New, new mayor day, Seattle. I say we just have a new mayor every week. This year we’ll have a gay mayor, a person of color mayor, a Republican mayor (probably), and a woman mayor. What a shitty political year.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Paul Constant @paulconstant
I nominate @GoldyHA for mayor. What harm could he do in the next couple months?
Sep 15, 2017
Oh, you’d be surprised.
Goldy @GoldyHA
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
27 May
Really, really surprised.
While you were off watching the Emmys,
True to his word, arrests of unauthorized immigrants are rising sharply under Trump
Arrests have increased about 43 percent nationwide since President Donald Trump took office after promising a tough crackdown on illegal immigration.
ICE’s acting director, Thomas Homan, has said that “there was no population off the table,” and the width and breadth of ICE detentions have proved he’s keeping his word.
I don’t condone violence. I prefer to laugh at them.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Of course, the alt-Wrong, not-so-crypto-fascist White Supremacist GOP demands FREEDUMB OF SPEEEEECH for this Nazi, while simultaneously arguing for the right to mow down BLM in public places.
No hand-wringing when socialist labor organizers in the South are arrested on false charges and beaten for “resisting”. No cries for justice when women’s rights activists are hosed down with chemical weapons. No clutching at pearls when environmental protesters are set upon by dogs.
They only defend Nazis, bigots, and The Klan.
There must be something to that. I just wish I could figure out what.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
But characterizing Trump as ineffective is less than accurate.
Yes indeed. Your beloved “worser” Preznit Fuckface is very “effective” at locking up battered women and their kids, defending Nazis and Klansmen, wrecking his party’s legislative agenda, driving down his party’s approval ratings, initiating Congressional leadership battles, offending key trade and security partners, calling women pigs, making fun of cripples, bragging about sexual assault, making up words, lying about crowds, and triggering nuclear confrontations.
Not surprisingly, hate crimes are on the upswing after the fake president misused the bully pulpit to reassure the lowest dregs of our society that their despicable behavior is “fine.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: But this is perfectly okay with Doctor Dumbfuck, whose priorities do NOT include our citizens treating each other with basic civility and decency of the sort taught to second graders.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 “I just wish I could figure out what.”
Not worth the effort. Just press the “ignore” button when they start bleating. Let the anthropologists figure out sheep behavior.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 His presidency seems to be focused on remaining personally popular with his hillbilly base. I can’t discern any other agenda. Neither can Ryan or McConnell, or for that matter, his cabinet secretaries. With him, Twitter seems an end in itself, as fame is to the Kardashians.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The person (someone I know) who emailed this to me has been married three times and can’t get a gun permit because of a domestic violence conviction.
@4 & 5
One of the radio blow hards is all over “Why isn’t this being investigated. It’s still a crime, blah, blah, blah.”
Yep. and it was investigated.
Seattle Police Dept.Verified account @SeattlePD 2h2 hours ago
Around 4pm Sunday, SPD received reports of a man wearing a swastika armband, instigating fights at 3rd Ave / Pine. (1/3)
11 replies 38 retweets 61 likes
Seattle Police Dept.Verified account @SeattlePD 2h2 hours ago
Police were on scene in 5 mins & found him on the ground. He declined to provide info about incident & left after removing his armband.(2/3)
No one else at the scene contacted officers to make a report about the incident.(3/3)
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now that solar power can compete on its own in the free market, conservative politicians beholden to fossil fuel and utility companies don’t want it to.
Only a liberal could read that linked piece and conclude from it that solar can compete on its own, effectively, in a free market.
Without subsidies for solar energy capture/usage and penalties for use of traditional fuels, solar is nothing. OTOH solar could compete effectively with, say, wind. So there’s that.
@ 6
…making fun of cripples…
I almost hate to tell him.
@ 7
Gotta mow your own lawn?
Worse. Might have to pick my own syrah grapes to crush.
I wonder if gman knows the Gaeilge words for ‘diddle’ and ‘mole’.
Amnesty International asks Irish police to investigate Ed Murray
@15 I was wondering who would be the first of our idiot trolls to buy into that idiotic video. Now we know.
To most people this is creepy. Not the photoshopped golf ball caper per se, but Trump’s weird obsession with Hillary. A normal person would say, “Wow, I won the election! Now we’re gonna enact our agenda!” but this guy spends his time in office stalking his former opponent 10 months after the election. That’s not normal.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 “In 2015, Nevada lawmakers passed a bill that allowed utilities to charge rooftop solar customers extra.”
This doesn’t look like repealing a subsidy to me.
“In Florida, customers can only purchase solar power from utilities.”
Neither does this.
“And both Indiana and Arizona have decided to roll back net metering policies, which allow solar customers to be compensated for excess energy they produce and send back to the grid.”
Or this.
All of these tactics are designed to work like tariffs. You know what tariffs are. A tariff taxes foreign goods to keep them out of the country. These policies impose exogenous costs on solar power to drive it off the market. Why would anyone do that if solar can’t compete without subsidies? In that case, all you have to do is repeal the subsidies.
Another example of why we call you a dumbfuck, doctor.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 And here we have Doctor Dumbfuck apparently putting his stamp of approval on this …
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now you know why Mueller has been acting like a prosecutor who knows exactly what he’s looking for and exactly where to find it.
Puddles @ 14- The acid attack in France had nothing to do with terrorism. But don’t let facts get in the way of whatever point you are trying to make. Here’s a source you may accept
No, you referred to the leader of Germany, which had nothing to do with the incident unless you were implying her immigration policies contributed to the incident. So which was it, you were clueless as to the who leads which country in Europe or you were flat out wrong about the cause of the attack.
Of course option three is it was just more words without meaning from puddles.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Well he may have absolutely no fucking idea what he’s posting, but at least he’s given up pimping for his favorite pedophile.
Good to know the loon is all over attacks in Europe.
Just a reminder.
It has been 37 days since White Supremacists rioted and killed in Charlottesville. Those White Supremacists were given tacit approval by the President saying “both sides” were at fault for the death.
37 days of silence on the matter by our resident lunatic.
Tweet du jour:
Yahel Carmon @Yahel Sep 17
One of my post campaign rituals: Every month or so, I rewatch Kate McKinnon as Hillary singing Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah, and I cry.
@27 Apparently very good. Of course late August and September are the peak time for the most storms, and the strongest hurricanes. Conditions this are very favorable. We can go for four or even 5. This would seem to meet the prediction of more and stronger storms under climate change models, but the problem is not every year is even remotely favorable to hurricane formation. Have high wings shearing off the top of hurricanes you get just tropical depressions and storms, and thus far we are not getting more than the normal 26 hurricanes and cyclones Earth gets every year.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Yes. True to his word, he’s really going to get that deficit in control and lower the national debt.
Ohhhh, the poor Grandchildren. They are going to starve.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Remember when Doctor Dumbfuck just assumed I lived in the West Coast. Oh what a Dumbfuck Doctor.
Mark Adamsspews:
So Seattle should have a Mayor for the day until the election. Just pull a name at random and that lucky person gets to show up at the Mayors office for the day. Seattle will survive, though if the big Earthquake happens and there is no mayor and Seattle does better than cities with mayors during the crises perhaps we will all realize that we put too much emphasize on the position, where the person in the position hands are mostly tied by state and city bureaucracy, and the position holds little real power. but you do get to sit in on a lot of meetings…umm chair a lot of meetings.
So Mayor for a day!!! What a glorious thing. Chief Seattle would be proud.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Goldy – can we have a new version of the Sunday Bible!?
@25 Unfortunately all too often that is the real state of most countries, empires, and nations. Just take North Korea for example.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@35. Let’s say you are right (but probably not).
What happens when you have normal hurricane with a continuous rising sea level (probably caused by climate change). You get unusual amounts of destructive force storm surge water and more flooding.
You should be Dumbfuck Abigail. Or Mayor Dumbfuck of Treasure Island.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@40 North Korea? You mean North Korea the Country that you were so certain was many years away from nuclear capability.
You could be Mayor of Stupidville. Go read a great novel and polish up your superior canny writing skills.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@19 no I don’t. But I’m sure you could speak from experience and fill me in.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
He must have just had his seventh banana.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@23 go easy on the Dumbfuck Doctor. He’s not call Dumbfuck for nothing. He should be a specially protected subclass of Dumb people.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Didn’t take long for the Dumbfuck Mayor of Treasure Island to run away.
Mark Adamsspews:
@39 Do you really think we need another version of the bible? You are of course welcome to do what Thomas Jefferson did and create your own new testament.
Perhaps you can like follow Robert Heinlein’s example and like write your own version of the bible: “A Stranger in a Strange Land.”
Though you can get some funky glasses and get some special gold plates and a helpful angel, and write your own.
Unfortunately Goldy may not really care for any version of the bible. He may prefer to call his important religious book the Torah. And there are many versions of the Torah. And a lot of spilled ink.
Still if you want a Queen James version go for it. Bound to upset some people. Even some true believers. And you may even upset some who follow the Koran. If they come to believe you are some new prophet and their Mohammed is supposed to the last one. Of course you would have to be a prophet if your writing a true book from God.
I suggest you not invent a time machine and go back to rename the King James Bible. You would most likely end up being drawn and quartered by the man. Unless you were mistaken to be the court jester. Though Anne of Denmark might prefer a different title to the bible than the Queen James Bible.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@31 calling an Ape clueless? Most apes are dumbfucks.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@47 in the Queen James version there is a lot of dick sucking…or is that the King James Version that I’m thinking of?
Mark Adamsspews:
@41 I’d say it sucks if you live in New York. New York. Or anywhere on the east coast. But if you live anywhere in northern Canada or in much of Russia climate change could be good thing.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@50. I’m not worried about. Death is imminent for all of us. Die by earthquake or die by global warming or die by some mooslum or die by your stupidity – what difference does it make.
Mark Adamsspews:
@42 Don’t know what you are talking about. I’ve believed that North Korea has had the bomb since 2006. I also have believed that we should have dealt with North Korea militarily when they defied the International Atomic Commission.
I believe General Lemay would recommend taking out North Korea’s submarine fleet and air Force and we do have that capacity.
At the very least we must stand with South Korea, and make it clear we will remain in Korea and stand by our ally and we are prepared to go to war in defense of South Korea. That if North Korea does not give up it’s nuclear capability that we will reintroduce atomic weapons in South Korea. Provide the South Koreans with the technology to build their own as well as the Japanese.
Rather than invading Iraq Bush should have dealt with North Korea appropriately by making war there. And the same goes for Clinton.
Mark Adamsspews:
@50 What you are saying and what you are doing are totally different. And by the way stupidity will not get you killed, just your own.
Mark Adamsspews:
@49 I don’t know if Anne of Denmark approved of dick sucking. You need to get your royal titles and prerogatives straight. It is not possible for there to be Queen James version as the proper title would be Anne of Denmark the Royal Consort to the King of Scotland and England Version.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@53 I’m more worried about your stupidity and my living. Your stupidity affects my living.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@52 and I’m sure Drumpf has South Korea in mind too.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
YLB – could you do me a big, big favor and search the dabatase for Abigail’s comments in which he inferred or try to diminish or counteract my comment comments about the threat of Nuclear Kaboooms from the dear leader of North Korea or better known as the father of Drumpf.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@52. Ohhh yeah, to stop communism!
This is 2017 we are all Russians now!
You seem to be living in the 12th century (BC)
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Everyone has heard the saying, “Opinions are like Assholes – everyone has one”. The problem is that some of those assholes are dumbfucks – that’s more of the problem.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
This is something Kim Jung Un does and other Great Leaders like The Bare Chested Pony Rider to rally the brainwashable dumbfucks. Get ready people, it will happen overnight. Resist or eat every fucking word you’ve ever said about dictators (you hillbliy Dumbfuck hypocrites). Resist – you aren’t going to win elections to preserve democracy – you are going to have to fight for it.
AN acid attack on four American English speaking young women and of course HA DUMMOCRETINS fully accept “this is not terrorism” excuse. Why would someone spray American English speaking young women with acid? Because she was an earlier victim of an acid attack? Yes that makes PERFECT sense!
Oh she’s mentally unstable. Every terrorist extremist is mentally unstable. And, well, that’s an acceptable and valid excuse for 99% of the HA DUMMOCRETINS that post here. Keep that thinking up and don’t be vigilant when traveling overseas FOOLS!
Till next time!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Acid attacks very, very bad.
Racist #TrumpCar attacks?
Meh. Must neverever criticize “The Whiteness”. Must protect it, nurture it, feed it and care for it.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
What was Milo’s excuse for fucking children?
What is a “valid” excuse for fucking little children?
How “valid” is it to pimp for a child molester?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
AN sekshuil ASSault on countless numbers American English speaking young men and of course BREITBART PIMPS fully accept “this is not child rape” excuse. Why would someone fuck American English speaking children? Because he was an earlier victim of an sekshuil ASSault? Yes that makes PERFECT sense!
Oh he’s mentally unstable. Every pedophile is mentally unstable. And, well, that’s an acceptable and valid excuse for 99% of the BREITBART PIMPS that post here. Keep that thinking up and don’t be vigilant when dropping your children off at bible study FOOLS!
See what I did there?
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@61 any act of violence against anyone is terrorism. Any act of fear mongering is terrorism. Get over it Snowflake Ape.
Puddybud is just visitingspews:
Lying Liar @64,
You did nothing significant except look like a ranting fool!
Till next time!
Mark Adamsspews:
@60 If the civilian leadership tells the US military to do a big fucking parade in Washington well that is what will happen. There will be a bunch of pissed off officers and NCO’s who will write their congress person over the non-sense. There will probably be complaints from DC. Then again maybe someone will whisper in his ear and remind him ours is a working military. Even on the 4th of July.
Unusual political year, to be sure.
But shitty?
Stock market trades at record heights to kick off week
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Paul Constant @paulconstant
I nominate @GoldyHA for mayor. What harm could he do in the next couple months?
Sep 15, 2017
Oh, you’d be surprised.
Goldy @GoldyHA
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
27 May
Really, really surprised.
While you were off watching the Emmys,
True to his word, arrests of unauthorized immigrants are rising sharply under Trump
Arrests have increased about 43 percent nationwide since President Donald Trump took office after promising a tough crackdown on illegal immigration.
ICE’s acting director, Thomas Homan, has said that “there was no population off the table,” and the width and breadth of ICE detentions have proved he’s keeping his word.
Personally, I’m not very happy about this. But characterizing Trump as ineffective is less than accurate.
Nazi gets punched out in downtown Seattle.
I don’t condone violence. I prefer to laugh at them.
Of course, the alt-Wrong, not-so-crypto-fascist White Supremacist GOP demands FREEDUMB OF SPEEEEECH for this Nazi, while simultaneously arguing for the right to mow down BLM in public places.
No hand-wringing when socialist labor organizers in the South are arrested on false charges and beaten for “resisting”. No cries for justice when women’s rights activists are hosed down with chemical weapons. No clutching at pearls when environmental protesters are set upon by dogs.
They only defend Nazis, bigots, and The Klan.
There must be something to that. I just wish I could figure out what.
But characterizing Trump as ineffective is less than accurate.
Yes indeed. Your beloved “worser” Preznit Fuckface is very “effective” at locking up battered women and their kids, defending Nazis and Klansmen, wrecking his party’s legislative agenda, driving down his party’s approval ratings, initiating Congressional leadership battles, offending key trade and security partners, calling women pigs, making fun of cripples, bragging about sexual assault, making up words, lying about crowds, and triggering nuclear confrontations.
Keep up the good work!
“Personally, I’m not very happy about this.”
Gotta mow your own lawn?
Not surprisingly, hate crimes are on the upswing after the fake president misused the bully pulpit to reassure the lowest dregs of our society that their despicable behavior is “fine.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: But this is perfectly okay with Doctor Dumbfuck, whose priorities do NOT include our citizens treating each other with basic civility and decency of the sort taught to second graders.
@5 “I just wish I could figure out what.”
Not worth the effort. Just press the “ignore” button when they start bleating. Let the anthropologists figure out sheep behavior.
@6 His presidency seems to be focused on remaining personally popular with his hillbilly base. I can’t discern any other agenda. Neither can Ryan or McConnell, or for that matter, his cabinet secretaries. With him, Twitter seems an end in itself, as fame is to the Kardashians.
What conservatives think of women:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The person (someone I know) who emailed this to me has been married three times and can’t get a gun permit because of a domestic violence conviction.
@4 & 5
One of the radio blow hards is all over “Why isn’t this being investigated. It’s still a crime, blah, blah, blah.”
Yep. and it was investigated.
Seattle Police Dept.Verified account @SeattlePD 2h2 hours ago
Around 4pm Sunday, SPD received reports of a man wearing a swastika armband, instigating fights at 3rd Ave / Pine. (1/3)
11 replies 38 retweets 61 likes
Seattle Police Dept.Verified account @SeattlePD 2h2 hours ago
Police were on scene in 5 mins & found him on the ground. He declined to provide info about incident & left after removing his armband.(2/3)
4 replies 24 retweets 65 likes
Seattle Police Dept.Verified account @SeattlePD 2h2 hours ago
No one else at the scene contacted officers to make a report about the incident.(3/3)
Now that solar power can compete on its own in the free market, conservative politicians beholden to fossil fuel and utility companies don’t want it to.
Four American students in Europe are victims of acid attacks.
Google “acid attacks americans” HA DUMMOCRETINS if you can’t trust CNN and their FAKE NEWS stories…
See if their parents say thanks to Chancellor Angela Merkel?
Wait for the roger senile wabbit idiot comment about France! The senile fool won’t get the reference above. It never does!
Till next time!
Till next time!
@ 13
Only a liberal could read that linked piece and conclude from it that solar can compete on its own, effectively, in a free market.
Without subsidies for solar energy capture/usage and penalties for use of traditional fuels, solar is nothing. OTOH solar could compete effectively with, say, wind. So there’s that.
@ 6
…making fun of cripples…
I almost hate to tell him.
@ 7
Gotta mow your own lawn?
Worse. Might have to pick my own syrah grapes to crush.
I wonder if gman knows the Gaeilge words for ‘diddle’ and ‘mole’.
Amnesty International asks Irish police to investigate Ed Murray
@14 “See if their parents say thanks to Chancellor Angela Merkel? Wait for the roger senile wabbit idiot comment about France!”
Does the loon think Merkel is Chancellor of France? Not a comment, I’m only asking a question.
What? No robot?
Mmmmmmm. MOG. Yummm. Viney.
@15 I was wondering who would be the first of our idiot trolls to buy into that idiotic video. Now we know.
To most people this is creepy. Not the photoshopped golf ball caper per se, but Trump’s weird obsession with Hillary. A normal person would say, “Wow, I won the election! Now we’re gonna enact our agenda!” but this guy spends his time in office stalking his former opponent 10 months after the election. That’s not normal.
@16 “In 2015, Nevada lawmakers passed a bill that allowed utilities to charge rooftop solar customers extra.”
This doesn’t look like repealing a subsidy to me.
“In Florida, customers can only purchase solar power from utilities.”
Neither does this.
“And both Indiana and Arizona have decided to roll back net metering policies, which allow solar customers to be compensated for excess energy they produce and send back to the grid.”
Or this.
All of these tactics are designed to work like tariffs. You know what tariffs are. A tariff taxes foreign goods to keep them out of the country. These policies impose exogenous costs on solar power to drive it off the market. Why would anyone do that if solar can’t compete without subsidies? In that case, all you have to do is repeal the subsidies.
Another example of why we call you a dumbfuck, doctor.
@17 And here we have Doctor Dumbfuck apparently putting his stamp of approval on this …
@18 Are we supposed to feel sorry for you?
When a country is governed by morons who lack the brains to tell fiction from fact.
Maria is now a Category 5 hurricane. What are the odds of three Cat 5 storms in one month unless someone’s tinkering with ocean temps?
Well now, this is interesting, Manafort was wiretapped all along by the FBI under secret court orders.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now you know why Mueller has been acting like a prosecutor who knows exactly what he’s looking for and exactly where to find it.
Puddles @ 14- The acid attack in France had nothing to do with terrorism. But don’t let facts get in the way of whatever point you are trying to make. Here’s a source you may accept
Where did Puddy use the word terrorism “2K”?
Till next time!
No, you referred to the leader of Germany, which had nothing to do with the incident unless you were implying her immigration policies contributed to the incident. So which was it, you were clueless as to the who leads which country in Europe or you were flat out wrong about the cause of the attack.
Of course option three is it was just more words without meaning from puddles.
Well he may have absolutely no fucking idea what he’s posting, but at least he’s given up pimping for his favorite pedophile.
Good to know the loon is all over attacks in Europe.
Just a reminder.
It has been 37 days since White Supremacists rioted and killed in Charlottesville. Those White Supremacists were given tacit approval by the President saying “both sides” were at fault for the death.
37 days of silence on the matter by our resident lunatic.
Tweet du jour:
Yahel Carmon @Yahel Sep 17
One of my post campaign rituals: Every month or so, I rewatch Kate McKinnon as Hillary singing Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah, and I cry.
Every month or so I rewatch The Fugitive.
Oh, and this:
@27 Apparently very good. Of course late August and September are the peak time for the most storms, and the strongest hurricanes. Conditions this are very favorable. We can go for four or even 5. This would seem to meet the prediction of more and stronger storms under climate change models, but the problem is not every year is even remotely favorable to hurricane formation. Have high wings shearing off the top of hurricanes you get just tropical depressions and storms, and thus far we are not getting more than the normal 26 hurricanes and cyclones Earth gets every year.
Yes. True to his word, he’s really going to get that deficit in control and lower the national debt.
Ohhhh, the poor Grandchildren. They are going to starve.
Remember when Doctor Dumbfuck just assumed I lived in the West Coast. Oh what a Dumbfuck Doctor.
So Seattle should have a Mayor for the day until the election. Just pull a name at random and that lucky person gets to show up at the Mayors office for the day. Seattle will survive, though if the big Earthquake happens and there is no mayor and Seattle does better than cities with mayors during the crises perhaps we will all realize that we put too much emphasize on the position, where the person in the position hands are mostly tied by state and city bureaucracy, and the position holds little real power. but you do get to sit in on a lot of meetings…umm chair a lot of meetings.
So Mayor for a day!!! What a glorious thing. Chief Seattle would be proud.
Goldy – can we have a new version of the Sunday Bible!?
We can call it the Queen James version.
Former Mayor Of Hell Rewrites Bible To Make It Really, Really Gay (NSFW)
@25 Unfortunately all too often that is the real state of most countries, empires, and nations. Just take North Korea for example.
@35. Let’s say you are right (but probably not).
What happens when you have normal hurricane with a continuous rising sea level (probably caused by climate change). You get unusual amounts of destructive force storm surge water and more flooding.
You should be Dumbfuck Abigail. Or Mayor Dumbfuck of Treasure Island.
@40 North Korea? You mean North Korea the Country that you were so certain was many years away from nuclear capability.
You could be Mayor of Stupidville. Go read a great novel and polish up your superior canny writing skills.
@19 no I don’t. But I’m sure you could speak from experience and fill me in.
He must have just had his seventh banana.
@23 go easy on the Dumbfuck Doctor. He’s not call Dumbfuck for nothing. He should be a specially protected subclass of Dumb people.
Didn’t take long for the Dumbfuck Mayor of Treasure Island to run away.
@39 Do you really think we need another version of the bible? You are of course welcome to do what Thomas Jefferson did and create your own new testament.
Perhaps you can like follow Robert Heinlein’s example and like write your own version of the bible: “A Stranger in a Strange Land.”
Though you can get some funky glasses and get some special gold plates and a helpful angel, and write your own.
Unfortunately Goldy may not really care for any version of the bible. He may prefer to call his important religious book the Torah. And there are many versions of the Torah. And a lot of spilled ink.
Still if you want a Queen James version go for it. Bound to upset some people. Even some true believers. And you may even upset some who follow the Koran. If they come to believe you are some new prophet and their Mohammed is supposed to the last one. Of course you would have to be a prophet if your writing a true book from God.
I suggest you not invent a time machine and go back to rename the King James Bible. You would most likely end up being drawn and quartered by the man. Unless you were mistaken to be the court jester. Though Anne of Denmark might prefer a different title to the bible than the Queen James Bible.
@31 calling an Ape clueless? Most apes are dumbfucks.
@47 in the Queen James version there is a lot of dick sucking…or is that the King James Version that I’m thinking of?
@41 I’d say it sucks if you live in New York. New York. Or anywhere on the east coast. But if you live anywhere in northern Canada or in much of Russia climate change could be good thing.
@50. I’m not worried about. Death is imminent for all of us. Die by earthquake or die by global warming or die by some mooslum or die by your stupidity – what difference does it make.
@42 Don’t know what you are talking about. I’ve believed that North Korea has had the bomb since 2006. I also have believed that we should have dealt with North Korea militarily when they defied the International Atomic Commission.
I believe General Lemay would recommend taking out North Korea’s submarine fleet and air Force and we do have that capacity.
At the very least we must stand with South Korea, and make it clear we will remain in Korea and stand by our ally and we are prepared to go to war in defense of South Korea. That if North Korea does not give up it’s nuclear capability that we will reintroduce atomic weapons in South Korea. Provide the South Koreans with the technology to build their own as well as the Japanese.
Rather than invading Iraq Bush should have dealt with North Korea appropriately by making war there. And the same goes for Clinton.
@50 What you are saying and what you are doing are totally different. And by the way stupidity will not get you killed, just your own.
@49 I don’t know if Anne of Denmark approved of dick sucking. You need to get your royal titles and prerogatives straight. It is not possible for there to be Queen James version as the proper title would be Anne of Denmark the Royal Consort to the King of Scotland and England Version.
@53 I’m more worried about your stupidity and my living. Your stupidity affects my living.
@52 and I’m sure Drumpf has South Korea in mind too.
YLB – could you do me a big, big favor and search the dabatase for Abigail’s comments in which he inferred or try to diminish or counteract my comment comments about the threat of Nuclear Kaboooms from the dear leader of North Korea or better known as the father of Drumpf.
@52. Ohhh yeah, to stop communism!
This is 2017 we are all Russians now!
You seem to be living in the 12th century (BC)
Everyone has heard the saying, “Opinions are like Assholes – everyone has one”. The problem is that some of those assholes are dumbfucks – that’s more of the problem.
This is something Kim Jung Un does and other Great Leaders like The Bare Chested Pony Rider to rally the brainwashable dumbfucks. Get ready people, it will happen overnight. Resist or eat every fucking word you’ve ever said about dictators (you hillbliy Dumbfuck hypocrites). Resist – you aren’t going to win elections to preserve democracy – you are going to have to fight for it.
Ohh, it’s so inspirational to the Donald.
Deport Melania (and Eric and Jr),
Let the little kid stay.
AN acid attack on four American English speaking young women and of course HA DUMMOCRETINS fully accept “this is not terrorism” excuse. Why would someone spray American English speaking young women with acid? Because she was an earlier victim of an acid attack? Yes that makes PERFECT sense!
Oh she’s mentally unstable. Every terrorist extremist is mentally unstable. And, well, that’s an acceptable and valid excuse for 99% of the HA DUMMOCRETINS that post here. Keep that thinking up and don’t be vigilant when traveling overseas FOOLS!
Till next time!
Acid attacks very, very bad.
Racist #TrumpCar attacks?
Meh. Must neverever criticize “The Whiteness”. Must protect it, nurture it, feed it and care for it.
What was Milo’s excuse for fucking children?
What is a “valid” excuse for fucking little children?
How “valid” is it to pimp for a child molester?
AN sekshuil ASSault on countless numbers American English speaking young men and of course BREITBART PIMPS fully accept “this is not child rape” excuse. Why would someone fuck American English speaking children? Because he was an earlier victim of an sekshuil ASSault? Yes that makes PERFECT sense!
Oh he’s mentally unstable. Every pedophile is mentally unstable. And, well, that’s an acceptable and valid excuse for 99% of the BREITBART PIMPS that post here. Keep that thinking up and don’t be vigilant when dropping your children off at bible study FOOLS!
See what I did there?
@61 any act of violence against anyone is terrorism. Any act of fear mongering is terrorism. Get over it Snowflake Ape.
Lying Liar @64,
You did nothing significant except look like a ranting fool!
Till next time!
@60 If the civilian leadership tells the US military to do a big fucking parade in Washington well that is what will happen. There will be a bunch of pissed off officers and NCO’s who will write their congress person over the non-sense. There will probably be complaints from DC. Then again maybe someone will whisper in his ear and remind him ours is a working military. Even on the 4th of July.