The Special Olympics kick off this weekend in Seattle. I don’t know how they were awarded, but if it’s anything like the other Olympics, I imagine that the corruption was glorious. Bribes and kickbacks galore.
Probably no truth to the rumor that Barack Obama is competing in Bowling.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 You’re confused. That’s Puddy, not Obama. And he’s entered under Writing In English, not Bowling.
James Rosen could not be reached for comment.
Regardless of the shooter’s motives, I don’t think it’s sticking my neck out too far to suggest that maybe the President of the United States shouldn’t be attacking journalists as “the enemy of the American people.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 So now you’re in favor of shooting journalists? Figures. You’re an evil dumbfuck.
I stand corrected @ 3
It was ‘enemy of the state’, not ‘enemy of the American people’.
“Literally, in writing declared me an enemy of the state by designating me as a criminal co-conspirator in an alleged violation of the Espionage Act. That was done in a secret FBI search warrant application submitted to and accepted and approved by a federal judge. Attorney General Holder later acknowledged that he personally signed off on that document and he later identified it as the greatest regret of his tenure. Nothing that we’ve seen so far from the Trump administration, at least yet, rises to that level of seriousness or nature in terms of any kind of attack or assault on the press.”
Not just CBS News, but its Philadelphia affiliate.
Who stole my bike??spews:
Cops are starting to leave the SPD in droves. Is there any real surprise? After being shit on by Seattle city clowncil, as well other left nuts, who can blame them?
Being forced to stand back and watch as the homeless drug zombies, rolling meth lab drivers, thieves, and other worthless parts of humanity wreck the city from one end to another must be tough to deal with.
Your city is a shithole, and it’s only getting worse. Hope your proud…..maybe you can vote in some more marxists and socialists! Hahjahahahahhahahahhahhaah
And no, don’t send us the bill….we warned you that your policies and lack of enforcement of laws would lead to this, and you didn’t listen. So fuck off and be content in living in a city that smells like human shit and piss, where you gotta hopscotch around bum turds, needles, and passed out zombies on the sidewalk.
Yay seattle!!!! Progressive haven!!!!
Womp womp…..
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Well, that was written in 2017, a month after Trump took office … I wonder what Rosen thinks of Trump’s press relations now? Working for Fox, he probably has all the access he wants, as long as he toes the party line.
P.S., Holder’s investigation was to find the source of classified leaks, not an attempt to muzzle Rosen, who merely reported the leaked highly sensitive information about North Korea.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Yeah, it’s gotta be tough to stop arresting old people for Walking While Black and just catch criminals.
Speaking of shitholes, if you drive through rural Washington i.e. the red counties, you’ll see a lot of shabby trailers parked on 5-acre plots filled with junk cars and garbage bags heaped behind the back door. Our state’s Republicans live like pigs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s not true that Democrats are stuck with a conservative SCOTUS for years or decades to come. Nothing in the Constitution dictates SCOTUS must have 9 justices. A post-Trump president and Congress could increase the court’s composition by as many justices as needed to get a liberal majority. And they’ll only need a simple Senate majority to confirm them.
Did you steal my bike?spews:
Ya maybe, but the difference is those trailers and old cars are on PRIVATE PROPERTY. not in middle of the goddamned sidewalk, street, underpass, park, or other people’s yards.
Enjoy your shithole….remember, you asked for it
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 A shithole is a shithole, regardless of whether it’s posted with “Trespassers Will Be Shot, Survivors Will Be Shot Again” signs.
I’m so happy to see that the loon didn’t get lynched by his white supremacist buddies. Too bad he’s more batshit insane and full of hate than ever. SAD!
@ 9
A post-Trump president and Congress could increase the court’s composition by as many justices as needed to get a liberal majority. And they’ll only need a simple Senate majority to confirm them.
Or, Trump and the current Congress could pack the Court with more conservative justices.
One day, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, your side will start to look at the broader picture. You’ll be long dead when it happens, but it will happen. Perhaps after your 2018 dreams fail to materialize. Perhaps after Trump’s re-election. But eventually your ilk will collectively realize that under Clinton and again under Obama, your side lost ground, overall.
Better Stillspews:
Don’t you just love Maxine Waters? That is one low-IQ colored woman!
Funny. Low IQ troll @14 talks about a “colored” person being low IQ.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Remember when public service meant serving the public? Trump serves himself and his family.
I have no idea why this title was written in past tense:
Democrats badly underestimated Trump
With Justice Kennedy’s announcement coming at the same time that the court announced that it was dealing a major blow to public employee unions and upholding the president’s controversial travel ban, the implications of Trump’s sway over the highest court in the land were immediately apparent.
Whoever is president after 2020 will be dealing with a Supreme Court majority that has much less tolerance for strong intervention by the federal government…
Now do the Clintons. All of them. Throw in the Rodhams, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “But eventually your ilk will collectively realize that under Clinton and again under Obama, your side lost ground, overall.”
Yeah, our flawed candidate got only 3 million more votes than your treason candidate, and we’re probably going to pick up only one house of Congress this year — because we have to defend 3 times as many Senate seats in this cycle as you do.
Even in a system rigged in favor of lightly populated red states, your public support sucks, and you have to fall back on the Kochs and Mercers, Russian hackers, voter suppression, gerrymandering, obstructionism, and the nuclear option to make it work for you.
“your side lost ground, overall.”
I’m sure if the Democrats used gerrymandering, suppression of the white hillbilly vote, and had welcomed Russia meddling in the elections in their favor, they’d win more often.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Why bother? I don’t talk to brain-dead racist shitheads.
Yesterday was Stress Test Day, Part Two.
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. JPM, -0.03% said it will increase its quarterly dividend to 80 cents a share from 56 cents a share and buy back up to $20.7 billion in stock. American Express Co. AXP, +1.34% will hike its quarterly dividend 11% to 39 cents a share and buy back up to $3.4 billion in shares. Citigroup Inc. C, +0.62% said it will increase its quarterly dividend to 45 cents a share from 32 cents a share and buy back up to $17.6 billion in shares. Wells Fargo & Co. WFC, +4.21% said it will increase its quarterly dividend to 43 cents from 39 cents a share and buy back up to $24.5 billion in stock. Bank of America Corp. BAC, -1.13% said it will increase its quarterly dividend by 25% to 15 cents a share and buy back up to $20.6 billion in shares. Fifth Third Bancorp FITB, +0.37% increased its quarterly dividend to 22 cents a share from 18 cents a share, and said it would buy back up to $1.65 billion in shares.
@17 “a Supreme Court majority that has much less tolerance for strong intervention by the federal government”
Now there’s an interesting concept. It’s not like federal agents are going around stopping everyone and demanding IDs now …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 At least our crooks throw in some public service. Your crooks are nothing but takers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 “For a bank, a 42+% increase in the quarterly dividend is massive.”
For an investor, a 42+% increase in the quarterly dividend is meaningless. It simply means a higher proportion of capital is being distributed instead of retained. It doesn’t add one cent to earnings or shareholder value. All it does is increase the taxes JPM shareholders have to pay on their dividend income.
It’s funny you mention JPM this morning, because I’ve been shopping for another bank stock, and I was looking at JPM again last night and this morning. Know how much JPM went up today in response to its massive dividend increase? With the ex-dividend date only a week away, it’s -0.6% on the day. That’s right, JPM’s stock price is FELL on the news of a massive dividend hike.
Nowadays, most stock is bought and sold by institutional investors and professional traders, and they’re not as stupid as mom-and-pop dabblers like you. You’re the jackass who didn’t short GE at 23.
Oh, and as for me, I’m not buying JPM’s dividend raise. I don’t see value there. I’m more interested in U.S. Bancorp because it has better total return prospects going forward.
When I want investing advice from a dumbfuck, I’ll let you know.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh yeah, one more thing, the Dow — which was +293 points the last time you looked — closed at +55 points and probably would have gone negative if the market had stayed open another 30 minutes. DJIA fell over 300 points this week thanks to Orange Moron’s shenanigans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“A article posted Thursday proclaimed a ‘mass exodus’ of Seattle police officers …. It said departing officers were leaving, in part, because of their concerns about the city’s elected officials. But the data doesn’t support the officers’ claim of mass exodus from the department.
“Seattle police released statistics for the last four years about the number of departures and new hires. Since 2015, the number of new hires surpassed the number of separations.”
Of course, that doesn’t mean there are no disgruntled officers. It doesn’t help that Seattle cops haven’t gotten a raise for 4 years: “A source within the department attributed some of the departures to the rising cost of living in Seattle: Why would an officer who can’t afford to live in the city commute and work for SPD when he could work for a jurisdiction closer to home?”
But then, the federal minimum wage hasn’t been raised in 9 years, and Doctor Dumbfuck is perfectly okay with that. And cops start from a much higher base than the minimum. So they’re doing better than the fast food workers, nursing home assistants, and retail clerks that Doctor Dumbfuck thinks should live in their cars and live on food stamps as their reward for showing up for a job and putting in 40 hours a week of often-backbreaking labor. (If Doctor Dumbfuck thinks lifting patients is easy, he should try it sometime. I’ll bet it takes 6 aides to lift him and he’s going to need extra pallbearers.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump emboldened these people. The police need to take their guns away before they start shooting cops. We know they’re dangerous. Yesterday it was a newspaper office, tomorrow it will be a police station. Nobody wants that so please, please, please, take their guns away.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Once again the senile idiot wabbit has Puddy “on the brain” Actually the senile wabbit brain hasn’t been found yet! Good to see Puddy has caused POD again!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
A well written article on how libtards give their “crew” a pass while attacking Fox!
The bright side is the donors usually are young and healthy, so the organs should be in good shape, except the ones that are crushed.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
We know they’re dangerous. Yesterday it was a newspaper office, tomorrow it will be a police station. Nobody wants that so please, please, please, take their guns away.
Yet in the Wednesday thread the same senile idiot wabbit claimed the NY Slimes could not pin the shooter as a Trumper or Republican. What changed senile idiot wabbit? Once again the senile idiot wabbit FARTS some smelly horsesASS manure in another thread!
Peeeeeeeuuuu another senile idiot wabbit polluted thread!
Till Next Time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 “Once again the senile idiot wabbit has Puddy “on the brain””
No, we’re worried about you, given what we know about your friends.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
the federal minimum wage hasn’t been raised in 9 years
So are Seattle Police making the minimum wage senile idiot wabbit? Puddy saw no reference to the federal minimum wage in the article senile idiot wabbit! Using your “logic” from Wednesday senile idiot wabbit… Another EPIC FAYLE!
Now wait for the standard mayonnaise moronic ASS cracker response from the senile idiot wabbit!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Latest Harvard poll:
60% of DUMMOCRETINS do not want ICE abolished. Yet leading Congressional DUMMOCRETINS want ICE abolished. Amazing horsesASS manure!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
So where are the left wrong media types blaming the progressive libtards for the behavior of one unhinged libtard moron in California threatening to kill someone’s children? Yet we heard loud and clear FAKE NEWS Jim Acosta on FAKE NEWS CNN playing the libtard white house newsy moron who screamed at President Trump as the cause for yesterday’s shooting!
Remember when those libtards who went postal in Dallas, Baton Rouge and Alexandria, no libtard wanted to discuss the progressive climate that might have influenced that person’s actions. Happens all the time! Remember the bulls-eyes blamed on Sarah Palin by libtards?
Till Next Time!
Apparently Repukss love shithole places run by Russia. Good to see that they take glee in it.
Making America a Shithole Again
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — Barack Obama’s message to Democrats: Stop dreaming of him.
Will HA DUMMOCRETINS listen? Doubt it!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
A DHS official told NBC News that the practice of dividing parents and kids predates the Trump presidency. “DHS has continued a long-standing policy by the previous administration,” said the official, listing risk to the child and criminal prosecution of the parent as among the reasons for separation. [PuddyEmphasis]
Oh really? Apparently this was missed by HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
A DHS official told NBC News that the practice of dividing parents and kids predates the Trump presidency. “DHS has continued a long-standing policy by the previous administration,” said the official, listing risk to the child and criminal prosecution of the parent as among the reasons for separation. [PuddyEmphasis]
But numbers provided to NBC News by the Department of Homeland Security show that another 1,768 were separated from their parents between October 2016 and February 2018, bringing the total number of separated kids to more than 4,100.
among others. Oh, and you’re ASS U ME-ing he’s a “libtard,” whatever that is. I don’t know what his politics are, and neither do you. He might be one of your ilk. His behavior fits that profile.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 No previous administration systematically separated children from their parents for the purpose of deterring border jumping, and no one is objecting to taking children away from their parents when necessary to protect the child from parental neglect or abuse.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 I doubt it. He’s hiding out here. Funny how Puddy always runs to us for protection when his “friends” want to have a “friendly talk” with him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Well, waddaya know, Little Kim is cheating:
“U.S. intelligence agencies believe that North Korea has increased its production of fuel for nuclear weapons at multiple secret sites in recent months — and that Kim Jong Un may try to hide those facilities as he seeks more concessions in nuclear talks with the Trump administration, U.S. officials told NBC News.
“The intelligence assessment, which has not previously been reported, seems to counter the sentiments expressed by President Donald Trump, who tweeted after his historic June 12 summit with Kim that ‘there was no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Bye-bye Nobel Prize, but Trump is still in the running for the Neville Chamberlain Trophy for unilaterally withdrawing our troops from South Korea.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Golly senile idiot wabbit @42,
Puddy asked above So where are the left wrong media types blaming the progressive libtards for the behavior of one unhinged libtard moron in California threatening to kill someone’s children?
Not one of those links admit that left wrong progressive attacks drove that libtard to act as he did. Not one of those links condemn the man either!
BTW he’s definitely one of yours. He’s for Net Neutrality. Trump is not! But don’t that affect the senility your leetle mind possesses!
Another of your EPIC FAYLES!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Little Kim is cheating?
Maybe Trump knows this and is giving Little Rocket Man a chance to come clean?
“The intelligence assessment, which has not previously been reported” – ever think maybe James N. Mattis and Michael Pompeo and President Trump know this and NBC puts forth this swill for FOOLS like yourself to eat it up? If NBC has the intelligence assessment don’t you think others do too or are you REALLY THAT stooooooooooooooooooopid?
Must Be! NBC publishes this crap just for your consumption and boy you do consume it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Till Next Time!
““You went through a tough, tough situation, and I don’t think a very fair situation, but congratulations,” Trump said, according to the recording.”
“Melendez told The News on Friday he got through to Trump after calling the White House switchboard and putting on a “ridiculous” British accent while pretending to be Menendez’s secretary.”
Boy this has to hurt Bob really bad….his Buddy, Cheto Jehebus, being sympathetic to one of Bob’s “friends”. See Bob – Menendez isn’t the bad guy that you made him out to be – you’re spreading Fake News.
“The President wants to be accessible to members and likes engaging them and wants them to have the opportunity to connect,” the official told CNN. “The downside of that is sometimes the channels are open too widely and mistakes like this happen.””
Bob – try to reach out to Cheto Jehebus, maybe you talk to him about tariffs or something….maybe even ask about Hillary.
It’s Friday night, when a white supremacist’s thoughts turn to lynching a black man. I sure do hope it isn’t the loon’s neck that gets stretched tonight, even if he has it coming to him for being so damned stupid as to hang out with those fucks. It’d still make me feel so…SAD!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 “Not one of those links admit that left wrong progressive attacks drove that libtard to act as he did.”
That’s because there’s no evidence they did. He appears to be a mentally ill stalker who resented the newspaper’s coverage of the criminal proceedings against him.
“Not one of those links condemn the man either!”
The news media’s job is to report, not pontificate, although I can understand why someone who listens to nothing but Fox “News” wouldn’t know this.
… so if that’s a liberal/conservative thing, then Hillary must have got 83% of the votes and Trump, with his 17%, must be in office because of Russian hackers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 ” … ever think maybe James N. Mattis and Michael Pompeo and President Trump know this … ”
Mattis and Pompeo probably do, but Trump doesn’t listen to them, hates the intelligence agencies, and doesn’t read the intelligence briefings.
This is who dumbasses like you put in charge of our national security.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 @49 Trump is sucking up to Menendez because he wants his vote for a rightwing SCOTUS nominee who will overturn Roe v. Wade and force women into back alley butcher shops again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 It isn’t just who he hangs with. He’s stupid across the board.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why prescribe a $40 drug when you can prescribe a $39,000 drug, soak Medicare, and get kickbacks?
I could have said “woman of color,” but saying “colored woman” is more succinct, and it pisses off the progressives. Maxine is a low IQ waste of organic matter, none the less.
Probably no truth to the rumor that Barack Obama is competing in Bowling.
@1 You’re confused. That’s Puddy, not Obama. And he’s entered under Writing In English, not Bowling.
James Rosen could not be reached for comment.
Regardless of the shooter’s motives, I don’t think it’s sticking my neck out too far to suggest that maybe the President of the United States shouldn’t be attacking journalists as “the enemy of the American people.”
@3 So now you’re in favor of shooting journalists? Figures. You’re an evil dumbfuck.
I stand corrected @ 3
It was ‘enemy of the state’, not ‘enemy of the American people’.
“Literally, in writing declared me an enemy of the state by designating me as a criminal co-conspirator in an alleged violation of the Espionage Act. That was done in a secret FBI search warrant application submitted to and accepted and approved by a federal judge. Attorney General Holder later acknowledged that he personally signed off on that document and he later identified it as the greatest regret of his tenure. Nothing that we’ve seen so far from the Trump administration, at least yet, rises to that level of seriousness or nature in terms of any kind of attack or assault on the press.”
Not just CBS News, but its Philadelphia affiliate.
Cops are starting to leave the SPD in droves. Is there any real surprise? After being shit on by Seattle city clowncil, as well other left nuts, who can blame them?
Being forced to stand back and watch as the homeless drug zombies, rolling meth lab drivers, thieves, and other worthless parts of humanity wreck the city from one end to another must be tough to deal with.
Your city is a shithole, and it’s only getting worse. Hope your proud…..maybe you can vote in some more marxists and socialists! Hahjahahahahhahahahhahhaah
And no, don’t send us the bill….we warned you that your policies and lack of enforcement of laws would lead to this, and you didn’t listen. So fuck off and be content in living in a city that smells like human shit and piss, where you gotta hopscotch around bum turds, needles, and passed out zombies on the sidewalk.
Yay seattle!!!! Progressive haven!!!!
Womp womp…..
@5 Well, that was written in 2017, a month after Trump took office … I wonder what Rosen thinks of Trump’s press relations now? Working for Fox, he probably has all the access he wants, as long as he toes the party line.
P.S., Holder’s investigation was to find the source of classified leaks, not an attempt to muzzle Rosen, who merely reported the leaked highly sensitive information about North Korea.
@6 Yeah, it’s gotta be tough to stop arresting old people for Walking While Black and just catch criminals.
Speaking of shitholes, if you drive through rural Washington i.e. the red counties, you’ll see a lot of shabby trailers parked on 5-acre plots filled with junk cars and garbage bags heaped behind the back door. Our state’s Republicans live like pigs.
It’s not true that Democrats are stuck with a conservative SCOTUS for years or decades to come. Nothing in the Constitution dictates SCOTUS must have 9 justices. A post-Trump president and Congress could increase the court’s composition by as many justices as needed to get a liberal majority. And they’ll only need a simple Senate majority to confirm them.
Ya maybe, but the difference is those trailers and old cars are on PRIVATE PROPERTY. not in middle of the goddamned sidewalk, street, underpass, park, or other people’s yards.
Enjoy your shithole….remember, you asked for it
@10 A shithole is a shithole, regardless of whether it’s posted with “Trespassers Will Be Shot, Survivors Will Be Shot Again” signs.
I’m so happy to see that the loon didn’t get lynched by his white supremacist buddies. Too bad he’s more batshit insane and full of hate than ever. SAD!
@ 9
A post-Trump president and Congress could increase the court’s composition by as many justices as needed to get a liberal majority. And they’ll only need a simple Senate majority to confirm them.
Or, Trump and the current Congress could pack the Court with more conservative justices.
One day, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, your side will start to look at the broader picture. You’ll be long dead when it happens, but it will happen. Perhaps after your 2018 dreams fail to materialize. Perhaps after Trump’s re-election. But eventually your ilk will collectively realize that under Clinton and again under Obama, your side lost ground, overall.
Don’t you just love Maxine Waters? That is one low-IQ colored woman!
Funny. Low IQ troll @14 talks about a “colored” person being low IQ.
Remember when public service meant serving the public? Trump serves himself and his family.
I have no idea why this title was written in past tense:
Democrats badly underestimated Trump
With Justice Kennedy’s announcement coming at the same time that the court announced that it was dealing a major blow to public employee unions and upholding the president’s controversial travel ban, the implications of Trump’s sway over the highest court in the land were immediately apparent.
Whoever is president after 2020 will be dealing with a Supreme Court majority that has much less tolerance for strong intervention by the federal government…
@ 16
Trump serves himself and his family.
Now do the Clintons. All of them. Throw in the Rodhams, too.
@13 “But eventually your ilk will collectively realize that under Clinton and again under Obama, your side lost ground, overall.”
Yeah, our flawed candidate got only 3 million more votes than your treason candidate, and we’re probably going to pick up only one house of Congress this year — because we have to defend 3 times as many Senate seats in this cycle as you do.
Even in a system rigged in favor of lightly populated red states, your public support sucks, and you have to fall back on the Kochs and Mercers, Russian hackers, voter suppression, gerrymandering, obstructionism, and the nuclear option to make it work for you.
“your side lost ground, overall.”
I’m sure if the Democrats used gerrymandering, suppression of the white hillbilly vote, and had welcomed Russia meddling in the elections in their favor, they’d win more often.
@15 Why bother? I don’t talk to brain-dead racist shitheads.
Yesterday was Stress Test Day, Part Two.
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. JPM, -0.03% said it will increase its quarterly dividend to 80 cents a share from 56 cents a share and buy back up to $20.7 billion in stock. American Express Co. AXP, +1.34% will hike its quarterly dividend 11% to 39 cents a share and buy back up to $3.4 billion in shares. Citigroup Inc. C, +0.62% said it will increase its quarterly dividend to 45 cents a share from 32 cents a share and buy back up to $17.6 billion in shares. Wells Fargo & Co. WFC, +4.21% said it will increase its quarterly dividend to 43 cents from 39 cents a share and buy back up to $24.5 billion in stock. Bank of America Corp. BAC, -1.13% said it will increase its quarterly dividend by 25% to 15 cents a share and buy back up to $20.6 billion in shares. Fifth Third Bancorp FITB, +0.37% increased its quarterly dividend to 22 cents a share from 18 cents a share, and said it would buy back up to $1.65 billion in shares.
For a bank, a 42+% increase in the quarterly dividend is massive.
Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, why didn’t GE Capital bring home the bacon for its parent company?
@17 “a Supreme Court majority that has much less tolerance for strong intervention by the federal government”
Now there’s an interesting concept. It’s not like federal agents are going around stopping everyone and demanding IDs now …
@18 At least our crooks throw in some public service. Your crooks are nothing but takers.
@22 “For a bank, a 42+% increase in the quarterly dividend is massive.”
For an investor, a 42+% increase in the quarterly dividend is meaningless. It simply means a higher proportion of capital is being distributed instead of retained. It doesn’t add one cent to earnings or shareholder value. All it does is increase the taxes JPM shareholders have to pay on their dividend income.
It’s funny you mention JPM this morning, because I’ve been shopping for another bank stock, and I was looking at JPM again last night and this morning. Know how much JPM went up today in response to its massive dividend increase? With the ex-dividend date only a week away, it’s -0.6% on the day. That’s right, JPM’s stock price is FELL on the news of a massive dividend hike.
Nowadays, most stock is bought and sold by institutional investors and professional traders, and they’re not as stupid as mom-and-pop dabblers like you. You’re the jackass who didn’t short GE at 23.
Oh, and as for me, I’m not buying JPM’s dividend raise. I don’t see value there. I’m more interested in U.S. Bancorp because it has better total return prospects going forward.
When I want investing advice from a dumbfuck, I’ll let you know.
Oh yeah, one more thing, the Dow — which was +293 points the last time you looked — closed at +55 points and probably would have gone negative if the market had stayed open another 30 minutes. DJIA fell over 300 points this week thanks to Orange Moron’s shenanigans.
“A article posted Thursday proclaimed a ‘mass exodus’ of Seattle police officers …. It said departing officers were leaving, in part, because of their concerns about the city’s elected officials. But the data doesn’t support the officers’ claim of mass exodus from the department.
“Seattle police released statistics for the last four years about the number of departures and new hires. Since 2015, the number of new hires surpassed the number of separations.”
Of course, that doesn’t mean there are no disgruntled officers. It doesn’t help that Seattle cops haven’t gotten a raise for 4 years: “A source within the department attributed some of the departures to the rising cost of living in Seattle: Why would an officer who can’t afford to live in the city commute and work for SPD when he could work for a jurisdiction closer to home?”
But then, the federal minimum wage hasn’t been raised in 9 years, and Doctor Dumbfuck is perfectly okay with that. And cops start from a much higher base than the minimum. So they’re doing better than the fast food workers, nursing home assistants, and retail clerks that Doctor Dumbfuck thinks should live in their cars and live on food stamps as their reward for showing up for a job and putting in 40 hours a week of often-backbreaking labor. (If Doctor Dumbfuck thinks lifting patients is easy, he should try it sometime. I’ll bet it takes 6 aides to lift him and he’s going to need extra pallbearers.)
Another Trumper trumping.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump emboldened these people. The police need to take their guns away before they start shooting cops. We know they’re dangerous. Yesterday it was a newspaper office, tomorrow it will be a police station. Nobody wants that so please, please, please, take their guns away.
Once again the senile idiot wabbit has Puddy “on the brain” Actually the senile wabbit brain hasn’t been found yet! Good to see Puddy has caused POD again!
Till Next Time!
A well written article on how libtards give their “crew” a pass while attacking Fox!
Till Next Time!
Where organ donations come from.
The bright side is the donors usually are young and healthy, so the organs should be in good shape, except the ones that are crushed.
We know they’re dangerous. Yesterday it was a newspaper office, tomorrow it will be a police station. Nobody wants that so please, please, please, take their guns away.
Yet in the Wednesday thread the same senile idiot wabbit claimed the NY Slimes could not pin the shooter as a Trumper or Republican. What changed senile idiot wabbit? Once again the senile idiot wabbit FARTS some smelly horsesASS manure in another thread!
Peeeeeeeuuuu another senile idiot wabbit polluted thread!
Till Next Time!
@29 “Once again the senile idiot wabbit has Puddy “on the brain””
No, we’re worried about you, given what we know about your friends.
the federal minimum wage hasn’t been raised in 9 years
So are Seattle Police making the minimum wage senile idiot wabbit? Puddy saw no reference to the federal minimum wage in the article senile idiot wabbit! Using your “logic” from Wednesday senile idiot wabbit… Another EPIC FAYLE!
Now wait for the standard mayonnaise moronic ASS cracker response from the senile idiot wabbit!
Till Next Time!
Latest Harvard poll:
60% of DUMMOCRETINS do not want ICE abolished. Yet leading Congressional DUMMOCRETINS want ICE abolished. Amazing horsesASS manure!
Till Next Time!
Another libtard arrested for being a libtard!
So where are the left wrong media types blaming the progressive libtards for the behavior of one unhinged libtard moron in California threatening to kill someone’s children? Yet we heard loud and clear FAKE NEWS Jim Acosta on FAKE NEWS CNN playing the libtard white house newsy moron who screamed at President Trump as the cause for yesterday’s shooting!
Remember when those libtards who went postal in Dallas, Baton Rouge and Alexandria, no libtard wanted to discuss the progressive climate that might have influenced that person’s actions. Happens all the time! Remember the bulls-eyes blamed on Sarah Palin by libtards?
Till Next Time!
Apparently Repukss love shithole places run by Russia. Good to see that they take glee in it.
Making America a Shithole Again
Message from Obummer to HA DUMMOCRETINS…
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — Barack Obama’s message to Democrats: Stop dreaming of him.
Will HA DUMMOCRETINS listen? Doubt it!
Till Next Time!
A DHS official told NBC News that the practice of dividing parents and kids predates the Trump presidency. “DHS has continued a long-standing policy by the previous administration,” said the official, listing risk to the child and criminal prosecution of the parent as among the reasons for separation. [PuddyEmphasis]
Oh really? Apparently this was missed by HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
A DHS official told NBC News that the practice of dividing parents and kids predates the Trump presidency. “DHS has continued a long-standing policy by the previous administration,” said the official, listing risk to the child and criminal prosecution of the parent as among the reasons for separation. [PuddyEmphasis]
But numbers provided to NBC News by the Department of Homeland Security show that another 1,768 were separated from their parents between October 2016 and February 2018, bringing the total number of separated kids to more than 4,100.
Oh really? Apparently this was missed by HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
Will tonight be the night the loon’s white supremacist buddies finally lynch him? SAD!
@36 “So where are the left wrong media types”
and here,
among others. Oh, and you’re ASS U ME-ing he’s a “libtard,” whatever that is. I don’t know what his politics are, and neither do you. He might be one of your ilk. His behavior fits that profile.
@39 No previous administration systematically separated children from their parents for the purpose of deterring border jumping, and no one is objecting to taking children away from their parents when necessary to protect the child from parental neglect or abuse.
@41 I doubt it. He’s hiding out here. Funny how Puddy always runs to us for protection when his “friends” want to have a “friendly talk” with him.
Well, waddaya know, Little Kim is cheating:
“U.S. intelligence agencies believe that North Korea has increased its production of fuel for nuclear weapons at multiple secret sites in recent months — and that Kim Jong Un may try to hide those facilities as he seeks more concessions in nuclear talks with the Trump administration, U.S. officials told NBC News.
“The intelligence assessment, which has not previously been reported, seems to counter the sentiments expressed by President Donald Trump, who tweeted after his historic June 12 summit with Kim that ‘there was no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Bye-bye Nobel Prize, but Trump is still in the running for the Neville Chamberlain Trophy for unilaterally withdrawing our troops from South Korea.
Golly senile idiot wabbit @42,
Puddy asked above So where are the left wrong media types blaming the progressive libtards for the behavior of one unhinged libtard moron in California threatening to kill someone’s children?
Not one of those links admit that left wrong progressive attacks drove that libtard to act as he did. Not one of those links condemn the man either!
BTW he’s definitely one of yours. He’s for Net Neutrality. Trump is not! But don’t that affect the senility your leetle mind possesses!
Another of your EPIC FAYLES!
Till Next Time!
Little Kim is cheating?
Maybe Trump knows this and is giving Little Rocket Man a chance to come clean?
“The intelligence assessment, which has not previously been reported” – ever think maybe James N. Mattis and Michael Pompeo and President Trump know this and NBC puts forth this swill for FOOLS like yourself to eat it up? If NBC has the intelligence assessment don’t you think others do too or are you REALLY THAT stooooooooooooooooooopid?
Must Be! NBC publishes this crap just for your consumption and boy you do consume it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Till Next Time!
““You went through a tough, tough situation, and I don’t think a very fair situation, but congratulations,” Trump said, according to the recording.”
“Melendez told The News on Friday he got through to Trump after calling the White House switchboard and putting on a “ridiculous” British accent while pretending to be Menendez’s secretary.”
Boy this has to hurt Bob really bad….his Buddy, Cheto Jehebus, being sympathetic to one of Bob’s “friends”. See Bob – Menendez isn’t the bad guy that you made him out to be – you’re spreading Fake News.
“The President wants to be accessible to members and likes engaging them and wants them to have the opportunity to connect,” the official told CNN. “The downside of that is sometimes the channels are open too widely and mistakes like this happen.””
Bob – try to reach out to Cheto Jehebus, maybe you talk to him about tariffs or something….maybe even ask about Hillary.
It’s Friday night, when a white supremacist’s thoughts turn to lynching a black man. I sure do hope it isn’t the loon’s neck that gets stretched tonight, even if he has it coming to him for being so damned stupid as to hang out with those fucks. It’d still make me feel so…SAD!
@46 “Not one of those links admit that left wrong progressive attacks drove that libtard to act as he did.”
That’s because there’s no evidence they did. He appears to be a mentally ill stalker who resented the newspaper’s coverage of the criminal proceedings against him.
“Not one of those links condemn the man either!”
The news media’s job is to report, not pontificate, although I can understand why someone who listens to nothing but Fox “News” wouldn’t know this.
“He’s for Net Neutrality.”
So is 83% of the American public …
… so if that’s a liberal/conservative thing, then Hillary must have got 83% of the votes and Trump, with his 17%, must be in office because of Russian hackers.
@47 ” … ever think maybe James N. Mattis and Michael Pompeo and President Trump know this … ”
Mattis and Pompeo probably do, but Trump doesn’t listen to them, hates the intelligence agencies, and doesn’t read the intelligence briefings.–that-trump-doesnt-read-his-daily-intel-briefing-or-that-jared-kushner-does/2018/02/11/faad67e4-0f30-11e8-9065-e55346f6de81_story.html?utm_term=.054a9f99d7bc
This is who dumbasses like you put in charge of our national security.
@48 @49 Trump is sucking up to Menendez because he wants his vote for a rightwing SCOTUS nominee who will overturn Roe v. Wade and force women into back alley butcher shops again.
@50 It isn’t just who he hangs with. He’s stupid across the board.
Why prescribe a $40 drug when you can prescribe a $39,000 drug, soak Medicare, and get kickbacks?
15 & 21
I could have said “woman of color,” but saying “colored woman” is more succinct, and it pisses off the progressives. Maxine is a low IQ waste of organic matter, none the less.