I know that compared to the rest of the country I can’t complain, but it’s too cold. Yesterday my bus kept being a few more minutes late than the previous time I had checked. So I stood outside for like 15 minutes. I recommend against that.
by Carl Ballard — ,
The loon’s head will explode with HATE.
“Bannon says Mueller will use Jared Kushner’s ‘greasy’ money laundering deals to ‘f*ck Trump’: report”
I see double-posts of HATE in our future.
“Bannon Says Trump Tower Meeting Was ‘Treasonous’ And ‘Unpatriotic’”
If Trump is impeached and removed from office, Pence will be president.
Sounds like OPM should buy Carl a curbside heated area in which to stand or, as he may prefer, sit. And a foot massager for each passenger would be nice. On the bus, I mean. To get the circulation going in the toes for when it’s time to start walking again.
@ 3
San Francisco’s Willie Brown has a dose of reality for y’all HA libbies:
The bad news, for Democrats, is that he will serve out his term and run for re-election. People hoping he’ll resign or be thrown out of office are dreaming.
Pence won’t be an improvement over Trump.
In which Steve, at long last, finds @ 1 Bannon to be a lone source of truth and light.
When quoted second-hand and published third-hand.
Now please describe the proposed sequence of events whereby you imagine Fuckface is removed from office before losing/quitting in 2020.
We’ll hold our breath./s
more like dose of bemusement.
You keep trying to relive Nov 2016. Understandable.
But we’re all looking forward now. Three more years of you and yours being degraded and belittled by the white nationalist monster you sewed together in your hate labs. Bannon is heading to Utah next.
Carl “Snowflake” Ballard.
@3 dah…..nobody ever said Repukes had any good people. They all suck!
One at a time, one day at a time. I’m sure Pence got some Woman knocked up that had to have an abortion….or had sex in a bathroom stall with some hairy ass.
@5 you shouldn’t speak for all Liberals. I’ve been saying that for a while now. But you of course have half a brain (or probably even just a 1/4).
@3 Which means we might live a few days longer.
@4 How’s the weather on top of your horse, dumbfuck? Or are you being a pussy and riding in the heated cab of your F-350 while the poor horse shivers in the trailer?
Control of the Virginia House comes down to one vote in one district. Three Republican judges refused to certify the Democrat as the winner, instead counting a questionable ballot for the Republican, tying the race the giving the GOP candidate a shot at winning by drawing lots. There’s a ton of procedural problems with this whole thing, but I guess when it comes to elections, Republicans think rules are made to be broken.
With Republicans doing everything they can to blow a special election in reliable “red” district, the number of House seats Democrats need to win next fall may soon be reduced by one.
There’s no longer any doubt the Colorado cop killer was a mental case:
“The Colorado gunman who police say shot and killed a deputy and wounded four others escaped from a veterans mental health ward in 2014, where he was staying to be treated for a psychotic episode, according to a report provided to Congress by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and obtained by the Denver Post.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let’s keep guns away from crazy people with homicidal tendencies, okay? Can we at least agree on that much?
Here’s another libertarian psycho who shouldn’t be allowed within a half mile of a firearm, although this one kills incarcerated babies instead of cops. He hasn’t been locked in a mental ward yet, but at least he’s locked out of Twitter, making it harder for him to spread his virulent threats of violence against liberals, but Republicans continue to hand him a microphone because they’re just as deranged as he is.
@7 You chose treason, Doctor Dumbfuck. Smooth move, dumbfuck. How does that tightening noose feel this morning? A little snug?
@7 Speaking of truth and light, hilarious how you’ve been reduced to searching for it in a black man named Willie. Irony much? My God, how it must suck to be you right now.
Hey, I have an idea. Try thinking back to your grade school days when black kids would beat the holy fuck out of you before taking your lunch money, instilling in you an undying hatred of black males. Those days sucked for you, I’m sure, but still, you’ll feel so much better than you do right now.
Remember Roy Moore’s “Jewish lawyer”?
He knows his client as well as anyone, so he voted for Doug Jones.
@5 That’s what they said about Nixon, too, right up to the end.
@6 I took Gerald Ford over Nixon, and I’ll take Pence over Trump, who’s a greater threat to our lives and liberties than even Nixon was, thank you very much.
So this is what the right’s defense of Trump will come down to? “If Trump is dumped, you get Pence?” Yeah, that should work real good when the truth comes out and Republicans in Congress have to choose between a traitor or a reliable conservative.
So funny, although I somehow doubt Doctor Dumbfuck and the loon share our mirth.
‘Trumptard snowflake’: Breitbart fans eat each other alive after Bannon calls Don Jr. ‘treasonous’
@7 Like it or not, hearsay is admissible in the court of public opinion.
But if it gives you any comfort, doc, I don’t consider Michael Wolff to be one of the most reliable journalists. His accuracy has been questioned in the past, so I’m reserving judgment on his Bannon-Trump Tower allegations. I do enjoy, however, watching Trump and Bannon eat each other.
@22 doesn’t bode well for Puffy’s boyfriend Milos.
“Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my Presidency,” Trump said Wednesday in a statement. “When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind.”
Why, Donald, what an ugly thing to say. Does this mean you and Steve aren’t friends anymore?
8, 9, 11, 13 & 21:
I don’t know if Trump will be impeached and removed from office or not. Pence will not be an improvement, in my view, but that shouldn’t stop those who wish to remove Trump from office through the impeachment process.
A pair of GOP legislators in South Carolina want to erect a monument “to honor the sacrifices of black Confederate troops from South Carolina.” The problem is, there weren’t any, historians say.
I think Brown and many others are absolutely right. That is how Chuck Schumer is playing this so far. Even if Dems pick up a big wave this fall they’ll still be at least a half dozen votes shy of a conviction in the Senate. The only reason Nixon resigned was because the whip count guaranteed he was cooked. Resignation allowed Nixon to arrange his own pardon. I doubt Fuckface would resign even if he lacked the votes. But that really isn’t a concern when dealing with Roypublican hooting tribalists in the Senate.
The only plausible scenario that sees Fuckface departing before 2021 involves a constitutional crisis of epic proportion wherein blanket pardons are pre-arranged and hammered through. With Fuckface polling in the low 30s that would come at too high a cost to the Hillbillies. There may be hopes that his numbers are poised to rise this year. But those hopes are a popcorn fart in a hurricane.
Democrats need to hunker down for the long siege. In the event that we can capture a majority this year it won’t be large enough to override Fuckface vetoes without some Roypublicans. There’s no moderate Hillbillies left. Slightly less skull fucked Hillbilly Traitors stand to retire or get Breitbarted in primaries. To move any legislation they’ll either have to work with Fuckface or buy off Roypublican crooks. The rosiest outlook for the 116th will be a combination of legislative sausage making around the margins and purely political votes intended to damage Roypublican incumbents punctuated by lots of deep dive investigative hearings into Fuckface and the RNC involvement with Russia, money laundering, cyber crimes, and sanction violations.
your slip is showing douche. Thomas Jefferson would at least understand the impeachment process well enough to count. Since you seem to have all your fingers and toes that leaves only one possibility in your case.
You have no idea for whom I voted in 2016.
Not everyone who does not like Trump and his people shares your set-in-concrete view of everything. The number of views about world events, politics, economics, etc. is greater than two. It’s not a binary situation.
@30 It looks pretty damn binary to me. We’re reverting to tribalism.
What the fuck does that have to do with you being to stupid to a)understand the impeachment process and b) count beyond 10 on your fingers and toes?
Oh wait. I see what you mean now. Guess we know who you voted for after all.
Manafort has filed a nuisance suit worthy of a future jailhouse lawyer. Like our own Doctor Dumbfuck he just can’t quite clear away the Pizza Dungeon cobwebs to clearly read “…any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation”.
Bizarre as a tactic. It costs Mueller and his team nothing to defend. Likely to cost Manafort a few hundred thousand to proceed, depleting legal resources he would otherwise need to defend himself against extensive very serious criminal charges. I guess his kids are going to have to go get jobs now.
Some guy on Fox is calling Bannon a traitor. Traitors calling traitors traitors. Both sides are right. They’re all fucking traitors.
Little wonder the loon is talking to himself on a dead thread.
He’s a computer scientist. But he doesn’t know how to refresh his browser cache.
That’s just so weird.
“He’s a computer scientist.”
Really? When did that happen? Last I knew, he called himself a “Java programmer.” That doesn’t even qualify him as an engineer, let alone a scientist.
Look on the bright side – Hillary Clinton will never be president!
In analyzing the merit of the Manafort suit against the U.S. Department of Justice here are a few useful questions that can help frame the analysis:
-What is the name and and current title of the government officer who appointed the Special Prosecutor?
-What is the name and title of the government officer who appointed that person to their current title?
-To whom does the Special Prosecutor report?
-To whom does that person report?
-Does the title of the person who rests at the top of this chain of authority include a constitutional authority to conduct investigations and carry out criminal prosecutions or appoint other qualified persons to do so?
Look on the bright side – Neither will Mittens.
@28 “The only plausible scenario that sees Fuckface departing before 2021 involves a constitutional crisis”
…or him and Eva…er, I mean Melania committing suicide in the bunker underneath the rubble where the Reichstag…er, I mean the White House used to be.
Eric, the Dumbest, Trump doesn’t know how the internet works.
And that’s the least troublesome news today.
@35 ohhh my….someone get him a doctor…..oh wait, we have a doctor, but a stupid one that doesn’t provide any medical attention.
This is the stuff that legal junkies dream about. Can a criminal suspect who’s been indicted by a grand jury get a court to enjoin the investigation that resulted in his indictment, and disallow all the evidence collected by that investigation in any subsequent investigation or prosecution?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Looks like a stretch to me. Who’s Manafort’s lawyer? Larry Klayman? This sure sounds like a Klayman argument.
Republican gun policies and bulletproof clothing seem like a marriage made in heaven, or at least a very practical hookup.
Ahhh yes, the same moronic FOOLS @ 35, 36, & 37.
Seems someone on your side went to the same “dead” thread shitstain steve. Hmmm…?
Where did Puddy claim to be a Java programmer?
Puddy admitted to SQL programming, when Goldy wanted some database help years ago. Ax the clueless crazed databaze cretin to search Create Table in the crazed databaze using that hijacked tctmgr code!
Puddy admitted to RF. Remember the clueless crazed databaze deala was telling everyone of his “superior public and private key prowess and what part of the transmitted data packet is encrypted and what is not encrypted. EPIC FAYLE for the clueless crazed databaze deala. Go review thattoo in the crazed databaze!
Till Next Time FOOLS!
Trump Dissolves Voter Commissioin
Unable to get cooperation from states, Trump has decided that, “Rather than engage in endless legal battles at taxpayer expense, today I signed an executive order to dissolve the commission, and have asked the Department of Homeland Security to review these issues and determine next courses of action.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Translated into English, this means, “I still believe Crooked Hillary’s popular vote was inflated by rampant voting fraud, because it’s inconceivable to me that America loves her more than me, but I’m tired of getting my ass kicked in court, so I’m now having my Internal Security Ministry investigate people who vote against me.”
Although I personally have reservations about Wolff’s journalistic accuracy, his book is being taken seriously by the media, and has vaulted to the #1 spot on the NYT bestsellers list.
In other news, a 71 year-old white male was brought in to the Chappaqua emergency medical center this afternoon with a complaint of candle wax burns on his genitals. He was accompanied by an unnamed 25 year-old woman who identified herself as his memoir transcription intern.
I remember when Art used to bring something to a discussion.
Hot wax burns on the old guy’s balls? That rates up there with circumcision, male or female.
Slicing and dicing the kids’ genitalia is cruel and unusual punishment for young people not deserving such.
In other news, we’re getting of to a good start in the market. I’d be a little cautious of all this “good feeling” going on at Wall Street, however. Those guys are always predicting Heaven when the markets just about ready to enter a downturn.
Stick with the program, though. Let the other folks make the mistakes and learn from that.
Of course Wolfe’s book will be taken seriously by media. They are very interested in anything they can use to attack Trump. Even Republicans, in general, don’t like Trump, but they’re having to live with him because he won. If they had their druthers, Republicans would have been happier with Clinton as president so they’d have somebody to direct their hatred towards without being viewed as disloyal to their base of support. Remember, Republican or Democrat, all politicians really care about is getting elected and staying elected.
Politically Incorrect disclosure: I did not vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Correction, #1 on Amazon, not NYT, bestseller list. Sloppy, my bad.
@49 You should submit that to the Bad Hemingway Contest.
As bad fiction contests go, it’s awfully hard to top: “It was a dark and stormy night. Somewhere in the distance a dog barked.”
Has a bit of Faulknerian quality to it. Run-on sentences.
My favorite quote from Wolff’s book:
“There was, in the space of little more than an hour, in Steve Bannon’s not unamused observation, a befuddled Trump morphing into a disbelieving Trump and then into a horrified Trump. But still to come was the final transformation: Suddenly, Donald Trump became a man who believed that he deserved to be, and was wholly capable of being, the president of the United States.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: To me, this is entirely believable. People who know Trump have said he didn’t expect to be elected and didn’t want to be president. Now that he’s stuck with the job, his ego has risen to the occasion.
Uh-oh, better know this about your computer, phone, and smart devices.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sounds like this means Republican preachers and candidates should borrow someone else’s iPhone to access their stash of kiddie porn.
@51 Wall Street is always optimistic. Their income depends on it. They make their money by selling financial products, and “you should buy this stock because it’s going to go down” is hard to sell.
P.S., can this blog please get some trolls who can spell words like “of” and “off”?
@52 “They are very interested in anything they can use to attack Trump.”
I don’t think the media was predisposed to attack Trump. News is a business, and journalists know that train wrecks sell newspapers and attract viewers. And any publicist or politician worth his salt knows the best way to attract attention to himself is by staging a train wreck.
@52 “Politically Incorrect disclosure: I did not vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in 2016.”
In other words, you don’t take sides and probably don’t do your own fucking, either.
To complete the sentence, I’ll add that I have more respect for Republicans than for people like you, because at least they have enough backbone to take sides.
@50 obviously he realizes not much conversation going on here with you…..why bother.
@56 Not really. The writing is more or less okay. The idea is the product of a sick mind.
Another term limiter who turned out to be a hypocrite.
“After 41 years in the U.S. Senate — a blink really — Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, is retiring at the age of 83. He ran on term limits in 1976, zinging his opponent with, ‘What do you call a Senator who’s served in office for 18 years? You call him home.'”
Fast forwarding to 2018, “Polls show 75 percent of Utahns don’t want him to run again, perhaps because of his 2012 pledge not to seek another term.”
@ 64
Another elder statesmen who managed not to utter the term ‘white nigger’ before dying in office because not enough of his colleagues told him to step down sooner.
“Lawyers on behalf of President Donald Trump sent a letter Wednesday night to former White House Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon demanding he refrain from making disparaging comments against the president and his family. The letter, comes after excerpts from a forthcoming book by journalist Michael Wolff were made public Wednesday ….
“Trump attorney Charles Harder said in a statement, …’ Legal action is imminent.’ In the letter to Bannon, Harder, writes, ‘You … have breached the Agreement by, among other things, communicating with author Michael Wolff …, disclosing Confidential Information to Mr. Wolff, and making disparaging statements … to Mr. Wolff about Mr. Trump …. ‘
“During the campaign, then-candidate Trump had all campaign staff sign a non-disclosure agreement which required all staff, according to campaign sources, to refrain from any disparaging comments against the candidate, his family or the Trump campaign and organization.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So Bannon signed away his 1st Amendment rights to work for this cretin? Hahahahaha, no matter how this turns out, one of my two least favorite people in the world is gonna get burned, and maybe both of them. Hahahahahahaha!!!
… blah, blah, etc. Hard for you to see from your side of the White Nationalist Event Horizon, but Republicans did in fact have “their druthers”. Did you somehow miss Fuckface’s triumphant march through the primaries? Or have you given in to Doctor Dumbfuck’s relentless Russian programming instead?
Either way it still leaves you as the reason for Trump.
Own it. Then go the fuck away.
@ 66
Hahahahaha, no matter how this turns out, one of my two least favorite people in the world is going to get burned, and maybe both of them. Hahahahahahaha!!!
No matter how it turns out, the White House, the House of Representatives, and the Senate will be controlled by Republicans for the forseeable future.
And #CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
And, to think, we could have replaced Nixon as the most crooked president ever with a Democrat. Instead, we replaced Nixon with yet another Republican. I guess Republicans are just intent on maintaining complete hegemony at the top of the list of crooked presidents.
Hillary: 0 indictments; 0 convictions
Trump: 4 indictments; 2 guilty pleas
And Mittens will never, ever be president.
“Fire and Fury”…
If it bleeds it ledes.
Empty threat. The second to last thing they want is Bannon deposed under oath. The last thing the want is actual court testimony of Bannon under oath.
The idea of a larger nuclear button is of course, stupid.
I mean what if the Pussy you’re grabbing jukes left and you flail in vain and hit that big button even with tiny hands? #maga
@68 “No matter how it turns out, the White House, the House of Representatives, and the Senate will be controlled by Republicans for the forseeable future.”
You probably guess every options play exactly right, too.
@68 As for me, I don’t know who’ll control Congress next January, or be president in 2021, nor can I predict the stock market. Like many other people and rabbits, I have fun making educated guesses, but I’m not inclined to hang my ass out in the wind like Doctor Dumbfuck just did.
People smarter than me appear to think there’ll be no recession in 2018, the stock market will have another positive year, Trump will still be with us, and Republican control of the House looks tenuous but the Senate is a harder nut for Democrats to crack.
I’d guess that Doctor Dumbfuck is staking his bets on a better economy flowing from GOP governance. Here, we can skip over the supply-side debates, because this time it’s not about the economy, stupid. It’s about style. Even people who like Trump’s agenda are appalled by his behavior. He turns people off. Only an irrational optimist could believe he isn’t dragging his party down with him, and you have to be profoundly skeptical to believe all the polls are lying. And only an idiot enacts a tax bill that deliberately targets affluent suburbanites for a royal screwing over and then expects those people to vote for him in the next election. If Doctor Dumbfuck wants to delude himself into thinking retired doctors living on horse farms are the pivotal voting bloc, not the blue-state suburban Republicans whose taxes are about to go up because their property tax deduction is capped, well it’s a free country and he can think any damn thing he pleases.
So if you’re a juror, and it comes down to Bannon’s word against Trump’s word, who ya gonna believe?
You can’t make this shit up.
“North Korea accidentally hit one of its own cities with a ballistic missile last year”
@ 79 RR:
Rocket Man has apparently also had several of his nuclear physicists and engineers executed because their safety protocols were slowing the R&D of their Nuclear Weapons programs. He accused them of deliberately dragging their feet and possibly working for the west, basically sabotaging the program.
@ 77
It’s about style. Even people who like Trump’s agenda are appalled by his behavior. He turns people off. Only an irrational optimist could believe he isn’t dragging his party down with him, and you have to be profoundly skeptical to believe all the polls are lying.
It’s called Winning Ugly.
Or, if you prefer…
Dow Jones Industrial Average
Last Updated: Jan 4, 2018 9:37 a.m. EST
98.15 0.39%
Funny how Fat Donny dumps his voter “Fraud” panel within a couple of weeks after the Court ordered the panel to disclose exactly what it had actually found.
What that panel had likely actually found was the Republicans own shenanigans with the elections: gerrymandering districts, restricting access to registration, misleading mailings about election days, compromised voting machines and whole precincts votes being dumped and shredded without even being counted due to their particular majority demographic.
So Fat Donny dumped the whole kit-n-caboodle rather than reveal the findings.
“I don’t want everybody to vote…As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down”
— conservative activist Paul Weyrich, August 1980
After the election, former Florida GOP chairman Jim Greer told The Palm Beach Post that the explicit goal of the state’s voter-ID law was Democratic suppression. “The Republican Party,
the strategists, the consultants, they firmly believe that early voting is bad for Republican Party candidates,” Greer told the Post. “It’s done for one reason and one reason only. ‘We’ve got to cut down on early voting because early voting is not good for us,’” he said.
Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Mike Turzai told a gathering of Republicans that their voter identification law “would allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania.”
“I’m going to be real honest with you” Tea Party leader Ken Emanuelson said at a Dallas County Republican Party event on May 20. “The Republican Party doesn’t want black people to vote if they are going to vote 9-to-1 for Democrats.”
Etc, etc. etc…
It was either late November or early December that I wrote something about the Dow hitting 25,000 before year-end.
1. I was half-joking.
2. I was only off by 2.1 trading days.
In Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s world of ‘style’ @ 77 Franco Harris would have declined to make the Immaculate Reception, because that’s not how passes are supposed to be completed.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit thinks he’s stylin’ ’cause his urethral catheter has a pinstripe.
The reality is that it’s a radio-opaque market embedded in the catheter so his urologist can localize it with fluoroscopy when Mrs. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit shoves it too far in when she’s trying to help out.
@ 80
Anyone else notice ‘froggy appropriating Trump’s term ‘Rocket Man’?
Reminds me of when Martha Raddatz referred to “Crooked Hillary Clinton”
on the air at ABC.
So. much. winning. He even snagged ‘froggy.
Trump cut your taxes. Last I heard you’ll have the worth of 26 tanksful of gasoline in your pocket at the end of the first year because of it.
Trump dramatically increased the worth of your 401k. Of your 403b. Of your IRA. You can retire YEARS sooner because of it.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit wants you to believe that this will hurt Trump when it’s time for you to vote, because Trump didn’t accomplish it with style.
Look who’s bleating.
He “snagged” you on the escalator. The salty taste of orange ball cheese must have ruined your palate by now. Or did that happen during your third year of residency while scraping rectal scabs off homeless people?
SerTrumper has a sad. A book that isn’t fawning is going to be released. Sue them. It must be stopped. Libel.
Or something.
@ 88
JPM goes ex-dividend today. Even so it’s up 2%.
CSCO goes ex-dividend today. Even so it’s up 1.5%.
Why, it’s enough to set #CrookedHillary’s
hairhouse on fire.“I’ve never experienced as much anger and hatred as I did in the first few months of [2017],” says Representative John Duncan, an affable ultraconservative Republican from Knoxville, Tennessee, who spent the last 30 years in the House reliably stoking anger and hatred.
What Republican “winning” looks like.
They trip over their own feet, fall down and roll around on the ground holding their leg and screaming and pointing at the other guy who was 20 feet away.
@ 89
My understanding is that ‘something’ is breach of contract. Same kinds of contracts protect #CrookedHillary from more being publicly reported about her conduct.
I wonder what a Robby Mook tell-all would be like. Gawd, to have a first-person accounting of what really happened in the Clinton suite on Election Night…
@ 92
What Republican “winning” looks like.
More Americans have jobs and you still don’t, ‘froggy.
Kind of like what winning looked like under Obama, then. The difference is now you think you have someone you can blame for it.
Yep, the investor class is doing just fine. So much winning.
AT&T announced they were raising their minimum wage based on the GOP tax cuts…and in the same breath announced it was going to cut (lay off) 80,000 jobs over the next 5 years
Loews cut 2500 jobs
Hershey cut 2700 jobs
General Motors cut 2700 jobs!
Dollar Express cut 2800 jobs.
Wet Seal cut 3000 jobs.
The Limited cut 4000 jobs
.State farm cut 4200 jobs.
JC Penny cut 5500 jobs.
Macy’s cut 10,000 jobs
This all happened in 2017. Household names going the way of the DoDo and a maniac bragging about Nukes.
for now, at least, Breitbart appears to be outsourcing most of their push back, passing along Jake Tapper if you can believe it.
And as “I understand it” the Fuckface NDAs may have failed to distinguish between the Fuckface Organization of companies and the Fuckface Campaign for President.
I wondered when Sessions would go after the dirty pot-smoking hippies …
Holy capitalist! The Dow is up another 170 points today! Trump sure is making wage earners look like chumps. No doubt they’ll really appreciate it come November.
Maybe. But that only covers Bannon or any individual that signed a NDA. The lawyers have the publisher’s NDA? On file? The publisher and author are in the clear legally. It’s not a book ghost written by Bannon. It’s a multi sourced 3rd party work. I’ve been a party to lawsuits and without a law degree and I think I could write the motion to dismiss. “Plaintiff has no contract or agreement either written, verbal or implied with Defendent…”
Unless a group of third rate attorneys can PROVE that the author knew the information was false and they printed it anyway. (Lemme go back and see how many “quotes” from anti Clinton books have been posted by you and the liar? Project Veritas?)
But in the real world a thin skinned baby is revealed as a thin skinned baby for the world to see. A thin skinned baby who has opened himself up to very legitimate questions re: 1st amendment and State controlled media. Well played. Enjoy “On the Media”. Wait you probably think NPR is fake so enjoy Howie Kurtz.
Tesla delivered 1,550 Model 3 sedans in ’17 Q4. Estimates had been 4-5,000.
Performance was way, way below that indicated by Musk only six months ago:
Elon Musk
Looks like we can reach 20,000 Model 3 cars per month in Dec
10:12 PM – Jul 2, 2017
I wonder how far a fully-charged Model 3 would go if it were driven in Vermont. Today.
@ 100
I would wager that it’s less about what Wolff was told than it is about what Wolff signed prior to being permitted the access he was given.
It’s not what Bannon signed. It’s what Wolff signed in order to be allowed to talk with Bannon et al.
In just a few minutes Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will tell us his opinion, and we’ll then know the opposite is the most likely explanation.
Say, how is everyone feeling about RBG’s chances of sticking it out for another three years? Seven years?
Daily Beast, just after midnight today:
Bannon, Wolff reports, has already assembled a “rump campaign operation” for 2020 and is telling people that Trump’s top 2016 backers—specifically Sheldon Adelson, Bob and Rebekah Mercer, Bernie Marcus and Peter Thiel—are now in Bannon’s corner
WaPo, several hours later:
Bannon has in recent weeks also alienated his main financial backer, Rebekah Mercer, after he told several other major conservative donors that he would be able to count on the Mercers’ financial support should he run for president, a person familiar with the conversations said. The person said Mercer now does not plan to financially support Bannon’s future projects …
Don’t believe everything you want to believe.
The fact that the book has reached the point of being widely excerpted, published and released to sale is fairly telling by itself. Fuckface’s lawyers undoubtedly sought to prevent publication and sale earlier. What we are now seeing is just the PR side of the battle. The court battle is already lost.
Democrats can’t even win a coin toss.
Del. David E. Yancey wins tiebreaker for key Virginia House of Delegates seat
Del. David E. Yancey, R-Newport News, won a random drawing Thursday to break a tie in a critical House of Delegates election, putting Republicans on track keep a 51-49 majority and avoid a power-sharing deal with Democrats.
The word “treasonous” being plastered in the headlines has turned our Doctor Dumbfuck into a babbling jackass loon. Now we have two loons. SAD!
Get a grip, traitor.
at one time we were told the Mercers were #nevertumpers.
Funny thing is, I don’t believe Kellyanne has surfaced since this story broke.
“coin toss”
I hear they tossed a ruble.
I’m not so sure we should point out to the Hillbillies just how politically damaging Bannon’s pointed use of that word really is. Certainly part of the reason for the rebound lawsuit from Fuckface has to do with hoping to steal one or two news cycles from roundtable discussions of DJT “treason”.
@106 If you don’t mind, I’d like to inspect the coin. You know, trust but verify. See #109 for further explanation.
Steve @ 109 says something truly funny.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 111 can’t afford a cup of coffee without help, again.
That’s a terrible Agency then. There is no PR that can make “President sues to silence critics” sound ‘Mercan.
@94 Squid ink. Now Doc is a squid, too.
@102 So now dumbfuck doctors are practicing law? Really?
Regardless of who signed what, the absolute most Trump could get out of a lawsuit is money; the book still gets published and read and reported in the media. And who’s gonna believe Trump?
It’s effective if it results in media spending the next 48 hrs impaneling their own media lawyers to discuss the fine contours of libel law, free speech, and Garcetti instead of impaneling retired U.S. Attys to discuss DJT’s treason.
they can’t get a penny out of Holt.
And it’s pretty doubtful they would really want to proceed against Bannon. Anything of public interest he passed along from his service as a public employee is safe – NDAs don’t apply. And much of what he might have passed along as a private citizen during the campaign would also be safe – NDAs be damned in cases of public corruption or criminality. In order to draw the distinctions to a fine legal point would involve a very thorough and very public dissection of nearly everything Bannon was privy to in each case. For some strange reason I doubt the Fuckface family is interested in that.
This is just a tactic to steal one or two news cycles from “Treason”.
“Couldn’t you have waited until after the mid-terms?” Every elected R from California, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, New York, Maine…. Sessions just wrote off a dozen or so more house seats. 60% Of Americans support legal weed. (Gallup)
Then there are increases in rent, transportation, decreases in support such as EITC…
Our results suggest that consumers rather than firms bear the cost of minimum wage increases. Moreover, poor households are most negatively affected by the price response. Price increases in grocery stores alone offset at least 10% of the nominal income gains of the poorest households.
Of course, these are all silly, niggling items that people like The Fucking Moron will wonder might be corporate lies.
And that people like Goldy will ignore in their entirety, unless to proclaim willingness to pay another fifty cents for a banh mi.
Any chance those items might add up to more than “26 tanksful of gasoline in your pocket at the end of the first year”?
Asking for a friend. In D.C.
@ 120
So, your question is whether minimum wage increases do more for lower-wage consumers than tax cuts?
I suppose my answer would be that they have a similar effect. Said effect is less than the respective proponents of each would have you believe.
The other way to look at it is:
Tesla has a product so insanely popular that they can’t keep of with production and is looking to expand manufacturing in the United States.
But then job creation only comes from tax cuts.
Also, moving toward a green economy will be the death of us all.
Or something.
On this, the day during which the DJIA crossed 25,000 for the first time, I chose to look back to November 30th of last year, the date during which the DJIA crossed 24,000 for the first time.
Here’s the HA thread that day:
These milestone days are really a lot of fun. Don’t you think so, too, Steve?
Darrel Issa, who googling says has never made any statements of Marijuana policy won reelection in 2016 by just over 1600 votes. Can’t imagine there are 1601 non-engaged voters who like to smoke now legal California weed who will come out in November and send him home. He was probably toast anyway but now his a cindercone. (spent bowl?)
@ 122
Air America expanded to additional stations nationwide, just before it collapsed.
Ernst Home Centers – remember them? – expanded rapidly, then collapsed and liquidated within just a couple of years in the mid-90s.
Yes, one could say that Tesla isn’t keeping up with demand. One could also say that doing so would cause it to lose more money, faster.
I’m pleased to let Tesla be a meal ticket for others. When the LEAF can go 200 miles on a charge, I’ll be interested. We had a 2013 LEAF – the only car I have ever leased. Loved it with the exception of the range. Range anxiety is a very real consumer fear.
“Donald Trump’s small staff of factotums, advisors and family began, on Jan. 20, 2017, an experience that none of them, by any right or logic, thought they would — or, in many cases, should — have, being part of a Trump presidency. Hoping for the best, with their personal futures as well as the country’s future depending on it, my indelible impression of talking to them and observing them through much of the first year of his presidency, is that they all — 100 percent — came to believe he was incapable of functioning in his job.”
Seems like a really good time to just say thanks to all the loyal Roypublicans, resentful WWMs, and “conflicted” EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE for making this possible.
America has taken notice and sees you just a bit more clearly now. Are you sure hair plugs and a red sports car wouldn’t have been more to your liking?
@ 124
It was the ‘non-engaged’ voters who came out in CA in 2016, which made Issa’s election close. They won’t be there in 2018, ’cause #CrookedHillary won’t be there.
So you’ll need a lot more than 1,601, because you need to factor in replacing them. From what I can see, you haven’t.
See, Pilsnerdude, it’s rationale like yours that causes you to be in such despair the morning after an election. Similar rationale gave me trouble in 2012.
@myself again.
Freemont, CA “Tesla started production with 1,000 workers. By 2013, this had risen to 3,000, and to 6,000 people in June 2016.
10,000? 12,000? 24/7 3 shift UAW jobs? In terrible for business California?
@ 128
You’re right, Pilsnerdude, an automotive manufacturing firm with a lot of workers is bulletproof.
you’ll want to recall that Doctor Dumbfuck’s post election prognostication algorithm assures us repeatedly that Sec. Clinton’s “horrible” campaign failed to turn out the “non-engaged” voters in 2016 and that’s why she lost.
They may or may not feature peeing Russian hookers.
So you wouldn’t buy a leaf (MSRP 30k) until it gets 300? And a Model 3 that gets 300 (MSRP 36k) is terrible.
You like to talk about stock. 2014 $175/share. With +$3 loss on today’s news… $313. Yeah Tesla is going to fail before they ramp up production. And the whole company is shit. It’s not like they’re diversified into power generation or anything.
Always fun to see someone dig in their heels on losing the bet.
Submitted without comment.
Politico 1/4/2018
New isolationist America will no longer be the Superpower of the World thanks to Drumpfy Dumpty the Hump.
“Pakistan is ditching the dollar for trade with China 24 hours after Trump denounced the country”
So instead of some influential big shot Doctor contacting his local rep or senator he’d rather stick with his hastags – way to go Doc! The Doc can sit around and wait for the next Hillary to blame – what a man of great stature. Individuals collecting the local trash can probably do more with life.
Let’s assume the Doctor is right – the reason why we have Drumpf is because of liberals and Hillary. Is that anyway to form the future? Doc you are still responsible for the future – quickly throw out some more hashtags. Nothing constructive coming from you hashtags, except your own demise. Die rich buddy because money will be the only thing you have, and money ain’t happiness. Christ – you sit around here while the car stays in the garage and the boat remain docked, and the wife is playing with the horse. Sad (to steal a phrase from Steve). Really Sad.
Doc why don’t you rise to the occasion and fix what is broken? Too much for you? You can’t handle the truth?
“Trump administration plans to allow drilling off all U.S. waters”
Hope you don’t have to navigate the boat around too many offshore rigs or oil slicks. Bring some of them stocks with you, in case you have to soak up the oil to get back to shore.
@96 China will move in and become the bigger Superpower and economy in a few short years.
The doctor is giving out blow jobs @112
Here’s something that will brighten Doctor Dumbfuck’s day: Jeff Sessions is acting to preserve $2-an-hour jobs for workers with limited bargaining power in the marketplace, so they can you know keep working for $2-an-hour.
This article may help shed some light on the suspicious nuances of the Virginia recount case.
The Trump administration today opened all U.S. coastal waters to oil drilling except for one small area in the Aleutian Islands.
Dumbfuck Hillbillies Dep’t
If you insist on ignoring evacuation warnings and staying in your trailer beneath a hillside that’s fixing to slide, at least make sure the authorities have the information they need to contact your relatives after you’re dead.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Oso didn’t make a dent, did it? Of course not. Science is full of shit, so why should they listen to geologists? Grow hair on your balls, man! Be like Harry Truman of Spirit Lake.
Sears is closing its stores in Shoreline and in Federal Way, and its K-mart store in Chehalis.
Part of 100+ stores closing, nationwide.
I think I’ll just put this right here.
Because nothing gives me greater delight than the thought of our nitwit trolls having new and innovative ways to be fleeced.
Purportedly one of Wolff’s tapes include Mark Corallo admitting that Fuckface himself personally dictated the initial and totally false explanation for the June 9, 2016 Treason meeting.
@112 You’re absolutely right. My real intention is to scarf the coin and spend it on a cup of joe. I didn’t get where I am by paying for things with my own money. I learned this from Republicans, e.g., why fly coach when you can travel by private jet on the taxpayer’s dime?
@ 146
I assume you have zero reason to disbelieve that the Lynch/Clinton tarmac meeting was to discuss grandchildren, vacations, and such, as Lynch claimed.
@139 Does he bite?
“These milestone days are really a lot of fun. Don’t you think so, too, Steve?”
Only when the DOW hits 50,000 will you be able to claim that the object of Putin’s affections has matched the performance it saw under Obama.
“Dow would rise to 50,000 if Trump matches market performance under Obama”
@144 Doesn’t matter, they’ll all be out of business in a couple years. Sears/Kmart is on life support. Guess I’d better stock up on $5 t-shirts before they’re gone.
You have tapes too?
Are there any peeing Russian hookers?
Give her time. She’ll make people forget all about Rachel Corrie.
Exactly one year after a car struck Revelle sophomore Mariana Flores as she entered Interstate-5 during the election night protests, Flores’ attorney filed a personal injury and property damage lawsuit against UC San Diego and several other entities. According to the complaint submitted to the San Diego Superior Court last Wednesday, Flores suffered wage loss, loss of earning capacity, hospital and medical expenses, general damage, property damage, and loss of personal property as a result of the incident.
According to Sullivan, not doing anything and failing to act is legally the same thing as supporting the protest.
Sullivan further alleged that the protest was encouraged by people in positions of authority at the university, and that “if anyone that is in authority with the university – a [Residential Advisor] – says ‘let’s go,’ the university would be responsible.”
If she lives through college, she’ll be a future intern at Civic Skunk Works.
@145 So that guy is promising more defense and free stuff for veterans at the same time he’s proposing to make taxes voluntary? How does he plan to pay for it, with bitcoins?
You only went back two months? You fucking lazy shit. No Award of Merit for Service to the Revolution for you!
who cares as long as our fuckwit trolls fall for it.
@148 The future is coming into clear focus: Every time anyone mentions Trump, Bannon, Manafort, Don Jr., Papadapolous, Scaramucci, or the rest of that crowd Doctor Dumbfuck will jump up and wave his arms and shout Bill! Hillary! Huma! Weinstein! Weiner! It’s called deflection, and it’s the last-ditch defense that weasels resort to when they’re cornered.
@148 Yeah, right. Like whatever Clinton and Lynch talked about was equivalent to Trump’s spawn and campaign staff’s “treasonous” meeting with Russia followed up by a conspiracy of traitors led by the candidate to lie to America, telling us that the meeting was only about the adoption of sad little Russian orphan babies.
to be quickly followed by some non-sequitur click-bait purporting to share some vaguely sourced outrage obliquely related to something potentially liberal somewhere distant at some point in time. Probably not involving any “very fine people” burning crosses, mowing down pedestrians, or pointing sniper rifles at law enforcement officers.
@153 The money quote from Doctor Dumbfuck’s Guardian article:
“Sullivan explained that there are a number of people culpable for the accident, including Flores herself … “
Well, that and shitting themselves. Speaking of which, I think it’s just about time for that Freeeeak to appear.
Do you think it is at all remarkable for a Fuckface loyalist to file suit to challenge the constitutional authority of the Executive Branch to preside over the DOJ? Or are you really so stupid that you haven’t figured that part out yet?
Completely ingoring the voting paterns of elections post Trump, eh?
Let’s take Virginia, folks (you can google this.)
The highest turnout in a non-presidential election in Virginia over the last decade (2007-2016) was 43% participation. The average participation in those non-Presidential years was 37% (rounded).
2017, 47.6% turnout. Hillary wasn’t on the ballot but rampant anti Trumpism was.
Why did all those people go to the polls if Hillary didn’t bring the enthusiasm?
@161 An indicted criminal seeking injunctive relief against the prosecutor, how charming. I take it you got your legal education from the same correspondence school Doctor Dumbfuck did.
China is believed to give about $22B in aid to Pakistan though they keep their foreign aid very secret.
They will absolutely fill the void left by Trump who probably sees Pakistan as just a ‘mooslim’ country. And China has an interest in destabilizing Pakistan’s Nuclear armed neighbor to the South that has vast human resources of cheep labor and a booming tech industry that competes with China.
And none of that will effect the U.S. economy large or the Washington State economy.
That’s pathetic analysis Rodent, try addressing the merits of the Complaint, as I recall you formerly had at least some limited capacity to do so.
@ 164
You’re joking.
You’re going to suggest that statewide election results in Virginia, many of whose residents are employed in federal government and are very politically aware, are comparable to a single district slightly north of San Diego in California?
Really? That’s going to be your argument?
@167 Does this work for you?
“’The lawsuit is frivolous but the defendant is entitled to file whatever he wants,’ the DOJ official said.”
or this?
” … former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal … called the suit a ‘silly’ and ‘desperate’ effort … ”
P.S., If you want me to brief the issues raised by the complaint, sign a representation agreement and pay me $350 an hour.
please note that Mr. Manafort is not seeking to quash the indictment through a normal pre-trial challenge. Yet his suit challenges the authority of the grand jury and the procedure as ordered by the Deputy Atty. Gen. Nor is he even challenging any of the facts alleged (what you would normally use the civil courts for owing to rule 7). It’s a fucking political stunt aimed ineptly at leading mewling Roypublican sheep by the Russian cock-ring through their noses into slurping up the loyal party line about the investigation.
Hey fucknuts! Guess who can shut down the investigation any fucking time he wants? Guess who can order the DOJ to withdraw the indictment? Guess who ordered (indirectly) the entire fucking investigation in the first place and still presides over it (again, indirectly)? Give up? Go look in the mirror. See all that vivid orange baby batter splattered all over your chin? That give you any clues yet?
@ 164
Why did all those people go to the polls if Hillary didn’t bring the enthusiasm?
Larger percent of VA employed are public sector than those who are CA employed. That’s probably part of it – they want to protect what Democrats gave them.
Then there’s the scare that Gillespie gave to Warner the previous year. People tend to take close calls like that seriously.
compulsive self-soothing.
Hey, at least Doctor Dumbfuck’s finally given up cutting!
Wow – what a cute Southern Boy.
Hope Pence go all weirded out. Pence should be ashamed of himself.
My main concern when I put Tesla into my portfolio was BMW beating them to the punch when they announced their electric fleet.
In the ensuing time Tesla has cultivated a “Status Brand” reputation rivaling that of BMW and Mercedes. The Model 3, despite all the issues is being delivered to the first reservations as we speak.
Ironic that BMW recently announced, amid rumors its plug in hybrid iX3/i2/i3 are ceasing production, the X3 full electric model will go on sale in America in 2020. It will have a 200 mile range. (this is about a month old but my BMW obsessed FB friend posted it today and I’m not a regular follower of car culture.)
MSRP unknown but an entry level BMW 2 series (combustion) starts at $35k. Add a sunroof/keyless entry/heated seats for the lowest priced “option” package $37k while the Plug in hybrid 3 series starts at 45k. The Model3 is a much better vehicle than a 2 and comparable to a 3. Tesla Model3.
So, BMW Probably 40K at least, 200 mile range.
Tesla, 36K, 300 mile range.
In dash navigation is standard on the Model 3 and a $2700 upgrade on current BMW 3 series models.
Tesla will get a two year head start on delivering a better vehicle than Munich will eventually get out there.
Temporary under production problems don’t concern me. (“Invest in Microsoft? Only the Military and giant corporations need computers. You’re throwing your money away.” Dr. Dumbfuck, or words to that effect 1982)
Yes, I am aware that these first gen Model3s were configured with the extended battery only pushing the early adopter price to $43k before any electric vehicle tax incentives. Tesla has announced that 2019 models will be available at the 36k price. That “premium” release price doesn’t appear to have put a damper on reservations.
Dude, you are terrible at this. 2018 is a Gubernatorial year in California to replace a term limited Jerry Brown. It is a statewide election with wide interest in all districts. You’re approaching a
PiddlesConfirmed liar like level of stupidity on this one.If Democrats run the table in CA like they did in VA the house flips on that alone regardless of house pick ups in other states. Prop 64 legalizing recreational won by 15% in 2016. It will absolutely be an issue in every state race in CA from the solid red/red leaning farming communties to the solid blue urban areas.
No, bs quotes without legal analysis don’t work, try a counter-argument to;
“But paragraph (b)(ii) of the Appointment Order purports to grant Mr. Mueller further authority to investigate and prosecute “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” That grant of authority is not authorized by DOJ’s special counsel regulations. It is not a “specific factual statement of the matter to be investigated.” Nor is it an ancillary power to address efforts to impede or obstruct investigation under 28 C.F.R. §600.4(a).”
$350/hr for an ALJ Rodent? A monkey with a rubber stamp can do ALJ work.
BTW, good to see that you are still here, even if you insist upon evading Manafort’s legitimate point, and he has one.
@174 Tesla is a status car, alright. Only 12 people have one.
@176 Shouldn’t be too expensive. There’s not more than 1.0 hours of work there – .25 hours to read the complaint, .25 hours to read the one court case cited therein, and .25 hours to draft a reply that goes roughly like this:
“Plaintiff’s complaint is filled with philosophical musings but bereft of actual legal argument, which are not the same things.”
That leaves .25 hours for client consultations.
Try 28 C.F.R. §600.4(b)
Missed it by that much!
No he really doesn’t. Finding unrelated crimes in an investigaton is standard. For a concrete precedent Whitewater to Rose Law to Paula Jones to Stained Blue Dress. “But he was only tasked with Whitewater” said no conservative.
“After serving the warrant for the laptop to investigate insider trading the special prosecutor found thousands of child pornography images. But we’re not allowed to prosecute that. It was outside the narrow focus of the original investigation.”
He only thinks he had a point because a lawyer found some billable hours to be had tossing a slice of turkey with a tipless dart attached at a wall blindfolded and convinced Manafort to pay for trying to make it stick.
@ 161, 176
d. an order and judgment enjoining Mr. Mueller from investigating matters beyond
the scope of the grant of jurisdiction in the Appointment Order;
This does not seem unreasonable. Flynn could make the same petition; allegations against him were for acts committed after the election.
If you don’t count any of the 38,000 $80-110K S and X models delivered just in Q4 2017 alone.
The hot executive car on MS Redmond campus three years ago was a tie between Lotus and Range Rover. Now go count the Teslas in the lots.
@181 I didn’t hear you singing that song when Starr’s Whitewater investigation led to a blue dress.
But yes, I realize the law has changed since then; and, as Manafort’s lawyers argue in his petition,
“KennethStarr, after serving as an independent counsel under the statute, urged Congress in testimony before the Senate to abandon the independent counsel project, calling it a ‘structurally unsound’ and ‘constitutionally dubious’ effort ‘to cram a fourth branch of government into [a] three-branch system.'”
Congress heeded these words of wisdom and repealed the independent counsel statute under which Starr had operated, while Starr himself went on to cement his legacy as Chancellor of Rape University.
@181 ” … d. an order and judgment enjoining Mr. Mueller from investigating matters beyond the scope of the grant of jurisdiction in the Appointment Order … ” which says:
“The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James B. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:
(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and
(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and
(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).
(c) If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.”
Do you know what “including” means? what “and” means? what the phrase “federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters” means? Of course, how you interpret this doesn’t matter; what matters is how the courts interpret it, and in that regard, a former acting Solicitor General’s assessment probably carries more weight than yours does.
“any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.”
So ordered. Next Traitor please!
This whole tactic of inviting everyone to examine the Rosenstein order in detail, the underlying CFRs, and Manafort’s political vanity suit may be somewhat distracting. But it still comes down to everyone everywhere talking about an investigation into acts of treason by the President and his family members.
More of the same by Roypublicans.
I sure get tired of having to tutor our trolls on the spelling of words such as “to” and “too,” and explaining the definition of words such as “and.” Why can’t they look this shit up for themselves? Anyone with a computer and internet connection can access a wide range of online dictionaries. I wish we had trolls who weren’t so damned lazy.
There’s a cost for messing with other people’s pot farms.
“I am prepared to take all steps necessary, including holding DOJ nominees, until the Attorney General lives up to the commitment he made to me prior to his confirmation.”
Just to be clear, I have no particular interest in the stuff myself, but this does look an awful lot like acting out a half-century-old Republican grudge against pot-smoking hippies.
Bannon doesn’t seem to grasp that he wasn’t elected to the WH staff, which made him an employee the employer could terminate at will.
It won’t be an issue in California at all apparently. It only took a couple of hours to be something a sitting Senator will have to address.
Funny the GOP getting called out from within on States’ rights and local control.
Popcorn’s on. Enjoy the show.
He’s an Alexander Haig for the new Millennium.
@191 There’s one in every GOP administration.
Strike while the iron is hot edition (AKA Amateur Hour at 1600 Pennsylvania):
Publisher Henry Holt & Company have moved the release of “Fire and the Fury” to tomorrow instead of traditional Tuesday new publications release after DerTrumper provided them with two full news cycles of free publicity first by questioning Bannon’s sanity and then by filing suit to protect his fragile ego.
It has occurred to me that this whole thing could be a huge troll move by Bannon with Fuckface cooperating. I’m not really sure I’d buy Wolff’s book in any case. But if I were going to I’d definitely wait to see that the excerpts were not faked.
It must be tough to be a WH press secretary who has to defend her boss’s sanity to a room full of reporters and on national teevee. I suppose all you can do in those circumstances is wing it:
“’This is an incredibly strong and good leader,’ Sanders further noted. ‘That’s why we’ve had such a successful 2017 and why we’re going to continue to do great things as we move forward …. ‘”
Haig made a fool of himself when Regan got shot in 1981. Old Al made a big point of getting on camera and proclaiming himself “in charge” of things, as if the whole fucking world was going to collapse if a president or any other fucking politician got shot. He made a fool of himself and showed us exactly how the political class thinks: they’re egotistical bastards.
Jeff Sessions needs to be replaced and I mean like right now! This loon has not been paying attention to how cannabis has been proven over and over again to not be the Black Death the fucking government has always proclaimed it to be. Nixon, one of the most powerfully crazy people to ever get elected to the presidency, was a paranoid asshole, and he went after cannabis as a way of silencing the Anti-War movement of the day. If ever there was a guy who should have never been allowed to handle a pair of scissors, much less ever get into office, it was Tricky Dick Nixon. Jeff Sessions is continuing the horrible legacy of Nixon’s failed War on Drugs, and it’s time for Jeff to be sent to the showers ’cause the game is over for him.
@196 Haig also was suspected of being “Deep Throat,” although he turned out not to be. While he probably had it in him to turn on his boss, especially if there was some personal aggrandizement in it, he was no Mark Felt.
Except Wolff has tapes (he claims). So if Bannon and lots of senior staff members are recorded saying Exactly what’s in the book but it was a ratfucking operation, the upside for DerTrumper is everyone around him lies all the time for sport.
“Why did Susan Rice go on the Sunday shows….?”
Misspelled “Reagan.” Sorry about that.
Haig is a classic example of someone who spends his whole life in the military-industrial complex, and thinks he’s nobility instead of just another government employee. Sometimes these guys develop a fucking Holier Than Thou attitude about themselves and their place in the scheme of things.
Repupukes have a horible legacy of failed politics. There’s got to be a bigger argument against legalizing pot than disallowing gay people from marrying or being discriminated against for bullshit religious liberty reasons.
I’ll wish you the fun of having a lot of fun, pain and crying, although I think Sessions will lose this fight. Be if he doesn’t I’ll be cheering him on….go Jeff, go Jeff.
@200 Being a 4-star general and then WH chief of staff went to his head. Of course, being a Republican, he was an elitist to begin with. Probably thought he was the second coming of Ike.
In an earlier thread in the last seven days Puddy told the HA DUMMOCRETINS that Puddy posted a link long ago about Obummer knowing about Russian hacking. Puddy told the HA DUMMOCRETIN FOOLS to check the crazed databaze deala, the clueless cretin! Well godwin posted the thread that had the link.
Once again Puddy is proven right!
Till Next Time!
In that Dow crossed 24,000 the Oregon hillbilly moron screams a headline regarding Rex Tillerson being forced out. Once again the Oregon hillbilly moron is WRONG!
Till Next Time!
explaining the definition of words such “IF”
ftfy Roger senile idiot wabbit!
Puddy had to revisit this http://www.insidesources.com/tag/eric-schmidt/ (no crazed databaze for Puddy)
— Others at the meeting included Alphabet CEO Larry Page, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos whose company gave $330,895 to Clinton and $3,112 to Trump, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty with $319,714 to Clinton and $28,225 to Trump, Oracle co-CEO Safra Catz with $178,444 to Clinton and $12,880 to Trump, Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins with $157,427 to Clinton and $13,662 to Trump, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich with $146,444 to Clinton and $11,862 to Trump and SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk, whose electric car manufacturer gave $19,689 to Clinton and $250 to Trump. Executives from Uber and Airbnb were invited but unable to attend. —
after reading this… https://www.investopedia.com/news/intel-ceos-stock-dump-under-scrutiny/
— According to a report from The Register, Krzanich and Intel were informed by Alphabet Inc.’s (GOOGL) Google that the company’s processors were vulnerable to password and other data theft in June. In November, Krzanich then sold shares worth millions of dollars, months before the public found out about the design flaws. —
PuddyCommentary: Just like a DUMMOCRETIN lover to burn the common man! What sez the resident DUMMOCRETIN law creep, the idiot senile wabbit?
Till Next Time!
The babbling butthole is back.
I only mentioned it in order to give false hope to the trolls.
The I’m-with-Trump Republicans are getting more creative. Now they want Trump to fire Sessions. Why? Replace him with someone who will fire Mueller, of course.
Oh, darn. The loon has soiled yet another thread with his HATE! SAD!
Offshore oil drilling also concerns the residents of Oceanside, CA.
What did Darrel Issa do to piss of DerTrumper that he tossed him under the bus twice in a single day.
I think the iguanas in Florida are in Carl’s camp. A new winter phenomenon, frozen iguanas falling from trees in Florida. Relax the iguanas are an invasive species, but it can hurt as much as a redwoods pine cone should you be in the wrong place.
@70 Well he is eyeing the spot Senator Orin Hatch is stepping down from. Seems to be a mixed bag in recent history for Senators to run for President actually winning the office with Obama being one of the 16 who moved to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. With Richard Nixon being the last former Senator to move to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave,
@196 The problem is not Jeff Sessions. Sure he personally is against pot, but the Attorney General only enforces the laws of the United States. Until Congress legalizes pot as much as it may upset you he is doing his job. The problem with the Federal drug laws is they may well be unconstitutional, and states should have the power to make drug law as each state sees fit. An argument liberals and progressives may have a problem making as the current drug laws are a progressive and liberal creation, because the states were not doing all that much on the matter, and because of a political scare something had to be done, So Congress passed laws, and marijuana is a controlled substance. If state politicians want to make the argument that states should be the entities that should be allowed to experiment or make laws as to whether marijuana should be legal in the state, then they should include all other drugs that are on the controlled substances list. Otherwise the Federal government has the power to regulate those substances under the commerce clause.
I suggest writing your congress man or woman to take action to legalize marijuana. Maybe ask for a state convention for a constitutional amendment to legalize pot, and if Congress should pass such an amendment hopefully statehouses will be avoided and state conventions will ratify as the process for the end of prohibition. A liberal/progressive policy that failed.
@208 I thought they had come up with a cool t-shirt. The Trump Bump maybe. Only with Trump the Dow gets the bumps. Over 25,000. I thought the Capitalist rabbit had found financial nirvana for those on HA who missed out on Starbucks. But I was doomed to disappointment, my financial dreams smashed upon the rocks of politics. It’s a Rodney Dangerfield moment. One I probably won’t get any respect over. That and no dough. Lets not go for the trifecta…I’m safe the Seahawks are out, but the Mariners are now Americas professional sports team that has not gotten into a playoff. Suddenly the Brown;s fans celebrating a perfect season makes total sense.
(Yes I’m still auditioning for the official jester position of HA. Has the position been filled yet?)
Do not expect me to juggle frozen iguanas. Ok maybe one frozen iguana, but it had better be on a bus where I’m getting my feet messaged.
It’s so typical of the HA DUMMOCRETINS to run away from FACTS. Notice Roger senile idiot wabbit has nuthin to say aboutthe CEO of Intel, DUMMOCRETIN lover screwing over the common man. Notice shitstain underwear racetrack steve calls what the Intel CEO man hate. Both really are SAD, stooooooooooooopid and despicable. When DUMMOCRETINS screw over the common man, nuthin new here move along!
Till Next Time!
@ The Schiz @ 205 & 216:
Oh, do tell, exactly how the “Common Man” was screwed by those business deals?
In exact terms please, and with no embellishments, or bizarre gibbering baby talk.
@217 You are asking for the impossible.
PiddlesA confirmed liar don’t need to address your questions! Fool! I don’t do no dance for you. Where are the links in your question? Nope, not gonna google for I am a ComPOOter pro and you do the work for me. Or ask the babbling butthole.Notice how you ignore the CEO GAVE MONEY TO CLINTON! Kablammo.
They kept the flaw secret! All for Hillary! They Democretin’. Tell the world as soon as you know. That’s what RIGHTAmerica would do. Before you invent a fix. Make the flaw known as far and wide in the hacking community like it was a Pizza place that’s a child sex club.
ToooooooooooooooooDAAAAAAAAMNFunnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyy!” Or words to that effect.
(How’d I do?)