What ever happened to Seattle nice?
I was on the bus over the weekend, and I sat in the seats over the wheels that face each other, as opposed to the ones that face forward. It was bright out, so I had my sunglasses on. I should say for this story that they weren’t particularly dark.
I wasn’t really paying attention to anything other than the podcast about the Holy Roman Empire that I was listening to. The guy sitting across from me says, “where are you getting off the bus?”
I assumed he was going to need some help with something and was looking for a recruit. I really didn’t know. “Queen Anne.”
He didn’t say anything for a bit and then angrily said, “take your fucking glasses off. You’re being creepy.”
Now, I’m not damaging my eyes because some coked up (?) jackass on the bus is having a paranoid reaction to me sitting. So I sort of nod my head no, and go back to the podcast. Now guy who is concerned about creepy people on the bus is starting at me intently. And I have to pay him much more attention than I had been. He got off the bus before me and the rest of the section of the bus started laughing at him.
Be nicer, Seattle.
Watching a whole shitload of homeless people erect tents on your block can have an effect on your interactions with others.
Or maybe the guy had listened to KUOW that morning:
To recap: The city of Seattle overspent its budget on homelessness before the City Council voted on the head tax. Unless something changes, most of the money raised by the head tax will cover previous spending commitments — not new spending.
Of course, for people like ‘froggy, this means no change at all:
The Supreme Court Just Made It A Lot Harder For You To Sue Your Employer
Op-Ed piece from Bill Clinton’s pollster (and advisor during the impeachment period):
Stopping Robert Mueller to protect us all
Y’know, I was just thinkin’ back to the pre-2016 election period in which people would write that the next president might have the opportunity to appoint as many as FOUR new Supreme Court justices.
So Democrats nominated a corrupt insider to do it.
Hey y’all, guess who’s in the news yet again?
At Yale, Hillary Clinton says she’s still not over her election loss
To be fair, neither is Steve.
Don’t worry about him, Carl. He’s just one of Doctor Dumbfuck’s friends.
@2 Sure glad I’m not a worker. You’re much better off being a capitalist leech like me. Productive work is punished in this country.
Remember the political party that ranted and shouted about Hillary compromising confidential information by using a private email server? They were just kidding about confidential information, of course.
“Pope Francis reportedly tells gay man: ‘God made you like this and he loves you’.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The throw-em-off-rooftops faction will hate this.
@5 The only thing I can’t get over is what a dumbfuck you are.
Speak English! Dep’t
Speaking Spanish in Montana violates the Trump regime’s apartheid rules, but go ahead and do it anyway, as an act of civil disobedience. Wasting a border agent’s time may help another Dreamer stay here another day.
@ 8
Yes, only the DOJ and the FBI should be allowed to play fast and loose with classified intel they leak to Ronan Farrow, NYT, and WaPo.
You’re gonna get more Trump. Keep it up.
This was so hard to see or detect.
I’m sure the Markets see the light.
China / US Trade relations – bullshit news coming out of the Fake Presidential Administration.
Don’t be fooled people.
Of course, Doctor Dumbfuck, being a Tide American (i.e., “whiter than white”), can’t even imagine what it’s like to get stopped by the police or immigration agents and forced to prove your citizenship every time you leave your house to buy milk and eggs; and therefore is perfectly okay with it.
Carl – the World is becoming an ugly place, thanks to The Hump and Repukes.
We no longer really have to worry or care about Climate Change now that we have paranoid nut jobs walking the streets….it will get worse.
@10 Well, he can’t point to anything positive that Trump, Ryan, and McConnell have done, so what else could he talk about?
@12 “You’re gonna get more Trump.”
As a factual observation, this has validity, in the same spirit as “You’re gonna get more Hitler,” “more Stalin,” more Mussolini, etc. But only dumbfucks think that’s a good thing.
@14 The Dow is up 300 points today merely on hope that Trump won’t fuck up the global economy. His ability to move markets with the spoken word is amazing.
I’m going to go out on a limb here. I have to say I agree with Bob on the homeless issue, in that it is becoming too big a problem and that we don’t hold the homeless more accountable.
I probably have more compassion than Bob, in the sense that I don’t think the solution will be solved by not helping and telling them to just get a job.
But it is becoming an epidemic that isn’t being dealt with correctly by just unlimited funds to not improve their lives and to hold them accountable for themselves and hold them accountable to not be as much of a nuisance as they are.
I was just thinking this yesterday as I was walking home from the gym. I might be generalizing but there are too many down and out people just wandering the street or littering the streets with their shit and food, along with their own bodies sprawled out on the sidewalks. They drink and do drugs right in the open along with peeing and defecating in plain day light. Sure not all, but when it becomes very common and we just accept it for what it is and allow it to get worse then we are doing them and ourselves no favors.
Just because you are homeless and beg on the street doesn’t give you the right to not use the trash can.
Sure – people that are not homeless litter too, but generally people frown upon them, yet the homeless individual leaves a half eaten sandwich on the ground, that attracts rats, and we just walk by.
I’m for solutions even if it requires tax payer money, but the solutions need to be effective and have results. And that isn’t happening.
@19 what is more amazing, and what I question, is the Markets stupidity of believing in him. Can’t fault The Hump on that. Wall Street doesn’t have any more integrity than The Hump.
@2 I don’t agree with the decision necessarily, but great – I can’t wait till some Repuke wants to Sue but then gets fucked!
I never once complain about my taxes….I understand that taxes are part of making the “World” go round. And generally I am for welfare programs and good wages including for municipal employees.
But I have to say DeBlasio is doing a shitty job of the upkeep of NYC. Now 7-8 million people live here, along with the many tourists that visit, and I understand that that is part of the problem here but that doesn’t excuse mismanagement of supervision with employees that aren’t doing a better job at maintaining this city.
Speaking of the gym – I belong to 2 gyms….one more costly that I prefer and also Planet Fitness because I (and a Personal Trainer) can get away with working out there with a Personal Trainer – where as the other gym doesn’t allow private Personal Trainers, although I also use on occasion their Personal Trainers.
Anyways, the cost of the monthly membership at PF in NYC is under $30/Month (without other fees). Not sure why a business like PF can stay in business at that low cost (compared to the other gym) yet we can’t get the homeless to take showers. Give them all a membership to a PF – make them workout and take showers and allow them to shit and pee, off of the streets.
@21 The markets don’t believe him. The institutional investors who dominate the market aren’t stupid. They try to guess what he’s going to do and then react to the possible consequences for their investments.
Much in the way that the unemployment rate can’t fall much further, the GOP would have a hard time gaining more seats in the US House of Representatives.
But much more comes out about the abuse of the DOJ by careerists beholden to liberal politicians, and that theory might just be tested.
Glenn Greenwald
That the FBI and its allies spent weeks falsely implying that their informant was some sort of secret, covert, sensitive, undercover asset – when in fact he’s a well-known CIA operative with a long, public history of dirty ops – is exactly why people shouldn’t trust their claims:
The Intercept
It’s easy to understand why many people in Washington were so desperate to conceal the FBI informant’s identity, but that desperation had nothing to do with the lofty and noble concerns for national security they claimed were motivating them. (link: https://interc.pt/2IrRJE2) interc.pt/2IrRJE2
4:35 AM · May 20, 2018
Seriously, HA libbies, this is how you’re gonna get more Trump.
@ 25
The institutional investors who dominate the market aren’t stupid.
Agreed, but they’re balanced by individual investors like yourself, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, who are incredibly stupid.
As there are so many supporters of the career advancement of women in the HA community, it would be remiss of me not to share
video of the swearing-in ceremony of new CIA Director Gina Haspel.
At the beginning, the singing of our nation’s national anthem, and all of those Republicans behind the singer with their hands over their hearts, is enough to bring tears to the eyes of everyone who is not a liberal.
Next is an opening prayer. ’cause Country First.
Wanna know how badly y’all’s ilk came off when y’all criticized Trump for referring to MS-13 as animals, libbies?
This is the actual title of a statement put out by the White House today:
What You Need To Know About The Violent Animals Of MS-13
More Trump? Why, surely. Y’all completely lost perspective and y’all deserve More Trump. Good and hard y’all deserve it.
‘specially EJ Dionne.
Drumpf should be impeached.
Forget about Russia and drumpf’s brownosing of Vlad for his personal gain for the moment – there’s enough on the shameless use (and expense) of Drumpf properties for the freak’s weekenders, the stupid condemnation of the Qataris when they balked on bailing out the Kushner’s white elephant tower in Manhattan and now der drumpfer’s weepy concerns about Chinese jobs and ZTE (China’s spy tool) when it so happens the Chinese want to invest in a drumpf branded property. It goes on and on.
The freak is corrupt to the core. Impeachment is a huge political risk but absolutely necessary. This shit that’s going on is nasty.
IMO, that’s all that needs to be said besides vote the assholes out in November.
Heh. If it was a dem nominee boob would be cracking that she slept her way through the glass ceiling.
She tortured her way instead. And then destroyed the evidence. Cuz the worst crime a klownservatic can commit is getting caught.
Boob approved. Congrats Gina.
i.e. a distraction from ….
the white nationalist ethnic cleansing of the United States.
Well done drumpfers.. You got boob in your corner.
btw, ICE has become drumpf’s “national police force”..
And the labor participation rate strangely hasn’t budged…
Two pinocchios for asshole Kevin McCarthy. A turd in the punchbowl just for boob.
“Y’all completely lost perspective and y’all”
Could you possibly be more lame? Yes, of course.
What a douche. And a dumbfuck.
You freaks spend as much time hating on each other than you do hating us. March in absolute lockstep with the Orange Buffoon’s quest to get away with treason or else!
“Jeanine Pirro Calls Jeff Sessions ‘The Most Dangerous Man In America’”
You dumbfuck fascists are fucked up beyond words.
What I’ve been saying all along:
“The fiscal outlook for the United States ‘is not good,’ according to Goldman Sachs, and could pose a threat to the country’s economic security during the next recession. … Economic growth should jump above 3 percent in 2018 thanks to the stimuli, … but the acceleration will likely prove brief, and debt … will soar …. ”
The country couldn’t afford the Trump tax cuts, which do little or nothing for the middle class or workers, but that didn’t stop Trump and the GOP from hijacking our economic future to pay off their billionaire donors.
Next, they’ll tell us we have to eviscerate Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, CHIP, food stamps, and all manner of other public benefits because of the fiscal straits they put the country in.
The GOP is led by a man who doesn’t honor his contracts, doesn’t pay his bills, and stiffs his creditors. When the ignorant rubes who voted this regime into power come crying to me, I’m going to say, “Sorry, that’s your problem.”
@26 Looks like the IRS-picking-on-conservatives story ran out of gas, and the FBI-picking-on-Trump story is the next novel in the series. This stuff is what boob reads when his head isn’t buried in National Enquirer.
@27 Yeah, I also heard a sheep going “baaa-aa” as it was getting shorn, but I assumed that was you.
@28 Here’s Doctor Dumbfuck tearing up over the installation of a torturer at the CIA. But you can’t expect a dumbfuck to possess a moral compass. Morality is too complicated a concept for him to comprehend.
@33 Amazon has the right idea. They’ll pay you $5,000 to quit their $28,000-a-year warehouse job and never work for them again.
If not for Comey & McCabe, Hillary Clinton might be president today. And yet libbies think Team Trump should not have fired them.
Clinton allies say the candidate’s name could have been cleared much faster if the FBI acted on the emails as soon as they knew of their existence.
An inspector general report examining a broad range of FBI actions during the Clinton email investigation will criticize officials, including Comey, for not moving fast enough to examine the email trove and for a weekslong delay in getting a warrant, according to people familiar with the matter who were not authorized to discuss it publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity to The Associated Press.
Hillary-supporting FBI leadership scores own goal. It won’t be the last.
@41 – you are fucked up beyond words.
Dude, there’s a whole future out there that needs to be worked on – try to do some good in life and help the future.
You have no goal other than to create chaos – typical Repuke.
Get a life. You project as if you are on the edge of smoking crack.
@42 “…do some good in life and help the future.”
Bob and his ilk can’t do that nor will they ever do that. Why? Because they are fixated on the past and making everyone try and fit into their utopian society of the the early 1800’s.
Asshole of the day. A Texassian, of course.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump and his supporters built this.
Doctor Dumbfuck postures as if Trump is somehow a superior alternative to Hillary, not realizing that even for all of her flaws, this is so absurd it makes Doc a laughingstock.
More sober people, like Dubya’s former chief ethics counsel, realize they can’t be Republicans anymore.
Democrats have decided on their 2018 campaign theme: They’re going to run against corruption.
These cops must be Puddy’s friends. Sure hope they don’t shoot him for having tree sap on his car.
On whose behalf one wonders? From the same Greenwald article:
Oh, that was strangely missing from boob’s quote. Halper was a dirty trickster loyal to the Bushes, a Republican.. And the freak helped sabotage Carter’s re-election campaign. Boob oddly forgot to thank Halper.. If Teddy earned boob’s thanks for 1980 why not Halper?
Oh well, gotta give it to drumpf. drumpf sure made Jeb look like an idiot.
Doncha luv it when they eat each other?
@ 48
Oh, that was strangely missing from boob’s quote.
It was missing from my quote, you third-tier feminine fuck, because it was missing from what I quoted @ 26 in full.
Furthermore, you moronic twat, Halper’s previous experience as an operative of sorts might have been well-known in Washington circles, but it wasn’t to those he was attempting to engage on Team Trump. That does not help Mueller fight any entrapment allegations that might arise as more of this becomes publicly known.
LOL @ bottom of barrel freak troll @ 49
Nothing about Halper’s ties to the Bushes @26 because you’re a bald and limp dumbass…
When caught with your ass flappin’ in the breeze you go full misogynist like the bottom feeding freak you are.
Halper is a Republican and you can’t even thank him for Jimmy Carter.. But since he was MIA or feckless against Clinton and Obama guess you can’t forgive him for that. So you use Greenwald to “Greenwald-wash” another Republican.
Awwwwww… Sux to be you.
Too funny that the fringy always wrong wing websites are calling Stefan Halper an “Obama agent”..
Guess that’s the fate of old time Bushies these days – associated by freaks like boob with the black guy.
Oh speaking of the black guy, the always wrongists are havin’ a racist freakout about the black couple’s deal with Netflix:
‘Netflix Works With Terrorists’
Heh. Bet that brings back the “terrorist fist jab” days for freaks like boob.
Wherein a female conservative commentator calls Sarah Fuckabee “odious” and “awful.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: But then, there isn’t much about this administration that isn’t odious and awful, is there?
@49 Mueller doesn’t need to entrap Trump. Trump, his family, and their associates do that quite well by themselves, without outside help. But they’ll always have you defending them, because you’re a dumbfuck.
@51 “Guess that’s the fate of old time Bushies these days”
Understandable. They’re struggling with a defection problem. See, e.g: ” … Painter served in the Bush administration from 2005 to 2007 and is now running for U.S. Senate as a Democrat … ”
Even Republicans don’t want to be Republicans anymore. Except for Doctor Dumbfuck; his loyalty to the party of racism, misogyny, stupidity, and corruption is boundless.
This is what happens when you give “free stuff” to homeless “welfare queens”.
A.) Fifty percent.
Q.) What percentage of Dumbfuck’s commentary is devoted to the laughably absurd notion that Democrats in the minority in every co-equal branch must be persuaded to help The PornHub Party stop investigating itself.
“Hep me! Hep me!”
A.) Fifty percent.
Q.) How stupid do you have to be to permanently trade away all claims to patriotism and allegiance to the world’s greatest democracy to pimply Moldvan script-kids merely for the freedom to tell racist jokes again?