Congrats to everyone who voted for the tax cuts for the wealthy. I look forward to hearing what a deficit hawk you are when you gut education and Social Security to make up part of the difference in a few years.
“One of the world’s largest coal companies will break with an international coal organization and threatened to also withdraw from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce over the groups’ backward stances on climate change. BHP Billiton, a British-Australian mining company, released a report Tuesday emphasizing its commitment to combating climate change ….
“’As a major producer and consumer of fossil fuels, we recognise our responsibility to take action by focusing on reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; adapting to the physical impacts of climate change; accelerating the development and deployment of low emissions technology; testing and building the resilience of our portfolio; and working with others, including academia, industry and governments, to enhance the global response to climate change,’ the report said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Exxon and other oil companies are also acknowledging climate change and beginning to address corporate responsibility for dealing with it.
With major fossil fuel companies admitting climate change is real and a problem, it’s getting harder and harder for deniers to keep denying.
Roger Rabbitspews:
One way to pay for billionaire tax cuts: Tax Puerto Rico.
“House Republicans voted Tuesday to impose a 12.5 percent tax on intellectual property income made by U.S. companies operating on the island and a minimum 10 percent tax on their profits in Puerto Rico. The Senate passed the measure early Wednesday.
“That means that businesses with operations in Puerto Rico will pay higher taxes than their counterparts on the U.S. mainland, which puts industries and jobs on the island at risk. …
“Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló has said the tax provision would be ‘a huge blow’ that would negatively affect 50 percent of the island’s gross national product, 30 percent of the government’s revenue and more than 250,000 jobs.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What we have now in this country is a government run by a party that’s misusing power to pay off their cronies and get vengeance against political opponents, minorities, and other people they don’t like.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) says he would have “written a much different” tax bill.
Yeah, but you voted for it, asswipe. Your constituents will remember.
@ 8
Think of how many House members would have written a different ACA bill, but voted for it anyway.
They had no opportunity to do so, of course. Changing even one word in the bill crammed down their throats would have required a trip back to the Senate, in which the Democrats no longer held a 60 vote majority.
So they passed it, and many either retired or paid the price in the 2010 midterms.
I, personally, do not favor gutting Social Security. Rather, I prefer that YLB’s kids pay a higher percent of their gross income to sustain Social Security, thereby sustaining the retirement payments my wife and I will receive.
Don’t be stingy about it, YLB. It’s an anti-poverty program, after all. Tell those shits to suck it up and get to work.
What I would really like to hear, just one more time, is Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit telling us that McConnell doesn’t have the votes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Remember when Doctor Dumbfuck was bragging that Trump will be re-elected in 2020?
“Only about a third of Americans say that they will definitely or probably vote for Donald Trump if he runs for reelection in 2020, while half indicate that they’ll definitely or probably support his Democratic general election challenger, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It takes a dumbfuck to be a dumbfuck. That’s why we all him a dumbfuck.
@ 12
Um, only a fifth of Americans voted for him in 2016.
Oh, and you are, again, relying on a national poll to tell you something about the potential outcome of a presidential race. See 2016.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “I, personally, do not favor gutting Social Security.”
Of course you don’t, any more than you would favor cutting Medicare reimbursements to doctors.
But you vote for the party that intends to gut Social Security anyway.
How dumbfuck is that?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 I counted correctly. He has 48 Republicans and 3 snowflakes on his side.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“…it’s getting harder and harder for deniers to keep denying.”
They don’t have to. When the time is right they’ll just pretend they never did.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@1 I never found their objections to deficits before. Starting in 2001. They only like deficits because the could try to blame the black guy for them.
I hear Repukes are complaining that the press is creating the unaffordability of this great tax bill……well hey you fucking Pukes – one you are wrong, and 2 you should know that because it’s not as grand as your bullshit for the past 8 years trying to make Obama look bad. Repukes are the masters of brainwashing.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@4 fall? That’s his home.
@10- A better solution for the Social Security “problem” is to Scrap the Cap. Continue the SS tax on higher incomes and the “problem” goes away.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 I’m glad you recognize that hoping for a historically low voter turnout in 2020, following the abysmally low turnout in 2016, is the best strategy you’ve got.
Or Virginia’s. Or New Jersey’s. Despite voter suppression.
So much winning.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@12 Roger – I love you man (not literally or even plutonic). We think a like. And I couldn’t agree with you more that Doctor Dumbfuck is The Dumbfuck. But, even though you are probably 99.9% correct, I don’t think we can make that statement.
I know Drumpf would win (or had the feeling) even before he became the nominee. And everyone said it couldn’t happen.
I don’t think it will happen in 2020, but it isn’t out of the question. And I think every day he lives beyond this Russia Scandal his chances improve to be re-elected.
I don’t care about the Russian scandal regardless that I believe he has close ties to the enemy for the benefit of wealth and power and control. But if nothing comes of it, which I am feeling like nothing will regardless of where the investigation is currently, he will come out smelling like roses, and he will not even have had to risk shooting someone on 5th avenue.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@19 Amen.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 The best solution for Social Security is to scrap Republicans wherever they hold office, especially in Congress. I’m satisfied with the SS I’ve got, and the COLAs, meager as they are. I’m not asking for more. Get rid of the vandals trying to wreck it like skinheads pushing over headstones in a Jewish cemetery and I’ll be satisfied.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“…in which the Democrats no longer held a 60 vote majority.”
And to think mere hours have passed since the last time a sister-fucking incompetent lying hillbilly confidently proclaimed that Pres. Obama had filibuster-proof majorities for two years.
Remember kids, on the hillbilly side of the White Nationalist Event Horizon time works differently. That’s how come it’s okay for a Senator to fuck high school freshmen. Fourteen is twenty one in Roypublican years, the same way eleven months is twenty four.
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
Wow FBI Deputy McCabe (DUMMOCRETIN) testified for 7.5 hours and Adam Schiff didn’t leak anything to CNN! Guess that Don Trump Jr leaked testimony letter struck home!
Till Next Time!
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Abigail tried to tell me that America’s airports are great. Well….
Just like he said North Korea was years away from any type of Bomb.
Dumbfucks will be Dumbfucks……I think it’s a race between Boob and Abigail to see who can be the biggest dumbfuck.
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
Even though this is three years old it’s still pertinent today. So let’s revisit this! Remember Obummer was preznit (headless lucy term). If you are black where the DUMMOCRETINS rule EVERYTHING your future is always in danger…
Yes. DUMMOCRETINS don’t care about you ever. They give you lip service. They tell you what you want to hear.
If you are a minority NEVER EVER TRUST DUMMOCRETINS! They lie in your face all the time they want to take your place – backstabbers!
Hillbilly dipshits from Oregon just white-wash these crimes all the time. Idiot senile wabbits whom once claimed to be “lawyers” will word salad obfuscate this ad nauseum!
Till Next Time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 The 36% figure is very consistent, and has been for years; this is and always has been the size of the bedrock GOP base. These are the dumbfucks who lap up the Sarah Palins and Ted Nugents and Joe Arpaios of the world; they’re the dumbfucks who voted for McCain and then cheered when Trump called him a “loser”; they’re the dumbfucks who believe Bigfoot is real and Obama’s long-form birth certificate isn’t. They were dumbfucks in third grade. and they’re still dumbfucks 30, 40, 50 years later, because you can’t fix stupid. Somebody has to occupy the lower third of the Stanford-Binet bell curve, which overlaps with the right-side bell curve for dogs. They fend off natural selection by sheer overproduction.
Setting himself up as the leader of the dumbest 1/3 of the population gives Trump certain advantages, because he can count of his core supporters to be dumbfucks no matter what he does — he himself bragged about the stupidity of his followers — but the limiting factor is that only a third of the potential voting base are dumbfucks, so you need to get another 12% – 16% from somewhere. That can be tough as he just found out in Virginia, New Jersey, and Alabama. Not impossible under the right conditions, but four years of nonstop dumbfuckery, if he lasts that long, will likely impede his chances.
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
21 – “Platonic,” not “plutonic.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 “If you are a minority NEVER EVER TRUST DUMMOCRETINS”
Let’s see how that sells to your fellow plantation slaves:
“98% of black women … cast their ballots for Jones, while just 2% voted for Republican Roy Moore, exit polls showed. … Additionally, black men … voted 93% for Jones.”
Oh, well. You’ve still got 2% of the wimminfolk on your side.
So much winning.
Roger Rabbitspews:
As I said above, the problem with tailoring your messaging to the bottom third of the electorate is the other two-thirds.
“More Americans support impeachment hearings to potentially remove President Trump than voting for his re-election, according to a new poll from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal.
“The new poll released on Wednesday includes a series of troubling data returns for the 45th president, including that just about 36 percent of respondents said they would ‘definitely’ or ‘probably’ vote for Trump in 2020 … [w]hile … 41 percent … said they were in favor of Congress holding impeachment hearings for President Trump.”
Woo-hoo! Trump’s impeachers outnumber his supporters by 5%! That’s huge, and undoubtedly will keep growing as long as his infantile dumbfuckery continues unabated, especially if he gets us into a war with North Korea or Mexico.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
You’re forgetting that the core of the Freak’s sideshow identity is that he’s “smarter than the average AA”. He buys into the White myth because it is central to how he sees himself. That’s why he’s willing to defend White Supremacists. He agrees with them.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
My concern is not with the 36%.
My concern is with the other 13% who voted for Fuckface one year ago. The 36% I get. They are morally crippled racist xenophobes clinging to fear and resentment.
The other 13% bother me more because they are obviously very uninformed, credulous, uncritical dupes who allowed themselves to be taken over like pod-people by pimply communist script kids. They remain a very real threat to national security. In all seriousness. People that dumb and open to foreign manipulation must not be permitted to control the political dialog any more. That is the fundamental failure of “third way” politics. It grants a dominating voice in the political debate to the least informed and least competent.
I’m very much enjoying the shift in rhetoric now beginning to emanate from the Democrat party.
On NPR this morning the liberal shill pointed out that the middle-class tax cut equates to a tank of gas every other week. Well, OK. It’s about 70 bucks per month.
Which ain’t nothing, particularly when it’s given to so many people.
Oh. And it’s a tax cut, not a tax increase as the left shilled for so long. Feinstein was reduced to wailing that her consituents in Marin County often needed a mortgage higher than $750k and that the mortgage interest wouldn’t be fully deductible for them.
Boo hoo.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Probably also enjoying the fast-setting public opinion: “Another Roypublican tax cut for the rich.”
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“…wailing that her consituents in Marin County often needed a mortgage higher than $750k…”
Jeebus, what a fuckin’ idiot tool. You need more than $750 to buy SFR in Hayward. You want $750 north of the bay go to Petaluma (a Miwok word meaning “land of many smells”). But what would you know living in a filthy trailer park in Island County (median home price one quarter of Marin) next to a tire dump where the fastest growing occupational category is “recycling cans”.
It’s an anti-poverty program, after all. Tell those shits to suck it up and get to work.
You told that to your daughter as well..
Nice to let us all know what her dad thinks of her.
No surprise at all.
@ 36
I’m well aware. Journey, Starship, Montrose. ZaSu Pitts Memorial Orchestra. My 20s and late teens were spent in those environs.
With 20% down and a $750K mortgage we’re more in the $900k range for home price.
I feel no less for Bay Area yuppies not liking the tax bill than I do for Seattle yuppies who are unhappy.
Fuck ’em, both locales.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 I have a suspicion that party identification closely tracks IQ. If that pans out, then the 13% are the folks with IQs roughly between 70 and 98. (The 36% are idiots, which by definition, means their IQ is under 70.) Not the fastest lane, so reaching them is a challenge. Once you’re over 100 (median and above) they’re all Democrats.* So the problem is how you win over the slow-but-not-hopelessly-stupid voters. There’s a lot of stupidity and ignorance in the second-lowest quartile, so it isn’t easy.
* This is also statistical evidence that it’s possible for someone with a double-digit IQ to become an M.D.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 You’re overlooking the offsets: Higher health insurance premiums, higher inflation, higher taxes later. That’s before Republicans try to leverage the deficits they just created into Social Security and Medicare cuts. Of course, these aren’t concerns if you own millions of dollars of stock, in which case, the buybacks and dividend increases that won’t go into business investment or job creation should be enough to make up the difference. You’re in even better shape if you own a pass-through business or 17 golf courses and a D.C. hotel (with a Moscow hotel on the drawing board).
@ 40
It’s been said in other ways. Back in the good old days when you only had lost the House.
Problem is, you kept saying it. You said it so much you ended up losing the Senate.
Then you doubled down and renamed people you don’t like ‘deplorables’.
Which got you Trump.
Now, I see, you carry on as if you have nothing more to lose.
Trust me. You’re still wrong.
@ 41
You’re overlooking the offsets: Higher health insurance premiums, higher inflation, higher taxes later. And that’s before Republicans try to leverage the deficits they just created into Social Security and Medicare cuts.
Actually, it was before Republicans won the White House.
You realize, do you not, that health insurance premiums screamed higher after passage of the ACA? You realize do you not, that the three increases in interest rates by the Fed in 2017, and three more in 2018, were predicted before Trump took office?
Oh. Higher taxes? That will be up to your ilk, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 Depends on whether you’re talking about Hayward, California or Hayward, Wisconsin. You can get a SFR in the latter for under $200k and it doesn’t burn down every summer — if you can stand the winters. I have some cousins (snowshoe hares) who live there and like snow.
Apparently Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has ample reason to believe @ 44 that when someone uses the term fuckin’ idiot tool @ 36 it must be in reference to him.
Completely understandable assumption on this part.
It begins.
The telecom company T, +1.43% said that with President Donald Trump expected to sign the bill in the coming days, it plans to pay a special $1,000 to more than 200,000 of its U.S. employees, all who are union represented, non-management and front-line managers.
If Trump signs the bill before Christmas, the employees will receive the bonus over the holidays, the company said.
Funny; I don’t think this was part of the CBO calculations.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Fuck ’em, both locales.
Let’s see. 25 min crossing to Edmonds? Check.
30 min. Sounder to downtown? Check.
30,000 new tech jobs in the next ten years? Check.
Soon to be your locale.
I’d like to take this opportunity to wish Goldy Happy Hanukkah.
Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg unveils $300M in initiatives in response to tax bill
$100 million for corporate giving, with funds used to support demand for employee gift-match programs and for investments in Boeing’s focus areas for charitable giving: in education, in community development, and for veterans and military personnel.
$100 million for workforce development in the form of training, education and other capabilities development to meet the scale needed for rapidly evolving technologies and expanding markets.
$100 million for “workplace of the future” facilities and infrastructure enhancements for Boeing employees.
Hey, any idea why Democrats weren’t talking about all of the investments into the economy that would occur with passage of the bill?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
My 20s and late teens were spent in those environs.
What? So CA Osteopathic hospitals won’t take diplomas from Guyana. Huh. Probably not a bad idea. Look at the bright side. You’ve saved thousands over a lifetime on sunscreen, convertibles, and Bowl game tickets (although you may have spent it all on GoreTex and studded tires).
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
$300 million. That’s 0.015% of the new debt created.
Oh, but, but, follow on effects. Yeah! That’s the ticket!
Check your own tax cut or increase. For the VAST majority of people, it will be a cut.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Researchers revealed Tuesday that earlier this year they discovered a massive database — containing information on more than 123 million American households — that was sitting unsecured on the internet.
“The cloud-based data repository from marketing analytics company Alteryx exposed a wide range of personal details about virtually every American household …. The leak put consumers at risk for a range of nefarious activities, from spamming to identity theft, the researchers warned. …
“‘From home addresses and contact information, to mortgage ownership and financial histories, to very specific analysis of purchasing behavior, the exposed data constitutes a remarkably invasive glimpse into the lives of American consumers,’ UpGuard researchers Chris Vickery and Dan O’Sullivan wrote in their analysis.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Companies who do things like this should be sued out of existence. Their execs should be put in concentration camps. Their wives and children should be sold into slavery. Or at least confiscate their smartphones and BMWs.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
For the VAST majority of people, it will be a cut.
For the VAST majority of taxpayers who saw a cut under the Bush Deficits, the VAST majority never believed it. And for those who did believe it, they said it was very small to insignificant. This is why your pal Doctor Dumbfuck is busy promoting Russian sponsored conspiracy lunacy about hippies derailing trains. He knows this turd won’t float.
Sorry, Deathfrogg.
I just checked and the Employment Security Department isn’t offering any year-end bonuses.
But when they do, you’ll have more seniority than almost anyone else, so chin up, Son.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 You’re one of the dumbfucks who’ll pay $2500 for a $1500 rebate, then go home and brag to your family, neighbors, and co-workers about what a great deal you got. Car salesmen and Republicans thrive on people like you.
Angela Merkel, call your office.
While Americans are anxiously awaiting full details of the tax bill now being finalized in Congress, German economists are warning that the changes sought by President Donald Trump mean that significant amounts of new investment and jobs will shift from Europe to the United States.
“The tax competition will have a new dimension,” said Christoph Spengel, chairman of the corporate tax department at the University of Mannheim. Mr. Spengel, who is also a research associate at the Center for European Economic Research, and a group of tax experts at the university have done a detailed comparison of the two countries’ tax systems and published a report under the heading, “Germany loses out in US tax reform.”
It’s worse than that, really. It’s about $30 in his pay envelope. He’ll spend it all on lottery tickets, frozen Tombstone pizzas, mail order chicken porn, mud tires, and Keystone Light. But his payroll deduction for health insurance will go up $45 in fall of 2019. In about ten years he’ll finally figure out he fell behind. But he won’t remember why. And he’ll definitely blame it on the nearest black guy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 But not one penny for pay raises, and the charitable donations are tax deductible. In fact, it looks to me like they’re accelerating those donations into the 2017 tax year to maximize the tax savings, as is AT&T.
Anyone with any brains, which excludes Doctor Dumbfuck, naturally will wonder whether these bonuses and “investments” were planned anyway and the companies are moving up their implementation to get a writeoff at a 35% tax rate instead of a 21% tax rate.
It doesn’t take very much IQ to figure out that $200 million of bonuses and $300 million of job training and other expenditures require planning and have been in the works for a while.
More IQ than Doctor Dumbfuck has, though.
How bad a day is today for y’all HA libbies?
Virginia Politics
Virginia court tosses out one-vote victory that briefly ended GOP majority in House
It’s stuff like this that gives ‘froggy a reason to really not care that he’s unemployable. ’cause there’s so much better shit online he can use his time to distort. And the WiFi if you’re sitting outside Panera is always free.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 See #58 for explanation of how this works in real life.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 Yes, we see why you don’t like government employment. If you were a government doctor, you’d have to work for government pay. Much better to be a private contractor sucking on the Medicare teat.
I can’t help but wonder if you were the asshole doctor who bitched nonstop about being away from his wife and kids while he stitched me up in Vietnam.
I don’t think so, though. That guy didn’t claim to be a radiologist with a medical degree from an offshore diploma mill.
2017 is why Democrats like participation trophies so much.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 From the information given in the news article you linked to, it sounds like a good decision. It’s based on facts and seems well reasoned. This is exactly the kind of election administration we need in this country. As opposed to this kind:
@29 yes, thank you, I was typing during my lunch break with someone looking over my shoulder – I rushed it in other words. Plutonic wasn’t the only mistake – was it?
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@33 Bingo! And all it will take is for people to start feeling better about him over the next 3 years, if nothing comes from the Russia probe…..and regardless if proven or evidence that there is any connection (aside from his know connections), he will be vindicate like OJ Simpson.
Perhaps the last words that need to be said about HA trolls:
You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.”
LIVE: Fifth Third Bancorp raising company’s minimum wage to $15/hour, giving $1,000 bonus to employees after tax cuts pass $FITB –
Goldy is stunned to learn that wages can increase when life is made easier for a corporation.
@ 68
In which we learn that AT&T is disproportionately hurting black employees by giving them the same $1,000 bonus that it gives to white employees.
So very abstract, particularly when it’s posted without an overdose of exclamation points.
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
He buys into the White myth because it is central to how he sees himself.
Wrong again Oregon moron. Puddy knows where Puddy stands in America. It’s always worse when DUMMOCRETINS rule! Black man can’t walk down the street in a DUMMOCRETIN town without being WWB. And what do you and the senile idiot wabbit do?
TRAIN WRECK as always!
Till Next Time!
Greetings, my most excellent Neo-Socialist comrades! I know you’re all a little upset over the tax bill, but keep in mind it still is a progressive tax structure. There are still multiple tax brackets from which to transfer wealth from the private sector to government.
As far as those states where the state and local tax deductions are affected, it may have the positive benefit of getting those people losing their deductions to demand something of benefit from those state and local government tax authorities. People will start demanding their money’s worth from those entrenched political entities, which could lead, in turn, to those entities being forced to lower taxes, thus correcting the problem of over taxation and setting the several states on a level playing field.
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
@36 Depends on whether you’re talking about Hayward, California or Hayward, Wisconsin
Only the idiot senile wabbit would bring up Hayward, Wisconsin
when the conversation was about Feinstein complaining about mortgage deductions in the new tax bill.
Once again DUMMOCRETINS voted against Real Americans keeping their hard earned paychecks in their pockets!
Roger senile idiot wabbit, Still a TRAIN WRECK in ever thread!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
Seems you senile BILLSHITTIUM never ends!
Till Next Time!
Something to talk about when you go for your mani-pedi with the kiddos, YLB.
Hillary Clinton
I guest-edited this month’s issue of @TeenVogue. It was a wonderful experience, with lots of terrific contributions from people I love & respect. Read this letter that my daughter wrote to her children about why she’s still optimistic about the future. cc: @ChelseaClinton …
6:14 PM – Dec 19, 2017
In #CrookedHillary’s case it all boils down to marrying well. In Chelsea’s case it boils down to being born well and given every advantage possible.
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
But Reagan did not have to do a southern strategy for two reasons. Number one, race was was not a dominant issue. And number two, the mainstream issues in this campaign had been, quote, southern issues since way back in the sixties. So Reagan goes out and campaigns on the issues of economics and of national defense. The whole campaign was devoid of any kind of racism, any kind of reference. And I’ll tell you another thing you all need to think about, that even surprised me, is the lack of interest, really, the lack of knowledge right now in the South among white voters about the Voting Rights Act.
So the central point that Atwater made in the interview was the exact opposite of the proposition for which liberals have endlessly quoted him.
PuddyCommentary: This is why the clueless crazed databaze cretin is even lower on the evolutionary scale that the Oregon moron! Brown Organic Residue on a piece of toilet paper!
Till Next Time!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Authorities say a man dragged a Florida police officer with his car for a half-mile and led other officers on a high-speed chase that ended in his capture. Pembroke Pines police said in a news release that 38-year-old Thomas Cabrera was charged with attempted murder for his actions Tuesday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He’s still alive? He must be white.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans being jerks.
“The Education Department is abandoning the Obama administration’s practice of wiping out the loans for all students who were swindled by the now-defunct Corinthian college chain.”
Wells Fargo also raising minimum wage to $15/hr, beginning in March.
Next year, WFC will drop $400m into charitable contributions.
Beginning in 2019, WFC will drop 2% of its after-tax income into charitable contributions.
Doesn’t seem like WFC is trying to beat the buzzer in 2017.
Biggest loser, as always: Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 “demand something of benefit from those state and local government tax authorities”
Don’t need to. I know what I’m getting for my state and local taxes. Police and fire protection. EMS. Libraries, parks, recreation centers, ballfields. Zoning regulation, health inspectors. Cheap electricity, clean water, sanitary sewers. Streets and streetlights. Snowplows. Highways, bridges. Child protective services. Vulnerable adult services. Veterans services. Asylums that keep nutmegs like you off the streets. You might see these things, too, if you took your blinders off.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@73 “Real Americans keeping their hard earned paychecks in their pockets!”
I resent your insinuation that only millionaires are “Real Americans”; and your assertion that they work hard for their capital gains, dividends, and carried interest is absurd on its face.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
I don’t think that is Puffy posting lately – he seems more of a woman lately.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@76 Ronald Reagan, Philadelphia, Mississippi, Aug. 3, 1980:
“I believe in states’ rights.”
Puddy, locale immaterial, Dec. 12, First Year Of Trump:
“So Reagan goes out and campaigns on the issues of economics and of national defense.”
What do you expect from a village idiot?
Goldy thinks that the City can force ISPs like Comcast and others to transfer their technology to the City for a song, given the right kind of pressure.
Leaving aside the likelihood that City in control of ISPs will end up similar to Venezuela’s government in control of its oil production, it’s unlikely that the City will be dropping $1,000 bonuses onto its staff the way that Comcast is about to do:
Comcast joins AT&T in offering $1,000 employee bonuses
You know, Goldy, there’s nothing preventing Nick Hanauer from offering you and the rest of his employees $1,000 bonuses, either. Especially ’cause you’ve written that the tax bill is gonna cost you thousands.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@82 Nah. Womanhood won’t take him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@84 “Comcast … said late Wednesday it would award special bonuses to thousands of employees based on tax overhaul measures and the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to scrap so-called net neutrality rules.”
Wanna guess which of those windfalls the bonuses are coming from?
@ 83
Alan Grayson attack ad, 2010:
Webster: Submit to me.
Taking a single sentence and promoting it out of context can change the meaning of just about anything, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Doing it dishonestly is something everyone here has reason to expect from you.
All year, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you have been telling us that McConnell and Trump couldn’t get it done.
Own it. For a day, anyway.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, I wonder how many of the small business beneficiaries of the special pass-through tax rate will pass through any of those savings to their employees?
The one made possible by the Trump administration.
“Own it.”
Like you own your treason?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@89 That’s what I’m thinking, too. But Ryan and McConnell probably will try to give the credit to the other one.
Oh, Steve. Treason should be made of sterner stuff:
Sources close to the investigation say that McCabe was a “friendly witness” to the Democrats in the room, who are said to have pressed the deputy director, without success, to help them build a case against President Trump for obstruction of justice in the Russia-collusion probe. “If he could have, he would have,” said one participant in the questioning.
Investigators say McCabe recounted to the panel how hard the FBI had worked to verify the contents of the anti-Trump “dossier” and stood by its credibility. But when pressed to identify what in the salacious document the bureau had actually corroborated, the sources said, McCabe cited only the fact that Trump campaign adviser Carter Page had traveled to Moscow. Beyond that, investigators said, McCabe could not even say that the bureau had verified the dossier’s allegations about the specific meetings Page supposedly held in Moscow.
“Almost immediately after Congress passed legislation that will slash the corporate tax rate, AT&T announced that it would give a $1,000 bonus to 200,000 of its workers. That’s very nice for those workers. It’s also a very convenient public relations move by AT&T, which is trying to buy Time Warner over the objections of the U.S. Department of Justice.”
What’s $200 million compared to what they’re paying for Time Warner? Hell, that’s less than what fighting the DOJ lawsuit will cost them.
Ted Cruz gave a speech last night castigating Dems for voting against tax cuts for the middle class.
Now Republicans will be able to slam Dems for voting against all of the bonuses and charitable contributions we’re about to see because of the when-passed tax law.
The Sunday talk shows should be fun, yes?
Roger Rabbitspews:
And Comcast? Yeah, I’m sure Comcast really appreciates what Trump’s FCC just did for them. No quid pro quo here, just a barefaced effort to avoid a public relations disaster if they don’t look like they’re doing anything for the little people in return for all the largesse they’re being handed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
That $1,000 will help them pay their higher insurance premiums for, oh, six months or so.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Plus, notice these are bonuses, not raises. Bonuses don’t have to be repeated. Trump promised raises. Where are the raises?
@ 96
That $1,000 will help them pay their higher insurance premiums for, oh, six months or so.
You must be referring to the last six months after the 2017 increases announced during the Obama administration’s final year.
You have no credibility going after the bill by trying to apply it in Obamacare terms, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Shorter me: You have no credibility, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@94 Stephen Ford sent Ted Cruz a tweet Monday morning that went like this:
“Hey Ted remember how you tried to be President and still lost to the world’s biggest douchebag?”
The white supremacist only got an orange jumpsuit.
“Treason should be made of sterner stuff”
Sterner stuff? In your case, it’s more like “my whiny little bitch of a traitor”.
@ 99
Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
Do you recall that #CrookedHillary lost to the same guy?
’cause if you do, what do you think you gained with your spew?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@103 You think I miss Hillary? I wanted the socialist.
@ 103
“I’m proud of how she died,” says Susan Bro at the opening of Heather Heyer Way on Fourth Street. People from near and far reach out to tell her how Heather inspires them to stand up for what they believe in, she says. “What other legacy could a mother ever want for her child?”
7:38 AM – Dec 20, 2017
Oh, I dunno. Perhaps one in which her greatest accomplishment didn’t occur while she was on her back.How about a slew of hotels with the family name plastered on the outside?
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
KOMO-4 just had some granola ex-hippie on the show talking about using clothes hangers to wrap Christmas light strings on. There seem to be a lot of granolas in Western WA.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Greetings, my most excellent Neo-Socialist comrades!
Ah yes. Pounded out on the Public Library PC while drooling and staring glassy eyed at yet another BREAKING NEWS!!! headline pumped out by a bot-farm account named Nadya69.
Two years after enthusiastically taking Putin’s yoke, you just might not have much credibility when it comes to labeling people “socialists”.
@ 107
…you just might not have much credibility when it comes to labeling people “socialists”.
That’s still better than Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, who has no credibility with application @ 104 of that label, nor with anything else.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Treason should be made of sterner stuff
Good to see Doctor Dumbfuck bear hugging Fuckface this way. Very good. Perhaps this portends another effect of the Roypublicans finally passing legislation. Midterm Roypublican candidates who have spent most of this year keeping Fuckface at arms length may now rush headlong across the White Nationalist Even Horizon.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@105 Do I need to explain why everyone here thinks you’re a dumbfuck? It’s probably useless to try.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@107 I guess that’s progress. They used to call us “communists.” Not that they ever knew the difference.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@108 A rabbit calling you a dumbfuck is more credible than you implying Bernie Sanders isn’t what he calls himself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@100 You can get anybody to support a $15 minimum wage by giving them a $1.5 trillion bribe.
They were against it until Trump, Ryan, and McConnell ran up a huge debt to pay them off.
Here’s how a HuffPo contributor sees a black GOP US Senator:
What a shocker… there’s ONE black person there and sure enough they have him standing right next to the mic like a manipulated prop. Way to go @SenatorTimScott. #trump #taxscambill
— Andy Ostroy (@AndyOstroy) December 20, 2017
The real reason Tim Scott was up there with the others when the bill was signed:
WASHINGTON — Sen. Tim Scott is feeling good. The Senate Finance Committee included two provisions he pushed for to help middle- and low-income families in a bill overhauling the tax code that will get a vote on the floor after Thanksgiving.
Scott’s legislation would encourage investment in low-income communities by lowering the tax on capital gains if they are reinvested long-term to help those communities grow. Scott also was part of a group of Republican lawmakers who worked closely with Ivanka Trump to double the child tax credit from $1,000 per child to $2,000.
Assholes gonna asshole. Your ilk will be in excellent form over the holidays, I’m sure.
@ 113
You can get anybody to support a $15 minimum wage by giving them a $1.5 trillion bribe.
Then there are those who can be bought to support it for significantly smaller campaign contributions, or invited op/ed honoraria. Just ask around, locally.
Seriously, does anyone else think Roger Rabbit is far from on his best game today? He’s serving up nothing but rainbow curves.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@114 I’m shocked. They stuck something in there for low-income communities? He’s black, too. They must have needed his vote something fierce.
Ivanka didn’t increase the child tax credit, Rubio did. They needed his vote, too. If Ivanka had any influence, it would’ve been in there from the get-go. After all, she’s a senior adviser to the President. But this wasn’t Trump’s show. It was Ryan’s and McConnell’s show, and they made the concessions they had to, to get to 50. Now they’re going to fuck over #51 and her constituents.
Potential rebate from a rooftop solar install purchased by 12/31: $6,000.
Potential rebate from the same install purchased one day later: $0.
Things that can’t go on forever, don’t.
Roger Rabbitspews:
By the way, thanks for clearing the way for Medicare-for-all. We Democrats never did like Obamacare much. After all, it was Romney’s idea, and consumers were still at the mercy of private insurance companies. It didn’t reduce costs much. No scheme that allows insurers to continue skimming 28% off the top could. Obamacare was an obstacle to single-payer. Now it’s not anymore.
Nothing in our scientific knowledge says humans must survive.
None of this would have been possible if not for the contributions of senior citizens Harry Reid and #CrookedHillary.
Donald J. Trump
1:44 PM – Dec 20, 2017
If you go to the tweet, there’s 2 minutes of video. At the beginning you see a polio survivor struggle a bit trying to make it out the door. So the day isn’t a total loss for you libbies – you can make fun of a partly disabled person you don’t like.
@123 You should get an agent and look for a publisher.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@122 “you can make fun of a partly disabled person”
We’re aware you find value in that, but it isn’t our thing.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
So the day isn’t a total loss for you libbies – you can make fun of a partly disabled person you don’t like.
Don’t need to. We’ve always got you and Shortbus to keep us laughing.
Politically Incorrectspews:
If you liberal progressive trolls want to increase the earnings cap for Social Security, you’ve got to compromize with the people who will be affected by the increased tax burden. There are several ways to do this:
1. Lift the income restrictions for Roth IRAs for wealthy salary earners so that anyone at all, with an earned income, can contribute to a Roth IRA. What rich earners want more than anything else is income free of taxes. If you’re going to make them pay more into Social Security, then let them have the full benefits of a Roth IRA.
2. Allow these same high income earners to do a traditional IRA and deduct the amounts put into the traditional IRA if they choose to go the traditional route.
3. Raise the age for when required minimum distributions must begin in traditional IRAs to 80 or 85. This gives high income earners a chance accumulate more money in a traditional IRA that can be passed on to their heirs.
4. Exclude both IRA and Traditional IRA accounts from any estate tax or inheritance tax scheme. If a high earner sees he or she can pass a good amount of funds in a retirement account to an heir, it softens the blow of having to pay more Social Security taxes.
5. Allow Roth conversions to occur with a reduced tax cost for the untaxed portions of the traditional IRAs. Make the maximum tax on these conversions to Roths something like 10% of the taxable amount, and you’ll be giving the high earners are very nicely to go Roth.
This is a win-win for everyone. You liberal progressives can say how you all saved Social Security from collapse, and the big money earners get to put more away for themselves or their heirs. After all, the max anyone gets for Social Security is capped, so the high earners, under the current apparatus, don’t get the value from the money that they pay into the system. Giving these guys and gals a lot more on the IRA front is an easy way to get this through Congress and into law.
As always, with a compromise, everyone gives up something and gets something, too.
Never thought I’d see Doctor Dumbfuck crowing about workers getting raises to $15 an hour. A couple weeks ago he was threatening to replace them all with robots.
There might be another reason why some companies are raising wages:
“There are 18 states and some cities where the minimum wage was going to rise in 2018.”
So if the workers get the raise 2 weeks early, how much does that cost the employers? Probably not as much as you think. And think of the PR they get out of it.
Meanwhile, the Republicans in Congress crowing about raising workers’ wages still think $7.25 an hour is an appropriate minimum wage.
Look on the bright sidespews:
80 – Look on the bright side. You have all that government stuff, and you didn’t have to deal with a state income tax. Those poor bastards in New York are paying out the wazoo AND have a state income tax to boot! You and I don’t have to deal with that crap, and we don’t have to pay a state income tax either!
It sure sucks to be from one of those other states!
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
I resent your insinuation that only millionaires are “Real Americans”;
There you go again with that early onset senility idiot senile wabbit. Never inferred or insinuated your BULLSHITTIUM!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
“I believe in states’ rights.”
Here is why HA DUMMOCRETINS like roger senile idiot wabbit and clueless crazed databaze cretin are useless DUMMOCRETINS screaming racism when there isn’t any and ignoring racism when there really is racism like what happened in libtard Beverly Hills. Reagan was talking about states rights back in 1967 when governor of California!
@133 No, he was talking about “states’ rights” in Philadelphia, Mississippi, the town where three civil rights workers were murdered, in a blatant appeal to the racists in your party.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Verizon is among dozens of the nation’s leading employers — including Amazon, Goldman Sachs, Target and Facebook itself — that placed recruitment ads limited to particular age groups, an investigation by ProPublica and The New York Times has found. …
“The ability of advertisers to deliver their message to the precise audience most likely to respond is the cornerstone of Facebook’s business model. But using the system to expose job opportunities only to certain age groups has raised concerns about fairness to older workers.”
Aside from that powertool blather, Atwater was a WHITE GUY.
He used the N-WORD.
What happened when HA HEROES used the N-word to illustrate the racism of Republicans? Oh the babbling butthole called us racist! When black folks use the n-word they get a pass because the babbling butthole farts Jesse Jackson.
Lee Attwater gets a pass because it had an R next to its name.
IOKIYAR! So farts the miserable babbling butthole!
Millions of examples of Republicans denigrating and dog whistling around Obama due to the color of his skin. ALMOST NOTHING HAS CHANGED FROM VOTERS WHO ARE THE LEGACY OF WALLACE!
@117 You wouldn’t know what a fact is if one bit you in the ass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@131 Nobody’s forced to live in New York. Or Alabama. Frankly, I don’t want to live in a red state. Dogs are bad enough. Don’t ask me to put up with Republicans, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@138 “He used the N-WORD.”
For Puddy, that’s not a problem, as long as he’s an R.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@141 Your tribe has ’em now. Your party welcomed those killers of little black girls with open arms when our party threw them out. This is what the sister of one of those girls thinks of your candidate:
Don’t call her a bitch ever. She’ll have your guts for dinner.
Mark Adamsspews:
Mwanwhile it’s found Russia colluded with Jill Stein. Is Hilliary Clinton next, she’s been at tables with Putin too, and Bill gives speeches there. So many secret Russian agents…Putin colluded with all the candidates, except Judge Roy Moore. Of course we won’t be interfering with Russia’s upcoming Putin elections, we never interfere with elections, We are as pure as the driven snow! Just don’t ask at Iranians or Chileans.
@20 Some seem to be wanting to talk about 2020 rather than the 2018 midterms. Did the fact taxpayers may see more in their paychecks put a damper in things, and a sudden acknowledgement Trump will complete his first term unless the grim reaper comes a calling? Some reality suddenly appearing on the horizon?
As far as the 2020 elections all you got is conjecture, current polls are only helpful if the election were like next week (and yes Virginia Trump would beat Hilliary even more). If things are as bad for Trump as you all want us to believe Trump won’t get his parties nomination. Still it’s very unlikely Hilliary Clinton will run as the Democratic nominee in 2020. Beyond that my tarot cards are as likely to predict the winner of 2020’s election. If you want to be really silly go to London, England and put a quid down on your favorite Democrat or even Jill Stein. Good luck, and should you win thank me with a free lunch in three years.
Mark Adamsspews:
@40 Your hypothesis is easily provable or disproved using the scientific method. Are you sure you want to go with this, as all it takes is one Republican with an IQ of over 100 disproves your theory. I’m willing to predict I can find a Republican in Rockport, WA with an IQ over 100. Hell I can probably find him or her in the towns pub. If not I can go up to PSE’s little community of Newhalem. Probably won’t find a Republican who works for PSE with an IQ below 100.
If you want square up your hypothesis I’ll shoot your theory down and have fun doing it.
Mark Adamsspews:
@43 To do what the ACA was supposed to do requires controlling both costs into healthcare, and how the healthcare is provided, ie the government going whole hog into providing health care for all Americans. What Americans derisively call socialized medicine or single payer. Americans would be very happy with single payer, and everyone would have skin in the game, but Obama and the Dems wisely thought they could not pass that, so they went with the Republican shell game version of health care more friendly to insurance companies, and a scam that Republicans could never get passed even in their wildest dreams, but Obama got that monstrosity passed. And the Republicans have gone through hell trying to kill their health care plan. Nothing could be funnier if it weren’t for the fact the US is the only industrialized nation without single payer, Americans pay two to three times as much for health care that is less effective than any other industrialized nation.
Mark Adamsspews:
@50 It’s just possible that some assumptions that US corporations will only reward share holders with any savings in taxes maybe false assumptions for many corporations. Boeing does this and a telecomm company puts $1000 in 200,000 employees will have a positive economic effect. Will create new jobs, and the tax cuts have not hit yet, and the 1.5 trillion deficit is over 10 years. With Democratic economists predicting a 500,000 billion offset and Republicans economists predicting a 1 trillion offset, could be this will work out like it did for Reagan. Even Hilliary was singing praises to St. Ronnie this past Presidential election. With just 3 percent growth I bet the winner of the next Presidential election will be Trump. It’s the economy baby!! Only Reason Bush senior did not win was rhe economy baby.
Any revised predictions of Democratic success in 2018? Maybe come up with something better than banking on the Republicans screwing up? Nancy Pelosi is a dead parrot, could be tine for House democrats to throw the body overboard, or at least get a new minority leader. Certainly when Dems don’t take the house in 18 there will be a change of leadership? That Pelosi will be honorable and resign as minority leader? Probably too much to expect of a dead parrot.
Mark Adamsspews:
@56 How odd German economists are not in lockstep with Democratic predictions. How dare they even suggest Trump is keeping campaign promises, Wonder if Trump is wiretapping the chancellors phone.
Mark Adamsspews:
@65 Actually the election officials I’m most concerned about are the Whatcom County assessor and the Washington secretary of state. Maybe my local precinct official, but it’s all mail in ballots up here. I can’t get too excited over those folks in Indiana or Virginia, though I’d be much more interested if I were to move to either state. Pole taxes were popular in both states once upon a time, and other fine and popular election tactics that our fine state being a progressive state seeking to end those previously popular tactics that were no longer necessary or wanted in a very model of a very modern state of the union.
Mark Adamsspews:
@80 Hey you left out natural resources, they had to clean up hundreds of gallons of diesel and like 50 gallons of battery acid at the Amtrac accident site. Your state tax dollars at work.
Mark Adamsspews:
@101 I might try changing a few street signs too in the hope that the city won’t get sued if you make the family feel good and appreciated. One can hope as the report on the police department just does not reflect well on Charlottesville.
And of course there are the tourism dollars as you may need more of those after the lawsuit is settled. Them is going to be some mighty fine signs.
Mark Adamsspews:
@102 I think he meant you should drink some Sterno preferable lit.
Mark Adamsspews:
@134 Well they were very traditionalist KKK there in Philadelphia, Mississippi so them good old boys were still members of the Democratic party. In fact they are so traditionalist they still are.
Mark Adamsspews:
@135 Where a company advertises jobs probably is not enough, even if the advertisements are directed. Wording in the ad could show bias though. And as long as the company accepts and handles applications from older workers fairly probably this use of facebook is ok. Showing only young workers on your website with no stated reason to limit hiring to a certain age rang due to requirements of the job would be legal, but bound to raise eyebrows. Onw would hope Federal and State officials would test the system with fake applicants to see if older workers can get an interview.
And it could be hard to prove bias against workers 40 and older.
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
Aside from that powertool blather, Atwater was a WHITE GUY.
He used the N-WORD.
Yes clueless crazed database cretin and so has WHITE GUY Roger senile idiot wabbit and WHITE GUY the vomit producing dead toad. If Puddy performs a careful Google search one will find WHITE GUY shitstain underwear racetrack steve used it too! Puddy’s old friend WHITE GUY GBS asked Cynical years ago if he had NIGGER jokes.
We know WHITE GUY Grand Kleagle Robert 3 Sheets to the Wind Byrd identified you as a WHITE GUY nigger! Lazy and shiftless; an EXACT description of you clueless crazed databaze cretin!
So once again we see the gutter dwelling clueless crazed databaze cretin acts when its BITCH SLAPPED with FACTS!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
Glad it brought up George Wallace to Puddy. Time for the daily history lesson!
George Corley Wallace Jr. (August 25, 1919 – September 13, 1998) was an American politician and the 45th Governor of Alabama, having served two nonconsecutive terms and two consecutive terms as a Democrat</strong.: 1963–1967, 1971–1979 and 1983–1987. Wallace has the third longest gubernatorial tenure in post-Constitutional U.S. history, at 16 years and four days.[1] He was a U.S. presidential candidate for four consecutive elections, in which he sought the Democratic Party nomination in 1964, 1972, and 1976,
– WikiPedia!
You see clueless crazed databaze cretin, Wallace never gave up being a racist DUMMOCRETIN, like you are here trying to antagonize Puddy with your La Raza horseshit!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
Above you claimed they were Republican. When FACTS were delivered (DUMMOCRETINS always hate FACTS) you change your tune again!
TRAIN WRECK just like dr DIPSHITTIUM flat beer frothy checkmate-252.
Till Next Time!
Andy Ostroyspews:
Oops! Guess I should not have referred to Senator Scott of SC as a “prop” for Republicans on that tax bill passage. I had to apologize for being a racist.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Also very good to see Shortbus bear hugging Fuckface now.
I’m very hopeful that the vast majority of sister-fucking hillbilly incumbents and candidates will react to this tax bill passage by abandoning their reticence with regard to the Orange Shitgibbon Rapist-in-Chief and rush headlong into his tiny hands. It seems very clear that from their side of the White Nationalist Event Horizon Fuckface is now suddenly very popular, despite all objective evidence to the contrary. Both Shortbus and Doctor Dumbfuck are now very confident in Roypublicans maintaining and even expanding their majorities in midterms with Fuckface and his Swamp Monsters leading the way. Fuckface wasn’t allowed to get any closer to AL than Pensacola. And look how that turned out. You could see Fuckface campaigning for Dino in the 8th!
That is very good news. That is turnout gold.
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
So why hasn’t anyone mentioned this bribery attempt on lawmakers?
…shall be fined under this title or not more than three times the monetary equivalent of the thing of value, whichever is greater, or imprisoned for not more than fifteen years, or both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.
Since she offered Collins and Flake $@ Million each 3x would be $12 Million fine. And Trump hasn’t said anything. Hmmm…?
Till Next Time!
A few articles popping up today – CBS, WaPo have them – in which the authors are now beginning to wonder whether Pelosi might have oversold that Armageddon thing.
Democrats, without exception, voted agains tax cuts for 80% of the country. Some of those 80% vote.
The daughter of NY Giants owner and yuuuuuge Trump supporter Jim Mara is playing Mary Jo Kopechne in the upcoming movie Chappaquiddick.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Who is this Rachel Meadow?
Oh wait. Bot-farm algorithm misspelling again.
Never mind.
@ 165
Wouldn’t help. She’s already dishonored and untrustworthy.
But hey, so is #CrookedHillary. Which reminds me, #CrookedHillary’s campaign outspent Trump’s by $600M and she still lost.
What a horrible, horrible candidate.
When Obama said “You’re likable enough, Hillary.”, he was wrong.
Goldy used Twitter to attack during key election moments.
Russian trolls went on attack during key election moments
See, the thing is, if Hanauer sets up an organization to do research and report on political issues affecting inequality and uses it to comment on Presidential candidates that’s his legal right. If he coordinates with one of the campaigns in doing so that’s an illegal in-kind contribution.
Now just make Nick Hanauer into an adversarial shirtless Russian dictator, and the organization a global espionage service and it all becomes multiple felonies.
So the comparison is nearly exact!/s
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
HA’s own local hillbilly, the Oregon Moron asked 165,
Who is this Rachel Meadow?
But as Project Cassandra reached higher into the hierarchy of the conspiracy, Obama administration officials threw an increasingly insurmountable series of roadblocks in its way, according to interviews with dozens of participants who in many cases spoke for the first time about events shrouded in secrecy, and a review of government documents and court records. When Project Cassandra leaders sought approval for some significant investigations, prosecutions, arrests and financial sanctions, officials at the Justice and Treasury departments delayed, hindered or rejected their requests.
PuddyCommentary: Amazing stuff. You can’t make this up. Of course the stooooooooopid HA DUMMOCRETINS will come up with something really stooooooooooooopid about these FACTS as they unfold!
Watch the libtard news channels to see if Project Cassandra is mentioned at all or in 15 second blurbs. Did Obummer compromise the inner cities by allowing Hezbollah (friends of many HA DUMMOCRETINS) to quietly continue to send drugs to the inner city poor blacks and his panics and stop the DEA from their interdiction duties? Soooooooooo Obummer didn’t care about his black brothers and sisters as Puddy had been saying for the last eight years. It’s all about political expediency.
Really? The ends always justifies the means to a DUMMOCRETIN!
DUMMOCRETIN really are SCUM! It’s in the Politico, left leaning Politico. Soooooooooooooo shitstain underwear racetrack steve can’t call it hate.
Till Next Time!
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
Ain’t this the libtard US District Attorney for NY under Obummer getting shafted by Obummer in the last post?
How can this horsesASS manure happen? When DUMMOCRETINS are in power! That’s how.
Till Next Time!
@ 177
Yes, it will be interesting, and any correlation with DWS and her IT peeps will also be interesting.
It would be more relevant if Obama had to deal with it contemporaneously the way Reagan had to with Iran-Contra.
What will be most interesting is if it turns out that Obama was able to weaponize DOJ as successfully as he did other government agencies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@149 “Did the fact taxpayers may see more in their paychecks put a damper in things, and a sudden acknowledgement Trump will complete his first term unless the grim reaper comes a calling? Some reality suddenly appearing on the horizon?”
At least your comments are consistent — consistently dumb. The realities are:
(1) Trump is a man of low morals and bad character, someone you would never allow into a PTA or kids’ soccer league, whether he’s reelected or not. The fact he was elected, and might be reelected, is sad testament to the fact Republican voters have completely divorced themselves from any moral or character requirement — a pattern we saw replicated in Alabama when they gave their Senate nomination to a child molester.
(2) This tax bill is a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy. The very modest and very temporary tax cuts being given to wage earners are a smoke screen. They will be clawed back through (1) tax increases later, (2) the higher health insurance premiums that repeal of the individual mandate will lead to, (3) the higher inflation this tax stimulus is likely to generate, and (4) the middle class entitlement cuts that may occur as a result of the deficits this tax bill will create, and which Republicans will do everything in their power to make occur.
(3) You may not realize the GOP is scamming you, but most of the public does. Polls have consistently shown that two-thirds of the public opposes this bill. They know when they’re being gored.
(4) Do you seriously believe anyone here is against higher paychecks? That’s beyond dumb. Liberals have championed the interests of working people for over 100 years. We oppose the Republican agenda because it screws workers. This tax bill is no exception. The rich are getting over $1 trillion of tax breaks. The rich are not paying for those tax breaks. Someone is. If the rich aren’t that leaves everyone else. Most people have figured this out. You can’t because you’re not smart enough.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@150 Go for it. But two things are certain. One, you’re a Republican. Two, you don’t meet the other criterion. So, good hunting.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@154 “Maybe my local precinct official, but it’s all mail in ballots up here.”
That’s statewide, dummy. Washington adopted mail-in voting in 2011. Between 2005 and 2011, it was up to the counties, but by 2011 38 of the 39 counties had adopted mail-in voting (even in Pierce County, the last holdout, 89% of ballots were being cast by mail). The reason? Cost. You don’t have to pay pollworkers. It’s also popular with voters because it’s more convenient; you don’t have to drive to a polling place and stand in line when you’re trying to drop off or pick up kids from school and get to work or get home from work through commuter traffic in time to vote. It’s good for democracy because it removes obstacles to voting and boosts voter participation. On every level, mail-in voting is a good thing and a no-brainer. Republicans hate it, but then, Republicans pretty much hate everything good and decent in this world, including working people, nature and the environment, peace, a healthy economy, safe consumer products, a sound banking system, net neutrality, etc.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@157 After a string of moronic comments not worth a reply, you might actually be onto something in this one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@159 You’re no good at law. Please leave legal issues to people who know what they’re talking about.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@160 Please provide a link to where I’ve used the “N” word.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@162 I don’t see any facts in #162, certainly nothing rebutting #146, only your usual incoherent brainless ranting.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@163 Yeah, bad choice of words. Scott’s not just a prop for a Trump photo-op, although it’s hard to deny he is, but this overshadows the crucial fact that he’s a vote for the GOP tax scam and exploding deficits. Incidentally, he’s also a business owner and real estate investor who probably will personally benefit from the peculiar “pass-through” provisions of this tax bill.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@164 “Fuckface wasn’t allowed to get any closer to AL than Pensacola.”
Passport problems? Just curious.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@165 I don’t expect someone with your legal acumen to grasp why this isn’t prosecutable. Political speech in bad taste, but not an actual offer to pay a bribe.
James O’Keefe does this sort of thing all the time (and you don’t complain about it when he does). He isn’t prosecuted for it, for the same reason.
Rosie is just being an obnoxious provocateur like your boy O’Keefe. If he can do it, she can do it, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@166 Pelosi isn’t buying your shell game. Neither am I. Try the rubes. You might have better luck with them. They’re pretty stupid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@167 I’m sure you’ll be first in line at the box office. Some people can’t get enough Chappaquiddick porn. I guess they’ll feel aggrieved forever that there was insufficient evidence to find Ted guilty of anything but leaving the scene of an accident.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@169 “What a horrible, horrible candidate.”
Sez one of Fuckface’s biggest fans. Of course, the irony is lost on him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
To no competent legal observer’s surprise, all six defendants in the first Washington D.C. inauguration protests trial have been acquitted.
The jury rejected Trump’s prosecutors’ arguments that being at a location where a riot is occurring makes you a rioter, and no evidence of illegal acts by the individuals being prosecuted is needed for conviction.
They must have graduated from Roy Moore’s law school.
Roger Rabbit Commentator: The prosecution’s legal theory was so farfetched that some of these defendants may have a cause of action for malicious prosecution. I hope they pursue it.
Wallace voters are the Drumpflicans and Roypublicans of today.. PERIOD!
Where else could the Dixiecrats turn after the Civil and Voting Rights Acts were signed into law by a DEMOCRATIC President?
A place where they were always welcome – the Republican Party. See the States Rights rhetoric used by the pitiful actor Ronnie Raygun to being his 1980 campaign – in a place where racists committed murder.
Wow. Thanks for agreeing that Lee Attwater, a Republican white guy used the N-WORD. You must believe that makes the Attwater Republican white guy racist.
Yes, yours truly remember when GBS used the N-Word to do as yours truly said – illustrate the racism of Republicans.
And thank you for naming that one Republican that GBS was calling out – Mr. Klynical.
Yours truly concludes you stabbed GBS in the back for using the N-Word.
GBS should have been a Republican. IOKIYAR!
Roger Rabbitspews:
The House has passed and sent to the Senate a short-term government funding bill, a CHIP extension, and $81 billion of disaster relief, and is now adjourned until next year.
Roger Rabbitspews:
At least one D.C. observer thinks Republicans, seeing handwriting on the wall, are “looting the store and grabbing as much as they can” while they still can.
@166 Bush41 became unemployed in 1993 partly because he didn’t understand the difference between “literally” and “seriously.” Doctor Dumbfuck has the same blind spot. Here, this might help:
* Fuckface doesn’t plan to shove this pill down middle class throats until Jan. 3 because it has some nasty side effects Repubs want to postpone until 2019.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Stupidity and bad judgment apparently don’t disqualify people from being cops. Even when they point guns at an 11-year-old gear to make sure she’s not an adult burglary suspect. Of course, the fact she’s black makes it more-okay.
Living in NYC is actually not all that bad. Let’s see I get paid more, probably more than I will be paying in additional taxes. And I don’t need a car, but I do spend $110/month on getting around the city, where all my work is. And yeah, once in a while when I travel to my hometown outside of NY I have to pay for a train ticket. Yeah and things cost more in NYC but you learn to make do with less and ways to stretch your money. For instance there is MealPal. With MealPal you pay for a plan either for lunch or dinner at a much cheaper cost. And it is a good way to stick with a budget. For $50-$60 I get 12 meals in a month (the plan I opted to choose), where as before I was spending a minimum of $10-$15 on lunch per day. Or if you want cheaper then you make your lunch at home and bring it to work. And if you can’t afford the $110 monthly cost of the subway pass (unlimited rides) you can chose a CitiBike. For I think $100 per year you can bike around and get healthy. How much do suburbanites pay for the cost of transportation, tolls, and everything else related? Probably not cheaper than I will am paying in additional taxes. Yeah, you too could take public transportation or ride a bike….but most of the people not living in a city don’t (lazy mother fuckers).
Oh and the Studio Apartment I purchase a year ago I think has already increased in value by more than 10% since….but I did read an article that because of this Tax Bill that it will effect home values. But this is NYC, until it’s under water in a decade or so, the property values typically go up.
You can’t get the potential of opportunities out here like you do in East Bumbfuck, Alabama. People in Alabama probably spend more money on beer than I will be paying in additional taxes, potentially or most likely be paying.
So yeah it sucks that the douche bags hit NY and the blue states harder but you only live once and maybe it’s not that bad if you know how to save your money.
I’m not positive if Puffy’s boy still lives in NYC, but I haven’t heard Puffy saying that his boy is moving out because it cost too much. But hey, that’s an option if you want it.
Oh wow, here’s a Drumpf lackey who wants to force the birth of rapists’ spawn:
The US government official who oversees the agency sheltering immigrant minors says abortion and rape are both forms of “violence” in a memo released Thursday that explains why he won’t allow abortions even for teenagers who have been sexually assaulted…
Scott Lloyd heads the Office of Refugee Resettlement at the US Department of Health and Human Services, which faces an ongoing lawsuit over its refusal to allow teens in its care to have abortions.
The babbling butthole will feign outrage, but nothing but crickets from boob..
As the babbling butthole would say: “If you don’t speak out and condemn it, you must support it!”
Perhaps one of our trolls (maybe puddles or the doctor) can explain to me how 128 votes against Trump’s stated position in the UN, in spite of his ambassador’s threats, shows the world is respecting us again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@204 I don’t think these guys are real big on constitutional rights.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oops. A GOP congresswoman’s sad-sack story about her family’s estate tax ordeal turns out to be … um … steer manure.
At what point does the Trump is a Russian puppet narrative blow up and go away, as this says he is not a Russian puppet. Seems the Russians are a might upset. Perhaps he will point out our military is larger than Russia’s and we spend a lot more on our military, doubt the Chinese are too happy.
Mark Adamsspews:
And Nikki is taking names in the UN. Yep American diplomacy Thomas Jefferson style!!! Some of you may want to brush up on the Barbary pirates and USS Constitution.
Mark Adamsspews:
@164 You might want to consult with Nancy Pelosi who had a moment of reality. The Republicans have the votes. I don’t like Trump, but I do exist in the world as it is, Meanwhile you are trying to apply Society of Anachronism to the real world. Yes they think of the middle ages as they want them to be, not as they were. The reality is Donald Trump is President. Democrats should pick up some house seats this next election, but they are not in the real world and hoping the American people will just be upset without competing.
He is the President. There will be no use of the 25th Amendment to remove him. There will be no impeachment at least not before 2020. And you are upset because I’m speaking the truth to you, and not doing it from a partisan viewpoint, so some of you hate me, I welcome your hate.
Mark Adamsspews:
@144 If Washington state became a red state you would move?
Mark Adamsspews:
@145 He is also black and black culture coopted the word nigger so he can use it. So can Obama or a black comedian at a dinner: “Hey Berry my Niggar.”
Mark Adamsspews:
@184 Apparently that does not include you. Anyone can discuss the law or law. You don’t have to have a Doctorate in the law to chat about. I’m not offering advice. You don’t have to reply, but you can do better than an ad hominy if you do. Please educate me and point out my errors if you alleged possessor of a PHd in law.
Mark Adamsspews:
@180 At least try to turn your sour grapes into wine.
Bet you are glad your military days are way behind you and you don’t have to salute the man. You would follow your oath and salute the man if you were in the military? Or you would spend 30 days in detention because of your beliefs? And you thought President Johnson was a great guy while in Nam? You praised him while recovering from your wounds? Treasure that Purple Heart?
@205 Well the howls there will be if Nikki proposes moving the United Nations to East Jerusalem. Maybe then the UN will have incentive to do it’s job. It’s only been 22 years since the peoples representatives voted to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Seems Trump is following our law. Did the UN vote 22 years ago after Congress took the original action. My there will be howls when the Embassy is moved. Then other nations will move their embassies. Showing leadership in the world sometimes brings out the howls.
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
You betcha Puddy skipped over 1968… Because Wallace ran as a DUMMOCRETIN in 1964, 1972, and 1976. 1968 was an aberration like you are in every thread clueless crazed databaze cretin! George Wallace came back to the DUMMOCRETIN party and they willingly opened their arms to this white racist guy!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! History lesson complete!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
Puddy purposely made it search the crazed databaze with tctmgr. Hence the GBS reference. GBS is more of a man than you’ll ever be clueless crazed databaze cretin tool! IT doesn’t even realize when Puddy pulls a Pavlov, making IT go back to the crazed databaze and search. Puddy PWNS this tool!
In fact this FOOL thought Puddy’s last name was Pavlov! Google it people.
Take the Test! Take the Test! Oops it’s fake! Stooooooooooooopid clueless crazed databaze cretin!
What? No comment on the vomit producer’s or roger senile idiot use of the word “NIGGER”?
Another EPIC FAYLE all in the use of tctmgr! Google works just fine!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud, Always superior to DUMMOCRETIN thoughtspews:
As Mark Adams (Shortbus to the Oregon Moron. Oregon moron lover of Rachel Meadow) stated above with Nikki Haley’s commentary; there are many nations that hate Israel. Also Real Americans supported the embassy move back in the 1990s when Clinton and the Congress approved it. Puddy hopes Trump follows through on their loss of AID! This is why FOOLS like 2K just don’t get world politics. They want US money but vote against US interests. Sooooooooooooo, a much reduced level or no more money for them!
Guatemala, Honduras, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Togo still love their US AID!
From the Washington Post… The evening before his speech, the Congress of the United States passed a law echoing Rabin’s assertions about the city. Spurred by the desire to act before Rabin’s visit, the House and Senate passed a bill called the “Jerusalem Embassy Act,” which formally recognized the city as the country’s capital and called for the U.S. Embassy in Israel to be moved there from Tel Aviv by 1999. Support for the bill was overwhelming. It passed the Senate by a 93 to 5 vote, with four Republicans and one Democrat voting no. It passed the House 374 to 37, with 153 Democrats joining most of the new Republican majority that had swept into power in 1994.
@208 Send that to Mr. Mueller. Who knows, he may be impressed, although I doubt it. I’m not, but then, I’m not him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@209 Ever heard of sovereignty? Nope, didn’t think so. Look it up when you have time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@210 Mark, you are right about Republicans wanting to live in the middle ages as they imagine in, not as it was. And make the rest of us, too. But let’s be clear about something else.
You’re not speaking truth to us. Your comments are uninformed idiocy. Your viewpoint isn’t nonpartisan, it’s uninformed idiocy. And we don’t hate you, we think you’re an uninformed idiot.
I hope that clarifies things for you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@211 In the same sense as if Mount Rainier erupted and buried Washington in steaming volcanic lava. In other words, while a theoretical possibility exists, the odds of it happening are low.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@212 Yes, I realize black people have co-opted use of the term. If they choose to call out each other by that term, who am I to question it, considering everything they’ve been through? And if a black individual like Puddy doesn’t mind the fact that white Republicans who want him dead still refer to him by that term, well, that’s his problem. If I were him, I wouldn’t hang out with those people much less vote for them, but that’s just me.
Btw, he still hasn’t responded to my challenge to show where I’ve used the term, which you may feel free to accept as evidence that I didn’t. Or, as Puddy would put it, that’s BULLSHITTIUM.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@213 “Please educate me and point out my errors if you alleged possessor of a PHd in law.”
See what I mean about “uninformed idiot”? You post stuff like this and expect to be taken seriously?
First of all, the correct spelling is “Ph.D.,” not “PHd”. Second, I’ve never claimed to be a “possessor of a PHd [sic] in law.” Such a degree exists; more information about it is here:
As you should be able to see from a cursory reading, a Ph.D. in Law is an advanced degree intended for those who plan to pursue an academic career in law. Rather than explain what this means, for now I’ll leave it to you to figure out, on the chance we may get an amusing interpretation. Generally speaking, practicing lawyers and judges do not have Ph.D.s in Law, although some may have a master’s degree in law in a practice specialty, for example an LL.M. in Tax Law.
Educating you in the law is not my responsibility. A legal education requires three years of intensive study. It also requires a higher level of reasoning ability than is likely to be possessed by someone who would write this:
“Showing only young workers on your website with no stated reason to limit hiring to a certain age rang due to requirements of the job would be legal, but bound to raise eyebrows. Onw would hope Federal and State officials would test the system with fake applicants to see if older workers can get an interview” (@159) in response to this: “But using the system to expose job opportunities only to certain age groups has raised concerns about fairness to older workers” (@135).
The problem, my friend, is you didn’t read the question. In higher education generally, not excluding legal education, you need to READ THE DAMN QUESTION and make sure you UNDERSTAND THE DAMN QUESTION before you start writing your answer to the DAMN QUESTION, otherwise you may end up answering the WRONG DAMN QUESTION, in which case your answer is likely to be wrong, too.
In this case the question is, would a court be likely to find a company violated a law prohibiting age-based discrimination in hiring if the company recruited job applicants via a platform that only allows persons under the age of 37 to view its help wanted ads?
Now, I can’t confer a J.D. degree on you, are license you to practice law (yes, I have such a degree and license), nor can I give you a proper legal education in 5 minutes, but here’s a rough outline of the answer:
In law school, there is no right or wrong answer. You will be graded on your ability to recognize and identify legal issues, determine which facts are relevant and which aren’t, find the applicable legal rules, apply those rules to the facts of the case, devise reasoned arguments for both sides, choose an outcome, and defend the choice with persuasive legal reasoning.
Applying this to the problem at hand, the issue is whether a method of advertising job openings which allows only applicants under age 37 to see the advertisements violates laws against age discrimination in employment. The answer probably is yes, but the first thing you have to figure out is who’s getting sued: The software developer? The platform (e.g., Facebook)? The employer? All of them?
In this case, if I’m the lawyer representing the job applicant who never had a chance to apply for the job because the software developer, platform, and employer all conspired to exclude him from access to information about job openings at that company, I’m probably going to sue all of them, as there seems to be liability all the way around.
If I’m the lawyer defending the software developer, I’ll probably argue that writing a program isn’t equivalent to misusing it. Cars can cause harm, too, if they’re not driven properly by the operator. (Lawyers love using analogies to make complex concepts more understandable, especially when arguing to juries.) However, if I’m the plaintiff’s lawyer, I’ll likely argue that the defendant intentionally designed the program to discriminate against older job seekers because that’s what his client asked for, and knew or should have known that’s what it would be used for; whether he knew this is against the law is immaterial because ignorance of the law is not a defense.
As to the company’s liability, the arguments will revolve around the company’s knowledge and intent. If Company simply placed its job listings on Platform with no intent to discriminate and not knowing that Platform uses software that blocks users over age 36 from seeing the ads, then Company may be off the hook. But if I’m the plaintiff’s lawyer, I’ll argue it’s not credible that Company didn’t know Platform was screening out older job seekers. For one thing, if Company is only getting applications from people under age 36, they should have realized what was going on.
If I’m representing Platform, I’ll probably argue that my client merely provided a service to Company and isn’t legally responsible for what Company did with it. Platform is merely a pipeline for information, not the author of the information. If I’m the plaintiff’s lawyer, I’ll argue that Platform built and installed the valve that regulated the flow of information through the pipeline, and therefore is complicit if the resulting constriction of information flow violated the law. I’ll argue that Platform and Company conspired together, with full knowledge of what each other was doing, to violate my client’s employment rights and therefore are joint and several tortfeasors, which means both defendants are individually on the hook for the full amount of my client’s damages. This is the outcome I prefer as the plaintiff’s lawyer because it enables me to satisfy the judgment from the assets of either defendant or both of them, which makes it more likely the judgment will be collectible and makes collecting it easier.
If this is a law school exam question, what my answer will NOT include is a philosophical discussion of whether discriminating against older workers should be illegal, unless the question asks for such a discussion. (This usually will be presented in such a form as, “Discuss whether this practice should be regulated or prohibited, and why”.) If it’s a court case in which I’m involved, then as the defendants’ lawyer I may examine whether I can challenge the validity of the legal rules on which the plaintiff’s claim is based; and if I’m the plaintiff’s lawyer, I will defend the law’s validity if I’m present with such a challenge in the defendants’ arguments.
In summary, the employment practice at issue appears to prima facie violate age discrimination laws, but you’d have to delve into the specific facts of the case to determine whether it does, and there will be arguments both ways as to whether the specific actions of the defendants resulted in (1) harm and (2) liability to the plaintiff.
Based on your track record on HA, I feel safe in saying you lack the knowledge and reasoning ability to do what’s required to construct a legal resolution of this problem, had you had gotten past the first step of figuring out what the question is, which you didn’t.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@214 “At least try to turn your sour grapes into wine.”
You can’t make wine from horse piss.
“Bet you are glad your military days are way behind you and you don’t have to salute the man.”
I’m glad I don’t have to sleep in foxholes and get shot at anymore. It doesn’t really take very much to make me happy. Sleeping in a warm bed with no one shooting at me is enough. Everything else — e.g., becoming a millionaire by flipping stocks — is just a hobby.
“You would follow your oath and salute the man if you were in the military?”
Yes, if military regulations and the setting require such a salute. Generally speaking, military protocol may require a soldier in uniform to salute a civilian who is above him in the chain of command in certain circumstances. Usually, this means only POTUS and the secretary of one’s service branch. Civilians are never required to return a salute, even if the soldier is required to salute.
“Or you would spend 30 days in detention because of your beliefs?”
I would spend a good deal more than 30 days in detention if I was ordered to commit an illegal and immoral act, i.e., I would refuse to commit an atrocity.
“And you thought President Johnson was a great guy while in Nam?”
Johnson wasn’t president when I was in Nam.
“You praised him while recovering from your wounds? Treasure that Purple Heart?”
My opinion of President Johnson has evolved. At the time, I thought he was a warmonger and mismanaged the war. Now, I think he misjudged the necessity of fighting in Vietnam and mismanaged the war.
They don’t award Purple Hearts for dysentary, chronic illnesses picked up on overseas deployments, or PTSD; but they do award disability benefits for those reasons. Most veterans I know are more immediately interested in the monthly income and free medical care than their medals. I served with a soldier who received the CMOH. Sadly, he’s not around to enjoy the public respect and adulation that comes with this recognition. The circumstances required him to give his life to save others, which he willingly did.
puddles @ 219- as expected a deflection. Trump claims the world respects again. At their first opportunity the world thumbs its nose at him. We’ll see if it’s another hollow threat.
The great puddles, expert in world affairs does not see how Trump’s actions are weakening the US. We are now no longer a trusted intermediary in the middle east peace process. Sorry, Jared won’t be able to do magic. Europe is united against us. He tells our allies “my way or the highway” and they are heading down the road. We are left alone and weakened.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@215 Relevance?
“We are left alone and weakened.”
Which pleases Putin to no end.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@216 Such a proposal would only be a proposal. If the U.S. presented such a proposal to the body, it undoubtedly would be debated, and perhaps voted on (or perhaps not). The U.S. can decide where to locate its embassy, subject to acquiescence by the host country, but it can’t unilaterally decide where the U.N. headquarters will be located, beyond deciding not to host it on U.S. soil.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@217 More pertinent is that you skipped over everything after 1968. The racists are in your party now, and have been for the last half-century, which for some odd reason doesn’t keep you from fellow traveling with lowlifes who want you dead.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@218 “In fact this FOOL thought Puddy’s last name was Pavlov!”
Sounds right. Ring a bell and Puddy crawls out of his hole looking for cheese.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@219 We spend money on foreign aid because it advances our interests. If we don’t help Guatemala and Honduras with things they need, they may seek aid from Russia or China, which would be happy to have a foothold in Central America.
Unfortunately, this is over the heads of our stupid president and his stupid supporters. We criticize stupidity in public affairs because it usually ends up costing us in the long run, sometimes more than we can afford. Prevention is the best cure.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@220 “The loon is really bringing the HATE!”
This time the loon is really bringing the STUPIDITY. See #234.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@228 Jared probably could get the Russians to go along with a few inconsequential things, as any debtor can, because they want to get paid back.
Republican objections to deficits will never, ever, be credible again.
Why businesses must be regulated, and why we need consumer protection laws and agencies to enforce them.
Nothing like taking care of themselves …
… while screwing the peasants.
@4 Don’t fall into a manhole.
“One of the world’s largest coal companies will break with an international coal organization and threatened to also withdraw from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce over the groups’ backward stances on climate change. BHP Billiton, a British-Australian mining company, released a report Tuesday emphasizing its commitment to combating climate change ….
“’As a major producer and consumer of fossil fuels, we recognise our responsibility to take action by focusing on reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; adapting to the physical impacts of climate change; accelerating the development and deployment of low emissions technology; testing and building the resilience of our portfolio; and working with others, including academia, industry and governments, to enhance the global response to climate change,’ the report said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Exxon and other oil companies are also acknowledging climate change and beginning to address corporate responsibility for dealing with it.
With major fossil fuel companies admitting climate change is real and a problem, it’s getting harder and harder for deniers to keep denying.
One way to pay for billionaire tax cuts: Tax Puerto Rico.
“House Republicans voted Tuesday to impose a 12.5 percent tax on intellectual property income made by U.S. companies operating on the island and a minimum 10 percent tax on their profits in Puerto Rico. The Senate passed the measure early Wednesday.
“That means that businesses with operations in Puerto Rico will pay higher taxes than their counterparts on the U.S. mainland, which puts industries and jobs on the island at risk. …
“Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló has said the tax provision would be ‘a huge blow’ that would negatively affect 50 percent of the island’s gross national product, 30 percent of the government’s revenue and more than 250,000 jobs.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What we have now in this country is a government run by a party that’s misusing power to pay off their cronies and get vengeance against political opponents, minorities, and other people they don’t like.
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) says he would have “written a much different” tax bill.
Yeah, but you voted for it, asswipe. Your constituents will remember.
@ 8
Think of how many House members would have written a different ACA bill, but voted for it anyway.
They had no opportunity to do so, of course. Changing even one word in the bill crammed down their throats would have required a trip back to the Senate, in which the Democrats no longer held a 60 vote majority.
So they passed it, and many either retired or paid the price in the 2010 midterms.
I, personally, do not favor gutting Social Security. Rather, I prefer that YLB’s kids pay a higher percent of their gross income to sustain Social Security, thereby sustaining the retirement payments my wife and I will receive.
Don’t be stingy about it, YLB. It’s an anti-poverty program, after all. Tell those shits to suck it up and get to work.
What I would really like to hear, just one more time, is Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit telling us that McConnell doesn’t have the votes.
Remember when Doctor Dumbfuck was bragging that Trump will be re-elected in 2020?
“Only about a third of Americans say that they will definitely or probably vote for Donald Trump if he runs for reelection in 2020, while half indicate that they’ll definitely or probably support his Democratic general election challenger, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It takes a dumbfuck to be a dumbfuck. That’s why we all him a dumbfuck.
@ 12
Um, only a fifth of Americans voted for him in 2016.
Oh, and you are, again, relying on a national poll to tell you something about the potential outcome of a presidential race. See 2016.
@10 “I, personally, do not favor gutting Social Security.”
Of course you don’t, any more than you would favor cutting Medicare reimbursements to doctors.
But you vote for the party that intends to gut Social Security anyway.
How dumbfuck is that?
@11 I counted correctly. He has 48 Republicans and 3 snowflakes on his side.
“…it’s getting harder and harder for deniers to keep denying.”
They don’t have to. When the time is right they’ll just pretend they never did.
@1 I never found their objections to deficits before. Starting in 2001. They only like deficits because the could try to blame the black guy for them.
I hear Repukes are complaining that the press is creating the unaffordability of this great tax bill……well hey you fucking Pukes – one you are wrong, and 2 you should know that because it’s not as grand as your bullshit for the past 8 years trying to make Obama look bad. Repukes are the masters of brainwashing.
@4 fall? That’s his home.
@10- A better solution for the Social Security “problem” is to Scrap the Cap. Continue the SS tax on higher incomes and the “problem” goes away.
@13 I’m glad you recognize that hoping for a historically low voter turnout in 2020, following the abysmally low turnout in 2016, is the best strategy you’ve got.
But Alabama’s turnout shouldn’t give you a lot of hope.
Or Virginia’s. Or New Jersey’s. Despite voter suppression.
So much winning.
@12 Roger – I love you man (not literally or even plutonic). We think a like. And I couldn’t agree with you more that Doctor Dumbfuck is The Dumbfuck. But, even though you are probably 99.9% correct, I don’t think we can make that statement.
I know Drumpf would win (or had the feeling) even before he became the nominee. And everyone said it couldn’t happen.
I don’t think it will happen in 2020, but it isn’t out of the question. And I think every day he lives beyond this Russia Scandal his chances improve to be re-elected.
I don’t care about the Russian scandal regardless that I believe he has close ties to the enemy for the benefit of wealth and power and control. But if nothing comes of it, which I am feeling like nothing will regardless of where the investigation is currently, he will come out smelling like roses, and he will not even have had to risk shooting someone on 5th avenue.
@19 Amen.
@19 The best solution for Social Security is to scrap Republicans wherever they hold office, especially in Congress. I’m satisfied with the SS I’ve got, and the COLAs, meager as they are. I’m not asking for more. Get rid of the vandals trying to wreck it like skinheads pushing over headstones in a Jewish cemetery and I’ll be satisfied.
And to think mere hours have passed since the last time a sister-fucking incompetent lying hillbilly confidently proclaimed that Pres. Obama had filibuster-proof majorities for two years.
Remember kids, on the hillbilly side of the White Nationalist Event Horizon time works differently. That’s how come it’s okay for a Senator to fuck high school freshmen. Fourteen is twenty one in Roypublican years, the same way eleven months is twenty four.
Wow FBI Deputy McCabe (DUMMOCRETIN) testified for 7.5 hours and Adam Schiff didn’t leak anything to CNN! Guess that Don Trump Jr leaked testimony letter struck home!
Till Next Time!
Abigail tried to tell me that America’s airports are great. Well….
Just like he said North Korea was years away from any type of Bomb.
Dumbfucks will be Dumbfucks……I think it’s a race between Boob and Abigail to see who can be the biggest dumbfuck.
Even though this is three years old it’s still pertinent today. So let’s revisit this! Remember Obummer was preznit (headless lucy term). If you are black where the DUMMOCRETINS rule EVERYTHING your future is always in danger…
Yes. DUMMOCRETINS don’t care about you ever. They give you lip service. They tell you what you want to hear.
If you are a minority NEVER EVER TRUST DUMMOCRETINS! They lie in your face all the time they want to take your place – backstabbers!
Hillbilly dipshits from Oregon just white-wash these crimes all the time. Idiot senile wabbits whom once claimed to be “lawyers” will word salad obfuscate this ad nauseum!
Till Next Time!
@21 The 36% figure is very consistent, and has been for years; this is and always has been the size of the bedrock GOP base. These are the dumbfucks who lap up the Sarah Palins and Ted Nugents and Joe Arpaios of the world; they’re the dumbfucks who voted for McCain and then cheered when Trump called him a “loser”; they’re the dumbfucks who believe Bigfoot is real and Obama’s long-form birth certificate isn’t. They were dumbfucks in third grade. and they’re still dumbfucks 30, 40, 50 years later, because you can’t fix stupid. Somebody has to occupy the lower third of the Stanford-Binet bell curve, which overlaps with the right-side bell curve for dogs. They fend off natural selection by sheer overproduction.
Setting himself up as the leader of the dumbest 1/3 of the population gives Trump certain advantages, because he can count of his core supporters to be dumbfucks no matter what he does — he himself bragged about the stupidity of his followers — but the limiting factor is that only a third of the potential voting base are dumbfucks, so you need to get another 12% – 16% from somewhere. That can be tough as he just found out in Virginia, New Jersey, and Alabama. Not impossible under the right conditions, but four years of nonstop dumbfuckery, if he lasts that long, will likely impede his chances.
21 – “Platonic,” not “plutonic.”
@27 “If you are a minority NEVER EVER TRUST DUMMOCRETINS”
Let’s see how that sells to your fellow plantation slaves:
“98% of black women … cast their ballots for Jones, while just 2% voted for Republican Roy Moore, exit polls showed. … Additionally, black men … voted 93% for Jones.”
Oh, well. You’ve still got 2% of the wimminfolk on your side.
So much winning.
As I said above, the problem with tailoring your messaging to the bottom third of the electorate is the other two-thirds.
“More Americans support impeachment hearings to potentially remove President Trump than voting for his re-election, according to a new poll from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal.
“The new poll released on Wednesday includes a series of troubling data returns for the 45th president, including that just about 36 percent of respondents said they would ‘definitely’ or ‘probably’ vote for Trump in 2020 … [w]hile … 41 percent … said they were in favor of Congress holding impeachment hearings for President Trump.”
Woo-hoo! Trump’s impeachers outnumber his supporters by 5%! That’s huge, and undoubtedly will keep growing as long as his infantile dumbfuckery continues unabated, especially if he gets us into a war with North Korea or Mexico.
You’re forgetting that the core of the Freak’s sideshow identity is that he’s “smarter than the average AA”. He buys into the White myth because it is central to how he sees himself. That’s why he’s willing to defend White Supremacists. He agrees with them.
My concern is not with the 36%.
My concern is with the other 13% who voted for Fuckface one year ago. The 36% I get. They are morally crippled racist xenophobes clinging to fear and resentment.
The other 13% bother me more because they are obviously very uninformed, credulous, uncritical dupes who allowed themselves to be taken over like pod-people by pimply communist script kids. They remain a very real threat to national security. In all seriousness. People that dumb and open to foreign manipulation must not be permitted to control the political dialog any more. That is the fundamental failure of “third way” politics. It grants a dominating voice in the political debate to the least informed and least competent.
I’m very much enjoying the shift in rhetoric now beginning to emanate from the Democrat party.
On NPR this morning the liberal shill pointed out that the middle-class tax cut equates to a tank of gas every other week. Well, OK. It’s about 70 bucks per month.
Which ain’t nothing, particularly when it’s given to so many people.
Oh. And it’s a tax cut, not a tax increase as the left shilled for so long. Feinstein was reduced to wailing that her consituents in Marin County often needed a mortgage higher than $750k and that the mortgage interest wouldn’t be fully deductible for them.
Boo hoo.
Probably also enjoying the fast-setting public opinion:
“Another Roypublican tax cut for the rich.”
Jeebus, what a fuckin’ idiot tool. You need more than $750 to buy SFR in Hayward. You want $750 north of the bay go to Petaluma (a Miwok word meaning “land of many smells”). But what would you know living in a filthy trailer park in Island County (median home price one quarter of Marin) next to a tire dump where the fastest growing occupational category is “recycling cans”.
Rather ironic that Collins’ legacy will be as part of a wave swept out along with a treasonous serial rapist. Her name will be married to Fuckface in history as one of a long list of his victims.
You told that to your daughter as well..
Nice to let us all know what her dad thinks of her.
No surprise at all.
@ 36
I’m well aware. Journey, Starship, Montrose. ZaSu Pitts Memorial Orchestra. My 20s and late teens were spent in those environs.
With 20% down and a $750K mortgage we’re more in the $900k range for home price.
I feel no less for Bay Area yuppies not liking the tax bill than I do for Seattle yuppies who are unhappy.
Fuck ’em, both locales.
@33 I have a suspicion that party identification closely tracks IQ. If that pans out, then the 13% are the folks with IQs roughly between 70 and 98. (The 36% are idiots, which by definition, means their IQ is under 70.) Not the fastest lane, so reaching them is a challenge. Once you’re over 100 (median and above) they’re all Democrats.* So the problem is how you win over the slow-but-not-hopelessly-stupid voters. There’s a lot of stupidity and ignorance in the second-lowest quartile, so it isn’t easy.
* This is also statistical evidence that it’s possible for someone with a double-digit IQ to become an M.D.
@34 You’re overlooking the offsets: Higher health insurance premiums, higher inflation, higher taxes later. That’s before Republicans try to leverage the deficits they just created into Social Security and Medicare cuts. Of course, these aren’t concerns if you own millions of dollars of stock, in which case, the buybacks and dividend increases that won’t go into business investment or job creation should be enough to make up the difference. You’re in even better shape if you own a pass-through business or 17 golf courses and a D.C. hotel (with a Moscow hotel on the drawing board).
@ 40
It’s been said in other ways. Back in the good old days when you only had lost the House.
Problem is, you kept saying it. You said it so much you ended up losing the Senate.
Then you doubled down and renamed people you don’t like ‘deplorables’.
Which got you Trump.
Now, I see, you carry on as if you have nothing more to lose.
Trust me. You’re still wrong.
@ 41
You’re overlooking the offsets: Higher health insurance premiums, higher inflation, higher taxes later. And that’s before Republicans try to leverage the deficits they just created into Social Security and Medicare cuts.
Actually, it was before Republicans won the White House.
You realize, do you not, that health insurance premiums screamed higher after passage of the ACA? You realize do you not, that the three increases in interest rates by the Fed in 2017, and three more in 2018, were predicted before Trump took office?
Oh. Higher taxes? That will be up to your ilk, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@36 Depends on whether you’re talking about Hayward, California or Hayward, Wisconsin. You can get a SFR in the latter for under $200k and it doesn’t burn down every summer — if you can stand the winters. I have some cousins (snowshoe hares) who live there and like snow.
Apparently Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has ample reason to believe @ 44 that when someone uses the term fuckin’ idiot tool @ 36 it must be in reference to him.
Completely understandable assumption on this part.
It begins.
The telecom company T, +1.43% said that with President Donald Trump expected to sign the bill in the coming days, it plans to pay a special $1,000 to more than 200,000 of its U.S. employees, all who are union represented, non-management and front-line managers.
If Trump signs the bill before Christmas, the employees will receive the bonus over the holidays, the company said.
Funny; I don’t think this was part of the CBO calculations.
Let’s see. 25 min crossing to Edmonds? Check.
30 min. Sounder to downtown? Check.
30,000 new tech jobs in the next ten years? Check.
Soon to be your locale.
I’d like to take this opportunity to wish Goldy Happy Hanukkah.
Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg unveils $300M in initiatives in response to tax bill
$100 million for corporate giving, with funds used to support demand for employee gift-match programs and for investments in Boeing’s focus areas for charitable giving: in education, in community development, and for veterans and military personnel.
$100 million for workforce development in the form of training, education and other capabilities development to meet the scale needed for rapidly evolving technologies and expanding markets.
$100 million for “workplace of the future” facilities and infrastructure enhancements for Boeing employees.
Here’s the actual announcement:
Hey, any idea why Democrats weren’t talking about all of the investments into the economy that would occur with passage of the bill?
What? So CA Osteopathic hospitals won’t take diplomas from Guyana. Huh. Probably not a bad idea. Look at the bright side. You’ve saved thousands over a lifetime on sunscreen, convertibles, and Bowl game tickets (although you may have spent it all on GoreTex and studded tires).
$300 million. That’s 0.015% of the new debt created.
Oh, but, but, follow on effects. Yeah! That’s the ticket!
Check your own tax cut or increase. For the VAST majority of people, it will be a cut.
“Researchers revealed Tuesday that earlier this year they discovered a massive database — containing information on more than 123 million American households — that was sitting unsecured on the internet.
“The cloud-based data repository from marketing analytics company Alteryx exposed a wide range of personal details about virtually every American household …. The leak put consumers at risk for a range of nefarious activities, from spamming to identity theft, the researchers warned. …
“‘From home addresses and contact information, to mortgage ownership and financial histories, to very specific analysis of purchasing behavior, the exposed data constitutes a remarkably invasive glimpse into the lives of American consumers,’ UpGuard researchers Chris Vickery and Dan O’Sullivan wrote in their analysis.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Companies who do things like this should be sued out of existence. Their execs should be put in concentration camps. Their wives and children should be sold into slavery. Or at least confiscate their smartphones and BMWs.
For the VAST majority of taxpayers who saw a cut under the Bush Deficits, the VAST majority never believed it. And for those who did believe it, they said it was very small to insignificant. This is why your pal Doctor Dumbfuck is busy promoting Russian sponsored conspiracy lunacy about hippies derailing trains. He knows this turd won’t float.
Sorry, Deathfrogg.
I just checked and the Employment Security Department isn’t offering any year-end bonuses.
But when they do, you’ll have more seniority than almost anyone else, so chin up, Son.
@51 You’re one of the dumbfucks who’ll pay $2500 for a $1500 rebate, then go home and brag to your family, neighbors, and co-workers about what a great deal you got. Car salesmen and Republicans thrive on people like you.
Angela Merkel, call your office.
While Americans are anxiously awaiting full details of the tax bill now being finalized in Congress, German economists are warning that the changes sought by President Donald Trump mean that significant amounts of new investment and jobs will shift from Europe to the United States.
“The tax competition will have a new dimension,” said Christoph Spengel, chairman of the corporate tax department at the University of Mannheim. Mr. Spengel, who is also a research associate at the Center for European Economic Research, and a group of tax experts at the university have done a detailed comparison of the two countries’ tax systems and published a report under the heading, “Germany loses out in US tax reform.”
It’s worse than that, really. It’s about $30 in his pay envelope. He’ll spend it all on lottery tickets, frozen Tombstone pizzas, mail order chicken porn, mud tires, and Keystone Light. But his payroll deduction for health insurance will go up $45 in fall of 2019. In about ten years he’ll finally figure out he fell behind. But he won’t remember why. And he’ll definitely blame it on the nearest black guy.
@48 But not one penny for pay raises, and the charitable donations are tax deductible. In fact, it looks to me like they’re accelerating those donations into the 2017 tax year to maximize the tax savings, as is AT&T.
Anyone with any brains, which excludes Doctor Dumbfuck, naturally will wonder whether these bonuses and “investments” were planned anyway and the companies are moving up their implementation to get a writeoff at a 35% tax rate instead of a 21% tax rate.
It doesn’t take very much IQ to figure out that $200 million of bonuses and $300 million of job training and other expenditures require planning and have been in the works for a while.
More IQ than Doctor Dumbfuck has, though.
How bad a day is today for y’all HA libbies?
Virginia Politics
Virginia court tosses out one-vote victory that briefly ended GOP majority in House
It’s stuff like this that gives ‘froggy a reason to really not care that he’s unemployable. ’cause there’s so much better shit online he can use his time to distort. And the WiFi if you’re sitting outside Panera is always free.
@50 See #58 for explanation of how this works in real life.
@54 Yes, we see why you don’t like government employment. If you were a government doctor, you’d have to work for government pay. Much better to be a private contractor sucking on the Medicare teat.
I can’t help but wonder if you were the asshole doctor who bitched nonstop about being away from his wife and kids while he stitched me up in Vietnam.
I don’t think so, though. That guy didn’t claim to be a radiologist with a medical degree from an offshore diploma mill.
Terrific essay from Chris Ladd:
With a very fitting portrait of boob.
@57 Sen. Grassley knows Republican voters well.
2017 is why Democrats like participation trophies so much.
@59 From the information given in the news article you linked to, it sounds like a good decision. It’s based on facts and seems well reasoned. This is exactly the kind of election administration we need in this country. As opposed to this kind:
@29 yes, thank you, I was typing during my lunch break with someone looking over my shoulder – I rushed it in other words. Plutonic wasn’t the only mistake – was it?
@33 Bingo! And all it will take is for people to start feeling better about him over the next 3 years, if nothing comes from the Russia probe…..and regardless if proven or evidence that there is any connection (aside from his know connections), he will be vindicate like OJ Simpson.
Perhaps the last words that need to be said about HA trolls:
FITB, now.
Yahoo FinanceVerified account
LIVE: Fifth Third Bancorp raising company’s minimum wage to $15/hour, giving $1,000 bonus to employees after tax cuts pass $FITB –
Goldy is stunned to learn that wages can increase when life is made easier for a corporation.
@ 68
In which we learn that AT&T is disproportionately hurting black employees by giving them the same $1,000 bonus that it gives to white employees.
So very abstract, particularly when it’s posted without an overdose of exclamation points.
He buys into the White myth because it is central to how he sees himself.
Wrong again Oregon moron. Puddy knows where Puddy stands in America. It’s always worse when DUMMOCRETINS rule! Black man can’t walk down the street in a DUMMOCRETIN town without being WWB. And what do you and the senile idiot wabbit do?
TRAIN WRECK as always!
Till Next Time!
Greetings, my most excellent Neo-Socialist comrades! I know you’re all a little upset over the tax bill, but keep in mind it still is a progressive tax structure. There are still multiple tax brackets from which to transfer wealth from the private sector to government.
As far as those states where the state and local tax deductions are affected, it may have the positive benefit of getting those people losing their deductions to demand something of benefit from those state and local government tax authorities. People will start demanding their money’s worth from those entrenched political entities, which could lead, in turn, to those entities being forced to lower taxes, thus correcting the problem of over taxation and setting the several states on a level playing field.
@36 Depends on whether you’re talking about Hayward, California or Hayward, Wisconsin
Only the idiot senile wabbit would bring up Hayward, Wisconsin
when the conversation was about Feinstein complaining about mortgage deductions in the new tax bill.
Once again DUMMOCRETINS voted against Real Americans keeping their hard earned paychecks in their pockets!
Roger senile idiot wabbit, Still a TRAIN WRECK in ever thread!
Till Next Time!
Seems you senile BILLSHITTIUM never ends!
Till Next Time!
Something to talk about when you go for your mani-pedi with the kiddos, YLB.
Hillary Clinton
I guest-edited this month’s issue of @TeenVogue. It was a wonderful experience, with lots of terrific contributions from people I love & respect. Read this letter that my daughter wrote to her children about why she’s still optimistic about the future. cc: @ChelseaClinton …
6:14 PM – Dec 19, 2017
In #CrookedHillary’s case it all boils down to marrying well. In Chelsea’s case it boils down to being born well and given every advantage possible.
Hey cretinous piece of dung @68,
Atwater was taken out of context and you of course loved every minute of it…
PuddyCommentary: This is why the clueless crazed databaze cretin is even lower on the evolutionary scale that the Oregon moron! Brown Organic Residue on a piece of toilet paper!
Till Next Time!
“Authorities say a man dragged a Florida police officer with his car for a half-mile and led other officers on a high-speed chase that ended in his capture. Pembroke Pines police said in a news release that 38-year-old Thomas Cabrera was charged with attempted murder for his actions Tuesday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He’s still alive? He must be white.
Republicans being jerks.
“The Education Department is abandoning the Obama administration’s practice of wiping out the loans for all students who were swindled by the now-defunct Corinthian college chain.”
Wells Fargo also raising minimum wage to $15/hr, beginning in March.
Next year, WFC will drop $400m into charitable contributions.
Beginning in 2019, WFC will drop 2% of its after-tax income into charitable contributions.
Doesn’t seem like WFC is trying to beat the buzzer in 2017.
Biggest loser, as always: Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@72 “demand something of benefit from those state and local government tax authorities”
Don’t need to. I know what I’m getting for my state and local taxes. Police and fire protection. EMS. Libraries, parks, recreation centers, ballfields. Zoning regulation, health inspectors. Cheap electricity, clean water, sanitary sewers. Streets and streetlights. Snowplows. Highways, bridges. Child protective services. Vulnerable adult services. Veterans services. Asylums that keep nutmegs like you off the streets. You might see these things, too, if you took your blinders off.
@73 “Real Americans keeping their hard earned paychecks in their pockets!”
I resent your insinuation that only millionaires are “Real Americans”; and your assertion that they work hard for their capital gains, dividends, and carried interest is absurd on its face.
I don’t think that is Puffy posting lately – he seems more of a woman lately.
@76 Ronald Reagan, Philadelphia, Mississippi, Aug. 3, 1980:
“I believe in states’ rights.”
Puddy, locale immaterial, Dec. 12, First Year Of Trump:
“So Reagan goes out and campaigns on the issues of economics and of national defense.”
What do you expect from a village idiot?
Goldy thinks that the City can force ISPs like Comcast and others to transfer their technology to the City for a song, given the right kind of pressure.
Leaving aside the likelihood that City in control of ISPs will end up similar to Venezuela’s government in control of its oil production, it’s unlikely that the City will be dropping $1,000 bonuses onto its staff the way that Comcast is about to do:
Comcast joins AT&T in offering $1,000 employee bonuses
You know, Goldy, there’s nothing preventing Nick Hanauer from offering you and the rest of his employees $1,000 bonuses, either. Especially ’cause you’ve written that the tax bill is gonna cost you thousands.
@82 Nah. Womanhood won’t take him.
@84 “Comcast … said late Wednesday it would award special bonuses to thousands of employees based on tax overhaul measures and the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to scrap so-called net neutrality rules.”
Wanna guess which of those windfalls the bonuses are coming from?
@ 83
Alan Grayson attack ad, 2010:
Webster: Submit to me.
Taking a single sentence and promoting it out of context can change the meaning of just about anything, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Doing it dishonestly is something everyone here has reason to expect from you.
From that asshole Grayson, too:
Rep. Grayson Lowers the Bar
All year, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you have been telling us that McConnell and Trump couldn’t get it done.
Own it. For a day, anyway.
Meanwhile, I wonder how many of the small business beneficiaries of the special pass-through tax rate will pass through any of those savings to their employees?
Probably not these employers:
@ 86
The one made possible by the Trump administration.
“Own it.”
Like you own your treason?
@89 That’s what I’m thinking, too. But Ryan and McConnell probably will try to give the credit to the other one.
Oh, Steve. Treason should be made of sterner stuff:
Sources close to the investigation say that McCabe was a “friendly witness” to the Democrats in the room, who are said to have pressed the deputy director, without success, to help them build a case against President Trump for obstruction of justice in the Russia-collusion probe. “If he could have, he would have,” said one participant in the questioning.
Investigators say McCabe recounted to the panel how hard the FBI had worked to verify the contents of the anti-Trump “dossier” and stood by its credibility. But when pressed to identify what in the salacious document the bureau had actually corroborated, the sources said, McCabe cited only the fact that Trump campaign adviser Carter Page had traveled to Moscow. Beyond that, investigators said, McCabe could not even say that the bureau had verified the dossier’s allegations about the specific meetings Page supposedly held in Moscow.
Of course, AT&T isn’t trying to buy off Trump …
“Almost immediately after Congress passed legislation that will slash the corporate tax rate, AT&T announced that it would give a $1,000 bonus to 200,000 of its workers. That’s very nice for those workers. It’s also a very convenient public relations move by AT&T, which is trying to buy Time Warner over the objections of the U.S. Department of Justice.”
What’s $200 million compared to what they’re paying for Time Warner? Hell, that’s less than what fighting the DOJ lawsuit will cost them.
Ted Cruz gave a speech last night castigating Dems for voting against tax cuts for the middle class.
Now Republicans will be able to slam Dems for voting against all of the bonuses and charitable contributions we’re about to see because of the when-passed tax law.
The Sunday talk shows should be fun, yes?
And Comcast? Yeah, I’m sure Comcast really appreciates what Trump’s FCC just did for them. No quid pro quo here, just a barefaced effort to avoid a public relations disaster if they don’t look like they’re doing anything for the little people in return for all the largesse they’re being handed.
That $1,000 will help them pay their higher insurance premiums for, oh, six months or so.
Plus, notice these are bonuses, not raises. Bonuses don’t have to be repeated. Trump promised raises. Where are the raises?
@ 96
That $1,000 will help them pay their higher insurance premiums for, oh, six months or so.
You must be referring to the last six months after the 2017 increases announced during the Obama administration’s final year.
You have no credibility going after the bill by trying to apply it in Obamacare terms, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Shorter me: You have no credibility, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@94 Stephen Ford sent Ted Cruz a tweet Monday morning that went like this:
“Hey Ted remember how you tried to be President and still lost to the world’s biggest douchebag?”
Keep winning, Ted.
@ 97
It’s not a law, yet. Senate and House passed it fewer than 24 hours ago.
You want raises, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
@ 69 FITB increasing its minimum wage to $15/hr
@ 79 WFC increasing its minimum wage to $15/hr
And it’s not even a law yet.
This is what the Democrats tried to prevent. Remember that next election season. If you don’t, we promise to remind you.
Remember that Charlottesville street? It has a new name. It’s now officially Heather Heyer Way.
The white supremacist only got an orange jumpsuit.
“Treason should be made of sterner stuff”
Sterner stuff? In your case, it’s more like “my whiny little bitch of a traitor”.
@ 99
Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
Do you recall that #CrookedHillary lost to the same guy?
’cause if you do, what do you think you gained with your spew?
@103 You think I miss Hillary? I wanted the socialist.
@ 103
“I’m proud of how she died,” says Susan Bro at the opening of Heather Heyer Way on Fourth Street. People from near and far reach out to tell her how Heather inspires them to stand up for what they believe in, she says. “What other legacy could a mother ever want for her child?”
7:38 AM – Dec 20, 2017
Oh, I dunno. Perhaps one in which her greatest accomplishment didn’t occur while she was on her back.How about a slew of hotels with the family name plastered on the outside?KOMO-4 just had some granola ex-hippie on the show talking about using clothes hangers to wrap Christmas light strings on. There seem to be a lot of granolas in Western WA.
Ah yes. Pounded out on the Public Library PC while drooling and staring glassy eyed at yet another BREAKING NEWS!!! headline pumped out by a bot-farm account named Nadya69.
Two years after enthusiastically taking Putin’s yoke, you just might not have much credibility when it comes to labeling people “socialists”.
@ 107
…you just might not have much credibility when it comes to labeling people “socialists”.
That’s still better than Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, who has no credibility with application @ 104 of that label, nor with anything else.
Good to see Doctor Dumbfuck bear hugging Fuckface this way. Very good. Perhaps this portends another effect of the Roypublicans finally passing legislation. Midterm Roypublican candidates who have spent most of this year keeping Fuckface at arms length may now rush headlong across the White Nationalist Even Horizon.
@105 Do I need to explain why everyone here thinks you’re a dumbfuck? It’s probably useless to try.
@107 I guess that’s progress. They used to call us “communists.” Not that they ever knew the difference.
@108 A rabbit calling you a dumbfuck is more credible than you implying Bernie Sanders isn’t what he calls himself.
@100 You can get anybody to support a $15 minimum wage by giving them a $1.5 trillion bribe.
They were against it until Trump, Ryan, and McConnell ran up a huge debt to pay them off.
Here’s how a HuffPo contributor sees a black GOP US Senator:
What a shocker… there’s ONE black person there and sure enough they have him standing right next to the mic like a manipulated prop. Way to go @SenatorTimScott. #trump #taxscambill
— Andy Ostroy (@AndyOstroy) December 20, 2017
The real reason Tim Scott was up there with the others when the bill was signed:
WASHINGTON — Sen. Tim Scott is feeling good. The Senate Finance Committee included two provisions he pushed for to help middle- and low-income families in a bill overhauling the tax code that will get a vote on the floor after Thanksgiving.
Scott’s legislation would encourage investment in low-income communities by lowering the tax on capital gains if they are reinvested long-term to help those communities grow. Scott also was part of a group of Republican lawmakers who worked closely with Ivanka Trump to double the child tax credit from $1,000 per child to $2,000.
Assholes gonna asshole. Your ilk will be in excellent form over the holidays, I’m sure.
@ 113
You can get anybody to support a $15 minimum wage by giving them a $1.5 trillion bribe.
Then there are those who can be bought to support it for significantly smaller campaign contributions, or invited op/ed honoraria. Just ask around, locally.
Seriously, does anyone else think Roger Rabbit is far from on his best game today? He’s serving up nothing but rainbow curves.
@114 I’m shocked. They stuck something in there for low-income communities? He’s black, too. They must have needed his vote something fierce.
Ivanka didn’t increase the child tax credit, Rubio did. They needed his vote, too. If Ivanka had any influence, it would’ve been in there from the get-go. After all, she’s a senior adviser to the President. But this wasn’t Trump’s show. It was Ryan’s and McConnell’s show, and they made the concessions they had to, to get to 50. Now they’re going to fuck over #51 and her constituents.
And her constituents will remember she let them.
@ 116
Rubio increased the percent of the $2,000 child tax credit that could be refunded by the IRS if the tax filer had no tax liability.
That’s different than the increase in the size of the tax credit itself.
Ivanka’s influence was well-reported. Here, let me help you:
Ivanka Trump scores win with Senate plan to double child tax credit
First Rule of Holes, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Is Trump’s DoJ trying to throw the Bundy case? Or are they just unethical and incompetent as a matter of course?
If you want to save the world, best not to do it from Oregon:
Oregon rooftop solar squeeze: Tax credit expiring, rebates shrinking
Potential rebate from a rooftop solar install purchased by 12/31: $6,000.
Potential rebate from the same install purchased one day later: $0.
Things that can’t go on forever, don’t.
By the way, thanks for clearing the way for Medicare-for-all. We Democrats never did like Obamacare much. After all, it was Romney’s idea, and consumers were still at the mercy of private insurance companies. It didn’t reduce costs much. No scheme that allows insurers to continue skimming 28% off the top could. Obamacare was an obstacle to single-payer. Now it’s not anymore.
@119 “Things that can’t go on forever, don’t.”
Nothing in our scientific knowledge says humans must survive.
None of this would have been possible if not for the contributions of senior citizens Harry Reid and #CrookedHillary.
Donald J. Trump
1:44 PM – Dec 20, 2017
If you go to the tweet, there’s 2 minutes of video. At the beginning you see a polio survivor struggle a bit trying to make it out the door. So the day isn’t a total loss for you libbies – you can make fun of a partly disabled person you don’t like.
Shorter Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 120:
Why Trump won’t sign the tax scam bill until next year.
@123 You should get an agent and look for a publisher.
@122 “you can make fun of a partly disabled person”
We’re aware you find value in that, but it isn’t our thing.
Don’t need to. We’ve always got you and Shortbus to keep us laughing.
If you liberal progressive trolls want to increase the earnings cap for Social Security, you’ve got to compromize with the people who will be affected by the increased tax burden. There are several ways to do this:
1. Lift the income restrictions for Roth IRAs for wealthy salary earners so that anyone at all, with an earned income, can contribute to a Roth IRA. What rich earners want more than anything else is income free of taxes. If you’re going to make them pay more into Social Security, then let them have the full benefits of a Roth IRA.
2. Allow these same high income earners to do a traditional IRA and deduct the amounts put into the traditional IRA if they choose to go the traditional route.
3. Raise the age for when required minimum distributions must begin in traditional IRAs to 80 or 85. This gives high income earners a chance accumulate more money in a traditional IRA that can be passed on to their heirs.
4. Exclude both IRA and Traditional IRA accounts from any estate tax or inheritance tax scheme. If a high earner sees he or she can pass a good amount of funds in a retirement account to an heir, it softens the blow of having to pay more Social Security taxes.
5. Allow Roth conversions to occur with a reduced tax cost for the untaxed portions of the traditional IRAs. Make the maximum tax on these conversions to Roths something like 10% of the taxable amount, and you’ll be giving the high earners are very nicely to go Roth.
This is a win-win for everyone. You liberal progressives can say how you all saved Social Security from collapse, and the big money earners get to put more away for themselves or their heirs. After all, the max anyone gets for Social Security is capped, so the high earners, under the current apparatus, don’t get the value from the money that they pay into the system. Giving these guys and gals a lot more on the IRA front is an easy way to get this through Congress and into law.
As always, with a compromise, everyone gives up something and gets something, too.
Happens to even the best.
First serious incident in 40 years on the Shinkansen network. The above link shows a Hokkaido Shinkansen, which has the newest equipment. This happened on a different line jointly run by the Central Japan Railway Company and the West Japan Railway Company.
Never thought I’d see Doctor Dumbfuck crowing about workers getting raises to $15 an hour. A couple weeks ago he was threatening to replace them all with robots.
There might be another reason why some companies are raising wages:
“There are 18 states and some cities where the minimum wage was going to rise in 2018.”
So if the workers get the raise 2 weeks early, how much does that cost the employers? Probably not as much as you think. And think of the PR they get out of it.
Meanwhile, the Republicans in Congress crowing about raising workers’ wages still think $7.25 an hour is an appropriate minimum wage.
80 – Look on the bright side. You have all that government stuff, and you didn’t have to deal with a state income tax. Those poor bastards in New York are paying out the wazoo AND have a state income tax to boot! You and I don’t have to deal with that crap, and we don’t have to pay a state income tax either!
It sure sucks to be from one of those other states!
I resent your insinuation that only millionaires are “Real Americans”;
There you go again with that early onset senility idiot senile wabbit. Never inferred or insinuated your BULLSHITTIUM!
Till Next Time!
“I believe in states’ rights.”
Here is why HA DUMMOCRETINS like roger senile idiot wabbit and clueless crazed databaze cretin are useless DUMMOCRETINS screaming racism when there isn’t any and ignoring racism when there really is racism like what happened in libtard Beverly Hills. Reagan was talking about states rights back in 1967 when governor of California!
Till Next Time!
@133 No, he was talking about “states’ rights” in Philadelphia, Mississippi, the town where three civil rights workers were murdered, in a blatant appeal to the racists in your party.
“Verizon is among dozens of the nation’s leading employers — including Amazon, Goldman Sachs, Target and Facebook itself — that placed recruitment ads limited to particular age groups, an investigation by ProPublica and The New York Times has found. …
“The ability of advertisers to deliver their message to the precise audience most likely to respond is the cornerstone of Facebook’s business model. But using the system to expose job opportunities only to certain age groups has raised concerns about fairness to older workers.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Concerns? Isn’t this illegal? I’m sure glad I don’t need a job and don’t have to put up with employers’ crap.
Oh, and if you go to Verizon’s careers page, you’ll notice there’s no middle-aged or old people in the pictures:
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns Verizon stock and proifits from their selective employment practices.)
It’s not Assholes gonna asshole.
It’s DUMMOCRETINS exuding hate of Republican black leaders, hence, being ASSHOLES, gonna ASSHOLE!
Till Next Time!
godwin @117,
You are trying to explain facts to an old senile idiot wabbit. It’s like talking to a brick wall!
Till Next Time!
Blah, blah, blah – bullshit..
Aside from that powertool blather, Atwater was a WHITE GUY.
He used the N-WORD.
What happened when HA HEROES used the N-word to illustrate the racism of Republicans? Oh the babbling butthole called us racist! When black folks use the n-word they get a pass because the babbling butthole farts Jesse Jackson.
Lee Attwater gets a pass because it had an R next to its name.
IOKIYAR! So farts the miserable babbling butthole!
Millions of examples of Republicans denigrating and dog whistling around Obama due to the color of his skin. ALMOST NOTHING HAS CHANGED FROM VOTERS WHO ARE THE LEGACY OF WALLACE!
Like Mike Steele – a never Drumpfer right? Anything left in the tank for him with him a regular on MSNBC?
Good on ‘im for criticizing Drumpf.. Disagree with him on many things. Most things even. Never Drumpf? That I agree with.
Drumpf is a putrid disgrace.
You must talking about something your daughter doesn’t have to worry about budgeting in now that daddy has paid for her job training.
@133 No, he was talking about “states’ rights” in Philadelphia, Mississippi,
Reagan was repeating what he said in 1967.
the town where three civil rights workers were murdered, in a blatant appeal to the racists in your party.
There is a very high probability those killer voted DUMMOCRETIN Roger senile idiot wabbit!
Till Next Time!
Yes those Trump hating polls are not being carried over to the money into the RNC!
Maybe there is something thar in dem polls?
Till Next Time!
@117 You wouldn’t know what a fact is if one bit you in the ass.
@131 Nobody’s forced to live in New York. Or Alabama. Frankly, I don’t want to live in a red state. Dogs are bad enough. Don’t ask me to put up with Republicans, too.
@138 “He used the N-WORD.”
For Puddy, that’s not a problem, as long as he’s an R.
@141 Your tribe has ’em now. Your party welcomed those killers of little black girls with open arms when our party threw them out. This is what the sister of one of those girls thinks of your candidate:
Hey boob,
I found some tape of your daughter getting a mani-pedi:
Don’t call her a bitch ever. She’ll have your guts for dinner.
Mwanwhile it’s found Russia colluded with Jill Stein. Is Hilliary Clinton next, she’s been at tables with Putin too, and Bill gives speeches there. So many secret Russian agents…Putin colluded with all the candidates, except Judge Roy Moore. Of course we won’t be interfering with Russia’s upcoming Putin elections, we never interfere with elections, We are as pure as the driven snow! Just don’t ask at Iranians or Chileans.
@20 Some seem to be wanting to talk about 2020 rather than the 2018 midterms. Did the fact taxpayers may see more in their paychecks put a damper in things, and a sudden acknowledgement Trump will complete his first term unless the grim reaper comes a calling? Some reality suddenly appearing on the horizon?
As far as the 2020 elections all you got is conjecture, current polls are only helpful if the election were like next week (and yes Virginia Trump would beat Hilliary even more). If things are as bad for Trump as you all want us to believe Trump won’t get his parties nomination. Still it’s very unlikely Hilliary Clinton will run as the Democratic nominee in 2020. Beyond that my tarot cards are as likely to predict the winner of 2020’s election. If you want to be really silly go to London, England and put a quid down on your favorite Democrat or even Jill Stein. Good luck, and should you win thank me with a free lunch in three years.
@40 Your hypothesis is easily provable or disproved using the scientific method. Are you sure you want to go with this, as all it takes is one Republican with an IQ of over 100 disproves your theory. I’m willing to predict I can find a Republican in Rockport, WA with an IQ over 100. Hell I can probably find him or her in the towns pub. If not I can go up to PSE’s little community of Newhalem. Probably won’t find a Republican who works for PSE with an IQ below 100.
If you want square up your hypothesis I’ll shoot your theory down and have fun doing it.
@43 To do what the ACA was supposed to do requires controlling both costs into healthcare, and how the healthcare is provided, ie the government going whole hog into providing health care for all Americans. What Americans derisively call socialized medicine or single payer. Americans would be very happy with single payer, and everyone would have skin in the game, but Obama and the Dems wisely thought they could not pass that, so they went with the Republican shell game version of health care more friendly to insurance companies, and a scam that Republicans could never get passed even in their wildest dreams, but Obama got that monstrosity passed. And the Republicans have gone through hell trying to kill their health care plan. Nothing could be funnier if it weren’t for the fact the US is the only industrialized nation without single payer, Americans pay two to three times as much for health care that is less effective than any other industrialized nation.
@50 It’s just possible that some assumptions that US corporations will only reward share holders with any savings in taxes maybe false assumptions for many corporations. Boeing does this and a telecomm company puts $1000 in 200,000 employees will have a positive economic effect. Will create new jobs, and the tax cuts have not hit yet, and the 1.5 trillion deficit is over 10 years. With Democratic economists predicting a 500,000 billion offset and Republicans economists predicting a 1 trillion offset, could be this will work out like it did for Reagan. Even Hilliary was singing praises to St. Ronnie this past Presidential election. With just 3 percent growth I bet the winner of the next Presidential election will be Trump. It’s the economy baby!! Only Reason Bush senior did not win was rhe economy baby.
Any revised predictions of Democratic success in 2018? Maybe come up with something better than banking on the Republicans screwing up? Nancy Pelosi is a dead parrot, could be tine for House democrats to throw the body overboard, or at least get a new minority leader. Certainly when Dems don’t take the house in 18 there will be a change of leadership? That Pelosi will be honorable and resign as minority leader? Probably too much to expect of a dead parrot.
@56 How odd German economists are not in lockstep with Democratic predictions. How dare they even suggest Trump is keeping campaign promises, Wonder if Trump is wiretapping the chancellors phone.
@65 Actually the election officials I’m most concerned about are the Whatcom County assessor and the Washington secretary of state. Maybe my local precinct official, but it’s all mail in ballots up here. I can’t get too excited over those folks in Indiana or Virginia, though I’d be much more interested if I were to move to either state. Pole taxes were popular in both states once upon a time, and other fine and popular election tactics that our fine state being a progressive state seeking to end those previously popular tactics that were no longer necessary or wanted in a very model of a very modern state of the union.
@80 Hey you left out natural resources, they had to clean up hundreds of gallons of diesel and like 50 gallons of battery acid at the Amtrac accident site. Your state tax dollars at work.
@101 I might try changing a few street signs too in the hope that the city won’t get sued if you make the family feel good and appreciated. One can hope as the report on the police department just does not reflect well on Charlottesville.
And of course there are the tourism dollars as you may need more of those after the lawsuit is settled. Them is going to be some mighty fine signs.
@102 I think he meant you should drink some Sterno preferable lit.
@134 Well they were very traditionalist KKK there in Philadelphia, Mississippi so them good old boys were still members of the Democratic party. In fact they are so traditionalist they still are.
@135 Where a company advertises jobs probably is not enough, even if the advertisements are directed. Wording in the ad could show bias though. And as long as the company accepts and handles applications from older workers fairly probably this use of facebook is ok. Showing only young workers on your website with no stated reason to limit hiring to a certain age rang due to requirements of the job would be legal, but bound to raise eyebrows. Onw would hope Federal and State officials would test the system with fake applicants to see if older workers can get an interview.
And it could be hard to prove bias against workers 40 and older.
Aside from that powertool blather, Atwater was a WHITE GUY.
He used the N-WORD.
Yes clueless crazed database cretin and so has WHITE GUY Roger senile idiot wabbit and WHITE GUY the vomit producing dead toad. If Puddy performs a careful Google search one will find WHITE GUY shitstain underwear racetrack steve used it too! Puddy’s old friend WHITE GUY GBS asked Cynical years ago if he had NIGGER jokes.
We know WHITE GUY Grand Kleagle Robert 3 Sheets to the Wind Byrd identified you as a WHITE GUY nigger! Lazy and shiftless; an EXACT description of you clueless crazed databaze cretin!
So once again we see the gutter dwelling clueless crazed databaze cretin acts when its BITCH SLAPPED with FACTS!
Till Next Time!
Glad it brought up George Wallace to Puddy. Time for the daily history lesson!
Do you mean this George Wallace
or this George Wallace? Both are DUMMOCRETINS!
– WikiPedia!
You see clueless crazed databaze cretin, Wallace never gave up being a racist DUMMOCRETIN, like you are here trying to antagonize Puddy with your La Raza horseshit!
Till Next Time!
Butt wait a minute roger senile idiot wabbit@146,
Above you claimed they were Republican. When FACTS were delivered (DUMMOCRETINS always hate FACTS) you change your tune again!
TRAIN WRECK just like dr DIPSHITTIUM flat beer frothy checkmate-252.
Till Next Time!
Oops! Guess I should not have referred to Senator Scott of SC as a “prop” for Republicans on that tax bill passage. I had to apologize for being a racist.
Also very good to see Shortbus bear hugging Fuckface now.
I’m very hopeful that the vast majority of sister-fucking hillbilly incumbents and candidates will react to this tax bill passage by abandoning their reticence with regard to the Orange Shitgibbon Rapist-in-Chief and rush headlong into his tiny hands. It seems very clear that from their side of the White Nationalist Event Horizon Fuckface is now suddenly very popular, despite all objective evidence to the contrary. Both Shortbus and Doctor Dumbfuck are now very confident in Roypublicans maintaining and even expanding their majorities in midterms with Fuckface and his Swamp Monsters leading the way. Fuckface wasn’t allowed to get any closer to AL than Pensacola. And look how that turned out. You could see Fuckface campaigning for Dino in the 8th!
That is very good news. That is turnout gold.
So why hasn’t anyone mentioned this bribery attempt on lawmakers?
— DM me susan
DM me jeff
no shit
2 million
each —
18 U.S.C. 201(b)
…shall be fined under this title or not more than three times the monetary equivalent of the thing of value, whichever is greater, or imprisoned for not more than fifteen years, or both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.
Since she offered Collins and Flake $@ Million each 3x would be $12 Million fine. And Trump hasn’t said anything. Hmmm…?
Till Next Time!
A few articles popping up today – CBS, WaPo have them – in which the authors are now beginning to wonder whether Pelosi might have oversold that Armageddon thing.
Democrats, without exception, voted agains tax cuts for 80% of the country. Some of those 80% vote.
The daughter of NY Giants owner and yuuuuuge Trump supporter Jim Mara is playing Mary Jo Kopechne in the upcoming movie Chappaquiddick.
Who is this Rachel Meadow?
Oh wait. Bot-farm algorithm misspelling again.
Never mind.
@ 165
Wouldn’t help. She’s already dishonored and untrustworthy.
But hey, so is #CrookedHillary. Which reminds me, #CrookedHillary’s campaign outspent Trump’s by $600M and she still lost.
What a horrible, horrible candidate.
When Obama said “You’re likable enough, Hillary.”, he was wrong.
Goldy used Twitter to attack during key election moments.
Russian trolls went on attack during key election moments
See, the thing is, if Hanauer sets up an organization to do research and report on political issues affecting inequality and uses it to comment on Presidential candidates that’s his legal right. If he coordinates with one of the campaigns in doing so that’s an illegal in-kind contribution.
Now just make Nick Hanauer into an adversarial shirtless Russian dictator, and the organization a global espionage service and it all becomes multiple felonies.
So the comparison is nearly exact!/s
HA’s own local hillbilly, the Oregon Moron asked 165,
Who is this Rachel Meadow?
Well if the Oregon moron paid attention it would have figgered out it was the idiot DUMMOCRETIN herself Rosie O’Donnell who can’t spell.
Must be her DUMMOCRETIN bots…
Never mind!
Till Next Time!
WHen your DUMMOCRETIN harasser works for you no big deal…
@ 172
Now just make Nick Hanauer into an adversarial shirtless Russian dictator…
That stroke material is gonna last gman at least a week. That ain’t tinsel he’s using to trim the tree.
Ah yes. The infamous Christmas Cock-rings fable. Glad to see Roypublicans keeping it “real”.
BENGHAAAZIIIII!!! (Woops. Forgot the hashtag.)
And the Obummer-bots are pizzed at Politico for unleashing this shitstorm…
PuddyCommentary: Amazing stuff. You can’t make this up. Of course the stooooooooopid HA DUMMOCRETINS will come up with something really stooooooooooooopid about these FACTS as they unfold!
Watch the libtard news channels to see if Project Cassandra is mentioned at all or in 15 second blurbs. Did Obummer compromise the inner cities by allowing Hezbollah (friends of many HA DUMMOCRETINS) to quietly continue to send drugs to the inner city poor blacks and his panics and stop the DEA from their interdiction duties? Soooooooooo Obummer didn’t care about his black brothers and sisters as Puddy had been saying for the last eight years. It’s all about political expediency.
Really? The ends always justifies the means to a DUMMOCRETIN!
DUMMOCRETIN really are SCUM! It’s in the Politico, left leaning Politico. Soooooooooooooo shitstain underwear racetrack steve can’t call it hate.
Till Next Time!
Ain’t this the libtard US District Attorney for NY under Obummer getting shafted by Obummer in the last post?
How can this horsesASS manure happen? When DUMMOCRETINS are in power! That’s how.
Till Next Time!
@ 177
Yes, it will be interesting, and any correlation with DWS and her IT peeps will also be interesting.
It would be more relevant if Obama had to deal with it contemporaneously the way Reagan had to with Iran-Contra.
What will be most interesting is if it turns out that Obama was able to weaponize DOJ as successfully as he did other government agencies.
@149 “Did the fact taxpayers may see more in their paychecks put a damper in things, and a sudden acknowledgement Trump will complete his first term unless the grim reaper comes a calling? Some reality suddenly appearing on the horizon?”
At least your comments are consistent — consistently dumb. The realities are:
(1) Trump is a man of low morals and bad character, someone you would never allow into a PTA or kids’ soccer league, whether he’s reelected or not. The fact he was elected, and might be reelected, is sad testament to the fact Republican voters have completely divorced themselves from any moral or character requirement — a pattern we saw replicated in Alabama when they gave their Senate nomination to a child molester.
(2) This tax bill is a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy. The very modest and very temporary tax cuts being given to wage earners are a smoke screen. They will be clawed back through (1) tax increases later, (2) the higher health insurance premiums that repeal of the individual mandate will lead to, (3) the higher inflation this tax stimulus is likely to generate, and (4) the middle class entitlement cuts that may occur as a result of the deficits this tax bill will create, and which Republicans will do everything in their power to make occur.
(3) You may not realize the GOP is scamming you, but most of the public does. Polls have consistently shown that two-thirds of the public opposes this bill. They know when they’re being gored.
(4) Do you seriously believe anyone here is against higher paychecks? That’s beyond dumb. Liberals have championed the interests of working people for over 100 years. We oppose the Republican agenda because it screws workers. This tax bill is no exception. The rich are getting over $1 trillion of tax breaks. The rich are not paying for those tax breaks. Someone is. If the rich aren’t that leaves everyone else. Most people have figured this out. You can’t because you’re not smart enough.
@150 Go for it. But two things are certain. One, you’re a Republican. Two, you don’t meet the other criterion. So, good hunting.
@154 “Maybe my local precinct official, but it’s all mail in ballots up here.”
That’s statewide, dummy. Washington adopted mail-in voting in 2011. Between 2005 and 2011, it was up to the counties, but by 2011 38 of the 39 counties had adopted mail-in voting (even in Pierce County, the last holdout, 89% of ballots were being cast by mail). The reason? Cost. You don’t have to pay pollworkers. It’s also popular with voters because it’s more convenient; you don’t have to drive to a polling place and stand in line when you’re trying to drop off or pick up kids from school and get to work or get home from work through commuter traffic in time to vote. It’s good for democracy because it removes obstacles to voting and boosts voter participation. On every level, mail-in voting is a good thing and a no-brainer. Republicans hate it, but then, Republicans pretty much hate everything good and decent in this world, including working people, nature and the environment, peace, a healthy economy, safe consumer products, a sound banking system, net neutrality, etc.
@157 After a string of moronic comments not worth a reply, you might actually be onto something in this one.
@159 You’re no good at law. Please leave legal issues to people who know what they’re talking about.
@160 Please provide a link to where I’ve used the “N” word.
@162 I don’t see any facts in #162, certainly nothing rebutting #146, only your usual incoherent brainless ranting.
@163 Yeah, bad choice of words. Scott’s not just a prop for a Trump photo-op, although it’s hard to deny he is, but this overshadows the crucial fact that he’s a vote for the GOP tax scam and exploding deficits. Incidentally, he’s also a business owner and real estate investor who probably will personally benefit from the peculiar “pass-through” provisions of this tax bill.
@164 “Fuckface wasn’t allowed to get any closer to AL than Pensacola.”
Passport problems? Just curious.
@165 I don’t expect someone with your legal acumen to grasp why this isn’t prosecutable. Political speech in bad taste, but not an actual offer to pay a bribe.
James O’Keefe does this sort of thing all the time (and you don’t complain about it when he does). He isn’t prosecuted for it, for the same reason.
Rosie is just being an obnoxious provocateur like your boy O’Keefe. If he can do it, she can do it, too.
@166 Pelosi isn’t buying your shell game. Neither am I. Try the rubes. You might have better luck with them. They’re pretty stupid.
@167 I’m sure you’ll be first in line at the box office. Some people can’t get enough Chappaquiddick porn. I guess they’ll feel aggrieved forever that there was insufficient evidence to find Ted guilty of anything but leaving the scene of an accident.
@169 “What a horrible, horrible candidate.”
Sez one of Fuckface’s biggest fans. Of course, the irony is lost on him.
To no competent legal observer’s surprise, all six defendants in the first Washington D.C. inauguration protests trial have been acquitted.
The jury rejected Trump’s prosecutors’ arguments that being at a location where a riot is occurring makes you a rioter, and no evidence of illegal acts by the individuals being prosecuted is needed for conviction.
They must have graduated from Roy Moore’s law school.
Roger Rabbit Commentator: The prosecution’s legal theory was so farfetched that some of these defendants may have a cause of action for malicious prosecution. I hope they pursue it.
The other Roypublican shoe.
LOL! Everyone notice that the freak is missing Roger Ailes and Bill-O the klown.
Together with the troll boob, we see a flaccid duo of Drumflicanism and Roypublicanism!
What else?
Yawwwn. Babbling butthole decoder ring says “cherry picking”..
This is left out:
When George Wallace ran for President in 1968, it was not as a Democrat –
Why not babbling butthole?
Wallace voters are the Drumpflicans and Roypublicans of today.. PERIOD!
Where else could the Dixiecrats turn after the Civil and Voting Rights Acts were signed into law by a DEMOCRATIC President?
A place where they were always welcome – the Republican Party. See the States Rights rhetoric used by the pitiful actor Ronnie Raygun to being his 1980 campaign – in a place where racists committed murder.
Trolls, you’re welcome to ’em.
Wow. Thanks for agreeing that Lee Attwater, a Republican white guy used the N-WORD. You must believe that makes the Attwater Republican white guy racist.
Yes, yours truly remember when GBS used the N-Word to do as yours truly said – illustrate the racism of Republicans.
And thank you for naming that one Republican that GBS was calling out – Mr. Klynical.
Yours truly concludes you stabbed GBS in the back for using the N-Word.
GBS should have been a Republican. IOKIYAR!
The House has passed and sent to the Senate a short-term government funding bill, a CHIP extension, and $81 billion of disaster relief, and is now adjourned until next year.
At least one D.C. observer thinks Republicans, seeing handwriting on the wall, are “looting the store and grabbing as much as they can” while they still can.
@166 Bush41 became unemployed in 1993 partly because he didn’t understand the difference between “literally” and “seriously.” Doctor Dumbfuck has the same blind spot. Here, this might help:
Doesn’t look like Doctor Dumbfuck’s boy is getting any political payoff from passage of the GOP tax scam (which he hasn’t signed yet*).
* Fuckface doesn’t plan to shove this pill down middle class throats until Jan. 3 because it has some nasty side effects Repubs want to postpone until 2019.
Stupidity and bad judgment apparently don’t disqualify people from being cops. Even when they point guns at an 11-year-old gear to make sure she’s not an adult burglary suspect. Of course, the fact she’s black makes it more-okay.
@197 Also passed by Senate, 66-32.
Living in NYC is actually not all that bad. Let’s see I get paid more, probably more than I will be paying in additional taxes. And I don’t need a car, but I do spend $110/month on getting around the city, where all my work is. And yeah, once in a while when I travel to my hometown outside of NY I have to pay for a train ticket. Yeah and things cost more in NYC but you learn to make do with less and ways to stretch your money. For instance there is MealPal. With MealPal you pay for a plan either for lunch or dinner at a much cheaper cost. And it is a good way to stick with a budget. For $50-$60 I get 12 meals in a month (the plan I opted to choose), where as before I was spending a minimum of $10-$15 on lunch per day. Or if you want cheaper then you make your lunch at home and bring it to work. And if you can’t afford the $110 monthly cost of the subway pass (unlimited rides) you can chose a CitiBike. For I think $100 per year you can bike around and get healthy. How much do suburbanites pay for the cost of transportation, tolls, and everything else related? Probably not cheaper than I will am paying in additional taxes. Yeah, you too could take public transportation or ride a bike….but most of the people not living in a city don’t (lazy mother fuckers).
Oh and the Studio Apartment I purchase a year ago I think has already increased in value by more than 10% since….but I did read an article that because of this Tax Bill that it will effect home values. But this is NYC, until it’s under water in a decade or so, the property values typically go up.
You can’t get the potential of opportunities out here like you do in East Bumbfuck, Alabama. People in Alabama probably spend more money on beer than I will be paying in additional taxes, potentially or most likely be paying.
So yeah it sucks that the douche bags hit NY and the blue states harder but you only live once and maybe it’s not that bad if you know how to save your money.
I’m not positive if Puffy’s boy still lives in NYC, but I haven’t heard Puffy saying that his boy is moving out because it cost too much. But hey, that’s an option if you want it.
Oh wow, here’s a Drumpf lackey who wants to force the birth of rapists’ spawn:
The babbling butthole will feign outrage, but nothing but crickets from boob..
As the babbling butthole would say: “If you don’t speak out and condemn it, you must support it!”
Perhaps one of our trolls (maybe puddles or the doctor) can explain to me how 128 votes against Trump’s stated position in the UN, in spite of his ambassador’s threats, shows the world is respecting us again.
@204 I don’t think these guys are real big on constitutional rights.
Oops. A GOP congresswoman’s sad-sack story about her family’s estate tax ordeal turns out to be … um … steer manure.
At what point does the Trump is a Russian puppet narrative blow up and go away, as this says he is not a Russian puppet. Seems the Russians are a might upset. Perhaps he will point out our military is larger than Russia’s and we spend a lot more on our military, doubt the Chinese are too happy.
And Nikki is taking names in the UN. Yep American diplomacy Thomas Jefferson style!!! Some of you may want to brush up on the Barbary pirates and USS Constitution.
@164 You might want to consult with Nancy Pelosi who had a moment of reality. The Republicans have the votes. I don’t like Trump, but I do exist in the world as it is, Meanwhile you are trying to apply Society of Anachronism to the real world. Yes they think of the middle ages as they want them to be, not as they were. The reality is Donald Trump is President. Democrats should pick up some house seats this next election, but they are not in the real world and hoping the American people will just be upset without competing.
He is the President. There will be no use of the 25th Amendment to remove him. There will be no impeachment at least not before 2020. And you are upset because I’m speaking the truth to you, and not doing it from a partisan viewpoint, so some of you hate me, I welcome your hate.
@144 If Washington state became a red state you would move?
@145 He is also black and black culture coopted the word nigger so he can use it. So can Obama or a black comedian at a dinner: “Hey Berry my Niggar.”
@184 Apparently that does not include you. Anyone can discuss the law or law. You don’t have to have a Doctorate in the law to chat about. I’m not offering advice. You don’t have to reply, but you can do better than an ad hominy if you do. Please educate me and point out my errors if you alleged possessor of a PHd in law.
@180 At least try to turn your sour grapes into wine.
Bet you are glad your military days are way behind you and you don’t have to salute the man. You would follow your oath and salute the man if you were in the military? Or you would spend 30 days in detention because of your beliefs? And you thought President Johnson was a great guy while in Nam? You praised him while recovering from your wounds? Treasure that Purple Heart?
@205 Well the howls there will be if Nikki proposes moving the United Nations to East Jerusalem. Maybe then the UN will have incentive to do it’s job. It’s only been 22 years since the peoples representatives voted to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Seems Trump is following our law. Did the UN vote 22 years ago after Congress took the original action. My there will be howls when the Embassy is moved. Then other nations will move their embassies. Showing leadership in the world sometimes brings out the howls.
Useless tool clueless crazed databaze cretin @195,
You betcha Puddy skipped over 1968… Because Wallace ran as a DUMMOCRETIN in 1964, 1972, and 1976. 1968 was an aberration like you are in every thread clueless crazed databaze cretin! George Wallace came back to the DUMMOCRETIN party and they willingly opened their arms to this white racist guy!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! History lesson complete!
Till Next Time!
Useless tool clueless crazed databaze cretin @196,
Puddy purposely made it search the crazed databaze with tctmgr. Hence the GBS reference. GBS is more of a man than you’ll ever be clueless crazed databaze cretin tool! IT doesn’t even realize when Puddy pulls a Pavlov, making IT go back to the crazed databaze and search. Puddy PWNS this tool!
In fact this FOOL thought Puddy’s last name was Pavlov! Google it people.
Take the Test! Take the Test! Oops it’s fake! Stooooooooooooopid clueless crazed databaze cretin!
What? No comment on the vomit producer’s or roger senile idiot use of the word “NIGGER”?
Another EPIC FAYLE all in the use of tctmgr! Google works just fine!
Till Next Time!
As Mark Adams (Shortbus to the Oregon Moron. Oregon moron lover of Rachel Meadow) stated above with Nikki Haley’s commentary; there are many nations that hate Israel. Also Real Americans supported the embassy move back in the 1990s when Clinton and the Congress approved it. Puddy hopes Trump follows through on their loss of AID! This is why FOOLS like 2K just don’t get world politics. They want US money but vote against US interests. Sooooooooooooo, a much reduced level or no more money for them!
Guatemala, Honduras, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Togo still love their US AID!
From the Washington Post… The evening before his speech, the Congress of the United States passed a law echoing Rabin’s assertions about the city. Spurred by the desire to act before Rabin’s visit, the House and Senate passed a bill called the “Jerusalem Embassy Act,” which formally recognized the city as the country’s capital and called for the U.S. Embassy in Israel to be moved there from Tel Aviv by 1999. Support for the bill was overwhelming. It passed the Senate by a 93 to 5 vote, with four Republicans and one Democrat voting no. It passed the House 374 to 37, with 153 Democrats joining most of the new Republican majority that had swept into power in 1994.
Pelosi yoted yes! Kerry voted yes! BiteME voted yes!
History lessons are always lost on DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
Uh-oh. The loon is really bringing the HATE!
@208 Send that to Mr. Mueller. Who knows, he may be impressed, although I doubt it. I’m not, but then, I’m not him.
@209 Ever heard of sovereignty? Nope, didn’t think so. Look it up when you have time.
@210 Mark, you are right about Republicans wanting to live in the middle ages as they imagine in, not as it was. And make the rest of us, too. But let’s be clear about something else.
You’re not speaking truth to us. Your comments are uninformed idiocy. Your viewpoint isn’t nonpartisan, it’s uninformed idiocy. And we don’t hate you, we think you’re an uninformed idiot.
I hope that clarifies things for you.
@211 In the same sense as if Mount Rainier erupted and buried Washington in steaming volcanic lava. In other words, while a theoretical possibility exists, the odds of it happening are low.
@212 Yes, I realize black people have co-opted use of the term. If they choose to call out each other by that term, who am I to question it, considering everything they’ve been through? And if a black individual like Puddy doesn’t mind the fact that white Republicans who want him dead still refer to him by that term, well, that’s his problem. If I were him, I wouldn’t hang out with those people much less vote for them, but that’s just me.
Btw, he still hasn’t responded to my challenge to show where I’ve used the term, which you may feel free to accept as evidence that I didn’t. Or, as Puddy would put it, that’s BULLSHITTIUM.
@213 “Please educate me and point out my errors if you alleged possessor of a PHd in law.”
See what I mean about “uninformed idiot”? You post stuff like this and expect to be taken seriously?
First of all, the correct spelling is “Ph.D.,” not “PHd”. Second, I’ve never claimed to be a “possessor of a PHd [sic] in law.” Such a degree exists; more information about it is here:
As you should be able to see from a cursory reading, a Ph.D. in Law is an advanced degree intended for those who plan to pursue an academic career in law. Rather than explain what this means, for now I’ll leave it to you to figure out, on the chance we may get an amusing interpretation. Generally speaking, practicing lawyers and judges do not have Ph.D.s in Law, although some may have a master’s degree in law in a practice specialty, for example an LL.M. in Tax Law.
Educating you in the law is not my responsibility. A legal education requires three years of intensive study. It also requires a higher level of reasoning ability than is likely to be possessed by someone who would write this:
“Showing only young workers on your website with no stated reason to limit hiring to a certain age rang due to requirements of the job would be legal, but bound to raise eyebrows. Onw would hope Federal and State officials would test the system with fake applicants to see if older workers can get an interview” (@159) in response to this: “But using the system to expose job opportunities only to certain age groups has raised concerns about fairness to older workers” (@135).
The problem, my friend, is you didn’t read the question. In higher education generally, not excluding legal education, you need to READ THE DAMN QUESTION and make sure you UNDERSTAND THE DAMN QUESTION before you start writing your answer to the DAMN QUESTION, otherwise you may end up answering the WRONG DAMN QUESTION, in which case your answer is likely to be wrong, too.
In this case the question is, would a court be likely to find a company violated a law prohibiting age-based discrimination in hiring if the company recruited job applicants via a platform that only allows persons under the age of 37 to view its help wanted ads?
Now, I can’t confer a J.D. degree on you, are license you to practice law (yes, I have such a degree and license), nor can I give you a proper legal education in 5 minutes, but here’s a rough outline of the answer:
In law school, there is no right or wrong answer. You will be graded on your ability to recognize and identify legal issues, determine which facts are relevant and which aren’t, find the applicable legal rules, apply those rules to the facts of the case, devise reasoned arguments for both sides, choose an outcome, and defend the choice with persuasive legal reasoning.
Applying this to the problem at hand, the issue is whether a method of advertising job openings which allows only applicants under age 37 to see the advertisements violates laws against age discrimination in employment. The answer probably is yes, but the first thing you have to figure out is who’s getting sued: The software developer? The platform (e.g., Facebook)? The employer? All of them?
In this case, if I’m the lawyer representing the job applicant who never had a chance to apply for the job because the software developer, platform, and employer all conspired to exclude him from access to information about job openings at that company, I’m probably going to sue all of them, as there seems to be liability all the way around.
If I’m the lawyer defending the software developer, I’ll probably argue that writing a program isn’t equivalent to misusing it. Cars can cause harm, too, if they’re not driven properly by the operator. (Lawyers love using analogies to make complex concepts more understandable, especially when arguing to juries.) However, if I’m the plaintiff’s lawyer, I’ll likely argue that the defendant intentionally designed the program to discriminate against older job seekers because that’s what his client asked for, and knew or should have known that’s what it would be used for; whether he knew this is against the law is immaterial because ignorance of the law is not a defense.
As to the company’s liability, the arguments will revolve around the company’s knowledge and intent. If Company simply placed its job listings on Platform with no intent to discriminate and not knowing that Platform uses software that blocks users over age 36 from seeing the ads, then Company may be off the hook. But if I’m the plaintiff’s lawyer, I’ll argue it’s not credible that Company didn’t know Platform was screening out older job seekers. For one thing, if Company is only getting applications from people under age 36, they should have realized what was going on.
If I’m representing Platform, I’ll probably argue that my client merely provided a service to Company and isn’t legally responsible for what Company did with it. Platform is merely a pipeline for information, not the author of the information. If I’m the plaintiff’s lawyer, I’ll argue that Platform built and installed the valve that regulated the flow of information through the pipeline, and therefore is complicit if the resulting constriction of information flow violated the law. I’ll argue that Platform and Company conspired together, with full knowledge of what each other was doing, to violate my client’s employment rights and therefore are joint and several tortfeasors, which means both defendants are individually on the hook for the full amount of my client’s damages. This is the outcome I prefer as the plaintiff’s lawyer because it enables me to satisfy the judgment from the assets of either defendant or both of them, which makes it more likely the judgment will be collectible and makes collecting it easier.
If this is a law school exam question, what my answer will NOT include is a philosophical discussion of whether discriminating against older workers should be illegal, unless the question asks for such a discussion. (This usually will be presented in such a form as, “Discuss whether this practice should be regulated or prohibited, and why”.) If it’s a court case in which I’m involved, then as the defendants’ lawyer I may examine whether I can challenge the validity of the legal rules on which the plaintiff’s claim is based; and if I’m the plaintiff’s lawyer, I will defend the law’s validity if I’m present with such a challenge in the defendants’ arguments.
In summary, the employment practice at issue appears to prima facie violate age discrimination laws, but you’d have to delve into the specific facts of the case to determine whether it does, and there will be arguments both ways as to whether the specific actions of the defendants resulted in (1) harm and (2) liability to the plaintiff.
Based on your track record on HA, I feel safe in saying you lack the knowledge and reasoning ability to do what’s required to construct a legal resolution of this problem, had you had gotten past the first step of figuring out what the question is, which you didn’t.
@214 “At least try to turn your sour grapes into wine.”
You can’t make wine from horse piss.
“Bet you are glad your military days are way behind you and you don’t have to salute the man.”
I’m glad I don’t have to sleep in foxholes and get shot at anymore. It doesn’t really take very much to make me happy. Sleeping in a warm bed with no one shooting at me is enough. Everything else — e.g., becoming a millionaire by flipping stocks — is just a hobby.
“You would follow your oath and salute the man if you were in the military?”
Yes, if military regulations and the setting require such a salute. Generally speaking, military protocol may require a soldier in uniform to salute a civilian who is above him in the chain of command in certain circumstances. Usually, this means only POTUS and the secretary of one’s service branch. Civilians are never required to return a salute, even if the soldier is required to salute.
“Or you would spend 30 days in detention because of your beliefs?”
I would spend a good deal more than 30 days in detention if I was ordered to commit an illegal and immoral act, i.e., I would refuse to commit an atrocity.
“And you thought President Johnson was a great guy while in Nam?”
Johnson wasn’t president when I was in Nam.
“You praised him while recovering from your wounds? Treasure that Purple Heart?”
My opinion of President Johnson has evolved. At the time, I thought he was a warmonger and mismanaged the war. Now, I think he misjudged the necessity of fighting in Vietnam and mismanaged the war.
They don’t award Purple Hearts for dysentary, chronic illnesses picked up on overseas deployments, or PTSD; but they do award disability benefits for those reasons. Most veterans I know are more immediately interested in the monthly income and free medical care than their medals. I served with a soldier who received the CMOH. Sadly, he’s not around to enjoy the public respect and adulation that comes with this recognition. The circumstances required him to give his life to save others, which he willingly did.
puddles @ 219- as expected a deflection. Trump claims the world respects again. At their first opportunity the world thumbs its nose at him. We’ll see if it’s another hollow threat.
The great puddles, expert in world affairs does not see how Trump’s actions are weakening the US. We are now no longer a trusted intermediary in the middle east peace process. Sorry, Jared won’t be able to do magic. Europe is united against us. He tells our allies “my way or the highway” and they are heading down the road. We are left alone and weakened.
@215 Relevance?
“We are left alone and weakened.”
Which pleases Putin to no end.
@216 Such a proposal would only be a proposal. If the U.S. presented such a proposal to the body, it undoubtedly would be debated, and perhaps voted on (or perhaps not). The U.S. can decide where to locate its embassy, subject to acquiescence by the host country, but it can’t unilaterally decide where the U.N. headquarters will be located, beyond deciding not to host it on U.S. soil.
@217 More pertinent is that you skipped over everything after 1968. The racists are in your party now, and have been for the last half-century, which for some odd reason doesn’t keep you from fellow traveling with lowlifes who want you dead.
@218 “In fact this FOOL thought Puddy’s last name was Pavlov!”
Sounds right. Ring a bell and Puddy crawls out of his hole looking for cheese.
@219 We spend money on foreign aid because it advances our interests. If we don’t help Guatemala and Honduras with things they need, they may seek aid from Russia or China, which would be happy to have a foothold in Central America.
Unfortunately, this is over the heads of our stupid president and his stupid supporters. We criticize stupidity in public affairs because it usually ends up costing us in the long run, sometimes more than we can afford. Prevention is the best cure.
@220 “The loon is really bringing the HATE!”
This time the loon is really bringing the STUPIDITY. See #234.
@228 Jared probably could get the Russians to go along with a few inconsequential things, as any debtor can, because they want to get paid back.