Looks like a great day for the loon and his hate-filled friends as they get to send yet more death threats to grieving student survivors of a school shooting.
“Two people shot to death at Central Michigan University”
…he systematically sold off nearly 1 million shares of Manitowoc Company Inc. Manitowoc is a “is a leading global manufacturer of cranes and lifting solutions” and, therefore, heavily dependent on steel to make its products.
And if Icahn instead had systematically sold off shares of Pizza Hut you’d be claiming it was related because the drivers use passenger cars and the manufacturers of them are heavily dependent on steel to make their products.
You’re better than this. Or, you were.
Even Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit would be wise enough to point out other reasons Icahn may have cut his stake.
Like a pricey valuation and underperformance relative to peers.
Elijah. Dude. You’re heading toward second-tier commentary. Say hi to Pilsner for me when you get there.
@ 5
Jackson Township Police Chief Mark Brink said in a news conference Thursday that detectives found memos written Feb. 14-20 on the boy’s phone, detailing an eight-step plan for a school shooting.
1. Commit suicide.
@ 6
Actually, RDR would point out that one does not buy stock in Pizza Hut but instead one buys its parent, Yum! Brands. Mea culpa.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
1. Get Sponge-Bob themed semi-auto with banana clip and silencer from Republican/NRA vendomat machine at 7-11.
2. Chicken out.
3. Commit suicide.
#yup #youreallydidbuiltthattoo
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It’s 3 am. Do you know where the stupid trailerbilly’s President is?
He’s straining on the shitter yelling for “his Hopey” to tell him how to spell “dying”.
Hey Tennessee! 45 just cost you $250 million, a whole slew of jobs and actually shrunk domestic sales of steel and aluminum as Electrolux sources all of that for its Tennessee plant from US suppliers.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
Good thing that GE sold their appliance division to Haier in 2014.
Hey Tennessee!
Thank you for not voting for the guy who represented you in the US Senate, and whose father represented you in the Senate.
Now it’s time to do something about that adulterous Democrat cunt representing you in Nashville.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Looks like the GOP gun freaks in Georgia’s legislature may have just thrown away Amazon HQ2, and could lose an airline hub to boot. And just wait until their angry schoolkids come after them. What a bunch of jackasses. You get what you vote for.
I love that Dumbfuck always gets salty when the price of Milwaukee’s Best goes up a penny or two.
@16 I couldn’t help but notice that our doctor has been a little bit snippy of late. Understandable, I suppose.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Nothing to be done about it. The Trump-suck is just way too powerful. Once they’ve gotten as close to it as Doctor Dumbfuck they’re down the gravity well without fuel for an escape.
But as long as they have passed beyond the Orange Event Horizon I just wanna make sure all the Roypublicans keep on referring to women as “cunts”. The laytays just love it. Soooper sessy.
Tiny hands is talking about Alec Baldwin again today. Something about being a loser and having a dying career. Funny that’s a guy who made 2 to 3,000,000, more in the later seasons, for seven years. Plus who knows how much more with the capital one commercials. And threatened to walk away from 3 million a year because he was tired of acting.
Most people dream of early retirement and Baldwin is in that category of actor who has made so much over a career, 6 million a film at one point, who at age. 60 never has to work again if he doesn’t want to but if the right opportunity comes along doesn’t really have to work that hard anyway.
It really chaps his hide to know that Baldwin has two more Golden Globes and Emmys that 45 has bankruptcies.
“Trump just made the biggest mistake of his Presidency”
Trump, “Hold my beer!”
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I can’t let this go.
A bunch of news outlets are reporting sympathetically about Hope Hicks’ dismissal and putting a bunch of the blame on Fuckface. The last thing I want to do is defend that idiotic piece of shit. And sure, there’s substantial truth to the idea that any President who was not a narcissistic sociopath would not have so casually involved his staff in his own criminal peril.
And while it may be that at the phony Russian money laundry they call “The Trump Organization” the lawyers were housed in the basement next to the boilers and the nuclear powered sewage grinders directly linked to Trump’s offices, on the campaign and at the White House they had a bunch of good lawyers striving constantly to give them good advice and keep them out of trouble.
People like Ms. Hicks have really only themselves to blame. First of all nobody ordered her to wreck her credibility by playing office suckey-face with the captain of the company’s Wife-Beater team. She knew Porter was a stain, and she didn’t care. And from the convention onward these people would have been blanketed with briefings, memos, and prep sessions instructing them about the intricacies of election law and Executive privilege. At any number of points in her career journey since moving into the campaign Ms. Hicks would have had ample opportunity to learn precisely how to avoid the legal peril she now finds herself in. These people repeatedly made extremely bad choices that can only be explained by willful arrogance and intentional disregard for the law. It’s going to cost her a ton of money to get through this without a guilty plea and a cooperation agreement.
She was warned. Still she persisted.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Trump, “Hold my beer! Caverject Impulse*”
*ask Doctor Dumbfuck or your nearest porn director.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wow! A USA Today front page story insinuates massive trouble for Trump and a slaughter of GOP incumbents this fall. Their poll says the public is deeply dissatisfied with Trump and prospective midterm voters want, by a 2-to-1 margin, a Congress that will confront Trump and stand up to him. I saw this in the print edition, so no link here.
Sure looks like the GOP establishment made a strategic mistake by embracing Trump and now faces historic repercussions. And that survey was conducted before Trump blew up the economy yesterday in a fit of pique.
It’s probably time for GOP poobahs to convene a council of war to discuss their party’s survival and a preemptive strike on the man who is threatening its existence. Not that I wish them luck. It’s okay with me if they go down with him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 “Minnesota’s hourly minimum wage is $9.65 for large employers — those with annual gross revenue of $500,000 a year or more — and $7.75 for small employers. Those rates will rise with inflation in 2018.
“Under the Minneapolis ordinance, large businesses — those with 100 or more employees — must phase in the $15 minimum wage by July 1, 2022. Small businesses have until July 1, 2024.”
By 2024, $15 will be $7.75, so why did they bother to sue?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 I don’t pay any attention to Icahn, but I’m enjoying watching you squirm as Trump destroys the pillars of your prosperity.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Yeah, sequence matters. As when you snipe at Roger Rabbit first and don’t get around to shorting GE until it’s already gone down.
Gotta admit that was a funny post, though. Well done.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 You didn’t know when to short GE, either, even though I spelled it out for you. No mea culpa there, just dumbfuckery, or maybe you just hate free money. Which calls into question whether you can be a true Republican.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21, Part 1 – Love is blind. And whatever happens to Porter career-wise, he’s going to have a very good time. Unless, of course, he ends up in a facility that doesn’t allow conjugal visits. Or they both do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21, Part 2 – I’m pretty sure Hicks quit and wasn’t fired. All the signs point to that. It appears that after testifying to Congress, it abruptly dawned on her that working for a criminal and lying for him to cover up his crimes might affect more than just the criminal’s future.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Corporate tax windfalls are being distributed exactly as predicted. Thanks, guys.
These aren’t dominoes, they’re the whole house of cards.
“President Donald Trump has reportedly asked White House Chief of Staff John Kelly to oust his daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner. … The New York Times reported that Trump privately requested Kelly’s help ‘in moving them out.'”
Wow! A USA Today front page story insinuates massive trouble for Trump and a slaughter of GOP incumbents this fall. Their poll says the public is deeply dissatisfied with Trump and prospective midterm voters want, by a 2-to-1 margin, a Congress that will confront Trump and stand up to him.
Wait a sec. Were we not “told” that the tax scam would “benefit all levels”??? Happy days are here again.. We’re going to TRADE WAR!
when the blather amongst boob’s circle of klownservatics turns to “rat-fucking”, all the always wrongist nuts know what boob has in mind.
They all usually have more or less the same in mind as well but who’s counting?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 “We’re going to TRADE WAR!”
That’s just our bipolar Duce having a meltdown when the automatic brake is no longer working.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 “boob’s favorite type of pre-sales rep”
You’d think he’d tire of that after a while. Maybe that’s where his wife’s horses come into the picture. He likely schemed the horse farm retirement all along.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Could be a busy weekend in the white castle, starting with the Friday evening press room news dump. I’m just taking a stab in the dark, but this might be a serendipitous time to fire Kelly, Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller, and a bunch of V.A. janitors while everyone is distracted by the impending collapse of the U.S. and global economies.
@37 The freak had to put itself out to pasture after a while. It was getting too embarrassing. Paraphrasing Charlie Rose’s former assistant:
“That’s just boob being boob!”
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Sure looks like the GOP establishment made a strategic mistake by embracing Trump…
Trump is the Republican establishment. Make no mistake. They embrace him because he is them. His base is their base. His constituency is their constituency. His ignorant, screaming, balding, declining, racist, irrelevant old white voter is their voter. The party has been building to this moment for fifty years. It isn’t as though this was unplanned or unanticipated. They yearned for this.
I totally believe Mitch McConnell when he describes his President PeePee as the greatest Presidency of his lifetime. Trump is beloved among Republicans. He is everything they have hoped for and dreamed of their entire lives. He is a wealthy sociopath whose identity is built on credit, strategic bankruptcy, and betrayal. He personifies the true core of Republican idealism. This Presidency, and this moment is what the last fifty years, William Kristol, William F. Buckley, Ronald Reagan, Fox News, and Rush Limbaugh have been steadily building toward. This is their triumph.
Impressive, isn’t it?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“The reports that are on TV about … well, you know, about Syria and the 25 people that are wounded there from the Syrian f*** army and — well . . . to make it short, we’ve had our asses f*** kicked. So one squadron f*** lost 200 people … right away, another one lost 10 people . . . and I don’t know about the third squadron, but it got torn up pretty badly, too. . . . So three squadrons took a beating. . . . The Yankees attacked . . . first they blasted the f*** out of us by artillery, and then they took four helicopters up and pushed us in a f*** merry-go-round with heavy caliber machine guns … They were all shelling the holy f*** out of it, and our guys didn’t have anything besides the assault rifles . . . nothing at all, not even mentioning shoulder-fired SAMs or anything like that . . . So they tore us to pieces for sure, put us through hell, and the Yankees knew for sure that the Russians were coming, that it was us, f*** Russians . . . Our guys were going to commandeer an oil refinery, and the Yankees were holding it. . . . We got our f*** asses beat rough, my men called me . . . They’re there drinking now. . . many have gone missing . . . it’s a total f*** up”
Leaked transcript of Russian “mercenaries” reporting on the result of a direct engagement with U.S. troops in Syria the night of February 7th.
This is why they focus on cyber, and skull-fucking 63 million hapless, drooling, ignorant, beer-drunk, gun-fapping, television addicted, Republican voters. Because there’s just no way they can get to base in a straight up conflict with U.S. war fighters. And they know it. Now, more than ever.
The youth of America on one side, the FBI on the other, and the NRA and Russians in the middle.
“Depth Of Russian Politician’s Cultivation Of NRA Ties Revealed”
The babbling butthole freak didn’t put HA HEROES first?
We’re so hurt!
Having attained Peak Hate in the last thread, the loon just couldn’t bring it tonight. SAD!
Sucks to be the loon.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“A Republican member of the House Intelligence Committee is defending White House communications director Hope Hicks, saying her questioning by Democrats on the panel was a ‘setup’ to get her to acknowledge telling untruths for President Donald Trump.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I guess Rep. Stewart, who is not a lawyer, isn’t used to seeing a witness disintegrate under cross-examination, and maybe doesn’t even know what cross is for.
@17 my guess is that the horse is underperforming.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 or refusing.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
I think he must have pulled something or hurt himself, he was really throwing a fusillade of hate and trying to defend his blatant rip off and being caught.
I just had to laugh at all of it, it was really rather pathetic.
@45 A former B1 pilot is just more likely to call bullshit, when part of the White House communications job is to tell white lies, or lies, just like many lawyers job is to lie.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here’s your corruption.
“A top republican donor close to President Donald Trump tried to negotiate a $75 million fee … if he could get the U.S. to stop investigating … Jho Low, who has been accused of embezzling state funds ….”
Roger Rabbit Rabbit: Even topflight D.C. lawyers don’t charge $75 million to defend white collar crime. That kind of money buys corrupt national leaders if you have the right connections.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now you see it, now you don’t.
“The good news for some homeowners in one town: The average assessed value of a house in your neighborhood has skyrocketed … the bad news: Your property taxes are going up … to just over $29,000 from an average of about $16,500 — and you’ll only be able to deduct the first $10,000 on your taxes.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You’re gonna need your Trump tax cut to pay higher taxes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 “Better a trade war than a hot war.”
History lesson: Trade war leads to depression leads to hot war.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 What is he calling bullshit on, Mark? Calling out bullshit? A Democrat asked the woman if she lied to protect the president and she said yes. Your B1 pilot said the question shouldn’t have been asked.
I don’t see any lying lawyers in this picture, just a lying witness and a hotshot bomber jock who apparently thinks the witness shouldn’t have been asked if she lied to protect her boss because she might say “yes.”
It’s called cross-examination, Mark. Its object is to reveal unpleasant truths people like your bomber pilot don’t want to hear. The liar in this story isn’t the questioner, it’s the witness.
Sorry I had to explain that for you. I’m not trying to be patronizing. I’m merely helping you understand.
Looks like a great day for the loon and his hate-filled friends as they get to send yet more death threats to grieving student survivors of a school shooting.
“Two people shot to death at Central Michigan University”
Our doctor will have a sad.
“Judge upholds Minneapolis’ $15 minimum wage ordinance”
But this should cheer him up.
“Three-quarters of employees surveyed at Disney’s Anaheim resort say they can’t afford basic living expenses”
“Three-quarters of employees surveyed at Disney’s Anaheim resort say they can’t afford basic living expenses”
Who cares? They are all resident aliens on P visas anyway.
‘Cause it takes a special talent to wear a Goofy suit all day in 100 degree weather.
Too bad Doctor Dumbfuck wasn’t on this conference call.
Something about having a sad.
We have stupid, incompetent, blood drunk, trailerbilly Republicans to thank for the fact that this shit now happens every single day in America.
@ 4
…he systematically sold off nearly 1 million shares of Manitowoc Company Inc. Manitowoc is a “is a leading global manufacturer of cranes and lifting solutions” and, therefore, heavily dependent on steel to make its products.
And if Icahn instead had systematically sold off shares of Pizza Hut you’d be claiming it was related because the drivers use passenger cars and the manufacturers of them are heavily dependent on steel to make their products.
You’re better than this. Or, you were.
Even Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit would be wise enough to point out other reasons Icahn may have cut his stake.
Like a pricey valuation and underperformance relative to peers.
Elijah. Dude. You’re heading toward second-tier commentary. Say hi to Pilsner for me when you get there.
@ 5
Jackson Township Police Chief Mark Brink said in a news conference Thursday that detectives found memos written Feb. 14-20 on the boy’s phone, detailing an eight-step plan for a school shooting.
1. Commit suicide.
@ 6
Actually, RDR would point out that one does not buy stock in Pizza Hut but instead one buys its parent, Yum! Brands. Mea culpa.
1. Get Sponge-Bob themed semi-auto with banana clip and silencer from Republican/NRA vendomat machine at 7-11.
2. Chicken out.
3. Commit suicide.
#yup #youreallydidbuiltthattoo
It’s 3 am. Do you know where the stupid trailerbilly’s President is?
I do.
He’s straining on the shitter yelling for “his Hopey” to tell him how to spell “dying”.
Hey Tennessee! 45 just cost you $250 million, a whole slew of jobs and actually shrunk domestic sales of steel and aluminum as Electrolux sources all of that for its Tennessee plant from US suppliers.
Good thing that GE sold their appliance division to Haier in 2014.
Hey Tennessee!
Thank you for not voting for the guy who represented you in the US Senate, and whose father represented you in the Senate.
Now it’s time to do something about that adulterous Democrat cunt representing you in Nashville.
Looks like the GOP gun freaks in Georgia’s legislature may have just thrown away Amazon HQ2, and could lose an airline hub to boot. And just wait until their angry schoolkids come after them. What a bunch of jackasses. You get what you vote for.
It’s working!
I love that Dumbfuck always gets salty when the price of Milwaukee’s Best goes up a penny or two.
@16 I couldn’t help but notice that our doctor has been a little bit snippy of late. Understandable, I suppose.
Nothing to be done about it. The Trump-suck is just way too powerful. Once they’ve gotten as close to it as Doctor Dumbfuck they’re down the gravity well without fuel for an escape.
But as long as they have passed beyond the Orange Event Horizon I just wanna make sure all the Roypublicans keep on referring to women as “cunts”. The laytays just love it. Soooper sessy.
Tiny hands is talking about Alec Baldwin again today. Something about being a loser and having a dying career. Funny that’s a guy who made 2 to 3,000,000, more in the later seasons, for seven years. Plus who knows how much more with the capital one commercials. And threatened to walk away from 3 million a year because he was tired of acting.
Most people dream of early retirement and Baldwin is in that category of actor who has made so much over a career, 6 million a film at one point, who at age. 60 never has to work again if he doesn’t want to but if the right opportunity comes along doesn’t really have to work that hard anyway.
It really chaps his hide to know that Baldwin has two more Golden Globes and Emmys that 45 has bankruptcies.
“Trump just made the biggest mistake of his Presidency”
Trump, “Hold my beer!”
I can’t let this go.
A bunch of news outlets are reporting sympathetically about Hope Hicks’ dismissal and putting a bunch of the blame on Fuckface. The last thing I want to do is defend that idiotic piece of shit. And sure, there’s substantial truth to the idea that any President who was not a narcissistic sociopath would not have so casually involved his staff in his own criminal peril.
And while it may be that at the phony Russian money laundry they call “The Trump Organization” the lawyers were housed in the basement next to the boilers and the nuclear powered sewage grinders directly linked to Trump’s offices, on the campaign and at the White House they had a bunch of good lawyers striving constantly to give them good advice and keep them out of trouble.
People like Ms. Hicks have really only themselves to blame. First of all nobody ordered her to wreck her credibility by playing office suckey-face with the captain of the company’s Wife-Beater team. She knew Porter was a stain, and she didn’t care. And from the convention onward these people would have been blanketed with briefings, memos, and prep sessions instructing them about the intricacies of election law and Executive privilege. At any number of points in her career journey since moving into the campaign Ms. Hicks would have had ample opportunity to learn precisely how to avoid the legal peril she now finds herself in. These people repeatedly made extremely bad choices that can only be explained by willful arrogance and intentional disregard for the law. It’s going to cost her a ton of money to get through this without a guilty plea and a cooperation agreement.
She was warned. Still she persisted.
Trump, “Hold my
beer!Caverject Impulse*”ftfy
*ask Doctor Dumbfuck or your nearest porn director.
Wow! A USA Today front page story insinuates massive trouble for Trump and a slaughter of GOP incumbents this fall. Their poll says the public is deeply dissatisfied with Trump and prospective midterm voters want, by a 2-to-1 margin, a Congress that will confront Trump and stand up to him. I saw this in the print edition, so no link here.
Sure looks like the GOP establishment made a strategic mistake by embracing Trump and now faces historic repercussions. And that survey was conducted before Trump blew up the economy yesterday in a fit of pique.
It’s probably time for GOP poobahs to convene a council of war to discuss their party’s survival and a preemptive strike on the man who is threatening its existence. Not that I wish them luck. It’s okay with me if they go down with him.
@2 “Minnesota’s hourly minimum wage is $9.65 for large employers — those with annual gross revenue of $500,000 a year or more — and $7.75 for small employers. Those rates will rise with inflation in 2018.
“Under the Minneapolis ordinance, large businesses — those with 100 or more employees — must phase in the $15 minimum wage by July 1, 2022. Small businesses have until July 1, 2024.”
By 2024, $15 will be $7.75, so why did they bother to sue?
@6 I don’t pay any attention to Icahn, but I’m enjoying watching you squirm as Trump destroys the pillars of your prosperity.
@7 Yeah, sequence matters. As when you snipe at Roger Rabbit first and don’t get around to shorting GE until it’s already gone down.
Gotta admit that was a funny post, though. Well done.
@8 You didn’t know when to short GE, either, even though I spelled it out for you. No mea culpa there, just dumbfuckery, or maybe you just hate free money. Which calls into question whether you can be a true Republican.
@21, Part 1 – Love is blind. And whatever happens to Porter career-wise, he’s going to have a very good time. Unless, of course, he ends up in a facility that doesn’t allow conjugal visits. Or they both do.
@21, Part 2 – I’m pretty sure Hicks quit and wasn’t fired. All the signs point to that. It appears that after testifying to Congress, it abruptly dawned on her that working for a criminal and lying for him to cover up his crimes might affect more than just the criminal’s future.
Corporate tax windfalls are being distributed exactly as predicted. Thanks, guys.
These aren’t dominoes, they’re the whole house of cards.
“President Donald Trump has reportedly asked White House Chief of Staff John Kelly to oust his daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner. … The New York Times reported that Trump privately requested Kelly’s help ‘in moving them out.'”
Wait a sec. Were we not “told” that the tax scam would “benefit all levels”??? Happy days are here again.. We’re going to TRADE WAR!
@31 That video is hilarious.. SHS looks more and more like baghdad boob every day.
“We’re going to TRADE WAR!”
Republicans always need some sort of war to make their economics work out, see Ronnie “Star Wars” Reagan, Bush I and Bush II
Sad things is, it really never does work out for them, well except to line their personal pockets.
boob’s favorite type of pre-sales rep.
when the blather amongst boob’s circle of klownservatics turns to “rat-fucking”, all the always wrongist nuts know what boob has in mind.
They all usually have more or less the same in mind as well but who’s counting?
@32 “We’re going to TRADE WAR!”
That’s just our bipolar Duce having a meltdown when the automatic brake is no longer working.
@35 “boob’s favorite type of pre-sales rep”
You’d think he’d tire of that after a while. Maybe that’s where his wife’s horses come into the picture. He likely schemed the horse farm retirement all along.
Could be a busy weekend in the white castle, starting with the Friday evening press room news dump. I’m just taking a stab in the dark, but this might be a serendipitous time to fire Kelly, Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller, and a bunch of V.A. janitors while everyone is distracted by the impending collapse of the U.S. and global economies.
@37 The freak had to put itself out to pasture after a while. It was getting too embarrassing. Paraphrasing Charlie Rose’s former assistant:
“That’s just boob being boob!”
Trump is the Republican establishment. Make no mistake. They embrace him because he is them. His base is their base. His constituency is their constituency. His ignorant, screaming, balding, declining, racist, irrelevant old white voter is their voter. The party has been building to this moment for fifty years. It isn’t as though this was unplanned or unanticipated. They yearned for this.
I totally believe Mitch McConnell when he describes his President PeePee as the greatest Presidency of his lifetime. Trump is beloved among Republicans. He is everything they have hoped for and dreamed of their entire lives. He is a wealthy sociopath whose identity is built on credit, strategic bankruptcy, and betrayal. He personifies the true core of Republican idealism. This Presidency, and this moment is what the last fifty years, William Kristol, William F. Buckley, Ronald Reagan, Fox News, and Rush Limbaugh have been steadily building toward. This is their triumph.
Impressive, isn’t it?
“The reports that are on TV about … well, you know, about Syria and the 25 people that are wounded there from the Syrian f*** army and — well . . . to make it short, we’ve had our asses f*** kicked. So one squadron f*** lost 200 people … right away, another one lost 10 people . . . and I don’t know about the third squadron, but it got torn up pretty badly, too. . . . So three squadrons took a beating. . . . The Yankees attacked . . . first they blasted the f*** out of us by artillery, and then they took four helicopters up and pushed us in a f*** merry-go-round with heavy caliber machine guns … They were all shelling the holy f*** out of it, and our guys didn’t have anything besides the assault rifles . . . nothing at all, not even mentioning shoulder-fired SAMs or anything like that . . . So they tore us to pieces for sure, put us through hell, and the Yankees knew for sure that the Russians were coming, that it was us, f*** Russians . . . Our guys were going to commandeer an oil refinery, and the Yankees were holding it. . . . We got our f*** asses beat rough, my men called me . . . They’re there drinking now. . . many have gone missing . . . it’s a total f*** up”
Leaked transcript of Russian “mercenaries” reporting on the result of a direct engagement with U.S. troops in Syria the night of February 7th.
This is why they focus on cyber, and skull-fucking 63 million hapless, drooling, ignorant, beer-drunk, gun-fapping, television addicted, Republican voters. Because there’s just no way they can get to base in a straight up conflict with U.S. war fighters. And they know it. Now, more than ever.
The youth of America on one side, the FBI on the other, and the NRA and Russians in the middle.
“Depth Of Russian Politician’s Cultivation Of NRA Ties Revealed”
The babbling butthole freak didn’t put HA HEROES first?
We’re so hurt!
Having attained Peak Hate in the last thread, the loon just couldn’t bring it tonight. SAD!
Sucks to be the loon.
“A Republican member of the House Intelligence Committee is defending White House communications director Hope Hicks, saying her questioning by Democrats on the panel was a ‘setup’ to get her to acknowledge telling untruths for President Donald Trump.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I guess Rep. Stewart, who is not a lawyer, isn’t used to seeing a witness disintegrate under cross-examination, and maybe doesn’t even know what cross is for.
@17 my guess is that the horse is underperforming.
@46 or refusing.
I think he must have pulled something or hurt himself, he was really throwing a fusillade of hate and trying to defend his blatant rip off and being caught.
I just had to laugh at all of it, it was really rather pathetic.
Ain’t no rest or the wicked, Carl.
@32 Better a trade war than a hot war.
At least Bernie Sanders is calling for Congress to stop US support for the Saudis war in Yeman.
Only after the North Korean plan is unveiled.
The current White House floor show?
@45 A former B1 pilot is just more likely to call bullshit, when part of the White House communications job is to tell white lies, or lies, just like many lawyers job is to lie.
Here’s your corruption.
“A top republican donor close to President Donald Trump tried to negotiate a $75 million fee … if he could get the U.S. to stop investigating … Jho Low, who has been accused of embezzling state funds ….”
Roger Rabbit Rabbit: Even topflight D.C. lawyers don’t charge $75 million to defend white collar crime. That kind of money buys corrupt national leaders if you have the right connections.
Now you see it, now you don’t.
“The good news for some homeowners in one town: The average assessed value of a house in your neighborhood has skyrocketed … the bad news: Your property taxes are going up … to just over $29,000 from an average of about $16,500 — and you’ll only be able to deduct the first $10,000 on your taxes.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You’re gonna need your Trump tax cut to pay higher taxes.
@50 “Better a trade war than a hot war.”
History lesson: Trade war leads to depression leads to hot war.
@53 What is he calling bullshit on, Mark? Calling out bullshit? A Democrat asked the woman if she lied to protect the president and she said yes. Your B1 pilot said the question shouldn’t have been asked.
I don’t see any lying lawyers in this picture, just a lying witness and a hotshot bomber jock who apparently thinks the witness shouldn’t have been asked if she lied to protect her boss because she might say “yes.”
It’s called cross-examination, Mark. Its object is to reveal unpleasant truths people like your bomber pilot don’t want to hear. The liar in this story isn’t the questioner, it’s the witness.
Sorry I had to explain that for you. I’m not trying to be patronizing. I’m merely helping you understand.
Um, there’s a reason he is called Shortbus.