– How forced cutbacks will affect Madigan (TNT link)
– Sea Tac is maybe not a place bring your gun
– With Texas still pushing to move abortion back to the bad old days, it’s important to know what the bad old days looked like (NY Times link)
by Carl Ballard — ,
– How forced cutbacks will affect Madigan (TNT link)
– Sea Tac is maybe not a place bring your gun
– With Texas still pushing to move abortion back to the bad old days, it’s important to know what the bad old days looked like (NY Times link)
– Stop us before we are forced to commit journalism again!
Interesting article from Railway Age on the failure to get anything done on the CRC. Turns out those in Vancouver who are supposed to work on economic development, are concerned about the impact this non decision in Olympia will have.
I think State Senator Benton got bad advice from National Republicans, they probably thought Oregon Democrats would cave, and allow Benton’s proposal to go through. I guess he didn’t know one of Governor Kitzahber’s nicknames was Dr.No, and did not get thqt from a friendly legislature.
In Missouri, the Republican controlled legislature passed a bill that could see Federal agents enforcing gun laws arrested. Apparently, there is one person in Jefferson City that saw it was unconstitutional. Governor Nixon, who is a moderate, probably Blue Dog Democrat, and he has vetoed the bill.
Missouri’s AG, also a Democrat, recently caused a controversy, when as an alternative to lethal injection, suggested bringing back the state’s gas chamber.
GOV Rick Perry(R-TX) says he will not run again for the top job in Austin, but hints at a 2016 run for President.
@3 Meanwhile, the Moonie Times and some outfit called “American Thinker” are indulging in a jolly rhetorical wankfest over the idea of a Jeb Bush/Sarah Palin ticket in 2016.
@5 I would campaign very very VERY hard to make sure they did not get elected.
Re Madigan Army Medical Center and sequestration ….. ain’t it grand that we can just really FK with our Veterans and their families?
Remember, we’re FKing over Iraqi and Afghanistan war Vets and their families because of the “deficit”. The “deficit” is a crisis that if we don’t FK over Veterans and other groups indiscriminately we’ll end up like … GREECE!
Oh wait….
Bravo Asswipes. Our ability to kick our Vets and the people who care for them in one shot is quite a FKing accomplishment.
Rick Perry announced today he won’t run for Texass governor again. He wouldn’t divulge his plans, but said they’re “exciting.” That must mean he’s either going to run for president again or is hoping for an offer from Faux Snooze. The network for conservative morons does pay well.
@7 Oops, ER beat me to it @3.
Legal scholars have discerned a consistent theme in this year’s big SCOTUS decisions:
“As legal scholars take a step back and examine the term in full, they say the court … came down consistently on the side of big business.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Reminds me of the Texass law that protects homebuilders by moving lemon-house complaints from the courts to a panel of arbitrators appointed by the building industry.
@1 I’m more inclined to think Sen. Benton was born with a defective brain. Just as a general observation, no one thing in particular.
Looks like the deficit will fall another $50 billion a year:
“A … pressing concern for some lawmakers [is] … the five-year, $500 billion farm bill. … Reid has made it clear that an extension of the current farm law, passed in 2008, is unlikely as he presses the House to pass the Senate version of the bill.”
Hmmm, what do you think the chances of that are? I fully expect House GOPers to set fire to the barn again. You know, “our way or the highway …”, which is as strong as ever, even though GOPers know their radical agenda won’t get to first base in the Senate.
@9 Roger,
If we didn’t know better we’d conclude that the Robert’s court is one hell bent upon judicial activism tilted for big business.
Oh, … wait. We do know better. They are.
Oh that batshit insane bagger website is an old favorite with those who “stink right” in these threads:
% b l -t puddymoron -Du –summary – -r -f=link_info,no_refs | grep americanthinker
| americanthinker | 9 |
| %20americanthinker | 1 |
b l -t klown -Du –summary – -r -f=link_info,no_refs | grep americanthinker
| americanthinker | 3 |
And @9 Roger, not to hijack the blog, but…
2 things amaze me most from this year’s most dramatic SCOTUS decision; the VRA decision.
1. The absolute BS legal “reasoning” that the law must treat entities (states) equally regardless of Congressional deliberation and intent
2. Justice Ginsberg’s (staff!) missing that point in her dissent.
The only thread of legal “reasoning” offered in the VRA decision was an allusion to a previous “warning”.
Regardless of the implications to voting rights of the unreasoned decision, the precedent of applying law and regulations to all equally despite past action AND Congressional intent won’t stand… because it is an illogical piece of Sophistry.
@14 Hmm, is it possible we have a political court?
If conservatives really believed in conservative principles, they would press Roberts to overturn Marbury v. Madison. But don’t hold your breath for an activist conservative court to do that …
I heard a conservative caller talking about how he read the Declaration of Independence and he felt the passage about tyranny of government on the people was relevant today.
I would love to ask conservatives what personal tyrannies the government is subjecting them to. Not to their bosses, or other people. THEM. How is the government tyrannizing THEM personally?
What sites would you recommend I make an account and ask?
@17 Would they consider it tyranny if their state legislators passed a law requiring medical personnel to shove an ultrasound gadget up their ass as a precondition to getting a medical procedure?
A federal judge has blocked Republican tyranny in Wisconsin.
Does this qualify for the Darwin Award?
How about imposing a constitutional ban on gay marriage? Is that tyranny? Don’t tread on me! Should gay people bear arms against a tyrannical government?
conservative AM radio 2nd tier radio talkers were calling for Jury Nullification in the Zimmerman case.
# 22: Of course they are. Because Martin’s skin was darker than Zimmerman. That’s the only thing that’s important to a lot of them.
White man with gun = patriot.
Black man with gun = thug.