Important PSA everyone:
If it’s cold or wet, and there’s a line to get on the bus, have your payment handy before you get to the front. I don’t understand how anyone gets in line IN FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE and then can’t be bothered to fish out their ORCA Card or transfer. I don’t get it when it’s nice out, but it’s extra shitty in the winter.
Nobody gives a shit about anyone. The problem are people. Or more correct – The People are the Problem.
Take my sister for instance – she doesn’t drive the best. She’ll bitch and complain about other people driving right on her ass but she does the exact same thing.
A friend of mine once told me that I was too considerate of other people. I said that’s because I can’t expect anyone to be considerate of me if I am not of them. He didn’t get it. Most people don’t get it. Most people are oblivious how their actions impact everyone around them, and those people tend to be the ones that don’t have their fare or passcard ready.
Additional PSA:
The tax cut bill has been signed into law, so beginning next year you might be able to afford something besides public transportation.
What’s the over-under on the number of times in the previous thread that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit informed us that Trump couldn’t sign the tax cut bill until 2018?
Carl, blame Starbucks. Yes. I know. Them.
They created this culture of tiny individual “all about me” moments that nowadays define most public transactions. They trained generations of consumers to treat that moment when they reach the front of the queue as a tiny opportunity to star in their very own mini-drama. Far too many people live for those moments today to ever change it.
Major differences between the just-signed tax cut bill and the Obama-era ACA:
Dems promised us that we could keep our physician when for very many the truth was something different.
Dems told us that we’d pay more after the tax cut bill becomes law although for 80% of us we’ll pay less.
The other shoe, if were talking about a centipede.
@ 4
They created this culture of tiny individual “all about me” moments that nowadays define most public transactions.
Defines Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s HA spews, too. How many times today will he tell us how much money he’s taking from Republican investors in the stock market?
@ 6
The other shoe would be spending cuts.
Maybe the reason you didn’t engage full thrusters on this lame sell-job when it might have made a difference has something to do with you hillbillies having absolutely no idea what was in your tax giveaway until 48 hrs ago.
Shame, that.
“The other shoe would be mandatory spending cuts.”*
*Tens of thousands of them. In programs and agencies spread all across the goverment and in every state and region.
Wow, Bitcoin is plummeting almost as fast as ‘froggy’s latest job prospect.
@3 – Exactly correct! My pet peeve is Asian women drivers. There’s nothing more self-entitled in the world than a middle aged Korean women driving a high end Mercedes down the street. The bitch just thinks she owns the entire road, and anyone else driving at the same time should get out of her way!
@ 10
Even better.
@ 9
… you hillbillies having absolutely no idea what was in your tax giveaway until 48 hrs ago.
It’s been nearly 8 years since Obamacare was signed into law and your ilk still doesn’t have a handle on the long-term damage it has and will cause. It’s why you’ve been begging the GOP to ‘tweak’ it since the day it was signed.
Well. We did.
Just in time for pre-midterm Town Halls, panel interviews, and debates. Helps when a topic just presents itself like that.
@ 15
I see. So 2016 was really just a setup for 2018.
I totally did not see that coming. Well done.
Doctor Dumbfuck’s Time Machine still features the softest, most comfortable recliner in the trailer park.
@ 17
Well, the Range Rover has this fridge that stores four brewskis, between the front seats.
Or I can jus’ chill the ammo.
Or both.
Only if you guys have got a border wall, an ACA replacement, and 500,000 coal and steel jobs hidden in your other pants. Check the hamper.
With Homeland Security now under new management, Border Patrol agents now provide armed security for Mexican drug cartel weddings.
Cops killing kids.
@ 19
Only if you guys have got a border wall, an ACA replacement, and 500,000 coal and steel jobs hidden in your other pants.
We gave some thought to it and decided instead to wear a pair of gas tankfuls each month.
Do they make Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s urethral catheter look infected?
@2 Yes, we know you’re one of those coal rolling pickup drivers who belches black smoke, tailgates, and cuts off old ladies. You don’t need to brag about it.
BoA giving out $1,000 bonuses to 145,000 employees.
For no apparent reason.
@3 Why don’t you ask me what it cost House and Senate Republicans so he could? They had to waive the automatic spending cuts and agree to more deficits. All so Trump can get a few more vacation days at Mar-o-Lago. Seems expensive to me.
Confidential to gman:
This is not the same as six hung men.
Bodies of six men found hanging from bridges near Mexican tourist resort
@4 Starbucks pioneered selling experiences, which is a big deal in the millennial market now. As an SBUX shareholder from early days, I’ve done very well by it. Maybe a little corrosive to society, but hey, there aren’t that many clean ways of making money.
Do they have Sunday morning news shows if it’s Xmas Eve?
The legal team for a Russian technology executive who sued BuzzFeed in February said on Thursday that it has identified the person who provided the now-infamous Trump dossier to the website.
Hey, did anyone notice that the FBI’s top lawyer was reassigned?
@6 Yes, it does seem to me the fiscal conservatives got the short end of the deal that Doctor Dumbfuck is bragging up. But what do you expect from a dumbfuck?
@7 Enough for everything I’ll ever need.
@8 That’s the whole point. Signing the bill before Jan. 3* required giving up spending cuts. It’s a trade we’ll take.
* Technically, Jan. 1, but nobody works on Jan. 1, least of all an alleged billionaire who performs politics as an amateur hobby.
Kinda interesting that the stock market has been going down ever since the Republicans passed their tax scam.*
* Yes, you’ll get a tax cut next year. They plan to take it out of your Medicare. See #10 for details.
@ 32
Funny. Hey, remember a month or so ago when Carl began a post with something like “Now that the stock market is going down…”?
What was that, about 2,000 points ago?
@12 I’ve noticed that, too.
@13 Easy enough for someone who’ll never need food stamps to smirk about starving children in his own country, so he can pay less taxes and spend more money on horse feed.
@14 Doctor Dumbfuck’s and his ilk’s idea of “tweaking” ACA is and always has been reverting to millions of uninsureds.
@16 “So 2016 was really just a setup for 2018.”
“I totally did not see that coming. ”
And still don’t, apparently.
Because you’re too dumbfuck to realize that voting in a program that has “failure” written all over it is likely to lead to … failure. And the public backlash that inevitably follows failure.
Your program will fail to make most Americans better off. It will fail to turn stupid into smart. Above all, it will fail to keep you and your ilk from being thrown into the dustbin of history.
@18 Drinking and driving, too. Figures. Better clear off the road when you see him coming. And don’t let him drive any Amtrak trains.
@19 Kinda interesting that Dumbfuck is yakking up the stuff his tribe could get done with executive orders and a bare Senate majority, because that well is dry now, and things are about to get more challenging:
“CBS News Chief White House correspondent Major Garrett points out that everything the president has achieved so far legislatively involves special rules that allowed the Senate to rely on a simple majority, rather than the higher threshold of 60 votes that is usually the rule. The rollback of Obama-era regulations, this tax bill, the Supreme Court nomination of Neil Gorsuch have all been passed with only Republican votes.
“Everything else the president wants to do — raising military spending, repairing the nation’s infrastructure, extending the children’s health insurance program, addressing the plight of DACA recipients — all of those can only be achieved with Democratic votes in the Senate, Garrett points out. All of them require genuine bipartisan compromise, a path the president has not taken so far.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, if Trump, McConnell, and Ryan want anything to show voters 11 months from now, they’re gonna have to cooperate with Democrats. Something they don’t know how to do and aren’t inclined to do. Should be interesting.
The fine print about those bonuses and pay raises.
@24 “For no apparent reason.”
More accurately, too subtle to be apparent to a dumbfuck. See previous post @40 for assistance with this.
@ 39
So Obama can use EOs to address the plight of DACA recipients but Trump cannot?
Why might that be, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
BTW ending Obama’s EO would address the ‘plight’ of the DACA recipients. In a way you would not like, but it still addresses it.
I’m not against cutting the corporate tax rate to 21%, inasmuch as companies that actually pay taxes only pay 21.2% on average now, and plenty of them pay no taxes. If the new 21% rate is enforced, the government should take in more money, all things considered.
The huge tax cuts for billionaires, on the other hand, are useless and unnecessary, and will explode deficits. There’s really no justification for that. Giving a guy who already has several mansions, a 200-foot yacht, a private jet, and half a dozen gold-digging mistresses more take-home pay for whatever he does in the economy (at this income level, it usually involves stripping companies of jobs and pension assets, then flipping them) isn’t going to create more jobs beyond adding a butler or gardener here and there. To Republicans, that’s worth putting us another $1.5 trillion in hock to China, because they don’t give a damn about things like preserving our sovereignty and independence.
In their worldview, deficits are only bad when they’re used to feed workers put out of their jobs by Republican laissez-faire policies that allow crooked bankers to securitize and flip bad mortgages.
@28 “Hey, did anyone notice that the FBI’s top lawyer was reassigned?”
Yeah, we do notice that not-Trumps tend to enforce ethics rules.
From one of the experts on Russian lawyers.
@33 Is that a prediction of where the market goes from here? Do you have two crystal balls between your legs?
@42 “So Obama can use EOs to address the plight of DACA recipients but Trump cannot?”
If he can, why doesn’t he? You may find part of the answer here:
Ron Burgundy alert!
Fortunately for Silvestre S. Herrera, a Dreamer, he got U.S. citizenship before Trump could kick him out of the Army and order ICE agents to deport him.
Unfortunately, Mr. Herrera is no longer with us to stand as a shining example of what Dreamers can accomplish when they’re allowed to serve, although the memory of what he contributed to our victory in WW2 remains. R.I.P.
Except that they gave out bonuses of the same amount to certain classes of employees in 2016 and 2015 and 2014 and 2013.
Do they have Republican voters in Pierce County? This guy doesn’t look like a Democrat.
“A 52-year-old man was arrested near the site of Monday’s deadly Amtrak derailment after police say he pulled a gun on a driver who was on his way to donate food to first responders. … The victim was heading to an area near the crash site on Interstate 5 when Dickerson … pointed a handgun and mouthed, ‘I am going to (expletive) kill you’ after the victim said he had merged into Dickerson’s lane, according to court documents and police. … ‘It sounds like a little bit of road rage,’ Jackson said.”
“Doctor Dumbfuck’s and his ilk’s”
Doctor Dumbfuck’s ilk? Traitors. Our ilk? Loyal Patriotic Americans.
I’ve never had major grief with Republicans who don’t put party before country as long as they don’t fuck up and invade the wrong fucking country or something. It’s this new breed of treasonous, Putin-loving, child raping, Nazi, white supremacist, Klan, fascist, goatfucking Republicans I can’t stand.
“A majority of Americans believe the women who’ve accused President Trump of sexual misconduct, according to a new CNN poll. Sixty-one percent of those polled said they believe the 15 plus women who have come forward to make the accusations against Trump.
“The split in those surveyed falls along party lines, however.
Eighty-nine percent of Democrats polled believe the accusations while only 18 percent of Republicans think they’re true.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Makes you wonder what’s wrong with Republicans. Did their mothers drop them? Are they brainwashed? High on drugs? All of the above?
@52 I couldn’t stand them back when they were merely corrupt lying closet-racist warmongers.
@54 I never voted for one. Democrats have disappointed me for 49 years, but Republicans disgust me. I’ve got commies to the left of me and fascists to the right, and I don’t cotton to either one of them. But commies aren’t a problem these days. Fascists, on the other hand…
In other news, the Trump administration has come out in favor of devastating oil spills:
“The Trump administration has abruptly cut off funding for studying the safety of offshore drilling, halting a 21-month project to determine the best ways to avoid a repeat of 2010′s devastating Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
“The study began last year and was supposed to review and update government regulators’ outdated offshore inspection programs to improve safety.
“But the Interior Department notified the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine with a stop work order Dec. 7, and said a decision on canceling the contract would be made within 90 days, the academies said in a statement. The group, chartered by Congress to provide expert scientific advice, includes the National Academy of Sciences.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is what Doctor Dumbfuck votes for. It’s one of the reasons we call him a dumbfuck.
@54 “warmongers”
I started becoming politically aware in 1960. Back in the day, there were hawks and doves on both sides.
PSA…Get a car.
@58 You’re telling other people how to live?
The Trump clown show continues.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: After you get caught saying something you’ve denied you said, it’s not a good idea to deny you denied it, because that just makes it worse.
Trump’s staff has figured it out. The best thing to do is not say it in the first place, then you don’t have to deny you said it, and later deny that you denied saying it.
It isn’t just the line for the bus. These are the same idiots that will stand in line at McDonalds for 6 or 7 minutes and then when it is their turn to order they stand there like they have never, ever, seen the damn menu and have no idea what they want to order.
Just once I would like the clerk respond the them after the they stand there, mouth agape saying, “ahhhh, mmmmmm, could I (long pause), could I have a Big Mac and fries?” I would dearly like them to answer, “No, you are too slow to order, go to the back of the line.”
Clearly you haven’t been to the Ballard Driving Academy:
“You’re not using the whole road. You pay taxes for the whole road don’t ya?”
If you have lived here long enough you know that clip is the honest truth about Seattle drivers back in the day.
Is any one at all concerned about the $20 trillion in debt we are carrying? Trump and the Republicans surely don’t care.
@ 62
From ‘A chicken in every pot.’ to an ordering kiosk on every pillar.
Works for me.
It’s way after sunset on Friday.. No babbling butthole troll noise. Bill-O the klown is retired from celebrating a “war on Christmas”.
Life is good!
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays, YLB. I hope it’s a fun one for you and yours.
@26 try to learn something – it could be your next hobby – or it could be you.
@64 what’s to care about? Fat fucks will be Fat fucks.
@62 that’s America for you. American Exceptionalism. Bunch of your friends do that.
Not my friends, maybe Dr. Dumbfucks friends, but not mine.
@65 “to an ordering kiosk on every pillar” Swing and a miss.
The clerks are not the problem, it is the mouth-breathing idiots that fail to realize that time is money and they can’t make up their damn mind as they stand in line. No plan, no action, much like a Republican congress; takes ’em all year to get one thing done.
Kiosks will just make it worse for such idiots. Now they have to be able to type, or at least point and touch.
Yes, the Ballard Driving Academy was definitely “back in the day.” The bad Scandinavians of Ballard have been replaced by Korean women down here in Pierce County.
“Happy Holidays, YLB.”
It’s okay to say “Merry Christmas”. You’ll even catch some of us godless commie-fascist socialists doing that.
Merry Christmas, Bob. Here’s wishing you a wonderful holiday season.
@73 I grew up on the east side of Beacon Hill. Chinese drivers up on the Hill were notorious for their bad driving. They were really godawful. Back in the day it was a toss-up between Ballard’s Scandinavians and Beacon Hill’s Chinese as to which were the city’s worst drivers.
Competing with the Scandinavians and Chinese were the blacks in the CD and Rainier Valley driving, and I shit you not, huge pink Cadillacs and other unfortunate black stereotype vehicles. A number of these cars belonged to very good friends of mine. I didn’t think of it as stereotyping. It was just the way it was. Me and my white friends liked to drive our Jaguars fast, my black friends liked their Cadillacs slow, cruising down Rainier Avenue at 15 mph, with the driver sitting not behind the wheel, but in the middle of the front bench seat with the left arm draped on the back rest. Very strange. When I first saw blacks zipping around town in Toyotas and Datsuns I knew times were a changin’.
@64 Nah, not really. When we have to pay interest on it, we’ll just borrow another $2.5 trillion from the Chinese. If they want collateral, we’ll give ’em Alabama and throw in some Trump hotels and golf courses as a show of good faith. Oh, and Taiwan, too.
Trump voters are having trouble getting dates. I’m not surprised. Who wants to snuggle with a dumbass?
@77 I hear that that’s what happens to every horse and goat when they go out on a date and find out their date is a Republican.
@ 77
Who wants to snuggle with a dumbass?
Asked by the guy with no answer for the question “Who wants anything to do with a permanently soft cock?”.
Carl could it be because they are human beings, and humans being social creatures crave the acknowledgement of the bus driver. It’s also just possible that on a cold shitty night in Seattle that the driver could be Santa Claus, or one of the Seahawks. Just think if the driver is Wilson just how long you are going to wait because of all the selfies.
@1 Don’t let the New Yorkers know this. they will eat you alive dude! If asked tell them you are a native. Also have you seen Spongbob Squarepants the Musical? The end of civilization but it’s got to be fun. And there is the Natural History Museum. Might not be your sisters speed, but everyone knows people from New York are shitty drivers. We will try to forgive them.
@2 He’s in New York frankly public transportation is the way to go in most major cities. Unless you can sport a private helicopter, but the skies above some cities are getting crowded and now with drones it’s hard to enjoy privacy from the little people.
So just how are the Democrats going to spin the tax cut. I don’t see how they spin this without coming across as being against tax cuts and being for tax hikes. This will take some kind of special magic.
@17 And some titties and beer and that recliner can have some happy rocking.
@20 Seems like the new management might get rid of this program that was carried over from the previous management. Something the line workers of Homeland Security will support. Tax payer dollars going to support a cartel wedding, just does not play well with folks in Texas. So Democratic contenders for office in Texas should do what? Agree with Trump? Or support this program? (Maybe depending on if their district has a majority of Latinos) Looks a bit like a not win for them.
@39 Of course the Resist, or Resistance movement that came out immediately after the Presidential election meant there were no Democrats in Congress for the first year who would be bipartisan, doubt it will change, though there are clearly some areas where bipartisanship is possible. The DACA is one of those areas and many Hispanics are feeling thrown under the bus by the Democrats. I don’t see how shutting down the government really helps DACA recipients, but it’s one area where bipartisanship with some Republicans is possible, and most likely the guy you all resist would sign. Or is this all about the resistance and DACA recipients really are already under the bus. Maybe they should all join the US military or do a year or two in the Peace Corp and get their citizenship immediately on completion of basic training. Of course that would mean putting something in front of the guy you all call the orange ignoramus. Is that the new civil?
@47 Well the President put himself in a corner with DACA by stating he thought Obama’s original EO was not constitutional, and properly putting the football in Congresses court. You want action on this at least point the finger in proper direction which is at Congress to act. You don’t get to have this both ways, and means writing your Senators and Representatives and demanding Congress take action on the DACA kids. To put a bill in front of the President that he will sign. No bill well wave goodbye to the DACA as they are sent to Mexico by dribs and drabs, I’m sure these fine kids will do fine. A fine Christmas present to Mexico. And we need to tell the Mexican government, when they are in our country they are not your citizens, if they are your citizens you need to tell your citizens to return home, and if they don’t to be good representatives of Mexico while away. And should they become citizens of the United States Mexico no longer speaks for them.
@46 Hmmm two crystal balls could get him to the top floor of a house of ill repute in Frankfurt. Probably would in Vietnam too, but with the glorious Communists in charge there are no prostitutes in Vietnam. That kind of thing only existed because of French and American imperialists.
Are you thinking the official word of the Vietnamese government may not be worth the paper or video screen it appears on? You maybe right.
NORAD says Santa is on his way.