– Higgs
– What to do with disused parking lots is one of those questions.
– I did a fair amount of cleaning yesterday, but I think this may be my strategy going forward.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Higgs
– What to do with disused parking lots is one of those questions.
– I did a fair amount of cleaning yesterday, but I think this may be my strategy going forward.
Blond white woman: That BLACK MAN wants to KILL my husband!!!!
Puddy, stay away from the coffee.
Accused child murderer and admitted liar to the court, George Zimmerman, gets bail set at $1 million.
The judge had this to say about the hero of the day of the WINGNUTS
@ 1
Now why in the world might she think that?
“‘Unless things change and Obama can run on accomplishments, he will have to kill Romney,'” said a prominent Democratic strategist aligned with the White House.”
Remember that civility thing Dems were pushing when they claimed incivility was why Loughner went off?
Whatever happened there, Lib Sci?
Rmoney supporters claim that Rmoney is some type of business man imbued with knowledge to help us all is badly mistaken.
Rmoney is a pirate of industry. And not a good type of pirate like the SeaFair Pirates.
@ 5
Do you have a basis for thinking that Romney would be less successful were he to run, say, United Way?
He was successful at Bain. He was successful running the SLC games.
If he were a Dem, wouldn’t that be a favorable trend?
@6 Ill-read & Ill-informed means Conservative,
Rmoney’s “success” at running anything has been achieved at the expense of others; pirate.
Rmoney’s “success” at Bain is something he does not want to talk about. Example – Romney to seek Washington Post retraction
Rmoney’s success with the Salt Lake City Olympics is something he achieved by covertly acquiring a bail out with federal dollars.
Rmoney was a failure in all aspects but one during his single term and only government service in his life as governor of MA. As you know, Rmoney has run away screaming from RomneyCare.
That said, if you are a wealthy older white guy who really doesn’t care if those less fortunate and less white and less male than you get screwed, you should vote for Rmoney. Rmoney would be very successful leading a government to bend over backward for corporate and investment banking interests.
Calling the newly observed boson a “Higgs” is somewhat like calling the Romneycare Individual Mandate Penalty (patent and trademark pending) a “tax” — Supreme Court justices call it that for convenience, and GOP campaign operatives call it that because they’re all excited about having discovered a new “tax” they can claim Obama raised, but just as physicists are cautiously parsing their words (a new boson “compatible with” the Higgs), those of us professionally trained in constitutional law understand that just because ignorant Republicans want to call a penalty a “tax” doesn’t necessarily make it a tax. If you’d like me to translate this gobbledygook into English, e-mail $100 to me and I’ll send you a printout from the Legal Decoder Machine.
Countrywide, the company at the heart of the subprime mortgage mess, essentially bribed Congress critters and staff to get legislation it wanted — at guess whose expense?
Guess who’s gonna win this year’s Nobel Prize for Physics?
(Hint: Not the flat-earthers.)
I think Rmoney looks like a true Joe American leader being driven around on his Jet Ski by a woman.
@1 Sounds like Kelly Ayotte is gonna be the Veep pick. That would be a mistake. Ayotte is a hard-right wingnut who will alienate the independents, moderates, and disaffected Democrats whom Romney needs to attract in order to go beyond the GOP’s 40% base vote.
The Economist goes after the banksters on its cover. BANKSTERS Britains price-fixing scandal and its global impact
You know who else has had a career as BANKSTER?
Republican nominee Willard M. Romney, founder and CEO of Bain Capital.
What could go wrong?
@6 Running a government is very different from running a business. That’s why we have separate graduate schools for business administration and public administration. I wouldn’t hire a CEO to run the government for the same reason you wouldn’t hire a politician to run a corporation. They’re different skill sets that don’t translate. Look what happened when Halliburton’s CEO ran a war — prisoners got treated like employees:
The Wall Street Journal editorial board isn’t very happy with Romney right now. They say he’s squandering whatever chance he had to win the Presidency. The Wall Street Journal editorial board has been solidly ultra-conservative since – well, before there were labels like liberals and conservatives.
Romney vs. Wall Street Journal
Doesn’t seem like serialbub has his heart in it anymore.
Guess one can only shill for an unlikeable, unelectable neofeudalist for so long.
Or he got fired for utterly failing at his appointed mission
@ 7
Rmoney’s “success” at running anything has been achieved at the expense of others; pirate.
Business is not a zero-sum game. Sorry.
When he was governor, his first year MA was 51st (counting DC) in job creation. His fourth year, MA was 32nd.
Did he achieve those gains at the expense of 19 other states?
@ 7
Hey, thanks for that SLC link. Did you catch the last paragraph?
Here it is:
The Romney campaign points out that more than half of the taxpayer money for the Salt Lake City Olympics went for federal, state and local agencies to handle security. And because Romney so aggressively pursued private money, the taxpayer share of the total budget for the Olympics represented 18 percent, compared to 50 percent for the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid.
So, the taxpayer share of the Olympics as a percent of cost fell by more than 60% with Romney at the helm, compared with the previous US-held Winter Olympics.
Thanks for pointing that out, Mike!
@4 Seriously Serial “Ridicule the looks of an African American girl to score political points” Conservative, a story about Innuendo and fearmongering? Where the facts? Otherwise you are just lying.
He was successful at Bain.
>> that depends on how you define successful. the link above defines how I think of Romney success so I will repeat it.
Were the closed companies the success?
Were the unemployed the success?
Was romneycare the success?
Was outsourcing of American jobs the success?
Was it was what Santorum said that Romney “heroically bailed out the Salt Lake Olympic Games — by heroically going to Congress and asking them to bail out the Salt Lake Olympic Games. In an earmark!”
Tell me how romey’s so called “success” will be good for the middle class?
@ 12
Sounds like you’re way off base.
She’s a very effective surrogate. She wouldn’t deliver a state with substantial votes, though. Look for it to be a battleground state governor.
Kelly Ayotte isn’t in the same category of Sarah Palin.
Palin wasn’t competent or well-read, knew nothing about international affairs, and was essentially a rural small-town mayor thrust well beyond her capacity when elected to governor, much less as a vice-presidential nominee.
Kelly Ayotte obviously has some real qualifications on her resume’, and was elected in 2010 as New Hampshire’s junior senator. But her political views are pretty much in lock-steop with those of the George W. Bush administration, voting reliably the Republican line at every opportunity of which I am aware. There are some questions, also, about what were contained in E-mails which her office deleted two days before she left her position as A.G. in New Hamshire and started her Senate campaign. She argued that she had a right to delete the e-mails as long as the backup system kept copies, but the backup system regularly purges e-mails as the tapes are re-used. Those deleted e-mails, and incomplete disclosurs of public records requests, are currently working their way through the courts.
Of course, this is contrary to the current GOP strategy of harming Obama by claiming that Eric Holder is refusing to disclose DOJ e-mails to Congress, so I’m not sure if they want this to become a public issue right now.
By the way, Kelly Ayotte’s father was French-Canadian. I’m assuming that Arizona will demand proof of citizenship before she can attend campaign events there?
Just think of it – French AND Canadian! A double-fault against the Tea Party line on both foreign policy and Health-Care, not to mention their insistance that in the U.S. only English should be spoken!
Of course, this is contrary to the current GOP strategy of harming Obama by claiming that Eric Holder is refusing to disclose DOJ e-mails to Congress, so I’m not sure if they want this to become a public issue right now.
GOP and XXXteen Democrats, you meant to say.
And a federal issue of emails that exist but are being withheld and a state issue of emails that might no longer exist seem like very different things, unless you were a Democrat desperate to spin Holder’s problem.
@17 & 18 Ill-read & Ill-informed means Conservative,
When Rmoney was governor of Massachusetts employment gains in MA lagged the nation and lagged the median percentage gains of all 50 states.
If you view 32 of 51 as an example of success, parse how the success was achieved on your own.
Regarding your citation of the percentage of federal spending between the Lake Placid Olympics and Rmoney’s Salt Lake City Olympics,
tell us the percentage difference between the total cost of the two.
1) 1980 Lake Placid cost $168,000,000
2) 2002 Salt Lake City cost $1,930,000,000
Serially Dim, if tax payers had paid %100 of the cost of the Lake Placid games how much more did we pay for the SLC games by only paying %18?
I can offer some personal insight (albeit mostly second-hand) about Bain Capital. In the 1980’s I worked for a company here in the Northwest that fell victim to some really horrible management both from within and from its parent at the time (a major pharmaceutical company). I won’t go into detail here (because even now it could possibly get me sued) but ultimately the environment got pretty ugly, people started to bail (including me) and in the early 90’s they got into hot water with a regulatory agency and had to stop shipping product. The pharmaceutical sold them to Bain Capital, who brought in a new CEO–I’m told he really knew his stuff, knew what needed to be done, and had the guts to do it. There’s very little doubt that otherwise the company wouldn’t have survived, and as it was, Bain eventually sold them to a new parent that was a far better fit than the drug giant was.
Now, history’s repeating itself. The new parent wanted to spin them off as an independent, but somehow the old habits and attitudes had crept back in, they fell back out of grace with the same regulators, and have been dropped back in Bain Capital’s lap. It’ll be interesting to see how things turn out this time around. One thing: The loot-and-abandon practices Bain seems to have employed with other acquisitions wouldn’t likely work here.
# 23: No, the issue isn’t regarding e-mails which didn’t exist vs. ones that are withheld.
Holder was following long-established policy of holding back e-mails related to current criminal cases. Disclosure of those e-mails to parties outside the Justice Dept. could destroy any privileges which attach to them (under long-held court decisions), thereby making the criminals being investigated able to seek those documents for their own use in avoiding apprehension or their own prosecution.
The New Hampshire attorney general (now Senator) simply deleted ALL her he-mails, contrary to New Hampshire public disclosure laws. She relied upon her own interpretation of the law to say that she could do so as long as back-ups were available, but it’s suspicious that back-ups were regularly purged as well by over-writing the tapes. If she knew that (and there is reason to suspect that she did), then she conspired to violate the N.Hampshire public disclosure laws. Of course, the law allows her to challenge any specific request if it relates to privildged communications, but she didn’t even want those identified, apparantly.
Trying to argue that distinction (withheld vs. non-existent) is like the defendant who was convicted of murdering his parents asking the court for mercy because he’s a mere orphan.
While Republicans are still eliminated bricks from their nether-side over the ACA ruling last week, and Boener is claiming it all has to be repealed and then considered piece-by-piece in future deliberations (which would never get past the house), cases like this still demonstrate the need for reform of our entire health-care system into a single-payer plan:
A woman who didn’t have insurance noticed her normally thin abdomin was swelling, and she was feeling crappy. But fearful of the cost of medical treatment, she waited to see the doctor until after she was enrolled in Medicare following her 65th birthday. They found a massive malignant tumor, which was removed several days later and weighed 51 pounds. They had to wait a few days because the tumor was interfering with vital movement of fluids and blood in her body, and she was becoming dehydrated. By the time it was removed, the tumor had grown around most of her major organs.
The hospital doctors said they wanted people to know that they would have performed the surgery even if she didn’t have Medicare or insurance. They couldn’t answer, however, as to how the cost of the care would have been handled, or how it would have impacted her life afterwards.
51 pound tumor removed from woman
LMAO!!! Bob’ll still vote for him anyway.
ODS conquers all. It’s that virulent a brain damage disorder.
“Keep the good”. Heh. Like the mandate. I thought the serial liar Mitt (R-Money) agreed with the minority on the SCOTUS.
The answer is yes.
Back in the days before ODS it was all Bill Clinton’s fault.
Nasty bite mark landing any moment now on the Mittster’s backside if it hasn’t already.
The Gov of PA recently boasted that Mitt (R-Money) is going to take the state due to its brand spanking new voter suppression law..
93 year old widows? Who the F cares about their vote?
18 percent of people in Philadelphia lack photo id like that 93 year old widow…
Right wingers truly suck.
Is anyone more silly and stupid than Trump and Sean Hannity?
Just people who’d waste more than a few seconds of their time watching that idiot Faux News channel.
Re AP: Romney-Owned Offshore Company Was Invisible for Many Years @30 above,
Tell us Rmoney supporters, do public figures hide what they are proud of, or hide that of which they are very ashamed?
Get up to date on the LIBOR scandal:
Corruption is at the heart of the business model of the TBTF banks. It’s not LIBOR – it’s LIE MORE..
We know they “own the place” – at least many of the levers of power – everywhere.
This was going on for more than a freaking decade!
Do you have an offshore bank account?
@17 “Business is not a zero-sum game.”
It has turned into that. There used to be a time when a rising tide lifted all boats. When unions won higher wages, businesses prospered, because people had spending money. Labor and management prospered together. Then Social Darwinists took over and everything it all collapsed. China got stuck in a zero-sum game for 3000 years. How long will we be stuck in it? Until the Republicans are swept into the dustbin of history like the Chinese mandarins were.
@33 More probably he’s hiding something that would land him in jail for tax evasion.
If Romney were running on his record as governor of MA we might be in a horse race, but he’s not and we’re not.
Economics is largely, but not entirely, a zero sum game. The people that have profited the most over the last 20 years have done so, largely, at the expense of others.
@23 So it’s okay for your side to withhold incriminating e-mails but it’s not okay for our side to withhold properly privileged
e-mails? Issa can go fuck himself. Let’s see him enforce his bullshit contempt citation himself. No court is going to do it for him.
@24. I find it hypocritical that Serial “Ridicule the looks of an African American girl to score political points” Conservative is always bleating about the total amount paid by the 1% on taxes instead of the percentage rate they pay, but when he wanted to show how “successful” romney was, he suddenly switches to a percentage rate.
@37 Roger,
Given the heat he took in the primaries and the effective damage hitting him on the issue polls have shown, one wonders why Rmoney allows his campaign to bleed when the simple answer is to release his tax records.
Maybe Rmoney is not guilty of tax evasion, but unless he is even more stupid than we assume, how the income was structured to avoid paying taxes must really stink.
Via, the great orange satan
Rmoney and Republicans for FREEDOMZ!
with video
Apropos my link to the Salon article about Southern culture and the reliance on violent coersion to maintain the social hierarchy.
Must. Silence. Critics.
Remember those Rand Paul thugs?
As Romney implodes (see here) watch the desperation and violence escalate. Remember ‘palling around with terrorists’ and cries of ‘kill him’?
This time is going to be much much worse.
# 37, 41:
Romney is definately hiding something. He’s known for quite a few years that candidates are expected to release their tax returns for the last ten years or so. The fact that it’s not required for them to do so is no defense – it’s part of the voter’s expectations. And Romney’s been running for the Presidency ever since he left the Massachusetts governor’s mansion.
What he’s hiding is speculative. I expect that with the army of lawyers and tax accountants he has at his disposal, it’s nothing for which he could be prosecuted. But it must be damned embarrasing to continue to receive that much heat, and stick to the refusal. Of course, in typical Romney fashion, he will continue to insist that he DID release his tax returns, ignoring the fact that he avoided releasing all but the few most recent ones.
@44, Josh Marshall over at TPM has what I think is a very good take on it
In retrospect, the WSJ editorial is a natural progression of Robert Murdoch seeking to control the Romney campaign. It’s part of a back-story to the campaign, the details of which we won’t know for a few years, probably.
Early this week he was quoted as saying that he had met with Romney and was worried that he could not win an election with the current strategy and Romney’s loyalist staff. His point was that Romney needed to do some house-cleaning, presumably starting with the same guy who has a remarkable tendency to be honest at time, giving us the “etch-a-sketch” moment and who admitted after the USSC ruling last week that the ACA included a penalty, not a tax.
But I guess that Romney didn’t pay attention more closely. When Murdoch offers “suggestions”, he’s accustomed to having it done in a split second. If he suggested to a staffer to jump, he would want to see them jump until he told them to stop, and the staffer should not ask “how high” or “how long”.
So when Murdoch makes a public suggestion (presumably following up on a private suggestion), and nothing happened for a couple of days, then Murdoch decided to let Romney know who was really his boss – in the editorial pages of the WSJ, which he now owns.
Remember, that although Romney is incredibly wealthy by our standards, others are far wealthier – and in the GOP, a presumptive nominee has to answer to them in many ways.
Obama threw down the gauntlet to his driven around on his Jet Ski by a woman wanna be leader of the free world opponent.
the law I passed is here to stay. …
We will not go back to the days when insurance companies could discriminate against people just because they were sick. We’re not going to tell six million young people who are now on their parents health insurance plans that suddenly they don’t have health insurance. We’re not going to allow Medicare to be turned into a voucher system.
His driven around on his Jet Ski by a woman opponent who stashes his money offshore doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to fight back. Rmoney runs away. That’s what Rmoney does.
And just think: There were only a couple of post-ACA days in June:
@ 46
“Remember, that although Romney is incredibly wealthy by our standards, others are far wealthier – and in the GOP, a presumptive nominee has to answer to them in many ways.”
And the same would not apply to Obama and his Hollywood buddies, or Soros…………why, exactly?
@ 46
Here’s a nice example of Obama doing the bidding of his donors, courtesy of CBS News:
And it wasn’t just what Biden said – it was the immediate attempts at damage control by the White House and Obama campaign, which dubiously claimed that the vice president’s comments did not go beyond the president’s position. A source in the fundraising community told CBS News that the damage control effort seriously angered the gay donors and bundlers the president is counting on to fund his super PAC and campaign.
When you accuse the GOP of being beholden to campaign donations, and I am not arguing that you are wrong, remember to include the fact that, much as you wish it were not so, the same fucking behavior goes on at your side’s end as well. You just don’t read about it as much.
@ 46 @ 50
Damn, I left something out. The important part:
“Suddenly, the wink and nod represented by the “evolving” claims wasn’t good enough, with donors and bundlers vowing to stop raising and giving money until the president did what they considered the right thing.”
# 50: I’ll write about what I want to write about. I’m under no obligation to include your talking points as well. Feel free to do so in subsequent comments as you wish, such as # 50.
As for Republicans vs. Democrats responding to their donars, I think it’s another false quivilency argument. It’s not that you don’t hear it so much, because the Republican scream machine tries to make a big deal out of any donations a Democrat receives from Soros or from Hollywood actors or producers. It’s just that it doesn’t resonate as well, because the Republican donations tend to be tied to personal financial benefits to the donars, whereas the Democratic donars tend to be socially motivated. And it takes a lot more Democratic donars to keep up with only a few Republican donars, due to the disparity in wealth brought about by Republican economic policies going back to the Reagan era.
If you want to compare Kock Brothers vs. Soros, go ahead.
By the way, as a tithe-paying Evangelical, I find myself on all sort of right-wing e-mail lists, many including fundraising appeals for Republican candidates.
But I haven’t noticed much from the Romney campaign over the past few months. Sure, they include a link to their contributions page. But they aren’t really putting any effort into pushing their e-mail base into sending in the $5, $10, or $20 that they used to.
Why? Has the Romney camp decided that these donations are too small for even a modicum of effort to be devoted to a solicitation campaign? Or has Romney been assured of sufficient funding from big-money sources, both directly to his campaign and as “independent expenditures”, that he doesn’t think he needs any more money from the “little folks”?
Of course, I’ve never given to a Republican campaign, although I’ve been tempted to give five cents, just to see their reaction. If I had given them money, I might be receiving different e-mails.
@ 53
Only in the mind of a liberal would NOT begging for money during a campaign be looked at as a character flaw.
How about this explanation?:
I don’t recall Obama having to resort to begging in 2008, either.
This ain’t 2008 for Obama. It’s why he’s inserted himself into just about every facet of life insofar as requests for money are concerned. Honor your friends’ wedding by making a donation to The One? Seriously?
I have no idea whether Romney will hit up evangelicals for cash. None whatsoever.
AT $100 million a month, though, I doubt he’ll need to.
@41 Maybe he doesn’t want us to see how much taxes he legally evaded under the GOP-written tax code “of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich,” using shelters and offshore tax havens not available to the workers he laid off.
Ultimately, the point is that anything that we conservatives do that is obviously morally tainted is completely exonerated when we can demonstrate that a liberal does something similar.
Like, if Soros wants liberals to work on improving the conditions of workers in Eastern Europe, that’s the same as Adelson forcing Romney in the direction of war with Iran.
Same thing!
@ 55
Hey, RR, still think ACA won’t cost you anything in taxes?
@53 “5, $10, or $20 … donations are” in fact “too small for … effort to be devoted to a solicitation campaign”; their only useful purpose is to make it appear the candidate has a broad base of contributors.
@57 If it ever does, by then I’ll have so much income I won’t even notice.
@50 While we’re on the subject of raising campaign money, I’d merely like to point out that this country’s last Republican administration was so fucked up that REPUBLICAN bundlers and moneymen worked for Obama in ’08 — nearly all of his best bundlers were ex-“Bush Pioneers.” It’s noteworthy when REPUBLICAN fundraisers and REPUBLICAN donors pour $900 million into the campaign of a black guy they call a “socialist” — that really tells you something about how little they trust their own party doesn’t it?
Anyone wanna argue Chimp was good for business?
I grew up in the South, and I’ve seen my share of stupidity both there, and elsewhere.
But I really thought these days were behind us.
The “Christian Identity Church” is holding a three-day conference to which only white ministers are invited (it actually says so in the flyer they popsted all over town). The gathering site is decorated with Confederate battle flags (although not historically accurate), as well as KKK banners. The guy leading the “conference” dodged the question of KKK organizing, shrugging off the question of KKK membership, saying that some participants were KKK members, others not. He also criticized the town mayor and merchants for interfering with his right of free speech by taking down the fliers which were posted on telephone polls and business windows in the middle of the night, and insisted that they were not “racists”, even though he preached that white european descendents were God’s “chosen people”, and said that they didn’t have adequate facilities to accomodate “other races”.
What was most chilling was that the “conference” was to conclude with a cross-burning ceremony.
White’s Only Minister’s Conference Upsets Alabama Town
I can only hope that this “conference” is attended only by this “minister” and his immediate family.
@ 58
Good point. It also decreases the average contribution amount, for the same purpose.
Notice those raffles for dinner with Obama for a $5 or even $3 contribution, by the way?
Thanks for pointing that out, RR.
Gee, I hope this prediction isn’t accurate. It’s part of a new report on the record-setting heat wave parked over the middle of the U.S.
Heat Wave Expires
I’m expecting that they are talking about Eastern Washington. But if the high pressure system starts pushing hot air over the mountains, it’s going to get really unpleasant here on the coast as well. We usually receive out breezes from the west, which accounts for our relatively pleasant summer temperatures. But when the breeze shifts from the east, things arent’ nearly as good – as the tripple-digit highs of about three years or so ago demonstrated.
Except Rmoney has already promised a war with Iran should he become President.
Understatement Of The Year
” … the banking industry’s credibility is shot … ” — The Economist
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Even government bureaucrats could run the banking system better than bankers run it; and that doesn’t necessarily say anything good about bureaucrats.
And I’m sure I could find example of Mitt doing the same thing if he’s elected. As I could find examples of Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ (Examples galore!), Kennedy, and so on. People don’t throw down large amounts of money on political races because they like the way a guy smiles.
Evangelicals mixing politics and the pulpit? I’m shocked.
Before ACA I got my insurance though my employer. After ACA I get my insurance though my employer. I work for a non-profit so obviously our tax situation stays at zero.
The $450 million fine paid by Barclays Bank, and its CEO’s resignation, is just the tip of the iceberg.
” … [T]his story stretches far beyond Britain. … Investigations into the fixing of LIBOR and other rates are also under way in America, Canada and the EU. … [T]hese probes cover many of the biggest names in finance: the likes of Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, UBS, Deutsche Bank and HSBC. Employees, from New York to Tokyo, are implicated ….
“The evidence … reveals … bad behaviour … designed to manipulate LIBOR to bolster traders’ profits. Barclays traders pushed their own money-market desks to doctor submissions for LIBOR …. They were also colluding with counterparts at other banks …. A similar picture of widespread collusion emerges from … the Canadian investigation.
“This … looks less like rogue trading, more like a cartel. … LIBOR is used to set an estimated $800 trillion-worth of financial instruments …. If attempts to manipulate LIBOR were successful … then this would be the biggest securities fraud in history ….”
[Emphasis added]
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The biggest securities fraud in history? And nobody goes to jail? Yet a starving Katrina victim who picked through the rubble of a destroyed house looking for a sodden loaf of bread or a dented can of beans would be shot as a looter. I think our social values are seriously fucked up. Maybe anyone who wears a $5,000 suit, a $10,000 Rolex, and drives a $100,000 Porsche should be shot as a looter, because there’s no honest way to get that stuff. Just ask any worker in a “right to work” state how many centuries of honest labor it would take to pay for the stuff these twenty-something bankers flaunt …
Dang, looks like I need to be paying more attention to that. Why couldn’t the story break before the sunny weather finally showed up?
Sorry Puddy, God doesn’t want you.
When Chief Justice Roberts gutted the Medicaid portion of Romneycare, he threw the poor under the bus. Of course, states can rescue them by voluntarily participating in expanded Medicaid, with the federal government picking up 90% of the costs. But GOP governors are standing in line to announce they will refuse to let their states accept federal money to provide health care to the poor. And when the poor, denied Medicaid, flood emergency rooms and burden hospitals with bills they cannot pay, you can count on Republicans and Cheap Labor Conservatives to tell us how “immoral” the poor are for not paying their medical bills.
Yes, Harry Land Deal Reid! Google Harry Reid senate blocks House Bills.
Wingers are calling Roberts a “traitor.” What he really did was preserve SCOTUS’s reputation as a “court” by keeping the number of justices who are goose-stepping rightwing partisan hacks in a minority of four. Had he voted with them, he would have destroyed in a moment the judicial credibility that took 210 years to carefully construct. Even Roberts isn’t enough of a hack to do that. But the other four are. Nor does he want to be remembered by history that way.
Ahhh yes, same of DUMMOCRAPT meme, which has been dropped.
When Romney was guvnur MA unemployment rate was 4.7%… Full employment is considered 4%.
Nuff said cubscoutsucka!
Becuz it was unconstitutional ya moron!
“According to the Hill, at least 15 governors, nearly all Republicans and empowered by the Supreme Court’s ruling, have indicated that they will reject federal money to expand Medicaid in their states. That’s a shame. Obamacare’s expansion of Medicaid could provide health coverage for some 18m Americans who are currently without insurance. And the federal government is footing most of the bill.
” … [I]t raises the question: why not just federalise Medicaid? After all, as Kevin Drum says, ‘Sick is sick, and treatment for chronic diabetes doesn’t change much from California to Mississippi.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why not indeed? Just federalize the damn thing. Don’t let Republican governors decide who lives and who dies. We don’t need no damn Republican Death Panels.
Needless to say, if the poor can get Medicaid in Democratic states but not Republican states, they’re going to move to the Democratic states. The Democratic states then should be allowed to sue the Republican states for their extra costs. That’s like your neighbor dumping his grass clippings on your lawn because he’s ideologically opposed to recycling yard waste because he hates environmentalists the same way that Republicans hate the poor.
Ed Schultz – moron
Al Sharpton – clueless
Larry O’Donnell – idiot
Chris Matthews – tingling
Rachel Maddow – Consitutional idiot savant
Barely above CNN!
HE was until Pelosi and Reid drove the economy into the ground. Remember spending bills start in the House.
Good try DUMB Wabbit.
Gee, Puddy, you used to post all day long, but lately your posts are showing up (mostly) rather late in the day. Did McDonald’s switch you to the day shift?
# 80: That’s hilarious. You should be a comedian. Maybe satire is your strong point.
Gotta go now, I’m taking my wife out to dinner.
Looks all legal and even the AP story couldn’t find anything illegal. Obummer has no record so that’s all he has!
Like I said before, if Romney were running on his time as governor of MA instead of running away from it, we might have ourselves a race. As it is he’s not and we don’t.
Also, Puddy & Cereal are leaving out that if Romney were running on his record of Governor of MA his politics would be closer to mine than theirs.
Since past performance is one of the better predictors future performance, I think it’s safe to say that a President Romney would be closer to me politically than them!
And don’t forget, even the Righty Mayor of Oklahoma City wants spending for bicycle lanes and such as part of the federal transportation bill.
It’s summer time and the living is easy, if you’re a lefty anyway.
@76 puddles,
Like I told the knucklehead up above, if you want to claim Rmoney’s progress on job growth in Massachusetts while he was governor as a success, run with it.
Why Being A Republicans Is Immoral
” … Senators John McCain and Patti Murray moved a bipartisan amendment last month to force the Department of Defence, the Office of Management and Budget and the White House to produce details of sequestration’s impact. But Republicans are still arguing for the armed forces to be entirely exempt, while leaving non-defence spending to take the full hit ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: More military spending. Throw the poor and unemployed under the bus. That’s the GOP agenda. How can anyone with a conscience vote Republican?
@84 puddles,
Do you or does anybody you know have an offshore bank account?
What other presidents have had offshore bank accounts to shelter their money from US taxes?
Facts, explode libtard minds. First thing that happened under Pelosi was her screaming about Big oil and gas prices went over $3.00
Actually yes! And I don’t begrudge them either.
@84 “Looks all legal and even the AP story couldn’t find anything illegal.”
Of course it’s legal — Republicans wrote the Tax Code. Isn’t that 95% of the point? The question is not whether it’s legal but whether it should be legal.
@90 See #91.
4.7% unemployment. BLS Data Cubscout! Notice the DNC isn’t using this argument anymore but the Cub still does!
@77 According to your side, Roberts is quite flexible as to what is constitutional, in which he could have chosen to go the other way. After all, isn’t this the very basis of the right’s argument that Roberts is a “traitor”?
PROVE IT! You can look it up!
Has the HA Cubscout disagreed with the facts?
SCOTUS – The law is a tax. The IRS is enforcing the law.
See ya. Obummer agrees. Obummer surrogate lied.
Under Obummer/Clinton and their love of the UN, the UN shipped computers to our enemies North Korea and Iran. So how will Obummer and Clinton react to this news?
The UN… a bunch of American hating lackeys who take $500Million+ a year and thumb their noses at us. Imagine if this happened under GW Bush? It would be on every slobbering libtard news channel.
@95 I don’t have to prove it. It proves itself.
@98 “Imagine if this happened under GW Bush?”
How do you know it didn’t?
I Wonder If This Guy Is A Republican?
I’m not saying he is; all I’m saying is he’s from Orange County, where Democrats are scarcer than eagle teeth, and he fits the profile.
“A Southern California city councilman was charged with sexually assaulting seven women when he was a high-ranking county executive in what prosecutors said Tuesday was an abuse of power and public trust.
“Carlos Bustamante, 47, a former Orange County Public Works administration manager, is facing a dozen felony charges ranging from false imprisonment to sex offenses during his work at the county over eight years until he resigned his post in 2011.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Given the large number of victims, this will cost the county taxpayers millions in sexual harassment settlements, not counting millions more in legal expenses. They should take it out of his pension.
So now we know eh?
@ 88
Was the offshore account thing a big deal when it was Kerry:
who had one?
Seems to me he still was the Dem nominee the following year.
Being rich is only objectionable if one is Republican, apparently.
Well well well, let’s go back to the tax question!
Nice Find
Damn shocking…
@ 106
Here’s another:
Kerry’s tax rate when he ran was lower than Romney’s this time around.
This shit is only material if it can be used against a Republican.
The HA DUMB Bunny wrote
Well if John Effin Kerry was using the Cayman islands in the 1980s then that law was written before 1954 Roger DUMB Wabbit?
Come on and fess up to more BULLSHITTIUM pellets.
I ‘spose you could try to use it against Kerry, but last I checked he wasn’t running for president.
It was bullshit then, it’s bullshit now. We had a government of for and by the wealthy then, we have a government of for and by the wealthy now. Only difference is it’s a different set of rich tax cheats running for president.
@ 109
Ergo, the least wealthy candidate should win? What’s your point?
Wealth is not a disease. Wealth is not a crime.
He was successful at Bain.
Can anyone list…i don’t know…five ways how romey’s so called “success” will be good for the middle class?
“You’ll not pay one dime in new taxes of any sort under my administration, if you make less than $200,000”
You’ll pay $1300 or more in new Owebamma fees, and 13,000 new pages of TAX code were just written for OWEBAMMACARE.
Lies and damn liars – Democraps
Re: technology transfers to N. Korea and Iran, it seems this isn’t the first time this sort of thing has happened:
“Among other things, procurement and payment for the WIPO goods appears to have been arranged between WIPO’s Geneva headquarters and China, bypassing the U.N. offices in North Korea. Those North Korean offices operate under a special oversight regime established after the last scandals erupted in 2008 over financial and technology transfers in North Korea, to ensure that money and goods do not end up in the regime’s nuclear programs.”
[Emphasis added — RR]
Whooooooo was president in 2008?
Notice Roger DUMB Wabbit won’t answer the question!
Ummm Roger wooo hooo, why did it happen again?
Woooooooooooo hooooooooooooooo?
Forbes looked at the most miserable cities to live in…
And how many of those are DUMMOCRAPTICLY led?
@112 “You’ll pay $1300 or more in new Owebamma fees”
I won’t. But I’ll save $2500 a year on premiums when freeloaders are forced to get their own health insurance.
@114 Did you ask a question?
Puddles, let me ask you something. Do you think it’s a good idea to maintain a global organization to serve as a venue where countries can meet and discuss international problems, or should we just ignore there are 200+ other governments on the planet and assume our ICMBs, aircraft carriers, and cruise missiles can handle anything that might come up?
Notice how he “plays” stoooopid?
Wait… he’s not playing… It comes naturally…
If this global organization wants our money then they should listen to our concerns. Since they tend to react to Russia and China have Russia and China pony up more bucks.
DUMB Wabbit… I suggest you read “What’s Wrong With the United Nations and How to Fix It” Butt wait… if it isn’t on the PMSNBC site Roger DUMB Wabbit won’t touch it.
I’d suggest it to Lib da schmuck but it’s too tough for his puny mind.
@120 Another plausible explanation is that I don’t waste my time reading your drivel.
@121 Why don’t you send your suggestions to someone who can do something about them? Who knows, you might start something, sometimes great things come from small minds.
Implausible Mr IF! You commented on the UN post twice!
When confronted with facts Roger DUMB Wabbit runs into his “burrow”!
Playing stoooopid! It comes naturally!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Naturally stoooooooopid!
The Greatest Tax Increase In U.S. History …
… was (drum roll):
1. Revenue Act of 1951.
Here is a ranking of other tax increases since World War 2:
2. Revenue Act of 1950
3. Temporary Surcharge of 1968
4. Excess Profits Tax of 1950
5. Reagan Tax Increase of 1982
6. Tax Increase of 1966
7. Oil Windfall Tax of 1980
8. Tax Increase of 1993
9. Bush Tax Increase of 1990
10. Romneycare
11. Tax Reform Act of 1969
12. Deficit Reduction Act of 1984
13. Budget Reconciliation of 1987
14. Tax Reform Act of 1986
15. Social Security Tax of 1983
Notice that Romneycare ranks only 10th of 15 postwar tax increases. Here are some other facts: 6 of the 15 were wartime tax increases; 7 were under Republican presidents; 4 were under Reagan, the great tax-cutter.
Has been comedian Chris Rock tweeted: ‘Happy White People’s Independence Day’ – slobbering libtardo press gives him a pass… He loves Obummer.
So white people… how happy was your holiday yesterday?
@124: We conservatives are trying to cultivate a better image at this point.
Do you have to have that picture of that truculant little schmuck on your comments? This is not going to convince the people who can make a difference that we are on the right track.
Think about it, Please.
@125 Well, if I’m stoopid, it’s because I’m only a rabbit. What’s your excuse?
No one’s saying it is.
But, do you really think anyone inside the beltway in DC is there to help the working class? I’m working class & I don’t.
The last candidate for president that truly cared about the working class ate a bullet on June 6, 1968.
The comments explode this like the Low Spending of Obummer article with it’s multiple pinocchios.
That’s a panty load Michael. Are you daft? Obummer’s minions have been screaming about how out of touch Romney is because he’s wealthy.
What planet have you been visiting lately?
Some fucking redneck tried to burn down my house. Nothing like watching fireworks impacting on cedar.
Damn last week you told us you were a lawyer. Two days ago you were an investor.
You have more personal themes than others have Bullshit! And you HA leftists have much bullshit!
Which is true. It’s also true that Obama’s doing the bidding of the rich as well.
The lefty Leninist magazine Business Week says GOP claims that Romneycare is the biggest tax increase in history are bullshit. Well, they didn’t use that exact terminology, but that’s what they meant:
“If you’re a tanning salon, a medical device maker, a pharmaceutical company, a small business owner who doesn’t want to provide health insurance coverage to your employees, or an individual who refuses coverage, you’re going to have to cough up more money to the IRS in the form of penalties, fees, and yes, taxes. Individuals earning $200,000 or above and couples earning at least $250,000 will pay a 0.9% Medicare surtax and a 3.8% surtax on investment income. … If you’re just about anyone else, the health-care law is likely to be a net plus. …
“Republicans … have been particularly keen on bringing up small business, arguing that Obamacare amounts to a tax hike for them. If you’re a business with up to 25 employees, you’re also going to get a big tax credit to help with your employees’ health-care bill. After 2014, that credit will cover up to 50 percent of employer contributions.”
@133 Just as I thought. You don’t have one.
Do you know where this picture comes from?
@Puddy, Obama’s simply the least objectionable option.
When I point out that Obama’s winning so far, it’s not because I’m a huge Obama booster, it reporting the fact that Obama’s winning so far. Either way, the monied elite our going to have “their man” in the white house.
@133 (continued) Let’s set aside my IQ — modesty prevents me from going there — and deal with this generically.
Where is it written that lawyers or investors have to be smart?
Don’t get me wrong, I used to believe lawyers had to be smart, too. But I’ve been a lawyer for almost 40 years now, and I know better.
As for investors, well, what can I say? Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit for dumb investors! Dumb investors make cheap stocks possible, and cheap stocks make fat profits possible.
“According to research by the Leuthold Group, while the S&P 500 has gained 107 percent in the 38 months since its spring 2009 low, just nine of those months saw net inflows into U.S. stock funds. Similarly, in the 121 percent market surge of 1974 to 1980 … there were only 15 months of net inflows into the category. … By comparison, bond funds are now in an era of hot and constant inflows that resemble the rush into tech in the late 1990s. … A great piece in the Financial Times points to how this divergence can be setting the stage for another era of buy-high, sell-low regret.”
In other words, you don’t have to be smart to be an investor, you only have to be smart to be a successful one. Any fool can lose money in stocks, and lots of fools do, which is why I’m there.
Well at least the leftists are finally admitting it’s a tax. It’s a start!
But you just wrote you’re a rabbit above!
You need help dude. Where is Carl Grossman and his virtual oxygen bottles when the DUMB Wabbit needs one?
We were confused what with Mitt Romney and John Boehner calling it a mandate.
Five superior dividend-growth stocks you can buy right now for reasonable prices are Johnson & Johnson, McDonalds, Procter & Gamble, Unilever, and Walgreen. If you buy them at today’s prices, hold them at least 5 years, and reinvest the dividends, you should do fine if not considerably better than fine.
Poor leftist Nicole Sandler… She’s struggling after Scare America folded. Well when you deliver sucky radio commentary 24×7, no one listens.
Ummm nope Michael. Already cleared that up with Boehler’s CBS’ Deface The Nation appearance. I realize you are stuck on stupid, but kick yourself forward and stop replaying the same sad meme each day!
Now here is news Roger DUMB Wabbit missed…
Don’t read it Roger… it contains “dangerous to libtards” facts!
Where is this Obummer failed economic policy middle class destroying news? Where are the “major” slobbering libtard networks on this topic? MIA as always!
One of the really interesting things about the stock market is the statistics showing net outflows of money from stock funds. When that happens, and managers must sell stocks to raise cash to pay withdrawals, even if the market is such that they should be buying stocks instead.
The truth is, individual investors have a huge advantage over ETF and mutual fund managers, because you can buy when you should be buying and sell when you should be selling, whereas they’re often forced to sell when they should be buying and vice versa.
@146 Wow! It must be the unions’ fault! Damn those unions for preventing employers from raising workers’ wages!
Roger you missed this economic news too…
Yeah out of the mouth of a lawyer/moron/rabbit/idiot/investor/clown/etc. you may be onto something…
@146 That’s funny, it’s not on Fox either.
@149 You appear to be the last person on earth to learn the economy is slowing down. I’ve known it for weeks, and I’ve been using it to buy stocks.
@150 You’re so stupid you wouldn’t recognize satire if it raped you.
Inflation adjusted wages for the working class have been flat for my entire adult life. You gonna tell me that’s the Democrats fault and Romney’s gonna fix it? I seem to recall Reagan, Bush, and Bush, being in office during that time period. Romney’s not going to fix it. Obama’s not going to fix it either, but it’s going to suck less under Obama, so Obama it is.
It’s a “mandate” not a tax.
Or maybe it’s a no comment
Yeah, let’s go with no comment
And then lets makeup some bullshit
And then let’s make up some more bullshit
He’s gonna rip it out by the roots! Except for the stuff he’s not gonna.
You know, I understand why people might not like Obama and I understand why people might not like the left. But, I’ll never understand why anyone likes the current crop of Republicans that plague our nation.
I liked Allen West’s response. We should tax all Americans who don’t buy a Glock 9MM.
That’s just as Owebamma has done!
Closing in on 16 Trillion in debt, up $11,000 per man woman and child just under Owebammma. 6 Trillion in less that 4 years…..Blown!
Can I substitute a Smith & Wesson M&P?
Man date — heh.
Same principle, why not a mandate for Twinkie buying. It’s not a tax, you’ll just have to buy your share or be punished.
Fascinating blog! Is your theme custom made or did you download it from somewhere?
A design like yours with a few simple adjustements would really make my blog jump out.
Please let me know where you got your theme.
Bless you
You know someone “prominent” on the HA left doesn’t like Politifact. Not leftist enough for them. Hmmm…? I wonder what schmuck that is…? Hmmm…?
The wrath of Jesus.
Good news!
Jobs are still increasing! The economy is growing!
If you believe the White House spin, anyway:
Hey, at least there’s one part of the economy that’s exhibiting healthy growth under Obama:
More workers joined the federal government’s disability program in June than got new jobs, according to two new government reports, a clear indicator of how bleak the nation’s jobs picture is after three full years of economic recovery.
The economy created just 80,000 jobs in June, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday. But that same month, 85,000 workers left the workforce entirely to enroll in the Social Security Disability Insurance program, according to the Social Security Administration.
Unfortunately for those of us paying into the system, what’s growing is the number of people taking out of the system.
Things that can’t go on forever, don’t.
“I stand here in front of you today speaking to the person who is responsible for this and all I have to say is I will not be run out of my home,” said Pennell, “I will not be intimidated by hate.”
Police say they placed hidden cameras in the dorm hallway and caught Pennell on the tape placing the notes under her own door. They say the whole thing was a lie.
Apparently Obama saved GM again. Just last month.
We now learn that government purchases of GM vehicles rose a whopping 79% in June.
But wait, there’s more!
According to a Bloomberg report, “GM said inventory of its full-size pickups, which will be refreshed next year, climbed to 238,194 at the end of June, a 135 days supply, up from 116 days at the end of May.”
Meanwhile, GM is at $20.13 as of this writing. Breakeven for the government is to unload its stake at $53.
Freedom Rings with Republicans
George W. Bush!!!!
It’s gettin’ less and less believable, folks.
WaPo gives you your Headline du Jour:
Posted at 10:30 AM ET, 07/06/2012
The bad job numbers are Obama’s fault
Maybe Rujax can loan the WaPo author his extra set of Obama kneepads?
@ 168
That’s funny. Nowhere in the text of your linked article does the word ‘Republican(s)’ or ‘GOP’ appear.
Must be similar to Loughner being a right-winger when he shot Giffords and those others. Who needs evidence when libbies have preconceptions?
Anyone up for the Two-Step Barack Boogie?
@170 – yeah real funny, we all know of how supportive the Republican Party is to this issue. You are a joke. Keep you head in your ass, you’d look more like a freak with it out of your ass.
You forgot to remind me that everything is the fault of the GOP, regardless of the topic or presence of any evidence to the contrary.
Obama is absolved of any and all responsibility for anything that has happened. At least until the day after the first Tuesday in November.
Dems behaving badly:
You have the time and inclination to read local Hartford CT news station websites? Really?
In between check-writin’ and job-creatin’?
Or is there a feed from the wingnut mothership?
This kid reminds me of the derranged young woman who carved the backwards ‘B’ on her face, and claimed it was by an an Obama-supporting attacker…
@ 175
It was a link from a link. I clicked through to the original piece.
Who’s the guy on HA who seems to keep track of every right-winger politician caught doing something, what, with a minor? Is it Steve? You think he scours the original new sites? Or does he find them on some aggregator site? I’m almost sure it’s the latter.
No, I don’t read Hartford CT news directly. I did read jsonline just before the WI recall but that’s sort of a special case.
@ 175
I was thinking about the Columbia professor who claimed someone hung a noose on her door. She ended up being fired for plagiarism.
Your example was better.
@176, 177
So what’s your point, really?
That gay-hate crime is all a fraud?
That all gay people are liars?
That we as a socient need not be concerned with prejudice and abuse of minorities?
What, exactly?
re 160: “Same principle, why not a mandate for Twinkie buying. It’s not a tax, you’ll just have to buy your share or be punished.”
So you are saying that the physical need for Twinkies is as certain as the eventual physical need for healthcare?
I’m just asking so that when I argue about this with my coworkers, I don’t sound like an idiot.
@166, 177 – So what? So fucking what? You post this as if it negates all the legitimate complaints about anti-gay harassment, as if it somehow proves there’s anti-gay harassment doesn’t exist. That’s bullshit. It merely shows deranged people come in all stripes.
In a nation of 300 million people, the only surprising thing about incidents like this is there are so few of them.
@ 178
Why must there be a moral to each post? You think RR actually has a message with most of what he posts?
re 171 — “Anyone up for the Two-Step Barack Boogie?”
To be fair, shouldn’t we also have the Mittster Clog? Who says white people don’t have rhythm? It’s just kind of humorous to watch — especially with that fake smile plastered on the Clogster’s face.
@ 180
Funny you posted what you did. I look at about 95% of what you post and say to myself ‘So fucking what?’.
You’re a mind-reader, RR.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
“In what police describe as a tragic accident, the 3-year-old son of a … police officer was shot and killed Wednesday evening at his home …. [T]he boy either shot himself or another child accidentally fired the gun.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We all know guns don’t kill kids; guns are inert objects that can’t hurt anyone until a kid picks one up and shoots himself or another kid. The problem isn’t guns; it’s kids. If we get rid of kids and keep guns, instead of the other way around, kids won’t get shot.
Hey, aren’t these folks:
According to the new seasonally adjusted numbers that BLS released on Friday, there were 46,355,000 Americans age 25 or older with a bachelor’s degree or higher who held jobs in May. In June, that number fell to 45,949,000—a decline of 406,000.
the same folks that The One is counting on to get himself re-elected?
@ 184
Clearly, cops shouldn’t carry guns.
@ 182
Since you’re all ‘Remember Wisconsin’, I thought you would like to remember this:
Walker ended the recall with a sizable sum of $1.6 million in the bank, giving him a strong start toward a 2014 re-election race.
I think that without the help of the unions, Walker would have hardly anything in the bank.
Thanks again for the own-goal, unions!
Debunking Republican Bullshit About Health Care ‘Tax’
“The … penalty or tax or whatever you want to call it … the uninsured will pay is … so small … one wonders whether it will have the effect of nudging people into buying insurance ….
” … [T]he revenue generated by the tax on the uninsured will be … only $4 billion per year. By comparison, the federal government collects more than $6 billion every day in tax revenues.
“The tax debate … has overshadowed the issue of cost. When a family pays a tax, it ends up … with less money to spend or invest. But when it pays higher prices for health care, it also ends up with less money.”
re 185: I guess starving the public sector for jobs is having its effect.
I’d agree with you except you are giving short shrift the Mitch McConnell. He’s the One you should thank.
re 187: Yes. With Republican popularity contests, you only have to win over a few billionaires.
Very efficient.
There He Goes Again —
“Mitt Romney called a … press conference this morning to respond to June’s tepid jobs report, … repeatedly referring to the numbers as a “kick in the gut.”
President Obama “derided Mitt Romney and Republicans … for wanting to try policies … that have already … failed.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The cure for a gunshot wound is not giving the gun back to the shooter.
You’re being too cute by half.
You went to the trouble of posting a link about fabricated anti-gay harassment.
Your entire MO is one of slinging anti-liberal mud and seeing what sticks.
How is this story ‘mud’?
What’s your point? What’s the dig? How is this story of fabricated anti-gay harassment (in a world of genuine anti-gay violence, some deadly) relevant?
Yes – you have a point – I want you to be explicit with it.
Would someone please tell Mittster that blowing a dog whistle won’t solve our problems? What’s his plan? Does he have one? Besides repeating the same laissez-faire idiocy that got us into
this mess?
@ 190
If only the unions hadn’t wasted $4M supporting Falk in the primary, they’d have more than enough to neutralize that $1.6M Walker’s got in the bank.
I’m sure it was good for the economy, tho. All those union people paid to clean up the mess left by the union protesters. ‘sall good.
@186 Clearly, stupid people shouldn’t be cops. With that amendment, I concur.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The cure for a gunshot wound is not giving the gun back to the shooter.
The victim still bleeds to death, dumbass.
@196 Idiot.
@ 192
Call it counter-balance, then.
In @ 168 a gay couple did something for publicity (they announced it ahead of time on FB).
In what I posted @ 166, a gay individual did something for publicity.
Isn’t it fair to point out how publicity can sometimes not be such a smart thing?
Another example:
Peter Gleick. Google him if you need to.
Do you think his idiocy earlier this year did the AGW movement any favors?
Yet another:
Mary Mapes/Dan Rather.
Was it smart that what they did ended up introducing the term ‘Fake but accurate’ into the right-wing lexicon?
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Anyone hearing that Jesse Jackson, Jr. attempted suicide?
Maybe come up with a tour bus slogan that doesn’t sound like you’re rolling the dice on our nation’s future, Barack:
Romney, and the Fox Propoganda Machine, already had the press release for this morning’s press conference written, probably months in advance. It doesn’t matter what the report says, they just claim it’s not good enough, and it’s all the President’s fault. But when pressured on details of their job plans, they just avoid the questions and give musshy generalities.
But seriously, we are at over 200 posts here now. I think it’s time for another open thread.
Heh. Jon Huntsman confirms what right wingers already knew: he’ll never be a Republican..
Who of halfway sound mind and judgement would want to be seen with that crowd?
Mitt’s got something to hide (dirty little secrets):
Only 1 year of tax returns released. Ya think?
Bibi Netanyahu: U.S. nuclear weapons technology smuggler.
Big story in Israel.
He’s being kind. Goofy?:
Bush vs. Obama first terms:
Bush: weak private sector job growth, booming public sector job growth.
Obama: robust private sector job growth, declining public sector job growth..
See the graph for yourselves.
Counter balance what, exactly? Are you trying to refute that anti-gay prejudice exists? That anti-gay hate crimes don’t exist? That gay teens kill themselves because of the hate-filled society we have? Is that what you’re trying to argue against?
C’mon, let your freak flay fly – if you’re trying to argue against efforts to make the society more gay-friendly/accepting/celebrating, then do so – stop trying to fly under the radar and dropping these bombs – because now you’re just trying to explain your bigotry away – go ahead and wear it proud!
What are you trying to show with the contrast? In the former, that couple was engaging in civil disobedience to further civil rights, in the latter, a dishonest or disturbed person was using their gay-ness to perpetrate a fraud.
What are you trying to say by linking these stories?
An example of what, pray tell? How is he possibly germane to your posting an obscure story of a gay person acting badly?
Peter Gleick, acting out of completely justified frustartation and horror at the Climate Disaster Denial Industry ™, leaked documents from the execrable Hearland “Institute”, portraying them as the dishonest and malicious whores they are (appologies to prostitutes everywhere).
How is that possibly on point here, bob?
BTW, after resigning from his post at the Pacific Institute , Gleick was reinstated after an investigation. HA.
@ 210
Lib Sci, this:
BTW, after resigning from his post at the Pacific Institute , Gleick was reinstated after an investigation. HA.
from you made me laugh out loud.
UK Conference of Science Journalists: ‘institutions unlikely to fairly investigate allegations of fraud made against their own’
Do you REALLY think that a self-investigation was thorough?
HA, indeed. You gullible fuck.
@198 “Call it counter-balance, then.”
No, we won’t, because it’s not.
@ 210:
From volokh:
Note that even Andy Revkin of the NYT is dubious.
Heard the term ‘non-denial denial’, Lib Sci?
Are you seriously this gullible, or merely dishonest?
@ 212
RR, someone’s bleeding out. You better go hold the gun.
Wingnut Bob @214: Just a friendly reminder: Gayness is a gene, conservatism is a behavior.
Obama will REALLYREALLYREALLY have to fuck up NOT to win this thing with 55-60%
Raw-Money is a hack and his campaign is amateurish…AT BEST.
He’s toast.
Neither are “cureable”…except if you’re 13 years old and grow out of it.
Ah, the sage comments of Rujax. Job creation has fallen by about two-thirds in the past quarter and Romney’s toast.
Well, I guess I’ll just pack up my bags and go home, then.
That is the interpretation made by the climate-change-denial crackpot TV-weatherman Anthony Watts regarding his take on a particular speaker at the UK Conference of Science Journalists.
Far cry from what you purport.
Typical dishonesty from you, bub.
So…when are you going to stop blowing smoke and answering the original question – what was your point about posting the obscure story about the person fraudulently claiming anti-gay harassment?
Are you claiming anti-gay bias and violence does not exist?
Are you claiming that reports of gay bashing are fraudulent?
Are you claiming that gay teens kill themselves at horrendous rates?
What is your point?
(And try not to change the subject)
@ 219
I assume you don’t think much of Stephen McIntyre, either. No PhD in a weather-related field, but he and McKittrick still handed Mann’s ass to him.
I linked because it was a current item.
Are you a believer in the adequacy of university self-investigation, Lib Sci? By extension, is it permissible for the DOJ to investigate itself? By further extension, is it permissible for a Romney DOJ to investigate itself?
Note to all…
See @198 – bub is trying to wiggle and squirm and slither out of answering my question regarding his posting of a gay college student fraudulently reporting anti-gay harassment. He trows out tangents like a squid squirts ink, palpably inflammatory ones like the story of Peter Gleick.
I started to, as he hoped, to call him on that bullshit in parallel with examining his gay-hate, and he was running with the topic he preferred to defend – climate change denial.
So…I’ll let Gleick go for now – we can discuss later.
I would still like bub to explain how the story of the fraudulent anti-gay harassment is germane to a discussion of a couple of gay men engaing in peaceful civil disobedience in order to secure their civil rights?
Were that only true. Alas.
@ 219
I posted an item of a liberal behaving stupidly and getting caught.
I say liberal with the same license that @ 168 blamed something on Republicans without a shred of evidence.
It was a liberal behaving stupidly. Homosexuality had nothing to do with it. If you have trouble with my attribution of the idiot’s political agenda to liberalism, I refer you to @ 168.
He won’t do it…he’s a moronic bigotted dumb fuck.
He can slurp up and vomit out tea-vangelical talking points.
That’s it.
Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out, asshole.
Who said she was liberal?
It’s a story of an obscure gay person fraudulently claiming anti-gay harassment.
How is this at all germane to, as you claim, a counterpoint to some other gay people protesting for their civil rights? Gman decried Republicans – reasonably to an extent, as the arrest of the gay couple happened in Texas, which is fairly overrun with Republicans. You then post a ‘couter-point’ about a disturbed or fame-seeking gay person as some sort of anti-left critique – that doesn’t make any sense.
What’s your point? That gay people should never protest? That they have nothing to protest over? That they should return to the closet?
How is what gman said at all related to your posting of this story?
Gman was decrying that a gay couple couldn’t marry
All I removed was the equivalent of, “Gman did it too!!”
What an asshole.
@223 What kind of evidence do you need, to know that Republicans are the predominant people opposed to gay marriage. Seriously. What evidence do you have that that isn’t true. My post was in response to an email I got this morning from a friend (a Republican) regarding how ones freedoms are being taken away by Liberals. My reply to him was. What about Gay Marriage, isn’t being opposed to it a restriction of ones freedoms. Republicans are not the catalyst to Freedom, they are Nazis!! Now go run away because I used the word Nazi.
How about the right to fight for your Country openly as a gay person? Do Republicans oppose or support repeal of DADT. How is that not restricting freedom. Nazis.
Back in the corporate world, we can rest assured that the executive class attained their positions entirely by hard work, self-education, and are entitled to their compensation due to risk-taking.
For Example Bill Johnson was CEO of Duke Energy for only a few hours, but few argue that he was entitled to the 44 million dollar severance package he received for only attending a board meeting to submit his resignation and determine his replacement.
Duke Energy CEO Earns Up to $44.4 Million for a Few Hours Work
Of course, Johnson was promised the CEO job, and in a bit of executive-level in-fighting in light of the recent merger of energy firms, the board gave the job to somebody else instead. But they gave Johnson the $44 Million dollar severance package to avoid litigation caused by the mis-management of the whole affair by the board.
Who will pay for this? Well, to some extent the stockholders – which may be grandma and grandpa, who have a mutual fund 401(k) plan which includes these funds in their portfolio. But I expect most of the cost will be picked up by the consumers in the form of rate increases.
The workers at the plant? Not so much. As with most mergers, layoffs are expected, and the rumored severance package looks like it’s going to be pretty skimpy. After all, got to pay for all this executive blunders somehow, and keep those stock prices up!
@229 The shareholders have nothing to worry about. The new CEO will figure out how to get it back by lobbying D.C. to deregulate Duke’s markets. After all, he’s got his own severance package to protect.
@220 “the DOJ to investigate itself”
That’s far more objective than any “investigation” run by House GOPers, but I’m sure Mr. Holder is open to constructive suggestions.
Rmoney insulted a platter of Made-In-USA cookies. Cookies! What did cookies ever do to him? He must have thought they came from a union bakery.
Maybe he’ll buy the cookie bakery so he can fire its workers for the sheer fun of it. He seems like the type who’d do that.
Boy, talk about tone-deaf … making fun of a local bakery’s cookies? That’s how this dope conducts retail politics? Good luck with that in November …
And they think Biden is bad …
Wriggling squirming slithery Bob seems to have sidled out of here….sssssssssssssssssssss… didn’t like being called a bigot, I guess.
I think he must be conflicted about being a Republican.
# 234: I think it’s an example of Romney’s “agressive” sense of humor. He thinks pushing his kid’s face in the food is a funny joke. He thinks it’s funny to dress up in a State Trooper’s uniform and threaten to arrest his friends, just to see the fearful reaction of their dates. He thinks that getting a group of guys together to hold down the “different” kid and cut his hair with scissors is a laugh riot. In the “cookie” case, he thinks it’s just “teasing” to degrade a small business’s product with disparaging comments.
Sorry, but no. After thee straight years of job growth you’re bound to have a bad month or quarter. And we’re still talking about job growth, not losses.
Romney and others (including people with D’s next to their names) are also still trying to get us back to “where we were” when where we were was in the largest finical bubble in the history of mankind. So getting us back to that is, obviously, not going to happen.
And of course, before we were in the largest finical bubble in history we were in a mini recession, and before that we were in the Tech Bubble, and before that we were in a recession, and before that we were in the Reagan borrow and spend years, and before that…
Near as I can tell we have to go back to about 1965 to find a finically healthy America.
Obummer’s economy sucks wind and they bring up cookies. They have nuthin so they are delivering nuthin!
Regarding jobs and job growth, it’s Obummer’s own policies that are killing job growth. The Bush tax cut end of the year expiration and the onerous ObummerCare tax hikes are holding back companies hiring more people. The group I work for was aiming for almost 500 new hires in 2012. Not now. It’s really sad too. Obummer’s fiscal policies are the great sucking sound Ross Perot warned us about years ago. Oh yeah, the Obummer debt is wonderful too!
Read this and ask yourself whether central bank policies are working:
“Those who desperately need affordable capital (Spain, U.S. small businesses, struggling homeowners) just aren’t getting it, while institutions that are being deluged with seemingly no-cost dollars, euros, francs, and kroner beg for it to go away.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I think it’s time to raise interest rates. The economy might do better if savers and investors can earn something on their cash.
@240 You forgot to blame cancer on Obama. Or is cancer still Clinton’s fault?
How Deficits Are Born …
No Republican ever met a bomber he didn’t want to buy or a tax he was willing to pay.
The Republican policies of the cowardly insane Congress that limited stimulative spending.
Stupid. People spent like crazy in the 60’s and 70’s and later when tax rates were higher. Businesses hire when there’s fucking demand for their products and services lest the competition gets the business. They don’t wait on no stupid tax cuts.
If taxes don’t come up a bit, how’s the debt from recreational right wing wars going to be dealt with? Not from economic growth. The stupid Congress and big business seeking the cheapest labor has seen to that.
It’s sad that idiots like Puddybud are so brain damaged.
Idiot right wingers who tout “austerity” love it when they hear 600,000 public sector workers have lost their jobs over the last few years.
They say shit like that lifts “business confidence”.
How does that lift spirits in the retail sector when they hear that 600,000 customers are tightening their belts and won’t be coming to the malls?
It’s fucking stupid.
The Man Who Stands For Nothing At All
“Romney has … calculated that he can win without explaining what he’ll do as president … [he] is obviously alert to the risk of taking unpopular … positions like the ones he has been avoiding. But there’s also risk in appearing to stand for nothing at all.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Romney has already convinced Republicans they can’t trust him. Now he’s convincing the rest of us that we can’t trust him, either. Who the hell is going to vote for a pig in a poke?
@240 “The group I work for was aiming for almost 500 new hires in 2012. Not now.”
If the company you work for is so shaky its profit is wiped out by Romneycare maybe you should be looking for a new job yourself.
Putting Republicans back in charge of the economy is like putting drunk drivers back on the road.
Well, not since Ike anyway.
@244 I quit spending years ago. I invest all my money now. Does that make me un-American?
They’ve got the lead.
Yup, Romney’s so bad Nuthin is ahead in the polls.
There are few places in America where elected officials disrespect the popular will more than in Seattle. See, e.g., the Seattle Center glass emporium where Fun Forest used to be. The city council will do anything to keep us from voting on the upper class’s latest scheme to spend our money on their basketball palace. The sponsors of Initiative 91 told the city today they’re going to sue. Good for them!
P.S., don’t forget to vote the city council out of office.
Somebody needs to tell Mitt that unburnt coal is piling up all over the place.
Actually, permitting for the Keystone Pipeline is moving forward. If it wasn’t moving forward the East Texas Subregional Planning Commission wouldn’t be suing to stop it.
Someone really needs to clue Romney in that just making shit up isn’t going to be good enough to get him into the oval office.
And please, for the love of Dog, please do vote in people that will get Seattle an elected Parks and Rec board. Even Springfield Missouri has an elected parks board.
Oops, it looks like what I thought was elections for the parks board, was actually an election to merge city and county parks departments. It doesn’t say how Springfield handles it. However, I do know that Tacoma, Spokane, and Gig Harbor (penmet) elect people to park boards.
The promoter of the basketball palace promises the city will get full ownership after 30 years. Has the city council forgotten what 30-year-old sports facilities are worth?
Just like the deal an airline tried to foist off on taxpayers at Boeing Field — they give us the terminal when it’s time to blow it up.
Ted Nugent:
John Boehner:
I wonder how Nugent feels about John Boehner keeping parts of the un-American, Constitution-violating Obamacare in place.