Roger Rabbit Commentary: American politics has never been all that civil. But Republicans. Back in the day, they called themselves “Democrats,” and went to war against their own country to defend slavery. Now, they merely call former Two-Term President Obama an “illegal alien,” the “n” word, and threaten to kill him. On the air.
This loser can’t stand the fact Obama is smarter than he is. Better educated. More successful. More famous. And, above all, smarter than he is. But if he had any brains, he wouldn’t be a Republican, would he?
Roger Rabbitspews:
In Arizona, a GOP Senate candidate is running for retiring Sen. Jeff Flake’s seat on a platform of Pizzagate, Nazism, and anti-Muslim bigotry.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This woman is obviously a flake, but here in America, we let the voters decide, and some of the voters are pretty damn stupid (look no farther than Trump).
Carl, How’s the vacation going?
It has been fairly amusing to watch the #MeToo movement in its early implosion phases.
Now, I will admit to benefitting from the resignation of that supreme asshole Al Franken, and in addition to shivving him, that twit Gillebrand also shivved Bill Clinton and in the process Bill’s fully complicit wife and twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary.
The movement took down Harvey Weinstein, of course, and we were treated to the numerous fairly close relationships that motherfucker has had with Democrat luminaries, most notably twice-failed presidential candidate and wife of noted rapist Hillary. They knew. They all fucking new. Even you knew, Meryl Streep. But he made you a superstar and didn’t actually try to fuck you, not really except for those three times when he had been drinking or so you thought, and therefore you gave him a pass.
But when it came to taking down a black Muslim, well, suddenly the women are not to be believed.
And now there’s this:
Rose McGowan Reacts to Asia Argento Reportedly Paying Off Assault Accuser: “My Heart Is Broken”
Asia Argento’s former ally Rose McGowan has publicly distanced herself from the Italian director and actress after a report in the New York Times said that Argento paid off her own sexual assault accuser.
Both Argento and McGowan have been two of the most outspoken critics of Harvey Weinsten after coming forward as victims of the disgraced Hollywood producer last fall.
McGowan tweeted: “I got to know Asia Argento ten months ago. Our commonality is the shared pain of being assaulted by Harvey Weinstein. My heart is broken. I will continue my work on behalf of victims everywhere.”
That’s not your heart that broke, Rose. It was your #MeToo movement. As with the #BLM movement preceding it, #MeToo was for show, and it became expendable when it began taking down the wrong people instead of @realDonaldTrump.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wherein the Russian government, which routinely murders journalists and critics, complains the U.S. is “torturing” a jailed Russian spy/NRA operative.
Trump is ranting against Mueller, Doctor Dumbfuck is ranting against Hillary, must be Monday morning. Yawn. I don’t have to work, so I’m going back to bed.
Repukes in Congress have no spine. This is virtually meaningless if the Repukes in Congress do nothing.
Seems like Bob is having a little bit of a #MeToo movement himself. It is called #DumbfucksToo
I can only imagine how many times, over the last six months, we’ve heard Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit tell us that the economic sky is about to fall. And that it will be Trump’s fault.
Dozens of times, likely.
The Dow is on the verge of busting out of correction phase for the 1st time in 6 months
Oh. DJIA’s up 1,000+ points so far this year, too. Trump’s fault, that.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Let me try to help clarify all this for you, Dumbfuck.
Guys like you, who casually toss around the term “cunt” in reference to any woman you disagree with sufficiently, want to see this reckoning with sexual harassment in the workplace in moralistic binary terms. But being preoccupied with fondling your own nutbag you seem to want those binary terms to come down to “us vs. them” and in particular to “dudes vs. cunts”.
This is perhaps part of the reason why “dudes” like you, Weinstein, Louis C.K., and Blake Farenthold continue to be so confused and unable to make any progress. You’ve made it all way to politically complicated and got the sides all wrong.
It’s not “us vs. them”.
It’s right vs. wrong. It’s not about identity. It’s about behavior. Behavior that millions of yes, mostly female, Republican voters have also had to endure all their lives. Behavior that they too are fed up with. And for those of them with frankly better educations, jobs, and incomes than a lot of the “dudes” around them, they now have options.
So consider yourself lucky if you are the last person on earth to have learned that the entertainment industry is filled with reprehensible behavior of all kinds. Most people figured it out some time after the Fatty Arbuckle trial.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 You can make a rock temporarily defy gravity, too, by throwing it straight up; but stand under it at your own risk.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 “It’s not ‘us vs. them’. It’s right vs. wrong.”
You don’t expect a dumbfuck radiologist to understand this, do you? This is heady lawyer stuff. Maybe an honest theologian — if there is one — gets it, too. But that’s asking too much of an x-ray reader.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Every seasoned investor knows that inflating the stock market before an election is the oldest pump-and-dump game in town.
Arthur Fieldlerspews:
Used by Republicans and Democrats alike.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“If Monica Lewinsky says that you inserted a cigar into her vagina while you were in the Oval Office area, would she be lying?”
“If Monica Lewinsky says that on several occasions in the Oval Office area, you used your fingers to stimulate her vagina and bring her to orgasm, would she be lying?”
“If Monica Lewinsky says that you ejaculated into her mouth on two occasions in the Oval Office area, would she be lying?”
“If Monica Lewinsky says that you masturbated into a trashcan in your secretary’s office, would she be lying?”
These look to me like questions a lawyer who doesn’t believe sitting presidents have executive immunity would ask. That is, until he’s nominated for a Supreme Court position by a president who doesn’t want to be questioned about his private business dealings with a hostile foreign government. I guess some lawyers evolve professionally over time in different ways, depending on circumstances and, frankly, opportunities.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 The real Arthur Fiedler knew how to spell his own name. So did the real Arthur Fielder. I suppose you do, too, if you’re some guy nobody ever heard of named Arthur Fieldler, in which case strangers, beginning with your grade school teachers, probably have been misspelling your name your entire miserable life.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
following that disgraceful episode at the airport in Orlando, I think it’s fairly obvious that Doctor Dumbfuck is habituated to a routine in which behavior is predicated on respect, and respect is derived from identity. From his perspective, as a “doctor” he no doubt considers his own identity to be deserving of the highest levels of respect and treatment. Consequently, he also goes through his life treating everyone who he reckons to be less “respectable” owing to their identity like pieces of shit.
Such a quaint and dated notion originating in a time when being a doctor really meant something. These days, most Doctors I meet I feel only pity and concern. Pity that they worked probably harder than anyone else in society to achieve such limited career objectives. And concern that they might at any moment give in to the compulsive suicidal ideation that consumes them. No wonder they explode at airport counters and get dragged away in chains.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I suppose you can celebrate putting a sleazy political operative on the Supreme Court whose legal principles bend like a reed in the breezes of partisan loyalty and political expediency if you want to politicize the Court and/or don’t give a damn about legal principles to begin with.
Arthur Fielderspews:
Miserable life? You’re the egotist that hangs out on the blog all fucking day long.
East shit and die, you worthless, miserable piece of shit.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I’m far less concerned about Kavanaugh’s political orientation than I am about his character. Rushing his nomination through serves only one purpose: to limit discovery of his professional record. Discovering partisanship in the professional record of a partisan appointee in a political position should not come as a surprise to any Senator. Nor frankly is it likely to be deemed disqualifying.
It is mostly Kavanaugh’s record as staff secretary that is being withheld from review for release. And that’s more troubling in what it might say about ethical lapses, lies, or professional misconduct. Lawyers whose hunger for success, attention, professional credit, or approbation, drive them to lapses in conduct do not make good judges. They are more likely to put themselves ahead of the law in ways that can pervert the course of justice.
Obviously if Kavanaugh put his name to important documents comprising legal advise to the President supporting the authorization of torture that would cost him a few Republican votes. And that’s probably the key reason for withholding those documents. But the bigger concern ought to be his willingness to lie about it under oath later on. A lawyer who would lie so openly would never make a good judge. A lawyer who would do so under oath should be disbarred.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Jeezus! You still can’t spell it right!
Someday we will succeed in driving child molesting, arm-fishing, beer drunk, AM Hate Radio programmed meatbag Roypublicans from power. But I sincerely hope we always have them around for the cheap laughs.
I’m sure that there is some verse in the Bible that supports this woman’s decision to not want someone of another race to take care of her. The good book is filled with this kind of disputable considerations.
The black woman should just chill out – I mean rope could be involved or the slight mishap of mishandled medications that could be deadly.
@16 that Kavanaugh is a horny guy….I bet he went home and masturbated to Clinton and Lewinsky – just like Doctor Dumbfuck.
Arthur Fielderspews:
22 – “Jeezus?” You’re spelling is lacking, too, you elitist cocksucker.
Go suck the rabbit’s dick, you worthless piece of shit! All you fuckers are doing is getting Trump re-elected.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 @20 What we have here is either (a) two different trolls, or (b) a troll who can’t spell his own name, or (c) a troll trying to type on a keyboard with pinhead-sized keys, or (d) a reprogrammed Russian bot.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 Ego? Nah, not me. A rabbit doesn’t need an ego. I need fresh green lettuce loaded with Vitamin C.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 “Thank you for your interest in careers at Mantality Health,” the correspondence began before taking a sharp turn for the worst. “Unfortunately we do not consider candidates that have suggestive ‘ghetto’ names. We wish you the best in your career search.”
Wow. Does this recruiter have a side gig as a rainmaker for anti-discrimination lawyers?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 “All you fuckers are doing is getting Trump re-elected.”
Don’t blame your dysfunctional voting behavior on us. We didn’t mark your ballot. That’s on you, unless your mother did it for you.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“All you fuckers are doing is getting Trump re-elected.”
Oh Nooooooos!
Gadzooks! I had no idea. I must have really miscalculated everything.
You really mean to say that if we are super nice and gentle and agreeable and understanding, and treat all you filthy child molesting racist traitors with respect and dignity you’ll change your votes? REALLY?
Oh Please! Tell us what else can we do to win the approval of frustrated, illiterate shitbags who traded their national allegiance for permission to tell racist jokes in the lunchroom.
If we promise to shop at Cracker Barrel, listen to more country music, and pay more attention to the butt-hurt feels of irrelevant, aging, impotent white men do you swear you’ll never ever do a Trump to us again? Please?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Stocks mostly rise on hope for progress on China trade talks”
That’s right, stocks are going up on “hope for progress” in trade.
Does anyone really think Xi will just give Trump whatever he wants?
How many trade agreements has Trump actually renegotiated so far?
Don’t stand under that falling rock, Doc.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I hate jury reading. I think it’s stupid. I swear there’s almost no way of knowing what’s going on inside a jury room once they start deliberations. I guess a few assumptions are safe. Jurors are basically like everyone else. Fundamentally self serving in a predictably rational way, no matter what the judge tells them and no matter how many “inspiring” orientation videos they watch.
So when a jury announces to the court that they want to stay a bit later one evening there’s usually a reason. And it’s probably not that they are hopelessly hung. And in my experience it also isn’t because they need just a little more time to acquit on all counts.
The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager should consider ordering extra drinks with dinner tonight.
In all, just 54% of Americans invest in the market, either through individual stocks, mutual funds, pensions or retirement plans like a 401(k), according to Gallup. That’s down 11% since the Great Recession.
[…] On the other hand, nearly 94% of the top income group owned stocks in 2016.
Who cares how high the stock market gets for the 46% of the population can’t get enough of a wage increase from the republican tax giveaway to afford to be able to play in the stock market.
If the republican economy policies helped everyone get ahead, I’d be more supportive of it.
I fully expect the conomy to tank just after the midterms.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The jury in the first criminal trial of the Republican Presidential Campaign Manager has retired for the evening without a verdict.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“People that only listen to Fox have an utterly skewed view of reality.” — Lt. Col. Ralph Peters (ret.), former Fox military analyst
@34 To do your job as a juror properly, you have to go over all the evidence of all the defendant’s crimes, and in this case, there’s a lot of evidence of a lot of crimes.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The other thing your comment points out is the massive disparity in weighted interest. While about half of all Americans own investments in the stock market, the relevant significance of those investments differs far, far more dramatically.
For most of that half of Americans who own investments in stocks, a ten point rise or ten point fall in one of the averages amounts to very little to them personally. But to a relatively small percentage of enormously wealthy Americans small increases or decreases add up to millions because of how much of the market they own. Which is why it is entirely predictable that a truly populist economic backlash in the Congressional midterms will trigger a sell off.
People who know the game is rigged, because they spent money to rig it, are certain to take their winnings off the table the minute the poors demand a new dealer and a new deck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
More evidence that Republicans really don’t want people to vote.
@37 What are they going to do with it? Invest in rubles? Seriously, what can you do with cash these days besides spend it? And nobody ever got (or stayed) rich by spending their money.
Companies Warn More China Tariffs Will Cripple Them and Hurt Consumers – The New York Times
“Jennifer Harned, the president of Bell Sports, which makes helmets for cyclists and skaters, said the tariffs her company would face on pads and straps from China could send costs soaring, potentially nudging cyclists to go helmet-free.”
All you cyclists out there (Carl :)) maybe should buy a few extra helmets even you don’t need one right at the moment. Look at this way – you’ll be helping out the economy in the short term. Help Make America Great Again!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 He could always sell them on the black market after Trump builds his Chinese Wall and our goods economy is like Iran’s or Venezuela’s.
I can’t help but fear that the worst has happened to our loon and that his white supremacist friends have finally done him in. I tried to warn the loon but he just wouldn’t listen! SAD!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I think the last time he disappeared for this long it was atonement for violating his invisible, magical, sky-daddy rules.
Good grief. What do you suppose he did this time? I sure hope no children or house pets were involved.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42,43 He might be out in the barn with Doctor Dumbfuck.
Mark Adamsspews:
Carl is on his never ending vacation. Thank goodness vacation slideshows are out. Just where the heck are you on vacation?
Mark Adamsspews:
@5 They are just taking a play out of your playbook RR. When you cannot get your citizen released you have her tried in the court of public opinion. See if it plays. These kind of things worked even for the former Soviet Union, the former Soviet Union did have a hand in our race relations, and was one of the reasons Johnson supported the voting rights act. The cold war with the Soviet Union provided him cover, and the Soviet Union did run propaganda using black Americans in the south being soaked by water from high pressure hoses effectively.
Perhaps in this case the Russians may high light abuses in the system, and reforms may take place ensuring all of our rights. And last I checked the woman is still innocent as she has not been found guilty in an American court of law
Mark Adamsspews:
@6 Probably caused by the rabbit he had for breakfast.
Mark Adamsspews:
@11 There is a big hole in your argument because there are millions of Republicans who are part of that fundamentalist moral church group, Sure it is fun when they slip up, but they are actually very much about behavior, and simply will not engage in the behaviors you are referring to at work. At school. At home. They are kinda like our current Vice President. Maybe he takes it to such a level that women are shut out, but his behavior is impeccable.
Mark Adamsspews:
@16 Civil attorneys do these kind of gyrations all the time. Particularly when they represent plaintiffs and defendants in civil suits. A good attorney should be able to argue the case from both sides and consider both sides possible strategies. He or she must be able to work in their clients best interest. If anything the questions represent the dangers of having a special counsel, whereas the entity that should be fully involved is Congress, which got around to doing the impeachment process in large part over a blowjob. Of course you have put yourself on both sides of this male behavior toward subordinate women. If Harvey is wrong then President Bill Clinton is in the wrong, guess Harvey should have been doing his casting couch antics in the oval office and it would be fine. He would be above the law. Yet the casting couch has been around for generations and some women have used the casting couch to propel their career path, smart actresses know the game and who to sleep with to get the part.
Mark Adamsspews:
@49 And RR leaves out these bad men also have attorneys, and it is possible their attorneys can prevail. Or their client does the European tour while they are in the valley of shadows until it is time to ask for forgiveness. After all we US citizens are all about the forgiveness, unless we flatten your cities with bombers and later find no weapons of mass destruction.
Mark Adamsspews:
@19 I can celebrate putting Barrack Obama on the court like one other former President. The fact that to some degree all nine persons on the court are politicians in robes. A lifetime of politics is involved with anyone getting onto the court. The usual path is to get onto the Federal Circuit court and then onto one of the appeals courts. Both require the Presidents nomination, and a vote of the Senate and typically the states house members are consulted with as well, and either of the states Senators can block a possible candidate at the district court level. And if a candidate comes in from one of the states courts (not unheard of) typically they have been elected to office. The process is political so I suppose we should not be surprised that one side or the other might call a candidate a slippery political weasel, though no one really knows what a candidate is going to do once on the court and realizes they are free of starry decises, and being a Supreme court means you don’t have to follow a higher courts decisions, as you can dance to your own music and try to get the judges to dance to your tune.
@19 Anyone nominated to the court has already had a life time of politics. After all Barrack Obama could be on the court one day. I think Trump should nominate him and that would be an astute political move. Maybe if RGB dies or quits and there is a Democratic controlled Senate. For the simple reason that if Democrats want a shot at retaking the Senate they should just let the nomination go through quickly and allow members to vote. right not the Democratic candidate has an 18 point lead if he votes or Kavanaugh and that falls to 2 points if he does not. Now if you think the Democrats should risk gaining control of the Senate and House then you are absolutely right in your views, and they should fight tooth and nail to keep this politician in robes off the bench of the highest court in the land. Me I think they are all to some degree politicians in robes if they are sitting on the Federal or State bench. Have to be to get on the bench.
Kavanaugh or possible Democratic control of the Senate. I think it’s Supreme court Justice Kavanaugh. Or is RR going to offer him Mariner tickets and a new career as a cabaret singer in Seattle?
Mark Adamsspews:
@22 Or you are making assumptions. Maybe you can check the phone book for alternative spellings to the name. Also using an alternative spelling keeps the copyright police away.
Mark Adamsspews:
@23 The patient is in the wrong, but the hospital is caught between a rock and a hard place and so in the employee. The hospital has to take appropriate risk precautions. Unless the patient is incompetent should the employee touch her or even state she is going to treat the woman, she could be charged with assault. Is that not something a racist who has stated she does not want the woman to treat her might well do?
Mark Adamsspews:
@26 Maybe this Authur owns a company that sells leather wallets and baseball gloves. And knows how to spell his name.
@27 And Mr McGregor has something special for the rabbits coming into his garden for fresh green lettuce.
It takes ego to survive on the plains of Africa otherwise you become someone’s lunch.
Mark Adamsspews:
@28 Not hiring people from the poor part of time is a legitimate form of discrimination. Private golf clubs do it all the time.
Mark Adamsspews:
@30 I do think you may attract more voters with honey. You may also attract flies and bears, but that could indicate your tactics are working. Voters can so darned fickle.
Also the worst thing you can do to a liar is call them a liar. Can be fun though. and the ability to outrun them crucial. Righting is an option only liars are likely to use brass knuckles or may get in a lucky punch.
Mark Adamsspews:
@32 At this point though even with 19 counts it does not favor the prosecution. Though they may have a win on some minor count unless jurors do not want to award a win for the prosecution taking time out of their lives. Wednesday is probably the make or break say for the prosecution, no slam dunk for the prosecution, which is what pundit told us to expect.
Mark Adamsspews:
@33 Eventually the market will tank. Yellowstone will erupt. The Cascadia fault will slip. The Mariners will play in a World Series. The Seahawks will win the Superbowl. Which event happens first, well I have my preferences, but any of these could happen first, most before the midterms even, though the Seahawks could be out of contention by the midterms. Sucks to be in the basement, and ucks to be a minority party in Congress,
Mark Adamsspews:
@36 True up until the last part, The Jury is the decider if a crime took place. Until there is a verdict of guilty there can be no evidence crime took place, So there is evidence, probably a lot of Manufort is innocent.
Mark Adamsspews:
@38 Not particularly. These people can vote, this is just an argument over placing the materials closer to inmates in jail and those getting out of prison. Perhaps Washington should adopt the much more liberal attitude of Illinois for our citizens in jail, prison and getting out. Guess it is Democrats here suppressing the ability of those citizens to vote here.
Mark Adamsspews:
@40 Since some states legally require helmets and social stigmas on parents to make sure their children are properly equipped means consumers will buy the equipment, and American businesses could manufacture the helmets and equipment here.
Mark Adamsspews:
@41 No economist would describe the US economy as Iran’s or Venezuela’s due to economies of scale. and diversity. Oil hs an oversized impact on both of those nations economies, and while oil can impact the US we have a far larger robust economy. We are not one company town. The US is likely to benefit economically in a trade war with China. Though we may have to reinvent our ability to make shoes. Though I am sure Vietnam is ready to take up slack.
China’s agricultural tariffs may backfire due to droughts and shortages of soy beans.
Mark Adamsspews:
Maybe Puddy is in Indiana helping Jimmy Carter build houses for humanity. Could be he is on vacation with Carl, If you all are truly concerned then I suppose you could petition Goldy to contact Puddy and to do whatever efforts needed to insure he is ok rather than speculation overstating your concern for the man.
Heh. Republicans.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: American politics has never been all that civil. But Republicans. Back in the day, they called themselves “Democrats,” and went to war against their own country to defend slavery. Now, they merely call former Two-Term President Obama an “illegal alien,” the “n” word, and threaten to kill him. On the air.
This loser can’t stand the fact Obama is smarter than he is. Better educated. More successful. More famous. And, above all, smarter than he is. But if he had any brains, he wouldn’t be a Republican, would he?
In Arizona, a GOP Senate candidate is running for retiring Sen. Jeff Flake’s seat on a platform of Pizzagate, Nazism, and anti-Muslim bigotry.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This woman is obviously a flake, but here in America, we let the voters decide, and some of the voters are pretty damn stupid (look no farther than Trump).
Carl, How’s the vacation going?
It has been fairly amusing to watch the #MeToo movement in its early implosion phases.
Now, I will admit to benefitting from the resignation of that supreme asshole Al Franken, and in addition to shivving him, that twit Gillebrand also shivved Bill Clinton and in the process Bill’s fully complicit wife and twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary.
The movement took down Harvey Weinstein, of course, and we were treated to the numerous fairly close relationships that motherfucker has had with Democrat luminaries, most notably twice-failed presidential candidate and wife of noted rapist Hillary. They knew. They all fucking new. Even you knew, Meryl Streep. But he made you a superstar and didn’t actually try to fuck you, not really except for those three times when he had been drinking or so you thought, and therefore you gave him a pass.
But when it came to taking down a black Muslim, well, suddenly the women are not to be believed.
And now there’s this:
Rose McGowan Reacts to Asia Argento Reportedly Paying Off Assault Accuser: “My Heart Is Broken”
Asia Argento’s former ally Rose McGowan has publicly distanced herself from the Italian director and actress after a report in the New York Times said that Argento paid off her own sexual assault accuser.
Both Argento and McGowan have been two of the most outspoken critics of Harvey Weinsten after coming forward as victims of the disgraced Hollywood producer last fall.
McGowan tweeted: “I got to know Asia Argento ten months ago. Our commonality is the shared pain of being assaulted by Harvey Weinstein. My heart is broken. I will continue my work on behalf of victims everywhere.”
That’s not your heart that broke, Rose. It was your #MeToo movement. As with the #BLM movement preceding it, #MeToo was for show, and it became expendable when it began taking down the wrong people instead of @realDonaldTrump.
Wherein the Russian government, which routinely murders journalists and critics, complains the U.S. is “torturing” a jailed Russian spy/NRA operative.
@4 Breakfast indigestion?
Trump is ranting against Mueller, Doctor Dumbfuck is ranting against Hillary, must be Monday morning. Yawn. I don’t have to work, so I’m going back to bed.
Repukes in Congress have no spine. This is virtually meaningless if the Repukes in Congress do nothing.
Seems like Bob is having a little bit of a #MeToo movement himself. It is called #DumbfucksToo
I can only imagine how many times, over the last six months, we’ve heard Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit tell us that the economic sky is about to fall. And that it will be Trump’s fault.
Dozens of times, likely.
The Dow is on the verge of busting out of correction phase for the 1st time in 6 months
Oh. DJIA’s up 1,000+ points so far this year, too. Trump’s fault, that.
Let me try to help clarify all this for you, Dumbfuck.
Guys like you, who casually toss around the term “cunt” in reference to any woman you disagree with sufficiently, want to see this reckoning with sexual harassment in the workplace in moralistic binary terms. But being preoccupied with fondling your own nutbag you seem to want those binary terms to come down to “us vs. them” and in particular to “dudes vs. cunts”.
This is perhaps part of the reason why “dudes” like you, Weinstein, Louis C.K., and Blake Farenthold continue to be so confused and unable to make any progress. You’ve made it all way to politically complicated and got the sides all wrong.
It’s not “us vs. them”.
It’s right vs. wrong. It’s not about identity. It’s about behavior. Behavior that millions of yes, mostly female, Republican voters have also had to endure all their lives. Behavior that they too are fed up with. And for those of them with frankly better educations, jobs, and incomes than a lot of the “dudes” around them, they now have options.
So consider yourself lucky if you are the last person on earth to have learned that the entertainment industry is filled with reprehensible behavior of all kinds. Most people figured it out some time after the Fatty Arbuckle trial.
@10 You can make a rock temporarily defy gravity, too, by throwing it straight up; but stand under it at your own risk.
@11 “It’s not ‘us vs. them’. It’s right vs. wrong.”
You don’t expect a dumbfuck radiologist to understand this, do you? This is heady lawyer stuff. Maybe an honest theologian — if there is one — gets it, too. But that’s asking too much of an x-ray reader.
Every seasoned investor knows that inflating the stock market before an election is the oldest pump-and-dump game in town.
Used by Republicans and Democrats alike.
“If Monica Lewinsky says that you inserted a cigar into her vagina while you were in the Oval Office area, would she be lying?”
“If Monica Lewinsky says that on several occasions in the Oval Office area, you used your fingers to stimulate her vagina and bring her to orgasm, would she be lying?”
“If Monica Lewinsky says that you ejaculated into her mouth on two occasions in the Oval Office area, would she be lying?”
“If Monica Lewinsky says that you masturbated into a trashcan in your secretary’s office, would she be lying?”
These look to me like questions a lawyer who doesn’t believe sitting presidents have executive immunity would ask. That is, until he’s nominated for a Supreme Court position by a president who doesn’t want to be questioned about his private business dealings with a hostile foreign government. I guess some lawyers evolve professionally over time in different ways, depending on circumstances and, frankly, opportunities.
@15 The real Arthur Fiedler knew how to spell his own name. So did the real Arthur Fielder. I suppose you do, too, if you’re some guy nobody ever heard of named Arthur Fieldler, in which case strangers, beginning with your grade school teachers, probably have been misspelling your name your entire miserable life.
following that disgraceful episode at the airport in Orlando, I think it’s fairly obvious that Doctor Dumbfuck is habituated to a routine in which behavior is predicated on respect, and respect is derived from identity. From his perspective, as a “doctor” he no doubt considers his own identity to be deserving of the highest levels of respect and treatment. Consequently, he also goes through his life treating everyone who he reckons to be less “respectable” owing to their identity like pieces of shit.
Such a quaint and dated notion originating in a time when being a doctor really meant something. These days, most Doctors I meet I feel only pity and concern. Pity that they worked probably harder than anyone else in society to achieve such limited career objectives. And concern that they might at any moment give in to the compulsive suicidal ideation that consumes them. No wonder they explode at airport counters and get dragged away in chains.
I suppose you can celebrate putting a sleazy political operative on the Supreme Court whose legal principles bend like a reed in the breezes of partisan loyalty and political expediency if you want to politicize the Court and/or don’t give a damn about legal principles to begin with.
Miserable life? You’re the egotist that hangs out on the blog all fucking day long.
East shit and die, you worthless, miserable piece of shit.
I’m far less concerned about Kavanaugh’s political orientation than I am about his character. Rushing his nomination through serves only one purpose: to limit discovery of his professional record. Discovering partisanship in the professional record of a partisan appointee in a political position should not come as a surprise to any Senator. Nor frankly is it likely to be deemed disqualifying.
It is mostly Kavanaugh’s record as staff secretary that is being withheld from review for release. And that’s more troubling in what it might say about ethical lapses, lies, or professional misconduct. Lawyers whose hunger for success, attention, professional credit, or approbation, drive them to lapses in conduct do not make good judges. They are more likely to put themselves ahead of the law in ways that can pervert the course of justice.
Obviously if Kavanaugh put his name to important documents comprising legal advise to the President supporting the authorization of torture that would cost him a few Republican votes. And that’s probably the key reason for withholding those documents. But the bigger concern ought to be his willingness to lie about it under oath later on. A lawyer who would lie so openly would never make a good judge. A lawyer who would do so under oath should be disbarred.
Jeezus! You still can’t spell it right!
Someday we will succeed in driving child molesting, arm-fishing, beer drunk, AM Hate Radio programmed meatbag Roypublicans from power. But I sincerely hope we always have them around for the cheap laughs.
I’m sure that there is some verse in the Bible that supports this woman’s decision to not want someone of another race to take care of her. The good book is filled with this kind of disputable considerations.
The black woman should just chill out – I mean rope could be involved or the slight mishap of mishandled medications that could be deadly.
@16 that Kavanaugh is a horny guy….I bet he went home and masturbated to Clinton and Lewinsky – just like Doctor Dumbfuck.
22 – “Jeezus?” You’re spelling is lacking, too, you elitist cocksucker.
Go suck the rabbit’s dick, you worthless piece of shit! All you fuckers are doing is getting Trump re-elected.
@15 @20 What we have here is either (a) two different trolls, or (b) a troll who can’t spell his own name, or (c) a troll trying to type on a keyboard with pinhead-sized keys, or (d) a reprogrammed Russian bot.
@20 Ego? Nah, not me. A rabbit doesn’t need an ego. I need fresh green lettuce loaded with Vitamin C.
@23 “Thank you for your interest in careers at Mantality Health,” the correspondence began before taking a sharp turn for the worst. “Unfortunately we do not consider candidates that have suggestive ‘ghetto’ names. We wish you the best in your career search.”
Wow. Does this recruiter have a side gig as a rainmaker for anti-discrimination lawyers?
@25 “All you fuckers are doing is getting Trump re-elected.”
Don’t blame your dysfunctional voting behavior on us. We didn’t mark your ballot. That’s on you, unless your mother did it for you.
Oh Nooooooos!
Gadzooks! I had no idea. I must have really miscalculated everything.
You really mean to say that if we are super nice and gentle and agreeable and understanding, and treat all you filthy child molesting racist traitors with respect and dignity you’ll change your votes? REALLY?
Oh Please! Tell us what else can we do to win the approval of frustrated, illiterate shitbags who traded their national allegiance for permission to tell racist jokes in the lunchroom.
If we promise to shop at Cracker Barrel, listen to more country music, and pay more attention to the butt-hurt feels of irrelevant, aging, impotent white men do you swear you’ll never ever do a Trump to us again? Please?
“Stocks mostly rise on hope for progress on China trade talks”
That’s right, stocks are going up on “hope for progress” in trade.
Does anyone really think Xi will just give Trump whatever he wants?
How many trade agreements has Trump actually renegotiated so far?
Don’t stand under that falling rock, Doc.
I hate jury reading. I think it’s stupid. I swear there’s almost no way of knowing what’s going on inside a jury room once they start deliberations. I guess a few assumptions are safe. Jurors are basically like everyone else. Fundamentally self serving in a predictably rational way, no matter what the judge tells them and no matter how many “inspiring” orientation videos they watch.
So when a jury announces to the court that they want to stay a bit later one evening there’s usually a reason. And it’s probably not that they are hopelessly hung. And in my experience it also isn’t because they need just a little more time to acquit on all counts.
The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager should consider ordering extra drinks with dinner tonight.
In all, just 54% of Americans invest in the market, either through individual stocks, mutual funds, pensions or retirement plans like a 401(k), according to Gallup. That’s down 11% since the Great Recession.
[…] On the other hand, nearly 94% of the top income group owned stocks in 2016.
Who cares how high the stock market gets for the 46% of the population can’t get enough of a wage increase from the republican tax giveaway to afford to be able to play in the stock market.
If the republican economy policies helped everyone get ahead, I’d be more supportive of it.
I fully expect the conomy to tank just after the midterms.
The jury in the first criminal trial of the Republican Presidential Campaign Manager has retired for the evening without a verdict.
“People that only listen to Fox have an utterly skewed view of reality.” — Lt. Col. Ralph Peters (ret.), former Fox military analyst
@34 To do your job as a juror properly, you have to go over all the evidence of all the defendant’s crimes, and in this case, there’s a lot of evidence of a lot of crimes.
The other thing your comment points out is the massive disparity in weighted interest. While about half of all Americans own investments in the stock market, the relevant significance of those investments differs far, far more dramatically.
For most of that half of Americans who own investments in stocks, a ten point rise or ten point fall in one of the averages amounts to very little to them personally. But to a relatively small percentage of enormously wealthy Americans small increases or decreases add up to millions because of how much of the market they own. Which is why it is entirely predictable that a truly populist economic backlash in the Congressional midterms will trigger a sell off.
People who know the game is rigged, because they spent money to rig it, are certain to take their winnings off the table the minute the poors demand a new dealer and a new deck.
More evidence that Republicans really don’t want people to vote.
@37 What are they going to do with it? Invest in rubles? Seriously, what can you do with cash these days besides spend it? And nobody ever got (or stayed) rich by spending their money.
Companies Warn More China Tariffs Will Cripple Them and Hurt Consumers – The New York Times
“Jennifer Harned, the president of Bell Sports, which makes helmets for cyclists and skaters, said the tariffs her company would face on pads and straps from China could send costs soaring, potentially nudging cyclists to go helmet-free.”
All you cyclists out there (Carl :)) maybe should buy a few extra helmets even you don’t need one right at the moment. Look at this way – you’ll be helping out the economy in the short term. Help Make America Great Again!
@40 He could always sell them on the black market after Trump builds his Chinese Wall and our goods economy is like Iran’s or Venezuela’s.
I can’t help but fear that the worst has happened to our loon and that his white supremacist friends have finally done him in. I tried to warn the loon but he just wouldn’t listen! SAD!
I think the last time he disappeared for this long it was atonement for violating his invisible, magical, sky-daddy rules.
Good grief. What do you suppose he did this time? I sure hope no children or house pets were involved.
@42,43 He might be out in the barn with Doctor Dumbfuck.
Carl is on his never ending vacation. Thank goodness vacation slideshows are out. Just where the heck are you on vacation?
@5 They are just taking a play out of your playbook RR. When you cannot get your citizen released you have her tried in the court of public opinion. See if it plays. These kind of things worked even for the former Soviet Union, the former Soviet Union did have a hand in our race relations, and was one of the reasons Johnson supported the voting rights act. The cold war with the Soviet Union provided him cover, and the Soviet Union did run propaganda using black Americans in the south being soaked by water from high pressure hoses effectively.
Perhaps in this case the Russians may high light abuses in the system, and reforms may take place ensuring all of our rights. And last I checked the woman is still innocent as she has not been found guilty in an American court of law
@6 Probably caused by the rabbit he had for breakfast.
@11 There is a big hole in your argument because there are millions of Republicans who are part of that fundamentalist moral church group, Sure it is fun when they slip up, but they are actually very much about behavior, and simply will not engage in the behaviors you are referring to at work. At school. At home. They are kinda like our current Vice President. Maybe he takes it to such a level that women are shut out, but his behavior is impeccable.
@16 Civil attorneys do these kind of gyrations all the time. Particularly when they represent plaintiffs and defendants in civil suits. A good attorney should be able to argue the case from both sides and consider both sides possible strategies. He or she must be able to work in their clients best interest. If anything the questions represent the dangers of having a special counsel, whereas the entity that should be fully involved is Congress, which got around to doing the impeachment process in large part over a blowjob. Of course you have put yourself on both sides of this male behavior toward subordinate women. If Harvey is wrong then President Bill Clinton is in the wrong, guess Harvey should have been doing his casting couch antics in the oval office and it would be fine. He would be above the law. Yet the casting couch has been around for generations and some women have used the casting couch to propel their career path, smart actresses know the game and who to sleep with to get the part.
@49 And RR leaves out these bad men also have attorneys, and it is possible their attorneys can prevail. Or their client does the European tour while they are in the valley of shadows until it is time to ask for forgiveness. After all we US citizens are all about the forgiveness, unless we flatten your cities with bombers and later find no weapons of mass destruction.
@19 I can celebrate putting Barrack Obama on the court like one other former President. The fact that to some degree all nine persons on the court are politicians in robes. A lifetime of politics is involved with anyone getting onto the court. The usual path is to get onto the Federal Circuit court and then onto one of the appeals courts. Both require the Presidents nomination, and a vote of the Senate and typically the states house members are consulted with as well, and either of the states Senators can block a possible candidate at the district court level. And if a candidate comes in from one of the states courts (not unheard of) typically they have been elected to office. The process is political so I suppose we should not be surprised that one side or the other might call a candidate a slippery political weasel, though no one really knows what a candidate is going to do once on the court and realizes they are free of starry decises, and being a Supreme court means you don’t have to follow a higher courts decisions, as you can dance to your own music and try to get the judges to dance to your tune.
@19 Anyone nominated to the court has already had a life time of politics. After all Barrack Obama could be on the court one day. I think Trump should nominate him and that would be an astute political move. Maybe if RGB dies or quits and there is a Democratic controlled Senate. For the simple reason that if Democrats want a shot at retaking the Senate they should just let the nomination go through quickly and allow members to vote. right not the Democratic candidate has an 18 point lead if he votes or Kavanaugh and that falls to 2 points if he does not. Now if you think the Democrats should risk gaining control of the Senate and House then you are absolutely right in your views, and they should fight tooth and nail to keep this politician in robes off the bench of the highest court in the land. Me I think they are all to some degree politicians in robes if they are sitting on the Federal or State bench. Have to be to get on the bench.
Kavanaugh or possible Democratic control of the Senate. I think it’s Supreme court Justice Kavanaugh. Or is RR going to offer him Mariner tickets and a new career as a cabaret singer in Seattle?
@22 Or you are making assumptions. Maybe you can check the phone book for alternative spellings to the name. Also using an alternative spelling keeps the copyright police away.
@23 The patient is in the wrong, but the hospital is caught between a rock and a hard place and so in the employee. The hospital has to take appropriate risk precautions. Unless the patient is incompetent should the employee touch her or even state she is going to treat the woman, she could be charged with assault. Is that not something a racist who has stated she does not want the woman to treat her might well do?
@26 Maybe this Authur owns a company that sells leather wallets and baseball gloves. And knows how to spell his name.
@27 And Mr McGregor has something special for the rabbits coming into his garden for fresh green lettuce.
It takes ego to survive on the plains of Africa otherwise you become someone’s lunch.
@28 Not hiring people from the poor part of time is a legitimate form of discrimination. Private golf clubs do it all the time.
@30 I do think you may attract more voters with honey. You may also attract flies and bears, but that could indicate your tactics are working. Voters can so darned fickle.
Also the worst thing you can do to a liar is call them a liar. Can be fun though. and the ability to outrun them crucial. Righting is an option only liars are likely to use brass knuckles or may get in a lucky punch.
@32 At this point though even with 19 counts it does not favor the prosecution. Though they may have a win on some minor count unless jurors do not want to award a win for the prosecution taking time out of their lives. Wednesday is probably the make or break say for the prosecution, no slam dunk for the prosecution, which is what pundit told us to expect.
@33 Eventually the market will tank. Yellowstone will erupt. The Cascadia fault will slip. The Mariners will play in a World Series. The Seahawks will win the Superbowl. Which event happens first, well I have my preferences, but any of these could happen first, most before the midterms even, though the Seahawks could be out of contention by the midterms. Sucks to be in the basement, and ucks to be a minority party in Congress,
@36 True up until the last part, The Jury is the decider if a crime took place. Until there is a verdict of guilty there can be no evidence crime took place, So there is evidence, probably a lot of Manufort is innocent.
@38 Not particularly. These people can vote, this is just an argument over placing the materials closer to inmates in jail and those getting out of prison. Perhaps Washington should adopt the much more liberal attitude of Illinois for our citizens in jail, prison and getting out. Guess it is Democrats here suppressing the ability of those citizens to vote here.
@40 Since some states legally require helmets and social stigmas on parents to make sure their children are properly equipped means consumers will buy the equipment, and American businesses could manufacture the helmets and equipment here.
@41 No economist would describe the US economy as Iran’s or Venezuela’s due to economies of scale. and diversity. Oil hs an oversized impact on both of those nations economies, and while oil can impact the US we have a far larger robust economy. We are not one company town. The US is likely to benefit economically in a trade war with China. Though we may have to reinvent our ability to make shoes. Though I am sure Vietnam is ready to take up slack.
China’s agricultural tariffs may backfire due to droughts and shortages of soy beans.
Maybe Puddy is in Indiana helping Jimmy Carter build houses for humanity. Could be he is on vacation with Carl, If you all are truly concerned then I suppose you could petition Goldy to contact Puddy and to do whatever efforts needed to insure he is ok rather than speculation overstating your concern for the man.