Was your Thanksgiving nice? Are you shopping now? Working? I’m heading to work late, but I will make up for it by leaving early.
Seriously, Black Friday office work is the best. I’ll be working like 6 hours, with fewer interruptions. I’ll get so much more done.
So are we thinking Flynn gives up Kushner or Don Jr. or both?
And what does Mueller get? Obstruction or worse?
And finally, how long will President Russian PeePee wait before he issues the TreasonPardons?
By the time Trump leaves office, either voted out or thrown out, he will make Caligula’s reign look like a walk in the park.
No Black Friday shopping for Puddy. Why shop when you can Amazon order everything. It’s the DUMMOCRETIN way!
Bezos loves the DUMMOCRETIN!
Till Next Time!
@3 isn’t it great that you can get Banansa on Amazon.com. Do you buy by the pound or ton? Does the Mrs. put chocolate on hers?
Never bought bananas on Amazon hapless human hanging teabag licker. Puddy buys them from Costco or Fred Meyer!
Do tell us how you do it though! Do you visit the one in the East River Plaza? Isn’t parking wonderful there?
Till Next Time!
Meanwhile this is how DUMMOCRETIN college students evaluate Israel… http://freebeacon.com/culture/.....ot-nation/
They only lean this BULLSHITTIUM from home or their professas! Whacked out snowflakes!
Till Next Time!
Looks like HA DUMMOCRETINS will have to toss out reading Vox now!
Democrats have already failed in this regard at least once, continuing to embrace and defend former president Bill Clinton even after an inappropriate relationship with an intern and reports of sexual assault. If they want to maintain the trust of their constituents and become a better, stronger party, they can’t make the same mistake this time.
Till Next Time!
Mueller isn’t perfect, it turns out.
As he investigates Trump’s aides, special counsel’s record shows surprising flaws
Bet he know which direction a fleeing felon is headed, tho.
No wonder YLB never worried that her kids might not fit in when they went off to college.
Many college students going hungry, need donated food groceries and food stamps
“On November 23, 1900, 40 Seattle waitresses organize[d] a union. … Before they were organized, waitresses worked 12 to 15 hours a day seven days a week and earned an average of $1.30 per day. By 1902 … hours had been reduced to 10 hours per day seven days a week.”
Doctor Dumbfuck Commentary: Unions BAD!!! The restaurant industry can’t survive this! All the restaurants will shut down! Waitresses will be replaced by coolies!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Could somebody check to see if there are still any restaurants in Seattle?
@8 Dumbfuck must be getting nervous, now that Flynn has been turned.
Herman Cain, Speaker Gingrich, Speaker Boehner, Rep. Christopher Lee, Governor Mark Sanford, Senator John Ensign, Congressman Vito Fosella, Rep. Mark Souder, Senator Larry Craig, Senator David Vitter, Rep. Mark Foley, Rep. Don Sherwood, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jack Ryan, Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, Senator Robert Packwood, Governor Charlie Crist, Rep. Joe Barton, Judge Roy Moore, and of course President Russian PeePee. Etc. etc.
Nothing to see here folks. Move along. Absolutely nobody cackled madly while Russian hookers peed on a bed, or wore a diaper and shit in it with hookers. Nope. That never, ever happened. And even if it did, so what?
@5 yes! Isn’t?!
A link to Raw Story for no reason other than a desire to see the loon’s head explode with hate again while babbling my name.
Hey shitstain steve !14,
Puddy regularly visits raw story for the comedy!
Till Next Time!
I give thanks! Loved the expose of Sarah Sanders’ Russian FSB Pie-bot. It isn’t enough that they are liars. And it isn’t enough that they are traitors. Nor is it enough that they are stupid.* They have to be lazy as well.
*Right click, Search Google for image?
Sooooooooooooooooo, now we know more… https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/nov/24/fusion-gps-russian-dossier-firm-paid-journalists-w/
Seems some friends of HA DUMMOCRETINS killed 235 peeps at a mosque.
Remember they hate Israel as much as you HA DUMMOCRETINS do!
Till Next Time!
OH MY FUCKING GOD! OH MY FUCKING GOD! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? A company that is owned by journalists, is staffed by journalists and mostly contracts with journalists to do work, paid some journalists!!!!!!!
Lather, rinse, repeat. Commit treason.
@20 You forgot CASSSUNSTEIN.. That guy had the babbling butthole farting for years.
Where’s that fucking wall?
I think it must be standing between ACA repeal and Doctor Dumbfuck’s tax relief.
Damn it’s so nice right now… The sun has set..
The babbling butthole is babbling to its skydaddy right now..
We all know it so wants to be with HA HEROES.. Too funny.
Time for a little leftover red from yesterday’s meal..
@15 Thanks for the clarification. That helps explains why everything you post is comedy.
@17 I see you regularly visit Moonie Times for comedy, too. At least you’re consistent!
@18 By your twisted logic, because you like Trump as much as Putin does, you must be a Russian agent.
It’s Friday, the sun has set, and goats tremble. Sad!
The loon and his exploding head really brought it this week, flinging HATE like a couple of monkeys flinging shit!
@ 22
Where’s that fucking wall?
It’s behind the SCOTUS justice, four circuit court judges, and eight appeals court judges Trump has had confirmed by the Senate this year.
So far.
They’ll probably be the ones casting the deciding votes on the wall’s constitutionality, YLB.
LOL! Another needy troll “needs” to gloat about judges.
What’s so “unconstitutional” about yet another public works project that boob has dedicated its miserable life to not chip in to pay for?
Maybe the mean spirited freak believes Mexico is going to foot the bill. Not even yertle believes that.
There just aren’t that many people on Whidbey. And it’s a fucking island – at best, your getaway options are rather limited.
Accordingly, if you’re going to repeatedly rob a gas station located at one end of the second-longest island in the country, you really should try hard not to get yourself recognized.
So it’s not the smartest thing for a transgender person to do.
Suspect in gas station robberies arrested | Updated
Maybe it was a clash of hormones. YLB, as our resident expert, what do you think?
You’re the doctor. Were you asleep during endocrinology lectures?
Damn boob.. First Chelsea Manning “rocking a one piece”, now this..
Admit it. You have fantasies.
Therapeutic – I wonder if thats what Boob tells his horse.
Therapeutic – I wonder if thats what Boob tells his horse.
“Admit it. You have fantasies.”
And his comments stink of borscht.
@ 20
Welcome to the club, Elijah.
@ 16
I give thanks! Loved the expose of Sarah Sanders’ Russian FSB Pie-bot.
*Right click, Search Google for image?
Remember when GWB43 was president and the press accused him of serving a fake turkey?
Turned out it wasn’t fake.
It’s also turning out, Elijah, that you haven’t learned from your side’s stupidity in previous years.
The best evidence that Sanders is the original creator of the photo? If you do a reverse image search, it’s clear that Sanders was the first person to post that image to the internet.
Cue Elijah now claiming, “OK, so it’s her pie. But I bet it didn’t taste all that great.”
Thank The Sweet Baby Elvis nobody stormed a Shari’s with a machine gun to save the pies.
This was my favorite part:
Sanders might lie on behalf of the president about everything from terrorist attacks to statements about collusion with Russia. But she wouldn’t dare lie about a pie.
Even Doctor Dumbfuck has standards.