I’ll bet she smelled of sulphur after Rove removed his arm. Even the heartless, sexless Rove could not resist sticking his arm around that Democratic babe. Why is it that Democratic women are so much more attractive than Republican women?
Roger Rabbitspews:
You can count on 5 things in this life:
a) You’re gonna die someday;
b) Republicans lie about everything;
c) Republicans have no honor;
d) Republicans want you to pay their share of taxes;
e) Republicans are bet welshers. Every time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
1 proud leftist says: Why is it that Democratic women are so much more attractive than Republican women? 11/28/2006 at 5:22 pm
Try to imagine sex with Ann Coulter, and you’ll understand.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Of course, Coulter might seem attractive to a pigfucker.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mark the Welshing Redneck has committed treason. He should be shot for rooting for the Packers!
Roger Rabbitspews:
No, wait … shooting is too good for him. He should be hanged.
Well folks this is one for Al Goreaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa suing the EPA just to convince the Chicken Little’s of the world we are not doing are fair share to save the planet. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11.....38;emc=rss
The Bush administration has been on a six-year campaign to expand its powers, often beyond what the Constitution allows. So it is odd to hear it claim that it lacks the power to slow global warming by limiting the emission of harmful gases. But that is just what it will argue to the Supreme Court tomorrow, in what may be the most important environmental case in many years.
A group of 12 states, including New York and Massachusetts, is suing the Environmental Protection Agency for failing to properly do its job. These states, backed by environmental groups and scientists, say that the Clean Air Act requires the E.P.A. to impose limits on carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emitted by new cars. These gases are a major contributor to the “greenhouse effect” that is dangerously heating up the planet.
The Bush administration insists that the E.P.A. does not have the power to limit these gases. It argues that they are not “air pollutants” under the Clean Air Act. Alternatively, it contends that the court should dismiss the case because the states do not have “standing,” since they cannot show that they will be specifically harmed by the agency’s failure to regulate greenhouse gases.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Just kidding, Redneck! Hey, if the woman of your dreams can crack death jokes, why can’t I? Why should pigs (and eunuchs who go through the motions of mating with them) have a monopoly on laughs? Pigfuckers want a monopoly on every fucking thing!
Roger Rabbitspews:
I think we can safely conclude that flaky klake has NO understanding (as in “zero,” “nada,” “zip,” etc.) of standing, the legal issues related to technical definitions under the CAA, etc.
Come back and post again when you have a clue about what you’re cutting-and-pasting, little boy.
Mark The Redneck KENNEDYspews:
Shove it up your ass goldy. I made an offer. You wanted to negotiate terms. At that point, the deal was dead.
That’s how it works.
Swift Boat Veterans for the Truthspews:
You dems sure have thin skin when it comes to welchers. John Kerry said he would release his military medical records almost three years ago and has he done it…. hell noooo. If we knew it was that easy to receive a purple heart we all would have got one.
proud leftistspews:
Hey, Klake,
How is it that you feel entitled to form an opinion on a subject about which you have no understanding? Oh, that’s right, you’re a Republican. Facts don’t matter, the law doesn’t matter, nothing matters except what you believe. You’re kind of like Rickey Henderson, who said about one of his many prolonged contract negotiations, “all I’m asking for is what I want.”
MTR is still trying to justify not paying on a bet by trying to argue “non-conforming acceptanc”. The problem is that only applies if the change was to a “material term” of the contract. I think he has a freshman (high school) understanding of contract terms.
Those of us that deal with very large commercial contracts on a regular basis understand better.
Of course, the real test is that if he had won, MTR would have tried to collect.
Roger your favorite lover Nancy Pelosi and she is dumping Hastings for you to represent the Socialist Democrat Party. Then she may dump you for Norm Dicks he looks more like Headless Lucy.
House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has decided against naming either Reps. Jane Harman (D-Calif.), the senior Democrat on the House intelligence committee, or Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.), the panel’s No. 2 Democrat, to chair the pivotal committee next year, Democratic aides and lawmakers said today.
The decision came despite lobbying by conservative Democrats and interest groups on Harman’s behalf and a full-throttled campaign by Hastings to overcome the stigma of the 1988 impeachment that drove him from his federal judgeship.
Instead, Pelosi will look to a compromise candidate, probably Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-Texas), but possibly Reps. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.), a hawkish member of the defense appropriations subcommittee, or Sanford Bishop (D-Ga.), a conservative African American with Intelligence Committee experience. http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....00937.html
proud leftist says:
Hey, Klake,
How is it that you feel entitled to form an opinion on a subject about which you have no understanding? Oh, that’s right, you’re a Republican. Facts don’t matter, the law doesn’t matter, nothing matters except what you believe. You’re kind of like Rickey Henderson, who said about one of his many prolonged contract negotiations, “all I’m asking for is what I want.”
11/28/2006 at 5:43 pm
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Proud leftist you made one small mistake I’m a Democrat and I got a union card to prove it. What are you a Socialist Democrat?????????????????
“I made an offer. You wanted to negotiate terms. At that point, the deal was dead.”
Goldy, was Mark The Redneck trying to barter away his make-believe trophy wife, his make-believe McMansion or his make-believe college degrees?
The words of William S. Burroughs come to mind:
Hey Thumper what part did you play in this event? The big question today is the Party split between the Democrats and the Socialist Democrats. Now the Republicans can still run the show with the house full of conservatives and the leftwing still out to lunch. Maybe Nancy PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. Is going to make many changes she had not plan on for the party.
The DCCC did not win these elections on our own, those who worked for it are too many to name, but this memo will help explain what we in the DCCC and DCCC community did to bring about the change that we so desperately needed. This is the difference your contribution made. http://www.dccc.org/pdfs/2006campaignreport.pdf
Folks from the member of al-Qaida we now that you for your support and my Mohammad win over the Yankees.
As thousands of Turks took to the streets to protest the ongoing visit of Pope Benedict XVI to their country, the Church was already dealing with another threat from angry Muslims – a cyberattack on the Vatican Web site.
An appeal to Jihadists hackers was sent out through Web forums linked to al-Qaida and was posted on two of the Web sites that publish messages from the terrorist organization.
“The leadership of the electronic Jihad has decided to undertake a grand attack against the official Vatican site following the insults by the Pope against our Prophet,” the statement read in Arabic, referring to remarks the Pope made in a September 12 speech.
“With Allah’s blessing, the attack will succeed thanks to the help of our brothers if we all attack simultaneously. We ask all our brothers to be present at the hour of the attack for a joint action, because they (Catholics) have struck our religion. They must be fought and deserve to be attacked and not only on their Internet site.”
Threats against the Vatican Web site and the Catholic Church in general began shortly after the Pope’s speech, in which he quoted a 14th century emperor’s description of Islam as a religion spread by the sword.
Dan Ratherspews:
How is it that you feel entitled to form an opinion on a subject about which you have no understanding? Oh, that’s right, you’re a Republican. Facts don’t matter, the law doesn’t matter, nothing matters except what you believe.
You tell em proud. If you ever need a forged memo to back up one of your points I am always here for you buddy.
My Left Footspews:
We are used to Republicans rewriting history and you attempt to do so here, well, it only fools only yourself.
If you had one ounce of honor, you would pay up.
I won’t hold my breath.
How does it feel to be the new minority? How does that loser tag feel around your neck? Are you one of the pig-fuckers that Furball is talking about? If you are I am calling the ASPCA, you animal abusing bastard!
Now it appears that the Dutch are understanding the down falls to political correctness. Maybe in the future they will understand the short comings of Socialism.
Dutch show intolerance for tolerance
The latest Western outburst against Islamic political correctness comes our way from Holland, that normally most tolerant of Western nations. Even the stoic Dutch were transformed after the 2004 murder of native filmmaker Theo van Gogh by a Muslim fundamentalist. That event made the Dutch more tolerant of intolerance.
Holland’s center-right government announced five days before national elections that it plans to consider banning burqas and similar full-body garb in public places. While some scoff at the idea of Western governments dictating Muslim women’s dress, Dutch officials are starting to line up with their more proactive European counterparts. Many Europeans now see face and head coverings as walking security threats.
Since 1985, dozens of female suicide bombers (mainly in the Middle East) including Palestinians, Turks, Chechens and even Tamil Tigresses have donned the disguise of traditional Islamic garb as vehicles for mass destruction. Some hid bombs on their bellies to feign pregnancy.
The West’s reaction to its ballooning Islamic population is only one side of a two-sided cultural clash. The other side is being driven by Islamists moving to Western nations while adhering to homeland traditions. The flip side would be Pamela Anderson emigrating to Saudi Arabia and continuing to dress with midriff and cleavage exposed.
Consider this excerpt from an opinion piece on Al-Jazeerah’s Web site: “In post 2000 and 2004 elections in the USA, vilifying Islam and Muslims has increasingly become the norm. Most recently, just prior to the pope’s remarks, President Bush joined the cabal declaring the war on terrorism as being waged against ‘Islamic fascists’ who seek to destroy our freedoms.”
It appears Alcee I-can-be-bought Hastings doesn’t have to worry about the BACK OF THE BUS: his “pals” prefer him UNDER THE BUS!
SanFranNan is 0 for 2.
Now will the Queen Gregoire require those graduating from Washington State University take the same test? The next question could they passed the test today or will it take them until 2011 to meet the requirements? You can include Western Washington with the testing requirement to graduate from college. What say you?
Eastside and south King County educators voiced support Monday for Gov. Chris Gregoire and state school Chief Terry Bergeson’s proposal to postpone a requirement that students pass a high-stakes math test in order to graduate.
Gregoire and Bergeson are urging lawmakers to delay implementing the requirement until 2011 — three years later than the start of the reading and writing requirement of the Washington Assessment of Student Learning, or WASL.
In the intervening years, students would continue taking rigorous math classes and tests while the state and local districts collaborate on major improvements in Washington’s math education.
Students would continue taking the math test until they pass or graduate. They would also get extra math classes and individual help.
The test was developed as a way to monitor how well Washington’s 1 million public school students are achieving “world-class” standards in reading, math and writing.
As it stands, beginning in 2008, students have to pass all three sections to graduate.
Welcher @10,
We’ve posted and reposted the transcript of our exchange. But here it is again. You wrote:
912 by 15 ! ! ! !
Hey Goldy, a week or so ago, you wanted to make a bet on whether 912 passes by 15. I accepted your offer, but never heard back from you.
I say the “Yes” vote on 912 will be at least 57.5%. If I’m right, you send $100 to Eyman’s compensation fund. If I’m wrong, I’ll send $100 to whoever you specify.
Are we on? Or are you not so sure now that everyone thinks like you?
You’re on. $100 says I-912 does not get 57.5% of the statewide vote.
Though I gotta say, you did pick the absolute worst cause I could possibly think of. If you’d like, instead of trying to screw each other, we could make this a friendlier wager by selecting a mutually agreeable charity — like the Red Cross — so that no matter the outcome, a worthy cause comes out a winner.
I-912 lost by a 10 point margin, 45% to 55%, so you were only off by 25 points.
You asked “Are we on?” and I replied “You’re on.” I think it is perfectly clear to any fair minded individual that I accepted your wager. I then offered you the option “if you’d like,” of modifying the terms so that we’d both come out winners… but only after I’d already accepted.
Had I lost, you would have held me to the bargain. But when I asked you to send $100.00 to Maria Cantwell, you first claimed her website didn’t work, and then later refused.
So until you pay up, you’ll always be HA’s number one welcher.
Another TJspews:
Shove it up your ass goldy. I made an offer. You wanted to negotiate terms. At that point, the deal was dead.
That’s how it works.
If the deal was dead, why did you claim you tried to pay it off?
BRITAINS CATHOLIC AND ANGLICAN LEADERS TELL HOMOSEXUALS AND THEIR PC CROWD ENABLERS: GO SCREW YOURSELVES(It’s about time! If only finger-in-the-wind Brunett had the stones to show such courage)
Catholic Church will Drop Schools, Charities and Adoption Agencies if Laws Force Homosexuality, UK Archbishop Warns
Laws would force churches and faith-based organizations to allow to gay groups to use facilities … http://tinyurl.com/ycd2pj
By Gudrun Schultz
ENGLAND, United Kingdom, November 28, 2006 – Roman Catholic Archbishop of Birmingham Vincent Nichols has issued a strong warning to the Government over new pro-homosexual legislation, saying the Catholic Church will no longer cooperate with the government on schools, charity programs and adoption agencies if the government attempts to force the Church to accept homosexuality.
Archbishop Nichols said the government was “engaged in an intense and at times aggressive reshaping of our moral framework”, taking on a role it has “no mandate or competence” to carry out, The Evening Standard reported earlier today.
“[T]hose who are elected to fashion our laws are not elected to be our moral tutors,” Archbishop Nichols said.
“Take the notion of the family and the moral equivalence being forced upon us between marriage of a man and a woman, on the one hand, and on the other, a legally recognised partnership of two people of the same sex.”
Speaking in a sermon in St. Chad’s Cathedral, Archbishop Nichols said, “The Government must realise that it is not possible to seek co-operation with us while at the same time trying to impose upon us conditions which contradict our moral values.”
“It is simply unacceptable to suggest that the resources of faith communities, whether in schools, adoption agencies, welfare programmes, halls and shelters can work in co-operation with public authorities only if the faith communities accept not simply a legal framework but also the moral standards at present being touted by the Government.”
The Catholic Church has said it will close down the seven adoption agencies it runs if the law forces the Church to place children with homosexual couples. That threat carries significant weight, the Standard reported, since 1 in 20 adopted children are placed in homes through the Catholic agencies.
The Sexual Orientation Regulations, which will take effect in England in April, are ostensibly aimed at preventing discrimination against homosexuals in the workplace. The impact on Christian communities will likely be significant, however, as the regulations would prevent churches and faith-based organizations from refusing to permit homosexual groups from using their facilities. Christian or Muslim businesses could be sued for refusing to accept homosexual clients–hoteliers and printers would not be free to withhold their facilities and services from same-sex couples or clients.
Leaders in the Church of England have warned the measures will leave vicars vulnerable to lawsuits if they refuse to bless a same-sex union.
In Northern Ireland, the Sexual Orientation Regulations will be enforced with fines between £500 and £1,000 for a first offence, and up to £25,000 for subsequent offences.
A senior Church of England bishop have warned that Anglican youth clubs, welfare projects and charities may close because of new gay rights laws.
The Bishop of Rochester, the Right Reverend Michael Nazir-Ali, said that the Church of England’s charities would be “affected” by the rules, which will force them to give equal treatment to homosexuals.
He declared: “It will be the poor and disadvantaged who will be the losers.”
Dr Nazir-Ali spoke in the wake of the protest by Roman Catholic Archbishop of Birmingham Vincent Nichols against Government interference in the moral beliefs of Christians.
His intervention meant ministers are faced with a united front of hostility from churches over the Sexual Orientation Regulations, due to become law next April.
The new laws are meant to prevent discrimination against gays. But the Church of England has said they mean priests could be sued for refusing to bless same-sex unions and Catholics say they will close their adoption agencies rather than give children to gay couples.
Leaders of the increasingly influential black churches added their voices to the protest, saying that pastors and churchgoers will go to jail rather than accept rules that will mean they must open their meeting halls to gay lobby groups.
Pakistani-born Dr Nazir-Ali said: “I welcome warmly what the Roman Catholic Bishop of Birmingham has said about the Sexual Orientation Regulations.
“In the proposed regulations there is no clear exemption for religious belief even though it is widely known that several of the faiths in this country will have serious difficulty.”
He added: “Religion affects every area of life and cannot be reduced to just worship.
“These regulations will certainly affect a great deal of charitable work done by the churches and others. It is the poor and disadvantaged who will be the losers.”
The warning means Dr Nazir-Ali believes the new gay rights laws are a threat to the Church of England’s continued influence in inner cities and deprived areas of the country.
Despite its internal arguments and financial troubles, the CofE has been widely praised in recent years for its efforts to maintain its presence and its charity efforts in the toughest parts of cities.
Archbishop Nichols warned earlier this week that Catholic schools, adoption agencies, welfare programmes, halls and shelters would all be threatened by the pressure to accept “moral standards at present being touted by the Government”.
Black church leaders, who have paid for newspaper advertisements warning that the new rules will force schools to promote gay civil partnerships as the equal of marriage, said the laws would bring civil disobedience.
Pastor Ade Amooba of Christian Voice in Brixton, South London, said: “Homosexuals are set at liberty to enjoy their way of life. Why does the Government want to take away ours?
“Christianity is our identity. We will not surrender it. People will not obey these rules, no matter that they are taken to court.”
He added: “We will shut down the youth clubs and welfare projects rather than obey these laws. That will have very damaging effects. We will be losing something valuable.”
George Hargreaves of the Hephzibah Christian Centre in Hackney said: “I have already bought my orange jumpsuit, for no doubt prison awaits us as we fight against the tyranny of the Sexual Orientation Regulations.
“If opposing this law is to be counted as an act of civil disobedience, than in obedience to God we must act in loving and peaceful civil disobedience.”
Final details of the new laws have yet to be made public because of delays following a Cabinet row. Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly, a staunch Catholic who is in charge of pushing the regulations through, only gave way and ordered the rules to go ahead last week.
Their are threats of rebellion in Northern Ireland, which is being used as a test bed for the gay rights laws. The rules will go into force there at the beginning of January.
DUP leader Dr Ian Paisley has handed a letter of protest to Tony Blair amid signs that politically powerful church leaders in the province are preparing to try to stop the new laws.
I think Mark was a bit alarmed at his rash gambling of an entire week’s pay–and while he ultimately plans on paying his debt, at the rate of the quarter per week he can afford to set aside it’s going to take another seven or eight years to deliver the ten rolls.
JCH's Soiled Pantsspews:
#26: Does anyone see the irony of the Catholic Church having anything to say about homosexuality? Unless you don’t count alter-boy-buggery as being homosexual…
proud to be an Assspews:
@25: “If the deal was dead, why did you claim you tried to pay it off?”
Because that is a variation on the classic scammer excuse, part and parcel of the “game”. Think ‘the check is in the mail’ for similar lines.
You haven’t hung out with that sort of crowd much, I see. Guys and Dolls it is not.
Of course this anti-gay, gay republican traitor is (like MTR) a person who’s word means nothing. Republicans are taught from a very young age that truth only matters when you want it to. Republicans think cheating, telling lies, going back on their word, failing to show up for military duty after their father got them Guard duty, they think these are good things.
There’s only one thing lower than whale shit – and that’s a republican.
Speaking of bets, Klake’s wife made me a bet that I couldn’t make her cum. She won. She’s so fucking ugly I had to pull out and get out of there fast.
Klake’s sister on the other hand gives real good head. Of course Klake – you knew that right?
My Left Footspews:
MTR RE: 24
Seems pretty clear to all of us here at HA. My guess is you don’t have the $100. You are not the “sucessfull” individual that you play here on HA.
Tell you what. You give us your real name, what you really do for a living and I will pay the debt for you. I will make a donation of $150 to the Mattel Childrens Hospital at the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles. This hospital does great work and care is free if you don’t have the money to pay. My son was born at this hospital.
If you would like to make it a charity here in the Northwest that will be fine too. I would prefer a direct charity and not the Red Cross or United Way.
You know have a way out, a 50% increase in your wager to benefit kids and everyone here will leave you alone. All you have to do is be honest.
My Left Footspews:
Dammit, should read “You now…….
You know have a way out, a 50% increase in your wager to benefit kids and everyone here will leave you alone. All you have to do is be honest.
My Left Footspews:
RE 32
This offer is good for the next four hours.
(Now, this is changing or adding terms. Notice I am not suggesting or asking, I am telling you that this offer is good for the next four hours. By the way, I must be able to verify any information that you give to Goldy or me regarding your real name and occupation.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, Jew and we took our damn country back.
Howard Dean then: “The Republican party is just a white christian party.”
Howard Dean now (beaming): “We got 1/3 of the white evangelical vote. That hasn’t happened before!”
So which is it: White christians are only good if they vote democrat? Or just plain bad?
headless lucyspews:
MTR, by his own account, makes presentations at public schools for a living. He’s a low paid, marginal corporate shill.
Which explains his shrillness.
1 buck says MTR doesn’t take the deal @32
and Roger Rabbit @3;
Ewwwwww. I’m thankful I wasn’t mid-dinner when I read that, I’d have ended up losing my appetite.
Ooh awwspews:
Is being a white christian good or bad? Depends on who they vote for, I guess.
Howard Dean then: “The republican party is just a white christian party.”
Howard Dean now (beaming): “We got 1/3 of the white evangelical vote! That’s never happened before!”
Which is it?
Dems rulespews:
Likin’ the results of the election.
Howard Dean then: “The Republican party is just a white christian party.”
Howard Dean now (beaming): “We got 1/3 of the white evangelical vote! That hasn’t happened before!”
So is ol Howie saying it’s good to be a white christian, or bad? Please explain. Are they good only when they vote democrat?
My Left Footspews:
MAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRk, I know you are out here. How about an answer? You big chickenshit. You will remain silent and claim you did not see the offer. We know you are sitting in your mom’s basement banging away on your keyboard, shaking with fear at being caught in your web lies.
Come on Mark, take me up on it.
proud to be an Assspews:
Heydeho says:
Howard Dean then: “The Republican party is just a white christian party.”
Howard Dean now (beaming): “We got 1/3 of the white evangelical vote! That hasn’t happened before!”
11/28/2006 at 7:36 pm
Then one can only conclude he said something that was, indeed correct–assuming one led to the other.
Gingrich raises alarm at event honoring those who stand up for freedom of speech
“Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich yesterday said the country will be forced to reexamine freedom of speech to meet the threat of terrorism.
Gingrich, speaking at a Manchester awards banquet, said a “different set of rules” may be needed to reduce terrorists’ ability to use the Internet and free speech to recruit and get out their message.
“We need to get ahead of the curve before we actually lose a city, which I think could happen in the next decade,” said Gingrich, a Republican who helped engineer the GOP’s takeover of Congress in 1994.”
headless lucyspews:
re 42: New Orleans doesn’t count with Newt. This must be one of those ideas “…so compelling that people will just crown me KING….”
headless lucyspews:
What Newt may not realize is that when the next terrorist attack comes, we’ll know that the authors of the event are neo-con corporatist traitors.
That’s why Newt wants to shut down the internet — so people have no source of real information except stock market quotes and corporatist drivel.
Janet Sspews:
Fortunately, we have the Democrat party to protect those who act suspiciously. Those imams kicked off the airplane weren’t just quietly praying observantly. Seems they were testing security procedures of the airline.
So was this a taunt for a lawsuit, or a dry run for the next attack? Good thing Keith Ellison and Sheila Jackson-Lee are making their defense.
Do you really feel safer having Pelosi and company in charge?
Charles Rangel is what the Socialist Democrat Party represents today, and he does not reflect what the military stands for today. When women register for the draft then we might consider using that method for replacing shortages for personnel.
The National Commander of The American Legion called on Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., to apologize for suggesting that American troops would not choose to fight in Iraq if they had other employment options.
“Our military is the most skilled, best-trained all-volunteer force on the planet,” said National Commander Paul A. Morin. “Like that recently espoused by Sen. John Kerry, Congressman Rangel’s view of our troops couldn’t be further from the truth and is possibly skewed by his political opposition to the war in Iraq.”
According to Rangel, “If a young fellow has an option of having a decent career, or joining the Army to fight in Iraq, you can bet your life that he would not be in Iraq. If there’s anyone who believes these youngsters want to fight, as the Pentagon and some generals have said, you can just forget about it. No bright young individual wants to fight just because of a bonus and just because of some educational benefits,” Rangel said.
Rangel was responding to a question during an interview yesterday on Fox News Sunday about a recent study by the Heritage Foundation which found that those enlisting in the military tend to be better educated than the general public and that military recruiting seems to be more successful in middle-class and wealthy neighborhoods than in poor ones.
According to the study, 97 percent of military enlistees were high school graduates versus 80 percent of Americans in general. The study also concludes that the average reading level of military personnel is a full grade level higher than that of the general population.
proud to be an Assspews:
Janet S: “Do you really feel safer having Pelosi and company in charge?”
Why, yes I do. But I ask you in return–what is with your constant pandering to the lowest biological level (i.e., fight or flight)? Why does the right exhibit a complete lack of moral courage? Your actions mock the very christian martyrs you so proudly proclaim as moral icons.
I realize it may be too much to ask for clarity, but at least show some courage.
GOp=moral pygmies and\or cowards. I leave it to you to decide. After all, you tout “choice” all the time. Well, now is the time.
Pick one.
Don Joespews:
Amazing. So, a bunch of Imams are actually going to attack an airplane, and announce that fact by praying too loudly before hand? Why do you keep pulling out these premises that have absolutely no credibility whatsoever?
By the way: “He who trades liberty for security deserves neither and will lose both.”
Who said that?
Don Joespews:
By the way, not the Alcee Hastings is out of the running for the chair of the Intelligence Committe, where are all you wingnuts who trashed Rep. Pelosi as it Hasting’s appointment were a done deal?
Don Joespews:
Dang. That should be “…now that Alcee…”
I’m asking if Speaker Nancy Pelosi can find out when Janet S/Pam Roach’s son gets out of prison next so we can send the little cum-drunk crackhead to Iraq where he belongs.
Say it with me Janet S you fucking cunt –
How’s that taste bitch? HA HA HA HE!
Don Joe would you like to enlighten us about your friend Leahy the al-Qaida supporter and believes in letting the enemies known all are plans on engaging them on the war.
Sen. Leahy, who will chair the Senate Judiciary Committee, has asked the Justice Department to release two newly acknowledged documents, which set U.S. policy on how terrorism suspects are detained and interrogated.
Leahy wrote to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales demanding the production of any revisions and analyses of memos. “The American people deserve to have detailed and accurate information about the role of the Bush administration in developing the interrogation policies and practices that have engendered such deep criticism and concern at home and around the world,” Leahy wrote.
Once upon a time, not so long ago, Leahy used to be the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Leahy claimed he “inadvertently” exposed a top-secret intercept of Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak that led to the capture of the Achille Lauro terrorists. That supposed slip of the tongue “cost the life of at least one Egyptian operative.”
“Loose-lip” Leahy was forced to resign in disgrace 14 years ago in the wake of having to acknowledge he leaked secret intelligence to the press. However today he prepares to take over the Senate Judiciary committee. Congress’ institutional memory must be shorter than some of Jennifer Flowers former paramours. Jim Korui http://jimkouri.us/ wrote in a recent column, “Having him serve as the chairman of that committee is the next best thing to having an al-Qaida mole onboard.”
Kouri noted that “most intelligence and law enforcement officers are concerned about having a man — who admits if he disagrees with a classified operation he will spill the beans — given complete access to secrets.” This guy is dangerous . . . way dangerous.
Back in the ’80s Leahy was ticked off with Reagan and threatened to sabotage classified strategies that didn’t conform to the gospel according to Leak Leahy’s leftist sycophants.
In a 1985 TV interview Leahy disclosed a top-secret communications intercept. The intercept had made possible the capture of the Arab terrorists who had hijacked the cruise ship Achille Lauro and murdered American citizens. But Leahy’s leak cost the life of at least one Egyptian “asset” involved in the operation.
In July 1987, it was reported Leahy leaked secret information about a 1986 covert operation planned by the Reagan administration to topple Libya’s Moammar Gaddhafi. U.S. intelligence officials stated that Leahy sent a written threat to expose the operation directly to then-CIA Director William Casey. Weeks later, news of the secret plan turned up in the Washington Post, causing it to be aborted.
A year later, as the Senate was preparing to hold hearings on the Iran-Contra scandal, Leahy had to resign his Intelligence Committee post after he was caught (again) leaking secret information to a reporter. Leahy’s leak was considered to be one of the most serious breaches of secrecy in the committee’s then 28-year history.
After Leahy’s resignation, the Senate Intelligence Committee decided to restrict access to committee documents.
And this is the guy who has the stones to now scream for access to classified material he has already demonstrated he is incapable of handling.
Patrick Leahy is the most egregious personification of the petty, mean spirited partisan hack. A guy who is more concerned about partisan politics and scoring points than protecting our national security. To compare him to slugs would be a great disservice to slugs.
Janet Sspews:
I find it amazing that you all are so sucked in by the stunt from the imams. They acted provocatively by yelling at the gate. Once on the plane, they switched seats, taking ones they weren’t assigned to. They repeatedly wandered the aisles, delaying take-off.
Do you call this normal behavior? Why are you such apologists? I suspect you are as alarmed as the police and the airline pilots, but won’t admit it. It doesn’t fit the Democrat party line that there are no threats.
Don Joespews:
First, learn how to use XHTML. You are responsible for having screwed up more comment threads than all other HA regulars combined.
Second, who said Pat Leahy was my friend? I’m not even from Vermont. You got a problem with Pat Leahy, take it up with the fine people of Vermont who keep electing him to the Senate.
Lastly, what a monumental bunch of bullshit you’ve managed to pull off the net (without a link to any source, by the way). All one has to do is consider the text of what you quote. For example, regarding the 1987 leak:
Leahy’s leak was considered to be one of the most serious breaches of secrecy in the committee’s then 28-year history.”
Really? By whom? And, how can it possibly be considered “one of the most serious breaches of security,” when nothing that Leahy leaked was classified?
Shall we play the game of duelling sourjces loaded weasel words? How about this, from Wikipedia?
In 1987, Leahy resigned from his position as Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee after an investigation into an alleged leak to a reporter regarding information. the information released by Leahy was not classified and it was determined there was no ethical or criminal violation.
Bring actual facts to the table, K-Lake, and I’d be more than happy to discuss them. All you got is someone’s opinion, and you haven’t even put a name on that opinion. Is this the best example of critical thought that you can muster?
JCH's Soiled Pantsspews:
Janet, what are you wearing right now? (I am really turned on by blind fealty, grasping at straws, and unquestioned parroting of the right-wing party line. I have a bit of tan left from the summer but I guarantee you I’m 100% Caucasian.)
I can wear a navy flight suit if that helps.
JCH's Soiled Pantsspews:
Don Joe–critical thought? As you can see, Klake hasn’t even mastered cut-and-paste.
Don Joespews:
You really don’t see how full of shit you reall are, do you?
Do you call this normal behavior? Why are you such apologists? I suspect you are as alarmed as the police and the airline pilots, but won’t admit it. It doesn’t fit the Democrat party line that there are no threats.
First of all, the notion that that Democrats think there are no threats is a bald-faced lie. Name a single source who makes that claim, or retract it here and now.
Second, no one here said that the Imam’s didn’t pose a threat. The point we’d all raised, based on the initial news reports, is that these guys were targeted because they happened to be praying according to Muslim law. If they were behaving like assholes, then they should have been booted off the plane, but that wasn’t the reason given for why people were suspicious of them.
If people are behaving like assholes, then, by all means, be suspicious of them. Being suspicious of people simply because they prayed in a way you don’t agree with is, well, distinctly un-American.
JCH's Soiled Pantsspews:
Heck, he probably hasn’t even mastered bation, which would explain his frustration.
My Left Footspews:
Janet at 45 and 53:
What are you smoking?
What proof do you have? What evidence shows your outrageous claims to have a shred of credibility?
You are nothing more than an alarmist. You cower in fear of anything you do not understand or is not right in line with your way of thinking. I feel sad for you. Such a frightened little mouse, scurrying about with no direction.
Don Joespews:
And, Janet, you still haven’t answered my question as to who said, “He who trades liberty for security deserves neither and will lose both.”
My Left Footspews:
MAAAAAAAAAARK, where are you Mark? Come out and play you pathetic excuse for a man/boy.
The proof is posted by Goldy and you vanish. I make an offer and you can’t even muster your stones (pebbles, really) to answer. You are hiding as every cowardly liar who is caught does.
You have no credibility left here. You are a liar and a cheat and welcher. Gee, just like a real Republican.
Funny how that works.
Don Joespews:
“Don Joe–critical thought? As you can see, Klake hasn’t even mastered cut-and-paste.”
I asked if it was the best example he can muster. Admittedly, the bar is set extremely low for K-Lake.
My Left Footspews:
JCH’s Soiled Pants @ 55:
Might be the funniest post of the month, and the most truthful too.
headless lucyspews:
William Greider:
“Friedman’s broader argument–that a society should be governed by self-regulating markets instead of big government–did better but also did not lead to the utopia he promoted. His “free market” faith has produced instead the very thing Friedman regularly denounced: a bastardized system of interest-group politics that serves favored sectors of citizens at the expense of many others. Enterprise and markets were indeed set “free” of government regulation, but big government did not go away (it grew bigger). Only now government acts mainly as patron and protector for the largest, most powerful interests–the same ones that demanded their liberation. Instead of serving the broad general welfare, government enables capital and corporations to feed off the taxpayers’ money.” http://www.thenation.com/doc/20061211/greider
Janet S/aka Pam Roach is too busy trying to keep her son out of jail with special influence that she can’t be bothered to justify the outright lies that she’s telling us here.
This is how the right works. When the facts don’t support your position, change the facts. But hey, it’s okay with me if they want to arrest the Muslims for praying. That means we can arrest and hopefully jail all those asshole Christian right wing republicans too. And woudn’t that be cool? Then they could join Pastor Ted in the man on man massage wing of the joint!
I say no public prayer by anyone – period. That should solve the problem.
headless lucyspews:
William Greider
“Friedman’s broader argument–that a society should be governed by self-regulatingmarkets instead of big government–did better but also did not lead to the utopia he promoted. His “free market” faith has produced instead the very thing Friedman regularly denounced: a bastardized system of interest-group politics that serves favored sectors of citizens at the expense of many others. Enterprise and markets were indeed set “free” of government regulation, but big government did not go away (it grew bigger). Only now government acts mainly as patron and protector for the largest, most powerful interests–the same ones that demanded their liberation. Instead of serving the broad general welfare, government enables capital and corporations to feed off the taxpayers’ money and convert public assets into private profit centers, shielded from the wrath of any citizens trying to object. If that is what Friedman really had in mind, he should have said so.”
Just kicking a little dirt on the flowers…
Dan Ratherspews:
“He who trades liberty(high taxes) for security(kick ass military) deserves neither and will lose both.”
11/28/2006 at 9:46 pm
Sounds like Ben was a republican.
Mark The Redneck IS MY BITCHspews:
So Markie, how does it feel cowering there in your mom’s basement, unable to compose a response, that is witty or clever, to the proof of your lying assertion that Goldy was negotiating the terms? How do you look in the mirror? Do you justify it with “the internet is all pretend” and what you say here does not really matter?
Honor is all a man comes into this world with and it is the only thing he can take with him when he leaves. You have lost yours somewhere along the way. (OUCH, Teresa suggests that it never made it out of your crib.)
When you find it, pay your debt. Until then you can expect to be attacked and ridiculed on a regular basis.
Funny how that works.
Dan Ratherspews:
This is how the right works. When the facts don’t support your position, change the facts. But hey, it’s okay with me if they want to arrest the Muslims for praying. That means we can arrest and hopefully jail all those asshole Christian right wing republicans too.
I would support the right for muslin to pray publically if we had the right to blow them up. Sounds like an even trade to me.
Don Joespews:
In truth, Friedman’s Free to Choose was given far too much credit for expressing an idea first expressed by F. A. Hayek in The Road to Serfdom.
The problem is that reality hasn’t panned out the way either of them predicted. In fact, very much the opposite has happened. According to The Economist‘s Intelligence Unit, the United States ranks 17th in the world based on their Democracy Index. The top 10 consists almost entirely of those horrible “Socialist” states of Northern Europe and Canada. In order, they are: Sweden, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg, Australia, Canada and Switzerland.
And, I can hear the wingnuts now whinging about how The Economist is some “librul” rag. Right. The Economist. About the only thing liberal about The Economist is the fact that the folks there actually study reality.
Mark The Redneck IS MY BITCHspews:
By the way, Janet S, Benjamin Franklin said “He who trades liberty for security deserves neither and will lose both”. I know. I wear it on a t-shirt on a regular basis. Pisses off the Conservatives in my neighborhood.
Yer Killin Mespews:
Nope. If Ben was a Republican he would have been quoted as saying things like “PLEEEEEEASE protect me from them mean old nasty Redcoasts!!” and “I’m tired of British tyranny! Let’s fight against it by invading Spain!”
Ben and Tom and Sam and John and Patrick and all their 18th-century liberal friends would be aghast at what their grand experiment has turned into, and would be encouraged that maybe, after years of tyranny masquerading under the guise of democracy, the ship of state is finally setting itself back on course.
Mark The Redneck IS MY BITCHspews:
By the way, this my nom de plume. My Left Foot, Carl Grossman.
headless lucyspews:
“He who trades liberty(Newt Gingrich attacking free speech)for security(allowing a hur5ricane to destroy NOLA and giving Halliburton no-bid contracts in x-change for non-existent terrorists) deserves to be scorned and jailed for treason.
Dan Ratherspews:
You libs should catch my featured story tomorrow “Do liberals mean what they say or say what they mean” with guest Micheal Richards.
My Left Footspews:
Thought I might clear something up. It confused me too, so I did some research (used Google).
Thomas Jefferson said: He who trades liberty for security, deserves neither and will loose both.
Likewise, Benjamin Franklin said “He who gives up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserves neither liberty nor safety.”
Just wanted to clear it up.
Dan Ratherspews:
Nope. If Ben was a Republican he would have been quoted as saying things like “PLEEEEEEASE protect me from them mean old nasty Redcoasts!!” and “I’m tired of British tyranny! Let’s fight against it by invading Spain!”
Ben and Tom and Sam and John and Patrick and all their 18th-century liberal friends would be aghast at what their grand experiment has turned into, and would be encouraged that maybe, after years of tyranny masquerading under the guise of democracy, the ship of state is finally setting itself back on course.
11/28/2006 at 10:20 pm
If the founding fathers were liberal the Red coats would have won. Everyone knows that liberals dont fight wars, republicans do.
Janet Sspews:
Why don’t you all just have a big clusterf%ck? It’s where all discussions here devolve. Knock yourselves out.
The facts of the case:
They imams were shouting in the gate area;
the imams changed seats without authorization, including taking two seats in the first class row;
the imams wandered the plane to chat, delaying takeoff;
the imams asked for seat belt extenders, none apparently needing them, and none actually attaching them.
Guess I am just making all this up. Never mind.
Roger Rabbitspews:
10 Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says: Shove it up your ass goldy. I made an offer. You wanted to negotiate terms. At that point, the deal was dead. That’s how it works. 11/28/2006 at 5:42 pm
Roger Rabbit replies: Excuses are like assholes, every welshing pigfucker has one. Pay up, cheapskate! Until you do, you have NOOOOOOO credibility on this board.
Roger Rabbitspews:
11 Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth says: You dems sure have thin skin when it comes to welchers. John Kerry said he would release his military medical records almost three years ago and has he done it…. hell noooo. If we knew it was that easy to receive a purple heart we all would have got one. 11/28/2006 at 5:43 pm
At least Kerry HAS medical records. Your guy doesn’t HAVE medical records because he refused to show up for his flight physical! Whereupon he was grounded — and a million dollars of taxes spent on his flight training went down the drain.
Roger Rabbitspews:
13 rhp6033 says: Of course, … if he had won, MTR would have tried to collect. 11/28/2006 at 5:48 pm
headless lucyspews:
The first order of business when Jan., ’07 rolls around is going to be tearing Bush apart. We are going to take all the ill-gotten gains the corporatists have taken from us and tax it away from them.
Who will object to taxing them after their criminality has been exposed?
Only the co-opted Dems. like: Rahm Emmanuel, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Stooge Lieberman. Nancy Pelosi should not turn her back on these snakes.
My Left Footspews:
Our friend Dan is obviously smoking from the same bowl as Janet S.
Dan, there is no question that the founding fathers were liberals, radical liberals at that. Liberals who drew up the most enduring document in human history. Liberals who who broke the rules, broke the bounds of tyranny and broke the Red Coats desire to control the colonies. They did this with steadfast resolve, love of country and with their very lives.
Shut the fuck up.
Dan Ratherspews:
Good one rabbit but dont go over board. I touched that one rabbit and got burned. Learn to lie and not get caught. Courage rabbit, courage.
Yer Killin Mespews:
Everyone knows Republicans send other people to fight their wars for them, you mean.
Good thing our Founding Fathers weren’t conservatives, or there wouldn’t be a country to be Founding Fathers of.
Roger Rabbitspews:
14 klake says: I’m a Democrat and I got a union card to prove it. 11/28/2006 at 5:52 pm
Of all your whoppers, this is the funniest …
Roger Rabbitspews:
klake, you’re too stupid to get into a union.
Dan Ratherspews:
Dan, there is no question that the founding fathers were liberals, radical liberals at that. Liberals who drew up the most enduring document in human history. Liberals who who broke the rules, broke the bounds of tyranny and broke the Red Coats desire to control the colonies. They did this with steadfast resolve, love of country and with their very lives.
Shut the fuck up.
11/28/2006 at 10:39 pm
Yeah and liberals who hated taxes. hahahahahahahahaha
Ah rabbit is on the hooch again. heheheheheheheehhehehe
Can you imagine a liberal complaining about taxation without representation. hahahahahaahhahahahahhaahahhaha
Don Joespews:
Actually, Janet, most of those are the impressions of witnesses. Eye witnesses are notoriously unreliable. Moreover, that’s not all the facts, which include the fact that all six of the Imam’s were questioned by the FBI and relased.
Yer Killin Mespews:
Well said. Conservatives preserve the status quo and their place in it. That’s how they’re defined, it’s what they do. When the status quo is dirty filthy stinking rotten — as it was in 1776, for instance — it’s up to us liberals to clean up the mess the conservatives leave for us.
Fortunately, we’re up to the task.
Roger Rabbitspews:
17 klake says: Hey Thumper what part did you play in this event? 11/28/2006 at 6:03 pm
I’m the Democrats’ kicker.
Dan Ratherspews:
Yer Killin Me says:
Everyone knows Republicans send other people to fight their wars for them, you mean.
Well whoever we are sending you liberals sure dont want them voting.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Don Joe says:
Amazing. So, a bunch of Imams are actually going to attack an airplane, and announce that fact by praying too loudly before hand? Why do you keep pulling out these premises that have absolutely no credibility whatsoever? By the way: “He who trades liberty for security deserves neither and will lose both.” Who said that? 11/28/2006 at 8:55 pm
Hello DIPSHIT, I posted the interviews earlier by URL. I guess your small simple mind missed it!
Well I know it wasn’t your daddy!
Yer Killin Mespews:
Is this where I point out that for the last six years I’ve been taxed without representation, while a Congress that is supposed to be looking out for my welfare and that of ALL of my fellow citizens is instead lining their own pockets nad that of the 1% of the population that controls 80% of the wealth?
Yeah, I thought it was.
There, I complained about taxation without representation. What are you going to do about it, jackass who appropriates the name of a newscaster? I’ll tell you what I did about it. I help vote the bastards out of office, and it’s a damn good thing I don’t have to take up arms to get them out of there.
Janet Sspews:
So, Don Joe, which of the facts I stated are not true? None are “impressions”. Are you saying the flight attendant was possibly not sure that she gave seat belt extenders? Or that the imams didn’t relocate themselves without authorization?
Forcibly removing people from an airplane doesn’t usually happen based on “impressions.” The flight crew seemed to think that the actions were suspicious. Yes, the imams were released. That doesn’t mean they are off the hook.
Don Joespews:
Lovely. We’ve been graced by the presence of yet another wingnut who can’t bring anything to the table save the same old charicatures that got them their buts kicked on Nov. 7th.
So, Mr. Rather, are you up for my critical thinking test? I’m guessing you’ll flunk it miserably.
Dan Ratherspews:
Hey dont get all wacked out. Most people who fight wars and pay taxes are not democrats. You are either a rich democrat or a dumb soldier and therefore an exception to the rule.
Yer Killin Mespews:
Thanks for the laugh.
Don Joespews:
Hello? Is there a brain in there? That’s a serious question, because you clearly aren’t thinking. Consider:
“None are “impressions”. Are you saying the flight attendant was possibly not sure that she gave seat belt extenders?”
That would only be relevant if they didn’t “need” those extensions. Whether or not they “needed” those extensions is a judgement call, and is very subject to biases. Moreover, no one has suggested that there’s anything they could have done with those extensions to actually take over control of the plane.
Next one:
“Or that the imams didn’t relocate themselves without authorization?”
And you know, for a fact, that the Imams (the word is capitalized, dear), didn’t have reason to believe they were entitled to those seats? You’ve conducted a careful investigation of the whole matter, and know, for a fact, that there wasn’t some miscommuncation going on?
And you’ve also elided the very real fact that the FBI did conduct just such an investigation, and let the Imams go free.
So, are you really considering all of the relevant facts, or are you just trying to find some way to justify your own anti-Muslim biases?
Yer Killin Mespews:
Let’s see the test. I’ve had a few good laughs at the ersatz Mr. Rather’s expense tonight and could stand a few more.
My Left Footspews:
Janet S. @ 78:
Again, your offer of proof? You are supposing again. I change seats and talk to passengers all the time. I am white. That is why they don’t arrest me. BECAUSE I AM WHITE.
Janet, I suggest Depends for you. You are obviously going to shit your pants just as soon as you prepare to board your next plane flight. There are so many people out there with darker skin tone than yours. Which is the terrorist? Which is the one looking to slash your throat? The pressure to figure out which darker skinned, differently dressed person is the one looking to kill you, must be killing you.
Funny how that works, Janet S.
Jane Sspews:
“Why don’t you all just have a big clusterf%ck? It’s where all discussions here devolve. Knock yourselves out.”
First of all, mom, didn’t you tell us not to use such filthy language? Second, what exactly would you call the Republican come-to Jesus-meetings you have in our living room? When did anyone EVER disagree on any big issue?
By the way, Dad’s got that look on his face. I think he wants some. Better get going.
Don Joespews:
Mike Webb SUCKS says:
Don Joe says:
Amazing. So, a bunch of Imams are actually going to attack an airplane, and announce that fact by praying too loudly before hand? Why do you keep pulling out these premises that have absolutely no credibility whatsoever? By the way: “He who trades liberty for security deserves neither and will lose both.” Who said that? 11/28/2006 at 8:55 pm
Hello DIPSHIT, I posted the interviews earlier by URL. I guess your small simple mind missed it!
Ever since you flunked my critical thinking test, I have to admit that I haven’t paid much attention to anything you’ve tried to say. Most of your comments consist of mindless blathering about facts that aren’t relevant to any reasonabl political issues.
But, if there’s really something you think I should have addressed, by all means, post it again. I’d be more than happy to show you, again, where your thinking has gone astray.
My Left Footspews:
Dan @ 88
Rabbit did not write what you quoted, asshole. I did. Dan, crack kills.
Now, go fuck yourself. (or Janet S. she needs something to loosen her up)
Janet Sspews:
Left Foot – that is just funny. You get on planes and sit in seats that you aren’t assigned to? Yeah, right. I bet you never get out of your trailer park.
Don Joe – are you saying that flight attendants aren’t capable of determining an overweight passenger? You are almost as amusing as Left Foot.
Get over it. You’ve been had.
Roger Rabbitspews:
23 Flaky klake — YOU don’t have to worry about the math portion of WASL … you won’t make it past the reading portion.
Don Joespews:
“Don Joe – are you saying that flight attendants aren’t capable of determining an overweight passenger? You are almost as amusing as Left Foot.”
No. I’m saying that flight attendants aren’t capable of determining any given passenger’s level of comfort, and that there are entirely legitimate reasons other than being overweight for people to request extensions.
What you still haven’t addressed is the fact that the FBI investigated the affair, and let the Imams go free. What you are doing, Janet, is stacking your arm-chair, internet sleuthing against that of the FBI. Talk about being had. That’s a pretty good description of where you’re at right now.
My Left Footspews:
Janet S @ 105:
As soon as it is apparent the plane is not full, I find a seat in an empty row and take it. Obviously you don’t fly much. You are not locked into your seat and the fact that you think you are shows that you have not left the trailer park in quite some time.
You really need to stop talking about things you have no understanding of. Must be part of the frightened little mouse syndrome from which you suffer.
Roger Rabbitspews:
25 Another TJ says: If the deal was dead, why did you claim you tried to pay it off? 11/28/2006 at 6:40 pm
Lawyers call this a “statement against interest,” which refers to an action or statement by an individual that is not in his interest to make, and therefore is reliable evidence of the truth of the matter. It’s akin to, “If you’re innocent, why did you throw the murder weapon into the river?”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Putting it another way, the fact Redneck tried to pay the bet indicates he believed there was a bet, and is lying when he claims there wasn’t.
Janet Sspews:
The Imams (I capitalized, you notice) requested seat belt extenders but placed them under their seats, and did not use them.
Political correctness and Democrat pressure would go a long way to explaining why the Imams were released without charges. So far I see no apologies coming from the airline.
Roger Rabbitspews:
But we don’t need to — and shouldn’t — take Welsher’s word for it. The bet was made openly and notoriously on this board, and is preserved in the comment threads. Redneck’s attempt to deny there was a bet is like Bobby Knight saying he’s never shoved a player.
Roger Rabbitspews:
But we don’t need to — and shouldn’t — take Redneck’s word for anything. His attempt to deny there was a bet is like Bobby Knight saying he’s never shoved a player.
Janet Sspews:
Left Foot – obviously you don’t fly much. The Imams requested first class seats, and were told none were available. They took two anyway. This isn’t anywhere near what you describe, which is filling in the empty seats in the cheap section. I’ve done that, but still asked permission before doing so. Guess I’m just a more polite passenger than you.
My Left Footspews:
Janet S.:
I have been polite for as long as I can stand it. You dumb fucking bitch. You seem to be able to justify anything. If Bush was caught with the gun standing over Laura’s lifeless body you could justify it.
Go on, enjoy your ignorant bliss. Your myopic views are not the views of the NEW majority. Democrats are now in control. We have taken our country back.
Go fuck yourself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
88 Dan Rather says: Ah rabbit is on the hooch again. 11/28/2006 at 10:42 pm
Don’t forget there’s a $50 bounty on my pelt … catch me iiiiiiffffff you can!!!
Don Joespews:
1) Got a link for that “fact” about the Imams not using the extensions? It’s not in the Star Tribune article nor the NY Times article. And, no, Drudge and several other wingnut bloggers don’t count, because they’ve been known to make up “facts” before.
2) They got booted off the flight before it took off. Indeed, they got booted off the flight before it even left the gate. You still have no idea how they intended to use those extensions. Some people use them when they take a nap during flight, but not during take-off and landing.
3) You still haven’t addressed the fact that the FBI investigated this entire affair, and let the Imams go free.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Note: As I’ve posted previously in the DL threads, I don’t drink because of medical problems.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Seatbelt extensions were used by passengers to restrain Richard Reid, the shoe bomber. Maybe the Imams heard that Janet Slut’s friends were on the flight.
Don Joespews:
So, Janet, are the FBI incompetent bumblers in the face of your apparently superior ability to gather all the relevant facts from the safety of the desk chair in your den?
My Left Footspews:
Janet, just for the record. I fly 15 to 20 times per year. I fly cheap seats because the whole plane gets there at the same time. Why would I pay $150 for “free” beer, a bad meal and a few more inches of room in my seat. More often than not I get a full row or an empty middle seat.
I have not seen any proof of the gentleman “taking” first class seats. Quite frankly, neither have you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I see the Democrats are doing something about the rotten helps in their midst (e.g., William Jefferson and Alcee Hastings). Can’t say the same for Republicans. What it adds up to is that Democrats are committed to running a responsible, effective, and accountable government; whereas Republicans don’t give a damn.
Roger Rabbitspews:
That’s why Congress will be under new management come January. Hey Pukes … as Trump would say: “You’re fired!”
Don Joespews:
Come to think of it, the “fact” that these Imams were “taking seats” in first class doesn’t appear in either the Star Tribune or the NY Times articles. Methings Janet’s been pulling a Bill-O.
Roger Rabbitspews:
124 Don Joe says: So, Janet, are the FBI incompetent bumblers in the face of your apparently superior ability to gather all the relevant facts from the safety of the desk chair in your den? 11/28/2006 at 11:41 pm
That’s probably the wrong question to ask. I would put it this way: The FBI’s stupidity doesn’t make Janet smart.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’m referring, of course, to the FBI’s bungling of pre-9/11 warnings (and nearly everything else).
My Left Footspews:
Needed 15 seats. Got 40 (well 39, lets not quibble). Blue Wave, Land Slide, Sweep… Call it what you want. The truly amazing fact….NOT ONE SEAT HELD BY A DEMOCRAT WHO RAN FOR RE-ELECTION, WAS LOST. NOT EVEN ONE!!
Kiss my Liberal, Democrat, Jewish ass.
Hey Janet, how do you explain that?
My Left Footspews:
Where is JCH? Where is proudofherfatlyingcheatingthreateningass? I need more conservative ass to kick.
Still not a single word out of MTR the whole night. I bet he is still crying in his mommy’s bosom over the ass kicking he took here tonight.
Has four hours elapsed since I offered to pay his debt?
Mike Webb Sucks JCHspews:
Nuff said.
Don Joespews:
“Has four hours elapsed since I offered to pay his debt?
11/28/2006 at 11:50 pm
The four hour deadline was set at 11/28/2006 at 7:24 pm.
I’m referring, of course, to the FBI’s bungling of pre-9/11 warnings (and nearly everything else).
I’d draw a distinction between preventing an attack and investigating the facts of a situation, though the FBI did interrogate the rabit, discover that the rabbit was innocent, and let the rabbit go free.
My Left Footspews:
135 Joe Don
Thank you. I guess I could have looked. Thanks, again.
You fucking pansy-assed pile of rabbit shit. No balls. You place the bet, you get called and you disappear. Your parents must be so proud.
Roger Rabbitspews:
96 Dan Rather says: Well whoever we are sending you liberals sure dont want them voting. 11/28/2006 at 10:45 pm
You mean this?
“African-American Soldiers Scrubbed by Secret GOP Hit List
“by Greg Palast
“The Republican National Committee has a special offer for African-American soldiers: Go to Baghdad, lose your vote.
“A confidential campaign directed by GOP party chiefs in October 2004 sought to challenge the ballots of tens of thousands of voters …, virtually all of them cast by residents of Black-majority precincts. Files from the secret vote-blocking campaign were … attached to emails accidentally sent by Republican operatives to a non-party website.
“One group of voters wrongly identified by the Republicans as registering to vote from false addresses: servicemen and women sent overseas.
“Here’s how the scheme worked: The RNC mailed these voters letters in envelopes marked, ‘Do not forward’, to be returned to the sender. These letters were mailed to servicemen and women … stationed overseas, to their US home addresses. The letters then returned to the Bush-Cheney campaign as ‘undeliverable.’ The lists of soldiers of ‘undeliverable’ letters were … [used to] challenge the voters’ registration and thereby prevent their absentee ballots being counted.
“One target list was comprised exclusively of voters registered at the Jacksonville, Florida, Naval Air Station. …
“A soldier returning home in time to vote in November 2004 could also be challenged on the basis of the returned envelope. Soldiers challenged would be required to vote by ‘provisional’ ballot. Over one million provisional ballots cast in the 2004 race were never counted; over half a million absentee ballots were also rejected. The extraordinary rise in the number of rejected ballots was the result of the widespread multi-state voter challenge campaign by the Republican Party. …
“The BBC obtained several dozen confidential emails sent by the Republican’s national Research Director and Deputy Communications chief, Tim Griffin to GOP Florida campaign chairman Brett Doster and other party leaders. Attached were spreadsheets marked, ‘Caging.xls.’ Each of these contained several hundred to a few thousand voters and their addresses.
“A check of the demographics of the addresses on the ‘caging lists,’ as the GOP leaders called them indicated that most were in African-American majority zip codes. Ion Sanco, the non-partisan elections supervisor of Leon County … when shown the lists by this reporter said: ‘The only thing I can think of – African American voters listed like this – these might be individuals that will be challenged if they attempted to vote on Election Day.’ …
“The Republican National Committee in Washington refused our several requests to respond …. However, in Tallahassee, the Florida Bush campaign’s spokespeople offered several explanations for the list.
“Joseph Agostini, speaking for the GOP, suggested the lists were of potential donors to the Bush campaign. Oddly, the supposed donor list included residents of the Sulzbacher Center a shelter for homeless families.
“Another spokesperson for the Bush campaign, Mindy Tucker Fletcher, ultimately changed the official response, acknowledging that these were voters, ‘we mailed to, where the letter came back – bad addresses. This is not a challenge list,’ insisted the Republican spokesmistress. However, she modified that assertion by adding, ‘That’s not what it’s set up to be.’
“Setting up such a challenge list would be a crime under federal law. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 outlaws mass challenges of voters where race is a factor in choosing the targeted group.
“While the party insisted the lists were not created for the purpose to challenge Black voters, the GOP ultimately offered no other explanation for the mailings. However, Tucker Fletcher asserted Republicans could still employ the list to deny ballots to those they considered suspect voters. When asked if Republicans would use the list to block voters, Tucker Fletcher replied, ‘Where it’s stated in the law, yeah.’ … Soldiers sending in their ballot from abroad would not know their vote was lost because of a challenge.”
1. Republican scumbags targeted black soldiers in Iraq for voter challenges.
2. Republican scumbags lied about what their “caging lists” were for.
3. Republican scumbags’ “caging” operations were federal crimes.
These bastards know they can’t win a fair election by competing with ideas or their performance in office. That’s why they illegally disenfranchise soldiers in combat zones.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The GOP’s “caging” assaults on soldiers’ voting rights was never reported by the so-called “liberal” media (which, in fact, is owned and run by conservatives). We need blogs like Goldy’s to get the truth out about GOP crimes.
My Left Footspews:
Roger @ 138:
Janet S would claim that: Since they are not here to prove they voted, their vote does not count. Simply amazing the lengths they will go to.
That dumb fucking bitch.
Rush Flimbaugh said something about America being a consevative country. Wonder how he feels now?
Roger Rabbitspews:
The so-called “liberal media” is owned by people like this:
141 My Left Foot says: Rush Flimbaugh said something about America being a consevative country. Wonder how he feels now? 11/29/2006 at 12:06 am
Rush, like other neocon spinmeisters, is attempting damage control. They’re saying this was a typical midterm election. However, the last time both houses of Congress flipped in a midterm election was when Woodrow Wilson was president.
More significantly, the GOP went into this election with a 4.5 million vote advantage over Democrats from voter challenges, vote suppression, and election machine rigging — not to mention advantages of incumbency and redistricting.
Viewed in this perspective, the sweeping Democratic victory represents a massive repudiation of GOP rule. Kansas is fed up!
Don Joespews:
RR, let’s also not forget that not a single Democratic incumbent lost a House seat, Senate seat or a governorship.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Some wingnut may jump in here and say, “If the GOP rigged the election, why did they lose?”
Simple: They underestimated the anti-GOP vote.
Cheaters don’t want to get caught, so they don’t rig steal 90% of the vote, they steal just enough to win — so their cheating won’t be obvious.
The fact Democrats won doesn’t mean Republicans didn’t rig the election. GOP operatives believed they needed X votes, but in fact they needed Y votes. Trying to “win” with 51% to 53% margins, they got 48% or 49% in race after race, because the Democratic vote was larger than they expected. In other words, they miscalculated and didn’t steal/suppress enough votes to put them over the top.
Roger Rabbitspews:
144 Don, that’s absolutely true, and demonstrates the breadth and depth of the anti-GOP sentiment in the country. Wingnuts should run for their lives … the American public is in a lynching mood.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Newsweek columnist Jonathan Alter wrote a couple weeks ago that the 2006 election marks the end of the road for the U.S. conservative movement launched by Barry Goldwater over 40 years ago:
“Pat Buchanan and I rarely agree, but he rightly points out that the election marked the exhaustion of the movement that Barry Goldwater launched with his 1964 campaign. The intellectual vitality and coherence that once characterized modern conservatism have been shattered.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Alter could have added that the conservative movement has lost more than intellectual vitality and coherence; it has sunk to intellectual dishonesty, lying, bullying, corruption, and immorality. Like Marxism and Hitlerism, it is debased and discredited, and will be remembered by history as venal and evil.
Yer Killin Mespews:
138 et seq
Yeah RR, that’s why I was getting such a good laugh at the ersatz Rather’s spew. Well, that and other reasons (thinking the Founding Fathers were anything but full-on liberals, for example).
Roger Rabbitspews:
88 Dan Rather says: 80 Good one rabbit but dont go over board. I touched that one rabbit and got burned. Learn to lie and not get caught. Courage rabbit, courage. 11/28/2006 at 10:39 pm
WTF are you talking about? I didn’t post #80.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Did some posts get deleted? All the numbers are off.
Yer Killin Mespews:
I would also like to add to the analysis that, in my admittedly unresearched opinion, the GOP’s election stealing wing misjudged not only the size of the voters’ fed-upped-ness with their candidates, but its breadth as well. Candidates in districts that had been considered safe Republican only six weeks before the election ended up flipping.
Considering the number of close races and recounts, if all elections had been 100% above board and honest I suspect the blue wave would have been more powerful than it was. Hopefully the Democrats can manage to get some election reform measures around the GOP stalling you know is going to happen, and then we will see even bigger Democratic majorities in 2008. Hopefully the Presidency as well. I don’t think we can stand another four years of a Republican presidency.
Yer Killin Mespews:
I think maybe the order just got scrambled. You’re right, a bunch of the reference numbers are off, but it doesn’t look like anything got deleted and in fact I think some references are now farther down the list than they were. Not sure, though.
Hey Roger, my browser,s weather applet shows it’s 22° over in Green Lake tonight. Good thing you’ve got about 5,000 other bunnies in that burrow keeping each other warm, eh?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh yeah, one more thing — Redneck has been asking what the crane operator had to do with the crane collapse. The answer is possibly the crane operator failed to unlock the boom so it could “weathervane” in the high winds that occurred just before it collapsed, which would result in more stress on the part of the tower that failed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
152 Yer Killin Me says: Hey Roger … it’s 22° over in Green Lake tonight. Good thing you’ve got about 5,000 other bunnies in that burrow keeping each other warm, eh? 11/29/2006 at 1:15 am
It’s closer to 8,000 by the time you count all my freeloading cousins. You’re right, we furry critters bunch up to keep warm — you know, the old Alaska sled dog trick — and it works great. My heating bills are zero. The only drawback is that if you have to piss during the night, you have to climb over 2,500 bodies to get to the john.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Needless to say, there’s a lot of rustling movement all night …
Roger Rabbitspews:
… try to imagine a huge pile of quivering coconuts.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Lots of snoring, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Getting back to the topic of this thread … what kind of cheap fuck won’t pay a $5 bet? The same kind of cheap fuck who would steal the waitress tip jar or knock the minimum wage down to $2.13 an hour, that’s who! Namely, a CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE:
“When you cut right through it, right-wing ideology is just ‘dime-store economics’ intended to dress their ideology up and make it look respectable. You don’t really need to know much about economics to understand it. They certainly don’t. It all gets down to two simple words. ‘Cheap labor’. …
“You see, cheap-labor conservatives are defenders of corporate America – whose fortunes depend on labor. The larger the labor supply, the cheaper it is. The more desperately you need a job, the cheaper you’ll work, and the more power those ‘corporate lords’ have over you. If you are a wealthy elite – or a ‘wannabe’ like most dittoheads – your wealth, power and privilege is enhanced by a labor pool, forced to work cheap. …
“Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like … our ‘safety net’ … [b]ecause when you’re unemployed and desperate, corporations can pay you … next to nothing. …
“Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like the minimum wage, or other improvements in wages and working conditions.
“Cheap-labor conservatives like ‘free trade’, NAFTA, GATT, etc. … [b]ecause there is a huge supply of desperately poor people in the third world, who … will work cheap. …
“Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like unions … [b]ecause when labor ‘sticks together’, wages go up. …
“Cheap-labor conservatives constantly bray about ‘morality’, ‘virtue’, ‘respect for authority’, ‘hard work’ and other ‘values’ … [s]o they can blame your being ‘over a barrel’ on your own ‘immorality’, lack of ‘values’ and ‘poor choices’.
“Cheap-labor conservatives encourage racism, misogyny, homophobia and other forms of bigotry … [b]igotry among wage earners distracts them, and keeps them from recognizing their common interests ….”
Roadkill McGavick is a cheap labor conservative making $14 million a month for part-time “consulting” and thinks waitresses are overpaid at $5.15 an hour.
Karl Rove is a cheap labor conservative who welshed a $5 bet.
Mark the Redneck is a cheap labor conservative who welshed a foolhardy $100 bet with Goldy that Initiative 912 (the gas tax repeal) would win by 15 points (it lost by 10 points) and owes his dead crack-whore ex-wife unpaid child support and vagimony!
See what I mean? Cheap labor conservatives are evil, sticky-fingered, sociopaths.
geez, that was supposed to read ‘deal@31’ I’m so sorry.
Well, mtr didn’t take My Left Foot’s offer, so I owe every poster from the time of the offer til 4 hours later a buck. Please contact me at:
And it should have read deal@33 – let’s just say my left foot’s deal, because I swear it has changed spots just since I started posting.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Don Joe says: Blah blah blah. Moonbat! Horseshit!
I posted the URL where the police interviewed the flight attendants, the check-in staff and passengers. The two imams went to first class after they were told there were no seats. If you look at your ticket there is a seat number. They never received a new ticket.
The passengers notices the seat extenders were not used.
If you could read Libtard Moonbat! you’d comprehend facts. But, facts hurt the libtard mind!
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Don Joe says: Janet,
1) Got a link for that “fact” about the Imams not using the extensions? It’s not in the Star Tribune article nor the NY Times article. And, no, Drudge and several other wingnut bloggers don’t count, because they’ve been known to make up “facts” before.
2) They got booted off the flight before it took off. Indeed, they got booted off the flight before it even left the gate. You still have no idea how they intended to use those extensions. Some people use them when they take a nap during flight, but not during take-off and landing.
3) You still haven’t addressed the fact that the FBI investigated this entire affair, and let the Imams go free.
Don Joe, either you are:
All of the above:
The URL I posted has the facts. It was from a libtard MSM newspaper. Either stop sniffing crack (the white powder) or grow up!
Where does it say that Rove didn’t pay up? The comparison to MTR seems silly and inaccurate.
Of course this doesn’t stop Roger from blathering on about “CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES”, since he seems rarely read the links provided and just pontificates based upon his biases.
Mike Webb Sucks JCHspews:
conservative first:
Dude, go back and read the post that the link directs you to. It clearly states that the writer has not been able to contact Mr. Rove, the former genius. When I owe on a bet I seek out the person I owe and PAY them. Republicans are not honorable and they don’t.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Furball said: “Cheap-labor conservatives like ‘free trade’, NAFTA, GATT, etc. … [b]ecause there is a huge supply of desperately poor people in the third world, who … will work cheap. …
Why did Bill Clinton push for NAFTA and GATT? He was a cheap labor conservative? Thought so!
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Mike Webb Sucks JCH says: Mike Webb SUCKS is the smartest conservative I know.
Since you can’t settle on a handle (you select the one to give you your latest notariety, add something pertinent to the conversation and stop being a Don Joe!
Don Joespews:
MWS, you’ve posted no URLs in this thread. If you really do, indeed, have a URL that contains facts not covered in the Start Tribune or the NY Times articles, then post it here.
I’ll just note that neither of those articles mentions the unassigned seats and first-class. There’s a Phoenix news source that says one of the Imams, who had been upgraded to a first-class seat, offered one of his elder companions his own first-class seat after the elder Imam’s seat couldn’t be upgraded. Is that what you guys are talking about with unassigned seats?
As for the seat belt extensions, again, the facts are sketchy at best, but you’ve still overlooked several relevant facts, not the least of which is the fact that it’s not uncommon for people to ask for seat belt extensions to use while napping, but don’t use those extensions during take-off or landing. Since these Imams were taken off the airplane before it left the gate, we’ll never really know what they intended, but merely asking for a seat-belt extension and not using it immediately is not grounds for suspicion (unless you’re a Muslim, I guess).
Lastly, you’ve managed to duck the very same point that Janet has ducked: namely, that the FBI investigated the entire affair, and let the Imams go free. I guess you simply have no response to that point except to say that I’m stupid. Not exactly a compelling argument.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Maybe there is hope for Headless Lucy after all. Did they post the “cocktail” for others to create?
Students Questioned After S.C. Teacher Drinks Deadly Chemicals
POSTED: 9:50 am EST November 28, 2006
GOOSE CREEK, S.C. — Officials at a Goose Creek elementary school say police plan to question fifth grade students about a teacher who became ill after drinking deadly chemicals earlier this month.
The teacher at Boulder Bluff Elementary was hospitalized in critical condition November 16 after drinking methanol and ethylene glycol, a clear, colorless liquid used in antifreeze.
She is recovering at home. Police are investigating the incident as a possible poisoning. A police report said the woman had no history of suicide or depression and was not on any medicine.
Berkeley County School spokeswoman Pam Bailey says about 20 students were in the classroom when the teacher became ill.
Police planned to talk to students today after the school received permission from their parents.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Don Joe says:
MWS, you’ve posted no URLs in this thread. If you really do, indeed, have a URL that contains facts not covered in the Start Tribune or the NY Times articles, then post it here.
Never blogged I posted them here in this thread Moonbat!
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
And… Don Joe… read abd remember Moonbat! You exhibit Furball’s memory retention qualities!
Don Joespews:
Mike Webb SUCKS says:
Since you can’t settle on a handle (you select the one to give you your latest notariety, add something pertinent to the conversation and stop being a Don Joe!
That’s about the funniest thing I’ve read in a good while. MWS, whose sole “pertinent” contribution to the discussion is to claim that he posted some URL some time ago wants someone else to add something pertinent to the conversation.
Are these twits simply impervious to cognitive dissonance?
Don Joespews:
“Never blogged I posted them here in this thread…”
First of all, you don’t “blog” here. Only Goldy does. We just comment. If you want to blog like the big boys, then start your own blog.
Second, I’ve said that I’m not going to waste my time trying to find some kernel in the mountains of chaff you spew all over the comment space on this blog. If you have an actual URL, then post it in this thread. Otherwise, consider yourself a lying sack of shit.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Maybe the Michael Richards group on HorsesAss will drop the NSA eavesdropping mantra? Naah, I didn’t think so. Too many Moonbat!s here.
“After a delay of more than a year, a government board appointed to guard Americans’ privacy and civil liberties during the war on terror has been told the inner workings of the government’s electronic eavesdropping program.
Members say they were impressed by the protections. …
Board members said that they were impressed by the safeguards the government has built into the NSA’s monitoring of phone calls and computer transmissions, and that they wished the administration could tell the public more about them to ease distrust.
“If the American public, especially civil libertarians like myself, could be more informed about how careful the government is to protect our privacy while still protecting us from attacks, we’d be more reassured,” said Lanny Davis , a former Clinton White House lawyer who is the board’s lone liberal Democrat.”
WellLanny I guess they would except the New York Times likes to leak info to terrorists, like the Bank Freeze program last June 23rd!
Looks like Baby Bush got BITCH SLAPPED again. Man I love to see that traitor get his just reward from our courts. Thank GOOOOODNESS the founders saw the day when we’d need to keep an out of control president in check.
So far, Kim Phillips has not been able to collect on her bet. Hush, Hush will keep you updated….
I assume you are referring to that quote. From which it’s hardly clear whether Rove is refusing to pay (like MTR) or not.
In addition, unlike MTR, there’s no verifying the conversation. For all we know Kim Phillips could be making this all up.
If Rove actually made the bet (and it wasn’t in jest), he should pay up.
It’s clear MTR should pay up. To try and paint Rove in the same light based upon an unverifiable blog entry is silly and innacurate.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Don Joe. I post links all the time. If you had a memory like some of us do, you could remember things. If you choose to call my posts chaff that’s okay. Most of the time most MOONBAT!s can fathom good facts because they hurt the libtard mind!
I can remember most crap posted by Moonbat!s. If you can’t well.. “I pity the fool” – BA Barracus A-Team!
“House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has decided against naming either Rep. Jane Harman (Calif.), the senior Democrat on the House intelligence committee, or Rep. Alcee L. Hastings (Fla.), the panel’s No. 2 Democrat, to chair the pivotal committee next year.
The decisions came despite lobbying by conservative Democrats on Harman’s behalf and a full-throttled campaign by Hastings to overcome the stigma of the 1988 impeachment that drove him from his federal judgeship.
The fight over the top spot on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has exposed the kind of factional politics that bedeviled House Democrats before they were swept from control in 1994. Harman, a moderate, strong-on-defense “Blue Dog” Democrat, had angered liberals with her reluctance to challenge the Bush administration’s use of intelligence. Hastings, an African American, was strongly backed by the Congressional Black Caucus but was ardently opposed by the Blue Dogs, who said his removal from the bench disqualifies him from such a sensitive post.
Complicating the matter was Pelosi’s relationship with black Democrats. Earlier this year, she enraged the Black Caucus by removing one of its members, Rep. William J. Jefferson (D-La.), from the Ways and Means Committee after court documents revealed that federal investigators looking into allegations of bribery had found $90,000 in cash neatly bundled in his freezer.
Instead of picking Harman or Hastings, Pelosi will look for a compromise candidate, probably Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-Tex.), but possibly Rep. Norman D. Dicks (D-Wash.), a hawkish member of the Appropriations defense subcommittee, or Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-Ga.), a conservative African American with experience on the intelligence committee. To entice Harman to run in 2000 for a House seat she had vacated for an unsuccessful bid for the California governorship, the Democratic leadership shunted Bishop off the committee — another perceived slap at black lawmakers.”
Now this tells us the real Nancy Pelosi. Read the post and remember Don Joe.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
This is why I call these Moonbat!s here the Michael Richards gang.
“Just when it seemed Michael Richards was about to leave the most troubling incident of his career behind, his publicist is having to explain how the comic could consider himself to be Jewish.
Last week, crisis-management expert Howard Rubenstein acknowledged that Richards had shouted anti-Semitic remarks in an April standup comedy routine well before his appearance earlier this month in which he harangued hecklers with the n-word. But he defended Richards’ language about Jews, saying that the comic “is Jewish. He’s not anti-Semitic at all. He was role-playing.”
As Rubenstein’s assertion circulated, Jewish organizations and commentators pointed out that the man who played Cosmo Kramer on “Seinfeld” has not converted to Judaism and neither of his parents are Jewish.”
Maybe Goldie gave him his “blessing”, after determining his circumcision state!
headless lucyspews:
re23: Do you think Doc Hastings will convene against Alcee Hastings?
“If you had a memory like some of us do, you could remember things.”
I’m calling bullshit on this. You can’t find the link, or you’d have posted it again by now, you lying sack of shit.
Don Joespews:
“Read the post and remember Don Joe.”
Read it before you posted it, LSoS. I’m not sure why anyone should be surprised that Democrats don’t walk lock-step with each other. You see, LSoS, Democrats actually think for themselves.
Daddy Lovespews:
14 klake
“House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has decided against naming either Reps. Jane Harman (D-Calif.), the senior Democrat on the House intelligence committee, or Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.), the panel’s No. 2 Democrat, to chair the pivotal committee next year, ”
Yup. Pelosi slaps down both the Blue Dogs and the Black Caucus. Now they know who’s the fucking boss.
Don Joespews:
“I already posted MSNBC has been caught using ficitious “reportage”, ie: lying. I posted the link too.
They are part of the Lying Libtard MSM.”
You mean the flak about Don Imus two years ago? Funny. He was spouting wingnut talking points at the time.
Daddy Lovespews:
22 klake
“the Dutch are understanding the down falls to political correctness.”
Yes, discriminating against Muslims should calm things down.
Don Joespews:
For the record, I will, henceforth, refer to “Mike Webb SUCKS” as “LSoS.” The “o” stands for “of”. I’ll let everyone else figure out what the rest stands for.
Post that link in this thread, LSoS, or you will, forever, be known on HA as the LSoS.
Funny how the LSoS is too stupid to use his web browser’s history feature to find the link.
Daddy Lovespews:
evangelical is not equal to christian.
Poster Childspews:
re: Snow bunnies pussies
I would have thought you’d be a bit more understanding. and by the way, the Mercer Island school district is closed due to “off island road conditions” (which is to say teachers and staff who can’t afford to live on the island can’t make it in).
I hate to see everyone jumping in to defend Seattle’s reaction to snow; Goldy’s a smart guy, he already knows all that. You don’t like it? go back where you came from!
Don Joespews:
Today’s prediction: The LSoS will, either today or tomorrow, post a link to either this article or some similar article on the same story, will whine about liberal “activist” judges, and never discuss the legal merits of a decision that looks askance at “no apparent limit” on the President’s authority to label groups or individuals as “terrorists.”
Wingnuts like the LSoS no longer want a government of laws. They want a government based on a cult of personality–demagoguery at its finest.
Mike Webb Sucks JCH"s Dickspews:
Hi LSoS,
I can use any moniker I choose as long as I don’t try to hide who I am. Here is a hint, if you were close enough, and had any, I would kick you in the balls with my LEFT one.
Now, kiss my ass you chickenshit little prick. How does it feel to be the MINORITY?
Mark The RedNeck is My Bitchspews:
Ladies and Gentleman:
We have a new record. MTR has not spoken since the spanking administered by Goldy near the start of this thread.
He has gone the way of JCH and slunk away, tail tucked, cowering in fear. The truth will do that to Republicans.
Folks let’s be clear. If the righties keep going on this track. It might be time for a civil war right here in America. I promise I won’t allow Newt the Hoot or any other right winger to destroy the Constitution. We need to get ready for this battle folks. It’s getting serious.
Roger Rabbitspews:
165 “ConservativeFirst says: Where does it say that Rove didn’t pay up? The comparison to MTR seems silly and inaccurate. Of course this doesn’t stop Roger from blathering on about ‘CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES’, since he seems rarely read the links provided and just pontificates based upon his biases. 11/29/2006 at 6:06 am”
Roger Rabbit Reply: This shouldn’t be too hard to resolve. Let’s review:
Wingnut Claim #1: The linked article doesn’t say Rove didn’t pay the bet.
Wingnut Claim #2: Roger Rabbit didn’t read the article.
Now let’s fact-check:
Fact-check #1: The linked article says:
“So far, Kim Phillips has not been able to collect on her bet.”
(For verification, click here: http://tinyurl.com/yndkkr … it’s just below the box with the gray background, right above “Photo: Kim Phillips with What’s-His-Name” … if you can’t find it, let me know, and I’ll have one of my seeing-eye-dog friends assist you.)
Fact-check #2: Roger Rabbit DID read the article. Otherwise, how could I know that Rove hasn’t paid the $5 bet? On the other hand, it is equally evident that FascistFuck DID NOT read the article. Otherwise, he could he get it wrong? Or maybe he’s a fucking illiterate who only looks at the pictures. FascistFuck seems like the type who would look at a photo of Rove and drool with sexual lust … you know, that Log Cabin thing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
165 “ConservativeFirst says: Where does it say that Rove didn’t pay up? … Of course this doesn’t stop Roger from blathering on about ‘CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES’, since he seems rarely read the links provided and just pontificates based upon his biases. 11/29/2006 at 6:06 am”
Roger Rabbit Reply: This shouldn’t be too hard to resolve. Let’s start by reviewing FascistFuck’s claims:
Wingnut Claim #1: The article doesn’t say Rove didn’t pay the bet.
Wingnut Claim #2: Roger Rabbit didn’t read the article.
Now, let’s fact-check these claims:
Fact-check #1: The article says, “So far, Kim Phillips has not been able to collect on her bet.” (For verification, click here: http://tinyurl.com/yndkkr … and READ the article instead of just looking at the picture.)
Fact-check #2: Roger Rabbit DID read the article. How else would I know that Rove hasn’t paid the bet? It is equally evident that FascistFuck DID NOT read the article — otherwise, how could he get it wrong? Next time, read the fucking article instead of just looking at the pictures, dolt!
167 “Mike Webb SUCKS says: Furball said: “Cheap-labor conservatives like ‘free trade’, NAFTA, GATT, etc. … Why did Bill Clinton push for NAFTA and GATT? He was a cheap labor conservative? Thought so! 11/29/2006 at 6:34 am”
You sure have a short memory. Many Democrats, not to mention organized labor, took issue with Clinton over his trade policies. (Unlike Republicans, we allow dissent in our party.) So how do Clinton’s trade policy sins make Republicans innocent? How does Democratic pandering to corporate interests to get campaign cash make Republikkkan politicians preferable to Democratic politicians on issues that affect working class families? When you guys are even worse? At least Clinton:
a) did not start a war based on lies;
b) won his war;
c) didn’t lose any U.S. lives in the process; and
d)stopped a genocide instead of starting one.
And Clinton at least:
e) created jobs, instead of destroying jobs; and
f) helped the middle class, instead of looting it.
You are right, Clinton’s trade policies sucked; but Clinton didn’t:
g) attempt to loot Social Security; or
h) attempt to loot the tip jar.
So fuck you, FascistFack! I like our crooks better than your crooks. If this country has to be run by crooks, then I prefercrooks who steal from the rich and give to the poor, as opposed to your crooks, who steal from the poor and give to the rich.
Roger Rabbitspews:
172 “Mike Webb SUCKS says: And… Don Joe… read abd remember Moonbat! You exhibit Furball’s memory retention qualities!
11/29/2006 at 6:46 am”
My memory is fine. You’re the one who doesn’t know the article says, “So far, Kim Phillips has not been able to collect on her bet.”
(For verification, click here: http://tinyurl.com/yndkkr … and READ the fucking article instead of just looking at the pictures.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Judge: Bush can’t designate groups as terrorists
“Executive order establishing power was unconstitutional, ruling says
“Updated: 5:42 p.m. PT Nov 28, 2006
“LOS ANGELES – A federal judge struck down President Bush’s authority to designate groups as terrorists, saying his post-Sept. 11 executive order was unconstitutional and vague, according to a ruling released Tuesday.”
Roger Rabbit Comment: In a way, it’s too bad; I was hoping the next president would designate the GOP a terrorist group. They are, you know.
Roger Rabbitspews:
177 What part of “has not been able to collect on her bet” don’t you understand? Guess it depends on what your definition of “is” is, huh?
Roger Rabbitspews:
178 Mike Webb SUCKS says: Don Joe. I post links all the time. If you had a memory like some of us do, you could remember things. 11/29/2006 at 7:07 am
If your memory is so great, why don’t you just tell us which post the links are in, so the rest of us can find your alleged links without having to wade through 177 posts?
Roger Rabbitspews:
179 Mike Webb SUCKS says: … I already posted MSNBC has been caught using ficitious “reportage”, ie: lying. … 11/29/2006 at 7:27 am
Roger Rabbit Reply: I gotta agree with you there, Sucky Mike! Corporate flaks are planting fake “news” stories full of lies in the media every day — it’s a serious problem! For example:
“Fake News Flash: Global Warming Is a Myth!
“At least that’s what residents of hurricane-ravaged Mississippi were told when a local newscaster aired a fake news segment earlier this year. … Viewers weren’t told that the segment was bought and paid for by ExxonMobil lobbyists.
“The problem doesn’t end in Mississippi. Free Press and the Center for Media and Democracy today released a … report that exposes more corporations placing propaganda as news on television stations across the country.
“This deception is illegal under federal rules … this investigation has snared more than 100 local stations slipping corporate-sponsored ‘video news releases’ — promotional segments designed to look like objective news reports — into their regular news programming. The advertisements, flogging everything from arguments against global warming to porn-free search engines, are passed off to you, their viewers, as legitimate news reports.
“In April 2006, after we first exposed this practice, broadcasters pledged that they would come clean and stop infiltrating the airwaves with fake news. In August, the FCC launched an inquiry into all 77 stations that were cited in the first investigation. But the FCC investigation has gone nowhere.
“Free Press and CMD have delivered extensive evidence of this local TV abuse to the FCC. But these two investigations — documenting less than 1 percent of fake news being offered to newsrooms — exposed only the tip of the iceberg. It’s likely that fake news reports have been aired on hundreds more local newscasts.
“We need your help to send a strong message to the FCC: Crack down on local news stations that abuse the public trust by airing fake news.
“Timothy Karr
“Campaign Director
“Free Press
I posted a link to an interesting article by a Libertarain gent, but somehow it never showed up here. When I tried to post it again, the machine said I’d already posted the comment. What’s up?
Roger Rabbitspews:
203 I’m having that problem too. The cookie monster eats my posts, then tells me I already posted it, when it’s not there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
There’s a silver lining, though … apparently the cookie monster swallowed JCH whole, and he doesn’t exist anymore! :D :D :D
Roger Rabbitspews:
191 This letter in today’s fish wrapper says it all:
“Right about now, all Midwesterners and East Coasters who live in Seattle are shaking their heads at the panic-stricken coverage of ‘THE BIG STORM’ [‘Weather forces city, traffic to a halt,’ page one, Nov. 28]. Newscasters Tuesday morning pleaded, practically hysterically, with the viewers to stay home and not leave their houses!
“The solution is so very simple, for any major city, or Department of Transportation that wants a solution. Guess what! Salt and sand get rid of ice on roads! Snow plows and road crews actually help clear interstates and prevent accidents, when you use them!
“As a former Minnesotan, it is unthinkable to me that several inches of snow and ice would bring a city to a standstill and produce such panic. Plan, prepare, and decide if you want to be a city that properly handles this type of weather! It is not rocket science, folks.
— Janet Engel, Seattle”
Excerpted under Fair Use; for the complete letters column and/or copyright info, see http://tinyurl.com/ykpg55
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s impossible to disagree with Ms. Engle; but I would add a couple things:
a) Cities around here don’t invest in plowing and sanding equipment because it’s used only once every three or four years; and
b) If they did 45% of the population would bitch about paying taxes for it (the same 45% that wants other people to pay for roads, and doesn’t pay off their bad political bets).
Right Stuffspews:
November 28, 2006
Schumer: Reaganism Is Dead
What a tool…
Pelosi, Schumer, Reid, Clinton, and Dean all have one thing in common. The ability to unify conservatives and lose a narrow majority in congress. Two years is just enough time for the democrats to cannalbalize themselves right out of leadership.
Reaganism and Reaganonics work. Tax cuts for all americans. Take money out of govt and put it back into the hands of the people.
Lower taxes, smaller government, strong defense, support the small business entrepeneur, reward initiative, control of education to the community not the fed. Tough on crime and criminals. Support of judges who are constitutional originalists. Most importantly, an unshakeable belief in the greatness of The United States and our duty to the constitution for all mankind.
Roger Rabbitspews:
192 If we’re going to give presidents that kind of authority, then I think the next president should designate the GOP and the sucky little jihad blog* as terrorist organizations.
* The jihad blog contains the following comment:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
What kind of fucking jerk would hope a terrorist attack kills innocent Americans so his party can win elections? A Republican terrorist, that’s who! Any blog that gives someone like this a forum to vent his sick, twisted ideas is in cahoots with the terrorist posters whose venom it spews. That’s why the jihad blog should be considered a terrorist organization.
Don Joespews:
Right Stuff says:
November 28, 2006
Schumer: Reaganism Is Dead
What a tool…
Well, you supplied the self-description, but it is so very apt. Reaganism is dead largely because those who claim allegiance to it have long since forsaken it for something quite different. That’s one of the reasons Republicans got so handily smacked during the past mid-term elections.
Another TJspews:
I posted a link to an interesting article by a Libertarain gent, but somehow it never showed up here. When I tried to post it again, the machine said I’d already posted the comment. What’s up?
It’s probably hung up in the new super-duper spam filter. It should show up when Goldy gets around to releasing it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
207, 209
Pat Buchanan and Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter have already said the 2006 election finished off the Goldwater/Reagan conservative movement; now they’re joined by Washington Post columnist E. J. Dionne Jr., who says:
“This fall’s election … revealed that the Barry Goldwater-Ronald Reagan political settlement has expired.”
I think I have seen you copy that post at least dozen times.
Yes he is an idiot and a jerk. Doesn’t reflect feelings of most conservatives. There are whack jobs on both sides.
An idiot is an idiot no matter what party they affiliate themselves with.
Getting back to welshing on a bet:
A friend of mine, a stock broker (and ardent Republican) once had a client purchase futures options and gave his firm a check. My friend tried to talk them out of it, but the client was insistent. The options were underwater and didn’t pan out, so the client lost his money.
But then the check bounced. My friend had to cover the amount of the check to the firm out of his own pocket – $15,000 if I remember correctly.
He confronted the client. The client admitted he never had the money in his account, but needed money badly and was willing to take a gamble. If he won, he would take his money and use it to pay other debts. If he lost, he would just owe another $15,000, which somebody else (i.e., my friend) would have to cover for the time being. As far as they were concerned, they didn’t see that they had done anything wrong.
That is why welshing on a bet is so bad. The welsher expects to collect when they win, but expects to renege when they lose. The result is it isn’t a bet at all, as they have no risk. They have passed the risk of losing back onto the other player.
Which is exactly what the Republicans, and their friends in industry, have been doing for the past several years. Finance companies make bad loans to individuals at userous rates (arguably justified by the higher risk), and then change the bankruptcy laws so they in fact have no risk. Industry in general wants to keep profits high by avoiding polution controls, then pass the cost of environmental remediation on to the taxpayers. They want to prosecute a war in Iraq, but they don’t want to provide for the proper protective gear, passing the costs onto the injured soldiers and their families.
Right Stuffspews:
The only thing about Reaganism that died were those who falsely claimed the mantel. The ideas, the values are more important today than ever. Pres Bush is no Reagan and is one of those who falsely wears the mantel.
We shall see, We shall see.
And before Santorum gets thrown out there as an example of the dead Reagan ideas, I give you Lieberman.
Buchanan and Alter are certainly not good examples of conservative spokeman.
Don Joespews:
The only thing about Reaganism that died were those who falsely claimed the mantel.
First, who’s responsible for the fact that some individuals were allowed to falsely assume the mantle?
Second, the idea that lowering taxes will increase revenues at current tax rates has been pretty much shot out of the water. We have two administrations worth of experience with it, and in neither case did the predictions pan out.
Lastly, “supply side” Economics has very little credibility among people who are actually engaged in the study of Economics as a social science. As a “science” “supply side” Economics pretty much falls in the same category as “creation science.”
I was in college in the early 80’s studying Economics. For one assignment, I wrote a paper critiquing Bruce Bartlett’s book. Bartlett didn’t even understand the difference between Say and Walras, yet he still managed to gain some cachet among the conservative crowd. I really don’t understand why, and the most plausible explanation I have for that is that Bartlett tells conservatives what they want to hear as opposed to telling the whole truth.
MTR is rightspews:
I went back and looked at the original post.
Goldy, MTR is correct, why didn’t you add his Follow up, which is 100% accurate
“Mark The Redneck says:
Goldy @ 15 – Nope. You pay Tim $100 and go on record putting money in his pocket or no deal.
You decide.
09/20/2005 at 7:15 pm”
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Hey DIPSHIT Libtard Moonbats: I didn’t post the link in this Open Thread. It’s on another thread.
And I am NOT going to post it again. Threats about me not posting it proves you are too damn lazy to find it on the Michael Richards show (HorsesAss)!
Furball, go back to fucking bunnies. That’s something you did better than writing the shit you do now! The bestiality did you good. Now that you slowed down or stopped, you write garbage.
“”I was suspicious by the way they were praying very loud,” the gate agent told the Minneapolis Police Department.
Passengers and flight attendants told law-enforcement officials the imams switched from their assigned seats to a pattern associated with the September 11 terrorist attacks and also found in probes of U.S. security since the attacks — two in the front row first-class, two in the middle of the plane on the exit aisle and two in the rear of the cabin.”
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Furball: I guess Clinton being a CLC hits home huh? Cum drunk doing another Lewinsky Furball?
Don Joespews:
The LSoS speaks:
And I am NOT going to post it again.
Why not? You asserted something as fact. Don’t want to back it up?
Threats about me not posting it proves you are too damn lazy to find it…
First of all, I never threatened you. I merely noted what the general consequences are when people assert something as fact, yet fail to come forth with the goods when challenged.
Second, you presume I have the time to wade through all of the crap you post. Whatever does Michaeal Richards have to do with politics in Western Washington? Is Micheal Richards a politician? Is he running for office somewhere? You post tons of completely irrelevant bullshit, and I have work to do.
Third, I haven’t asked for a copy-and-paste job. I want the original source in its full context. You claim you posted a URL, so why can’t you post it again?
Lastly, you, like Janet S, have still failed to address the points I’ve raised earlier with respect to both the seat belt extenders and the alleged seat switching (note that there is no source given for the claim that they seated themselves in a pattern similar to what the 9/11 attackers did–which is why I want the original–I’m betting that the original doesn’t name a source for that little tidbit either. Let me guess–you got this from something like the WA Times, right? Yeah, they’re real careful with facts). If you want to claim that you’re actually kicking some ass around here, you might want to try responding to those points first.
PS, I’ve already said that the “o” stand for “of”.
I guess Clinton being a CLC
20,000 more troops to Iraq! Here’s your chance to put your courage where your mouth is Klake. Take MTR and MW Sucks with you.
You can count on 5 things in this life:
a) Democrats will continue to raise your taxes
b) Democrats will continue to raise your taxes
c) Democrats will continue to raise your taxes
d) Democrats will continue to raise your taxes
e) Democrats will continue to raise your taxes
“Veto” he’s a good friend of mine……….He will be every watchful of you taxocrats……
Jane Sspews:
I wouldn’t say that my mom “lies for a living.” She’s just very good at what she does, which is to carefully spin the Republican talking points of the day.
In her own way she’s really quite intelligent. Of course, she also is like George W. Bush — my mom will stubbornly refuse to see reality when it fits her political agenda.
What I find most sad is that her good judgment has become badly distorted by her job. I can only imagine what it will be like 10 years from now when she looks back. Will she recognize the fundamental errors in her logic and facts? Or will she continue to hide from her own better judgment?
She’s my mom, so I can empathize with her situation. Her job has captured her soul. Please don’t be too hard on her; this happens to many folks regardless of their political orientation. It just so happens that my mom’s job requires her dysfunctions to be displayed for all the world to see on blogs like this one. You should see what she writes elsewhere!
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Lesson in Legislative activities for Clueless AKA many names; Congress, led by Moonbat!s raised taxes.
“But Rabiah Ahmed, spokeswoman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said Muslims “have to walk around on eggshells in public just because we don’t want to be misconstrued as suspicious. You have to strike a balance between legitimate fears which people may have, but not allow passengers to have so much discretion that they can trigger a process that would violate a traveler’s basic civil rights.” – When has CAIR denounced the 9/11 attacks, islamofascism, hate speech in mosques? NEVER!
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
I finally figured out why Don Joe the Moonbat! has mental problems!
Admit it Don Joe the Moonbat! you were just wrong:
“Flight attendants said they were concerned that the way the imams took seats that were not assigned to them — two seats in the front row of first class, exit seats in the middle of the plane and two seats in the rear — resembled the pattern used by September 11 hijackers, giving them control of the exits.”
That’s funny, because, if you go back up, you’ll note that I predicted your source to be the WA Times.
Why didn’t the MSM print that? Maybe, because there’s no substantiation for the claims that are printed there?
You do know how reporters get those kinds of quotes, don’t you? They track down some supposed expert (note that none of these experts are named), feed this supposed expert a baleful of hypothetical facts, and get a response. At no point does the reporter actually provide any corroborating basis for the hypothetical “facts” that are fed to this unnamed expert. That way, reporters can print any number of cooked-up facts and conclusions all the while tacking them under an attribution that begins with, “Experts say…”
Who are these experts? What’s the actual basis for the facts that were fed to them? Can we find any independent corroboration for the facts in the WA Times piece?
Were you a person who actually employs critical thinking, you’d have asked these questions, and sought out answers. But, you didn’t. Because questions hurt the wingnut mind.
Don Joe the Moonbat!, so the Air Marshall Service, which protects your sorry ass when you fly are wrong? The libtard MSM won’t print the truth and it doesn’t bother you?
Don Joespews:
By the way, LSoS, the whole 9/11 “pattern” meme is discounted by the fact that the FBI investigated the whole incident and let the Imams go free. If there was any connection between the Imams’ pattern of behavior and that of the 9/11 attackers, it’s highly unlikely that the FBI would have let them go free.
When you fail to ask intelligent questions, you fail to take into account countervaling facts. This happens, because questions hurt the wingnut mind.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Interesting how Mr Socialist has not commented on this story.
Why Mr. Socialist. Looks like your hero Putin may be implicated? You love to post Pravda crap here!
Don Joespews:
LSoS, go back and read the article. The Air Marshall (unnamed) who was quoted was fed facts by the reporter. That’s in the article itself. The Air Marshall’s comments were not based on a review of the full and actual record established by the FBI investigation.
Again, you demonstrate that questions hurt the wingnut mind.
Mike Webb SUCKSspews:
Again Don Joe the Moonbat! Maybe the FBI let them go to follow them. This has been done before but your puny little libtard mind missed those facts too. The Air Marshalls agree with US Air, and that’s all that matters to me. So your countervaling facts have little value!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
HAR is for Furball because he can’t correctly spell Ha!
Don Joespews:
“The Air Marshalls agree with US Air, and that’s all that matters to me. So your countervaling facts have little value!”
That’s absolutely correct. Countervaling facts are of little value to you, because you’ve already reached a foregone conclusion despite what the actual facts might be. You’ve already said that this is what you do, so there’s no need to repeat it. We all know that questions hurt the wingnut mind, and I thank you for being such an efficacious proof of that proposition.
Speaking of welchers, didn’t Pelosi and the Democrats promise that if they won the majority they would implement all the recommendations of the 9/11 commission? They haven’t even taken power yet, and already they have backed out of that one.
First, Micheal, that would be reneging, not welching. There is a difference, and the difference is not trivial.
Second, Republicans have already floated two preemptive criticisms of the incoming Democrats, and the bases of these criticisms have not panned out. So, why not wait until the first 100 hours is over before we criticize the Democrats for reneging?
And, by the way, if they do renege on that promise, I’ll be right there criticizing them as much as you would.
I’ll bet she smelled of sulphur after Rove removed his arm. Even the heartless, sexless Rove could not resist sticking his arm around that Democratic babe. Why is it that Democratic women are so much more attractive than Republican women?
You can count on 5 things in this life:
a) You’re gonna die someday;
b) Republicans lie about everything;
c) Republicans have no honor;
d) Republicans want you to pay their share of taxes;
e) Republicans are bet welshers. Every time.
1 proud leftist says: Why is it that Democratic women are so much more attractive than Republican women? 11/28/2006 at 5:22 pm
Try to imagine sex with Ann Coulter, and you’ll understand.
Of course, Coulter might seem attractive to a pigfucker.
Mark the Welshing Redneck has committed treason. He should be shot for rooting for the Packers!
No, wait … shooting is too good for him. He should be hanged.
Well folks this is one for Al Goreaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa suing the EPA just to convince the Chicken Little’s of the world we are not doing are fair share to save the planet.
The Bush administration has been on a six-year campaign to expand its powers, often beyond what the Constitution allows. So it is odd to hear it claim that it lacks the power to slow global warming by limiting the emission of harmful gases. But that is just what it will argue to the Supreme Court tomorrow, in what may be the most important environmental case in many years.
A group of 12 states, including New York and Massachusetts, is suing the Environmental Protection Agency for failing to properly do its job. These states, backed by environmental groups and scientists, say that the Clean Air Act requires the E.P.A. to impose limits on carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emitted by new cars. These gases are a major contributor to the “greenhouse effect” that is dangerously heating up the planet.
The Bush administration insists that the E.P.A. does not have the power to limit these gases. It argues that they are not “air pollutants” under the Clean Air Act. Alternatively, it contends that the court should dismiss the case because the states do not have “standing,” since they cannot show that they will be specifically harmed by the agency’s failure to regulate greenhouse gases.
Just kidding, Redneck! Hey, if the woman of your dreams can crack death jokes, why can’t I? Why should pigs (and eunuchs who go through the motions of mating with them) have a monopoly on laughs? Pigfuckers want a monopoly on every fucking thing!
I think we can safely conclude that flaky klake has NO understanding (as in “zero,” “nada,” “zip,” etc.) of standing, the legal issues related to technical definitions under the CAA, etc.
Come back and post again when you have a clue about what you’re cutting-and-pasting, little boy.
Shove it up your ass goldy. I made an offer. You wanted to negotiate terms. At that point, the deal was dead.
That’s how it works.
You dems sure have thin skin when it comes to welchers. John Kerry said he would release his military medical records almost three years ago and has he done it…. hell noooo. If we knew it was that easy to receive a purple heart we all would have got one.
Hey, Klake,
How is it that you feel entitled to form an opinion on a subject about which you have no understanding? Oh, that’s right, you’re a Republican. Facts don’t matter, the law doesn’t matter, nothing matters except what you believe. You’re kind of like Rickey Henderson, who said about one of his many prolonged contract negotiations, “all I’m asking for is what I want.”
MTR is still trying to justify not paying on a bet by trying to argue “non-conforming acceptanc”. The problem is that only applies if the change was to a “material term” of the contract. I think he has a freshman (high school) understanding of contract terms.
Those of us that deal with very large commercial contracts on a regular basis understand better.
Of course, the real test is that if he had won, MTR would have tried to collect.
Roger your favorite lover Nancy Pelosi and she is dumping Hastings for you to represent the Socialist Democrat Party. Then she may dump you for Norm Dicks he looks more like Headless Lucy.
House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has decided against naming either Reps. Jane Harman (D-Calif.), the senior Democrat on the House intelligence committee, or Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.), the panel’s No. 2 Democrat, to chair the pivotal committee next year, Democratic aides and lawmakers said today.
The decision came despite lobbying by conservative Democrats and interest groups on Harman’s behalf and a full-throttled campaign by Hastings to overcome the stigma of the 1988 impeachment that drove him from his federal judgeship.
Instead, Pelosi will look to a compromise candidate, probably Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-Texas), but possibly Reps. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.), a hawkish member of the defense appropriations subcommittee, or Sanford Bishop (D-Ga.), a conservative African American with Intelligence Committee experience.
proud leftist says:
Hey, Klake,
How is it that you feel entitled to form an opinion on a subject about which you have no understanding? Oh, that’s right, you’re a Republican. Facts don’t matter, the law doesn’t matter, nothing matters except what you believe. You’re kind of like Rickey Henderson, who said about one of his many prolonged contract negotiations, “all I’m asking for is what I want.”
11/28/2006 at 5:43 pm
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Proud leftist you made one small mistake I’m a Democrat and I got a union card to prove it. What are you a Socialist Democrat?????????????????
“I made an offer. You wanted to negotiate terms. At that point, the deal was dead.”
Goldy, was Mark The Redneck trying to barter away his make-believe trophy wife, his make-believe McMansion or his make-believe college degrees?
The words of William S. Burroughs come to mind:
Hey Thumper what part did you play in this event? The big question today is the Party split between the Democrats and the Socialist Democrats. Now the Republicans can still run the show with the house full of conservatives and the leftwing still out to lunch. Maybe Nancy PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. Is going to make many changes she had not plan on for the party.
The DCCC did not win these elections on our own, those who worked for it are too many to name, but this memo will help explain what we in the DCCC and DCCC community did to bring about the change that we so desperately needed. This is the difference your contribution made.
Folks from the member of al-Qaida we now that you for your support and my Mohammad win over the Yankees.
As thousands of Turks took to the streets to protest the ongoing visit of Pope Benedict XVI to their country, the Church was already dealing with another threat from angry Muslims – a cyberattack on the Vatican Web site.
An appeal to Jihadists hackers was sent out through Web forums linked to al-Qaida and was posted on two of the Web sites that publish messages from the terrorist organization.
“The leadership of the electronic Jihad has decided to undertake a grand attack against the official Vatican site following the insults by the Pope against our Prophet,” the statement read in Arabic, referring to remarks the Pope made in a September 12 speech.
“With Allah’s blessing, the attack will succeed thanks to the help of our brothers if we all attack simultaneously. We ask all our brothers to be present at the hour of the attack for a joint action, because they (Catholics) have struck our religion. They must be fought and deserve to be attacked and not only on their Internet site.”
Threats against the Vatican Web site and the Catholic Church in general began shortly after the Pope’s speech, in which he quoted a 14th century emperor’s description of Islam as a religion spread by the sword.
How is it that you feel entitled to form an opinion on a subject about which you have no understanding? Oh, that’s right, you’re a Republican. Facts don’t matter, the law doesn’t matter, nothing matters except what you believe.
You tell em proud. If you ever need a forged memo to back up one of your points I am always here for you buddy.
We are used to Republicans rewriting history and you attempt to do so here, well, it only fools only yourself.
If you had one ounce of honor, you would pay up.
I won’t hold my breath.
How does it feel to be the new minority? How does that loser tag feel around your neck? Are you one of the pig-fuckers that Furball is talking about? If you are I am calling the ASPCA, you animal abusing bastard!
Now it appears that the Dutch are understanding the down falls to political correctness. Maybe in the future they will understand the short comings of Socialism.
Dutch show intolerance for tolerance
The latest Western outburst against Islamic political correctness comes our way from Holland, that normally most tolerant of Western nations. Even the stoic Dutch were transformed after the 2004 murder of native filmmaker Theo van Gogh by a Muslim fundamentalist. That event made the Dutch more tolerant of intolerance.
Holland’s center-right government announced five days before national elections that it plans to consider banning burqas and similar full-body garb in public places. While some scoff at the idea of Western governments dictating Muslim women’s dress, Dutch officials are starting to line up with their more proactive European counterparts. Many Europeans now see face and head coverings as walking security threats.
Since 1985, dozens of female suicide bombers (mainly in the Middle East) including Palestinians, Turks, Chechens and even Tamil Tigresses have donned the disguise of traditional Islamic garb as vehicles for mass destruction. Some hid bombs on their bellies to feign pregnancy.
The West’s reaction to its ballooning Islamic population is only one side of a two-sided cultural clash. The other side is being driven by Islamists moving to Western nations while adhering to homeland traditions. The flip side would be Pamela Anderson emigrating to Saudi Arabia and continuing to dress with midriff and cleavage exposed.
Consider this excerpt from an opinion piece on Al-Jazeerah’s Web site: “In post 2000 and 2004 elections in the USA, vilifying Islam and Muslims has increasingly become the norm. Most recently, just prior to the pope’s remarks, President Bush joined the cabal declaring the war on terrorism as being waged against ‘Islamic fascists’ who seek to destroy our freedoms.”
It appears Alcee I-can-be-bought Hastings doesn’t have to worry about the BACK OF THE BUS: his “pals” prefer him UNDER THE BUS!
SanFranNan is 0 for 2.
Now will the Queen Gregoire require those graduating from Washington State University take the same test? The next question could they passed the test today or will it take them until 2011 to meet the requirements? You can include Western Washington with the testing requirement to graduate from college. What say you?
Eastside and south King County educators voiced support Monday for Gov. Chris Gregoire and state school Chief Terry Bergeson’s proposal to postpone a requirement that students pass a high-stakes math test in order to graduate.
Gregoire and Bergeson are urging lawmakers to delay implementing the requirement until 2011 — three years later than the start of the reading and writing requirement of the Washington Assessment of Student Learning, or WASL.
In the intervening years, students would continue taking rigorous math classes and tests while the state and local districts collaborate on major improvements in Washington’s math education.
Students would continue taking the math test until they pass or graduate. They would also get extra math classes and individual help.
The test was developed as a way to monitor how well Washington’s 1 million public school students are achieving “world-class” standards in reading, math and writing.
As it stands, beginning in 2008, students have to pass all three sections to graduate.
Welcher @10,
We’ve posted and reposted the transcript of our exchange. But here it is again. You wrote:
To which I replied:
I-912 lost by a 10 point margin, 45% to 55%, so you were only off by 25 points.
You asked “Are we on?” and I replied “You’re on.” I think it is perfectly clear to any fair minded individual that I accepted your wager. I then offered you the option “if you’d like,” of modifying the terms so that we’d both come out winners… but only after I’d already accepted.
Had I lost, you would have held me to the bargain. But when I asked you to send $100.00 to Maria Cantwell, you first claimed her website didn’t work, and then later refused.
So until you pay up, you’ll always be HA’s number one welcher.
Shove it up your ass goldy. I made an offer. You wanted to negotiate terms. At that point, the deal was dead.
That’s how it works.
If the deal was dead, why did you claim you tried to pay it off?
BRITAINS CATHOLIC AND ANGLICAN LEADERS TELL HOMOSEXUALS AND THEIR PC CROWD ENABLERS: GO SCREW YOURSELVES (It’s about time! If only finger-in-the-wind Brunett had the stones to show such courage)
Catholic Church will Drop Schools, Charities and Adoption Agencies if Laws Force Homosexuality, UK Archbishop Warns
Laws would force churches and faith-based organizations to allow to gay groups to use facilities … http://tinyurl.com/ycd2pj
By Gudrun Schultz
ENGLAND, United Kingdom, November 28, 2006 – Roman Catholic Archbishop of Birmingham Vincent Nichols has issued a strong warning to the Government over new pro-homosexual legislation, saying the Catholic Church will no longer cooperate with the government on schools, charity programs and adoption agencies if the government attempts to force the Church to accept homosexuality.
Archbishop Nichols said the government was “engaged in an intense and at times aggressive reshaping of our moral framework”, taking on a role it has “no mandate or competence” to carry out, The Evening Standard reported earlier today.
“[T]hose who are elected to fashion our laws are not elected to be our moral tutors,” Archbishop Nichols said.
“Take the notion of the family and the moral equivalence being forced upon us between marriage of a man and a woman, on the one hand, and on the other, a legally recognised partnership of two people of the same sex.”
Speaking in a sermon in St. Chad’s Cathedral, Archbishop Nichols said, “The Government must realise that it is not possible to seek co-operation with us while at the same time trying to impose upon us conditions which contradict our moral values.”
“It is simply unacceptable to suggest that the resources of faith communities, whether in schools, adoption agencies, welfare programmes, halls and shelters can work in co-operation with public authorities only if the faith communities accept not simply a legal framework but also the moral standards at present being touted by the Government.”
The Catholic Church has said it will close down the seven adoption agencies it runs if the law forces the Church to place children with homosexual couples. That threat carries significant weight, the Standard reported, since 1 in 20 adopted children are placed in homes through the Catholic agencies.
The Sexual Orientation Regulations, which will take effect in England in April, are ostensibly aimed at preventing discrimination against homosexuals in the workplace. The impact on Christian communities will likely be significant, however, as the regulations would prevent churches and faith-based organizations from refusing to permit homosexual groups from using their facilities. Christian or Muslim businesses could be sued for refusing to accept homosexual clients–hoteliers and printers would not be free to withhold their facilities and services from same-sex couples or clients.
Leaders in the Church of England have warned the measures will leave vicars vulnerable to lawsuits if they refuse to bless a same-sex union.
In Northern Ireland, the Sexual Orientation Regulations will be enforced with fines between £500 and £1,000 for a first offence, and up to £25,000 for subsequent offences.
* * * *
Anglican bishop threatens to close youth clubs in protest at gay rights… http://tinyurl.com/yj5xpm
A senior Church of England bishop have warned that Anglican youth clubs, welfare projects and charities may close because of new gay rights laws.
The Bishop of Rochester, the Right Reverend Michael Nazir-Ali, said that the Church of England’s charities would be “affected” by the rules, which will force them to give equal treatment to homosexuals.
He declared: “It will be the poor and disadvantaged who will be the losers.”
Dr Nazir-Ali spoke in the wake of the protest by Roman Catholic Archbishop of Birmingham Vincent Nichols against Government interference in the moral beliefs of Christians.
His intervention meant ministers are faced with a united front of hostility from churches over the Sexual Orientation Regulations, due to become law next April.
The new laws are meant to prevent discrimination against gays. But the Church of England has said they mean priests could be sued for refusing to bless same-sex unions and Catholics say they will close their adoption agencies rather than give children to gay couples.
Leaders of the increasingly influential black churches added their voices to the protest, saying that pastors and churchgoers will go to jail rather than accept rules that will mean they must open their meeting halls to gay lobby groups.
Pakistani-born Dr Nazir-Ali said: “I welcome warmly what the Roman Catholic Bishop of Birmingham has said about the Sexual Orientation Regulations.
“In the proposed regulations there is no clear exemption for religious belief even though it is widely known that several of the faiths in this country will have serious difficulty.”
He added: “Religion affects every area of life and cannot be reduced to just worship.
“These regulations will certainly affect a great deal of charitable work done by the churches and others. It is the poor and disadvantaged who will be the losers.”
The warning means Dr Nazir-Ali believes the new gay rights laws are a threat to the Church of England’s continued influence in inner cities and deprived areas of the country.
Despite its internal arguments and financial troubles, the CofE has been widely praised in recent years for its efforts to maintain its presence and its charity efforts in the toughest parts of cities.
Archbishop Nichols warned earlier this week that Catholic schools, adoption agencies, welfare programmes, halls and shelters would all be threatened by the pressure to accept “moral standards at present being touted by the Government”.
Black church leaders, who have paid for newspaper advertisements warning that the new rules will force schools to promote gay civil partnerships as the equal of marriage, said the laws would bring civil disobedience.
Pastor Ade Amooba of Christian Voice in Brixton, South London, said: “Homosexuals are set at liberty to enjoy their way of life. Why does the Government want to take away ours?
“Christianity is our identity. We will not surrender it. People will not obey these rules, no matter that they are taken to court.”
He added: “We will shut down the youth clubs and welfare projects rather than obey these laws. That will have very damaging effects. We will be losing something valuable.”
George Hargreaves of the Hephzibah Christian Centre in Hackney said: “I have already bought my orange jumpsuit, for no doubt prison awaits us as we fight against the tyranny of the Sexual Orientation Regulations.
“If opposing this law is to be counted as an act of civil disobedience, than in obedience to God we must act in loving and peaceful civil disobedience.”
Final details of the new laws have yet to be made public because of delays following a Cabinet row. Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly, a staunch Catholic who is in charge of pushing the regulations through, only gave way and ordered the rules to go ahead last week.
Their are threats of rebellion in Northern Ireland, which is being used as a test bed for the gay rights laws. The rules will go into force there at the beginning of January.
DUP leader Dr Ian Paisley has handed a letter of protest to Tony Blair amid signs that politically powerful church leaders in the province are preparing to try to stop the new laws.
* * * *
Seven out of 10 say beliefs should not be abandoned over gay rights… http://tinyurl.com/yhr8f4
I think Mark was a bit alarmed at his rash gambling of an entire week’s pay–and while he ultimately plans on paying his debt, at the rate of the quarter per week he can afford to set aside it’s going to take another seven or eight years to deliver the ten rolls.
#26: Does anyone see the irony of the Catholic Church having anything to say about homosexuality? Unless you don’t count alter-boy-buggery as being homosexual…
@25: “If the deal was dead, why did you claim you tried to pay it off?”
Because that is a variation on the classic scammer excuse, part and parcel of the “game”. Think ‘the check is in the mail’ for similar lines.
You haven’t hung out with that sort of crowd much, I see. Guys and Dolls it is not.
Of course this anti-gay, gay republican traitor is (like MTR) a person who’s word means nothing. Republicans are taught from a very young age that truth only matters when you want it to. Republicans think cheating, telling lies, going back on their word, failing to show up for military duty after their father got them Guard duty, they think these are good things.
There’s only one thing lower than whale shit – and that’s a republican.
Speaking of bets, Klake’s wife made me a bet that I couldn’t make her cum. She won. She’s so fucking ugly I had to pull out and get out of there fast.
Klake’s sister on the other hand gives real good head. Of course Klake – you knew that right?
MTR RE: 24
Seems pretty clear to all of us here at HA. My guess is you don’t have the $100. You are not the “sucessfull” individual that you play here on HA.
Tell you what. You give us your real name, what you really do for a living and I will pay the debt for you. I will make a donation of $150 to the Mattel Childrens Hospital at the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles. This hospital does great work and care is free if you don’t have the money to pay. My son was born at this hospital.
If you would like to make it a charity here in the Northwest that will be fine too. I would prefer a direct charity and not the Red Cross or United Way.
You know have a way out, a 50% increase in your wager to benefit kids and everyone here will leave you alone. All you have to do is be honest.
Dammit, should read “You now…….
You know have a way out, a 50% increase in your wager to benefit kids and everyone here will leave you alone. All you have to do is be honest.
RE 32
This offer is good for the next four hours.
(Now, this is changing or adding terms. Notice I am not suggesting or asking, I am telling you that this offer is good for the next four hours. By the way, I must be able to verify any information that you give to Goldy or me regarding your real name and occupation.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, Jew and we took our damn country back.
Howard Dean then: “The Republican party is just a white christian party.”
Howard Dean now (beaming): “We got 1/3 of the white evangelical vote. That hasn’t happened before!”
So which is it: White christians are only good if they vote democrat? Or just plain bad?
MTR, by his own account, makes presentations at public schools for a living. He’s a low paid, marginal corporate shill.
Which explains his shrillness.
1 buck says MTR doesn’t take the deal @32
and Roger Rabbit @3;
Ewwwwww. I’m thankful I wasn’t mid-dinner when I read that, I’d have ended up losing my appetite.
Is being a white christian good or bad? Depends on who they vote for, I guess.
Howard Dean then: “The republican party is just a white christian party.”
Howard Dean now (beaming): “We got 1/3 of the white evangelical vote! That’s never happened before!”
Which is it?
Likin’ the results of the election.
Howard Dean then: “The Republican party is just a white christian party.”
Howard Dean now (beaming): “We got 1/3 of the white evangelical vote! That hasn’t happened before!”
So is ol Howie saying it’s good to be a white christian, or bad? Please explain. Are they good only when they vote democrat?
MAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRk, I know you are out here. How about an answer? You big chickenshit. You will remain silent and claim you did not see the offer. We know you are sitting in your mom’s basement banging away on your keyboard, shaking with fear at being caught in your web lies.
Come on Mark, take me up on it.
Heydeho says:
Howard Dean then: “The Republican party is just a white christian party.”
Howard Dean now (beaming): “We got 1/3 of the white evangelical vote! That hasn’t happened before!”
11/28/2006 at 7:36 pm
Then one can only conclude he said something that was, indeed correct–assuming one led to the other.
White christianist voters: sheep.
Gingrich raises alarm at event honoring those who stand up for freedom of speech
“Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich yesterday said the country will be forced to reexamine freedom of speech to meet the threat of terrorism.
Gingrich, speaking at a Manchester awards banquet, said a “different set of rules” may be needed to reduce terrorists’ ability to use the Internet and free speech to recruit and get out their message.
“We need to get ahead of the curve before we actually lose a city, which I think could happen in the next decade,” said Gingrich, a Republican who helped engineer the GOP’s takeover of Congress in 1994.”
re 42: New Orleans doesn’t count with Newt. This must be one of those ideas “…so compelling that people will just crown me KING….”
What Newt may not realize is that when the next terrorist attack comes, we’ll know that the authors of the event are neo-con corporatist traitors.
That’s why Newt wants to shut down the internet — so people have no source of real information except stock market quotes and corporatist drivel.
Fortunately, we have the Democrat party to protect those who act suspiciously. Those imams kicked off the airplane weren’t just quietly praying observantly. Seems they were testing security procedures of the airline.
So was this a taunt for a lawsuit, or a dry run for the next attack? Good thing Keith Ellison and Sheila Jackson-Lee are making their defense.
Do you really feel safer having Pelosi and company in charge?
Charles Rangel is what the Socialist Democrat Party represents today, and he does not reflect what the military stands for today. When women register for the draft then we might consider using that method for replacing shortages for personnel.
The National Commander of The American Legion called on Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., to apologize for suggesting that American troops would not choose to fight in Iraq if they had other employment options.
“Our military is the most skilled, best-trained all-volunteer force on the planet,” said National Commander Paul A. Morin. “Like that recently espoused by Sen. John Kerry, Congressman Rangel’s view of our troops couldn’t be further from the truth and is possibly skewed by his political opposition to the war in Iraq.”
According to Rangel, “If a young fellow has an option of having a decent career, or joining the Army to fight in Iraq, you can bet your life that he would not be in Iraq. If there’s anyone who believes these youngsters want to fight, as the Pentagon and some generals have said, you can just forget about it. No bright young individual wants to fight just because of a bonus and just because of some educational benefits,” Rangel said.
Rangel was responding to a question during an interview yesterday on Fox News Sunday about a recent study by the Heritage Foundation which found that those enlisting in the military tend to be better educated than the general public and that military recruiting seems to be more successful in middle-class and wealthy neighborhoods than in poor ones.
According to the study, 97 percent of military enlistees were high school graduates versus 80 percent of Americans in general. The study also concludes that the average reading level of military personnel is a full grade level higher than that of the general population.
Janet S: “Do you really feel safer having Pelosi and company in charge?”
Why, yes I do. But I ask you in return–what is with your constant pandering to the lowest biological level (i.e., fight or flight)? Why does the right exhibit a complete lack of moral courage? Your actions mock the very christian martyrs you so proudly proclaim as moral icons.
I realize it may be too much to ask for clarity, but at least show some courage.
GOp=moral pygmies and\or cowards. I leave it to you to decide. After all, you tout “choice” all the time. Well, now is the time.
Pick one.
Amazing. So, a bunch of Imams are actually going to attack an airplane, and announce that fact by praying too loudly before hand? Why do you keep pulling out these premises that have absolutely no credibility whatsoever?
By the way: “He who trades liberty for security deserves neither and will lose both.”
Who said that?
By the way, not the Alcee Hastings is out of the running for the chair of the Intelligence Committe, where are all you wingnuts who trashed Rep. Pelosi as it Hasting’s appointment were a done deal?
Dang. That should be “…now that Alcee…”
I’m asking if Speaker Nancy Pelosi can find out when Janet S/Pam Roach’s son gets out of prison next so we can send the little cum-drunk crackhead to Iraq where he belongs.
Say it with me Janet S you fucking cunt –
How’s that taste bitch? HA HA HA HE!
Don Joe would you like to enlighten us about your friend Leahy the al-Qaida supporter and believes in letting the enemies known all are plans on engaging them on the war.
Sen. Leahy, who will chair the Senate Judiciary Committee, has asked the Justice Department to release two newly acknowledged documents, which set U.S. policy on how terrorism suspects are detained and interrogated.
Leahy wrote to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales demanding the production of any revisions and analyses of memos. “The American people deserve to have detailed and accurate information about the role of the Bush administration in developing the interrogation policies and practices that have engendered such deep criticism and concern at home and around the world,” Leahy wrote.
Once upon a time, not so long ago, Leahy used to be the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Leahy claimed he “inadvertently” exposed a top-secret intercept of Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak that led to the capture of the Achille Lauro terrorists. That supposed slip of the tongue “cost the life of at least one Egyptian operative.”
“Loose-lip” Leahy was forced to resign in disgrace 14 years ago in the wake of having to acknowledge he leaked secret intelligence to the press. However today he prepares to take over the Senate Judiciary committee. Congress’ institutional memory must be shorter than some of Jennifer Flowers former paramours. Jim Korui http://jimkouri.us/ wrote in a recent column, “Having him serve as the chairman of that committee is the next best thing to having an al-Qaida mole onboard.”
Kouri noted that “most intelligence and law enforcement officers are concerned about having a man — who admits if he disagrees with a classified operation he will spill the beans — given complete access to secrets.” This guy is dangerous . . . way dangerous.
Back in the ’80s Leahy was ticked off with Reagan and threatened to sabotage classified strategies that didn’t conform to the gospel according to Leak Leahy’s leftist sycophants.
In a 1985 TV interview Leahy disclosed a top-secret communications intercept. The intercept had made possible the capture of the Arab terrorists who had hijacked the cruise ship Achille Lauro and murdered American citizens. But Leahy’s leak cost the life of at least one Egyptian “asset” involved in the operation.
In July 1987, it was reported Leahy leaked secret information about a 1986 covert operation planned by the Reagan administration to topple Libya’s Moammar Gaddhafi. U.S. intelligence officials stated that Leahy sent a written threat to expose the operation directly to then-CIA Director William Casey. Weeks later, news of the secret plan turned up in the Washington Post, causing it to be aborted.
A year later, as the Senate was preparing to hold hearings on the Iran-Contra scandal, Leahy had to resign his Intelligence Committee post after he was caught (again) leaking secret information to a reporter. Leahy’s leak was considered to be one of the most serious breaches of secrecy in the committee’s then 28-year history.
After Leahy’s resignation, the Senate Intelligence Committee decided to restrict access to committee documents.
And this is the guy who has the stones to now scream for access to classified material he has already demonstrated he is incapable of handling.
Patrick Leahy is the most egregious personification of the petty, mean spirited partisan hack. A guy who is more concerned about partisan politics and scoring points than protecting our national security. To compare him to slugs would be a great disservice to slugs.
I find it amazing that you all are so sucked in by the stunt from the imams. They acted provocatively by yelling at the gate. Once on the plane, they switched seats, taking ones they weren’t assigned to. They repeatedly wandered the aisles, delaying take-off.
Do you call this normal behavior? Why are you such apologists? I suspect you are as alarmed as the police and the airline pilots, but won’t admit it. It doesn’t fit the Democrat party line that there are no threats.
First, learn how to use XHTML. You are responsible for having screwed up more comment threads than all other HA regulars combined.
Second, who said Pat Leahy was my friend? I’m not even from Vermont. You got a problem with Pat Leahy, take it up with the fine people of Vermont who keep electing him to the Senate.
Lastly, what a monumental bunch of bullshit you’ve managed to pull off the net (without a link to any source, by the way). All one has to do is consider the text of what you quote. For example, regarding the 1987 leak:
Really? By whom? And, how can it possibly be considered “one of the most serious breaches of security,” when nothing that Leahy leaked was classified?
Shall we play the game of duelling sourjces loaded weasel words? How about this, from Wikipedia?
Bring actual facts to the table, K-Lake, and I’d be more than happy to discuss them. All you got is someone’s opinion, and you haven’t even put a name on that opinion. Is this the best example of critical thought that you can muster?
Janet, what are you wearing right now? (I am really turned on by blind fealty, grasping at straws, and unquestioned parroting of the right-wing party line. I have a bit of tan left from the summer but I guarantee you I’m 100% Caucasian.)
I can wear a navy flight suit if that helps.
Don Joe–critical thought? As you can see, Klake hasn’t even mastered cut-and-paste.
You really don’t see how full of shit you reall are, do you?
First of all, the notion that that Democrats think there are no threats is a bald-faced lie. Name a single source who makes that claim, or retract it here and now.
Second, no one here said that the Imam’s didn’t pose a threat. The point we’d all raised, based on the initial news reports, is that these guys were targeted because they happened to be praying according to Muslim law. If they were behaving like assholes, then they should have been booted off the plane, but that wasn’t the reason given for why people were suspicious of them.
If people are behaving like assholes, then, by all means, be suspicious of them. Being suspicious of people simply because they prayed in a way you don’t agree with is, well, distinctly un-American.
Heck, he probably hasn’t even mastered bation, which would explain his frustration.
Janet at 45 and 53:
What are you smoking?
What proof do you have? What evidence shows your outrageous claims to have a shred of credibility?
You are nothing more than an alarmist. You cower in fear of anything you do not understand or is not right in line with your way of thinking. I feel sad for you. Such a frightened little mouse, scurrying about with no direction.
And, Janet, you still haven’t answered my question as to who said, “He who trades liberty for security deserves neither and will lose both.”
MAAAAAAAAAARK, where are you Mark? Come out and play you pathetic excuse for a man/boy.
The proof is posted by Goldy and you vanish. I make an offer and you can’t even muster your stones (pebbles, really) to answer. You are hiding as every cowardly liar who is caught does.
You have no credibility left here. You are a liar and a cheat and welcher. Gee, just like a real Republican.
Funny how that works.
“Don Joe–critical thought? As you can see, Klake hasn’t even mastered cut-and-paste.”
I asked if it was the best example he can muster. Admittedly, the bar is set extremely low for K-Lake.
JCH’s Soiled Pants @ 55:
Might be the funniest post of the month, and the most truthful too.
William Greider:
“Friedman’s broader argument–that a society should be governed by self-regulating markets instead of big government–did better but also did not lead to the utopia he promoted. His “free market” faith has produced instead the very thing Friedman regularly denounced: a bastardized system of interest-group politics that serves favored sectors of citizens at the expense of many others. Enterprise and markets were indeed set “free” of government regulation, but big government did not go away (it grew bigger). Only now government acts mainly as patron and protector for the largest, most powerful interests–the same ones that demanded their liberation. Instead of serving the broad general welfare, government enables capital and corporations to feed off the taxpayers’ money.”
Janet S/aka Pam Roach is too busy trying to keep her son out of jail with special influence that she can’t be bothered to justify the outright lies that she’s telling us here.
This is how the right works. When the facts don’t support your position, change the facts. But hey, it’s okay with me if they want to arrest the Muslims for praying. That means we can arrest and hopefully jail all those asshole Christian right wing republicans too. And woudn’t that be cool? Then they could join Pastor Ted in the man on man massage wing of the joint!
I say no public prayer by anyone – period. That should solve the problem.
William Greider
“Friedman’s broader argument–that a society should be governed by self-regulatingmarkets instead of big government–did better but also did not lead to the utopia he promoted. His “free market” faith has produced instead the very thing Friedman regularly denounced: a bastardized system of interest-group politics that serves favored sectors of citizens at the expense of many others. Enterprise and markets were indeed set “free” of government regulation, but big government did not go away (it grew bigger). Only now government acts mainly as patron and protector for the largest, most powerful interests–the same ones that demanded their liberation. Instead of serving the broad general welfare, government enables capital and corporations to feed off the taxpayers’ money and convert public assets into private profit centers, shielded from the wrath of any citizens trying to object. If that is what Friedman really had in mind, he should have said so.”
Just kicking a little dirt on the flowers…
“He who trades liberty(high taxes) for security(kick ass military) deserves neither and will lose both.”
11/28/2006 at 9:46 pm
Sounds like Ben was a republican.
So Markie, how does it feel cowering there in your mom’s basement, unable to compose a response, that is witty or clever, to the proof of your lying assertion that Goldy was negotiating the terms? How do you look in the mirror? Do you justify it with “the internet is all pretend” and what you say here does not really matter?
Honor is all a man comes into this world with and it is the only thing he can take with him when he leaves. You have lost yours somewhere along the way. (OUCH, Teresa suggests that it never made it out of your crib.)
When you find it, pay your debt. Until then you can expect to be attacked and ridiculed on a regular basis.
Funny how that works.
This is how the right works. When the facts don’t support your position, change the facts. But hey, it’s okay with me if they want to arrest the Muslims for praying. That means we can arrest and hopefully jail all those asshole Christian right wing republicans too.
I would support the right for muslin to pray publically if we had the right to blow them up. Sounds like an even trade to me.
In truth, Friedman’s Free to Choose was given far too much credit for expressing an idea first expressed by F. A. Hayek in The Road to Serfdom.
The problem is that reality hasn’t panned out the way either of them predicted. In fact, very much the opposite has happened. According to The Economist‘s Intelligence Unit, the United States ranks 17th in the world based on their Democracy Index. The top 10 consists almost entirely of those horrible “Socialist” states of Northern Europe and Canada. In order, they are: Sweden, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg, Australia, Canada and Switzerland.
And, I can hear the wingnuts now whinging about how The Economist is some “librul” rag. Right. The Economist. About the only thing liberal about The Economist is the fact that the folks there actually study reality.
By the way, Janet S, Benjamin Franklin said “He who trades liberty for security deserves neither and will lose both”. I know. I wear it on a t-shirt on a regular basis. Pisses off the Conservatives in my neighborhood.
Nope. If Ben was a Republican he would have been quoted as saying things like “PLEEEEEEASE protect me from them mean old nasty Redcoasts!!” and “I’m tired of British tyranny! Let’s fight against it by invading Spain!”
Ben and Tom and Sam and John and Patrick and all their 18th-century liberal friends would be aghast at what their grand experiment has turned into, and would be encouraged that maybe, after years of tyranny masquerading under the guise of democracy, the ship of state is finally setting itself back on course.
By the way, this my nom de plume. My Left Foot, Carl Grossman.
“He who trades liberty(Newt Gingrich attacking free speech)for security(allowing a hur5ricane to destroy NOLA and giving Halliburton no-bid contracts in x-change for non-existent terrorists) deserves to be scorned and jailed for treason.
You libs should catch my featured story tomorrow “Do liberals mean what they say or say what they mean” with guest Micheal Richards.
Thought I might clear something up. It confused me too, so I did some research (used Google).
Thomas Jefferson said: He who trades liberty for security, deserves neither and will loose both.
Likewise, Benjamin Franklin said “He who gives up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserves neither liberty nor safety.”
Just wanted to clear it up.
Nope. If Ben was a Republican he would have been quoted as saying things like “PLEEEEEEASE protect me from them mean old nasty Redcoasts!!” and “I’m tired of British tyranny! Let’s fight against it by invading Spain!”
Ben and Tom and Sam and John and Patrick and all their 18th-century liberal friends would be aghast at what their grand experiment has turned into, and would be encouraged that maybe, after years of tyranny masquerading under the guise of democracy, the ship of state is finally setting itself back on course.
11/28/2006 at 10:20 pm
If the founding fathers were liberal the Red coats would have won. Everyone knows that liberals dont fight wars, republicans do.
Why don’t you all just have a big clusterf%ck? It’s where all discussions here devolve. Knock yourselves out.
The facts of the case:
They imams were shouting in the gate area;
the imams changed seats without authorization, including taking two seats in the first class row;
the imams wandered the plane to chat, delaying takeoff;
the imams asked for seat belt extenders, none apparently needing them, and none actually attaching them.
Guess I am just making all this up. Never mind.
10 Mark The Redneck KENNEDY says: Shove it up your ass goldy. I made an offer. You wanted to negotiate terms. At that point, the deal was dead. That’s how it works. 11/28/2006 at 5:42 pm
Roger Rabbit replies: Excuses are like assholes, every welshing pigfucker has one. Pay up, cheapskate! Until you do, you have NOOOOOOO credibility on this board.
11 Swift Boat Veterans for the Truth says: You dems sure have thin skin when it comes to welchers. John Kerry said he would release his military medical records almost three years ago and has he done it…. hell noooo. If we knew it was that easy to receive a purple heart we all would have got one. 11/28/2006 at 5:43 pm
At least Kerry HAS medical records. Your guy doesn’t HAVE medical records because he refused to show up for his flight physical! Whereupon he was grounded — and a million dollars of taxes spent on his flight training went down the drain.
13 rhp6033 says: Of course, … if he had won, MTR would have tried to collect. 11/28/2006 at 5:48 pm
The first order of business when Jan., ’07 rolls around is going to be tearing Bush apart. We are going to take all the ill-gotten gains the corporatists have taken from us and tax it away from them.
Who will object to taxing them after their criminality has been exposed?
Only the co-opted Dems. like: Rahm Emmanuel, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Stooge Lieberman. Nancy Pelosi should not turn her back on these snakes.
Our friend Dan is obviously smoking from the same bowl as Janet S.
Dan, there is no question that the founding fathers were liberals, radical liberals at that. Liberals who drew up the most enduring document in human history. Liberals who who broke the rules, broke the bounds of tyranny and broke the Red Coats desire to control the colonies. They did this with steadfast resolve, love of country and with their very lives.
Shut the fuck up.
Good one rabbit but dont go over board. I touched that one rabbit and got burned. Learn to lie and not get caught. Courage rabbit, courage.
Everyone knows Republicans send other people to fight their wars for them, you mean.
Good thing our Founding Fathers weren’t conservatives, or there wouldn’t be a country to be Founding Fathers of.
14 klake says: I’m a Democrat and I got a union card to prove it. 11/28/2006 at 5:52 pm
Of all your whoppers, this is the funniest …
klake, you’re too stupid to get into a union.
Dan, there is no question that the founding fathers were liberals, radical liberals at that. Liberals who drew up the most enduring document in human history. Liberals who who broke the rules, broke the bounds of tyranny and broke the Red Coats desire to control the colonies. They did this with steadfast resolve, love of country and with their very lives.
Shut the fuck up.
11/28/2006 at 10:39 pm
Yeah and liberals who hated taxes. hahahahahahahahaha
Ah rabbit is on the hooch again. heheheheheheheehhehehe
Can you imagine a liberal complaining about taxation without representation. hahahahahaahhahahahahhaahahhaha
Actually, Janet, most of those are the impressions of witnesses. Eye witnesses are notoriously unreliable. Moreover, that’s not all the facts, which include the fact that all six of the Imam’s were questioned by the FBI and relased.
Well said. Conservatives preserve the status quo and their place in it. That’s how they’re defined, it’s what they do. When the status quo is dirty filthy stinking rotten — as it was in 1776, for instance — it’s up to us liberals to clean up the mess the conservatives leave for us.
Fortunately, we’re up to the task.
17 klake says: Hey Thumper what part did you play in this event? 11/28/2006 at 6:03 pm
I’m the Democrats’ kicker.
Yer Killin Me says:
Everyone knows Republicans send other people to fight their wars for them, you mean.
Well whoever we are sending you liberals sure dont want them voting.
Don Joe says:
Amazing. So, a bunch of Imams are actually going to attack an airplane, and announce that fact by praying too loudly before hand? Why do you keep pulling out these premises that have absolutely no credibility whatsoever? By the way: “He who trades liberty for security deserves neither and will lose both.” Who said that? 11/28/2006 at 8:55 pm
Hello DIPSHIT, I posted the interviews earlier by URL. I guess your small simple mind missed it!
Well I know it wasn’t your daddy!
Is this where I point out that for the last six years I’ve been taxed without representation, while a Congress that is supposed to be looking out for my welfare and that of ALL of my fellow citizens is instead lining their own pockets nad that of the 1% of the population that controls 80% of the wealth?
Yeah, I thought it was.
There, I complained about taxation without representation. What are you going to do about it, jackass who appropriates the name of a newscaster? I’ll tell you what I did about it. I help vote the bastards out of office, and it’s a damn good thing I don’t have to take up arms to get them out of there.
So, Don Joe, which of the facts I stated are not true? None are “impressions”. Are you saying the flight attendant was possibly not sure that she gave seat belt extenders? Or that the imams didn’t relocate themselves without authorization?
Forcibly removing people from an airplane doesn’t usually happen based on “impressions.” The flight crew seemed to think that the actions were suspicious. Yes, the imams were released. That doesn’t mean they are off the hook.
Lovely. We’ve been graced by the presence of yet another wingnut who can’t bring anything to the table save the same old charicatures that got them their buts kicked on Nov. 7th.
So, Mr. Rather, are you up for my critical thinking test? I’m guessing you’ll flunk it miserably.
Hey dont get all wacked out. Most people who fight wars and pay taxes are not democrats. You are either a rich democrat or a dumb soldier and therefore an exception to the rule.
Thanks for the laugh.
Hello? Is there a brain in there? That’s a serious question, because you clearly aren’t thinking. Consider:
“None are “impressions”. Are you saying the flight attendant was possibly not sure that she gave seat belt extenders?”
That would only be relevant if they didn’t “need” those extensions. Whether or not they “needed” those extensions is a judgement call, and is very subject to biases. Moreover, no one has suggested that there’s anything they could have done with those extensions to actually take over control of the plane.
Next one:
“Or that the imams didn’t relocate themselves without authorization?”
And you know, for a fact, that the Imams (the word is capitalized, dear), didn’t have reason to believe they were entitled to those seats? You’ve conducted a careful investigation of the whole matter, and know, for a fact, that there wasn’t some miscommuncation going on?
And you’ve also elided the very real fact that the FBI did conduct just such an investigation, and let the Imams go free.
So, are you really considering all of the relevant facts, or are you just trying to find some way to justify your own anti-Muslim biases?
Let’s see the test. I’ve had a few good laughs at the ersatz Mr. Rather’s expense tonight and could stand a few more.
Janet S. @ 78:
Again, your offer of proof? You are supposing again. I change seats and talk to passengers all the time. I am white. That is why they don’t arrest me. BECAUSE I AM WHITE.
Janet, I suggest Depends for you. You are obviously going to shit your pants just as soon as you prepare to board your next plane flight. There are so many people out there with darker skin tone than yours. Which is the terrorist? Which is the one looking to slash your throat? The pressure to figure out which darker skinned, differently dressed person is the one looking to kill you, must be killing you.
Funny how that works, Janet S.
“Why don’t you all just have a big clusterf%ck? It’s where all discussions here devolve. Knock yourselves out.”
First of all, mom, didn’t you tell us not to use such filthy language? Second, what exactly would you call the Republican come-to Jesus-meetings you have in our living room? When did anyone EVER disagree on any big issue?
By the way, Dad’s got that look on his face. I think he wants some. Better get going.
Ever since you flunked my critical thinking test, I have to admit that I haven’t paid much attention to anything you’ve tried to say. Most of your comments consist of mindless blathering about facts that aren’t relevant to any reasonabl political issues.
But, if there’s really something you think I should have addressed, by all means, post it again. I’d be more than happy to show you, again, where your thinking has gone astray.
Dan @ 88
Rabbit did not write what you quoted, asshole. I did. Dan, crack kills.
Now, go fuck yourself. (or Janet S. she needs something to loosen her up)
Left Foot – that is just funny. You get on planes and sit in seats that you aren’t assigned to? Yeah, right. I bet you never get out of your trailer park.
Don Joe – are you saying that flight attendants aren’t capable of determining an overweight passenger? You are almost as amusing as Left Foot.
Get over it. You’ve been had.
23 Flaky klake — YOU don’t have to worry about the math portion of WASL … you won’t make it past the reading portion.
“Don Joe – are you saying that flight attendants aren’t capable of determining an overweight passenger? You are almost as amusing as Left Foot.”
No. I’m saying that flight attendants aren’t capable of determining any given passenger’s level of comfort, and that there are entirely legitimate reasons other than being overweight for people to request extensions.
What you still haven’t addressed is the fact that the FBI investigated the affair, and let the Imams go free. What you are doing, Janet, is stacking your arm-chair, internet sleuthing against that of the FBI. Talk about being had. That’s a pretty good description of where you’re at right now.
Janet S @ 105:
As soon as it is apparent the plane is not full, I find a seat in an empty row and take it. Obviously you don’t fly much. You are not locked into your seat and the fact that you think you are shows that you have not left the trailer park in quite some time.
You really need to stop talking about things you have no understanding of. Must be part of the frightened little mouse syndrome from which you suffer.
25 Another TJ says: If the deal was dead, why did you claim you tried to pay it off? 11/28/2006 at 6:40 pm
Lawyers call this a “statement against interest,” which refers to an action or statement by an individual that is not in his interest to make, and therefore is reliable evidence of the truth of the matter. It’s akin to, “If you’re innocent, why did you throw the murder weapon into the river?”
Putting it another way, the fact Redneck tried to pay the bet indicates he believed there was a bet, and is lying when he claims there wasn’t.
The Imams (I capitalized, you notice) requested seat belt extenders but placed them under their seats, and did not use them.
Political correctness and Democrat pressure would go a long way to explaining why the Imams were released without charges. So far I see no apologies coming from the airline.
But we don’t need to — and shouldn’t — take Welsher’s word for it. The bet was made openly and notoriously on this board, and is preserved in the comment threads. Redneck’s attempt to deny there was a bet is like Bobby Knight saying he’s never shoved a player.
But we don’t need to — and shouldn’t — take Redneck’s word for anything. His attempt to deny there was a bet is like Bobby Knight saying he’s never shoved a player.
Left Foot – obviously you don’t fly much. The Imams requested first class seats, and were told none were available. They took two anyway. This isn’t anywhere near what you describe, which is filling in the empty seats in the cheap section. I’ve done that, but still asked permission before doing so. Guess I’m just a more polite passenger than you.
Janet S.:
I have been polite for as long as I can stand it. You dumb fucking bitch. You seem to be able to justify anything. If Bush was caught with the gun standing over Laura’s lifeless body you could justify it.
Go on, enjoy your ignorant bliss. Your myopic views are not the views of the NEW majority. Democrats are now in control. We have taken our country back.
Go fuck yourself.
88 Dan Rather says: Ah rabbit is on the hooch again. 11/28/2006 at 10:42 pm
Don’t forget there’s a $50 bounty on my pelt … catch me iiiiiiffffff you can!!!
1) Got a link for that “fact” about the Imams not using the extensions? It’s not in the Star Tribune article nor the NY Times article. And, no, Drudge and several other wingnut bloggers don’t count, because they’ve been known to make up “facts” before.
2) They got booted off the flight before it took off. Indeed, they got booted off the flight before it even left the gate. You still have no idea how they intended to use those extensions. Some people use them when they take a nap during flight, but not during take-off and landing.
3) You still haven’t addressed the fact that the FBI investigated this entire affair, and let the Imams go free.
Note: As I’ve posted previously in the DL threads, I don’t drink because of medical problems.
Seatbelt extensions were used by passengers to restrain Richard Reid, the shoe bomber. Maybe the Imams heard that Janet Slut’s friends were on the flight.
So, Janet, are the FBI incompetent bumblers in the face of your apparently superior ability to gather all the relevant facts from the safety of the desk chair in your den?
Janet, just for the record. I fly 15 to 20 times per year. I fly cheap seats because the whole plane gets there at the same time. Why would I pay $150 for “free” beer, a bad meal and a few more inches of room in my seat. More often than not I get a full row or an empty middle seat.
I have not seen any proof of the gentleman “taking” first class seats. Quite frankly, neither have you.
I see the Democrats are doing something about the rotten helps in their midst (e.g., William Jefferson and Alcee Hastings). Can’t say the same for Republicans. What it adds up to is that Democrats are committed to running a responsible, effective, and accountable government; whereas Republicans don’t give a damn.
That’s why Congress will be under new management come January. Hey Pukes … as Trump would say: “You’re fired!”
Come to think of it, the “fact” that these Imams were “taking seats” in first class doesn’t appear in either the Star Tribune or the NY Times articles. Methings Janet’s been pulling a Bill-O.
124 Don Joe says: So, Janet, are the FBI incompetent bumblers in the face of your apparently superior ability to gather all the relevant facts from the safety of the desk chair in your den? 11/28/2006 at 11:41 pm
That’s probably the wrong question to ask. I would put it this way: The FBI’s stupidity doesn’t make Janet smart.
I’m referring, of course, to the FBI’s bungling of pre-9/11 warnings (and nearly everything else).
Needed 15 seats. Got 40 (well 39, lets not quibble). Blue Wave, Land Slide, Sweep… Call it what you want. The truly amazing fact….NOT ONE SEAT HELD BY A DEMOCRAT WHO RAN FOR RE-ELECTION, WAS LOST. NOT EVEN ONE!!
Kiss my Liberal, Democrat, Jewish ass.
Hey Janet, how do you explain that?
Where is JCH? Where is proudofherfatlyingcheatingthreateningass? I need more conservative ass to kick.
Still not a single word out of MTR the whole night. I bet he is still crying in his mommy’s bosom over the ass kicking he took here tonight.
Has four hours elapsed since I offered to pay his debt?
Nuff said.
The four hour deadline was set at 11/28/2006 at 7:24 pm.
link: http://www.horsesass.org/?p=2264#comment-626360.
Roger Rabbit says:
I’d draw a distinction between preventing an attack and investigating the facts of a situation, though the FBI did interrogate the rabit, discover that the rabbit was innocent, and let the rabbit go free.
135 Joe Don
Thank you. I guess I could have looked. Thanks, again.
You fucking pansy-assed pile of rabbit shit. No balls. You place the bet, you get called and you disappear. Your parents must be so proud.
96 Dan Rather says: Well whoever we are sending you liberals sure dont want them voting. 11/28/2006 at 10:45 pm
You mean this?
“African-American Soldiers Scrubbed by Secret GOP Hit List
“by Greg Palast
“The Republican National Committee has a special offer for African-American soldiers: Go to Baghdad, lose your vote.
“A confidential campaign directed by GOP party chiefs in October 2004 sought to challenge the ballots of tens of thousands of voters …, virtually all of them cast by residents of Black-majority precincts. Files from the secret vote-blocking campaign were … attached to emails accidentally sent by Republican operatives to a non-party website.
“One group of voters wrongly identified by the Republicans as registering to vote from false addresses: servicemen and women sent overseas.
“Here’s how the scheme worked: The RNC mailed these voters letters in envelopes marked, ‘Do not forward’, to be returned to the sender. These letters were mailed to servicemen and women … stationed overseas, to their US home addresses. The letters then returned to the Bush-Cheney campaign as ‘undeliverable.’ The lists of soldiers of ‘undeliverable’ letters were … [used to] challenge the voters’ registration and thereby prevent their absentee ballots being counted.
“One target list was comprised exclusively of voters registered at the Jacksonville, Florida, Naval Air Station. …
“A soldier returning home in time to vote in November 2004 could also be challenged on the basis of the returned envelope. Soldiers challenged would be required to vote by ‘provisional’ ballot. Over one million provisional ballots cast in the 2004 race were never counted; over half a million absentee ballots were also rejected. The extraordinary rise in the number of rejected ballots was the result of the widespread multi-state voter challenge campaign by the Republican Party. …
“The BBC obtained several dozen confidential emails sent by the Republican’s national Research Director and Deputy Communications chief, Tim Griffin to GOP Florida campaign chairman Brett Doster and other party leaders. Attached were spreadsheets marked, ‘Caging.xls.’ Each of these contained several hundred to a few thousand voters and their addresses.
“A check of the demographics of the addresses on the ‘caging lists,’ as the GOP leaders called them indicated that most were in African-American majority zip codes. Ion Sanco, the non-partisan elections supervisor of Leon County … when shown the lists by this reporter said: ‘The only thing I can think of – African American voters listed like this – these might be individuals that will be challenged if they attempted to vote on Election Day.’ …
“The Republican National Committee in Washington refused our several requests to respond …. However, in Tallahassee, the Florida Bush campaign’s spokespeople offered several explanations for the list.
“Joseph Agostini, speaking for the GOP, suggested the lists were of potential donors to the Bush campaign. Oddly, the supposed donor list included residents of the Sulzbacher Center a shelter for homeless families.
“Another spokesperson for the Bush campaign, Mindy Tucker Fletcher, ultimately changed the official response, acknowledging that these were voters, ‘we mailed to, where the letter came back – bad addresses. This is not a challenge list,’ insisted the Republican spokesmistress. However, she modified that assertion by adding, ‘That’s not what it’s set up to be.’
“Setting up such a challenge list would be a crime under federal law. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 outlaws mass challenges of voters where race is a factor in choosing the targeted group.
“While the party insisted the lists were not created for the purpose to challenge Black voters, the GOP ultimately offered no other explanation for the mailings. However, Tucker Fletcher asserted Republicans could still employ the list to deny ballots to those they considered suspect voters. When asked if Republicans would use the list to block voters, Tucker Fletcher replied, ‘Where it’s stated in the law, yeah.’ … Soldiers sending in their ballot from abroad would not know their vote was lost because of a challenge.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/jv9nf
To summarize:
1. Republican scumbags targeted black soldiers in Iraq for voter challenges.
2. Republican scumbags lied about what their “caging lists” were for.
3. Republican scumbags’ “caging” operations were federal crimes.
These bastards know they can’t win a fair election by competing with ideas or their performance in office. That’s why they illegally disenfranchise soldiers in combat zones.
The GOP’s “caging” assaults on soldiers’ voting rights was never reported by the so-called “liberal” media (which, in fact, is owned and run by conservatives). We need blogs like Goldy’s to get the truth out about GOP crimes.
Roger @ 138:
Janet S would claim that: Since they are not here to prove they voted, their vote does not count. Simply amazing the lengths they will go to.
That dumb fucking bitch.
Rush Flimbaugh said something about America being a consevative country. Wonder how he feels now?
The so-called “liberal media” is owned by people like this:
and this:
and this:
and, of course, our own Frank Blethen.
141 My Left Foot says: Rush Flimbaugh said something about America being a consevative country. Wonder how he feels now? 11/29/2006 at 12:06 am
Rush, like other neocon spinmeisters, is attempting damage control. They’re saying this was a typical midterm election. However, the last time both houses of Congress flipped in a midterm election was when Woodrow Wilson was president.
More significantly, the GOP went into this election with a 4.5 million vote advantage over Democrats from voter challenges, vote suppression, and election machine rigging — not to mention advantages of incumbency and redistricting.
Viewed in this perspective, the sweeping Democratic victory represents a massive repudiation of GOP rule. Kansas is fed up!
RR, let’s also not forget that not a single Democratic incumbent lost a House seat, Senate seat or a governorship.
Some wingnut may jump in here and say, “If the GOP rigged the election, why did they lose?”
Simple: They underestimated the anti-GOP vote.
Cheaters don’t want to get caught, so they don’t rig steal 90% of the vote, they steal just enough to win — so their cheating won’t be obvious.
The fact Democrats won doesn’t mean Republicans didn’t rig the election. GOP operatives believed they needed X votes, but in fact they needed Y votes. Trying to “win” with 51% to 53% margins, they got 48% or 49% in race after race, because the Democratic vote was larger than they expected. In other words, they miscalculated and didn’t steal/suppress enough votes to put them over the top.
144 Don, that’s absolutely true, and demonstrates the breadth and depth of the anti-GOP sentiment in the country. Wingnuts should run for their lives … the American public is in a lynching mood.
Newsweek columnist Jonathan Alter wrote a couple weeks ago that the 2006 election marks the end of the road for the U.S. conservative movement launched by Barry Goldwater over 40 years ago:
“Pat Buchanan and I rarely agree, but he rightly points out that the election marked the exhaustion of the movement that Barry Goldwater launched with his 1964 campaign. The intellectual vitality and coherence that once characterized modern conservatism have been shattered.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Alter could have added that the conservative movement has lost more than intellectual vitality and coherence; it has sunk to intellectual dishonesty, lying, bullying, corruption, and immorality. Like Marxism and Hitlerism, it is debased and discredited, and will be remembered by history as venal and evil.
138 et seq
Yeah RR, that’s why I was getting such a good laugh at the ersatz Rather’s spew. Well, that and other reasons (thinking the Founding Fathers were anything but full-on liberals, for example).
88 Dan Rather says: 80 Good one rabbit but dont go over board. I touched that one rabbit and got burned. Learn to lie and not get caught. Courage rabbit, courage. 11/28/2006 at 10:39 pm
WTF are you talking about? I didn’t post #80.
Did some posts get deleted? All the numbers are off.
I would also like to add to the analysis that, in my admittedly unresearched opinion, the GOP’s election stealing wing misjudged not only the size of the voters’ fed-upped-ness with their candidates, but its breadth as well. Candidates in districts that had been considered safe Republican only six weeks before the election ended up flipping.
Considering the number of close races and recounts, if all elections had been 100% above board and honest I suspect the blue wave would have been more powerful than it was. Hopefully the Democrats can manage to get some election reform measures around the GOP stalling you know is going to happen, and then we will see even bigger Democratic majorities in 2008. Hopefully the Presidency as well. I don’t think we can stand another four years of a Republican presidency.
I think maybe the order just got scrambled. You’re right, a bunch of the reference numbers are off, but it doesn’t look like anything got deleted and in fact I think some references are now farther down the list than they were. Not sure, though.
Hey Roger, my browser,s weather applet shows it’s 22° over in Green Lake tonight. Good thing you’ve got about 5,000 other bunnies in that burrow keeping each other warm, eh?
Oh yeah, one more thing — Redneck has been asking what the crane operator had to do with the crane collapse. The answer is possibly the crane operator failed to unlock the boom so it could “weathervane” in the high winds that occurred just before it collapsed, which would result in more stress on the part of the tower that failed.
152 Yer Killin Me says: Hey Roger … it’s 22° over in Green Lake tonight. Good thing you’ve got about 5,000 other bunnies in that burrow keeping each other warm, eh? 11/29/2006 at 1:15 am
It’s closer to 8,000 by the time you count all my freeloading cousins. You’re right, we furry critters bunch up to keep warm — you know, the old Alaska sled dog trick — and it works great. My heating bills are zero. The only drawback is that if you have to piss during the night, you have to climb over 2,500 bodies to get to the john.
Needless to say, there’s a lot of rustling movement all night …
… try to imagine a huge pile of quivering coconuts.
Lots of snoring, too.
Getting back to the topic of this thread … what kind of cheap fuck won’t pay a $5 bet? The same kind of cheap fuck who would steal the waitress tip jar or knock the minimum wage down to $2.13 an hour, that’s who! Namely, a CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE:
“When you cut right through it, right-wing ideology is just ‘dime-store economics’ intended to dress their ideology up and make it look respectable. You don’t really need to know much about economics to understand it. They certainly don’t. It all gets down to two simple words. ‘Cheap labor’. …
“You see, cheap-labor conservatives are defenders of corporate America – whose fortunes depend on labor. The larger the labor supply, the cheaper it is. The more desperately you need a job, the cheaper you’ll work, and the more power those ‘corporate lords’ have over you. If you are a wealthy elite – or a ‘wannabe’ like most dittoheads – your wealth, power and privilege is enhanced by a labor pool, forced to work cheap. …
“Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like … our ‘safety net’ … [b]ecause when you’re unemployed and desperate, corporations can pay you … next to nothing. …
“Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like the minimum wage, or other improvements in wages and working conditions.
“Cheap-labor conservatives like ‘free trade’, NAFTA, GATT, etc. … [b]ecause there is a huge supply of desperately poor people in the third world, who … will work cheap. …
“Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like unions … [b]ecause when labor ‘sticks together’, wages go up. …
“Cheap-labor conservatives constantly bray about ‘morality’, ‘virtue’, ‘respect for authority’, ‘hard work’ and other ‘values’ … [s]o they can blame your being ‘over a barrel’ on your own ‘immorality’, lack of ‘values’ and ‘poor choices’.
“Cheap-labor conservatives encourage racism, misogyny, homophobia and other forms of bigotry … [b]igotry among wage earners distracts them, and keeps them from recognizing their common interests ….”
Roadkill McGavick is a cheap labor conservative making $14 million a month for part-time “consulting” and thinks waitresses are overpaid at $5.15 an hour.
Karl Rove is a cheap labor conservative who welshed a $5 bet.
Mark the Redneck is a cheap labor conservative who welshed a foolhardy $100 bet with Goldy that Initiative 912 (the gas tax repeal) would win by 15 points (it lost by 10 points) and owes his dead crack-whore ex-wife unpaid child support and vagimony!
See what I mean? Cheap labor conservatives are evil, sticky-fingered, sociopaths.
geez, that was supposed to read ‘deal@31’ I’m so sorry.
Well, mtr didn’t take My Left Foot’s offer, so I owe every poster from the time of the offer til 4 hours later a buck. Please contact me at:
David Dahlgren
so I can get it to you.
And it should have read deal@33 – let’s just say my left foot’s deal, because I swear it has changed spots just since I started posting.
Don Joe says: Blah blah blah. Moonbat! Horseshit!
I posted the URL where the police interviewed the flight attendants, the check-in staff and passengers. The two imams went to first class after they were told there were no seats. If you look at your ticket there is a seat number. They never received a new ticket.
The passengers notices the seat extenders were not used.
If you could read Libtard Moonbat! you’d comprehend facts. But, facts hurt the libtard mind!
Don Joe says: Janet,
1) Got a link for that “fact” about the Imams not using the extensions? It’s not in the Star Tribune article nor the NY Times article. And, no, Drudge and several other wingnut bloggers don’t count, because they’ve been known to make up “facts” before.
2) They got booted off the flight before it took off. Indeed, they got booted off the flight before it even left the gate. You still have no idea how they intended to use those extensions. Some people use them when they take a nap during flight, but not during take-off and landing.
3) You still haven’t addressed the fact that the FBI investigated this entire affair, and let the Imams go free.
Don Joe, either you are:
All of the above:
The URL I posted has the facts. It was from a libtard MSM newspaper. Either stop sniffing crack (the white powder) or grow up!
Where does it say that Rove didn’t pay up? The comparison to MTR seems silly and inaccurate.
Of course this doesn’t stop Roger from blathering on about “CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES”, since he seems rarely read the links provided and just pontificates based upon his biases.
conservative first:
Dude, go back and read the post that the link directs you to. It clearly states that the writer has not been able to contact Mr. Rove, the former genius. When I owe on a bet I seek out the person I owe and PAY them. Republicans are not honorable and they don’t.
Furball said: “Cheap-labor conservatives like ‘free trade’, NAFTA, GATT, etc. … [b]ecause there is a huge supply of desperately poor people in the third world, who … will work cheap. …
Why did Bill Clinton push for NAFTA and GATT? He was a cheap labor conservative? Thought so!
Mike Webb Sucks JCH says: Mike Webb SUCKS is the smartest conservative I know.
Since you can’t settle on a handle (you select the one to give you your latest notariety, add something pertinent to the conversation and stop being a Don Joe!
MWS, you’ve posted no URLs in this thread. If you really do, indeed, have a URL that contains facts not covered in the Start Tribune or the NY Times articles, then post it here.
I’ll just note that neither of those articles mentions the unassigned seats and first-class. There’s a Phoenix news source that says one of the Imams, who had been upgraded to a first-class seat, offered one of his elder companions his own first-class seat after the elder Imam’s seat couldn’t be upgraded. Is that what you guys are talking about with unassigned seats?
As for the seat belt extensions, again, the facts are sketchy at best, but you’ve still overlooked several relevant facts, not the least of which is the fact that it’s not uncommon for people to ask for seat belt extensions to use while napping, but don’t use those extensions during take-off or landing. Since these Imams were taken off the airplane before it left the gate, we’ll never really know what they intended, but merely asking for a seat-belt extension and not using it immediately is not grounds for suspicion (unless you’re a Muslim, I guess).
Lastly, you’ve managed to duck the very same point that Janet has ducked: namely, that the FBI investigated the entire affair, and let the Imams go free. I guess you simply have no response to that point except to say that I’m stupid. Not exactly a compelling argument.
Maybe there is hope for Headless Lucy after all. Did they post the “cocktail” for others to create?
Students Questioned After S.C. Teacher Drinks Deadly Chemicals
POSTED: 9:50 am EST November 28, 2006
GOOSE CREEK, S.C. — Officials at a Goose Creek elementary school say police plan to question fifth grade students about a teacher who became ill after drinking deadly chemicals earlier this month.
The teacher at Boulder Bluff Elementary was hospitalized in critical condition November 16 after drinking methanol and ethylene glycol, a clear, colorless liquid used in antifreeze.
She is recovering at home. Police are investigating the incident as a possible poisoning. A police report said the woman had no history of suicide or depression and was not on any medicine.
Berkeley County School spokeswoman Pam Bailey says about 20 students were in the classroom when the teacher became ill.
Police planned to talk to students today after the school received permission from their parents.
Don Joe says:
MWS, you’ve posted no URLs in this thread. If you really do, indeed, have a URL that contains facts not covered in the Start Tribune or the NY Times articles, then post it here.
Never blogged I posted them here in this thread Moonbat!
And… Don Joe… read abd remember Moonbat! You exhibit Furball’s memory retention qualities!
Mike Webb SUCKS says:
That’s about the funniest thing I’ve read in a good while. MWS, whose sole “pertinent” contribution to the discussion is to claim that he posted some URL some time ago wants someone else to add something pertinent to the conversation.
Are these twits simply impervious to cognitive dissonance?
“Never blogged I posted them here in this thread…”
First of all, you don’t “blog” here. Only Goldy does. We just comment. If you want to blog like the big boys, then start your own blog.
Second, I’ve said that I’m not going to waste my time trying to find some kernel in the mountains of chaff you spew all over the comment space on this blog. If you have an actual URL, then post it in this thread. Otherwise, consider yourself a lying sack of shit.
Maybe the Michael Richards group on HorsesAss will drop the NSA eavesdropping mantra? Naah, I didn’t think so. Too many Moonbat!s here.
“After a delay of more than a year, a government board appointed to guard Americans’ privacy and civil liberties during the war on terror has been told the inner workings of the government’s electronic eavesdropping program.
Members say they were impressed by the protections. …
Board members said that they were impressed by the safeguards the government has built into the NSA’s monitoring of phone calls and computer transmissions, and that they wished the administration could tell the public more about them to ease distrust.
“If the American public, especially civil libertarians like myself, could be more informed about how careful the government is to protect our privacy while still protecting us from attacks, we’d be more reassured,” said Lanny Davis , a former Clinton White House lawyer who is the board’s lone liberal Democrat.”
WellLanny I guess they would except the New York Times likes to leak info to terrorists, like the Bank Freeze program last June 23rd!
Looks like Baby Bush got BITCH SLAPPED again. Man I love to see that traitor get his just reward from our courts. Thank GOOOOODNESS the founders saw the day when we’d need to keep an out of control president in check.
I assume you are referring to that quote. From which it’s hardly clear whether Rove is refusing to pay (like MTR) or not.
In addition, unlike MTR, there’s no verifying the conversation. For all we know Kim Phillips could be making this all up.
If Rove actually made the bet (and it wasn’t in jest), he should pay up.
It’s clear MTR should pay up. To try and paint Rove in the same light based upon an unverifiable blog entry is silly and innacurate.
Don Joe. I post links all the time. If you had a memory like some of us do, you could remember things. If you choose to call my posts chaff that’s okay. Most of the time most MOONBAT!s can fathom good facts because they hurt the libtard mind!
I can remember most crap posted by Moonbat!s. If you can’t well.. “I pity the fool” – BA Barracus A-Team!
I already posted MSNBC has been caught using ficitious “reportage”, ie: lying. I posted the link too.
They are part of the Lying Libtard MSM
Here is why Moonbat!s have no clue on Defense!
“House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has decided against naming either Rep. Jane Harman (Calif.), the senior Democrat on the House intelligence committee, or Rep. Alcee L. Hastings (Fla.), the panel’s No. 2 Democrat, to chair the pivotal committee next year.
The decisions came despite lobbying by conservative Democrats on Harman’s behalf and a full-throttled campaign by Hastings to overcome the stigma of the 1988 impeachment that drove him from his federal judgeship.
The fight over the top spot on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has exposed the kind of factional politics that bedeviled House Democrats before they were swept from control in 1994. Harman, a moderate, strong-on-defense “Blue Dog” Democrat, had angered liberals with her reluctance to challenge the Bush administration’s use of intelligence. Hastings, an African American, was strongly backed by the Congressional Black Caucus but was ardently opposed by the Blue Dogs, who said his removal from the bench disqualifies him from such a sensitive post.
Complicating the matter was Pelosi’s relationship with black Democrats. Earlier this year, she enraged the Black Caucus by removing one of its members, Rep. William J. Jefferson (D-La.), from the Ways and Means Committee after court documents revealed that federal investigators looking into allegations of bribery had found $90,000 in cash neatly bundled in his freezer.
Instead of picking Harman or Hastings, Pelosi will look for a compromise candidate, probably Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-Tex.), but possibly Rep. Norman D. Dicks (D-Wash.), a hawkish member of the Appropriations defense subcommittee, or Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-Ga.), a conservative African American with experience on the intelligence committee. To entice Harman to run in 2000 for a House seat she had vacated for an unsuccessful bid for the California governorship, the Democratic leadership shunted Bishop off the committee — another perceived slap at black lawmakers.”
Now this tells us the real Nancy Pelosi. Read the post and remember Don Joe.
This is why I call these Moonbat!s here the Michael Richards gang.
“Just when it seemed Michael Richards was about to leave the most troubling incident of his career behind, his publicist is having to explain how the comic could consider himself to be Jewish.
Last week, crisis-management expert Howard Rubenstein acknowledged that Richards had shouted anti-Semitic remarks in an April standup comedy routine well before his appearance earlier this month in which he harangued hecklers with the n-word. But he defended Richards’ language about Jews, saying that the comic “is Jewish. He’s not anti-Semitic at all. He was role-playing.”
As Rubenstein’s assertion circulated, Jewish organizations and commentators pointed out that the man who played Cosmo Kramer on “Seinfeld” has not converted to Judaism and neither of his parents are Jewish.”
Maybe Goldie gave him his “blessing”, after determining his circumcision state!
re23: Do you think Doc Hastings will convene against Alcee Hastings?
I wonder if he’s a MOONBAT!
“Don Joe. I post links all the time.”
Yes, you do. That’s my point.
“If you had a memory like some of us do, you could remember things.”
I’m calling bullshit on this. You can’t find the link, or you’d have posted it again by now, you lying sack of shit.
“Read the post and remember Don Joe.”
Read it before you posted it, LSoS. I’m not sure why anyone should be surprised that Democrats don’t walk lock-step with each other. You see, LSoS, Democrats actually think for themselves.
14 klake
“House Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has decided against naming either Reps. Jane Harman (D-Calif.), the senior Democrat on the House intelligence committee, or Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.), the panel’s No. 2 Democrat, to chair the pivotal committee next year, ”
Yup. Pelosi slaps down both the Blue Dogs and the Black Caucus. Now they know who’s the fucking boss.
“I already posted MSNBC has been caught using ficitious “reportage”, ie: lying. I posted the link too.
They are part of the Lying Libtard MSM.”
You mean the flak about Don Imus two years ago? Funny. He was spouting wingnut talking points at the time.
22 klake
“the Dutch are understanding the down falls to political correctness.”
Yes, discriminating against Muslims should calm things down.
For the record, I will, henceforth, refer to “Mike Webb SUCKS” as “LSoS.” The “o” stands for “of”. I’ll let everyone else figure out what the rest stands for.
Post that link in this thread, LSoS, or you will, forever, be known on HA as the LSoS.
Funny how the LSoS is too stupid to use his web browser’s history feature to find the link.
evangelical is not equal to christian.
re: Snow
bunniespussiesI would have thought you’d be a bit more understanding. and by the way, the Mercer Island school district is closed due to “off island road conditions” (which is to say teachers and staff who can’t afford to live on the island can’t make it in).
I hate to see everyone jumping in to defend Seattle’s reaction to snow; Goldy’s a smart guy, he already knows all that. You don’t like it? go back where you came from!
Today’s prediction: The LSoS will, either today or tomorrow, post a link to either this article or some similar article on the same story, will whine about liberal “activist” judges, and never discuss the legal merits of a decision that looks askance at “no apparent limit” on the President’s authority to label groups or individuals as “terrorists.”
Wingnuts like the LSoS no longer want a government of laws. They want a government based on a cult of personality–demagoguery at its finest.
Hi LSoS,
I can use any moniker I choose as long as I don’t try to hide who I am. Here is a hint, if you were close enough, and had any, I would kick you in the balls with my LEFT one.
Now, kiss my ass you chickenshit little prick. How does it feel to be the MINORITY?
Ladies and Gentleman:
We have a new record. MTR has not spoken since the spanking administered by Goldy near the start of this thread.
He has gone the way of JCH and slunk away, tail tucked, cowering in fear. The truth will do that to Republicans.
Folks let’s be clear. If the righties keep going on this track. It might be time for a civil war right here in America. I promise I won’t allow Newt the Hoot or any other right winger to destroy the Constitution. We need to get ready for this battle folks. It’s getting serious.
165 “ConservativeFirst says: Where does it say that Rove didn’t pay up? The comparison to MTR seems silly and inaccurate. Of course this doesn’t stop Roger from blathering on about ‘CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES’, since he seems rarely read the links provided and just pontificates based upon his biases. 11/29/2006 at 6:06 am”
Roger Rabbit Reply: This shouldn’t be too hard to resolve. Let’s review:
Wingnut Claim #1: The linked article doesn’t say Rove didn’t pay the bet.
Wingnut Claim #2: Roger Rabbit didn’t read the article.
Now let’s fact-check:
Fact-check #1: The linked article says:
“So far, Kim Phillips has not been able to collect on her bet.”
(For verification, click here: http://tinyurl.com/yndkkr … it’s just below the box with the gray background, right above “Photo: Kim Phillips with What’s-His-Name” … if you can’t find it, let me know, and I’ll have one of my seeing-eye-dog friends assist you.)
Fact-check #2: Roger Rabbit DID read the article. Otherwise, how could I know that Rove hasn’t paid the $5 bet? On the other hand, it is equally evident that FascistFuck DID NOT read the article. Otherwise, he could he get it wrong? Or maybe he’s a fucking illiterate who only looks at the pictures. FascistFuck seems like the type who would look at a photo of Rove and drool with sexual lust … you know, that Log Cabin thing.
165 “ConservativeFirst says: Where does it say that Rove didn’t pay up? … Of course this doesn’t stop Roger from blathering on about ‘CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES’, since he seems rarely read the links provided and just pontificates based upon his biases. 11/29/2006 at 6:06 am”
Roger Rabbit Reply: This shouldn’t be too hard to resolve. Let’s start by reviewing FascistFuck’s claims:
Wingnut Claim #1: The article doesn’t say Rove didn’t pay the bet.
Wingnut Claim #2: Roger Rabbit didn’t read the article.
Now, let’s fact-check these claims:
Fact-check #1: The article says, “So far, Kim Phillips has not been able to collect on her bet.” (For verification, click here: http://tinyurl.com/yndkkr … and READ the article instead of just looking at the picture.)
Fact-check #2: Roger Rabbit DID read the article. How else would I know that Rove hasn’t paid the bet? It is equally evident that FascistFuck DID NOT read the article — otherwise, how could he get it wrong? Next time, read the fucking article instead of just looking at the pictures, dolt!
This is a great article:
167 “Mike Webb SUCKS says: Furball said: “Cheap-labor conservatives like ‘free trade’, NAFTA, GATT, etc. … Why did Bill Clinton push for NAFTA and GATT? He was a cheap labor conservative? Thought so! 11/29/2006 at 6:34 am”
You sure have a short memory. Many Democrats, not to mention organized labor, took issue with Clinton over his trade policies. (Unlike Republicans, we allow dissent in our party.) So how do Clinton’s trade policy sins make Republicans innocent? How does Democratic pandering to corporate interests to get campaign cash make Republikkkan politicians preferable to Democratic politicians on issues that affect working class families? When you guys are even worse? At least Clinton:
a) did not start a war based on lies;
b) won his war;
c) didn’t lose any U.S. lives in the process; and
d)stopped a genocide instead of starting one.
And Clinton at least:
e) created jobs, instead of destroying jobs; and
f) helped the middle class, instead of looting it.
You are right, Clinton’s trade policies sucked; but Clinton didn’t:
g) attempt to loot Social Security; or
h) attempt to loot the tip jar.
So fuck you, FascistFack! I like our crooks better than your crooks. If this country has to be run by crooks, then I prefercrooks who steal from the rich and give to the poor, as opposed to your crooks, who steal from the poor and give to the rich.
172 “Mike Webb SUCKS says: And… Don Joe… read abd remember Moonbat! You exhibit Furball’s memory retention qualities!
11/29/2006 at 6:46 am”
My memory is fine. You’re the one who doesn’t know the article says, “So far, Kim Phillips has not been able to collect on her bet.”
(For verification, click here: http://tinyurl.com/yndkkr … and READ the fucking article instead of just looking at the pictures.)
“Judge: Bush can’t designate groups as terrorists
“Executive order establishing power was unconstitutional, ruling says
“Updated: 5:42 p.m. PT Nov 28, 2006
“LOS ANGELES – A federal judge struck down President Bush’s authority to designate groups as terrorists, saying his post-Sept. 11 executive order was unconstitutional and vague, according to a ruling released Tuesday.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info, see http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15941646/
Roger Rabbit Comment: In a way, it’s too bad; I was hoping the next president would designate the GOP a terrorist group. They are, you know.
177 What part of “has not been able to collect on her bet” don’t you understand? Guess it depends on what your definition of “is” is, huh?
178 Mike Webb SUCKS says: Don Joe. I post links all the time. If you had a memory like some of us do, you could remember things. 11/29/2006 at 7:07 am
If your memory is so great, why don’t you just tell us which post the links are in, so the rest of us can find your alleged links without having to wade through 177 posts?
179 Mike Webb SUCKS says: … I already posted MSNBC has been caught using ficitious “reportage”, ie: lying. … 11/29/2006 at 7:27 am
Roger Rabbit Reply: I gotta agree with you there, Sucky Mike! Corporate flaks are planting fake “news” stories full of lies in the media every day — it’s a serious problem! For example:
“Fake News Flash: Global Warming Is a Myth!
“At least that’s what residents of hurricane-ravaged Mississippi were told when a local newscaster aired a fake news segment earlier this year. … Viewers weren’t told that the segment was bought and paid for by ExxonMobil lobbyists.
“The problem doesn’t end in Mississippi. Free Press and the Center for Media and Democracy today released a … report that exposes more corporations placing propaganda as news on television stations across the country.
“This deception is illegal under federal rules … this investigation has snared more than 100 local stations slipping corporate-sponsored ‘video news releases’ — promotional segments designed to look like objective news reports — into their regular news programming. The advertisements, flogging everything from arguments against global warming to porn-free search engines, are passed off to you, their viewers, as legitimate news reports.
“In April 2006, after we first exposed this practice, broadcasters pledged that they would come clean and stop infiltrating the airwaves with fake news. In August, the FCC launched an inquiry into all 77 stations that were cited in the first investigation. But the FCC investigation has gone nowhere.
“Free Press and CMD have delivered extensive evidence of this local TV abuse to the FCC. But these two investigations — documenting less than 1 percent of fake news being offered to newsrooms — exposed only the tip of the iceberg. It’s likely that fake news reports have been aired on hundreds more local newscasts.
“We need your help to send a strong message to the FCC: Crack down on local news stations that abuse the public trust by airing fake news.
“Timothy Karr
“Campaign Director
“Free Press
Tell the FCC to Crack Down on Fake News: http://tinyurl.com/wx2qc
I posted a link to an interesting article by a Libertarain gent, but somehow it never showed up here. When I tried to post it again, the machine said I’d already posted the comment. What’s up?
203 I’m having that problem too. The cookie monster eats my posts, then tells me I already posted it, when it’s not there.
There’s a silver lining, though … apparently the cookie monster swallowed JCH whole, and he doesn’t exist anymore! :D :D :D
191 This letter in today’s fish wrapper says it all:
“Right about now, all Midwesterners and East Coasters who live in Seattle are shaking their heads at the panic-stricken coverage of ‘THE BIG STORM’ [‘Weather forces city, traffic to a halt,’ page one, Nov. 28]. Newscasters Tuesday morning pleaded, practically hysterically, with the viewers to stay home and not leave their houses!
“The solution is so very simple, for any major city, or Department of Transportation that wants a solution. Guess what! Salt and sand get rid of ice on roads! Snow plows and road crews actually help clear interstates and prevent accidents, when you use them!
“As a former Minnesotan, it is unthinkable to me that several inches of snow and ice would bring a city to a standstill and produce such panic. Plan, prepare, and decide if you want to be a city that properly handles this type of weather! It is not rocket science, folks.
— Janet Engel, Seattle”
Excerpted under Fair Use; for the complete letters column and/or copyright info, see http://tinyurl.com/ykpg55
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s impossible to disagree with Ms. Engle; but I would add a couple things:
a) Cities around here don’t invest in plowing and sanding equipment because it’s used only once every three or four years; and
b) If they did 45% of the population would bitch about paying taxes for it (the same 45% that wants other people to pay for roads, and doesn’t pay off their bad political bets).
November 28, 2006
Schumer: Reaganism Is Dead
What a tool…
Pelosi, Schumer, Reid, Clinton, and Dean all have one thing in common. The ability to unify conservatives and lose a narrow majority in congress. Two years is just enough time for the democrats to cannalbalize themselves right out of leadership.
Reaganism and Reaganonics work. Tax cuts for all americans. Take money out of govt and put it back into the hands of the people.
Lower taxes, smaller government, strong defense, support the small business entrepeneur, reward initiative, control of education to the community not the fed. Tough on crime and criminals. Support of judges who are constitutional originalists. Most importantly, an unshakeable belief in the greatness of The United States and our duty to the constitution for all mankind.
192 If we’re going to give presidents that kind of authority, then I think the next president should designate the GOP and the sucky little jihad blog* as terrorist organizations.
* The jihad blog contains the following comment:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
What kind of fucking jerk would hope a terrorist attack kills innocent Americans so his party can win elections? A Republican terrorist, that’s who! Any blog that gives someone like this a forum to vent his sick, twisted ideas is in cahoots with the terrorist posters whose venom it spews. That’s why the jihad blog should be considered a terrorist organization.
Right Stuff says:
Well, you supplied the self-description, but it is so very apt. Reaganism is dead largely because those who claim allegiance to it have long since forsaken it for something quite different. That’s one of the reasons Republicans got so handily smacked during the past mid-term elections.
I posted a link to an interesting article by a Libertarain gent, but somehow it never showed up here. When I tried to post it again, the machine said I’d already posted the comment. What’s up?
It’s probably hung up in the new super-duper spam filter. It should show up when Goldy gets around to releasing it.
207, 209
Pat Buchanan and Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter have already said the 2006 election finished off the Goldwater/Reagan conservative movement; now they’re joined by Washington Post columnist E. J. Dionne Jr., who says:
“This fall’s election … revealed that the Barry Goldwater-Ronald Reagan political settlement has expired.”
I think I have seen you copy that post at least dozen times.
Yes he is an idiot and a jerk. Doesn’t reflect feelings of most conservatives. There are whack jobs on both sides.
An idiot is an idiot no matter what party they affiliate themselves with.
Getting back to welshing on a bet:
A friend of mine, a stock broker (and ardent Republican) once had a client purchase futures options and gave his firm a check. My friend tried to talk them out of it, but the client was insistent. The options were underwater and didn’t pan out, so the client lost his money.
But then the check bounced. My friend had to cover the amount of the check to the firm out of his own pocket – $15,000 if I remember correctly.
He confronted the client. The client admitted he never had the money in his account, but needed money badly and was willing to take a gamble. If he won, he would take his money and use it to pay other debts. If he lost, he would just owe another $15,000, which somebody else (i.e., my friend) would have to cover for the time being. As far as they were concerned, they didn’t see that they had done anything wrong.
That is why welshing on a bet is so bad. The welsher expects to collect when they win, but expects to renege when they lose. The result is it isn’t a bet at all, as they have no risk. They have passed the risk of losing back onto the other player.
Which is exactly what the Republicans, and their friends in industry, have been doing for the past several years. Finance companies make bad loans to individuals at userous rates (arguably justified by the higher risk), and then change the bankruptcy laws so they in fact have no risk. Industry in general wants to keep profits high by avoiding polution controls, then pass the cost of environmental remediation on to the taxpayers. They want to prosecute a war in Iraq, but they don’t want to provide for the proper protective gear, passing the costs onto the injured soldiers and their families.
The only thing about Reaganism that died were those who falsely claimed the mantel. The ideas, the values are more important today than ever. Pres Bush is no Reagan and is one of those who falsely wears the mantel.
We shall see, We shall see.
And before Santorum gets thrown out there as an example of the dead Reagan ideas, I give you Lieberman.
Buchanan and Alter are certainly not good examples of conservative spokeman.
First, who’s responsible for the fact that some individuals were allowed to falsely assume the mantle?
Second, the idea that lowering taxes will increase revenues at current tax rates has been pretty much shot out of the water. We have two administrations worth of experience with it, and in neither case did the predictions pan out.
Lastly, “supply side” Economics has very little credibility among people who are actually engaged in the study of Economics as a social science. As a “science” “supply side” Economics pretty much falls in the same category as “creation science.”
I was in college in the early 80’s studying Economics. For one assignment, I wrote a paper critiquing Bruce Bartlett’s book. Bartlett didn’t even understand the difference between Say and Walras, yet he still managed to gain some cachet among the conservative crowd. I really don’t understand why, and the most plausible explanation I have for that is that Bartlett tells conservatives what they want to hear as opposed to telling the whole truth.
I went back and looked at the original post.
Goldy, MTR is correct, why didn’t you add his Follow up, which is 100% accurate
“Mark The Redneck says:
Goldy @ 15 – Nope. You pay Tim $100 and go on record putting money in his pocket or no deal.
You decide.
09/20/2005 at 7:15 pm”
Hey DIPSHIT Libtard Moonbats: I didn’t post the link in this Open Thread. It’s on another thread.
And I am NOT going to post it again. Threats about me not posting it proves you are too damn lazy to find it on the Michael Richards show (HorsesAss)!
Furball, go back to fucking bunnies. That’s something you did better than writing the shit you do now! The bestiality did you good. Now that you slowed down or stopped, you write garbage.
LSOS – Liberally Spanking Obstinate Shitheads, Yes, that’s me!
LSOS Here. Here is part of what I posted before:
“”I was suspicious by the way they were praying very loud,” the gate agent told the Minneapolis Police Department.
Passengers and flight attendants told law-enforcement officials the imams switched from their assigned seats to a pattern associated with the September 11 terrorist attacks and also found in probes of U.S. security since the attacks — two in the front row first-class, two in the middle of the plane on the exit aisle and two in the rear of the cabin.”
Furball: I guess Clinton being a CLC hits home huh? Cum drunk doing another Lewinsky Furball?
The LSoS speaks:
Why not? You asserted something as fact. Don’t want to back it up?
First of all, I never threatened you. I merely noted what the general consequences are when people assert something as fact, yet fail to come forth with the goods when challenged.
Second, you presume I have the time to wade through all of the crap you post. Whatever does Michaeal Richards have to do with politics in Western Washington? Is Micheal Richards a politician? Is he running for office somewhere? You post tons of completely irrelevant bullshit, and I have work to do.
Third, I haven’t asked for a copy-and-paste job. I want the original source in its full context. You claim you posted a URL, so why can’t you post it again?
Lastly, you, like Janet S, have still failed to address the points I’ve raised earlier with respect to both the seat belt extenders and the alleged seat switching (note that there is no source given for the claim that they seated themselves in a pattern similar to what the 9/11 attackers did–which is why I want the original–I’m betting that the original doesn’t name a source for that little tidbit either. Let me guess–you got this from something like the WA Times, right? Yeah, they’re real careful with facts). If you want to claim that you’re actually kicking some ass around here, you might want to try responding to those points first.
PS, I’ve already said that the “o” stand for “of”.
I guess Clinton being a CLC
20,000 more troops to Iraq! Here’s your chance to put your courage where your mouth is Klake. Take MTR and MW Sucks with you.
You can count on 5 things in this life:
a) Democrats will continue to raise your taxes
b) Democrats will continue to raise your taxes
c) Democrats will continue to raise your taxes
d) Democrats will continue to raise your taxes
e) Democrats will continue to raise your taxes
“Veto” he’s a good friend of mine……….He will be every watchful of you taxocrats……
I wouldn’t say that my mom “lies for a living.” She’s just very good at what she does, which is to carefully spin the Republican talking points of the day.
In her own way she’s really quite intelligent. Of course, she also is like George W. Bush — my mom will stubbornly refuse to see reality when it fits her political agenda.
What I find most sad is that her good judgment has become badly distorted by her job. I can only imagine what it will be like 10 years from now when she looks back. Will she recognize the fundamental errors in her logic and facts? Or will she continue to hide from her own better judgment?
She’s my mom, so I can empathize with her situation. Her job has captured her soul. Please don’t be too hard on her; this happens to many folks regardless of their political orientation. It just so happens that my mom’s job requires her dysfunctions to be displayed for all the world to see on blogs like this one. You should see what she writes elsewhere!
Lesson in Legislative activities for Clueless AKA many names; Congress, led by Moonbat!s raised taxes.
For Don Joe The Moonbat!: From Air Marshals:
“But Rabiah Ahmed, spokeswoman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said Muslims “have to walk around on eggshells in public just because we don’t want to be misconstrued as suspicious. You have to strike a balance between legitimate fears which people may have, but not allow passengers to have so much discretion that they can trigger a process that would violate a traveler’s basic civil rights.” – When has CAIR denounced the 9/11 attacks, islamofascism, hate speech in mosques? NEVER!
I finally figured out why Don Joe the Moonbat! has mental problems!
He’s not firing on any cylinders!
Admit it Don Joe the Moonbat! you were just wrong:
“Flight attendants said they were concerned that the way the imams took seats that were not assigned to them — two seats in the front row of first class, exit seats in the middle of the plane and two seats in the rear — resembled the pattern used by September 11 hijackers, giving them control of the exits.”
http://washtimes.com/national/ 20061129-121812-1240r.htm
Why didn’t the libtard MSM print this?
Something to make Clueless/Yos Lib Bro apoplectic:
Have a great day Moonbat!s
That’s funny, because, if you go back up, you’ll note that I predicted your source to be the WA Times.
Why didn’t the MSM print that? Maybe, because there’s no substantiation for the claims that are printed there?
You do know how reporters get those kinds of quotes, don’t you? They track down some supposed expert (note that none of these experts are named), feed this supposed expert a baleful of hypothetical facts, and get a response. At no point does the reporter actually provide any corroborating basis for the hypothetical “facts” that are fed to this unnamed expert. That way, reporters can print any number of cooked-up facts and conclusions all the while tacking them under an attribution that begins with, “Experts say…”
Who are these experts? What’s the actual basis for the facts that were fed to them? Can we find any independent corroboration for the facts in the WA Times piece?
Were you a person who actually employs critical thinking, you’d have asked these questions, and sought out answers. But, you didn’t. Because questions hurt the wingnut mind.
Once again the Moonbat!s lied to get power.
Clueless/Yos Lib Bro – Libtard MSM!
I hope the Repubs remember all these lies!
Don Joe the Moonbat!, so the Air Marshall Service, which protects your sorry ass when you fly are wrong? The libtard MSM won’t print the truth and it doesn’t bother you?
By the way, LSoS, the whole 9/11 “pattern” meme is discounted by the fact that the FBI investigated the whole incident and let the Imams go free. If there was any connection between the Imams’ pattern of behavior and that of the 9/11 attackers, it’s highly unlikely that the FBI would have let them go free.
When you fail to ask intelligent questions, you fail to take into account countervaling facts. This happens, because questions hurt the wingnut mind.
Interesting how Mr Socialist has not commented on this story.
Why Mr. Socialist. Looks like your hero Putin may be implicated? You love to post Pravda crap here!
LSoS, go back and read the article. The Air Marshall (unnamed) who was quoted was fed facts by the reporter. That’s in the article itself. The Air Marshall’s comments were not based on a review of the full and actual record established by the FBI investigation.
Again, you demonstrate that questions hurt the wingnut mind.
Again Don Joe the Moonbat! Maybe the FBI let them go to follow them. This has been done before but your puny little libtard mind missed those facts too. The Air Marshalls agree with US Air, and that’s all that matters to me. So your countervaling facts have little value!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
HAR is for Furball because he can’t correctly spell Ha!
“The Air Marshalls agree with US Air, and that’s all that matters to me. So your countervaling facts have little value!”
That’s absolutely correct. Countervaling facts are of little value to you, because you’ve already reached a foregone conclusion despite what the actual facts might be. You’ve already said that this is what you do, so there’s no need to repeat it. We all know that questions hurt the wingnut mind, and I thank you for being such an efficacious proof of that proposition.
Speaking of welchers, didn’t Pelosi and the Democrats promise that if they won the majority they would implement all the recommendations of the 9/11 commission? They haven’t even taken power yet, and already they have backed out of that one.
Democrats Reject Key 9/11 Panel Suggestion
First, Micheal, that would be reneging, not welching. There is a difference, and the difference is not trivial.
Second, Republicans have already floated two preemptive criticisms of the incoming Democrats, and the bases of these criticisms have not panned out. So, why not wait until the first 100 hours is over before we criticize the Democrats for reneging?
And, by the way, if they do renege on that promise, I’ll be right there criticizing them as much as you would.