The legislative session starts today. Are you excited? Now that it’s controlled by Democrats, what do y’all want them to do?
It seems to me that the top priority will be to finnnnnnnnaly fund education properly. Preferably with as progressive a tax as possible.
I would also like to have some version of the reproductive parity act.
And, I know I said this last year, but I would like to try to build a space elevator somewhere in Eastern or Central Washington.
Finally, I want them to resist Trump. Maybe make it tougher to deport Washington residents. Maybe fund the AG’s office more.
The ruble is currently trading at less than $0.02.
Mostly I’m worried about who will feed those horses.
Slow news day. The stock market stopped going up, Trump Tower caught fire, and there’s speculation that Oprah will run for president. That’s about it.
Apparently God doesn’t like Trump Tower. Den of iniquity or something like that. Lightning bolt or electrical short or whatever.
Or maybe The Donald has cash flow problems and needed the insurance money.
@3 would have been nice if the building had collapsed.
I get a feeling that Robert Reich isn’t a big Trump fan:
“For more than a year now, I’ve been hearing from people in the inner circles of official Washington … that Donald Trump is remarkably stupid. …
” … Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called Trump a ‘f—king moron’ … National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster calls Trump a ‘dope.’ Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus both refer to him as an ‘idiot.’ Rupert Murdoch says Trump is a ‘f—king idiot.’ Trump’s chief economic adviser Gary Cohn describes Trump as ‘dumb as sh-t’ …. One of his professors at … Wharton School of Business and Finance purportedly said that he was ‘the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.’ …”
But, Reich says, Trump does have a talent, even a genius, for one particular thing, albeit it comes with a downside:
“Political conning is Trump’s genius. It’s this genius – when combined with his utter stupidity in every other dimension of his being – that poses the greatest danger to America and the world.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I think Reich is being too generous. Calling someone “stupid” normally lets them off the hook, because it impliedly relieves them of culpability. Even criminal law recognizes that criminal responsibility normally requires intent; or, as a federal judge once said to a GOP congressman convicted of corruption, “Personally, I think you’re too stupid to be guilty.” Trump surely is stupid in some very important ways, but to ascribe his actions purely to stupidity is to overlook that he’s also a venal man; and venality surely implies culpability. Thus, we should not accept Trump’s stupidity as a sufficient excuse for his behavior, because he is both stupid AND venal, and, therefore, culpable. Of course, Reich doesn’t say he’s not culpable. But I think if you’re going to talk about Trump’s stupidity, you should also mention his venality, because in his case the two traits are inseparable, and it is both traits together that make Trump what he is.
@ 4
Again, you demonstrate why you are an embarrassment to your family. You left out how many hundreds of dead citizens you would like to see in your fucked-up fantasy.
Yawn. We’re seen the Hollywood Star Gonna Be Prezident thingy before.
Warren Beatty for President
NPR’s Andy Bowers reports that last night Warren Beatty laid out his political platform, but kept Hollywood and Washington guessing whether he would or would not run for president. At an awards dinner in Beverly Hills, Beatty said both parties have forgotten that the prosperous economy is leaving millions of Americans behind.
I’ll spare you the link because you’ll have to listen to it rather than read it, but there was a period of time in late 1999 in which liberals orgasmed over the thought of a womanizing liberal like Beatty taking over for a womanizing somewhat liberal Bill Clinton. Before they knew it time had run out and they were stuck with Al Gore.
No doubt Oprah will turn all of the publicity into a successful launch of whatever comes after O Network.
The best thing about Oprah is that she makes the notion of Kirsten Gillebrand as a major party presidential candidate seem as silly as it really is. Ditzy blond lightweight. Y’all can do better, and better hurry up doin’ it.
@6 He wished ill on the building, not the occupants. Your empathy for cement, steel, and glass is admirable. Now if only you had a little for human beings.
So, lemme get this straight:
You expect us to believe that you can spend four decades being the only Hollywood actress who DIDN’T KNOW that Weinstein was a monster, but you know a future president when you see one?
“She could lead the country. Instead of leading the country down,” Streep said of 63-year-old Winfrey.
Streep reiterated, “I want her to run for president.”
Streep makes YLB seem like a serious person.
@7 “Ditzy blond lightweight.”
Almost funny, in an ironical way, considering who posted it. We don’t call you “Doctor Dumbfuck” for no reason.
@9 If Oprah being president doesn’t make more sense than Trump being president, I can only say that my party didn’t make Oprah president.
Minor correction @ 9
Make that Meryl Streep and Oprah Winfrey were the only two Hollywood Women who didn’t know
Actress: Weinstein used Oprah and Naomi to seduce me
about Weinstein.
Winfrey called Weinstein’s behaviour “hideous”. “I’ve been processing the accounts of Harvey Weinstein’s hideous behavior and haven’t been able to find the words to articulate the magnitude of the situation,” the media mogul wrote on Facebook.
Lemme help you out, Oprah. Try this three words:
“Yeah, I knew.”
Ya really can’t blame Oprah. Another domino falls in this story
UPDATED: Grand jury takes sworn testimony in Burlington College case
The federal probe into a 2010 land deal orchestrated by former Burlington College president Jane Sanders, wife of U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has deepened. VTDigger has confirmed that a grand jury has compelled sworn witness testimony in the case.
The Vermont U.S. Attorney’s office has interviewed at least one witness before the grand jury to determine whether indictments should be handed down.
and that’ll be Bernie down for the count along with #CrookedHillary. That leaves only Biden in her way. No way Biden lasts until the end of primary season without mentioning how clean and nice-looking Oprah is.
Bob, you’re a one-trick pony. Deflecting is the only thing you know how to do. Mention Trump and you reply “Clinton” or “Weinstein.” But their sins don’t get you and the GOP off the hook. Think on your sins.
@ 14
Bob, you’re a one-trick pony.
Was it Trump you wrote about when I pointed out that fleeing felons don’t get shot five times in the chest, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
Was is it Trump you wrote about before I criticized you for recommending GE as a stock purchase in response to a query directed at you from Newt?
Was it something Trump-related when I pointed out the sad state of affairs when someone like the Fucking Moron wonders if there would be a high likely range of job losses if a national minimum wage increase of substantial magnitude were instituted?
How about the back-and-forths I’ve had with Goldy? About the significance of the sale of a commercial building in Seattle. About the reasons for estate tax avoidance, which resulted in Goldy changing a letter he was preparing to the editor of the Seattle Times. Did Trump factor into either of those, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
My pony has more tricks than my wife has horses, although not for long if things go the way she likes.
Channeling my inner Breitbart…
“A fire broke out at Trump tower.” Funny right about the time Meuller is negotiating to take testimony from the President. Burning Evidence?
(See how crazy those fucks sound)
FOr a sec I thought that was going to be “than my wife has tricks”, full stop. That would have escalated to the darkness.
LOL Rodent, it’s the moonbats who think Trump is stupid who are the stupid ones,Trump’s commercial success demonstrates otherwise. Venal, now that’s a funny one coming from a Clinton Democrook. Not prepared for the office, fair enough.
@15 “Was it Trump you wrote about when I pointed out that fleeing felons don’t get shot five times in the chest, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?”
Yeah, there was a time when you posted about something besides #CrookedHillary, however inane your comments may have been, and were even capable of hurling insults against rabbit intelligence; but those days are long gone. You’re just a broken record player now.
“Was is it Trump you wrote about before I criticized you for recommending GE as a stock purchase in response to a query directed at you from Newt?”
Did you short GE as I suggested? You didn’t, did you? What was GE then, $24? $22? What is it today, Bob?
“Was it something Trump-related when I pointed out the sad state of affairs when someone like the Fucking Moron wonders if there would be a high likely range of job losses if a national minimum wage increase of substantial magnitude were instituted?”
Yeah, those were the days, Bob. You were fun back then. You’d post about how raising wages above starvation level would kill off all the jobs, and the hiring just kept on and on and on. You even got to brag about how many jobs Trump was creating.
“How about the back-and-forths I’ve had with Goldy? About the significance of the sale of a commercial building in Seattle. About the reasons for estate tax avoidance, which resulted in Goldy changing a letter he was preparing to the editor of the Seattle Times. Did Trump factor into either of those, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?”
That was so long ago nobody here remembers it. Your glory days are behind you, Bob. Sad.
@16 That would account for the smoke coming out of the ventilation shaft.
All charges against Cliven Bundy and his codefendants dismissed, not because they’re innocent, but because of prosecutorial misconduct.
Given that Trump-era prosecutors have been handling the case for nearly a year now, I wonder if they sabotaged the case, but BLM apparently has longstanding problems. Note again, however, this doesn’t make the Bundys innocent.
Read the news story here
and a BLM whistleblower’s complaint here
I am almost without words.
The Roypublican party spent the better part of 2016 sweeping aside an unprecedented army of qualified senior statesmen (albeit still assholes) in order to anoint a declining reality teevee celebrity to be their Presidential candidate. The very same declining reality teevee celebrity who then thought it would be a very fine idea to conspire with Russian espionage agents for assistance in the general election.
I’m sufficiently confident that permanently disqualifies Roypublicans from ever again questioning the character or qualifications of any future Dem candidate. And I’m betting Oprah is confident in that as well.
As is Pee Wee Herman, if that even matters.
serious multiple Brady violations.
Please bear in mind that for future reference any findings or assessments by the federal government that might reflect sympathetically upon a non-white defendant’s case will be comprehensively revised ahead of trial.
@ 21
Don’t forget that prosectorial misconduct cost Ted Stevens his job and gave you 60 votes. You chose to fuck up 1/6 of the economy with it, rather than do something like give security to the
illegal aliensundocumented immigrants.Which lost you the House, lost you the Senate, and played a not-insubstantial role in losing you the White House.
@ 22
You are never at a loss for words. Which usually is our loss.
I’m sufficiently confident that permanently disqualifies Roypublicans from ever again questioning the character or qualifications of any future Dem candidate.
Pity you based your last general campaign under a similar misguided assumption.
Oprah for president? Hell, the little fake bird on Allison Janney’s shoulder would be a better president than what we have now.
@3 Meh. That hardly qualifies as a “successful fire” in East Coast lingo.
As go Roypublicans, so goes Doctor Dumbfuck.
There really used to be a time when “the party of Lincoln” stood for things of substance.
Now it’s just a 24/7 operation to prop up, defend, support, or distract from President PeePee. And it should never be forgotten that this need, all of it, is entirely of their own making.
Nobody made the Roypublican party nominate an ignorant lying criminal man-baby. Nobody made them crawl around in the gutter with Russian spies looking for a way to break the election. By the sound of it, it wasn’t even difficult for the Russians to get a foot in the door. Nobody made them tell thousands of material lies about it all. Nobody made Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Page, Pap, etc. more interested in milking the whole sad state of affairs for profit than protecting the candidate (who they sincerely believed was doomed to fail). Nobody forced them to fire Comey and start the ball rolling (hell, they fought tooth and nail to stop it). Nobody forced them to carry on the bulk of their conspiracy on unsecured comms open to surveillance by dozens of global intel agencies. Nobody forced Don Jr. to set up, attend, and then repeatedly lie about meetings with Russian spies.
Even if you step down the chain it is all #owngoal all day long. Nobody made Mnuchin steal military flight services to pacify his idiot trophy-wife. Nobody made Zinke steal jet helicopter flights for his hunting buddies. Essentially this shit is who these people are now. They spend all their time defending themselves and attacking the media because they just can’t stop doing crimes. They’re like mobsters in witness protection. It’s hopeless. And there’s poor Boob stapled like a conjoined twin to all that hopelessness, permanently consigned to deflecting and defending for all eternity.
C’mon Bob. How many times do we have to remind you that every time you post something like this it shits all over your “highly credible” claim that Dems controlled all branches of the gubmit for two whole years?
@ 29
I did not make that claim. Darryl has broken it down into days, subtracting those in which Ted Kennedy was out, in which Franken had not yet been seated, and a couple of other items that slip my mind at present.
It was fewer than 100 days and it may have been fewer than 50.
It was long enough to fuck up 1/6 of the nation’s economy.
@23 If only they were this scrupulous about how they treat defendants in Immigration Court, eh? There, you get 30 seconds to argue your case and ICE misconduct is irrelevant.
@24 We didn’t fuck up anything, shit-for-brains. We gave health coverage to millions of hardworking people who didn’t have it under the laissez-faire economies of previous GOP regimes. We removed the dark cloud of medical bankruptcy hanging over every middle class family. Meanwhile, the economy did just fine. The Republican contribution to social welfare? Obstruct instead of constructively participate in solving America’s health care crisis, then reverse all of that and raid Medicaid and Medicare to give a trillion dollars to billionaires. Fuck you, asshole. We’re going to remember. At least your tribe didn’t get a chance to turn the Great Recession into Great Depression 2.0. Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit for that!
@25 Yeah, Hitler prospered from that white nationalist populism shtick, too. For a while. But no con game goes on forever. Ask Bernie Madoff about that.
@27 If Trump is as dumb as all his friends say he is, you wouldn’t expect him to pull off an insurance fire, would you? For starters, he’d have to hire someone to do it, because he couldn’t make the lighter work.
@29 At least he’s posting something besides “#CrookedHillary” again. Looks like the old Bob is back. He was damned boring for a while.
@30 “It was long enough to fuck up 1/6 of the nation’s economy.”
What kind of twisted numbnuts thinks people getting the health care they need without having to go bankrupt “fucks up the economy”? Don’t answer, Bob. You’ll only make yourself look even sillier.
You’ve made that claim repeatedly in one form or another.
While you may feel content to rely on some variation on weasel words to slip the noose, I for one am not interested.
You are on record having claimed that President Obama enjoyed a more or less two year honeymoon of Dem control and it has never been true. It is just a convenient thing for obstructionist Roypubicans to claim from time to time to excuse their own manifest failings and dupe the low-info EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE like Shortbus and PI. Howz it feel to be the whip for the Dunning-Kruger vote? You should be proud. It got you Fuckface, didn’t it?
He probably meant to say it fucked up the Tahitian timeshare economy, or something like that.
Yeah, excitement. That’s it. It’s buidling.
Fake News Awards Postponed
One of the things I did as a Video News Release producer/consultant was get next year’s wall calendar as soon as it was available and take a couple hours blocking out all the known “dead on arrival’ news days and counsel clients not to try those. You wouldn’t try to get TV time in LA on what could be Game seven of the Kobe/Shaq era. Stay away from Oscar Monday. (Sunday before they moved it). “Hey Teen People, that’s the same day as ‘Time Man if the Year” try three days earlier” (True story)
Nope, no one knew a full year ago about NCAA title game. Should I call myself a stable genius for being basically competent?
(Side note: The White Hiuse is lying about this.)
So it seems being the world’s most “stable genius” requires lots of unstructured down time.
A “supermodel” wife. Hours and hours of free time every day. And Fuckface spends it watching television, rage-tweeting, and eating quarter pounders.
I’m impressed./s
@6 Noooo. You are assuming that I thought that it would be occupied with people. Your Fantasy.
And tell me – would you feel the same way if all the occupants were gay? Hmmm. So if you don’t want dead gay people, then why not make sure that they can get a cake from anyone they ask….hmmmm.
You are the embarrassment of the world with the exception of ISIS. ISIS loves you baby!
@8 thank you Roger. Someone gets it…..and someone doesn’t….but I bet if the occupants were all gay that he would have a different opinion.
Gee, I hope this won’t mean a reduction in prostate cancer jokes around here.
Diseases always so funny! Ha! Ha!
@ 37
You are on record having claimed that President Obama enjoyed a more or less two year honeymoon of Dem control and it has never been true.
To the extent that fewer than 100 days or maybe fewer than 50 days is ‘more or less’ a two-year time span, I plead guilty. Ya got me.
So far Bob has harped about everything and anything regarding Weinstein, (i.e. Oprah), but he hasn’t lifted his tongue regarding the Drumpf, or anyone of his buddies that slept around and fucked around on their wives and treated woman like pieces of meat and trophies. Well done Bob. You exemplify all sanity and everyone around you should be so proud of you, especially for being the Doctor than pretty much everyone should have avoided for their personal care. I’m sure all you seen in them was the $ sign aside from the voluptuous boobs.
No bread. He’s healthy.
So Bob has a problem if someone should suggest a building collapse (and if occupied, maybe be the death of someone) in that it is disrespectful (because people die everyday). But to be so disrespectful in what he says here about people, woman is A-Ok with him (aside from being one sided).
Dude don’t be a hypocrite. For one thing for me or someone to be disrespectful and you call me or them out for it…..but then to pretty much do the same act yourself? Check yourself buddy. This might be a comment board – with people posting opinions, but also playing characters, but try to keep the same standard for yourself and others as you would for you enemies.
The Loon’s favorite pedophile just got fired by his lawyers too. But wait. It gets better:
“I will now be representing myself pro se, so I can directly see the (discovery) material. I look forward to revealing Simon & Schuster’s perfidy in court.”
In which a NY State Superior Court judge introduces Mr. Dangerous Faggot to Mr. Very Short Rope.
Ethical lawyers. You can either persue a case you know is a loser and cash the client’s checks or you can be ethical and resign. Milo assuredly shopped it to other law firms and was rejected. Only an utter fool represents themselves even if they are a member of the Bar.
Anyone want to wager the case ends up dismissed because of something so simple as a missed filing deadline? (Kind of ironic side note: in High School I worked for an Attorney friend of the family and my main function was to read the file by dates and court dates of cases and write them in Red on his master calendar. Good habits are taught early I guess. E-mail was new fangled and shareable online calendars were a decade away at this point. Genius!)
Thank you for the heads up that our legislature is back in town. MAny businesses in Olympia depend on the legislators meeting. Some may be more affected by the ME TOO than others. Certainly there will be some coffee stand with usually cute women (cute men for fairness?) in skimpy outfits that will garner the eye of legislators.
They have to deal with funding education, and the courts will be there to cheer or jeer at the end. Good luck to them. Maybe close some prisons would put them over the top. I support some decriminalization of certain crimes, and downsizing our bloated incarceration system. Maybe shorten sentences, and get rid of the three strikes bullshit. Yes it does help get rid of the super criminals who do a lot of crime, but such laws do so by taking out a lot of not so professional criminals, and society is not any safer, just the taxpayers get a bill at like $50,000 a year for each prisoner. Too bold? Bet it would pay for education up through at least a bachelors degree.
How about Washington state health care for all.
As far as a progressive tax that just is just code for income tax. Which is not going to fly in this state unless the Democrats are bold enough to try a change tot he states constitution, and without some Republican help that is not going to happen.
We don’t need no stinkin parity reproductive act. I do not believe it is biologically possible in the first place. Or is this the usual case with bill names like the Patriot Act is just us American’s getting out there with our muskets, triangle hats and showing those bastards, and we have been doing that for 15 or more years now.
I would like to know how much taxpayer money has been spent by the AG in all the efforts to resist Trump and his policies. I think the AG office should have to report the success rate in all the efforts and likely hood of success. That does mean taking into account the likely hood that the Supremes will in many cases back the President and the executive office as they would if it were a Democrat in the President’s chair. I do not believe it is the AG’s job to halt Federal policy, the AG after all takes an oath of office and at some point, particularly if the chief reason is political, such efforts violate that oath, and the legislature should consider removing the AG from office, unless he or she is specifically following the directions of the Legislature, passed into law, directing the AG to do specific things, and providing the funds to do so. I don’t think the legislative session is long enough, though I do support the legislature making their sessions longer up to a full year even. Though Washington state tax payers may object to having a professional legislature that may or may not handle the school funding issue. At least a professional legislature has less of an excuse to not deal with it. Maybe a tongue lashing from the Chief Judge with all the legislatures in the room would be effective, or at least entertaining.
And a discussion of becoming a unicameral legislature with more members would be refreshing., Not at all likely to happen, only less so than the legislators admitting they have not enough time as a sitting body to deal with Carl’s agenda let alone mine.
With such small majorities I suspect Democrats are in for disappointment at the end of the session. If such were possible it would have happened many times over the past several sessions.
Meanwhile I’m sure the Republican’s will attempt a tried and true tactic of getting one or more legislators to come to the dark side, as the Dems will encourage Republicans to join them. It’s a strange game of hokey pokey that occurs in the House and Senate when they pick leaders and all that.
#5 Robert Reich is not a fan of politicians from either party and generally thinks most politicians are stupid when it comes to economics. He also thinks most must run a con job on voters to be successful politicians. So when he says con job, it does not mean he thinks anything Trump is doing is any more or less criminal than what other politicians in Washington do.
Yes Mr. Reich is in the more liberal camp of economists, but he does think most politicians are stupid when it comes to economic issues, and although Mr. Reich really is a smart guy on economic stuff this gets him ignored by the very politicians on both sides of he isle he is trying to influence. And any voters who come across as reading too much of Reich has their letter handed to an aide who will put the appropriate form letter answer, rather than a personal heart felt response from the politician, unless your letter included a check for more than $200.00.
@7 Well there was Ronald Reagan. Though he did a stint as Governor first.
If Oprah ran she would be a formidable opponent. Whatever really is in her closet would come out, as that really would be what any political opponent could use. She is more than a entertainer, and she could win political office, if she wants too, only she maybe sane enough to go I do not want that President, Governor, Representative, Dog Catcher, ect gig. I have plenty of influence and real power, better to be a power behind the throne.
@11 If the Democrats in the DNCC think Oprah would win (and they do) they would do whatever it takes for O to be the Dems candidate, especially if the polls show O would win. I have no doubt O polls very well. So good if you take a ultraviolet light to the walls of the DNCC after those pols come in you would have to conclude the most carnal orgy of all time recently took place there.
@45 “voluptuous boobs”
That’s another thing. X-rays see through clothing, don’t they? Being a radiologist has its benefits.
@47 “Dude don’t be a hypocrite.”
You’re asking Bob that? Are you serious?
I think it had much more to do with the Pedo’s purposes behind the lawsuit. Mr. Dangerous Faggot is seeking to use discovery as a way to embarrass the defendant irrespective of his own claims, in part by hoping to leak confidential materials to the press. And the partners at MSF, who do a lot of work in publishing, had no interest in becoming known for that.
Paging Larry Klayman.
@49 “Only an utter fool represents themselves even if they are a member of the Bar.”
This particular fool isn’t, so he can say he doesn’t know better.
aside from all his other “fine qualities” he’s a drop-out*.
*Probably more accurate to say he was kicked out for poor academic performance. And if he was at all true to form, he left school owing them money.
@13 Informative, but nothing in the story says the Jury issued an indictment, against anyone. Grand Juries sometimes buck prosecutors, but generally a good prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich.
The Sanders part seems to be around numbers on a document hat maybe a mistake, and he weak point of a federal case would be showing intent. Something that a Grand Jury does not weigh in on, it just needs to find probable cause. The numbers on a document that don’t match what should have been there is probable cause, probably a grand jury could issue an indictment, or not.
@16 Too obvious. It’s New York plenty of places to burn evidence. If one is feeling nostalgic and a little ironic why not go for Tammany Hall?
@21 Sill the Bundy’s attorneys get to put a notch on their guns, well maybe a half notch, still it is a win for the defendants attorneys and that is what makes America great and unique. It’s ok that they go free so innocent men remain free. The moment should be celebrated, and not sullied as RR has done for mere political points.
Now to be absolutely fair, he never used the “N” word. Aaaand, also, he did start off with “I hate to say it”. So Hidden Immunity Idol for him.
Did I mention he was a Roypublican? Did I really need to?
Caught up in the celebratory spirit thousands of Teapublican Patriots will rush out and point sniper rifles at law enforcement officers!
@28 At least their process was relatively democratic. The establishment got a candidate they did not want, and ran with it like a toddler with scissors, but miraculously they won. Trump did some things right. He has tried to make good on promises, while doing things any Republican would do.
Meanwhile Democrats should be relieved Hilliary did not win. My guess is she actually would be impeached by now. Probably not removed from office by the Senate, but then again there could just be hearings in preparation for 2018 in hopes the Republicans would increase their numbers in the Senate.
So Republicans had fantasies as well that are not to be.
@28 To be a Roypublican don’t you have to be able to vote in Alabama.
One hundred and eleven days of vacay! And the first year isn’t even up yet.
Uniquely, in the case of the man-baby President PeePee, this is probably a good thing and something to be encouraged.
@31 Well the defendants in that court are not US citizens and are just persons who have some basic rights, but not those of a citizen, and if they claim to be a citizen hat 30 seconds in front of the judge goes up. As then the judge has to ask some questions to test the veracity of the claim. Possession of a US Passport can make this a short discussion, and an entertaining scolding of the US Governments attorney. Usually this goes on for much longer than 30 seconds. It is good to be a citizen.
Unless it would be easier for you in Russian?
Umm… Omarosa? Fuck it. I give up.
@32 You could have done single payer and did not. It could still happen in Washington state, but I’m not holding my breath. It certainly is not going to happen in California with a party leader who is a drug lobbyist, a Democratic corporatist. Democrats gave us the Republican health plan. Tricky Dick gave you all two thumbs up from the grave. His health plan passed a Democratic Congress just took a Democratic President to do it.
@59 Don’t you know it’s hunting season? Everyone and his wife is a game animal now.
@33 According to Hunting Hitler on the History channel he did well after the war in South America Enjoying some white nationalist gains. Much better than Mr. Madoff.
@67 “Well the defendants in that court are not US citizens ”
How do you know they’re not? How does ICE know they’re not? How does the immigration judge know they’re not? How the hell is someone supposed to get their birth certificate when they’re locked up?
@71 Nope not doing the Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny hunting season, And it is always hunting season for Federal Prosecutors. Just ask the ones who will be implementing the new marijuana rules from the US AG.
@70 “You could have done single payer and did not.”
Looks like we’ll get another chance. Since Republicans didn’t like Romneycare, we’ll do Universal Medicare next time.
@44 At the current rate the current US Senate might manage to be is session for 100 total days in its two year existence. Something Democrats should be happy with is the number of days the Senate is not in session, but you will get around to complaining about it.
@74 “Nope not doing the Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny hunting season”
What the hell do you think Whitewater was? And Benghazi? And now Uranium One, Clinton Foundation, Huma, and blah blah blah?
When you’ve just robbed an ATM machine, and the policeman has you by the collar, the best thing to do is point across the street and say, “Oh, look! someone’s robbing the gas station!”
@75 Yes, though I don’t think it will be in the near future. At the Washington state level it could happen this year, but I doubt it will happen.
@77 Na,h what’s up Doc?
We could have taken the aliens up on the offer of immortality too. But see, at the time we were all caught up in the whole Heaven’s Gate prophesy. Who could have known?
@68 Maybe you should man splain how the Russians influenced or tried to influence 50 different election? That would be miraculous as well, almost on the level of immaculate conception miracle. You do seem to have to ability to believe though so you believe in the immaculate conception? Or just Russian equivalent? And as you should know the immaculate conception was a Russian invention.
8 a.m. to 11 a.m.: Executive time
11 a.m.: Meeting with Chief of Staff
11:30 a.m.: Executive time
12:30 p.m.: Lunch
1:30 p.m.: Executive time
2:45 p.m.: Meeting with National Security Adviser
3:30 p.m.: Executive time
3:45 p.m.: Meeting with head of presidential personnel
4:15 p.m.: End of day
Oy! What an epic day. Who’s up for a shvitz?
A Republican-majority federal commission has rejected Trump’s and Perry’s lameass attempt to interfere in power generation markets.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s too bad about all those $100,000-a-year coal mining jobs that aren’t coming back, but they’re gone because of automation and cheap natural gas, not environmental regulations. Trump and Perry argued “diversified energy sources.” The commission replied, “Free markets.” Get used to it, dopes. We live in a market-based economy now.
Meanwhile, after a blowout last week, the stock market ground to a halt today. The Trump tax-cut rally was fun while it lasted. I made thousands of dollars a day for four straight days.
@80 Ok blame it on the Aliens. Blame it on the Russians. Blame it on the cyclops. Anyone, but the folks who could have done single payer, but allowed one person not in Congress to take that off the table. No corporatist Democrats involved. Please disregard the corporate medical industry people writing the bill behind the curtain.
I’m going to let you in on a little secret now, Shortbus.
We don’t have to.
It’s more than enough for us to get you to admit that it happened, not that it worked. #youjustadmittedtotreason
And in that moment of destiny the mighty but humble wizard of Dunning-Kruger thrust his oaken staff into the path of the terrible monster “Republican Accountability” and declared “You shall not pass!”
A number of global media outlets are preparing to report that a deal has been struck by the Special Counsel to interview President Russian PeePee Stupid in the next few weeks.
But in the mean time, you just go right on believing that the reason for the Roypublican Babysitters Club to jet off to Camp David this weekend was “infrastructure”. Yeah! That’s the ticket!
Ed Royce, R-CA seeing the writing on the wall for swingy lean R districts in CA (Oh hi legal weed and offshore drilling) is packing it in.
Sitting in formerly reliably Red Orange County the district went for Clinton. With no R in the primary race at present GOP will scramble to keep the open primary from resulting in a D vs D General
“A conservative watchdog group led by Bannon tried to discredit Trump in the early stages of the 2016 Republican presidential primary by shopping a document alleging that Trump had ties to mobsters, according to conservative sources …. ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It seems they were enemies before they were friends and then enemies again.
After losing his shit on CNN defending man-baby President Stable Genius, Stephen Miller had to be dragged out of the studio by CNN’s armed security service.
I hope they were gentle.
Was it in the form of a dossier?
It doesn’t matter. I’m going to say it was from now on.
Hey look at this terrific kid!
290 If it’s mobsters it should be the paper bag file, not a dossier. Mobsters don’t go for dossier. Even a female mobster would not go for dossier. They would like: “Crap in a bag.”
@93 Yeah, a lawyer who’s any good will always dress up the thug he represents in a suit, tie, and eyeglasses to make him look civilized when he appears in court. I remember being called for jury duty on a case involving a gang member accused of blowing off a rival’s leg with an AK-47. In court, his lawyer made him look like a Rhodes Scholar. It didn’t work.
@87 I’m glad Leonard Hoffsteter and Shelden Cooper have joined our group. This should make things more fun and sciency on HA.
(I suggest not brining up the ring of power, and which comic book heroes are better.)
93 – If that guy is a “terrific kid,” I’d prefer to not encounter any bad kids on the subway.
295 Well the prosecutor still has to prove the defendant guilty. No need on the Defense side to dress up the client as a thug, leather jacket, and optional AK-47. I take it you were on the jury and able to decide the fellows guilt or innocence. And that any bias I’m seeing in your comment is because the Prosecutor proved his case, and the defense had nothing better than to put the defendant in a suit and glasses? Defense attorney’s gotta go with what they got. Sometimes winning for them is not that their client is found guilty, but in keeping the sentence reasonable and fitting.
Heyyyyyyyy, what do you know! The great constitutionalists want to deny you your constitutional rights. Who would have thought that that would happen. Who would have that the Constitution really don’t fucking matter to those that cry about it happening.
Liberals will Arm.
99 – Jeff Sessions is for the Tenth Amendment, except for those times when he’s against it, like when states legalize recreational cannabis.
Why can’t that old codger just let the states that wish to have cannabis legal do so, and those that don’t want to have cannabis legal can have the archaic prohibition against it?
(Guess who’s which states are gonna see more tax revenues!)
@93 He is a terrific kid until found guilty, then he may have a terrific cross right. He will still be a terrific kid in moms eye, and can probably complete his degree before trial.
98 – I once used a suit and tie, glasses and a briefcase to get myself out of jury duty. The defense attorney took one look at me, and I was the first person kicked off the panel. It works well with public defenders defending poor white trash or minority clients.
@102 While you can assume the reason you were booted was you looked like an attorney, that may not have been the reason, could be he looked into your eyes and into your soul and that said y
his client was guilty, you are outta here.
103 – You’re assigning too much insight and intelligence to the attorney involved. The guy on trial was caught red-handed committing a burglary and was pleading innocence. Go figure.
I’ve also been thrown off a jury for having strong opinions on certain subjects.
I don’t much blame the attorneys for throwing me off the juries. They’re just doing their jobs. It wastes my time a bit, however.
@98 ” I take it you were on the jury and able to decide the fellows guilt or innocence.”
Are you serious? You think any lawyer would ever let a rabbit sit on a jury? I was in the jury pool. That means twice a day I was asked, “What is your occupation?” and then went back to the pool.
“Sometimes winning for them is not that their client is found guilty, but in keeping the sentence reasonable and fitting.”
I read in the papers he got 72 years.
It’s your fantasy world, Shortbus. Were just trying not to live in it with you.
@100 This is not a 10th Amendment issue. It’s firmly a commerce clause issue.
It would appear Jeff Sessions is simply doing his job, and unless Congress legalizes it he is just doing his job. And any attorney general in any Republican and many Democratic administrations are going to have to go after what is legal under states laws, and have the courts tell the states to comply with Federal law. You can go to Canada and enjoy, just leave it there. And yes it is cold in much of Canada.
Really? Are you sure the swastika on your forehead and the thousand mile stare dont have something to do with it?
@106 Oh you are the possessor of the one ring (your precious) and it is influencing you. It’s corrupting you. Don’t show it to Hilliary Clinton it’s the key she needs for a complete political comeback. She will not pass the test that Galadriel of the elves passed.
I maybe imbibing that which halflings expressed joy and delight in when they found it comes in pints at the Dancing Pony.
On another subject, guess who doesn’t know the words to the “Star Spangled Banner”?
And another GOP House committee chair is retiring. That makes at least 6 so far.
Sessions is doing as he’s told. All that shit is Race Bannon’s doing.
@104 Looks like he made a good call. True it appears his client was guilty, but the prosecution has to prove it and his client has a right to be tried by a jury of his peer, who are not biased against his client. That is what the trier of facts does. Our system requires that we have juries of fellow citizens. We could have juries composed of professional jurors or judges like in other countries, but we rely on English common law, It is our civic duty to serve on a jury when called, in spite of inconveniences. though I do feel concern when the inconvenience goes to the jurors pocket books, ;particularly during long trials and the states legislators have not addressed raising jury duty pay for years if not decades, Can we add that to our current legislators to do list?
Heh. Boob is a “serious” aider and abetter to theft of copyrighted material.
Well done boob. “That bitch” made you do it, amirite?
@110 Which verse? Most Americans don’t know the third verse.
@99 Well a number of state legislators demanded amendments to the US Constitution because they imagined that government would try to limit individuals rights. There was a bit of a fight between the Federalists and anti federalists, until the Federalists decided that having a bill of rights would do no harm to the constitution itself, particularly Mr, Madison thought this. I think the father of the constitution was against the government limiting the rights of individuals under Virginia’s constitution and laws.
Fortunately for Boob that overt knowing act is unlikely to be noticed. Unless someone were to point it out to counsel for Holt.
Elizabeth A. McNamara
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Given that Trump-era prosecutors have been handling the case for nearly a year now, I wonder if they sabotaged the case, but BLM apparently has longstanding problems. Note again, however, this doesn’t make the Bundys innocent.
Good try senile idiot wabbit.
Except Puddy already posted a link with the misconduct of the Obummer era man screwed the pooch. Dan Love, special agent in charge for the the Bureau of Land Management in Nevada and Utah was fired for incompetence and that sunk the case.
Roger senile idiot wabbit proves not only that he:
1) is a moron
2) is senile due to forgetfulness
3) an idiot to insinuate it was Trump lawyers that lost the case
4) all of the above
4 – All of the above!
Till Next Time!
I looked (Putin) in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul; a man deeply committed to his country and the best interests of his country.
Roger senile idiot wabbit is a “serious” aider and abetter to theft of copyrighted material.
Copying three of more paragraphs all the time and claims “fair use fair use”
FTFY clueless crazed cretin!
Till Next Time!
This one is pretty good,
President Stable Genius’ lawyers are exploring the “options” of having the man-baby provide written responses to any questions from Mueller or simply issuing a blanket affidavit declaring himself innocent. If that’s actually the strategy this thing is going to be around well into the mids this fall. No way in hell Mueller goes for that. The only other way to shut it down will involve firing Sessions, etc.
@112 Good call. Few people can serve for $10 a day plus bus fare. Which drastically limits the jury pool.
@117 “Roger senile idiot wabbit proves not only that he:
1) is a moron
2) is senile due to forgetfulness
3) an idiot to insinuate it was Trump lawyers that lost the case
4) all of the above”
This doesn’t make the Bundys innocent, either.
@119 So sue me.
@120 Yeah, a declaration of innocence should work real good … never mind their client is already convicted in the court of public opinion. That’s no problem for the candidate who boasted he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and get away with it.