The Mariners are slumping and The Sounders are not very good right now. And there’s a group of Seattle sports fans who are in the dumps. But OMGosh, y’all. Seattle has something special in sports right now and so many of you are missing it.
The Storm are having an amazing season. They’ve poised to get a bye in the first round of the WNBA playoffs. Jewell Loyd and Breanna Stewart are great. Sue Bird is having a renaissance.
And holy goodness, the Reign. Second place in the NWSL. Megan Rapinoe is a walking highlight reel, and the whole team are such fun to watch.
The only time I’m a sports fan is when I’m being chased by a hungry fox. Then I become a track star.
File under “Fuck you and your fake news”….
The Editor in Chief of the publication that broke the VA Mar a Lago story Roger Rabbit linked to yesterday has announced his resignation.
It comes after the publisher came down on his reporters not for any innacuravies in the report but because it was embarrassing to publisher’s friends and acquaintances.
“White House national security adviser John Bolton said Tuesday North Korea has done little to denuclearize, nearly two months after the country’s leader, Kim Jong Un, met with President Donald Trump. ‘The United States has lived up to the Singapore declaration,’ Bolton said during an interview on ‘Fox and Friends.’ ‘It’s just North Korea that has not taken the steps we feel are necessary to denuclearize.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I ran this through Google Translate to convert from D.C. Speak to English, and what I got was: “Trump gave away the store to a known liar and cheater, and is now shocked to learn he got nothing in return.”
@2 Looks like they stiff their freelancers, too.
@2 “Perlmutter, Moskowitz and Sherman declined to be interviewed and fielded questions through a crisis-communications consultant. In a statement, they downplayed their influence, insisting that nobody is obligated to act on their counsel. ‘At all times, we offered our help and advice on a voluntary basis, seeking nothing at all in return,’ they said. ‘While we were always willing to share our thoughts, we did not make or implement any type of policy, possess any authority over agency decisions, or direct government officials to take any actions… To the extent anyone thought our role was anything other than that, we don’t believe it was the result of anything we said or did.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Kinda like writing a letter to your congressman or city council member, eh?
Freudian Slip Dep’t
“And on election eve, in a gaffe sure to make it into Democratic ads ahead of November, Balderson told supporters, ‘We don’t want someone from Franklin County representing us.’ The populous county is home to Columbus and many of its suburbs, parts of which are in the district.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Truer words were never spoken. The last thing Republicans want is for urban voters to be represented in Congress, state legislatures, or other legislative bodies. They firmly believe that people from counties with population densities of 3 or less per square mile possess the immutable wisdom of the ages. If open carry is good enough for Foard County, Texas, with its population of 1,336, then it’s good enough for Franklin County and Columbus! Urban voters just mess up the agenda with their demands for mass transit, health clinics, parks and recreation, and other wasteful spending; they enact zoning regulations against pig farms and cattle feedlots, and don’t even let you keep a pet rooster in your backyard! Urban voters are a nuisance who should be ignored.
The Franklin Co. precincts are normally about thirty percent of the vote in OH-12. This time they were thirty five percent.
And they are essentially affluent suburban precincts, wrapping around Columbus to the north and east, just outside the I-270 ring. It’s cul-de-sacs, golf courses, tennis courts, parks, lakes, and malls.
Balderson was giving the finger to Republicans.
@7 To be precise, non-Trump Republicans.
How stupid are Trump voters? This stupid:
“JoAnne Musial has no particular regard for Vladimir Putin, but she does trust Donald Trump. That’s enough for her to cast a suspicious eye toward the furor over Russian interference, campaign collusion and whatever allegations may await the president she backed in 2016. ‘They think Putin is playing him,’ said Musial, a 66-year-old retiree from Canadensis, Pennsylvania. ‘I think Trump is playing him a little bit. … That’s the gut feeling I’ve had: Everyone’s got it all backwards.'”
Best analysis I’ve read so far:
“In 2016, the GOP swallowed a ball of barbed wire, and has to hope the party can remain upright as the ball passes its way through its digestive system.”
Well, they are Republicans. So statistically out of 200,000 people who went to the polls it’s pretty certain that a thousand or so were drunk, another four to five thousand were unable to read the ballot, and at least a thousand just got in line thinking it was another Kevin James movie.
Chances are pretty good that a few thousand of the votes for O’Connor were mistakes.
‘You served this country three times and look what they are doing to you. It’s a slap in the face.”
Does salting a wound sting less when the salt is distilled from the tears of “y’all libbies”? Asking for a friend.
But wait! Surely PornSweat and his team of hush-money/abortion lawyers can find the time in their busy schedules of golf rounds and helicopter seal hunting to come to the nice family’s rescue, right?
They deported the Marine’s wife last Friday.
@13 Why should they make an exception for her, just because her hubby voted for Trump? After all, this is what he voted for.
Yes, there should be a compassionate intervention in this case. But “compassion” isn’t in the Republican vocabulary. You need to vote Democrat to get that.
Some of DeVos’s home schoolers.
I see the NYC politburo has decided to limit Lyft and Uber drivers in NYC. They’re going after the folks who rent out their apartments and homes for short durations next.
It ain’t the business of ANY government entity to choose winners and losers. It’s time for communism, socialism and crony capitalism to end.
@16 I can’t comment on Lyft or Uber, but I don’t want my neighbor running a 1-hour motel next door. I have property rights, too.
There’s an old saying that “your freedom to swing your fist stops where my nose begins,” but I don’t expect a stupe like you to grasp that. It’s because of people like you that we need zoning regulations.
It ain’t the business of the people to choose anything.
It’s my business. Obey.
I’m going to start a rendering business on the parking strip in front of my house across from the park.
I’m sure Dumbfuck wont mind if I borrow his trailer And his truck.
And his horses.
A U.S. Border Patrol agent in Arizona fired across the border at a Mexican teenager on Mexican soil who was just taking a walk, killing him. Today, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the youth’s Mexican mother can sue his killer in American courts.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It seems to me if an armed officer of Country A shoots across the border at a citizen of Country B, that constitutes an act of war by Country A against Country B. If I were Mexico, I would bomb Texas, but that’s just me thinking out loud. Maybe the court had similar thoughts and is trying to prevent a war.
The Trump administration is going beyond deporting illegals, denying asylum, and erecting new barriers to legal immigration. They’ve set up a task force to investigate naturalized citizen and potentially strip them of their U.S. citizenship. This was done by past administrations in a few isolated cases — most prominently, Nazi war criminals who concealed their past to gain U.S. admittance. But the Trump task force appears to be gearing up to denaturalize immigrant-citizens on a wholesale basis — and gays who concealed their sexual orientation to avoid discrimination during the naturalization process could become a prime target of Trump’s denaturalization program.
Right now, at this precise moment, I’m raising a glass of Ron Zacappa Centenario XO in celebration of the anniversary of the forced resignation of yet another corrupt Republican President.
Cheers to Nixon’s richly deserved resignation in shame!
Fuck Republicans!
This week we’re getting a dose of what political criminality is all about. These are some real fucking swamp creatures. But don’t you think our good Doctor Dumbfuck must be having a sad with these revelations, seeing how it’s Republicans facing prison time, not crooked Hillary?
@16 an The Hump provides 18 billion to the soybean farmers. Not communism? What about subsidizing and demanding coal?
@23 He probably considers insider trading an opportunity, not a crime. At least one GOP congressman clearly considered it a perk of office.
@21 one of the reason why Russian and Repukes and The Hump are such good fucking lovers is their hate for gay people. It’s a big driver of why the two are connected at the hip.
If more women were sports fans and shelled out for tickets, then it would be significant. No matter how much the Sounders or Mariners sucks does not matter. They will pay their star players probably more than what the entire team and couch of the Storm are paid. Men may like going tot he game but they accused of being perverts and more interested in the jiggle than the game. Unfortunately the Astros are now living up to expectations. the Mariners are 8 games out so they are not out of it. Whether the Mariners make it to the World Series the World Series will be a bigger fish in the market than the WNBA. (If the WNBA were a thing the women’s team would have snuck out of town with the men’s team to a bigger market.)
@3 John Bolton has always been a man on the side of peace and truth. (Iraq, not the droids you are looking for.)
@10 Still doing better than the Mariners. It is August and the Republicans are competitive. Democrats are going to win some house seats. The Republicans could gain seats in the Senate. When you push this blue wave narrative, and the wave is more like a splash then the Republicans remain in charge. And Democrats may finally ask what it is going to take to win. And I don’t think we in blue land Washington state…coastal protection zone of the endangered liberal, have much to add to the conversation, as we are kissing our own corporate Democrats ass, because they control the process, and even when 75% support Bernie a super delegate will dictate we are for Hilliary…maybe Biden,
If you buy a 20 foot Boston Whaler for recreation and fishing you will pay sales taxes, and boat licensing.
If you buy a $40m luxury yacht and moorage in Lake Huron you take advantage of its size and classify it as a commercial ship and have it flagged in the Cayman Islands and route the purchase through a Cayman bank and pay no sales taxes even though the ship has never been in the Caribbean. And then someone unties it and sets it adrift, because, while totally legal, you’re a tax dodging asshole. Right Madame Secretary?
@12 Well depends on if the Libbie’s are on pain medications (legal or not).
It’s all NaCl to me.
Have another drink. Then edit that paragraph so it is coherent.
@28 Your first stab at standup comedy is a miserable failure; but don’t give up, keep trying.
So sad to see my old friend the loon babbling incoherently to himself on a dead thread. Sigh! So pathetic. But looking on the bright side, I’m reassured knowing my dear my friend hasn’t been lynched yet and, also, he’s not over here soiling this fine, loon-free thread with his mindless, unintelligible hate.
Oh, Cathy, Cathy, Cathy,
You invited Devin Nunez to keynote a private fundraiser and at that fundraiser he admitted that if GOP holds into house they will impeach Rosenstein and the only reason they don’t do it now is to advance the Kavanaugh nomination and not burden the Senate with an impeachment trial.
Nunez went on to say that if Seelssions won’t I refuse and firemRosensten the only thing that can save 45 s imoeachment. In other words, “We know he did it and we need to keep the house or there will be a real oversight investigation and then we’re all dead.”
And it was caught on tape. And now it’s out there. And now you get to answer questions about it. How’s that slim lead feel this evening?
So far, “No Comment” from McMorris Rogers though she has been asked.
@30 As she’s 16th in the line of succession, if enough Republicans go to prison, we’d have President Betsy DeVos on our hands. Of course, that’s if the world survives #13 Ben Carson and #15 Rick Perry.
@6 I think RR is being very disingenuous here. if you are a politician from either party in Whatcom county of course you run against Seattle and Olympia even if you spend time going to parties and fund raisers in those places. If you are a politician in Spokane you run against all of Western Washington. In both cases you loose if you do not, get too associated with Seattle or Olympia and that is the curse of death even for incumbents.
It has little to do with the urban/rural divide, As it is the differences between Ballard and south Seattle does enough to dilute urbanites supposed power and how and who they should vote for or their interests, it is not a solid block the urbanites, and weakened by suburbanites. Perhaps RR is dreaming of a political machine in Seattle able to dictate to Olympia,,,,Seattle does do that from time to time and usually gets reminded Seattle is just one corporate municipal among many in Washington state.
So folks feeling good about being protected from Alex Jones performance art?
Why the fuck do they have to impeach Rosenstein?
There isn’t a single credible con law expert living who debates the President’s authority to fire a DAG. Appointing a replacement may require the Senate. But that’s got nothing to do with removing him.
Is PornSweat really this big of a pussy? He has to negotiate with 237 inconsequential insurance salesmen and car alarm installers to get them to do his dirty work for him? And then they have to manage “the timing”?
What the fuck happened to Republicans? Sure, they’ve always been vile racist shitbags. But when did they all become such a bunch of pussies?
So last night I had some things to say about Dino’s position in the 5th And the late breaking ballots backed me up.
As of last night Dino trailed D vs R vote totals but has a small lead if you assumed that everyone with a made up or Libertarian affiliation NOT Democratic Party were added to his total.
Now it’s
D- 58,032 votes
R+everyone not D – 56,871 votes
More king county ballot drops coming. D votes in the primary are now 50.49%
Bye Dino
I don’t mean to pick nits but the Sounders are undefeated in their last seven and put themselves into the last playoff position with last weekends win. 12 matches to go. The healthy current line up, though devoid of most of the marquee names seems to be geling into a decent team How decent? We’ll see.
@38 you are performance idiot. Your blasaie faire attitude is so promising in life. Go fuck yourself. How’s that performance art, you fake, fraud and phoney.
A Baltimore militia reacted to an incision into his lane of traffic. This aggression shall not stand!
The militia was presumably well organized and law abiding, a good militia with a gun. Until they weren’t.
Wonder if Bob’s horse is clean and pure thoroughbred.
Woman tells police she’s ‘very clean, thoroughbred, white girl’ during drunk driving arrest – NBC News
“The attack was the second on a Sikh man in a week in Central California. Last week, two men beat a man in Keyes and spray-painted a neo-Nazi symbol on his truck in what police are treating as a hate crime. Surjit Malhi said he was putting up campaign signs for local Republicans when two men ambushed him.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Puddy, listen to Steve, you need to keep a close watch on your friends. They’re capable of anything, and the fact you’re their friend won’t stop them.
Florida has a program to help bullied kids. But in reality, it takes taxpayer money from public schools and gives it to private schools — and discriminates against gay kids.
Since the Trumpists running the EPA won’t do their job, a federal judge is doing it for them.
“A federal court on Thursday ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to ban a widely used pesticide that’s been linked to learning disabilities in children and that former agency chief Scott Pruitt refused to take off the market.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump voters are dumbasses. Yes, if you support Trump and his agenda, you’re a dumbass. Don’t come crying to me if it’s your kid.
You know what’s not a good look? When you’re Secretary of State, in a close primary election for governor and you refuse to recuse yourself from the recount and then it’s noticed that the results your office tabulated in the official statewide count are quite a bit different from what one county officially reported.
It’s an even worse look when you spend all your free time screaming about voter fraud.
@48 It’s called “fixing the facts to the policy.” The policy, in this case, being to elect Trump’s voting rights hatchet man governor of a state regardless of what the voters decide.
In other “fixing the facts to the policy” news, it’s now obvious that Devin Nunes’ so-called hearings were never anything more than part of a partisan coverup of Trump’s now-admitted Russia collusion, the policy being to protect Trump no matter how guilty he, his family, and his campaign aides are:
“In a newly leaked audio recording, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, a California Republican, suggests that his party needs to retain control of the House of Representatives to protect President Donald Trump from special counsel Robert Mueller.
“‘If Sessions won’t un-recuse and Mueller won’t clear the President, we’re the only ones, which is really the danger … we have to keep all these seats,’ Nunes can be heard saying on a recording from a private fundraiser ….
“The remarks appear to be a blunt assessment from Nunes, a top Trump ally in Congress who Democrats accuse of trying to help the White House with the Russia probe, that Republicans must keep their House majority in the midterm elections to shield Trump from the special counsel investigation.”
“A Michigan couple who told cops they declined to get medical help for their sick baby partly over ‘religious reasons’ are now facing charges of felony murder and first-degree child abuse for the child’s death. …
“The father, Seth Welch, appears to have railed against vaccines, doctors and the health care industry on his Facebook page. … ‘The righteous shall live by faith,’ the man says in the video, quoting a Bible verse. ‘It’s God who is sovereign over disease and those sorts of things and ultimately death. So it doesn’t worry me.’ He says later in the video that he doesn’t think people can be good doctors if they don’t believe in creationism.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Dumbfucks. Baby killers. Probably Trump supporters, too.
Impeachment of Trump would be a good pay-back for Bill’s impeachment back in late 1998.
Devin Dumbshit? Too funny for words.
Timing? The freaks don’t sound too confident about November.
The guy’s a fucking dairy farmer.
Think about it.
Do you really think Donald J. Trump, self-proclaimed “billionaire” titan of whatever is really content to sit back and rely on this insect of a man to “rescue” him? Trump will do whatever the fuck Trump does. And hillbillies like Mitch McConnell and this twerp will have to deal with it. There are no negotiations with that idiot. What would be the point?
Nunes was blowing smoke trying to elevate his stock with a member of the leadership. He’s full of shit. It’s embarrassing shit that makes the entire mob of child molesters look like assholes. Which is good, because that’s what they are. But that’s still all it is. There is no secret agreement. And at this point, odds are Nunes just fell down the rankings, lost his plum committee, and some of his outside money.
This Raygun appointed Judge in the Manafort trial, Ellis… what a fucking trainwreck..
Bleating all kinds of crap in front of the jury. What a joke. It goes way beyond being charmingly eccentric.
Totally in the tank for Manafort and by extension the orange troll freak occupying the White House.
“The guy’s a fucking dairy farmer.”
I’d say the majority of dairy farms employ undocumented workers. And in California?
Gimme a break…
Blowing the whistle on that would be as sweet as Melania’s parents and their “chain migration”…
@52 I’ll bet you could sell that bullshit on a rightwing blog. Lots of dumbfucks there.
@54 I agree the one crime this gang hasn’t committed is conspiracy. They’re not smart enough to formulate one.
No new thread for today? We have to post on yesterday’s thread? IMPEACH! Anyway, for more serious concerns …
Looks like Sarah Smith (D) has pulled into second place in CD-9 against Adam Smith (D), edging out Doug Basler (R) by 196 votes for now. A. Smith would easily beat Basler, but all bets are off in a D-D general.
We could have a D-D general in CD-2 as well. Sort of pitiful when second place is just 7.63% for Collin Carlson (D). The only supposed R to file was Michael Shanks — now Uncle Mover instead of Mike the Mover, who called his party “Moderate GOP” and who is at just 7.33%. Amazing for CD-2 to have less than half the R strength of CD-7, where Craig Keller (R) is pulling 17.85%.
Looks like a lot of GOP held legislative seats are in play for November, with tons of GOP incumbents below 50% (even when other R sounding candidates are added in to the totals).
Something tells me that they will pick the one that most resembles the KKK hood. Can you see which one that is? Have a look.
@57 – Hey, paybacks are not only a bitch, they’re good revenge, too!
Uber Says Its Drivers Can Kick Out White Supremacists
What will the HA trolls (especially the babbling butthole) use for a ride?
A taxi?
Oh look more anti-semites (drumpf’s base) are being silenced by their political enemies!
Guess the HA trolls will dump Microsoft for Linux..
Apple is of course out of the question for the freaks.
57 & 61
There are dumbfucks at all levels for the political spectrum. The right and left are equally stupid and fucked up. Both of you can argue otherwise, but you both would just be wrong.
“Angered that an immigrant mother and her daughter who are plaintiffs in a lawsuit had been deported, a federal judge demanded the administration turn the plane carrying them around ….”
Waytago, dumbfucks. How much did that cost taxpayers?
@59 “No new thread for today? We have to post on yesterday’s thread?”
Yeah. Happens frequently. Goldy has a job now, and Carl rides the bus.
So, November looks like a looming R wipeout to you? It does to lots of other folks, too:
That’s what happens when you put party above country.
@60 “President Trump’s campaign on Thursday latched onto the administration’s formal announcement of a proposed ‘Space Force,’ asking supporters to vote on a logo that will be displayed on merchandise. An email from the campaign asks supporters to vote on one of six logos that will be emblazoned on future Trump campaign items. Users can pick a logo, then are prompted to make a donation to the Trump campaign.”
Uh, wait a minute, isn’t the Space Force supposed to be a federal department — like the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard — that’s supported by our tax dollars are serves all of us?
Then why do only Trump supporters get to vote on the logo, and why is the Trump campaign using it for fundraising purposes? And who gets the merch profits? Is Trump turning the Defense Department into a private business?
@61 You’re dreaming if you think Democrats will ever get off their behinds and dish out even 5% of the payback Republicans have coming to them. Rolling over and playing possum is what Democrats excel at.
@62 They’ll have to bring their own food, too.
@63 The First Amendment doesn’t apply to private companies, and they’re under absolutely no obligation to give these freaks a stage to shit on.
@64 ” The right and left are equally stupid and fucked up.”
I agree. What this country needs is a reincarnation of the New Deal Democrats and the old industrial unions, Eisenhower’s tax tables, and CEOs making 15 times their workers’ salaries. That worked just fine, and nothing since then has worked worth shit.
Remember some HA DUMMOCRETIN jackASS claimed Jim Jordan KNEW about the abuse? Well “witness” #1 is taking it back…
Puddy wonder why? Could be some shenanigans in Ohio about to break?
Till Next Time!
What this country needs is a reincarnation of the New Deal Democrats and the old industrial unions.
What a joke this post is! Those DUMMOCRETINS are replaced by the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Socialists and the Antifa loving DUMMOCRETIN types! You support them senile idiot wabbit FART! Oh wait… you forgot you supported those types on Tuesday!
“Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. Unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their family.”
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – Friday, July 13th, 2018 (around 5:45 in)
Pants on Fire – Till Next Time!
When a cop gets fired by two police departments in less than a year, that suggests he shouldn’t be a cop anymore.
@73 “You support them senile idiot wabbit FART!”
Wrong, I don’t support them, and I didn’t vote for any Socialists on Tuesday. I’m a member of the capitalist leech class. I’m for regulated capitalism with a social safety net, and I only vote for Democrats.
No, we don’t need any more New Deal bullshit. It was a disaster and made a recession turn into a depression. FDR and his policies were a failure.
If you support Trump, this is the kind of company you’re keeping.
Thanks for the entertainment “profa” butthole troll!
@76 Your grandfather would disagree.
1932 election
FDR – 57.4%, 42 states won, 472 electoral votes
Hoover – 39.7%*, 6 states won, 59 electoral votes
1936 election
FDR – 60.8%, 46 states won, 523 electoral votes
Landon – 36.5%, 2 states won, 8 electoral votes
1940 election
FDR – 54.7%, 38 states won, 449 electoral votes
Willkie – 44.8%, 10 states won, 82 electoral votes
Little ol’ you is right, and all of these voters were wrong? Don’t think so. If you pull your head out of your ass, you might see the light.
“Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach suggested Thursday he would recuse himself from overseeing how ballots are counted in the state’s GOP gubernatorial primary. Kobach is a candidate in the race and has an extremely narrow lead over his opponent, Gov. Jeff Colyer.”
He’s getting around NOW to SUGGESTING he MIGHT recuse himself? Any reputable Secretary of State would have done it before the election without prompting.
That WAPO editorial was ignorant…
Fascism is authoritarian central government allied with religion and crony capitalism..
Fascism is drumpf – 2 Corinthians, wink, wink..
The antifa punch nazis.. Yeah they’re a little extreme. They hide their identity because the fascists use the internet as a weapon. Look at how the fascists troll Sandy Hook victim families and witnesses to the murder in Charlottesville. Whipped up by piles of shit like Alex Jones.
And the HA trolls want to coddle nazis and white supremacists and white nationalists.. The babbling butthole, the misogynist boob and their fellow travellers are the true “profa”.
“And the HA trolls want to coddle nazis and white supremacists and white nationalists.”
I just wish the loon would quit hanging out with them. There’s no way this is going to end well. SAD!
How cute – look at that. The puff balls likes showering with boys.
He’s fought relentlessly to try and save Milo’s career, even after the shocking admissions of pedophilia. Now he’s advocating for more “all ages” shower parties. I detect a pattern.
The shit keeps getting deeper and stinkier for President PornSweat’s personal “attorney” Mr. Safety School, Esq., despite his very public offers of cooperation against his client.
The ever-leaky USAO-SDNY is revealing this week that Mr. Safety School, Esq.’s accountant and former taxi-medallion partner are both turning state’s. The business partner pleaded guilty earlier this year and will be cooperating as part of his plea agreement.
This is why Mr. Safety School, Esq. can’t get his phone calls returned. You don’t sit down with a criminal suspect to negotiate until you know everything there is to know about his crimes. This guy is fucked. Federal sentencing guidelines are insanely complex and leave very little wiggle room. Prosecutor’s discretion lies in the front end on charging decisions. But the more they uncover, the more they have to charge. He needs to get himself a lawyer familiar with the guidelines and the most favorable FCIs. He’s going to do time. It’s just a question of how hard that time will be.
Many economists predicted the GOP’s wacky tax cuts would stimulate inflation. They were right.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The average American will be worse off from that $1.5 trillion of debt, because higher prices will eat up his trivial tax cut, and higher interest rates will push the economy into recession, costing workers their jobs.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, Trump’s Economic Miracle (Reg. TM) is down 165 points this morning.
Don’t let child molesting Roypublican traitors bait you into their framing.
The difference between the more progressive Berniecrat wing and the Third Way/DLC wing comes down to economic policy proposals, regardless of race and class. But not only is there nothing wrong with tying economic policy to conversations about race and class, it’s actually the right thing to do to win persuadable voters.
Forget about apologizing/explaining to Crazy Uncle Freedumb choke-fapping himself into a racist frenzy over there in the corner, worrying about mythical invasions of penniless Ecuadoran gangsters. PornSweat Roypublicans really are deplorable. And most importantly unreachable. Nor should we want to reach them. They happily sold their national allegiance to filthy starving Moldovan script-kids in exchange for permission to tell racist jokes in the lunchroom. America is better without them.
Persuadable voters are not with them on the toddler torture, the trade wars, the Nazi support, the Russian treason, the white nationalism, the finger rape, the rawdogging of sticky porn stars, and the gutting health care. Traditional Democratic support for progressive economic policies has always been hugely popular. But guess what? Including race and class considerations into those policies are even more popular with the voters who can be reached, so long as it is done right.
This dial survey completed over the past year by Demos shows that the voters Democrats need to reach and flip are more responsive to economic appeals when they are coupled with inclusive race and class rhetoric. As an authoritarian white nationalist party, Roypublicans are now permanently wedded to the negative, divisive, racist rhetoric that embodies the PornSweat revolution. Countering the racist hate with inclusive messaging emphasizing diversity in combination with progressive economic policy draws persuadable voters away from loonatics like Piddles ranting about Lucifer and calling more than half of all voters “SCUM”.
It’s not just the little guy. Don’t forget about “affluent” “aggrieved” Medicare frauds and tax cheating Trump voters.
To hold on to their political gains they are going to have to open up their checkbooks and write lots and lots of $2700 checks.
How many “tanks full of gas” is that, I wonder?
The time has come to call Fox a racist network:
“The Fox News audience is almost 100% white, according to Nielsen. And on the channel’s highest-rated shows, the politics of white anxiety play out practically every day, as hosts and guests warn about the impacts of immigration and minimize or mock the perspectives of people of color.”
Campaigning while black. What was he thinking?? He could have been shot!
“Angry Trump supporter calls the cops on black lawmaker for talking to voters”
I sure hope the loon is careful when he gets together with his white supremacist friends tonight and avoids eye contact! They’ve got lynching on their minds.
“Florida man arrested for threatening to lynch NAACP president”
Poor Laura Ingraham is nonplussed because “racist freaks” (her words) are gleefully endorsing her racist rant.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I suspect there’s some sort of cause-and-effect in play here.
@90 She sounds like an immigrant to me. Why hasn’t she been deported?
Mrs Knavs perhaps?
Oh, the tragedy of “chain migration”.
Fraud on her initial visa applications, ICE ordered to look the other way, conspiracy with foreign espionage agents and now racist swatting attacks on honest, hard working public servants.
Looks like the guy who started the 10,000 acre Holy fire in Riverside is a close friend of Piddles.
“Based on his social media pages, Clark is a sovereign citizen who believes in just about every kooky conspiracy out there, including QAnon, Pizzagate, Jade Helm 15, flat earth theories, NESARA, Jesuit conservancies, shape-shifting lizard overlords. You name it, he believes it.”
79 – Sure, they were voting for free stuff.
Or at least what they perceived to be free.
It made a recession into a depression.
The last recorded recession before the crash of ’29 ended two years prior.
These people should not be allowed to vote. They are simply too stupid and lazy. Since they are allowed to vote, we must work harder to outnumber them before they destroy our country any further and witlessly sell more of our sovereignty off to foreign dictators for lulz.