republican again. That generation is getting old now, and eventually will die off and be replaced by new generations of voters, but some things haven’t changed. The GOP is still a party of warmongers, torturers, and traitors. Millions of Americans still refuse to vote for them, because no matter how bad Democrats are, Republicans are much worse.
George Will isn’t telling us anything about Republicans, Nixon, and Kissinger that we didn’t already know.
@ 63
The Republicans want a state of perpetual war. War serves them. They want drug wars, race wars, poverty wars. Wars on terrorism, wars on workers, wars on Christmas and wars on religion.
The only thing they know is war. The only thing they care about is war. The only measure of success they recognize is the amount of money one has been able to gather. The simplest way for them to gather that wealth is maintain the War State. Even if they have to manufacture it out of whole cloth themselves. They have taken radical Calvinism, combined that with the schizophrenic pseudo-philosophy of Ayn Rand and Lao Tzu and created an entirely new belief system based on the gods of War and money. They turned Jesus into a white-skinned, blond-haired Aryan warrior who loves money and War more than life itself.
Without War, they have nothing.
“voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
– Herman Goering
It is long since past time we ended the War economy.
@63, 64
Same old, same old….
Patriotism is a cudgel with which to beat your enemies when you find them vulnerable, usually when they’re making the mistake of public self-examination, or suggesting that we as a country could do better….or so goes the right-wing playbook.
Patriotism, for them, is certainly not the sense that we’re all on the same team…no way, no how. They don’t believe that and never will…it’s a convenient fiction to get the rubes up in arms and to manipulate them to do things against their real interest, and in the interests of the few…over and over and over…
Nixon undermining Johnson/Humphrey with Vietnam, Reagan backstabbing Carter with Iran…and those are the ones we know about. Treason, plain and simple.
In their insatiable lust for power, there are no boundaries on behavior, there are no morals, no ethics….only power, and the money that goes with it. The easiest way to get there, as my friend the frogg says, is to whip up the rubes in xenophobic frenzy, hateful bloodlust, us-versus-them, the evil ‘other’….niggers, commies, queers, hippies, wet-backs, rag-heads, welfare queens, illegal immigrants, liberals, feminazis, death panels, eggheads….and those are just the slurs against fellow citizens.
It’s turns people into snarling, hateful, terrified caricatures like the puddibigot…hatin’ and fearin’ and hatin’ some more.
It divides rather than unites. It hides the truth that most people are regular working folk, concerned about putting a roof over their heads, and sending the kids to school, and loving their spouse, and breathing easy sometime and working hard, working to build something for themselves, and for their community, and for all of us.
Perhaps that’s the real treason. The one we see here is external – a sneaky, wheedling minion goes abroad and undermines the country for narrow political gain in a discrete election. Perhaps the bigger treason is the constant drumbeat of hate and fear and division…that turns neighbor against neighbor, American against American, dividing and conquering, pitting a poor white against a poor black, a child of a European immigrant against a poor sap crawling across a desert to get here, or a bus of abused kids sent fleeing for safety.
“I love the Beattles. They are the greatest band of all time. The three best songs ever written are “Strawberry Fields Forever,” “In My Life,” and “Come Together.” Show me SPECIFICALLY where I said I like John Lennon?” Puddybud, or words to that effect.
I admire your enthusiasm for parsing the puddibigot…I myself have grown indifferent….I find myself rarely ever even reading his posts.
Still waiting for checkmate to post where Puddy takes a Larry Klayman quote and uses it except through Judicial Watch!. Still waiting for NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit to provide additional proof of Puddy using Klayman in any other capacity except through Judicial Watch.
All Puddy sees is blah blah blah with not proof or links. Search Google for it since NoBalls won’t ask the monomaniacal one with the crazed databaze!
Not waiting for schmucksmegma@67 to say something cogent! Useless biomASS!
@68 Hiding behind Judicial Watch is like hiding behind a bedsheet with eyeholes, but I certainly understand why you seek to distance yourself from a guy who sued his own mother and was indicted for child support evasion, even though you embrace almost everything he says. I wouldn’t quote or cite Klaymouth to support my arguments either.