Sorry to hear about your post going to the bit-bucket. Sometimes technology can be a bitch.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Remember how wife-beatey Rob Porter was supposed to have been “screwed over” by Derp State forces bent on diminishing President PornHub’s great accomplishments?
Yeah. About that.
So turns out that while girl puncher was groin-grinding with “My Hopey” he was already in another adult type relationship with Scott Pruitt’s top Girl Friday at EPA. Sam Dravis came to DC with Pruitt and got on the Porter Pole soon after the innauguration. The two had been together off and on continuosly until the media reports about Porter and Hicks broke. During that time Porter apparently bragged to Dravis about his undefeated fight record. Looking for a bit of Trump-style #metoo, Dravis went to the media with the punching bag details that led to Porter’s firing.
Can it get worse (and by worse I mean better, of course)?
Yes it can!
Seems the sharing between Porter and Dravis was a two way street (in more than just sticky fluids). Over the course of their relationship Porter learned a whole lot of “scandalous” gossip about Dravis’ boss, Pruitt. Seeking payback, Porter is the “leaker” who has been feeding Pruitt’s massive corruption dirt to the DC media (and Democrats on the hill).
And while President PornHub struggles to track all this through a diabetic fog and advanced dementia, he may be losing his top pick to replace Sessions and shut down the Russian conspiracy investigation.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@2 Another shining example of the party that claims to be the moral majority and extols “family values”.
@3 the only family value Repukes know is the summation of the balances of their bank accounts (Period)
Roger Rabbitspews:
WordPress is a dog?
Evangelical group holding an event in Lynchburg send invitation to Jerry Falwell to come pray with them.
Falwell has Liberty University Police threaten fine and arrest if any of them set foot on Liberty University Property.
Because Love thine enemies, and where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them and love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.
@2,4 Big pay raises for political underlings seems to be a habit of this administration. First Pruitt, now Mulvaney, are paying their minions big bucks on the taxpayers’ dime to thwart the work of the agencies they supposedly work for, hurting the taxpayers who are paying their recently-enhanced salaries.
To close out the week on his return from someplace where he was probably fucking porn stars (yeah!)(fist pump) President PornHub stood in the aisle of Air Force One in front of a press gaggle and insisted he was never informed about any part of any agreement with any woman or porn star or goat or bed pan.
He still hasn’t said so in the strictest legal sense, like in a court filing, except the one where he declared under penalty of perjury that he was David Dennison. But if this is the big plan going forward, Cohen has to produce a POA granting him the legal authority to burden his client with contractual obligations without his consent or awareness. And assuming that any such POA exists (and that a court wouldn’t laugh at it) there remains the problem that the counterpart to the NDA was not made aware of it. By most fair readings of the NDA Ms. Daniels and her attorneys are entitled to conclude that the agreement becomes binding with the signatures of all parties, unless otherwise specified in the agreement.
But really. There’s no POA. And either Trump throws Cohen under the bus and gets him disbarred, or Trump admits that he’s a party to the agreement that he refused to sign.
Either way the agreement is nullified. Seems a shame that Trump would ruin his attorney for nothing more than ego. But then again, he’s wrecking the economy and threatening a nuclear war over ego.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
And lest there be any confusion otherwise about how these revelations of corruption come about, it is their own senior staffers in every case. Pruitt demoted, transferred and bullied out about a half dozen of his own senior picks. And these were not “Obama-bots” burrowed into the agency woodwork. Most of them are new appointees from the campaign. Young, highly accomplished, hard working, and of above average ethics (at least in comparison to the rest of the administration), they objected to Pruitt’s spending shit like $100k/mo NetJets membership, luxury resort hotel stays, bullet proof luxury limos, massive security details, and $70,000 desks in an effort to stay out of jail. Now they’ve been driven out in disgrace and their careers are ruined.
Way to build that bench.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Kinda hard to go around calling yourself “pro-life” when you say women who have abortions should be executed.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If we’re going to execute people for exercising their constitutional rights, then what the hell, let’s execute people for possession of assault weapons, too.*
* Unlike this bloodthirsty Republican asshole, I’m just kidding.
Looks like the loon finally got himself lynched. SAD!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “Seems a shame that Trump would ruin his attorney for nothing more than ego.”
Considering who the attorney is, not really.
He’s going to have a sad weekend.
Couple days ago he was thanking a pollster for somehow finding what no other pollster can…a net approval rating at 51% and bragging how it was higher than the “Cheating Obama”
Rasmussen (yeah I know Rasmussen)
Trump April 6, 2018
Approval Index -12 Strongly Approve 30% Strongly Disapprove 42% Total Approve 47%, Total Disapprove 52%
Obama April 6, 2009
Approval Index -10 Strongly Approve 32% Strongly Disapprove 42% Total Approve 48%, Total Disapprove 51%
It must burn him up to be losing to an uppity negro progressive Kenyan.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I think that with StromFront behind a paywall and Daily Stormer banished to the Derp Web, he has nowhere to go for LEEENKS to FACTS!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Here’s how “Terrific” the swamp drainin’ has been with President PornHub’s BFF Scott Pruitt:
During the extended paid undocumented leave of absence from November through January Dravis did drag herself reluctantly into the office one time.
For a trip to Paris!
Pruitt booked 1st class flights for Dravis, the two guys who got the crazy huge pay raises, a half dozen other political appointees, and a huge security detail to go to Morocco by way of Paris for energy lobbying for his lobbyist pals who fake rented him a condo for nothing. Where was Pruitt? Oh he went too. Charter. $16,000 into a private terminal to avoid international customs and all that bullshit. Eighteen hours of dinner, dancing, clubbing, partying, etc. later and the group missed their connection and had to book over with penalties cause nobody called (only little people call).
Wanna know what I think is going on?
Cocaine, baby. These people are lit. They are high as fuck living like out-of-control Rock Stars on the taxpayer dime. Why’s Pruitt gotta fly NetJets into private terminals? Why do Rock Stars? We know why. Why can’t Dravis make it to work for three months? Why’d they miss the connecting flight? Why does Pruitt’s security team have to kick down doors to wake him up from a day nap? Sunday morning commin down, baby!
Bingo! Bango! There we go! Down close to 700!
@11 either that or he could be still attached to the horse.
Damn! Always wrongist politics, shenanigans, antics, policies pulled out the ass etc.. – all this “winning” has shamed the HA trolls.
Only answer from boob is some babbling about Bill Clinton and unhinged misogyny. The freak joins the pantheon of morons like Rob Porter, Roger Ailes and Bill-O the klown.
Only answer from the babbling cornhole is a liberal klownspiracy “black genocide” bullshit over abortion and “the illegals”. The freak still hasn’t processed the FACT that most African Americans now live in the ‘burbs.
@19 The doctor is busy using his latest trading account statement to wipe away his tears and the loon finally got lynched by his white supremacist friends. SAD!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It’s all good if the shame and humiliation are finally setting in among the brown shirts with this much time to go before November. I’m hoping for record low trailerbilly turnout.
Market declines, job losses (yup, the jobs numbers have started to dip), fake tax cut swamped by crippling duties on consumer items, drip-drip-drip of campaign finance fraud, drip-drip-drip of administration corruption, drip-drip-drip of Russian criminal conspiracy, and drip-drip-drip of sticky porn lady fucking. And every morning President PornHub wakes fitfully at 3am to rage-Tweet the cycle back to life all over again. They can not escape it.
Nor should they. Ever. As more and more of the traitors recognize the consequence of being conned by pimply Moldovan starveling adolescents they’ll become increasingly desperate to pretend that all of it has nothing to do with the PornHub Party and that they’ve always been EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE anyway. Too late.
They eagerly planted a bloated, Russian controlled, deeply corrupt, incompetent, narcissistic sociopath in charge of the nuclear codes. They abandoned their allegiance to the greatest constitutional democracy on earth for the sake of telling racist jokes. They’re a despicable hooting mob of deplorable backward traitors. They can not be forgiven for it nor ever allowed to forget it.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Manafort’s defense team a filed a motion for a bill of particulars today, asking the DCD to order the Special Prosecutor to provide details of evidence including identities of cooperating co-conspirators and details and dates of collection of documents, electronic records, communications, and other evidence.
It’s pretty consistent with a defense strategy that essentially consists of acting as a stalking horse to reveal to others the extent of captured surveillance and communications and the extent of cooperation from witnesses in exchange for a pardon.
President PornHub has at least a couple of good options and strategies he seems to be developing to defend himself, his family, his business, and his business partners from criminal prosecution should that become necessary. Using Manafort in this was is but one. Of course ultimately replacing the AG and having him fire the Special Prosecutor is another.
Much of it comes down to timing. Mueller is probably wise to force Manafort to fight for discovery to some extent, even for disclosures his defense is entitled to. Manafort is not going to get any disclosure of the PRISM capture. But how much of his email, phone details, and other communications they were able to obtain from his providers will come out eventually. How that information is formatted and redacted is something to which the OSC has probably devoted a bunch of man hours. And it will all be under strict seal. Still, this crop of Roypublicans seems pretty blase about violating those orders. Some junior space ranger types may lose their license to practice. But they’ll be provided with lobbying jobs.
@23 Following the directions Trump gave them. See #22 for details.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The Department of Homeland Security posted a contract request this week for ‘Media Monitoring Services,’ which will compile a database of hundreds of thousands of journalists, bloggers and ‘media influencers’ for the federal government.”
@23 the video wasn’t that good for me for some reason so I couldn’t see it that well. I noticed that they stopped at one of the stiffener plates. Looks like they were mid span of the bridge, so I have to wonder whether there were more stiffener plates and how they got around them. I guess there must haven’t been any.
Mark Adamsspews:
Bad word press. Did you hit it in the memory bank with a bit storm? Save and save often is the programmers best friend.
Mark Adamsspews:
@3 Umm you have read the Old Testament or even parts of the new?
Mark Adamsspews:
@4 That is prosperity theology, it’s vry American and can be traced back to the Great Awakening, but does not play much in the sticky mess that was described.
Mark Adamsspews:
@5 Under the circumstances you wish to argue it’s a rabbit? If it flips your ears go ahead.
Mark Adamsspews:
@6 What would the Reverend Martin Luther King do? Go pray I think.
Mark Adamsspews:
@10 The Daily Kos is biased. It and others are exaggerating what the man said. I don’t support any woman or health provider being punished in any way over abortion, but what the Republican candidate said will get him into office in Idaho, and it’s likely he is a Mormon, and the Mormons are a powerful contingent in Idaho, and their position on abortion is way more conservative than what the Republican candidate said. Still in much of the state if you want to be in office you gotta stroke the Mormon cats well. Easier for Republicans than Democrats apparently.
Mark Adamsspews:
@21 Hold on I read in an earlier post fron RR the gear is Trump is going to hit the nuclear button on the Russians and he’ kicking out Russian diplomats, but you say he’s a Russian stooge, both can’t be true.
Mark Adamsspews:
@22 Manafort’s defense team should be able to see everything. They should be able to go to the offices of the special council and look in the files at everything. Every defense attorney should be able to do so for their client in all cases. Prosecutors really hate this concept, but what do they have to hide. Seems they like to hide stuff from defense attorneys that the Supreme court says they will show defense attorneys. Liberals should support this, even when it may hurt them politically, as in screwing Mueller’s case, We should insist Mueller shows everything.
And if the NSA or CIA has exonerating information no matter the classification Manafort’d attorneys should get it, Manafort is entitled to it if we are a nation of laws and our constitution means anything.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Are you making excuses for Porter and Dravis by citing the Old Testament? Are you saying Republicans, who frequently spout off about “family values,”* should behave like O.T. sinners?
* Purely as a campaign tactic, as everyone understands
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 Daily Kos accurately reported what the man said, and even provided the audio. If you’re still in doubt, here’s some confirmation for you:
“A Republican lieutenant governor candidate on Tuesday softened his stance that women who get an abortion should be punished if it is ever criminalized in Idaho, a day after saying the punishment should include the death penalty.”
Idahoans should have no doubt that a Republican candidate for lieutenant governor said women who get abortions should be executed.
Now let’s look at what that means. Abortion not only is a legal activity, it’s a constitutional right. If someone said I should be killed for exercising my constitutional rights, and I thought he was serious — and I’m pretty sure this guy is — I’d be arming myself at that point. And maybe getting a retraining order. Possibly hiring a bodyguard, too.
It’s one thing to say you’re against abortion and will work to change the laws by, say, supporting a constitutional amendment and/or working for the appointment of Supreme Court justices who will vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. It’s another thing to say women who get abortions should be executed.
We’ve heard this before in other contexts, to wit, that “liberals” should be put in “concentration camps” or “executed.” This came from Ann Coulter, among others. Coulter isn’t a threat; she says things like this because there’s money to be made from saying it, and has no intention of doing it herself. Coulter is a wine-soaked, cigaret-puffing, anorexic who doesn’t believe 90% of what she writes and says (according to her friend David Brooks), and is in it for the money. That doesn’t make it acceptable, but she isn’t dangerous.
Liberals and women who have abortions aren’t the only people rightwingers have threatened to kill. No small number of gun owners have expressed similar threats against anyone who comes for their guns. (And these are people who obviously shouldn’t have guns.)
Under current jurisprudence, possessing guns is a constitutional right, and while some people disagree with the Heller decision and others have suggested amending or repealing the Second Amendment, no one has suggested killing gun owners for exercising their constitutional right to possess guns.
Death threats are almost exclusively a rightwing phenomenon.
We have free speech in this country, and this overwrought right-to-lifer can say whatever he likes. I don’t think people like him should be elected to public office, but whatever. All I’ll say is talk is one thing, but if he comes after some member of my family with lethal intent because she exercised her constitutional rights, he may run into my constitutional rights.
It’s because of people like him and shit like this that I say, “Liberals must exercise their constitutional rights.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 Both CAN be true, idiot. Ever heard of bipolar? What’s more, if the Russian stooge hits the button, you’re going up in smoke with the rest of us.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“They should be able to go to the offices of the special council and look in the files at everything.”
Nah. No they don’t. Not even in routine cases do criminal defense attys get to see whatever they ask for. Lots of good reasons for that. For example, deep undercover police infiltrators get to maintain their cover and their anonymity. Think Joe Pistone. That way guys like Michael Cohen can’t threaten their families. And Putin can’t have them murdered with nerve agents. Information relevant to the defense should certainly be available. But fishing expeditions by scumbags like these guys can get people killed. Plenty of other examples where investigation sources and details are kept sealed.
But then in these cases you’ve got a bunch of national security implications and a pile of laws and regulations enacted since 9/11. Sources and methods are off the table. So is a lot of original, un-redacted source material. Probably something a guy like you should keep in mind… with all the child porn that has passed across your browser over the years.
“…if we are a nation of laws and our constitution means anything.”
Except whenever there’s a SCOTUS nominee you don’t like, eh?
Sorry to hear about your post going to the bit-bucket. Sometimes technology can be a bitch.
Remember how wife-beatey Rob Porter was supposed to have been “screwed over” by Derp State forces bent on diminishing President PornHub’s great accomplishments?
Yeah. About that.
So turns out that while girl puncher was groin-grinding with “My Hopey” he was already in another adult type relationship with Scott Pruitt’s top Girl Friday at EPA. Sam Dravis came to DC with Pruitt and got on the Porter Pole soon after the innauguration. The two had been together off and on continuosly until the media reports about Porter and Hicks broke. During that time Porter apparently bragged to Dravis about his undefeated fight record. Looking for a bit of Trump-style #metoo, Dravis went to the media with the punching bag details that led to Porter’s firing.
Can it get worse (and by worse I mean better, of course)?
Yes it can!
Seems the sharing between Porter and Dravis was a two way street (in more than just sticky fluids). Over the course of their relationship Porter learned a whole lot of “scandalous” gossip about Dravis’ boss, Pruitt. Seeking payback, Porter is the “leaker” who has been feeding Pruitt’s massive corruption dirt to the DC media (and Democrats on the hill).
And while President PornHub struggles to track all this through a diabetic fog and advanced dementia, he may be losing his top pick to replace Sessions and shut down the Russian conspiracy investigation.
@2 Another shining example of the party that claims to be the moral majority and extols “family values”.
@3 the only family value Repukes know is the summation of the balances of their bank accounts (Period)
WordPress is a dog?
Evangelical group holding an event in Lynchburg send invitation to Jerry Falwell to come pray with them.
Falwell has Liberty University Police threaten fine and arrest if any of them set foot on Liberty University Property.
Because Love thine enemies, and where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them and love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.
@2,4 Big pay raises for political underlings seems to be a habit of this administration. First Pruitt, now Mulvaney, are paying their minions big bucks on the taxpayers’ dime to thwart the work of the agencies they supposedly work for, hurting the taxpayers who are paying their recently-enhanced salaries.
To close out the week on his return from someplace where he was probably fucking porn stars (yeah!)(fist pump) President PornHub stood in the aisle of Air Force One in front of a press gaggle and insisted he was never informed about any part of any agreement with any woman or porn star or goat or bed pan.
He still hasn’t said so in the strictest legal sense, like in a court filing, except the one where he declared under penalty of perjury that he was David Dennison. But if this is the big plan going forward, Cohen has to produce a POA granting him the legal authority to burden his client with contractual obligations without his consent or awareness. And assuming that any such POA exists (and that a court wouldn’t laugh at it) there remains the problem that the counterpart to the NDA was not made aware of it. By most fair readings of the NDA Ms. Daniels and her attorneys are entitled to conclude that the agreement becomes binding with the signatures of all parties, unless otherwise specified in the agreement.
But really. There’s no POA. And either Trump throws Cohen under the bus and gets him disbarred, or Trump admits that he’s a party to the agreement that he refused to sign.
Either way the agreement is nullified. Seems a shame that Trump would ruin his attorney for nothing more than ego. But then again, he’s wrecking the economy and threatening a nuclear war over ego.
And lest there be any confusion otherwise about how these revelations of corruption come about, it is their own senior staffers in every case. Pruitt demoted, transferred and bullied out about a half dozen of his own senior picks. And these were not “Obama-bots” burrowed into the agency woodwork. Most of them are new appointees from the campaign. Young, highly accomplished, hard working, and of above average ethics (at least in comparison to the rest of the administration), they objected to Pruitt’s spending shit like $100k/mo NetJets membership, luxury resort hotel stays, bullet proof luxury limos, massive security details, and $70,000 desks in an effort to stay out of jail. Now they’ve been driven out in disgrace and their careers are ruined.
Way to build that bench.
Kinda hard to go around calling yourself “pro-life” when you say women who have abortions should be executed.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If we’re going to execute people for exercising their constitutional rights, then what the hell, let’s execute people for possession of assault weapons, too.*
* Unlike this bloodthirsty Republican asshole, I’m just kidding.
Looks like the loon finally got himself lynched. SAD!
@8 “Seems a shame that Trump would ruin his attorney for nothing more than ego.”
Considering who the attorney is, not really.
He’s going to have a sad weekend.
Couple days ago he was thanking a pollster for somehow finding what no other pollster can…a net approval rating at 51% and bragging how it was higher than the “Cheating Obama”
Rasmussen (yeah I know Rasmussen)
Trump April 6, 2018
Approval Index -12 Strongly Approve 30% Strongly Disapprove 42% Total Approve 47%, Total Disapprove 52%
Obama April 6, 2009
Approval Index -10 Strongly Approve 32% Strongly Disapprove 42% Total Approve 48%, Total Disapprove 51%
It must burn him up to be losing to an
uppity negroprogressive Kenyan.11,
I think that with StromFront behind a paywall and Daily Stormer banished to the Derp Web, he has nowhere to go for LEEENKS to FACTS!
Here’s how “Terrific” the swamp drainin’ has been with President PornHub’s BFF Scott Pruitt:
Pruitt’s work-wife Sammantha Dravis (the one who was bumpin’ uglies with Rob McWifebeater and later burned him for the Hope-cheating) never came to work from Nov. 2017 to Jan 2018, but still collected full salary! Some random
wife beaterconcerned citizen just happened to share this “mixup” with a Dem. Senator.#owngoal
More on Pruitt-Dravis!
During the extended paid undocumented leave of absence from November through January Dravis did drag herself reluctantly into the office one time.
For a trip to Paris!
Pruitt booked 1st class flights for Dravis, the two guys who got the crazy huge pay raises, a half dozen other political appointees, and a huge security detail to go to Morocco by way of Paris for energy lobbying for his lobbyist pals who fake rented him a condo for nothing. Where was Pruitt? Oh he went too. Charter. $16,000 into a private terminal to avoid international customs and all that bullshit. Eighteen hours of dinner, dancing, clubbing, partying, etc. later and the group missed their connection and had to book over with penalties cause nobody called (only little people call).
Wanna know what I think is going on?
Cocaine, baby. These people are lit. They are high as fuck living like out-of-control Rock Stars on the taxpayer dime. Why’s Pruitt gotta fly NetJets into private terminals? Why do Rock Stars? We know why. Why can’t Dravis make it to work for three months? Why’d they miss the connecting flight? Why does Pruitt’s security team have to kick down doors to wake him up from a day nap? Sunday morning commin down, baby!
Bingo! Bango! There we go! Down close to 700!
@11 either that or he could be still attached to the horse.
Damn! Always wrongist politics, shenanigans, antics, policies pulled out the ass etc.. – all this “winning” has shamed the HA trolls.
Only answer from boob is some babbling about Bill Clinton and unhinged misogyny. The freak joins the pantheon of morons like Rob Porter, Roger Ailes and Bill-O the klown.
Only answer from the babbling cornhole is a liberal klownspiracy “black genocide” bullshit over abortion and “the illegals”. The freak still hasn’t processed the FACT that most African Americans now live in the ‘burbs.
@19 The doctor is busy using his latest trading account statement to wipe away his tears and the loon finally got lynched by his white supremacist friends. SAD!
It’s all good if the shame and humiliation are finally setting in among the brown shirts with this much time to go before November. I’m hoping for record low trailerbilly turnout.
Market declines, job losses (yup, the jobs numbers have started to dip), fake tax cut swamped by crippling duties on consumer items, drip-drip-drip of campaign finance fraud, drip-drip-drip of administration corruption, drip-drip-drip of Russian criminal conspiracy, and drip-drip-drip of sticky porn lady fucking. And every morning President PornHub wakes fitfully at 3am to rage-Tweet the cycle back to life all over again. They can not escape it.
Nor should they. Ever. As more and more of the traitors recognize the consequence of being conned by pimply Moldovan starveling adolescents they’ll become increasingly desperate to pretend that all of it has nothing to do with the PornHub Party and that they’ve always been EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE anyway. Too late.
They eagerly planted a bloated, Russian controlled, deeply corrupt, incompetent, narcissistic sociopath in charge of the nuclear codes. They abandoned their allegiance to the greatest constitutional democracy on earth for the sake of telling racist jokes. They’re a despicable hooting mob of deplorable backward traitors. They can not be forgiven for it nor ever allowed to forget it.
Manafort’s defense team a filed a motion for a bill of particulars today, asking the DCD to order the Special Prosecutor to provide details of evidence including identities of cooperating co-conspirators and details and dates of collection of documents, electronic records, communications, and other evidence.
It’s pretty consistent with a defense strategy that essentially consists of acting as a stalking horse to reveal to others the extent of captured surveillance and communications and the extent of cooperation from witnesses in exchange for a pardon.
President PornHub has at least a couple of good options and strategies he seems to be developing to defend himself, his family, his business, and his business partners from criminal prosecution should that become necessary. Using Manafort in this was is but one. Of course ultimately replacing the AG and having him fire the Special Prosecutor is another.
Much of it comes down to timing. Mueller is probably wise to force Manafort to fight for discovery to some extent, even for disclosures his defense is entitled to. Manafort is not going to get any disclosure of the PRISM capture. But how much of his email, phone details, and other communications they were able to obtain from his providers will come out eventually. How that information is formatted and redacted is something to which the OSC has probably devoted a bunch of man hours. And it will all be under strict seal. Still, this crop of Roypublicans seems pretty blase about violating those orders. Some junior space ranger types may lose their license to practice. But they’ll be provided with lobbying jobs.
We know where Piddles is now:
How do you think the goats got there in the first place?
“The proof that the boss doesn’t know what he’s doing is incontestable.”
@23 Following the directions Trump gave them. See #22 for details.
“The Department of Homeland Security posted a contract request this week for ‘Media Monitoring Services,’ which will compile a database of hundreds of thousands of journalists, bloggers and ‘media influencers’ for the federal government.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Time to polish our dossiers.
Federal judge upholds Massachusetts assault weapon ban; says AR-15s unprotected by 2nd Amendment and can be regulated as states see fit.
@23 the video wasn’t that good for me for some reason so I couldn’t see it that well. I noticed that they stopped at one of the stiffener plates. Looks like they were mid span of the bridge, so I have to wonder whether there were more stiffener plates and how they got around them. I guess there must haven’t been any.
Bad word press. Did you hit it in the memory bank with a bit storm? Save and save often is the programmers best friend.
@3 Umm you have read the Old Testament or even parts of the new?
@4 That is prosperity theology, it’s vry American and can be traced back to the Great Awakening, but does not play much in the sticky mess that was described.
@5 Under the circumstances you wish to argue it’s a rabbit? If it flips your ears go ahead.
@6 What would the Reverend Martin Luther King do? Go pray I think.
@10 The Daily Kos is biased. It and others are exaggerating what the man said. I don’t support any woman or health provider being punished in any way over abortion, but what the Republican candidate said will get him into office in Idaho, and it’s likely he is a Mormon, and the Mormons are a powerful contingent in Idaho, and their position on abortion is way more conservative than what the Republican candidate said. Still in much of the state if you want to be in office you gotta stroke the Mormon cats well. Easier for Republicans than Democrats apparently.
@21 Hold on I read in an earlier post fron RR the gear is Trump is going to hit the nuclear button on the Russians and he’ kicking out Russian diplomats, but you say he’s a Russian stooge, both can’t be true.
@22 Manafort’s defense team should be able to see everything. They should be able to go to the offices of the special council and look in the files at everything. Every defense attorney should be able to do so for their client in all cases. Prosecutors really hate this concept, but what do they have to hide. Seems they like to hide stuff from defense attorneys that the Supreme court says they will show defense attorneys. Liberals should support this, even when it may hurt them politically, as in screwing Mueller’s case, We should insist Mueller shows everything.
And if the NSA or CIA has exonerating information no matter the classification Manafort’d attorneys should get it, Manafort is entitled to it if we are a nation of laws and our constitution means anything.
@30 Are you making excuses for Porter and Dravis by citing the Old Testament? Are you saying Republicans, who frequently spout off about “family values,”* should behave like O.T. sinners?
* Purely as a campaign tactic, as everyone understands
@34 Daily Kos accurately reported what the man said, and even provided the audio. If you’re still in doubt, here’s some confirmation for you:
“A Republican lieutenant governor candidate on Tuesday softened his stance that women who get an abortion should be punished if it is ever criminalized in Idaho, a day after saying the punishment should include the death penalty.”
Idahoans should have no doubt that a Republican candidate for lieutenant governor said women who get abortions should be executed.
Now let’s look at what that means. Abortion not only is a legal activity, it’s a constitutional right. If someone said I should be killed for exercising my constitutional rights, and I thought he was serious — and I’m pretty sure this guy is — I’d be arming myself at that point. And maybe getting a retraining order. Possibly hiring a bodyguard, too.
It’s one thing to say you’re against abortion and will work to change the laws by, say, supporting a constitutional amendment and/or working for the appointment of Supreme Court justices who will vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. It’s another thing to say women who get abortions should be executed.
We’ve heard this before in other contexts, to wit, that “liberals” should be put in “concentration camps” or “executed.” This came from Ann Coulter, among others. Coulter isn’t a threat; she says things like this because there’s money to be made from saying it, and has no intention of doing it herself. Coulter is a wine-soaked, cigaret-puffing, anorexic who doesn’t believe 90% of what she writes and says (according to her friend David Brooks), and is in it for the money. That doesn’t make it acceptable, but she isn’t dangerous.
Liberals and women who have abortions aren’t the only people rightwingers have threatened to kill. No small number of gun owners have expressed similar threats against anyone who comes for their guns. (And these are people who obviously shouldn’t have guns.)
Under current jurisprudence, possessing guns is a constitutional right, and while some people disagree with the Heller decision and others have suggested amending or repealing the Second Amendment, no one has suggested killing gun owners for exercising their constitutional right to possess guns.
Death threats are almost exclusively a rightwing phenomenon.
We have free speech in this country, and this overwrought right-to-lifer can say whatever he likes. I don’t think people like him should be elected to public office, but whatever. All I’ll say is talk is one thing, but if he comes after some member of my family with lethal intent because she exercised her constitutional rights, he may run into my constitutional rights.
It’s because of people like him and shit like this that I say, “Liberals must exercise their constitutional rights.”
@35 Both CAN be true, idiot. Ever heard of bipolar? What’s more, if the Russian stooge hits the button, you’re going up in smoke with the rest of us.
“They should be able to go to the offices of the special council and look in the files at everything.”
Nah. No they don’t. Not even in routine cases do criminal defense attys get to see whatever they ask for. Lots of good reasons for that. For example, deep undercover police infiltrators get to maintain their cover and their anonymity. Think Joe Pistone. That way guys like Michael Cohen can’t threaten their families. And Putin can’t have them murdered with nerve agents. Information relevant to the defense should certainly be available. But fishing expeditions by scumbags like these guys can get people killed. Plenty of other examples where investigation sources and details are kept sealed.
But then in these cases you’ve got a bunch of national security implications and a pile of laws and regulations enacted since 9/11. Sources and methods are off the table. So is a lot of original, un-redacted source material. Probably something a guy like you should keep in mind… with all the child porn that has passed across your browser over the years.
“…if we are a nation of laws and our constitution means anything.”
Except whenever there’s a SCOTUS nominee you don’t like, eh?