So you let a little snow stop you from attending church to worship your god? According to the legend that is Christianity, Jesus died for your sins and you couldn’t muster enough to haul your lazy ass to church to pay your respects? Heck of a Christian you are, so devoted that a little water and cold temperatures stop you from attending. Saddle up the horses and ride them to the church. Another “A la carte” Christian. Typical.
Proof there is no god, for if there is one, it would smite you down for your hypocrisy.
@ 6
There are things one must do for appearances. Attend a wedding in a church. Attend a memorial service in a church. Act like one actually gives a shit about what some useless old fart thinks about GE’s prospects. Attend, with family, a Xmas Eve service.
If you took Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s advice about GE stock you were smote pretty much immediately, Newt.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
An atheist is born this day in Freeland.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
“There are things one must do for appearances” Only you would say that. Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ is not something you “do for appearances”, unless you are not serious about your religion and following the word of the Lord.
What does buying/selling stock have to do with religion? Nothing. Nice try deflecting from the real issue, you being a religious hypocrite.
@ 9
What does buying/selling stock have to do with religion?
Story about it in the Bible, as I recall. I think brokers were called moneychangers then. Jesus went all Sharon Stone in Casino with the shekels.
Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ is not something you “do for appearances”, unless you are not serious about your religion and following the word of the Lord.
Or unless one isn’t religious and doesn’t follow it per se at all.
Then one is doing it because one is expected to do so. For, um, appearances.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Wherein we are shocked to discover a Roypublican’s objections to reproductive rights are rooted entirely in resentment and fear instead of sincerely held religious conviction.
@ 11
Not this Republican’s objections.
My only objection is that after the 2nd abortion they aren’t held down and forcibly Norplanted.
Your side would have no objection, either, if not for PP, which needs the recurring revenue stream.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 “If you took Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s advice about GE stock … ”
You seem to have forgotten I suggested you short GE when it was still in the $20s. You didn’t, did you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 “unless you are not serious about your religion and following the word of the Lord”
What Republican is? Everything they do is contrary to what their religion teaches.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “Or unless one isn’t religious and doesn’t follow it per se at all. Then one is doing it because one is expected to do so. For, um, appearances.”
Is that what you tell the priest in the confessional? That you don’t give a flying fuck about your fellow man and you’re only in the building to make yourself look better than you are?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Are you one of those guys who paid his way through med school by performing backroom abortions?
Mark Adamsspews:
It’s green here in Bellingham, the snow missed us.
Mark Adamsspews:
@2 Snow paws work like snowshoes, has nothing to do with claws just that the large paws and fur cover an area large enough to keep the rabbit above the snow. Perhaps you should discuss with your cousins Artic Bunnies.
Snowshoes not treaded tires are the key to rabbit survival in the frigid northwest winters of yore. (And now).
Mark Adamsspews:
For those needing something more adult for the after dinner afternoon.
@6 If you want to be that way about it then you should insist that he should have gone to Synagogue, after all Jesus was a practicing Jew. That would certainly liven things up with hundreds or thousands of Christian’s showing up at Synagogues every Christmas. They should try the matzo balls.
Mark Adamsspews:
@15 He has not indicated he is Catholic, Protestants on the other hand believe they have a phone line to god personally and have no need of a network to get their message to God through the only human who has a line to God, the Pope. This one little thing is why the Catholic church had and has real political power. Kick out a King from the church and he will leave bloody footprints in the snow seeking penitence. Then there was Henry the Eight who went hell no, and I’ll have a side of church lands with that order.
And some Protestants had no objection to abortion, and their alleged objection is politically created, and exaggerated. After all the bloody wars in Europe these differences would be pretty common knowledge, and mixing of the major tenants and differences between Catholicism and Protestantism can not be used in the manner RR is mixing them, and liberals would insist on challenging such false information, and false argument.
The only Birthday celebrated in the New Testament is Herod’s. Matthew 14:6
But I’m glad to be with family and be allowed to say Merry Christmas again.
Being the family chef we’ll known for elaborate Christmas Eve dinners gets me out of it no matter the weather.
Savory Asparagus Custard.
Broccoli Soufflé
Handmade Gnocchi Pomodoro
Slow smoked brisket or lamb roast stuffed with wild mushroom sauce.
@21 Doctor Dumbfuck is a secular opportunist. He said himself he only goes through the motions of religion for the sake of appearances. He says, “Think on your sins.” There’s no evidence he ever thinks on HIS sins, and there’s overwhelming evidence to the contrary, so he obviously doesn’t believe in an afterlife. He tries to trade on other people’s belief in an afterlife. He’s playing Pascal’s Wager with the cheap hand.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“An historic jump in small donations drove a wave of Democratic victories in Virginia’s House of Delegates in November, according to a new analysis. Democratic House candidates received 153,422 contributions of $100 or less in the 2017 elections, compared to 7,332 such gifts for Republicans, the nonprofit Virginia Public Access Project found by analyzing official data.”
The Eastbound run of VIA Rail Canada’s transcontinental flagship broke down in rural Saskatchewan. The tiny community of Spy Hill, Saskatchewan rose to the occasion to help the stranded passengers. Just like the people of Gander on 9/11.
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
The GOP isn’t exactly a party of the people, is it?
Sez the senile idiot wabbit whom forgot the RNC accumulated more cash than the RNC in 2017… Puddy placed the data on HA DUMMOCRETINS senile FOOL! Once again senility struck you really bad!
The cache of emails shared with Newsweek date between 2014 and 2016, and included 67 sent from Microsoft, 63 sent from Amazon email accounts, and dozens more sent from some of Seattle’s premier tech companies, including Boeing, plus others based elsewhere but with offices in Seattle, including T-Mobile and Oracle, as well as many local, smaller tech firms. The men who sent the emails have not been charged and Newsweek is not identifying them.
PuddyCommentary: Puddy was not a fan of Rose McGowan. Butt she has shaken up the libtards in Hollyweird! Remember Amazon DUMMOCRETIN Hollyweird libtard Roy Price was Amazon’s movie studio’s programming chief. He went DOWN!!!!!
These stories are not covered on HA DUMMOCRETINS or the Friday Night Comix because FACTS are not high on the HA DUMMOCRETIN agenda when they deliver a libtard ASS kicking!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
— Federal prosecutors said the three used One Door to bring in more than $800,000 between 2012 and 2016 through donations and events that included a high-profile golf tournament at TPC Sawgrass. The Virginia-based One Door gave out only one scholarship — for $1,200 — to an unidentified person in Florida, according to court documents. —
Till Next Time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wow. The loon is spewing Adelson and emails early this morning.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Salt Lake Tribune calls on Sen. Hatch to retire. The paper is disgusted by his support of Trump, who got 45.5% of Utah’s 2016 vote, and doesn’t like the shrinking of Utah national monuments, either.
In other news, Democratic fundraising and candidate recruiting is so strong that nearly every GOP House member will have a Democratic challenger in the 2018 midterms.
Understanding Republicans, why you can’t change their minds, why they’re impervious to facts, and how cults and con artists exploit marks who are convinced they’re right.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Boy, this sure fits the cult-freak loon to a T. He’s about as bad a brainwashing case as you’ll ever see.
Series of Die Hard Xmas tweets on Jake Tapper’s feed.
Jake TapperVerified account
‘Twas the night before Christmas
At Nakatomi Tower
When our story of homecoming
Begins with brute power
6:03 PM – 25 Dec 2017
Definitely a Christmas movie. So is Lethal Weapon. And Goodfellas.
@6. Excellent observation about Godwin. A hypocrite, christian in name only. His own words “There are things one must do for appearances.” By his actions, all he worships is Greed. Good luck getting into heaven.
Fucking Moron @ 39
Why, if I do not practice religion, would I worry about getting into heaven?
You truly do not disappoint.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 Somehow I have a feeling you’re from the other place.
That settles it. The greatest Christian of them all! YUGE! Suck on it, Pope.
“Trump’s ‘Spiritual Advisor’ Tells Fox And Friends What A Great Christian He Is”
Real Christians know the correct spelling of AmeriKKKa.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hmm, Trump’s “spiritual adviser” has an interesting bio. Born in Tupelo, Mississippi. Grew up in poverty, abused and molested, after her parents divorced, her father committed suicide, and her mother became an alcoholic. Struggled with bulimia. Fundie churches fill their meeting halls with people like her. At age 18, she found such a church, had a vision, and now she’s a platinum-blonde TV preacher lady. A female Jesus, as it were. No wonder Trump thinks he’s God.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 The things done in His name could make an atheist out of almost anybody.
But I doubt this is why Boob is an atheist. Being a jerk is less work if he needn’t pretend to have Christian scruples.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
I hate to say this but I have to agree with @40. The heaven and hell paradigm only works when you have a belief in a Supreme Being. You need that good vs. evil shit to make the story work and to control the people that can’t think for themselves.
There is no god, it is great story. What we are is a carbon-based life form. We live, we die, that’s it. What is the meaning of life? It is what we make it while we are alive. Nothing more, nothing less. Oh yeah, and entropy is always increasing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 I used to think Christianity makes it harder to be a Republican, but I’ve learned it’s the other way around. It’s definitely easier being a lying, thieving, self-centered asshole when you can use “please be patient, God isn’t finished with me yet” as an excuse. And nothing greases the skids like automatic sin forgiveness.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@32 “Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thought”
Hey Piddles, I thought you a devote religious person… You spew lines sure looks like it contains a statement of Pride, which as I recall, is one of the Seven Deadly Sins:
This is a great quote from Alexander Pope: “What the weak head with strongest bias rules, Is pride, the never-failing vice of fools.”
Think of your sins.
@ 46
Newt, if it makes you feel better it isn’t so much that you agree with me as it is that you are reinforcing that he @ 39 is, in fact, a fucking moron.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@47 Agreed.
If someone wants to believe in a god, so be it. However, don’t shove your sky-daddy bullshit on me and don’t use it as an excuse for your actions.
What is ever worse is when they hide behind that excuse for abhorrent behavior such as you point out, “please be patient, God isn’t finished with me yet” as an excuse”, or “I will pray for forgiveness for my sins.” Using religion to hide behind is shameful, especially such false/hypocritical actions of “keeping up appearances.”
I love this time of year. The spicy scent of tax-loss harvesting in the air. It’s particularly wonderful this holiday season, as the tax benefits from them are soon to decrease. Although no matter, as the run-up since the election has eliminated almost all that I had from prior years. This year my mistake was selling covered calls with strike prices too low, as I had a hard time believing that the Trump Effect on the markets would be this pronounced.
I hope you have a pleasant holiday as well, former Senate Majority Leader Reid and failed presidential candidate #CrookedHillary.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
I hope he isn’t, “a fucking moron”, we don’t need them to attempt to procreate. Just a regular run-of-the-mill moron is adequate or better yet, “an absolute moron.”
@ 50
Using religion to hide behind is shameful…
Yes, it’s so brave to use a dossier to hide behind, as seems to be the plan for most of the Democrat party.
And Steve, I can see your ass sticking out from behind both sides of it. It’s only 35 pages thick, and your ass covers a four-octave spread.
@ 52
In April of 2014 there was a thread – a thorough one, sourced and linked – on HA about minimum wage increases and the CBO’s projection at the time that a nationwide increase in the minimum wage to $10.00/hr would, among other thing, result in a likely range of job losses nationwide with a midpoint at 500,000.
The person I refer to as the Fucking Moron responded with:
Do we believe that 500,000 jobs will be lost or is that a corporate lie to reduce support.
Seems we can prove this to some degree.
Ever time the minimum wage rose in WA State was there a corresponding job loss? Can anyone find real numbers?
Given CBO numbers suggesting a downside, the Fucking Moron mused aloud that it might be a corporate lie.
It really isn’t his fault. Anyone who reads Goldy uncritically for a long enough period of time is bound to come to believe that all issues have only one side.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 “the tax benefits from [tax-loss harvesting] are soon to decrease”
This isn’t a problem if you follow Buffett’s rules.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 The rich doctor whose economic policy consists of other people working for starvation wages wrote on 4/30/14, “Sure you can prove it. Implement it and see what happens.” Since then, the U.S. economy has added 8,925,000 nonfarm jobs, an average of more than 200,000 per month.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, Berkshire Hathaway owns its own re-insurance group, which lost more than a billion dollars due to the hurricanes and fires. Buffett probably doesn’t need tax-loss harvesting due to the number of losses it has incurred in its day-to-day operations.
I’m sure that you don’t need to do any tax-loss harvesting, seeing as you have no real gains to offset. Clown.
@ 56
Federal minimum wage at the time of that discussion: $7.25/hr
Federal minimum wage, today: $7.25/hr
The only things implemented since 2014 are your prostatic carcinoma and your the progression of your abject stupidity, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Of the latter, looks like proof to me as well.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 Unfortunately, I bought my stocks so cheap I’m hard-pressed to find anything I can sell without paying taxes and I’m nearly bereft of tax losses.* Can you lend me some losses?
* I could sell 400 shares of Exxon for a tax loss of $192.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 This is your argument? When the federal minimum wage has been superseded in three-fourths of the states, that’s what you’re throwing at me? Swing and a miss. You’re stupidly, clumsily, bumblefuck-y out.
@53 If that’s my ass sticking out of the dossier, it’s your face on the cover. And if for me it’s four octaves, for you it’s 4,000 hashtags.
Just be glad Mueller is working his way up, not down.
Politically Incorrectspews:
I’ve been recommending a little financial strategy to my friends, associates and relative concerning Roth IRAs. Anyone with an earned income below certain limits can open and contribute to a Roth IRA. The people I think who would benefit the most from the Roth IRA are younger folks, and I’ve noticed some teenagers often have little jobs making small amounts of income from such work as having a job at a small business. If a young person makes, say, $2,000 in a part time job, it would certainly be extremely beneficial for that young person to have that $2,000 in a Roth IRA for the long term.
Therefore, I encourage parents and grandparents to gift funds to these kids with the understanding that these children’s parents will do the work to open a Roth IRA for the young persons concerned. If a young person can take advantage of up to 50 years of stock market growth, he or she should have a vey nice retirement nest-egg at retirement. I use to idea of $25,000 by age 25, invested in a Roth IRA, as the initial goal.
Of course, the hard part will be convincing these kids to leave the money alone. Once they reach the age of majority, they can access the funds with a simple phone call to the trustee and take the money and buy something frivoulus. That’s the risk one takes when dealing with young people and their lack of farsighted thinking.
Still, this is a great way to really, really help out a child or grandchild on his or her way to a virtually tax-free retirement. I urge anyone in this situation to think about enacting this strategy as a long term gift to a young person. After the young person get through his or her twenties, he or she usually has the experience and common sense to continue to process, thus enhancing even more the value of the Roth IRA.
@ 62
I’ve heard Democrats deride the tax cut benefit middle-income families will receive as ‘a tank of gas every other week’.
Suppose that money, instead of going into an extra tank of gas 26 times a year, instead went into a newly opened Roth IRA account…
Politically Incorrectspews:
63 – Let’s just hope the government keeps its promise and does not tax Roth IRAs in the future.
A fresh blanket of snow is beautiful way to start the day. For once, just sit back and enjoy the splendor and beauty that nature has to offer.
Not to worry, I’m equipped with snow paws. My claws dig into this stuff really good!
Snow got me out of having to attend a Xmas Eve service at 11p last night.
Pretty much proof that there is a God.
@3 Also proof She doesn’t want Her church polluted by your presence.
Trump really likes Putin’s election model and wants to replicate it here.
So you let a little snow stop you from attending church to worship your god? According to the legend that is Christianity, Jesus died for your sins and you couldn’t muster enough to haul your lazy ass to church to pay your respects? Heck of a Christian you are, so devoted that a little water and cold temperatures stop you from attending. Saddle up the horses and ride them to the church. Another “A la carte” Christian. Typical.
Proof there is no god, for if there is one, it would smite you down for your hypocrisy.
@ 6
There are things one must do for appearances. Attend a wedding in a church. Attend a memorial service in a church. Act like one actually gives a shit about what some useless old fart thinks about GE’s prospects. Attend, with family, a Xmas Eve service.
If you took Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s advice about GE stock you were smote pretty much immediately, Newt.
An atheist is born this day in Freeland.
“There are things one must do for appearances” Only you would say that. Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ is not something you “do for appearances”, unless you are not serious about your religion and following the word of the Lord.
What does buying/selling stock have to do with religion? Nothing. Nice try deflecting from the real issue, you being a religious hypocrite.
@ 9
What does buying/selling stock have to do with religion?
Story about it in the Bible, as I recall. I think brokers were called moneychangers then. Jesus went all Sharon Stone in Casino with the shekels.
Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ is not something you “do for appearances”, unless you are not serious about your religion and following the word of the Lord.
Or unless one isn’t religious and doesn’t follow it per se at all.
Then one is doing it because one is expected to do so. For, um, appearances.
Wherein we are shocked to discover a Roypublican’s objections to reproductive rights are rooted entirely in resentment and fear instead of sincerely held religious conviction.
@ 11
Not this Republican’s objections.
My only objection is that after the 2nd abortion they aren’t held down and forcibly Norplanted.
Your side would have no objection, either, if not for PP, which needs the recurring revenue stream.
@7 “If you took Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s advice about GE stock … ”
You seem to have forgotten I suggested you short GE when it was still in the $20s. You didn’t, did you?
@9 “unless you are not serious about your religion and following the word of the Lord”
What Republican is? Everything they do is contrary to what their religion teaches.
@10 “Or unless one isn’t religious and doesn’t follow it per se at all. Then one is doing it because one is expected to do so. For, um, appearances.”
Is that what you tell the priest in the confessional? That you don’t give a flying fuck about your fellow man and you’re only in the building to make yourself look better than you are?
@12 Are you one of those guys who paid his way through med school by performing backroom abortions?
It’s green here in Bellingham, the snow missed us.
@2 Snow paws work like snowshoes, has nothing to do with claws just that the large paws and fur cover an area large enough to keep the rabbit above the snow. Perhaps you should discuss with your cousins Artic Bunnies.
Snowshoes not treaded tires are the key to rabbit survival in the frigid northwest winters of yore. (And now).
For those needing something more adult for the after dinner afternoon.
@6 If you want to be that way about it then you should insist that he should have gone to Synagogue, after all Jesus was a practicing Jew. That would certainly liven things up with hundreds or thousands of Christian’s showing up at Synagogues every Christmas. They should try the matzo balls.
@15 He has not indicated he is Catholic, Protestants on the other hand believe they have a phone line to god personally and have no need of a network to get their message to God through the only human who has a line to God, the Pope. This one little thing is why the Catholic church had and has real political power. Kick out a King from the church and he will leave bloody footprints in the snow seeking penitence. Then there was Henry the Eight who went hell no, and I’ll have a side of church lands with that order.
And some Protestants had no objection to abortion, and their alleged objection is politically created, and exaggerated. After all the bloody wars in Europe these differences would be pretty common knowledge, and mixing of the major tenants and differences between Catholicism and Protestantism can not be used in the manner RR is mixing them, and liberals would insist on challenging such false information, and false argument.
The only Birthday celebrated in the New Testament is Herod’s. Matthew 14:6
But I’m glad to be with family and be allowed to say Merry Christmas again.
Being the family chef we’ll known for elaborate Christmas Eve dinners gets me out of it no matter the weather.
Savory Asparagus Custard.
Broccoli Soufflé
Handmade Gnocchi Pomodoro
Slow smoked brisket or lamb roast stuffed with wild mushroom sauce.
@18 The claws are for traction, idiot. That’s why they put crampons on snowshoes.
@21 Doctor Dumbfuck is a secular opportunist. He said himself he only goes through the motions of religion for the sake of appearances. He says, “Think on your sins.” There’s no evidence he ever thinks on HIS sins, and there’s overwhelming evidence to the contrary, so he obviously doesn’t believe in an afterlife. He tries to trade on other people’s belief in an afterlife. He’s playing Pascal’s Wager with the cheap hand.
“An historic jump in small donations drove a wave of Democratic victories in Virginia’s House of Delegates in November, according to a new analysis. Democratic House candidates received 153,422 contributions of $100 or less in the 2017 elections, compared to 7,332 such gifts for Republicans, the nonprofit Virginia Public Access Project found by analyzing official data.”
The GOP isn’t exactly a party of the people, is it?
Looks like they will get this one right.
The Eastbound run of VIA Rail Canada’s transcontinental flagship broke down in rural Saskatchewan. The tiny community of Spy Hill, Saskatchewan rose to the occasion to help the stranded passengers. Just like the people of Gander on 9/11.
The GOP isn’t exactly a party of the people, is it?
Sez the senile idiot wabbit whom forgot the RNC accumulated more cash than the RNC in 2017… Puddy placed the data on HA DUMMOCRETINS senile FOOL! Once again senility struck you really bad!
Here’s the refresher course from the libtards at CNN…
Here is the refresher course from the rabid DUMMOCRETIN dogs at PMSNBC…
And here’s the update in November…
The DUMMOCRETINS isn’t exactly a party of the people, is it?
FACTS always smack silly DUMMOCRETINS in the shit filled furry paws!
Till Next Time!
That should be the RNC over the DNC!
Till Next Time!
How cum this wasn’t covered by libtards? These companies love the libtards…
PuddyCommentary: Puddy was not a fan of Rose McGowan. Butt she has shaken up the libtards in Hollyweird! Remember Amazon DUMMOCRETIN Hollyweird libtard Roy Price was Amazon’s movie studio’s programming chief. He went DOWN!!!!!
These stories are not covered on HA DUMMOCRETINS or the Friday Night Comix because FACTS are not high on the HA DUMMOCRETIN agenda when they deliver a libtard ASS kicking!
Till Next Time!
Wow, this is real DUMMOCRETIN DOPE…
— Federal prosecutors said the three used One Door to bring in more than $800,000 between 2012 and 2016 through donations and events that included a high-profile golf tournament at TPC Sawgrass. The Virginia-based One Door gave out only one scholarship — for $1,200 — to an unidentified person in Florida, according to court documents. —
Till Next Time!
Wow. The loon is spewing Adelson and emails early this morning.
Salt Lake Tribune calls on Sen. Hatch to retire. The paper is disgusted by his support of Trump, who got 45.5% of Utah’s 2016 vote, and doesn’t like the shrinking of Utah national monuments, either.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hatch, 83, hasn’t said whether he’ll seek another term. Mitt Romney is expected to run for his seat if he retires.
Watch out for black ice this morning if you drive in the Seattle area.
Even diehard Republicans admit Trump is dragging them down.
In other news, Democratic fundraising and candidate recruiting is so strong that nearly every GOP House member will have a Democratic challenger in the 2018 midterms.
Understanding Republicans, why you can’t change their minds, why they’re impervious to facts, and how cults and con artists exploit marks who are convinced they’re right.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Boy, this sure fits the cult-freak loon to a T. He’s about as bad a brainwashing case as you’ll ever see.
Series of Die Hard Xmas tweets on Jake Tapper’s feed.
Jake TapperVerified account
‘Twas the night before Christmas
At Nakatomi Tower
When our story of homecoming
Begins with brute power
6:03 PM – 25 Dec 2017
Definitely a Christmas movie. So is Lethal Weapon. And Goodfellas.
@6. Excellent observation about Godwin. A hypocrite, christian in name only. His own words “There are things one must do for appearances.” By his actions, all he worships is Greed. Good luck getting into heaven.
Fucking Moron @ 39
Why, if I do not practice religion, would I worry about getting into heaven?
You truly do not disappoint.
@40 Somehow I have a feeling you’re from the other place.
That settles it. The greatest Christian of them all! YUGE! Suck on it, Pope.
“Trump’s ‘Spiritual Advisor’ Tells Fox And Friends What A Great Christian He Is”
Real Christians know the correct spelling of AmeriKKKa.
Hmm, Trump’s “spiritual adviser” has an interesting bio. Born in Tupelo, Mississippi. Grew up in poverty, abused and molested, after her parents divorced, her father committed suicide, and her mother became an alcoholic. Struggled with bulimia. Fundie churches fill their meeting halls with people like her. At age 18, she found such a church, had a vision, and now she’s a platinum-blonde TV preacher lady. A female Jesus, as it were. No wonder Trump thinks he’s God.
@43 The things done in His name could make an atheist out of almost anybody.
But I doubt this is why Boob is an atheist. Being a jerk is less work if he needn’t pretend to have Christian scruples.
I hate to say this but I have to agree with @40. The heaven and hell paradigm only works when you have a belief in a Supreme Being. You need that good vs. evil shit to make the story work and to control the people that can’t think for themselves.
There is no god, it is great story. What we are is a carbon-based life form. We live, we die, that’s it. What is the meaning of life? It is what we make it while we are alive. Nothing more, nothing less. Oh yeah, and entropy is always increasing.
@46 I used to think Christianity makes it harder to be a Republican, but I’ve learned it’s the other way around. It’s definitely easier being a lying, thieving, self-centered asshole when you can use “please be patient, God isn’t finished with me yet” as an excuse. And nothing greases the skids like automatic sin forgiveness.
@32 “Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thought”
Hey Piddles, I thought you a devote religious person… You spew lines sure looks like it contains a statement of Pride, which as I recall, is one of the Seven Deadly Sins:
This is a great quote from Alexander Pope: “What the weak head with strongest bias rules, Is pride, the never-failing vice of fools.”
Think of your sins.
@ 46
Newt, if it makes you feel better it isn’t so much that you agree with me as it is that you are reinforcing that he @ 39 is, in fact, a fucking moron.
@47 Agreed.
If someone wants to believe in a god, so be it. However, don’t shove your sky-daddy bullshit on me and don’t use it as an excuse for your actions.
What is ever worse is when they hide behind that excuse for abhorrent behavior such as you point out, “please be patient, God isn’t finished with me yet” as an excuse”, or “I will pray for forgiveness for my sins.” Using religion to hide behind is shameful, especially such false/hypocritical actions of “keeping up appearances.”
I love this time of year. The spicy scent of tax-loss harvesting in the air. It’s particularly wonderful this holiday season, as the tax benefits from them are soon to decrease. Although no matter, as the run-up since the election has eliminated almost all that I had from prior years. This year my mistake was selling covered calls with strike prices too low, as I had a hard time believing that the Trump Effect on the markets would be this pronounced.
I hope you have a pleasant holiday as well, former Senate Majority Leader Reid and failed presidential candidate #CrookedHillary.
I hope he isn’t, “a fucking moron”, we don’t need them to attempt to procreate. Just a regular run-of-the-mill moron is adequate or better yet, “an absolute moron.”
@ 50
Using religion to hide behind is shameful…
Yes, it’s so brave to use a dossier to hide behind, as seems to be the plan for most of the Democrat party.
And Steve, I can see your ass sticking out from behind both sides of it. It’s only 35 pages thick, and your ass covers a four-octave spread.
@ 52
In April of 2014 there was a thread – a thorough one, sourced and linked – on HA about minimum wage increases and the CBO’s projection at the time that a nationwide increase in the minimum wage to $10.00/hr would, among other thing, result in a likely range of job losses nationwide with a midpoint at 500,000.
The person I refer to as the Fucking Moron responded with:
Do we believe that 500,000 jobs will be lost or is that a corporate lie to reduce support.
Seems we can prove this to some degree.
Ever time the minimum wage rose in WA State was there a corresponding job loss? Can anyone find real numbers?
Given CBO numbers suggesting a downside, the Fucking Moron mused aloud that it might be a corporate lie.
It really isn’t his fault. Anyone who reads Goldy uncritically for a long enough period of time is bound to come to believe that all issues have only one side.
@51 “the tax benefits from [tax-loss harvesting] are soon to decrease”
This isn’t a problem if you follow Buffett’s rules.
@54 The rich doctor whose economic policy consists of other people working for starvation wages wrote on 4/30/14, “Sure you can prove it. Implement it and see what happens.” Since then, the U.S. economy has added 8,925,000 nonfarm jobs, an average of more than 200,000 per month.
Looks like proof to me.
@ 55
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, Berkshire Hathaway owns its own re-insurance group, which lost more than a billion dollars due to the hurricanes and fires. Buffett probably doesn’t need tax-loss harvesting due to the number of losses it has incurred in its day-to-day operations.
I’m sure that you don’t need to do any tax-loss harvesting, seeing as you have no real gains to offset. Clown.
@ 56
Federal minimum wage at the time of that discussion: $7.25/hr
Federal minimum wage, today: $7.25/hr
The only things implemented since 2014 are your prostatic carcinoma and your the progression of your abject stupidity, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Of the latter, looks like proof to me as well.
@57 Unfortunately, I bought my stocks so cheap I’m hard-pressed to find anything I can sell without paying taxes and I’m nearly bereft of tax losses.* Can you lend me some losses?
* I could sell 400 shares of Exxon for a tax loss of $192.
@58 This is your argument? When the federal minimum wage has been superseded in three-fourths of the states, that’s what you’re throwing at me? Swing and a miss. You’re stupidly, clumsily, bumblefuck-y out.
@53 If that’s my ass sticking out of the dossier, it’s your face on the cover. And if for me it’s four octaves, for you it’s 4,000 hashtags.
Just be glad Mueller is working his way up, not down.
I’ve been recommending a little financial strategy to my friends, associates and relative concerning Roth IRAs. Anyone with an earned income below certain limits can open and contribute to a Roth IRA. The people I think who would benefit the most from the Roth IRA are younger folks, and I’ve noticed some teenagers often have little jobs making small amounts of income from such work as having a job at a small business. If a young person makes, say, $2,000 in a part time job, it would certainly be extremely beneficial for that young person to have that $2,000 in a Roth IRA for the long term.
Therefore, I encourage parents and grandparents to gift funds to these kids with the understanding that these children’s parents will do the work to open a Roth IRA for the young persons concerned. If a young person can take advantage of up to 50 years of stock market growth, he or she should have a vey nice retirement nest-egg at retirement. I use to idea of $25,000 by age 25, invested in a Roth IRA, as the initial goal.
Of course, the hard part will be convincing these kids to leave the money alone. Once they reach the age of majority, they can access the funds with a simple phone call to the trustee and take the money and buy something frivoulus. That’s the risk one takes when dealing with young people and their lack of farsighted thinking.
Still, this is a great way to really, really help out a child or grandchild on his or her way to a virtually tax-free retirement. I urge anyone in this situation to think about enacting this strategy as a long term gift to a young person. After the young person get through his or her twenties, he or she usually has the experience and common sense to continue to process, thus enhancing even more the value of the Roth IRA.
@ 62
I’ve heard Democrats deride the tax cut benefit middle-income families will receive as ‘a tank of gas every other week’.
Suppose that money, instead of going into an extra tank of gas 26 times a year, instead went into a newly opened Roth IRA account…
63 – Let’s just hope the government keeps its promise and does not tax Roth IRAs in the future.