Another day, another mass shooting. Another round of meaningless expressions of thoughts and prayers. Another set of it’s-too-soons when anyone discusses solutions. Another rush to ignore a history of domestic violence (speculative at this point, but given the history). Another until the next.
I have a question: Why didn’t a card-carrying NRA member with a gun stop this guy before he shot nearly 500 people?
Another question: Was the shooter a card-carrying NRA member?
After months of relentless hating on 62 million Trump-voting hillbillies, we’re soon to be treated to Elijah claiming to care about 50 of them.
What we know about the shooter: White guy, 64 years old, was an accountant, hunter, and private pilot. He worked for a predecessor company of Lockheed Martin in the 1980s. No criminal history except one minor citation. He lived with a 62-year-old girlfriend in Mesquite, Nevada, about 80 miles from Las Vegas.
@ 3
No criminal history? That cannot be. I clearly read HA News’ trusted anchor Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit stating without equivocation that he had a criminal history.
@2 And here’s Doctor Dumbfuck exploiting a horrific tragedy to attack liberals, but nary a word from him about the predictable consequences of Republican laissez-faire gun policies. He supports a party that wants to legalize machineguns in kindergartens. Yes, elections and policy decisions matter, and meanwhile Doctor Dumbfuck makes nothing but bad choices. It’s why we call him a dumbfuck.
@4 That’s all you’ve got?
I can hardly wait for Poodybutt to weigh in. Fuckface already has. He tendered his “warmest condolences” to the people shot to pieces by a madman with 10 guns. At least he isn’t calling it a hoax — yet. It’ll be a liberal plot to confiscate guns by this afternoon, though.
Three devastating hurricanes in one month, and now this. Is it a sign that God doesn’t like Trump?
As for motive, he’s probably a nutjob who snapped. ISIS claimed responsibility (as it does for everything), but “two senior U.S. government officials told Reuters that Paddock’s name was not on any database of suspected terrorists and that there was no evidence linking him to any international militant group.” OTOH, “there was reason to believe that Paddock had a history of psychological problems,” Reuters reported, without giving details.
At this point, we should ask, how does someone with “a history of psychological problems” get access to so many guns? Answer: Republican gun policies, that’s how. You get what you vote for.
“We did it! For eight years we were vigilant and kept Barack Hussein Obama from seizing your guns. Especially in times like these, your donation will keep America free for all.”
Someone’s gonna need a new catchphrase.
“What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”
“This could have happened just as easily without guns. What’s next, outlaw swiss army knives?”
Casino stocks are down, but there’s this:
Gun-maker stocks rally after mass shooting in Las Vegas
Apparently liberals watched some of the videos captured yesterday and realized for the first time that all of those weapons they have referred to as ‘automatic’ really aren’t.
Nnnnnope. Wrong again Russian FSB stooge!
I suppose it’s very hard for you people to really get Americans studying us from the basement of a Soviet era apartment block in Moldova.
Hey Republicans! You built that!
“What’s next? Outlaw loofas?”
“What’s next? Dogs marrying parking meters?”
@1 they were busy having anal sex.
@2 actually – not true….they want to die by guns….then I’m all for it.
@ besides, not sure your statement makes any sense….regardless of them being hillbillies, unlike Repukes we have principles which we stand by. You trying to mask the narrative with that kind of statement makes you a fuck ass dumbfuck.
@6 don’t expect much more Rog…..that’s all he’s ever had – nothing.
according to Republicans, if ISIS claimed responsibility then it is by definition Islamic Terrorism®.
Doesn’t matter if he’s a homegrown kook who bought all his guns and ammo from a Real Murikan® gun store. Doesn’t matter if he had years and years of problems leading up to the event. Doesn’t matter if there is no evidence of collusion or coordination. Loner kooks with easy access is not the problem.
Islamic Terrorism® is the only problem.
Well, that and Meskins.
And the queers.
And the Urban Thugs® wearing hoodies.
And kneeling. That kneeling is another big problem.
And fucking speed limits.
And lattes. Hate the lattes.
And the Alternative Minimum Tax.
And FEMA camps.
And soda taxes.
All you SJWs need to stop worrying about Hurricanes and mass shootings and start worrying about the reeeeeally important stuff just like Republicans.
@12 you are kidding – right?
over 50 or 60 dead – 500 injured….by one person in less than 20 minutes….and you think a knife will do the same damage.
No wonder Republicans are all complete dumbfucks.
Just imagine if there were 3 shooters. But, But, But…..what about 3 people with pocket knives.
“I think there is blame on both sides, You had a group on one side that was bad. You had a group on the West Coast, your Tupacs the other side that was also very violent, the Biggies. Nobody wants to say that. I’ll say it right now. And the violence at a concert in Las Vegas is the result. What, White guys, Jason Aldean? Well I’m sure there were both sides.”
“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun would have been a whole bunch of armed concert goers firing randomly at the upper windows of a hotel.”
The GOP tax plan, in a nutshell, raises taxes on the middle class and increases deficits to cut taxes for the wealthy.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So says Forbes magazine, which is hardly a liberal mouthpiece.
just saw your televised statement claiming the death toll was only 50.
Why are you lying? Why the cover up? Who are you trying to protect? Was there a “STAND DOWN” order? We need a Congressional Investigation and the appointment of an independent prosecutor to get to the bottom of this Fuckface Cover UP!
@13 “weapons they have referred to as ‘automatic’ really aren’t”
It isn’t just liberals who refer to semi-automatic weapons as “automatic,” dummy. In fact, probably more rightwingers than liberals use that terminology, simply because rightwingers are more likely to own and/or use guns.
@18 Did I say I expect anything from the troll who proves every day that a dumbfuck can get a medical degree?
@22 And each other.
Relax. Some good may actually come out of this.
No, 63 million mouth breathing, sister-fucking, Oxy-crushing, Fuckface voting treasonous hillbillies are not about to re-examine their fascination with firearms. If 20 dead six-year-olds couldn’t do it, nothing will.
But I hear Lucchese is looking into a joint venture with Nike to develop some hand tooled exotic leather boots you can actually run in.
So there’s hope for Murika.
CNN says the shooter’s father was a bank robber on the FBI’s most-wanted list in the 1970s.
Speaking with NBC’s “Today” on Monday, Russell Bleck — who attended the festival where the attack happened — told Savannah Guthrie that the actions of local law enforcement was nothing short of admirable.
The Las Vegas Police Department made a complete FOOL of Michael Bennett twice this week. He deserves it. Take a knee, bro.
And before you whine about politicizing, the dead weren’t even counted yet when the faux Indian and her sister in the 1% millionaire communist club, that 2x presidential loser (among far too many other big mouth nanny state, Constitution hating Democrats and their sycophant media) started calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment.
Apparently while everyone else is silent, this guy will sing out the lyrics to Golden Earring’s Twilight Zone.
Seth Moulton ✔ @sethmoulton
As after #Orlando, I will NOT be joining my colleagues in a moment of silence on the House Floor that just becomes an excuse for inaction.
6:56 AM – Oct 2, 2017
@30- any thought behind that word salad? What the heck does Bennett have to do with this? ANd repeal the Second Amendment, really?? Please provide citation. How about just paying SOME attention to the first few words…”well regulated”. How does that come into play?
obviously the kneeling of pro athletes is a more pressing concern than the cowering and bleeding of hillbillies.
They have priorities.
What the heck does Bennett have to do with this?
Perhaps ESPN has an answer to that.
Las Vegas concert shooting prompts ESPN to change its mind about airing national anthem
Because of the horrific news of the shooting at a Las Vegas concert, ESPN has reversed course and will broadcast the national anthem that precedes Monday night’s game between the Washington Redskins and Kansas City Chiefs as well as the moment of silence that will take place in Arrowhead Stadium.
So lemme get this straight: Because a buncha white hillbillies tasted hot lead last night, a woke network will air a racist anthem prior to a game in which a team with a racist name will play.
That almost makes Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit seem rational by comparison. Almost @1.
Even my dog can acknowledge that the horror in Las Vegas shows the ugly absurdity of the movement started by Kaepersh*t, endorsed and perpetuated by Bennett against those oh so mean, racist police officers. That is the whole point of the cop/pig socks hashtag.
City with the Strictest Gun Laws in the United States:*
Note the name of the site then please suck on the data
*Whew! Thank God Chicago protects those citizens with such strict gun laws! #Let’s be like Chicago!
#CrookedHillary, in her near-daily reminder that the alternative to a Trump election win would have been just as awful, tweeted after the automatic-weapon murder of 58 +/- people and the shooting of hundreds more that it would have been worse had the weapon had an attached silencer.
Not unrelated: What the fuck would have been so awful about a President Martin O’Malley, HA libbies?
Wayne Allen Root, Gateway Pundit, and InfoWars are all reporting “preliminary evidence” based upon their “exclusive sources from within the CIA and pentagon” that…
-it was some other guy who wasn’t even in Nevada;
-it is the first of a series of assaults by “the Globalists” intended to “destabilize” Fuckface;
-it is the first blow in a violent revolution of commies, Islamic terrorists, and Antifa;
-it is “a clearly coordinated Muslim terror attack”;
-the “Deep State” is engaged in a sweeping cover-up;
-and of course, the classic, “they are coming for your guns”.
In other words, same old, same old. This is who they are, after all.
@ 38
Geller’s site has the guy in a pink pussy hat at an anti-Trump event.
Same old, same old.
Sorry. Too late. You are on public record arguing that she was better. Not merely “just as awful”. Better.
Live with it.
Wait, now it’s 58? Fuckface claimed only 50! Why the coordinated disinformation? How can we believe any of the official statements coming from such a nest of perverted corruption? WHO ARE THEY COVERING FOR? WHY THE LYING?
@26 the only way that that Dumbfuck got his medical degree was by blowing someone…maybe Putin himself.
@30. How about you? You a cop? You brave? Would you have run the other way? What good is it if you can’t say you would have done the same?
Yawn.. Go Martinez, Rubio and Richardson yourself you boring old fuck.
Buy another gun to conceal in your five cars while you’re at it.
I imagine that Fuckface supporters like Doctor Dumbfuck and other EEEEN-DEEEE-PEN-DUNCE must be experiencing a bit of disappointment over how little has been accomplished since they chose to debase themselves and betray their country.
But as of 10:15 pm last night, there’s at least one campaign promise fulfilled!
perhaps he might consider concealing it in his mouth, barrel end first?
Squeeze, don’t pull Doc.
Elijah Dominic to the contrary,
MOST – Yasmeen Hassan of KTNV tweeted a photo of people already lining up at the blood bank before the sun rose at the United Blood Service.
PEOPLE – The lines only grew as the sun rose. Bridgette Bennete, photographer for Review Journal reported that at 6:40 am, the line was already forming around the block.
ARE – Reporter for Review Journal, Briana Erickson reported that the wait times at United Blood Services were two to three hours, and those who had arrived around 3 AM were only being able to donate at 9 AM, when she posted the tweet.
So the ultimate Doctor Dumbfuck turned out to be the spendthrift luxury traveler Tom Price. Amirite?
Naaaaahhh. HA’s own Doctor Dumbfuck will always hold that mantle.
Most people are good:
NOT THIS ONE: VP, Senior Counsel Strategic Transactions at CBS in a Facebook post, Hayley Geftman-Gold wrote:
“I’m actually not even sympathetic bc country music fans often are Republican gun toters.”
The post has been deleted, but not by Geftman-Gold.
CBS has not responded to inquiries about Geftman-Gold, or her comments.
UPDATE: CBS Exec Fired Over Heartless ‘Republican Gun Toters’ Tweet
This isn’t the first time a vile leftist associated with CBS has made a disgusting statement like this after a terrorist attack.
Freelance writer for CBS, David Leavitt tweeted out ‘jokes’ after a terrorist bombed the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester. Innocent people were killed and injured at this concert including children and he thinks this is appropriate? This is liberalism, folks. Zero decency. Zero compassion.
UPDATE: CBS Exec Fired Over Heartless ‘Republican Gun Toters’ Tweet
“I was agnostic going into that concert and I’m a firm believer in God now,”
“Taking a knee”
Our latest troll is “haunted” by black men with access to the media having an issue with white cops killing mostly unarmed black men and boys.
Have a video, you miserable waste.
Fuckface can’t make up his mind either.
If you ignorant, terrified, impoverished hillbillies would only stick with that basic instinct for the next eight election cycles we might just survive you.
you couldn’t even maintain that charade for more than sixty seconds?
Little wonder. You still haven’t been able to condemn Nazis, and Klansmen going on murder sprees. You should study Doctor Dumbfuck more carefully. As a fake retired physician he was forced to complete training in pretending to feel empathy and compassion. Sometimes he even pulls it off for more than sixty seconds.
besides “a knee” you might also take a moment to read through those twitter feeds you reflexively repost and link.
A not insignificant amount of “virtue signaling” going on there.
Thoughts and prayers.
Almost as effective as guns and bullets.
In other news, Tom Petty died at age 66. Too bad for his family, but his Social Security and Medicare taxes will help everyone who is now on SS or Medicare.
Also, there’s a good chance that most of the people at the country music event in Las Vegas were in the Basket of Deplorables. So, that’s something positive. Just sayin’…
@42 Putin can surely afford better.
And nearly all the people who died in Puerto Rico were brown.
Something else that’s positive. Just sayin’…
It’s always premature for Conservatives…’s a wonder if they can even get an erection to begin with.
@50 good that they now understand that it is God’s plan for all them to perish….hey, they are learning…that’s a good thing.
Dear #56 … talk about premature ejaculation:
1:35 PM PT — Sources tell us at 10:30 Monday morning a chaplain was called to Tom’s hospital room. We’re told the family has a do not resuscitate order on Tom. The singer is not expected to live throughout the day, but he’s still clinging to life. A report that the LAPD confirmed the singer’s death is inaccurate — the L.A. County Sheriff’s Dept. handled the emergency.
THAT gun control didn’t work in Las Vegas now did it?
“Silencers” aren’t silent… and they aren’t called “silencers” (Someone tell that to 1% millionaire communist and 2x loser Hillary Clinton: ‘Imagine the Deaths’ If Stephen Paddock Used a ‘Silencer’)
The term is “suppressors,” and guns still sound like a jackhammer because the noise is reduced only by about 30 decibels with suppressors.
And stop getting your facts from tedious action movies:
“A lot of people think that what you see in the movies is actually the reality as it relates to suppressors. They’re not silent.”
Remember last year, when we were assured that if a #CrookedHillary tweet ended with “- H” that it really and truly came from her?
I wonder if that’s still the case.
Glenn KesslerVerified account
More Glenn Kessler Retweeted Hillary Clinton
Actually, even with “a silencer,” it’s pretty loud. An AR-15 rifle would have a noise equivalent to a jack hammer. …Glenn Kessler added,
Hillary ClintonVerified account @HillaryClinton
Replying to @HillaryClinton
The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots.
Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.
8:13 AM – 2 Oct 2017
Perfectly legal things you can bring to your Las Vegas hotel room:
Order yours quickly*. Price gouging going into effect soon.
*Don’t bother with the scope. Trust me.
“But only conservative speech gets you fired from TV”
On the remote chance that anybody can focus on anything other than blind rage about the Great Murikan Tradition of senseless mass gun slaughter, I just thought I’d mention that over the weekend The Hillbilly/Treason/Klan leadership in the Senate allowed funding for sick poor kids to lapse.
They had lots more important shit to work on this past year and seems they just ran out of time.
So to all you poor children out there, Stephen Bannon’s favorite pedo has some advice he’d like to share with you about something other than oral technique.
@30 There’s nothing wrong with the Second Amendment, which trants to states the power to maintain their own militias, only with how the rightwingers on the Extreme Court misinterpret it (see, e.g., @32 above).
P.S., The fact that the vast majority of police officers are decent people who do a good professional job, some with extreme bravery, doesn’t excuse the few rogue cops who profile law-abiding citizens based on their race or shoot unarmed people because of their race.
P.P.S., Michael Bennett isn’t a loser, you are.
And as of 5pm this evening the Alt-Right-Single-Fat-Virgins-Masturbating-to-Anime-Loon-Media-Sphere continue to flog dezinformatsiya claiming Islamic ties to Paddock.
And so, quite predictably, the vast majority of the 63 million beer drunk, low-information meat robots who voted for Fuckface are gonna go beat the shit out of some Sikh cab driver tonight or scream at a South Asian fast food worker – ’cause FREEEEDUMB!
@34 If you want to see irrational, see @35. Not to mention the content referenced in @38. But then, InfoWars denies Sandy Hook even happened.
@42 Good point. We should ask which institution issued Doctor Dumbfuck’s medical degree. Kiev University? Grenada Medical School? LaSalle Extension University?
@47 Yeah, it’s only the bad ones who are a problem, especially the ones with psychological issues AND machineguns, and now the Republican Congress wants to let them have silencers and armor piercing slugs, too.
Btw, you cop-loving trolls out there, whoooooo are armor piercing slugs used against? We liberals love good cops, too, and that’s why we don’t want every Tom, Dick, and Harry to have armor piercing slugs without at least a background check.
@49 “This isn’t the first time a vile leftist associated with CBS has made a disgusting statement like this after a terrorist attack.”
At least she wasn’t fantasizing about going out and murdering people herself, as vile rightists often do.
@62 “Under the NFA, it is illegal for any private civilian to own any fully automatic weapons manufactured after May 19, 1986.”
It’s also illegal to shoot 600 people, regardless of whether one uses a legal semi-automatic weapon, a semi-automatic weapon illegally modified to fire fully automatic, a trigger crank, a bump stock, or a damned fast trigger finger.
By the way, this shooter probably would have passed a federal background check, because he had no criminal record, in fact we know he did, because he legally purchased weapons.
Which suggests there may be a problem with the laws as they are presently written.
@64 Who needs a scope when you’ve got 22,000 people massed in one little place for a target? Did they have scopes on the machineguns used in the World Wars? Did those machineguns kill thousands of people?
@64 Who needs a scope when you’ve got 22,000 people massed in one little place for a target? Did they have scopes on the machineguns used in the World Wars? Did those machineguns kill thousands of people?
@65 Kathy Griffin is a conservative?
If fewer liberals are fired from TV for offensive speech, could it be because more conservatives spew offensive speech? Just askin’ …
@49 I’m sure you found all the homophobic comments, and in some cases much more vulgar, like you did that comment.
Yeah, suppressors aren’t silent, they only make a machinegun sound like a woodpecker instead of a machinegun. How many people run from woodpeckers?
One thing’s clear, this mass shooting wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment thing. The shooter had at least 35 guns and explosives. So there was some planning that went into this.
There should be some kind of tracking system so law enforcement knows when someone is stockpiling guns. There are many perfectly legitimate reasons to own 35 guns, for example collectors, dealers, etc., but if someone is known to have a lot of guns and also is known to have psychological or behavior issues, shouldn’t there be a way for law enforcement to connect those two sets of dots and look into the possibility that trouble might be brewing?
Sweet Jesus we have a dumb one…
actual text of bill
Having seen acts of violence like this happen over and over again for years now, I’m really holding out hope that, despite every single factor that allowed them to occur remaining exactly the same, we won’t have to live through another day like today. I know everyone’s praying this will finally be the time this issue just disappears forever entirely by itself without anyone doing anything.
@19 It’s pretty silly for anyone to call ME a communist. I’m a capitalist leech if there ever was one. I don’t do a lick of work, I produce nothing of any value, yet I made another $2500 in the stock market today and I’m going to rake in over $200k this year from various sources, none of which involve doing anything productive or contributing anything useful to society, without ever getting off my fat ass. Meanwhile, if you even suggest that people who actually work for a living should be paid $15 an hour ($30k a year) for their labor, Doctor Dumbfuck will screech like he’s being waterboarded and threaten to replace them with robots. Sounds like he believes the rightwing b.s. that the economy is a zero-sum game in which he gets less if the wealth producers get a smidgeon more. As for me, I didn’t create this weird system nor am I defending it, I’m merely milking it.
@82 Wishing is no substitute for doing something about it. Trouble is, Republicans are standing in the way of doing anything about it. In fact, they want to make it worse by legalizing machineguns, silencers, and armor-piercing slugs.
Yes, but both sides…
@81 you’re a fool – just because the morons – yes, I know he’s a Republican – who wrote the bill misnamed the item repeatedly, doesn’t make it the correct name.
And, for you ill informed, guns don’t have “clips”, they have magazines.
Clips are what you kittens and Chiclets wear in your hair and “silencers’ are the pacifiers you all need.
All these words and blather fall into the category “I hope you never shut up”. I hope you continually politicize everything, indulge in personal hatred, blame, scorn, excuses, hashtags, memes, nasty ‘wishes’, sitting, kneeling, fists to the sky, glee in pain, hope for death (Steve Scalise) irreverence and silly signaling. It is definitive of impotence and the recognized bleak future of the Democrat party. Keep associating with and cheering for Antifa, BLM, Southern Poverty Law Center, college whiners, rioters, destroyers, hectoring Hollywood attention whores, police hating punks, the misleading media sycophants and those who insult Christianity, faith, the family, innocence and the love of country. Draw your line in the sand deeper and more divisive. Please, draw your line in the sand deeper and more divisive.
If someone had a concealed pistol at this event, it would not have been useful because the shooter was operating on the 32nd floor of the hotel. A pistol would have been extremely inaccurate, even if the responder knew exactly where the bullets were coming from.
The only way anyone could engage the shooter would be with a rifle with a scope. Then, it would have been extremely hard to respond, given the amount of bullets being shot, darkness, and not having any idea where the shooter was located. A rifleman would need to know in advance what was going to happen – a luxury those in Las Vegas didn’t have.
The guy who did this was not stupid, He planned it out very carefully and knew exactly what he was doing. He may have been a crazy SOB, but he knew how to accomplish his task.
Did I hit a nerve Snowflake?
Guess what, a Frisbee was a specific item manufactured by the Whammo corporation. But because all similar devices were called “Frisbee” by the public, it is now Frisbee for all.
Aspirin is a trade name of the Bayer corporation. But the public called all similar items Aspirin and so the name is now Aspirin.
Gun nuts can go on and on about Suppressors and Magazines all they want but if the public calls them “Silencers” and “Clips”retailers and manufacturers will sell them as such and your petty little semantics become moot. When even high profile trade publications call them Silencers, your stupid battle is lost.
Sorry snowflake. Your greatest hits of right wing boogiemen doesn’t work here. You’re totally out of your depth. Maybe you should go back to the safe space of Infowars.
@1 As a combat vet from Vietnam you know the answer to your question. Shooter at elevation. Up thirty some floors even your best shooters who are NRA members are going to have a hard time shooting the guy assuming they have a long gun. The police used a explosive to blow the door, so I guess the suite didn’t have your cheap hotel room door.
For some one who trained people in tactics you are asking a stupid question. This guy was the worse case scenario. I doubt that he’s got anything to do with any terrorist group, but he will be their poster boy.
Could be the officer who was first into the room was a NRA member why you don’t you ask him.
@5 The Republicans are not trying to put guns in the classroom. Perhaps they should, as Red Pioneers in China, Vietnam, and Russia were and are exposed to guns at young age in the classroom. North Korea takes this seriously and there are a lot of very young North Korean’s who can break a gun down and put it back together blindfolded.
Large trucks can kill people who are walking on streets and sidewalks., Large planes can slam into human beings. Explosives are generally illegal, unless your in mining, but some knowledge of chemicals and you can create them, and we are not about to make nitric acid illegal. Or nitrogen. We are not going to make trucks illegal, or planes. Or any other took we humans use, but we are upset and are having a knee jerk reaction and are reaching for feel good solutions. If anything it appears no amount of gun control would have prevented this incident.
@9 Maybe the same kind of individual that actually scares the Secret Service.
A26 I doubt many of the doctors in Las Vegas emergency and trauma wards are political astute. After all Major Burns in Mash is a Surgeon. The boss is an old Calvary officer. And the characters in the book were based on actual people, So if your the one going into the trauma ward one wants someone with a medical back ground. After all we have had President who starred with Bonzo.
@40 Clearly the answers to your investigation are at Groom Lake so why don’t you go on out to Groom Lake and start investigating.
@42 Wouldn’t that have been way back when Putin was in the KGB in Germany. Doubt the Dr got his degree in Europe, but maybe you can educate us on the logistics of this blow job. Of couse you are stating is gay. Does his wife know?
@62 Did not seem to stop Uri Orlov.
@73 There maybe no problem with the wording of the laws on guns. Could be there are circumstances that it’s not possible to keep gun out of the hands of a person who may commit an illegal act with a firearm. There is no way to keep guns out of the hands of new gang bangers, until they do an illegal act with a gun. Can’t take them away just because a person appears to be associating.
Jeff Zeleny, CNN reporter
Something else I think to keep in mind, a lot of these country music supporters were likely Trump supporters.
[It’s not clear why he dropped this into his report, there’s no context to explain what he meant. It’s just a bizarre non sequitur but, being CNN, a suspicious one]
Lady Gaga:
Prayers are important but @SpeakerRyan @realDonaldTrump blood is on the hands of those who have power to legislate. #GunControl act quickly.
Michael Black
The NRA is a terrorist organization. There’s no other way to say it.
Mia Farrow
Are we really ok with monsters & the mentally ill buying machine guns?
Politicians had this to say:
Hillary Clinton
The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get. Our grief isn’t enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again.
Senator Chris Murphy, Connecticut:
To my colleagues: your cowardice to act cannot be whitewashed by thoughts and prayers. None of this ends unless we do something to stop it.
Senator Bob Casey, Pennsylvania:
How many more parents need to bury their children before Congress acknowledges the need to take action to reduce gun violence? #StopTheHate
Do any of them know if Paddock committed suicide before or after the mass shooting? The question’s not original with me, I see it being asked here ‘n there. As of now we “know” he was a wealthy guy with no known criminal record, no apparent motive, no mental health issues, no political or religious activism. Something ain’t right. Maybe we’ll know more by next Tuesday.
Flat beer froth… DUMMOCRETINS are SNOWFLAKES! There is no substitute!
Butt keep being a DOPE alive!