This stuff isn’t a joke, kids. They really mean this stuff.
And yes, sure, they like it when it makes the hippies cry etc.
But they also really do mean it.
Trump won. Elections have consequences.
This is who they are now.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News-America-Hating Demorat Proclaims America Was Never Great
Andrew Cuomo shocks crowd, says America ‘was never that great’
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo may have just handed Republicans a ready-made campaign ad for his rumored 2020 presidential bid – by declaring Wednesday that America “was never that great.”
The Democratic star made the seemingly offhand remark as part of his rebuke of President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan during a bill-signing in New York. But the line drew gasps from the crowd.
“We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great,” Cuomo said, to an awkward blend of gasps and chuckles.
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
3 – We will probably be looking back on the incident as Cuomo’s “basket of deplorables” moment.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Whoa! Quite a devastating blow you landed there.
Throwing it from all the way outta Smolensk it looses something, though.
Na Zdorovie, Kkkomarade!
Make Petrograd Great Again!
Sounds like the guy is going gay with all the bed talk….like we really needed to know that you have a king size…no, double size bed. Stop denying your gay and stop trying to pick up guys using your boat.
Roger Rabitspews:
@3 Which past America would you rather live in? 1840? 1865? 1877? 1890? 1918? 1929? 1933? 1942? 1955? 1968? 1974? 1979? 1981? 1990? 2001? 2007? 2009?
Do let us know.
Mark Adamsspews:
Is your boss or co workers from your regular job asking how your vacation is going? Are you indicating that this is your regular gig and you make far more doing a short little plug than your regular gig? You Capitalist you Carl. Way to go so how much are you brining down so I can find out if it’s worth my time to put in a resume to Goldie and see if I can get your job. Or another job.
Mark Adamsspews:
@1 He’s retired and leading more of a life of Riley than you are. For a rabbit you are not doing badly, but you maybe jealous.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 “leading more of a life of Riley than you are”
How would you know? I’m probably a lot happier than he is. These days, you have to be pretty damn dysfunctional to be a Republican.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What Trump Doesn’t Get About The Media
“The press, says the 45th president of the United States, is ‘very dangerous & sick.’ It causes ‘great division & distrust.’ It is the ‘enemy of the people.'”
All presidents have their issues with the president. This is to be expected because it is, by design, an adversarial relationship.
But Trump takes it to a different level. Notoriously thin-skinned and vindictive to begin with, he seems to think the press exists to serve his agenda. He conceives of the media is an instrument, not just of government, but of his administration.
It’s not. The media’s First Amendment function doesn’t belong to the government or any politician. It belongs to the people, to us, and he’s not entitled to exercise any control over it. He can cooperate with the press or not — that’s up to him — but he has zero right or authority to tell them what they can report or how they have to report it.
The press is the friend and the defender of “the people.” Journalists work for us. When he attacks them, he’s attacking us, and driving a wedge between his government and the people it’s supposed to represent.
No governor or former Mayor ew York of can say America is great because you know New York is the greatest. Terrorists only hang out in Newark they target New York, even Governors of Jersey involve New York in their skullduggery. It is why everyone wears those I love New York t-shirts.
New Yorkers are serious people that is why lovers go to Virginia.
For not defending dear Cuomo I’ll play along. I’ll go with 1890.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The primary is in about a month.
Will you geniuses be sending your checks to Cynthia Nixon?
Better yet, Molinaro (who?)?
Here’s a thought:
Why not pull some outside PAC money away from somewhere else, say Herrera Buetler, and pour it into NY-Gov instead?
That’ll teach the bastards!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“Journalists work for us.”
No they don’t.
Journalists work for advertisers. However much they may hate to admit it, that is the system. Models of user supported journalism are still relatively new and largely unproven. Most “publicly” supported media enterprises of any scale depend on huge endowments funded by a small handfull of very wealthy individuals, foundations, and for-profit corporations.
How hard is it to figure this out when, despite the open hostility the administration continues to manifest daily to journalists, they continue to grovel and beg for access? When they continue to fawn over every rage-Tweet and random utterance? When they continue to scientifically craft their every word of reportage to give the least possible offense to the 63 million arm-fishing, beer drunk, mouth breathing, AM Hate Radio programmed meat bags who lined up at the polls two years ago to gladly exchange their patriotism for permission to tell racist jokes again?
Thou must not offend Crazy Uncle Liberty!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Journalists work for advertisers.
How hard is it to figure this out when, a full year after the discovery of a meeting where the top Republican Presidential campaign staff organized a meeting with representatives of the Russian espionage services in order to arrange for their assistance with the election, we first see the words in print: “Mr. Trump’s claims of no collusion are, in a word, hogwash,”
and in a guest editorial at that?
Oh, the Sulzberger family must be wracked with agonies of uncertainty about that one. No worries, though. That whip-smart young firecracker A.G. will smooove it over with some thrilling tales of Economic Anxiety™ from the wild frontiers of Westmoreland County, PA.
Thou must not offend Crazy Uncle Liberty!
@ 16
Oh, the Sulzberger family must be wracked with agonies of uncertainty about that one.
I’m guessing they must not be.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has offered state help to avert the layoffs, saying the cuts will “undoubtedly devastate many households.” He called the Daily News a “New York institution and one of our nation’s journalism giants.”
“These layoffs were made without notifying the State or asking for assistance. My father, as Governor, came to the aid of the New York Post when it was facing difficult financial times.
When the government announces its intent to override market forces upon request as long as the requester toes the party line, there are no market forces, McHillbilly.
Until you run out of other peoples’ money, that is.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 An excellent choice! In 1890, Benjamin Harrison was president and his party controlled Congress, although the unpopularity of his administration’s big spending (first billion-dollar U.S. budget) and high tariffs, combined with the economic hardships caused by the Panic of 1890, would lead to crushing losses for his party in that year’s midterm elections and to his re-election defeat in 1892. Harrison ineffectually supported African-American voting rights, and signed the Sherman Antitrust Act — a crackdown on then-rampant monopolies and trusts — into law. Idaho and Wyoming were admitted to the Union, the first electric chair execution was carried out, and Native Americans were massacred at Wounded Knee. The United Mine Workers, Daughters of the American Revolution, and Washington State University were founded. Hiram Maxim had invented his iconic machinegun, which would play such a prominent role in the short lives of millions of people born between 1890 and 1900, just 6 years earlier. There was no banking regulation to speak of, and the Panic of 1890 was quickly followed by the Panic of 1893, which lasted until 1897. Workers, when not unemployed, were exploited. Horses were still the main mode of transportation. Most people didn’t have indoor plumbing. Antibiotics hadn’t been invented yet, modern medicine still lay in the future, and consequently the average lifespan — if you made it through childhood; infant mortality exceeded 10% — was about 42 years, which was just as well, because there was no social security or pension waiting for you if you outlived your usefulness. In general, living in the 1890s sucked, except for the very rich. But Republicans controlled the White House, Congress, and Supreme Court in 1890, and made life miserable for everyone else — as they do today — so I can see why you like that year.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Party of Fiscal Responsibility Dep’t
The cost of Trump’s military parade on Nov. 10 has ballooned from $12 million to $96 million.
But hey, every dictator needs a military parade! Putin gets one every year. Gotta keep up with the Joneses!
Roger Rabbitspews:
I remember seeing a cartoon many years ago in which a woman is looking out her front window at a rocket launcher in the driveway across the street and exclaims to her husband in his reclining chair, “Herb! Look! The Joneses have gotten the Bomb!”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mike DeWine, Ohio’s attorney general and GOP gubernatorial nominee, used his office to kill sexual harassment investigations against a Republican power broker and two other GOP cronies.
Moderate college educated white women in District 15 are sure to be “energized” by the opportunity to get out to the polls and pull the lever for Mr. “Hitler Was Right™”.
Trump won. Elections have consequences. This is really who they are now.
It’s also how he uses Tinder
I hope to god Democrats rub republicans noses in the price of that stupid parade every time republicans bleat that something that helps poor and middle class Americans costs too much. I hope they are relentless.
Yes I’m sure this happened I am sure the GOP candidate for Governor of California had this conversation. In my experience holocost survivors are quick to point out it reall wasn’t that bad.
I met a Holocaust survivor in Long Beach. He survived concentration camps, and he said this was worse. He’s 90 years old and he had to wait four hours down in Long Beach. Can you imagine that?”
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Donald Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, receives a cooler public reception than nearly every nominee for the last four administrations, according to a new CNN poll …. Kavanaugh’s support is the lowest in polling dating back to Robert Bork’s nomination by President Ronald Reagan in 1987. … Women, in particular, are notably opposed to Kavanaugh’s nomination ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Right now, 37% of the public supports Kavanaugh, and that won’t get better when they find out he’s nothing but a political operative who’s never had a real job and doesn’t pay his credit card bills.
President Tiny Hands really needs this to soothe his troubled soul but how about we get him the original estimated $12m for talk therapy sessions and drop it?
President Donald Trump’s military parade is now estimated to cost $92 million, according to a U.S. defense official with firsthand knowledge of the assessment who spoke with CNBC.
The initial cost for the military parade was pegged at $12 million, with higher estimates still only putting the cost at $30 million.
File under, “They all look the same”
Fox News ended their Obit to Aretha Franklin with an image of the really incredibly famous singer superimposed on an image of a really famous singer performing which they thought was Aretha Franklin. Unfortunately the performer was Patti LaBelle.
A Miami militiaman found himself locked out of his barracks so he did the reasonable thing and knocked on the window of the CO who, assuming someone was trying to do the unit harm, shot him dead with a shotgun.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Just did a bit of number crunching concerning how many people in the US live in a state where cannabis is legal for medical/recreational use. It turns out about 57% of us live in states where a saner policy towards cannabis prevails over the stupidity of the past 80 years.
(While Louisiana and Mississippi have “medical” marijuana, it’s so restrictive that it may as well be illegal. Those states’ populations were not included in the numbers representing the more sensible states.)
“President Donald Trump’s military parade is now estimated to cost $92 million”
Preznit empty suit’s pissing contest with its own dad cost way more.
Heh. And remember the “freedom fries” days? Orange Julius now copies the French.
On the other hand, everything with the orange freak is a distraction..
Deficits from the tax scam come to mind.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Unfit For Command
“Retired Adm. William McRaven, the man who oversaw the 2011 Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden, issued a stunning rebuke of President Donald Trump’s decision to revoke the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan on Thursday, defending the former spy chief as ‘one of the finest public servants I have ever known.’ …
“‘Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him,’ McRaven wrote. ‘Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency,’ he added.”
@30 “Those states’ populations were not included in the numbers representing the more sensible states.”
Those states still have populations? I assumed everyone had left by now. Bad schools, no services, low incomes, Republican government — why would anyone stay?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 @27 @30 The Pentagon is doing what any reasonable adult would do when confronted with exploding cost overruns: It’s postponing the purchase while exploring other options, as you would do when, for example, you learn the Tesla you optioned will actually cost six times the MSRP and the batteries catch fire:
“The Department of Defense says the military parade originally scheduled for Veterans Day will be postponed.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What Trump should do now is obvious: Rent a parade from his new buddy, Rocket Man. Probably can get it real cheap.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A well-regulated militia who took hostages at a Los Angeles Trader Joe’s store after shooting his grandmother faces 51 felony charges and is being held in lieu of $23 million bail.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I doubt this unit will be restored to active duty anytime soon. He’s looking at a standdown of, oh, maybe 500 years.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Senate Repudiates Trump’s Attacks On Press
“The U.S. Senate on Thursday unanimously adopted a resolution affirming support for a free press and declaring that ‘the press is not the enemy of the people,’ Reuters and other news outlets reported Thursday evening.
The rebuke came the same day the admiral who led the Bin Laden raid castigated Trump for his attacks on former CIA director John Brennan. You’ve gotta wonder, is Trump mentally ill, or just a thin-skinned vindictive prick?
In 2014, “Manafort’s ‘cash spigot’ and ‘golden goose’—the pro-Russian president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, whom Manafort advised for more than a decade—was ousted and fled to Russia. Manafort’s funds dried up, and that’s when he began committing bank fraud to secure loans, according to prosecutors. …
“In March 2016, as his firm, Davis Manafort Partners, was losing hundreds of thousands of dollars a month—it reported a $1.2 million loss in 2016—and while he was reportedly in debt to pro-Russian interests by as much as $17 million, Manafort took on a pro bono role with the Trump campaign. A month later, he appeared to offer the Kremlin-linked Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska access to the campaign in exchange for debt relief, and in May, he was told by the campaign’s foreign-policy adviser, George Papadopoulos, that ‘Russia has been eager to meet Mr. Trump for quite some time and have been reaching out to me to discuss.’ In June, Manafort attended a meeting at Trump Tower with Russian nationals offering dirt on Clinton. In August, Manafort was forced to formally step down as campaign chairman after reports surfaced that he was allocated millions in off-the-books payments by Ukraine’s pro-Russian Party of Regions. And throughout the campaign, Manafort remained in touch with with his longtime associate Konstantin Kilimnik—a Russian Ukrainian operative with ongoing ties to Russian intelligence services, according to Special Counsel Robert Mueller. …
“Trump and his allies have sought to downplay the trial, claiming that it has nothing to do with either the president or a conspiracy with Russia to win the election. But Manafort didn’t suddenly change his lifetime m.o.—trading and leveraging influence for cash—when he joined the campaign. The Deripaska episode I described above, in which Manafort dangled access to the campaign in an attempt to ‘get whole’ with the Russian oligarch, is just one example …. Manafort also offered a banking executive at Chicago’s Federal Savings Bank a position on the Trump campaign in exchange for help in obtaining approximately $16 million in loans ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Manafort is/was an influence peddler, pure and simple. What he sold to the Russians was access to Trump. That access was real; he had it, and the Russians paid him tens of millions of dollars for it. But it was worthless, and wasted money, unless Trump became president.
This trial won’t answer the question of whether Trump was legitimately elected by the American people (under our Electoral voting system), or selected over the will of the American people by his Russian sponsors.
But that’s the next and obvious question to ask.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Suppose Manafort is convicted, and then Trump pardons him. This isn’t just idle conjecture; Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, suggested in June that Trump might do just that:
In theory, there’s no reason why misuse of the pardon pardon couldn’t or shouldn’t result in the impeachment of a governor of president determined to have misused it.
While there’s no direct historical precedent, in the 1970s a Tennessee governor was effectively removed from office before his term ended (by swearing in his successor early) for selling pardons.
And a few months ago, a Los Angeles Times editorial argued that Trump “should” be impeached if he pardons Manafort, but only if the pardon is used to “short-circuit” Mueller’s investigation.
This is probably why Giuliani hedged by saying Trump wouldn’t consider pardoning Manafort until Mueller’s investigation is wrapped up.
Giuliani likely is on some solid ground here. A post-investigation pardon might not rise to misuse or abuse of the pardon power. If it doesn’t hinder any investigation, it could readily be seen as Trump simply granting clemency to a friend. However objectionable that might be to some, it’s probably within the fair bounds of presidential prerogative.
But that’s not a given. If Manafort was part of a broader conspiracy involving Trump and the Russians to alter the outcome of the 2016 election and/or to barter away American interests in exchange for money, loans, debt forgiveness, or other personal gain, that would constitute the kind of corruption the Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote the impeachment power into the Constitution.
The power of Congress to impeach and remove a president was designed exactly for such situations, and to not use it in such circumstances would thwart the intent and will of those who created our nation and its system of accountable government.
Gotta wait and see what Mueller comes up with.
And considering how uncooperative Treasury has been, more investigation with more subpoenas makes sense.
Follow the money wherever it goes. Once Manafort is pardoned he loses his 5th. Anyone else who is pardoned may no longer invoke it.
So we need to vote in new leadership in the House, let PornSweat be PornSweat, and start holding real public hearings.
People need to know who they voted for so they can feel the shame they so richly deserve.
So some piss drunk Roypublican farmboy went to a Social Distortion show last month in Sacro and got all butt hurt because Mike Ness was talking shit about PornSweat. So farmer Dumbfuck starts spitting and flipping off the band and tries to get into it with them. Ness, having had enough of it, unstrapped his rig and climbed off the stage and put the fool down. Now this proud Roypublican, who’s 30 btw, wants to sue because he got beat down by a 56 year old man.
Once again I must ask, just exactly when the fuck did Republicans become such pussies?
I have roy blunt as my senator. Does it do any good to call him and tell him, as one of his voters, he should NOT vote for Brett Kavanaugh.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Things may have take a turn. Swearing a false statement can get you disbarred.
It would of course be absurd for any competent legal authority to argue that something that could easily get you disbarred is not of public interest or of probative value in the consideration of a lifetime judicial appointment.
Roger Rabbitspews:
So now Trump wants to replace U.S. troops in Afghanistan with mercenaries supplied by Erik Prince, Betsy DeVos’ brother. Who could’ve seen this coming?
@46 That’s probably just scratching the surface. Kavanaugh is one of those slickery people who make you feel there’s a whole iceberg under there, with thousands of tons of ice going down hundreds of feet.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I guess that makes Grassley the Captain of the Titanic.
And America his innocent, sleeping passengers about to face a shortage of lifeboats.
Bad legal day for Team 45
Judge in Harassment lawsuit rules NDA was incorrectly written and therefore very narrow in scope. Lawyers for 45 were attempting to use the NDA as a means of having the lawsuit dismissed. Side note, the Plaintiff is representing herself Pro Se so the fabulous lawyers, best in the world, smartest people, totally luxurious, are getting beat by a not lawyer.
A well-regulated militia who heard voices in his head telling him to shoot up an airport will serve five consecutive life sentences plus 120 years. From now one, he’ll be mustering to an 0600 roll call every morning, just like he did in the army.
Probably voted for Trump, too. Doesn’t strike me as very liberal.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans don’t want you to vote. Really, they don’t. Especially if you’re young, black, poor, or Democrat.
“Election officials in a rural southwest Georgia county are defending a plan to suddenly close seven of the county’s nine polling places …. Randolph County, the site of the proposed changes, is more than 60 percent black, with a little over 30 percent of residents in poverty …. The ACLU also noted the voter makeup of one of the polling places officials wanted to close was 96.7 percent black.
“In the letter to the county board, the ACLU said there was evidence of discriminatory intent in the proposal. They pointed to the fact that Stacey Abrams, the first female black nominee for governor from a major party, will be on the ballot this fall. … Abrams is facing off against Brian Kemp, the Republican Secretary of State of Georgia. …
“Georgia was one of nine states that had to seek approval from the federal government before making changes to its election practices under the 1965 Voting Rights Act. In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court nullified that requirement …. Chief Justice John Roberts, who authored the majority opinion, pointed to progress in getting rid of racial discrimination ….
“Rick Hasen, a law professor at the University of California, Irvine, said the proposed changes in Randolph County showed the significance of the Supreme Court’s decision to get rid of the preclearance formula. ‘Had the Supreme Court not killed the Voting Rights Act, then the county would not have been able to make these changes without demonstrating to the Justice Department or a three-judge court that the changes would not make minority voters worse off,’ he wrote in an email. ‘The Chief Justice assured us that things have changed in the South, but apparently they haven’t changed enough.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Republicans on the Supreme Court apparently don’t think blacks have a right to vote, either. Hell, if they allow that, Democrats might win — and, even worse, black candidates might get elected!
Mark Adamsspews:
@40 Impeachment was an issue that came up near the end of the process the convention took to write the constitution. There were a substantial number of members who moved to strike impeachment relying on if the President is reelected he is innocent. Leaving the power in the hands of the people. Does indicate they did not support any term limitation on the President, Then it was added the President could be removed only for treason (as defined in the Constitution) and bribery. Finally the phrase adopted was based on English parliamentary process and law. Of course such there is criminal charges against the crown and royal ministers.
Impeachment and removal from office has never happened. Nixon resigned, and allowing him to do so arguable bent the constitution. Nothing in there saying he can resign, King George the III never resigned. While Nixon would have in all likely hood been impeached, it is unknown if in the end he would have been removed from office if he had stayed in office and fought, President Johnson stayed but was packing expecting yo be removed. If Johnson survived then Nixon could have.
Trump can pardon people he has the power. The house could impeach him over pardoning Joe Arpaio, and maybe a Democratic house would, but it is unlikely to fly in the Senate resulting in Trump’s removal from office.
Impeachment is a political process and because of how it is defined it frankly is just the way to do a coup under our constitution. If congress were to do such a thing will those folks be voted back into office by the voters?
Doctor Dumbfuck’s idea of a “vacation” is a hike to the stable.
Pissident PornSweat’s Love You Long Time “close” adviser got caught drunk posting on Monday.
This stuff isn’t a joke, kids. They really mean this stuff.
And yes, sure, they like it when it makes the hippies cry etc.
But they also really do mean it.
Trump won. Elections have consequences.
This is who they are now.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News-America-Hating Demorat Proclaims America Was Never Great
Andrew Cuomo shocks crowd, says America ‘was never that great’
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo may have just handed Republicans a ready-made campaign ad for his rumored 2020 presidential bid – by declaring Wednesday that America “was never that great.”
The Democratic star made the seemingly offhand remark as part of his rebuke of President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan during a bill-signing in New York. But the line drew gasps from the crowd.
“We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great,” Cuomo said, to an awkward blend of gasps and chuckles.
3 – We will probably be looking back on the incident as Cuomo’s “basket of deplorables” moment.
Whoa! Quite a devastating blow you landed there.
Throwing it from all the way outta Smolensk it looses something, though.
Na Zdorovie, Kkkomarade!
Make Petrograd Great Again!
Sounds like the guy is going gay with all the bed talk….like we really needed to know that you have a king size…no, double size bed. Stop denying your gay and stop trying to pick up guys using your boat.
@3 Which past America would you rather live in? 1840? 1865? 1877? 1890? 1918? 1929? 1933? 1942? 1955? 1968? 1974? 1979? 1981? 1990? 2001? 2007? 2009?
Do let us know.
Is your boss or co workers from your regular job asking how your vacation is going? Are you indicating that this is your regular gig and you make far more doing a short little plug than your regular gig? You Capitalist you Carl. Way to go so how much are you brining down so I can find out if it’s worth my time to put in a resume to Goldie and see if I can get your job. Or another job.
@1 He’s retired and leading more of a life of Riley than you are. For a rabbit you are not doing badly, but you maybe jealous.
@9 “leading more of a life of Riley than you are”
How would you know? I’m probably a lot happier than he is. These days, you have to be pretty damn dysfunctional to be a Republican.
What Trump Doesn’t Get About The Media
“The press, says the 45th president of the United States, is ‘very dangerous & sick.’ It causes ‘great division & distrust.’ It is the ‘enemy of the people.'”
All presidents have their issues with the president. This is to be expected because it is, by design, an adversarial relationship.
But Trump takes it to a different level. Notoriously thin-skinned and vindictive to begin with, he seems to think the press exists to serve his agenda. He conceives of the media is an instrument, not just of government, but of his administration.
It’s not. The media’s First Amendment function doesn’t belong to the government or any politician. It belongs to the people, to us, and he’s not entitled to exercise any control over it. He can cooperate with the press or not — that’s up to him — but he has zero right or authority to tell them what they can report or how they have to report it.
The press is the friend and the defender of “the people.” Journalists work for us. When he attacks them, he’s attacking us, and driving a wedge between his government and the people it’s supposed to represent.
No governor or former Mayor ew York of can say America is great because you know New York is the greatest. Terrorists only hang out in Newark they target New York, even Governors of Jersey involve New York in their skullduggery. It is why everyone wears those I love New York t-shirts.
New Yorkers are serious people that is why lovers go to Virginia.
For not defending dear Cuomo I’ll play along. I’ll go with 1890.
The primary is in about a month.
Will you geniuses be sending your checks to Cynthia Nixon?
Better yet, Molinaro (who?)?
Here’s a thought:
Why not pull some outside PAC money away from somewhere else, say Herrera Buetler, and pour it into NY-Gov instead?
That’ll teach the bastards!
winningwhining“Journalists work for us.”
No they don’t.
Journalists work for advertisers. However much they may hate to admit it, that is the system. Models of user supported journalism are still relatively new and largely unproven. Most “publicly” supported media enterprises of any scale depend on huge endowments funded by a small handfull of very wealthy individuals, foundations, and for-profit corporations.
How hard is it to figure this out when, despite the open hostility the administration continues to manifest daily to journalists, they continue to grovel and beg for access? When they continue to fawn over every rage-Tweet and random utterance? When they continue to scientifically craft their every word of reportage to give the least possible offense to the 63 million arm-fishing, beer drunk, mouth breathing, AM Hate Radio programmed meat bags who lined up at the polls two years ago to gladly exchange their patriotism for permission to tell racist jokes again?
Thou must not offend Crazy Uncle Liberty!
Journalists work for advertisers.
How hard is it to figure this out when, a full year after the discovery of a meeting where the top Republican Presidential campaign staff organized a meeting with representatives of the Russian espionage services in order to arrange for their assistance with the election, we first see the words in print:
“Mr. Trump’s claims of no collusion are, in a word, hogwash,”
and in a guest editorial at that?
Oh, the Sulzberger family must be wracked with agonies of uncertainty about that one. No worries, though. That whip-smart young firecracker A.G. will smooove it over with some thrilling tales of Economic Anxiety™ from the wild frontiers of Westmoreland County, PA.
Thou must not offend Crazy Uncle Liberty!
@ 16
Oh, the Sulzberger family must be wracked with agonies of uncertainty about that one.
I’m guessing they must not be.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has offered state help to avert the layoffs, saying the cuts will “undoubtedly devastate many households.” He called the Daily News a “New York institution and one of our nation’s journalism giants.”
“These layoffs were made without notifying the State or asking for assistance. My father, as Governor, came to the aid of the New York Post when it was facing difficult financial times.
When the government announces its intent to override market forces upon request as long as the requester toes the party line, there are no market forces, McHillbilly.
Until you run out of other peoples’ money, that is.
@13 An excellent choice! In 1890, Benjamin Harrison was president and his party controlled Congress, although the unpopularity of his administration’s big spending (first billion-dollar U.S. budget) and high tariffs, combined with the economic hardships caused by the Panic of 1890, would lead to crushing losses for his party in that year’s midterm elections and to his re-election defeat in 1892. Harrison ineffectually supported African-American voting rights, and signed the Sherman Antitrust Act — a crackdown on then-rampant monopolies and trusts — into law. Idaho and Wyoming were admitted to the Union, the first electric chair execution was carried out, and Native Americans were massacred at Wounded Knee. The United Mine Workers, Daughters of the American Revolution, and Washington State University were founded. Hiram Maxim had invented his iconic machinegun, which would play such a prominent role in the short lives of millions of people born between 1890 and 1900, just 6 years earlier. There was no banking regulation to speak of, and the Panic of 1890 was quickly followed by the Panic of 1893, which lasted until 1897. Workers, when not unemployed, were exploited. Horses were still the main mode of transportation. Most people didn’t have indoor plumbing. Antibiotics hadn’t been invented yet, modern medicine still lay in the future, and consequently the average lifespan — if you made it through childhood; infant mortality exceeded 10% — was about 42 years, which was just as well, because there was no social security or pension waiting for you if you outlived your usefulness. In general, living in the 1890s sucked, except for the very rich. But Republicans controlled the White House, Congress, and Supreme Court in 1890, and made life miserable for everyone else — as they do today — so I can see why you like that year.
Party of Fiscal Responsibility Dep’t
The cost of Trump’s military parade on Nov. 10 has ballooned from $12 million to $96 million.
But hey, every dictator needs a military parade! Putin gets one every year. Gotta keep up with the Joneses!
I remember seeing a cartoon many years ago in which a woman is looking out her front window at a rocket launcher in the driveway across the street and exclaims to her husband in his reclining chair, “Herb! Look! The Joneses have gotten the Bomb!”
Mike DeWine, Ohio’s attorney general and GOP gubernatorial nominee, used his office to kill sexual harassment investigations against a Republican power broker and two other GOP cronies.
Some really good news for the Toddler Torture Party’s efforts to unseat Clair McCaskill.
They’ve got themselves a genyooowine Red Blooded Trumpist Republican on the ballot in the suburbs north of KC
Moderate college educated white women in District 15 are sure to be “energized” by the opportunity to get out to the polls and pull the lever for Mr. “Hitler Was Right™”.
Trump won. Elections have consequences. This is really who they are now.
It’s also how he uses Tinder
I hope to god Democrats rub republicans noses in the price of that stupid parade every time republicans bleat that something that helps poor and middle class Americans costs too much. I hope they are relentless.
Yes I’m sure this happened I am sure the GOP candidate for Governor of California had this conversation. In my experience holocost survivors are quick to point out it reall wasn’t that bad.
“Donald Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, receives a cooler public reception than nearly every nominee for the last four administrations, according to a new CNN poll …. Kavanaugh’s support is the lowest in polling dating back to Robert Bork’s nomination by President Ronald Reagan in 1987. … Women, in particular, are notably opposed to Kavanaugh’s nomination ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Right now, 37% of the public supports Kavanaugh, and that won’t get better when they find out he’s nothing but a political operative who’s never had a real job and doesn’t pay his credit card bills.
President Tiny Hands really needs this to soothe his troubled soul but how about we get him the original estimated $12m for talk therapy sessions and drop it?
File under, “They all look the same”
Fox News ended their Obit to Aretha Franklin with an image of the really incredibly famous singer superimposed on an image of a really famous singer performing which they thought was Aretha Franklin. Unfortunately the performer was Patti LaBelle.
A Miami militiaman found himself locked out of his barracks so he did the reasonable thing and knocked on the window of the CO who, assuming someone was trying to do the unit harm, shot him dead with a shotgun.
Just did a bit of number crunching concerning how many people in the US live in a state where cannabis is legal for medical/recreational use. It turns out about 57% of us live in states where a saner policy towards cannabis prevails over the stupidity of the past 80 years.
(While Louisiana and Mississippi have “medical” marijuana, it’s so restrictive that it may as well be illegal. Those states’ populations were not included in the numbers representing the more sensible states.)
“President Donald Trump’s military parade is now estimated to cost $92 million”
Preznit empty suit’s pissing contest with its own dad cost way more.
Heh. And remember the “freedom fries” days? Orange Julius now copies the French.
On the other hand, everything with the orange freak is a distraction..
Deficits from the tax scam come to mind.
Unfit For Command
“Retired Adm. William McRaven, the man who oversaw the 2011 Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden, issued a stunning rebuke of President Donald Trump’s decision to revoke the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan on Thursday, defending the former spy chief as ‘one of the finest public servants I have ever known.’ …
“‘Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him,’ McRaven wrote. ‘Therefore, I would consider it an honor if you would revoke my security clearance as well, so I can add my name to the list of men and women who have spoken up against your presidency,’ he added.”
@30 “Those states’ populations were not included in the numbers representing the more sensible states.”
Those states still have populations? I assumed everyone had left by now. Bad schools, no services, low incomes, Republican government — why would anyone stay?
@24 @27 @30 The Pentagon is doing what any reasonable adult would do when confronted with exploding cost overruns: It’s postponing the purchase while exploring other options, as you would do when, for example, you learn the Tesla you optioned will actually cost six times the MSRP and the batteries catch fire:
“The Department of Defense says the military parade originally scheduled for Veterans Day will be postponed.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What Trump should do now is obvious: Rent a parade from his new buddy, Rocket Man. Probably can get it real cheap.
A well-regulated militia who took hostages at a Los Angeles Trader Joe’s store after shooting his grandmother faces 51 felony charges and is being held in lieu of $23 million bail.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I doubt this unit will be restored to active duty anytime soon. He’s looking at a standdown of, oh, maybe 500 years.
Senate Repudiates Trump’s Attacks On Press
“The U.S. Senate on Thursday unanimously adopted a resolution affirming support for a free press and declaring that ‘the press is not the enemy of the people,’ Reuters and other news outlets reported Thursday evening.
The rebuke came the same day the admiral who led the Bin Laden raid castigated Trump for his attacks on former CIA director John Brennan. You’ve gotta wonder, is Trump mentally ill, or just a thin-skinned vindictive prick?
The Queen of Soul..
May she rest in peace.
@38 Yes.
What The Manafort Trial Is About
In 2014, “Manafort’s ‘cash spigot’ and ‘golden goose’—the pro-Russian president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, whom Manafort advised for more than a decade—was ousted and fled to Russia. Manafort’s funds dried up, and that’s when he began committing bank fraud to secure loans, according to prosecutors. …
“In March 2016, as his firm, Davis Manafort Partners, was losing hundreds of thousands of dollars a month—it reported a $1.2 million loss in 2016—and while he was reportedly in debt to pro-Russian interests by as much as $17 million, Manafort took on a pro bono role with the Trump campaign. A month later, he appeared to offer the Kremlin-linked Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska access to the campaign in exchange for debt relief, and in May, he was told by the campaign’s foreign-policy adviser, George Papadopoulos, that ‘Russia has been eager to meet Mr. Trump for quite some time and have been reaching out to me to discuss.’ In June, Manafort attended a meeting at Trump Tower with Russian nationals offering dirt on Clinton. In August, Manafort was forced to formally step down as campaign chairman after reports surfaced that he was allocated millions in off-the-books payments by Ukraine’s pro-Russian Party of Regions. And throughout the campaign, Manafort remained in touch with with his longtime associate Konstantin Kilimnik—a Russian Ukrainian operative with ongoing ties to Russian intelligence services, according to Special Counsel Robert Mueller. …
“Trump and his allies have sought to downplay the trial, claiming that it has nothing to do with either the president or a conspiracy with Russia to win the election. But Manafort didn’t suddenly change his lifetime m.o.—trading and leveraging influence for cash—when he joined the campaign. The Deripaska episode I described above, in which Manafort dangled access to the campaign in an attempt to ‘get whole’ with the Russian oligarch, is just one example …. Manafort also offered a banking executive at Chicago’s Federal Savings Bank a position on the Trump campaign in exchange for help in obtaining approximately $16 million in loans ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Manafort is/was an influence peddler, pure and simple. What he sold to the Russians was access to Trump. That access was real; he had it, and the Russians paid him tens of millions of dollars for it. But it was worthless, and wasted money, unless Trump became president.
This trial won’t answer the question of whether Trump was legitimately elected by the American people (under our Electoral voting system), or selected over the will of the American people by his Russian sponsors.
But that’s the next and obvious question to ask.
Suppose Manafort is convicted, and then Trump pardons him. This isn’t just idle conjecture; Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, suggested in June that Trump might do just that:
If he does, could he be impeached for that?
In theory, there’s no reason why misuse of the pardon pardon couldn’t or shouldn’t result in the impeachment of a governor of president determined to have misused it.
While there’s no direct historical precedent, in the 1970s a Tennessee governor was effectively removed from office before his term ended (by swearing in his successor early) for selling pardons.
And a few months ago, a Los Angeles Times editorial argued that Trump “should” be impeached if he pardons Manafort, but only if the pardon is used to “short-circuit” Mueller’s investigation.
This is probably why Giuliani hedged by saying Trump wouldn’t consider pardoning Manafort until Mueller’s investigation is wrapped up.
Giuliani likely is on some solid ground here. A post-investigation pardon might not rise to misuse or abuse of the pardon power. If it doesn’t hinder any investigation, it could readily be seen as Trump simply granting clemency to a friend. However objectionable that might be to some, it’s probably within the fair bounds of presidential prerogative.
But that’s not a given. If Manafort was part of a broader conspiracy involving Trump and the Russians to alter the outcome of the 2016 election and/or to barter away American interests in exchange for money, loans, debt forgiveness, or other personal gain, that would constitute the kind of corruption the Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote the impeachment power into the Constitution.
The power of Congress to impeach and remove a president was designed exactly for such situations, and to not use it in such circumstances would thwart the intent and will of those who created our nation and its system of accountable government.
A skirmish between two militias ends in a sleeping ten year old getting shot.
Gotta wait and see what Mueller comes up with.
And considering how uncooperative Treasury has been, more investigation with more subpoenas makes sense.
Follow the money wherever it goes. Once Manafort is pardoned he loses his 5th. Anyone else who is pardoned may no longer invoke it.
So we need to vote in new leadership in the House, let PornSweat be PornSweat, and start holding real public hearings.
People need to know who they voted for so they can feel the shame they so richly deserve.
So some piss drunk Roypublican farmboy went to a Social Distortion show last month in Sacro and got all butt hurt because Mike Ness was talking shit about PornSweat. So farmer Dumbfuck starts spitting and flipping off the band and tries to get into it with them. Ness, having had enough of it, unstrapped his rig and climbed off the stage and put the fool down. Now this proud Roypublican, who’s 30 btw, wants to sue because he got beat down by a 56 year old man.
Once again I must ask, just exactly when the fuck did Republicans become such pussies?
I have roy blunt as my senator. Does it do any good to call him and tell him, as one of his voters, he should NOT vote for Brett Kavanaugh.
Things may have take a turn.
Swearing a false statement can get you disbarred.
It would of course be absurd for any competent legal authority to argue that something that could easily get you disbarred is not of public interest or of probative value in the consideration of a lifetime judicial appointment.
So now Trump wants to replace U.S. troops in Afghanistan with mercenaries supplied by Erik Prince, Betsy DeVos’ brother. Who could’ve seen this coming?
@46 That’s probably just scratching the surface. Kavanaugh is one of those slickery people who make you feel there’s a whole iceberg under there, with thousands of tons of ice going down hundreds of feet.
I guess that makes Grassley the Captain of the Titanic.
And America his innocent, sleeping passengers about to face a shortage of lifeboats.
Bad legal day for Team 45
Judge in Harassment lawsuit rules NDA was incorrectly written and therefore very narrow in scope. Lawyers for 45 were attempting to use the NDA as a means of having the lawsuit dismissed. Side note, the Plaintiff is representing herself Pro Se so the fabulous lawyers, best in the world, smartest people, totally luxurious, are getting beat by a not lawyer.
NC judge rules against EPA in it’s attempt to delay Obama era clean water rules.
The judge hearing Manafort’s case now has U.S. Marshal protection because of threats and won’t disclose the jurors’ names for their safety.
A well-regulated militia who heard voices in his head telling him to shoot up an airport will serve five consecutive life sentences plus 120 years. From now one, he’ll be mustering to an 0600 roll call every morning, just like he did in the army.
Probably voted for Trump, too. Doesn’t strike me as very liberal.
Republicans don’t want you to vote. Really, they don’t. Especially if you’re young, black, poor, or Democrat.
“Election officials in a rural southwest Georgia county are defending a plan to suddenly close seven of the county’s nine polling places …. Randolph County, the site of the proposed changes, is more than 60 percent black, with a little over 30 percent of residents in poverty …. The ACLU also noted the voter makeup of one of the polling places officials wanted to close was 96.7 percent black.
“In the letter to the county board, the ACLU said there was evidence of discriminatory intent in the proposal. They pointed to the fact that Stacey Abrams, the first female black nominee for governor from a major party, will be on the ballot this fall. … Abrams is facing off against Brian Kemp, the Republican Secretary of State of Georgia. …
“Georgia was one of nine states that had to seek approval from the federal government before making changes to its election practices under the 1965 Voting Rights Act. In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court nullified that requirement …. Chief Justice John Roberts, who authored the majority opinion, pointed to progress in getting rid of racial discrimination ….
“Rick Hasen, a law professor at the University of California, Irvine, said the proposed changes in Randolph County showed the significance of the Supreme Court’s decision to get rid of the preclearance formula. ‘Had the Supreme Court not killed the Voting Rights Act, then the county would not have been able to make these changes without demonstrating to the Justice Department or a three-judge court that the changes would not make minority voters worse off,’ he wrote in an email. ‘The Chief Justice assured us that things have changed in the South, but apparently they haven’t changed enough.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Republicans on the Supreme Court apparently don’t think blacks have a right to vote, either. Hell, if they allow that, Democrats might win — and, even worse, black candidates might get elected!
@40 Impeachment was an issue that came up near the end of the process the convention took to write the constitution. There were a substantial number of members who moved to strike impeachment relying on if the President is reelected he is innocent. Leaving the power in the hands of the people. Does indicate they did not support any term limitation on the President, Then it was added the President could be removed only for treason (as defined in the Constitution) and bribery. Finally the phrase adopted was based on English parliamentary process and law. Of course such there is criminal charges against the crown and royal ministers.
Impeachment and removal from office has never happened. Nixon resigned, and allowing him to do so arguable bent the constitution. Nothing in there saying he can resign, King George the III never resigned. While Nixon would have in all likely hood been impeached, it is unknown if in the end he would have been removed from office if he had stayed in office and fought, President Johnson stayed but was packing expecting yo be removed. If Johnson survived then Nixon could have.
Trump can pardon people he has the power. The house could impeach him over pardoning Joe Arpaio, and maybe a Democratic house would, but it is unlikely to fly in the Senate resulting in Trump’s removal from office.
Impeachment is a political process and because of how it is defined it frankly is just the way to do a coup under our constitution. If congress were to do such a thing will those folks be voted back into office by the voters?