Seattle, we need to talk about standing. Like, how are we all so bad at it. I don’t understand, for example, how we’ve figured out the stand on the right thing for the escalators in the U-District and Capitol Hill stations but no where else. I assume most of the people getting off at one of those two stations use another station. It’s not just people traveling between the two of them (and I guess the surface level ones). There must be people who go from University Street to the University District, leave standing on the right and then come back, and get out of the bus tunnel standing on the left. This is not OK.
But that’s an old complaint on this blog. Another thing I’m seeing now is people standing in front of stuff. I was at the Seattle Art Museum and their Graphic Masters exhibit. A lot of the pieces were quite small, so you had to get your face into it and take your time. I have no problem with this, and in fact, Seattle folks should do more of it at SAM and other museums. But it did mean that toward the beginning there was a bit of a line. Anyway, in front of me two people start talking about what phone they use. Have that conversation if you want, but don’t do it standing in front of a piece of art you can’t see without getting close up, for God’s sake. Take two steps back.
And, I’ve seen this sort of thing a few times recently. I think part of is is the Seattle chill, that we don’t call them on it. I also think is generally good. I’d rather wait a minute than have a conversation with a stranger. All I want is for everyone to not get in people’s way when you’re standing.
A future Open Thread will probably deal with how bad we are as a city at walking.
Yeah, right on. I don’t want anyone standing in front of me when I’m standing at the urinal, either. What’s up with that?
Carl – next time just push them. Then say you are sorry, even if it is insincere like every Republican apology ever made.
@ you might like it back there.
After spending billions on tunnels, why can’t ST and Metro spend a few bucks on signs that say, “Please stand on the right”? Based on typical contractor rates for public projects around here, equipping all the escalators with such signs shouldn’t cost more than $100 million.
Are the trolls dead? They’ve been missing almost a week now. I don’t miss them; I’m just curious, that’s all.
If Goldy has to stand too long waiting for a bus or a light rail train that means there have to be more of them. So he isn’t inconvenienced.
Maybe we need more art. Or more art galleries.
Hey. Look who’s back. All right! Welcome back Bob. What did you do to Puffy?
Good to see You gave it a long thought to return. Seems like you you’ve come with an olive branch, based on you mild post @6
Puffy you can stop holding your breathe now, it’s ok, Bob is back, you too can come back now.
Hey Bob, while you were gone there has been a lot of talk on whether you are a Nazi. I tried to te people that you aren’t because You love gay people, black people, Jewish people and Mexican people. But there were some reports that you are a Nazi. Can you believe that, you a Nazi?!
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
I’ll stop tweeting once selection starts but 56 prospective jurors in the room & not a single African American. What’re the chances of that?
$40/day and no real penalty for not showing for duty?
Chances are pretty good.
I know they think they can fool all the people all the time, but this is just too, too ridiculous for words:
Johnson/Weld money bomb:
Hey, give me a fucking break. I have nearly three months more to find something positive to dwell on.
how is copping out positive?
Copping out? Two candidates are unacceptable so voting for the best one remaining is a copout?
Maybe I’d feel more included if I ate the crap sandwich you’re claiming to enjoy right now.
If not swallowing shit means I’m copping out, I can live with that.
Go brush your teeth. Again.
@10 Where did you get $40 from? King County pays jurors $10 a day, the 1955 rate. Why don’t YOU volunteer for jury duty, Bob? A guy like you would LOVE earning a wage that hasn’t been raised for 61 years.
Another Republican pretending to be a “moderate” and “environmentalist.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I won’t lose sleep over this one. Bryant hasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell of being elected. The only thing I’m wondering is why he volunteered to be this year’s GOP human sacrifice?
When people vote for losers to send a “message”, the only message they send is “I’m a loser”.
“They’ve been missing almost a week now. I don’t miss them”
It’s nice, now that the cap-locked, cut & paste, batshit insane loon is gone. But I’d rather Bob had stuck around.
“Hey, give me a fucking break. I have nearly three months more to find something positive to dwell on.”
Well, speak of the devil! Glad to see you’re back, Bob.
Tim I-Man is in the news
In AG investigation, court finds Tim Eyman violated June 29 order
Aug 12 2016
Ferguson can go directly to feds, banks for withheld documents
OLYMPIA — Granting a request from Attorney General Bob Ferguson, a Snohomish County Superior Court judge today ruled that Tim Eyman and his political committees violated her June 29 order by failing to meet the court-ordered deadline for disclosing documents in the Attorney General’s campaign finance probe.
Compared to any of the other Republican primary candidates, I wonder what makes Donald Trump “unacceptable” to Boob?
@20 Ridicule.
too bad she declined to hold the shitbag in contempt.
Of course, he’ll ignore this order as well. I don’t expect to see him comply until he’s dressed in orange. The sooner the better.
he still gets a secret ballot same as the rest of us.
Nobody gets to know who he votes for. If the only thing that bothers him is being mocked for supporting Trump he could do what every other Republican is currently doing and “withhold” his support while absolutely planning to vote for Trump. There must be more to it.
Something specific about Trump, compared to all the other Republicans that Boob has gone to bat for, that he’d rather cast a losing vote for a peacenik weed pusher.
Washington poll results, Clinton +19, Inslee +12.
No good news for Trump. His last stand, his firewall, appears to be the deep red states. That’s gotta suck.
From 23,
“peacenik weed pusher”
Who are you talking about? Gary Johnson? I don’t recall him ever being in the business of selling cannabis. As far as “peace” is concerned, I thought you progressives were for it. Would you rather have us continue to interfere in other countries’ affairs, pissing away blood and treasure for nothing?
538 Blog -> Clinton 88.9% – Chump 11.1%
And show a steadily widening gap…
Wonder how many depressed RETHUGS will just stay home and not vote at all?
Would you rather have us continue to interfere in other countries’ affairs, pissing away blood and treasure for nothing?
Eh, no. I was against that unending double CLUSTERFUCK that the SHRUB started in both Afghanistan and Iraq.
Though DICK the PRICK did manage to use Iraq to keep his company from going bankrupt.
@ 15
Jury is federal, not county.
I’ve never sat for jury duty, nor ever responded to a summons. It’s not like there’s any consequence for it. Laws are for the little people. I learned that from my next president. From my current one as well.
@ 23
Nobody gets to know who he votes for. If the only thing that bothers him is being mocked for supporting Trump he could do what every other Republican is currently doing and “withhold” his support while absolutely planning to vote for Trump.
And Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit could vote for Trump, along with a lot of other people who comment here and want to be seen as liberal team players but Crooked Hillary Clinton makes their skin crawl.
Funny thing about that secret ballot. It’s secret for everybody. This site could be packed with silent Trumpeteers.
And really, ask yourselves: Do any of you think Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, wannabe millionaire, has the morals not to vote for a wannabe billionaire? The guy who counts his pennies before getting out of bed each morning and again before turning out the light every night, and in between finds some way to tell us what’s in his wallet each day, is going to vote for the Greater Good chick?
Yeah. I’m the one who might not really vote for my claimed favored candidate.
@ 26
Wonder how many depressed RETHUGS will just stay home and not vote at all?
Enough. Maybe.
@ 25
I don’t recall him ever being in the business of selling cannabis.
Rujax!? Is that you?
Yo, Larry, you bit it, my
So today Cheeto Jesus gave the latest in his series of “important” teleprompter policy speeches, this time on confronting ISIS (while ignoring Russian incursions). Dangerous times, yadda, yadda.
The exciting part is what comes next.
Every time he reluctantly agrees to give a scripted professionally prepared address about issues the Republican Party nominee quickly follows up with another unscripted brown shirt rally. These are the events where he goes so disastrously off script to the cheering of his mouth breathing sycophants.
Rake meets orange forehead again in three… two… one…
@2 Spoken like a New Yorker, Donald Trump would be proud of you.
@4 In a state where drivers have a problem with the concept you should remain in the right lane unless you are passing you expect pedestrians to stay to the right? Odd Germany has no sidewalk or freeway issues like this (and they will quickly let you know you are not complying), yet in Italy creative driving is in vogue.
Wherein a returned troll mistakes his google searching for a Law Degree.
@10 If you are here in the Pacific Northwest definitely possible. It’s very WASP here. If you are on the south side of Chicago all the prospective jurors could be black.
@28 Ohh a jury in Federal court. Yep I can definitely see where all the first 59 jurors are white. King county is pretty WASP but western Washington is even more WASP than King county and definitely more than Seattle. In part this is how institutionalized racism works.
Though the Feds can be pretty serious about people showing up for jury duty. If you don’t fair chance get a US Marshall at your doorstep. Just jury trials have become so rare. One Judge who has been on the bench for 4 years is still looking forward to his first jury trial. Wow those 56 people are so lucky, and should be proud Americans, and the lucky 13 or 14 to be selected should be celebrated as great Americans and are definitely not little people.
@30 Trumps base is reeved and they are going to show up at the polls.
D CHUMP’s Campaign Chief Paul Manafort helped former Ukraine President Viktor F. Yanukovych loot the treasury.
No wonder D CHUMP picked him as Campaign Chief. The guy is an accomplished thief.
Trumps base is reeved and they are going to show up at the polls.
Are you referring to the KKK and the NRA?
Trump disagrees with every position held by Trump
Enjoy this remarkable montage of the Republican candidate for President of the United States flipping on virtually every position he’s drawn breath to hold. His limited vocabulary makes it quite easy to find literal contradictions.
I heard one of the West Coast based Radio Morons making the case that the markets surged today because Trump announced his tax cut plan.
Yeah right. Because Wall Street analysts are looking at polling and the campaign and going all in on Trump winning.
Trump’s Economic Plan is about as relevant to the future of the economy as the Cleveland Browns plan to allocate Super Bowl tickets to season ticket holders. Or maybe the projected World Series pitching rotation for the Atlanta Braves? Maybe the advance ticket sales for Ghostbusters 2, the all female cast?