Woke up this morning: Another day without nuclear war. If there was a mass shooting, it was small enough that it didn’t make the news. These are the sorts of things we can think of as victories in the Trump era.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another Republican tempest in an empty teapot. (Pun intended.)
Look on the bright sidespews:
At least Hillary Clinton isn’t president. That’s good!
@ 3
From the report itself, which I am sure you did not peruse:
Because of the lack of
documentation, we could not determine how many total applications were selected by the IRS
for further review using 16 of the 17 criteria or which cases were processed based upon them. (p.5)
Further, we requested interviews with 83 IRS employees31 who we believed could provide input
on the 17 criteria. However, unlike the prior audit, about one-fourth of these individuals no
longer worked for the Federal Government and generally did not respond to or declined our
requests for an interview. (p.8)
You’re a clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. An incontinent, flatulent, impotent, bloviating clown.
Another victory in the Trump era:
WASHINGTON (AP) — Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was held captive by the Taliban for half a decade after abandoning his Afghanistan post, is expected to plead guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, two individuals with knowledge of the case said.
this POS. The Rose Garden fluffing of his parents was bad enough.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 So you’re the kind of person who prefers to be burned at the stake instead of hanged?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Which doesn’t change the fact that “[o]f these 146 cases which received extra review based on words in the organization’s name, a grand total of ten were tea-party groups. … In total, the IRS audited 111 left-wing groups and 19 right-wing groups based on BOLO criteria.”
Overlooking details like this is why we call you a dumbfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 There must be a sentencing deal if he’s copping to unreduced charges that carry a potential life sentence, especially given the possible compromising of the case due to inappropriate command influence (i.e., the c-in-c shot off his stupid mouth before trial about what should happen to the defendant).
As for “Thank you, President Obama, for declining to pardon this POS,” too bad you can’t say the same of YOUR president, who has already pardoned one POS (Arpaio) and reportedly is fixing to pardon another (Bundy).
I’ll bet Bergdahl won’t get a Trump pardon. He’s white enough, but not racist or neo-nazi enough to qualify.
Republicans suckspews:
Hey Asshat: BadwindBag @#6 #7 President Donald Trump promised Americans “the largest tax cut in our country’s history.”
Victory Dance for the 1 percent: “The Tax Policy Center’s analysis says most of the tax cuts would go to the wealthiest Americans. For example, the top 1 percent — families making about $700,000 a year — would get an average tax cut of $129,000. Tax breaks targeting the wealthy include lowering the top income tax rate from 39.6 percent to 35 percent, eliminating the alternative minimum tax, and doing away with the federal estate tax, which is only paid by people who inherit multimillion-dollar estates.”
The report to which Mother Jones linked was a supplemental report.
It didn’t address the lengths of time that conservative groups had to wait until they were approved, essentially costing them influence in the 2010 election cycle. It didn’t address the possibility that many of the ‘progressive’ groups were picked to provide balance once the IRS became aware that their activities were under scrutiny and needed to begin skimming some records of progressive groups. Additionally, a substantial number of the groups were ACORN spin-offs, and were selected for cause, due to the activities of their former parent organization. Tea Party groups were also selected for cause, although the ’cause’ is because they were conservative.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 “It didn’t address the possibility that many of the ‘progressive’ groups were picked to provide balance once the IRS became aware that their activities were under scrutiny and needed to begin skimming some records of progressive groups.”
Is this how the rightwing noise machine is spinning it? Or is it your own fertile speculation?
If Republicans and Democrats played a game of pickup football, and the Democrats won 63-0, the Republicans would claim they won with the final score weighted for imputed penalties.
@ 13
If Republicans and Democrats played a game of pickup football, and the Democrats won 63-0, the Republicans would claim they won with the final score weighted for imputed penalties.
Democrats lost 1,000+ seats during the Obama era.
You’ve watched “Rudy” too many times.
Mark Adamsspews:
Carl how does one define nuclear war? Is it the use of a nuclear device if so there already has been a nuclear war at the end of WWII. Then there is what happened after WWII between the Soviet Union and the United States. Was that nuclear war? Did it keep the peace? Is it required that all participants have nuclear weapons.
Is Seattle a potential target of the North Korean’s sure it is. After all US troop loaded onto troop ships in Seattle on the long trip across the Pacific during the Korean War that technically continues. How long would such a nuclear war be, probably not all that long. Of course Sarin and VX over Seattle would be equally or more unpleasant.
The amount of time of a nuclear war between the US and North Korea would be very short. Their first missile would take less than 10 minutes to hit Tokyo and less than 30 to hit Honolulu or Guam. Our response if we have a boomer off the coast about 4 minutes. If we were to depend on the bomber leg of the triad then it would be several hours. Meanwhile real war would revisit the de militarized zone. If the affair remained a limited affair it would be short and quick and not involve that many devices. It might just promote world peace. Then again things between Pakistan and India remain at a warlike footing, and conventional and nuclear war between the two states remain the most likely area where several hundred warheads could be used. With or without anything happening on the Korean peninsula. Doubt you have given much thought of the state of things between those two nuclear powers. Not that their potential war gets much press coverage.
And of course the US has little influence on the participants. Both sides are independent nations. And they really dislike each other.
Mark Adamsspews:
@7 It’s also entirely likely considering the seriousness of the potential sentence the judge will not allow a guilty plea on one of the charges Unless there is a deal to drop the more serious charge entirely,
There have been rumors around the case from its inception. I do not put much stock in them. His attorneys probably are arguing against if for no other reason appeals would no longer be possible. The case has taken a long time to get to a trial, and that has to be taking a toll on Berghdahl. Still short of a very good plea deal there is no reason for him to plead guilty.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 “Democrats lost 1,000+ seats during the Obama era” to a basket of deplorable perverts, adulterers, racists, hypocrites, and traitors.
Here’s one the Dems are fairly likely to lose in the Trump era.
Shea-Porter announces she won’t seek House re-election
Given that Bergdahl has admitted in interviews that he walked away that’s not surprising.
We’ll see what the sentence agreement is as the Army doesn’t want to have to answer questions under oath about why a Psych Washout from the Coast Guard was accepted into the ranks.
The truth is always a little more complicated than it seems.
@ 19
.. the Army doesn’t want to have to answer questions under oath about why a Psych Washout…
Remind yourself who occupies the Oval Office.
You think this is gonna matter to the Army?
Ask the local lawyer. If the families of the soldiers who still claim, with no evidence mind you, that they were “killed searching for Bergdahl” tried to sue, would it help or hurt that evidence of the Army’s negligence is revealed under oath?
What does it profit to sue Bergdahl? What might it profit to sue the Department of Defense?
Given that Bergdahl has admitted in interviews that he walked away that’s not surprising.
And yet flat beer froth Roger senile idiot wabbit supports Bergdahl over his dead comrades!
Sad and so typical!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Did you know Harvey Weinstein threw a fundraiser for Clinton back in June?
Did you know #CrookedHillary has yet to disavow Harvey Weinstein or return his financial contributions? Yet, Fauxcohauntas Warren did! Yet, Cory Booker did!
Not a word of this will make tonight’s Friday Night Comix!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Did you know Harvey Weinstein bundled $679,275 for President Obummer’s reerection campaign in 2012. Obummer’s speech writer Jon Favreau called Harvey a horrible piece of shit!
MRS. OBAMA: Oh, I can tell. I want to start by thanking Harvey Weinstein for organizing this amazing day. (Applause.) Harvey. This is possible because of Harvey. He is a wonderful human being, a good friend and just a powerhouse. And the fact that he and his team took the time to make this happen for all of you should say something not about me or about this place, but about you. Everybody — we are here because of you.
Not a word of this will make tonight’s Friday Night Comix!
Till Next Time!
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
“A fucking lunatic moron.”
Whoa!! The loon who knowingly voted for a pussy grabbing “fucking lunatic moron” who raped a 13 year-old little girl is experiencing massive head explosions @23, 24, 25, 26 and 27!!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Lisa Bloom supports Harvey Weinstein while attacking non-DUMMOCRETIN men!
Not a word of this will make tonight’s Friday Night Comix!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
The loon who knowingly voted for a pussy grabbing fucking moron who raped a 13 year-old girl
Got proof shitstain steve? Where’s the court case conviction?
Till Next Time!
The “fucking lunatic moron” grabs pussies and rapes little girls and the loon says nothing! Sad!
Geez, I hope they don’t lynch the loon. That’d be SAD!
“Black students threatened with lynching after Alabama teen punished for swearing at girl protesting pledge”
@18 Yeah, no doubt Trump’s coattails* will pull that seat back into the “R” column.
* aka Russian hackers
Because those like the loon and Doctor Dumbfuck believe being a fascist is a good thing and being anti-fascist is a bad thing…they say anti-Nazi video games are BAD!
@20 So is your theory that if the c-in-c is a psych washout x ten, the rest of the chain of command, all the way down to dogface private, doesn’t matter?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 Right now it looks like Bergdahl is gonna be judgment-proof for at least the statute of limitations period.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 “wabbit supports Bergdahl over his dead comrades!”
That’s not true. I support due process (versus lynching, which seems to be your forte), which isn’t the same thing as “supports Bergdahl,” but you’re too stupid to grasp the difference.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 – @27 Sez a Deplorable who voted for Pussygrabber.
Sez the Deplorable who wanted to lynch Bergdahl without a trial.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
senile idiot wabbit @39,
It is TRUE. Puddy is on record, check the crazed databaze owned by the clueless cretin, supporting the dead comrades of Bergdahl. Sadly your voice was missing. Google Roger Rabbit Bowe Bergdahl site:horsesass.org. So whom is toooo stoooooooooooooopid again roger senile idiot wabbit?
Look for any reference to dead comrades or something similar under Roger Rabbit. Go on! Grow some marbuls!
Senility rules roger senile idiot wabbit’s femtometer sized mind!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Where is the supposed 13-year old girl?
Where is the court case?
Where is the conviction?
Crickets Chirping! BULLSHITTIUM burping!
Till Next Time!
Sun’s down so I’ll just mention in passing the our resident loon drops in to mention anyth Hug and everything except White Supremacist violence endorsed by his political party.
Bergdahl was diagnosed with paranoia disorders before he enlisted. The Coast Guard had “Do Not Reenlist in his DOD file. The Army took him anyway. He walked off his post. He should have his day in court or plead guilty. Matters not to me.
People in Bergdahl’s unit were killed on missions unrelated to rescue well after Bergdahl left that unit.
Those two things are unrelated.
Wish they weren’t dead. Wish the Pentagon wasn’t ordered to pull personnel and equipment out of Afghanistan to go adventuring in Iraq. Wish that pressure was put on Pakistan from 2003 on to hand over Taliban because as the CO of Bergdahl’s unit has said, also publicly, “We weren’t looking for him. We had solid intelligence we knew he was in Pakistan” guess where he was…Pakistan. Someone else was in Pakistan…who was that?
Wish I had a pony.
And while we’re wishing…that Jesus you claim to believe in says things about forgiveness and compassion. Good to know that doesn’t apply to a 23 year old mental health patient in a war zone. But we know you’re a fake follower of Christ.
Mark Adamsspews:
@21 As if it’s possible for them to sue Berghdahl or the army.
And at this point the bell has rung as it’s too late for them to sue,
You got some good old grade one army horse manure.
Berghdahl could plead guilty to desertion, but be going for mitigation on the charge, things are a little different under the UCMJ. Claiming you are not guilty of murder, because of self defense is a bit different under the UCMJ, you are guilty of murder, but mitigation causes the accused to be innocent. As long as the desertion charge cannot be sentenced with death then Berghdal could plead guilty, but under mitigation get the charge to go away, as in he left his station to seek to inform higher command of issues. Of course the Judge has to be convinced of a number of things, by interviewing Berghdahl or reject the plea.
I’m questioning the report as he may be found guilty, but his attorneys have a hell of an appeal case. And he may not be found guilty, as this maybe the prosecutor trying the we gotcha card, knowing there is a fair chance he will loose, and the brass wants Berghdahl bad. Frankly the whole report is unseemly, and a insult to the UCMJ.
Mark Adamsspews:
@24 Frankly the army should have paid his backpay and medically discharged him. The army has a weak case. The command has been told it has a weak case. It proceeded on this path. At this point it’s not so much Berghdahl who needs to be concerned with his future in the army. (Medically his career is done. ) Only now some brass have their careers on the line. Or at least they know Senator McCain will hold up their next star as long as he is in the Senate. Course that is where this les misrables affair becomes a corrupt affair.
Mark Adamsspews:
As far as the IRS having to weigh into political organizations being non-profits maybe expecting a bit much. Particularly if those organizations are liked by the 2 major parties. In fact the real issue isn’t whether the organizations should have gotten non profit status, it is pretty obvious these organizations should have and the IRS screwed up. The question is after organizations get exempt status if the IRS is capable of making sure these organizations are playing by the rules, reporting properly, and the IRS has the backbone and political will to go after those who are not…can the IRS put corrupt bankers and corporate officers, ect in jail so to speak.
The Psychiatrist/Debriefing team recommended no charges. The lead investigator recommended no charges. Someone higher up the chain got a call from a Senator or some other powerful Fox News true believer and charged him despite the recommendations of those closest to the case.
The Rose Garden ceremony was a mistake. It turned a fucked-up situation into a political football. But don’t try to tell me that if President Obama hadn’t arranged to get Bergdahl back the same mother fuckers who have tried to turn Bergdahl into Julius Rosenberg wouldn’t have been screaming about leaving no man behind.
Rampant Speculation: If there is a plea being worked out it’s more the government coming to Bergdahl and realizing that they need to try to get him on something to keep the mouth breathers happy but they aren’t sure they can get him at trial. There’s also the possibility that the legal team ordered to prosecute the case know it’s bullshit and just want it done so they can move on.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Trump voters, you fucked up. Big. Time.
“Just 24 percent of Americans believe the country is heading in the right direction after a tumultuous stretch for President Donald Trump that included the threat of war with North Korea, stormy complaints about hurricane relief and Trump’s equivocating about white supremacists. That’s a 10-point drop since June, according to a poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.”
At least SOME of you are beginning to realize You. Fucked. Up:
“The broader picture for the president is grim, too. Nearly 70 percent of Americans say Trump isn’t level-headed, and majorities say he’s not honest or a strong leader. More than 60 percent disapprove of how he is handling race relations, foreign policy and immigration, among other issues. Overall, 67 percent of Americans disapprove of the job Trump is doing in office, including about one-third of Republicans.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trouble is, Republicans don’t learn from experience, and will Keep. Fucking. Up.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 So, now that I’ve called out your bullshit @24 you’re changing your storyline from “supports Bergdahl” to “doesn’t support Bergdahl’s dead comrades?”
Well, I guess when you’ve got nothing, you have to go with what you’ve got.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 “Where is the conviction?”
Speaking of “BULLSHITTIUM,” you asswipes not only don’t have a conviction against Hillary, you don’t even have a parking ticket against her.
All you’ve got is a special talent for blowing farts out of both sides of your ass. It’s why we call you a lunatic (among other reasons too numerous to name).
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 Where did you get that legal analysis from, a mail order law course?
@49 Why would anyone plead guilty to charges carrying a possible life sentence if the prosecution has a weak case?
Of course, Bergdahl hasn’t copped a plea yet. There are only reports that he’s going to. Not the same thing as a conviction. But don’t try telling Piddles that. You’ll get another messy head explosion.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 “As far as the IRS having to weigh into political organizations being non-profits maybe expecting a bit much.”
No, it looks more like the IRS trying to enforce the tax laws that Congress enacted.
“The question is after organizations get exempt status if the IRS is capable of making sure these organizations are playing by the rules, reporting properly, and the IRS has the backbone and political will to go after those who are not … ”
No, capability is not the question. The question is whether that’s what the IRS was doing by auditing these (mostly liberal) organizations. If the answer is yes, then all of the GOP’s wailing about “corrupt IRS” was empty hot air. What do you think the chances are that Republicans were cynically playing partisan politics with IRS enforcement of tax laws? And would you like to be audited by an IRS run by these guys?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 The question remains why Bergdahl would cop a plea at all to charges of desertion and aiding the enemy if he had psychiatric issues that rendered him unfit for military service.
As for why the Army took him in the first place, the answer seems simple enough; taking him enabled some recruiter to fill his quota. It’s not like the Army’s never had recruiting scandals.
Chances are you haven’t heard of the six soldiers who died hunting for him after he went missing, according to military officials. Now that Bergdahl has been sprung—in exchange for five senior Taliban officials, who had been imprisoned at Guantanamo—soldiers who served with Bergdahl are grumbling that he deserted and shouldn’t be hailed as a hero, especially given the resulting cost in American lives.
PuddyCommentary: You see checkmate252, when you live on the vilest of libtard sites you reap the whirlwind of BULLSHITTIUM! Puddy loves to use left wrong sites like Time to blow your silly ASS off the thread!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Those two things are most definitely (mos def) related.
And it all happened under Obummer’s watch! Very sad for the families of those Great Real Americans! Yet, checkmate252 and its BULLSHITTIUM have posted this before. Check the crazed databaze for the previous events! There is a use of the crazed databaze in #58, so it’s still active through the clueless crazed cretin!
FACTS are never a HA DUMMOCRETINS friend! Sux to be you!
Regarding Jesus… Jesus delivers compassion and forgiveness to all. Jesus did this dying on the cross. Since you and your ilk hate Jesus, when He returns He’ll have nothing for you! So you delivering word salad like this: Jesus you claim to believe in says things about forgiveness and compassion. has no meaning whatsoever!
See ya checkmate252. Another train wreck repaired!
Till Next Time!
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Wow another EPIC FAYLE using the crazed databaze @58 by the clueless crazed cretin. The %age correct value is so minuscule now so Puddy doesn’t post it anymore!
Till Next Time!
How many times that that story get debunked? 100, 1000, 10,000?
Bergdahl disappeared a month before that. The CO of the unit has repeatedly said these were missions that were NOT searches. But the fact that in every single mission brief for a year there would be a mention Bergdahl.
That does not mean that the mission is to find Bergdahl. They wouldn’t have been searching for Bergdahl in Afghanistan, any suggestion they were searching for him in Afghanistan is pure BS, because they had intelligence, solid intelligence that the Taliban had crossed the border with him into Pakistan. These are known facts that your worldview can’t accept. Sorry about your delusions. But because every briefing mentions Bergdahl in some way soldiers who also don’t want to get past it will tell you that every mission from June 2009 to 2014 is a rescue mission.
It works like this,
“We need to go to this house. There are known Taliban there. we will approach from the east along this road. at 0500 you will reach the house, surround the perimeter , execute a forced entry and take into custody all that are present. Here are positive IDs of our targets. If any of them are actually in your custody, return them to base immediately. And if you hear anything about Bergdahl report back.”
Per Piddles, they are searching for Bergdahl. Because Piddles, as has repeatedly been proven, is a fake Christian. One who not only does not forgive as his lord commands but regularly bears false witness.
When fictional Sgt. Phil Esterhouse says, “Let’s be careful out there.” What he’s really saying is, ignore everything that has happened in this briefing because today’s mission is about safety first.
Just cracked open an egg with two yolks. Wilcox Farms says it happens 1 of every 1,000 eggs. First time for me, though.
“Another day without nuclear war. These are the sorts of things we can think of as victories in the Trump era.”
It’s only 8:15 am. Don’t count your chickens yet.
The IRS has finally confirmed there was no targeting of tea party groups.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another Republican tempest in an empty teapot. (Pun intended.)
The IRS confirms there was no targeting of tea party groups. In fact, the IRS audited six times as many liberal groups as conservative groups.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Another Republican tempest in an empty teapot. (Pun intended.)
At least Hillary Clinton isn’t president. That’s good!
@ 3
From the report itself, which I am sure you did not peruse:
Because of the lack of
documentation, we could not determine how many total applications were selected by the IRS
for further review using 16 of the 17 criteria or which cases were processed based upon them. (p.5)
Further, we requested interviews with 83 IRS employees31 who we believed could provide input
on the 17 criteria. However, unlike the prior audit, about one-fourth of these individuals no
longer worked for the Federal Government and generally did not respond to or declined our
requests for an interview. (p.8)
You’re a clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. An incontinent, flatulent, impotent, bloviating clown.
Another victory in the Trump era:
WASHINGTON (AP) — Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who was held captive by the Taliban for half a decade after abandoning his Afghanistan post, is expected to plead guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, two individuals with knowledge of the case said.
Thank you, President Obama, for declining to pardon
this POS. The Rose Garden fluffing of his parents was bad enough.
@5 So you’re the kind of person who prefers to be burned at the stake instead of hanged?
@6 Which doesn’t change the fact that “[o]f these 146 cases which received extra review based on words in the organization’s name, a grand total of ten were tea-party groups. … In total, the IRS audited 111 left-wing groups and 19 right-wing groups based on BOLO criteria.”
Overlooking details like this is why we call you a dumbfuck.
@7 There must be a sentencing deal if he’s copping to unreduced charges that carry a potential life sentence, especially given the possible compromising of the case due to inappropriate command influence (i.e., the c-in-c shot off his stupid mouth before trial about what should happen to the defendant).
As for “Thank you, President Obama, for declining to pardon this POS,” too bad you can’t say the same of YOUR president, who has already pardoned one POS (Arpaio) and reportedly is fixing to pardon another (Bundy).
I’ll bet Bergdahl won’t get a Trump pardon. He’s white enough, but not racist or neo-nazi enough to qualify.
Hey Asshat: BadwindBag @#6 #7 President Donald Trump promised Americans “the largest tax cut in our country’s history.”
Victory Dance for the 1 percent: “The Tax Policy Center’s analysis says most of the tax cuts would go to the wealthiest Americans. For example, the top 1 percent — families making about $700,000 a year — would get an average tax cut of $129,000. Tax breaks targeting the wealthy include lowering the top income tax rate from 39.6 percent to 35 percent, eliminating the alternative minimum tax, and doing away with the federal estate tax, which is only paid by people who inherit multimillion-dollar estates.”
If you aren’t a 1 percenter Asshat you have nothing to victory dance about.
@ 9
The report to which Mother Jones linked was a supplemental report.
It didn’t address the lengths of time that conservative groups had to wait until they were approved, essentially costing them influence in the 2010 election cycle. It didn’t address the possibility that many of the ‘progressive’ groups were picked to provide balance once the IRS became aware that their activities were under scrutiny and needed to begin skimming some records of progressive groups. Additionally, a substantial number of the groups were ACORN spin-offs, and were selected for cause, due to the activities of their former parent organization. Tea Party groups were also selected for cause, although the ’cause’ is because they were conservative.
@12 “It didn’t address the possibility that many of the ‘progressive’ groups were picked to provide balance once the IRS became aware that their activities were under scrutiny and needed to begin skimming some records of progressive groups.”
Is this how the rightwing noise machine is spinning it? Or is it your own fertile speculation?
If Republicans and Democrats played a game of pickup football, and the Democrats won 63-0, the Republicans would claim they won with the final score weighted for imputed penalties.
@ 13
If Republicans and Democrats played a game of pickup football, and the Democrats won 63-0, the Republicans would claim they won with the final score weighted for imputed penalties.
Democrats lost 1,000+ seats during the Obama era.
You’ve watched “Rudy” too many times.
Carl how does one define nuclear war? Is it the use of a nuclear device if so there already has been a nuclear war at the end of WWII. Then there is what happened after WWII between the Soviet Union and the United States. Was that nuclear war? Did it keep the peace? Is it required that all participants have nuclear weapons.
Is Seattle a potential target of the North Korean’s sure it is. After all US troop loaded onto troop ships in Seattle on the long trip across the Pacific during the Korean War that technically continues. How long would such a nuclear war be, probably not all that long. Of course Sarin and VX over Seattle would be equally or more unpleasant.
The amount of time of a nuclear war between the US and North Korea would be very short. Their first missile would take less than 10 minutes to hit Tokyo and less than 30 to hit Honolulu or Guam. Our response if we have a boomer off the coast about 4 minutes. If we were to depend on the bomber leg of the triad then it would be several hours. Meanwhile real war would revisit the de militarized zone. If the affair remained a limited affair it would be short and quick and not involve that many devices. It might just promote world peace. Then again things between Pakistan and India remain at a warlike footing, and conventional and nuclear war between the two states remain the most likely area where several hundred warheads could be used. With or without anything happening on the Korean peninsula. Doubt you have given much thought of the state of things between those two nuclear powers. Not that their potential war gets much press coverage.
And of course the US has little influence on the participants. Both sides are independent nations. And they really dislike each other.
@7 It’s also entirely likely considering the seriousness of the potential sentence the judge will not allow a guilty plea on one of the charges Unless there is a deal to drop the more serious charge entirely,
There have been rumors around the case from its inception. I do not put much stock in them. His attorneys probably are arguing against if for no other reason appeals would no longer be possible. The case has taken a long time to get to a trial, and that has to be taking a toll on Berghdahl. Still short of a very good plea deal there is no reason for him to plead guilty.
@14 “Democrats lost 1,000+ seats during the Obama era” to a basket of deplorable perverts, adulterers, racists, hypocrites, and traitors.
Here’s one the Dems are fairly likely to lose in the Trump era.
Shea-Porter announces she won’t seek House re-election
Good thing the DNC has that huge wad of campaign cash already saved up, no?
Given that Bergdahl has admitted in interviews that he walked away that’s not surprising.
We’ll see what the sentence agreement is as the Army doesn’t want to have to answer questions under oath about why a Psych Washout from the Coast Guard was accepted into the ranks.
The truth is always a little more complicated than it seems.
@ 19
.. the Army doesn’t want to have to answer questions under oath about why a Psych Washout…
Remind yourself who occupies the Oval Office.
You think this is gonna matter to the Army?
Ask the local lawyer. If the families of the soldiers who still claim, with no evidence mind you, that they were “killed searching for Bergdahl” tried to sue, would it help or hurt that evidence of the Army’s negligence is revealed under oath?
What does it profit to sue Bergdahl? What might it profit to sue the Department of Defense?
As long as we’re speculating rapantly like @12
“Remind yourself who occupies the Oval Office.”
A fucking moron?
Harvey Weinstein… Friend of DUMMOCRETINS screaming “vast right wing conspiracy’… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....shame.html
Given that Bergdahl has admitted in interviews that he walked away that’s not surprising.
And yet flat beer froth Roger senile idiot wabbit supports Bergdahl over his dead comrades!
Sad and so typical!
Till Next Time!
Did you know Harvey Weinstein threw a fundraiser for Clinton back in June?
Did you know #CrookedHillary has yet to disavow Harvey Weinstein or return his financial contributions? Yet, Fauxcohauntas Warren did! Yet, Cory Booker did!
Not a word of this will make tonight’s Friday Night Comix!
Till Next Time!
Did you know Harvey Weinstein bundled $679,275 for President Obummer’s reerection campaign in 2012. Obummer’s speech writer Jon Favreau called Harvey a horrible piece of shit!
Yet nuthin from Obummer or #CrookedHillary!
Not a word of this will make tonight’s Friday Night Comix!
Till Next Time!
MRS. OBAMA: Oh, I can tell. I want to start by thanking Harvey Weinstein for organizing this amazing day. (Applause.) Harvey. This is possible because of Harvey. He is a wonderful human being, a good friend and just a powerhouse. And the fact that he and his team took the time to make this happen for all of you should say something not about me or about this place, but about you. Everybody — we are here because of you.
Not a word of this will make tonight’s Friday Night Comix!
Till Next Time!
“A fucking lunatic moron.”
Whoa!! The loon who knowingly voted for a pussy grabbing “fucking lunatic moron” who raped a 13 year-old little girl is experiencing massive head explosions @23, 24, 25, 26 and 27!!
Lisa Bloom supports Harvey Weinstein while attacking non-DUMMOCRETIN men!
Not a word of this will make tonight’s Friday Night Comix!
Till Next Time!
The loon who knowingly voted for a pussy grabbing fucking moron who raped a 13 year-old girl
Got proof shitstain steve? Where’s the court case conviction?
Till Next Time!
The “fucking lunatic moron” grabs pussies and rapes little girls and the loon says nothing! Sad!
Geez, I hope they don’t lynch the loon. That’d be SAD!
“Black students threatened with lynching after Alabama teen punished for swearing at girl protesting pledge”
From those like the loon and Doctor Dumbfuck who believe being a fascist is a good thing and being anti-fascist is a bad thing…Nazi mascots!
“Georgia school makes sixth-graders create Nazi mascots — and parents are furious”
@18 Yeah, no doubt Trump’s coattails* will pull that seat back into the “R” column.
* aka Russian hackers
Because those like the loon and Doctor Dumbfuck believe being a fascist is a good thing and being anti-fascist is a bad thing…they say anti-Nazi video games are BAD!
“Trump Supporters Object To Anti-Nazi Video Game”
@20 So is your theory that if the c-in-c is a psych washout x ten, the rest of the chain of command, all the way down to dogface private, doesn’t matter?
@21 Right now it looks like Bergdahl is gonna be judgment-proof for at least the statute of limitations period.
@24 “wabbit supports Bergdahl over his dead comrades!”
That’s not true. I support due process (versus lynching, which seems to be your forte), which isn’t the same thing as “supports Bergdahl,” but you’re too stupid to grasp the difference.
@25 – @27 Sez a Deplorable who voted for Pussygrabber.
@29 “who raped a 13 year-old little girl”
and lusts after his own daughter
@31 “Where’s the court case conviction?”
Sez the Deplorable who wanted to lynch Bergdahl without a trial.
senile idiot wabbit @39,
It is TRUE. Puddy is on record, check the crazed databaze owned by the clueless cretin, supporting the dead comrades of Bergdahl. Sadly your voice was missing. Google Roger Rabbit Bowe Bergdahl site:horsesass.org. So whom is toooo stoooooooooooooopid again roger senile idiot wabbit?
Look for any reference to dead comrades or something similar under Roger Rabbit. Go on! Grow some marbuls!
Senility rules roger senile idiot wabbit’s femtometer sized mind!
Till Next Time!
Where is the supposed 13-year old girl?
Where is the court case?
Where is the conviction?
Crickets Chirping! BULLSHITTIUM burping!
Till Next Time!
Sun’s down so I’ll just mention in passing the our resident loon drops in to mention anyth Hug and everything except White Supremacist violence endorsed by his political party.
Bergdahl was diagnosed with paranoia disorders before he enlisted. The Coast Guard had “Do Not Reenlist in his DOD file. The Army took him anyway. He walked off his post. He should have his day in court or plead guilty. Matters not to me.
People in Bergdahl’s unit were killed on missions unrelated to rescue well after Bergdahl left that unit.
Those two things are unrelated.
Wish they weren’t dead. Wish the Pentagon wasn’t ordered to pull personnel and equipment out of Afghanistan to go adventuring in Iraq. Wish that pressure was put on Pakistan from 2003 on to hand over Taliban because as the CO of Bergdahl’s unit has said, also publicly, “We weren’t looking for him. We had solid intelligence we knew he was in Pakistan” guess where he was…Pakistan. Someone else was in Pakistan…who was that?
Wish I had a pony.
And while we’re wishing…that Jesus you claim to believe in says things about forgiveness and compassion. Good to know that doesn’t apply to a 23 year old mental health patient in a war zone. But we know you’re a fake follower of Christ.
@21 As if it’s possible for them to sue Berghdahl or the army.
And at this point the bell has rung as it’s too late for them to sue,
I did hear the claims of Berghdale copping a plea. Problem is on one charge he definitely cannot.
You got some good old grade one army horse manure.
Berghdahl could plead guilty to desertion, but be going for mitigation on the charge, things are a little different under the UCMJ. Claiming you are not guilty of murder, because of self defense is a bit different under the UCMJ, you are guilty of murder, but mitigation causes the accused to be innocent. As long as the desertion charge cannot be sentenced with death then Berghdal could plead guilty, but under mitigation get the charge to go away, as in he left his station to seek to inform higher command of issues. Of course the Judge has to be convinced of a number of things, by interviewing Berghdahl or reject the plea.
I’m questioning the report as he may be found guilty, but his attorneys have a hell of an appeal case. And he may not be found guilty, as this maybe the prosecutor trying the we gotcha card, knowing there is a fair chance he will loose, and the brass wants Berghdahl bad. Frankly the whole report is unseemly, and a insult to the UCMJ.
@24 Frankly the army should have paid his backpay and medically discharged him. The army has a weak case. The command has been told it has a weak case. It proceeded on this path. At this point it’s not so much Berghdahl who needs to be concerned with his future in the army. (Medically his career is done. ) Only now some brass have their careers on the line. Or at least they know Senator McCain will hold up their next star as long as he is in the Senate. Course that is where this les misrables affair becomes a corrupt affair.
As far as the IRS having to weigh into political organizations being non-profits maybe expecting a bit much. Particularly if those organizations are liked by the 2 major parties. In fact the real issue isn’t whether the organizations should have gotten non profit status, it is pretty obvious these organizations should have and the IRS screwed up. The question is after organizations get exempt status if the IRS is capable of making sure these organizations are playing by the rules, reporting properly, and the IRS has the backbone and political will to go after those who are not…can the IRS put corrupt bankers and corporate officers, ect in jail so to speak.
The Psychiatrist/Debriefing team recommended no charges. The lead investigator recommended no charges. Someone higher up the chain got a call from a Senator or some other powerful Fox News true believer and charged him despite the recommendations of those closest to the case.
The Rose Garden ceremony was a mistake. It turned a fucked-up situation into a political football. But don’t try to tell me that if President Obama hadn’t arranged to get Bergdahl back the same mother fuckers who have tried to turn Bergdahl into Julius Rosenberg wouldn’t have been screaming about leaving no man behind.
Rampant Speculation: If there is a plea being worked out it’s more the government coming to Bergdahl and realizing that they need to try to get him on something to keep the mouth breathers happy but they aren’t sure they can get him at trial. There’s also the possibility that the legal team ordered to prosecute the case know it’s bullshit and just want it done so they can move on.
Hey Trump voters, you fucked up. Big. Time.
“Just 24 percent of Americans believe the country is heading in the right direction after a tumultuous stretch for President Donald Trump that included the threat of war with North Korea, stormy complaints about hurricane relief and Trump’s equivocating about white supremacists. That’s a 10-point drop since June, according to a poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.”
At least SOME of you are beginning to realize You. Fucked. Up:
“The broader picture for the president is grim, too. Nearly 70 percent of Americans say Trump isn’t level-headed, and majorities say he’s not honest or a strong leader. More than 60 percent disapprove of how he is handling race relations, foreign policy and immigration, among other issues. Overall, 67 percent of Americans disapprove of the job Trump is doing in office, including about one-third of Republicans.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trouble is, Republicans don’t learn from experience, and will Keep. Fucking. Up.
@43 So, now that I’ve called out your bullshit @24 you’re changing your storyline from “supports Bergdahl” to “doesn’t support Bergdahl’s dead comrades?”
Well, I guess when you’ve got nothing, you have to go with what you’ve got.
@44 “Where is the conviction?”
Speaking of “BULLSHITTIUM,” you asswipes not only don’t have a conviction against Hillary, you don’t even have a parking ticket against her.
All you’ve got is a special talent for blowing farts out of both sides of your ass. It’s why we call you a lunatic (among other reasons too numerous to name).
@48 Where did you get that legal analysis from, a mail order law course?
@49 Why would anyone plead guilty to charges carrying a possible life sentence if the prosecution has a weak case?
Of course, Bergdahl hasn’t copped a plea yet. There are only reports that he’s going to. Not the same thing as a conviction. But don’t try telling Piddles that. You’ll get another messy head explosion.
@50 “As far as the IRS having to weigh into political organizations being non-profits maybe expecting a bit much.”
No, it looks more like the IRS trying to enforce the tax laws that Congress enacted.
“The question is after organizations get exempt status if the IRS is capable of making sure these organizations are playing by the rules, reporting properly, and the IRS has the backbone and political will to go after those who are not … ”
No, capability is not the question. The question is whether that’s what the IRS was doing by auditing these (mostly liberal) organizations. If the answer is yes, then all of the GOP’s wailing about “corrupt IRS” was empty hot air. What do you think the chances are that Republicans were cynically playing partisan politics with IRS enforcement of tax laws? And would you like to be audited by an IRS run by these guys?
@51 The question remains why Bergdahl would cop a plea at all to charges of desertion and aiding the enemy if he had psychiatric issues that rendered him unfit for military service.
As for why the Army took him in the first place, the answer seems simple enough; taking him enabled some recruiter to fill his quota. It’s not like the Army’s never had recruiting scandals.
Oh that can’t be be, the freak hasn’t missed a premium payment yet..
Monetary that is..
When checkmate252 arrives, you know BULLSHITTIUM appears:
From checkmate252 above: People in Bergdahl’s unit were killed on missions unrelated to rescue well after Bergdahl left that unit.
Yet, that libtard bastion of Trump hate, Time Magazine refutes the checkmate252 BULLSHITTIUM with clarion clarity: http://time.com/2809352/bowe-b.....y-taliban/
PuddyCommentary: You see checkmate252, when you live on the vilest of libtard sites you reap the whirlwind of BULLSHITTIUM! Puddy loves to use left wrong sites like Time to blow your silly ASS off the thread!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Those two things are most definitely (mos def) related.
And it all happened under Obummer’s watch! Very sad for the families of those Great Real Americans! Yet, checkmate252 and its BULLSHITTIUM have posted this before. Check the crazed databaze for the previous events! There is a use of the crazed databaze in #58, so it’s still active through the clueless crazed cretin!
FACTS are never a HA DUMMOCRETINS friend! Sux to be you!
Regarding Jesus… Jesus delivers compassion and forgiveness to all. Jesus did this dying on the cross. Since you and your ilk hate Jesus, when He returns He’ll have nothing for you! So you delivering word salad like this: Jesus you claim to believe in says things about forgiveness and compassion. has no meaning whatsoever!
See ya checkmate252. Another train wreck repaired!
Till Next Time!
Wow another EPIC FAYLE using the crazed databaze @58 by the clueless crazed cretin. The %age correct value is so minuscule now so Puddy doesn’t post it anymore!
Till Next Time!
How many times that that story get debunked? 100, 1000, 10,000?
Bergdahl disappeared a month before that. The CO of the unit has repeatedly said these were missions that were NOT searches. But the fact that in every single mission brief for a year there would be a mention Bergdahl.
That does not mean that the mission is to find Bergdahl. They wouldn’t have been searching for Bergdahl in Afghanistan, any suggestion they were searching for him in Afghanistan is pure BS, because they had intelligence, solid intelligence that the Taliban had crossed the border with him into Pakistan. These are known facts that your worldview can’t accept. Sorry about your delusions. But because every briefing mentions Bergdahl in some way soldiers who also don’t want to get past it will tell you that every mission from June 2009 to 2014 is a rescue mission.
It works like this,
“We need to go to this house. There are known Taliban there. we will approach from the east along this road. at 0500 you will reach the house, surround the perimeter , execute a forced entry and take into custody all that are present. Here are positive IDs of our targets. If any of them are actually in your custody, return them to base immediately. And if you hear anything about Bergdahl report back.”
Per Piddles, they are searching for Bergdahl. Because Piddles, as has repeatedly been proven, is a fake Christian. One who not only does not forgive as his lord commands but regularly bears false witness.
When fictional Sgt. Phil Esterhouse says, “Let’s be careful out there.” What he’s really saying is, ignore everything that has happened in this briefing because today’s mission is about safety first.
Piddles, still a proven liar, still an idiot.