Now that Trump is president, can we say “Happy New Year”? Or does it still have to be “Merry Christmas” for that too? For the last few years, I’ve been a fan of “We’re Here Because We’re Here Because We’re Here Because We’re Here.”
by Carl Ballard — ,
Stop whining and start working for 2018 and 2020!
How about “We chose poorly and we deserved what we got.”?
Good and hard, you deserved it. Think on your sins.
Sight and site are not the same thing, either.
At what point was it that Republicans lost site of the fact that being anti-Democrat and being anti-democratic are not the same thing?
“We chose poorly and we deserved what we got.”
Those would be a good choice of last words for you when you’re on the scaffold about to be hung for treason.
Steve, as Sarah Silverman has already told you:
You’re being ridiculous.
As ridiculous as a doctor posting the same lame hashtag thousands of times as though that’s the most fucking clever thing he’s ever fucking come up with in his pathetic fucking life?
Looking forward to your execution.
Next time, I’ll have to remember not to take a swig of water before reading another of your posts….water is all over my monitor.
@6 beyond ridiculous – the guy is disillusioned – maybe it has something to do with a horse. Of course – Putin’s horse.
Still the same old shit I see. Nothing has changed here.
@9 try to make a difference in life instead of whining about it.
I am, you aren’t.
@3 A Republican who can spell. Amazing. Now go tutor your brethren.
At a time when the nation urgently needs police reforms to reduce police violence against citizens, Trump continues to milk violence against police as an excuse to ignore the problem, even as police officer deaths plunge.
“After a presidential campaign in which Donald Trump and his surrogates regularly claimed law enforcement was under assault from an increasingly lawless public, the first year of Trump’s presidency is shaping up to be among the safest ever for police.
“A total of 45 officers have been feloniously killed in the line of duty in 2017, according to unofficial FBI data updated earlier this month. That number … marks a significant downturn from 2016, when a total of 66 officers were feloniously killed. Barring a catastrophe in the final days of the year, the annual total will be well below the average seen over the last 20 years.
“These figures follow a year in which Trump and other administration officials have sought to build on the president’s self-described “law and order” campaign by speaking out against a perceived uptick in attacks on police and pushing back against police reform efforts.”
Today we also see Trump dismantling a federal-level HIV/AIDS advisory panel.
There is a persistent and repetitive pattern of this president and his administration ignoring serious problems – HIV, police brutality, climate change, the opioid crisis, etc. – while pushing their bullshit agenda of deporting kids who’ve never known another country, taking health care away from kids, cutting school lunch programs, etc.
@ 13
That ‘plunge’ in felonious deaths of police officers is because #BLM didn’t accomplish its goal. The likelihood is that #BLM played a significant role in giving y’all President Trump.
The union will not be meeting with Clinton because her campaign decided not to fill out a questionnaire that is required for seeking the police union’s endorsement.
“We were talking to the highest levels of the campaign, and we had all indications that she was going to return the questionnaire,” Canterbury said.
“And on the deadline date we were advised that they declined.”
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Black lives matter. Everyone in this country should stand firmly behind that. We need to acknowledge some hard truths about race and justice in this country, and one of those hard truths is that that racial inequality is not merely a symptom of economic inequality. Black people across America still experience racism every day. Since this campaign started, I’ve been talking about the work we must do to address the systemic inequities that persist in education, in economic opportunity, in our justice system. But we have to do more than talk – we have to take action. For example – we should make sure every police department in the US has body cameras. We should provide alternatives to incarceration for low-level offenders. We should invest in early childhood education for every child. We should fight for voting rights and universal voter registration. You will continue to hear me talking about these issues throughout this campaign and pushing for real solutions. -H
(#CrookedHillary FB Q&A, 7/20/15)
Once liberals stopped supporting killings of police, the killings decreased. Took a lost election that should have been a lay-up for Democrats.
I know you are unhappy about the decline in the deaths of police officers, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, but look at it this way: fewer police deaths in 2020 might end up helping you put some useless liberal in the White House.
Next time the little Jewish boy in the subway, who was handing out little placards that partly spoke out against the act of homosexuality along with all other “sins”, should have asked me if I was gay ainstead of whether I was Jewish.
Homosexuality was like #4, stealing was like #8. Go fuck yourself asshole.
Next time the little Jewish boy in the subway, who was handing out little placards that partly spoke out against the act of homosexuality along with all other “sins”, should have asked me if I was gay ainstead of whether I was Jewish.
Homosexuality was like #4, stealing was like #8. Go fuck yourself asshole.
@ 14
1. Panel itself still exists and applications are being solicited for new members.
2. Also of note, during the Obama administration, nearly all of George W. Bush’s appointees were eliminated prior to new appointees being named.
You probably missed those items, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@9 Yeah, same damn Republicans, same damn Republican Party.
Mmkay. Sorta like telling Western Europe “The likelihood is that Judaism played a significant role in giving y’all The Final Solution”.
If that sorta reasoning makes sense to you, go for it.
@15 “Once liberals stopped supporting killings of police, the killings decreased. … I know you are unhappy about the decline in the deaths of police officers, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit … ” blah blah blah blah blah
So now you’re accusing us of “supporting killings of police”?
It’s Hail Mary time for the desperate doctor who’s getting his ass kicked around the block six ways to Sunday every day of the week.
As for that last comment, I must be getting to this bleating foghorn where it hurts. Good.
Roypublicans regard a movement to address a rapidly expanding wave of unjustified injuries and killings of innocent minorities and poors as “an existential attack on law enforcement” in much the same way that Joseph Goebbels regarded the rapidly expanding economic and social influence of European Jewry as “an existential attack on Aryan Germans”.
@ 21
Not you, plural. Don’t hide amongst your fellow liberals on this site. They may disrespect police but they don’t cheer their deaths the way you have.
You, as in singular, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
“Liberals must arm.” Own it, motherfucker. You’ve tried to backtrack from the asshole you are. You were not successful.
@18 Soliciting applications? What was wrong with the experts who were already there? Oh, I get it, they weren’t telling Trump what he wanted to hear, i.e., there’s no problem and we don’t need to spend any money on it or take any action to deal with it.
You’re now on record as a doctor in favor of people staying sick and more people getting sick.
@20 “If that sorta reasoning makes sense to you, go for it.”
Unfortunately that’s exactly the level Doctor Dumbfuck’s “reasoning” operates on. This thread proves that as never before. It’s one of the many reasons why we call him a dumbfuck.
@23 “they don’t cheer their deaths the way you have”
Link, please? Put up or shut up.
“Liberals must arm” won’t cut it. That is not, and never was, directed against the police. It was, and is, directed against:
Ann Coulter, who joked (?) about putting liberals in “concentration camps” and “executing” us;
A local conservative troll who used to make public comments about “executing” liberals;
Rightwing militias;
Gun nuts who talk about “watering the tree of liberty” with blood;
Conservatives who openly talk about “civil war” and what amounts to genocide against liberals;
Violent rightwing fringe groups such as neo-Nazis and KKK;
None of these groups are police, although if any cops are members of these groups, they most definitely should not continue to be police officers. For example, like these guys:
Note, I didn’t say they should be killed, I merely said they shouldn’t be cops.
Yes, liberals must arm, because there are crazy people out there, not to mention run of the mill criminals. (Being a rabbit, I have rural liberal friends who live an hour or more away from the nearest police, and believe me they all have guns.)
Do you take issue with this, Dumbfuck? How can you, without being a flaming hypocrite, when every Republican in the country is armed to the teeth, spends his money acquiring more guns and ammunition, and spends his time extolling “Second Amendment freedoms”?
Fuck you. We have the same rights. Suck on it.
Although I might add that most liberals are too smart to “invest” their 401(k) money in gun collections, military-look-alike clothing, and a basement full of tactical gear. We’re actually going to retire someday. The nutjobs who spend thousands of dollars every year playing fake soldier on weekends who will never fire a shot in defense of liberty (they could’ve served in the military, but chose not to) – not so much. All that time and money down the drain. Sad.
@ 26
No link, asswipe.
I’ll leave it to you to convince everyone else that they should believe you rather than their lying eyes.
One of the HA moderators, not so long ago, called you out on your rhetoric. Perhaps you expect me to provide a link to that as well.
Over the 13 years you have told us you have subsisted on HA, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you have grown comfortable in rejoicing in the deaths of some and calling for some form of armed insurrection against others.
I’m just pointing out that it did not go unnoticed.
@28 “No link, asswipe.”
Of course not. Bullshit has no links. Dismissed.
Honestly. The proposition that police officers face any kind of significant risk at the hands of the people Trumpanzees routinely refer to as “SJWs”, “Snowflakes”, and “useless liberals” truly ranks among the great Hillbilly conspiracy delusions right along with “Derp State”, “Pizzagate”, and “Jade Helm”.
It seems a bit disingenuous in a modern era where police officers are commonly equipped like military expeditionary shock troops to simultaneously claim that “liberals are pussies” and that “liberals are a threat to police”. But then again these are the very same people who exhaust themselves insisting that teacher’s unions, whose PhD members earn less per hour than union construction laborers, are some kind of Cosa Nostra in Dockers.
“Once liberals stopped supporting killings of police, the killings decreased.”
How the fuck did you get through grade school, let alone med school?
“I’ll leave it to you to convince everyone else that they should believe you rather than their lying eyes.”
I say you should give it a try. After all, you’ve already convinced everyone else that you’re a dumbfuck.
“It seems a bit disingenuous”
There’s nothing disingenuous about it. Doctor Dumbfuck is just a dumbfuck who’ll never rise above dumbfuckery.
“Sen. Marco Rubio says the GOP ‘probably went too far’ in slashing the tax burden on corporations. The Florida Republican told the News-Press of Fort Myers that corporations will largely use their major tax cut to buy back shares or increase dividends to shareholders — which ‘isn’t going to create dramatic economic growth. If I were king for a day, this tax bill would have looked different. I thought we probably went too far on (helping) corporations,’ Rubio told the newspaper in the interview published Friday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is talk as cheap as it comes. All of this was widely-discussed common knowledge before the vote. If he felt this way about the tax bill, he should have voted against it. What a fucking hypocrite.
@28 “Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you have grown comfortable in rejoicing in the deaths of some and calling for some form of armed insurrection against others.”
If you insist on drinking at lunchtime, you should buy some decent bourbon, instead of being a cheapskate. Imbibing the alcohol used to sterilize medical instruments does weird things to your mind.
@30 I think ironworkers who walk around on naked steel beams in wind and rain 100 stories above the ground carrying 70 lbs. of tools deserve to make more than Ph.Ds.
@32 He isn’t an ordinary dumbfuck, he’s a thin-skinned dumbfuck who lets a needling rabbit drive him crazy, then lashes out as the juvenile he never outgrew. This kid (don’t call him a man) is really losing it.
So here we have a wealthy 49-year-old Republican lawyer with ties to Trump and Rick Perry dating a 29-year-old woman who gets drunk in his apartment then rips up $500,000 Warhol paintings and throws $20,000 statues against the wall. He could use a better girlfriend, but at least he isn’t chasing 14-year-old cheerleaders, you gotta say that for him.
she really puts the “mug” in “mugshot”.
I’m a liberal – Boob, didn’t you tell me (as a gay person) that I should arm? You said it yourself – Gays (liberals) should arm.
Every conservative talks about arming themselves….against the government. Police are part of (an extension of) the government. What the fuck you moaning about dumbfuck?
Didn’t the Bundy Klan arm themselves?
Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Boob.
@37 Lindy Lou Layme. – Quite the name. She now can add Loser to it.
@41 Horny middle-aged rich guys who chase young golddiggers know what they’re getting into and deserve no sympathy.
I find it very two faced to hate the UN and then want an opposing country to abide by a UN resolution. Either stand up for the UN or shut the fuck up.
Godwin says “That ‘plunge’ in felonious deaths of police officers is because #BLM didn’t accomplish its goal. ”
You never miss a chance to imply that black people striving for justice are out to kill white people. And you wonder why we call you a racist.
You think he’s representative of all compassionate republicans?
@42 Lindy Lou Layme Loser – the name can fit both of them.
“You think he’s representative of all compassionate republicans?”
Absolutely. If not then they are a closeted Democrat.
“Liberals must arm.” – Makes sense to be able to defend one self from the MAGA ammosexuals.
After all, if republicans can quail in fear from the BLM people, I think it’s wise to be concerned about the Charlotte drivers.
stop and think about the glaring enormity of that idea of Boob’s.
As if there was ever, anywhere on earth, in all the history of humanity, a vast institutionalized system supported by law, government, culture, and economy to make stuff like this happen to white guys like Doctor Dumbfuck or any other Trumpanzee. But that never stops them from sitting in their filthy trailers cleaning and checking their firearms, their fevered imaginations overwhelmed with fears of race riots!!! And all black people have ever done is organized marches and lunch counter sit-ins. Fucking pathetic.
@48 Here’s how Doctor Dumbfuck’s “logic” works:
(1) White cops kill black people. From this it follows that …
(2) Black people form an organization called Black Lives Matter (BLM) to protest against white cops killing black people. From this it follows that …
(3) BLM protesters are cop killers.
That’s why we call him a dumbfuck.
Not that anyone should take Doctor Dumbfuck seriously–we are talking about someone who looks at the ass end of a horse and sees a vagina–I do feel compelled to set the record straight. Roger Rabbit didn’t start advising liberals to arm themselves until after Republican candidates for national offices threatened to resort to “second amendment solutions” if they didn’t get their way at the ballot box.
A bunch of white folks in the mountain west arm themselves, because the substantial discount that the government gives them on grazing fees isn’t large enough, and folks like Doctor Dumbfuck hail these folks as patriotic heroes. A bunch of black folks in Oakland arm themselves, because the cops are indiscriminately killing black people without any consequences, and, well, you know the rest.
But, we can’t call these people “racist.” Talk about political correctness gone haywire…
@ 50
Roger Rabbit didn’t start advising liberals to arm themselves until after Republican candidates for national offices threatened to resort to “second amendment solutions” if they didn’t get their way at the ballot box.
Why not blame Cain, who murdered Able, rather than the silly-ass excuse you gave?
Addressing your silly-ass excuse, Trump said that in 2016. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit used the “Liberals must arm.” line for years prior to that.
Google ‘roger rabbit liberals must arm’ and you’ll see hits going back more than a decade. An example:
Better education through genetics? | HorsesAss.Org
10. Roger Rabbit spews: Tuesday, 6/6/06 at 12:03 pm. Even in our own supposedly “civilized” country, we have right-wing motherfuckers wildly applauding agitators like Ann Coulter when she says liberals should be “executed.” Liberals must arm! These motherfuckers aren’t joking when they say they want to kill us. And the …
There, Don Joe, now you can blame Ann Coulter for Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit being an asshole.
@50 Actually, I started advising liberals to arm themselves several years ago in response to specific statements by Ann Coulter, a local rightwing agitator from Federal Way whose name I forget, and others about putting liberals in “concentration camps” and “executing” liberals (their words). And because of shit like this, which has been around for a long time, and still continues unabated:
And because of people like this …
and this …
Remember that Hitler, when he wrote “Mein Kampf,” told the Jews exactly what he intended to do to them. When I wrote “liberals must arm” the first time, and many times subsequently, I meant it tongue in cheek, which was obvious to HA readers. I still do.
But perhaps I shouldn’t. What if the rightwing radicals who talk about civil war, overthrowing our government, and rounding up and killing liberals aren’t kidding? After all, Hitler wasn’t kidding, and look how that turned out. Not to be overlooked is the fact that many of these people share Hitler’s notions of racial superiority, subjugation of “inferior” peoples, totalitarian impulses, and belief in use of violence to achieve their goals.
“Addressing your silly-ass excuse, Trump said that in 2016.”
I wasn’t talking about Trump, but thank you for proving my point. “Liberals must arm!” was, indeed, a response to threats made by folks from your camp.
But, by all means, please tell us how taking up arms in self defense makes a person an asshole. By your reasoning, every 2nd Amendment advocate is an asshole.
‘Course, you could start arguing that assholery is a virtue, at which point we liberals can thank you for the praise.
Look again at what Doctor Dumbfuck posted @15:
“That ‘plunge’ in felonious deaths of police officers is because #BLM didn’t accomplish its goal. …
“Once liberals stopped supporting killings of police, the killings decreased. Took a lost election …
“I know you are unhappy about the decline in the deaths of police officers, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit … ”
This doesn’t need rebuttal. It’s nothing more than an angry little man banging on a garbage can lid with a stick because he doesn’t like being called a dumbfuck. That should be obvious.
He calls me a “dumbfuck” every time he mentions my name. I invite it by calling him a dumbfuck, although in his case it’s a fair comment because he is one, but of course I expect him to do it back. It doesn’t perturb me. Perhaps that’s what bothers him most of all.
Today’s whole mess started with the Tea Party and Sarah Palin. And where are those fucks now?
Well, one is trying to protect herself from her own God Awful Son.
maybe so. But please keep in mind that Roypublicans are notoriously bad losers. They tend to break the furniture and smash up the restrooms before climbing drunkenly into their coal-rollers and racing blindly home to their filthy trailer parks where they amass still more firearms.
“Google ‘roger rabbit liberals must arm’ and you’ll see hits going back more than a decade.”
See Sarah Palin and other fucks.
Doctor – please address why you told me that I should arm?
started with Richard Viguerie. And from the very beginning it was never anything more than a confidence scheme to fleece idiots like Doctor Dumbfuck.
I guess Boob thinks that because of Orlando every gay person should arm (against the Muslims).
But what about the Evangelical Christians? The Acidic Jews? Should gay people arm against these radical nuts?
There are more of them radical nuts to fear in this Country then Muslims.
Like I said Boob – American’s need to embrace gay people to show the radical Muslims how wrong their beliefs are instead of validating them. Boo hoo hoo – Boob don’t like Liberals arming, but the fool and his peeps validate the Muslims that he wants gay people to protect themselves against. And that’s without a doubt what a Dumbfuck is all about. And Asshole.
@57 “Google ‘roger rabbit liberals must arm’ and you’ll see hits going back more than a decade.”
This is true. These fuckwads have been threatening us at least that long. In fact, they’ve turned it into an industry.
@54 coming from the loon it would have not been a surprise….but that from a Doctor? God, that is pathetic and a waste of an education.
I for one will stop using the term Dumbfuck from now on. And try to refrain from other insults. I’ll even drop the Ape comments (which stemmed from an individual not Evolving from cave man after being told that I should use a dictionary. Sure I could use a dictionary for all my miss-spelling but.).
But I’ll go right back using it and all the other insults the minute the Doctor uses it following this post. Let’s see if he can do it.
Footnote – I reserved the right to insult any public figure outside of this blog.
oh and didn’t the Palin Boy have nice comments regarding the Police? Please Doctor let us know how you feel about the Palin Boy and his treatment of his parents and the police – quite respectful, right.
@60 Given America has more guns than people, taking a few basic precautions against a mass breakdown of civility might seem prudent to some people. It’s a personal choice.
As for Doctor Dumbfuck, if he actually believes I’m coming for him, he must be a very frightened little man.
Are you kidding?
When they aren’t performing on the television the intellectual architects of this modern conservative White Nationalism movement like Stephen Bannon and Corey Lewandowski use every vulgar epithet in the book and them some when discussing their opponents. And they brag proudly about their ability to withstand the “face melting” vulgar tirades of their beloved President Fuckface. And these are Doctor Dumbfuck’s cultural heroes.
@65 and that is the only reason I would go out an get a gun….my fear is that by that time it will be too late, but I’ll take my chances. And if every faction can get an AR-15 in the Middle East I don’t think I really need to fear that would be too late.
yes, but I think we can do without it here. And we can’t expect Bannon and others not to do it if we can’t come to that agreement here.
Like I said, I reserve the right to call Drumpf, Bannon and all the other fucks out there that are not on this blog a bunch of dumbfuck motherfuckers.
When Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit first began telling fellow HA libbies – probably all three of ’em, back then – to take up arms against other Americans, Donald J. Trump was still a Democrat, and Goldy didn’t need to rely on the benevolence of a billionaire for his supper.
I’ll give you one last try. Otherwise don’t complain and cry ever again.
@68 That’s three-fourths of the charm of this charming little blog.
Doctor Dumbfuck has been here for a long time. He knows what the game is. He plays it himself. Like everyone else who comes here, he’s free to fold his hand any time he chooses.
Perhaps it’s time to repost the HA ad hoc posting rules, just to make sure everyone understands what the deal is:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone except JCH can post here.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of the rightwing America-hating traitors who troll here.
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our non-negotiable terms are unconditional surrender, and there will be trials.
7. klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
@69 “Goldy didn’t need to rely on the benevolence of a billionaire for his supper.”
He was actually getting some of it from me back then. How much have you donated to the upkeep of this blog? Thought so. You have “freeloader” written all over you.
@69 You seem aggrieved by the fact we play rough here. Why? Your side plays at least as rough, except they’re cowards who ban liberals from their blogs. HA is wide open to everyone. We don’t ban or censor rightwing asswipes. We just kick them around like Lucy’s football. Can’t take it? Boo-hoo. We’ve sent lesser trolls than you packing. Some of ’em didn’t last a week. Snowflakes. Need a hanky? Tell me where to send it, and I’ll send a whole carton. Cheerio. Excelsior.
Whatcha think, guys and gals, should we all ease up on Doctor Dumbfuck? If he runs away like all the other sniveling chickenshits who’ve passed through here we’ll be down to just the babbling loon. The doctor is 50 percent of our troll coterie. You all know how hard it is to recruit trolls for this blog. Ninety-five of them don’t stay more than a few days. We have a retention problem, and now one of our last remaining trolls appears to be complaining about his treatment. He might fly the coop if we’re not more careful about not bruising his tender feelings. Perhaps we should go back to calling him “Boob.” Maybe we should take a vote on this?
You really need to keep things in perspective, Doc. This blog is a saloon brawl. We fight for sport. It’s all in good clean fun. And to protect the horses and goats. We’re animal lovers.
@75 you know my vote.
Try to think of the thousands of hours of Okie Arm fishing he’s had to give up in order to come here and fight for White Power.
72 – You certainly are not suffering from a poor self image or low self esteem.
72 – You certainly are not suffering from a poor self image or low self esteem.
@79 That has nothing to do with it. This is business.
Could be heard at Times Square as a ball drops. “It’s a fucking cold New Year!”
@72 Only your comments don’t reflect the actual HA Commenting policy. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and look page right at HA commenting policy. The following is directly from the policy comments, and RR comments don’t reflect either
Please don’t feed the trolls
by Goldy — Monday, 7/23/07, 11:10 am
One of things that has always distinguished HA from most other blogs is the unmoderated, no holds barred nature of the comment threads, and the nasty, brutish and often profane political bloodsport that they produce. No stranger to vitriol and foul language, I never felt it my place to impose more solemn standards on the HA community.
But really, enough is enough. It is one thing to abuse me personally, but it is entirely another to abuse the whole HA community by hijacking threads with intentionally off-topic comments. I have no obligation, ethical or otherwise, to continue to tolerate this deliberate trolling, and the deliberate disruption of legitimate debate on important issues of the day, especially in the face of the constant and baseless accusations that I have been blocking comments. (TIP: I don’t have the time to read most of my comments, let alone censor them.)
So as of this moment I am imposing new policies regarding comment thread moderation. The following type of comments will no longer be tolerated:
Deliberately off-topic comments (except in “open threads”), as well as pointless comments on these comments.
Deliberately repetitive comments, particularly those intended to repeat and a reinforce slander that has already been sufficiently debunked.
Large chunks of cut-and-paste from copyrighted works or other blogs and comment threads.
Blatant sock puppetry.
Each of my co-bloggers are now free to delete comments on their own posts based on their own arbitrary interpretation of these standards, while Darryl and I have global moderation privileges. Repeat offenders will be banned. And don’t be surprised to see these standards imposed sporadically and selectively. This is my blog. Life isn’t fair.
My advice to the rest of you is please don’t feed the trolls. Ignore the off-topic comments and the abusers who post them. When you comment on this garbage, you only encourage them. Comments on deleted comments will likely be deleted too, so as not to disrupt the flow of the thread. And if you absolutely feel the need to discuss some off-topic issue, or announce some sort of breaking news, please save it for an “Open Thread,” which will now be graciously provided on a daily or more frequent basis.
Comment Not that there are a lot of posts of late from any of the official bloggers.
@27And your liberal friends in rural areas probably have guns for rabbit hunting, and less so for personal protection as they maybe intelligent people who know the whole ” I own a gun for personal protection is fraught with considerable risk. Or perhaps they also grow herbs?
@33 Generally it’s good in the eyes of voters when a sitting US Senator (or politician votes for a tax decrease. This is why usually these bills garner support from politicians from the other party who are in office and to continue being in office. For the first time members of one party voted against a tax repel bill, and it would appear to many taxpayers those individuals have no desire to remain in office.
@35 Ironworkers would agree with you. Still individuals in you own profession who have PHDs would disagree with you. Many philosophers would disagree with you. Physicists at Livermore with PHD’s would disagree with you. And many medical doctors would disagree with you for they have the ability to save the ironworkers life, and ability to put him together again should he fall from his high iron beams in the sky. And should the doctor fail should not the craftsman who works in the mortuary make as much as the ironworker?
@37 The article does not suggest the lawyer did anything wrong, other than call the woman two Ubers. It does not even say they had sex. If anything he would have come out better if he had been dating a 14 year old cheerleaders, the vast majority would be better behaved than the barbarian he let into his abode.
@42 That is rather sexist and ageist of you. How do you know she is a gold digger after all. Gold diggers after all generally don’t damage the goods they may be able to well repatriate. And gold diggers don’t give a crap what party their new guy or gal pal is with as long as they got the gold.
@60 One may want to arm just be cause of L Ron Hubbard’s cult. Scientologists are armed. They also like lawsuits.
@82 Know what “ad hoc” means, dummy? Didn’t think so. Look it up. The “HA ad hoc posting rules” go back a lot farther than you do, sonny boy. See, e.g., @123 in this 2008 thread:
Sheesh. What kind of moron thinks the ex-officio HA ad hoc posting rules have anything to do with Goldy’s rules? That’s like assuming “baseball rules” refers to the umpires’ rulebook.
@83 If you’ve been in the rural areas, then you know everybody has guns and grows herbs.
@84 Maybe they can read polls better than you can.
@85 “And many medical doctors would disagree with you for they have the ability to save the ironworkers life, and ability to put him together again should he fall from his high iron beams in the sky.”
As far as I know, only one Person was ever able to do that, and He wasn’t a doctor nor is He taking new patients at this time.
@86 Sure. She didn’t get drunk on his time or liquor. She showed up on his doorstep that way, and he let her in.
Maybe she wouldn’t have behaved that way if the cheap bastard had hired a limo instead of Uber. Who the fuck expects a playboy to send her home in a Kia? You get what you pay for.
@87 “How do you know she is a gold digger after all.”
Just a wild guess.
@88 They’re not a problem if you don’t get mixed up with them.