The other day, The Seattle Times had a very good, well reported piece on who knew what in terms in Ed Murray’s past alleged sex abuse. It’s a good piece of reporting, and worth a read. But I have to comment on one thing that they didn’t do well.
Murray pointed out that news media had opted not to run the story in 2008, after Simpson and another accuser, Lloyd Anderson, threatened a lawsuit and spoke with some reporters.
Um, name the reporters. I know it’s tough if it’s your friends and colleagues, maybe even you, but people fucked up. There is probably an interesting press story about how he got away with it for so long.
I finally came across a union worker I could have a beer with.
Hey, so, that memo thingy is out.
Pretty clear why Schiff tried so hard to prevent it from being released.
To restore public faith in democracy and the rule of law (assuming they survive the GOP’s attempted autocratic coup) there are going to have to be some treason prosecutions.
Yeah, what Goldy said.
I wonder which HA libbie will be first to refer to the Steele dossier as a GOP oppo research document.
@1 You like vigilantes, I see.
Looks like the same people who built Cover Oregon built the House server.
‘froggy will probably be first to get a copy. It’s not like he’s got anything else to do.
@2 Basically it’s a template script for Republican campaign speeches, and everyone knows that.
I’m totally not surprised by this:
“Newly obtained documents show the extensive involvement that family members of [HUD] Secretary Ben Carson, especially his son, Benjamin Jr., play in official business, despite strong warnings from agency lawyers.
“The documents show that Carson Jr., who is not a federal employee, continued to play a significant role in his father’s agency [after] department lawyers told the secretary [his] involvement could violate federal ethics rules or give the appearance that the secretary was using his office for his son’s private gain.
“Carson said in a statement that he was asking the department’s inspector general to look into the issue.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Ask the IG to look into it? Are you kidding me? He was flat-out told not to do it, and did it anyway. This doesn’t call for an ethics opinion; it calls for a special prosecutor.
But it was entirely predictable, because money is the only thing Republicans care about, and they consider lining their own pockets a perk of public office. You can take it for granted that any GOP administration will be full of corrupt employees. In Trump’s case, times three, because he’s corrupt himself, and all his friends (e.g. Putin) are corrupt.
@ 4
When the Bruce Willis version of Death Wish makes it to Netflix, I intend to watch it, yes.
A few days ago I commented that McCabe will end up as the FBI’s Lois Lerner, and that it won’t go any further up the chain.
I think that’s mostly correct although Rosenstein is now clearly on the hot seat. He signed off on one of the FISA extensions on Page.
FREE CARTER PAGE! day has finally arrived and Doctor Dumbfuck is shocked, SHOCKED, at how mean, and nasty, and dirty, and POLITICAL the FBI has been for keeping tabs on Russian Spy Rent Boy Carter Page for the past four years.
But the trolls have the 411.
Democrats worked with Russian FSB to set Fuckface up in a “politics sting” by recruiting Page waaaay back in 2013!
One way or another, it’s still all about the long con.
Got you covered, Bro!
Rosenstein is the only person with the legal authority to remove Awesome American Superhero Mueller. And he has declared to fat ignorant Fuckface that he absolutely will not remove the Awesome American Superhero for the Roypublican purpose of obstructing justice. So the only way to stop the Russian spying investigation is to get rid of Rosenstein.
Isn’t that convenient.
Almost like it’s been planned.
Republicans just lost the house and the senate this morning.
In case you’re wondering, Bob, the nearest level of technical support for the DOW is 18,000. To borrow a phrase you used in reference to me the other day, you should have known better.
So true.
‘We are doing Putin’s job for him’: McCain shreds GOP for ‘partisan side show’ on Nunes memo
Great news Russian Troll-Bots!
The FREE CARTER PAGE! movement now has it’s own LLC:
Give till it hurts, hillbillies! IT IS YOUR DOOOOTY.
This about sums it up. Read it and weep, Bob.
“‘Are you kidding me?’ National security lawyer tears apart Nunes’ ‘pathetic joke’ of a memo”
“It admits that the Steele dossier is only a part of the FISA application. It even resolves once and for all that the Russia investigation did not start based on the dossier. It was based on “coffee boy””
“The entire premise of its insuffiency is the fact that the FBI/DOJ didn’t tell the FISC that Steele was biased against Trump. So the hell what? They’re not REQUIRED to reveal that in every case.”
“Unless that bias somehow renders the information, in and of itself, unreliable, it doesn’t matter if Steele wore a “I’m with Hillary” button. It’s irrelevant.”
“Any pundit that goes out there and says this is the FISA memo is a bombshell scandal is either a hack, stupid, naïve, incompetent and/or is completely and unapologetically unaware of Fourth Amendment law involving warrant applications and confidential informants.”
Somewhere, a loon’s head is exploding.
Two simple rules of stock and index trading.
Never try to anticipate and sell at the peak. That’s greed whispering in your ear and one is a fool to listen. Capture your profits and get out.
Never try to catch a falling knife. One can get hurt so easily. Right now, the DOW is a falling knife.
Wiley Rein, the telecom legal firm that has been chosen to operate the FREE CARTER PAGE! movement legal defense and booze-cruise fund, gave all their 2016 campaign money to…
wait for it…
The Bitch!
Well not really. But almost. Fuckface got a little. Barely. Let’s put it this way: they gave more to Rick Larson than to Donald Trump.
C’mon hillbillies! Give!
@18 Heh. Even Pelosi got more than Putin’s stooge. Please excuse me as I ROFL.
Actually, Putin’s got himself a lot American stooges these days, including some HA trolls.
You people need to wake up. You’ve been so obviously played. It’s time for you to start acting like loyal patriotic Americans.
@10 The police lied! The police lied! The police lied!
Standard defense of self-represented convicteds at their sentencing hearings.
You hush now!
@22 My goodness. What a day!
Time for Republicans and our trolls to burn their Russian flags emblazoned with a YUGE golden “T”. Think about what’s good for America, not Putin.
Another accomplishment Obama couldn’t do that Trump did..preside over a 650+ point loss and crack top 5 worst day in history. #maga
You hillbillies pay no never mind to @20.
Your beloved Pissident and his team of super-duper competent professionals have devoted a few minutes of every week between naps, golf, and selling national monuments on eBay to making something, something, etc. whatevs.
They need your help and support now more than ever. Disregard your retirement portfolios in free fall, go grab your EBT cards and give till it hurts! Somebody’s got to pay for all those lawyers’ lingering patio lunches this summer.
@13 Boob should have shorted GE instead of relying on his dumbfuck Do-The-Opposite-Of-What-Roger-Rabbit-Says investing “method.”
As for me, I spent this morning taking shares off the hands of “investors” who didn’t want them anymore at fire sale prices. I love when people give me free money. My buys today include Exxon under 84 (was 89+ yesterday) and Hershey under 104 (was 115+ at Christmas).
It’s a Wonderful Day in the neighborhood, neighborhood, neighborhood, crash go the market.
That-a-boy Drumpfy – you are a miracle worker!
That Bob is such a Macho man! Macho, Macho Man, I’ve got to be a Macho Man.
@27 Not really. Stocks are still up since Jan. 1. Just not as much.
The spiking 10-year Treasury rate caused this. Why would it do that? Well, for one thing, cutting taxes in a full-employment economy creates inflation, not more jobs. You can’t hire more people when everybody’s already working. And it creates even more inflation it you pay for it with deficits. What does inflation make bond investors and lenders do? Demand higher interest. What does that do to the economy? Contracts it, or at least slows it down. The GOP tax-cut stimulus may turn out to be self-canceling. We should know the answer to that by the midterms.
Hatch just told a reporter that while he still “has confidence” in Rosenstein, Fuckface might have to fire him anyway “if he becomes to politically controversial”, and that he (Hatch) would be okay with that.
It is all pretext. An elaborate performance being carried out for drooling meat bag viewers at home.
Mueller is fired. It’s a done deal.
I see Steve has so eloquently brought into the conversation the Stock Market, but Bob is nowhere to be seen. He’s run away from his prediction so soon.
Let’s recap from yesterday…
Nope none of that is even alleged in the laughable memo.
It’s working out well for Democrats. The republican head of the FBI is saying the memo is bullshit. His Republican predecessor is saying it’s bullshit. Republicans of all stripes are running from it. It’s going swimmingly(Hat Tip to Anne Coulter.)
Start with the easy part. The FBI got the warrant. There has not been a registered Democrat FBI Chief in my lifetime. “Some aspects of the dossier have been confirmed.” It was all there all along. The FBI used intelligence and investigation including the dossier to apply for the warrant.
Would that anything close to that actually happened. Sorry snowflake.
Funny, the judge identity is sealed but his party really doesn’t matter. The FBI, not Democrats, applied for a warrant with lots of evidence. the memo even says the FBI started investigating due to drunken Papadoupolis telling the Australian ambassador. To refresh your memory, Papadoupolis plead guilty.
Explain that one. How illegally obtained. They had a warrant. It was signed by the judge. Are you familiar with the legal system of the United States?
I carried an extra big umbrella today to keep the chunks of brimstone from messing up my hair. Really. I was nervous.
The markets were down today, so I took the opportunity to add to some of my more long-term portfolios. Buy low, sell high!
The best mouthpiece Fox News can get a quote from for the headline on the homepage about how the memo is “A devastating blow to Mueller” is…
Wait for it….
Judicial Watch’s Jim Fitton. What was Michelle Malkin busy?
@33 hope you like buying as much as selling.
The key bit of Hillbilly pseudo-reasoning lies in this bit:
Here Cletus is trying to assert that the warrant application is flawed. Now normally if that were true (and it simply isn’t) then at some future point in time your criminal defense attorney would file motions to have the evidence obtained by the warrant excluded. The resulting ruling is a finding of law, and depending on the circumstances could be grounds for an appeal. etc. But this is the New Roypublican Party Reality, so normal just don’t cut it.
In this case the flaw alleged by the Memghazi Baboon Troop is that the warrant application relied on a biased affiant. One version of the oral history of the treason tribe holds that a retired British MI6 Russian specialist informant got together with American Democrats waay ahead of the nomination and set out to destroy Fuckface. They at least argue that by taking the money for the work he had already done, the informant-afiant became irreparably biased (somehow retroactively?). They further argue that since later on two unrelated FBI agents said mean things about The Orange Emperor all the 2500 other FBI agents, including the ones who filled the warrant application, were also biased. This is supposed to lead to the quasi-legal conclusion that the warrant, relying on affidavits rooted in some kind of bias, were “illegally” obtained.
If any of this were even close to the truth (seriously?), would it matter? Not really. The standard regarding warrant affidavits is a fatal flaw. Does the bias of an afiant constitute a fatal flaw? Almost never. Consider that criminal warrants for surveillance, entry to a premise to search, etc. are routinely based on the affidavits of confidential informants, that these “C.I.s” are very often criminal co-conspirators involved in the investigation, and that they are customarily offered payment, prosecutorial leniency, or both. And that… is not… illegal. Criminal prosecutors arrange for gang members to swear affidavits against rival gang members… in exchange for “the mysterious loss of key evidence”… and cash rewards. And defense attorneys even manage to discover these arrangements from time to time. Wanna know what happens when they challenge those warrants?
Because however biased the afiants might be there is usually a bunch of corroborating evidence and other testimony to back them up. Thus, not really fatal.
Now consider how many of the House Hillbillies, and especially those on the investigative committees are former prosecutors. They already know all this shit. And they don’t care. They have a job to do, manipulating the meat bag army. Because this isn’t about justice at all.
It’s about obstruction of justice. In service to a political party that is owned by a foreign power.
@35 – It’s a long term process. Wealth-building takes both buying and selling. It’s not a question of liking buying over selling or vice-versa. Today we had a sale going on in the market. I took advantage of it. The rodent probably did the same.
I did some selling about a week ago in one of my shorter-term portfolios. Locked in some nice profit.
@31 Boob’s portfolio, which is ever so much larger than mine, probably resembles the Eastern Front’s casualties.
@37 “The rodent probably did the same.”
Yes, but I spent only part of my cash reserves today, because stocks are still expensive, and I’m not sure which direction the market goes from here. I’m not expecting great things from the Trump economy, though. He’s not going to replicate Obama’s stock market.
Hillbilly economic performance.
As usual.
@40 Heh.
Now we know why Trey Gowdy is leaving politics. He knows that Trump and the party he represents are a bunch of treasonous assholes and he knows Drumpf is stinking up the place.
He knew the memo of nothing would be released. He said – “I’m fucking out of here”.
Hey – Drumphy can’t look after all the rich people now.
The DOW tried to ride the 13 day moving average, but after today, you can kiss that goodbye. What was support has become resistance. The 50 day is next. If the DOW blows past that next week and you’re still in the market, good luck. You’ll need it.
Remember Mr. Klynical and his pathetic after-the-fact announcements of his trades?
Just to make up an example, I bought JAZZ at $0.55 and sold it at $166.00! I bought QSC at $.0.45 and sold it under the ticker symbol QCOR at $53.00! Worship me, Bitches!
If you want to impress me, and I’m sure none you do, you’ll announce your buys the day you make them, and again when you sell.
Politically Incorrect reminds me an awful lot of Mr. Klynical, which is to say that he’s really fucking pathetic. But I’m sure most of you already knew that.
Orange buffoon says, “I think it’s a disgrace what’s happening in our country”
The moron finally got one right. But what he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about is that it is he and the GOP who are the one’s disgracing our nation.
As I’ve said since I showed up here, Democrats have disappointed me for what is now 49 years, but Republicans fucking disgust me.
@30 “Mueller is fired. It’s a done deal.”
That isn’t the half of it. After Fuckface fires Sessions, Rosenstein, and Mueller, he’ll find himself a Roland Freisler to persecute the lot of them and the Clintons, too. He won’t be satisfied until they’re all in Gitmo.
@45 disappointment comes in people not politics. It is the people that disappoint.
@44 “If you want to impress me, and I’m sure none you do, you’ll announce your buys the day you make them …. ”
See #26.
@45 Republicans are cowards and criminals. Democrats are cowards for not standing up to the GOP criminals. The little people can’t win. You simply have to look after yourself as best you can.
@48 I know.
A while back I posted links to a pretty good article about the dark bounty of oil in TexASS…
This is yet another good read about another kind of bounty in the Golden State:
Freakin damn good read.. Mind-blowing! I look forward to the author’s next book.
So Faux News got this shit memo early? What does that say?
Too funny..
So this memo thing, seems the whole point is not what they found was wrong, just that they shouldn’t have been looking. Did I miss something? And if you are talking and meeting with people with ties to Russian intelligence, shouldn’t you be under surveillance? How about if you want a business deal with Isis, would it be wrong to track your communications?
Demorat Death March News – Senate Will Probe Demorats
The chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee sent a letter late Wednesday to Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein requesting he turn over all communications from former FBI director James B. Comey Jr., former FBI general counsel James A. Baker, Deputy FBI Director Andrew G. McCabe, as well as 13 other FBI agents and Justice Department officials.
The other individuals Johnson is asking about are:
Peter P. Strzok II, the former chief of the FBI’s counterespionage section;
Lisa Page, an FBI attorney romantically-linked to Strzok;
Brian Brooks, the FBI’s assistant director of the Operational Technology Division;
Michael P. Kortan, the assistant director of FBI public affairs;
Randall C. Coleman, executive assistant director of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch;
George Z. Toscas, deputy assistant attorney general for national security;
E. William “Bill” Priestap, assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division and husband of Sabrina Menshel, the managing director of the private investigations firm Nardello & Company and Democratic contributor;
Trisha Anderson, deputy general counsel at the Justice Department, former law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan and wife of Obama administration national security lawyer Charles L. Newman;
Jonathan C. Moffa, the FBI agent who helped draft Comey’s July 5, 2016 exoneration of Clinton’s handling of sensitive electronic correspondence and the man who received information from a Jan. 27, 2016 walk-in-informant from the State Department, who tried to alert the FBI about Clinton’s private email server;
David L. Bowdich, the associate deputy director of the FBI and the presumed successor to McCabe as FBI deputy director;
James Turgal, the FBI’s former executive assistant director for the Information and Technology Branch;
John Giacalone, the FBI’s former assistant director of counterterrorism division and the FBI agent-in-charge of Clinton email investigation, who resigned from the probe in February 2016; and
Jim Rybicki, Comey’s chief of staff.
The Wisconsin Republican also asked specifically for the emails between the former first lady and President Barack Obama exchanged while Clinton was in the “territory of a sophisticated adversary” that Comey referred to in a draft of what would become his July 5 announcement that he would discourage federal prosecutors from going after Clinton for her handling of sensitive electronic correspondence on her private server while leading the State Department.
@54 Do you aspire to live in a banana republic? Will the same rules apply when the Democrats get power, as they will inevitably will at some point? Do the same rules apply to the Republicans? Isn’t it then just as wrong for them to use the power of government against adversaries?
And if transparency is really the goal, why not release the Democratic response memo?
Was Asshole1 a frustrated birther?
Was Asshole1 a frustrated birther?
Cut him some slack. After his masturbatiry fantasy about the Nunes memo went flaccid on him it’s on to the next thing. (See @32 )
And somewhere in the document dump is the email that says, “I know we’re lifelong Republicans but it would be super cool to stage a coup and get the Democrat elected. No one will ever know.” Too damn funny.
The Democrats world was going to come crashing down today but now maybe sometime in the distant future after yet another investigation of the same emails by yet another comittee. Sad really. Desperate.
@55 “Do you aspire to live in a banana republic?”
Yes. He also wants all “Demorats” put to death.
@56 Don’t know. I do know he’s the dumbest goatfucker to ever post here. Makes Mr. Klynical look like a fucking genius.
Someone finally found some actual real-life waste, fraud, and abuse.
Did I miss something?
This one sure did.
Pay attention ijyut. Notice Doctor Dumbfuck or the Fucking Liar posting? Think that means anything?
Page was fingered as a Russian spy by convicted Russian spies three years before any dos-see-yay even existed. Did it even occur to you to wonder why openly suspected Russian plants were welcomed into the Republican campaign?
It is because you are this dumb that your party treats you lime this. They do it right in front of you. Then tell you what you saw. Then openly laugh at you as you lap it up.
You can’t blame us for joining them
Fire Jeff Sessions? Good idea!
If you’re not tired of laughing at Nunes and his stupid fucking memo, this for you.
‘Yo memo is so stupid Eric Trump beat it’s SAT scores’: Internet breaks into hysterics over #YoMemoJokes
Why I Am Leaving the F.B.I.
There is nothing in the Steele dossier, nor in any other supporting documentation that is untrue. It is cross-correlated with literally hundreds of other documents from other related and likely unrelated investigations.
The reality is, we now have a Presidential Administration that is entirely staffed by hostile foreign agents. Their only story here is that somehow, as they consider the methods by which that information was obtained were somehow nefarious or improper, that they are innocent of their Treasons. They attack the messenger, rather than the substance of the message. They know damn well that if at some time the actual LAW is enforced, they could damn well be hanged, every single one of them, including Fat Donny Two-Scoops, his kids, and everyone that helped protect him in Congress.
And that is not an exaggeration.
Carl it doesn’t matter if you name reporters. I think some of the reporters names have been mentioned on say NPR. Reporters don’t decide whether a story runs or not, it’s the editor, or manager, ect. Usually those people are in the news room, but sometimes it’s the guy in the front office who happens to be the same party as a particular politician. Years ago Democratic folks in Georgia covered up some stuff too, and some intrepid reporter may even have written a story, but the democratic editor killed the story. Only to be rediscovered decades later when said former Democrat became a Republican running for the US Senate. Nothing like that would happen in Washington state over a member of the state legislature, who was running for Mayor. So who was the editor or others who had the power to run the story who killed it. Do they bleed blue or red?
PS Reporters write stories all the time that don’t get run, get canned until later, or get pushed back in the back pages.
@4 Are you suggesting that guy gave Nasser’s appeal attorney something to work with?
Problem with Nasser is he is no threat to any adults, so throwing him into the prison system really doesn’t protect anyone from him, and a lot of money will be spent keeping him safe, separated, and in solitary confinement (which arguable is inhumane punishment) unless or until the proverbial slip in the shower happens. And some other prisoner probably a lifer gets an additional life sentence. Guess Godwinha will have a beer with that guy, or a coffee because you have to get the beer past the guards. Will you have a beer with that guy Steve?
I do think the deeper implications are important, as to when punishment become vengeance. Guess the appeals court will struggle at briefly with that, Not that it matters as he already has 60 years on the child porn case.
@7 This kind of stuff is why there are IG’s. You don’t think IG’s can actually earn their salary? A good IG doing an investigation can be more damning, and so much more effective and efficient than any special prosecutor, and the process does not have to be adversarial.
@12 I keep thinking some guy named the President is in charge of the executive branch, and just maybe Nixon was correct in some of his statements and what he did. Watergate worked around the edges of the issue, but did not really settle it. Perhaps if Congress wants to investigate the President as a separate branch of government it should do any investigations into the President and stop the silliness of telling people to investigate the boss. Hey it’s politics though.
@13 Call me when it hits 10% and we will see if the market is still falling or if this is just a normal long awaited correction. These things are supposed to happen. People from time to time turn their illusory stocks into some more solid cash, and then into other things.
Might be a good time to invest in winter wheat though. Could be what some of those sellers are doing.
@16 Somewhere out there, there maybe one pissed off Federal Judge. Who may think he or she violated the 4th Amendment rights of Trump and his team.
And Federal Judges from time to time hand National Security lawyers their ass. Happened in the Pentagon Papers case in a big way.
@20 So you want a declaration of war against Russia? Because they hacked into the Democratic party? The Russians spent a pittance on ads? That like in China and the old Soviet Union it’s being faithful to the and loyal to the party that counts, not loyalty to the nation unless you need to stoke that national thing during a great and patriotic war. So you want a declaration of war against Russia, comrade?
@21 Sometimes the police do lie, and there is plenty of proof they often get away with it.
@23 The Golden Arches, and American Fries!!!!
Guess Superman got locked in a phone booth somewhere or cannot find one.
@24 All things being relative in the current market a 650 point drop is not a big deal. It’s a much smaller percentage than the drops that occurred when Obama was President. The number may seem big to you, but a 1000 point drop when the market is at 27,000 is a far different thing than a 1000 point drop when it was at 2000. Obama presided over one day losses that were a greater percentage of the market.
Can you just imagine what a 22% loss in a day would look like? A repeat of a day in 1987 would shake a lot of confidence out of the market and scare a lot of people and it would be a big number. Due to all the brakes I’m not sure it’s possible to have that kind of drop in a day.
@29 Have you become a total Capitalist sell out RR. You don’t mention the real underlying reason Capitalist are upset, in a full employment job market they have to pay workers more. That affect companies bottom lines. And the inflation thing you mentioned.
Or it was time to take some profits. Hope all your buys are winner Rabbit War Bucks.
@30 What the Republicans have mastered the Washington Kabukey Floor Show?
@36 And at least two defendants in the case attorney’s are probably looking to see if they can go to the Federal Judge in their case and to have the 4th Amendment applied and the whole thing tossed. Then again they are liars and so far are going to make Mueller’s case in front of jury? Takes 1 Federal Judge buying the argument, and Muller, the FBI and DOJ can pack their bags.
@45 Which is why it’s good to be an independent with low expectations for either major party. Makes it all fun and entertaining, and you can even laugh at some of the awful stuff.
Political science really is fun.
Did I miss something?
Yes Common sense and you don’t understand the difference between legal and intelligence.
And if you are talking and meeting with people with ties to Russian intelligence, shouldn’t you be under surveillance?
No, not under our Constitution, and these days our FBI, CIA, and DIA folks are often working with Russian intelligence from the Russians, all those people should be under surveillance? Speaking to Russian intelligence people has never been illegal or a reason to put someone under surveillance even in the cold war. Someone talking to the Russians, and then having more money, was what finally got Ames, but it took years.
How about if you want a business deal with Isis, would it be wrong to track your communications?
Not without a warrant if the intention is to use the information in some kind of prosecution. If it’s just for intel maybe it’s not wrong, but if it’s an American you need a warrant. Especially if you intend to prosecute the individual, And again just communicating with ISIS doesn’t get you there, after all attorneys talk to ISIS, and even terrorists are entitled to an attorney, and the attorney client privilege is supposed to mean something here in the US. And it’s ok to fall for the ISIS equivalent of a Nigerian Prince scam. You are just stupid not a criminal in any way.
@55 The same rules do apply. That is what makes American politics so much fun. And just what is wrong with Banana Republics? They have bananas after all. They have their own store even. And we will always have San Marcos.
You are still making shit up and lying.
It makes you look even stupider.
44 – Steve, if being a multi-millionaire because of my financial skills is pathetic, then I’ll happily wear the title.
Former Mayor Ped Murray here….just wondering if anybody has seen my faithful pedofile-defending sycophant Tensor around?