Patrick Meehan sure picked the right time for all his gross gross behavior to be public. Who cares that their Congressman is a telling women in his office that they’re soul mates and retaliating against her for having a boyfriend when there’s Superbowl hype?
Billy Graham’s son’s partisan stripes are showing.
I keep asking Bob the same question – who cares that he and I are soul mates.
It’s Obamacare’s fault! It’s Obamacare’s fault! It’s Obamacare’s fault!
Let’s have a peek at that classified memo the congress-critters are talking about. Sunlight is the best disinfectant for corruption.
Nasir gets 175 years.
Now on to the multitudes of USAG and MI State staff that received multiple reports of his crimes l…
So really what’s left for Radical Thumpers to rely upon as the rationale for supporting The Party of Thrill-Fucking Porn Stars and Teenagers?
The enduring desire to strap poor women down and shove trans-vaginal probes up their furburgers.
So FOX news has begun this week promoting to its viewers the notion that officials at the highest levels of the FBI have organized and are overseeing a “secret society” within the agency who arrange “secret meetings” in “clandestine locations” for the purpose of planning to overthrow the Presidency and take over the government.
They are saying this shit. On the air.
And Roypublican voters rely upon FOX as the sole source for their news and information. There are any number of ways of filling the heads of drooling conservative meat puppets with paranoid fantasies about unseen threats. And over the years FOX has delved into dozens if not hundreds. But I can’t actually recall any that were so singularly directed and undermining the rule of law and the constitutional framework as this. And while I’m sure this is good for a boost to declining ratings, I think it stands out.
They are going to fire Mueller and stop the investigation. They don’t want it to proceed, because they cannot defend it. So they must manufacture a partisan reason to shut it down.
Talk radio gold…
“(Birth citizenship) having someone eight and a half months pregnant walk across the border (ed. note, southern border, brown people and it’s really easy walk for a pregnant lady) and the kid is a citizen. And that’s not the intent of the amendment.”
So about that “Well regulated militia” as you VO gun show ads for the station…
Huge Demorat DACA Victory Celebrated In New York, Schumer Hailed As Hero;
Illegal alien activists stormed the home of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and the offices of Democrats demanding immediate amnesty for all 12 to 30 million illegal aliens in the United States, as well as the release of all illegal aliens who are in detention centers for crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.
Illegal aliens and open borders activists with “United We Dream,” a group that is partially funded by globalist billionaire George Soros, blocked off streets in Brooklyn, New York to protest Schumer’s vote to cave and reopen the federal government without an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens being included in the government funding bill.
“If Chuck won’t let us dream, we won’t let him sleep!” illegal alien activists shouted outside the New York liberal’s home on Tuesday.
The Baltimore Police corruption trail is worth keeping an eye on.
Among revelations in day one of testimony… drug mules tend to drive Honda’s and Acuras so driving one is probable cause…if you fit the racial profile.
@4 They collect their talking points in a memo, then classify it so nobody can read it. That tells me they want to field test their script a little at a time before investing political capital in it.
@5 He won’t do anywhere close to 175 years. Society will be lucky to get 30 years of hard time from him. No matter how much the outraged victims hate him, the judge and warden can make him serve only one life sentence.
@6 Michael Steele has it under control.
@7 “They are going to fire Mueller and stop the investigation.”
They will be too late.
It’s now revealed that soaking the blue states was vital to making the GOP tax scheme work, and if they wriggle out of the ambush Republicans laid for them, the deficit will blow up.
Demorat Election News – Glorious Leader Shumer Shares Plan For Final Victory With Adoring Crowd;
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer believes that Republicans will join the Democratic Party to protect illegal immigrants if the media shows pictures of people getting deported.
“God forbid, but the pictures of people being deported will rally the nation,” Schumer said Wednesday on “The Rachel Maddow Show.” “And these more mainstream Republicans — admittedly, not a majority of the Republican Party, but enough — when they add them to Democrats, could pass the bill.”
Schumer also said that the Democrats “are in better shape than five days ago” before the party refused to extend funding for the government without protections for beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, forcing a government shutdown.
However Not All Demorats Are Satisfied – Complain They Are Still Being Arrested For Rape;
A previously deported illegal alien Uber driver is accused of raping four women, three of whom were allegedly intoxicated when he assaulted them, prosecutors say.
Alfonso Alarcon-Nunez, a 39-year-old illegal alien from Mexico living in San Luis Obispo, California, has been charged with raping and robbing four women while he was driving for the ride-sharing company Uber, according to the Daily Mail.
San Luis Obispo County District Attorney Dan Dow told the media that Nunez’s alleged rape victims are between the ages of 19-years-old and 22-years-old, with three of them being intoxicated from alcohol when he allegedly robbed and raped them.
Dow said the illegal alien would target women leaving parties while he was on duty as an Uber driver. The illegal alien would allegedly go back to the women’s homes where he would rape them and rob them, prosecutors say.
At 54 years old it’s unlikely he’ll draw another free breath.
Meanwhile, a Maine town gives a white supremacist his walking papers after figuring out what he really is.
Kinda reminds me of this guy.
Btw, if you’re wondering what that one’s been up to lately, see this
and this
More of Trump’s “fine people.”
Well, yeah. But who doesn’t?
Verified account
1h1 hour ago
Trump wanted a threesome with porn stars, according to one adult film actor
@19 Speak for yourself. Of course, we know you are.
Liberal media people will do their best to protect liberal politicians, and conservative media people will do their best to protect conservative politicians.
Understandable, but the victim of each is Truth.
Doc’s idea of a “threesome” is himself, Stormy Daniels, and his wife’s horse. Guess who the horse takes in the ass?
Yesterday was a big day in the Mueller investigation. Read a summary here:
And was only the beginning:
Support your local police! And the FBI! No, wait, never mind the FBI. They’re bad guys now.
Again, here it is.
Sheesh! It’s only six bullet points. And do you really need to move your lips while you read it?
“Liberal media people will do their best to protect liberal politicians, and conservative media people will do their best to protect
conservative politiciansa felonious bloated gasbag who colludes with a shirtless commie dictator and fucks around behind his pregnant wife’s back with hookers and drug addicted porno queens.”ftfy
All the people lucky enough to be in a committed, fulfilling relationship with someone they love. I’m not sorry for you. But perhaps I am sorry for your spouse. Can’t imagine there are enough horses in all the world to make up for having to accept that kind of casual sadism and disrespect. She must have an incredibly low opinion of herself.
Boob’s wife and every pre-sales rep with boob on their “kreep list”..
Doc isn’t around this afternoon. Wonder why? Are we going too easy on him? Throwing too many softball comments his way? Maybe we need to up the incentives.
Speaking of Super Bowl…
NBC has sold out all Super Bowl ad space at “an average price slightly higher than last year’s $5million” per 30 second spot, a record at the time.
Sons a bitches!
Why all this buzz about Drumpf talking to Mueller in a few weeks or whenever?
It comes from Drumpf.. You can’t trust anything that liar spouts.
Take any obstruction done by any previous President and push the needle into the extreme red and beyond, round and round the dial.. That’s more like what Drumpf and his lawyers will try to do.
Did anyone see my panties? Bob?
That memo that Dumbes keeps pushing and klownservatic idiots and Faux News keeps spewing about – that has to be the most stupid shit.
Didn’t Elijah just show it here in the HA threads? Heh..
Glenn Greenwald says Drumpf should put it out. That’ll shut up the Russian bots.
The Drumpf idiot has the power to declassify anything. Yours truly guesses the freak is too weak to put out even its own bullshit.
I’m not a psychiatrist, but this patient appears to be schizophrenic or maybe bipolar.
@34.. No just a bullshitter bullshitting..
Gee these drugs buried under trash weren’t hard to find; the cop went right to them — after putting them there. He must’ve forget his body cam was running the whole time.
In case you hadn’t noticed, those stories are out there. There’s brothers from the DC area who fled El Salvador as a 10 and 13 year old. The older obtained a D1 soccer scholarship. He showed up for his scheduled appointment with immigration and was in El Salvador 48 hour later.
Or Daniel Ramirez Ortega. Been living in Seattle since he was seven. Now he’s in ICE detention though he has committed no crime while in the U.S. Unless you’re an asshole who thinks following your parents at seven is an overt criminal act.
Lots more but the 70% who want congress to act to let them stay grows with each of them.
McConnel’s in a jam. Bring it to the floor within three weeks or they’re shut down again with no one to blame. Make GOP Senators vote on it and if it fails on a party line vote the, “GOP hates brown people” becomes conventional wisdom. the House Majority, already looking to be swamped in 2018, doesn’t want any part if it but they can kill it by inaction or vote it down (see conventional wisdom). Pass it and let 45 Veto and Texas goes blue.
12%. That’s who want them rounded up. Keep telling yourself that Democrats lost more by making a deal in the long run than the GOP.
Justin Trudeau in Davos making Drumpf look like a fucking idiot:
Drumpf’s economic “policies” seem to be as popular in Canada as the current Drumpfist health care policy. Countries like Canada with decent universal health care are just DYIN’ to adopt Republican policies. Always have been, right trolls?
And he did it in full grammatically correct sentences. Like he went to the Wharton School or something.
And without talking about the size of his
Check Shortbus, his panties are all wadded up because people on this blog don’t use their real names when they post.
Car tab relief may be coming now that Democrats control the legislature:
“The bill was passed in the House last session, but failed to get a hearing in the Senate. With a Democrat-controlled Senate, Democrats hope the bill will get passed this session.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let’s see, which party held the majority in the state senate last year? That would be …
Apropos of nothing except that I’ve commented on “Pocahontas” before re: family lore.
My uncle emailed to all the relatives today a photo that I already had of the MIT research team he was part of that included 7 future Nobel winners. That part is true.
But he included, “They developed radar and without it Germany might have won the war.” This is a claim I’ve heard my Grandfather and father tell too. But I have documents from when I cleaned out his house that tell me this is half true at best. They developed high powered radio tubes that made communication without telegraph easier and those tubes did find their way into early radar tests. But they were not included in radar installations beyond that “Beta” phase.
But what am I going to do. Tell my now 78 year old uncle his Dad stretched the truth?
@42 Thanks. Will do. I should have known.
As if flying isn’t already uncomfortable enough, airline loos are getting smaller — so they can cram in more seats, of course..
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is only the next step in the evolution of airplane heads, not the final destination. Inevitably, at some point the perhaps not-distant future, flight attendants will hand out pee bottles. And, finally, a day will come when they’ll tell you to just hold it until you’re on the ground.
@44 That’s what deregulation looks like. When you let businesses do as they please, they will.
@40 “his panties are all wadded up because people on this blog don’t use their real names”
That’s easy for him to say, because liberals don’t storm pizza parlors with assault rifles, drive cars into crowds, or mow down parishioners in churches. He doesn’t have to worry about what the crazy alt-right assholes might do as long as they don’t mistake him for one of us.
Trump says he’ll speak with Robert Mueller “under oath.” His lawyer says he misspoke.
“Trump’s White House lawyer, Ty Cobb, told the Times the president’s comments were made off-the-cuff and ‘he’ll be guided by the advice of his personal counsel.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He’ll probably have to educate his client about the Fifth Amendment, too.
Look on the bright side. In a year or two, maybe Trump will be out as well as a lot of corrupt FBI and DOJ people, who will be doing time as “guests” in the prison system.
“…a lot of corrupt FBI and DOJ people…”
Ah yes. Because… reasons.
You stop being pointlessly repetitive about this and so will I.
Let’s be clear, you drooling hairless apes enthralled to the Perverted Russian Puppet are counting on nothing more than repetition to advance this comical tapestry of conspiracy theories.
It’s a Republican Attorney General, a Republican Deputy AG, a Republican FBI director, and a Republican Special Prosecutor, all appointed by and serving at the pleasure of your bloated orange fart bag of a man-baby. There is no “conspiracy”. Only more of the same general incompetence and disrespect for the constitution that has become your brand.
There are no “secret societies” of “derp state” conspirators seeking to overthrow Putin’s Rent-boy. Just the same long suffering dedicated law enforcement professionals trying their best to hold the fabric of constitutional government together while mindless armies of AM hate radio programmed meat puppets try to tear it apart because… “the blacks”, “the hippies”, “the fags”, “the bitches”, whatever.
Go for it. Fire him. And you’ll pay for it for years to come. Just don’t waste our time making us watch as you and that fat ignorant burger-hole work up your courage to do it.
What difference does it make what Fuckface says to anyone about anything? Accounting for days spent golfing, hiding out by the pool in Florida, or otherwise in radio silence, the Roypublican nominee for President has averaged just short of a dozen documented false public statements every day since his inauguration. It is statistically more likely that any verifiable statement he makes will prove to be false.
These statements are all just part of the theater preceding his intention to fire the Special Prosecutor and end the investigation into his campaign’s conspiracy with Russian espionage agents.
The coal jobs are coming back…
In Davos, President Macron declares plan to close all French coal power plants by 2021.
The sooner Appalachia realizes that they are new century version of the 1920 horse drawn carriage industry the better it will go for them. They can limp along for another two decades or so of dwindling jobs and then it will be all over. I don’t mean to be harsh but adapt or die. No one is hiring a town lamplighter no matter how much experience you have at the job.
Stolen from Twitter.
“President Trump, You took 36 hours to react to Marshall County High School mass shooting. Did the NRA have your phone?”
Yes. Exactly. Democrats want to release Don Jr. testimony before the Judiciary Committee to Robert Meuller because they are relatively certain that statements made to Meuller and statements made to the committee are significantly different.
Look on the bright side – Hillary Clinton will never be president, and Trump will have you liberal progressive assholes pissing and moaning for another 3 years at least! The more you bitch and complain, the more you’re helping Trump’s administration.
Just for the record, I did not vote for Trump.
@ 51
They can limp along for another two decades or so of dwindling jobs and then it will be all over.
To a 50 year old coal miner who has just been through eight years of Obama policy, hope that jobs will last for several more years is pretty much the most you could ask for.
Renewables are still a drop in the bucket and they’re incredibly expensive to support, hydropower aside.
Fossil fuels and coal will be necessary for decades. A lot of coal is being burned in the northeast US these past few weeks.
Look into the environmental impacts of harvesting and processing silicon when you get a chance. It’s not pretty.
@54 you didn’t happen to see my panties? Or have you?
In case you hadn’t noticed, the loyal patriotic Americans who oppose selling our national sovereignty to a shirtless commie don’t find it necessary to constantly bleat about not be traitors.
And we certainly don’t pass along un-examined false claims authored by Russian controlled bot farms discrediting federal law enforcement and the rule of law. I’d say people like you are a disgrace, but I no longer consider people like you Americans.
Just for the record, we do not believe people like you anymore.
OK, so anyone who does not agree with you in toto is evil, bad, a hillbilly, etc. You are an intolerant piece of shit, and you are the one who we all should consider to not be an American.
For the record, I didn’t not vote for Hillary Clinton either.
That 50 year old coal minor has kids who have no future. But a bright future was promised to them by the GOP. Their father railed against Obamunists killin’ the jobs and then they looked around and the jobs were all gone under Trump. They kept digging it up even for a while after no one was buying.
There’s a country song in there somewhere.
But look on the bright side – Hillary ain’t president!
While Putin’s Rent Boy is busy in Davos giving hand jobs to oligarchs something hillbillies might want to keep in mind:
The “two tankfulls” that idiots like Dumbfuck can’t stop chortling about ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. When you isolate to Fuckface counties, and average incomes of Fuckface voters it works out to less than half, about $25 per month extra in take home (as if any of them work) dribbled out slowly. And when you roll Hillbilly, $25 wont even get you one tankfull. Shit. That won’t even buy a bag of decent kibble for ol’ Duke.
Neither are Low Energy Jeb, Liddle Marco, Lyin’ Ted, Mittens, Doctor Supplement, Hatchet Face, 1 for 38 Kasich, or Chris Doughnut Hole.
Any one of them could have been nominated and they wouldn’t be under investigation for treason. You went with Putin’s Rent Boy. You should have known better. It was all right out in the open.
@ 59
That 50 year old coal minor has kids who have no future.
YLB has kids who have no future. Other than funding my retirement, I mean.
And it’s miner. His kids would be the minors.
YLB’s dreams to validate herself through Girl Power have suffered a serious blow.
No O.
My concerns about Mrs. Doctor Dumbfuck’s low self esteem appear to be well founded.
I don’t see this as any more damaging than the Reverend Wright association.
People considered, people chose.
Man, he looked good back then. No wonder YLB got moist.
Raw Story is now reporting that financial records indicate the hush money Cohen paid to the Roypublican Porn lady came directly from the Fuckface campaign treasury.
What’s more interesting is that, from a legal standpoint as to whether or not this is a crime, it may be irrelevant. Either it’s a misappropriation or it’s a failure to disclose. Both are felonies. Add to it the obvious financial engineering undertaken to make it work and you get obstruction charges as well. All this was rather well vetted in pre-trial for Edwards campaign hush money. A different judge could always interpret the intent of the statutes differently. But thanks to the Edwards prosecution there is now a bunch of precedent to guide.
Huh. No mention of the “White People Internment Camps” or the infamous “Whitey Tape”.
He is really losing his touch. Things like “Shithole” and the #GOPDeathCar have the Russian bot farms promoting a more “nuanced” form of race baiting these days.
@ 67
And the money paid to Steele came from the Democrats, including the Clinton campaign.
If it came from the Trump campaign treasury but passed through intermediate hands, how does that change things? Trump paid his attorney who paid Daniels sounds little different than Team Clinton paying Perkins Coie which then paid Fusion GPS/Steele.
Asking for a friend.
@ 68
No mention, either, of the Khalidi tape.
His presidency went two full terms and is now part of the history books.
What’s the harm in releasing the tape, Keep Rockin’?
@66. That all you got. A highly respected, read the polls, two term African American President crossed paths with a Prominant African American figure. And now that he’s retired that will TOTALLY distract from Energy Sec man loving a Coal Baron. a campaign paying a pornstar, a wife suddenly not going to Davos, World leaders in Davos openly mocking a president..
Our other troll will be along here sometime to talk media bias but as they say, “that’s not news.”
“I was shocked shocked I tell you to walk down the candy aisle and find chocolate near gummy bears.”
In more local news,
Coach Kennedy found out today what most of us learned before we left high school. You can’t lead a public Denominational prayer at any public school function.
You just can’t be that stupid. You are rushing. Slow down and think before you bot.
Oppo research and other forms of research are legal campaign expenditures. Porny prostitution spanking? I don’t know about that one…
… but I certainly hope your Party leader pursues it.
@ 73
I’m sure there’s a contract spelling out consulting duties. She may have been writing some of his speeches.
You got schlonged. Stuff like that.
Just out of curiosity. What’s less forgivable for evangelical Christians? A politician meeting a controversial figure or a married man who just had a child fucking a porn star?
Trick question real answer is the black guy.
Boob can’t miss with a hot take with the best of them.
“…a wife suddenly not going to Davos…”
Not even Doctor Dumbfuck’s wife would accompany him under those circumstances.
It’s a pretty swanky event made up of a bunch of swanky events. Lots of gowns and jewels and receiving lines with sashes and swords. Even a few good opportunities to swan about in the snow in furs and other winter fashions. And Melania is a skier too!
If it weren’t for the prospect of hundreds of billionaires, world leaders, and their spouses reading Porny-Hooker excerpts while peering at her over their iPhone Xs, Melania would be all over that place.
“I’m sure there’s a contract spelling out consulting duties.”
In federal corruption prosecutions they call those “shovels”.
And don’t forget, Hunter was the Edwards campaign “official documentarian”, etc. etc.
That worked out well.
With a dad like boob, yep, I believe it.. Boob probably garnishes her wages to grab back her support and job training funding over the years..
My kids otoh both work jobs, save money and study hard with good marks to show for it. Good habits point to a decent future doing meaningful things.
Unlike the example of boob.. All its life has led to trolling HA. A misogynist freak.
Demorat Victory News – Russia Releases FBI Emails In Desperate Attempt To Save Trump
The Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz informed lawmakers Thursday that he has found the missing five months of text messages between senior FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page that the DOJ said were lost due to a technical glitch.
Indeed. See #metoo, Roger Ailes, Bill-O the klown, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Larry Nassar.
Those freaks are sex gods to boob. No wet payoff for boob unless their freak on is in its head.
Any lefty victory just deflates boob and leaves the freak with less hair..
All its life have led to fighting a losing battle against impotence and hair loss.. Propecia and an array of ED meds just means a downward spiral of misogynist madness.
Lucky for bald and limp boob that HA is here. Does Goldy get even one thank you? Nahh.. That’s a klownservatic for ya.
@48 Soros assures us Trump’s efforts to create a “mafia state” will fail, and although his administration is “a danger to the world” while it lasts, it’s a “temporary phenomenon” that will disappear “in 2020 or even sooner.”
I sure hope he’s right.
Wow it looks like Asshole1 is only troll to roll with that memo/secret society/derp state shit. And a couple others – pretty lame..
Our two main trolls? They’re gettin’ kind of weak. The shit’s gettin’ too stupid and kooky for even them.
@50 The difference it makes is that, given his penchant for habitual lying and inability to distinguish truth from fiction, anything he says under oath is likely to provide Mueller with all the ammo he needs for a perjury rap on top of the collusion, conspiracy, obstruction, and money laundering raps.
Although the main objective is, and must remain, terminating this abortion of a presidency I personally wouldn’t mind seeing its principal actor doing time in his old age. What was good enough for Gotti is good enough for Trump, too.
Nice march, ladies, but once Republicans get your nasty snake-filled heads straight, it’s back to the kitchen for you career obsessed banshees and nail-biting manophobic hell-bent feminist she devils!
“GOP Senate candidate flips out over ‘women’s rights’: ‘I want to come home to a cooked dinner every night’”
What are the odds he fucks goats and molests little girls?
“….he has found the missing five months of text messages…” …involving more than 10% of all FBI employees over several months.
Hey, I just want to contribute to the overall “health” of your Derp State Conspiracy delusions by ensuring you have all of the facts you need to keep your hair on fire.
As you were.
As a special treat, don’t miss his fiance’s web site and CV.
I’m struggling to convince myself it isn’t satire.
I should add, that while a little joke is fine, this guy has a very good chance in this election. Crazy, right? This is Missouri we are talking about. McCaskill needs nationwide support to make sure a Trumpanzee doesn’t pick up a Senate seat.
@54 “Just for the record, I did not vote for Trump.”
Of course you didn’t. And if you’d been born in a different time and place, you wouldn’t have murdered Jews either. You would’ve stood there and watched in silence as others did it.
@55 “To a 50 year old coal miner who has just been through eight years of Obama policy, hope that jobs will last for several more years is pretty much the most you could ask for.”
Uh, sorry, but the decline in coal jobs began long before Obama, and automation and competition from cheap natural gas has far more to do with it than his policies; but when you get right down to it, if you want to go there, environmental devastation, dirty air, acid rain, and climate change are too high a price for society as a whole to pay for jobs that were going to disappear anyway.
As for your assertions about the current state of renewables, you apparently haven’t read anything on the subject since Jimmy Carter was involved with energy policy, so you might want to update your knowledge.
“…anything he says under oath…”
That isn’t going to happen.
Anymore than the impeachment fantasy.
Democrats have to wise up here. We are no less than three years away from obtaining enough political power to rid America of these traitors. And the only way we can do it is at the ballot box. The choices in these coming elections are stark ones with the survival of a constitutional republic potentially at stake.
There will be no deus ex machina to rescue us from the treachery of Roypublicans. Trump will fire Mueller one way or another. He will never give sworn testimony. And he will not allow the investigation to go much farther. His Congress of toadies are impotent and prostrate before him. They will do absolutely nothing to interfere. It is very clear that they have abandoned all oaths and allegiances to the only one they have left. It has finally come down to us versus them, and it’s a race against the clock.
@88 The comments on his FB page are pretty funny. What a twit.
If we aren’t careful by this time next year we might be calling him Senator Twit.
This is who Roypublicans are now. And Missouri is very much a Roypublican state.
@ 86, 93
Steve, it’s performance art. Stephen Colbert’s wasn’t a real conservative, either.
Soooo Dreamy
“I have not seen the memo, but I think it is sloppy, careless, and again, I think has no grounding in fact,” said Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee.
I wonder what he’ll think when he gets to see it and has any idea what the fuck he’s talking about.
@70 Bob let’s just hope that someone doesn’t offer a $10 reward for those tapes with your horse. Wink Wink.
“… reading Porny-Hooker excerpts while peering at her over their iPhone Xs, Melania would be all over that place.”
No Bob – not Hillary.
As if you or your skinhead buddies and 48 and 80 do. Good to see you’re swallowing that one too. Surprising, considering how much orange throat yogurt you’ve been choking down lately.
@92 “rid America of these traitors”
If we’re still here.
@88 I much prefer these people drop their poses and tell the world exactly what they are. This way, no decent person will be fooled into voting for them, and their supporters won’t be able to make excuses.
I always assumed the Clinton’s martial relationship was essentially transactional and I suppose the Trumps are no different. But every woman married to an asshole bears her pain in her own way. Something tells me in the case of Mrs. Doctor Dumbfuck it involves Latino riding instructors. And Bob gets to clean up after…
but only if he asks nicely.
@98 If/when that time comes, he’ll likely be in better shape than you will be.
This dance reminds me of the reps and senators who stuck with Nixon to the bitter end; nobody remembers their names now, and no one will ever build monuments to their memory.
Back to that photo @ 66 of then-Senator Barack Obama with Louis Farrakhan.
I gave it some additional thought and now realize I was not correctly considering the timeline. I was thinking about it showing up during the general campaign against McCain.
What if it had shown up before primary election season instead? Either in ’05 when the photo was captured or when The One was considering whether to run?
We might have had a President Hillary Clinton instead.
Something tells me a cursory search of Dumbfuck’s comment history from 2015 will turn up a very similar remark in reference to the 2016 Roypublican nominee.
Colorado deputy killed. Is roger senile idiot wabbit sad?
Doubt it!
Till Next Time!
@69 & 73
Of course he’s that stupid. Payments to Perkins Coie were on the disclosure forms as required by law. An extra $130,000 to a law firm were not. Felony. That the money was then laundered to a porn star is what’s known as an ancillary crime.
83 people have been killed by police so far in 2018.
Do you care? I mean really? Do you?
It’s been 165 days since white supremacists rallied and killed in Charlottesville. 165 days since his president sided with the racists and called them fine people. 165 days that Piddles has known for sure that the President would call someone who murdered him for his color a fine person. And still he’s silent. And still he praises. And still he calls himself a Godly man.
If it smells like fascism and talks like fascism….
Trump tells PM May that he will only visit UK if she outlaws protesting.
@95 So he campaigned for Roy Moore and hangs out with Steve Bannon and it’s all performance art, not much different than Stephen Cobert’s conservative character? I have to say, that’s damned clever of him.
Uh-oh. The asylum gave the loon internet access again. SAD!
Nikki Haley:
Your idiot boss is the birther-in-chief Nikki.. See also derp state, secret society, the memo from Inspector Nunez-Clouseau..
Hmmm. Dutch intelligence may have been inside Moscow hacking group.
Interesting.. Now watch the babbling butthole’s butt explode.
@110 Sometimes it’s justified, as it appears to have been in this case:
The Colorado deputy was killed while pursuing a fleeing assault suspect. He’s a hero who died serving his community. The suspect is an habitual criminal with prior convictions for robbery and assault who, this time, is going away permanently. Roger Rabbit supports the death penalty or life without parole for cop killers unless there are extenuating circumstances.
@82 “Lucky for bald and limp boob that HA is here.”
He doesn’t need HA, he has his mental image of Mary Kay Letourneau to which he has professed his fondness for in the past.
@114 Can’t excuse the vast amount of Palestinian violence and acts of terrorism over the years, but Israel will never get peace by treating them like concentration camp inmates and stealing their land. Almost anyone in that situation would resist by any means they could, fair or foul. No matter how much one sympathizes with Israel, they’re not entirely innocent. The rest of the world needs to get stern with both parties and perhaps step in to arbitrate a peaceful solution if they can’t come up with one themselves. Mediation isn’t strong enough.
@118 Like I said in the past, Israel can do no wrong. When Conmen Repukes support someone they could fuck a dog and it wouldn’t matter.
I support the cops on this one.
No, you don’t get to do as you please when riding on public transit, and if a cop tells you to cool it, then take your feet off the seat and keep your mouth shut. Be an asshole, go to jail.
“Sen. Ron Johnson admitted Thursday it’s ‘entirely possible’ the mention of an FBI “secret society” in a text … that has spawned far-reaching conservative theories … was a joke.”
Hey, when you work in government don’t joke around because it may rub someone’s sensitivities the wrong way or be misunderstood, and also remember that everything you tap into a government-owned computer or smartphone is a public record.
Remember the old stereotype of the stone-faced bureaucrat who does everything by the book? There was a reason for that. When I worked in government, I learned to do things by the manual, and if it isn’t in the manual it isn’t authorized.
How not to recruit candidates.
“A … one-time police officer … says GOP leaders in a north Alabama county refused to let him run for sheriff after a review [of] his sexual orientation ….
“White, 40, said he now plans to run for sheriff as an independent, and Republicans must find another candidate if they want an opponent for longtime incumbent Mike Blakely, a Democrat.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No wimmin or colored, either! Or Middle Eastern or sombrero surnames! Or turbans! or kaftans! Neo-nazis and KKK are okay, as long as they’re white, have balls and a dick, and don’t fuck anything black or brown unless it has four legs.
@121 It served its purpose. Like Pizzagate, a non-existent child prostitution ring run out of the basement of a pizza restaurant which has no basement, the rubes have it in their heads now and it won’t go away. It all speaks to how morally bankrupt the GOP has become.
The market should have a little correction to cool things off a bit. I’ve been taking a little profit here and there. I advise everyone to take a look at things and possibly take some off of the table.
124 – Yeah, like the McMartin Day Care scandal so many years ago.
I wouldn’t trust them with a real Van Gogh, either.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If they really want to look at it, they should buy this:
It’s a reasonable facsimile.
@124 And how gullible their supporters are.
So Drumpf tried to fire Mueller last June..
What idiot said Mueller couldn’t be fair because of golf fees?
The idiot father, the idiot son? Too freaking stupid for words.
For example, lunatics who fall for stuff like this:
Like this one:
Who claimed to be a “retired schoolteacher.” God help her students.
It isn’t just Wray who has threatened to quit over Fuckface obstruction.
Today WH Counsel McGahn confirmed that last summer he also threatened to quit when Fuckface sought permision to fire Mueller.
What a fucking baby. He probably needs staff permission to take a wee. And now more Roypublican meat puppets will have to revise their programming for the latest flavor of treason.
The big breaking news story tonight is that Trump was going to fire Mueller last June but his lawyer stopped him:
“President Donald Trump ordered the firing of Special Counsel Robert Mueller last June, the New York Times reported Thursday. Citing ‘four people told of the matter,’ the Times said Trump ultimately backed off following a threat from White House counsel to resign. The Washington Post subsequently matched that story, citing two sources. Mueller himself learned about the president’s withdrawn directive in recent months, according to the report.”
Own Goal Dep’t
“Speaking with CNBC, President Donald Trump once again blasted NAFTA and raised the possibility he might ‘terminate’ the 24-year-old trade deal. … Exiting the North American Free Trade Agreement, though, could close key markets for agricultural products, from meats and poultry to dairy and produce … end up costing American consumers more for their food … [and] have consequences for Trump’s support base in farm states, where there’s a huge dependence on agricultural exports.”
Kris Kobach may not be able to stop you from voting, but he’s handing out Social Security numbers like candy.
Nope. Cop is in the wrong. LA Metro has a very specific list of rules and no feet on the seats is on there. Punishable by a fine of $250 dollars. A transit or regular officer is authorized to write a ticket. That’s all.
@135 She did more than put her feet on the seat; she was being disorderly, which is an arrestable offense. The officer was an LAPD cop with general law enforcement powers, not just authority to enforce Metro’s ridership rules. When he ordered her to leave and she refused, he arrested her not under Metro’s rules, but under California’s criminal code. The second woman was arrested for spitting on an officer, which is an assault under the criminal code. You betcha cops can arrest people who commit disorderly conduct, assault, and resisting lawful orders of the police.
From Metro’s ridership rules pamphlet:
“6-05-080 civility, compliance, and cooperation
B. A person must comply with all lawful orders and directives given by an authorized Metro representative relative to Metro facilities or vehicles consistent with the Code, including any instruction to leave a Metro vehicle or facility for safety reasons, for a violation of the Code, or following a notice of ejectment or exclusion.
6-05-240 enforcement
C. Ejection
1. A person who violates the Code may be immediately ejected from the Metro facility or vehicle … by an authorized Metro representative who witnesses a violation.”
Let’s say this happened on a Seattle bus. The driver orders a disruptive passenger off, but she refuses, so he calls the police. The cops order the passenger off, but she still refuses, so they arrest her. That’s going to hold up in court. It’s no different in Los Angeles.
@8 If a well regulated militia of pregnant ladies march across the border, and have babies, those babies are American citizens. So dog gone American.
@137 Of course pregnant women marching into Mexico babies don’t become Mexican citizens…ever under the Mexican constitution.
@15 Blue states noises kinda similar to this old classic
@17 Well they do allow prisoners to volunteer for medical experiments. He could volunteer for some life extending drug, or being frozen. Or he may not survive the first week in the Michigan prison system, apparently would not upset the judge.
@37 Or we could adopt Mexico’s immigration laws. Or Canada’s.
@41 And some people in a law firm who may represent the ST2 in court are riding high just waiting for the Senate to go along with the House. It happens there will be lawsuits, perhaps an unintended consequence. or getting state funding for the project is the ultimate plan. Is that 730 million in the budget? Maybe we have classrooms on the rails tying education and ST3 together.
@42 Only there is a flaw in the story. The Germans had radar.
And it would appear your grandfather did not wrk on the radar so much as the communications network developed to transmit the information to someplace where it could be used in an command and control center. Yes radar in Hawaii picked up the Japanese attack, and the local radar guy made some calls, but the reports were ignored at the time. And there was no communications network that received info from the radar crew who could put planes in the air. Not even using ummm teletype which was high tech at the time. Telephone had pretty much replaced telegraph, but there were a few diddy bops still around as there are still today.
@47 Perhaps Trump only meant to say two words to Mr Mueller: “You’re fired.”
@50 At least Watergate started with an actual crime. We are still waiting for the crime yet this investigation has gone on for over a year.
@57 It would be a real shame if in actuality you fell for a corrupt American politicians attempt to deflect what the pollsters told that politician was their dealings with the Russians. To defelct you blame the person you are running against with exactly what is your weakness. Hopefully voters won’t look too hard at any deals you made with a shirtless Russian leader.
@58 Possible another Jill Stein voter, and somehow or another Jill Stein has been accused of being a Russian stooge. Pretty absurd, but Democrats like to smear progressives and they want some payback for those votes Jill did not take away from Hilliary Clinton.
And Hilliary Clinton sat down at tables with President Putin long before Jill or Trump threw their hats in the ring.
@62 Of course they would be, because the Democratic party got hacked. Like the Communist party it’s part of the national government, and that hacking threatens national security. And the Russians would have done it apparently to help any Republican candidate beat Hilliary Clinton. That does mean your whole Russian treason crap is a bunch of hokum and hooey combined, even the deep state is admitting there is and never has been anything to the Trump-Russian collusion.
A candidate scorned, intended consequences.
@122 And you learned if it was not in the manual and you did I anyway, either ask for forgiveness afterward, or you knew not to get caught. Rule 1 of being in. And exactly why there is a deep state. (As was intended by the founders of the US government. And George Washington was the nations foremost and best spy master.)
@137 Take it up with Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and their ilk. That’s what they wrote into the Constitution.
@137 (continued) So if that baby is born, raised, socialized, and educated here; has lived here all its life; when s/he is a teenager or young adult, you’re going to say s/he isn’t a citizen, and deport him/her to a country s/he has never seen? That makes no sense.
What if that person has married and has children, what happens to them? Are they non-citizens, too? Do you deport them, too? Or do you deport their U.S.-born parent and split the family apart because these kids’ grandparent was an illegal?
What if three of the four grandparents are citizens, but one is a non-citizen? What if two of the four grandparents were illegals? Three? What’s the rule going to be?
The Constitution’s rule of “born here, belongs here” is simple and straightforward. Perhaps it was written that way to keep it from being too complicated to administer. Or maybe it was felt in 1787 that our new country needed all the citizens it could muster. Back then, there was a frontier to conquer, a civilization to build, a continent to develop, which would require many hands.
Use your brain, Mark! That’s what God gave it to you for.
@150 “And you learned if it was not in the manual and you did I anyway, either ask for forgiveness afterward, or you knew not to get caught.”
That’s exactly right. I was a public servant, and my job was to serve the public. There were times when I had to make a square peg into a round hole so government would work for the people who own it and it’s supposed to serve.
There was something else going on, too. No manual can anticipate or provide for everything that happens in the real world. Sometimes you have to fill in the blanks by exercising your best judgment.
Finally, things don’t work unless you can make exceptions, which is why laws, rules, and manuals always allow for exceptions. This is why we have waivers, loan forgiveness, conscientious objector exemptions, etc.
In positions of responsibility, you’re paid to exercise sound judgment. Sometimes that doesn’t work as it should, as when a generation of greedy bankers ran our economy into the ground, or when stupid voters elect a person devoid of character, ethics, or competence to a high office. I looked after my own bailiwick, did my job properly, and there were never any such problems with my work.
It’s easy for you to sit there and pontificate, Mark. In this world, talk is cheap, doing is hard. What have you done?
@146 Let’s skip past the two guilty pleas and two indictments to date and cut to the chase. The truth is you don’t care whether crimes were committed. You’re parroting the GOP line that Mueller should wrap up his investigation, not charge anyone, and go away. That makes you a partisan who doesn’t care whether laws were broken or our democratic institutions were subverted by hostile foreign actors, or at least a willing tool of such partisans.
Here’s how things will come down, Mark. The law imposes no time limit on investigations. Mueller is the kind of man who will do a good and thorough job. That takes time, almost certainly more than a year for a case of this complexity, possibly several years. He doesn’t have to tell you what he’s got while the investigation is still in process. You’ll find out when he holds a press conference and makes an announcement, or a grand jury returns indictments.
Meanwhile, based on what we’ve seen and read about so far, a reasonable inference is that there’s going to be more indictments than the four you’ve seen so far. The odds that no crimes were committed are zero.
And that makes your comment @146 look very, very silly.
It appears Mark and Roger are not friends.
@155 I’ve never met the guy, although he’s expressed interest in meeting sometime, and I’m willing to take him up on that. Our differences are intellectual in nature. It’s not personal.
Heck, it’s not personal with Puddy or Bob, either. I’ve met Puddy and he’s a pleasant guy in person. He’s an actor playing a role here. Mudslinging is part of the HA theater we’re all players in.
I’ve actually gone very easy on Mark in that respect. I’ve generally not subjected him to the name-calling that’s standard fare in HA’s “cesspool” (as Goldy aptly labels it).
“Former Treasury Secretary … Larry Summers said Friday that recent employee bonuses are stunts and not reflective of long-term hopes for prosperity that tax cuts are supposed to bring. ‘I think it’s a gimmick,’ Summers told CNBC’s ‘Squawk Alley.’ ‘I think in many cases the firms have to raise wages because labor markets are tight, and so why not curry some favor with the White House by linking it to the tax cuts.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s my take, too. These bonuses are cheap or free publicity for companies. In some cases, they amount to 1 or 2 percent of the tax savings; in other cases, they’re simply giving their employees routine annual bonuses, then announcing it with a flourish. Even where the bonuses are prompted by the tax bill, a one-time bonus is much, much cheaper than a raise that has to be paid on a continuing basis. And, as Summers says, these bonuses aren’t gifts; employers would have to pay their labor more anyway because of intense competition for workers in a tightening labor market. The stock market is clearly showing us investors believe most of the tax cuts will flow to profits and shareholders, and are repricing stocks based on that assumption, as most economists had predicted when the tax bill was being jammed through Congress without debate.
Shortbus righteously preaching into an abandoned well.
With each additional indictment, and guilty plea, the traitor’s reaction is and will remain the same: “So what?”
They really don’t care. Their only objective is to defeat Democrats, whom they hate with a burning fire of a thousand suns. Whatever results from that is of no great concern to any of them. Obstruction, fraud, lying under oath, explicit trading of foreign policy for profit, destruction of the FBI and DOJ, payoffs and bribes, hookers and porn stars, none of it matters to them so long as the Democrat is defeated.
Obama straight fucked up their brains. Permanently.
Hey, remember when the utter loon and Boob posted every premium increase under Obamacare?
4.4% in 2016
4% in 2015
7% in 2014
First projections for premium increases now that the mandate is gone aka Trumpcare…. 16-30% Makes the average 23%.
I imagine they’ll be along any time now to apologize. Too Damn Funny.
The 2017 premiums were published in October of 2016. Policy renewals will hit mailboxes just before November. But that tax cut will cover it. Or the bonus you already spent. “I paid $5000 a year for my family. Thanks Obama! Wait $6,250? Well at least I’m paying for the uninsured!” $1,000 goes a long way. Tick Tock. Tick Tock.