Oh man I would have thought it would take longer for Flynn to flip. Seriously, everyone, stop helping Trump commit crimes. He won’t save you, and you destroy your soul. Also, maybe don’t bring your children into your criminal enterprise.
Anyway, thank goodness we avoided having a kindly Methodist grandmother as president.
Flynn, Kushner, Trump, this all calls for an industrial size bowl of popcorn.
If it involves Jared it involves Ivanka.
Once tools like Flynn, Manafort, and Gates, comprehend how they were used and cast aside, how absolutely unconcerned Fuckface is with their fates, and how the real criminals are guaranteed to walk away from all this, they’ll turn nasty fast. Should be fun to watch.
Do you think Fuckface will delay mass firings at DOJ until tomorrow night for “old time’s sake”?
It’s something of a tradition among Hillbilly Traitors.
So Flynn lied to the FBI investigators about discussing sanctions with Kislyak. He told them those lies after the WaPo publicly revealed the phone call based upon a confidential government informant. So at the time Flynn was being interviewed by the FBI he would have known that somebody (probably some agency) in the federal government knew about the phone call.
Keep in mind please that this guy was a very high ranking general officer in war time, retired to run a for-hire intelligence gathering company, and was the Republican top-pick for national security for the incoming Russian puppet regime. So probably a guy who knows a thing or two about investigations, surveillance, intelligence gathering, wiretaps, etc.
And it never occurred to him that the FBI or the NSA might have been listening in on Kislyak’s phone calls and known precisely what was discussed?
Somebody ordered Flynn to lie to the FBI. Somebody with power who could threaten him. I’m not thinking it was Jared.
Guys here are already gambling over who gets Kushner’s butthole first. But not me. I’m thinking he’s got a really pretty mouth.
Sorry Bubba, you ain’t gonna get Flynn. Trump will have him dropped in the middle of Afghanistan or Iraq and let the natives “go tribal” on him.
I’m absolutely certain the Republicans will demand that Farenthold resign*, just as they did with Conyers and Franken.
“Report: Rep. Blake Farenthold Used Congressional Slush Fund To Settle Sexual Harassment Lawsuit”
*Just kidding. It’ll never happen.
Anyway, thank goodness we avoided having a kindly Methodist grandmother as president.
One whose parents were sufficiently informed of salient world events to have named her after an explorer.
And one whose catlike physical skills enabled her to dodge sniper fire in Bosnia.
Pls print.
@8 “One whose parents…” “And one whose…”
I take it that’s your excuse for committing treason.
Shouldn’t y’all HA libbies be scheming to force Trump to resign, then Pence becomes president, then y’all getcher Dem senators to somehow block his VP nominee, then get a couple Rethuglican senators to vote no on some shit, then there’s no VP to break ties when it’s 50:50. Like The West Wing, but without all the Sorkin-isms.
Either that or do some more pink yarn knitting. They’re each equally effective.
@10 Fuck you and your 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags.
“Either that or do some more pink yarn knitting. They’re each equally effective.”
You really are that fucking clueless, aren’t you? It doesn’t end with marches and #metoo. Your party of pussy-grabbers, rapists, child molesters and goatfuckers will not survive 2018.
If you were a real man, and not the bolstered-by-snide, insecure bitch you are, you’d be supporting those women and their pussy hats.
At this stage, Pence looks far more “presidential” than Trump. Pence has his own issues but for cryin’ out loud Trump and his ilk are a fucking disaster on so many levels it is pathetic.
I’ll give Ronbo Reagan credit, even though he was B-actor at best, he could pull off the Statesman act well, Trump not so much.
@13 Reagan had his moments. Challenger was one of them.
“The crew of the space shuttle Challenger honored us by the manner in which they lived their lives. We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and “slipped the surly bonds of earth” to “touch the face of God.””
ABC News corrects bombshell Flynn report
“[A] clarification tonight on something one of Flynn’s confidants told us and we reported earlier today,” Ross said on the program. “He said the president had asked Flynn to contact Russia during the campaign. He’s now clarifying that saying, according to Flynn, candidate Trump asked him during the campaign to find ways to repair relations with Russia and other world hot spots. And then after the election, the president-elect asked him to contact Russia on issues including working together to fight ISIS.”
A tweet published by ABC News containing Ross’ initial report had been retweeted more than 25,000 times and embedded in various news stories online before it was deleted. ABC posted a “clarification” on Twitter around 8 p.m.
I suppose it’s like getting your first erection since, oh, January 20th of this year, and just as you think you’re gonna get to slip it in, it goes soft.
Is that about the feeling, Steve?
@1 and set up some gallows in a Public Square….preferably in some Southern State…..I wouldn’t want the stench of the rotting bodies near me.
Hey someone tell Doctor D that the Dow reached 24,000 the other….something needs to cheer him up.
I’m sure he’ll be back as soon as the Tax Bill is passed late this evening in the dark Friday.
@ 14
Steve, that was not Ronald Reagan.
That was Peggy Noonan, who wrote the words Reagan spoke that day.
She also authored “When Character Was King”, among others. You may borrow my copy sometime if you wish.
My bad….he’s back.
One possible problem with Pence being President is that he may not come out clean from this Russia bullshit either….but keep the hope alive.
As soon as Pence is President there wont be anymore Pussy Grabbing goings on.
Hey, libbies, here’s one more guy to add to the list of possible 2020 Democrat presidential candidates.
Former congressman William Jefferson goes free, thanks to Supreme Court ruling in McDonnell case
What a wonderful time for Dollar Bill to go free. Just as Democrats are doing their best to convince the rest of the country that they’re not corrupt, and that there’s no problem, none at all, in the CBC.
As well, is the treatment of Dollar Bill Nancy Pelosi’s shining moment, or what?
Think on your sins, HA libbies. You’ve many from which to choose.
“Steve, that was not Ronald Reagan. That was Peggy Noonan…”
I didn’t say Reagan wrote the speech. I wrote that Reagan had his moments. The Challenger speech was one of them. My God, your dumbfuckery will never end, will it?
@8 is doubling down on a hard 16…..just can’t let go of his treasonous ways.
I bet the Putin’s horse doesn’t even like the dumbfuck.
They all got the pronoun wrong, and with him standing right there in front of them! Truly the Party Of Dumbfuck.
(Then again, 4 out of 5 federal prosecutors say Flynn has a beautifully sweet singing voice.)
Shouldn’t y’all HA libbies be scheming to force Trump to resign,
No, Dumbfuck, we shouldn’t. And since I’m a bleeding-heart liberal, always sympathetic to the pitiably public struggles of the mentally handi-capable, I’ll graciously inform you as to why.
Trump is worth far more to us liberals right where he is, alive and in the White House, than dead or in Trump Tower. Pence may have been smart enough to avoid whatever treasonous idiocy Flynn et. al. performed, but with Trump still in the big chair, the investigations will roll on and on and on and on, at least into the next election cycle. Trump himself will loudly and endlessly remind everyone how much of a failure he and Congress continue to be. Can you feel an electoral wave building?
Enjoy each and every new turn and twist of this sordid saga, as the feds close in, Trump rejects Republican leaders’ calls to resign, and Republican office-seekers run away from it all. If you’re nice to us, we might even buy you a tell-all book about how it all came to be. (You need something new to read anyway, now that the pages in your copy of “Shattered” are all stuck together. Think about it.)
Live on your knees.
@15 ohhh yeah….and I heard he wanted Flynn to ask Putin if he could pet his pony too.
The relationship between Putin and Drump/Treasonous Dumbfuck Cohorts is more than just the possibility of helping with swinging an election. It was about money and oil and probably even promoting Nazism worldwide. The first step was helping Drumpfy get elected. It was just the beginning of what was to come over the next 8 years.
“I suppose it’s like getting your first erection since, oh, January 20th of this year, and just as you think you’re gonna get to slip it in, it goes soft.
Is that about the feeling, Steve?”
No. But I can’t help but notice that you seem to have a familiarity with that feeling which suggests to me, and no doubt others here, that you’ve experienced it many times. Maybe you should see a doctor about it.
“Just as Democrats are doing their best to convince the rest of the country that they’re not corrupt, and that there’s no problem, none at all, in the CBC.”
Far easier task, that, than the GOP needing to convince the electorate that you’re not a party of traitors, pussy-grabbers, rapists, child molesters and goatfuckers.
Good luck with that.
When very wealthy people get bored in life they have to think of ways to just scheme people and the world of its money, just to keep preoccupied. Especially when you are a fat fuck and a wannabe golf pro – you’ll endlessly hit that little white ball till you think you are ready to try on the green jacket.
“Rep. Blake Farenthold told an aide he had “wet dreams” about his communications director, a lawsuit said.”
Probably the same kind of dreams Boob has of his horsey. I wonder if horsey’s have lawyers?
LOL! Boob “getting off to its sins”..
@12 “If you were a real man, and not the bolstered-by-snide, insecure bitch you are, you’d be supporting those women and their pussy hats.”
Come on Steve, Dr. Dumbfuck would never support women because he hates women. It should be very clear that hates women by his support of Trump and his obsession with Hillary. Add in he has hoses so they can pleasure his wife because he is too busy with his animal husbandry activities.
News reports indicate revisions to the GOP tax bill include a tax exemption for a conservative college in Michigan. Meanwhile, graduate student research and teaching assistants will have to pay taxes on their tuition waivers, and institutions like Harvard will be taxed on their endowments.
All excellent reasons to justify treason!
Buttery males. Rinse. Repeat.
@4 Someone who began the conversation with, “If you ever want to work again … ” or words to that effect.
@8 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck demonstrates his inability to do a simple fact check.
It’s one of many, many reasons why we call him a dumbfuck.
@10 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck again celebrates a regime dedicated to selling out the American people to Putin and plutocrats. It’s one of the many, many reasons why we call him a dumbfuck.
If you think the way you Treason Trolls survive this is by carefully limiting your attention to an exclusively curated collection of Twitter accounts… you are perseverating.
More please.
@11 Not just Putin. He shills for greedy billionaires, too.
@13 Trump makes Pence look acceptable. ‘Nuff said.
@15 I wondered where those very loud horse laughs coming from the general direction of Oregon were emanating from.
There was some sheep and goat bleating, too.
@18 Thanks for clarifying that Reagan couldn’t express himself in the English language without assistance. I wondered about that. Quite a few of us thought he was already senile when he entered the White House and other people were thinking for him. Especially after the reports that he was sleeping in cabinet meetings.
@20 “As soon as Pence is President there wont be anymore Pussy Grabbing goings on.”
Oh, it’ll still be going on in whatever rest home Trump moves into.
@ 38
He shills for greedy billionaires, too.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Unless you’re YLB, in which case kneepads are frequently involved.
@21 Wherein am unofficial public relations spokesperson for the Russian mob’s money laundering frontman in American pontificates about corruption. It’s one of the many, many reasons we call him a dumbfuck.
@22 “My God, your dumbfuckery will never end, will it?”
I assume this is a rhetorical question …
@27 Do you get a feeling that Dumbfuck has studiously gazed at hundreds, perhaps thousands, of dick x-rays over the course of his career?
@ 32
…institutions like Harvard will be taxed on their endowments.
’bout fucking time. Harvard’s endowment is $35.7 BILLION. It can return some of that to fund education elsewhere, where there’s a greater need.
At some point you’ve endowed enough money. I think I heard President Obama say something like that once.
@29 “I wonder if horsey’s have lawyers?”
Of course they do. http://aldf.org/about-us/
@47 ” … ’bout fucking time. Harvard’s endowment is $35.7 BILLION. It can return some of that to fund education elsewhere, where there’s a greater need.”
Except it won’t go to fund education elsewhere (except for one conservative brainwashing institute in Michigan). The GOP tax plan is committed to dismantling education. It will go to people who already have more billions than they could ever possibly spend, partly to ensure their children will never have to pay any taxes on those billions. Another reason why we call you a dumbfuck.
@47 “At some point you’ve endowed enough money.”
Really? Let’s change that up a bit: “At some point you have earned enough money.” What the hell is the difference? Just try telling that to Trump and friends that they have enough money and don’t need to earn any more, or that they will be taxed when they get over a certain amount. The 1% would revolt.
Why do you hate education so much? What’s the matter your medical school in Grenada have a little tiny endowment? OMG, you suffer from endowment envy. No wonder you take it out on your horses.
@40 If the sounds of animals in distress were coming from direction of Montana, I guess the source to be Mr. Klynical’s barn.
@ 50
You can get a Bachelor’s degree in Indiana completely online. Thank you Mitch Daniels.
Georgia Tech earlier this year initiated its second online-only Master’s degree program.
Less to endow if education is less expensive.
Things really aren’t going very well for Democrats in Congress recently.
Nevada Democrat accused of sexual harassment during campaign
She asked for her last name to be withheld from the story, in which she accused the freshman congressman of repeatedly asking her on dates and for sex, even though she rejected his advances. She said he also touched her thighs twice without her consent.
While in an elevator, Samantha said Kihuen said the two of them should get a hotel room together, which she rejected. When driving back from the meeting, she alleges that he touched her thigh and asked about whether she’d ever cheated on her boyfriend.
At least Democrats are moving quickly on this POS:
The chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) on Friday asked the congressman, who denies the accusations, to step down.
When that electoral wave @ 24 I’ve been hearing about fails to materialize, this type of behavior by Democrats in office might be a very big reason why.
Disgusted, Bautista went on Facebook and left this message:
“Amazon.com Why is your driver squatting in-front of my house? Let me give you a hint … he/she is not tying their shoes. I have it on video!”
Don’t want to be placed on hold when you’ve got a problem with a delivery? Make a FB post instead.
@53 “Less to endow if education is less expensive.”
Yeah, you get what you pay for, even in education. Free doesn’t mean better.
Gee, if I had to hire someone and my two choices were someone with a degree from Harvard or a degree from Indiana I would probably go with the person from Harvard.
@52 Leave it to Republicans to turn a college degree into the equivalent of a home school diploma. The dumbing down of America isn’t beginning; it began long ago, and you’re its product.
One of the “benefits” of online education is you can teach history to every college student in the country with only one history professor. So that, you know, everyone learns the same version of history. From there, it’s just one short step further to raising future generations to believe the first humans coexisted with dinosaurs and the original African-Americans were happier as slaves.
The Senate passed the tax bill, 51-49, after many handwritten alterations that no one has read.
boat full of dildos.
Own it.