I have started reading Hillary Clinton’s book. I was ready for the yuck of the loss. I was prepared for it to be a good read. I was not expecting how funny it is.
I’m only a couple chapters in, and I have had half a dozen belly laughs. The epigraph for Chapter 1 sets the tone perfectly. It has been a while, but I don’t remember her other books being this funny.
Carl, you should read “Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign.” It’s quite good and shows us that Hillary and crew thought they had the election in the bag and didn’t need to worry about Trump.
Dec. – “If you vote for the tax bill we promise to take a vote on Immigration and CHIP right away.”
Jan. – “We don’t have time for a vote on immigration and CHIP as long as there’s a shutdown but we PROMISE to take it up right away if you vote for a CR now.”
Democrats, looking at Rasmussen (R) poll that dropped 45 3 points over the weekend and 48%-28% Republicans to blame vs. Dems… “Yeah, naw. Put CHIP and DACA in the bill now and we’ll vote yes. Otherwise….we’ll just be playing Candy Crush while you twist in the wind.”
The rational construct that traitors are coming to rely upon to explain away their support for a corrupt, authoritarian, Russian puppet would be laughable if not for how widespread it has become.
They argue that because of some relatively minor character flaws and a poorly run campaign on the part of the Democratic nominee, it is right and appropriate, and moral for them to have abandoned their allegiance to the United States of America.
I honestly can’t remember an election I’ve ever voted in, a ballot measure, or a candidate, that I wouldn’t have preferred some other, perhaps even only slightly different choice. And I’m a white male. I’ve got it good. My choices almost always more closely reflect my individual interests and values than the choices available to any woman or minority.
In almost any election or any ballot they must set aside huge pieces of who they are and what they believe and compromise toward the interests of the mainstream or the majority. In fact a great irony of American politics is that women have historically become so good at setting their own interests aside, in families, in social settings, in the work place, that in politics they do so despite being the majority. In essence women and minorities just have better instincts when it comes to democracy and what it takes to make it work. They are more patriotic.
At least they have been up to now.
last I checked Ryan withdrew even the pinkie promise that his members would vote on DACA. Owing to hard line immigration radical extremists now controlling the House, they have moved the goal line once again. Despite months of promises they now want to hold Dreamers hostage to a radical new anti-immigrant agenda. Ryan has lost control. And Fuckface never had any. I don’t think there is any point in negotiations when the counter parties are as unreliable and fractured as Roypublicans. It might soon be time for House moderates to start working around the Speaker and put together 218. If not, this thing could go on for quite some time.
One wonders whether Carl has read Shattered.
@ 3
In essence women and minorities just have better instincts when it comes to democracy and what it takes to make it work.
We see this as fact based upon the integral roles women and minorities played in the stewardship of the United States during the first two centuries of its existence.
Beginning with Sally Hemings.
The shutdown has proven to be an unmitigated disaster for the GOP.
Even at this writing the US markets are collapsing and …
Oh. Wait.
Dow 26,139.65 67.93 0.26%
S&P 500 2,823.90 13.60 0.48%
Nasdaq 7,386.72 50.34 0.69%
Gotta tell ya, for my side it has accomplished a lot so far.
Andrew Desiderio🦅
Feinstein, who voted no, tells me the shutdown accomplished “not much” and she’s disappointed.
9:38 AM – Jan 22, 2018 · Washington, DC
I want y’all HA libbies to remember that YLB said this shutdown was Trump’s fault.
Leigh Ann Caldwell
Sen Nelson of Florida: “you’ll see a resounding yes”
8:56 AM – Jan 22, 2018
I would like to thank YLB for her instrumental role in hardening the loyalty Trump supporters hold for the president.
Three weeks. CR with not budget cuts No DACA no CHIP by February and we get another round of GOP shutdown. Sounds OK to me.
@ 10
Sounds OK to me.
Sounds even better to me.
See you in three weeks. 90% agree DACA recipients should stay.
@ 12
90% agree DACA recipients should stay.
Yes, that was abundantly clear in this morning’s 81-18 cloture vote.
It may give you some play in 2020. It won’t before the midterms.
Ben Jacobs
Potential 2020 Dems are all voting no on the bill: Booker, Gillibrand, Harris, Murphy, Sanders
9:44 AM – Jan 22, 2018
Murphy? A potential presidential contender? You guys really don’t have a deep bench, do you?
Demorats- Cryin Chuckie lied about delivering on DACA, get ready for next Schumer lie;
“Chuck Schumer Says He Has 50 Votes to Overturn FCC’s Net Neutrality Repeal”
Schumer promise = Kiss of Death
Looks like people all over the country are getting Donald Trump’s mail.
Cackle, cackle little hens.
The Schumer Shutdown is at an end!
I’m not surprised Schumer & Co. made this deal. After all, they’re not the party that likes to shut down the government. It also looks to me like they got a commitment from McConnell they didn’t have before, and have an insurance policy in case they need to enforce it, to wit, the money runs out again on Feb. 8. We won’t know for sure who “won” until we see what actual legislation, if any, gets passed and signed into law, but it does look like the Democrats extracted the next step toward their ultimate goal from the Turtle. So I’m a little mystified about what Doctor Dumbfuck thinks he’s celebrating this morning.
The issue did not poll where it needed to poll.
Schumer knew it. Schumer caved.
Congratulations Democrats. You gave Donald Trump a political victory on the first legislative day of his second year in office.
Well played.
More proof that Demorats don’t listen to women but only want to get in their pants. Senate Demorats throw Kamala Harris (D-Mexico) under the bus, end shutdown without DACA bill, abusing and ignoring heroine Kamala;
Kamala Harris Insists ‘Dreamers’ be Protected in Any Deal to End Shutdown
Dreamers are illegal aliens who arrived in the United States as minors and earned temporary protection under former President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) plan in 2012, which the Trump administration considers unconstitutional.
“Here’s the deal: It’s a false choice that we can’t fund the government and protect Dreamers at the same time,” Harris wrote on Twitter.
Here’s the deal: It’s a false choice that we can’t fund the government and protect Dreamers at the same time.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) January 18, 2018
Schumer gave Ryan three weeks worth of rope. Consistently polling at 35% I’d say Dems can safely give Fuckface one or two meaningless Pyrrhic victories.
Meanwhile, in other news, another Trump cabinet appointee has an ethics scandal on his hands:
“Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is a shareholder in a private Montana company that manufactures and sells firearms and advanced weapons materials, a financial interest he did not disclose when nominated last year.”
Oh yeah, also, as the above article poins out, Zinke has taken steps to allow hunting in national parks and wildlife refuges.
@20 Wherein a GOP senator acknowledges shutdowns are a GOP tactic, admits it doesn’t play well for the GOP at the polls, and predicts Democrats will get their DACA bill.
“‘I don’t think this is the right way to get policy outcomes is to shut the government down. When we tried it, it didn’t work well for us,’ GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina told reporters …. ‘Here’s what I predict. Once we start talking about immigration and voting on immigration, we’ll find 60 votes to make sure these DACA recipients’ lives are not ruined by March 5.'”
So much winning!
@ 20
Consistently polling at 35% I’d say Dems can safely give Fuckface one or two meaningless Pyrrhic victories.
In 2016 Robby Mook decided that the Clinton campaign could safely travel to Arizona with one week left.
In 2016 Robby Mook decided that the Clinton general campaign didn’t need to set foot in Wisconsin.
Keep handing out those meaningless victories, libbies. Sooner or later they add up to 270.
And to a tax cut.
See, here’s the thing: While libbies took to deriding the middle class’ benefit from the tax cut law as ‘a tank of gas every two weeks’, the middle class is finding out that two tanks of gas each month help them pay their bills, or possibly get a bit ahead of them. Twice a year it’s three tanks of gas in a month.
Your self-confidence in the face of failure is Pyrrhic.
Well damn! And boob AGREED (with Drumpf’s words) when it retorted:
“Bill Clinton”
Too funny that the freak got so butthurt when yours truly blew off this juvenile red herring..
Drumpf signs shit from the Congress into law. Boob lives in the past.. Hate just really twists some minds..
HA HEROES let’s all thank boob for being such an unhinged misogynist. The freak must think the more disgusting it can be towards women here in the threads the more it will shutdown the dialog here. Too funny!
S’ok. Let the freak get its freak on.
We’ll settle for the world changing under the idiot’s feet. All its miserable life has led to this..
@13 when we need to go deep we will see if Kellyanne is available and willing to run.
Repukes elected Drumphy – not sure you need to go deep.
@17 I’d trust Bob before trusting that fucking turtle.
Dumb as a brick..
Dumb as a brick..
Dumb as a brick..
@23 Just wait until the middle class starts getting the bill for the $1.5 trillion GOPers gave to their rightwing donors.
Somebody has to pay for that, and It’s pretty obvious the Kochs, Mercers, and Adelmans won’t, which pretty much leaves the people you’re talking about.
You can take only so much from the poor, because the poor have only so much to be taken.
@18 and you are holding a pair of 2’s. Good Luck.
@ 28
Somebody has to pay for that..
Well, yeah. YLB’s kids are gonna pay for that. Every penny of it.
Elections have consequences.
Bob sure is happy sitting higher, even if it is on a pile of shit.
@24 Yep, doc’s freak flag is flying today, as it does every day.
@26 Like I said, Dems have an insurance policy.
In 2018 two or three dozen GOP House members who’d rather not will be forced to vote yes on extending permanent legal status to 800,000 undocumented aliens. But only after a different dozen of them in vulnerable districts have had to explain the shutdown and the delay for another three weeks, after already promising a solution months ago. Fuckface isn’t running in 2018. Good thing for the GOP he isn’t. They have all the anchors they need.
@ 22
Someone should start looking into how many of the demands Democrats just caved and walked away from today they will also have to walk away from in order to get those 60 votes.
’cause they’re gonna need 9 of those 60 from Republicans. Maybe as many as 14-15 if you factor in the Vulnerables.
@29 It’s the best hand Boob’s drawn since this game began, so naturally he’s reveling in it.
@31 That’s one way to get to a mountaintop. Gotta admit it’s ingenious, from an engineering perspective.
Props to boob’s wife who refused to breed more for the freak..
She have her tubes tied behind your back, o freak?
GOP: Pair o’ deuces.
Schumer: All red!
@35 You’re overlooking the fact that whatever passes in the Senate must also pass the House. It’ll take more than a few GOP senators caving on DACA. Two or three dozen House GOPers will have to bite their lower lips and vote for a DACA bill or things will be right back where they were. I’ll venture a prediction: It isn’t Democrats who are gonna eat their own shit sometime during the next 3 weeks.
@ 41
Only if Dems choose to shut down again.
’cause now we know you’ll blink, and soon. The need for Dems to agree to a bill AFTER it has made it through the Republican gauntlet makes it harder on you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Not on the GOP.
I’d hate to see it happen for their sake, but honestly I don’t see how uprooting a bunch of honest, hard working young people who’ve lived here all their lives and never did anything wrong and sending them away to live as refugees doesn’t purchase a few extra House seats for Democrats, and maybe even a Senate seat. It’s a “made for teevee movie” that plays out daily right through the middies.
I’m not for it. But let’s be honest, thanks to the votes of ignorant angry white men guzzling beer and crushing pills in trailer parks, Democrats ultimately are not in control of this. It’s up to Roypublicans whether or not these kids get to stay. And if they say “leave”, then leave they must. I’d hate to see it happen for their sakes. But I honestly can’t count it as a huge loss for Democrats.
More money. More activism. More House seats. Maybe even another Senate seat. Sorry Hillbillies. I can’t cry about that. I hope this isn’t just another one of those things the Hillbillies do to piss off the hippies. You’d think they would have learned something from Alabama.
don’t be so sure. At least not where DACA is concerned.
My guess is that Schumer and Graham learned over the weekend that Ryan couldn’t/wouldn’t put it to his members for a vote. I think the position in the House has changed, thanks in a very large part to Fuckface (and Kelly and Miller). Whether or not they can make any progress over the next three weeks remains to be seen.
But if the momentum in the House continues DACA is probably cooked. Seen from that perspective, it hardly makes any sense for Schumer to continue to back the 2020 caucus in the Senate if all it does is energize their base for 2020 primaries. Schumer needs to keep 2018 front and center for now. Especially if giving the GOP three weeks to dig the hole deeper improves his chances of becoming Majority Leader.
Also, Fuckface probably just lost his wall, “merit”, “unchained”, and all the rest of it. Immigration legislation is probably dead without DACA. And Speaker Ryan and the rest of the suicide caucus in the House can spend the rest of this year passing a continuous series of meaningless “virtue signaling” votes in hopes of saving their majority. I guess entitlement reform will just have to wait for the next “Revolution”.
@41 “The need for Dems to agree to a bill AFTER it has made it through the Republican gauntlet”
Uh, that was the situation yesterday, too. And the day before that. And the week and month and year before that … so what’s different now?
The Dems agreed today to give Republicans another 3 weeks to pass a DACA bill they can live with. That’s what they wanted yesterday, and the day before that, and the week and month and year before that … so I don’t see where they’ve given up anything.
McConnell, on the other hand, has given Schumer a commitment there will be a Senate vote on a DACA bill. We already know a number of GOP senators support DACA legislation and the votes are there to pass it in the Senate if McConnell allows a vote.
As for the House, well, if the GOPers there don’t want a DACA bill, then the money runs out again on Feb. 8.
Three weeks should be enough to get the job done.
So much losing.
Minutes after the Senate vote:
– The White House
See? That didn’t take long at all. Now Schumer can agree to CR votes from now until November. And Fuckface can go back to rage-Tweeting about Shitholes.
@43, 44 Sounds to me like all of this works out pretty well for us, except for those poor DACA kids. We can tell them we tried, and they know it wasn’t us. And they’ll know their sacrifice wasn’t in vain, because it saved their families from worse.
@46 Still holding out for the entire $40 billion that Mexico was going to pay. Deficits don’t matter. So much winning.
The Pennsylvania state supreme court struck down the Republican gerrymandering of their state today.
I know who Drumpf’s next chief of staff will be.
She can’t wait to be acting president.
@ 42
I’d hate to see it happen for their sake, but honestly I don’t see how uprooting a bunch of honest, hard working young people who’ve lived here all their lives and never did anything wrong and sending them away to live as refugees doesn’t purchase a few extra House seats for Democrats, and maybe even a Senate seat.
You don’t? I do. It’s by turning the issue away from the DACA peeps already here and turning it into an issue of not only do the DACA peeps already here get to stay but they also are guaranteed the ability to bring over their Tios, Tias, and every other extended family member in the name of ‘reunification’. It’s by letting Gutierrez continue to run his mouth.
That’s how you turn this issue into a loser for you.
You want to retain DACAs? So do most of us. Stop trying to gain additional future votes out of it. Jennifer Palmieri is right. That’s what you’re really trying to do.
That’s why you lost, today.
McClatchy reporter:
lesley clark
Verified account
4h4 hours ago
More lesley clark Retweeted lesley clark
The D base is not happy: “It’s official: Chuck Schumer is the worst negotiator in Washington – even worse than Trump,” CREDO Political Director Murshed Zaheed
Spinning this as anything other than a loss attributable to stunning tone-deafness will fail. Own this, libbies. Own this.
More McClatchy:
Democrats raise ‘white flag;’ Trump wins immigration leverage
“This is a white flag,” said a Democratic consultant advising the party’s leadership. “It makes the chances of getting a DACA deal so much lower because Republicans now know Democrats have absolutely no leverage to exact any pain on Republicans if they refuse to pass a DACA deal.”
How brave are Senate Democrats? This brave:
Still, Democrats simply didn’t have enough support to continue their holdout as Senate leaders recognized only about 10 of their rank-and-file Senate Democrats felt strong enough to sustain a long fight to protect the expiring Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA. In fact, the final tally to end the government closure was a rout, 81 to 18.
And yet y’all HA libbies expect your Dems will grow a spine in the next three weeks. Two of which will be subservient to the Super Bowl.
“Papers, please.”
@52 I doubt the huge and growing legal Hispanic voting bloc will forget who’s against DACA and is stopping every Hispanic person they see on the street and demanding their identification.
Let’s do a thought experiment. Suppose the Dems lose this fight and no DACA bill is passed. How does that help your party in November and beyond?
@7 Of course. Safe (maybe) in the knowledge that nobody’s looking, all the same financial institutions that ran the economy off a cliff ten years ago have their books in the oven with the dial turned to “broil”.
@ 55
November? We’ll see. Too much can occur between now and then.
Beyond? Those DACA peeps don’t become citizens who then vote Democrat. Duh. It’s the flip side of the Palmieri argument.
@ 56
Imagine being an unsuccessful attorney with a pitiful retirement, who must count on that house of cards never collapsing to permit him to continue to afford the internet.
Stop trying to gain additional future votes out of it.
Raise your hand if you think the Roypublican Party would hold the White House and the majority in both houses of Congress if they had followed the recommendations of the 2012 “Growth and Opportunity Project” to engage Latino voters and “grow the base”?
Nobody? Anyone? Anyone? Mueller? Mueller?
Keep tellin’ yerselves that. Please.
I’m countin’ on it. Mothers are going to hate you fucks forever if you go through with this. Moms vote. Waaay more than dads.
Too much can occur between now and then.
In Congress? Aside from a few more Roypublicans declaring their intention to retire, absolutely nothing will happen in Congress. But every Sunday supplement from now through November will feature tear-filled narratives of some carefully selected high school honor student being dragged off in belly chains accompanied by color photos and lots of quotes from teachers, crying friends, and nice old ladies whose groceries they carried.
Not in Congress. On Twitter.
@57 “Those DACA peeps don’t become citizens who then vote Democrat.”
You have to be a citizen to vote. But as Republicans prove in every election, you don’t have to have any brains to vote.
Jeebus Cripes. I just noticed the Doctor Dumbfuck is still quoting CREDO as some kind of authoritative source on the Dem base.
It’s fascinating. As a movement party, Roypublicans are always much easier to characterize. Sure, I go a bit overboard with the trailer park trash talk. But it isn’t far off the mark. And with each passing day under Fuckface, the base of the Roypublican Revolution (including our own trolls) increasingly resemble cast extras from an episode of Dukes of Hazzard.
But the trolls have a harder knot to untangle when it comes to characterizing Democrats. They seem to be mostly stuck in 1972. No wonder. Facing the truth that Democratic voters are healthier, better educated, younger, thinner, wealthier, more modern, more wordly, more socially mobile, and smarter than Hillbillies is a hard truth for them to swallow.
@58 Most Americans would be overjoyed to have my retirement, which far outclasses that of your hillbilly trailpark friends — six figure income, seven figure net worth, no mortgage, no debts, don’t have to work, etc.
And, in case you didn’t notice, your retirement depends on the same house of cards that mine does, except I’m probably less on that stack of cards than you are thanks to defined benefit pensions, owning a business, other diversified income streams, etc.
@ 63
Facing the truth that Democratic voters are healthier, better educated, younger, thinner, wealthier, more modern, more wordly, more socially mobile, and smarter than Hillbillies is a hard truth for them to swallow.
Only two years into the Obama presidency, YLB found herself with Kevlar kneepads and no remaining gag reflex.
It’s possible DACA will go down in flames when Democrats refuse to spend $40 billion on Trump’s Maginot Line that Republicans later will say they have to take from Social Security and Medicare because we didn’t have it.
DACA is supported by both Democrats and (some) Republicans, and should be uncontroversial, but it’s being used as a hostage by Trump, Turtle, and Ryan.
Trump understands how hostage-taking works. “Give me $40 billion for the DACA kids” isn’t as drastic as “give me Europe without a fight or I’ll kill all the Jews,” but it’s the same MO.
@ 66
Trump understands how hostage-taking works.
Schumer now understands how hostage-taking can blow up in one’s face if it’s attempted without tangible leverage.
It lasted less than a workday.
Well played, Democrats.
Kelly’s most recent objection was that the package didn’t fully fund the wall in the first year.
Think about that. It’s whatever excuse he can come up with. The White House does not want to reauthorize DACA. Ryan and McConnell probably do. But Fuckface has them flanked by their own Tiki Torch base. They should have seen it coming.
They were warned. They were given an explanation. Nevertheless, they persisted.
Look at the bright side: YLB got to rock her pink pussy hat again over the weekend.
So the shutdown wasn’t a total bust for y’all.
Take note that our trolls, led by Врач немой ебать, continue to celebrate the revocation of DACA as a YUUUGE victory.
Twitter enough for ya? Wait till we can accompany the hashtag with videos of crying children being beaten up by paramilitary ICE officers in full body armor wielding ARs and flash bangs.
It’s a good look!
@ 71
Elian Gonzalez,
DACA recipientstolen child.This is what a third-tier hack would do. It’s a real shithole down there, and I’d advise against joining them.
Now Florida is a Shithole too*?
Damn. You guys are haaaard!
*I won’t tell him if you won’t.
DACA recipient stolen child.Just another dirty beaner who shouldn’t be here. Right? Riiight?#youbuiltthattoo Hell yes you did.
What the Democrats got:
“Democrats … took the Children’s Health Insurance Program off the negotiating table with a six-year extension of the program. And they gave up hardly any leverage to do so.”
What the Republicans got:
“Democrats agreed to a continuing resolution that will keep the government open for 17 days.”
Bottom line:
“Democrats staved off the worst effects of a government shutdown.* They prevented a turn in public opinion against their party for this shutdown …. They got CHIP. They got a commitment from McConnell to bring up immigration legislation. And they gave up none of their leverage.”
* Remember, it’s Republicans, not Democrats, who hate the government and want to shut it down.
So much winning!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Looks to me like Schumer outflanked Turtle, Ryan, and Trump.
@72 “Elian Gonzalez, DACA recipient stolen child.”
Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck argues that enforcing court orders and returning a child to the parent entitled by law to his custody constitutes child-stealing. It’s why he’s a dumbfuck.
You really should leave lawyering to the lawyers, doc, and stick to what you know something about. You’ll look less stupid that way.
After all, I don’t post medical advice here.
@ 75
You’re a fucking clown. Democrats got, after a shutdown, the exact same thing they were offered before the shutdown.
The shutdown achieved nothing.
It’s not like Schumer suddenly demanded CHIP in order to end the shutdown.
You’re a fucking clown.
@ 76
No, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, I argued that the refusal of Gonzalez US-based relatives to return him to Cuba despite court order was, effectively, child-stealing, that the ‘good look’ @ 71 was pursuant to a court order, and that none of the Elian Gonzalez incident has anything to do with DACA. It was all done the way it should have been done, including the soldier’s proper finger placement away from the trigger at the time of the photograph.
I was mocking Elijah.
And now I get to mock you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Hey, what did the former DNC chair have to say about what Schumer achieved?
“What one thing can you point out that the Democrats, that Leader Schumer, what one thing did he get from Republicans to justify shutting down the government in the first place?” Baldwin asked.
“The one thing I would say that he did get is the potential for momentum,” Schultz said. “I am certainly hopeful that’s what occurs.”
That’s funny. Not a word about CHIP.
You’re a fucking clown @ 75. But you do have “the potential for momentum” to urinate without assistance in the future, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. And that’s nearly as good as the ability to achieve erection.
Unless you ask Mrs. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit for her opinion on the matter.
Wait. Really?
I swear I looked and looked and I could find no mention of “a court order” or “proper finger placement”.
Dumbfuck, you are a peach. And certainly good for a laugh from time to time. You do you.
Can you imagine a world where AG Holder wrote a completely bogus analysis based on feels but not actual statistics and then passed it off to a government agency who then released it claiming they did the research themselves so…gravitas.
No. I can’t imagine that.
busted link.
Maybe because… reasons?
I wonder who paid for the Sharpie!
@78 If you don’t want me to think you called Elian Gonzalez a stolen child, then don’t refer to him as a “stolen child” (your exact words, not qualified in any manner).
And YOU call ME a dumbfuck? I don’t try to read between your lines, doc, because you don’t have any lines. You have nothing upstairs. That’s why we call you a dumbfuck.
In this thread, we not only realize boob’s wife’s birth control strategy,
but a line she refused to cross with boob.
We’re learning more about boob’s failed sex life, indirectly, than we learned directly from the babbling butthole.
Such is life with pervy always wrongist trolls.
Boob got butthurt again over its unresolved angst over Bill Clinton.
Some wounds never heal with freaks.
@79 Let’s just say, for the sake of argument, that the Democrats folded on DACA. Where does that leave you? Celebrating a Republican “victory” consisting of deporting kids who grew up here, don’t know how to live in any other culture, and are “Americans” in every sense except the letter of the law.
Reasonable people, including those few Republicans who are still halfway reasonable, agree we need to work out some sort of an accommodation for these children. But not you. You have a talent for ending up on the morally wrong side of every issue. Were you raised by wolves? Or is it just boundless dumbfuckery on your part?
Carl do you think that stuff was meant to be funny? Did she go with a different ghost writer? Or you think she wrote it herself?
“…including those few Republicans who are still halfway reasonable,”
Not enough of them left. Just watch it unfold. Before it comes to it the hate media will transform the melody and the stupid meat puppets will be singing along. Just look at Dumbfuck. It only took a few tweets and one or two “shithole” comments and now he finds himself devoted crushing children. This is how Trumpism works.
A child needs a mother and a father. Unless that father lives in Cuba and is the sole loving parent.
Try this on for size. Nikki Haley. Stolen Child. Cherokee treaties. Google it.
How can you call this charter school a failure? After all, it made its owner rich, and isn’t that the only thing that matters to Republicans?
New tariffs on Chinese solar panels makes installing solar waaaaay more expensive.
According to BLS there were 370,000 solar jobs in the US in 2017.
When the first Missile was launched in the War On Coal the industry employed about 100,000 people.
@ 93
We’re looking at building. Right now the thought is a solar carport and west-facing solar awnings.
The awnings need to look good. A company called Silicon Graphics, based in Marysville with a second plant in Minnesota, made these really nice ones, with a plexiglass backing and metal side rails. The solar modules would absorb most of the light but there would be just the right amount of filtered sunlight getting through to keep the house from being dark, and the carports made with those panels were really beautiful.
So I go looking at Silicon Graphics again, because it has been a few years, and I’m wondering if their panels have output approaching 300 kW yet.
The company is out of business.Seems its panels began delaminating and created an electrical shock hazard.
In other words
Tariffs aren’t justifiable.
Funny how “job killing” s an argument only made to stifle wages decrease worker safety.
Carl is the definition of a Beta male.