At this point, any Republican who hasn’t actively denounced Donald Trump is trying to turn the US into a dictatorship. The McCabe firing means that a Muller firing is almost inevitable. At some point, a point that has almost certainly passed, anything but actively working against him is complicity.
At this point, or at some point?
Style points for inconsistency, Carl.
11h11 hours ago
While American anti-semitism isn’t nearly as overt as it was a generation ago, it was always still there, just below the surface, waiting for it to be legitimized again. So it shouldn’t be surprising that, thanks to Trump, anti-semitism is on the rise.
Thanks to Trump? Goldy, you need to place the blame where it clearly belongs.
It’s due to global warming.
D.C. lawmaker says recent snowfall caused by ‘Rothschilds controlling the climate’
Washington Post · 15 hours ago
@1 So now you’re an English teacher, too? You’re a man of many talents, doc. You should have no difficulty inserting your own catheter when your turn comes.
@2 At least that guy admitted he was an idiot. When will all the racists, bigots, climate change deniers, and Trump supporters apologize?
Yeah, Dumbfuck, the Russian Troll-bot Army, Hannity, and your crazy Uncle Freedumb have a gigantic problem with some guy from nowhere you never heard of saying stupid shit about race…
…I’m, I… ah fuck it.
I’m not even going to bother finishing that. It finishes itself. As if anyone with an (R) after their name has anything remotely intelligent to say about race anymore.
People Trump is only the tip of the Iceberg….The base is the Republican Party
@2 what comes around goes around. Don’t be surprised if you get caught up in the cesspool and go down the drain yourself…..when that happens you won’ t have Hillary to blame…..unless when you look in the mirror you see your reflection and you see Hillary.
Goldy Retweeted
Tim O’Reilly
Toys R Us was making plenty of money as an operating business. The problem was billions of dollars of debt incurred by a private equity firm extracting capital via an LBO. Financial looting is what’s wrong with our economy …
If too much debt was what was wrong with Toys R Us, then Chapter 11 should have addressed that and the company would have emerged as a continuing entity.
Toys R Us failed for several reasons, and most have little to do with debt. Amazon, for one. Wal-Mart surpassed Toys R Us in the late ’90s, and that was without its eCommerce arm, which has been ramping up in the past couple of years and has taken even more from Toys R Us.
The next great Xmas toy will be readily available at Walmart. No one will miss Toys R Us, just as no one misses Oldsmobile.
Trump’s unrestrained venality is finally making its way into the stock market, which is down over 400 Dow points this morning in the wake of Orange One’s latest Twitter irruption.
Meanwhile, Facebook’s stock is skidding after this weekend’s revelation that Cambridge Analytica mined the personal data of 50 million users without their permission, Facebook knew about it, and covered it up. That’s not all: Top execs dumped stock in secret. Whether you’re a user or shareholder, you’ve been sucker-punched by the guys running that company.
Roger Rabbit does not have, never has had, and never will have a Facebook account or FB shares. I didn’t trust that company from the get-go. My instincts were right. You don’t want to be either a customer or shareholder of an unethical company.
Facebook’s adventures blow even more holes in GOP laissez-faire, anti-regulation arguments. We already have ample knowledge from history of what unregulated capitalism is like, but every time Republicans get in power, we’re forced to watch all over again what happens when people who refuse to learn from history are put in charge. The GOP is a party of ignoramuses, and their stupidity trickles down to all of us. That’s the only trickle-down you’ll ever get from them.
@ 7
…unless when you look in the mirror you see your reflection and you see Hillary.
I’m more likely to see Hillary when I look on the ground.
@ 9
Roger Rabbit does not have, never has had, and never will have a Facebook account…
Not surprising. No one to friend you would be a problem, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@8 I have news for you, doc. No one misses Nixon or Shrub, either. No one will miss Trump. Or you. You’re just another little black hole, from which no light escapes, destined to drift unnoticed in trackless space for eternity.
@11 I get more hugs than you ever will. Even your horses hug me. They just laugh at you behind your back when you’re not in the barn.
I’ll bet the dumbfuck didn’t short FB, either. Probably owns it.
Ed Mole casts a long shadow.
Gallery: Portland protest leader Micah Rhodes guilty of sexual abuse, faces 2 years of prison
Rhodes, now 24, was a leader of the protest group Portland’s Resistance, which rose to prominence after Donald Trump won the presidential election in November 2016 and the group helped organize day after day of marches and rallies.
The Oregon Youth Authority began supervising Rhodes when he was 14, for sexual abuse and sodomy, authorities said. According to court records, Rhodes was 13 or 14 years old in 2007 when he sexually abused a boy who was 9 or 10 years old.
Rhodes’ greatest contribution was telling Antifa activists that the boysex is better if you don’t wear the mask. Problem is, those dudes can’t get anyone to fuck them if their faces show.
@15 The good news for your ilk is that Oregon judges go easy on gun crime. Michael Strickland got only 40 days in jail and 240 hours of community service for 10 felony counts of armed assault.
More on anti-Semitism:
Oh, and about that Million Man March? Yeah, well. There’s been some, er, shrinkage:
This lobbying day is a prequel to the upcoming Saturday, April 21 “10,000 Black Men’s March Against Donald J. Trump.” The rally begins in SE Washington D.C. to the White House and the first major Black anti-Trump rally will take place. Dr. Cornel West will keynote the rally along with host Malik Zulu Shabazz, Esq. and Minister Hashim Nzinga leader of the New Black Panther Party and Black Lives Matter.
They was in the pool!
@17 “There’s been some, er, shrinkage”
Like this?
Looks like self-driving cars aren’t ready for prime time yet.
“A woman was hit and killed overnight by an Uber self-driving car when walking across the street in Tempe, Arizona.”
A “Republican” is someone who wants to make it easy for school shooters to get machineguns and hard for Americans to vote in their own country.
At the time, of course, Schiff had no way of knowing that it would be Carl Ballard doing the tainting.
Representative Adam Schiff (D., Calif.) bucked his party on President Trump’s firing of FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, remarking that his dismissal may have been “justified.”
“You know, his firing may be justified,” the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said on ABC’s This Week. “There’s no way for us to know at this point, but even though it may have been justified, it can also be tainted.
No, gman. Taint has more than one meaning.
It just doesn’t work.
I’d say it used to somewhat. Even only a few years ago. Enough white, educated, affluent, progressive voters might be moved to recoil a bit from the Democratic Party just by this very peripheral guilt-by-association bullshit. And it might have had it’s true intended effect then as well. Which, of course, was not to defend against anti-Semitism. As if.
No. The purpose of that kind of sly shade was to weaken the resolve of progressive lawmakers, of all races, from continuing to defend and advance civil rights. Let’s face it. It’s always been about defending white nationalism and fear/fascination of BBC for you guys. Why do you suppose the alt-Right is so besotted with the idea of “Cucks”?
But you’ve really shot your wad with President SpaceForce. The coded language no longer functions when the leader of your PornHub Party has abandoned the code, won’t let “the blacks” touch his money, recoils from “shithole countries”, and openly defends Nazis and the KKK. This shit will always work inside your Orange Event Horizon. But in Real Patriotic America these kinds of sly, coded appeals to latent bigotry simply lay flat in the howling wind of your racist orange tornado.
It’s just really hard to feel squeamish about obscure faint peeping from Louis Farrakhan or Malik Zulu Shabazz, Esq. while 63 million ignorant racist meat bags* are shouting vile racist epithets at the top of their lungs wherever Cheeto Jesus goes. Funny thing, that.
*Ignorant racist meat bags who never once had to “walk backwards toward the sound of my voice with your hands above your head” during a routine traffic stop, endure casual remarks about watermelon during a job interview, or have to show two pieces of ID every time they use a credit card in the wrong neighborhood.
Because not a single former IG can ever recall a circumstance that justified an accelerated timeline to termination. Horowitz was instructed to bifurcate the investigation and focus exclusively on delivering a report on McCabe to the OPR and the AG as soon as possible. Following review and prelim recommendation by the OPR, McCabe and his attorney were given four days to respond.
Even all that may ultimately be justified, if it turns out McCabe disobeyed or countermanded direct orders, or engaged in willfully criminal conduct,for sure. But nobody can remember an accelerated process the sole purpose for which was to beat the clock, in a case of “lack of candor”, whatever the hell that means. So if there’s “taint”, I’d say it’s orange.
@ 22
The purpose of that kind of sly shade was to weaken the resolve of progressive lawmakers, of all races, from continuing to defend and advance civil rights.
And the purpose of labeling Democrats opposed to the Iran nuclear deal by their religious affiliation would be…?
(((Yair Rosenberg)))
Verified account
The NY Times’ strange ranking of Iran deal opponents by Jewishness already having extraordinarily predictable results
In Arizona, a state that spends more on prisons than schools, Republican legislators claim they’ve upgraded the pay of teachers who take “professional development” courses. One teacher found this so laughable she posted her pay stub on Facebook. Her “upgrade” is $131.25 a year.
Meanwhile, a reality-challenged, tone-deaf Arizona legislator (GOP, of course) claims teachers who work second jobs to make ends meet “want to increase their lifestyles … want to buy a boat.”
No, you dumbfuck, they want to pay their rent and eat, but what would you know about that?*
* An Arizona source lists this guy’s “profession” as buying and selling collector cars. Doesn’t sound like he’s starving himself. Probably has a boat, too.
It’s hard to believe, but it’s true, there are even bigger dumbfucks in this world than the horse-fucking doctor.
The 45 Golden Showers tape gets a little more believable.
Trump’s election consultants filmed saying they use bribes and sex workers to entrap politicians
@21 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck turns “may have” into “is” with his customary specious reasoning.
Know something else, doc? Even if an employee has fucked up, any employer with a civilized bone in his body would let the employee retire. Donald Trump is probably the only person in the world who would fire someone two days short of retirement, and deliberately speed up the firing process for the sole purpose of depriving him of the pension and health benefits he earned with 21 years of service that was good and faithful enough to merit promotion to the second highest ranking management job in America’s top law enforcement agency. Trump did it because he’s a vindictive prick. You seem to relish this. That makes you a prick, too.
More good news in PA!
Three judge panel for The United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania told the PornHub Party to take their naked effort to disenfranchise people of color and shove it up their racist orange butt-holes.
@29 No constitutional right to gerrymander. That’s a step in the right direction. Who knows, maybe courts eventually will also decide there’s no constitutional right to keep American citizens from voting in their own country, or to shoot up schools with machineguns. Republicans someday may have to settle for enjoying the same rights the rest of us have.
@ 25
Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, about that poor teacher in AZ:
Whispering Winds Academy teacher Elisabeth Milich posted a photo of her salary on Facebook. Her salary is $35,490 per year, according to the document.
The problem with that is that the average teacher salary in that district was $51k, four years ago.
6. Paradise Valley Unified School District
Average teacher salary: $51,848
Average years of teacher experience: 13.3
This woman received her teaching credentials 20 years ago.
The school district she works in pays well above the AZ state average:
The average Arizona teacher salary for 2013-14 was $46,026, according to the Arizona Office of the Auditor General.
Small wonder she deleted her post after people started looking into her bullshit.
@ 29, 30
Er, not exactly.
Because fundamental principles of constitutional standing and judicial
restraint prohibit us from exercising jurisdiction, we have no authority to take any action other
than to dismiss the Plaintiffs‟ verified complaint.
It’s presently before SCOTUS. Which may or may not grant cert.
Try to refrain from ball-spiking, at least until you’re in the Red Zone.
@31 Her story has been picked up by news media all over the country, including KING 5 News here in Seattle, yet no one has called her a liar until you did just now. Not even the usual rightwing troll sources are with you on this. You’re all alone, doc. Not even your fellow rightwing vermin are willing to stoop as low as you. Congrats, you now have your very own entry in the Guinness Book of World Records.
@32 A little factual context might help:
“The Plaintiffs seek an extraordinary remedy: they ask us to enjoin the Executive Defendants from conducting the 2018 election cycle in accordance with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court‟s congressional redistricting map and to order the Executive Defendants to conduct the cycle using the map deemed by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to be violative of the Commonwealth‟s constitution.”
Reading the actual order might help, too:
” … the Plaintiffs’ verified complaint will be dismissed, and Plaintiffs’ motion for preliminary injunction will be denied.”
You should stick to x-rays, doc, because you ain’t much of a lawyer.
Bottom line: Republicans don’t get to manipulate this year’s midterm elections in Pennsylvania with their gerrymandered map.
“Executives at Cambridge Analytica, a political data firm that worked on digital ads for President Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign, were caught on camera suggesting that the firm could use sex workers, bribes, ex-spies and fake news to help candidates win votes around the world, a new investigation has revealed. The U.K.-based firm is at the center of a data breach scandal involving Facebook.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s the dot-plot: Cambridge Analytica has no ethics. Donald Trump has no ethics. Facebook has no ethics. Given a ruler and marker pen, you shouldn’t have any trouble with connecting the dots.
A Democratic congressman apparently has suggested a “Second Amendment” solution if Trump is breaking laws.
Now wait for the firestorm of outrage from bleating Republicans, including Trump himself, who’ve done the same thing. Hey, I’m not saying this is okay! Obviously, it’s not okay, and this isn’t what I meant when I said Democrats should behave more like Republicans. All I’m saying is people who live in glass houses …
So, you guys are really that blinded by the Yam King’s magnificent orange glow?
My Jewish friends were on to the New White Nationalism thing long before anybody else I know. Two years ago I still felt like calling all Republicans a bunch of racists was “impolite” and “maybe going to far”. I’d never read Breitbart, didn’t know who Milo, Andrew Anglin, or Stephen Bannon were, and didn’t really care. But then again, why would I? My grandparents weren’t scooped out of ovens in Poland.
You can always count on the Joe Liebermans, Brett Stephenses, and Bari Weisses of the media world to play along with the ridiculous pretense that the Orange Man-Baby is an unexpected populist black swan owing to years of Democrats neglecting the “poor white trashes”. But that is owing exclusively to the inescapable fact that their paychecks depend on it. They’ll never stop excusing you people for what you’ve become. They helped make it happen, after all.
Face it. You own that mob of “very fine people” marching and chanting in white Fred Perry polo shirts, studying blood spray on the Charlottesville #TrumpCar, and labeling bullet maimed adolescents “crisis actors”. I don’t blame you for wanting to give them away now that they’ve served their purpose. But while you were fist pumping over the cooling corpse of “that Bitch”, they put down permanent roots… in the White House.
Look, I get that at this point $12 million in independent spending in PA 18 to produce 113,000 votes is now coming into focus for the PornHub Party. You’ve got only a short time to come up with some entirely new messaging if you hope to turn this thing around. So testing out a ton of divisive rhetoric is entirely to be expected. And something I predicted last Tuesday. So you be you. But you might not want to pin your hopes on starting a race war. It might not work out the way it appears from your side of the Orange Spit Bubble.
Now you can add SCOTUS to the list of courts that have drop-kicked the GOP’s claim to have a constitutional right to rig Pennsylvania’s elections with gerrymandered maps.
“The Supreme Court has denied a request from Pennsylvania Republicans to block new congressional maps that could tilt several key races in Democrats’ favor from being used in the midterm elections. The court issued one sentence to reject the request. There were no noted dissents.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’d say this goat has stopped giving milk and sex. They couldn’t even get a single one of their own rightwing justices to buy it. Who wants a goat that only baa-aahs?
Having been turned away from every other venue.
What do we call that?
Oh right. Winning.
Punching down is what Roypublicans do best.
@32,40 “It’s presently before SCOTUS. Which may or may not grant cert.”
Not anymore. See #39. At least doc had the, er, perspective to hedge his bets this time.
Jar Jar’s digital campaign firm busted!
The part I just can’t figure out is how in the world Channel 4 News managed to pull it off without even a single boat full of dildos.
Something, something, blah, blah, about Doctor Dumbfuck having “someone” to friend him. All “very fine people”, no doubt. Some may even speak a bit of English.
#youbuiltthat #owngoal
*Ooh! Ooh! I know! Can I answer that one? Because CA certainly isn’t the only company to pull FB user data this and other ways. They just happened to target a uniquely inept and gullible subset of FB user accounts, aka “conservatives”.
I never, ever, thought I would agree with anything that the other Newt said, “Trump firing Mueller would be a disaster: Newt Gingrich”
Gingrich even said Trump should stop tweeting about it too.
Posturing. Positioning.
Newtron makes his living these days as a reliably available “thoughtful conservative” appearing on your nearest television box to scowl with gravity at less serious types, and putting his name on ghost written paper weights and desk levelers purporting to “Newt-splain” the racist hillbilly trash he helped birth into existence and that now controls the PornHub Party.
Never forget, it’s precisely his kind of expanding of the Overton window that brought the GOP into the age of Trumpism. Without him serially cheating on his sick and dying wives while furiously hectoring the Blue Dress into existence, dimwits like our trolls would never be able to fully bear hug Teh Cheeto Jeebus while daily swallowing buckets of Orange Throat Yogurt.
He’s perfectly fine with firing Mueller. I imagine he’d be delighted. And like every other intelligent being on the planet, he expects it to happen any minute now. He simply needs to create the proper distance before hand.
A bit of demagoguery got you down this morning Carl?
@4 They won’t and it is silly and naïve for you to expect them too. You won’t apologize if it’s proven scientifically global warming is being overly hyped. Or Hilliary Clinton actually gets prosecuted for one of the various dead bodies that have conveniently popped up over the years. Folks who knew where skeletons were buried? That the Clinton Foundation is actually committing fraud. Or that there was no Russian collusion.
@9 Make up your mind it’s either Trump policies crashing the market or Facebook’s leadership’s being super Capitalists of the Bernie Madoff school of business. What has happened at Facebook is capable of taking the market down 400 points or more, and it should. Whether Facebook should even be valued at whatever it’s valued at is a reasonable belief. Facebook could be just a new example of tulips. Trump is on both Facebook and Twitter, but so are most politicians.
I don’t think Trump and Mark Zuckerberg are buds. though are probably in each others rolodex, while RR and myself are not in either rolodex.
#8 True. but like the post office the owners placed a big burden on the company or entity. The private equitable company borrowed to buy the company, and leveraged all that debt back on the company well after Walmart becoming the number one seller of toys. The firm ran tots r us into the ground, and made a 100 million or so. Congress is trying to do the same with the retirement issue with the post office. For some reason certain congress people can read part of the constitution that says congress can do that, but not the part that states Congress will provide for a postal system, so they can make it go broke, but we get to pay for it, and the post office can always go back to being a US government department.
@13 Personally I take a pass on horse hugs, they can be painful, unless one is a horse.
Really no such thing as a sure bet, except maybe death and taxes, but, “You won’t apologize if it’s proven scientifically global warming is being overly hyped. ” is not going to happen, there will be no need to apologize, ever. If anything the alarm was too quiet for too long.
Spot on you are.
Gingrich (gives Newt a bad name) is one slimy SOB. Leader of the party of “family values”, that is rich. He probably asked Trump for Stormy’s number.
@15 Actually you are pointing out that the two people who had sex with him have had their rights here stripped away. Both were 17 and agreed to have sex with him. They should be able to make those choices and neither case should be a case of statutory rape. 48 percent of Oregon teens have had sex by the age of 18 although none can consent and all are breaking the law, of course they are too feeble minded to make these decisions though they can consent to medical treatment at 15, So Oregon teens at or are not young and dumb.
@16 No plea bargain involved? Agree to plead to a lower charge and all that, save the county government time and money.
@20 It’s only the poor planning of school shooters or they are too cheap to buy the tommy gun and pay the license fee of $200. They can own a machine gun. Legally. I suspect the $30,000 fine if they don’t have a license is the impediment. I’m sure there are ways to get an AK 47 into the states. Yet revolvers seem to be gun of choice of most school shooters.
Most are also into the notoriety aspect. Most have not committed a crime, or none of note, but they want to start their life of crime with a big bang, and know their career will be short.
@23 Trump may have been ok if McCabe retired and thought don
t let the hit you in the ass. Maybe others thought the boss wanted this done, and did it. That happens in government. Could be the beauracracy wheels turned here with only minor input from the powers that be. Could be a case of who he screwed on the way up coming back to haunt him. Not sure why everyone on here is so happy, as McCabe is part of the bunch who gave us weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Some of you should be happy he is getting his comeuppance.
@48 “They won’t … if it’s proven scientifically global warming is being overly hyped … Hilliary Clinton actually gets prosecuted for one of the various dead bodies … ”
You have a decent chance of getting 1 out of 3 right, which beats your usual batting average.
@49 “Make up your mind it’s either Trump policies crashing the market or Facebook’s leadership’s being super Capitalists of the Bernie Madoff school of business.”
No reason why it can’t be both, along with several other factors, including (but not limited to): Trade war fears, inflation fears, rising interest rates, high valuations, capital flows, computer trading, some exotic derivative fund nobody ever heard of blowing up, headline events, etc.
The stock market is made up of millions of buyers and sellers, and they do different things for a variety of reasons.
@51 I take it you’re smart enough to take a pass on fucking horses, too. Unlike that guy in Enumclaw, you’re still with us.
@55 No plea bargain. He was indicted by a grand jury and convicted on all 21 counts in a bench trial. He initially requested a jury trial, but during jury selection he decided to take his chances with the judge instead. This article explains why.
@56 Owning a legal machine gun is possible in some states (not Washington), but there are a lot of hoops and the gun has to have been manufactured before 1986, making these guns rare and expensive.
If you want to play with machine guns, join the Army or Marines, where the ammo is free.
The US Supreme Court will be hearing arguments in a case with local beginnings. Wednesday: Upper Skagit Indian Tribe v. Lundgren, Sharline (17-387)
I could not find Justice Alito ruling on the Pennsylvania election things. I’m sure that is what he ruled as he really does believe state Supreme courts should apply state law, and if they do so properly it should mean fewer cases ending up in the Supreme Court of course that would mean US Supreme Court Justices allowing state Supreme Courts to have bite in their decisions. One wonders if the Justice was literally waiting for the appeal. Was there gleeful laughter? Only his clerks will ever know.
@57 “Trump may have been ok if McCabe retired”
McCabe was already cooperating with Mueller, so no, Trump wouldn’t have been — and won’t be — “okay” in the sense I think you mean. In the larger picture, by the time Trump is done screwing people over, EVERYONE will be cooperating with Mueller. Even his dog would go running to Mueller, if he had a dog, which probably is why he doesn’t.
@30 In Pennsylvania according to the states Constitution anyway. 49 states or so to go.
Wonder if he’s penciled the Secret Service into his daily planner yet.
@33 Odd a supposed lawyer is trumpeting this as that kind of thing is what lawyers live for. Being first with that kind of thing is a badge of honor in the profession. It’s entirely possible that someone on HA had an original thought overlooked by the media, on something that the media should have checked before running the story. Doing fact checking used to be a mantra in journalism, perhaps not so much anymore creating actual fake or wrong news. Walter Cronkite would have demanded his gopher go to the public library and look up the average salaries of teachers in Arizona back in the day. He would have held up reading the story on air until the facts had been checked.
Speaking of swallowing buckets of orange throat yogurt, along comes Shortbus with a big pile of “maybe” and “could be” trivialising of treason while shoving checkers up his nose.
When the dust finally settles I suspect that herein lies the secret to the remarkably high response rate that Cambridge Analytica and the Russian bot-farm managed. Fifty million carefully targeted aging and rapidly declining lonely feebs. The Zippy the Pinhead psychographic.
@59 So the usual. Which means your claims are over blown, Using Occam’s Razor the most likely explanation is simply the news of Facebook’s executives, as that is going to bring in investigators from the SEC, who may notice other shenanigans based on what the Facebook executives did, spooking other executives and stock holders. With Trump playing no such leading role in whatever the stock market did or did not do. Still he’s President do he’s stuck with whatever the market did.
How much does 45 love the NRA?
re: Death Penalty for heroin dealers, “The only way to stop a bad guy with a needle full of poison is a good guy with a needle full of poison.
@62 Or take a trip to Africa maybe where you can get an AK 47 cheap. Don’t go to Iran they are really into the gun control there.
@68 A new way of fooling voters is hardly treason. Also politicians right here in the US use bots, and other techniques legally, and much of what the Russians did appears to be perfectly legal Collusion I don’t see it. The question should be why were we not giving the Putin a taste of his own medicine in his election. Or maybe we did. Only we were not very good at it either.
@63 SCOTUS rejected the GOP’s Pennyslvania districting appeal with a 1-sentence order containing no explanation. You would know this if you read the news.
“The US Supreme Court will be hearing arguments in a case with local beginnings. Wednesday: Upper Skagit Indian Tribe v. Lundgren, Sharline (17-387)”
Where did you find this gem, Mark? I’m curious why SCOTUS granted cert. Probably to clear up ambiguity and confusion in this area of the law. Accepting the case doesn’t mean they’ll rule in favor of the tribe. It will create a hell of a problem if they do.
Russian, operatve to Don Jr. “We have dirt on Hillary that we got by illegally hacking into her computers.”
Don Jr., “Love It!” takes the meeting.
Don Sr. is too old to understand compoooters and may not have been the one colluding but Don Jr. released the emails of his own accord that show that he made every effort to collude with the Russans.
Funny you don’t see it. Maybe it’s willful blindness?
The Trump campaign, from the evidence reported thus far, tried to collude with the Russians. they may skate eventually because it was such a Keystone Cops level farce that they never got any useful info from the Russians, not for a lack of trying, that it can’t successfully be prosecuted but that Don Jr. took the meeting to collude is not in dispute.
No matter what Fox News and CheetoWannabePornStar says.
@72 “much of what the Russians did appears to be perfectly legal”
So now you’re a legal expert? This might help your comprehension…
P.S., if what the Russians did was “perfectly legal,” then the 13 Russians indicted by Mueller’s grand jury have nothing to worry about, do they? and for that matter, neither does Trump, so there’s no reason for him to fire Mueller, is there?
The 13 Russians indicted is meaningless. It’s a red fish. None of the Russians are going to be turned over to trial so the justice department will never try them. At most here Mueller got a grand jury to indict. He has none of them in hand. And as the video says these trolls did what Cambridge Analytical did, or what others on the net did last election.
“Mueller’s team added granularity to the topics” it wants to discuss with Trump, CNN reported tonight. Such as, “the prosecutors said they would ask about … what Trump knew about national security adviser Michael Flynn’s phone calls with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in late December 2016.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sure looks to me like Mueller is investigating whether there was collusion between Trump’s campaign organization and the Russians. So, Mark, you’re in no position to say whether there was collusion until the investigation is completed and its findings are released.
Using bot farms to help win an election isn’t illegal.
Using foreign bot farms to help win elections is very illegal. So is lying to the government about it.
Being as stupid as a PornHub voter ought to be illegal.
@76 Grand juries don’t indict unless there’s probable cause that a crime was committed, dummy. It doesn’t matter whether the Russian defendants ever see an American courtroom. What matters is who the Americans on the other end of the transaction were. They’re the ones Mueller is really after, and I’ll bet you’ll recognize their names when they’re indicted.
You are already regarded as simple minded, naive, and quite poorly read. Try not to add “pathological liar” to the list.
@80 “You are already regarded as simple minded, naive, and quite poorly read.”
Part of the problem is Mark doesn’t look anything up. I don’t know if he’s mentally lazy, or doesn’t know better, but there is shall we say a lack of intellectual rigor in his postings. He doesn’t appear to do any research, doesn’t cite to sources, and as you noted he doesn’t even appear to read the day’s news. The result is commentary that is more appropriate for a junior high school blog than this reeking cesspool.
Stormy Daniels’ attorney says she didn’t bear Trump’s child and the paternity language in the NDA is merely “boilerplate.”
However, I heard an unverified rumor tonight that if Stormy Daniels gets to talk she’s going to say (1) her agreement with Trump required her to get an abortion if she got pregnant, and (2) she did get pregnant and did get an abortion. I doubt this is true; more likely just hens cackling on a gossip blog.
@72 “A new way of fooling voters is hardly treason.”
Valid point. I watched the CNN interview with the guy from Cambridge Analytics, and I noticed a couple of things. Early in the interview he lets something slip out about use of the collected data to “design algorithms”. After that he gets gets increasingly nervous and evasive, and seems to be trying very hard not to say anything more about what they were actually doing with all that information, while repeating that he’s plagued with guilt for his part in whatever it was.
It’s quite possible that one of the objectives of the project was to come up with a novel way to manipulate the behavior of large populations while skating around the letter of the law.