Sad, how Bill Clinton’s BJ caused America’s Republicans to lose what remained of their morals.
I foresee the loon desecrating this thread with his HATE!
Carl – wake up. Hope you didn’t sleep on that bus.
@1 not to mention that they hate all the kids now too.
@4 It’s not the Republicans fault that they hate kids. It’s the fault of those kids who don’t want to be shot and killed at school, those evil little fuckers.
It’s not the fault of Republicans and Putin that a perfectly awful dumbfuck is president. It’s Hillary Clinton’s fault for being “perfectly awful”! At least that’s what Doctor Dumbfuck is telling us. Nothing dumbfuck about that!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It’s Friday! And we know what that means.
Some incompetent racist crook is going to get fired from the White House for not being racist enough!
@ 6
Hillary Clinton’s health issues have establishment Democrats “nervously beginning to whisper” about finding a replacement for her should she need to “step aside,” according to one prominent political commentator.
Asked how Democrats were reacting to Clinton’s collapse at the 9/11 memorial ceremony Sunday, Roberts said that “people are angry at the lack of transparency.” She added, “It was hours before the pneumonia diagnosis was revealed after seeing this incredibly damaging video of her being helped and stumbling into a van.”
“The fact that it comes now when the polls are tightening and Democrats are already saying that Hillary was the only candidate who could not beat Trump and it is taking her off of the campaign trail, canceling her trip to California – it has them very nervously beginning to whisper about having her step aside and finding another candidate.”
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this wonderful gift thou hast brought to the Republican Party. May the woman never, ever cease speaking on camera.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Looks like Dumbfuck’s time machine dropped him off in 2016 and then went on to the next bus stop without him. It could be worse. At least he isn’t stuck in 1950 and ranting about MacArthur’s sacking. If anyone ever deserved to get fired by a president it was MacArthur.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “May the woman never, ever cease speaking on camera.”
Don’t worry, doc, as long as YouTube doesn’t go out of business, you’ll have access to those 1996 video clips. The internet is forever.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“…this wonderful gift thou hast brought to the Republican Party>”
TIL “conservatives” nickname for Newt Gingrich is “Lord Jesus”. I did not know that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Friends of yours, Puddy? Careful. They want you dead, too.
“We’re going to have people going to the slammer over this, the question is who, and how high up this is going to reach…the notion there’s no collusion is just ridiculous” – Richard Painter, former White House Ethics Lawyer for President George W. Bush
Thank you sky-daddy, flying spaghetti monster, blah blah for this wonderful gift brought to the Democratic Party.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This is strange. I thought the whole purpose of provisional ballots was to have election officials decide whether the ballot will be counted based on their determination of whether the voter is eligible to vote. Therefore, how can casting a provisional ballot be a crime?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So this woman gets 5 years in prison from a Texas judge for casting a provisional ballot. In that state, you’d probably get less time for shooting a Muslim.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A Texas judge sentenced a woman to 5 years in a Texas prision for casting a provisional ballot.
A federal judge sentenced a corrupt Social Security judge to 4 years in a federal prison for taking $609,000 of bribes from a crooked lawyer.
And keep in mind that a day in a Texas jail is harder time than a year in a federal white collar lockup.
I wonder if Trump will intervene to keep that corrupt judge from getting a federal pension? Probably not important enough to waste his time on. He’s too busy confiscating the pensions of his accusers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here ya go. Here’s your coal jobs. All five of them.
” … Donald Trump digs coal. So after Trump withdrew from the Paris climate agreement … dismantled the Clean Power Plan … revoked the Stream Protection Rule … [and] a lax attitude to safety that saw a surge in coal mining deaths … Wyoming coal companies only added five full-time jobs between the bottom of the bust in 2016 and last year, according the Wyoming State Mine Inspector’s annual report on the industry.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: While environmental regulations and concerns may helped hasten the decline of the coal industry, the main factors in the loss of coal jobs are automation and cheap natural gas, and those jobs wouldn’t come back even if you completely eliminated environmental laws. Trump surely knows this, but that doesn’t stop him from trolling for votes by demagoguing the issue.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A Republican candidate’s “waste, fraud, and abuse” moment.
Democrats are just going to have to go through this if we want to get to the other side. It’s fucked up. But it is more or less a feature of some people’s personal and professional character that knows no political ideology. The difference in terms of politics is that Democrats, as a political party of ideas and ideology rather than white nationalist identity, don’t have to tolerate it, excuse it, or protect it. And we do ourselves no favors when we do so.
So as these kinds of stories continue to come to light (and they will) we have to take a strong stand. And that includes running a primary against this incumbent Democrat and joining the GOP in calling for her immediate resignation. She’s a fucking disgrace. And nobody should be defending her in this.
Dems have got to do this right. If the senior leadership can’t see that then they have got to be replaced. We do this right, and as in so many other ways, we become the only remaining party of ideas, principles, and human dignity left. If there’s any litmus test for Democrats it has got to to this. If you beat up your employees you get fired. If you serially harass women you get fired. It doesn’t matter if you had a drinking problem or anger management issues. Those can be dealt with. And you can continue on with your life. But you don’t get to continue on with your job working for the Democratic Party.
Roger Rabbitspews:
How vile are “gun rights” supporters? Vile enough to retaliate against a Parkland survivor for his gun control advocacy by hurling a baseless accusation against him that he was “in on” the shooting.
“You could have a President Martin O’Malley right now”
Nothing dumbfuck about that!
“Think on your sins.”
Heh. Yeah, nothing dumbfuck about that either.
Dumbfuck much, Doctor?
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@1 “Sad, how Bill Clinton’s BJ caused America’s Republicans to lose what remained of their morals.”
They didn’t lose their morals, they never had them in the first place. They chose to hide behind a false image of moral superiority. The have always been self-righteous, filled with lust and greed, pricks. They just go to church to keep up appearances.
Maybe Piddles or Dr. Bob can tell me who named today, “Good Friday”; the Romans or the Christians? Depending on your perspective, it certainly is a “Good Friday”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 Doctor Dumbfuck named it. He calls it “Good Friday” because the markets are closed and he can’t lose money until Monday.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here ya go, Trump’s “best and brightest” hard at work on your behalf …
We do this right, and as in so many other ways, we become the only remaining party of ideas, principles, and human dignity left.
So, kind of like a Permanent Majority, amirite?
This is why I troll HA, peeps. Because around these parts educated people who clearly should know better nonetheless believe that history’s lessons do not apply to them.
Where is A1 Shit Sauce today?
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
From the other OT
Newt wrote this: “Maybe those schools are interested in something called diversity in their student population?”
So having a student from Southern Florida doesn’t add diversity to a mostly California population? Allowing an illegal alien to take his place is called “diversity”? So if University of Wisconsin gave your spot to some illegal alien here illegally in America you’d be thrilled about that Newt? That would beA-OK with you?
Did you actually think before you writing that drivel Newt?
Till Next Time!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“…history’s lessons do not apply to them.”
Right after I issued a warning citing perhaps the most glaring of history’s lessons since the rise of National Socialism. Of course, being on the other side of the Orange Event Horizon it wasn’t meant for Dumbfuck. Proud members of a political party that valorizes Klansmen, admires finger rape, and actively promotes and defends serial wife beaters are incapable of understanding their own decline. But Democrats looking on in horror can take a valuable lesson.
As a political party of ideas and principles, as opposed to white nationalist identity, we will always be prone to internal debate about those ideas and principles. And we should be prepared to accept that and engage those debates unflinchingly. But we don’t have to make room for misogynistic bullies and racists. And unlike the PornHub Party we don’t have to.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Good! Thank you! Keep linking, HelpDesk!
She’s lost Hulu and four other majors in the last few hours. There’s still time left before the work week ends. Bring it on home for us, idiot!
@ 31
But we don’t have to make room for misogynistic bullies and racists.
Meaning since y’all got caught doing it?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
HelpDesk is doing a great job!
So far Ingraham has lost Nestle, Trip Advisor, Hulu, Rachel Ray’s companies, Office Depot, Jenny Craig, Expedia, StitchFix, Johnson & Johnson and Atlantis, Paradise Island resort, among many, many others.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Getting caught has never been the point. Shitheads are everywhere. You and HelpDesk are living proof.
The difference is in what we do about it.
You guys doubled down on the ‘Bama TeenFucker and poured your souls into your effort to get him into the Senate.
We kicked Al Franken to the curb. It hurt. Still does. But it was the right thing to do in the end.
Think about all the times the ex-wives caught you naked in the barn with the horses re-enacting your favorite scenes from Equus.
You still have the horses.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 “This is why I troll HA, peeps.”
Really? I’m under the distinct impression you need a pastime because your wife doesn’t want you in the kitchen and the horses don’t want you in the barn.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Whichever college you got into, if you attended one, no doubt was looking for a discharged lunatic to fill in the last blank space in their Title IX diversity form, so you should be grateful for these programs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 You know, I was just thinking, you never see women going on teevee saying Paul Allen is a shitty lay. There are many possible explanations for this. Maybe he doesn’t like sex. Or, if he does, maybe he doesn’t have to pay for sex. Or, if he does pay for sex, maybe he doesn’t have to buy silence, too. But if he does pay for sex and silence, he probably pays well, and more importantly, his checks don’t bounce, because he’s an actual billionaire, not a blowhard running on financial fumes. Maybe the real reason Cohen signed the check is because Trump wasn’t good for it, because he hadn’t sold enough of his soul to Putin yet, so Putin — knowing who he was dealing with — was holding back the next installment. Whatever else anyone might say (or speculate) about Paul Allen … the guy doesn’t have a Russia problem.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
The difference in terms of politics is that Democrats, as a political party of ideas and ideology rather than white nationalist identity, don’t have to tolerate it, excuse it, or protect it. And we do ourselves no favors when we do so.
And yet your party favors human infantocide of minorities so you can control the mASSes of dumb ASSes.
And yet your party offers no answers to all the inner city killings of young minority men even after “great gun laws” were enacted in those DUMMOCRETIN controlled cities.
Till Next Time!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
… the guy doesn’t have a Russia problem.
But Doctor Dumbfuck’s political party does.
Along with a KKK problem, an NRA problem, a Milo Yianopolous problem, a PizzaGate problem, a PooseyGrappink problem, a Shithole problem, a TikiTorch Nazi problem, a Rebekkah Mercer problem, a Randy Weaver problem, and at least in Doctor Dumbfuck’s case an equine coital exanthema problem. drip.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Get it straight HelpDesk. We favor ALL human infant-O-cide! And we offer a most sublime answer to “all the inner city killings of young minority men” – KILL WHITEY!. Plus, also, BEEENGHAAAZIIIII!!!!
and Jade Helm.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
also, having abandoned every last shred of ideology or basic principle for the sake of becoming more refined at hectoring identity politics, you PornHub trolls could as least do a decent job of attacking Democratic ideas. These childish incoherent ravings of yours using that fucked up trailerbilly patois aren’t just dated and stale, they are largely irrelevant. You’ve lost on abortion, sonny boy. And flag burning. And preaching the gospel in public schools. And same sex marriage. And yes, I hate to break it to you, but what with the torch burning, Klan rallying, and Stars and Bars brand loyalty, you’ve lost on race too. This won’t be any fun for anyone if you aren’t even going to try.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Stephon Clark, the unarmed 22-year-old killed by Sacramento police officers earlier this month, was shot eight times, with most of the bullets hitting him in the back, according to an independent autopsy requested by his family’s attorneys.
PuddyCommentary: Stephon was not facing the police? Butt butt butt they said he was facing them with a gun! Puddy don’t need to say anything else.
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
Goat droppings spotted @42!
Notice there are no real responses to the items offered!
Lunacy personified!
Till Next Time!
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@30 “Did you actually think before you writing that drivel Newt?”
Absolutely, I think about stuff before I write it. You on the other always have plenty of verbal diarrhea and most of your shit that you post in incomprehensible. Case and point, “some illegal alien here illegally, read it and weep. I pity the college/university you graduated from; they have every right to request their diploma back from you.
No, I don’t think a white teenage male from South Florida adds as much diversity to CA as you think it should, that is unless you want to treat Southern Florida as a third-world country.
I never said anything about an illegal enrolling into a school. The UC system is geared towards CA residents first.
I would have never applied to the University of Wisconsin, so if they allowed an illegal alien to attend, who am I to complain?
The college I went to didn’t really care about citizenship, since it was a private school, in fact we had many foreign students. If you could afford to pay and had the grades, you might be able to get in. I don’t know if there were any illegals there when I attended, didn’t really care and the cost probably kept most illegals away. We did have several “Young Republicans”, wish the school would have done a better job filtering those racist bigots out, but they did add a little diversity as they were fun to mock.
Nice of the loon to drop by and spew some unintelligible hate.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“Notice there are no real responses to the items offered!”
Well, actually I think I addressed that pretty well @42.
Abortion is the law of the land. Want one? Get one. Don’t want one? Dont’ get one. You lost. Move on.
And so long as the PornHub party Pissident is openly consorting with white supremacists who preach rounding you up and shipping you back, you won’t make any headway arguing that Democrats are bad for racial minorities. You’ve lost that one too. Did you happen to see Doug Jones’ numbers? You’re done. It’s over. You guys are the white man’s gun party now. The dream of a lifetime achieved. Deal with it.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
45, “…they have every right to request their diploma back from you.”
I’d suggest that HelpDesk has every right to request his tuition payments back, but let’s be honest. Since when did a trailerbilly ever pay for anything? It never fails. You give that “self-made” paint veneer just a tiny scratch and all you find under it is a giant mess of government support and whining. I’d reckon he ran up a huge student loan debt, used some of it on spring break in Myrtle Beach, and then defaulted. That’s why they love Fuckface.
@ 47
Abortion is the law of the land. Want one? Get one. Don’t want one? Dont’ get one.
Legal access to weapons such as the AR-15 is the law of the land. Want one? Get one. Don’t want one? Get one, anyway.
Yeah, I don’t think this is how you report statistics:
Tim Mak
Verified account
Mar 29
The audience for stories on radio is massive and growing.
Total weekly listeners on NPR:
37.7 million
Morning Edition:
14.9 million
All Things Considered:
14.7 million
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 “And yet your party favors human infantocide of minorities so you can control the mASSes of dumb ASSes.”
No problem. Women who want men to control their bodies have another party they can go to.
“And yet your party offers no answers to all the inner city killings of young minority men even after ‘great gun laws’ were enacted in those DUMMOCRETIN controlled cities.”
We want the violence to end. Vigorously prosecuting violent criminals is the obvious place to start. Funding programs to divert youths from gangs is a no-brainer, too. We think making it easier to prosecute cops who wantonly shoot people without reasonable justification, and banning assault rifles and bump stocks, would also help.
Hey, y’all HA libbies, the Palestinians want you to know that your donations are still useless.
Hamas leader: This is the beginning of the Palestinians’ return to all of Palestine Friday’s demonstrations mark the beginning of the Palestinians’ return to all “Palestine,” Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said in a speech at the scene of the mass protests in the Gaza Strip.
“We are here to declare today that our people will not agree to keep the right of return only as a slogan,” he said. Haniyeh said that the March of Return was also aimed at sending a message to US President Donald Trump that the Palestinians will not give up their right to Jerusalem and “Palestine.” There is no solution without the right of return, he added.
The Palestinians “will never recognize the Zionist entity and will never give up on Palestinian land, and on Jerusalem; [the city] is ours and there is no solution [to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict] without the ‘right of return,’” Haniyeh said, according to a Hebrew translation by the Walla news site.
This made me think of Rachel Corrie, and now I’m jonesing for some pancakes tomorrow morning. After which I’ll probably want to watch Die Hard again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@49 “Legal access to weapons such as the AR-15 is the law of the land. Want one? Get one. Don’t want one? Get one, anyway.”
That’s what I’ve been telling my fellow liberals all along. Disarming the rightwing militia types calling for “civil war” and “executing” liberals obviously is the best policy, but if that’s not possible, self-defense is the next best alternative, while passively letting them slaughter us is the worst option.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 In other words, the Palestinians aren’t consenting to remain a conquered and subjugated people for the rest of time.
There’s two possible ways to resolve this. Either make them all citizens of a single country encompassing both Israel and the Palestinian lands (West Bank and Gaza), with equal rights and equal votes; or give them each their own land and government and self-rule.
Neither is easy to do, but keeping the Palestinian people in a conquered and subjugated state is impossible to do; or at least they can’t be expected to cooperate with that.
The thing is, all Doctor Dumbfuck knows how to do is fling poop at the problem, like a zoo monkey pulling turds from its ass and throwing them at Ape House visitors.
Roger Rabbitspews:
God needs a better HR department.
“Federal authorities have charged the pastor of a Texas megachurch and a Louisiana financial planner with defrauding elderly investors out of more than $1 million.”
Does Mary Kay know this? Damn Dr. Bob, you are just like Trump, jonesing for so many women. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned (or horse).
I’m sure you were thinking about the Israeli solder that was driving the Cat that ran her over. At 0:18 is the look on Dr. Bob’s face when thinking about Rachel Corrie:
I’m sure that thought warmed your loins, so much so, you are probably going to buy Caterpillar stock on Monday.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 Nah, he’s in Chinese bonds. See #55 for details.
Puddybud is just visiting the mayonnaise monster lookin ASS crackers here!spews:
I would answer you Newt but it’s the Sabbath!
Happy Sabbath Newt! Hope the Holy Spirit moves upon you!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I was kinda wondering if HelpDesk would violate his rules tonight.
Always satisfying to see it happen in real time.
Of course he’ll claim he’s in another time zone or some shit. As if lying to himself in front of witnesses makes it “true”.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
I don’t believe in the Holy Spirit, so, no, they won’t move me. Gravity and time will.
Say, you posted a little late, your sabbath started before you posted. Damn, you are a sinner, and on Good Friday to boot.
The loon’s raging hate drives him to put HA first. SAD!
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@60 & @62
Documented proof that the loon is THE biggest hypocrite, and by his own hand. The Leon Lett of religous whack jobs.
Follows and spouts religious garbage when it fits his schedule and not what his good book and sky daddy demand. Puddles: repent sinner!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It obviously has nothing whatsoever to do with “faith”. Like so many of his kind he’s taken on the false persona to compensate. As much as he hates everyone else, it’s alarming to realize he hates himself even more. What a mess.
Sad, how Bill Clinton’s BJ caused America’s Republicans to lose what remained of their morals.
I foresee the loon desecrating this thread with his HATE!
Carl – wake up. Hope you didn’t sleep on that bus.
@1 not to mention that they hate all the kids now too.
@4 It’s not the Republicans fault that they hate kids. It’s the fault of those kids who don’t want to be shot and killed at school, those evil little fuckers.
It’s not the fault of Republicans and Putin that a perfectly awful dumbfuck is president. It’s Hillary Clinton’s fault for being “perfectly awful”! At least that’s what Doctor Dumbfuck is telling us. Nothing dumbfuck about that!
It’s Friday! And we know what that means.
Some incompetent racist crook is going to get fired from the White House for not being racist enough!
@ 6
Hillary Clinton’s health issues have establishment Democrats “nervously beginning to whisper” about finding a replacement for her should she need to “step aside,” according to one prominent political commentator.
Asked how Democrats were reacting to Clinton’s collapse at the 9/11 memorial ceremony Sunday, Roberts said that “people are angry at the lack of transparency.” She added, “It was hours before the pneumonia diagnosis was revealed after seeing this incredibly damaging video of her being helped and stumbling into a van.”
“The fact that it comes now when the polls are tightening and Democrats are already saying that Hillary was the only candidate who could not beat Trump and it is taking her off of the campaign trail, canceling her trip to California – it has them very nervously beginning to whisper about having her step aside and finding another candidate.”
You could have a President Martin O’Malley right now, Steve. But you went for old, corrupt, and disliked.
Think on your sins. It’s a Good Friday for doing so, Steve.
Vladimir Putin donated a million rubles to Andrew MaCabe’s GoFundMe account.
Here’s the C-SPAN clip of Hillary Clinton in 1996 referring to ‘superpredators’ and ‘bring[ing] them to heel’.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this wonderful gift thou hast brought to the Republican Party. May the woman never, ever cease speaking on camera.
@8 Looks like Dumbfuck’s time machine dropped him off in 2016 and then went on to the next bus stop without him. It could be worse. At least he isn’t stuck in 1950 and ranting about MacArthur’s sacking. If anyone ever deserved to get fired by a president it was MacArthur.
@10 “May the woman never, ever cease speaking on camera.”
Don’t worry, doc, as long as YouTube doesn’t go out of business, you’ll have access to those 1996 video clips. The internet is forever.
TIL “conservatives” nickname for Newt Gingrich is “Lord Jesus”. I did not know that.
Friends of yours, Puddy? Careful. They want you dead, too.
Thank you, sky-daddy, flying spaghetti monster, blah blah, for this wonderful gift brought to the Democratic Party.
“We’re going to have people going to the slammer over this, the question is who, and how high up this is going to reach…the notion there’s no collusion is just ridiculous” – Richard Painter, former White House Ethics Lawyer for President George W. Bush
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock …
Here’s the blah, blah, blah of Orange Julius referring to ‘superpredators’
Thank you sky-daddy, flying spaghetti monster, blah blah for this wonderful gift brought to the Democratic Party.
This is strange. I thought the whole purpose of provisional ballots was to have election officials decide whether the ballot will be counted based on their determination of whether the voter is eligible to vote. Therefore, how can casting a provisional ballot be a crime?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So this woman gets 5 years in prison from a Texas judge for casting a provisional ballot. In that state, you’d probably get less time for shooting a Muslim.
A Texas judge sentenced a woman to 5 years in a Texas prision for casting a provisional ballot.
A federal judge sentenced a corrupt Social Security judge to 4 years in a federal prison for taking $609,000 of bribes from a crooked lawyer.
And keep in mind that a day in a Texas jail is harder time than a year in a federal white collar lockup.
I wonder if Trump will intervene to keep that corrupt judge from getting a federal pension? Probably not important enough to waste his time on. He’s too busy confiscating the pensions of his accusers.
Here ya go. Here’s your coal jobs. All five of them.
” … Donald Trump digs coal. So after Trump withdrew from the Paris climate agreement … dismantled the Clean Power Plan … revoked the Stream Protection Rule … [and] a lax attitude to safety that saw a surge in coal mining deaths … Wyoming coal companies only added five full-time jobs between the bottom of the bust in 2016 and last year, according the Wyoming State Mine Inspector’s annual report on the industry.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: While environmental regulations and concerns may helped hasten the decline of the coal industry, the main factors in the loss of coal jobs are automation and cheap natural gas, and those jobs wouldn’t come back even if you completely eliminated environmental laws. Trump surely knows this, but that doesn’t stop him from trolling for votes by demagoguing the issue.
A Republican candidate’s “waste, fraud, and abuse” moment.
Democrats are just going to have to go through this if we want to get to the other side. It’s fucked up. But it is more or less a feature of some people’s personal and professional character that knows no political ideology. The difference in terms of politics is that Democrats, as a political party of ideas and ideology rather than white nationalist identity, don’t have to tolerate it, excuse it, or protect it. And we do ourselves no favors when we do so.
So as these kinds of stories continue to come to light (and they will) we have to take a strong stand. And that includes running a primary against this incumbent Democrat and joining the GOP in calling for her immediate resignation. She’s a fucking disgrace. And nobody should be defending her in this.
Dems have got to do this right. If the senior leadership can’t see that then they have got to be replaced. We do this right, and as in so many other ways, we become the only remaining party of ideas, principles, and human dignity left. If there’s any litmus test for Democrats it has got to to this. If you beat up your employees you get fired. If you serially harass women you get fired. It doesn’t matter if you had a drinking problem or anger management issues. Those can be dealt with. And you can continue on with your life. But you don’t get to continue on with your job working for the Democratic Party.
How vile are “gun rights” supporters? Vile enough to retaliate against a Parkland survivor for his gun control advocacy by hurling a baseless accusation against him that he was “in on” the shooting.
Doc’s and Puddy’s people.
“You could have a President Martin O’Malley right now”
Nothing dumbfuck about that!
“Think on your sins.”
Heh. Yeah, nothing dumbfuck about that either.
Dumbfuck much, Doctor?
@1 “Sad, how Bill Clinton’s BJ caused America’s Republicans to lose what remained of their morals.”
They didn’t lose their morals, they never had them in the first place. They chose to hide behind a false image of moral superiority. The have always been self-righteous, filled with lust and greed, pricks. They just go to church to keep up appearances.
Maybe Piddles or Dr. Bob can tell me who named today, “Good Friday”; the Romans or the Christians? Depending on your perspective, it certainly is a “Good Friday”.
@25 Doctor Dumbfuck named it. He calls it “Good Friday” because the markets are closed and he can’t lose money until Monday.
Here ya go, Trump’s “best and brightest” hard at work on your behalf …
@ 22
We do this right, and as in so many other ways, we become the only remaining party of ideas, principles, and human dignity left.
So, kind of like a Permanent Majority, amirite?
This is why I troll HA, peeps. Because around these parts educated people who clearly should know better nonetheless believe that history’s lessons do not apply to them.
Where is A1 Shit Sauce today?
From the other OT
Newt wrote this: “Maybe those schools are interested in something called diversity in their student population?”
So having a student from Southern Florida doesn’t add diversity to a mostly California population? Allowing an illegal alien to take his place is called “diversity”? So if University of Wisconsin gave your spot to some illegal alien here illegally in America you’d be thrilled about that Newt? That would beA-OK with you?
Did you actually think before you writing that drivel Newt?
Till Next Time!
“…history’s lessons do not apply to them.”
Right after I issued a warning citing perhaps the most glaring of history’s lessons since the rise of National Socialism. Of course, being on the other side of the Orange Event Horizon it wasn’t meant for Dumbfuck. Proud members of a political party that valorizes Klansmen, admires finger rape, and actively promotes and defends serial wife beaters are incapable of understanding their own decline. But Democrats looking on in horror can take a valuable lesson.
As a political party of ideas and principles, as opposed to white nationalist identity, we will always be prone to internal debate about those ideas and principles. And we should be prepared to accept that and engage those debates unflinchingly. But we don’t have to make room for misogynistic bullies and racists. And unlike the PornHub Party we don’t have to.
Good! Thank you!
Keep linking, HelpDesk!
She’s lost Hulu and four other majors in the last few hours. There’s still time left before the work week ends. Bring it on home for us, idiot!
@ 31
But we don’t have to make room for misogynistic bullies and racists.
Meaning since y’all got caught doing it?
HelpDesk is doing a great job!
So far Ingraham has lost Nestle, Trip Advisor, Hulu, Rachel Ray’s companies, Office Depot, Jenny Craig, Expedia, StitchFix, Johnson & Johnson and Atlantis, Paradise Island resort, among many, many others.
Getting caught has never been the point. Shitheads are everywhere. You and HelpDesk are living proof.
The difference is in what we do about it.
You guys doubled down on the ‘Bama TeenFucker and poured your souls into your effort to get him into the Senate.
We kicked Al Franken to the curb. It hurt. Still does. But it was the right thing to do in the end.
Think about all the times the ex-wives caught you naked in the barn with the horses re-enacting your favorite scenes from Equus.
You still have the horses.
@28 “This is why I troll HA, peeps.”
Really? I’m under the distinct impression you need a pastime because your wife doesn’t want you in the kitchen and the horses don’t want you in the barn.
@30 Whichever college you got into, if you attended one, no doubt was looking for a discharged lunatic to fill in the last blank space in their Title IX diversity form, so you should be grateful for these programs.
@35 You know, I was just thinking, you never see women going on teevee saying Paul Allen is a shitty lay. There are many possible explanations for this. Maybe he doesn’t like sex. Or, if he does, maybe he doesn’t have to pay for sex. Or, if he does pay for sex, maybe he doesn’t have to buy silence, too. But if he does pay for sex and silence, he probably pays well, and more importantly, his checks don’t bounce, because he’s an actual billionaire, not a blowhard running on financial fumes. Maybe the real reason Cohen signed the check is because Trump wasn’t good for it, because he hadn’t sold enough of his soul to Putin yet, so Putin — knowing who he was dealing with — was holding back the next installment. Whatever else anyone might say (or speculate) about Paul Allen … the guy doesn’t have a Russia problem.
The difference in terms of politics is that Democrats, as a political party of ideas and ideology rather than white nationalist identity, don’t have to tolerate it, excuse it, or protect it. And we do ourselves no favors when we do so.
And yet your party favors human infantocide of minorities so you can control the mASSes of dumb ASSes.
And yet your party offers no answers to all the inner city killings of young minority men even after “great gun laws” were enacted in those DUMMOCRETIN controlled cities.
Till Next Time!
… the guy doesn’t have a Russia problem.
But Doctor Dumbfuck’s political party does.
Along with a KKK problem, an NRA problem, a Milo Yianopolous problem, a PizzaGate problem, a PooseyGrappink problem, a Shithole problem, a TikiTorch Nazi problem, a Rebekkah Mercer problem, a Randy Weaver problem, and at least in Doctor Dumbfuck’s case an equine coital exanthema problem. drip.
Get it straight HelpDesk. We favor ALL human infant-O-cide! And we offer a most sublime answer to “all the inner city killings of young minority men” – KILL WHITEY!. Plus, also, BEEENGHAAAZIIIII!!!!
and Jade Helm.
also, having abandoned every last shred of ideology or basic principle for the sake of becoming more refined at hectoring identity politics, you PornHub trolls could as least do a decent job of attacking Democratic ideas. These childish incoherent ravings of yours using that fucked up trailerbilly patois aren’t just dated and stale, they are largely irrelevant. You’ve lost on abortion, sonny boy. And flag burning. And preaching the gospel in public schools. And same sex marriage. And yes, I hate to break it to you, but what with the torch burning, Klan rallying, and Stars and Bars brand loyalty, you’ve lost on race too. This won’t be any fun for anyone if you aren’t even going to try.
Libtard led police departments have to be held responsible for killing black men… This is how libtards get rid of grown black men that escaped abortion tactics legally !
PuddyCommentary: Stephon was not facing the police? Butt butt butt they said he was facing them with a gun! Puddy don’t need to say anything else.
Till Next Time!
Goat droppings spotted @42!
Notice there are no real responses to the items offered!
Lunacy personified!
Till Next Time!
@30 “Did you actually think before you writing that drivel Newt?”
Absolutely, I think about stuff before I write it. You on the other always have plenty of verbal diarrhea and most of your shit that you post in incomprehensible. Case and point, “some illegal alien here illegally, read it and weep. I pity the college/university you graduated from; they have every right to request their diploma back from you.
No, I don’t think a white teenage male from South Florida adds as much diversity to CA as you think it should, that is unless you want to treat Southern Florida as a third-world country.
I never said anything about an illegal enrolling into a school. The UC system is geared towards CA residents first.
I would have never applied to the University of Wisconsin, so if they allowed an illegal alien to attend, who am I to complain?
The college I went to didn’t really care about citizenship, since it was a private school, in fact we had many foreign students. If you could afford to pay and had the grades, you might be able to get in. I don’t know if there were any illegals there when I attended, didn’t really care and the cost probably kept most illegals away. We did have several “Young Republicans”, wish the school would have done a better job filtering those racist bigots out, but they did add a little diversity as they were fun to mock.
Nice of the loon to drop by and spew some unintelligible hate.
“Notice there are no real responses to the items offered!”
Well, actually I think I addressed that pretty well @42.
Abortion is the law of the land. Want one? Get one. Don’t want one? Dont’ get one. You lost. Move on.
And so long as the PornHub party Pissident is openly consorting with white supremacists who preach rounding you up and shipping you back, you won’t make any headway arguing that Democrats are bad for racial minorities. You’ve lost that one too. Did you happen to see Doug Jones’ numbers? You’re done. It’s over. You guys are the white man’s gun party now. The dream of a lifetime achieved. Deal with it.
“…they have every right to request their diploma back from you.”
I’d suggest that HelpDesk has every right to request his tuition payments back, but let’s be honest. Since when did a trailerbilly ever pay for anything? It never fails. You give that “self-made” paint veneer just a tiny scratch and all you find under it is a giant mess of government support and whining. I’d reckon he ran up a huge student loan debt, used some of it on spring break in Myrtle Beach, and then defaulted. That’s why they love Fuckface.
@ 47
Abortion is the law of the land. Want one? Get one. Don’t want one? Dont’ get one.
Legal access to weapons such as the AR-15 is the law of the land. Want one? Get one. Don’t want one? Get one, anyway.
Yeah, I don’t think this is how you report statistics:
Tim Mak
Verified account
Mar 29
The audience for stories on radio is massive and growing.
Total weekly listeners on NPR:
37.7 million
Morning Edition:
14.9 million
All Things Considered:
14.7 million
@39 “And yet your party favors human infantocide of minorities so you can control the mASSes of dumb ASSes.”
No problem. Women who want men to control their bodies have another party they can go to.
“And yet your party offers no answers to all the inner city killings of young minority men even after ‘great gun laws’ were enacted in those DUMMOCRETIN controlled cities.”
We want the violence to end. Vigorously prosecuting violent criminals is the obvious place to start. Funding programs to divert youths from gangs is a no-brainer, too. We think making it easier to prosecute cops who wantonly shoot people without reasonable justification, and banning assault rifles and bump stocks, would also help.
Hey, y’all HA libbies, the Palestinians want you to know that your donations are still useless.
Hamas leader: This is the beginning of the Palestinians’ return to all of Palestine
Friday’s demonstrations mark the beginning of the Palestinians’ return to all “Palestine,” Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said in a speech at the scene of the mass protests in the Gaza Strip.
“We are here to declare today that our people will not agree to keep the right of return only as a slogan,” he said. Haniyeh said that the March of Return was also aimed at sending a message to US President Donald Trump that the Palestinians will not give up their right to Jerusalem and “Palestine.” There is no solution without the right of return, he added.
The Palestinians “will never recognize the Zionist entity and will never give up on Palestinian land, and on Jerusalem; [the city] is ours and there is no solution [to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict] without the ‘right of return,’” Haniyeh said, according to a Hebrew translation by the Walla news site.
This made me think of Rachel Corrie, and now I’m jonesing for some pancakes tomorrow morning. After which I’ll probably want to watch Die Hard again.
@49 “Legal access to weapons such as the AR-15 is the law of the land. Want one? Get one. Don’t want one? Get one, anyway.”
That’s what I’ve been telling my fellow liberals all along. Disarming the rightwing militia types calling for “civil war” and “executing” liberals obviously is the best policy, but if that’s not possible, self-defense is the next best alternative, while passively letting them slaughter us is the worst option.
@52 In other words, the Palestinians aren’t consenting to remain a conquered and subjugated people for the rest of time.
There’s two possible ways to resolve this. Either make them all citizens of a single country encompassing both Israel and the Palestinian lands (West Bank and Gaza), with equal rights and equal votes; or give them each their own land and government and self-rule.
Neither is easy to do, but keeping the Palestinian people in a conquered and subjugated state is impossible to do; or at least they can’t be expected to cooperate with that.
The thing is, all Doctor Dumbfuck knows how to do is fling poop at the problem, like a zoo monkey pulling turds from its ass and throwing them at Ape House visitors.
God needs a better HR department.
“Federal authorities have charged the pastor of a Texas megachurch and a Louisiana financial planner with defrauding elderly investors out of more than $1 million.”
This Republican know-nothing decided she didn’t want to be a kamikaze candidate after all.
@52 “This made me think of Rachel Corrie”
Does Mary Kay know this? Damn Dr. Bob, you are just like Trump, jonesing for so many women. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned (or horse).
I’m sure you were thinking about the Israeli solder that was driving the Cat that ran her over. At 0:18 is the look on Dr. Bob’s face when thinking about Rachel Corrie:
I’m sure that thought warmed your loins, so much so, you are probably going to buy Caterpillar stock on Monday.
@57 Nah, he’s in Chinese bonds. See #55 for details.
I would answer you Newt but it’s the Sabbath!
Happy Sabbath Newt! Hope the Holy Spirit moves upon you!
I was kinda wondering if HelpDesk would violate his rules tonight.
Always satisfying to see it happen in real time.
Of course he’ll claim he’s in another time zone or some shit. As if lying to himself in front of witnesses makes it “true”.
I don’t believe in the Holy Spirit, so, no, they won’t move me. Gravity and time will.
Say, you posted a little late, your sabbath started before you posted. Damn, you are a sinner, and on Good Friday to boot.
The loon’s raging hate drives him to put HA first. SAD!
@60 & @62
Documented proof that the loon is THE biggest hypocrite, and by his own hand. The Leon Lett of religous whack jobs.
Follows and spouts religious garbage when it fits his schedule and not what his good book and sky daddy demand. Puddles: repent sinner!
It obviously has nothing whatsoever to do with “faith”. Like so many of his kind he’s taken on the false persona to compensate. As much as he hates everyone else, it’s alarming to realize he hates himself even more. What a mess.