Funny how the same AG R-KnownRacist Sessions can argue in court that a President has broad constitutional powers over immigration (travel ban) will now argue in court that a President does not have broad powers over immigration (DACA).
Get your popcorn ready. Hell of a show.
@ 3
Is that similar to Obama first claiming he didn’t have the authority to impose DACA, that it had to be first passed by Congress, before he used his claimed authority to impose DACA?
Let me know when a court has ruled on DACA. The rulings on Travel ban were pretty clear. The President does have authority but when multiple administration statements make clear it is a Muslim ban (establishment clause) it is unconstitutional.
Sessions is going to prove brown is a religion? Because to a racist like Sessions, immigrant is a wet-back and never a European or Asian.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It’s the underlying motivation that, quite predictably in the case of the Fuckface dumpster fire, is abundantly on display.
Is the debate motivated by a sincere concern for limiting Executive authority and preserving Constitutional balance of power? Is it about protecting established Article 2 authority? Or is it just about keeping “dark people” in their place?
With so much documentation of racial, ethnic, and religious animus on display by not only Fuckface, but nearly all of his political allies (and we aren’t talking about malapropisms and hot-mics), it becomes delusional for TrumpHumpers to argue that these conflicting arguments are Constitutionally motivated.
For modern Hillbilly/Racist/Traitors the Constitution is a convenient sanitizing wipe used to remove exotic cooties from the shopping cart handle of civic life.
Very similar to not-so-closet racist assholes claiming defense of FREEDUMB OF SPEEEEECH for Nazis and Klansmen but demanding that Black Lives Matter protesters be mowed down by the Righteous #TrumpCar-of-Justice.
@1 When a scumbag like Christie can’t get an administration job because he has too many morals, that should tell you something about the administration.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Every lawyer’s worst nightmare is having a client like Trump who (a) has no brains, (b) has no morals, and (c) can’t keep his mouth shut.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Three Category 4 or 5 hurricanes in the space of two weeks, one of which is the most powerful Atlantic storm ever seen, suggests to me that someone has been fucking with the weather. Now who or what could that be?
Every lawyer’s worst nightmare is having a client like Trump who (a) has no brains, (b) has no morals, and (c) can’t keep his mouth shut.
In your case, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you would be evenly matched with your client.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I’m sure it isn’t obvious to a Humper like Врач немой ебать, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that Mueller’s team are intent on determining exactly who lied about Uday’s Russia meeting, and why they lied. Maybe it leads to obstruction, maybe not. Maybe it begins the rollup. Maybe Fuckface pardons everyone. It sure as shit isn’t going away before the mids – or before the next debt ceiling vote.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Hey Boob if you at all feel that Weiner’s Wee wee texts were a problem you would speak out against this too. But your not because you are a Dumbfuck Fuckface.
moving up a weight class can be dangerous for aging fighters like Jones or Врач немой ебать.
Oh, look. Steve’s talking about far-right idiots and little girls.
Meanwhile, in the heart of the DNC’s former leadership, something much juicier seems to be emerging.
Exclusive: Police Report Indicates Wasserman Schultz IT Aide Planted Computer For Investigators To Find
A laptop that Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has frantically fought to keep prosecutors from examining may have been planted for police to find by her since-indicted staffer, Imran Awan, along with a letter to the U.S. Attorney.
U.S. Capitol Police found the laptop after midnight April 6, 2017, in a tiny room that formerly served as a phone booth in the Rayburn House Office Building, according to a Capitol Police report reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group. Alongside the laptop were a Pakistani ID card, copies of Awan’s driver’s license and congressional ID badge, and letters to the U.S. attorney. Police also found notes in a composition notebook marked “attorney-client privilege.”
Insert stupid anthropomorphic comment by Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit here.
Debbie, about whom only wingnuts and our HA Putin loyalist give a fuck about anymore, may or may not get her laptop back. The Infowars guy who had his Putinhood taken from him by a little girl will never get it back.
Very unfortunate that Lois Lerner won’t face charges. However, she has been very useful to the GOP. She’s one of the faces of the Democrat party, along with Anthony Weiner and the telegenic Debbie Wasserman Schultz, hated by GOP voters so much it’s far, far easier for them to show up to vote.
Since we learned the name Lois Lerner, how have Dems fared in congressional and presidential elections?
It’s better that she not be charged. There’s still an injustice to keep the lower-information GOP voter interested. Kinda like the way Dems felt about Rove.
Dic pics provide wingnut career boost.
“Eric Bolling to pursue Senate seat after being terminated from Fox amid allegations of sexual harassment”
Good thing Bolling didn’t send a dic pic to that little girl. That kid knows how to dehorn a wingnut.
@23- Because spinning a false narrative and attaching a face to it is your best approach to getting votes. Kind of like BENGHAZI!!! Ran that on to the ground for how long at what expense? But it accomplished its goal of tarnishing Clinton.
“Since we learned the name Lois Lerner, how have Dems fared in congressional and presidential elections?”
Possibly the dumbest comment anyone has ever posted on this or any other blog.
“Kinda like the way Dems felt about Rove.”
In the era of wingnut treason, Doctor Dumbfuck babbles about Karl Rove and Lois Lerner. I suppose it makes sense for a doctor who sold our nation out to Russia for a tax cut he’ll never get.
@ 24
You know Weiner was outed three separate times, don’t you, Steve?
Probably 0.1% of the US population knows who Alex Jones is.
50% of the population probably knows who Weiner is.
Weiner’s the guy who:
1) was fucking around online with that Seattle coed. He fucked up and published something he thought was private.
2) was fucking around with Sydney Leathers.
3) was fucking around with a 15 year-old girl, which will end up sending him to federal prison for 24 +/- 3 months.
All while married to the close personal assistant to the woman who would very possibly have become president were it not for Weiner.
Steve, you think this Alex Jones thing helps you….
How, exactly?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 And if you were his doctor I wouldn’t have a client.
Wingnut anchor baby says dreamers should all die!!
“Michelle Malkin Tells Fox Business That Dreamers ‘Deserve Nothing’”
’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
according to a Capitol Police report reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 “First someone in the DNC leaks, now this. It’s almost as if there’s a mole in the Democrat Party.”
That’s nothing. The Brits have video of Russian prostitutes pissing on Donald John Trump.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 I have many years of lettuce picking experience. I occasionally get shot at, but most farmers can’t hit a barn door much less a rabbit, and I’ll never be replaced by a robot. I look for the ones with NRA stickers on their pickups because they’re the worst shots.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
sounds like good news for the highly educated, well paid, progressive voting employees working for those two companies, and many others like them. Actually I have a couple of pals connected with Deere. One is a Canadian born naturalized American who went to work for Deere from MIT. He’s retired now. The other was a WSU grad laid off after Deere abandoned another “new technology” investment in water recycling. Deere has a track record for that sort of thing. They long to be the GE of dirt. Problem is they seem to be about a step behind. Your case in point: the tech they are pimping is rapidly being obsoleted by automated drones mounted with high precision scanners. They can cover hundreds of acres a day, consume little fuel, require almost no maintenance, and instantly upload crop data to remote work stations where agronomists (or algorithms) stand by to update management protocols.
We’ll probably see some innovative applications once the Exxon storms are done wreaking havoc in Hillbilly states. Drones can cover hundreds of trailer parks in a day to survey for insurance claims fraud.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 “‘Today’s decision does not mean Lois Lerner is innocent. It means the justice system in Washington is deeply flawed,’ wrote Brady, the committee chairman.”
No, it means she’s innocent, because doing her job wasn’t a crime, and the justice system isn’t a handmaiden of political revenge seekers.
@23 “Very unfortunate that Lois Lerner won’t face charges.”
No, it’s a good thing from your point of view, because if she can be prosecuted for doing her job, so can every dick in the Trump administration.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Probably 0.1% of the US population knows who Alex Jones is.*
50% of the population probably knows who Weiner is.
Never fear. Sources coming any second…
*Jones better hope Ted Anderson never finds out. But since his YouTube channel has more subscribers, he’s probably safe.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 “All while married to the close personal assistant to the woman who would very possibly have become president were it not for Weiner.”
I doubt it. The people who blamed Hillary for her personal assistant’s husband’s behavior wouldn’t vote for her anyway. This sort of vicarious guilt is a Republican invention.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 Someone should ask her what she did to earn her U.S. citizenship.
“This sort of guilt-by-association is a Republican thing.”
Unless it’s their own guilt and associations.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Looks like Hurricane Irma will hit Palm Beach dead center. God is angry. Here’s his target.
no more proof of Врач немой ебать’s deep feelings of Fuckface guilt shall ever be necessary.
He needs to believe. After 41 stunning primary victories, crushing 17 Republican and pseudo-Republican opponents, and setting historical records for Republican primary support, he needs to believe.
“Not only did the Republican party go way up from what it was four years ago – way, way up – but Donald Trump, in the history of the primary system, Republican Party, with 17 people running – a lot of people don’t understand, when you say 17 people – I got almost 14 million votes. More than anybody in the history of the Republican Party. More than Ronald Reagan. More than the Bushes. More than Richard Nixon. More than Dwight D. Eisenhower, who did win the second World War; it certainly helped a heck of a lot. We got the highest vote count in the history of the Republican Party. It was such a big thing for me. We won 37 states. We got stronger and stronger and stronger.”
No. It was the dick pics. Sure. That’s the ticket.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
If Darwinism can’t cull the herd fast enough, a few category 4 and 5 hurricanes, one being the most powerful ever recorded in the Atlantic Ocean region, and also a magnitude 8.1 earthquake should be a fucking wakeup call that the climate has changed and the earth is adapting to the parasites.
Now all we need is the whack-job from North Korea to send a gift on 9/9/17 and the Cheeto Jesus to respond in kind and give us a nuclear winter.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Ya know, I understand people like him. After all, he’s a Republican, and Republicans love dictators. The people I don’t understand are the voters who elected him. Is Kansas full of North Korea lovers?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 All the proof anyone needs that Republican voters are degenerates. But if you want more, see #42.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@43, 43
Kansas is full of corn and redneck Republicans. Where do you think the term “cornhole” came from?
Kansas is the same state that gave huge tax cuts to the rich, now they are beyond broke. Brownback broke the state and dug a huge deficit hole. Hmm, there’s a joke in there somewhere…
Mark AdamsYour into stocks sospews:
Pssst Carl Miss Stoutmeyer isn’t buying your excuse. Now she wants us all to do a 50,000 word report on John LeCarre’s latest book. I doubt George Smiley is all that impressed with your APP even he’s even alive after all he’s way over a hundred, but back after a 25 year hiatus.
Mark AdamsYour into stocks sospews:
@3 Actually the nations AG has less of a problem than the state AG’s going to court including our own. They now are making arguments that weaken their original case, which is pending in the Supreme court. They may have gone too many times to the well, and it’s not like Federal judges don’t read the newspapers.
AG Sessions only has to defend, only after the state AG’s make their argument. He may simple point out the state AG’s, colleges ect cannot have it both ways either.
As it is the administration was going to get sued by some states no matter what it did. And Session’s argument is probably correct in this case. President Obama went around congress in an unconstitutional way. No matter how well meaning. Now congress needs to do its job.
What will congress do, I don’t know, but 800,000 dreamers point to a significant problem in we have a lot of people int he US who are not here illegally and are here for years. How are they supporting themselves? They are working, but how? They should not be able to maintain employment for years, or decades. Employers should be heavily fined or more. We do have a problem here in our federal system. Every other nation relies on local police enforcing immigration law. Don’t believe me go to Mexico or Canada and stay too long, or just ask the cops and you will find out they can enforce their nations laws in that area. And Provinces and cities when tld to jump and cooperate with the Federal government are expected to do exactly that.
Or you want to become a US citizen come on up to the table and ill out some paperwork, a medical exam and you can take the oath of citizenship this afternoon. The folks who don’t want that should go back to where they came from.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Oh it’s almost exactly how you describe it!
Except for the 17 year waiting period, 22 month expiration on documents, dozens of legal filings that often require their own court dates in the country of origin with accompanying 36 month waiting periods, requirement of certified original documents from the country of origin that do not exist, and the small matter of the lottery.
Other than those and a few hundred other differences, exactly!
Attention Hillbilly/Traitors everywhere!
Darth Bannon has announced a new Imperial Litmus Test for Loyalty:
Finger raping teen-aged beauty pageant contestants.
Oh, and btw: still no Muslim ban.
Is it time again to “rush the cockpit”?
Funny how the same AG R-KnownRacist Sessions can argue in court that a President has broad constitutional powers over immigration (travel ban) will now argue in court that a President does not have broad powers over immigration (DACA).
Get your popcorn ready. Hell of a show.
@ 3
Is that similar to Obama first claiming he didn’t have the authority to impose DACA, that it had to be first passed by Congress, before he used his claimed authority to impose DACA?
Let me know when a court has ruled on DACA. The rulings on Travel ban were pretty clear. The President does have authority but when multiple administration statements make clear it is a Muslim ban (establishment clause) it is unconstitutional.
Sessions is going to prove brown is a religion? Because to a racist like Sessions, immigrant is a wet-back and never a European or Asian.
It’s the underlying motivation that, quite predictably in the case of the Fuckface dumpster fire, is abundantly on display.
Is the debate motivated by a sincere concern for limiting Executive authority and preserving Constitutional balance of power? Is it about protecting established Article 2 authority? Or is it just about keeping “dark people” in their place?
With so much documentation of racial, ethnic, and religious animus on display by not only Fuckface, but nearly all of his political allies (and we aren’t talking about malapropisms and hot-mics), it becomes delusional for TrumpHumpers to argue that these conflicting arguments are Constitutionally motivated.
For modern Hillbilly/Racist/Traitors the Constitution is a convenient sanitizing wipe used to remove exotic cooties from the shopping cart handle of civic life.
Very similar to not-so-closet racist assholes claiming defense of FREEDUMB OF SPEEEEECH for Nazis and Klansmen but demanding that Black Lives Matter protesters be mowed down by the Righteous #TrumpCar-of-Justice.
After all, if modern Hillbilly/Racist/Traitors were really devoted to the 2nd Amendment they’d be in love with Share the Safety.
@1 When a scumbag like Christie can’t get an administration job because he has too many morals, that should tell you something about the administration.
@5 Every lawyer’s worst nightmare is having a client like Trump who (a) has no brains, (b) has no morals, and (c) can’t keep his mouth shut.
Three Category 4 or 5 hurricanes in the space of two weeks, one of which is the most powerful Atlantic storm ever seen, suggests to me that someone has been fucking with the weather. Now who or what could that be?
Like Fuckface, like son.
The asshole doesn’t fall far from the tree.
@ 9
Every lawyer’s worst nightmare is having a client like Trump who (a) has no brains, (b) has no morals, and (c) can’t keep his mouth shut.
In your case, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you would be evenly matched with your client.
I’m sure it isn’t obvious to a Humper like Врач немой ебать, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that Mueller’s team are intent on determining exactly who lied about Uday’s Russia meeting, and why they lied. Maybe it leads to obstruction, maybe not. Maybe it begins the rollup. Maybe Fuckface pardons everyone. It sure as shit isn’t going away before the mids – or before the next debt ceiling vote.
Hey Boob if you at all feel that Weiner’s Wee wee texts were a problem you would speak out against this too. But your not because you are a Dumbfuck Fuckface.
Eric Bolling Out At Fox News
@10. It’s the fault of those gay people – get with it.
Doctor Dumbfuck’s friends at Infowars pick a fight with a little girl, get their asses kicked.
‘Some thug woman!’ Alex Jones goes ballistic on young girl who mocked his Infowars reporter
moving up a weight class can be dangerous for aging fighters like Jones or Врач немой ебать.
Oh, look. Steve’s talking about far-right idiots and little girls.
Meanwhile, in the heart of the DNC’s former leadership, something much juicier seems to be emerging.
Exclusive: Police Report Indicates Wasserman Schultz IT Aide Planted Computer For Investigators To Find
A laptop that Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has frantically fought to keep prosecutors from examining may have been planted for police to find by her since-indicted staffer, Imran Awan, along with a letter to the U.S. Attorney.
U.S. Capitol Police found the laptop after midnight April 6, 2017, in a tiny room that formerly served as a phone booth in the Rayburn House Office Building, according to a Capitol Police report reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group. Alongside the laptop were a Pakistani ID card, copies of Awan’s driver’s license and congressional ID badge, and letters to the U.S. attorney. Police also found notes in a composition notebook marked “attorney-client privilege.”
It’s beginning to look like he dropped a dime on Debbie Downer.
First someone in the DNC leaks, now this. It’s almost as if there’s a mole in the Democrat Party.
Small wonder Debbie wanted that laptop back. Too late now.
@18 Daily Caller, quite the source
John Deere preparing for fewer undocumented workers.
Insert stupid anthropomorphic comment by Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit here.
Debbie, about whom only wingnuts and our HA Putin loyalist give a fuck about anymore, may or may not get her laptop back. The Infowars guy who had his Putinhood taken from him by a little girl will never get it back.
meanwhile, Republican Congressmen say, “What do you mean we just can’t throw people in jail?”
@ 22
Very unfortunate that Lois Lerner won’t face charges. However, she has been very useful to the GOP. She’s one of the faces of the Democrat party, along with Anthony Weiner and the telegenic Debbie Wasserman Schultz, hated by GOP voters so much it’s far, far easier for them to show up to vote.
Since we learned the name Lois Lerner, how have Dems fared in congressional and presidential elections?
It’s better that she not be charged. There’s still an injustice to keep the lower-information GOP voter interested. Kinda like the way Dems felt about Rove.
Dic pics provide wingnut career boost.
“Eric Bolling to pursue Senate seat after being terminated from Fox amid allegations of sexual harassment”
Good thing Bolling didn’t send a dic pic to that little girl. That kid knows how to dehorn a wingnut.
@23- Because spinning a false narrative and attaching a face to it is your best approach to getting votes. Kind of like BENGHAZI!!! Ran that on to the ground for how long at what expense? But it accomplished its goal of tarnishing Clinton.
“Since we learned the name Lois Lerner, how have Dems fared in congressional and presidential elections?”
Possibly the dumbest comment anyone has ever posted on this or any other blog.
“Kinda like the way Dems felt about Rove.”
In the era of wingnut treason, Doctor Dumbfuck babbles about Karl Rove and Lois Lerner. I suppose it makes sense for a doctor who sold our nation out to Russia for a tax cut he’ll never get.
@ 24
You know Weiner was outed three separate times, don’t you, Steve?
Probably 0.1% of the US population knows who Alex Jones is.
50% of the population probably knows who Weiner is.
Weiner’s the guy who:
1) was fucking around online with that Seattle coed. He fucked up and published something he thought was private.
2) was fucking around with Sydney Leathers.
3) was fucking around with a 15 year-old girl, which will end up sending him to federal prison for 24 +/- 3 months.
All while married to the close personal assistant to the woman who would very possibly have become president were it not for Weiner.
Steve, you think this Alex Jones thing helps you….
How, exactly?
@12 And if you were his doctor I wouldn’t have a client.
Wingnut anchor baby says dreamers should all die!!
“Michelle Malkin Tells Fox Business That Dreamers ‘Deserve Nothing’”
’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
according to a Capitol Police report reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group.
@18 “First someone in the DNC leaks, now this. It’s almost as if there’s a mole in the Democrat Party.”
That’s nothing. The Brits have video of Russian prostitutes pissing on Donald John Trump.
@20 I have many years of lettuce picking experience. I occasionally get shot at, but most farmers can’t hit a barn door much less a rabbit, and I’ll never be replaced by a robot. I look for the ones with NRA stickers on their pickups because they’re the worst shots.
sounds like good news for the highly educated, well paid, progressive voting employees working for those two companies, and many others like them. Actually I have a couple of pals connected with Deere. One is a Canadian born naturalized American who went to work for Deere from MIT. He’s retired now. The other was a WSU grad laid off after Deere abandoned another “new technology” investment in water recycling. Deere has a track record for that sort of thing. They long to be the GE of dirt. Problem is they seem to be about a step behind. Your case in point: the tech they are pimping is rapidly being obsoleted by automated drones mounted with high precision scanners. They can cover hundreds of acres a day, consume little fuel, require almost no maintenance, and instantly upload crop data to remote work stations where agronomists (or algorithms) stand by to update management protocols.
We’ll probably see some innovative applications once the Exxon storms are done wreaking havoc in Hillbilly states. Drones can cover hundreds of trailer parks in a day to survey for insurance
claimsfraud.@22 “‘Today’s decision does not mean Lois Lerner is innocent. It means the justice system in Washington is deeply flawed,’ wrote Brady, the committee chairman.”
No, it means she’s innocent, because doing her job wasn’t a crime, and the justice system isn’t a handmaiden of political revenge seekers.
@23 “Very unfortunate that Lois Lerner won’t face charges.”
No, it’s a good thing from your point of view, because if she can be prosecuted for doing her job, so can every dick in the Trump administration.
Probably 0.1% of the US population knows who Alex Jones is.*
50% of the population probably knows who Weiner is.
Never fear. Sources coming any second…
*Jones better hope Ted Anderson never finds out. But since his YouTube channel has more subscribers, he’s probably safe.
@27 “All while married to the close personal assistant to the woman who would very possibly have become president were it not for Weiner.”
I doubt it. The people who blamed Hillary for her personal assistant’s husband’s behavior wouldn’t vote for her anyway. This sort of vicarious guilt is a Republican invention.
@29 Someone should ask her what she did to earn her U.S. citizenship.
“This sort of guilt-by-association is a Republican thing.”
Unless it’s their own guilt and associations.
Looks like Hurricane Irma will hit Palm Beach dead center. God is angry. Here’s his target.
no more proof of Врач немой ебать’s deep feelings of Fuckface guilt shall ever be necessary.
He needs to believe. After 41 stunning primary victories, crushing 17 Republican and pseudo-Republican opponents, and setting historical records for Republican primary support, he needs to believe.
No. It was the dick pics. Sure. That’s the ticket.
If Darwinism can’t cull the herd fast enough, a few category 4 and 5 hurricanes, one being the most powerful ever recorded in the Atlantic Ocean region, and also a magnitude 8.1 earthquake should be a fucking wakeup call that the climate has changed and the earth is adapting to the parasites.
Now all we need is the whack-job from North Korea to send a gift on 9/9/17 and the Cheeto Jesus to respond in kind and give us a nuclear winter.
Remember, “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.”
A Kansas GOP legislator says he’d give money to North Korea before he’d give to public radio.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Ya know, I understand people like him. After all, he’s a Republican, and Republicans love dictators. The people I don’t understand are the voters who elected him. Is Kansas full of North Korea lovers?
@40 All the proof anyone needs that Republican voters are degenerates. But if you want more, see #42.
@43, 43
Kansas is full of corn and redneck Republicans. Where do you think the term “cornhole” came from?
Kansas is the same state that gave huge tax cuts to the rich, now they are beyond broke. Brownback broke the state and dug a huge deficit hole. Hmm, there’s a joke in there somewhere…
Pssst Carl Miss Stoutmeyer isn’t buying your excuse. Now she wants us all to do a 50,000 word report on John LeCarre’s latest book. I doubt George Smiley is all that impressed with your APP even he’s even alive after all he’s way over a hundred, but back after a 25 year hiatus.
@3 Actually the nations AG has less of a problem than the state AG’s going to court including our own. They now are making arguments that weaken their original case, which is pending in the Supreme court. They may have gone too many times to the well, and it’s not like Federal judges don’t read the newspapers.
AG Sessions only has to defend, only after the state AG’s make their argument. He may simple point out the state AG’s, colleges ect cannot have it both ways either.
As it is the administration was going to get sued by some states no matter what it did. And Session’s argument is probably correct in this case. President Obama went around congress in an unconstitutional way. No matter how well meaning. Now congress needs to do its job.
What will congress do, I don’t know, but 800,000 dreamers point to a significant problem in we have a lot of people int he US who are not here illegally and are here for years. How are they supporting themselves? They are working, but how? They should not be able to maintain employment for years, or decades. Employers should be heavily fined or more. We do have a problem here in our federal system. Every other nation relies on local police enforcing immigration law. Don’t believe me go to Mexico or Canada and stay too long, or just ask the cops and you will find out they can enforce their nations laws in that area. And Provinces and cities when tld to jump and cooperate with the Federal government are expected to do exactly that.
Or you want to become a US citizen come on up to the table and ill out some paperwork, a medical exam and you can take the oath of citizenship this afternoon. The folks who don’t want that should go back to where they came from.
Oh it’s almost exactly how you describe it!
Except for the 17 year waiting period, 22 month expiration on documents, dozens of legal filings that often require their own court dates in the country of origin with accompanying 36 month waiting periods, requirement of certified original documents from the country of origin that do not exist, and the small matter of the lottery.
Other than those and a few hundred other differences, exactly!