So. Now we’ve seen the Stormy Daniels interview, does it add much? I think we all knew the outlines. I guess it’s good to hear it from her. I don’t care about an affair. And consensual sex is less gross than the sexual assault he has bragged about.
Campaign finance violations? Sure, probably. So blackmail possibilities from his careless behavior? Maybe. Hypocrisy of his religious supporters? Doy, but we already knew that.
More than just campaign finance violations here.
The requirements under federal law to document, record, preserve, and disclose these financial transactions and their funding sources implicate as many as a half dozen different agencies of the federal government and dozens of sections of the U.S.C. The multiple complex schemes undertaken by somebody to conceal and/or obscure the true nature of the transactions and their origins from multiple agencies in violation of multiple laws is a textbook example of conspiracy to defraud. A serious felony criminal violation involving real jail time.
With that crim j shit about l’afaire Stormy out of the way I do want to add this:
Because what well adjusted Roypublican father doesn’t think about his eldest daughter every time he gets wood?
So we go from blue-dress evidence persisting from a consensual sexual relationship to transactional evidence persisting from a consensual sexual relationship.
Y’all libbies might have something here if not for the antics of the husband of twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Clinton perjured himself in a dep. That’s the extent of it. He was caught. And punished by a judicial decree.
In the case of the Roypublican President somebody constructed a baroque scheme to defraud the United States Government.
Regardless of the underlying marital infidelities, the relationships between the sexual partners, their identities, or whatever cultural moral transgressions they describe, the criminal acts attendant to the infidelities are categorically different. Formulating and carrying out a conspiracy to defraud is a very serious felony.
“Y’all libbies”
That is so lame. I thought you should know.
@5 pretty lame to be wasting time with those lame comments like @3, when you own the fancy hotrod car and the speed boat, not to mention a horse to fuck.
@3 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck asserts Monica cancels Stormy because one minus one equals zero. This is called dumbfuck math.
@5 Everything else about Roypublican sycophants is fake, so he may as well write in a fake Confederate accent, too. At least it livens up his comments with a touch of fake literary flair.
With the White House and the PornHub Party senior leadership in turmoil over staffing purges, criminal investigations, adultery cover ups, and mindless saber rattling there can be a tendency to lose track of the party rank and file, and what they are up to.
Aside from widespread vicious, marginalizing, and at times threatening attacks on polite, civically engaged teenagers speaking out against gun violence, the rank and file are keenly focused on shutting down the Girl Scouts, outlawing all abortions in Ohio (House Bill 565), and combing through their FB and Twitter follows to id the pimply Moldovan hackers (Pro tip: maybe start with the accounts that have a long string of random computer generated digits in their screen name).
Well, Carl, Stormy wasn’t raped — she says so herself — but it’s still about rape culture. To wit:
“Clifford may not be a victim. She was not raped or assaulted by Donald Trump. But her story is a story about rape culture. It is a story about the ways women are pressured into sex that is still ― technically, legally ― consensual.”
By way of clarification,
“‘A lotta people are using you for a lotta different agendas,’ Cooper said. ‘They’re trying to,’ she replied. ‘Like, oh, you know, Stormy Daniels comes out #MeToo. This is not a ‘Me Too.’ I was not a victim. I’ve never said I was a victim. I think trying to use me to ― to further someone else’s agenda, does horrible damage to people who are true victims.’ Most victims and survivors do not need columnists and concerned men to tell us that our experiences don’t count: we’ve absorbed enough of rape culture to fear that ourselves.”
Thus, even though she wasn’t raped, this still is about exploiting women. Roger Rabbit senses that most people are picking up on that, and Trump’s clumsy attempt to buy an exploited woman’s silence is only the second most important story here. Your inner voice should tell you this story is, first and foremost, about a powerful man taking what he wants and the woman giving in because she feels she has to.
Did you know?
Over half of the key Executive branch positions requiring a formal Senate confirmation are still vacant or being filled by “acting” personnel, many of whom are holdovers from “the other guy”? More than a third haven’t even been named.
#somuch… you know.
@11 Roypublicans believe in winning, not governing. They deem governing superfluous.
How they conduct depositions in Texas.
(This case apparently involves the Texas City fertilizer plant explosion.)
Well, so long as they never connect the two we can probably expect the cycle of conservative “outsider triumph” followed by collapse to continue.
Hard to build a bench when you don’t bother to build a bench.
Just look at how many members of Congress, cabinet secs, governors, state AGs, mayors, and local pols started out as U.S. Attorneys, as just one example. One thing Obama did right and well for eight years. Turnover in the Obama White House had as much to do with creating opportunity within the administration as it had to do with exploiting it outside. Not only does the current White House not care much about building the team, most of their senior-most castaways have left diminished and/or disgraced. And it isn’t just Roypublican members who are fleeing Ryan’s Congress. Staffers who aren’t poised to move up immediately are checking out in droves, selling themselves before their shelf dates expire. If a new team gains the gavel next January, the new minority will not be well positioned to bargain for concessions, and the cycle will continue until the next fake “populist” uprising.
@14 Republicans are the Tonya Harding of politics: Kneecap your opponent, sue to get into the Olympics, then go to the Olympics with no shoelaces in your skates.
Meanwhile, Gen. Mattis, a military hawk, isn’t sure he can work with Trump’s new warmonger.
If he can’t, a dunce could figure out who Trump will kick to the curb.
First outburst gets a polite but firm objection. The second outburst ends the proceeding. In the real world, experts don’t get to bill for time and expenses relating to depositions they sabotage. If they did, it might create some rather challenging conflicts of interest.
Moral of the story: don’t live in Texas.
Good one.
Left behind in today’s market rally (DJIA up 669 and NASDAQ up 227) is Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s favorite stock, GE.
GE dropped a penny and a half today, and is now down 46% since Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit recommended it in October.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is the Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit of investing.
By now even you must be tired of that one.
If now then you need to get checked for a brain injury.
It’s repetition in the absence of both stimulus and effect.
That’s quite a burden considering all the traveling McMorris Rodgers must do between her congressional job in DC, her home in San Diego, and her congressional district in Spokane.
In which Goldy wishes he had the attention span necessary to make it to the bottom of
an article:
A footnote, to be fair: McMorris Rodgers’ four town hall meetings in a week is four more than Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., has held in the last 15 months. Murray limits her in-state appearances to dog-and-pony show events involving causes she champions and people who agree with her.
Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., has held just two in the past two years.
The thing I like most about Goldy is his consistent inability to pay the least bit of lip service to the other side of an issue.
@ 20
By now even you must be tired of that one.
I’ll never tire of his 180 on the recommendation, immediately after I called him out for having issued it.
@3 “Y’all libbies might have something here if not for the antics of the husband of twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.”
In conjunction with @21 “The thing I like most about Goldy is his consistent inability to pay the least bit of lip service to the other side of an issue.”
Look who is talking, let’s revisit and fix your first quote: “…if not for the antics of the two-term POTUS husband of twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.” Seems you forgot to point out that Hillary was married to a two-term President, so if you bring up she failed to be elected, you should point out that her spouse was successfully elected.
What a shill you are Dr. Bob.
I find it fascinating about your obsession with GE stock, sure, right now it is in the toilet, but you keep going back to look at it like you have regrets that you didn’t short the stock when suggested. Classic case of non-buyers remorse.
Dr. Dumbfuck investing method: shoulda, coulda, woulda.
Humorous at to say the least, but the difference is, Tonya had a shred of talent at one point, the current crop of Republicans don’t seem to have any talent when it comes to governing.
Trump sure knows how to pick ’em, Zinke is amazing: “Three high-ranking Interior officials from three different divisions said that Zinke has made several comments with a similar theme, saying “diversity isn’t important,” or “I don’t care about diversity,” or “I don’t really think that’s important anymore.”
That must make the likes of Ben Carson feel great, sort of like Piddles, both carrying water for The Man.
Never thought James Watt with his deeply offensive remark, ” describing an advisory panel as ideally balanced for including ”a black, a woman, two Jews and a cripple.” would look compassionate by comparison.
@ 23
Seems you forgot to point out that Hillary was married to a two-term President, so if you bring up she failed to be elected, you should point out that her spouse was successfully elected.
Er, OK. When Chappaquiddick is released I’ll try to make sure that I point out that Teddy Kennedy grew up in a house with a guy who became president.
’cause that’ll be sure to excuse what he did.
Democrats are nothing if not Marry Well or be Born Well.
Dems are all about diversity. It’s a requirement for everyone but themselves.
The Democratic Party’s Abortion Dilemma – The Atlantic…/536352/
Aug 10, 2017 – … NARAL’s senior vice president for campaigns and strategies, told me in June, after DNC Chair Tom Perez met with a group of pro-life Democrats in Washington. Tensions over how far party leaders will go to welcome, or reject, pro-life Democrats have simmered since Trump’s election, boiling over in April …
Democratic Party Draws A Line In The Sand On Abortion Rights ……/democrats-tom-perez-abortion-rights_us_58fa5fad…
Apr 21, 2017 – DNC chair Tom Perez said all Democratic candidates must support a woman’s right to choose.
People Are Really Mad at the DCCC for Saying It Will Continue to ……/people-are-really-mad-at-the-dccc-for-saying-it-will-…
Jul 31, 2017 – In June, DNC chair Tom Perez met with Democrats for Life of America who demanded that abortion not be a “litmus test” of the party. The 2016 Democratic platform stated that the party believed “unequivocally” that “every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including …
“Teddy Kennedy”
So sad to see our doctor become dumbed down, irrelevant and seemingly destined to join Shortbus on my ignore list. Still, it’s probably better to be associated with Shortbus than the loon.
@ 29
So sorry to disappoint you, Steve.
Saw this and thought of Rujax! Dunno if he’s still around.
Stanley Clarke with up-and-coming violinist Evan Garr. I follow Evan Garr because he tours with Al Di Meola during his electrical shows.
Swing and a miss. In your statement you were directly referencing HRC’s husband who, when properly identified, is a former two-term POTUS. Had you not made reference to HRC running twice for POTUS, then no need to make the reference that Bill was POTUS, And you bitch about only telling part of the story.
Sure, in Chappaquiddick, I would expect the same sort of reference at some point, for example, “Teddy Kennedy aspired to be like his brother, the 35th POTUS…”
Don’t know what your fascination is with Teddy. Shall we say that event is as they say, “water under the bridge”?
Oh, here we go, this self-taught astronaut launched himself into space with his homebuilt rocket. Well, not exactly; he went up only 1,875 feet. But he survived the ride and landing, which is a big deal in itself.
@19 Yes, I’m thinking of all the money a certain dumbass could’ve made from shorting it at 23 but didn’t because he wouldn’t follow Roger Rabbit’s suggestion.
@21 “The thing I like most about Goldy is his consistent inability to pay the least bit of lip service to the other side of an issue.”
Arguing that our senator is as uncommunicative as your rep isn’t much of a platform to run on, but I guess you’ve gotta go with whatever you’ve got.
@22 Show me where I recommended buying GE. I won’t hold my breath on this one. But I have it on good authority that you fuck horses and won’t be surprised if something’s going on in the goat pasture too.
@23 “Look who is talking … ”
If I may offer a technical correction, jackasses don’t talk, they bray.
@24 See #33 and #36 for further clarification.
@26 If Zinke doesn’t care about diversity, then he should have no objection to President Biden replacing him with a Native American woman.
@27 “Democrats are nothing if not Marry Well or be Born Well.”
I just added envy to the list of your personality traits. But I think your wife already realizes you married better than she did.
He brings up that lie all the time. I know what I asked, I asked your opinion about GE, not if I should (or anyone else) actually buy the stock.
No wonder he is a Republican shill, grab a lie and hold onto it and keep repeating it.
They only thing you did is suggest shorting GE stock, which he didn’t do and regrets it in all of his posts about GE stock.
I stand corrected by @36, bray, pray, pretty much the same thing.
A giant of a little girl on our history has passed away, Linda Brown:
Great quote by the Governor of Kansas: “Sixty-four years ago a young girl from Topeka brought a case that ended segregation in public schools in America. Linda Brown’s life reminds us that sometimes the most unlikely people can have an incredible impact and that by serving our community we can truly change the world.”
Who says non-voting children can’t have an impact on our country? Wayne LaPierre and Rick Santorum, that is who.
@40 “bray, pray, pretty much the same thing”
I didn’t want to get bogged down in needless detail.
@40 He can post that bullshit as often as he likes. More opportunities for you and me to remind him of how big a dipshit he is.
@41 I beat you to Santorum, albeit on another blog.
Sometimes children are giants, too. Linda Brown has passed.
That’s both funny and sad.
Still get a chuckle out of what Dan Savage from the The Stranger did to him:
So much for the Stormy Daniels story. Campaign finance violations, possible, but John Kerry case pretty much insures nothing will happen as far as campaign fraud. Blackmail, if what half of you claim is true it is not possible to blackmail Trump.
Next could be Presidential election ad with Stormy and the first dick picks, which means in a full disclosure moment all running for office will do a dick or alternative pic. The voters are going to get an eyeful. Nothing substantive will get done as we will all be focused on Stormy got nailed by Trump. You really care, I don’t give a fig about who is in Trumps bedroom. Who he does or maybe doing if they are consenting adults, The fact the does not drink surprises me, and it would surprise me if he has been 100% faithful to his wives, and we don’t know if they have a sort European marriage of the rich, or the open marriage. Unless I’m invited to participate by Melania I have no reason to care, and generally it’s none of my business unless invited into the Casbah. And dancing does not count even very dirty dancing with the Presidential couple which could be fun.
“Y’all libbies”
That’s spot on!
Till Next Time!
@1 Also if you look at the entire USC and are honest you have probably one or more statutes, or a reasonable argument could be made you have, Probably everyone you know has arguably broken some US code or statute. If you are going to arbitrarily apply the code to President Trump then first apply it to yourself and your friends while pretending to be a US prosecuting attorney. Living in a glass house?
@4 Nice dance of bullshit. I think the judges would give you high marks, Anyone who understands rhetoric though would say your argument is false, and bullshit.
Actually I did not think the Stormy interview was worth my time,
Chappaquiddick? Yes a film about a now almost 40 year old incident is really going to sway voters against a guy dead for about a decade now.
But seriously, what’s the audience for the film? MADD members pissed that DUI laws were extremely lenient or in some states non existent until the 70s? People who just really hate Ted? People old enough to know the story already? Teens looking for some prestige drama?
And it’s being released in April, early enough to be forgotten by Oscar time, when films studios don’t have a lot of confidence in try to cobble an audience before summer popcorn season.
I’d bet Rampage, a truly awful seeming film based on a video games gets a better Per Screen on the same weekend.
No mention as to how well the stock market did today. Yep it was expected to tank, so obviously that was going to be todays big hitting point only the stock market clearly disappointed many on Horses Ass today. And yes investors are a contrary lot in deed. Stormy has taken the focus completely off the potential trade war. That was an amazing blow job and performance there Stormy. Can the Fed count on you to do your magic the next crises?
Clearly many of you don’t care to wrestle with the question Rosanne Barr asked. the one where she asked Do you really want Mike Pence in the White House. And we are getting closer to the point where Mr Pence could serve 10 years as President. You all must want that a lot on here. Or some of you do. Maybe you should answer Rosanne’s question as she is showing she is a pretty intelligent human being asking an important question.
@10 No exploitation of women involved when a attractive young woman is put on the front counter of an auto parts store, or a local paint store. Of course by RR’s statement one must assume exploitation is occurring if that is the case. Whether or not one looks under her fingernails for oil and grease. The assumption is she is cute and female and therefore it does not matter if she is capable and knows her stuff. Knows the difference between a Super 8 and a Straight 8. Which could be more than RR knows about cars. He just drives them he does not necessarily know how they run.
@11 Which places the spoils system into some disrepute if the government workers actually know how to the job through experience maybe the political hacks are not needed.
@12 Some of them also want to drown government in the bathtub, except for the navy of course. Hard to drown a Seawolf.
@21 Could be fun to see if either of Washington states Senators have any properties outside the state. That would be doing good old fashion muck raking journalism. The old fashion kind requires journalists to take on all comers. (Not be overly partisan,)
Clearly many of you don’t care to wrestle with the question
Rosanne BarrEmma Gonzales asked. the one where she askedDo you really want Mike Pence in the White House.“Are you registered to vote?” And we are getting closer to the point where Mr Pence could serve 10 yearsas President.never in a room with a woman, not his wife #metoo You all must want that a lot on here. Or some of you do. Maybe you should answerRosanne’sEmma’s question as she is showing she is a pretty intelligent human being asking an important question. “Where areYou going to find your voters when a 100,000 newly minted 18 year old voters turn out?
(We don’t deal with fantasy much. Pence 2020, “All the woman hating, None of the Celebrity” or “Pence, I’m not nearly as racist!” Or “Pence! I’ll put the Zeal back in Zealotry!”)
That anyone is concerned at this point about a 45 associate coming out unscathed…
@24 Actually the one you should be questioning is RR. Apparently he is the Jack Welch acolyte. Has to be as when Jack started GE shares were around a dollar, and Jack brought the value up, though his management style is one that RR has harshly criticized in others. Guess if the guy is doing it for stock he owns he’s an ok guy. GE is still dealing with the Jack Welch years. the good and the bad have come back to haunt Back in the day when the stock was a dollar though the company did not need to own it’s own news channel. (NBC is a Jack Welch addition to GE.)
@59 I did not give you permission to fuck with my comment mother fucker. Here is the comment Roseanne Barr.
I think you want Pence in the White House and you are a Pence supporter, and you will fucking do anything for the man. You shyster.
@52 When you compare Clinton and Ted Kennedy Chappaquiddick was enough to sink Kennedy and he did sink Carter and was the strongest Democratic candidate, Stronger then Clinton and he was not running as if he had been crowned. It is the thing that made the White House a bridge to far for Kennedy, and Bill very may will be the reason why Hilliary did not make it to the White House. It was a bigger boat anchor than the Russian bots.
@59 Emma is getting 100.000 new voters. And when the teens finally hit the 2nd Amendment wall that very well end up getting another 100,000 to 200,000 18 year olds as new voters. While the issue is going to have some impact on the congressional elections, and may actually help a few new Republican politicians, it’s going to be hard to keep that momentum up for two and a half years on the issue. Also with a President willing to tell Jeff Sessions to ban bump stocks, and he does so , even so that means a court fight where the government could loose, Simply bump stocks are not a firearm and cannot fall under the bureau. Especially when you can do what the bumpstock does with your hand.
Still you could tax bumpstocks…….
“More opportunities for you and me to remind him of how big a dipshit he is.”
Or that he fucks horses….and now goats? Oh my
@28 So much for it being a big tent, Perhaps the DCCC is not for you and me but for themselves and their donors. Guess Catholics are not giving enough. So Catholics and Catholic Democratic politicians should go elsewhere. And the Republicans need a boost due to demographics the biggest threat to the Republicans is too many cotton heads at their convention, and fewer and fewer. Some Republicans know they should be recruiting Hispanics who as a group are pretty conservative, and have conservative values. Maybe the DCCC knows the Dems need a strong Republican party, and are helping out Republican recruiting efforts. Must be a few KKK members still in the DCCC.
There is a fondness for Jack at GE in some leadership circles, I don’t think that is a big surprise. Is Jack’s complete leadership style needed for GE today? Probably not as things in the world are different today than they were when Jack took over. For one thing Jack would never tolerate the attitude of millennials.
Also, today GE is about data analytics, they want to be the Apple/Microsoft/Google of the industrial Internet. Problem is, they are behind the curve on some of that. Do some research on GE’s Predix platform
In Jack’s day, GE was big on manufacturing, he brought in Six Sigma, GE was really, really good at manufacturing, but the digital age they have had some growing pains.
The number one cultural shift GE needs to change? Get rid of the “no bad news flows up” mentality:
@61. Cry baby having a Sad
Hnnn flak out there I must be getting over the target,
Perhaps you could serve me with a cease and desist.
How to beat Mike Pence…
“My opponent is quite proud of his Christian faith. He has said many times it is the core of his being. So when Donald Trump bragged about grabbing and groping women without regard to women’s feelings, Mike Pence’s Christian faith told him to remain silent. When it became clear that his President had multiple extramarital affairs, did Mike Pence tell him to repent and ask forgiveness from Christ? No, he remained silent. And this was not a secret. Donald Trump was PROUD of his infidelities on the campaign trail and Mike Pence was happy to remain silent. For Mike Pence, being Vice President was more important than his faith. So what is mike Pence’s core belief. It obviously isn’t faith.”
“Pence 2020. More than a Vice President, a spineless Yes Man!”
Pence 2020, When strength of character counts, he’ll say, “Nope!”
Pence, He won’t meet with Merkel!
Pence! Isn’t it time America had a Christian President!
Pence, When he sees a wrong, He’ll look away!
Pence, because he was only VICE President and Trump was his boss
When it’s a DUMMOCRETIN oh no, don’t condemn…
Till Next Time!
You forgot, “Pence 2020, he won’t stand for North Korea at the Olympics.”
Pence Without a Congressional GOP majority in 2019
“It’s a long standing tradition not to enact any legislation or consider any nominations put forward by a President who replaced a President unseated by sex scandal during the last two years of his
He could try, “Just following orders•
@47 You really are clueless.
Not “arbitrarilly”. Precisely.
There’s a very important difference if you happen to be the one facing indictment or defending him.
Shortbus, I gotta start wondering why this, of all the things your orange pig-boy has done, is the thing you can’t seem to get past. Look at your fellow trolls. They don’t give a shit. Take a lesson there. Let go of your law and order sensibility. It’s required if you want to go on belonging to the white nationalist tribe.
And relax. This could all come to nothing. Perhaps the setup with the AMI lawyer, the creation of the Dellaware LLC to dole out all the payments, the NDA, and all the cancelled checks and badly written contracts just weeks before the election are just a hyuuuuge coincidence. Or maybe it isn’t, but for perhaps the first and only time in his career Mr. Safety School, Esq. managed to leave a clean trail and kept his client off the hook.
Yeah. Forget that last bit. What the fuck was I thinking. The guy’s so dumb he thinks he can sue for “punitive” damages in a contract dispute.
Meanwhile, Stormy is suing Trump’s lawyer for defamation for calling her a liar.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This probably isn’t going anywhere in court, but doesn’t need to; the court of public opinion is the one that counts. By the way, does fucking a public figure make you a public figure?
@77 “The guy’s so dumb he thinks he can sue for ‘punitive’ damages in a contract dispute.”
Well, there was a first time for school integration, too, but that one had more gravitas.
@71 “Pence — itching for his next promotion!”
@61 Personally, I think you’re too fastidious for this blog. Fucking with other posters’ comments is a significant part of what we do here. And, yes, we’re not the Mouseketeers. The infamous HA Cesspool isn’t a Disney production.
uhm….Suicides are deaths.
In the US, over half of all suicides are by firearm. The next closest is hanging at under 25%.
We don’t know, because the NRA pays Congress to keep anyone from researching it, how does access to a firearm effect escalating thoughts of suicide to action? Does the notion of a quick and painless death by firearm in survivors of attempts contribute to the decision to carry out an attempt? If survivors of a suicide attempt by firearm not had access to a gun do they think they would have tried hanging or some other incredibly statistically small alternative method of ending their lives?
We don’t know because the NRA bought enough of Congress to not let anyone research such questions.
But Suicides are still gun deaths.
Fuck the NRA.
@82 hopefully all gun owners do kill them selves. The more the better.
Porn Queen, The Face Of Demorat Porn Party;
Demorat Party Of Death News– Demorats Just Let Them Die
House Democrats derail ‘Right to Try’ bill
CFP: President Trump has been pushing for “Right to Try” legislation almost since his campaign began. The idea is that terminally ill patients, who’ve decided they have nothing to lose, should have the right to try experimental procedures and medication that may not be ready for mass implementation. Everyone understands that there are very real risks involved with this course of action but, if you’ve exhausted all other options, you may be ready for one last desperation play.
…Except currently, FDA restrictions won’t let you.
So, the President and Mike Pence made easing those regulations a centerpiece of their White House run. Trump even reiterated his support during his first State of the Union address. Unfortunately, the House of Representatives has pounded a stake through the idea.
On March 13th, they killed a bill that would have done precisely why the President and VP wanted.
From the NYT:
In a surprising rebuff to President Trump and Republican leaders, the House derailed a bill on Tuesday that would have given patients with terminal illnesses a right to try unproven experimental treatments.
The bill was considered under special fast-track procedures that required a two-thirds majority for passage, and it fell short. When the roll was called, 259 House members supported the bill, and 140 opposed it.
You can bet “sticking it” to Trump and Pence played a role here, but there’s a bigger issue at work. The majority of the opposition came from Democrats, who said the legislation would – get this – “endanger people dying of incurable diseases.” Wait. That can’t be right, can it?
84, 85,
…you ignorant stupid uneducated low income sad arm-fishin’ hillbilly.
Lol, McDimwit triggered, thanks for the laugh.
Hey y’all, the UW dental faculty are suing their university. I’m having a hard time feeling any sympathy for two reasons:
1. I was notified via email from UW Faculty Forward, which is a part of SEIU.
2. The last name of the author of the email is Hagopian.
I wonder if pepper spray is hard on dental enamel.
Nothin’ sez Emerald City like a handcuffed Seahawk.
For those of you who weren’t treated to Karl Rove doing it, this is what a perp walk looks like.
Now this is masterful trolling.
About an hour into their demonstration, protesters say that the restaurant’s co-owner and chef, Michael Hunter, “brought out an entire animal leg and started cutting it up right in the window on a table reserved for diners.”
Event organizer Marni Jill Ugar wrote later that night on Facebook that she felt Hunter had been “taunting” the group by cutting up a deer leg right in front of them.
“Once the deer was cooked Michael Hunter, owner of Antler, sat back down at the window to eat the dead deer,” she wrote.
Anyone else hungry?