I see we’re into the redemption phase of the me to movement. It seems pretty quick. I don’t know the correct amount of time, but even as someone who believes in second chances, this seems rushed. Especially since most people haven’t faced any legal punishment.
Also, I’m not seeing any steps that people are taking to prevent future harassment and assault by people credibly accused of past bad acts. No clearly laying out future consequences if they keep acting the same. Maybe that’s impossible, but then all the more reason not to start the redemption tour.
So, that Russian lawyer Donnie Jr. met with Trump Tower to discuss orphans and possibly other subjects — Natalia Whatz-Ir-Name — is an instrument of the Russian government. Interesting.
No wonder they’re popping pills in Trump’s shop.
The walls are closing in.
I heard it wasn’t as bad as this. She only said ‘lying cunt’ but everyone at the meeting knew immediately the person she was referring to.
The Center For American Progress Staff Was Shocked After Neera Tanden Named The Anonymous Harassment Victim In An All-Staff Meeting
But during the meeting Wednesday afternoon, Tanden named the anonymous victim at the center that story — a revelation that a CAP spokesperson said was unintentional — and what began as a tense meeting became what three staffers in the room described as a textbook example of the organization’s failures to appropriately handle sexual harassment cases.
“Neera lost the organization today,” another CAP employee who was in the meeting said. “There was so much angst in that room. She outed the victim, and the subtext of every question was a lack of confidence in her leadership and ability to create trust within the organization.”
In a statement to BuzzFeed News, a CAP spokesperson said that Tanden “unintentionally said the complainant’s first name in the meeting today, and immediately and profusely apologized for it.”
Imagine if my @Eagles got the first pick in tonight’s NFL draft because they won the Super Bowl. That’s how capitalism works.
Imagine if the worst teams in the NFL each year were without exception always the same teams, so they were given the best draft picks each and every year, but still were always the worst, no matter how many preferred draft picks, many billions of shared TV revenue, and contractually required nationally televised appearances they received. Oh, and taxpayers had to pick up the tab for their stadia that housed them.
That’s how society works.
@3 “Imagine if the worst teams in the NFL each year were without exception always the same teams … ”
Well, that’s not hard to imagine, given that we live this same nightmare in politics year after year. The GOP never gets any better.
Paul Ryan fired the house chaplain because he gave a prayer urging aid to the poor during the tax debate.
That’s your modern American Christian Movement.
“Don’t even discuss the poor. Jesus was rich you cuck. Fuck them it’s their fault. BOOTSTRAPS!”
After the Bush/GOP financial meltdown Black unemployment in the US reached almost 17%. Under President Obama the rate was under 8% in December 2016.
45 wants to brag that it continued to drop a single point since he took office.
You’re not fooling anyone. Except our loon. He’s not smart.
What a den of thieves looks like …
“President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, whose business dealings are being investigated by the FBI, and his father-in-law have lent $26 million in recent years to a taxi mogul who is shifting into the legalized marijuana industry, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press. Semyon ‘Sam’ Shtayner, a longtime business associate of Michael Cohen’s father-in-law, created Nevada-based Cannaboss LLC the day before the 2016 election.” …
“One former Cohen business partner, who managed Cohen’s taxis for years, is accused in a lawsuit by creditors of hiding his assets in financial disclosures to his bank — including a luxury apartment in a Trump skyscraper.” …
“Another former cab manager of Cohen’s has declared bankruptcy and is facing criminal charges from state prosecutors in New York, who accuse him of pocketing nearly $5 million in taxes.”
“The business relationship among Cohen, Shusterman and Shtayner stretches back years. Property records in New York show that Shtayner and Shusterman were among the investors in an upper Manhattan taxi garage and auto repair shop in the 1990s. Shusterman — who, like Shtayner, started as a cab driver after emigrating from Ukraine — pleaded guilty in 1993 to federal money-laundering charges in a tax-evasion case involving cab drivers and a Brooklyn accountant.”
The draft. A system where the best at their profession are not allowed to set their own market rate, determine the nature and place of their employment and negotiate their value as an employee.
Now I’m curious how many people Trump’s personal lawyer has had whacked.
@8 And where (a) all the employers are billionaires, and (b) all the franchises are heavily taxpayer-subsidized.
The NFL and MLB have devised the perfect business model: Taxpayers pay for the stadium, and the “lessee” keeps all the ticket, concession, and parking revenue.
@5 It started with a shabby lie that the chaplain “resigned.” It’s not going to end quietly.
“At least 100 lawmakers have signed a letter demanding answers from Speaker Paul Ryan about his decision to oust the chaplain of the House of Representatives.”
Then more lies were piled on:
“Ryan spokeswoman AshLee Strong said Thursday, ‘The speaker consulted with the minority leader ….’
“When Ryan gave Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi advance notice about Conroy’s departure, she made it clear that she disagreed ….”
Memo to His Lordship: “Giving notice” isn’t “consulting.”
Child molesting, wife beating, golden showering, pill popping, pussy grabbing, Russia colluding, porn fucking, and now pot dealing.
It makes me dizzy. This is who they are now.
@ 13
Memo to His Lordship: “Giving notice” isn’t “consulting.”
Memo to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit: Obstructing each and every nominee who requires Senate confirmation isn’t offering advice and consent, either.
Not even giving them a hearing is?
They were warned. Still they persisted.
How good a day is this for Trump?
It’s a day during which North and South Korea signed an agreement for complete denuclearization.
It’s a day during which the House Intel Committee absolved Team Trump of collusion with Russia. So far, Team Mueller has yet to disagree.
It’s a day during which Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s biggest concern is that the former House chaplain might not be able to find another high-profile gig. ’cause he’s got nothin’ else.
@ 16
Biden Rule.
The word you were looking for, Klamath McHillbilly, is ‘precedent’. Not persistence.
Except for the dozens of indictments and guilty pleas… this is absolutely true.
Also of note, until 24 hours ago William Henry Cosby, Jr. was “absolved” of sexual assault. Funny world.
@17 what next? A moon landing?
Bob is so naïve….he believes in this fake news shit.
@ 19
Also of note, until 24 hours ago William Henry Cosby, Jr. was “absolved” of sexual assault. Funny world.
Don’t forget Comey absolved Hillary. Twice, even.
I thought that was fuckin’ hilarious.
The funny thing about “precedent” is that it persists.
Dumbfuck, it’s your White House, your House of Representatives, your Senate, your Court, your FBI, and your DOJ.
If you can’t get the job done whose fault is that?
Wherein Natalia Whatz-Ir-Name, who previously described herself as a private attorney, admitted being a Kremlin “informant” (her term).
In other news,
“A federal judge in Washington has thrown out a civil lawsuit brought by President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman that sought to challenge the authority of the special counsel in the Russia investigation. The decision was a blow to Paul Manafort’s defense against special counsel Robert Mueller.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Manafort isn’t the only Trump crony who’s sooooooo fucked.
@17 “It’s a day during which North and South Korea signed an agreement for complete denuclearization.”
This really shows how far people will go to avoid having anything to do with Trump, eewwwwwwwwww.
@15 “Obstructing each and every nominee who requires Senate confirmation isn’t offering advice and consent, either.”
You’re just now figuring that out?
Manafot’s hopes to avoid jail for his multiple felonies don’t rest on a criminal legal defense.
@ 24
To NBC News, today:
“I am a lawyer, and I am an informant,” she reportedly admitted in the NBC interview. “Since 2013, I have been actively communicating with the office of the Russian prosecutor general.”
To NBC News, last July:
Veselnitskaya was described in the emails as a Russian government attorney. In interviews on Tuesday, she denied that. “I have never worked for the [Russian] government,” she told NBC Nightly News.
She was either lying then or she’s lying now. Apparently being in that situation is problematic to someone like Juanita Broaddrick.
Should be problematic to Mueller as well, to the extent he tries to make something of this.
@15 Of course, there’s a material difference between obstructing Obama’s appointees and opposing Trump’s appointees. Obama didn’t appoint the likes of Flynn, DeVos, Pruitt, the pill doctor, etc., to positions of public trust. Voting against Trump’s appointees is a patriotic duty of loyal Americans. But don’t expect a dumbfuck to know the difference between a normal appointee and a Trump appointee.
Meanwhile, the GOP speaker fires a priest from a chaplain job for not hating poor people vehemently enough.
“That’s a beautiful soccer team you have. It would be a shame if something happened to them … ”
Another magnificent accomplishment of the PornHub Presidency:
The Dildo Navy has received an upgrade to it’s fighting capability.
Behold the new and improved Modafinil/Dildo Navy!
@29 “Should be problematic to Mueller as well”
Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck thinks a lying criminal is a major problem for a veteran prosecutor like Mueller.
I agree with the doctor about one thing, though: Juanita Broaddrick isn’t much of a witness. Even he can see that.
Apparently being in that situation is problematic to someone like Juanita Broaddrick.
Wherein the failed spawn of a Brady List blue button, trailer-splains the relationship between witness credibility and motivation to lie.
Biggest loser: Don Jr. who being raised as he has been probably suffers from the same confusion as Dumbfuck.
Pro tip: Guys like Mueller have a stockpile of tactics and decades of experience using them to disarm lying felons like these people. Just think about how only 12 months ago it was a “limited” inquiry into Russian campaign meddling involving a small team of DOJ lawyers and only a dozen or so FBI agents. Twelve months later and it’s coast to coast, multiple jurisdictions, multiple agencies, multiple indictments, and growing steadily.
And you did it to yourselves.
Don’t worry. Rudy promises to “wrap it all up” in a “week or two”.
@ 34
Just think about how only 12 months ago it was a “limited” inquiry…
Yeah, those things have a way of snowballing.
Remember when the FBI’s interest in Hillary was merely a ‘security review’? Good times, good times. I can’t remember if that was before, or after, it was suggested as a ‘matter’.
Of course, it was a criminal investigation by the FBI of a woman Democrats decided was their best candidate to become president.
Loretta Lynch knew. So did Obama.
This is how you got Trump, HA libbies. Think on your sins.
Lying to Congress used to be a crime or something.
Declassified Congressional Report: James Clapper Lied About Dossier Leaks To CNN
Buried within a newly declassified congressional report on Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. elections is a shocking revelation: former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper not only leaked information about the infamous Steele dossier and high-level government briefings about it to CNN, he also may have lied to Congress about the matter.
In one of the findings within the 253-page report, the House intelligence committee wrote that Clapper leaked details of a dossier briefing given to then-President-elect Donald Trump to CNN’s Jake Tapper, lied to Congress about the leak, and was rewarded with a CNN contract a few months later.
So, you’ve got Comey and McCabe leaking. Clapper leaking. Meanwhile, Democrats are upset that the integrity of the justice arm of the US government is being maligned by GOP concerns over all of the leaking.
Small wonder the DOJ is slow-walking every judicial order and congressional demand it receives for information on the leaks.
Don’t you think you’d be better off hate-ranting about MS13 like your little puddy?
Small wonder indeed, after Chairman Nunes immediately leaked the most recent subpoena product. And how did that work out again?
I hope it was worth so little. Because your team of geniuses just delivered the argument Rosenstein will use to ignore a subpoena when the time is right.
I see that the GDP hit 4% like The Hump promised.
It’s the economy stupid.
Only the stupid will believe the Fake News that the economy is doing so great!
So much winning!
I guess it’s good riddance to Catholic voters now too. Huh. I guess they got this. Thanks to Trump they don’t need anybody.
Like I said the other day, any minute now “The Big Tent” is going to consist of a half dozen liver-spotted pre-diabetic guys in rural Kentucky yelling at their car radios.
@ 40
…Catholic voters now too. Huh. I guess they got this. Thanks to Trump they don’t need anybody.
Well, it’s increasingly clear to them that they don’t really need the pope.
Yes, the Pope is a Catholic. But he’s confusing other Catholics.
Count on a trailerbilly to rely on the Heritage Foundation for a “diversity” of views.
Extra credit challenge: Try to perform a search on CWN for any mention of Cardinal Law and child abuse.
Good luck!
Arizona Republicans have reprimanded the state’s only two black legislators criticizing a fellow (Republican) legislator use of the “N” word. The legislator who used the “N” word was not reprimanded.
@40 Speaking of the GOP “big tent,” the media company owner of RedState, a rightwing blog, is purging conservative writers critical of Trump in a mass firing.
@36 Wherein a Republican complains about lying.
That was good for a rabbit laugh.
I’m sorry. What’s your point?
If anything is more sad than the appalling spectacle of shitty lawyering that has surrounded Mr. Safety School, Esq. since the PornFuck scandal broke, it is the pathetic “Queen For a Day” treatment he got in the WSJ last night. Jesus. I almost feel sorry for him. What a stupid fucking door mat.
Which may turn out to be PornFucker’s saving. Cohen appears to be a sufficient combination of obsequious and stupid that he may take the fall for all the corrupt deals he’s been at the center of. Still clinging to the promise that a big reward awaits him down the line. That might explain why such a sad and unlikely douche was placed there to begin with.
But therein lies the weakness as well. The USAO-SDNY is nothing if not rather famous for working media contacts to their advantage. We may be fairly confident that one of Rothfeld’s sources promoting this profile of Cohen is from that office. When confronted by an intellectually weak potential cooperating witness forget the facts and evidence. You turn them with emotion. Cohen appears to have worshiped PornFucker for many years and like a battered spouse the more he was knocked around the more he tried to make Trump love him. Now comes the US Attorney to hold up a mirror and show him all the bruises and scars.
This public mockery and humiliation of Cohen, which Trump himself is eagerly participating in, will play a role in breaking him down and will now go on for some time. My work is done here. I’ll let the pros have their turn at this piñata. I’m still interested in seeing how the case in Judge Otero’s court unfolds, because of how it implicates President PornFucker. But for now, at least, I can’t stomach any more of Michael Cohen.
@47 I noticed some years ago that Republicans always seem to have shitty lawyers.
Stands to reason. Only a shitty lawyer agrees to do a client’s lying for them.
“Softening” Weak Steaksauce Party Of Child Molesting, PornFucking, Wife Beating, Russia Colluding, Nazi Excusing, Pill Popping, Pussy Grabbing, Weed Dealing, Golden Showering News–ICE held an American man in custody for 1,273 days.
Davino Watson, a U.S. citizen, was wrongfully held in immigration detention centers for more than three years while he sought to prove his citizenship.
In the seven and a half years ending in February, ICE reviewed 8,043 citizenship claims of people in custody, according to figures provided by the Department of Homeland Security. In 1,488 — nearly a fifth of those cases — ICE lawyers concluded the evidence “tended to show that the individual may, in fact, be a U.S. citizen,” a DHS spokeswoman said.
Not a single one of them was white.
PornFuck Scandal Update
Judge Otero gave Cohen 90 days to get his story straight. Looks like after that he’ll at least have to respond at mini trial to the contract. Given that the President declared to a few million people that Cohen was representing him in putting together the NDA, at that time Ms. Clifford will be entitled to interrogate Cohen’s sworn claim that he was acting alone. And that’s assuming the team combing through Cohen’s records dont turn up anything. Didn’t somebody mention something about Cohen being “obsessive” about recording phone calls?
Flat beer froth @6 farted out some real suds.
Here are the statistics… Easily found!
https://data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS14000006 – Seems the DUMMOCRETIN shit was still hitting the fan all the way until May 2015!
Notice flat beer froth didn’t supply a link?Easily found!
Flat beer froth is really not that smart. He just likes to blather on about how smart he is and it always comes out as flat beer! Bleeeech!
http://www.politifact.com/trut.....ack-hispa/ Read it yourself!
Till Next Time!
Flat beer froth @6 farted out some real suds.
Here are the statistics… Easily found!
https://data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS14000006 – Seems the DUMMOCRETIN shit was still hitting the fan all the way until May 2015!
Notice flat beer froth didn’t supply a link? Easily found!
Flat beer froth is really not that smart. He just likes to blather on about how smart he is and it always comes out as flat beer! Bleeeech!
http://www.politifact.com/trut.....ack-hispa/ Read it yourself!
Till Next Time!
Oh senile idiot wabbit @7,
And this has what to do with Russian collusion?
Till Next Time!
Oh senile idiot wabbit @7,
And this has what to do with Russian collusion?
Till Next Time!
According to drumpf:
“The Hispanic unemployment rate dropped a full point in the last year and is close to the lowest in recorded history.”
Wait for it! The babbling butthole will say the latin folks have been taking jobs from “my people”…
Oh and watch for the “raza” shit.
*rolls eyes*
Wait a sec… When did black unemployment first hit 10 percent?
July 2008… Who was in charge then?
Empty suit preznit policies were in place then and what did Republicans do to help 2 TERM President Obama to correct that?
Hmmm. Nothing.. In fact they bragged about blocking him. Did they denounce Limbaugh for wishing Obama would fail? NO!
Republicans were at fault.
Thanks for pointing to Politifact babbling butthole.
They rate 69 percent of what comes out of drumpf’s pie hole to be mostly false, false or pants on fire LIES.
Thanks again fool!
Wait a sec… When did black unemployment first hit 10 percent?
Once again the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset TRAIN WRECKS @58.
This is between Trump and Obummer you moron!
Stooooooooooooooopid as evah!
Till Next Time!
Once again the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset TRAIN WRECKS @59.
Politifact exposes flat beer froth as a moron!
Till Next Time!
Wait for it! The babbling butthole will say the latin folks have been taking jobs from “my people”…
Once again the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset TRAIN WRECKS @56.
You’ll be waiting forever FOOL!
Till Next Time!
Called it. Freak is triggered when caught fudging facts.
Fact 1: The freak pointed to May 2015.. Black unemployment was at 10 percent in May 2015. Got better every month after for the rest of TWO TERM President Obama’s SECOND term – no thanks to Republican obstruction.
Fact 2: Black unemployment was at 10 percent in July 2008.. Black unemployment was 10 percent. Only got worse every month after and beyond the freak’s beloved empty suit shuffled off to Buffalo in Jan 2009.
Fact 3: Empty suit republican policies were in effect in July 2008.
Fact 4: Republicans blocked Obama from doing more for black people at each step.
Conclusion: Republicans are to blame for high black unemployment.
For the “raza” shit????
Thanks babbling butthole! That shit is STOOOOPID…
Maybe you can goad the hate-filled loon into breaking the invisible sky-daddy’s rules again. It seems to be getting easier.
Why is the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely creepy neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist leaking pink lace panty gusset confused? Trump attacked Obummer for doing nothing. Politifact admitted to that. It went from Fully True to Mostly True!
Fact 1: PrescientPuddy correctly pointed to May 2015.. Black unemployment was 10 percent. BLS documentation; Puddy right!
Fact 2: Black unemployment was at 10 percent in July 2008.. So what? Black unemployment climbed after DUMMOCRETINS took over Congress January 2007! Just like the price of gas did when Pelosi made her stooooooooooopid disparaging oil comments and when she visited Bashir ASSad in 2007!
Fact 3: Empty suit DUMMOCRETIN policies were in effect in July 2008. – CORRECT! DUMMOCRETINS controlled Congress July 2008!
Fact 4: Republicans wanted Obama to do more for black people at each step. – FTFY!
Called it. the creep goes nutzo when caught fudgepacking facts.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Fixed those comments with REAL FACTS!
Till Next Time!
LOL @ 66…
Remember that STOOOPID Bush stimulus?
Did that do anything for black unemployment?
So the freak is quick to blame a D Congress..
And excuses the Tea Bagger Congress for its part in delaying employment progress for blacks until after May 2015.
Yawwwwwn.. Another day, another loon stoopid explosion.
Who left the asylum gate unlocked?
I see it was obedient to the sky-daddy rules.
We’ll just have to try harder next Friday.
UnidosUS really seems to trigger the poor thing. More of that.
Free Aztlan!
Make Korea Unified Again
Trump for Nobel Peace Prize! At least he did something to increase peace in the world, unlike President Obama when he was given his (presumably for being a half-white President).
@71 I used to believe you and the loon were the dumbest fucking retard trolls on the planet, but with the way Doctor “think on your sins” Dumbfuck has deteriorated, you two now have to fight it out for second place. Sucks to be you.
I see the Chrome-challenge loon has posted another double-double. As always, sucks to be the loon. SAD!